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 Issue dateTitle
IR 05000395/199900115 March 1999Insp Rept 50-395/99-01 on 990103-0213.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support
IR 05000395/200200229 July 2002IR 05000395-02-002 on 03/31/2002 - 06/29/2002, South Carolina Electric & Gas Co., Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station. Non-Routine Evolution and Events - Reactor Trip
IR 05000395/200300318 July 2003IR 05000395-03-003, on 04/06 - 06/28/03, South Carolina Electric & Gas Co; Virgil C. Summer; Heat Sink, Maintenance Effectiveness, Occupational Radiation Safety, Identification & Resolution of Problems, & Followup to Temporary Instruction (
Information Notice 1986-27, Access Control at Nuclear Facilities21 April 1986Access Control at Nuclear Facilities
Information Notice 1987-11, Enclosure of Vital Equipment Within Designated Vital Areas13 February 1987Enclosure of Vital Equipment Within Designated Vital Areas
Information Notice 1987-11, Enclosure of Vital Equipment within Designated Vital Areas13 February 1987Enclosure of Vital Equipment within Designated Vital Areas
ML0922909469 July 2009Initial Exam 2009-301 Final SRO Written Exam (as Given) with References and Answer Key
ML12332A13720 September 2012Petition for Rulemaking from Thomas L. King, on PRM-26-8, Regarding the Fitness for Duty Program
ML17193A92310 August 2015(U2) 2016-301 Exam Draft Items - Delay Release
ML23334A24630 November 2023Request for Exemption from Enhanced Weapons, Firearms Background Checks, and Security Event Notifications Implementation
NRC Generic Letter 1991-036 March 1991NRC Generic Letter 1991-003: Reporting of Safeguards Events