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 Start dateReporting criterionTitleEvent descriptionSystemLER
ENS 4996714 February 2012 04:00:0010 CFR 21.21(d)(3)(i), Failure to Comply or Defect
10 CFR 21.21(a)(2), Interim Report for Comply or Defect in Component
Interim Part 21 Report - Misaligned Separators in Lcr-25 Standby Batteries

The following is the summary portion of the report submitted by fax: Subject Interim Report - Inability to Complete 10CFR Part 21 Evaluation Regarding Misaligned Separators in LCR-25 Standby Batteries The purpose of this letter is to provide the NRC a report in general conformity to the requirements of 10CFR Part 21.21 (a)(2). On February 14, 2012 C&D Technologies, Inc. ('C&D') was informed by Entergy Operations that an LCR-25 battery installed at the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant had shown signs of misaligned separators (also known as shifted separators) of between 1/8 to1/4 (inch). This was identified by the Palisades plant on or about November 4, 2011. On January 16, 2012, three additional cells were identified as experiencing separator misalignment. C&D requested that Palisades return the affected batteries for evaluation of this anomaly and issued a Return Material Authorization for that purpose. But since voltage readings were acceptable for all units involved, Palisades determined that an operability issue did not exist and opted to keep the batteries in service until their refuel outage scheduled for Fall, 2013. C&D inadvertently closed the internal corrective action without providing an Interim Report as required by 10CFR, Part 21. C&D has not performed a root cause technical evaluation to determine if there is any defect in the component or manufacturing process or whether the reported condition may have been due to user abuse of product, improper maintenance or other negligence or error. Thus, C&D is submitting this interim report to the NRC and notifying C&D's customers that use C&D LCR-25 batteries of this interim report, and is initiating an action plan to evaluate the reported potential defect and determine whether it could pose a substantial safety hazard for any U.S. licensee using such batteries. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter or this report, please contact: Robert Malley VP Quality and Process Engineering (215) 619-7830 The sites affected are: Palisades - 65 x LCR-25 NUC Batteries and, Crystal River - 4 x LCR-25 NUC Batteries


The following was excerpted from the final report received from C&D Technologies, Inc. via facsimile: Conclusion: The conclusion drawn from the return and analysis is that the misaligned separator was present from the time of assembly in the C&D facility through installation and initial operation. Recommendations: C&D recommends that operators of nuclear batteries perform an inspection of their batteries to detect misaligned separators. Inspection may be performed visually, and with the aid of mirrors as necessary. Corrective Actions: C&D has enhanced both in process and final battery inspection processes to detect and eliminate misaligned separators from shipment. C&D is also preparing an enhanced incoming inspection work form for nuclear battery operators that will better enable the operators to detect and segregate batteries with misaligned separators from use. Further Reporting: No further reporting is anticipated. C&D Contacts: Further information on this issue can be obtained from: Larry Carson- Nuclear Product Manager Office Phone 215-775-1314 Email: Robert Malley-VP Quality and Process Engineering Office Phone 215-619-7830 Email Notified R1DO (Lilliendahl), R2DO (Sykes), R3DO (Dickenson), and NRR Part 21 Group via email.


The following information was excerpted from the revised final report submitted by email: This update (dated 9/22/2014 and provided to NRC on 10/28/2014) is Revision 1 to Final Report from C&D Technologies originally submitted on 9/16/2014. An interim report was submitted 3/27/14 while the product was being returned for analysis. C&D has performed an analysis of the returned product, and is submitting this report to the NRC and notifying affected C&D customers to the possibility of separator misalignment in LCR, KCR, and LCY products (versus original report affecting LCR products only). U.S. Licensees using batteries possibly containing the potential defect are being notified of the filing of this final report with recommendations that they examine their batteries for any signs of similar problems. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter or this report, please contact: Robert Malley, VP Quality and Process Engineering,, (215) 619-7830. List of affected plants: NRC Region 1: Nine Mile Point, Millstone, Indian Point, Vermont Yankee, Limerick, Three Mile Island, Beaver Valley, Susquehanna, Salem, Hope Creek, Crystal River NRC Region 2: Oconee, St. Lucie, Harris, Robinson, Summer, Farley, Hatch, Vogtle, Browns Ferry, Sequoyah, Watts Bar NRC Region 3: Kewaunee, Fermi, Palisades, Braidwood, Byron, Clinton, LaSalle, Perry, Cook, Duane Arnold, Point Beach, Monticello, Prairie Island NRC Region 4: Arkansas Nuclear One, Grand Gulf, Waterford, Cooper, Fort Calhoun, Diablo Canyon Foreign: Bruce, Laguna Verde, Point Lepreau, Krsko, Darlington, Pickering, Chin Shan, Kuosheng, Maanshan, Lungmen Other: Knoll Atomic Power Laboratory Notified R1DO (Bickett), R2DO (Blamey), R3DO (Lipa), R4DO (Whitten) and NRR Part 21 Group via email.


The following was excerpted from the final report update received by fax: The purpose of this letter is to update a report provided to the NRC on 09/22/14 regarding misaligned separators in Class 1 E battery products. We are revising Section II for the models of the product affected, and Section VIII for the advice provided for customers. These revisions are provided below: (ii) Identification of the facility, the activity, or the basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which fails to comply or contains a defect. The products affected include LCUN and LCU model lines in addition to the previously reported LCR, KCR, and LCY products. (This did not add to the list of facilities affected) (viii) Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasers or licensees. Based on experience gained through site visits and review of products that completed product life C&D is changing the criteria for inclusion in the scope of this Part 21 report. The change increases the allowable separator misalignment. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter or this report, please contact: Robert Malley, VP Quality and Process Engineering,, (215) 619-7830. Notified R1DO (Bickett), R2DO (Blamey), R3DO (Lipa), R4DO (Whitten) and NRR Part 21 Group via email.

ENS 5230213 September 2016 04:00:0010 CFR 21.21(d)(3)(i), Failure to Comply or DefectPart 21 - Evaluation Regarding Terminal Welding Failure in 3Dcu-9 BatteriesThe following information is a synopsis of information received via E-mail: On August 8, 2016 a user of commercial grade (non-Class 1E) 3DCU-5 batteries notified C&D of an issue with two units that exhibited high on-charge voltage and sulfated positive plates. The batteries were returned and analyzed. On September 13, 2016 C&D's laboratory issued a report showing that the batteries had failed welds between the terminal posts and the external battery terminals. This weld has the function of carrying current between the battery energy storage elements and the customer load. Failure of the welds could interrupt the current flow to customer loads during discharge. Although the batteries were not sold or used in a nuclear safety related application, C&D conducted an extent of condition analysis to determine whether this condition could exist in DCU products sold into safety related products. Although no similar reports have been made from users of Class 1E DCU batteries, based on the results of this analysis, there is a risk that this condition may exist in safety related products. The batteries in question are DCU Batteries, manufactured from April 2010 to August 2016. The battery manufacturing date is on the label. The following nuclear plants were supplied DCU batteries for use in 1E applications, with shipment dates of April 2010 to August 2016: Energy Northwest - Columbia, Exelon - Nine Mile, Talen Energy - Susquehanna, Entergy - Grand Gulf, and Exelon - Limerick. As corrective actions, C&D has implemented a discharge test to detect and eliminate any improperly made welds prior to shipment to end users. C&D has also performed additional training and qualification work with employees responsible for terminal welding on DCU products. These actions were implemented prior to shipment of Class 1E nuclear products in September 2016, and now are complete.