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FEMA Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Final Exercise Report, Exercise Date - April 6, 2011
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/06/2011
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
Cecere, Bethanny NSIR/DPR 415-6754
Download: ML111940497 (70)


Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Drill Date - April 06, 2011 Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/

Improvement Plan Published June 01, 2011 Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Susquehanna Steam Electric Station


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Susquehanna Steam Electric Station After Action Report/Improvement Plan Published June 01, 2011 Contents Executive Summary 3 Section 1: Exercise Overview 8 1.1 Exercise Details 8 1.2 Exercise Planning Team Leadership 8 1.3 Participating Organizations 9 Section 2: Exercise Design Summary 10 2.1 Exercise Purpose and Design 10 2.2 Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities 10 2.3 Scenario Summary 11 Section 3: Analysis of Capabilities 12 3.1 Drill Evaluation and Results 12 3.2 Summary Results of Drill Evaluation 12 3.3 Criteria Evaluation Summaries 14 3.3.1 Risk Jurisdictions 14 Columbia County, Bloomsburg Hospital 14 Columbia County, Greater Columbia Medical Transport Ambulance 14 Section 4: Conclusion 15 Appendix A: Drill Evaluators and Team Leaders 16 Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations 17 Appendix C: Exercise Plan 19 Appendix D: Improvement Plan 59 1 Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

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2 Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

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On December 7, 1979, the President directed FEMA to assume the lead responsibility for all offsite nuclear planning and response. FEMA's activities are conducted pursuant to 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 350, 351, and 352. These regulations are a key element in the Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REPP) that was established following the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station accident in March 1979. In October 2005, the REP Program was moved to the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency/Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (DHS/FEMA/REPP).

FEMA Rule 44 CFR 350 establishes the policies and procedures for FEMA's (now DHS/FEMA/REP's) initial and continued approval of tribal, State, and local governments' radiological emergency planning and preparedness for commercial nuclear power plants. This approval is contingent, in part, on State and local government participation in joint exercises with licensees.

DHS/FEMA/REP's responsibilities in radiological emergency planning for fixed nuclear facilities include the following:

  • The review and evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans (RERPs) developed by State and local governments;
  • The evaluation of exercises conducted by State and local governments to determine whether such plans can be implemented;
  • Responding to requests by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding between the NRC and FEMA dated June 17, 1993 (44 CFR Part 354, Appendix A, September 14, 1993), now under revision to reflect DHS responsibilities;
  • Coordinating the activities of the following Federal agencies with responsibilities in the radiological emergency planning process:
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • U.S. Department of Commerce

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Susquehanna Steam Electric Station


  • U.S. Department of Energy
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Food and Drug Administration
  • Center for Disease Control
  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • U.S. Department of the Interior
  • U.S. Department of Justice
  • U.S. Department of State
  • U.S. Department of Transportation
  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
  • General Services Administration
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • Providing regulatory oversight, rule-making and guidance, as necessary.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and local jurisdictions submitted their RERPs for the SSES to FEMA Region III and were granted formal approval of the RERPs on August 24, 1998, under 44 CFR 350.

A REP Medical Services Drill was evaluated on April 6, 2011, by FEMA, Region III, REPP to assess the capabilities of State and local emergency preparedness organizations in implementing their RERPs and procedures to protect the public health and safety during a radiological emergency involving the SSES. The purpose of this report is to present the drill results and findings on the performance of the offsite response organizations (OROs) during a simulated radiological emergency involving a radiologically contaminated, injured individual. Please note that throughout this report the terms Drill and Exercise may be used synonymously.

The findings presented in this report are based on the evaluations of the Federal evaluator team, with final determinations made by the Regional Assistance Committee Chairperson from FEMA, Region III, and approved by DHS/FEMA/REPP Headquarters. There were no Deficiencies, Areas Requiring Corrective Action, or Planning Issues identified as a result of this exercise/drill.

The criteria utilized in the DHS/FEMA/REPP evaluation process are contained in the following:

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  • NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," November 1980;
  • FEMA Guidance Memoranda MS-1, "Medical Services," November 1986;
  • 67 FR 20580, "FEMA Radiological Emergency Preparedness: Exercise Evaluation Methodology," April 25, 2002.

Section 1 of this report, entitled "Exercise Overview," contains basic details of the exercise/drill, the exercise planning team, and participating agencies.

Section 2 is titled "Exericse Design Summary" and includes the Purpose and Design, a description of the Objectives, Capabilities and Activities, and the Scenario Summary.

Section 3 is the "Analysis of Capabilities. It describes the overall Evaluation and Results and the Summary Results of Evaluation. It identifies the specific participants, the criteria that were evaluated, and indicates if the criteria were or were not met.

Section 4 expresses the "Conclusion" resulting from the exercise.

Appendix A identifies the Drill Evaluators and Team Leaders.

Appendix B catalogs the Acronyms and Abbreviations used in this report.

Appendix C is the Exercise Plan and contains the Exercise Plan, Extent of Play, and Controllers Handbook. Appendix D is titled Improvement Plan. However, because there were no "Deficiencies," "Areas Requiring Corrective Action," or "Planning Issues" assessed in this drill, the Impovement Plan is not applicable.

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Emergency Planning Zone


The SSES is located in northeastern Pennsylvania on the Susquehanna River in Salem Township, Luzerne County. The plant is owned and operated by Pennsylvania Power & Light Company.

Two boiling water reactors generate an electrical output of 1,194 megawatts each. Unit 1 began commercial operation on June 8, 1983, and Unit 2 on February 12, 1985.

The site encompasses 2,566 acres and is divided into two parts. The principal portion, containing the major operating equipment and buildings, is located 3,000 feet west of the river. The other portion houses the water intake apparatus located near U.S. Route 11. Route 11 passes through the site in a north/south direction, providing both primary and secondary access to the plant. The plant occupies approximately 100 acres of the site. The coordinates are approximately 41° 5'30" north and 76° 8'55" west.

The topography of the plant site is hilly, with elevations ranging from 500 feet above mean sea level (MSL) at the river to about 1,100 feet above MSL at the northwest corner of the site. The plant grade is 670 feet above MSL. The minimum exclusion distance is 1,800 feet; all land within the exclusion area is owned by SSES. The surface soil in the area is considered to be glacial outwash and glacial till soils, which are typical of uplands and terraces. The bedrock consists primarily of red shale of the catskill formation.

The immediate vicinity of the plant is rural, surrounded by farms and undeveloped land. A total of 76 sirens are used for notification of the public; the sirens were installed for coverage of the plume exposure pathway. The nearest population center is Shickshinny Borough (Luzerne County), with a population of 959, located about four miles north of the plant. The nearest population center with more than 20,000 people is the City of Hazleton, with a population of 23,329, located 13 miles to the southeast.

The Berwick Airfield in Salem Township, Luzerne County, serves private aircraft and lies approximately five miles west of the plant. The airfield presents minimal risk to the plant. The closest major airport is the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Airport, located 28 miles northeast of the site.

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The 10-mile EPZ contains an estimated population of 68,511 according to 2000 census data.

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1.1 Exercise

Details Exercise Name Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Type of Exercise Drill Exercise Date April 06, 2011 Program Department of Homeland Security/FEMA Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program Scenario Type Radiological Emergency

1.2 Exercise

Planning Team Leadership Victor Wilson Exercise Planning Team Lead Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency State Training Coordinator 2605 Interstate Dr Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 17110 717-651-2136 Laurin Fleming Exercise Planner Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency Emergency Management Program Specialist 2605 Interstate Dr.

8 Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

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Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 17110 717-561-2119

1.3 Participating

Organizations Agencies and organizations of the following jurisdictions participated in the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station drill:

State Jurisdictions Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency Risk Jurisdictions Columbia County Emergency Management Agency Bloomsburg Hospital Greater Columbia Medical Transport 9 Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

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2.1 Exercise

Purpose and Design On April 6, 2011 a medical services drill was evaluated in relation to the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES) by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Region III, Radiological Emergnecy Preparedness Program (REPP). The purpose of the drill was to assess the level of State and local preparedness in responding to a radiological emergency. The drill was held in accordance with DHS's policies and guidance concerning the exercise of State and local radiological emergency response plans (RERPs) and procedures. The most recent previous FEMA evaluated medical services drill for this site was conducted on October 1, 2009.

FEMA, Region III, wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the many individuals in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the risk jurisdiction of Columbia County, the Greater Columbia Medical Transport ambulance, and Bloomsburg Hospital which participated in this drill.

Protecting the public health and safety is the full-time job of some of the drill participants and an additional assigned responsibility for others. Still others have willingly sought this responsibility by volunteering to provide vital emergency services to their communities. Cooperation and teamwork of all the participants were evident during this drill.

2.2 Exercise

Objectives, Capabilities and Activities The objective of the SSES/Bloomsburg Hospital Medical Services Medical Services (MS-1)

Drill was to demonstrate that the response organizations have the personnel, equipment, training, and knowledge to effectively assess the condition of a potentially radioactively contaminated patient, protect against cross contamination, transport, and transfer the patient to a hospital where the patient can then be decontaminated and treated. The hospital personnel are responsible for preparing a receiving and treatment area, operating radiological detection equipment, and implementing proper emergency worker protective procedures.

All activities were evaluated in accordance with current FEMA directives and guidance and were performed in accordance with current hospital plans and procedures.

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2.3 Scenario

Summary The exercise scenario for this Medical Services Drill consisted of simulated notifications of escalating emergency classification levels at SSES from Site Area Emergency to General Emergency. Subsequent to being notified of the General Emergency, the 911 Center informed the Hospital that an incident had occurred at a decontamination center resulting in the injury and possible radiological contamination of an emergency worker. The Hospital implemented its plan to prepare a Radiation Emergency Area to receive and treat the patient and activated its radiation emergency medical team.

The patient was injured in a fall that resulted in a fractured right elbow, abrasions on the left and right palms and both knees. Detectable radioactive contamination was found on both palms and the forehead.

11 Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

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3.1 Drill

Evaluation and Results Contained in this section are the results and findings of the evaluations of all jurisdictions and locations that participated in the April 6, 2011, SSES/Bloomsburg Hospital MS-1 Drill.

Each jurisdiction and functional entity was evaluated on the basis of its demonstration of the Exercise Evaluation Area Criteria contained in the REP Exercise Evaluation Methodology.

Detailed information on the Exercise Evaluation Area Criteria and the Extent-of-Play Agreement used in this exercise are found in the Exercise Plan, Appendix C.

3.2 Summary

Results of Drill Evaluation The Susquehanna Steam Electric Station 2011 Medical Services Drill evaluation included two (2) participating locations. Two evaluators provided analyses of six (6) Exercise Criteria. These analyses resulted in a determination that all criteria were successfully demonstrated and there were no Deficiencies, Areas Requiring Corrective Action, or Planning Issues.

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Table 3.1 - Summary of Drill Evaluation DATE: 2011-04-06 SITE: Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, PA M: Met, A: ARCA, D: Deficiency, P: Plan Issue, N: Not Demonstrated CoCo Blmbrg Hosp CoCo GCMTA Emergency Operations Management Mobilization 1a1 Facilities 1b1 Direction and Control 1c1 Communications Equipment 1d1 Equip & Supplies to support operations 1e1 M M Protective Action Decision Making Emergency Worker Exposure Control 2a1 Radiological Assessment and PARs 2b1 Decisions for the Plume Phase -PADs 2b2 PADs for protection of special populations 2c1 Rad Assessment and Decision making for the Ingestion Exposure Pathway 2d1 Rad Assessment and Decision making concerning Relocation, Reentry, and Return 2e1 Protective Action Implementation Implementation of emergency worker exposure control 3a1 M M Implementation of KI decision 3b1 Implementation of protective actions for special populations - EOCs 3c1 Implementation of protective actions for Schools 3c2 Implementation of traffic and access control 3d1 Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved 3d2 Implementation of ingestion pathway decisions - availability/use of info 3e1 Materials for Ingestion Pathway PADs are available 3e2 Implementation of relocation, re-entry, and return decisions.

3f1 Field Measurement and Analysis Adequate Equipment for Plume Phase Field Measurements 4a1 Field Teams obtain sufficient information 4a2 Field Teams Manage Sample Collection Appropriately 4a3 Post plume phase field measurements and sampling 4b1 Laboratory operations 4c1 Emergency Notification and Public Info Activation of the prompt alert and notification system 5a1 Activation of the prompt alert and notification system - Fast Breaker 5a2 Activation of prompt alert and notification system-Excptn Areas/Bkup RA 5a3 Emergency information and instructions for the public and the media 5b1 Support Operations/Facilities Mon/decon of evacuees and emergency workers, and registration of evacuees 6a1 Mon/decon of emergency worker equipment 6b1 Temporary care of evacuees 6c1 Transportation and treatment of contaminated injured individuals 6d1 M M 13 Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

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a.b.c.d.e.f.g.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.3.3 Criteria Evaluation Summaries 3.3.1 Risk Jurisdictions Columbia County, Bloomsburg Hospital MET: 1.e.1, 3.a.1, 6.d.1.

AREAS REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION: None DEFICIENCY: None PLAN ISSUES: None NOT DEMONSTRATED: None PRIOR ISSUES - RESOLVED: None PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Columbia County, Greater Columbia Medical Transport Ambulance MET: 1.e.1, 3.a.1, 6.d.1.


After Action Report/Improvement Plan Susquehanna Steam Electric Station


SECTION 4: CONCLUSION Based on the review of the offsite radiological emergency response plans and procedures submitted, FEMA Region III has determined they are adequate and there is reasonable assurance they can be implemented, as demonstrated during the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station/Bloomsburg Hospital 2011 MS-1 Drill.

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APPENDIX A: DRILL EVALUATORS AND TEAM LEADERS The following is the list of Evaluators for the SSES 2011 SSES/Bloomsburg Hospital MS-1 Drill evaluated on April 6, 2011:

DATE: 2011-04-06, SITE: Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, PA LOCATION EVALUATOR AGENCY Columbia County, Bloomsburg Hospital Robert Neff FEMA RIII Columbia County, Greater Columbia Medical Transport Ambulance

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Susquehanna Steam Electric Station


APPENDIX B: ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Acronym Meaning AAC After Action Conference AAR After Action Report ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable ARCA Area Requiring Corrective Action BRP Bureau of Radiation Protection CFR Code of Federal Regulations CoCo GMCT Columbia County, Greater Columbia Medical Transport ambulance CoCol Blmbrg Hosp Columbia County, Bloomsburg Hospital cpm Counts Per Minute DHS Department of Homeland Security DRD Direct Reading Dosimeter EEG Exercise Evaluation Guides EOC Emergency Operations Center EPT Exercise Planning Team EPZ Emergency Planning Zone ExPlan Exercise Plan FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency HSEEP Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program IP Improvement Plan KI Potassium Iodide MS-1 Medical Services MSEL Master Senario Events List NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission ORO Offsite Response Orgainzation PEMA Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency PPL Pennsylvania Power and Light, LLC PRD Permanent Record Dosimeter RAC Radiological Assistance Committee REA Radiation Emergency Area REPP Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program RERP Radiological Emergency Response Plan RPCC Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee 17 Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

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SSES Susquehanna Steam Electric Station TCL Target Capabilities List TEP Training and Exercise Plan UTL Universal Task List 18 Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

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APPENDIX C: EXERCISE PLAN The enclosed Exercise Plan was created as an overall tool for facilitation and implementation of the SSES Bloomsburg Hospital 2011 MS-1 Drill and to integrate the concepts and policies of the Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program with the Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program Exercise Methodology. The Exercise Plan was originally drafted and published for the Pennsylvania Emergency Agency (PEMA) as a independent document and is annexed here.

The "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Bloomsburg Hospital Medical Services Drill Extent of Play" was agreed upon by FEMA Region III, PEMA, and the emergency management agencies of the participants. It is included as an Appendix of the Exercise Plan.

For the purposes of this report, the terms exercise and drill are synonymous.

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APPENDIX D: IMPROVEMENT PLAN 59 Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

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