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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML13109A28520 December 2012G20120458/EDATS: OEDO-2012-0390 - Attachment 2
ML13206A04324 July 2013LIC-13-0104-Half Mile Radius
ML20202A65416 July 2020Response for Fort Calhoun Station Fort Calhoun Station, Unit No. 1, Revised Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities ReportFitness for Duty
Ultimate heat sink
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Feedwater Heater
Annual Radiological Effluent Release Report
License Renewal
Fuel cladding
Environmental Justice
Fire Watch
ML21271A14913 April 2021License Amendment Request (LAR) 21-01, Chapter 1 9 Haley & Aldrich, Inc. Memorandum to Energysolutions, File No. 0127960-006, Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Statio~1
ML21271A1742 March 2017License Amendment Request (LAR) 21-01, Chapter 2 20 Storm Water Discharge Authorization Permit Renewal NER910677 Package for FCS cac2
ML22101A1093 August 2022Letter to Mr. Durell Cooper, Chairman, Apache Tribe of Oklahoma; Re., Ft Calhoun LTP Section 106Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML22138A1213 August 2022Letter to Mr. Edgar Kent, Chairman, Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma, Re., Ft Calhoun LTP Section 106Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML22138A1223 August 2022Letter to Mr. John Shotton, Chairman, Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians, Oklahoma, Re., Ft Calhoun LTP Section 106Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML22138A1233 August 2022Letter to Mr. Leander Merrick, Chairperson, Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, Re., Ft Calhoun LTP Section 106Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML22138A1243 August 2022Letter to Mr. Reggie Wassana, Governor, Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, Oklahoma, Re., Ft Calhoun LTP Section 106Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML22138A1253 August 2022Letter to Mr. Timothy Rhodd, Chairperson, Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska, Re., Ft Calhoun LTP Section 106Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML22138A1263 August 2022Letter to Roger Trudell, Chairman, Santee Sioux Nation, Nebraska, Re., Ft Calhoun LTP Section 106Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML22138A1273 August 2022Letter to Vern Jefferson, Chairman, Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa, Re., Ft Calhoun LTP Section 106Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML22138A1283 August 2022Letter to Victoria Kitcheyan, Chairwoman, Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, Re., Ft Calhoun LTP Section 106Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML22138A1293 August 2022Letter to Tiauna Carnes, Chairperson, Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas, Re., Ft Calhoun LTP Section 106Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML22138A1303 August 2022Letter to Justin Wood, Principal Chief, Sac and Fox Nation, Oklahoma, Re., Ft Calhoun LTP Section 106Decommissioning Funding Plan
ML22214A0923 August 2022Letter to Stacy Laravie, Thpo, Ponca Tribe of Nebraska, Re., Ft Calhoun LTP Section 106Decommissioning Funding Plan