ML20235N067 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 02/11/1969 |
From: | Fraley R Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
To: | Etherington H, Hanauer S, Okelly A Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
Shared Package | |
ML20235M427 | List:
References | |
FOIA-87-40 ACRS-GENERAL, NUDOCS 8707170421 | |
Download: ML20235N067 (6) | |
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i Febru-ry 11. 1969 j i
Dr. S. ;'. I' net:2r i
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- r"'r.;:: iTI.I EU P. n':??.f:SC:TI.TIVC3 /HD GCmAN REPTISDCATIVIS TO D .3xi'i ?:l ci.a 21.7::n'
' r. $r., th IbGth /.C n evaotiur, the Comitteo desisnated tho :aar6cra J l t.etc1ed rc:;cter. Th so t.wetin-te are tentativ.51y pi r rc A n r Lc 'm, ! ut a t::o ri::y session at P.ic1cy (near **.r.n hos.ter) is n 9 m I!il'.ty. Ti.c trip ta en /.G?. at Lungeness (cn March 22, 1909) vill 1.c Trea t.:16. rettern to L:.muen, l'f ech,, ?.'< ,2,,,,j,'d : Meetina vith renrosentatives of Cer:a. n re;eletory/
Lniety pr ep:,. Tentatively plc.. nod irr boan, Gernany.
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- ReturnEtch isto*.cntetivelyU.S. cr vicit facilitics aastrip p1Anning desitc:d to Paris by ts . .c. Frc.tch ives. 1 1
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yye.h_j :a,,,10,R: /.ttend nec:in;t of Eritish Muclear Enorgy Society if )
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. 2-Shoto rc.pired for thin trip are S.ncilpox and Typhoid with Tetanus chots recc.:w.1..d.
W pinn to provido rdditionni infor:r.stion regreding hotel reservations er.1 f>1res for Iceni trcvel at the p1 recs visited, and te statively plan to r.rt hn: I r re.n ;c:unt 2 end for local trevel at th?
p1=.:c s vi J t- 3 (m:::cpt fie Ir. cad :;rs. Hanauer), Me.s'>cra should raske j rrr.- ;.c s . . i r their trc*tel to onJ fro s Enaland end Ccr.rny. If ym l dt; sire to e,.h your oun piens for acccrznodaticas, etc., p1ccac lot ce hnc'.1 .
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Uc vill keep yr.a in "or: icd reacrdin?, developments as they pro 3rees.
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R. F. Fraley f Executive Secretary )
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- 1. / ;cc.da fr.r :n~25 Symonita on h iety crl 3!tini; - 3/20/69.
- 2. Pao:iner L 1. .plicati n. . .
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et The Institution of Civu Er::;inco s ,
secretaryr J. G. Wat on 17 Grcct Cecrgo Street We-Jrnin:,ter London SW1 **dc*dT$
Telephone: tN'11 Charlor*d En0I A**r International Symposiu:n 1969 cn l
SAFETY /ND SITING 28 ff arch 1969 .
DATE'Af!D PLACE The Symposite will be held at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Creat George Street, Westnirister, London, S'.11 on. Friday, 28 March,1969. '
CSJECTS 0* $5:1951t*4 (a) To ir. crease the awcroness of designars, rather then safety specialists, of current ' trends in saff ty -
- hilcsophy end siting criteria.
(b) o provide an opportunity for stating the UK siting policy, and for discussion of the. implicatfor.s . :
the ne ' policy on design and operation o' nuclear power plant.
(c) To illustrate the use of probability analysir, in reactor safety assessments, pricarily be studies cf currer.t UK designs, with a view to bringing out the problens relating to the accuracy of the data required, its availability and the extent and accuracy of the calculations' required.
(d) To provide an opportunity to present essessr.2ents of the suitability of current and more novel sysrc:
for urban siting.
REGIS M TION FCFS Tr.c reg'stration fees for the Symposiua vill be: ENES members: I8 Os. Od.
non members: 112 los. Od.
This inclu:!cs buffet luncheon, refreshments, sherry party and a copy of the Proceedings.
EEM7!? 37 TJ:ES The subscription for =cebership of the Eritish Nuc1 car Energy Society is E4 4s. 04. per annu=.
M mbers are entitled to a free copy of the quarterly Journal of e.he Society, and to r' educed re;istration fccc at Conferences cr.d Sy=posia organized by the Society.
Inquiries regcrding eccbership should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society.
. . o_ve_rl_ea_f._ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
SATETY AMD STTTNC SYXPOSTUM - 26 March 1959 PICISTF.\ TIC:: TOT: (plcase detach cnd return)
Those wishing to attend this Symposit:n should apply as soon as possible for registration foms' to: ,
The Secretary, Britir.h Nuclear Energy Society,1-7 Crest George Street, Westtir. ster, London S, 1 l l /::OTE/Those who have alrecdy notified their interest (on receipt of the first informatory 1caflet) will be sent a registration fom as soon as they are available.
i NAME(Prof Dr, Mr. Mrs, Miss) !
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') h} 6 b (4 y
V wr ,
. 1 P r/Ui:C::" i' RAILS Or PROCit.O';:I ,
Paper No. 1 "A revicw of hazards and some thoughts on safet,y and siting" j by J.R. Ecattie Pcrer :;o. 2 " Current scfety assessment techiques" by H.M. Nicholson
- Pcrer !;o. 3 "A coupariccn bst-ce- a rinctous ccchod of statistical fault analysis and some simpicr octhods" l by J. Jokrinovic ,
Paper No. 4 "Sitit.g policy and safety evaluation in the United Kingdom" by Fryer Paper S.'. 5 " Siting of CEG3 Nuc1ccr Power Stations" by C.A. Adc=s and F. Faux Prper No. 6 " Probability analysis applied to an Advanced Cas-cooled Remetor" by J. Kirk and J.E. Sell ,
l Pcper No. 7 " Application of probability analysis to ETGR" { i
! by J. Heaton l
l Paper No. 8 " Probability analysis applied to SCHUK" l l
by H. Ccrtwright , J.A.G. llo;nes and D.R. Poulter Paper No. 9 " Probability anciysis cpplied to Lt.*R":
Part I - by 0.A. Kellcrusen and L', Ullrich Part 11 - by K.H. Lindakers and W. Stoebel Paper No.10 " Suitability of gas-cooled reactors for fully urban sites" by L. Cave and P. Malliday Paper No.11 " Progress towards the identification of safety requirements for advanced reactors" -
l by F.R. Ferrer Ppf?R!rS A:D PRCCEEDINOS
) It is hoped that it will be possibic for preprints of all pLpers to be made available to all deleget:
l before the Syrposium.
l The prir.ted Proceedings of the Sy:posiu=, containing the papers, together with a record of the i discussions, vill be issued to all delegates after the Symposium.
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O R !. P..u i L P- F 0.! R Y gy EXC) _FROM SUM"ARY OF 10f>Til ACRS M .NG EXECtrrivE syssyong FEnnUARY 6-8., 1969 e
9 ACRS 11ceting with British and German Reactor Safety Representatives - The tent has a-tive schedule for meetings with British and Gersnan reactor safety organizat"onc been revised and is now:
' to an AGR (London, March 18-22: Meetings with UKAEA and CEGB with a visit Risicy, Dungeness)
Meeting March 24-25: Interested with German regulatory groups (Bonn)
March 28 : tnembers attend British Nuclear Energy Society meetir-(London) l The ACRS delegation will be composed of Dr, Hanauer, Mr. Etherington, Dr.1!enson, Dr. O' Kelly, and Mr. Fraley.
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December 31, 1968 h%y j W, '
- 1. Visit to a British Advanced Cooled Reester.
- 2. Visit to the Otto Eshs.
- 3. Items of safety concern to the German regulatory / safety groups. ;
Ottatetse discussion of resuistory procedures.) i I
- 4. Water decomposition is a radiation field. j
- a. Detailed mechanism, including calculation of )
hydrogen equilibrium,
- b. Temperature dependence.
- c. Potential hasards and their handling.
- 5. Metal-uster reaction and resultaat potential hasard.
- a. Zirconium-water
- b. Uranium oxide-uster
- c. Other
- 6. Net hasards of sonbined reJiolytic and metal-uster reactions.
- 7. Chemical spray systems. ,
- s. Best systes design for operability and dependability. 1
- b. Chemical additives for methyl-iodide as well as iodine absorption.
- 8. Core seit down for fast reacters.
- 9. Practical considerations for siting of:
- a. Water reacters . 500 to 1000 MWe ;
- b. Past reactors - 1000 to f MWe j i
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