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Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1125, (Proposed Revision 14 of Regulatory Guide 1.147), Inservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability, ASME Section XI, Division 1
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/30/2004
From: Norris W
Materials Engineering Branch
Norris W E
+sispjld120050422, DG-1125 RG-1.147, Rev 14
Download: ML040850346 (33)



INSERVICE INSPECTION CODE CASE ACCEPTABILITY, ASME SECTION XI, DIVISION 1 A. INTRODUCTION General Design Criterion (GDC) 1, Quality Standards and Records, of Appendix A, General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants, to 10 CFR Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, requires, in part, that structures, systems, and components important to safety be designed, fabricated, erected, and tested to quality standards commensurate with the importance of the safety functions to be performed. Where generally recognized codes and standards are used, Criterion 1 requires that they be identified and evaluated to determine their applicability, adequacy, and sufficiency and be supplemented or modified as necessary to ensure a quality product in keeping with the required safety function.

Provisions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code have been used since 1971 as one part of the framework to establish the necessary design, fabrication, construction, testing, and performance requirements for structures, systems, and components important to safety. ASME standards committees develop, among other things, improved methods for the construction and inservice inspection (ISI) of ASME Class 1, 2, 3, MC (metal containment), and CC (concrete containment) nuclear power plant components. A broad spectrum of stakeholders participate in the ASME process, which helps to ensure that the various interests are considered.

The regulation in 10 CFR 50.55a(g), Inservice Inspection Requirements, requires, in part, that Classes 1, 2, 3, MC, and CC Components and their supports meet the requirements This regulatory guide is being issued in draft form to involve the public in the early stages of the development of a regulatory position in this areas. It has not received complete staff review and does not represent an official NRC staff position.

Public comments are being solicited on the draft regulatory guide (including any implementation schedule) and its associated regulatory analysis or value/impact statement. Comments should be accompanied by appropriate supporting data. Written comments may be submitted to the Rules and Directives Branch, DAS, Office of Administration, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001. E-mail comments may be sent to Comments may be also be submitted via the NRCs rulemaking web site at Please include the draft guide number [DG-1125] in the subject lline of your comments. Comments will be most helpful if received by September 2, 2004.

Requests for single copies of active or draft regulatory guides (which may be reproduced) or for placement on an automatic distribution list for single copies of future draft guides in specific divisions should be made in writing to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, Attention, Office of Information Resources Management, Distribution Services Section; or by fax to (301) 415-2260. This guide is also available in the Electronic Reading Room at ML040850346.

of Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components,1 of the ASME B&PV Code or equivalent quality standards. Every three years the ASME publishes a new edition of the BPV Code, including Section XI, and new addenda are published every year. The latest editions and addenda of Section XI that have been approved for use by the NRC are referenced in 10 CFR 50.55a(b). The ASME also publishes Code cases quarterly. Code cases provide alternatives to existing Code requirements that were developed and approved by the ASME. This regulatory guide identifies the Code cases that have been determined by the NRC to be acceptable alternatives to applicable parts of Section XI. These Code cases may be used by licensees without a request for authorization from the NRC provided that they are used with any identified limitations or modifications.Section XI Code cases not yet endorsed by the NRC may be implemented through 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3), which permits the use of alternatives to the Code requirements referenced in 10 CFR 50.55a provided that the proposed alternatives result in an acceptable level of quality and safety and that their use is authorized by the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

The ASME Code is incorporated by reference into 10 CFR 50.55a, which will be amended to incorporate this guide by reference; 10 CFR 50.55a states the requirements governing the use of Code cases. Because of the continuing change in the status of Code cases, periodic updates to 10 CFR 50.55a and this guide are planned to accommodate new Code cases and any revisions of existing Code cases. Code cases approved by the NRC provide an acceptable voluntary alternative to the mandatory ASME Code provisions.

This regulatory guide does not contain a new or amended information collection requirement subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). This revision of Regulatory Guide 1.147 would decrease the paperwork burden for those licensees choosing to use ASME Code Cases N-508-2 and N-600. The paperwork burden reduction is discussed in detail in the rulemaking package for this guide. Because the burden for this information collection is insignificant, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) clearance is not required. Existing requirements were approved by OMB, approval number 3150-0011. If a means used to impose an information collection does not display a currently valid OMB control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.

B. DISCUSSION For Revision 14 to Regulatory Guide 1.147, the NRC staff reviewed the Section XI Code cases listed in Supplement 12 to the 1998 Edition of the ASME B&PV Code through Supplement 6 to the 2001 Edition. Appendix A to this guide lists the supplements reviewed, the edition, supplement number, and the ASMEs Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards approval date.

Appendix B is a list of the Section III Code cases addressed in the seven supplements. Finally, Appendix C is a current list of all Section XI Code cases. The Code cases addressed by this regulatory guide are listed in five tables:

(1) Table 1, Acceptable Section XI Code Cases, lists the Code Cases that are acceptable to the NRC for implementation in the ISI of light-water-cooled nuclear power plants.

(2) Table 2, Conditionally Acceptable Section XI Code Cases, lists the Code Cases that are acceptable provided that they are used with the identified limitations or modifications, i.e.,

1 Copies may be obtained from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990. Phone (212) 591-8500; fax (212) 591-8501;


the Code case is generally acceptable but the NRC has determined that the alternative requirements must be supplemented in order to provide an acceptable level of quality and safety.

(3) Table 3, Annulled Unconditionally Approved Section XI Code Cases, lists Code cases annulled by the ASME that the NRC previously determined to be fully acceptable.

(4) Table 4, Annulled Conditionally Acceptable Section XI Code Cases, lists the Code cases that the NRC determined to be acceptable provided that they were used with the identified limitations or modifications, but that were subsequently annulled by the ASME.

(5) Table 5,Section XI Code Cases That Have Been Superseded by Revised Code Cases, lists Code cases that have been superseded through revision. Code cases that the NRC determined to be unacceptable are listed in Regulatory Guide 1.193, ASME Code Cases Not Approved for Use.

Code cases provide alternatives to existing Code requirements that were developed and approved by the ASME. The new Code cases and revisions to existing Code cases listed as approved in Tables 1 and 2 of this guide will be incorporated by reference into 10 CFR 50.55a.

Code cases approved by the NRC may be used voluntarily by licensees as an alternative to compliance with ASME Code provisions incorporated by reference into 10 CFR 50.55a.

When a licensee initially implements a Code case, 10 CFR 50.55a requires that the most recent version of that Code case as listed in Tables 1 and 2 be implemented. If a Code case is implemented by a licensee and a later version of the Code case is incorporated by reference into 10 CFR 50.55a and listed in Tables 1 and 2 during the licensees present 120-month ISI program interval, that licensee may use either the later version or the previous version. An exception to this provision would be the inclusion of a limitation or condition on the use of the Code case that is necessary, for example, to enhance safety. Licensees who choose to continue use of the Code case during the subsequent 120-month ISI program interval will be required to implement the latest version incorporated by reference into 10 CFR 50.55a and listed in Tables 1 and 2.

Code cases may expire or be annulled because the provisions have been incorporated into the Code, the application for which it was specifically developed no longer exists, or experience has shown that an examination or testing method is no longer inadequate. After a Code case is annulled and 10 CFR 50.55a and this guide are amended, licensees may not implement that Code case for the first time. However, a licensee who implemented the Code case prior to annulment may continue to use that Code case through the end of the present ISI interval. An annulled Code case cannot be used in the subsequent ISI interval unless implemented as an approved alternative under 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3). If a Code case is incorporated by reference into 10 CFR 50.55a and later annulled by the ASME because experience has shown that an examination or testing method is inadequate, the NRC will amend 10 CFR 50.55a and this guide to remove the approval of the annulled Code case. Licensees should not begin to implement such annulled Code cases in advance of the rulemaking.

Notwithstanding these requirements, the Commission may impose new or revised Code requirements, including implementation schedules, that it determines are consistent with the backfit rule (10 CFR 50.109).


With regard to the use of any Code case, it is the responsibility of the user to make certain that the provisions of the Code case do not conflict with regulatory requirements or licensee commitments.


1. ACCEPTABLE SECTION XI CODE CASES The Code cases listed in Table 1 are acceptable to the NRC for application in licenseesSection XI inservice inspection programs. The ASME issues a new edition of Section XI every three years, and supplements to the edition containing Section XI Code cases are published quarterly. Hence, there are 12 supplements to each edition. To distinguish new and revised Code cases from those approved in previous versions of the guide, the new and revised Code cases are shaded. The shading will assist in focusing attention during the public comment period on the changes to the guide. For Code cases previously listed in this guide, the third column of Table 1 lists the date of ASME approval. The letter R preceding a date indicates that the Code case was reaffirmed in one of the seven supplements reviewed. For new or revised Code cases, the third column of Table 1 lists the supplement and edition in which each Code case was published (e.g., 3/01E means Code Case Supplement 3 to the 2001 Edition).


NUMBER EDITION N-307-3 Revised Ultrasonic Examination Volume for Class 1 Bolting, 1/01E Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-G-1, When the Examinations Are Conducted from the End of the Bolt or Stud or from the Center-Drilled Hole,Section XI, Division 1 N-311 Alternative Examination of Outlet Nozzle on Secondary Side of 4/19/02 Steam Generators,Section XI, Division 1 N-322 Examination Requirements for Integrally Welded or 3/28/02 Forged Attachments to Class 1 Piping at Containment Penetrations,Section XI, Division 1 N-334 Examination Requirements for Integrally Welded or Forged 3/28/00 Attachments to Class 2 Piping at Containment Penetrations,Section XI, Division 1 N-416-3 Alternative Pressure Test Requirement for Welded Repairs or 2/01E Installation of Replacement Items by Welding, Class 1, 2, and 3,Section XI, Division 1 N-432-1 Repair Welding Using Automatic or Machine Gas Tungsten- 12/98E Arc Welding (GTAW) Temper Bead Technique,Section XI, Division 1 N-435-1 Alternative Examination Requirements for Vessels With Wall R3/28/01 Thickness 2 in. Or Less,Section XI, Division 1 4


NUMBER EDITION N-460 Alternative Examination Coverage for Class 1 and Class 2 3/28/00 Welds,Section XI, Division 1 N-471 Acoustic Emission for Successive Inspections, R4/19/02 Section XI, Division 1 N-481 Alternative Examination Requirements for Cast Austenitic 5/20/98 Pump Casings,Section XI, Division 1 N-485-1 Eddy Current Examination of Coated Ferritic Surfaces as an 3/28/00 Alternative to Surface Examination,Section XI, Division 1 N-490-1 Alternative Vision Test Requirements for Nondestructive 3/28/00 Examiners,Section XI, Divisions 1, 2, and 3 N-491-2 Rules for Examination of Class 1, 2, 3, and MC Component 3/28/00 Supports of Light-Water Cooled Power Plants,Section XI, Division 1 N-494-3 Pipe Specific Evaluation Procedures and Acceptance Criteria R4/19/02 for Flaws in Class 1 Ferritic Piping that Exceed the Acceptance Standards of IWB-3514.2 and in Class 1 Austenitic Piping that Exceed the Acceptance Standards of IWB-3514.3,Section XI, Division 1 N-496-2 Helical-Coil Threaded Inserts,Section XI, Division 1 3/01E (Reinstated)

N-503 Limited Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel, 10/2/00 Section XI, Division 1 (Note: Because of the statistical screening criteria used for Appendix VIII to Section XI qualifications, this Code case is not applicable to Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration for Ultrasonic Examination Systems.)

N-504-2 Alternative Rules for Repair of Class 1, 2, and 3 Austenitic 3/28/00 Stainless Steel Piping,Section XI, Division 1 N-508-2 Rotation of Serviced Snubbers and Pressure Relief Valves for 1/01E the Purpose of Testing,Section XI, Division 1 N-522 Pressure Testing of Containment Penetration Piping, R4/8/02 Section XI, Division 1 N-523-2 Mechanical Clamping Devices for Class 2 and 3 Piping, R3/28/01 Section XI, Division 1 N-526 Alternative Requirements for Successive Inspections of R8/20/02 Class 1 and 2 Vessels,Section XI, Division 1 5


NUMBER EDITION N-534 Alternative Requirements for Pneumatic Pressure Testing, 10/2/00 Section XI, Division 1 N-537 Location of Ultrasonic Depth-Sizing Flaws,Section XI, R3/28/01 Division 1 N-545 Alternative Requirements for Conduct of Performance 5/20/98 Demonstration Detection Test of Reactor Vessel,Section XI, Division 1 N-553-1 Inservice Eddy Current Surface Examination of Pressure 12/98E Retaining Pipe Welds and Nozzle-to-Safe End Welds,Section XI, Division 1 N-566-2 Corrective Action for Leakage Identified at Bolted Connections, 12/98E Section XI, Division 1 N-573 Transfer of Procedure Qualification Records Between Owners, 3/12/97 Section XI, Division 1 N-586 Alternative Additional Examination Requirements for Class 1, R4/8/02 2, and 3 Piping, Components, and Supports,Section XI, Division 1 N-588 Attenuation to Reference Flaw Orientation of Appendix G for R3/28/01 Circumferential Welds in Reactor Vessels,Section XI, Division 1 N-592 ASNT Central Certification Program,Section XI, Division 1 R3/28/01 N-598 Alternative Requirements to Required Percentages of R3/28/01 Examinations,Section XI, Division 1 N-600 Transfer of Welder, Welding Operator, Brazer, and Brazing 2/01E Operator Qualifications Between Owners,Section XI, Division 1 N-601 Extent and Frequency of VT-3 Visual Examination for Inservice R3/2/01 Inspection of Metal Containments,Section XI, Division 1 N-603 Alternative to the Requirements of IWL-2421, Sites with Two R3/2/01 Plants,Section XI, Division 1 N-604 Alternative to Bolt Torque or Tension Test Requirements of 7/30/98 Table IWE-2500-1, Category E-G, Item E8.20,Section XI, Division 1 6


NUMBER EDITION N-605 Alternative to the Requirements of IWE-2500(c) [sic, should R3/2/01 state WE-2500(b)] for Augmented Examination of Surface Areas,Section XI, Division 1 (Note: Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1070, Sampling Plans Used for Dedicating Simple Metallic Commercial Grade Items for Use in Nuclear Power Plants, is being developed to provide acceptable guidelines for sampling criteria.)

N-609 Alternative Requirements to Stress-Based Selection Criteria for 7/30/98 Category B-J Welds,Section XI, Division 1 N-613-1 Ultrasonic Examination of Penetration Nozzles in Vessels, 6/01E Examination Category B-D, Item Nos. B3.10 and B3.90, Reactor Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds, Figs. IWB-2500-7(a), (b), and (c),Section XI, Division 1 N-617 Alternative Examination Distribution Requirements for Table R4/19/02 IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-G, Pressure Retaining Welds in Pumps and Valves,Section XI, Division 1 N-623 Deferral of Inspections of Shell-to-Flange and Head-to-Flange R4/19/02 Welds of a Reactor Vessel,Section XI, Division 1 N-624 Successive Inspections,Section XI, Division 1 R4/19/02 N-629 Use of Fracture Toughness Test Data to Establish Reference R8/20/02 Temperature for Pressure Retaining Materials,Section XI, Division 1 N-640 Alternative Reference Fracture Toughness for Development of R4/19/02 P-T Limit Curves,Section XI, Division 1 N-641 Alternative Pressure-Temperature Relationship and Low 1/17/00 Temperature Overpressure Protection System Requirements,Section XI, Division 1 N-643 Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Curves for Ferritic Steels in PWR 10/2/00 Water Environment,Section XI, Division 1 N-649 Alternative Requirements for IWE-5240 Visual Examination, 12/98E Section XI, Division 1 N-651 Ferritic and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using SMAW Temper 1/01E Bead Technique Without Removing the Weld Bead Crown for the First Layer,Section XI, Division 1 N-652 Alternative Requirements to Categorize B-G-1, B-G-2, and C-D 1/01E Bolting Examination Methods and Selection Criteria,Section XI, Division 1 7


NUMBER EDITION N-658 Qualification Requirements for Ultrasonic Examination of 4/01E Wrought Austenitic Piping Welds,Section XI, Division 1 N-663 Alternative Requirements for Classes 1 and 2 Surface 6/01E Examinations,Section XI, Division 1 N-664 Performance Demonstration Requirements for Examination of 6/01E Unclad Reactor Pressure Vessel Welds, Excluding Flange Welds,Section XI, Division 1 N-695 Qualification Requirements for Dissimilar Metal Piping Welds, 10/01E Section XI, Division 1

2. CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTABLE SECTION XI CODE CASES The Code cases listed in Table 2 are acceptable to the NRC for application in licenseesSection XI inservice inspection programs within the limitations imposed by the NRC staff. Unless otherwise stated, limitations imposed by the NRC are in addition to the conditions specified in the Code case. A new edition of Section XI is published every three years, and the ASME issuesSection XI Code cases quarterly in supplements to a specific edition. Hence, there are 12 supplements to each edition. To distinguish new and revised Code cases from those approved in previous versions of the guide, the new and revised Code cases are shaded. The shading will assist in focusing attention during the public comment period on the changes to the guide. For Code cases previously listed in this guide, the third column of Table 1 lists the date of ASME approval. The letter R preceding a date indicates that the Code case was reaffirmed in one of the seven supplements reviewed. For new or revised Code cases, the third column of Table 1 lists the supplement and edition in which each Code case was published (e.g., 3/01E means Code Case Supplement 3 to the 2001 Edition).


CASE SECTION XI CODE CASES EDITION NUMBER CONDITION N-498-4 Alternative Requirements for 10-Year System Hydrostatic R4/8/02 Testing for Class 1, 2, and 3 Systems,Section XI, Division 1 Prior to conducting the VT-2 examination of Class 2 and Class 3 components not required to operate during normal plant operation, a 10 minute holding time is required after attaining test pressure. Prior to conducting the VT-2 examination of Class 8


CASE SECTION XI CODE CASES EDITION NUMBER CONDITION N-498-4 Alternative Requirements for 10-Year System Hydrostatic R4/8/02 (contd) Testing for Class 1, 2, and 3 Systems,Section XI, Division 1 2 and Class 3 components required to operate during normal plant operation, no holding time is required, provided the system has been in operation for at least 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> for insulated components or 10 minutes for non-insulated components.

N-513-1 Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws in 12/98E Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Piping,Section XI, Division 1 (1) Specific safety factors in paragraph 4.0 must be satisfied.

(2) Code Case N-513 may not be applied to:

(a) Components other than pipe and tube.

(b) Leakage through a gasket.

(c) Threaded connections employing nonstructural seal welds for leakage prevention (through seal weld leakage is not a structural flaw; thread integrity must be maintained).

(d) Degraded socket welds.

(Note: these conditions are identical to those approved for Code Case N-513 in Revision 13 of this guide).

N-516-3 Underwater Welding,Section XI, Division 1 5/01E Licensees must obtain NRC approval in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3) regarding the technique to be used in the weld repair or replacement of irradiated material underwater.

(Note: this condition is identical to that approved for Code case N-516-2 in Revision 13 of this guide).

N-517-1 Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Owners, R3/28/01 Section XI, Division 1 The Owners Quality Assurance (QA) Program that is approved under Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 must address the use of this Code case and any unique QA requirements identified by the Code case that are not contained in the owners QA Program description. This would include the activities performed in accordance with this Code case that are subject to monitoring by the Authorized Nuclear Inspector.

N-528-1 Purchase, Exchange, or Transfer of Material Between Nuclear R4/19/02 Plant Sites,Section XI, Division 1 The requirements of 10 CFR Part 21 are to be applied to the nuclear plant site supplying the material as well as to the nuclear plant site receiving the material that has been purchased, exchanged, or transferred between sites.



CASE SECTION XI CODE CASES EDITION NUMBER CONDITION N-532-1 Alternative Requirements to Repair and Replacement 3/28/01 Documentation Requirements and Inservice Summary Report Preparation and Submission as Required by IWA-4000 and IWA-6000,Section XI, Division 1 Code Case N-532-1 requires an Owners Activity Report Form OAR-1 to be prepared and certified upon completion of each refueling outage. The OAR-1 forms must be submitted to the NRC within 90 days of the completion of the refueling outage.

(Note: this Code case was approved in Rev. 13 of the guide).

N-533-1 Alternative Requirements for VT-2 Visual Examination of Class R4/8/02 1, 2, and 3 Insulated Pressure-Retaining Bolted Connections,Section XI, Division 1 Prior to conducting the VT-2 examination, the provisions of IWA-5213, Test Condition Holding Times, 1989 Edition, are to be followed.

N-546 Alternative Requirements for Qualification of VT-2 Examination R9/18/01 Personnel,Section XI, Division 1 (1) Qualify examination personnel by test to demonstrate knowledge of Section XI and plant specific procedures for VT-2 visual examination.

(2) This Code case is applicable only to the performance of VT-2 examinations and may not be applied to other VT-2 functions such as verifying the adequacy of procedures and training VT-2 personnel.

N-552 Alternative Methods - Qualification for Nozzle Inside Radius R4/19/02 Section from the Outside Surface,Section XI, Division 1 To achieve consistency with the 10 CFR 50.55a rule change published September 22, 1999 (64 FR 51370), incorporating Appendix VIII, Performance Demonstration for Ultrasonic Examination Systems, to Section XI, add the following to the specimen requirements:

"At least 50 percent of the flaws in the demonstration test set must be cracks and the maximum misorientation must be demonstrated with cracks. Flaws in nozzles with bore diameters equal to or less than 4 inches may be notches.

Add to detection criteria, "The number of false calls must not exceed three.



CASE SECTION XI CODE CASES EDITION NUMBER CONDITION N-554-2 Alternative Requirements for Reconciliation of Replacement 3/28/00 Items and Addition of New Systems,Section XI, Division 1 The component used for repair/replacement must be manufactured, procured, and controlled as a safety-related component under an NRC-approved Quality Assurance program meeting the requirements of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50.

N-557-1 In-Place Dry Annealing of a PWR Nuclear Reactor Vessel, R8/20/02 Section XI, Division 1 The secondary stress allowable of 3Sm, shown in Figure 1 of the Code case, must be applied to the entire primary plus secondary stress range during the anneal.

N-567-1 Alternative Requirements for Class 1, 2, and 3 Replacement R4/19/02 Components,Section XI, Division 1 The component used for repair/replacement must have been manufactured, procured, and controlled as a safety-related component under an NRC-approved Quality Assurance program meeting the requirements of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50.

N-568 Alternative Examination Requirements for Welded Attachments, 1/17/00 Section XI, Division 1 This Code case may only be used for examination of the accessible portions of lugs on piping where riser clamps (i.e.,

clamps on vertical runs of pipe) obstruct access to welded surfaces.

N-569-1 Alternative Rules for Repair by Electrochemical Deposition of R4/19/02 Class 1 and 2 Steam Generator Tubing,Section XI, Division 1 NOTES: Steam generator tube repair methods require prior NRC approval through the Technical Specifications. This Code case does not address certain aspects of this repair, e.g., the qualification of the inspection and plugging criteria necessary for staff approval of the repair method. In addition, if the user plans to "reconcile, as described in Footnote 2, the reconciliation is to be performed in accordance with IWA-4200 in the 1995 Edition, 1996 Addenda of ASME Section XI.



CASE SECTION XI CODE CASES EDITION NUMBER CONDITION N-576-1 Repair of Class 1 and 2 SB-163, UNS N06600 Steam Generator R4/19/02 Tubing,Section XI, Division 1 NOTES: Steam generator tube repair methods require prior NRC approval through the Technical Specifications. This Code case does not address certain aspects of this repair, e.g., the qualification of inspection and plugging criteria necessary for staff approval of the repair method. In addition, if the user plans to "reconcile, as described in the footnote, the reconciliation is to be performed in accordance with IWA-4200 in the 1995 Edition, 1996 Addenda of ASME Section XI.

N-583 Annual Training Alternative,Section XI, Division 1 10/2/00 (1) Supplemental practice shall be performed on material or welds that contain cracks, or by analyzing prerecorded data from material or welds that contain cracks.

(2) The training must be completed no earlier than 6 months prior to performing ultrasonic examinations at a licensees facility.

N-593 Alternative Examination Requirements for Steam Generator 12/8/00 Nozzle to Vessel Welds,Section XI, Division 1 Essentially 100 percent (not less than 90 percent) of the examination volume A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H must be inspected.

N-597-1 Requirements for Analytical Evaluation of Pipe Wall Thinning, R3/28/01 Section XI, Division 1 (1) Code Case must be supplemented by the provisions of EPRI Nuclear Safety Analysis Center Report 202L-R2, April 1999, "Recommendations for an Effective Flow Accelerated Corrosion Program," for developing the inspection requirements, the method of predicting the rate of wall thickness loss, and the value of the predicted remaining wall thickness. As used in NSAC-202L-R2, the terms "should" and "shall" have the same expectation of being completed.

(2) Components affected by flow-accelerated corrosion to which this Code Case are applied must be repaired or replaced in accordance with the construction code of record and Owners requirements or a later NRC approved edition of Section III of the ASME Code prior to the value of tp reaching the allowable minimum wall thickness, tmin, as specified in -3622.1(a)(1) of this Code Case. Alternatively, use of the Code Case is subject to NRC review and approval.



CASE SECTION XI CODE CASES EDITION NUMBER CONDITION N-597-1 Requirements for Analytical Evaluation of Pipe Wall Thinning, R3/28/01 (contd)Section XI, Division 1 (3) For Class 1 piping not meeting the criteria of -3221, the use of evaluation methods and criteria is subject to NRC review and approval.

(4) For those components that do not require immediate repair or replacement, the rate of wall thickness loss is to be used to determine a suitable inspection frequency so that repair or replacement occurs prior to reaching allowable minimum wall thickness, tmin.

(5) For corrosion phenomenon other than flow accelerated corrosion, use of the Code Case is subject to NRC review and approval. Inspection plans and wall thinning rates may be difficult to justify for certain degradation mechanisms such as MIC and pitting.

(Note: this Code case was approved in Revision 13 to this guide)

N-599 Alternatives to Qualification of Nondestructive Examination R9/18/01 Personnel for Inservice Inspection of Metal (Class MC) and Concrete (Class CC) Containments,Section XI, Division 1 This Code case may not be used when a licensee updates to the 1992 or later Edition of Section XI that requires the use of ANSI/ASNT CP-189, Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel.

N-606-1 Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient R8/20/02 Temperature Machine GTAW Temper Bead Technique for BWR CRD Housing/Stub Tube Repairs,Section XI, Division 1 Prior to welding, an examination or verification must be performed to ensure proper preparation of the base metal, and that the surface is properly contoured so that an acceptable weld can be produced. The surfaces to be welded, and surfaces adjacent to the weld, are to be free from contaminants, such as, rust, moisture, grease, and other foreign material or any other condition that would prevent proper welding and adversely affect the quality or strength of the weld. This verification is to be required in the welding procedures.



CASE SECTION XI CODE CASES EDITION NUMBER CONDITION N-616 Alternative Requirements for VT-2 Visual Examination of R4/8/02 Classes 1, 2, 3 Insulated Pressure Retaining Bolted Connections,Section XI, Division 1 (1) Insulation must be removed for VT-2 examination during the system pressure test for any 17-4 PH stainless steel of 410 stainless steel stud or bolt aged at a temperature below 1100EF or with hardness above Rc 30.

(2) For A-286 stainless steel studs or bolts, the preload must be verified to be below 100 Ksi or the thermal insulation must be removed and the joint visually examined.

(3) Prior to conducting the VT-2 examination of Class 2 and Class 3 components not required to operate during normal plant operation, a 10 minute holding time is required after attaining test pressure. Prior to conducting the VT-2 examination of Class 2 and Class 3 components required to operate during normal plant operation, no holding time is required, provided the system has been in operation for at least 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> for insulated components or 10 minutes for non-insulated components.

N-619 Alternative Requirements for Nozzle Inner Radius Inspections for R4/8/02 Class 1 Pressurizer and Steam Generator Nozzles,Section XI, Division 1 In lieu of a UT examination, licensees may perform a visual examination with enhanced magnification that has a resolution sensitivity to detect a 1-mil width wire or crack, utilizing the allowable flaw length criteria of Table IWB-3512-1 with limiting assumptions on the flaw aspect ratio. The provisions of Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, continue to apply except that, in place of examination volumes, the surfaces to be examined are the external surfaces shown in the figures applicable to this table.

N-638-1 Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient 8-9/01E Temperature Machine GTAW Temper Bead Technique,Section XI, Division 1 UT volumetric examinations shall be performed with personnel and procedures qualified for the repaired volume and qualified by demonstration using representative samples which contain construction type flaws. The acceptance criteria of NB-5330 in the 1998 Edition through 2000 Addenda of Section III apply to all flaws identified within the repaired volume.



CASE SECTION XI CODE CASES EDITION NUMBER CONDITION N-639 Alternative Calibration Block Material,Section XI, Division 1 R8/20/02 Chemical ranges of the calibration block may vary from the materials specification if: (1) it is within the chemical range of the component specification to be inspected, and (2) the phase and grain shape are maintained in the same ranges produced by the thermal process required by the material specification.

(Note: Conditions have been clarified based on questions to the staff).

N-647 Alternative to Augmented Examination Requirements of 12/8/00 IWE-2500,Section XI, Division 1 A VT-1 examination is to be used in lieu of the detailed visual examination. (Note: Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1070, Sampling Plans Used for Dedicating Simple Metallic Commercial Grade Items for Use in Nuclear Power Plants, is being developed to provide acceptable guidelines for sampling criteria.)

N-648-1 Alternative Requirements for Inner Radius Examination of 9/18/01 Class 1 Reactor Vessel Nozzles,Section XI Division 1 In place of a UT examination, licensees may perform a visual examination with enhanced magnification that has a resolution sensitivity to detect a 1-mil width wire or crack, utilizing the allowable flaw length criteria of Table IWB-3512-1 with limiting assumptions on the flaw aspect ratio. The provisions of Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, continue to apply except that, in place of examination volumes, the surfaces to be examined are the external surfaces shown in the figures applicable to this table.

(Note: this Code case was approved in Revision 13 of this guide)

N-660 Risk-Informed Safety Classification for Use in Risk-Informed 5/01E Repair/Replacement Activities,Section XI, Division 1 The Code case must be applied only to ASME Code Classes 2 and 3, and non-Code Class pressure retaining components and their associated supports.



CASE SECTION XI CODE CASES EDITION NUMBER CONDITION N-661 Alternative Requirements for Wall Thickness Restoration of 5/01E Classes 2 and 3 Carbon Steel Piping for Raw Water Service,Section XI, Division 1 (a) If the root cause of the degradation has not been determined, the repair is only acceptable for one cycle.

(b) Weld overlay repair of an area can only be performed once in the same location.

(c) When through-wall repairs are made by welding on surfaces that are wet or exposed to water, the weld overlay repair is only acceptable until the next refueling outage.

N-662 Alternative Repair/Replacement Requirements for Items 6/01E Classified in Accordance with Risk-Informed Processes,Section XI, Division 1 The Code case must be applied only to ASME Code Classes 2 and 3, and non-Code Class pressure retaining components and their associated supports.

3. ANNULLED UNCONDITIONALLY APPROVED SECTION XI CODE CASES The Code cases listed in Table 3 were previously unconditionally approved by the NRC and have been annulled by the ASME. The third column of the table lists the date that the Code case was annulled by the ASME, and the Supplement and Edition if the Code case was annulled in Supplement 12 to the 1998 Edition through Supplement 6 to the 2001 Edition (e.g., 3/01E means Supplement 3 to the 2001 Edition).


EDITION N-34 Inservice Inspection of Welds of Nuclear Components, 11/20/81 (1551) Section XI N-72 Partial Postponement of Category B-C Examination for 1/1/81 (1646) Class 1 Components,Section XI N-73 Partial Postponement of Category B-D Examination for 1/1/81 (1647) Class 1 Components,Section XI N-98 Ultrasonic Examination - Calibration Block Tolerances, 8/9/96 (1705-1) Section XI, Division 1 16


EDITION N-112 Acceptance Standards for Class 2 and 3 Components, 7/1/79 (1730) Section XI, Division 1 N-113-1 Basic Calibration Block for Ultrasonic Examination of 8/9/96 Weld 10 in. To 14 in. Thick,Section XI, Division 1 N-167 Minimum Section Thickness Requirements for Repair of 1/14/80 (1804) Nozzles,Section XI, Division 1 N-198-1 Exemption from Examination for ASME Class 1 and 2 3/28/01; Piping Located at Containment Penetrations,Section XI, 1/01E Division 1 N-211 Recalibration of Ultrasonic Equipment Upon Change of 4/30/93 Personnel,Section XI, Division 1 (The Code case was annulled on 3/20/81 and reinstated on 7/13/81. There was no change in the Code case, and the NRC considers that the Code case was in effect during the period 3/20/81 through 7/13/81)

N-216 Alternative Rules for Reactor Vessel Closure Stud 5/7/90 Examination,Section XI, Division 1 N-234 Time Between Ultrasonic Calibration Checks,Section XI, 12/3/90 Division 1 N-235 Ultrasonic Calibration Checks per Section V,Section XI, 8/9/96 Division 1 N-236-1 Repair and Replacement of Class MC Vessels, 8/5/97 Section XI, Division 1 N-288 Hydrostatic Test Requirements for Class 1 and Class 2 5/25/83 Components,Section XI, Division 1 N-306 Calibration Block Material Selection, Appendix 1, 1-3121, 5/7/90 Section XI, Division 1 N-308 Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of 9/30/90 Components in Nuclear Power Plants,Section XI, Division 1 N-335-1 Rules for Ultrasonic Examination of Similar and Dissimilar 5/11/97 Metal Piping Welds,Section XI, Division 1 N-343 Alternative Scope of Examination of Attachment Welds for 12/3/90 Examination Categories B-H, B-K-1, and C-C,Section XI, Division 1 17


EDITION N-355 Calibration Block for Angle Beam Ultrasonic Examination 8/9/96 of Large Fittings in Accordance with Appendix III-3410,Section XI, Division 1 N-356 Certification Period for Level III NDE Personnel, 8/5/97 Section XI, Division 1 (July 1, 1988, is the date that the provisions of the Code case were acceptable to the NRC)

N-375-2 Rules for Ultrasonic Examination of Bolds and Studs, 5/7/90 Section XI, Division 1 N-389-1 Alternative Rules for Repairs, Replacements, or 4/19/02; Modifications,Section XI, Division 1 4/01E N-401-1 Eddy Current Examination,Section XI, Division 1 5/11/97 N-402-1 Eddy Current Calibration Standards,Section XI, 5/11/97 Division 1 N-406 Alternative Rules for Replacement,Section XI, 5/7/90 Division 1 N-408-3 Alternative Rules for Examination of Class 2 Piping, 4/19/02;Section XI, Division 1 4/01E N-409-3 Procedure and Personnel Qualification Requirements for 4/30/96 Ultrasonic Detection and Sizing of Flaws in Piping Welds,Section XI, Division 1 N-415 Alternative Rules for Testing Pressure Relief,Section XI, 8/14/94 Division 1 N-419 Extent of VT-1 Examinations, Category B-G-1 of Table 5/13/94 IWB-2500-1,Section XI, Division 1 N-424 Qualification of Visual Examination Personnel,Section XI, 7/18/88 Division 1 N-426 Extent of VT-1 Examinations, Category B-G-2 of Table 5/13/94 IWB-2500-1,Section XI, Division 1 N-427 Code Cases in Inspection Plans,Section XI, Division 1 12/16/94 N-429-2 Alternative Rules for Ultrasonic Instrument Calibration, 7/27/95 Section XI, Division 1 N-436-1 Alternative Methods for Evaluation of Flaws in Austenitic 12/3/90 Piping,Section XI, Division 1 18


EDITION N-437 Use of Digital Readout and Digital Measurement Devices 7/27/95 for Performing Pressure Tests,Section XI, Division 1 N-444 Preparation of Inspection Plans,Section XI, Division 1 12/30/90 (Valve stroke times may be documented outside of the IST program. However, if included within the IST program and it becomes necessary to revise the maximum stroke time required by Supplement 4Content of IWV Valve Test Tables, it is not necessary to submit a revised IST program to the NRC solely to document a revision in valve stroke time)

N-445 Use of Later Editions of SNT-TC-1A for Qualification of 5/7/90 Nondestructive Examination Personnel,Section XI, Division 1, 2, and 3 N-446 Recertification of Visual Examination Personnel, Section 5/7/90 XI, Division 1 N-448 Qualification of VT-2 and VT-3 Visual Examination 4/30/96 Personnel,Section XI, Division 1 N-449 Qualification of VT-4 Visual Examination Personnel, 4/30/96 Section XI, Division 1 N-457 Qualification Specimen Notch Location for Ultrasonic 4/19/02; Examination of Bolts and Studs,Section XI, Division 1 4/01E N-458-1 Magnetic Particle Examination of Coated Materials, 3/38/01;Section XI, Division 1 12/98E N-461-1 Alternative Rules for Piping Calibration Block Thickness, 3/28/01;Section XI, Division 1 12/98E N-463-1 Evaluation Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Flaws 3/28/01 in Class 1 Ferritic Piping That Exceed the Acceptance 12/98E Standards of IWB-3514.2,Section XI, Division 1 N-465 Alternative Rules for Pump Testing,Section XI, 8/14/94 Division 1 N-472 Use of Digital Readout and Digital Measurement Devices 8/14/97 for Performing Pump Vibration Testing,Section XI, Division 1 N-473 Alternative Rules for Valve Testing,Section XI, Division 1 12/16/94 19


EDITION N-478 Inservice Inspection for Class CC Concrete Components 3/2/98 of Light-Water Cooled Power Plants,Section XI, Division 1 N-479-1 Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Main Steam Hydrostatic 4/19/02; Test,Section XI, Division 1 4/01E N-489 Alternative Rules for Level III NDE Qualification 4/19/02; Examinations,Section XI, Divisions 1, 2, and 3 4/01E N-495 Hydrostatic Testing of Relief Valves,Section XI, Division 1 4/19/02; 4/01E N-496-1 Helical-Coil Threaded Inserts,Section XI, Division 1 5/11/97 N-514 Low Temperature Overpressure Protection, 4/19/02;Section XI, Division 1 4/01E N-515 Class 1 Mechanical Joint Pressure Tests,Section XI, 4/19/02; Division 1 4/01E N-521 Alternative Rules for Deferral of Inspections of Nozzle-to- 4/19/02; Vessel Welds, Inside Radius Sections, and Nozzle-to- 4/01E Safe End Welds of a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)

Vessel,Section XI, Division 1 N-524 Alternative Examination Requirements for Longitudinal 4/19/02; Welds in Class 1 and 2 Piping,Section XI, Division 1 4/01E N-535 Alternative Requirements for Inservice Inspection 3/28/01; Intervals,Section XI, Division 1 12/98E N-538 Alternative Requirements for Length Sizing Performance 4/19/02; Demonstration in Accordance with Appendix VIII, 4/01E Supplements 2, 3, 10, 11, and 12,Section XI, Division 1 N-541 Alternative Requirements for Performance Demonstration 3/28/01; in Accordance with Appendix VIII, Supplements 4 and 6, 12/98E Section XI, Division 1 N-543 Alternative to Performing Periodic Calibration Checks, 9/18/01;Section XI, Division 1 2/01E N-544 Repair/Replacement of Small Items,Section XI, Division 1 3/28/01 N-555 Use of Section II, V, and IX Code Cases,Section XI, 4/8/02; Division 1 5/05E N-556 Alternative Requirements for Verification of Acceptability 4/19/02; of Replacements,Section XI, Division 1 4/01E 20


EDITION N-563 Grading of Examinations, IWA-2320,Section XI, 4/19/02; Division 1 4/01E N-627 VT-1 Visual Examination in Lieu of Surface Examination 5/7/02; for RPV Closure Nuts,Section XI, Division 1 4/01E

4. ANNULLED CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTABLE SECTION XI CODE CASES The Code cases listed in Table 4 were conditionally approved by the NRC but were subsequently annulled by the ASME. The third column of the table lists the date that the Code case was annulled by the ASME, and the Supplement and Edition if the Code case was annulled in Supplement 12 to the 1998 Edition through Supplement 6 to the 2001 Edition (e.g., 3/01E means Supplement 3 to the 2001 Edition).


EDITION N-118 ExaminationAcceptance Standards for Surface 12/3/90 (1738) Indications in Cladding,Section XI The last sentence of the Reply is to be replaced with the following: "The provisions of this Code case may not be applied for the examination of clad surfaces of nozzles, including the inner surface of the nozzle-to-vessel insert welds.

N-210 Exemption to Hydrostatic Tests After Repairs,Section XI, 3/20/81 Division 1 Paragraph (3) of the Reply is to be replaced with the following: "Repairs to piping, pumps, and valves where the depth of the repaired cavity does not exceed 25 percent of the wall thickness.

N-252 Low Energy Capacitive Discharge Welding Method for 7/16/82 Temporary or Permanent Attachments to Components and Supports,Section III, Division 1, and Section XI The applicant should indicate in the Safety Analysis Report the application, the material, and the thickness of the material to which the strain gage or thermocouple will be attached by CD welding.



EDITION N-278 Alternative Ultrasonic Calibration Block Configuration 2/19/92 I-3131 and T-434.3,Section XI, Division 1 (Code Case N-278 was inadvertently allowed to expire because of an ASME administrative error on 3/17/83.

The Code case was reinstated without technical change on 5/25/93. Thus, the NRC considered the Code case to be in effect during the period 3/17/83 through 5/25/93.)

When a universal calibration block is used and some or all of the reference holes are larger than the reflector holes at comparable depths recommended by Article IV,Section V, 1980 Edition of the ASME Code, a correction factor should be used to adjust the DAC level to compensate for the larger reflector holes. Also, if the reactor pressure vessel was previously examined by using a conventional black, a ration between the DAC curves obtained from the two blocks should be note (for reference) with the significant indication data.

N-509 Alternative Rules for the Selection and Examination of 5/20/01; Class 1, 2, and 3 Integrally Welded Attachments, Section 1/01E XI, Division 1 A minimum 10% sample of integrally welded attachments for each item in each Code class per interval should be examined.

N-512-1 Assessment of Reactor Vessels With Low Upper Shelf 5/20/01; Charpy Impact Energy Levels,Section XI, Division 1 1/01E The material properties and transient selection must follow the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.161, Evaluation of Reactor Pressure Vessels with Charpy Upper-Shelf Energy Less Than 50 ft-lb, or an equivalent method approved by the NRC staff.



EDITION N-630 Alternatives to VT-1C and VT-3C Visual Examination for 4/8/02 Inservice Inspection of Concrete and VT-1 Visual 5/01E Examination for Inservice Inspection of Anchorage Hardware and Surrounding Concrete for Concrete Containments,Section XI, Division 1 The Responsible Engineers written practice must define qualification requirements for concrete and tendon hardware examination personnel in accordance with IWA-2300 in lieu of the Owner defined qualification requirements specified in Paragraph (c) of the Code Case. However, limited certification in accordance with IWA-2350 is permitted.

5. CODE CASES THAT HAVE BEEN SUPERSEDED Table 5 lists Code cases that have been superseded by revision. The third column of the table indicates the date on which each Code case was superseded. Note: Some of these Code cases were not approved for use by the NRC in previous versions of Regulatory Guide 1.147.

TABLE 5 - SECTION XI CODE CASES THAT HAVE BEEN SUPERSEDED CODE CASE TABLE 5, SECTION XI CODE CASES DATE NUMBER THAT HAVE BEEN SUPERSEDED N-113 Basic Calibration Block for Ultrasonic Examination of N-113-1 Published on (1731) Weld 10 in. To 14 in. Thick,Section XI, 12/31/82 Division 1 N-236 Repair and Replacement of Class MC Vessels, N-236-1 Published on Section XI, Division 1 9/5/85 (a). In paragraph 1.0(a), second sentence, the phrase, while the plant is not in service, refers to a refueling outage.

(b). In paragraph 1.0(a), third sentence, the phrase, the next scheduled plant outage, refers to the next schedule refueling outage.


CODE CASE TABLE 5, SECTION XI CODE CASES DATE NUMBER THAT HAVE BEEN SUPERSEDED N-236 Repair and Replacement of Class MC Vessels, N-236-1 Published on (contd) Section XI, Division 1 9/5/85 For clarification, Repair and Replacement of Class MC Vessels means Repair and Replacement of Class MC Vessels and Components (systems). Acceptance of this Code case in no way provides/constitutes NRC approval to violate the technical specification or any NRC requirements with regard to breach of containment during repair and replacement procedures while the plant is in operation.

Where a numbered Code paragraph is not identified by a particular edition of the Code, the Code in effect at the time of the ASME meeting (11/3/78) that approved the Code case should be governing.

N-307 Revised Ultrasonic Examination Volume for Class 1 N-307-1 Published on N-307-1 Bolting, Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category 12/5/84 N-307-2 B-G-1, When the Examinations Are Conducted from N-307-2 Published on the Center-Drilled Hole,Section XI, Division 1 9/24/99 N-307-3 Published on 3/28/01 N-335 Rules for Ultrasonic Examination of Similar and N-335-1 Published on Dissimilar Metal Piping Welds,Section XI, 6/20/85 Division 1 N-375 Rules for Ultrasonic Examination of Bolds and Studs, N-375-1 Published on N-375-1 Section XI, Division 1 4/14/83; N-375-2 Published on 4/5/84 N-389 Alternative Rules for Repairs, Replacements, or N-389-1 Published on Modifications,Section XI, Division 1 12/9/93 The applicant should submit for approval the appropriate edition and addenda of the Code that is to be used for the repair, replacement, or modification before the start of the work.

N-401 Eddy Current Examination,Section XI, Division 1 N-401-1 Published on 5/4/88 N-402 Eddy Current Calibration Standards,Section XI, N-402-1 Published on Division 1 3/14/91 N-408 Alternative Rules for Examination of Class 2 Piping, N-408-1 Published on Section XI, Division 1 3/8/89 24

CODE CASE TABLE 5, SECTION XI CODE CASES DATE NUMBER THAT HAVE BEEN SUPERSEDED N-408-1 Alternative Rules for Examination of Class 2 Piping, N-408-2 Published on N-408-2 Section XI, Division 1 7/24/89 N-408-3 Published on The applicant for an operating license should define 8/9/93 the Class 2 piping subject to volumetric and suface examination in the Preservice Inspection for determination of acceptability by the NRC staff.

N-409 Procedure and Personnel Qualification Requirements N-409-1 Published on for Ultrasonic Detection and Sizing of Flaws in Piping 12/7/87 Welds,Section XI, Division 1 N-409-1 Procedure and Personnel Qualification Requirements N-409-2 Published on N-409-2 for Ultrasonic Detection and Sizing of Flaws in Piping 7/27/88; Welds,Section XI, Division 1 N-409-3 Published on 4/30/93 The applicant should give prior notification to the NRC of the intention to use the Code case.

N-416 Alternative Pressure Test Requirements for Welded N-416-1 Published on N-416-1 Repairs or Installation of Replacement Items by 2/15/94 N-416-2 Welding, Class 1, 2, and 3,Section XI, Division 1 N-416-2 Published on 5/5/00 N-416-3 Published on 7/7/01 N-429 Alternative Rules for Ultrasonic Instrument Calibration, N-429-1 Published on N-429-1 Section XI, Division 1 2/23/87; N-429-2 Published on 7/27/92 N-432 Repair Welding Using Automatic or Machine Gas N-432-1 Published on Tungsten-Arc Welding (GTAW) Temper Bead 3/28/01 Technique,Section XI, Division 1 N-435 Alternative Examination Requirements for Vessels With N-435-1 Published on Wall Thickness 2 in. Or Less,Section XI, Division 1 7/30/86 N-436 Alternative Methods for Evaluation of Flaws in N-436-1 Published on Austenitic Piping,Section XI, Division 1 12/7/87 N-458 Magnetic Particle Examination of Coated Materials, N-458-1 Published on Section XI, Division 1 3/14/95 N-461 Alternative Rules for Piping Calibration Block N-461-1 Published on Thickness,Section XI, Division 1 3/14/95 N-463 Evaluation Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for N-463-1 Published on Flaws in Class 1 Ferritic Piping That Exceed the 3/5/90 Acceptance Standards of IWB-3514.2,Section XI, Division 1 25

CODE CASE TABLE 5, SECTION XI CODE CASES DATE NUMBER THAT HAVE BEEN SUPERSEDED N-479 Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Main Steam Hydrostatic N-479-1 Published on Test,Section XI, Division 1 12/3/90 N-485 Eddy Current Examination of Coated Ferritic Surfaces N-485 Published on as an Alternative to Surface Examination,Section XI, 8/14/91 Division 1 N-490 Alternative Vision Test Requirements for N-490-1 Published on Nondestructive Examiners,Section XI, Divisions 1, 2, 5/13/91 and 3 N-491 Alternative Rules for Examination of Class 1, 2, 3, and N-491-1 Published on N-491-1 MC Component Supports of Light-Water Cooled Power 4/30/93; Plants,Section XI, Division 1 N-491-2 Published on 3/12/97 N-494 Pipe Specific Evaluation Procedures and Acceptance N-494-1 Published on N-494-1 Criteria for Flaws in Class 1 Ferritic Piping that Exceed 7/27/92; N-494-2 the Acceptance Standards of IWB-3514.2,Section XI, N-494-2 Published on Division 1 12/9/93 N-494-3 Published on 8/9/96 N-496 Helical-Coil Threaded Inserts,Section XI, Division 1 N-496-1 Published on N-496-1 5/11/94; N-496-1 Annulled on 5/11/97 N-496-2 Published on 9/18/01 N-498 Alternative Rules for 10-Year System Hydrostatic N-498-1 Published on N-498-1 Testing for Class 1, 2, and 3 Systems,Section XI, 5/11/94 N-498-2 Division 1 N-498-2 Published on N-498-3 6/9/95 N-498-3 Published on 5/20/98 N-498-4 Published on 2/15/99 N-504 Alternative Rules for Repair of Class 1, 2, and 3 N-504-1 Published on N-504-1 Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping,Section XI, 8/9/93 Division 1 N-504-2 Published on 3/12/97 N-508 Rotation of Serviced Snubbers and Pressure Relief N-508-1 Published on N-508-1 Valves for the Purpose of Testing, 5/11/94 Section XI, Division 1 N-508-2 Published on 3/28/01 N-512 Assessment of Reactor Vessels With Low Upper Shelf N-512-1 Published on Charpy Impact Energy Levels,Section XI, Division 1 8/24/95 26

CODE CASE TABLE 5, SECTION XI CODE CASES DATE NUMBER THAT HAVE BEEN SUPERSEDED N-513 Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws N-513-1 Published on in Class 3 Piping,Section XI, Division 1 3/28/01 N-516 Underwater Welding,Section XI, Division 1 N-516-1 Published on N-516-1 12/31/96; N-516-2 Published on When welding is to be performed on high neutron 1/17/00 fluence Class 1 material, then a mockup, using material with similar fluence levels, should be welded to verify that adequate crack prevention measures were used.

N-516-2 Underwater Welding,Section XI, Division 1 N-516-3 Published on 4/8/02 Licensees must obtain NRC approval in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3) regarding the method to be used in the weld repair or replacement of irradiated material underwater.

N-517 Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Owners, N-517-1 Published on Section XI, Division 1 7/30/98 N-523 Mechanical Clamping Devices for Class 2 and 3 N-523-1 Published on N-523-1 Piping,Section XI, Division 1 8/24/95 N-523-2 Published on 10/2/00 N-528 Purchase, Exchange, or Transfer of Material Between N-528-1 Published on Nuclear Plant Sites,Section XI, 5/7/99 Division 1 N-532 Alternative Requirements to Repair and Replacement N-532-1 Published on Documentation Requirements and Inservice Summary 3/28/01 Report Preparation and Submission as Required by IWA-4000 and IWA-6000,Section XI, Division 1 N-533 Alternative Requirements for VT-2 Visual Examination N-533-1 Published of Class 1 Insulated Pressure-Retaining Bolted 2/26/99 Connections,Section XI, Division 1 N-553 Inservice Eddy Current Surface Examination of N-553-1 Published on Pressure Retaining Pipe Welds and Nozzle-to-Safe 3/28/01 End Welds,Section XI, Division 1 N-554 Alternative Requirements for Reconciliation of N-554-1 Published on N-554-1 Replacement Items,Section XI, Division 1 7/98E; N-554-2 Published on 2/25/00 N-557 In-Place Dry Annealing of a PWR Nuclear Reactor N-557-1 Published on Vessel,Section XI, Division 1 12/31/96 27

CODE CASE TABLE 5, SECTION XI CODE CASES DATE NUMBER THAT HAVE BEEN SUPERSEDED N-560 Alternative Examination Requirements for Class 1, N-560-1 Published on N-560-1 Category B-J Piping Welds,Section XI, Division 1 8/9/96; N-560-2 Published on 3/28/00 N-561 Alternative Requirements for Wall Thickness N-561-1 Published on Restoration of Class 2 and High Energy Class 3 7/30/98 Carbon Steel Piping,Section XI, Division 1 N-562 Alternative Requirements for Wall Thickness N-562-1 Published on Restoration of Class 3 Moderate Energy Carbon Steel 7/30/98 Piping,Section XI, Division 1 N-566 Corrective Action for Leakage Identified at Bolted N-566-1 Published on N-566-1 Connections,Section XI, Division 1 2/15/99 N-566-2 Published on 3/28/01 N-567 Alternative Requirements for Class 1, 2, and 3 N-567-1 Published on Replacement Components,Section XI, Division 1 2/26/99 N-569 Alternative Rules for Repair by Electrochemical N-569-1 Published on Deposition of Class 1 and 2 Steam Generator Tubing, 5/7/99 Section XI, Division 1 N-576 Repair of Class 1 and 2 SB-163, UNS N06600 Steam N-576-1 Published on Generator Tubing,Section XI, Division 1 5/7/99 N-577 Risk-Informed Requirements for Class 1, 2, and 3 N-577-1 Published on Piping, Method A,Section XI, Division 1 3/28/00 N-578 Risk-Informed Requirements for Class 1, 2, and 3 N-578-1 Published on Piping, Method B,Section XI, Division 1 3/28/00 N-597 Requirements for Analytical Evaluation of Pipe Wall N-597-1 Published on Thinning,Section XI, Division 1 7/7/01 N-606 Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient N-606-1 Published on Temperature Machine GTAW Temper Bead 9/24/99 Technique,Section XI, Division 1 N-638 Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient N-638-1 Published Temperature Machine GTAW Temper Bead on 5/9/03 Technique,Section XI, Division 1 The Construction Code of Record acceptance criteria must used for volumetric examinations.

N-648 Alternative Requirements for Inner Radius Examination N-648-1 Published on of Class 1 Reactor Vessel Nozzles,Section XI, 7/7/01 Division 1 28

APPENDIX A SUPPLEMENTS ADDRESSED IN PROPOSED REVISION 14 TO REGULATORY GUIDE 1.147 EDITION SUPPLEMENT BNCS1 APPROVAL DATE NUMBER OF CODE CASES IN SUPPLEMENT2 1998 12 March 28, 2001 2001 1 August 14, 2001 2001 2 September 18, 2001 2001 3 September 18, 2001 2001 4 April 19, 2002 2001 5 July 23, 2002 2001 6 September 17, 2002 1

BNCS - ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards 2

Publication was between five to eight months after BNCS approval.


Appendix B Numerical Listing of Section XI Code Cases in Supplement 12, 1998 Edition, through Supplement 6, 2001 Edition N-198-1 N-532-1 N-598 N-307-3 N-532-21 N-599 N-323-11 N-533-1 N-600 N-389-1 N-535 N-601 N-408-3 N-537 N-603 N-416-3 N-538 N-605 N-432-1 N-541 N-606-1 N-435-1 N-5421 N-613-1 N-457 N-543 N-6151 N-458-1 N-544 N-616 N-461-1 N-546 N-617 N-463-1 N-5471 N-619 N-471 N-552 N-6221 N-479-1 N-553-1 N-623 N-4801 N-555 N-624 N-489 N-556 N-627 N-494-3 N-557-1 N-629 N-495 N-561-1 N-630 N-496-2 N-562-1 N-638 N-498-4 N-563 N-639 N-508-2 N-566-2 N-640 N-509 N-567-1 N-648-1 N-512-1 N-569-1 N-649 N-513-1 N-576-1 N-651 N-514 N-586 N-652 N-515 N-588 N-6531 N-516-3 N-5891 N-654 N-517-1 N-589-11 N-658 N-521 N-590 N-660 N-522 N-591 N-661 N-523-2 N-592 N-662 N-524 N-597 N-663 N-526 N-597-1 N-664 N-528-1


1 Code case is unacceptable for use. See Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1126, proposed Revision 1 to Regulatory Guide 1.193.


Appendix C Numerical Listing of Section XI Code Cases and Table Where Each Code Case Is Listed N-34 [T3] N-389-1 [T3] N-458 [T5] N-503 [T1]

N-72 [T3] N-401 [T5] N-458-1 [T3] N-504 [T5]

N-73 [T3] N-401-1 [T3] N-460 [T1] N-504-1 [T5]

N-98 [T3] N-402 [T5] N-461 [T5] N-504-2 [T1]

N-112 [T3] N-402-1 [T3] N-461-1 [T3] N-508 [T5]

N-113 [T5] N-406 [T3] N-463 [T5] N-508-1 [T5]

N-113-1 [T3] N-408 [T5] N-463-1 [T3] N-508-2 [T1]

N-118 [T4] N-408-1 [T5] N-4651 [T3] N-509 [T4]

N-167 [T3] N-408-2 ]T5] N-465-11 N-512 [T5]

N-198-1 [T3] N-408-3 [T3] N-471 [T1] N-512-1 [T4]

N-210 [T4] N-409 [T5] N-472 [T3] N-513 [T5]

N-211 [T3] N-409-1 [T5] N-4731 [T3] N-513-1 [T2]

N-216 [T3] N-409-2 [T5] N-473-11 N-514 [T3]

N-234 [T3] N-409-3 [T3] N-478 [T3] N-515 [T3]

N-235 [T3] N-415 [T3] N-479 [T5] N-516 [T5]

N-236 [T5] N-416 [T5] N-479-1 [T3] N-516-1 [T5]

N-236-1 [T3] N-416-1 [T5] N-4801 N-516-2 [T5]

N-252 [T4] N-416-2 [T5] N-481 [T1] N-516-3 [T2]

N-278 [T4] N-416-3 [T1] N-485 [T5] N-517 [T5]

N-288 [T3] N-419 [T3] N-485-1 [T1] N-517-1 [T2]

N-306 [T3] N-424 [T3] N-489 [T3] N-521 [T3]

N-307 [T5] N-426 [T3] N-490 [T5] N-522 [T1]

N-307-1 [T5] N-427 [T3] N-490-1 [T1] N-523 [T5]

N-307-2 [T5] N-429 [T5] N-491 [T5] N-523-1 [T5]

N-307-3 [T1] N-429-1 [T5] N-491-1 [T5] N-523-2 [T1]

N-308 [T3] N-429-2 [T3] N-491-2 [T1] N-524 [T3]

N-311 [T1] N-432 [T5] N-494 [T5] N-526 [T1]

N-322 [T1] N-432-1 [T1] N-494-1 [T5] N-528 [T5]

N-323-11 N-435 [T5] N-494-2 [T5] N-528-1 [T2]

N-334 [T1] N-435-1 [T1] N-494-3 [T1] N-532 [T5]

N-335 [T5] N-436 [T5] N-495 [T3] N-532-1 [T2]

N-335-1 [T3] N-436-1 [T3] N-496 [T5] N-532-21 N-343 [T3] N-437 [T3] N-496-1 [T3] [T5] N-533 [T5]

N-355 [T3] N-444 [T3] N-496-2 [T1] N-533-1 [T2]

N-356 [T3] N-445 [T3] N-498 [T5] N-534 [T1]

N-375 [T5] N-446 [T3] N-498-11 [T5] N-535 [T3]

N-375-1 [T5] N-448 [T3] N-498-21 [T5] N-537 [T1]

N-375-2 [T3] N-449 [T3] N-498-31 [T5] N-538 [T3]

N-389 [T5] N-457 [T3] N-498-4 [T2] N-541 [T3]


1 Code case is unacceptable for use. See Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1126, proposed Revision 1 to Regulatory Guide 1.193.

2 Code case approved 2/13/03, published in Supplements 8 and 9, 2001 Edition.

3 Code case approved 5/21/03, published in Supplement 11, 2001 Edition.


N-5421 N-5891 N-660 [T2]

N-543 [T3] N-589-11 N-661 [T2]

N-544 [T3] N-5901 N-662 [T2]

N-545 [T1] N-5911 N-663 [T1]

N-546 [T2] N-592 [T1] N-664 [T1]

N-5471 N-593 [T2] N-6953 [T1]

N-552 [T2] N-597 [T5]

N-553 [T5] N-597-1 [T2]

N-553-1 [T1] N-598 [T1]

N-554 [T5] N-599 [T2]

N-554-1 [T5] N-600 [T1]

N-554-2 [T2] N-601 [T1]

N-555 [T3] N-603 [T1]

N-556 [T3] N-604 [T1]

N-557 [T5] N-605 [T1]

N-557-1 [T2] N-606 [T5]

N-560 [T5] N-606-1 [T2]

N-560-11 [T5] N-609 [T1]

N-560-21 N-6131 N-5611 [T5] N-613-1 [T1]

N-561-11 N-6151 N-5621 [T5] N-616 [T2]

N-562-11 N-617 [T1]

N-563 [T3] N-619 [T2]

N-566 [T5] N-6221 N-566-1 [T5] N-623 [T1]

N-566-2 [T1] N-624 [T1]

N-567 [T5] N-627 [T3]

N-567-1 [T2] N-629 [T1]

N-568 [T2] N-630 [T4]

N-569 [T5] N-638 [T5]

N-569-1 [T2] N-638-1 [T2]2 N-573 [T1] N-639 [T2]

N-5741 N-640 [T1]

N-5751 N-641 [T1]

N-576 [T5] N-643 [T1]

N-576-1 [T2] N-647 [T2]

N-5771 [T5] N-648 [T5]

N-577-11 N-648-1 [T2]

N-5781 [T5] N-649 [T1]

N-578-11 N-651 [T1]

N-583 [T2] N-652 [T1]

N-586 [T1] N-6531 N-5871 N-6541 N-588 [T1] N-658 [T1]


1 Code case is unacceptable for use. See Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1126, proposed Revision 1 to Regulatory Guide 1.193.

2 Code case approved 2/13/03, published in Supplements 8 and 9, 2001 Edition.

3 Code case approved 5/21/03, published in Supplement 11, 2001 Edition.


REGULATORY ANALYSIS A separate regulatory analysis was not prepared for this regulatory guide. The regulatory basis for this guide is the regulatory analysis prepared for the amendment to 10 CFR 50.55a, Codes and Standards, that incorporates this regulatory guide by reference.

Publicly available NRC documents related to this proposed rule can also be viewed on public computers in the NRCs Public Document Room (PDR) at One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike, Public File Area (O-1F21), Rockville, MD 20852. The PDR reproduction contractor will make copies of documents for a fee. The PDRs mailing address is USNRC PDR, Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone (301) 415-4737 or 1 (800) 397-4209; fax (301) 415-3548; e-mail <PDR@NRC.GOV>. The regulatory analysis is also available through the NRCs Electronic Reading Room at (ML040480048).