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 Issue dateTitle
ML20091M36331 March 2020Request for One-Cycle Extension of Appendix J Type a Integrated Leakage Rate Test and Drywell Bypass Leakage Rate Test
ML20092F6943 April 2020Letter, Public Notice for Application of Exigent Amendment, Revise Technical Specification Requirements Related to Performing Integrated Leak Rate Test and Drywell Bypass Leak Rate Test
ML20092F6963 April 2020Public Notice for Application of Exigent Amendment, Revise Technical Specification Requirements Related to Performing Integrated Leak Rate Test and Drywell Bypass Leak Rate Test
ML20101G05415 April 2020Issuance of Amendment No. 224 One Cycle Extension of Appendix J Integrated Leakage Test and Drywell Bypass Test Interval (Exigent Circumstances)
ML20269A34528 September 2020Pre-submittal Meeting for Request for One-Time Exemption from 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Biennial EP Exercise (Offsite) Due to COVID-19- Entergy Presentation Slides
ML20304A28620 November 2020Federal Register Notice for COVID-19 October 2020 Group Exemptions
ML20318A38613 November 2020Request for a One-Time Exemption from 10 CFR 73, Appendix B, Section VI, Subsection C.3.(I)(1) Regarding Annual Force-on-Force (FOF) Exercises, Due to Covid 19 Pandemic
ML20323A04724 November 2020Exemption from Annual Force-On-Force Exercise Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73, Appendix B, General Criteria for Security Personnel, Subsection VI.C.3(I)(1) (EPID L-2020-LLE-0196 (COVID-19))
ML20335A09021 December 2020Federal Register Notice - November 2020 COVID-19 Exemptions
ML20357B13822 December 2020Unplanned Scrams Performance Indicator FAQ
ML21021A28321 January 2021FAQ 20-06: GGNS Turbine Controls Upgrade Scrams One-Time Exemption
ML21028A38722 December 2020FAQ 20-06 GGNS Scram - Tentatively Approved
ML21075A27522 December 2020FAQ 20-06 GGNS Scram - Final Approved
ML21091A1471 April 2021Annual Report for Entergy Quality Assurance Program Manual and Indian Point Energy Center Quality Assurance Program Changes Under 10 CFR 50.54(a)(3), 10 CFR 71.106, and 10 CFR 72.140(d) Notification of Application of Approved Appendix B to
ML21295A08821 October 2021Fiscal Year 2021 Research and Test Reactors Inspection Program Completion Status
ML21354A74820 December 2021Recertification of Foreign Ownership Control or Influence and Request for FOCI Redetermination - Part 3 of 18
ML21354A75020 December 2021Recertification of Foreign Ownership Control or Influence and Request for FOCI Redetermination - Part 5 of 18
ML22075A3693 March 2022Email Grand Gulf 2022 PI&R Request for Information
ML22147A0936 June 20222021 Annual Assessment Public Meeting Summary
ML23270B18927 September 2023Evacuation Time Estimate Study