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Revision 0, EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401, Radiological Effluent EAL Values.
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Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/18/2015
From: McCain S, Simmons G, Jason White
Duke Energy Progress
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML15126A083 List:
HNP-15-025 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401, Rev. 0
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( DUKE ENERGYHarris Nuclear Plant (HNP)Radiological Effluent EAL Values EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Revision 0 Document Author: Scott McCain Technical Reviewer:

Jeff White EPM Reviewer:

Greg Simmons Document Autho 03/18/15 Technical Reviewer: 03/19/15-r ,..- -[1r ... .I,>2 03/19/15 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series Table of Contents 1 .P u rp o s e .................................................................................................................................

3 2. Developm ent Methodology and Bases .............................................................................

4 2.1. Threshold Lim its ......................................................................................................

4 2.2. Effluent Release Points ..........................................................................................

6 2.3. Source Term ..........................................................................................................

9 2.4. Release Duration ....................................................................................................

10 2.5. Meteorology


10 3. Design Inputs ......................................................................................................................

12 3.1. General Constants and Conversion Factors ..........................................................

12 3.2. Liquid Effluent .............................................................................................................

12 3.3. Gaseous Effl uent ....................................................................................................

13 4. Calculations


16 4.1. RU1.1 Liquid Release .............................................................................................

16 4.2. RUI.1 Gaseous Release ........................................................................................

17 4.3. RA I.1, RS1.1 and RG I.1 Gaseous Release ..........................................................

17 5. Conclusion


18 6. References


19 ATTACHMENTS Attachm ent 1, Median W ind Speed and Stability Values Mem o ..........................................

18 Attachm ent 2, RU 1.1 Liquid Effl uent EAL Calculations


23 Attachm ent 3, RU1.1 Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations


24 Attachment 4, RA1.1, RS1.1 and RG1.1 URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations


25 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 2 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series 1. Purpose The Harris Nuclear Plant (HNP) Emergency Action Level (EAL) Technical Bases Manual contains background information, event declaration thresholds, bases and references for the site specific EAL and Fission Product Barrier (FPB) values used to implement the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 99-01 Rev. 6 EAL guidance methodology.

This calculation document provides additional technical detail specific to the derivation of the gaseous and liquid radiological effluent EAL values developed in accordance with the guidance in NEI 99-01 Rev. 6.Documentation of the assumptions, calculations and results are provided for the HNP site specific Rxl series EAL effluent monitor values associated the NEI 99-01 Rev 6 EALs listed below.* NEI EAL AU1.1 (gaseous and liquid)* NEI EAL AAI.1 (gaseous and liquid)* NEI EAL AS1.1 (gaseous)* NEI EAL AGI.1 (gaseous)EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 3 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series 2. DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY AND BASES 2.1. Threshold Limits 2.1.1. RU1.1 Liquid Threshold Limits Guidance Criteria The RU1 Initiating Condition (IC) addresses a release of gaseous or liquid radioactivity greater than 2 times the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) limits for 60 minutes or longer.HNP Bases The ODCM Sections 2.0 and 2.1 (with reference to ODCM Operational Requirement limits for the concentration of radioactive liquid effluents released from the site to the unrestricted area are as follows:* 10 times the effluent concentration (EC) levels of 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2* 2.OE-04 pCi/ml for dissolved and entrained noble gases The RU 1.1 liquid effluent EAL threshold values will equate to 2 times the ODCM limit.2.1.2. RU1.1 Gaseous Threshold Limits Guidance Criteria The RU1 Initiating Condition (IC) addresses a release of gaseous or liquid radioactivity greater than 2 times the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) limits for 60 minutes or longer.HNP Bases The ODCM Section 3.1 (with reference to ODCM Operational Requirement for the concentration of radioactive gaseous effluents at the site boundary are as follows: " Less than or equal to 500 mrem/yr to the whole body (Noble Gasses)" Less than or equal to 3000 mrem/yr to the skin (Noble Gasses)* Less than or equal to 1500 mrem/yr to any organ (1-131, 1-133, tritium, and particulate with half-lives greater than 8 days)Inhalation (internal organ) limits are not applicable for EAL threshold determination since the specified surveillance involves collection and analysis of composite samples. This after-the-fact assessment (individual uptake) could not be made in a timely manner conducive to accident classification.

The RU1.1 gaseous effluent EAL threshold values will equate to 2 times the ODCM limit for the lesser of the whole body or skin exposure pathways.EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 4 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series 2.1.3. RA1.1 Liquid Threshold Limits Guidance Criteria The RA1 Initiating Condition (IC) addresses a release of radioactivity resulting in offsite dose greater than 10 mrem TEDE or 50 mrem thyroid CDE.This is based on values at 1% of the EPA Protective Action Guides (PAGs).Per NEI 99-01, the effluent monitor readings should correspond to the above dose limits at the "site-specific dose receptor point" (consistent with the calculation methodology employed) for one hour of exposure.HNP Bases The liquid effluent limits are based on the water concentration values given in 10 CFR 20 Appendix B Table 2 Column 2 (see Section 2.1.1 above). The 10 CFR 20 values are equivalent to the radionuclide concentrations which, if ingested continuously over the course of a year, would produce a total effective dose equivalent of 0.05 rem (50 millirem).

The EPA PAGs are based on a TEDE dose from immersion, inhalation and deposition.

The 10 CFR 20 limits and the EPA limits do not represent the same type of exposure and thus cannot be compared on a one to one basis.Additionally, significant dilution assumptions are incorporated in determining ODCM ingestion limits for liquid releases such that obtaining a dose of 10 mrem in one hour would require a discharge concentration above the effluent monitor threshold (ingestion of radioactivity from a liquid release at the site boundary is not practical).

Thus, the site specific EALs will not contain the RA1.1 liquid effluent monitor threshold value that equates to 1% of the EPA PAG. However, EALs RA1.3 and RA1.4 will remain applicable for liquid effluent releases that exceed the threshold based upon sample and field survey results.2.1.4. RA1.1 Gaseous Threshold Limits Guidance Criteria The RA1 IC addresses a release of radioactivity resulting in offsite dose greater than 10 mrem TEDE or 50 mrem thyroid CDE.Per NEI 99-01, the effluent monitor readings are based on values at 1% of the EPA Protective Action Guides (PAGs) at the "site-specific dose receptor point" (consistent with the calculation methodology employed) for one hour of exposure.HNP Bases The gaseous effluent limits for RA1.1 are based on values that equate to an offsite dose greater than 10 mrem TEDE or 50 mrem CDE thyroid, which are 1% of the EPA PAGs.EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 5 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series 2.1.5. RSI.1 Gaseous Threshold Limits Guidance Criteria The RS1 IC addresses a release of radioactivity resulting in offsite dose greater than 100 mrem TEDE or 500 mrem thyroid CDE.This is based on values at 10% of the EPA Protective Action Guides (PAGs) at the "site-specific dose receptor point" (consistent with the calculation methodology employed) for one hour of exposure.HNP Bases The gaseous effluent limits for RSI.1 are based on values that equate to an offsite dose greater than 100 mrem TEDE or 500 mrem CDE thyroid, which are 10% of the EPA PAGs.2.1.6. RGI.1 Gaseous Threshold Limits Guidance Criteria The RG1 IC addresses a release of radioactivity resulting in offsite dose greater than 1,000 mrem TEDE or 5,000 mrem thyroid CDE.This is based on values at 100% of the EPA Protective Action Guides (PAGs) at the"site-specific dose receptor point" (consistent with the calculation methodology employed) for one hour of exposure.HNP Bases The gaseous effluent limits for RG1.1 are based on values that equate to an offsite dose greater than 1,000 mrem TEDE or 5,000 mrem CDE thyroid, which are 100% of the EPA PAGs.2.2. Effluent Release Points Note -All effluent release points assume a background reading of zero to conservatively account for all modes of operation applicable to the EALs.2.2.1. Liquid Release Points Guidance Criteria Per NEI 99-01, the RU1 IC addresses normally occurring continuous radioactivity releases from monitored gaseous or liquid effluent pathways (EAL #1) and planned batch releases from non-continuous release pathways (EAL #2).Per NEI 99-01, the RA1 IC includes events or conditions involving a radiological release, whether gaseous or liquid, monitored or un-monitored.

Classification based on effluent monitor readings assumes that a release path to the environment is established.

If the effluent flow past an effluent monitor is known to have stopped due to actions to isolate the release path, then the effluent monitor reading is no longer valid for classification purposes.EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 6 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series The "site-specific monitor list and threshold values" should be determined with consideration of the selection of the appropriate installed gaseous and liquid effluent monitors.HNP Bases There are seven liquid radwaste discharge points to the environment at HNP (ODCM 2.0 and Figures 2.1-1 through 2.1-3): 1. Treated Laundry and Hot Shower Tank (TL&HST) -REM-1WL-3540

2. Waste Evaporator Condensate Tank (WECT) -REM-IWL-3541
3. Waste Monitor Tank (WMT) -REM-1WL-3542
4. Normal Service Water (NSW) System -REM-3500A/B Per the ODCM, the NSW system has a low potential for radioactive effluent releases, thus the NSW pathway does not meet the NEI 99-01 criteria for use as an EAL threshold.
5. Turbine Building Floor Drains (TBFD) -REM-1 MD-3528 Per the ODCM, the TBFD effluent has a low probability of radioactive contamination, thus the TBFD pathway does not meet the NEI 99-01 criteria for use as an EAL threshold.
6. Outside Tank Area Drains (OTAD) -REM-1 MD-3530 Per the ODCM, the OTAD effluent has a low probability of radioactive contamination, thus the OTAD pathway does not meet the NEI 99-01 criteria for use as an EAL threshold.
7. Secondary Waste Sample Tank (SWST) -REM-1WL-3542 Per the ODCM, the SWST has a low potential for radioactive effluent releases, thus the SWST pathway does not meet the NEI 99-01 criteria for use as an EAL threshold.

Cooling tower blowdown minimum dilution flow rates range from 14,250 gpm to 3,800 gpm (ODCM Table 2.1-2). Minimum dilution flow for the EAL threshold values for the release pathways above is assumed to be 3800 gpm.EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 7 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxi Effluent Series 2.2.2. Gaseous Release Points Guidance Criteria Per NEI 99-01, the RU1 IC addresses normally occurring continuous radioactivity releases from monitored gaseous or liquid effluent pathways (EAL #1) and planned batch releases from non-continuous release pathways (EAL #2).Per NEI 99-01, the RA1 IC includes events or conditions involving a radiological release, whether gaseous or liquid, monitored or un-monitored.

Classification based on effluent monitor readings assumes that a release path to the environment is established.

If the effluent flow past an effluent monitor is known to have stopped due to actions to isolate the release path, then the effluent monitor reading is no longer valid for classification purposes.Per NEI 99-01, the RS1 and RG1 ICs addresses monitored and un-monitored releases of gaseous radioactivity.

Classification based on effluent monitor readings assumes that a release path to the environment is established.

If the effluent flow past an effluent monitor is known to have stopped due to actions to isolate the release path, then the effluent monitor reading is no longer valid for classification purposes.The "site-specific monitor list and threshold values" should include the effluent monitors described in emergency plan and emergency dose assessment procedures.

HNP Bases There are four gaseous effluent release points to the environment at HNP (ODCM 3.0 and Figure 3.1): 1. Plant Vent Stack 1 -RM-21AV-3509-1SA

2. Turbine Building Vent Stack 3A -RM-1TV3536-1
3. Waste Processing Building Vent Stack 5 -RM-1WV-3546-1
4. Waste Processing Building Vent Stack 5A- RM-1WV-3547-1 ODOM Figure 3.1 illustrates the waste streams that can flow into the four gaseous effluent release points. Containment purge and vent during refueling and decay tank pathways are not considered because they are intermittent or mode restricted sources.The HNP vent flow rates, in cfm, for the gaseous EAL thresholds is based on the Maximum Effluent Design Flow Rates (ODOM Table 3-1-3).EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 8 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series 2.3. Source Term 2.3.1. RU1.1 Liquid Source Term Guidance Criteria NEI 99-01 does not provide specific guidance for AU1 liquid source term assumptions.

HNP Bases The source term used for liquid effluent releases is Cs-1 34. Cs-134 has been selected based on it being the lowest effluent concentration value for any detectable radionuclide not known to be absent from the liquid effluent (ODCM 2.1.1).2.3.2. RU1.1 Gaseous Source Term Guidance Criteria NEI 99-01 does not provide specific guidance for AU1 gaseous source term assumptions.

HNP Bases The gaseous source term used for the Plant Vent release is based upon the NUREG-1940 Table 1-6 noble gas fraction of activity available at shutdown for fleet standardization.

The RU1.1 gaseous source term used for the Turbine Building vent, Waste Process Building vent 5 and Waste Process Building vent 5A are based upon the averaged annual release concentration given in ODCM Table 3.1-1.The RU1.1 source term is based on an activity mix that is limited to gaseous isotopes whereby all activity is assumed to be monitored as it is discharged.

2.3.3. RAI.1, RS1.1 and RGI.1 Gaseous Source Terms Guidance Criteria NEI 99-01 specifies that the calculation of monitor readings will require use of an assumed release isotopic mix; the selected mix should be the same for ICs AA1, AS1 and AG 1.HNP Bases DEC utilizes a common plant vent RCS source term basis for fleet standardization.

The source term utilized in the URI dose model provides the relative fractions and is taken from NUREG-1940 (referenced from URI Requirements Specification Appendix A Section A.1) with the release path 'T' selected to model a LOCA type event with fuel clad damage.Containment Aux Bldg Norm Filter PlantVent Env RCS HUT < 2 hrs HUT < 2 hrs Working Sprays Off EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 9 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series The RA/S/G1.1 source term for the pathway from the Turbine Building is taken from NUREG-1940 (referenced from URI Requirements Specification Appendix A Section A.1) with the release path 'E' selected to model a SGTR type event with fuel clad damage.RCS S/G Turb Bldg Filter TB Vent Env Boiling HUT < 2 hrs Working T V The RA/S/G1.1 source term utilized in the URI dose model for the pathway from the Waste Gas Decay Tank via the Waste Process Building vents is taken from FSAR table 15.7.1-2 (referenced from URI Requirements Specification Appendix A Section A.1) with the release path 'T' selected to model a tank rupture event.WGT WPB WTWBWPB Vent 5 Env (Path T) HUT < 2 hrs WGT WPB WTWBWPB Vent 5A Env (Path U) HUT < 2 hrs No credit is taken for source term decay. The start of release time entered into URI is coincident with the time of reactor trip.2.4. Release Duration Guidance Criteria Per NEI 99-01, the effluent monitor readings for RA1.1, RS1.1 and RG1.1 gaseous EAL threshold values should correspond to a dose at the "site-specific dose receptor point" (consistent with the calculation methodology employed) for one hour of exposure.HNP Bases The effluent monitor readings for RA1.1, RS1.1 and RG1.1 gaseous EAL threshold values are calculated for a release duration of one hour.2.5. Meteorology Guidance Criteria The effluent monitor readings should correspond to the applicable dose limit at the "site-specific dose receptor point." The "site-specific dose receptor point" is the distance(s) and/or locations used by the licensee to distinguish between on-site and offsite doses.The selected distance(s) and/or locations should reflect the content of the emergency plan, and the procedural methodology used to determine offsite doses and protective action recommendations.

This is typically the boundary of the Owner Controlled Area.Monitor readings will be calculated using a set of assumed meteorological data or atmospheric dispersion factors; the data or factors selected for use should be the same for ICs AA1, AS1 and AGI.HNP Bases The site specific meteorology used for the calculation of monitor readings is based on selections and inputs for the URI dose assessment model as documented below.EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 10 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series 2.5.1. Wind Speed and Stability Class (Median WS and stability memo -see Attachment 1)The median meteorology values for the stations used to develop the EAL thresholds are as follows: M edian W ind S peed ............................................................................................

3 .5 m ph S tability C lass (A -G ) ..................................................................................................

..D 2.5.2. Wind Direction (ODCM 3.1.1 and Table A-1 through A-4)The HNP "site-specific dose receptor point" utilized in the derivation of the EAL effluent release thresholds has been established as the closest on-land site boundary line, which is in the SW (wind direction from 0450) sector at 1.33 miles.2.5.3. Other Parameters No precipitation is assumed to occur for the duration of the release and plume transport across the EPZ.EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 11 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series 3. DESIGN INPUTS 3.1. General Constants and Conversion Factors 3.1.1. 472 cc/sec per cfm 3.1.2. 106 pCi per Ci 3.2. Liquid Effluent 3.2.1. Liquid Effluent Monitor Ranges (FSAR Table 11.5.2-2)TL&HST (REM -iW L-3540) ...........................................................................

101-107 cpm W ECT (REM -21W L-3541) ............................................................................

101-107 cpm W M T (REM -21W L-3542) ..............................................................................

101-107 cpm 3.2.2. Liquid Effluent Dilution Flow (F)Liquid Effluent Dilution Flow (ODCM Table 2.1-2) ......................................

3.80E+03 gpm 3.2.3. Liquid Effluent Source Flow (A)TL&HST pum p (ODCM Table 2.1-1a) ..................................................................

100 gpm W ECT pum p (O DCM Table 2.1-1a) .......................................................................

35 gpm W MT pum p (O DCM Table 2.1-1a) .......................................................................

100 gpm 3.2.4. Recirculation Factor (a)The recirculation factor accounts for the fraction of discharged water reused by the station. The HNP ODCM liquid effluent setpoint calculation does not account for a recirculation factor, thus a value of 1.0 is used.3.2.5. 10CFR20 Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 Source Term Limit (ECQ)C s-134 .......................................................................................................

9 .O E -07 gC i/m l 3.2.6. Cs-137 to Cs-134 Equivalency Factor (Egi)Liquid radiation monitors are calibrated to Cs-137. The Cs-1 37 equivalence factor accounts for the different gamma energies and abundance of isotopes other than Cs-137.The equivalency factor is applied to the Cs-1 34 source term isotope as follows: R E M -3540/41 (O DC M Table 2.1-4) ..............................................................................

2.5 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 12 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series 3.2.7. Cs-137 Correlation Factor (CFi)The liquid effluent monitor Cs-1 37 correlation factor converts the release concentration in pCi/ml to effluent monitor to cpm. The Cs-1 37 correlation factor is as follows: REM-3540/41 (ODCM Table 2.1-4) .................................................

1.04E+08 cpm/ýtCi/ml

3.3. Gaseous

Effluent 3.3.1. Gaseous Effluent Monitor Ranges (UFSAR Table 11.5.2-2)* Plant Vent- RM-21AV-3509-1SA


10-7-105 jCi/cc This equates to a low scale of 1.96E+01 [Ci/sec and a high scale of 1.96E+13[tCi/sec for a vent flow of 4.15E+05 CFM.* Turbine Building Stack -RM-1TV-3536-1


10-7-105 pCi/cc This equates to a low scale of 1.35E+00 1 iCi/sec and a high scale of 1.35E+12[iCi/sec for a vent flow of 2.862E+04 CFM.* W PB Vent Stack 5 -RM-1WV-3546-1


107-105 [iCi/cc This equates to a low scale of 1.1E+01 ýtCi/sec and a high scale of 1.1E+13 jiCi/sec for a vent flow of 2.325E+05 CFM." W PB Vent Stack 5A -RM-1WV-3547-1


10-7-105 jiCi/cc This equates to a low scale of 4.86E+00 and a high scale of 4.86E+12ýtCi/sec for a vent flow of 1.0305E+05 CFM.3.3.2. RU1.1 Gaseous Effluent Source Flow M)Plant Vent Stack (ODCM Table 3.1-3) .........................................................

4.15E+05 cfm Turbine Building Stack (ODCM Table 3.1-3) ..............................................

2.862E+04 cfm W PB Vent Stack 5 (ODCM Table 3.1-3) ....................................................

2.325E+05 cfm W PB Vent Stack 5A (ODCM Table 3.1-3) ................................................

1.0305E+05 cfm 3.3.3. RU 1.1 Dispersion Factor (X/Q)Dispersion Factor (O DCM 3.1.1) .............................................................

2.30E-05 sec/m 3 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 13 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-RxI Effluent Series 3.3.4. RUI.1 Source Term Fraction (Si)NUREG-1940 Table 1-6 noble gas fraction of activity available at shutdown is the fleet standard source term used for events that originate from the RCS and are release from the plant vent.PV Fraction (unitless)

Kr-83m 1.83E-02 Kr-85 1.70E-03 Kr-85m 3.71 E-02 Kr-87 7.40E-02 Kr-88 1.02E-01 Xe-131m 2.20E-03 Xe-1 33 3.26E-01 Xe-133m 1.03E-02 Xe-I 35 8.54E-02 Xe-1 35mr 6.90E-02 Xe-138 2.74E-01 1.OOE+00 3.3.5. RUI.1 Source Term Concentrations HNP source term concentrations for site specific release points other than the plant vent are taken from the averaged annual release concentrations in ODCM Table 3.1-1.Stack 3A (pCilcc)Stack 5 (pCi/cc)Stack 5A (pCi/cc)Kr-83m O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Kr-85 O.OOE+00 1.60E-07 O.0OE+00 Kr-85m 4.70E-09 O.OOE+00 1.96E-09 Kr-87 4.70E-09 O.OOE+00 1.96E-09 Kr-88 7.04E-09 O.OOE+00 3.91 E-09 Xe-I 31 m O.OOE+00 4.86E-09 1.30E-09 Xe-133 1.17E-08 O.OOE+00 7.17E-09 Xe-133m O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Xe-135 1.64E-08 O.OOE+00 9.78E-09 Xe-135m 2.35E-09 O.OOE+00 1.96E-09 Xe-138 2.35E-09 O.OOE+00 1.96E-09 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 14 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series 3.3.6. ODCM Dose Factors (Regulatory Guide 1.109 Table B-1)Note -RG1. 109 values converted from mRem/yr per pCi/m 3 to mRem/yr per pCi/m 3.CWO LL~0.Di.iC,'I-'=E L-(0.0 ccW% 0 CO.U-CuW C3 ED Kr-83m 7.56E-02 0.OOE+00 1.93E+01 Kr-85 1.61E+01 1.34E+03 1.72E+01 Kr-85m 1.17E+03 1.46E+03 1.23E+03 Kr-87 5.92E+03 9.73E+03 6.17E+03 Kr-88 1.47E+04 2.37E+03 1.52E+04 Xe-I 31 m 9.15E+01 4.76E+02 1.56E+02 Xe-133 2.94E+02 3.06E+02 3.53E+02 Xe-133m 2.51E+02 9.94E+02 3.27E+02 Xe-135 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 Xe-135m 3.12E+03 7.11E+02 3.36E+03 Xe-138 8.83E+03 4.13E+03 9.21E+03 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 15 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series 4. Calculations 4.1. RU1.1 Liquid Release 4.1.1. ODCM Liquid Release Limit c <_ (F +f) x (1 Ox EC,)oUxf SP _ I (C x EqixCFcs-137)

+ bkg Where: C, concentration of radionuclide T' in the liquid effluent (pCi/mi) -this is considered the ODCM limit for EAL purposes F dilution flow (gpm)f undiluted flow from the source of the release (gpm)10 TS multiplier

-component of ODCM Limit (see definition)

EC, concentration of radionuclide

'i' from 1OCFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 (pCi/ml)o most restrictive recirculation factor at equilibrium (unitless)

SP radiation monitor setpoint equivalent to the ODCM limit (cpm)Eq 1 Cs-1 37 equivalence factor for radionuclide

'i' (unitless)

CFcs-1 3 7 radiation monitor correlation factor for Cs-1 37 (cpm per pCi/mi)bkg background reading for the radiation monitor (cpm)4.1.2. RU1.1 Liquid Release EAL Threshold RUM. = 2( (C, xEq x CFcs -l37))+ bkg See Attachment 2 for the spreadsheet calculations that develop the RU 1.1 liquid effluent EAL threshold values for each applicable monitor at each station.EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 16 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series 4.2. RUI.1 Gaseous Release 4.2.1. ODCM Gaseous Release Limit Sptotalbody (Ci/sec)=

500 + bkg S~kif (jiCi/sec)

J000 + bkg x (S, x (L, + 1.IM))Where: 50013000 ODCM Limit -500 total body or 3000 skin (mrem/yr)X/Q annual average meteorological dispersion to the controlling site boundary location (sec/m 3)S 1 isotopic fraction of the mix activity released (unitless)

Ki total body dose factor (mrem/yr per pCi/m 3)Li + 1.1M 1 skin dose factor (mrem/yr per pCi/m 3)bkg background reading for the radiation monitor (pCi/sec)4.2.2. RU1.1 Gaseous Release EAL Threshold RU1.1 is two times the lesser of the calculated total body or skin value plus background.

See Attachment 3 for the spreadsheet calculations that develop the RUI. 1 gaseous effluent EAL threshold values for each applicable monitor at each station.4.3. RAI.1, RSI.1 and RGI.1 Gaseous Release The RA1.1, RS1.1 and RG1.1 gaseous release EAL threshold are developed using the URI site specific dose assessment models with the inputs described in Section 2 above.Refer to Attachment 4 for the results of the URI gaseous effluent EAL threshold calculations.

EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 17 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations RxI Effluent Series HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations Rxl Effluent Series 5. Conclusion Release Point Monitor GE SAE Alert UE Plant Vent RM-21AV-3509-SA 1.05E+8 1.05E+7 1.05E+6 8.93E+3 (pCi/sec) (pCi/sec) (pCi/sec) (pCi/sec)4.60E+8 4.60E+7 4.60E+6 1.08E+4_TurbineBuilding RM-1TV-3536-1__ (pCi/sec) (pCi/sec) (pCi/sec) (pCi/sec)0 0 Waste Process 7.74E+9 7.74E+8 7.75E+7 1.95E+5 m RM-1WV-3546-1

.Building Vent 5 (pCi/sec) (pCi/sec) (pCi/sec) (pCi/sec)Waste Process 7.76E+9 7.76E+8 7.76E+7 1.14E+4 Building Vent 5A (pCi/sec) (pCi/sec) (pCi/sec) (pCi/sec)1 .83E+5 TL&HST REM-i1WL-3540 N/A N/A N/A (cm (cpm)5.1 3E+5". WECT REM-iWL-3541 N/A N/A N/A 5cpm+F (cpm)1.83E+5 WMT REM-1WL-3542 N/A N/A N/A (.8m)(cpm)EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 18 of 39 Rev 0 HNP EAL Technical Bases Calculations

-Rxl Effluent Series 6. References 6.1. NEI 99-01 R6, Methodology for Development of Emergency Action Levels, November 2012 6.2. NUREG-1 940, RASCAL 4: Description of Models and Methods, December 2012 6.3. Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), Revision 24 6.4. Unified RASCAL Interface Requirements Specification, Harris, Version 2 6.5. SHNPP UFSAR Table 11.5.2-2, Effluent Radiation Monitors, Amendment No. 59 6.6. Memo: Median Wind Speed and Stability Values at Duke Energy Nuclear Sites, 06/19/14 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 19 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment I Median Wind Speed and Stability Values Memo Date: June 19, 2014 To: Caryl Ingram, NGO-EP From: Stanton Lanham, Meteorology

-Environmental Services Marsha Kinley, Meteorology

-Environmental Services


Median Wind Speed and Stability Values at Duke Energy Nuclear Sites 1.0 Overview Data from the most recent full five years (2009-2013) was used to calculate the median wind speed (WS), vertical temperature gradient (Delta-T), and stability dass at each of the Duke Energy nuclear sites in the Carolinas.

Upper level winds were used at Brunswick.

All other sites use the lower level.Singular median values for WS, Delta-I, and stability dass from all wind direction sectors are given in Table 1. NEI 99-01 Rev. 6 does not provide any guidance on selection of default meteorological conditions." These median values are irrespective of season or time of day, so the difference between the median values and actual meteorological conditions could be large." Also note that the median Delta-T values are in normalized units of (deg C/100m), and would need to be converted to reflect actual sensor separation distance on a tower, if needed.Table 2.1 through Table 2.6 contains sector-specific median values of Wind Speed, Delta-T and Stability Class for each of the 16 directional sectors. This information provides more site-specific characteristics, similar to what would have been evaluated for the previous Rev. 4 of NEI-99-01 guidance.

In addition, the most frequent sector from which the wind is blowing at each site for the five year period is also indicated in these tables.Table I Median Values from Years 2009-2013 Median Median Delta- Stability WS (mph) T (C/lO0m)

  • Class DEC Sites CNS 4.8 -0.7 D MNS 6 -0.9 D ONS 3.7 -0.78 0 DEP Sites BNP* 13.4 -0.71 D HNP 3.5 -0.51 D RNP 4.4 -0.84 D Upper level winds are used at BNP. All other sites use lower level winds.-Note: Delta-T values listed are in degs C/100 m. The units may need to be converted if actual delta-T based on tower-specific separation distances are required.1 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 20 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment I Median Wind Speed and Stability Values Memo i 2.0 Data The data presented represents the median of the entire five-year span at each site (Table 1). as well as the overall medians broken down by directional sector (Tables 2.1 -2.6). Each value represents the middle of the dataset, with 50% of values above the median, and 50Y. of values below the median.Data for the Legacy Duke Energy sites was obtained from the Duke's Environmental Monitoring"Ambient Administration" archive, which contains validated hourly meteorological data. Data for the Legacy Progress sites was obtained from hourly meteorological data files provided by the vendor (Murray and Trettel), and has undergone their data review/GA process. The five-year analysis results presented here were determined independently of previous studies, however comparison to the Annual Effluent reports (2013 MET) for all sites showed good agreement with the values presented in Table 1.The sector-specific median values (Tables 2.1 through 2.6) had not been investigated previously.

Legacy Duke Sites (DEO: Table 2.1 Catawba Nuclear: 5-year Lower Level Medians by Sector Median Median Delta- Stability Sector WS (mph) T (C/n00m) Class N 7.4 -1.08 D NNE 8.7 -1.3 D NE 9 -1.2 D ENE 6.1 -1.06 D E 4.6 -0.94 D ESE 4.4 -0.9 D SE 4.8 -0.8 D SSE 4.4 -0.76 D S* 3.9 -0.36 E SSW 4.1 -0.66 D SW 3.8 -0.7 D WSW 3.4 -0.4 E W 3.6 0 E WNW 4 0 E NW 4.4 0 E NNW 5.1 0 E=1*Most frequent CNS wind direction (2009-2013):

from South 2 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 21 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment I Median Wind Speed and Stability Values Memo Table 2.2 McGuire Nuclear: 5-year Lower Level Medians by Sector Median Median Delta- Stability Sector WS (mph) T (C/100m) Class N 6.9 -1.18 D NNE 7 -.1.16 D NE 7.8 -1.C6 D ENE 6.6 -.1.C2 D E 6-2 -0.F8 D ESE 5.5 -0."8 D SE 5.1 -0.88 D SSE 4.2 -0.42 E S 4.6 -0.12 E SSW 5 -0.14 E SW4 6.3 -0.72 D WSW 5.2 -0.?4 D W 4.9 -0.76 D WNW 6.3 -0.S2 D NW 8.5 -1.C6 D NNW 9.1 -1.16 D* Most frequent MNS wind direction (2009-2013)-

from SW SW Table 2.3 Oconee Nuclear: 5-year Lowe-Level Medians by Sector Median Median Delta-WS Imph) T (C/100ml Stability class Sector N 2.5 -0.44 E NNE 2.8 -0.58 D NE 3.9 -0.8.4 D ENE 4.6 -0.88 D E 3.7 -0.72 D ESE 3.2 -0.4 E SE 3.3 -0A2 E SSE 3.3 -0.5 D S 3.4 -0.E8 D SSW 4.6 -1.2 D SW 1 5 -1.32 D WSW 4.8 -.1.C6 D W 3.6 -0.8 D WNW 2.8 -0.46 E NW 2.7 -0.2 E NNW 2.5 -0.42 E Most frequent ONS wind direction (2009-2013):

from SW EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 22 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment I Median Wind Speed and Stability Values Memo Legacy Progress Sites (DEP): Table 2.4 Brunswick Nuclear: 5-year Upper Level Medians by Sector Median Median Delta- Stability Sector WS (rnph) T (C/DOtm) Class N 14 -0.71 D NNE 14.7 -0.68 D NE 14.2 -0.69 D ENE 13.5 -0.81 D E 11.2 -0.79 D ESE 9.5 -0.635 D SE 9 -0.67 D SSE 9.5 -0.46 E S 11.4 -0.34 E SSW 13.6 -0.79 D SW* 16.2 -0.95 D WSW 14.2 -0.74 D W 9.6 -0.24 E WNW 14.3 -0.28 E NW 14.4 -0.44 E NNW 15 -0.7 D* Most frequent BNP wAnd direction (2009-2013):

from SW Table 2.5 Harris Nuclear: 5-year Lower Level Medians by 54 Median Median Delta- Stability Sector WS (mph) T (C/100m) Class N 3.3 -0.35 E NNE* 3.1 -0.26 E NE 1.6 0.92 E ENE 2.1 0-26 E E 2.2 -0.07 E ESE 2.6 -0.39 E SE 2.9 -0.49 E 5SE 3.4 -0.59 D 5 4.2 -0.64 D SSW 4.7 -0.58 D SW 4.7 -0.64 D WSW 4.6 -0.86 D W 3.7 -0.68 D WNW 4.2 -0.74 D NW 4.1 -0.805 D NNW 3.5 -0.55 D ector* Most frequent HNP wind direction (2009-2013):

from NNE 4 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 23 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment I Median Wind Speed and Stability Values Memo Table 2.6 Robinson Nuclear: 5-year Lower Level Medians by Sector Median Median Delta- Stability Sector WS (mph) T (C/100m) Class N 5.8 -1.03 D NNE 5.2 -1.09 D NE 4 -1.11 D ENE 3.8 -1.14 D E 3.6 -1.2 D ESE 3.3 -1.28 D SE 3.5 -1.12 D SSE 4.2 -0.69 D S 4.7 -0.6 D SSW 4.6 -0.68 0 SW 4.6 -0.83 D WSW 4 -0.71 D W 3.9 -0.59 D WNW 3.9 -0.47 E NW 4.1 0.28 E NNW 4.7 0.31 E* Most frequent RNP wind direction (2009-2013):

from North 3.0 Discussion and Conclusion The median wind speed data presented in Table I compared to Tables 2.1 through 2.6 indicates typically varying conditions, depending on the directional sectors at each site. The overall median wind speed at a site (3-6 mph) is in the middle of the wider range of the sector-specific medians (1-9 mph).The singular median values sometime match well with the sector-specific median conditions of the most frequent directional sector, but can also be entirely different from the median of the most frequent wind direction sector. These differences span from potentially lower wind speeds which would be conservative for dose (i.e. Brunswick), to potentially higher wind speeds which would be non-conservative for dose (i.e Catawba).* Thus, the median values of wind speed should only be used for dose assessment as a last resort, when actual meteorological data is not available, or dose calculation is for some reason impaired.The median Stability Class is generally neutral (class D), but varies between D and E (slightly more stable) in the sector-specific tables (Tables 2.1 through 2.6). These median values are typical of daytime conditions, with a thermally mixed boundary layer.* Thus, the median stability class should only be used when there is no concern about actual time of day, seasonal variances, or extreme weather events..5 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 24 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 2 RUI.1 Liquid Effluent EAL Calculations

  • 1* Y Y 'IF W 'IF 0 0 D, U-U-.2 LI..a, U a,.5 w'S U, 0 S..0 0 I..UL r-0 0 2 0 E E LU 0 0.0 U 0~.4-.C 0.4-a, U, I (3.5 0)E.<D TL&HST REM-3540 3.80E+03 100 1 2.5 1.04E+08 3.51E-04 I 9.13E+04 WECT REM-3541 3.80E+03 35 1 1 2.5 1.04E+0811 9.86E-04 2.56E+05 WMT REM-3541 3.80E+03 100 1 2.5 1.04E+081 3.51E-04 9.13E+04 Cs-134 10CFR20 Limit -ECi (pCi/ml):

9.0E-07 TS Multiplier:

1.OE+01i Background (cpm): EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 25 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 3 RUI.1 Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations 0)0O I.-(U C C 4 U 0 0 In 0)0)WI.0>L4)0 U.(U 0 LI.a-0 LL to m.0 LL CU I..Kr-83m 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 1.83E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 Kr-85 O.00E+00 1.60E-07 O.00E+00 1.70E-03 0.OOE+00 9.71E-01 O.OOE+00 Kr-85m 4.70E-09 0.OOE+00 1.96E-09 3.71E-02 9.55E-02 0.00E+00 6.53E-02 Kr-87 4.70E-09 0.OOE+00 1.96E-09 7.40E-02 9.55E-02 0.OOE+00 6.53E-02 Kr-88 7.04E-09 0.OOE+00 3.91E-09 1.02E-01 1.43E-01 0.OOE+00 1.30E-01 Xe-131m 0.00E+00 4.86E-09 1.30E-09 2.20E-03 0.OOE+00 2.95E-02 4.33E-02 Xe-133 1.17E-08 0.00E+00 7.17E-09 3.26E-01 2.38E-01 0.OOE+00 2.39E-01 Xe-133m 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1.03E-02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Xe-135 1.64E-08 0.OOE+00 9.78E-09 8.54E-02 3.33E-01 0.00E+00 3.26E-01 Xe-135m 2.35E-09 0.00E+00 1.96E-09 6.90E-02 4.77E-02 O.OOE+00 6.53E-02 Xe-138 2.35E-09 0.00E+00 1.96E-09 2.74E-01 4.77E-02 0.00E+00 6.53E-02 4.92E-081I 1.65E-071I 3.OOE-08 I 1.OOE+00I 1.OOE+00I 1.OOE+00 1.OOE+00 J I .1 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 26 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 3 RUIA Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Attachment 3 RUI.1 Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations U.E i 2t E ~ca -i E R a.Z%Plant Vent TB Vent WPB Vent 5 WPB Vent 5A.t. 4. L a. .E E gE E gE 1.38E-03 3.89E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.74E-02 2.31E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.56E+01 1.32E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.34E+01 1.04E+02 1.12E+02 2.69E+'02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.64E+01 1.84E+'02 4.38E+02 1.22E+03 5.65E+02 1.58E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.87E+02 1.08E+03 1.50E+03 1.95E+03 2.10E+03 2.73E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.92E+03 2.49E+03 2.01E-01 1.42E+-00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.70E+00 1.91E+01 3.97E+00 2.81E+01 9.59E+01 2.26E+02 6.99E+01 1.65E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.03E+01 1.66E+'02 2.59E+03 1.39E+01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.55E+02 3.39E+02 6.03E+02 1.32E+03 0.00E+0O 0.00E+00 5.90E+02 1.29E+03 2.15E+02 3.04E+02 1.49E+02 2.69E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.04E+02 2.88E+02 2.42E+03 3.90E+03 4.21E+02 6.81E+02 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.77E+02 9.32E+02 4.87E+031 8.07E+03 4.02E+031 6.95E+03 1.83E+01 1.34E+03 3.82E+03 6.46E+03 Kr-83m 7.56E-02 0.OOE+00 1.93E+01 Kr-85 1.61E+01 1.34E+03 1.72E+01 Kr-85m 1.17E+03 1.46E+03 1.23E+03 Kr-87 5.92E+03 9.73E+03 6.17E+03 Kr-88 1.47E+04 2.37E+03 1.52E+04 Xe-131m 9.15E+01 4.76E+02 1.56E+02 Xe-133 2.94E+02 3.06E+02 3.53E+02 Xe-133m 2.51E+02 9.94E+02 3.27E+02 Xe-135 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 Xe-135m 3.12E+03 7.11E+02 3.36E+03 Xe-138 8.83E+03 4.13E+03 9.21E+03 PV TBV WPB 5 WPB 5A ODCM Limit for Total Body (pCi/sec):

4.46E+03 5.41 E+03 1.19E+06 ODCM Limit for Skin (pCi/sec):

1.62E+04 1.88E+04 9.75E+04 2x ODCM Limit (pCi/sec):

5.68E+03 2.02E+04 Total Body Dose Rate Limit (mRem/yr):

500 Skin Dose Rate Limit (mRem/yr):

30001 Background (pCi/sec):

0[Y/Q (sec/m3):

2.30E-05 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 27 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 4 RAI.1, RSI.1 and RGI.1 URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Dose Assessment Shearon Hanis Monday, January 12, 2015 13:57 Method: Detailed Assessment

-Monitored Release Release Pathway: (I) <RCS> <Containment>

<Aux Bldg' <NormFilter>

<Plant Vent> <Env> PRF: 1.60E-02 Containment HUT: = < 2 Hours Cont Sprays: = OFF Purge Filter: = N/A Aux/Fuel Bldg HUT: < 2 Hours AuxlFuel Filter = Working Steam Gen: N/A Turb Bldg HUT: = N/A Tuwb Bldg Filter: = NIA Source Term: Reactor Core Accident -Clad Time After S/ID (hh:mm): 0:00 Release Duration (hh mm): 1:00 ETE (hh:mm): [N/A]Lower Wind: From 45° @ 3,5 mph Stability Class: D Precipitation:

None Monitor: Plant Vent rate Readings:

1 .05E+06 uCi/sec 0.5 0-7 2.93E+00 2.01E+00 1.95E+00 1-.32E+00 m 1 _75E+00 1.10E+00 m 6.82-01 4-39+00 4.32E+01 1.0 1.23E+00 796E-01 6.44E-01 2.81E-01 1.72E+00 1.53E+01 1.5 6.48E-01 4.16E-01 3.64E-01 1,58E-01 9.38E-01 8.56E+00 2.0 5.16E-01 339E-01 2.63E-01 1.06E-01 7.08E-01 624E+00 30 5-16E-01 3.48E-01 2.11E-01 0.O0E+00 5.59E-01 4.98E+00 4.0 3.63E-01 2.46E-01 1.73E-01 0.OOE+00 4.20E-01 4.11E+00 5.0 3.07E-01 2.09E-01 1.58E-01 0.OOE+00 3.67E-01 3-76E+00 7.0 1.76E-01 120E-01 1.11E-01 O.OOE+00 Z31E-01 2.67E+00 10.0 9.80E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1.85E+00 Ssessment H ata Results Saved eFle: Shearon Harris 1OMiles Monitored Release 01122015 135718.UR17 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1 401 Page 28 of 39 Rev 0 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 28 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 4 RA1.1, RS1.1 and RG1.1 URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Attachment 4 RAIl, RSI.1 and RGI.1 URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Dose Assessment Shearon Harris Monday, January 12, 2015 13:57 Method: Detailed Assessment

-Monitored Release Release Pathway. (I) <RCS> <Containment>

<Aux Bldg> <NormFilter>

<Plant Vent> <Env> PRF: 1.60E-02 Containment HUT: = < 2 Hours Cont Sprays: = OFF Purge Filter: = N/A AuxiFuel Bldg HUT: = < 2 Hours Aux/Fuel Filter = Working Steam Gen: = N/A Turb Bldg HUT: = N/A Turb Bldg Filter: = N/A Source Term: Reactor Core Accident -Clad Time After S/D (hh:mm): 0:00 Release Duration (hh mm): 1:00 ETE (hh:mm): [NIA ]Monitor: Plant Vent rate Readings:

1.05E+07 uCi/sec Lower Wind: From 45° @ 3.5 mph Stability Class: D Precipitation:

None Shearon Harris 10Miles Monilored Release 01122015 135755.URI7 No PAS Exceeded Release Rates (01 / sece)Patcui e .04E-02 (0.1%)Iodine 2.56E-01 (2.4%)Reviewed By: Noble Gas I 1.05E+01 (97.5%)I .I Page 1 of 3 hfearon Harrms i 2.0.0 1 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1 401 Page 29 of 39 Rev 0 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 29 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 4 RAD.1, RSA.1 and RGI. URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Dose Assessment Shearon Harris Monday, January 12, 2015 13:58 Method: Detailed Assessment

-Monitored Release Release Padway. (I) <RCS> <Containment-

<Aux Bldg> <NormFitter>

<Plant Vent> <Env> PRF: 1.60E-02 Containment HUT: z < 2 Hours Cont Sprays: = OFF Purge Filter: = N/A Aux/Fuel Bldg HUT: = < 2 Hours Aux/Fuel Filter: = Working Steam Gen: = N/A Turb Bldg HUT: = N/A Turb Bldg Filter: = NIA Source Term: Reactor Core Accident -Clad Lower Time After S/D (hh:mm): 0:00 Wind: From 45° @ 35 mph Release Duration (hh:mm): 1:00 ETE (hh:mm): [N/A I Stability Class: D Precipitation:

None Monitor: Plant Vent rate Readings:

1.05E+08 uCi/sec N 1 3.23E+02 2-16E+02 2-03E+02 7.58E+01 4.95E+02 0.5 2.93E+02 3.9E+0 2.75E+02 1.6E+01 .-7E+02 3.24E+02 E 01 Z01E+02 1.32E+02 1.10E+02 4.E0 288E+02 2.68E+03 1.0 1,23E+02 7.96E+01 &.44E+01 2,81E+01 1.72E+02 1.53E+03 1.5 6.48E+01 4.16E+01 3.64E+01 1.581£+01 9.38E+01 8.56E+02 B 2.0 5.16E+01 3.39E+01 2.63E+01 1.06E+01 7.08E£+01 6.24E+02L 3.0 5.16E+01 3.48E+01 2.11E+01 8.46E+00 6-44E+01 4.98E+02 " 4.0 3.63E+01 2.46E+01 1.73E+01 650E+00 4.85E+01 4.11E+02 5.0 3.07E+01 2.09E+01 1.58E+01 5.71E+00 4.24E+01 376E+02 7.0 1.76E+01 120E+01 1.11E+01 3.59E+00 2.67E+01 2.67E+02 10.0 9.80E+00 6.68E+00 7.59E+00 2.24E+00 1.65E+01 1.85E+02 Assessment Data Results Savd to File Shearon Harris lOMiles Monitored Release 01122015 135842.URI7 PAGs Exceeded in Designaled Areas tio G Release Rae (ClI see)Particulate 1.04F-1 (01%)Iodine 2.56E+00 (2.4%)Reviewed By: Noble Gas 1.05E+02 (97.5%)Page 1 of 3 Shearon -arns 12.0.0. 1 EP-EALCALC-HN P-i 401 Page 30 of 39 Rev 0 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 30 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 4 RAI.1, RSI.1 and RGI.1 URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations I Dose Assessment Shearon Harris Wednesday, January 14, 2015 09:24 Method: Detailed Assessment

-Monitored Release Release Pathway. (E) <RCS> <Steam Gen> <Turb Bldg> <Fiter> <TB Vent> <Env> PRF: 800E-04 Containment HUT: = N/A Cont Sprays: = N/A Purge Filter = N/A Aux/Fuel Bldg HUT: = N/A Aux/Fuel Filter = N/A Steam Gen: = Boiling Turb Bldg HUT: = < 2 Hours Turb Bldg Filter: = Working Source Term: Reactor Core Accident -Clad Time After S/ID (hh:mm): 0:00 Release Duration (hh:mm): 1:00 ETE Monitor: Turb Vent rate Rea(Lower Wind: From 45* @ 3.5 mph Stability Class: D Precipitation:

None (hh:mm): [N/A ]iings: 4-60E+06 uCi/sec 1.0 4.76E+00 3.10E+00 3.08E-01 3.72E-01 3.78E+00 3.23E+00 1.5 3.12E+00 2.05E+00 1.84E-01 2.05E-01 2.44E+00 1.85E+00 2.0 Z 15E+00 1.43E+00 1.28E-01 1.21E-01 1-68E+00 1.40E+00 3.0 2.02E+00 1.37E+00 1.05E-01 1.10E-01 1-59E+00 1.06E+00 4.0 1.53E+00 1.04E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.04E+00 9.47E-01 5-0 1 22E+-H0 8.36E-01 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 8.36E-01 8.30E-01 7.0 7.04E-01 4.66E-01 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 4.66E-01 5-78E-01 10.0 3.55E-01 2.55E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.55E-01 3.98E-01 Assessment Data Results Sav9ed to File: Shearon Harris 1OMiles Monitored Release 01142015 092450.URI7 N E M L No PAGs Exceeded Release Rat" (ClIeec Particulae 2.804(0)Iodine 5.60E.-03 (0. 1%)Reviewed By: E I Noble GSas I 4.0E.00 (99.9)U Page 1 of 3 Shearoni Haris 1 20.0.1 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1 401 Page 31 of 39 Rev 0 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 31 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 4 RAD.1, RSA.1 and RGI. URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Dose Assessment Shearon Harris Wednesday, January 14, 2015 09:25 Method: Detailed Assessment

-Monitored Release Release Pathway:. (E) <RCS> <Steam Gen> <Turb Bidg> <Filter> <TB Vent> <Env> PRF: 8.00E-04 Containment HUT: = N/A Cont Sprays: = N/A Purge Filter = N/A Aux/Fuel Bldg HUT: = N/A Aux/Fuel Filter = N/A Steam Gen: = Boiling Turb Bldg HUT: = < 2 Hours Turb Bldg Filter: = Working Source Term: Reactor Core Accident -Clad Lower Time After S/D (hh:mm): 0:00 Wind: From 450 @ 3.5 mph Release Duration (hh mm): 1:00 ETE (hh:mm): [N/A I Stability Class: D Precipitation:

None Monitor: Turb Vent rate Readings:

4.60E+07 uC/sec N S.B. 1.32E+02 8.99E+01 5.8E+00 4.66E+00 1.04E+02 1.E8E+02 0.5 1-20E+02 812E+01 5.52E+00 4.99E+00 9.17E+,01 92E0 0.7 8.00EH0I 5.24E+01 4.76E+00 5.62E+00 6,28E+01 5.68E+01 1.0 4.76E+01 3.10E+01 3.08E+00 3.72E+00 3,78E-+01 3.23E+01 1.5 3.12E+01 2-05E+01 1.84E+00 2-05E+00 2.44E+01 1.85E+01 2.0 2.15E+01 1.43E+01 128E+00 1.21E+00 1.68E+01 1.40E+01 3.0 202E+01 1-37E+01 1.05E+00 1AOE+00 1.59E+01 1.06E+01 4.0 1.53E+01 1.04E+01 896E-01 8A3E-01 1.21E+01 9.47E+00 5.0 1.22E+01 8.36E+00 7.54E-01 6.26E-01 9-74E+00 8-30E+-0 7.0 7-04E+00 4M66E+00 4.61E-01 2.94E-01 5.41E+00 5.78E+00 D 10.0 355E+00 2.55E+00 2.78E-01 1,32E-01 2.96E+00 3.98E+00 Assessment Data Resuts Saved to File: Shearon Harris 1OMiles Monitored Release 01142015 092557.UR17 No PAGs Exceeded Release Rate (CI I sec),Particulate 2.28E-03 (6.0%)10odine 5.60E-.02 (0.1%)Reviewed By: NoleGas 4.60E+01 (99-9%)-W-Page 1 of 3 Shear HaIlrisI 2.U.0. 1 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1 401 Page 32 of 39 Rev 0 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 32 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 4 RA1.1, RS1.1 and RG1.1 URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Attachment 4 RAI.1, RSI.1 and RGI.1 URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Dose Assessment Shearon Harris Wednesday, January 14, 2015 09:26 Method: Detailed Assessment

-Monitored Release Release Pathway: (E) <RCS> <Steam Gen> <Turb Bldg> <Filter> <TB Vent> <Env> PRF: 8.OOE-04 Containment HUT: = N/A Cont Sprays: = NIA Purge Filter: = N/A Aux/Fuel Bldg HUT: = N/A Aux/Fuel Filter = N/A Steam Gen: = Boiling Turb Bldg HUT: = < 2 Hours Turb Bldg Filter: = Working Source Term: Reactor Core Accident -Clad Lower Time After S/D (hh-mm): 0:00 Wind: From 45° @ 3.5 mph Release Duration (hh:mm): 1:00 ETE (hh:mm): [N/A) Stability Class* D Precipitation:

None Monitor Turb Vent rate Readings:

460E+08 uCi/sec N B. 1-32E+03 8.99E+02 5.86E+01 4.66E+01 1 .08E+03 0.5 1.20E+03 8.12E+02 5.52E+01 4.99E+01 9.17EE02 9.28E+02 0.7 8.OOE+02 5.24E+02 4.76E+01 5.62E+01 6.28E+02 5.68E+02 1.0 4-76E+02 3.10E+02 3.08E+01 3.72E+01 3.78E+02 3.23E+02 1.5 3-12E+02 2.05E+02 1.84E+01 2.05E+01 2.44E+02 1.85E+02 M 2.0 2-15E+02 1.43E-+02 1.28E+-01 1.21E+01 1.68E+02 1.40E+02 L 3.0 2-02E+02 1.37E+02 1.05E-÷-01 1.10E+01 I .59E+02 1.06E+02 4.0 1.53E+02 1.04E+02 896E4-00 8.13E+00 1.21E+02 9.47E+01 5.0 1.22E+02 8.36E+01 7.54E+00 6.26E+00 9.74E+01 8.30E+01 7.0 7.04E+01 4.66E+01 4.61Ei-00 2.94E+00 5.41E+01 5.78E+01 1 10.0 3.55E+01 2.55E+01 2.78E÷00 1.32E+00 2.96E+01 3.98E+01 K Assessment Data Results Saved: to File: Shearon Harris 1OMiles Monitored Release 01142015 092629.URI7 I H PAGs Exeeded In DeIgaed Areas Rev d G E Release Rates (CiI seG)Particulate 2.28E-02 (0.0%)Iodine 5-60E-01 (0.1%)Reviewed By: ________________

_ NoleGas 4.60E+02 (99.9%)Page 1 of 3 hearon Hans i 2.0.U. 1 EP-EALCALC-HNP-l 401 Page 33 of 39 Rev 0 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 33 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 4 RAD.1, RSA.1 and RGI. URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Dose Assessment Shearon Harris Thursday, February 19, 2015 07:54 Method: Detailed Assessment

-Monitored Release Release Pathway: (T) <Waste Gas> <WPB> <WPB Vent 5> <Env> PRF: 4.OOE-01 Containment HUT: = N/A Cont Sprays: = N/A Purge Filter = NIA Aux/Fuel Bldg HUT: = < 2 Hours Aux/Fuel Filer = N/A Steam Gen: = N/A Turb Bldg HUT: = NWA Turb Bldg Filter: = N/A Source Term: Waste Gas Tank Lower Time After S/D (hh:mm): 0:00 Wind: From 45° @ 3.5 mph Release Duration (hh:mm): 1:00 ETE (hh:mm): [N/A ] Stability Class: D Precipitation:

None Monitor: WPB 5 rate Readings:

7.75E+07 uCi/sec N S.B 1.43E+01 1.00E+01 O.OOE+00 O0OOE+00 1.OOE-01 0.OOE+00 0.5 1.28E+01 9.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.OOE+00 0.O0E+00 E 0-7 8-48E+00 5.92E+00 0.00E-00 O.OOE+00 5,92E+00 o.OOE+00 1.0 5-16E+00 3.61E+00 0.00E÷00 0.00E+00 3.61E+00 0.O0E+00 1.5 3.72E+00 2.60E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.60E+00 0.OOE+00 M 2.0 3.0-[E+00 2.14E+00 0.OOEi-00 0.OOE+00 2.14E+00 o.ooE+0o LF 3-0 2.46E+00 1.70E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 1.70E+00 O.OOE+00 A, 4.0 2.14E+00 1.49E+00 0.00E+00 O.O0E+00 1.49E+00 0.O0E+00 5.0 1.92E+00 1.32E+00 0.00E÷00 0.OOE+00 1.32E+00 0.00E-+00 7.0 1.32E+00 9.30E-01 00.0E400 0.OOE+00 9.30E-01 0.OOE+00 DGJ 10.0 9.04E-01 6.48E-01 0.ODE+00 0.OOE+00 6.48E-01 0.00E+00 Assessment Data Results Saved to File: Shearon Harris 10Miles Monitored Release 02192015 075412.URI7 No PAGs Exceeded Release Rates (Cl I sec)Rvwd :N lale 0as 7 75E+00 (0.0%)_________________________________________________

odne 0 OOE'O0 (0.0%)Reviewed By: ____________

______Noble Gas 7.75E+01 (100.0%)Page 1 of 3 Shea= Harris EP-EALCALC-HNP-1 401 Page 34 of 39 Rev 0 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 34 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 4 RA1.1, RS1.1 and RGIA URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Attachment 4 RAI.1, RSI.1 and RGI.1 URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Dose Assessment Shearon Harris Thursday, February 19, 2015 07:55 Method: Detailed Assessment

-Monitored Release Release Pathway (T) <Waste Gas> <WPB> <WPB Vent 5> <Env> PRF: 4.OOE-01 Containment HUT: = N/A Cont Sprays: = N/A Purge Filter: = WA AuxIFuel Bldg HUT: < 2 Hours Aux/Fuel Filter = N/A Steam Gen: = N/A Turb Bldg HUT: = NIA Turb Bldg Filter: = N/A Source Term: Waste Gas Tank Lower Time After S/D (hh:mm): 0:00 Wind: From 45* @ 3.5 mph Release Duration (hh:mm). 1:00 ETE (hh:mm): [N/A ] Stability Class: D Precipitation:

None Monitor: WPB 5 rate Readings:

7.74E+08 uCi/sec N S.B .1.4_3E£+02


2-44E-01 1.44E-01 1.00E+02_

0.00E01-28E+02 8.96E+01 2-87E-01 1.69E-01 9_01E+01 0.00+0 0.7 8.44E+01 .592E+01 3219E-01 1.86E-01 5.97E+01 O.OO0+0M 1.0 5.16E+01 1.60E+01 2.97E-01 1.32E-01 165E+01 O.OOE+00 " 1.5 3.72E£+01 2.59E+01 2-32E-01 1.32E-01 2.63E+01 0.00E+00 j M B 2.0 3.07E+01 2.14E+01 1.84E-01 1.03E-01 2.16E+01 O.OOE+O0 F 3.0 2.46E+01 170E+01 128E-01 O.OOE+00 1.71E+01 O.OOE+00 A F 4.0 2.14E+01 1.49E+01 1.22E-01 O.OOE+00 1.50E+01 O.OOE+00 5-0 1-92E+01 1.32E+01 1.09E-01 O.OOE+00 1.33E+01 O.OOE+00 7.0 1.32E+01 9.28E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 9.28E+00 0.00E+00 G 10.0 9.04E+00 6.47E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE-00 647E+00 O.OOE+00 K Assessment Data Results Sawv to File: Shearon Harris 1OMiles Monitored Release 02192015 075553-URI7 No PAGs Exceeded Release Rates (CIt see)Particulate 0.O0E+00 (0.0%)Iodine 0.OOE00 (0.0%)Reviewed By: Noble Gas 7.74E+02 (100.0%)Page 1 of 3 Sthear=n Hatis EP-EALCALC-HNP-1 401 Page 35 of 39 Rev 0 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 35 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 4 RAI., RSI.1 and RGI.1 URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Dose Assessment Shearon Harris Thursday, February 19, 2015 07:56 Method: Detailed Assessment

-Monitored Release Release Pathway:. (T) <Waste Gas> <WPB> <WPB Vent 5> <Env> PRF: 4.OOE-01 Containment HUT: = Cont Sprays: = N/A Purge Filter: = N/A Aux/Fuel Bldg HUT: = < 2 Hours AuxJFuel Filter = N/A Steam Gen: = N/A Turd Bldg HUT: = N/A Turb Bldg Filter = N/A Source Term: Waste Gas Tank Time After SID (hh:mm)- 0:00 Release Duration (hh:mm): 1:00 Lower Wind: From 45* @ 3.5 mph Stability Class: D Precipitation:

None ETE (hh:mm): [NA I Monitor: WPB 5 rate Readings:

7.74E+09 uCi/sec 0-7 1.0 1.5 1 .28E+03 8-44E+02 5-16E4-02 37ý72E402 8.96E+02 5.92E+02 3,60E+02 2.59E+02 2.87E+00 3.19E+00 1.69E+00 1 6E4+00 5.97Ee-02 1.78E-01 1.97E-01 I2.97E+00 1 172E+00 3.65E+02 I 1.85E-01 2.32E+00 1.32E+00 263E+02 1.42E-01 2.0 3.07E+02 214E+02 1.84E+00 1.03E+00 2.16E+02 1.12E-01 3.0 246E+02 1.70E+02 1.28E+00 6.74E-01 1..72E+02 0.OOEO0 4.0 2.14E+02 1.49E+02 1.22E+00 628E-01 1.51E+02 0.OOE+00 5.0 1.92E+02 1.32E+02 1.09E+00 5.52E-01 1.34E+02 0.00E+00 7.0 1.32E+02 928E+01 7-20E-01 3.53E-01 9.38E+01 0.OOE+00 10.0 9.04E+01 6.47E+01 4.36E-01 2.08E-01 6.53E+01 0.OOE+00 Assessment Data Resurts Sav to I-le: Shearon Hams 1OMiles Monitored Release 02192015 075653.URI7 I ... Classification:

General Emergency

  • ' *Reviewed EP-EALCALC-HNP-1 401 Page 36 of 39 Rev 0 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 36 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 4 RAIA, RS1.1 and RG1.1 URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Attachment 4 RAI.1, RSI.1 and RGI.1 URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Dose Assessment Shearon Harris Thursday, February 19, 2015 07:59 Method: Detailed Assessment

-Monkored Release Release Pathway: (U) <Waste Gas> <WPB> <WPB Vent 5A> <Env> PRF: 4.OOE-01 Containment HUT: = N/A Cont Sprays: = N/A Purge Filter. = N/A Aux/Fuel Bldg HUT: = < 2 Hours Aux/Fuel Filter = NA Steam Gen: = N/A Turb Bldg HUT: = NIA Turb Bldg Filter: = N/A Source Term: Waste Gas Tank Time After S/D (hh:mm): 0:00 Release Duration (hh:mm): 1:00 Monitor: WPB 5A rate Lower Wind: From 45* @ 3.5 mph Stability Class: D Precipitaton:

None ETE (hh:mm): [N!A I Readings:

7.76E+07 uCi/sec 0.5 0.7 11.8E+01 8.36E+00 8_96E+0 5.84E+00 0_O0E+00 0 OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 8.96E+00 5.84Ea-00 0-X 1.0 15.04E+00 I 3.50E-00 I .OOE+00 IO.OOE*00 1350OE+0010.OOE+00.00E+00 1.5 3.77E+00 2.63E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 2.63E+00 0 2.0 3.23E+00 2.25E+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 225E+00 0.OOE+00 3.0 2.44E+00 1.72E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.72E+00 0.00E00 4.0 2.18E+00 1.53E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.53E+00 0.00E+O0 5.0 1.91E+00 1.34E+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 1.34E+00 0.00E+00 7.0 1.36E+00 9.30E-01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.30E-01 0.00E+0 10.0 8.76E-01 6.37E-01 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 6.37E-01 I O.OE+00 Assessment Data Results Saved to File: Shearon Hams 1OMiles Monitored Release 02192015 075950.URI7 No PAGs Exceeded Release Rtes (Ci Isee)Particulate .E0 (0)Woine 0OOE+00 (00%)Reviewed By: INobie I (.1bE-+U1 (10U.0%)Page 1 of 3 Srlearo Harris EP-EALCALC-HNP-1 401 Page 37 of 39 Rev 0 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 37 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 4 RAID, RSI.1 and RGI. URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Dose Assessment Shearon Harris Thursday, February 19, 2015 08:00 Method: Detailed Assessment

-Monitored Release Release Pathway. (U) <Waste Gas> <WPB> <WPB Vent 5A> <Env> PRF" 4.00E-01 Containment HUT: = N/A Cont Sprays: = N/A Purge Filter = N/A Aux/Fuel Bldg HUT: < 2 Hours Aux/Fuel Filter = N/A Steam Gen: = NIA Turb Bldg HUT: N/A Turb Bldg Filter: = N/A Source Term: Waste Gas Tank Lower Time After S/D (hh:mm): 0:00 Wind: From 45° @ 3.5 mph Release Duration (

1:00 ETE (hh:mm): [N/A I Stability Class: D Precipitation:

None Monitor WPB SA rate Readings:

7.76E+08 uCi/sec N S.B. 1.43E÷02 61.00E+02 2.40E-01 1.41E-01 1.00E+02 0.OOE+00 0.5 1.28E+02 8.96E+01 2.82E-01 1.65E-01 9.00E+01 O.ooE+00 E 01 8.36E+01 5.84E+01 401 2E-01 2.5E-01 5.91E+01 0.OOE+00 1.0 5.04E+01 3.50E+01 3,26E-01 1.88E-01 3.56E+01 0.OOE+00 1.5 3.77E',O1 2-63E+01 2.37E-01 1.35E-01 2.67E+01 0.00E+00 S 2.0 3.23E+01 2-25E+01 1.87E-01 1.05E-01 2.28E+01 0.00E+00LF 3.0 2.44E+01 1.72E+01 1.32E-01 0.00E+00 1,74E+01 0.00E+00 A"C 4.0 2.18E£+01 1.53E+01 1.26E-01 0.00E+00 1.54E÷01 0.00E+00,, 5.0 1.91E+01 1.34E+01 1.10E-01 0.OOE+00 1.35E+01 O.OOE+00 7,0 1.36E+01 9.30E+00 o.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 930E+00 0.OOE+00 D 10.0 8.76E+00 6.37E+00 O.OOE+00 0.OE+00 637E+00 0.OOE+00 Assessment Data Results Saved to File: Shearon Hams 1OMiles Monitored Release 02192015 080011 .URI7 No PAGs Release Rates (ClIt sec)Prarticlate 0.00E+00 (0-0%)Iodine 0.O0E+00 (0.0%)Reviewed By: Noble Gas 7.76E+02 (100.0%)"_ P~n I of 3 Shearon Harris f12.0.0.1-a-EP-EALCALC-HNP-1 401 Page 38 of 39 Rev 0 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 38 of 39 Rev 0 Attachment 4 RAD.1, RSA.1 and RGI. URI Gaseous Effluent EAL Calculations Dose Assessment Shearon Harris Thursday, February 19. 2015 08:00 Method: Detailed Assessment

-Monitored Release Release Pathway (U) <Waste Gas> <WPB> <WPB Vent SA> <Env> PRF: 40O0E-01 Containment HUT: = N/A Cont Sprays: = N/A Purge Filter = N/A Aux/Fuel Bldg HUT: < 2 Hours Aux/Fuel Filter N/A Steam Gen: = N/A Turb Bldg HUT: = N/A Turb Bldg Filer: = N/A Source Term: Waste Gas Tank Lower Time After SID (hh mm): 0:00 Wind: From 45° @ 3.5 mph Release Duration (hh:mm): 1:00 ETE (hh:mm): [N/A ] Stability Class: D Preciptation:

None Monitor: WPB 5A rate Readings:

7.76E+09 uCi/sec N SB. 1-43E+03 1.OOE+03 2.40E+00 1.41E+00 1. 1.49E- 01 05 1.28E+03 8.96E+02 2.82E+00 1.65E+00 9.00E+02 1.74E-01 E 0.7 8.36E+02 5.84E+02 4.20E+00 2.45E+00 5.91E+02 2.60E-01 1.0 5.04E+02 3.50E+02 3.26E+00 1.88E+00 3.56E-02 2.01E-011 1.5 3.77E+02 2.63E+02 2.37E+00 1.35E+00 2.67E+02 1.45E-01 2.0 3.23E'-02 2.25E+02 1 .87E+00 1.035E+00 2-28E+'02 1.14E-01LF 3.0 2.44E+02 1.72E+02 1 32E+00 6.92E-01 1.74E+02 O.OOE+00 4.0 2.18E+02 1 53E+02 1 26E+00 6.40E-01 1.55E+02 0.00E+00 5.0 1.91E+02 1.34E+02 1.10E+00 5.54E-01 1.36E+02 0.00E+00 7.0 1-36E4-02 9.30E+01 7-OSE-01 3.44E-01 9.40E+01 0.OOE+00 DJ 10.0 8-76E+01 6.37E+01 4.16E-01 1.95E-01 6.44E+01 O0OOE+00 Assessment Data Results Saw to File: Shearon Harris 1OMiles Monitred Release 02192015 080033.URI7 H PAGs Exceeded In Designated Areas Clsiiain Geea Emreny Release Rates (ClII see)Iodine O.OOE+00 (0.0%)Reviewed By: Noble Gas 7.76E+03 (100.0%)Page 1 of 3 Snearmn Hams EP-EALCALC-HNP-1 401 Page 39 of 39 Rev 0 EP-EALCALC-HNP-1401 Page 39 of 39 Rev 0 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial HNP-15-025, Enclosure 5 SERIAL HNP-15-025 ENCLOSURE 5 SUPPORTING CALCULATION FOR HARRIS NUCLEAR PLANT RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT EAL VALUES SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DOCKET NO. 50-400 RENEWED LICENSE NUMBER NPF-63 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial HNP-15-025, Enclosure 6 SERIAL HNP-15-025 ENCLOSURE 6 HARRIS NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL WALLCHARTS SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT I DOCKET NO. 50-400 RENEWED LICENSE NUMBER NPF-63 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial HNP-15-025, Enclosure 7 SERIAL HNP-15-025 ENCLOSURE 7 REGULATORY COMMITMENT SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DOCKET NO. 50-400 RENEWED LICENSE NUMBER NPF-63 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial HNP-15-025 Enclosure 7 Page 1 of 1 Regulatory Commitment The following table identifies an action committed to in this letter. Statements in this submittal with the exception of those in the table below are provided for information purposes and are not considered commitments.

Commitment Expected Completion Dates Duke Energy commits to providing a review of Duke Energy requests approval of the the new classification scheme to State and proposed EAL scheme by April 30, local emergency management officials 2016, with a 180 day implementation following NRC approval and prior to period. Therefore, this commitment is implementation.

currently expected to be completed by October 27, 2016.

The 2 refere have drawings specifically nced in the document been processed into ADAMS.These drawings can be accessed within the ADAMS package or by performing a search on the Document/Report Number.DOl -D02X