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Comments on Survey of Leakage Characteristics of Steel Containment Vessels for Purpose of Evacuating Leakage Criteria & Testing Requirements. Document Valuable Assembly of Useful Info That Should Be Made Available
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/09/1964
From: Kouts H
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
To: Price H
Shared Package
ML20235M427 List:
FOIA-87-40 ACRS-GENERAL, NUDOCS 8707170281
Download: ML20235M696 (1)



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Itr. N. L. Price Dimeter of Aegulation W. S. Atomic Bastgy thmerissime j

Usakington, D. C.


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Dear Mr. Price:

on kreh 21,19%, a subcommittee of the Advisory Committee se insector Safeguards met with representatives of the Regulatory Staff to discuss the pr.Almas in testing ranetor aestaiansats.

In particular, the domument entitima "A Surwy of Imakage tlhar-metaristics of Steel Containment Vessels for the Purpose of Dvaluating Lombage Criteria med Westing Empirements" by R. R.

Maccary, dated Deammoinv 1963, was reviewed, h first portion of this domsmaat contains a careful review of oostainment vessels used in existing reactors, 8-1*aMm= the major problems of design, eemstreetion, testing and maintamance.

Tbn Committee believes that this portion of the doomment is a valuable assembly of useful inforestion ama soggestts that this information be made available in the fbns of a technical report.

h last part of the report proposes eriteria fbr use in eenmoo-tion with testing of contaisements as engineered enfeguards fbr w wtor installations. b Committee is in gamersi agreamsat with these criteria. The Committee suggests that these criter$a be made geners11y a,milable in some fbru for osastructive sug-gestions and opinions from the interostos yeblic in order to pnpart the way to their yesetical appliantica.

EfJhoarely yours, Original signed by M.If-Herbert Kouts


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" - 'e 8707170PO1 870713 Chairman




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Pbrm AEC.818 (Rev.943)

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Ausse any as,seso (3) USW3 cor:nents on Amendment #t dated June 1,1960


(4) HEB report to ACRS dated June 21, 1960 T '. ; 195C EF:1h et-ch e m 4 '--

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