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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML19224D78625 June 1979Final RO Rept Re Failure of Experiment Scram Circuit to Function During Surveillance Testing Due to Malfunction of Reset Switch.Caused by Dust on Moving Parts.Switch Cleaned & Immediately Functioned
ML19246A99430 June 1979SAR for License R-83
ML19254D95030 June 1979Annual Operating Rept 1978
ML19256B43631 August 1978Annual Financial Rept of Tx Engineering Experiment Station for Year Ending 780831
ML19318A59023 May 1980Ro:On 800513,secondary Cooling Tower Fan Discovered to Have Disintegrated Causing Damage to Cooling Tower & Resulting in Loss of Secondary Cooling Capacity.Caused by Failure of Fan Transmission Mounting.Temporary Fan Assembly Installed
ML19323F14013 May 1980Ro:On 800513,discovered Secondary Cooling Tower Fan Disintegrated Causing Damage to Tower & Loss of Secondary Cooling Capacity.No Cause Given.Reactor to Be Operated on Reduced Schedule Until Repairs Made
ML19330A80730 June 1980Sixteenth Progress Rept of Tx A&M Univ,Nuclear Science Ctr, 1979
ML19331D61028 August 1980Revised App III to Sixteenth Progress Rept of Tx A&M Univ Nuclear Science Ctr, 1979 Consisting of Summaries of Health Physics Support,Effuent Releases,Environ Survey Program,Radiation & Contamination Control Program
ML19352B1658 May 1981Ro:On 810507,while Conducting Check of Reactor Operator License & Requalification Status,Found That License SOP-3478 Held by Gw Waldrop Had Expired on 810427.Caused by Defect in Administrative Procedures.Procedures Have Been Corrected
ML19352B21024 April 1981Ro:On 810409 & 14,during Reactor Prestartup Checks,Interlock Used to Prevent Withdrawal of Shim Safety Control Rods Found Not Functioning.Caused by Threshold Change Due to Change in Solid State Switching Device.Capacitor Installed
ML20009E41715 May 1981Ro:On 810507,during Check of Reactor Operator Licenses & Status,Senior Operator License SOP-3478 Found Expired on 810427.Caused by Failure to Follow Administrative Procedures.Operator Relieved of Duties
ML20012E0669 March 1990RO 90-01:on 900228,reactor Operator Received Servo Fault Alarm.After Directed Shutdown,Complete Loss of Linear Power Channel Noted.Caused by Corroded Connector at Detector Leads.Connector Replaced.Part 21 Related
ML20024E12530 April 1983Nineteenth Progress Rept of Texas A&M Univ Nuclear Science Ctr for 1982. W/830516 Ltr
ML20028E6416 January 1983Ro:On 830105,discovered Damaged Fuel Element 7463 During Insp.Element Failed Go/No Go Test.Complete Core Unloading & Fuel Insp Will Be Completed on 830106 & 07
ML20028E69111 January 1983Telecopy Ro:On 830110,during Reactor Startup,Fuel Temp Not Tracking Although Normal Temp Indication Displayed.Reactor Shut Down.Caused by Failed Fuel Thermocouple.Reactor Switched to Second Thermocouple
ML20041D91031 December 1981Interpretation of Damage to Flip Fuel During Operation of Nuclear Science Ctr Reactor at Tx A&M Univ.
ML20043F4394 June 1990Revised Page 1 to Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator Requalification Program,Rev Iii.Item 2.1.6 Changed to Include Physical Security Plan
ML20050B35312 February 1982Ro:On 820205,during Initial Startup,Linear Power Channel Did Not Respond.Rod Withdrawal Terminated.Caused by Detector High Detector High Voltages Switch in Off Position.Training Session Implemented on Monitoring of Instrumentation
ML20052A50430 March 1982Suppl 1 to 1979 Sar.
ML20052A50629 February 1980U-2rHx Alloy:Properties & Use in Triga Fuel.Fuel cladding
ML20052B66712 April 1982Ro:Final Rept Re Possible Loss of self-protection of SNM Ctr.Fuel Bundle May Not Have Decayed Below self-protection Limit as Discrepancies Existed in Readings.Survey Program Improved & Underwater Fuel Surveys Studied
ML20058C35131 July 1982Eighteenth Progress Rept of Tx A&M Univ Nuclear Science Ctr,1981
ML20059G03026 October 1993Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 13 to License R-83High Radiation Area
ML20063H03022 July 1982Telecopy Message of Ro:On 820722,during Initial & Secondary Reactor Startup,Log Power Channel Rate Meter Failed to Respond.Cleaning of Switch Contacts Returned Instrument to Normal Operation
ML20063H07322 July 1982Ro:On 820722,during Initial Startup,Log Power Channel Rate Meter Failed to Respond.Cause Not Stated.Switch Contacts & Amplifier Boards Cleaned.Close Visual Insps Implemented
ML20066A24929 September 1982Telecopy Ro:On 820928,erratic Readings Noted on Fuel Temp Indicator.Reactor Shut Down Immediately.On 820929,different If Connected to Fuel Temp Channel & Thermocouple Readings Recorded at 300 Watts & 1 MW
ML20066A5735 October 1982Ro:On 820928,during Operation,Fuel Temp Thermocouple Failed. New Instrumented Fuel Element Installed.Thermocouple Readings Normal
ML20066H1408 February 1991Special Rept 90-01:on 910125,during Annual Fuel Insp of Operational Core VIII-A,fuel Elements 6502 & 8468 Failed to Pass go-no-go Gauge Test for Excessive Transverse Bend. Elements Replaced W/Spare & Fuel Bundles Relocated
ML20067C97229 October 1982Ro:On 821019,power Level Indication Dropped Approx 15% on Both Safety Channels.On 821027,electromagnet Current for Shim Safety 2 Went to Zero.Causes Not Stated.Electromagnet Coil Replaced
ML20069H42731 December 1993Thirtieth Annual Progress Rept of Nuclear Science Ctr Tx Engineering Experiment Station Tx A&M Univ Sys College Station,TxShutdown Margin
ML20070M81011 January 1983Ro:On 830105,during Fuel Element Insp,Elements 7463 & 7486 Failed Go/No Go Test.Both Elements Had Been in Core Since 1973 & Not Inspected Since That Time.Both Elements Removed from CoreTime of Discovery
ML20070N64711 January 1983Ro:On 830110,fuel Temp Indication Failed to Respond During Reactor Startup.Caused by Shorted Thermocouple Wires in Terminal Box.Reactor Shut Down & Fuel Temp Instrument Connected to More Conservative Indication
ML20070R93531 December 1990Twenty-Seventh Progress Rept of Texas A&M Univ Nuclear Science Ctr Jan-Dec 1990Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
ML20070U02031 December 1990Twenty-Sixth Progress Rept of Texas A&M Univ Nuclear Science Ctr,1990Shutdown Margin
ML20071H91730 April 1983Nineteenth Progress Rept of Tx A&M Univ Nuclear Science Ctr 1982Shutdown Margin
ML20072A82322 December 1982Ro:On 821204,power Calorimetric Performed to Determine Agreement Between Indicated Power & Calculated Actual Power Based on Pool Heatup Rate.Results Showed Minus 30.7% Error. on 821206,calorimetric Showed Plus 56.6% Error
ML20076F02830 April 1983Nineteenth Progress Rept of Texas A&M Univ Nuclear Ctr, 1982Shutdown Margin
ML20078P01128 October 1983Ro:On 831004,high Power Scram Received During Initial Reactor Startup While Banking Shim Safety Control Rods After Reaching 1 MW Power.Caused by Operator Manipulation of Control Rods.Procedures & Proper Documentation Emphasized
ML20079C24810 June 1991Ro:On 910607,reactor Operated for 30 Minutes at 1 MW W/O Facility Air Monitors in Operation.Operator Removed from Watch Standing Duties.Final Rept Will Be Forwarded Upon Completion
ML20082D55231 December 1994Thirty-First Annual Progress Rept of Tx A&M Univ Nuclear Science Ctr, for Period of 940101-1231Shutdown Margin
ML20084H6172 April 1984Ro:On 840319,discovered That Performance of Weekly Electronic Maint Checks Not Performed During Previous Wk of Operation.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Controls
ML20087N33831 December 1983Twentieth Progress Rept of Texas A&M Univ,Nuclear Science Ctr,1983Time of Discovery
Shutdown Margin
ML20090D78426 June 1984Telecopy Ro:On 840626,fuel Elements Temp Recorder Failed to Respond Following Temporary Reduction in Reactor Power.Cause Not Stated
ML20090E12415 June 1984RO 84-3:on 840604,reactor Operator Observed That Safety Power Measuring Channel 2 Not Responding as Reactor Power Level Increased Beyond 30 Kw.Caused by Loose Safety Channel 2 Signal Cable.Connector Replaced
ML20090E1252 July 1984RO-84-4:on 840626,reactor Operator Noted That Fuel Element Temp Recorder Did Not Correspond to Digital Indication as Shown on Doric Temp Readout.Cause Not Stated.Failure Spurious & Could Not Be Reproduced
ML20090E51411 June 1984RO 84-2:on 840528,erratic Performance of Reactor Servo Control Not Noted in Log.Caused by Personnel Error.Operator Cautioned to Be More Observant While Taking Log Readings
ML20092N92129 May 1984Ro:On 840528,operator Received Servo Fault Alarm & Linear Power Channel Indication Failed Low.Caused by High Voltage Supply for Linear Defector de-energized
ML20094N54331 December 1991Nuclear Science Center 28th Annual Rept,CY91Shutdown Margin
ML20100C96531 December 1984Twenty-First Progress Rept of Texas A&M Univ Nuclear Science Ctr,1984Shutdown Margin
ML20113D56821 January 1985RO 85-2;on 850111,safety Channel 1 Detector Failed During Reactor Operation.Caused by Loose Connector Pin Making Intermittent Contact.New Connector Installed & Detector Verified Operable Prior to Reinstallation