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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML19241B73216 July 1979Amend 40 to SSAR,SWESSAR-P1.Amend Addresses Extent to Which Design Complies W/Regulatory Requirements Review Committee Category I ItemsTornado Missile
Turbine Missile
Control Room Habitability
ML19249A55917 August 1979Amend 41 to S&W Std SAR,SWESSAR-P1
ML19290E55417 March 1980Amend 42 to SWESSAR-P1
ML19312A20529 November 1978Chapter 1 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Introduction & General Description of Plant.Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Ultimate heat sink
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Incorporated by reference
ML19312A20629 November 1978Chapter 2 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Site Characteristics.Safe Shutdown
High winds
Ultimate heat sink
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML19312A20729 November 1978Chapter 3 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Design of Structures, Components,Equipment & Sys.Safe Shutdown
Ultimate heat sink
Anticipated operational occurrence
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Operator Manual Action
Incorporated by reference
Finite Element Analysis
Through-Wall Leakage
Power change
ML19312A20829 November 1978Chapter 4 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Reactor.
ML19312A20929 November 1978Chapter 5 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, RCS & Connected Sys.
ML19312A21029 November 1978Chapter 6 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Engineered Safety Features.
ML19312A21129 November 1978Chapter 8 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Electric Power.Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Ultimate heat sink
Tornado Missile
Post Accident Monitoring
Reserve Station Service Transformer
Emergency Lighting
Incorporated by reference
Exclusive Use
Control Room Habitability
ML19312A21229 November 1978Chapter 9 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Auxiliary Sys.
ML19312A21329 November 1978Chapter 10 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Steam & Power Conversion Sys.
ML19312A21429 November 1978Chapter 11 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Radwaste Mgt.
ML19312A21529 November 1978Chapter 12 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Radiation Protection.Boric Acid
High Radiation Area
Anticipated operational occurrence
Incorporated by reference
Tornado Missile Protection
ML19312A21629 November 1978Chapter 13 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Conduct of Operations.
ML19312A21729 November 1978Chapter 14 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Initial Tests & Operations.
ML19312A21829 November 1978Chapter 15 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Accident Analysis.Safe Shutdown
Ultimate heat sink
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Operator Manual Action
Emergency Lighting
Fuel cladding
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML19312A22029 November 1978Chapter 16 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Tech Specs.Safe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
ML19312A22229 November 1978Chapter 17 of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Qa.
ML19312A22429 December 1978App a of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Encl Bldg W/O Mixing.Boric Acid
ML19312A22529 November 1978App B of S&W SWESSAR-P1, Encl Bldg W/Mixing.