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Palisades, Single Positive Test Form, for Pre-Access, Collected on 03/13/17
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/23/2017
From: Dotson B, Rabideau B
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
Shared Package
ML18058A902 List:
Download: ML18058A909 (1)


Select FacilityPalisades [50-255]Reason for Testing - 26.717(b)(5)Pre-AccessPre-Access Testing Reason (optional)Initial AuthorizationPlease elaborate (optional)Employment Type - 26.717(b)(3)Contractor/VendorLabor Category - 26.717(b)(3)OtherWas this collection refused? - 26.717(b)(7) & 26.75Test Results - 26.717(b)(4)Test ValidityValidTest Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.717(b)(2)Drug OnlyDrug Specimen TestedUrineWas this collection observed? - 26.717(b)(7) & 26.75Management Actions - 26.717(b)(8) & 26.75 Specific Sanction Applied3- Year DenialSave to Local PCPrint this ReportUnique Reference ID (License Supplied)2017-PAL-003Please elaborate on the Labor Category selectedCooling Tower Replacement1) All fields required except those marked 'optional' 2) Entries in some fields auto-populate information in other fields

3) Mouse over form fields to view additional information
4) Use of Adobe Reader 8 or later is requiredNoNo03/13/2017Submission UpdatePerson(s) Responsible for Information Provided Company Email Addressbrabide@entergy.comFirst NameBrianPosition TitleSupervisor Access Authorization/FFDPosition TitleLicensing SpecialistFirst NameBarbLast NameDotsonLast Name RabideauCompany Email Addressbdotson@entergy.comPerson 1 (required):Person 2 (optional):Single Positive Test Form (version 1.7.0 - December 2016)Final Step (Required) - NRC will consider this form authentic in accordance with 10 CFR 26.11 only when the "Validate & Lock" button is clicked and all errors (highlighted in red) have been corrected. The "Validate & Lock" button will change to "Locked" after the data validation process has been successfully completed indicating the form is ready for submission. LockedForm Locked On:May 23, 2017 at 2:11:10 PMReason for the ActionFirst drug or alcohol positiveDid this collection involve a subversion attempt? - 26.717(b)(7) and 26.75(b)NoSubversion Attempt - Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)Licensee AdministratedDelete SubmissionFFD Program Performance Data Reporting SystemAPPROVED BY OMB: CLEARANCE NO. 3150-0146 EXPIRES: 11/30/2017 Estimated burden per response to comply with this collection request is 30 minutes. This form is a voluntary means of reporting the information required under 10 CFR 26.717. The information is required by NRC to obtain on an annual basis site specific fitness-for-duty (FFD) program performance data on drug and alcohol programs from licensees and other entities. Send comments regarding burden estimate to the FOIA, Privacy and Information Collection Branch (T5-F53), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-0001, or by e-mail to, and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-1020, (3150-0146), Office of Management and Budget, Washington DC 20503. If a means used to impose information collection does not display a currently valid OMB control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.NRC Form 890, Single Positive Test Form(EIE General Submission Portal)NRC Form 890 (12/2014)Is this a 24-hour reporting event? - 26.719(b)NoNoHow many substances were confirmed positive for this individual?1Substance - 26.717(b)(2) & (b)(6)Use NRC Cutoffs?Initial CutoffConfirmatory CutoffLimit of DetectionAmphetamineYesDate of Collection (mm/dd/yyyy)Outage Worker (optional)?