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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20058A54917 November 1993Exemption from Requirements in 10CFR50.120 to Establish, Implement & Maintain Training Programs,Using Sys Approach to Training,For Catorgories of Personnel Listed in 10CFR50.120
ML20128H79616 May 1985Partial Exemption from 10CFR50.54(a) Requirements Re Incorporating QA Program Revs Into FSARExemption Request
ML20133P8028 August 1985Exemption from 10CFR50 App A,Gdc 34 Re RHR Sys & GDC 37 Re Testing of ECCS SysExemption Request
ML20134L93628 August 1985Exemption from GDC 34 Re Removal of Residual Heat & GDC 37 Re Testing of Eccs,Per Util 850326 Request.Environ Assessment & Notice of Finding of No Significant Environ Impact EnclExemption Request
ML20138D39217 October 1985Exemption from 10CFR30.51,40.61,70.51(d) & 70.53 Requirements,Per 850418 Request.Exemption from 10CFR70.53 Shall Expire Following Completion of Defueling Effort, Including Assessment of Fuel Fines & Debris within PlantExemption Request
ML20138K16324 October 1985Exemption from 10CFR61.55 Re Waste Classification of Epicor II Resin LinersExemption Request
ML20141G12530 December 1985Exemption from 10CFR50.61 Requirements for Protection Against Pressurized Thermal Shock Events
ML20153E67731 August 1988Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR55.59(c)(2), Subsections (IV) & (V), & 10CFR55.59(c)(3)(i) Items a Through AA, Eliminating Requirements for Certain Lecture Subjs & Manipulation Exercises
ML20155B66327 May 1988Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24 Re Criticality Accident Requirements.Exemption Contingent Upon NRC Review of Mode 1 Criticality Analysis
ML20155F6626 October 1988Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR55.45(b)(1), 10CFR55.45(b)(2),10CFR55.45(b)(4),10CFR55.45(b)(5), 10CFR55.45(a)(2),10CFR55.53(e) & 10CFR55.53(f) Re Operators Licenses About Requirements for Plant Simulation FacilitySafe Shutdown
ML20206D41420 April 1999Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,App R,Section III.G.2 Re Enclosure of Cable & Equipment & Associated non-safety Related Circuits of One Redundant Train in Fire Barrier Having 1-hour RatingSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
ML20210B84921 July 1999Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50.54(w),for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 2 to Reduce Amount of Insurance for Unit to $50 Million for Onsite Property Damage Coverage
ML20210D72915 June 1992Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24 Re Criticality Accident Requirements for SNM Storage Areas at Facility Containing U Enriched to Less than 3% in U-235 Isotope
ML20210T1529 February 1987Exemption from 10CFR50,App A,Gdc 17 & 19 Requirements Re Electrical Power Sys & Control Room HabitabilitySafe Shutdown
Anticipated operational occurrence
Exemption Request