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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20055A27510 February 1982Forwards Info Re Current Status of Exemption Requests for Alert & Notification SysExemption Request
ML20062G9911 March 1979Forwards EA Licitra Affidavit Indicating That NRC Reconsideration of Reactor Safety Per Lewis Committee Recommendations Will Have No Impact on This Proceeding
ML20062H29618 June 1979Forwards Stipulation by All Parties,Except Applicants, on Emergency Planning Contention.Applicant Position Re Contention Is Contained in Burt to Bh Smith
ML20147C76222 November 1978Forwards Recent Memo Discussing Problems W/Pipe Support Base Plant Design Applicable to Subj Facil.W/Encl ANO: 7811020332,7811020343 & 7811020336
ML20147F22311 December 1978Forwards from LP Downing,Town Clerk of Provincetown,Ma.Requests That Ltr Be Considered as a Limited Appearance Under 10CFR2.715
ML20148E97825 October 1978Forwards 780929 Memo Re Recent Fire Protection Tests Performed by Ul for NRC
ML20151H1565 January 1982Advises of NRR Position Re Hydrogen Control Sys.No Suggestion Made That Analysis Provided by Util or Sys Installed at Plant Were Adequate or That No Further Work on Sys Needed or That Work Should Be Held in Abeyance
ML20204C6869 November 1978Responds to 781106 Request for Info Concerning Licensee Reg Performance Eval for Region 1 Plants by Nrc.Provides Details
ML20213D81219 September 1981Advises of Div of Sys Integration Transfer of Mgt & Coordination Function for near-term CP-TMI Issues Review Group to Licensing Project Managers