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 Issue dateTitleTopic
05000368/LER-1982-027, Forwards LER 82-027/-3L-03 September 1982Forwards LER 82-027/-3L-0
05000368/LER-1982-028, Forwards LER 82-028/03L-013 September 1982Forwards LER 82-028/03L-0
05000368/LER-1982-029, Forwards LER 82-029/03L-015 October 1982Forwards LER 82-029/03L-0Fire Watch
05000368/LER-1982-030, Forwards LER 82-030/01T-06 October 1982Forwards LER 82-030/01T-0
05000368/LER-1982-031, Forwards LER 82-031/01T-013 October 1982Forwards LER 82-031/01T-0
05000368/LER-1982-032, Forwards LER 82-032/03L-019 October 1982Forwards LER 82-032/03L-0
05000368/LER-1982-034, Forwards LER 82-034/03L-07 December 1982Forwards LER 82-034/03L-0
05000368/LER-1982-036, Forwards Revised LER 82-036/03L-115 December 1982Forwards Revised LER 82-036/03L-1
05000368/LER-1982-037, Forwards LER 82-037/03L-07 December 1982Forwards LER 82-037/03L-0
05000368/LER-1982-038, Forwards LER 82-038/03L-06 December 1982Forwards LER 82-038/03L-0
05000368/LER-1982-041, Forwards LER 82-041/03L-013 December 1982Forwards LER 82-041/03L-0
05000368/LER-1982-042, Forwards LER 82-042/01T-021 December 1982Forwards LER 82-042/01T-0
05000368/LER-1982-044, Forwards LER 82-044/03L-021 December 1982Forwards LER 82-044/03L-0
05000368/LER-1982-045, Forwards LER 82-045/03L-023 December 1982Forwards LER 82-045/03L-0
05000368/LER-1982-048, Forwards LER 82-048/03L-017 January 1983Forwards LER 82-048/03L-0
05000368/LER-1982-052, Forwards LER 82-052/01T-013 January 1983Forwards LER 82-052/01T-0
05000368/LER-1983-002, Forwards LER 83-002/03L-014 February 1983Forwards LER 83-002/03L-0
05000368/LER-1983-003, Forwards LER 83-003/03L-03 February 1983Forwards LER 83-003/03L-0
05000368/LER-1983-004, Forwards LER 83-004/03L-04 February 1983Forwards LER 83-004/03L-0Fire Barrier
05000368/LER-1983-005, Forwards LER 83-005/03L-022 February 1983Forwards LER 83-005/03L-0
05000368/LER-1983-006, Forwards LER 83-006/03L-022 February 1983Forwards LER 83-006/03L-0
05000368/LER-1983-007, Forwards LER 83-007/03L-028 February 1983Forwards LER 83-007/03L-0
05000368/LER-1983-008, Forwards LER 83-008/03L-09 March 1983Forwards LER 83-008/03L-0Fire Barrier
05000368/LER-1983-009, Forwards LER 83-009/01T-018 March 1983Forwards LER 83-009/01T-0
05000368/LER-1983-010, Forwards LER 83-010/03L-017 March 1983Forwards LER 83-010/03L-0
05000368/LER-1983-011, Forwards LER 83-011/03L-018 March 1983Forwards LER 83-011/03L-0
05000368/LER-1983-012, Forwards LER 83-012/03L-024 March 1983Forwards LER 83-012/03L-0
05000368/LER-1983-014, Forwards LER 83-014/01T-025 April 1983Forwards LER 83-014/01T-0
05000368/LER-1983-015, Forwards LER 83-015/03L-031 March 1983Forwards LER 83-015/03L-0
05000368/LER-1983-016, Forwards LER 83-016/03L-07 April 1983Forwards LER 83-016/03L-0
05000368/LER-1983-017, Forwards LER 83-017/03L-08 April 1983Forwards LER 83-017/03L-0
05000368/LER-1983-019, Forwards LER 83-019/03L-04 April 1983Forwards LER 83-019/03L-0
05000368/LER-1985-022, Corrects Forwarding LER 85-022-00.Unit,docket & License Number Incorrectly Listed on Cover Ltr 2CAN11850312 December 1985Corrects Forwarding LER 85-022-00.Unit,docket & License Number Incorrectly Listed on Cover Ltr 2CAN118503
05000368/LER-1986-000, Forwards Corrected LER 86-00-00 Re Inadvertent Reactor Protection Sys Actuation During Surveillance Testing.Ltr Should Be Disregarded30 May 1986Forwards Corrected LER 86-00-00 Re Inadvertent Reactor Protection Sys Actuation During Surveillance Testing.Ltr Should Be Disregarded
05000368/LER-1987-003, Informs That Suppl to LER 87-003-00 Will Be Delayed Until 880501 Due to Preliminary Nature of Some Aspects of Permanent Repair Plan of Unit Pressurizer,Per 871026 Meeting28 October 1987Informs That Suppl to LER 87-003-00 Will Be Delayed Until 880501 Due to Preliminary Nature of Some Aspects of Permanent Repair Plan of Unit Pressurizer,Per 871026 Meeting
05000368/LER-1990-024, Forwards LER 90-024-01 Re Steam turbine-driven Emergency Feedwater Pump,Revising Commitment Date for Preventive Maint Procedure Changes10 December 1991Forwards LER 90-024-01 Re Steam turbine-driven Emergency Feedwater Pump,Revising Commitment Date for Preventive Maint Procedure Changes
05000368/LER-1994-001, Forwards Rev 1 to LER 94-001 Re Excore Nuclear Instrumentation.Rev Revises Commitment Re Future post-maint Testing Method Used to Verify Continuity of Cable Connectors21 November 1994Forwards Rev 1 to LER 94-001 Re Excore Nuclear Instrumentation.Rev Revises Commitment Re Future post-maint Testing Method Used to Verify Continuity of Cable Connectors
05000368/LER-1995-001, Provides Comments on Preliminary Accident Sequence Analysis Re LER 95-001-009 September 1996Provides Comments on Preliminary Accident Sequence Analysis Re LER 95-001-00Coast down
05000368/LER-1996-004, Forwards LER 96-004-02 IAW 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B).Suppl Provides Revised Schedule for Implementation of Plant Design Change28 January 1999Forwards LER 96-004-02 IAW 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B).Suppl Provides Revised Schedule for Implementation of Plant Design Change
05000368/LER-1996-006, Forwards Supplemental LER 96-006-01 Re Inadvertent Start of Edg.Supplement Deletes Inaccurate Statement from Abstract & Corrects Typo Re Commitment Completion Date30 July 1997Forwards Supplemental LER 96-006-01 Re Inadvertent Start of Edg.Supplement Deletes Inaccurate Statement from Abstract & Corrects Typo Re Commitment Completion Date
05000368/LER-1998-001, Forwards LER 98-001-00,concerning Surveillance Testing of Containment Building Personnel & Escape Air Lock Door Interlocks7 April 1998Forwards LER 98-001-00,concerning Surveillance Testing of Containment Building Personnel & Escape Air Lock Door Interlocks
05000368/LER-1998-004, Forwards LER 98-004-00,concerning Surveillance Tests of Fuel Handling Area & Containment Purge & Exhaust Fan Flow Rates8 July 1998Forwards LER 98-004-00,concerning Surveillance Tests of Fuel Handling Area & Containment Purge & Exhaust Fan Flow Rates
0CAN018203, Forwards Onsite & Offsite Objectives for 1987 Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Scheduled for 870318. Detailed Schedule of pre-exercise Briefings & post-exercise Critiques During 870316-20 Will Be Submitted as Required5 January 1987Forwards Onsite & Offsite Objectives for 1987 Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Scheduled for 870318. Detailed Schedule of pre-exercise Briefings & post-exercise Critiques During 870316-20 Will Be Submitted as Required
0CAN018301, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-313/82-21 & 50-368/82-18.Corrective Actions:Health Physics Training Sequences Revised to Specify Retraining Requirements & Frequencies4 January 1983Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-313/82-21 & 50-368/82-18.Corrective Actions:Health Physics Training Sequences Revised to Specify Retraining Requirements & Frequencies
0CAN018302, Responds to NRC Re Deviations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-313/82-14 & 50-368/82-11.Corrective Actions:Mods During Current Refueling Outage to Be Completed as Scheduled & Review of LOCA Procedures Completed7 January 1983Responds to NRC Re Deviations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-313/82-14 & 50-368/82-11.Corrective Actions:Mods During Current Refueling Outage to Be Completed as Scheduled & Review of LOCA Procedures Completed
0CAN018303, Provides List of Interim Actions Re Approach to Review & Control of Ltrs & Commitments to NRC & Development of Regulatory Response & Commitment Control Program14 January 1983Provides List of Interim Actions Re Approach to Review & Control of Ltrs & Commitments to NRC & Development of Regulatory Response & Commitment Control Program
0CAN018304, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-313/82-15 & 50-368/82-12.Closed End Rigid Metal Conduit Penetrating Frame Will Not Significantly Affect Fire Resistant Ability of Door Assemblies12 January 1983Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-313/82-15 & 50-368/82-12.Closed End Rigid Metal Conduit Penetrating Frame Will Not Significantly Affect Fire Resistant Ability of Door AssembliesFire Barrier
0CAN018306, Submits Public Version of Info Clarifying Amend 6 to Emergency Plan,In Response to 821223 Request.Figure 10 Will Be Amended by 830630 to Identify Responsible Positions/ Titles for Notification/Communication Function14 January 1983Submits Public Version of Info Clarifying Amend 6 to Emergency Plan,In Response to 821223 Request.Figure 10 Will Be Amended by 830630 to Identify Responsible Positions/ Titles for Notification/Communication Function
0CAN018307, Advises That Util Will Provide Response to Emergency Preparedness Items in IE Insp Repts 50-313/82-11 & 50-368/82-09 by 83031517 January 1983Advises That Util Will Provide Response to Emergency Preparedness Items in IE Insp Repts 50-313/82-11 & 50-368/82-09 by 830315
0CAN018312, Confirms 830124 & 25 Telcons Re Discussions on App R Appeal Meeting Scheduled for 830128.Util Understands NRC Will Grant All Exemption Requests Addressed in28 January 1983Confirms 830124 & 25 Telcons Re Discussions on App R Appeal Meeting Scheduled for 830128.Util Understands NRC Will Grant All Exemption Requests Addressed inExemption Request