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R. E. Ginna - Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance for Calendar Year 1979
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/12/1979
From: Bardes C R
American Nuclear Insurers, Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Rochester Gas & Electric Corp
Download: ML18143B247 (2)


Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance NUCLEAR EINERGY LlABlLITY fNSURANCE ASSOClATlON 1)AKHUAL PREtisIUtis EtIOGFSEI'sEHT 2)SLIBSCRIBIHG COfiPAtlIES Atto THEIR PRO-PORTIOHATE LIABILITY EHCORSEtlEHT Calendar Year 1979.d I<<li.",<<(l)~b caused, during the efective period of this enaorsement, by the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of nuclear mate.ial, ard (ii)contingent liability as provided in Condition 4 for excess incurred losses because retrospective premium due under one or~t>>l 1~e not paid: a.The word"companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement.


It is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies for the period designated above is:$4,650.00 2.b.The policy shall be binding on such companies onIy.c.Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion designated next to its name of any obligation assumed.or expense incurred under the policy.3.It is aoreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below, to the close of Oecember 31st of the Calendar Year designated in ti e caption above, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the Graft Naster Policy, or tl:is binder, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.(see reverse side or list of subscribing companies)

This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number~and, beiyQ made part of the binder for insurance coverage under the DRAFT MASTER POLICY-NGCLEha'NQGF EZABELLTF PQLZCF (Secondary Financial Protection) as designated hereon.No y Insurancte i afforded her under./Charle.Bardes,g ce esident-Liability Underwriting, American Nuclear Insurers ls Endor ement'i>>nuary 1~1979 12:01 A.M.Standard Time.Issue<<o Rochester Gas Imi Electric Corporation n Date of Issue To form a part of Binder Ho.EB-14 For the su cribin co es Endorsement No By Countersigned by Generai Manager SUSSCRISING CCHPANIES PROPORTICN OF ICOt Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., The.151 farninqton Ave..Hartford.CT 06156 Aetna Insurance Comany, 55 Eln St..Hartford.C'I 06115 Allstate Insurance Co..Allstate Plaza.Sort.".>roar..

IL 6CC62 Ar>>r1can Hose Assurance Co..102 Haiden La., Neu York, N'f IOCOS American Hotorists Insurance Co..Lone Grove, IL 60049 8ituninous Casu4lty Corporation.

320 18th Sc., Rock Island, IL 61201 Centtnni41 Insurance Co., 45 Hall St..Nw York, NY 10005 Core>>rcial Union Insurance Co..One Seacon St.~Soston, HA 02108 Connecticut Indennity Corpany, The.ICCO Asylun Ave.:kiartford, CT 06101 Continental Casualty Co..CNA Plaza, Chicato.IL (0685 Continental Insurance Co..The.80 Yalden La.~Ãev York.NT 1003S Federal Insurance Co., 51 John F.Kennedy Pkvry., Short Hills, NJ 07078 Flrec>>n's Fund Insurance Co.', 3333 California St., San Francisco.

CA 94119 Gereral Accident Fire and Life Assurance corp..Ltd., Fourth 6 ualnut sts., Phlladelohia.

PA 19105 Great~wrscan Insurance co.~Sso ualnut st..cincinnati.

CH 45201 Hanover Insurance Co., The,'40 Lincoln St., Norcester, i'A 01605 H4r fcrd Accident and Indernlty Co..Hartford Plaza, I'artford, CT C6115 Har:ford Stean 8oiler Insp.3, The, 56 prospect St., Hartford.CT 06102 Hov>>lndernity Co.~The.59 Haiden La., Neu YOrk.NY 1003S Insurance co.of North~1 rica, 1600 Arch streec.Philadelphia.

pA 19101 Honarch Insurance Co.of Chio, The, 19 Rector St., Nev York,.'IY ICOC6 Northern Insurance Ccnpany of Neu York.59 Conn Street, Neu York.NY 10038 Nortrvestern National Ins.Co.~731 No.Jackson St., Hllraukee.

Hl 53201 Ohio Casualty Insurance Coroany, The.136 North'Third St., Hanslton, OH 45025 Pacific Indernity Co.3ZCO uiishlre Slvd..I.os Anfeies.CA 90010 Peerless Insurance Co., 62 Haply Ave., Keene.NH 03431 Phoenix Assurance Co.of New York.SO!'aicen La..Nev York.NY 1003S protective Insurance co., 3100 No.Heridsan st..Indianapolis.

IN 46zQS ProvicenCe Nashin9ton Insurance Co., 20 Mashln9ton Placebo Providence, Rl 02903 Puritan Insurance Coroany, 1515 Susv>>r St..Stanford.CT 06905 Reliance insurance Ccmany, 4 Penn Center Plaza.Phildelphia, PA 19103 Royal Glope Insur4nCe Corpany, 150 Hilliao Street.Neu York, NY IC038 St.Paul Fire I Narine lns.Co.~385 Hasnin9ton St..St.Paul, HN 55102 Seabpard Surety CO., 90 Nillian St., Nev Yprk,.NY IC038 State Fam Fire 6 Casualty Corpany.112 East'Aashin9ton St..SIooninnton.

IL 61701 Transacerica Insurance Co..IISO So.Olive St., Los Anoeles.CA 90015 Travelers Indernity Coroany.The.One fever Severe, Hartford, CT C6115 United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co..100 LISht Streec.Saitinore.

H0 2120Z United states Fire Insurance co..Hadison Ave., at canfield Rd, yorristovn, NJ 07960 Zuricn Insurance Co., lll"est Jackson Slvd..Chica9o, IL 6C604.HE-79 10.114078 2 v28520 4.214199.8S4982.42)4ZO.421420.579452 3.034224 1.0114 CS 4.214199 6.742719 1.5171'12 5.057039 1.348544 1.348544.505704 7.164139:505704 3.708495 3.371359.337136 1.854248.674272 168 68.337136.1264ZS.505704.163568.105355.252852 1.491827 3.371359 4.773845.421420.842S40.84Z840 10.956917 IO.I14078 2.597088 1.254Z60