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Final - Operating Exam (Sections a, B, C) (Folder 3)
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 01/27/2009
From: Schulze W
Entergy Nuclear Operations
To: Fish T H
Operations Branch I
Hansell S
Shared Package
ML082600332 List:
TAC U01743
Download: ML090790246 (241)


{{#Wiki_filter:113) (Rts 78) -- I AOIROISRO - ROISRO - 3 - -X_ - - X - (I/ < / 27 07 ~icensed/~krtified ,pproved -3 fl J;I,~~(/& 1 '27.67 raini id ~da~er JPM-A la RO Rev. 012309 Page 1 of 6 VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION Task Identification: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET NRC EXAM 2009 Title: Failure Mode:


Perform the RHR System Valve Lineup Two mispositioned valves. OP 2124. Residual Heat Removal System. (Rev. AP 0155, Current System Valve And Breaker Lineup and Identification. Task Number: Task Performance: SRO Sequence Critical: Yes Time Critical: Yes Operator Performing Date of Activity Method of Testing: Simulation Discuss Setting: Classroom Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 13 minutes Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: /-27-Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: SRO Reviewer Date by: Operations Date 1 f ,r (*), : Measure. Containmerlt, 1 1 JPM-A a RO Rev. 012309 Page 2 of 6 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical tep is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator " Do you understand the task?" Read to the person being evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the You are requested to " talk through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying checking and the steps you are Inform me upon completion of this task. nitial Conditions: The plant is preparing for startup following a Refueling Outage. Shutdown Cooling has been secured. Appendix B, Containment Remote Operated Valve Checklist, of OP 2115, Primary completed. Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to perform pages and 2 of Appendix A, RHR System Valve Lineup, of OP 2 124, Residual Heat Removal System. Task Standards: The operator performs the Valve Lineup in accordance with OP 2124, using the guidance provided within AP 0155, Current System Valve and Breaker Lineup and Identification, recording all tracking information on the appropriate documentation, discovering and notifying supervision of the two mispositioned valves, and re-positioning the valves as needed. is JPM-A a RO lequired OP2124, Set-UP: LO.. ValveISwitch doe.; <he 1 JPM-Ala RO Rev. 012309 Page 3 of 6 Materials: Handout 1-Appendix A (Rev. 1Handout 2 -AP 0155, Current System Valve And Breaker Lineup and Identification, (Rev. A Danger Tag with a Tag Number on it. Simulator Reset to IC-106. Remove SDC from service in accordance with OP 2124. Open RHR-57. Throttle RHR-65B so that it is NOT fully OPEN. Start Recirc Pump A in accordance with OP 2 1 Lined up SBGT on Containment Air Purge in accordance with OP 21 15 Reset to IC-Place a Danger Tag with a Tag Number on it on RHR-Examiner Notes: Since the JPM task is focused on the RHR System positions ONLY, the Simulator not reflect the initial conditions specified in the JPM. If the operator questions the Simulator alignment, the Examiner should inform the operator that the Simulator alignment is acceptable for task to be evaluated. This JPM should be conducted simultaneously with A4 SRO. JPM-A a RO 'rovide ConditionsICue SATKTNSAT "Step Lineu~ t~ie Breake*- (i.e., 1RFO-27-5836) lisleup blank lie Examiner obse~ Y-es ,lnd JPM-A la RO Rev. 012309 Page 4 of 6 Candidate with Initial (Last Page of this JPM) and Handout 1. Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: 1: Perform Valve The operator completes the valve lineup and places their initials in appropriate space on OP 21 24 Appendix A. The operator discovers RHR-57 OPEN, when it should be CLOSED, with a Danger Tag requiring it to be OPEN. Interim Cues: If asked, as the Shift Manager, Examiner direct the operator to leave the valve in its present position and annotate this as required by the procedure. The operator addresses AP 0155, Current System Valve And Lineup and Identification, (Rev. 75). Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find AP 0155, Examiner provides copy (Handout 2). at this time. The operator discovers RHR-65B NOT fully OPEN, when it should fully OPEN, and reports this to the CRS. The operator indicates the tag number on the form next to its required position, and leaves the " Initials" column Interim Cues: If asked, as the Shift Manager, direct the operator to place the valve in the position required by the Valve Lineup. The operator places the RHR-65B control switch to OPEN, and Red light ON, Green light OFF. The operator initials the appropriate space on OP 2 124, Appendix A, places a note at the bottom of the page indicating that RHR-65B was found out of position.. Ste~s ie lired 4OTE: see - - -- JPM-A la RO Rev. 012309 Page 5 of 6 Evaluation Performance

  • Step Track valve position on OP 2124, Appendix A:

The operator completes the valve lineup and places their initials in t appropriate space on OP 2124 Appendix A for the following valves RHR-20 RHR-66 RHR-57 (indicates the tag number on the lineup form next to its req position, and leaves the " Initials" column blank) RHR-89B RHR 89B Test Switch RHR-65B -Identified as Out-Of-Position (with Note and bottom of Page indicating that Valve was found out of position -the note is NOT a Critical, identification of the wrong valve position is critical) RHR-65A RHR-89A RHR 89A Test Switch RHR-184 RHR-183 The Examiner should review the Valve Lineup paperwork when completed and check to that the operator has placed their initials, and made one Note, as required on OP 2124, Appendix A. " Critical Step TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: The JPM is complete. Evaluator Comments: ystem Generic WA: 2.1.29 (4.114.0) JPM-Ala RO Containnlr 1 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions: The plant is preparing for startup following a Refueling Outage. Shutdown Cooling has been secured. Appendix B, Containment Remote Operated Valve Checklist, of OP 21 15, Primary nt, is completed. Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to perform pages and 2 of .Appendix A, RHR System Valve Lineup, of OP 2 124, Residual Heat Removal System. Drywell Tem~erature Drywell 60) AO/RO/SRO - ROISRO X - J - - X - FAIL -- /f 5~ h u /- /-27 d9 Lstructor Reviewed Q A. .Cud! (S /;I /Cf ]?.CAA/ 5 i- 27 6) ~icensedl~ertifikd lpproved 2'7 07 ~a'ha~ed JPM-A2 RO Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 1 of 10 VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER JOB PERFORMANCE NRC EXAM Task Identification: Title: Perform a Profile Failure Mode: High Temperature in the


. OP 41 15, Primary Containment Surveillance, (Rev. Task Number: 2997170301 Task Performance:

SRO Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Operator Performing Date of Activity Method of Testing: Simulation Discuss Setting: Classroom Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 15 minutes Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS Time Required: -Prepared by: . Operations Training Date by: SRO Reviewer Date by: Operations Training Date to )r (*), Derson 9-5/F-2, DRYWELL Drywell CP Drywell OP4115 60), Drywell Drywell (I) OfficerIOperations manag :r Drywell JPM-A2 RO Rev. 01 1209 Page 2 of 10 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required f any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical siep is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator " Do you understand the task?" Read to the being evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the You are requested to "talk through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying checking and the steps you are Inform me upon completion of this task. nitial Conditions: The plant is operating at 100% power. MCB Annunciator TROUBLE has alarmed. Initiating Cues: Another operator has responded to the alarm. The CRS directs you to perform the Temperature Profile in accordance with Section F of 4 1 15, Primary Containment Surveillance. Task Standards: The Temperature Check is completed in accordance with (Rev Section F, RBCCW HX A is in service. VYOPF 41 15.05 is filled in, the operator identifies that the Temperature for Elevation 250' in vicinity of the Recirculation Pumps, and Temperature below Elevation 270' do NOT meet he identified acceptance criteria, and the operator identifies that the Duty must be notified, (2) a CR must be written to identify a possible EQ concern, (3) the Temperature Profile must be performed once per shift, and (4) the completed form VYOPF 41 15.05 must be routed to the EQ Coordinator. Lequired 1 mfMS-06 .07% run 9-5/F-2 Simulator MS-06 JPM-A2 RO Rev. 01 1209 Page 3 of 10 Materials: Handout -OP 41 15, Primary Containment Surveillance, (Rev. 60) Simulator Set-Up: Reset to any 100% power IC Insert at and allow to until the MCB Annunciator alarms. Remove malfunction and allow plant to stabilize. Freeze the Ensure that the recorders are ON and RUNNING for 2 minutes Reset to IC# 821 Go to RUN Remove Malfunction Ensure that the recorders are ON and RUNNING for 2 minutes ConditionsICue

1) elevation 215OF, occl~ SATIUNSAT
2. SATNNSAT 2/2.a) elevations 9-5%-2, DRYWELL VYOPF.05.

JPM-A2 RO Rev. 0 1 1 209 Page 4 of 10 'rovide Candidate with Initial (Last Page of this JPM). Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: SATNNSAT Step 1: Obtain Procedure. Standard: OP 41 15, Rev 60, obtained, prerequisites reviewed. Place keeps on the procedure during performance of the task Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OP 41 15, Examiner provide (Handout 1). Step 2: (CAUTION prior to Step If temperatures below 320 foot exceed reactor water level instrumentation errors can Standard: The operator reads the Caution, and proceeds to Step 1. Step 3: (Step 1)If necessarv, refer to Figure 2 for temperature probe locations. Standard: The operator may or may not refer to Figure 2, and proceeds to Step Step 4: (Steps If a high Drvwell temperature alarm is received: Calculate the average Drvwell temperature for the various using VYOPF 4115.05. Standard: The operator recognizes that MCB Annunciator TROUBLE, is LIT, and proceeds to ivaluation 4115.05/NOTE anv 01 tf SATlUNS (CRP 1-149, 4 Operation. throu4:h d 1B, 2B, MOO8 SATIUNSAT Drywell Drywell Pumps(DBD-OIHVAC-041 Grc sensors12) Drywell doe s JPM-A2 RO Rev. 0 1 1 209 Page 5 of 10 Performance Steps SATNNSAT Step 5: (VYOPF prior to CRP 9-25 data) Identify service temperature probe with INOP and ensure a WR is submitted. Standard: The operator reads the Note and proceeds to record raw data. AT Step 6: 9-25 Data) CRP 9-25 TR Place a Mark If RRU In Standard: The operator observes the RRU 1 through 4 Return and RRU 1 Disch Temperatures, and records on VYOPF 41 15.05. The operator places a Mark in space for RRU 1 A, 4A on VYOPF 41 15.05. 2A, 3A and The operator records RBCCW HX in service as A on VYOPF 41 15.15 (Initial Conditions). The operator observes and records RBCCW HX Outlet Temperature on VYOPF 4 1 15.05. *Step 7: (Step A.l) Calculate the average temperature for each elevation: Temperature for Elev. 250' in Vicinity of Recirculation 01). Standard: The operator calls up ERFIS computer points (or a User Defined as required and records the data on VYOPF 41 15.05. up) The operator completes the calculation (2 total 4 1 15.05 and determines that the calculated NOT meet the Acceptance Criteria. on VYOPI' Temperature 4

valuation SATIUNSAT Drvwell up Grt ,up) TI-16-19-30B sensors11 VYC
jPF Drywell doc-,s - - - - IOTE: A.4 SATIUNSAT Drvwell Drywell Grcup) Detectir.)n sensors17)

Drywell JPM-A2 RO Rev. 011209 Page 6 of 10 Performance Steps *Step (Step A.2) Calculate the average temperature for each elevation: Drvwell Temperature for Elev. Below 270'. The operator calls ERFIS computer points (or a User Defined as required and records the data on VYOPF 41 15.05. The operator observes temperature points on the Steam Leak Detect. on Touchscreen Monitor and records the data on VYOPF 41 15.05. The operator observes (DW) and records the data on VYOPF 41 15.05. The operator observes TR-16-19-45 (DW) and records the data on VYOPF 41 15.05. The operator completes the calculation (1 1 total 1) on 41 15.05 and determines that the calculated Temperature NOT meet the Acceptance Criteria. The operator may record data required in Steps A.3 and while performing this Step. Step 9: (Step A.3) Calculate the average temperature for each elevation: Temperature for Elev. 270' to 315'. Standard: The operator calls up ERFIS computer points (or a User Defined as required and records the data on VYOPF 4.1 15.05. The operator observes temperature points on the Steam Leak Touchscreen Monitor and records the data on VYOPF 4 1 15.05. The operator completes the calculation (7 total 4.1 15.05 and determines that the calculated the Acceptance Criteria. on VYOPF Temperature met ts JPM-A2 RO Rev. 01 1209 Page 7 of 10 :valuation Performance Steps SATNNSAT Step 10: (Step A.4) Calculate the average temperature for each Drywell elevation: Drvwell Temperatures Above Elev. 315'. Standard: The operator calls up ERFIS computer points (or a User Defined Grc lup) as required and records the data on VYOPF 4 1 15.05. The operator observes temperature points on the Steam leak Detectic ~n Touchscreen Monitor and records the data on VYOPF 41 15.05. The operator completes the calculation (5 total sensorsfi) on VYOPE; 41 15.05 and determines that the calculated Drywell Temperature mezts the Acceptance Criteria. Interim Cue: If operator identifies acceptance criteria is not met and takes no further action, ask the operator to state those additional actions. SATAJNSAT "Step 11: (Section FISteps 2.b.l-4) If the average temperature of an area exceeds the recommended temperature. Notifv the Duty on Call Officer and the Operations Manager. Generate a Condition Report for possible EQ concern due to exceeding the averape recommended temperature. Calculate and document the average temperature once per shift while this condition exists or until an evaluation deems this actiohb not needed. Route a copy of the completed form to the EO Coordinator. Standard: The operator notifies the Duty On call Officer. The operator notifies the Operations Manager. The operator identifies that a CR must be written to identify a possibl: EQ concern. The operator notifies the CRS that this surveillance must be performe,d once per shift. The operator forwards a copy of the completed VYOPF 41 15.05 to th : EQ Coordinator. " Critical Step TIME FINISH: - Terminating Cue: The JPM is complete. JPM-A2 RO JPM-A2 RO Rev. 01 1209 Page 8 of 10 2valuator WA's: JPM-A2 RO Rev. 01 1209 Page 9 of 10 Comments: System Generic 2.2.12 (3.714.1) 9-5/F-2, DRYWELL Drywell IP EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions: TROUBLE has alarmed. Initiating Cues: Another operator has responded to the alarm. The CRS directs you to perform the Temperature Profile in accordance with Section F of 4 1 15, Primary Containment Surveillance. The plant is operating at 100% power. MCB Annunciator RBCCW HX A is in service. N/A 4) AOIROISRO - ROISRO - - - X - - - by: /j 2 /% ./#fl&& /-27 -09 (7 / d J;?~~XJ/ 5 / >) -&? ,d~'jh!?:b /'. 27 -r;3 ~icensedl~ertifdd &viewer I^' Approved 4 $?. 3 / -&? 1 2.-7 LI 7 ~rainlh~ dperintendent JPM A3 RO Rev 0 1 1209 Page 1 of 5 VERMONT JOB PERFORMANCE NRC EXAM Task Identification: Title: Assess Radiological Conditions and Determine Required Failure


EN-RP-101, Access Control for Radiologically Controlled Areas Task Number: Task Performance: Only X SE Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Individual Performing Task: Examiner: Date of Evaluation: Activity Code: Method of Testing: Simulation Performance Discuss Setting: Classroom Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 15 minutes Evaluation Performance: PASS FAIL Time Prepared Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: SRO Date . by: . . Operations Date JPM A3 RO rirections: co f )r (*), s -e. aitial CU-19A, obseave rnr JPM A3 RO Rev 01 1209 Page 2 of 5 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical :ep is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measu After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "Do you understand the task?" Read to the person being evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Classroom and you are to perform all actions. You are requested to " talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing. Inform me upon completion of this task. Conditions: You have been requested to verify that the RCU Pump A suction, is open and to the pump run. You have an accumulated dose (TEDE) of 1920 for the year. You are the only one available for the job. It is expected that you will need to be near the suction valve for approximately 10 minutes, and within the pump room, at low dose areas, for an additional 15 minutes. Pre and Post pump run dose rates are not expected to change. Initiating Cues: Given the Room Survey Map identify the following: The dose rate at the valve. The lowest dose rate area. The highest dose rate area. Your expected dose based on the stated job time estimates. And. identify whether or not you will need to get a dose extension to perform this job. JPM A3 RO ,'ask rnrlhr. mr/hr. mrhr. rnr Setu~: JPM A3 RO Rev 01 1209 Page 3 of 5 Standards: The operator identifies the: The dose rate at the valve as The lowest dose rate area as The highest dose rate area as The expected dose as 44.5 That a dose extension is NOT needed. Required Materials: Handout 1 Book of survey maps containing at least 12 survey maps and as a minimum, the Radiological Survey Map for the RWCU A and RWCU B Pump Room. Simulator JPM A3 Conditions/Cue map. RB280D doserate CU-19A. mrkr. map I ATNNS "Step rnrlhr determines mrhr hour160 mrhr hour160 4t.5 rnr JPM A3 RO Rev 0 1 1209 Page 4 of 5 rovide Candidate with Initial (Last Page of this JPM), and Handout 1. Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: SATNNSAT *Step 1: Obtain and review survev Standard: The operator reviews the Book of Survey Maps and identifies Map for the RCWU A Pump Room. SATNNSAT *Step 2: Determine the in the area of The operator reviews the RCWU A Pump Room Survey Map and determines that the dose rate in the vicinity of CU-19A is 240 NOTE: The operator may use print G 19 1 178 to determine which valve on the survey is the suction valve. 3: Determine area with lowest dose rate. Standard: The operator reviews the RCWU A Pump Room Survey Map and determines that the area with the lowest dose rate is 18 by the Step-Off pad. SATNNSAT *Step 4: Determine area with highest dose rate. Standard: The operator reviews the RCWU A Pump Room Survey Map and determines that the area with the highest dose rate is 250 mrkr. SATNNSAT *Step 5: Calculate the expected dose. Standard: The operator that dose expected at the valve by: 240 x 10 minutes x 1 minutes = 40 mr The operator determines the dose expected at the low dose area by: 18 x 15 minutes x 1 minutes = 4.5 mr The operator determines the total expected dose by adding the dose expected at the valve, and the dose expected in the low dose areas as . JPM A3 RO ~erform KIA's: (3.213.7) JPM A3 RO Rev 01 1209 Page 5 of 5 *Step 6: Identify whether or not a dose extension is needed to job. th Standard: The operator identifies that the routine admin limit of 2000 mr is imposed, and determines that 80 mr of dose accumulation is allowab e for the job. The operator determines that a dose extension is NOT needed.

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete. ,valuator Comments:

System Generic 2.3.4 JPM A3 CU-19A, rnr anc Initiatin~ time EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions: You have been requested to verify that the RCU Pump A suction, is open and to obst rve the pump run. You have an accumulated dose (TEDE) of 1920 for the year. You are the only one available for the job. It is expected that you will need to be near the suction valve for approximately 10 minutes, within the pump room, at low dose areas, for an additional 15 minutes. Pre and Post pump run dose rates are not expected to change. Cues: Given the Room Survey Map identify the followirrg: The dose rate at the valve. The lowest dose rate area. The highest dose rate area. Your expected dose based on the stated job estimates. And identify whether or not you will need to get a dose extension to perform this job. 01 task rnrlhr. mrhr. JPM A3 RO Rev 1209 Page 3 of 5 Standards: The operator identifies the: The dose rate at the valve as 240 The lowest dose rate area as 18 The highest dose rate area as 250 mrkr. The expected dose as 44.5 mr That a dose extension is NOT needed. Required Materials: Handout 1 Book of survey maps containing at least 12 survey maps and as a minimum, the Radiological Survey Map for the KWCU A and RWCU B Pump Room. Simulator Setup: JPM A3 MEASCTRE - N/A 62) AOROISRO - ROISRO - 2 - - - - h. // % kk /z,/#Y~ / /-/ 7- d f / 2 /JrC+Jl\ /q k?, ~4~1:~: ,. 2 (7-py ~icensedldertdied

J ' ~raidn~ d$nager JPM A4 RO Rev. 01 1209 Page 1 of 9 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE WORKSHEET NRC EXAM 2009 Task Identification:

Title: Perform Control Room Emergency Communications Checks Failure Mode:


OP 3506, Emergency Equipment Readiness Check. (Rev. Task Number: 2997270301 Task Performance: X SRO Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Individual Performing Date of Activity Method of Testing: Performance X Setting: Classroom Simulator X Performance Expected Completion Time: 10 Evaluation Performance: PASS Time Required: Prepared by: Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: SRO Reviewer Date FAIL Approved by: Operations Date JPM A4 )r (*), ::ep .e. upon JPM A4 RO Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 2 of 9 Directions: Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required f any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measu After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual " Do you understand the task?" Read to the person being evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform all You are requested to " talk-through tt the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying checking and the steps you are Inform me completion of this task. Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at 100% power with all systems operable. Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to perform the Monthly Communications Checks in accordance with Section 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 of OP 3506 and to complete any associated paperwork. Task Standards: One of the five State Police Agencies, the Group Call, and the ENS phone notification systems are tested in accordance with Section 5.1 of OP 3506, and the results are recorded on Attachment 9.1 o F OP 3506. Required Materials: Handout 1 -OP 3506, Emergency Equipment Readiness Check (Rev. 62) Simulator Setup: Reset to IC -This JPM should be conducted simultaneously with Ala JPM A4 RO ConditionsICue

valuation Stem - SATfUNSAT SAT/UNSAT therefere wia:U facilitv.

the SATIUNSAT Emer~encv 9.11 O~erations De~artment Alert bv thf: th~ JPM A4 RO Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 3 of 9 Provide Candidate with Initial (Last Page of this JPM). Performance TIME START: Step 1: Acquire OP 3506 and review Standard: The operator acquires OP 3506 and reviews Section Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OP 3506, Examiner provide: copy (Handout 1). Step 2: (NOTES prior to Step 5.1): The quantities listed in this procedure are to be considered the minimum required. Ouantities above those listed are acceptable, Pens, pencils and scratch paper are readily available and will not be maintained in the EOF and TSC kits Material location mav change as long as the material remains the Standard: The operator reads Notes and proceeds to Step 5.1. Step 3: (Step Control Room Communications Check [Operations) (Use Attachment Monthlv, the shall test the Nuclear Svstem contacting, and requesting a callback from, each of three states (Vermont, New Hampshire. Massachusetts) using following procedure: Standard: The operator obtains Attachment 9.1 and records date and time. JPM A4 SATLTNSAT call alphanumeric proup 5.1.1 SATKINSAT

  • Step .& Northampton, Shelburne, Vermont iniriate SATIUNSAT talk 5.1.1 JPM A4 RO Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 4 of 9 Evaluation Performance Steps Step (NOTE prior to Step 5.1.1.a) The 3-digit number initiates a point-to-point to each of the five State Police agencies.

The 2-digit number initiates the call feature. Standard: The operator reads Note and proceeds to Step .a. 5: (Step 5.1.1.a) Lift handset and dial 213 for Waterburv, VT, 317 Rockingham, VT, 210 for MA, 318 for MA. 212 for Concord, NH. The operator lifts the handset and dials 213 for the Waterbury, Police Station. NOTE: The Simulator Instructor will answer as " Vermont State Police, Waterbury" and requested callbacks to the operator by dialing phone extension 126. Step 6: (Caution prior to Step 5.1.1.b) Press down and hold the push-to-button on the handset prior to speaking. Release after speaking, Refer to OP 3504 for instructions on use of the NAS phone. Standard: The operator reads Caution and proceeds to Step .b. JPM A4

AT/UNSAT agency the
talk s le" ini-iate talk talk and 13), Northan~pton, successf~~l Y3S 1, Shelburne JPM A4 RO Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 5 of 9 Performance Steps *Step 7: (Step 5.1.1.b) Advise each State Police that answers of test of the Nuclear Alert Svstem, and record the results on Attachment

9.1. Standard

The operator presses the " push to button and indicates that " Th is the ENVY Control Room, Vernon;" and that " a test of the NAS Pho is in progress, request a call back and release the button. Then, after acknowledgement, replace the handset. NOTE: The Simulator Instructor will answer as " Vermont State Police, Waterbury" and requested callbacks to the operator by dialing phone extension 126. When the NAS Phone rings back, the operator will pick up the handset, press the " push to button and indicate that " This is the ENVY Control Room, Vernon," releasing the button after speaking. After hearing of the test in progress from the initiating station, the operator will press the " push to pushbutton, acknowledge the test, release the button, replace the handset. The operator records the successful test by checking the YES Box on Attachment 9.1, Section A. 1, for Waterbury, Vermont (2 and the associated YES Box for the callback. Only one of the calls to the five State Police Agencies will be Interim Examiner inform operator that subsequent NAS Phone Tests to Rockingham, Vermont, Concord, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, have been completed satisfactorily. After cue, the operator records the tests by checking the Boxes on Attachment 9.1, Section A. for Rockingham, Concord, New Hampshire, Northampton, Massachusetts, Falls, Massachusetts, and the associated YES Boxes for the JPM A4 jAT/UNSAT 5.1.l.c) Call capabilitv Police agencies by handset dial in^ Emereel ra re Proup call bv diali;g UD .IS A1 1.c C'oncord ea:h :cts VT/NWMA(A I 5.1.1 JPM A4 RO Rev. 01 1209 Page 6 of 9 Evaluation Performance Steps Test the Group with the five State lifting and Al. State Operations facilities may also answer, but are not required for t test. After the test is complete disconnect the A#, then hang *Step 8: (Step handset. Standard: The operator picks up the handset, and recognizes that no one else one the line. The operator dials and waits for the five State Police Agencies respond. NOTE The Simulator operator will answer as each state police agency as follows: Massachusetts State Police, Troop B -Northampton Massachusetts State Police, Shelbume Falls New Hampshire State Police, Vermont State Police, Waterbury Vermont Secondary Warning Point -Rockingham JOTE Once made aware of the test, the Simulator operator will acknowledge the test as state police agency. After the acknowledgement of all five agencies, the operator disconn the Group Call by pressing the A#, and replacing the handset. The operator records the successful test by checking the YES Box on Attachment 9.1, Section A.6, for Successful Group Call Test with ). Step 9: (Step 5.1.1.d) If anv part of the NAS svstem fails to operate.... .. Standard: The operator recognizes that the NAS did NOT fail to operate, and proceeds to Step .e. JPM A4 SATAJNSAT ATAJNS +.~ff~ce any B *Step listed (or esin~ numt,er. NRC JPM A4 RO Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 7 of 9 Evaluation Performance Steps Step 10: (Step 5.1.1.e) Notify the affected state Emergency Management if part of the system fails to operate. The operator recognizes that the NAS did NOT fail to operate, and proceeds to Step 5. .2. 11: (Step Monthly the Operations Department shall ter NRC FTS ENS phone in the Control Room as follows: Lift the receiver and listen for the dial tone. Standard: The operator lifts the handset and listens for a dial tone. S AT *Step (Step 5.1.2.b) After receiving a dial tone, dial the first number below on the sticker located on the telephone base) all digits. If the first number is busy, proceed with the second 1-301-816-5100 1-301-951-0550 Examiner NOTE: Examiner ask the operator what the actual phone number to be used would be. Standard: The operator indicates that they would dial 1-301-8 16-5 100. Interim Cue: Examiner direct the operator to dial 4050. Standard: The operator dials 4050. Simulator Instructor answer as Operations Center. JPM A4

AT/UNSAT Steps 5.1.2.c)
~,ack c or, KJA's: (3.213.8)

JPM A4 RO Rev. 01 1209 Page 8 of 9 Evaluation Performance State your name, location, and the fact that vou ar testing the NRC ENS. Request that the NRC staff member call at 700-661-4323. *Step (Stea Operator informs NRC operator who he is, where he is calling from, that he is testing the ENS, and requests callback at 700-661-4323. Note: Simulator operator will acknowledge call as NRC operator, and will initiate callbac using the " NRC to Control Room" auto dial button. Standard: When the ENS Phone rings back, the operator will pick up the handset, and indicate that " This is the ENVY Control Room, Vernon." After hearing of the test in progress from the NRC, the operator will acknowledge the test, and replace the handset. The operator records the successful test by checking the YES Box Attachment 9.1, Section B.l for Successful Test with the NRC, and Section B.2 for Callback from the NRC Successful. 'IME FINISH: Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete. Evaluator Comments: System Generic 2.4.43 JPM A4 EXAMINEE Conimunications HANDOUT Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at 100% power with all systems operable. Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to perform the Monthly Checks in accordance with Section 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 of OP 3506 and to complete any associated paperwork. CSIHPCI Valvesl 13) (Rc v, 78) -- 1 AOROISRO - ROISRO X - 3 - Performance-X - - Simulatorx - /- 27-a5 O1 /C /' ~L-R~L 5 /Q -& Hd / a7,4F3 ~icensedldertihed Date dFwf ipproved (-2-7 ,O-g ~rainin~hadi~er JPM-Ala SRO Rev. 012309 Page 1 of 7 VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION Task Identification: JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET NRC EXAM 2009 Title: Failure Mode:


Perform the System Valve Lineup Two Mispositioned OP 2 1 15. Residual Heat Removal System, (Rev. 1 AP 0155, Current System Valve And Breaker Lineup and Identification, Task Number: Task Performance: SRO Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Operator Performing Date of Activity Method of Testing: Simulation Discuss Setting: Classroom Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 10 minutes Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: Operations Training Instructor Reviewed by: I SRO Reviewer by: Operations Date JPM-Ala SRO 1 0 :o )r (*), s being Containmet~t, 43P JPM-A a SRO Rev. 12309 Page 2 of 7 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required f any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical :ep is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator " Do you understand the task?" Read to the person evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the You are requested to " talk through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying checking and the steps you are Inform me upon completion of this task. nitial Conditions: The plant is preparing to enter the Startup Appendix B, Containment Remote Operated Valve Checklist, of OP 21 15, in Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to complete Appendix B, Containment Remote Operated Valve Checklist, of 2 1 15, Primary Containment. Task Standards: The operator performs the valve lineup in accordance with OP 21 15, using the guidance provided within AP 0155, Current System Valve and Breaker Lineup and Identification, recording all tracking information on the appropriate documentation, discovering and determining the final disposition of the two mispositioned valves, and identifying Technical Specification limitations. is JPM-Ala SRO

equired 1 CS-SA, CS-11A CS-5B, IB, CS-12B, CS-14B, 1A 1B CSdi0314AS2B froril CSIHPCI ValveISwitch Page 5 -CS-7B, CS-1 HPCI-57 JPM-Ala SRO Rev. 0 12309 Page 3 of 7 Materials:

Handout -OP2 1 15, Appendix B (Rev. 75) Pages 3,4 and 5 with all valves initialed except: Page 3 -CS-7A, and Page 4 -CS-12A and CS-14A HPCI-25, HPCI-16, HPCI-15, HPCI-58, and Handout 2 -AP 01 55, Current System Valve And Breaker Lineup and Identification, (Rev. 78) Simulator Set-Up: Reset to IC-Remove SDC from service in accordance with OP 2 CLOSE CS-CLOSE CS-(mispositioned) and use Soft Patch override to prevent valve moving. Start Recirc Pump A in accordance with OP 2 1 10. Lined up SBGT on Containment Air Purge in accordance with OP 21 15 Reset to IC-820 Examiner Notes: Since the JPM task is focused on the System positions ONLY, the Simulator does not reflect the initial conditions specified in the JPM. If the operator questions the Simulator alignment, the Examiner should inform the operator that the Simulator alignment is acceptable for the task to be evaluated. This JPM should be conducted simultaneously with A4 RO. JPM-Ala SRO ConditionsICue Stem SATIUNS Lineu~ tlie on 11A associared 1A 1': CS-I 1A positic ln. CS-11B 1 JPM-Ala SRO Rev. 012309 Page 4 of 7 'rovide Candidate with Initial (Last Page of this JPM) and Handout 1. Evaluation Performance TIME START: AT *Step 1: Perform Valve Standard: The operator completes the valve lineup and places their initials in appropriate space OP 2 1 15 Appendix B. The operator discovers CS-CLOSED, when it should be OPEN The operator addresses AP 0155, Current System Valve And Breaker Lineup and Identification, (Rev. 75). Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find AP 0155, Examiner provides copy (Handout 2). Interim Cues: If the operator asks for SM assistance, Examiner asks for recommendation. When asked if there are any Danger tags, Temp Mods or Lineup Deviations with the component, state that none: of those exist. IF asked, state that the component is not being controlled as a " No Tag" per EN-OP-102 AND is NOT out of position due to procedural direction. The operator places the CS-1 control switch to OPEN and observes the Red status light ON and the Green status light OFF. The operator places their initials in the appropriate space on OP 21 Appendix B for CS-11 A, and places a Note at the bottom of page 3 identifying that was discovered to be in the CLOSED The operator discovers CLOSED, when it should be OPEN. JPM-A a SRO 1 EN-OP- 1B observ+:s lB, of CLOSEKl addr:ss 1B "Step tk e CS-5A CS-11A Pagte CS-5B 1B : 1 JPM-A a SRO Rev. 012309 Page 5 of 7 Interim If the operator asks for SM assistance, Examiner asks for recommendation. When asked if there are any Danger tags, Temp Mods or Lineup Deviations associated with the component, state that none of those exist. IF asked, state that the component is not being controlled as a " No Tag" per 102 AND is NOT out of position due to procedural direction. The operator places the CS-1 control switch to OPEN and the Green status light ON and the Red status light OFF, and identifies that CS-1 1 B will NOT Open. The operator DOES NOT place their initials in the appropriate space on OP 21 15 Appendix B for CS-1 and places a Note at the bottom page 5 identifying that CS-11 B was discovered to be in the position, and will NOT OPEN. 'nterim Once the condition is identified, tell the operator to complete the checklist and the operational implications of CS-1 failing closed once the checklist is completed. 2: Track valve position on OP 2115, Appendix B: The operator completes the valve lineup and places their initials in appropriate space on OP 21 15 Appendix B for the following valves: CS-7A (Identified as Out-Of-Position (with Note and bottom of indicating that Valve was found out of position -the note is NOT Critical, identification of the wrong valve position is critical) CS-12A CS-14A CS-7B CS-1 (Identified as Out-Of-Position (with Note and bottom of Pag indicating that Valve was found out of position -the note is NOT Critical, identification of the wrong valve position is critical) CS-12B CS-14B HPCI-25 HPCI-1 6 JPM-A a SRO 1 *Step Evaluate Technical Specifications LC0 lust (4.114.0) JPM-A a SRO Rev. 012309 Page 6 of 7 HPCI-1 5 HPCI-58 HPCI-57 The operator addresses 3.5.A.1 and determines that the valve r be correctly positioned prior to entering the Startup mode. The Examiner should review the Valve Lineup paperwork when completed and check to see that the operator has placed their initials, and made one Note, as required on OP 21 15, Appendix B TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: The JPM is complete.

valuator Comments:

System Generic KIA: 2.1.29 JPM-Ala SRO Startup mode. Containrnc EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions: The plant is preparing to enter the Appendix B, Containment Remote Operated Valve Checklist, of OP 2 115, Primary nt, is in progress. Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to complete pages 3-5 of Appendix B, Containment Remote Operated Valve Checklist, of OP 21 15, Primary Containment.

0. 34) AOIROISRO - ROISRO - X - X - -- minm - - @ d SL CC &-f/#fl. A& i/ raini in^

/. $7- ~icensedl~ertif%ed ~gviewer /- 2: 7 - [~f ~rainih~ ~d~ervisor 1 Task Identification: VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET NRC EXAM 2009 JPM-Alb SRO Rev. 2209 Page of 8 Title: Failure Mode:


Task Number: Perform a Core Thermal Hydraulics Limits Evaluation One of the Thermal Limits is Out of Spec OP 4401. Core Thermal Hydraulics Limits Evaluation, (Rev. Task Performance: Sequence Critical: Time Critical: Yes Yes X No No SRO Only Individual Performing Date of Activity Method of Testing: Setting: Simulator Performance Expected Completion Time: Evaluation Performance Discuss Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: Operations Instructor Date Reviewed by: SRO Date Approved by: Operations Date JPM-A b SRO

)r (*), tcep .e. be in^ ancl procedu:re, LC0 .C higt). JPM-A 1 b SRO Rev. 01 2209 Page of 8 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated.

Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required f any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measu After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual " Do you understand the task?" Read to the person evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Classroom you are to perform all actions. You are requested to " talk-through" the stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing. Inform me upon completion of this task. nitial Conditions: The plant is at 10090 power. A power change from 90% to 100% occurred one hour ago. The 3D Monicore case is available. Control Rods match the case Initiating Cues: You are required to perform the Daily Core Thermal Hydraulics Limit Evaluation in accordance with OP 4401, Core Thermal Hydraulics Limit Evaluation. Identify any notifications and actions required. Task Standards: The Daily Core Thermal Hydraulics Limit Evaluation is performed in accordance with OP 4401, MFLCPR is identified as being out of spec above the admin limit but below the 3.11 limit. Determines that Reactor Engineering must be contacted. Required Materials: Handout 1 -3D Monicore Case # FMLD 1080319125947 (Modified so that MFLCPR is Handout 2 -OP 4401, Core Thermal Hydraulics Limit Evaluation (Rev. Handout 3 -Thermal Limit Status Board JPM-Alb SRO 0: i RE0 JPM-Alb SRO Rev. 2209 Page of 8 Handout 4 -Printout of the computer screen showing control rod positions and APRM GAI 's. Simulator Setup: JPM-A 1 b SRO 1 01 ConditionsICue Steps SATIUNSAT SATIUNSAT (i.e., cass ID). may 2209 'rovide Candid ate with Initial (Last Page of JPM-A Rev. Page this JPM) and Handout #l. b SRO of 8 Evaluation Performance TIME START: Step 1: Obtains and reviews procedure OP 4401 Standard: Procedure obtained and reviewed. Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OP 4401, Examiner provide: copy (Handout 2). Step 2: (NOTE prior to Step 1)The time and date that a thermal limits evaluation is completed to meet a surveillance requirement is the time and date the 3D Monicore case was calculated From Standard: The operator reads the Note and proceeds to Step 1. Step 3: (Step 1)If performing daily surveillance, data from an automatic case be used. Standard: The operator recognizes that the daily surveillance is being performei and that the automatic case has been provided. JPM-Alb SRO JPM-A1 01 : 2) Complete # TD FMI .D displayRWM. APRh1 GAFs and MWth) low locatic~n MAPRAT JPM-A1 2209 b SRO Rev. Page of 8 'valuation Performance Steps *Step 4: (Step 'VYOPF 4401.01 Standard: The operator evaluates 3D Monicore Case FMLD 10803 19 125947 and completes steps 1-6 of VYOPF 4401.01 as follows: The operator records 3D Monicore Official Monitoring Case 1080319125947 in Step 1. The operator compares the control rod positions of the Official Monitoring case to the full core Interim Cues: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to locate the full core display or the RWM, provide the operator with the printout of the control rod positions and (Handout 3). After cue, the operator determines that the rod positions are correct enters their name and date in Step 2. The operator records the core thermal power (in as 1910.6 in Step 3. The operator records the highest MFLCPR as 0.993, and its core ion as 25-26 in Step 4. The operator records the highest MFLPD as 0.798, and its core as 21-36-4 in Step 5. The operator records the highest as 0.712, and its core location as 21-36-4 in Step 6. b SRO 2209 ( 7valuation Any bt APRU AGAF ,f SATAJNSAT system RE0 displav o:~ RE0 ARPb? ' ATAJNSAT MFLPD MAPRAT - 6 Therm:g Engineering. 4401 4- ack~~owledge of 8 JPM-Alb SRO Rev. 0 1 Page Performance Steps SATAJNSAT Step 5: (NOTE prior to VYOPF 4401.01 Step 7) APRM found to non-conservative shall be corrected as soon as possible. An considered inoperable if the is not restored within 6 hour the time of discoverv. Standard: The operator reads the Note and proceeds to Step 7 Step 6: (Step 7) Check the APRM gains using the ERFIS. Standard: The operator calls up the display on ERFIS and observes System After cue, the operator proceeds to Step Interim Cue: When asked, Examiner inform operator Item #7, APRM gains, has been verified SAT. *Step (Step 8) Verifv MFLCPR, and from Steps 4 are less than or equal to Administrative Limits posted on Limit Status Board. If not, contact Reactor Standard: The operator compares the values recorded on VYOPF .O1 Step; 6 to the associated Administrative Limits listed on the Thermal Limit Status Board, and identifies that the MFLCPR is out of specification. The operator notifies RE of the out of spec situation. Interim When it is apparent that the operator is seeking the Thermal Limit Status Board, Examiner provide a copy of the Thermal Limit Status Board (Handout 4). When RE is notified, Examiner as RE. JPM-Alb SRO JPM-A1 01 B, a~plicable LC( i tl arc KIA: (4.414.7) 2209 b SRO Rev. Page ' of 8 Performance Steps *Step (Step 9) Verify the Acceptance Criteria below are satisfied. If A C or D below are not satisfied, enter Tech. Spec. The operator recognizes that Acceptance Criteria A is satisfied. The operator does sign Step 10 of VYOPF 4401 .O1 indicating that e surveillance has been performed and that the Acceptance The operator notifies the SM of the results of the TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete. Evaluator Comments: Generic 2.1.7 JPM-Alb SRO accordanc s EXAMINEE HANDOUT nitial Conditions: The plant is at 100% power. A power change from 90% to 100% occurred one hour ago. The 3D Monicore case is available. Control Rods match the case Initiating Cues: You are required to perform the Daily Core Thermal Hydraulics Limit Evaluation in with OP 4401, Core Thermal Hydraulics Limit Evaluation. Identify any notifications and actions required.

41) -- 1 AOIROISRO - ROISRO - - - - -X - X - kJ7-d 9 d WR J-8 fi~u ,, / 2 [p,7 ~icensecU~dfiifi&

-7 R. Kclkt,s/3~. ,&* 1 .- ' /. g-7 ' i/l ~raidin&ana~er JPM-A2 SRO Rev. 01 1209 Page 1 of 6 VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET NRC EXAM 2009 Task Identification: Title: Review a Failure Mode: Error carried forward interpreting Steam


OP 41 10. Reactor Recirculation System Surveillance. Steam Tables Task Number: Task Performance: SRO Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes Operator Performing Date of No Activity Method of Testing: Simulation Setting: Simulator Performance Expected Completion Time: 10 Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: Operations Training instructor Date Reviewed by: SRO Reviewer Date Approved by: Operations Date JPM-A2 SRO him f~ lr (*), s sl.lutdown associiited acc0rc1:~nce tl;at t11en JPM-A2 Rev. 01 1209 Page 2 of 6 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for o ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical ep is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator " Do you understand the task?" Read to the person being evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Classroom and you are to perform the You are requested to " talk throueh" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying checking and the steps you are Inform me upon completion of this task. nitial Conditions: The plant is 50% power with Recirc Pump B for corrective maintenance on its MG Set. ERFIS is NOT available, and attempts to restore it have been unsuccessful for the last hour. The MG Set maintenance has been completed, and Recirc Pump restart is in progress in with OP 21 10, Reactor Recirculation System. The Reactor Operator has just indicated that while performing the Reactor Coolant Temperature Check Data Sheet of OP 41 10, Reactor Recirculation System Surveillance, he has determined the criteria necessary to start Recirc Pump B is met. Initiating Cues: As the CRS, evaluate the surveillance and determine if the RO is correct. Task Standards: The operator evaluates the Reactor Coolant Temperature Check Data Sheet and determines that a mistake has been made in evaluating the Steam Tables. The operator will correct the mistake, and direct that the RO continue the process of starting Recirc Pump B in accordance with OP 21 10. JPM-A2 '.equired 41), 1 I (~sie) (OF) RPVfSVIRV (ERFIS S026) (OF) 536 OF 3(.1,Y Blank jifference .emperature 1 OF JPM-A2 SRO Rev. 01 1209 Page 3 of 6 Materials: Handout 1 -VYOPF 41 10.05, Reactor Coolant Temperature Check Data Sheet, (Rev. filled i as follows: Recirc Loop A 5 10 Temperature Recirc Loop B Reactor Pressure Bottom Head Drain Temp (PLC-2166, Screen, Ch. 4 Pt Saturation temperature corresponding to above reactor pressure from saturated steam tables (In Error, Should be 540) between saturation temperature and bottom head drain , 44 Handout 2 -Steam Tables Calculator Simulator Set-Up: NA JPM-A2 'rovide ConditionsICue Page Stew SATlUNSAT alread~b 42"F, sat~~ration temperat~r~: Puntp ' ATiUNS operakor 2). psia. 544"F, tha: JPM-A2 SRO Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 4 of 6 Candidate with Initial (Last of this JPM) and Handout 1. Evaluation Performance TIME START: The operator observes the partially completed VYOPF 41 10.05. The operator calculates the differential temperature between Loop A and , B to be and determines that this differential temperature will support Recirc Pump B start. The operator observes that the AT between the and the bottom head drain temperature will NOT support Recirc start. AT *Step 2: Evaluate Steam Tables for saturation temperature. The operator obtains the Steam Tables. *Step 1: Review Reactor Coolant Temperature Check Data Sheet progress. B Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking the Steam Tables, provide the with the Steam Tables (Handout The operator converts Reactor Pressure to absolute pressure by adding 14.7 psia to gage pressure of 947 psig and determines absolute pressure to be 962.7 The operator determines from Table 1 of the Steam Tables that the saturation temperature is between 540 and and determines the recorded saturation temperature is in error. The operator calculates the actual saturation temperature to be 540°F. JPM-A2

  • Step alreadd 536"F, 540"1 144"F, KIA: Performance Steps 3: Correct Reactor Coolant Temperature Check Data Sheet JPM-A2 SRO Rev. 01 1209 Page 5 of 6 progress, and determine a course of action Standard:

The operator places a line through initials it, and enters . The operator places a line through initials and calculates a new AT between the saturation temperature and the bottom head drain temperature of 148°F. (540°F -392°F = 148°F) The operator observes that the AT between the saturation temperature and the bottom heacl drain temperature will NOT support Recirc Purnp B start. TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: The JPM is complete. Evaluator Comments: System Generic 2.2.12 (3.714.1) JPM-A2 Temperatu~ .: r at Initiatin~ EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions: The plant is 50% power with Recirc Pump B shutdown for corrective maintenance on its assoc ated MG Set. ERFIS is NOT available, and attempts to restore it have been unsuccessful for the last hour. The MG Set maintenance has been completed, and Recirc Pump restart is in progress in accordance with OP 21 10, Reactor Recirculation System. The Reactor Operator has just indicated that while performing the Reactor Coolant Check Data Sheet of OP 41 10, Reactor Recirculation System Surveillance, he has determined the criteria necessary to start Recirc Pump B is NOT met. Cues: As the CRS, evaluate the surveillance and determine if the RO is correct. N/A 39) AOIROISRO - ROISRO - X 3 - :X X - - minm FAIL -- / b /7/ 56 ,/afl d& /-J 7-07 raini in^ (7 /-J ~icensed/~&ific(d ~eviewer JI - TA. fCk~&;s /Q /? fl~d* / 2--7 -0 7 ~rainin$~a&~er JPM-A3 SRO Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 1 of 7 VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER JOB PERFORMANCE NRC EXAM Task Identification: Title: Authorize Emergency Exposure Limits Failure Mode:


OP 3507, Emergency Radiation Exposure Control, (Rev. Task Number: 34302903 Task Performance: SRO Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Operator Performing Date of Activity Method of Testing: Simulation Setting: Simulator Performance Expected Completion Time: Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS Time Required: Prepared by: Operations Instructor Date Reviewed by: , . . SRO Date Approved by: Operations Date JPM-A3 hini )r (*), s Read be in^ throueh" 1 .o !ife- tc at indxcate Rem/Hr. RWP the JPM-A3 SRO Rev. 01 1209 Page 2 of 7 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for o ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required f any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical ep is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator " Do you understand the task?" to the person evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Classroom ancl you are to perform the actions. You are requested to " talk the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing. Inform me upon completion of this task. nitial Conditions: With the plant shutting down due to failed fuel causing high Reactor Coolant System Activity, LOCA Outside of Containment occurred. A Site Evacuation is in progress in accordance with Attachment 9.7 of OP 3540 (General Emergency Announcement). An RP Technician reports that an operator working with him in the Reactor Building has fallen and is severely injured. He has moved the injured person to an area that is somewhat shielded. Due rapidly increasing dose rates, the RP Technician leaves to get help. He believes the injuries are threatening. He also stated that the individual could be retrieved but it would take two people do SO. The RP Technician estimates that it will take least ten minutes to retrieve the victim. Reactor Building Area Radiation Monitors extremely high radiation levels. Dose rates at the area needing access are 420 The Senior Radiation Protection representative has already concurred with the dose exposure authorization. The Job Number is 047 The is 09-003 Initiating Cues: As the Shift Manager, select two rescuers from those individuals available in accordance with Attachments 9.1 and 9.5 of OP 3507, Emergency Radiation Exposure Control; and then complete Emergency Dose Commitment portion of Attachment 9.8 to approve the Emergency exposure. JPM-A3 SRO Madigan in JPM-A3 SRO Rev. 01 1209 Page 3 of 7 Task Standards: The operator chooses and Walker as rescuers and completes the Emergency Dose Commitment Authorized portion of Attachment 9.8 of OP 3507. Required Materials: Handout 1 -List of Available Rescuers Control Room (Page 6 of 7 of this JPM). Handout 2 -OP 3507, Emergency Radiation Exposure Control, (Rev 39) Calculator Simulator Set-Up: JPM-A3 ConditionsICue, SATRJNSAT 9.1,9.5 9.1,9.5 "8. copy appropriat+~ Expw~ SATtUNSAT

  • Step reason(s) whv Rem/Hr, minlte anil Pearson rescut,r TRMlOP0894 rescuep, JPM-A3 SRO Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 4 of 7 'rovide Candidate with Initial and Handout 1 (Last two Pages of this JPM). Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: StepObtain Procedure and locates Attachments and 9.8. Standard:

The operator obtains OP 3507 and locates Attachments and Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OP 3507, Examiner provide (Handout 2). JNSAT *Step As the Plant Emergencv Director, select the two most rescuers from those individuals available in accordance with Attachments 9.1 and 9.5 of OP 3507, Emergency Radiation Control. 3: State the the other individuals are not the most appropriate. The operator recognizes from initial conditions that Dose rates at the area needing access is greater than 420 and that based on 10 rescue time, each individual could receive as much as 70 Rem. The operator determines that rescuers will need to be authorized to receive Emergency Exposure Dose Limits. The operator reviews List of Available Rescuers in Control Room determines qualification of potential rescuers. The operator determines that Jaffe cannot be dispatched as a rescuer (Declared pregnant). The operator determines that Gibbs cannot be dispatched as a rescuer (Does NOT Volunteer). The operator determines that cannot be dispatched as a (Has too much Lifetime Exposure). The operator determines that Fiske cannot be dispatched as a rescuer (Only STA -requires her in Control Room). The operator determines that Woods cannot be dispatched as a JPM-A3 SRO Madigan - KIA's: (3.213.7) (High Lifetime Dose). JPM-A3 SRO Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 5 of 7 The operator selects and Walker as rescuers. " Critical Step TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: Evaluator Comments: This JPM is complete. System Generic 2.3.4 JPM-A3 'landout Gender1 Age 121 Job Madigan (Ir/- Male1 Pearson Female1 12198 Woods Male1 1 145 Male1 5 Female1 1800 mr '?I-- A0 125 Volunteers/Reports /Volunteers/ VolunteersIOnly JPM-A3 SRO Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 6 of 7 1: List of Available Rescuers in Control Room: Employer Badge Current Lifetime Special Status -Name RP Assignment Exposure Exposure # Would prefer not to physical health 12345 Maintenance Gibbs Engineer VY 45 mr 400 mr Volunteers1 Reports 48 12456 good physical health VY Male mr 35.4 R Volunteers1 Reports good physical health 12567 Walker Training 12579 VY 6 mr 1400 mr 2 Supervisor good physical health Female1 Security VY 10 mr 65 mr 10 Jaffe Declared Pregnant 3 2 Supervisor Reports good physical health VY 12238 Fiske ST A 4 mr 120 mr STA 46 qualified individual in Control Room. 78 rnr 1.7 R good physical health Volunteers1 Reports JPM-A3 1 person tc indxcate RemIHr. RWP ti,e EXAMINEE HANDOUT initial Conditions: With the plant shutting down due to failed fuel causing high Reactor Coolant System Activity, LOCA Outside of Containment occurred. A Site Evacuation is in progress in accordance with Attachment 9.7 of OP 3540 (General Emergency Announcement). An RP Technician reports that an operator working with him in the Reactor Building has fallen and is severely injured. He has moved the injured to an area that is somewhat shielded. Due o rapidly increasing dose rates, the RP Technician leaves to get help. He believes the injuries are ife-threatening. He also stated that the individual could be retrieved but it would take two people do SO. The RP Technician estimates that it will take at least ten minutes to retrieve the victim. Reactor Building Area Radiation Monitors extremely high radiation levels. Dose rates at the area needing access are 420 The Senior Radiation Protection representative has already concurred with the dose exposure authorization. The Job Number is 047 The is 09-003 Initiating Cues: As the Shift Manager, select two rescuers from those individuals available in accordance with Attachments 9.1 and 9.5 of OP 3507, Emergency Radiation Exposure Control; and then complete Emergency Dose Commitment portion of Attachment 9.8 to approve the Emergency exposure. Recommendations - NIA Offsite 33) AOIROISRO - RO/SRO - X - - - - - X minu- - - " N4L&&/ /-27-~7 m. // 5~4t /x// ~raihin~ fl ,/') 7 .R, ]l?&[L~ 1. 2.7 .- lr, ~icensed/~ert$fie#~eviewer ~rainini ~aga~er JPM A4 SRO Rev. 012309 Page 1 of 12 VERMONT JOB PERFORMANCE NRC EXAM Task Identification: Title: Off-Site Protective Action Failure


OP 351 1 Off-Site Protective Action Recommendations. (Rev. OP 35 13. Evaluation of Radiological Conditions. (Rev. Task Number: 2007150501 Task Performance: SRO Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Operator Performing Task: Examiner: Date of Evaluation: Activity Code: Method of Testing: Simulation Performance X Discuss Setting: Classroom Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 20 Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: Operations Instructor Date Reviewed by: -. . SRO Date Operations Date JPM A4 SRO 3 o f( (*), qiep Read Derson fuc4 (PARS) 13P transm. JPM A4 Rev. 0Page 2 of Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required r any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure. After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator " Do you understand the task?" to the being evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions, You are requested to " talk through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing. Inform me upon completion of this task. nitial Conditions: A reactor transient has occurred resulting in damage. An elevated release through the plant stack has just begun, and a General Emergency EAL has teen declared five minutes ago. There is no ground release in progress. Another SRO has been assigned to Use OP 35 1 1, Off-Site Protective Action Recommendations Section 5.6, Protective Action Recommendation Based on Plant Conditions, Attachment 9.4, General Emergency Protective Action Recommendations Flowchart. ODPS is operable. The EOF is NOT yet manned. Initiating Cues: You have been assigned by the PED to implement 35 13, Evaluation of Off-Site Radiological Conditions, Section 5.9, Initial Evaluation; and prepare a PAR based on Off-Site Radiological Conditions and return it to the PED. Task Standards: Operator makes off site Protective Action Recommendations per OP 351 1 and OP 35 13 and ts to the PED indicating that Vernon, Hinsdale, Bemardston and Northfield must be evacuated. JPM A4 SRO iequired Materials: Offsite - - ar DateITime RMOlF mrlhr). no Mc JPM A4 Rev. Page 3 of Handout 1 -OP 3513, Evaluation of Radiological Conditions (Rev. 33) Handout 2 Source Term Data Screen Handout 3 Protective Action Recommendations Screen Handout 4 -OP 35 11, Off-Site Protective Action Recommendations (Rev. 25) Handout 5 -Completed PAR based on Plant Conditions (Attachment 9.5 of OP 35 11) filled out follows: Current Current Section I -an " S" is placed in front of Guilford, Vernon, Hinsdale, Winchester, Bernardston, and Northfield. Approved By and (This PAR should be accomplished just a few minutes before the operator needs to use the completed PAR) Shift Manager Box Checked This JPM requires the use of a Computer with ODPS capability, and the ERFIS Printer to be available for printing. Simulator Setup: Any full power Insert malfunction at .06 Ensure all HVAC systems are normal and Group 3 isolation is Ensure that simulator is in RUN for a minimum of' 15 minutes prior to conduct of JPM to Data average readings to Reset to IC-820 Examiner This JPM should be conducted simultaneously with Ala JPM A4 SRO ConditionsICue Page JPM), - ATIUNS OP SATKTNSAT SMIPED Design+W t)ff- SATIUNSAT Step activitiem implemented. io JPM A4 Rev. Page 4 of 'rovide Candidate with Initial (Last of this Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: S AT Step 1: Obtain Procedure 3513. Standard: The operator obtains OP 35 13. The operator turns to Section 5.9, Initial Evaluation. Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OP 35 13, Examiner provides copy (Handout 1). Step 2: (Steps Immediate Action by the or Plant Staff Member. Upon receiving an indication of a significanf release of radioactivitv is occurring and the EOF has not been activated, initiate or assign a qualified individual to perform the appropriate calculations in this procedure to evaluate the off-site radiological conditions. Standard: The operator recognizes that they have been assigned to evaluate the site radiological conditions and proceeds to Step 5.9.1 .b. Step 3: (NOTE prior to 5.9.1.b) Attachment 9.11 is a flow chart available to assist in the identification of dose assessment be considered and Standard: The operator reads the Note, refers to Attachment 9.1 1, and proceeds Step 5.9.1.b. JPM A4 SATIUNSAT an1 5.9.1 .c. SATJUNS 5.9.l.c) mR/hr, ze & sample iodine 46100 mrhr. is SATIUNSAT 5.9.l.d) 9.5 pro-iection SATIUNSAT Stem l.a.1) Obtain pro-iection - - OCCURRING: ~eteorological and source term 1 JPM A4 SRO Rev. 0 12309 Page 5 of 12 ,valuation Performance Steps Step (Step 5.9.1.b) For an actual ground release.. .... The operator recognizes that a ground release is NOT in progress, proceeds to Step If the Stack High Range Monitor equals or exceeds 20 AT *Step 5: (Step request the Chemistry Technician to obtain a silver cartridge air from the main stack sample point for an release rate determination. The operator observes the Stack High Range Monitor to be reading The operator contact and directs the Chemistry Technician to obtain silver zeolite cartridge air sample from the main stack sample point for an iodine release rate: determination. Interim Cue: When action is taken, Examiner inform operator that the Chemistry Technician acknowledges.

  • Step 6: (Step If ODPS is operable.

then implement Attachment to access off-site dose information from ODPS. Standard: The operator proceeds to Attachment 9.5. Step 7: (Attachment 9.5. l,l.a and NOTE prior top Step the necessary off-site dose information for stack and ground release as follows: IF A STACK RELEASE IS data are automatically input to model. Manual input of data is not necessa ry, Standard: The operator reads the Note and proceeds top Step .a.1. JPM A4 SATAJNSAT l.a.1) tar i display ves ATAJNS 13.3. SAT/UNSAT stacli; they Tern1 ATIUNS l.a.4) "ODPS" bar ERFIS! key. t:he ha:s JPM A4 SRO Rev. 012309 Page 6 of 12 ,valuation Performance Steps Step 8: (Step Click the " ODPS" menu item on the RTIME menu to access the " ODPS Menu"; OR if the workstation has an ERFI terminal key board, press the " ODPS" key. Standard: The operator accesses ODPS to " ODPS Menu" screen. SATAJNSAT Step 9: (Step l.a.2) Click on the " SOURCE TERM DATA" box to screen. Standard: The operator Clicks on the " SOURCE TERM DATA" box, and obse VYOPF 3513.01 " Source Term Data" screen. S AT Step 10: Standard: (NOTE prior to Step l.a.3) ERFIS Printer must be on-line now. The operator reads the Note, and proceeds to Step Step 11 (Step l.a.3) Click on the PRINTER icon to obtain record of release projection information (Reactor Trip Status and Stack). Standard: The operator Clicks on the PRINTER icon, and obtains the printout. Interim Cues: When the operator indicates that will print the screen, provide operator with a laminated copy of the " Source Data" screen. (Handout 2) AT Step 12: (Step Click the menu item on the RTIME menu to access the " ODPS Menu"; OR if the workstation has an terminal kevboard, press the " ODPS" Standard: The operator clicks if the workstation key. " ODPS" menu item on the RTIME menu bar; OR an ERFIS terminal keyboard, presses the " ODYS" JPM A4 ,AT/UNSAT MR/HR1' MRIHR" SATAJNSAT scr.~ displav). recogn.izes to l.a.7. SATIUNSAT l.a.7) screer! SATLTNSAT bar ERFIfi 20; SATAJNSAT 9.fL 1.b 95 a1 JPM A4 SRO Rev. 012309 Page 7 of 12 Step 13: (Step l.a.5) Click on the " PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS LIVE STACK box to display screen. The operator clicks on the " PROTECTIVE ACTION RECONIMENDATIONS LIVE STACK box. Step (Step l.a.6) If ODPS aborts due to bad input (as indicated on . . . . .... The operator that ODPS does NOT abort, and proceeds Step Evaluation Performance Steps Step (Step When " PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATION" screen is displayed, click on the PRINT ER icon to obtain stack release off-site dose proiection information. When the " PROTECITIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATION" is displayed, the operator clicks on the PRINTER icon, and obtains the printout. Interim Cue: When the operator indicates that they will print the screen, provide operator with a laminated copy of " Protective Action Recommendations" screen. (Handout 3). Step 16: (Step l.a.8) Click the " ODPS" menu item on the RTIME menu to access the " ODPS Menu"; OR if the workstation has an terminal keyboard, press the " ODPS" kev. Standard: The operator clicks the " ODPS" menu item on the RTIME menu bar OR if the workstation has an ERFIS terminal keyboard, presses the " ODPS" key. Step 17: (Step l.a.9) If no ground release is occurring. skip Attachment Step for ground release and then continue with Attachment Step 2. Standard: The operator recognizes that there is no ground release in progress, proceeds to Step 2 of' Attachment 9.5. d JPM A4 SRO 3ATNNSAT 212.a) thh: lamini SAT/UNSAT 2.bl2.b.l) groundt, :o 5.7.5. SATIUNSAT 5.7.515.7.5.a) I1 Attachment pro-iection whether Eq.l, cornpie& 11, on >1 Site conservatit& valley F 5.7.5.c. JPM A4 SRO Rev. 0 12309 Page 8 of 12 Use printed screen information from above to do following: If multiple release points exist (stack and ground),. .., ,. Step (Steps The operator recognizes that only one release point exists, and procet ds to Step 2.b. Interim Cue: When operator indicates that they will print the screen, provide operator with ted copy of " Source Term Data" Step 19: (Steps If only one release point exists (stack or then continue with the following actions: Implement OP 3511 Section 5.7 Step 5.7.5 to formulate Protective Action Recommendations for State authorities. The operator recognizes that only one release point exists, and seeks find OP35 1 1. The operator proceeds to Step Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OP 35 1 1, Examiner provides copy (Handout 4). Evaluation Performance Steps *Step (Step Determine appropriate Protective Action Recommendations (PAR) as follows: (Use Section of 9.5) Compare the calculated dose results with EPA Protective Action Guidelines delineated below to determine EPA Protective Action Guidelines have been exceeded. If the Protective Action Guidelines have not been exceeded, then Attachment

9.5 Section

indicating that there is no PAR based radiological conditions. The operator uses information from ODPS or obtained in previous printout and notes that Total Effective Dose is REM between the Boundary and 5 miles and recognizes that evacuation is needed. The operator reads step and proceeds to Note prior to Step JPM A4 SRO SATNNSAT Step 21: (Step 5.7.5.b) Attachment 9.2 and Attachment 9.3 are based on METPAC plume traiectories, the river effect for stability classes E, and G, and plume width. tAT/UNSAT 5.7.5.c) - 5.7.5.c. SATKJNSAT 5.7.5.c) pll me if' pro-iection meteorolonv g~ ATIUNSAT act-uu procee:ds Interim SATKJNSAT 5.7.5.e/(3)) bv follow~~f si& appropriate 3-7". (3-7"). be JPM A4 SRO Rev. 012309 Page 9 of 12 Step (NOTE prior to Step The Town of Marlboro, VT is not a VY EPZ town. Standard: The operator reads Note and proceeds to Step In the EOF, in the initial stages of the event, the trajectory is determined by calculating: a " what Step (Step METPAC 10-mile plume with a default source term and actual using the METPAC Batch Mode with 8 time steps OP 3513, Attachment 9.9 The operator recognizes that the EOF is NOT manned, and proceeds to Step 5.7.5.d. Step 24: (Step 5.7.5.d) In all cases, use the field team data to verify the downwind direction of the plume. Adiust the PAR as appropriat e, S The operator recognizes that the Field Team data and the ODPS data are the same, and to Step 5.7.5.e. 1. Cue: Examiner inform the operator that the Field Team data reflects the ODPS data. Evaluation Performance Steps meteorological data (wind direction and stability class) to obtain affected towns out to five miles downwind. The operator observes that ODPS shows that the PAR is exceeded between five miles and the Site Boundary. The operator observes the previously obtained printout and determine the wind direction to be The operator observes the previously obtained printout and determine , the Stability Class to be A. The operator refers to Attachment 9.3, using Sector A with a Stability Class A, and determines that Vernon, Hinsdale, Bernardston and Northfield must evacuated. JPM A4 SRO *Step 25: (Step Choose the towns affected the PAR as ODPS shows that the PAR (evacuation) is exceeded between the boundary and five miles, then use Attachment 9.3 and 5.7.5.f) are anc [her 5.7.54. PARS, leted 5.7.5.g) (e.g., competini; more u~dated ano:her Tnterim JPM A4 SRO Rev. 0 12309 Page 10 of 12 Step 26: (Step Any prior protective action recommendations that still in effect should be included with updated information and documentation (Attachment 9.5). Standard: The operator recognizes that an initial PAR is being prepared by operator, and proceeds to Step Interim Cue: When the operator is seeking any previous Examiner provide the PAR corny minutes earlier based on Plant Conditions (Handout 5). SATAJNSAT Step 27: (Step Barring impediments, weather or a disaster) once a town has been recommended to evacuate, the conservative action will be followed even if analyses or conditions indicate that sheltering in place would be sufficient. The operator recognizes that an initial PAR is being prepared by operator, and proceeds to Step 5.7.5.h. Cue: If asked, Examiner cue the operator that there is no unusual weather conditions, nor is there a competing disaster. JPM A4 012309 11 SATIUNSAT I1 Northfield I1 I1 their Sectioti I1 (Ste~ Recoveia s [ill KIA's: (2.414.4) JPM A4 SRO Rev. Page of 12 valuation Performance Steps *Step 28: (Step 5.7.5.h) Record appropriate PAR information in Section Attachment

9.5. Standard

The operator records the current Date and Time on Attachment 9.5. The operator places an " E" in the Vermont Town of Vernon, and the New Hampshire Towns of Hinsdale, the Massachusetts Towns of Bernardston and on Section of Attachment 9.5. The operator places a check in the " ODPS" Box on Section of Attachment 9.5. The operator places name in the " Performed By 7' Box on of Attachment 9.5. The operator seeks an independent verification of the PAR. Interim Cue: Examiner as independent verifier, sign Attachment

9.5 independent

verification. Manager or senior manager in charge. Standard: The operator presents the completed Attachment 9.5 to the PED, and indicates that the initial PAR either has been recently prepared, or is in progress.

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: This completes the JPM. Evaluator Comments:

Step 29: 5.7.6) Forward completed Attachment 9.5 to the Site ystem Generic 2.4.44 JPM A4 SRO f EXA,M :d - 15, AO/RO/SRO - RO/SRO X - - -X - - minutes - - /-%? -09 ~rdnin~ / .- -z .7 - [ ) cj ~icens&&ified /. 2 ;7-L, 7 ~rdin~ !!fuperintendent Task Identification: VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET NRC 2009 JPI I-S1 Rev. 01 509 Page I of 9 Title: Failure Mode:


Task Number: Shift Rx Level Control Frorn The Main Feed Reg, Valve To The Auxiliarv Reg Valve Aux Feed Reg Valve Controller fails such that valve fullv opens OP 0105, Reactor Operations, (Rev. 86) EN-OP-1 Conduct of Operations, (Rev. 6) 2590060101,2590070101,2590080101 Task Performance: SRO Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Operator Performing Task: Examiner: Date of Evaluation: Activity Code: Method of Testing: Simulation Performance Discuss Setting: Classroom Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 17 Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: Operations Instructor Date Reviewed by: .-SRO Reviewer Date Approved by: Operations Date JPM-S 1 JI'l.4-S : him io thc: )r (*), 5 be in^ 5C. Initiatinp Cues: accordance 5C, 31 1 1 Rev. 01 1509 Page of 9 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for ask questions before beginning performance of task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required f any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical sep is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator " Do you understand the task?" Read to the person evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the You are requested to " talk throueh" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying checking and the steps you are Inform me upon completion of this task. nitial Conditions: A normal plant shutdown in progress. Reactor Power is -5%. OP 0105, Reactor Operations Phase is completed through Step 2.b.6.g. The CRS directs you to transfer Rx level control from the A FRV to the Auxiliary FRV in with OP 0105, Phase Step 2.c (Page 136 of 152). Task Standards: The operator shifts the Reactor level control in accordance with procedures from the Main Feed Reg Valve to the Aux Feed Reg Valve, and then responds to a failure of the Aux Feed Reg Valve Contr by placing the controller in MANUAL, and controlling Reactor level manually. Required Materials: Handout 1 -OP 0105, Reactor Operations, (Rev. 86) JPM-S Jl': 4-S 1 0 : OP0105. "V" FW-13 1 1509 Page of 9 Rev. C imulator Setup: Reset to IC-Lower power to -5% Ensure " A" FRV in Auto displayed on Ensure " B" FRV in Manual and Ensure FDW-1 I B is Insert FDW-13 Controller failure to open valve fully to 100% with no ramp) on Key 1 Ensure that RPV level setpoints for the Main and Aux controllers are set to 160". Reset to IC-Ensure " A" FRV in Auto with " V" displayed on JPM-S JPI 1-S !. 4 -rovide ConditionsICue dvaluation Steps SAT/UNSAT 5C, SATKJNSAT

  • Step 2.c.112.c.l.a-b) valve disp& AUXFRV.V.

by us in^ adiustm* - (0.0). SATKJNSAT senice ad-justing aild 0. LI-6-94AIB Candidate with Initial (Last Page of this JPM). 1 Rev. 0 1 509 Page of 9 Performance TIME START: Step 1: Standard: Obtain Procedure. The operator obtains OP 0 105, Rev 86. Proceeds to Step 2.c of Phase Page 136 of 152. Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OP 0105, Examiner provides copy (Handout 1). (Step In manual, slowlv open the aux. feed reg. as follows: On AUX FEED REG VLV FDW-13 CONTROLLER use the pushbutton to display Adiust output as required plant conditions the knob. Standard: The operator presses the " D" display button until V is displayed The operator turns the knob on the AUX FRV Controller in the clockwise direction to slowly open the FDW-13 valve. NOTE: The operator may observe FDW-13 Red status lights are ON (two sets, 9-5 and 9-6) (NOT Critical). Step 3: (Step 2.c.2) Check that the main feedwater regulator valve in closes. Standard: As the operator is the FDW-13 Controller, the operator observes the valve position indication on FDW-13 to be increasing, valve position on A FRV controller decreases toward The operator observes Reactor Water Level on Band. in Green The operator observes the Red status light OFF on FRV A. JPM-S 1 JPJ 0 L Yvaluation SAT/UNSAT 2.c.313.al3.a.l) re~ulator fullv automatic follows: contrc;ller

0. (1 YAT/UNSAT 2.c.3.a.2.a-b) follow in^

pl~u ad-iust AUXFRV.S qmJ AUXFRV.P Ad-iust raisenower AUXFRV.St balances SATAJNSAT 2.c.3.a.3) AUXFRV.S AUXFRV.P AIM AIM Performance Steps I-S 1 Rev. 509 Page 5 of 9 *Step 4: (Steps indicates When the main feedwater closed perform the followine: valve Transfer AUX FEED REG VLV FDW-13 CONTROLLER from manual to as On AUX FEED REG VLV FDW-13 CONTROLLER use the dis play pushbutton to observe the value of the followine: The operator observes the valve position indication on A FRV at NOTE: The operator may observe A FRV Red status lights are ON wo sets, 9-5 and 9-6) (NOT Critical). The operator presses the " D" display button to observe the S and P values. indicate the same value. *Step 5: (Step Using one or both of the steps as conditions dictate, the FWLC system so that AUX FEED REG VLV FDW-13 CONTROLLER to reactor water level. Adiust Standard: The operator S and P by using the controller knob to change RPV level, or by changing the setpoint. To change the setpoint, S is selected. To change RPV level P or V is displayed.

  • Step 6: (Step WHEN and indicate the same value, on AUX FEED REG VLV FDW-13 CONTROLLER depress the pushbutton.

Standard: The operator observes that P (level) and S (setpoint) are equal by changing the number. displayed by using the " D" display pushbutton. The operator presses the button on the controller. JPM-S 1 1 ( Tvaluation Steps JATNNSAT 2.c.3.a.3.a-b) SATlUNSAT 2.c.3.a.414.a-b)To ad-iust FDW-13 setpoint disw AUXFRV.S setpoint ad.iusttn-setpoint SATJUNSAT 2.c.3.b) FDW-11A(B) nii regulatin~ FDW-11A 1 JE'I I-S Rev. 01 1509 Page of 9 Performance Step 7: (Steps On AUX FEED REG VLV FDW-13 CONTROLLER verify the green auto LED illuminates. On AUX FEED REG VLV FDW-13 CONTROLLER verifv the manual LED extinguishes. Standard: The operator observes the Green MIA LED is ON. The operator observes the Red MIA LED is OFF. Step 8: (Steps the AUX FEED REG VLV CONTROLLER proceed as follows: On AUX FEED REG VLV FDW-13 CONTROLLER use the pushbutton to display the value. Adjust knob. as required by plant conditions using the Standard: The operator adjusts level as necessary by ensuring S is displayed and changing the using the knob on the FDW-13 controller. NOTE: The operator may not need to adjust the controller.

  • Step 9: (Step feedwater Close BLOCKING VALVE valve just removed from service. for the Standard:

The operator places control switch to close, spring return to normal, and observe Green light to ON and Red light to OFF. SIMULATOR When operator starts to close Blocking Valve, insert malfunction on FDW-13 Controller. causing valve to go full open. NOTE: Use Panel Override for Panel 9-6 to watch Blocking Valve position. JPM-JE'I /I-S 0 : SATNNSAT 2.c.3.cJ2.c.3.c.l) I:R MASTER3 MASTER.P AIM "D" .I1 water 9-5/E-6, 1 '3 ATLTNSAT *Step AA4 MIA MIA I,ED JPM 1 1 1509 Page of 9 Rev. ? Performance Steps Transfer the RX VESSEL LEVEL MAST CONTROLLER to manual as follows: Verify Step 10: (Step and indicate the same value THEN depress the pushbutton Verify the Preen auto LED extinguishes Verify the red manual LED illuminates Standard: The operator presser; the display button to observe the S and P values. When the Reactor level on the Controller is observed, the operator w note that Reactor level is higher than expected. If the operator does not notice the unexpectedly high Reactor water level, MCB Annunciator FW CONTROL SYSTEM TROUBLE, will alarm within 1.5-minutes, and 9-YE-1, RX WATER LEVEL HVLO, will alarm shortly thereafter. 11: (EN-OP-115, Step 5.3) If an automatic control malfunctions, immediately place that control in manual. I Standard: The operator presses the button on the AUX FEED REG FDW-13 controller. The operator observes the Red LED is ON and the Green is The operator adjusts level as necessary by ensuring V is and using the knob on the FDW-13 controller to control level at 160"NOTE: Failure criteria is if the feed water pump trips on high reactor level. TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: This is complete. Evaluators Comments: JPM-S t jystem: KIA: (3.813.6) 1 JPI I-S Rev. 0 1of A4.01 JPM-EXAkIINEE HANDOUT nitial - 5C, conlpleted from FRV accordaiice 5C, Conditions: A normal plant shutdown in progress. Reactor Power is 5-10%. OP 0105, Reactor Operations Phase is throu gh Step 2.b.6.g. Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to transfer Rx level control the A to the Auxiliary FRV in with OP 0 105, Phase Step 2.c (Page 136 of 152). System, AO/RO/SRO - ROISRO X No3 No2 - X - SimulatorX minutes - - /-2 7- .sf? h?Od(k/a @ && (, / 9-7 c?'/ ~icensed~edfied R /G?rn~i</{$ ,g, /ghJ[* ~r/aining - JPM -S2 Rev. 01 1309 Page I. of 6 VERMONT JOB PERFORMANCE Task Identification: Title: Advanced Off Gas Vacuum Pump Transfer. Failure Mode:


OP 2150, Advanced Off Gas Svstem And Air Evacuation Equipment Task Number: 27 17 180 101 Task Performance: SRO Only Sequence Critical: Yes-Time Critical: Yes-Operator Performing Date of Activity Method of Testing: Simulation Discuss Setting: Classroom Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 15 Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: Date Reviewed by: SRO Reviewer Approved by: Operations Manager Date JPM S-2 3irections: 1 >r sttq (*), cri perfornied 1 quections nitial I'ump Setup: "A'" JPM -S2 Rev. 0 1 1309 Page 2 of 6 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comn ents are required for any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a ical step. If a critical step is skipped or unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed ne Job Performance Measure. After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator " Do you understand the task'?" Read to the person being evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the You are requested to " talk through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or and the steps you are Inform me upon completion of this task. Conditions: Reactor is at 100% power Initiating The CRS directs you to shift from AOG Vacuum Pump A to AOG Vacuum B per OP 21 50 Section S. Task Shift from AOG Vacuum Pump A to AOG Vacuum Pump B is complete. Required Materials: OP 2 150, Advanced Off Gas System And Air Evacuation Equipment Simulator Any at power IC with AOG and vacuum pump in service JPM -S-dvaluation 1:Obtain -- a,nd lidmin :valuation Stem 2:Mode 3:VACNACSL. P-154/152-1% "B" VACIVACSL, pump 4:Check MS-102-lB, Tra~, AO lterim A0 Y2 - JPM -S2 Rev. 01 1309 Page 3 of 6 Performance Steps TIME START: Note: All actions are performed on CRP 9-50. SATNNSAT Step Procedure OP 2150 and review admin limits, prerequisites. precautions Standard: OP 2150 obtained. reviewed. limits, precautions an d prerequisites Interim Cue: Prerequisites SAT. Note: All actions are performed on CRP 9-50. SATNNSAT SATNNSAT Performance Verify the following for the oncoming pump Step selector switch for VACUUM PUMP B to AUTO. Standard: Operator observes Vacuum Pump " B" selector switch is to " AUTO". Step pump switch OFF. Standard: Operator observes Vacuum Pump switch OFF. P-15411 52-1 B Step Standard: Separator level at approxim Operator requests to check level. ately 112 to 314 full. Cue: As report level is full. JPM S-2 Tvaluation ATkTNS SATIUNSAT ,valuation 5:Check PC-OG-llOlB, PCV-OG-5O1B 10 A(B) depress in^ AUTO 7:Verifv pumD "B" of{. 8:Confirm 9:Check svstem FI-2004, diffenuM DF'I- 1606B. *Step placin~ "OFI~ dep~ JPM -S2 Rev. 01 1309 Page 4 of 6 Performance Steps SATNNSAT Step the on-coming pump VLV CONTROLLER FOR in MANUAL. Standard: Operator observes PC-OG-1 1 B is in MANUAL. SATNNSAT *Step 6: START VACUUM PUMP pushbutton. by momentarilv its SATNNSAT Step vacuum start. Standard: Operator observes Vacuum Pump " B" red light on and green light AT Step AOV-OG-140B and AOV-OG-144B open. Standard: Operator observes AOV-OG-140B and 144B red light ON and green light OFF. S Step flow increase on SYSTEM OUTLET, and pressure increase on PUMP DELTA P on DPI-1606B. Standard: Operator checks for flow increase on FI-2004 and DP increase on and momentarily depressing the " OFF" PB. Standard: Operator positions Vacuum Pump " A" selector switch to " OFF" , OFF push-button. esses S ATAJNSAT Step 11: Verifv Vacuum Pump " A" is stopped. Standard: Operator observes Vacuum Pump " A" red light off and green light on Step 12: Confirm AOV-OG-140A and AOV-OG-144A close. Standard: Operator observes AOV-OG-140A and 144A green light ON and red ight OFF. SATAJNSAT 10: Secure Vacuum Pump " A" bv the selector switch to Performance Steps JPM -S-( SATNNSAT *Step PC-OG-1101I). PCV-OG-501Bi& 10 PCV-OG-501 to adjust PC-OG-1101B OG-501B (FI-2002) (FI-2004). adsorbs "G" PC-OG- lO1B SATIUNSAT PC-OG-11OlA. -5OlAb re vent cvcling. 1OlA JPM -S2 Rev. 01 1309 Page 5 of 6 SATNNSAT *Step 13: Return Vacuum Pump " A" selector switch to AUTO position. Standard: Operator positions Vacuum Pump " A" selector switch to AUTO on 9-6. 'RP 14: Shift AUTO. VLV CONTROLLER FOR Standard: Operator positions PC-OG-1 B, AUTO. 1 B, VLV CONTROLLER FOR SATNNSAT *Step 15: Slowly valve flow controller to accomplish the following: to set a. Achieve an approximate balance between delav pipe flow and svstem outlet flow b. Achieve desired pressures on system inlet (PI-1301). on outlet (PI-13061, and on system outlet (PI-1307). Standard: Operator adjusts sealed in. 1 as necessary to insure no alarms are Standard: Operator places valve controller PC-OG-1 TIME FINISH: in MANUAL. Terminating Cue: Shift from AOG Vacuum Pump A to AOG Vacuum Pump B is complete. Evaluators Comments:

  • Step 16: Place VLV CONTROLLER FOR PCV-OG MANUAL to unnecessary valve -.ystem: 27 1000 KIA's: A4.09 JPM -S-2 Initiatin~

Vacuum nitial Conditions: Reactor is at 100% power JPM -S2 Rev. 0 1 1309 Page 6 of 6 Cues: The CRS directs you to shift from AOG Vacuum Pump A to AOG B, per OP 2 150 Section S. Pump JPM -S-JF'I )f N/A Svstem AOIROISRO - ROISRO - - - - - - Lo14 ~k&/&c/#~, /- 27-07 / 2-7 07 ~icensedldertifie$ / 4, ~, (2. ,< /'ko,~rn /- 2-7-[/? ~rdin~ $%pervisor 11 I-S3 Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 1 VERMONT JOB PERFORMANCE NRC EXAM Task Identification: Title: Secure RHR from the Shutdown Cooling Mode Failure Mode:


OP 2124, Residual Heat Removal 2050110101 Task Number: Task Performance: Only X SE Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Individual Performing Date of Activity Method of Testing: Simulation Performance X Setting: Classroom Simulator X Plant-Performance Expected Completion Time: 1 2 Evaluation Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: . , Operations Training Instructor Date Reviewed by: -SRO Reviewer Date 7 Approved by: Operations Date )f 11 thc Ir (*), s the Derson evaluated: Cleinup 2121, JPI I-S3 Rev. 01 1209 Page 2 Directions: Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him ask questions before beginning performance of task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required f any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical o ep is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measu -e. After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual " Do you understand the task?" Read to being Before starting, I will explain the initial condition!;, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform all You are requested to " talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying checking and the steps you are Inform me upon completion of this task. initial Conditions: The plant is operating with RHR in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with OP Residual Heat Removal System, Section G, Normal Shutdown Cooling Operational The A RHR Pump is in The RWCU System is in its normal alignment in accordance with OP 21 12, Reactor The Condensate System is Initiating Cues: The CRS has directed you to secure from the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with OP Section J, Securing the Shutdown Cooling Mode. Task Standards: The RHR System has been secured from the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with Steps 1-2 of Section J of OP 2 124, Residual Heat Removal System. Required Materials: Handout 1 -OP 2124, Residual Heat Removal System (Rev. 1 13) JPI bf 11 Simulator I-S3 Rev. 01 Page Setup: Reset to IC-4-S3 )f ConditionsICue ATIUNSAT SATIUNSAT svstervim OP SATRJNSAT

2) CRP IN.JECTION, RHR-27A(BL obsc 3) runninp 0. JI'I Rev. 01 1209 Page 4 11 Provide Candidate with Initial Evaluation Performance Steps (Last Page of this JPM). TIME START: Step 1: Standard:

Obtain Procedure and review prerequisites The operator obtains OP 2 124, Rev 1 13. Proceeds to Section J, Securing Shutdown Cooling Mode. S Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OP 2124, Examiner provide: copy (Handout 1). Step 2: (Step 1)If RWCU return to RHR SDC suction line is in service, return RWCU to normal alignment, or secure the RWCU 2112. Standard: The operator recognizes that the RWCU is NOT aligned with its return to RHR SDC (Initial Conditions), and proceeds to Step 2. *Step 3: (Step On 9-3, close OUTBD Standard: The operator takes the RHR-27A control switch to CLOSE, and the Green light ON, and the Red light OFF. rves The operator observes A RHR Pump amps and flow on FI-10-139A decreases. SATNNSAT *Step 4: (Step Secure the RHR pumps. Standard: The operator takes the A RHR Pump control switch to STOP, and observes the Green light ON, and the Red light OFF. The operator observes A RHR Pump amps decreases to NOTE: The operator may make a plant announcement concerning the shutdown of the A RE IR Pump (Not Critical). JF'I I209 5 )f 11 Avaluation Step 4) puma be ~arallel SAT/UNSAT pump(s) ;jw Recirculzition shc SATAJNSAT

5) md ATIUNSAT 9-3, RHR-65B. I-S3 Rev. 01 Page Performance Steps Step 5: (NOTE prior to Reactor recirculation startup may performed in with securing shutdown cooling. Standard:

The operator reads the Note and proceeds to Step 4. Step 6: (Step 4) If possible, start the recirc at this time per OP Standard: The operator seeks direction regarding the operation of the Pumps from the CRS. After cue, the operator proceeds to Step 5. Interim Examiner cue operator that another operator will be starting the recirculation pumps in accordance with OP 21 10, and that the securing of the Shutdown Cooling Mode uld continue. Step 7: Standard: (Step On CRP 9-3, open HX BYPASS, RHR-65A. The operator opens RHR-65A by taking the control switch to OPEN observes the Red light ON and the Green light OFF. S Step 8: Standard: (Step 6) On CRP open HX BYPASS, The operator observes the Red light ON and the Green light OFF for RHR-65B. and determines the valve is OPEN. JP! 01 i209 ~f Lvaluation ATIUNSAT follow in^: S/D S/D RHR-1SA RHR-1SC RHR-15B RHR-1SD RHR-15A CLOSi;, Green RHR-15C observt:~ RHR-15B. RHR-ISD, AT/UNSAT 8) (Radwaste cool in^ position. A0 1711 has Rev. I-S3 Page 6 1 1 Performance Steps *Step 9: (Step 7) On CRP 9-3, close the CLG SUCTION, RHR-17 CLG SUCTION, RHR-PUMP PUMP PUMP PUMP The operator closes RHR-17 by taking the control switch to CLOSE, and observing the Green light ON and the Red light OFF. The operator closes RHR-18 by taking the control switch to CLOSE, and observing the Green light ON and the Red light OFF. The operator closes by taking the control switch to and observing the light ON and the Red light OFF. The operator closes by taking the control switch to CLOSE, and observing the Green light ON and the Red light OFF. The operator the Green light ON and the Red light OFF for and determines the valve is CLOSED. The operator observes the Green light ON and the Red light OFF for and determines the valve is CLOSED. NOTE: The operator may close another valve before the one presently stroking closed is CLOSED. S Step 10: (Step Place Isolation switch corridor) for shutdown valves RHR-17/18 in LOCKOUT Standard: The operator contacts the and directs that the Isolation Switch for, RHR-8 be placed in the LOCKOUT position. Interim Cue: As the AO, Examiner inform the operator that the Isolation Switch for RHR-17/18 been placed in the LOCKOUT position. JPP 1-S3 01 ckf 11 dvaluation SATIUNS 9-3/L-3, anrl 1 ancI 209 Page 7 Rev. Performance Steps AT *Step 11: (Step 9) Open: PUMP SUCTION, RHR-13A PUMP SUCTION, RHR-13C PUMP SUCTION, RHR-13B PUMP SUCTION, RHR-13D MINIMUM FLOW, RHR-16A MINIMUM FLOW, RHR-16B The operator opens RHR-13A by taking the Key control switch to OPEN, and observing the Red light ON and the Green light OFF. The operator opens KHR-13C by taking the Key control switch to OE'EN, and observing the Red light ON and the Green light OFF. MCB Annunciator RHR TORUS SUCT VLV CLOSED, is expected to clear after this action. The operator observes the Red light ON and the Green light OFF, determines that RHR-13B is OPEN. The operator observes the Red light ON and the Green light OFF, ant determines that RHR-13D is OPEN. The operator opens KHR-16A by taking the control switch to OPEN, and observing the Red light ON and the Green light OFF. The operator observes the Red light ON and the Green light OFF, determines that RHR-16B is OPEN. NOTE: The operator may close another valve before the one presently stroking closed is CLOSED. JP14-S3 8 )f 11 SATIUNSAT 10110.a) conden ,& RHR30A(B), Loop A(Bi A0 A0 SATIUNSAT mu?* <212"F 1O.b. YATAJNSAT svstem Nf IT SATLTNSAT (Step Openlcheck A(B) RHR-23A(B). va16re val: Rev. 0 1 1209 Page Performance Steps Step 12: (Steps Establish keep fill pressure as follows: If svstem pressure is available open RHR Pressurizing Line. The operator contacts the and directs that RHR-30A be opened. The operator contacts the and directs that RHR-30B be opened. Interim Cue: As the AO, Examiner cue operator that RHR-30A and RHR-30B are OPEN. Step 13: (CAUTION prior to Step 10.b) Reactor coolant temperature to use this procedure section. Standard: The operator reads the Caution and proceeds to Step Step 14: (Step 10.b) IF condensate transfer keep fill water ....... will be used to provide Standard: The operator recognizes that the Condensate Transfer System will be used and proceeds to Step 1 1. Step 15: 11) open and lock RHR Hx Inlet, The operator directs that RHR-23A be checked open and that the be locked in the open position. The operator directs that RHR-23B be checked open and that the be locked in the open position. e Interim Cue: Examiner cue operator that RHR-23A and RHR-23B are OPEN. 1209 9 jf 11 Ste~s Manually RHR-89A(B) runnin~ SR-10-80A(B).

  • Step 12112.a) pump ming- RHRSVE RHR-89A(B), cla,ses Pump lipht 0. 9-3lK-4, AIC Rev. 01 JF'I I-S3 Page Performance Step 16: (NOTE prior to Step 12) closing with an RHRSW pump can result in lifting safetv relief valve Standard:

The operator reads the Note and proceeds to Step 12. 17: (Steps When the RHRSW has run at least 10 after the RHR pump is stopped. then secure the running pumps. Observe RHRSW DISCHARGE valve, automaticallv. Interim Cue: Examiner cue operator that the RHRSW Pump has run 10 minutes since the RHR A has been stopped. After the cue, the operator takes the A RHRSW Pump to STOP, and observes the Green light ON and the Red light OFF. After stopping the RHRSW Pump, the operator observes RHR-89A automatically closes by observing the Green light ON and the Red OFF. The operator observes flow on FI-10-132A decreases to NOTE: MCB Annunciator RHR SW PUMP Running, is expected to clear after this action. CUE: Steps 13, 14 and 15 will be completed by another operator. TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete. Evaluator Comments: JPh Ol c f I1 209 I-S3 Page Clemup 212.~, EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions: The plant is operating with RHR in the Shutdown Cooling Mode in accordance with OP Residual Heat Removal System, Section G, Normal Shutdown Cooling Operational The A RHR Pump is in The RWCU System is in its normal alignment in accordance with OP 21 12, Reactor System. The Condensate System is available. Initiating Cues: The CRS has directed you to secure from the Shuttiown Cooling Mode in accordance with OP Section J, Securing the Shutdown Cooling Mode. i509 1 )f "P," NA 25) AO/RO/SRO - ROISRO X - - .- - -X - - - /-)7-d,,7 fr$ning --R ~C&JI< \J / 9'707' LicensedlCertified /* 27-09 JE'E I-Rev. 01 13 Page VERMONT JOB PERFORMANCE NRC EXAM Task Identification: Title: Line-up for Primary Containment Spray Using Fire System to RHR Failure


OE 3 107, OE Appendices, Appendix S. Task Number: 2000070501 Task Performance: SRO Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes Operator Performing Task: Examiner: Date of Evaluation: Activity Code: Method of Testing: Simulation Performance Discuss Setting: Classroom Performance Expected Completion Time: 17 minutes Evaluation Results: No Simulator Plant Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: Operations Instructor Date Reviewed by: SRO Reviewer Date Approved by: Operations Training Supervisor Date JI'1 I-S4 )f him ft rr by (*), s Derson be in^ nitial Drywell actims. A0 using Reauired 13 Rev. 01 1509 Page 2 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for o ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical ep is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator " Do you understand the task?" Read to the evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions,, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the You are requested to " talk through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying checking and the steps you are Inform me upon completion of this task. Conditions: pressure is high and has been high for greater than 5 minutes. Torus Spray is required per EOP-3 and RHR and RHRSW Pumps are unavailable for use. The Emergency Diesel Generators have been stopped. No Service Water Pumps are available. Fire Water Pumps are running. Initiating Cues: The CRS has directed you to line-up and spray the TORUS using the Fire System to RHR Loop " Afrom the Control Room, IAW OE 3 107, Appendix Auxiliary Operators have been briefed and are standing by in the field to perform their NOTE: All communications with should be made using the plant communications systems and NOT with the Examiner. Task Standards: Complete the valve line-up and spray the Torus the Fire System to RHR from the Control Roc m. Materials: JPM-S4 JF'I )f Set-Up: mfRR-OlA drywell EDGs. overcurrent. & 13 I-S4 Rev. 01 1509 Page 3 Handout 1 -OE 3107 OE Appendices, Appendix S (Rev. 25) Simulator Reset to any IC. Insert malfunction at 1%. Delete when pressure is 8 psig. Stop both Trip all four SW Pumps on Verify both Fire Pumps are running. Place all RHR RHRSW Pumps in PTL. Reset to IC-853 Note to Simulator Instructor: An instructor should be available to control plant parameters and silence alarms unrelated to the JPM. 1 jf Conditions/Cue SAT/UNSAT SAT/UNSAT Substep SAT/UNSAT 2.al2.a.l) follo\vs: follow in^ A0 A0 rfSW- A0 ont3 JYF I-S4 Rev. 01 509 Page 4 13 Provide Candidate with Initial Evaluation Performance Steps (Last Page of this JPM). TIME START: Step 1: Standard: Obtain Procedure The operator obtains OE 3 107, Appendix S, Rev 25. Proceeds Primary Containment Spray Using Fire Water. Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OE 3 117, Examiner provides copy (Handout 1). Step 2: (NOTE prior to Step 2.a) 2.a may be performed concurrently with the remainder of Step 2. Standard: The operator reads the Note, and proceeds to Step 2.a Step 3: (Steps Isolate unnecessary Service Water loads as Close /Check Closed the RBCCW HX Service Water Outlet valves: SW-92A SW discharge from A HX SW-92B SW discharge from the B HX Standard: The operator contacts the and directs that SW-92 A and B be closed. Interim Cue: Simulator Instructor as the reports SW-92A and SW-92B closed (Use 15) NOTE: The operator may assign the to perform more than one procedure step during communication. JFr 1-S4 + rf SATIUNSAT CLOSEIcheck Turi ,& Buildins - lig'lt bAT/UNSAT 2.a.3) isolatin~ RRUs ta& bv follow in^ A0 - - A0 RRUS RRUs 13 Rev. 01 1509 Page 5 'valuation Performance Steps Step (Step 2.a.2) CLOSED the followins to isolate loads: S W-20 TURB BLDG INLET OR SW-19A SW HEADER CROSS CONNECT and SW-19B SW HEADER CROSS CONNECT The operator checks SW-20 on CRP 9-6 shut by observing Green ON and Red light OFF. OR The operator checks SW-19A on CRP 9-6 shut by observing Green 1 ght ON and Red light OFF. and The operator checks SW-19B on CRP 9-6 shut by observing Green light ON and Red light OFF. NOTE: The operator should perform only one or the other, however performance of both steps is allowed. Step 5: (Step Consider to provide increased flow vessel closing the valves: SW-315A RRUS Inlet SW-316A RRU-6 Inlet SW-317A RRU-7 Inlet SW-318A RRU-8 Inlet SW-307A RRU-9 Inlet SW-308A RRU-17A Inlet SW-309A RRU-17B Inlet Standard: The operator contacts the and directs that the RRUs be isolated. Interim Cue: Simulator Instructor as the informs the operator that the are isolated. Interim Cue: If the operator asks the CRS, Examiner inform the operator that the are isolated. JF'! i ,)f SAT/UNSAT the locallv ST01 1 2.a.4. AT/UNS 2.a.4) breakel increa.;ed SATIUNSAT 2.bl2.b.112.b.2) THEN pump(s) - Pan.:l9- PUMP A0 rfFP-01 rfFP-02 A0 Pants1 as-e I-S4 Rev. 0 1 509 Page 6 13 'valuation Performance Steps Step 6 (NOTE prior to Step 2.a.4) IF a LOCA signal is present, THEN diesels can be shut down using the MANUAL ENG pushbutton with the REMOTEIAT ENGINE control switch in A ENGINE. Standard: The operator reads the Note and proceeds to Step If a diesel generator is idling with the output open, THEN consider shutting down the diesel to provide flow to the vessel. S AT Step 7 (Step The operator observes that both Diesel Generators are shutdown. Electric Fire Pump Open circuit breaker on Bus 9 Cubicle 7D Diesel Fire Pump -Place control switch to OFF. The operator checks status of Fire Pumps by checking alarms on 6, J-9, DJESEL FIRE PUMP RUNNING, and L-9, ELEC FIRE RUNNING, are LIT and determines that both Fire Water pumps are operating. The operator contacts the and directs that both Fire Pumps be shutdown. Step 8: (Steps If the Fire Water pumps are running, stop the Fire Water as follows: Interim Cue: When the operator calls the AO, Simulator Instructor place to OFF and to THEN, call operator and report that both Fire Pumps are OFF. The operator checks status of Fire Pumps by checking alarms on 9-6, J-9, DIESEL FIRE PUMP RUNNING, and L-9, ELEC FIRE PUMP RUNNING, are DARK and determines that both Fire Water pumps shutdown. JP! Ol ( Steps SATNNSAT 2.c) SW-8, A0 rf-SWR35. A0 SATKINSAT 2.dl2.d.l) Closelcheck an* 1 SATNNSAT 2.d.212.d.2.a) 10A-K45A-1. timin~ relati 10A-K45A. timini. SATNNSAT 2.d.2.b) 10A-K45A-1 counte!: turn un. SATIUNSAT 2.d.2.c) 10A-S36A TRIP keylock Key keylock 10AS36A t.) 9-3/C-2, OPEN/UPS valuation Performance Rev. Page 7 I-S4 509 f 13 *Step 9: Standard: (Step OPEN Operator directs Fire Water to Service Water crosstie. to open SW-8. Interim When the operator calls the AO, Simulator Instructor insert THEN, call operator as and report that SW-8 is OPEN. Step 10: (Steps IF RHR loop A is available, THEN closed RHR 34A TORUS COOLING. Standard: The operator checks shut RHR-34A by observing Green light ON Red light OFF. Step 11: (Steps If a LPCI initiation signal is or was present THEN: In CRP 9-32, locate device for Standard: The operator opens cabinet in back of CRP 9-32 and identifies device. Step 12: (Step Rotate set screw in fully in the Standard: clockwise direction, to disable the time delay logic for RHR-27A. The operator obtains a screwdriver. The operator uses screwdriver to set screw counter clockwise il it stops rotating. Standard: The operator uses #13 and places the BLOCK. The operator observes MCB Annunciator FDR TRIP BLK, is LIT. switch RHR-27A AUTO *Step 13: (Step On CRP 9-32, place switch UPS FDR switch to BLOCK. JPF 1 ~f Rff SATIUNSAT 2.d.4) 2.fl2.f.l) bv perform in^ follow in^: pushbutton A0 Sirnulator rfFP-01 A0 SATIUNSAT 2.f.2) A0 rfFP-02 A0 I-S4 Rev. 0 1 509 Page 8 13 ,valuation Performance Steps SATIUNSAT

  • Step 14: (Steps 2.d.3) Closelcheck closed one of the followine:

RHR-25A INBD INJECTION RHR 27A. OUBD INJECTION Standard: The operator places the RHR-27A control switch in CLOSE, and observes Green light ON and Red light OFF, and determines that 27A is CLOSED. R-Step 15: (Steps Go to Step 2.f. Standard: The operator proceeds to Step 2.f. SATIUNSAT Step 16: (Steps Start available Fire Pumps the Electric Fire Pump Close circuit Breaker on Bus 9 Cubicle 7D Press control START Standard: The operator contacts the started. and directs that the Electric Fire Pump be Interim Cue: When the operator calls the AO, Instructor place to HAND. THEN, call operator as and report that the Electric Fire Pump is Running. Step 16a: (Step Diesel Fire Pump Place Control Switch to TEST Standard: The operator contacts the and directs that the Diesel Fire Pump be started. Interim Cue: When the operator calls the AO, Simulator Instructor place to HAND. THEN, call operator as and report that the Diesel Fire Pump is Running. 0 l ( *Step Verify :l PUlv SATLTNS 2.d2.g.l) keylock 10AS89Al 89AlB to 9-3lM-2, KEYLOCK SATIUNSAT 2.g.2) for SATIUNSAT RHRSWIRHR keylock valaa SATIUNSAT 2.i) pump(s). valuation Performance Steps JPF I-S4 Rev. 509 Page 9 f 13 SATNNSAT 17: both Fire Pumps are running Standard: The operator checks status of Fire Pumps by checking alarms on Pan 9-6, J-9, DIESEL FIRE PUMP RUNNING, and L-9, ELEC FIRE P RUNNING, are LIT and determines that both Fire Water pumps are operating. AT *Step 18: (Step OPEN RHR-89A RHRSW DISCHARGE as follo Place RHR-89A TEST switch to TEST Standard: The operator uses the TEST. Test Switch Key and places the switch The operator observes MCB Annunciator SW TO MAN OVRD, is LIT. RHR *Step 19: (Step Throttle open RHR-89A to 40% (white light is lit) Standard: The operator places the control switch for RHR-89A to OPEN, and observes the Red light ON, and THEN the White Light is ON. When the White light is ON, the operator allows the control switch RHR-89A to return to AUTO. *Step 20: (Step 2.h) OPEN emergency inter-tie RHR-184 EMERGENCY FILL RHR-183 EMERGENCY FILL Standard: The operator uses Key #13 places the Key Lock switch for RHR-184 to OPEN and observes the Red light ON and Green light OFF. The operator uses Key #13 places the Key Lock switch for RHR-183 to OPEN and observes the Red light ON and Green light OFF. Step 21: (CAUTION prior to Step It may be necessary to throttle spray flow using SW-8 to prevent overloading the Fire Water system Standard: The operator reads the Caution and proceeds to Step 2.i. JPI 4-S4 )f SATLJNS 2.i12.i.l) AIC: Keylock A/C Keylock A/C b@ A/C 4Y tha: retunls Drywell *Step 2.i.312.i.3.a) SPRAYICLG

  • Step 2.i.3.b) 32ri,. 2.i.3.c) CLOSEIcheck Creen Red 2.i.3.d) keylock 10AS89A-1 1, keylock 13 Rev. 01 1509 Page 10 'valuation Performance Steps AT Step 22: (Step When Spray is required THEN: Place RHR LOGIC CTMT SPRAY VLV SHROUD LVL OVRD Switch to MANUAL OVRD.

The operator uses Key #13 and places the RHR LOGIC CTMT SPRAY VLV SHROUD LVL OVRD Switch to MANUAL OVRD. SATLJNSAT

  • Step 23: (Step 2.i.2) Place RHR LOGIC CTMT SPRAY VLV LPCI BYPASS (pistol grip) to MAN. Standard:

The operator momentarily places the RHR LOGIC CTMT SPR VLV LPCI SIG BYPASS Pistol grip switch to MAN and releases switch (spring to OFF). Step 24: (NOTE prior to Step 2.i.3) Torus and sprays may be operated concurrently. Standard: The operator reads the Note and proceeds to Step 2.i.3. 25: (Step For Torus Spray: OPEN RHR-39A TORUS The operator places the control switch for RHR-39A to OPEN and observes Red light ON and Green light OFF. SATLJNSAT 26: (Step OPEN RHR-38A TORUS SPRAY The operator places the control switch for RHR-38A to OPEN and observes Red light ON and Green light OFF. The operator observes flow increases on FI-10-139A and FI-10-1 SATLJNSAT

  • Step 27: (Step CLOSED RHR 89A. RHRSW DISCHARGE Standard:

The operator places the control switch to CLOSE and observes the light is ON and the and White light is OFF. SATLJNSAT

  • Step 28: (Step Place RHR 89A TEST Switch AUTO and remove Standard:

The operator uses Key #13 and places the RHR 89A JPM-JF'I J-S4 01 11 )f keylock switch to AUTO and removes the key from Rev. Page switch. 1509 13 TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete. JPI 4-S4 bf WA: (3.113.1) 13 Rev. 01 1509 Page 12 'valuators Comments: System: 226001 A4.02 EXAMINEE Drywell Initiatin~ "A" actaons. A0 Initial Conditions: pressure is high. Torus Spray is required per EOP-3 and RHR and RHRSW Pumps are unavailable for use. The Emergency Diesel Generators have been stopped. No Service Water Pumps are available. Fire Water Pumps are running. Cues: The CRS has directed you to line-up and spray the TORUS using the Fire System to RHR Loop from the Control Room, IAW OE 3107, Appendix S. Auxiliary Operators have been briefed and are standing by in the field to perform their required NOTE: All communications with the should be made using the plant communications systems and NOT with the Examiner. M-S5 0 & 34) Operations, AOIROISRO - ROISRO - - - minum - - N/-/ ~h/B/flg&/ /-27-09 ~Xinig~ -3 LT &'. f$-(:, / c) & f9w[L cd - /* 27 (27 ~icensedlcerti4'ied deviewer ~rainin~Su~efvisor J P 1509 Task Identification: VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET NRC EXAM 2009 Rev. Page of 8 Title: Failure Mode:


Task Number: Swap RBCCW TBCCW Pumps Complete Loss of RBCCW OP 2182. Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water, (Rev. RP 21 83. Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water. (Rev. 28) ARS 21004, CRP 9-6 Alarm Response Sheets (Rev. 3) EN-OP-115. Conduct of (Rev. 6) 2087170401 Task Performance: Only X SE Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Individual Performing Task: Examiner: Date of Evaluation: Activity Code: Method of Testing: Simulation Performance X Discuss Setting: Classroom Simulator X Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 8 Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: Operations , Instructor Date Reviewed by: 3 SRO Date Operations Date JP! i509 2 ft (*), Tnitial Pump Initiatin~ act~ons. I-S5 Rev. 01 Page of 8 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him o ask questions before beginning performance of the: task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required a any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical s ep is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measu e. After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual " Do you understand the task'?" Read to the person being evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform all actions. You are requested to " talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing. Inform me upon completion of this task. Conditions: The plant is operating at power. Scaffolding is being erected around RBCCW A and TBCCW Pump A to support work scheduled during an upcoming Outage. Cues: The CRS has directed you to swap the RBCCW Pumps in accordance with Section D of OP 2182, Reactor Building Component Cooling Water. THEN, swap of the TBCCW Pumps in accordance: with Section H of RP 2183, Turbine Building Component Cooling Water. Auxiliary Operators have been briefed and are standing by in the field to perform their required Task Standards: The operator starts RBCCW Pump B and places RBCCW Pump A in standby, starts the TBCCW Pump B and places TBCCW Pump A in standby, and then re-starts RBCCW Pump A on a failure c f the RBCCW Pump B. leauired A-S5 : mfSW_23A, 1 mfSW-0 I I3 - JE'I Rev. 01 1509 Page of 8 Materials: Handout 1 -OP 2182, Reactor Building Component Cooling Water (Rev. Handout 2 -RP 2183, Turbine Building Component Cooling Water (Rev. Simulator Setup: Reset to any 100% power Ensure RBCCW Pump A and TBCCW Pump A are Enter RBCCW A PMP AUTO START FAILURE. Key malfunction B, RBCCW PUMP TRIP OR Reset to IC-854 Note to Simulator Instructor: An instructor should be available to control plant parameters and silence alarms unrelated to the JPM. JPP. 01 Orovide ConditionsICue D, "Step CRP and Greefi SATAJNSAT =:I05 AUTO, -77 Candidate with Initial (Last Page of this JPM). I-S5 Rev. 509 Page 4 of 8 Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: SATNNSAT Step 1: Standard: Obtain Procedure. The operator obtains OP 2 182, Rev 34. Proceeds to Section Transfer of RBCCW Pumps. Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OP 2182, Examiner provides copy (Handout 1). SATNNSAT 2: (Step 1) Start the standbv pump from 9-6. Standard: The operator places RBCCW Pump B control switch to START, and releases to AUTO, then observes the Red light ON and the light OFF. The operator observes increasing pressure on PI-104-19. *Step 3: (Step 2) Allow system pressure to stabilize. then secure the first pump and place its control switch in AUTO. Standard: The operator observes PI-104-19 stabilizes at that RBCCW pressure has stabilized. psig, and determines The operator places KBCCW Pump A control switch in STOP, and releases to artd then observes the Green light ON and the Red light OFF. The operator observes PI-104-19 stabilizes at that RBCCW pressure has stabilized. psig, and determines JPh l-S5 0 l Yvaluation SATIUNSAT SATAJNSAT

  • Step 9-6, A(B) observt:~

ATNNSAT 6-5-8, HDR PREf@ 509 Rev. Page 5 of 8 Performance Step 4: Obtain The operator obtains RP 2183, Rev 28. Proceeds to Section H, Transfer of TBCCW Pumps. Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find RP 2 183, Examiner provides copy (Handout 2). 5: (Step 1) On CRP start the standby TBCCW PUMP The operator places TBCCW Pump B control switch to START, and releases to AUTO, and then observes the Red light ON and the Green light OFF. The operator increasing pressure on PI-104-52. S Step 6: (NOTE prior to Step 2) Annunciator TBCCW LO may come in while performing the next step. Standard: The operator reads the Note and proceeds to Step 2. n 01 t Yvaluation svstem previouslv ~110 deternii les Rec ~65 determin:~ F'ump RBCCW 9-6/L-7, NB off Green/Yellow that RBCCbr *Ste s.~standbv runnine. ~77 determints 509 JFT I-S5 Rev. Page of 8 Performance Steps SATNNSAT *Step 7: (Step 2) Allow pressure to stabilize, then secure the running pump and place its control switch in AUTO. Standard: The operator observes PI-104-52 stabilizes at psig, and that TBCCW pressure has stabilized. The operator places 'TBCCW Pump A control switch in STOP, and releases to AUTO, and then observes the Green light ON and the light OFF. The operator observes PI-104-52 stabilizes at psig, and that TBCCW pressure has stabilized. Simulator Instructor: When the operator stops TBCCW A, operate Key 1, which will cause Pump B to trip, and RBCCW Pump A to fail to start. The operator observes MCB Annunciators RBCCW PUMP TRIP, and L-8, RBCCW HDR PRESS LO, as well as the Red light and lights ON for RBCCW Pump B, and determines the running Pump B has tripped and that RBCCW Pump A has failed to start. SATNNSAT 8: 1) If an automatic control malfunctions, immediatelv place that control in manual. OR Ensure that the RBCCW pump is The operator places RBCCW Pump A control switch in START, and releases to AUTO, arid then observes the Green and Amber lights ON and the Red light OFF. The operator observes PI-104-19 stabilizes at psig, and that RBCCW pressure has stabilized. MCB Annunciator 9-6L-8 will dear when RBBCW Pump A is restarted. TIME 'erminating Cue: This JPM is JPb 0 1 Yvaluator KIA: (3.313.4) 509 I-S5 Rev. Page 7 of 8 Comments: System: 400000 A2.01 EXAMINEE HANDOUT 13ump standing initial Conditions: The plant is operating at power. Scaffolding is being erected around RBCCW A and TBCCW Pump A to support work scheduled during an upcoming Outage. Initiating Cues: The CRS has directed you to swap the RBCCW Pumps in accordance with Section D of OP 2182, Reactor Building Component Cooling Water. THEN, swap of the TBCCW Pumps in accordance with Section H of RP 2183, Turbine Building Component Cooling Water. Auxiliary Operators have been briefed and are by in the field to perform their required act ions. 01 AOIROISRO - ROISRO - 2 - - - - - - - ,& / -9 7-d? raini in^ Instn~ctor ,,- y 7 (.J & b,,-,+&& / 2 7.- (l p ~icensedl~eftifid~eviewer 4pproved J ~cQ~II;;/ (;3 / 7-[)7 ~raidn~ suierintendent JPP I-S6 Rev. 209 Page 1 of 7 Task Identification: VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE NIEASURE WORKSHEET NRC EXAM 2009 Title: Failure Mode:


Task Number: Initiate SLC to the Vessel RWCU Fails to Isolate OP 21 14, Operation of the Standby Liquid Control System 2110050101 Task Performance: Only X SE Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Individual Performing Task: Examiner: Date of Evaluation: Activity Code: Method of Testing: Simulation Performance X Discuss Setting: Classroom Simulator X Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 5 minutes Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: Operations Date .Reviewed by: SRO Date by: Operations Date 01 o fc (*), sr ep Measill nitial accordance: Rewired JPE I-S6 Rev. 209 Page 2 of 7 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance r e. After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual " Do you understand the task?" Read to the person being evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform all actions. You are requested to " talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or' checking and the steps you are performing. Inform me upon completion of this task. Conditions: The plant is experiencing an ATWS. Initiating Cues: The CRS has directed you to initiate SLC injection to the reactor vessel in accordance with Appendix B, Injecting SLC Into the Reactor Vessel, of OP 21 14, Operation of the Standby Liquid Control System. Task Standards: Boron is injected to the reactor vessel in with Appendix B of OP 21 14. Materials: Handout 1 -OP 21 14, Operation of the Standby Liquid Control System (Rev. 33) 1 i jimulator (e.g. mfRP-OlA, mfRP-OlB, mfRP-OlC, ARIJRPT) mfRP-09A mfRP-09B Insert mfNM-OSA, mfNM-O5B mfSL-02A, mfSL-02B, JF'P I-S6 Rev. 0 209 Page 3 of 7 Setup: Reset to any 100% power IC. Set up the simulator for ATWS conditions: Any malfunctions to cause an ATWS Manual Scram, Failure of Insert (Group V failure to isolate) Insert (Group V failure to isolate) (APRM A Failure) 100% Severity Insert (APRM B Failure) 100% Severity Failure to Auto Scram, Failure to Reset to IC-855 AND Activate Scenario 2009 NRC JPM S6 Fail both SL Squib Valves to fire in SLC System. Insert SL Squib Valve A Fails to Fire Insert SL Squib Valve B Fails to Fire Will need to remove one of the two malfunctions during the performance of the JPM. JPF 0 1 .'rovide ConditionsICue Page SATIUNSAT Lnjecting SATIUNSAT an@ CRP SATIUNSAT o'clock SATIUNSAT

2) 1 i*, SATIUNSAT 313.a) Verifv A(B) P-45-lA(B) running Candid ate with Initial Rev. Page I-S6 209 4 of 7 Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: Step 1: Standard:

Obtain Procedure. The operator obtains OP 21 14, Rev 33. (Last of this JPM). Proceeds to Appendix B, SLC Into the Reactor Vessel. Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OP 2 114, Examiner provides copy (Handout 1). Step 2: (NOTE prior to Step 1)Unless specified otherwise, all controls indications are on 9-5. Standard: The operator reads the Note, and proceeds to Step 1. *Step 3: (Step 1)Unlock SLC Switch bv positioning the key to the two position. Standard: The operator places Key in the SLC Switch to the two o'clock (right hand) position.

  • Step 4: (Step Turn SLC switch to SYS 1 or SYS 2. Standard:

The operator places the SLC Switch to the SYS or SYS 2 position. The operator observes the yellow light for the SLC System selected OFF. Step 5: (Steps starts. the following events occur: SLC PUMP Standard: The operator observes that SLC Pump A is light ON and Green light OFF. by observing the Red JE'f ,' Stem SATKJNSAT discharpe PI-1 SATKJNSAT "Step 3.c) CRP 9-4, automatic& - that (lid - - closed. B) thcn SATIUNSAT relie,! setpoint psig) valve* - I-S6 Rev. 0 1 1209 Page of 7 {valuation Performance Step (Step 3.b) SLC pressure increases as indicated on 1-65. The operator observes rising pressure indicated on PI 11-65, stabilizing at -1500 psig. (Step On RWCU system isolation valves close: CU-15 (Outlet Isolation) CU-18 (Inlet Isolation) CU-68 (Return Isolation) The operator observes valve position for CU valves and recognizes the RWCU System NOT isolate. The operator places the CU-15 control switch to CLOSE, and releases to NORM, and observes Green light ON and red light OFF. The operator places the CU-18 control switch to CLOSE, and releases to NORM, and observes Green light ON and red light OFF. The operator places the CU-68 control switch to CLOSE, and releases to NORM, and observes Green light ON and red light OFF. --NOTE: To successfully complete the Critical nature of this step either CU-15 or CU-18 must be The operator may elect to take SLC switch to the other position (per step 4 of Appendix before manually closing the RWCU valves. If so, continue on with JPM Steps 8-10, and return to Step 7. Step 8: (NOTE prior to Step 3.d) SLC discharge pressure cycling at valve (1400-1490 may indicate failure of squib fire. Standard: The operator reads the Note and proceeds to Step 3.d. JPI' 1-S6 ! 6 3.d) SLC-14A(B) gpm). LI-11-66. (SYS 1). = WA: 4.214.2 Rev. 0 1 209 Page of 7 Performance Steps SATAJNSAT Step 9: (Step Squib valve fires, as indicated bv: Red flow indicator light on (flow greater than 30 SLC tank level decreases as indicated on Standard: The operator observes the Red light OFF. *Step 10: (Step 4) If the above actions did not result in SLC injection, then turn the SLC switch to the other position 2 or SYS and repeat verifications of Step 3 Standard: The operator places the SLC Switch to the SYS 1 or SYS 2 position. The operator observes Red Flow Indicator light is ON. The operator observes rising pressure indicated on PI 11-65, stabilizing at Reactor The operator observes SLC Tank Level indicator (LI 11-66) and level indication is lowering. TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete. Evaluator Comments: A4.02 System: 21 1000 nitial iix B. EXAMINEE The plant is experiencing an ATWS. Initiating Cues: The CRS has directed you to initiate SLC injection to the reactor vessel in accordance with Appen Injecting SLC Into the Reactor Vessel, of OP 21 14, Operation of the Standby Liquid Control System. - 2142,4 AOIROISRO - ROISRO X - 3 - - - -h - X - - /'-,L 7-47 I -R- EmaC,i/ 9 --~ ,7 4 &..Y Q. '1 ,$. cz,7Pv '4 /'- 9-7 p7 ~icensed/~krtifid ,,'/ A e (;~i 4 ; 5 /g- yq j%itVlt .; /- % 7.~7 ~rainifi~ ~L~erintendent JPM-S7 Rev. 01 1209 Page 1 of 7 VERMONT JOB PERFORMANCE NRC EXAM Task Identification: Title: Failure Mode:


Task Number: Transfer Statio Transformer NA OP K 2620010101 n Load from the Auxiliarv Transformer to the Startup V Electrical System Task Performance: SRO Only Sequence Critical: Yes Time Critical: Yes Operator Performing Date of Activity Method of Testing: Simulation Performance Setting: Classroom Simulator Performance Expected Completion T Plant ime: 5 rninutes Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS Time Required: FAIL Prepared by: Date , Reviewed by: SRO Reviewer Date Approved by:

  • Operations Date hirr~ fc Ir (*), s be in^ throu~h" ~er 2142,4 2142,4 JPM-S7 Rev. 01 1209 Page 2 of 7 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated.

Allow time for ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure o ep After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator " Do you understand the task?" Read to the person evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions. You are requested to " talk the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing. Inform me upon completion of this task. nitial Conditions: A normal plant shutdown is in progress in accordance OP 0105, Reactor Operations, to support an upcoming Refueling Outage. Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to transfer station load from the auxiliary transformer to the Startup Transforn per Section D of OP KV Electrical System. Task Standards: Station loads are transferred from the Auxiliary to Startup Transformer. Reauired Materials: Handout 1 -OP KV Electrical System Simulator Set-Up: Reset to IC-856 "rovide ConditionsICue SATIUNS ID, ra? of SATAJNSAT

1) startur, 115Ey S/Up SATtUNSAT 1.a) :, 1 f procee:ds SATAJNSAT JPM-S7 Rev. 01 1209 Page 3 of 7 Candidate with (Last Page of this JPM).

Performance Steps TIME START: AT Step 1: Obtain Procedure , Standard: The operator obtains OP 2 142. Proceeds to Section Transfer of Station Load from Auxiliary Transformer to Startup Transformer. Interim When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OP 2142, Examiner provides copy (Handout 1). The operator may believe that Appendix D, rather than Section D, of OP 2142 is the appropriate proceed section to use. Appendix D would be used in an Emergency, her than in a normal situation, and is kept in a side pocket on the MCB so that it is readi y available in an emergency. If the operator uses Appendix D rather than Section D OP 2142, the same steps will be accomplished however, the JPM Script will NOT flow precisely with the actions on Appendix D. IF the operator attempts to use Appendix D, rather than Section D of OP 2 142, the Examiner should direct the operator to use Section D of the procedure rather than Appendix D. Step 2: (Step yard. Verifv that transformers are powered from Standard: The operator observes that power indicated on 115 KV meter on CRF 9-8. The operator checks 115 KV line-up to the transformers. Step 3: (Step If auto transformer is not supplying the 115 KV vard.. Standard: The operator observes that the Auto Transformer is supplying the 1 KV Yard, and to Note prior to Step 2. Step 4: (NOTE prior to Step 2) Steps 2 through 7 only apply if Bus 1 is available and is to be place in service. Standard: The operator reads the Note, and proceeds to Step 2. SATAJNSAT svnc: switc SATIUNSAT Verify (svnchroscope 12:OO Wh S ATIUNSAT 4) SATIUNSAT lclads SATNNSAT 5) Amber. SATNNSAT anti ,n JPM-S7 Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 4 of 7 , valuation Performance Steps *Step 5: (Step 2) Insert svnc check handle in BKR 13 socket and turn switch on. The operator inserts the 4KV sync check handle into breaker 13 on CRP 9-8 and turns sync check switch to ON. The operator observes that the synchroscope is at position, te lights OUT, Red lights ON. Step (CAUTION prior to Step If thev are not In Phase, do not trans fer. The operator reads the Caution, and proceeds to Step 4. *Step (Step 4) Close BKR 13. The operator places the switch for breaker 13 on CRP 9-8 to CLOSE and then releases. The operator observes the Red light ON above breaker control switch on CRP 9-8. h Step 6: (Step 3) bus 1 in phase with startup transformer at 12 o'clock position). NOTE: The operator may make a plant announcement concerning the transfer of electrical to the Startup Transformer (Not Critical). Check that BKR 12 trips open when BKR 13 switch is released Step (Step The operator verifies Breaker 12 open by observing Green and lights ON above breaker 12 control switch on CRP 9-8. Step (Step 6) Reset BKR 12 amber light. The operator places the switch for breaker 12 on CRP 9-8 to TRIP then releases. The operator observes the Amber light OFF above breaker 12 switch CRP 9-8. Yvaluation SATAJNSAT


,~nd SATmNSAT 11) Ambe1 JPM-S7 Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 5 of 7 Performance Steps *Step 11: (Step 7) Turn sync check handle to OFF and remove it from the socket. The operator turns the Sync check handle at breaker 13 on CRP 9-8 positioned to OFF, and removes the handle from the breaker 13 sock Step (NOTE prior to Step 8) Steps 8 through 13 onlv if Bus 2 is available and is to be place in service. The operator reads the Note and proceeds to Step 8. *Step (Step 8) Insert sync check handle in BKR 23 socket and turn switch on. The operator inserts the 4KV sync check handle into breaker 23 switch on CRP 9-8 and turns sync check switch to ON. SATAJNSAT Step (Step 9) Verify bus 2 in phase with transformer {synchroscope at 12 o'clock position). Standard: The operator observes that the synchroscope is at position, lights OUT, Red lights ON. Step (CAUTION prior to Step 10) If thev are not In Phase, do not transfer. The operator reads the Caution, and proceeds to Step 10. *Step (Step 10) Close BKR 23. The operator places the switch for breaker 23 on CRP 9-8 to CLOSE then releases. The operator observes the Red light ON above breaker control switch on CRP 9-8. Step (Step Check that BKR 22 trips open when BKR 23 switch is released. The operator verifies Breaker 22 open by observing Green and lights ON above breaker 22 control switch on CRP 9-8. Performance Steps li~ht. a1 13113.a) sot ket, CRP sock::t. - Terminating K/A: (3.613.7) JPM-S7 Rev. 0 1 1209 Page 6 of 7 Step 18: (Step 12) Reset BKR No 22 amber Standard: The operator places the switch for breaker 22 on CRP 9-8 to TRIP then releases. d The operator observes the Amber light OFF above breaker 22 switch on CRP 9-8. Step 19: (Step Turn sync check handle OFF and remove from Place svnc check handle on 9-8. Standard: The operator turns the Sync check handle at breaker 23 on CRP 9-8 positioned to OFF, and removes the handle from the breaker 23 The operator places the synch handle on CRP 9-8 TIME FINISH: Cue: This JPM is complete. Evaluators Comments: System: 26200 1 A4.04 ~nitial Transfort 2142,4 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Conditions: A normal plant shutdown is in progress in accordance OP 0105, Reactor Operations, to support an upcoming Refueling Outage. Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to transfer station load from the auxiliary transformer to the Startup ner per Section D of OP KV Electrical System. JPF I-S8 !I09 MEASURE startup 0105, 86) AO/RO/SRO - ROJSRO - 3 - - - - - 1. 7 07 ~icensed/C!ertiff/ed 3 A'. &G7kJL i. .%7 -{qp ipproved ~raidn~ Stperintendent Task Identification: VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE WORKSHEET NRC EXAM 2009 Rev. 01 Page 1 of 7 Title: Failure Mode:


Task Number: Rx Startup to Criticality Short period during OP Reactor Operations. (Rev. 2987240201 Task Performance: Sequence Critical: Time Critical: Yes Yes No No Only X SE Only Individual Performing Date of Activity Method of Testing: Simulation Performance . X Setting: Classroom Simulator X Plant -Performance Expected Completion Time: 8 minutEvaluation Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: Reviewed by: SRO Reviewer Date by: Operations I Date JPP I-S8 :lo9 o fc (*), s Measul beinp 1A 1A Ste~ shortc Rev. 01 Page 2 of 7 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required r any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical ep is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance

e. After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual

" Do you understand the task?" Read to the person evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the You are requested to " talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying checking and the steps you are Inform me upon completion of this task. 'nitial Conditions: A plant startup is in progress in accordance with Phase of OP 0105, Reactor The procedure is complete through step A.26 (Page 21 of The control rods have been withdrawn in the specified sequence of OP There have been two (2) doublings, and these are recorded on VYOPF The next control rod to be withdrawn is Rod 10-Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to continue the startup and take the reactor critical starting with Phase of OP 0105, Reactor Operations (Page 20 of 152). Task Standards: While pulling control rods to take the reactor critical, a high worth rod takes reactor period to than 30 seconds. The operator takes action to take the reactor subcritical per OP 0105. 27 r JPF I-S8 01 !I09 3 ',equired .. I X I 7 13 12 initialci Initial 4 1) 'mulator JPM-S8 Materials: Rev. Page of 7 Handout 1 -VYOPF 0105.03 with doubling count rates filled in as follows: . Reactor Startup: In-Sequence: SRM A SRM C SRM B SRM D Time 0800 Handout 2 -VYOPF 2404.01 (Page filled in as follows: .-Handout 3 -OP 0105, Reactor Operations, (Rev 86.) Setup: JPI !I09 1. (just mfNM-OlD, 1. mfNM-OlD, I-S8 Rev. 01 Page of 7 Reset to IC 857 before critical). Set up SRM D failing high at 100% with ramp of 100 seconds on Key Set up SRM D failing low at 41% with ramp of 5 seconds on Key 2. Ensure: C 120 is on the CRP 9-3 Digital Display. B023 is on the CRP 9-4 Digital Display. C 121 is on the CRP 9-7 Digital Display Initialize the Rod Worth Minimizer JPF '.I09 5 ConditionsICue (Last 1 - SATLTNSAT a& havinp (desiredm th~: GN Swit:h ancl ,or I 1. I-S8 Rev. 01 Page of 7 'rovide Candidate with Initial Page of this JPM) along with Handouts 1 and . Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: *Step (Step 27) Continue to withdraw control rods in such a manner avoid a sustained period shorter than 30 seconds to 200 seconds). The operator places the Rod Select Power Switch to ON. The operator depresses the 10-39 Select Pushbutton, and observes White Pushbutton light is ON, and the White Rod Out Permit light above the Rod Movement control switch. The operator places the Notch Out Ovrd Emergency In Switch in NOTCH OVERIDE and observes the yellow light ON. The operator simultaneously places the Rod Movement Control to NOTCH OUT observes the Red Rod Out light ON. The operator observes the SRM level indications (7-43A through D) increasing count level. The operator observes the SRM period indications (7-44A through D for changing Reactor period. The operator observes SRM for count rate increasing and reactor period. Examiner NOTE: Just prior to critically the short period alarm will come in. (about 24 Notches on control rod) Simulator Instructor upon operator placing rod 10-39 20 notches, INSERT KEY JF'! I-S8 !lo9 6 ' *Step 28128.a) 9-51P-5, 5 SATIUNSAT 071 28.c) Mana~er, Engineering. Yystem: KIA: (3.913.8) JPM-S8 Rev. 01 Page of 7 ATNNSAT 2: (Step If the sustained period becomes shorter than 30 seconds: Use the EMERGENCY IN switch to turn the period. Standard: The operator observes MCB Annunciator SHORT. SRM PERIOD The operator observes that SRM Period indicator 7-44D indicates a period, and that the yellow Period light is ON. hort The operator observes that SRM Level indicator 7-43D is increasing The operator places the Notch Out Ovrd Emergency In Switch the EMERGENCY IN position to reduce the reactor period. Note: Upon observing the operator using the Notch Out Ovrd Emergency In Switch the EMERGENCY IN position after 2 notches, INSERT KEY 2. *Step (Step 28.b) Insert control rods until the reactor is subcritical. The operator continues to insert control rods with EMERGENCY IN switch until the reactor is subcritical as indicated by infinite period SRM Period indication 7-44A through D, and stable SRM level indications (7-43A through D). SATNNSAT Step 4: (Step Notifv the Shift Operations Manager, and Superintendent Reactor

  • Critical Step Standard:

The operator notifies the CRS of the situations and actions taken. TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete. Evaluator Comments: A4.01 2 15004 wilh 1A Initiatinp 1A Ste;) EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions: A plant startup is in progress in accordance Phase of OP 0105, Reactor Operations. The procedure is complete through step A.26 (Page 21 of 152). The control rods have been withdrawn in the specified sequence of OP 2404. There have been two (2) doublings, and these are recorded on VYOPF 0105.03. The next control rod to be withdrawn is Rod 10-39. Cues: The CRS directs you to continue the startup and take the reactor critical starting with Phase of OP 0 105, Reactor Operations (Page 20 of 152). 22 JPb 0 1 N/A terv 1) AOROISRO X ROISRO -.- - - - - - Prepared LL/ // SLL /x /,&A& ,- 2 9 raini in^ fl i- 2-7-C? ~icensed~ertifi6d Approved /.27-~<'? ~rhing~u~erintendent I-P 1 Rev. 509 Page 1 of 8 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET NRC EXAM 2009 Task Identification: Title: Place Charger BC-1-1 B in Service Failure Mode:


OP 2146, Operation of Station and Alternate Shutdown System 125-Volt Ba Chargers. (Rev. 2 Task Number: 2630070104 Task Performance: Only SE Only Sequence Critical: Yes X No Time Critical: Yes No Individual Performing Date of Activity Method of Testing: Simulation X Discuss Setting: Classroom Performance Expected Completion Time: 10 minutes Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Simulator Plant by: 7 -3 Operations Instructor Date Reviewed by: SRO Reviewer Date by: Operations Date JPb 0 l 3 f( (*), sr ep person be in^ Tnitial personilel 1B ion 1B & 509 I-P1 Rev. Page 2 of 8 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required r any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure. After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual " Do you understand the task?" Read to the evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Plant and you are to simulate all You are requested to " talk-throueh" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying checking and the steps you are Inform me upon completion of this task. Conditions: There is currently no battery charger supplying power to DC Bus 2. Electrical Maintenance are available for support if needed. Initiating Cues: The CRS has directed you to place the BC-1-Battery Charger in service in accordance with Sect B of OP 2146. Task Standards: Battery Charger BC-1-is placed in service. Required Materials: Handout 1 OP 2146, Operation of Station and Alternate Shutdown System 125-Volt Battery Chargers (Rev. 2 1) Setup: Provide examiner with pictures of DC-1 DC-2 ConditionsICue dvaluation 0 1 (BC-1-ID)

e. (NOTES char~ers BC-1-ID. mav bus Close/check b; i: JPM-PI JPE I-P1 Rev. 509 Page 3 of 8 Provide Candidate with Initial (Last Page of this JPM). Performance Steps TIME START: S ATAJNSAT Step 1: Obtain Procedure.

Standard: The operator obtains OP 2 146, Rev 2 1. Proceeds to Section B, Placing Charger BC-1-1B in Servi Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OP 2146, Examiner provides copy (Handout 1). prior to Step 1)This procedure section assumes that no are in service. Use Section D for transfer. SATLTNSAT Step 2: These instructions are for BC-1-1B. Use the description in parentheses for Standard: The operator reads the Notes and proceeds to the Caution prior to Step 1. SATLTNSAT Step 3: (CAUTION prior to Step 1)Tripping and damage of DC components occur if the battery is not tied to its respective Standard: The operator reads the Caution and proceeds to Step 1. SATAJNSAT +Step 4: (Step 1) closed DC-2 125 VDC MAIN BREAKER. Standard: The operator verifies that the DC-2 125 VDC Main Breaker is shut observing the breaker position indicating flag in the CLOSED (Red) condition. Interim Cue: After checking, Examiner inform Operator that the breaker position indicating flag Red. I-P1 1 Yvaluation AATIUNSAT 2.a-d) BC {BC-1-ID), follow in^: Openlcheck Openlcheck BC-1-1B positi~n. 1- 1B positim. (0). (0). beet1 AT/UNS BC-1.m (Ckt. closeslchecks ~terim Rev. 0 1 509 JPP Page 4 of 8 Performance Steps At MAIN STATION BATTERY CHARGER perform the open the AC BREAKER (Input). open the DC BREAKER (Output). Check or set the EQUALIZE timer to minimum. Adjust the FLOAT Adjustment Pot counterclockwise 10 Turns. +Step (Steps The operator verifies that the AC Breaker is OPEN by observing the breaker switch in the OFF (Down) position. Interim Cue: After checking, Examiner inform Operator that breaker switch is in the Down The operator verifies that the BC-DC Breaker is OPEN by observing the breaker switch in the OFF (Down) position. Interim Cue: After checking, Examiner inform Operator that breaker switch is in the Down Standard: The operator observes that the BC-1-1B Equalize timer is set to zero Interim Cue: After checking, Examiner inform Operator that the timer is set to zero Standard: Using a screwdriver (simulated) the operator turns the FLOAT adjustment pot 10 turns in the counter-clockwise direction. Interim Cue: After checking, Examiner inform Operator that the FLOAT Adjustment Pot has turned 10 turns in the Counter-Clockwise direction. S AT +*Step 6: (Step 3) Closelcheck closed Ckt. 6, BATTERY CHARGER on DC-2 5, BATTERY CHARGER BC-1-1D on DC-2). Standard: The operator closed the Ckt. 6 breaker on DC-2 by positioning the handle to the ON (Left) position. Cue: After checking, Examiner inform Operator that breaker handle is in the Left position. JPM-P JPP 01 5 SATfUNSAT +Step Iiy ii 11y 5 5) (9B), close/check (BC-1-ID) closes/checks 125VDC breaiker positioli. SATAJNSAT 616.a) {BC-1-ID): lterim I-PI Rev. 509 of 8 Page valuation Performance Steps 7: (Step 4) Ensure DC-1 TIE TO DC-2 and DC-2 TIE TO DC-1 breakers are both open. The operator verifies that the DC-1 TIE TO DC-2 Breaker is OPEN observing the DC-1 'Tie DC-2 breaker position indicating flag on DC 1 is in the OPEN (Green) condition. Interim Cue: After checking, Examiner inform Operator that the breaker position indicating flag Green. The operator verifies; that the DC-2 TIE TO DC-1 Breaker is OPEN observing the DC-2 Tie DC-1 breaker position indicating flag on DC-2 is in the OPEN (Green) condition. Interim Cue: After checking, Examiner inform Operator that the breaker position indicating flag i Green. SATAJNSAT +*Step 8: (Step At MCC-9A BATTERY CHARGER BC-1-1B closed the 125 VDC breaker. Standard: The operator closed the Battery Charger by observing the breaker handle in the ON (UP) position. Interim Cue: After checking, Examiner inform Operator that the breaker handle in the UP +*Step (Step At MAIN STATION BATTERY CHARGER BC-1-1 2 Close the DC output breaker. The operator closes the DC output breaker by positioning the breaker handle to the ON (Up) position. Cue: After action, Examiner inform Operator that the breaker handle in the UP position. JPM-P JYT t Yvaluation SATAJNSAT 616.b) B {BC-1-ID): the -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SATRJNSAT 6.c) voltape clocks& to lC0 Werim i!> charper 1s I-P1 Rev. 01 1509 Page of 8 Performance Steps +*Step 10: (Step At MAIN STATION BATTERY CHARGER BC-1-Close the AC input breaker. Standard: The operator closes AC input breaker by positioning the breaker handle to the ON (up) position. Interim Cue: After action, Examiner inform Operator that the breaker handle in the UP position. +*Step 11: (Step Increase by turning the Float Adiust Pot slowly enough to limit the voltage to 132 V or until the charger current is about 100 amps. The operator rotates the Float Adjust Pot clockwise slowly enough limit the DC voltage to 132 V or until charger DC current is about amps When Operator indicates that he is rotating the potentiometer slowly clockwise, Examiner inform Operator that voltage is approximately 132 volts and that current approaching 100 amps. SATAJNSAT Step 12: (Step 7) Request assistance from Electrical Maintenance for final calibration of the Standard: The operator requests that Electrical Maintenance perform final calibration of the battery charger. Interim Cue: When Electrical Maintenance is contacted, Examiner inform Operator that Electricia are on their way to perform final calibration. (+) JPM Steps 4 through 11 are Sequence Critical TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: This JPM is completed. JPM-P 1 JPT i 7 Yvaluator WA's: I-P1 Rev. 0 1 of System: A3.0 1 (3.213.3) iel 1 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions: There is currently no battery charger supplying power to DC Bus 2. Electrical Maintenance person are available for support if needed. Initiating Cues: The CRS has directed you to place the BC-1-B Battery Charger in service in accordance with Sect ion B of OP 2146. NOTE: All actions must be simulated. At NO time shall any plant equipment be operated. JPI 01 1509 I )f Iniection SIX Using N/ Iniection 'I mk. 25). AOIROISRO X ROISRO .- - - - - - minu= - - / 7- u,? I 1 f - .- /'-J 7, Reviewed r- fi,. [-&i-clo <> A'. 1.2 -7 fly ~icenskdl~dified -1 Approved by: ,d-R fa ~CAL-~ / &' ~2: k'A{ L /-*a 7 (7 ~u~erintendeht ~~dations VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET NRC EXAM 2009 Rev. Page I-P2 11 Task Identification: Title: Failure Mode:


Task Number: Boron from the Tank A OE 3 107, Appendix K, Boron (Rev. 2007600501 the CRD System Using CRD System from the SLC Task Performance: Only SE Only Sequence Critical: Yes X No Time Critical: Yes No X Individual Performing Task: Examiner: Date of Evaluation: Activity Code: Method of Testing: Simulation X Performance Discuss Setting: Classroom Simulator Plant X Performance Expected Completion Time: 20 Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: Date by: SRO Reviewer Date 3 ' Training Date

  • jf fc (*), s Measu: q~restions are EOPs for accorda,~ce I 'mulator N/A JPP I-P2 Rev. 0 1 509 Page 2 1 1 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated.

Allow time for him ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or " Unsat". Comments are required any " Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance o r ep e. After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual " Do you understand the task?" Read to the person being evaluated: Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions,, provide the initiating cues and answer any you have. This JPM will be performed in the Plant and you to simulate all actions. You are requested to " talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing. Inform me upon completion of this task. Initial Conditions: An ATWS has occurred. The have been entered. The SLC Tank is available. CRD Pump B is in service and CRD Pump A is in Standby. Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to line up the CRD System boron injection from the SLC Tank in with OE 3 107, Appendix K, to CRD Pump B. Inform the Control Room when the CRD Pumps car be started. Task Standards: The SLC tank and CRD System are lined up to inject into the reactor vessel using CRD Pump B in accordance with Procedure OE 3 107, Appendix K Required Materials: Handout 1 -OE 3107, Appendix K, (Rev. Pictures 1. Fitting on SLC Tank Drain 2. Fitting going into check valve 3. Ends of hoses Setup:

~f ConditionsICue SATAJNSAT Examiner SATKJNSAT SAT/UNSAT 1.a-d) flowpath CRO usinp thrt SL!C E(E t:g SLO cFase b,:en 11 JPE I-P2 Rev. 01 509 Page 3 , Provide Candidate with Initial (Last Page of this JPM). Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: Step 1: Obtain Procedure.

Standard: The operator obtains OE 3 107, Appendix K, Rev 25. Proceeds to Procedure Step 1. Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OE 3107, Appendix K, provides copy (Handout 1). Step 2: Acquire Necessary Tools and Eauipment Standard: Tools, fittings, and hose acquired from EOP Toolbox located in the Reactor Building (3 18' elevation) interim Cue: Inform Operator that necessary tools, fittings, and hose have been acquired.

  • Step 3: (Steps Establish a from the SLC tank to the pumps the following hose route: From the SLC tank on 318' elevation down the pipe chase on West wall labeled EOP Pipe Chase, Down the pipe chase on 303' elevation labeled EOP Pipe Chase, Down the pipe chase on the 280' elevation labeled SLC Pipe Chase, Down the HPCI hatch on the 252' elevation to CRD pumps. Standard:

The operator locates the hoses to be used in the SLC Hallway. The operator routes the hose from the SLC Tanks, down the EOP pipe chase on RB 3 18' elevation west, down through the EOP pipe on RB 303' and 280' elevations, and down through the equipment hatch on the 252' elevation to the CRD Pumps. Interim Cue: As each step of hose routing is simulated, Examiner inform Operator that hose has routed and connected. JPh Ol Page4( 11 212.a) CLOSElconfirm operat ing 2s '/z SATXTNSAT 2.c) ~nterim installed. SATNTNSAT

  • Step connec1.s SATNNSAT ONIlocatet$on junction Bldg. !:he I-P2 Rev. 509 f 'valuation SATNTNSAT Performance Steps *Step 4: (Step At the SLC tank: CLOSED SLC-23 Standbv Liquid Control Tank Drain. Standard:

The operator verifies that SLC-23 closed by rotating the valve handle in the clockwise direction. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the valve operating dc not move. SATNTNSAT

  • Step 5: (Step 2.b) Remove Pipe Cap from the 1 inch tank drain. Standard:

The operator removes the pipe cap from the 1 112-inch tank drain. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform Operator that the pipe cap is OFF. *Step (Step Connect hose adaptor to the tank drain. Standard: The operator connects a hose adaptor to the drain tank. Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform Operator that the hose adaptor is 7: (Step 2.d) Connect Hose The operator the CRD Pump suction hose to the SLC Tank drain line. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform Operator that the hose is connected. The operator rotates SLC tank heater control switch to the ON position. Step 8: (Step 2.e) Place the SLC tank heater control switch to side of large box, Rack 25-19, Rx elevation 318'). Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform Operator that the switch is in the ON position, and the heaters are energized. JPI 01 ~af 11 9:(Steps 313.a) CLOSElconfirm Is01 Is01 n+ )t ni)t CATI'UNSAT flan~e DW-65) bvpassr flan~e 3.c) hterim 3 s I-P2 Rev. 509 Page 5 Performance Steps Step In the CRD pump room: CLOSED the following DW-65 CST Header Demin DW-66 CST Header Demin Water Standard: The operator checks DW-65 Closed by rotating the handwheel in the clockwise direction. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the handwheel does move. Standard: The operator checks DW-66 Closed by rotating the handwheel in the clockwise direction. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the handwheel does move. *Step 10: (Step 3.b) Remove top from check valve DW-67 (located between DW-66 and and replace with mechanical with hose connection. Standard: The operator removes the top flange from check valve DW-67, and attaches the hose connection flange. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the flange is removed. and the hose connection flange is installed. SATNNSAT *Step 11: (Step Connect hose to bypass flange Standard: The operator connects the SLC suction hose to the mechanical bypass flange. Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the SLC suction hose connected to the mechanical bypass flange. JF'I' 01 1 gf 1 1 Yvaluation SATNNSAT *Step verifv runninp prior con ti nu in^ with this he SATAJNS CST-63C, CRD Svs clockwise ~terim SATIUNSAT 3.f) IIW-66 SATIUNSAT 3.p) CRD-158A (B), (B) 1-P2 509 Page 6 Rev. Performance Steps 12: (Step 3.d) Request the Control Room to secure both CRD pumps, and neither are to procedure. The operator contacts the Control Room and requests both CRD Pun ps be secured. Interim Cue: When requested, Examiner inform Operator that both CRD Pumps are secured. The operator enters CRD Pump Room and determines that both pumps are secured. Interim Cue: After action, Examiner inform Operator neither CRD Pump is running. AT *Step 13: (Step 3.e) CLOSE CST Suction Isol. Standard: The operator closes CST-63C by rotating handwheel in the direction. Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the handwheel rotated clockwise, and has now stopped. *Step 14: (Step OPEN DW-66, CST Header Demin Water Isol. Standard: The operator opens by rotating handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the handwheel rotated counter-clockwise, and has now stopped. *Step 15: (Step Bypass. OPEN CRD Pump A Suction Filter Standard: The operator opens DW-158B by rotating handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the handwheel rotated counter-clockwise, and has now stopped. JPF 01 ttf 11 SATIUNS (B), (B) :: (B), (B) St= c1ockwir:e dAT/UNSAT 3,i) CLOSEIconfirm (B), .i lB) SATAJNSAT

4) Standbv Contrcfi I-P2 Rev. 509 Page 7 Evaluation Performance Steps AT *Step 16: (Step 3.h) CLOSE CRD-35A Inlet. CRD Pump A Suction Filte Standard:

The operator closes CRD-35B by rotating handwheel in the clockwise direction. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the handwheel rotatec clockwise, and has now stopped. SATAJNSAT

  • Step 17: (Step 3.i) CLOSE CRD-37A CRD Pump A Main Flow Check, to maximize CRD flow to the reactor vessel. Standard:

The operator closes CRD-37B by rotating handwheel in the direction. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the handwheel rotated clockwise, and has now stopped. *Step 18: (Step CLOSED CRD-34A CRD Pump min flow stop check, to maximize CRD flow to reactor vessel. Standard: The operator closes CRD-34B by rotating handwheel in the clockwise direction. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the handwheel rotated clockwise, and has now stopped. *Step 19: (Step At the SLC tank, OPEN SLC-23, Tank Drain. Liquid Standard: The operator opens SLC-23 by rotating the valve operating handle in the counter-clockwise direction. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the valve operating handle rotated counter-clockwise, and has now stopped. JE'I 1 8 )f 11 515.a-b) perform in^ follow in^: CRD-151A(B) Suc ion connec CRD-151A(B) CRD-15 airlwater 1B SATKJNSAT 616.a) CRD-40 ir! SATLTNSAT CRD-40A, CRD-4OA now 4-P2 Rev. 0 1509 Page Performance Steps *Step 20: (Steps In the CRD pump room, ensure hose is filled bv the OPEN CRD Pump Strainer Drain, to vent anv entrapped air within the hose to the SLC tank, and CLOSE when venting is complete. Standard: The operator opens 1 B by rotating the handwheel in the counterclockwise direction. Interim After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the handwheel is rotaied counter-clockwise, and the effluent is an mixture. Then, Examiner inform Operator that effluent is water only. The operator closes CRD-15 by rotating the handwheel in the clockwise direction. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the handwheel rotated clockwise, and has now stopped. *Step 21: (Steps At the CRD Flow Control Station: OPEN CRD-40, CRD Pump Test Bvpass Line. Standard: The operator opens counterclockwise direction. by rotating the valve operating handle the Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the valve operating hrndle rotated counter-clockwise, and has now stopped. *Step 22: (Step 6.b) OPEN CRD Pump Test Bvpass Line. Standard: The operator opens by rotating the valve operating handle in the counterclockwise direction. Interim After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the valve operating ha idle rotated counter-clockwise, and has stopped. JPb 1-P2 0 l ( 1 Yvaluation SATWNSAT 6.c) (B), F-16-1A (B) - b: hzndle SATJUNSAT CRD-94 Ve! &. SATKTNS denn& RWCl Demirls SATWNS 818.a) pump(s) flaw CYD Pump Performance Steps Rev. Page 9 509 f 1 *Step 23: (Step Inlet. CLOSE CRD-42A Drive Water Filter Standard: The operator closes CRD-42A or CRD-42B (Whichever is OPEN) rotating the valve operating handle in the clockwise direction. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the valve operating rotated clockwise, and has now stopped. *Step 24: (Step 6.d) CLOSE Flow Control Station Disch to Rx Standard: The operator closes CRD-94 by rotating the handwheel in the clockwise direction. Interim Cue: After the simulated action, Examiner inform the operator that the handwheel rotated clockwise, and has now stopped. AT Step 25: (Step 7) Confirm either: RWCU System is isolated or RWCU are isolated. Standard: The operator contacts the Control Room and confirms that the System or the are isolated. J Interim Cue: Examiner report as the ACRO that the RCWU System is isolated. AT Step 26: (Step At CRP 9-5: START the CRD and verify by observing decreasing SLC tank level. The operator contacts the Control Room and reports that the CRD System for boron injection from the SLC Tank has been aligned to Pump B in accordance with OE 3 107, Appendix K; and that CRD B can now be started. TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete. Yvaluators JP? 01 cf 11 KIA's: (3.713.9) I-P2 Rev. 509 Page 10 Comments: System: 295037 EA 1.10 EOPs Initiatin~ for accordaxce K, call EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions: An ATWS has occurred. The have been entered. The SLC Tank is available. CRD Pump B is in service and CRD Pump A is in Standby. Cues: The CRS directs you to line up the CRD System boron injection from the SLC Tank in with OE 3107, Appendix to CRD Pump B. Inform the Control Room when the CRD Pumps be started. NOTE: All actions must be simulated. At NO time shall any plant equipment be operated. JPI' N/A 0 25) AOIROISRO X ROISRO - 3 X -- - - X - - /'->7 -dy .-R ,9 , 1' /J 7 J fi C ~-T.C.M~ I s / C/ &' b, u,*4vk~n- /. z-/ c'? ~icensed/dertiked .4- 4. 7 .' J /2ci;x ,r ,/ (;S X fz;,?pW4 s.7. ZJ 17 raini in^ ~tiberintendent VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET NRC EXAM 2009 I-P3 Rev. 01 1709 Page 1 of 7 Task Identification: Title: Line-up for Alternate Vessel Injection Using, SLC Test Tank Failure Mode:


Task Number: OE 3 107, OE Appendices, Appendix 2000310501 (Rev. Task Performance: SRO Only Sequence Critical: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Operator Performing Task: Examiner: Date of Evaluation: Activity Code: Method of Testing: Simulation Performance Setting: Classroom Simulator Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 10 Discuss minutes Evaluation Results: Performance: PASS FAIL Time Required: Prepared by: Operations Training Instructor Date . Reviewed by: . SRO Reviewer Date Date . , Approved by: Operations P.709 him "Unsat". ft ir (*), Read the person evaluated: 'nitial Initiatinr!

0. 0, 0, JPP I-P3 Rev. 01 Page 2 of 7 Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated.

Allow time for o ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either " Sat" or Comments are required any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk it is a critical step. If a critical s ep is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the operator has failed the Job Performance Measure After providing the initiating cue, ask the operator "Do you understand the task?" to being Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have. This JPM will be performed in the Plant and you are to simulate all You are requested to " talk through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying checking and the steps you are Inform me upon completion of this task. Conditions: Actions are being carried out IAW EOP-1 and reactor water level cannot be maintained above 127". Cues: The CRS directs you to line-up for alternate vessel injection using the SLC Test Tank per OE 3 107 Appendix Task Standards: The SLC Test Tank is lined-up for injection per OE 3 107 Appendix steps 1-6. Required Materials: Handout 1 -OE 3107 OE Appendices, Appendix (Rev 25) JPI !709 f -rovide ConditionsICue Page 0, 1. 0, Exanliner by Is01 Is01 observt:~ the coilnter Candidate with Initial (Last of this JPM). I-P3 Rev. 01 Page of 7 Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START: SATNNSAT Step 1: Obtain Procedure. Standard: The operator obtains OE 3107, Appendix Rev 25. Proceeds to Procedure Step Interim Cue: When it is apparent that the operator is seeking to find OE 3107, Appendix provides copy (Handout 1). SATNNSAT Step 2: Standard: (Step 1) Station an Operator at the SLC Skid The operator goes to SLC skid, Reactor Building 318'. *Step 3: (Step 2) Fill the SLC test tank using demineralized water OPENING: DW-41 S L C Sys Demin Water Supply SLC-29 SLC Test Tank Demin Water -- Standard: The operator tank level on SLC test tank sightglass. Interim Cue: Examiner point to a sightglass level below the Red Minimum Required Level, and indicate that the level is at that point. The operator rotates the DW-41 handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction. Interim Cue: Examiner inform operator that the DW-41 valve handwheel rotates freely counter clockwise and the valve stem rises imtil resistance is felt and stops moving. The operator rotates SLC-29 handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction. Interim Examiner inform operator that the SLC-29 valve handwheel rotates freely clockwise and the valve stem rises until resistance is felt and stops moving. Examiner point to a sightglass level near the top, and indicate that the level is at that point. JP! !709 L Yvaluation SATIUNSAT (Step fill in^ Is01 Is01 I. clockwise clockwis~: SATRJNSAT TqnJ SAT/UNSAT

  • Step 5) semove:s I-P3 Rev. 01 Page of 7 Performance Steps 3) WHEN is complete, THEN CLOSE: DW-41 SLC Sys Demin Water Supply SLC-29 SLC Test Tank Demin Water Step 4: Standard:

The operator rotates the DW-41 handwheel in the clockwise directio Interim Cue: Examiner inform operator that the DW-41 valve handwheel rotates freely and the valve stem lowers until resistance is felt and stops moving. The operator rotates the SLC-29 handwheel in the clockwise directicn. Interim Cue: Examiner inform operator that the SLC-29 valve handwheel rotates freely and the valve stem lowers until resistance is felt and stops moving. Step 5: (NOTE prior to Step 4) The test tank will require constant demineralized water make-up to ensure a suction volume for the operating SLC pump. Standard: The operator reads the Note, and proceeds to Step 4. *Step 6: (Step 4) Unlock and CLOSE SLC-11 Standby Liquid Control Outlet. Standard: The operator removes the lock from SLC-11. The operator rotates the SLC-1 1 handwheel in the clockwise direction. Interim Cue: Examiner inform operator that the SLC-11 valve handwheel rotates freely clockwise and the valve stem lowers until resistance is felt and stops moving. 7: (Step Unlock and OPEN SLC-41 SLC Test Tank Outlet Isol. Standard: The operator the lock from SLC-41. The operator rotates the SLC-41 handwheel in the counter-clockwise direction. Interim Cue: Examiner inform operator that the SLC-11 valve handwheel rotates freely counter-clockwise and the valve stem rises until resistance is felt and stops moving. 1 !709 5 Notify ned th~~m Tank * - aystem: (3.813.9) of 7 JPP I-P3 Rev. 0 Page Performance Steps Step 8: (Step 6) the control room that the SLC Test Tank is now I up for injection. Standard: The operator calls the control room on the Gaitronics and informs that the SLC test tank is lined up for injection. Interim Examiner, as the Control Room operator, acknowledge the report. Inform applicant that the Control Room Operator has started an SLC Pump and that a squib valve has fired. Applicant should observe Test Tank Level and when thy do, indicate that tank level is three (3) inches below the red minimum tank level line. SATKJNSAT

  • Step 9: (Step 11) Operator opens DW-41 and throttles open SLC-29 to maintain tank full. Standard:

The operator opens valves DW-41 and SLC-29 to maintain Test Level. Interim Cue: Examiner, when the applicant states that they will adjust the valve to maintain tank level, inform them that tank level is steady. Critical Step TIME FINISH: Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete. Evaluators Comments: 29503 1 KA: EA1.08 JPM-P3 I-P3 1709 f Rev. 01 Page of Initial Initiatinp


Actions are being carried out IAW EOP-1 and reactor water level cannot be maintained above 127' . Cues: The CRS directs you to line-up for alternate vessel. injection using the SLC Test Tank per OE 3 107 Appendix NOTE: All actions must be simulated. At NO time shall any plant equipment be operated. Evaluatoc hd LL/&#N& - /'27-d7 3 .r fi nd;</gK A jtdL44 - ,- .z py d .. - Date : .27 - C:' 7 / J VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 4 of 29 SIMULATOR EVALUATION GUIDE Crew: SM SRO RO BOP Senior Management Observer STA Critical Task Performance: SAT UNSAT (Circle One) Lead Date Administered: Signature Activity Code: Prepared by: Date: Reviewed by: Date: , Approved by: , -Rod -Rod (EOC) andlor B LCOs: 3.5.A.3 Seven(7)dayLCO,TS3.10.8.1 progresslScheduled VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 5 of 29 CREW -Power level: 100% Sequence: Rapid Shutdown Sequence Latched Group: 22 -Equipment out of service tagged or abnormalities: RHR Pump B OOS, tagged out for Maintenance investigation yesterday at 1600. -Reason For Equipment out of Service or tagged: RHR Pump OOS for severe vibrations during surveillance testing. -Applicable Tech Spec Seven (7) day LCO, TS 2. EOOS Color: Green 3.10 E-6 -Plant evolutions in Shift Evolutions: DG A operating for 30 minutes for Monthly Diesel Generator Slow Start Operability Test (Tech Spec) per OP 41 26, Sect B. CONDITION(S): EOP-1, Lead OE3107 VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 6 of 29 SCENARIO


1. Once all control rods are inserted and EOP-2 is exited to the scenario may be terminated at the discretion of the Evaluator.


1. OP 2140, Main Generator
2. ARS CRP 9-7 Alarm Response Sheets (F-2) 3. ARS CRP 9-8 Alarm Response Sheets (F-2) 4. OP 21 26, Diesel Generators
5. OP 4126, Diesel Generators Surveillance Testing 6. OP 01 05, Reactor Operations
7. OT 31 10, Positive Reactivity Insertion
8. OP 21 10, Reactor Recirculation Systern 9. AP 01 56, Notification of Significant Events 10. ON 2143 480 VAC 11. ON 31 74, Loss of Instrument AC 12. OT 31 22, Loss of Normal Power 13. OT 31 00, Reactor Scram 14. EOP-1 15. EOP-2 16. EOP-3 17. 18. Technical Specifications 100°/~ MaIfunctions/RFs/lOs:

rfNM-71-76 GAFs (1.385), (1.448), (1.378), (1.383), (1.287), (SB-066 VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 7 of 29 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Simulator Set Up: Power 1. IC-805 2. CRD Pump B in service 3. Adjust Kvars to slightly negative 4. Place HU barrier on Main Voltage Regulator Auto Adjust Discretionarv Distracter

1. All APRM Gain adjusts made to get APRM in spec (modeled to the plant at 100%): 71 72 73 74 75 76 (1.375) a Group 3 isol
1. mfTU-03A Alterex APRMs rfRP-11. VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 8 of 29 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)

Additional Instructions: RHR Pump B is in PTL and Danger Tagged Begin the ramp up in turbine vibration after the crew has raised Generator output voltage and maximized the VAR load. The turbine high vibration alarm (Annunciator 7-F-2) should be received immediately after the voltage and VAR is increased. The increase in turbine vibration should stop at -7.5 mils, and will NOT cause a turbine trip. When the crew starts power reduction, modify to -28 to ramp turbine vibration back (over a two minute ramp) to the pre-transient level, then delete the malfunction. The Recirc controller failure will be investigated, with no cause being found for the duration of the scenario. If directed to adjust Cooling, respond as directed. Transfer back to RPS B via AC'TIONS ACTIONSfBEHAVIOR IS 1" INI0 I I SROISRO 1 1 1 Whenhf - ~d MWe ERFlS G002, ERFlS G009, NIO TasklStep EVENT NUMBER 1 VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 9 of 29 OPERATOR Crew Task Place Main Generator in the Heavy Load Schedule with Maximum VARs IAW OP 2140, Sect. RO Adjusts voltage to the Heavy Load Schedule with Maximum VARs IAW OP 2140, Sect. H. Informs SRO Directs Crew to go to the Heavy Load Schedule with Maximum VARs IAW OP 2140, Sect. H. 4. SRO Briefs crew BOP Obtains and reviews procedure OP 2140 Section H and checks prereqs. ROLE PLAY: notified of the VY Generator status respo as VELCO acknowledging the communication. BOP Determines Main Generator NOTE: SRO may designate RO parameters and BOP to coordinate the voltage adjustments between the Main Generator from Generator and the DG. point or panel 9-7, El 9-7-7. instrument 345 KV System Voltage Generator VARS or on panel 9-7 El 9-7-6. Circle instrument used. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical

- N/O TaskIStep MWe mon~tor ACTIONSIBEHAVIOR using 1, -- NIO Alterex VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 10 of 29 POS. BOPSRO BOP COMMENTS CANDIDATE S U NOTE: The crew may receive the generator VARS On panel 9-7, raise main temperature alarm. If so, VOLTAGE ADJUST AC until respond as directed. system voltage reaches 358 KV and the maximum MVARS lagging (out) allowed per the generator 45 pound capability curve of OP 2140, Figure for the gross output is achieved Monitors Crew and plant performance. May direct BOP to the output of the A DG per OP 4126 Monitor the output of DG A per OP 4126 and adjust as necessary NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) = Critical OP- VARs IS0 - NIO TasklStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 11 of 29 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 2 Crew Task


High Main Turbine Vibration Requires Power Reduction IAW OP 0105 Direct power reduction IAW 01 05 if vibrations approach May direct reducing back to the normal VAR load. Notifies or directs notifying New England and VELCO. Notifies Maintenance. May shift to coarse control to quickly lower recirc flow NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical 8-3 A0 NIO TaskfStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 12 of 29 other plant parameters and reports Responds to Annunciators 9-4 and F-3 and sends an up to adjust Recirculation MG Set oil NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory;

= Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical 1'410 ACTIONSIBEHAVIOR A0 1) NIO TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 13 of 29 OPERATOR EVENT NUMBER Crew Task


DG A High Jacket water temperature requires removing DG from service POS CANDIDATE S U COMMENTS BOOTH ROLE PLAY: Report as that an unisolable leak is occurring an DG A jacket water and local temperature is 186 degrees and rising slowly. NOTES: S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical ACTIONSIBEHAVIOR 8-G-5, HI/LO < BKR 6. SRO N/O Task/Step VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 14 of 29 POS CREW Responds to Annunciator DG-A JKT CLG TEMP SRO Refers to alarm response and directs unloading DG Reduce load using the DIESEL GEN SPEED GOVERNOR control switch Using the DIESEL GEN SPEED GOVERNOR control switch, unload unit to 200 KW. Open NO. DG-A, diesel generator output breaker.

May Run unloaded for approximately 1 minute. May Reset the SPEED DROOP to " Zero". May make plant announcement that the A DG is being shutdown Take the DIESEL GEN STOP-START switch to STOP Contact VELCO and inform them that the DG is no longer paralleled to the grid and that normal VY capacitor bank operation may be resumed. ROLE PLAY: Respond as VELCO and acknowledge report. Provide a crew brief NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) = Critical AC'TIONS = N/O ACTIONSIBEHAVIOR "B" TaskIStep - "B c RTP/min e: RTP/min P/F Map VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 15 of 29 EVENT NUMBER 4 Crew Task Respond to positive reactivity addition caused by failure of the " B" Recirc loop POS. CANDIDATE increasing Identify the Loop controller ramping upward; inform SRO Notify SRO 2. 3. 4. SRO RO RO Enterldirect actions IAW OT 31 10 Transfer the loop controller to individual manual control Attempt to lower Recirc flow at 10% to reduce power to pre-transient level Transfer the loop " B controller to individual manual control Lower Recirc flow at 10% to reduce power to pre-transient level Verifies position on Operating MAY determine that MELLLA has been exceeded and have to insert Rapid Shutdown Sequence rods. OT 31 10 Immediate Actions NOTES: 1) S Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory;

= Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical ACTIONSIBEHAVIOR BOP 9-3 A0 1) A0 as rfSW-58 I1 J - N/O TasklStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 16 of 29 POS. CANDIDATE
5. Responds to or anticipates Annunciators 9-4 and F-3 and sends an up to adjust Recirculation MG Set oil temperatures.

ROLE PLAY: As respond directed. In the booth adjusts Recirc MG Set oil temps. Booth Operator: When directed, move to Event 5 NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical 9A, NIO Task/Step VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 17 of 29 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 5 Crew Task


Loss of 480 Volt Bus Failure of Group 3 Isolation Valve. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical

- N/O TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 18 of 29 NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical 9A iar - N/O TaskIStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 19 of 29 EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If requested to investigate MCC state that the bus tripped because of an apparent fault but that nothing specific is evident and request that the bus not re-energized while you continue looking. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory;

= Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical

- NIO TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 20 of 29 NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical MCC-8% TaskJStep ACTIONSIBEHAVIOR MCC-8B YZ B. RRUs 1A & RClC V10-66 V10-31 V10-658 V10-89B V14-11B V10-183 V10-38B V10-39B V14-128 V14-58 V10-16B V10-348 V10-15B V10-15D V10-13B V10-130 V10-18 V10-268 -N - N/O NIO YZ VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 21 of 29 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 6 Crew Task


Respond to a loss of 480 Volt 1. 2. 3. POS BOP SRO BOP CANDIDATE Recognize and inform the SRO that 480V has tripped. Diagnose loss of Alternate RPS Supply and scram on RPS Bus May direct crew to enter OP 2143, 480 VAC Buses, to diagnose the loss of power Diagnose loss of SLC Pump B May Respond to Seismic Monitor alarm Diagnose Loss of 1 B Loss of power to RHR and Core Spray Valves V13-15, B V14-7B V14-26B S U COMMENTS NOTE: scram only if RPS B was swapped to alternate power supply NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical MCC-8B. ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR DW - - I If MCC-8B 1 11 !s 11 11 11 DGs. 1 T.S., NOTES: - NIO TaskIStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 22 of 29 SRO POS Direct crew member and maintenance to investigate reason for loss of 480V CANDIDATE CRD Cooling Water Valve PCV-22 Direct starting additional RRUs to control Pressure.

Determine that the Vital AC is running on the Batteries and that alternate power is NOT available. COMMENTS EVALUATOR'S NOTE: requested to investigate state that the bus tripped because of an apparent fault but thatnothing specific is evident and request that the bus not re-energized for at least another hour while you continue looking. BOP SRO Starts monitors DW Pressure and starts additional RRUs May start to enter TS for the inoperable RPS Power Supplies, ECCS Valves and B SLC Combined with the loss of the A DG earlier and the ECCS systems the plant is in a 24 hours LCO. Per TS 3.5 ECCS and 3.10 However the Vital Bus running on the Battery may require a shutdown earlier. May direct preparations to for a normal shutdown per OP 0105 May provide a crew brief on conditions NOTE: Sufficient TS should have been observed at this time. EXAMINERS CUE: When SRO enters go to Event 7. 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical (450/d55%)

TaskIStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 23 of 29 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 7 and 8 Crew Task


Loss of RPS MG Set A, ATWS and failure of A SLC Squib Valve. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical N/O TaskJStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 24 of 29 NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory;

= Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical anc i ARIIRPT A0 CRD- ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR NIO - - - -- - 66 TaskIStep BPVs. 800- SRVs. N/O VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 25 of 29 15. POS SRO CANDIDATE Direct per EOP-2: Inhibit ADS S U COMMENTS EVALUATOR'S NOTE: This step is an Immediate Action, may be performed without direction.

Verify initiated Insert control rods one or more May direct manually v-EVALUATOR'S NOTE: Implement appendix F, or H of OE 3107. Stabilize pressure pressure 800-1,000 BOP When directed:

16. Inhibit ADS. Stabilize 1000 psig injection per Appendix GG. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory;

= Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical ACTIONSIBEHAVIOR powerhevel andlor and/or Initially 6 - N/O TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 26 of 29 COMMENTS CANDIDATE POS SRO During an ATWS with conditions met to perform control TERMINATE AND PREVENT INJECTION into the RPV using appendix GG, until conditions are met to re-establish injection.

Standard: Completion of Terminate and prevent injection IAW OE 3107 Appendix GG within 5 minutes of loss of forced circulation. Direct SLC injection with A SLC pump With a reactor scram required and the reactor not shutdown, TAKE ACTION TO REDUCE POWER by injecting boron inserting control rods, to prevent exceeding the primary containment design limits. Standard: Actions taken within 10 minutes of the scram failure to implement appropriate appendices inject SLC. SLC will be NOT be available, OE 31 07, App I, Alternate SLC injection, firing the squib valves with the local battery. NOTE: Must use local battery to fire Squib Valve EVALUATOR'S NOTE: This step is an Immediate Action, and may be performed without direction. SLC Pump " A will run however its Squib Valve will fail to fire. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical I S U NIO ACTIONSIBEHAVIOR 1 1 1 I A0 battclry (3rd A0 RB (3rd & < > 1 %; NIO -- - - TaskJStep terminatelprevent VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 27 of 29 POS CANDIDATE I COMMENTS SRO Direct sending an to the NOTE: 1.5 VDC Squib valve firing Squib Valve RB 318' level available with an alligator clip on each floor) and firing the squib end. (Located in EOP toolbox, 318' using App I of OE 3107, elevation, Reactor Building.)

Alternate SLC injection. Direct to go the Squib Valves on the 31 8' level floor) and fire the squib valves using the battery per App I of OE 3107, Alternate SLC injection Turn SLC switch (keylock) to OFF ROLE PLAY: Wait one minute and notify the control room that the squib valves have been fired. BOOTH NOTE: Ensure the examiners have seen Terminate Prevent then level restoration before rod insertion is available

24. 25. EVALUATOR NOTE: Torus temperature will reach 110 degrees before power drops to 2%. This along with an SRV open and level TAF will satisfy override to terminate and prevent enter -19" to 90 level control leg. below 2 inform SRO between -1 9 and 90 inches RO RO .-.-26. When notified of successful local firing of a squib valve, start SLC Pump B. Insert control rods using directed appendices.

BOP When directed, injection per Appendix GG. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U - = Not All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is

2) * = Critical N/O ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR EoP-2 CT-3 enterldirect EOP-1: 1 cooldown cooldown N/O TasklStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 28 of 29 POS RO *CREW SRO BOP SRO CANDIDATE Maintain RPV level between -19 and 90 inches With a reactor scram required and the reactor not shutdown, TAKE ACTION TO REDUCE POWER by inserting control rods, to prevent exceeding the primary containment design limits. Standard:

Actions taken within 10 minutes of the scram Recognize all rods inserted; inform SRO When all control rods inserted, exit EOP-2 and actions IAW Verify Table A automatic actions Restore maintain RPV level 127-1 77 inches. Commence at less than 100 degrees F per hour. When directed, commence at less than 100 degrees F per hour. When all rods inserted, exit EOP-2, enter EOP-1, and direct RPV level restored and maintained 127-1 77 inches. S U COMMENTS ario may be terminated, once EOP-2 has been exited at the discretion of the Lead Evaluator. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical NIO TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 1 Page 29 of 29 OPERATOR ACTIONS ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Evaluatoc

~bk/a/$$&-f /- '1 rfi 6?rid'li/~.~3~~d~ /,* 7- 7 0 7 6? k?$$$dk - Date: /. 97-09 VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 4 of 27 SIMULATOR EVALUATION GUIDE Crew: SM SRO STA Senior Management Observer Critical Task Performance: SAT UNSAT (Circle One) Lead Signature Date Administered: Activity Code: Prepared by: Date: Date: Reviewed by: Approved by: -Rod and/or "C" & "C" LCOs: 3.5.A.3 progress/Scheduled OP 2.D, MSlV Drywell 2.D, Drywell 22 VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 5 of 27 CREW BRIEF: -Power level: -1.9% Sequence: Rod Sequence: A2 -Rod Group: -Equipment out of service tagged or abnormalities:

1. RHR Pump OOS, tagged out for Maintenance investigation yesterday at 1 600. 2. " A" IRM failed upscale during the startup and is bypassed, I C investigating.

-Reason For Equipment out of Service or tagged: 1. RHR Pump OOS for severe vibrations during surveillance testing. -Applicable Tech Spec 1. Seven (7) day LCO, TS EOOS Color: Green 3.12 E-6 -Plant evolutions in Shift Evolutions:

1. Withdraw control rods to continue the startup continuing in 0105, Phase Step 10. 2. Place reactor mode switch in RUN and continue the startup. Isolation Testing is NOT required 3. air-purge is in progress purging with RTF-5.4. 5. Another operator will perform OP 01 05, Phase Step 10.e to ensure actions to inert the containment and establish to Torus AP per OP 21 15 are initiated.

progress1Scheduled S/U 1. SJAEs 2D, The Drywell 2.D, Drywell AP VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 6 of 27 Plant evolutions in Shift Evolutions: A plant is in progress, OP 0105, Phase 2D, Step 9 is complete. The following is a list of equipment status: Reactor Level Control -one condensate pump, one feed pump, the Aux FRV in Auto. 2. AOG is on-line. The Hogger is secured with the in-service. 3. The EPR is controlling pressure.

4. Currently in OP 01 05, Phase Step 10, withdrawing control rods in preparation to shifting to the Mode Switch to RUN. 5. is being air-purged with RTF-5 and is ready to be inerted. 6. Another operator will perform OP 0105, Phase Step 10.e to ensure actions to inert the containment and establish to Torus per OP 21 15 are initiated.


1. EOPISAG S/U VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 7 of 27 SCENARIO


PROVIDE OP 2124 to Examiners for description of Torus Spray steps TERMINATING RPV water level under control


1. OP 01 05, Reactor Operations
2. OT 31 10, Positive Reactivity Insertion
3. OP 21 31, IRM 4. EN-OP-115, Manual Control of Automatic Systems 5. Technical Specifications
6. OT 31 10, Positive Reactivity Insertion
7. OE 31 07, Appendices
8. OP 21 17, SBGT 9. OT 31 22, Loss of Normal Power 10. ON 31 50, Loss of Transformers
11. EOP-1 12. EOP-3 13. EOP-5 14. OT 31 00, Scram 15. OP 21 24, Appendix C Up: Malfunctions/RFs/lOs:

--- VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 8 of 27 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Simulator Set -1.9% Power IC-806 Ensure as close to rolling Mode Switch as possible with rods (limit control rod operation before going to run) Discretionarv Distracter DG " B failure to Auto Start FRVs Techrrical & coollspray drywell >-I "D" A0 I'lag AOIMaintenance ,the INHIBIT VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 9 of 27 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) Additional Instructions: " A" IRM should be bypassed. Ensure the following: one condensate pump, one feed pump, aux FRV in auto, 55% blocking valves closed and all feed pump discharge valves open. Roll the key-locks in panel 9-41, 9-42 to Bypass to allow the 18-inch containment purge valves open when in run. Fill out a current revision of VYOPF 01 05.05 Update the Condensate Demineralizer status sheet on the 9-7 Panel to reflect the startup status; two demineralizers in service and three on the hold pumps. Verify RWM initialized. After IRM " C" fails and when contacted by the crew acknowledge the request then allow time for Specifications entry and as I C report that IRM " A can be returned to service and that you will begin trouble-shooting the " C" IRM. If asked, the cause of the startup transformer loss was due to a direct lightning strike. Maintenance is investigating to determine if any damage was done, they should know within a couple of hours. If no attempts are made to the the leak may cause the crew to emergency depressurize to prevent exceeding PSP. This will not affect the outcome of the scenario and this would serve as a substitute critical task to emergency depressurizing on inability to maintain RPV water level 9". After the RHR Pump trip respond as the when called to investigate the pump motor trip. Then after a realistic time report the breaker cubicle appears normal with only and over-current showing. If the crew has sent to the 'A' DG wait until RPV water level is 6 inches and lowering and then remove the trip and reset the lockout and notify the Control Room that 'A' DG is available (the 100 second timer will prevent immediately starting the DG). After HPCl is secured following spurious injection use soft panel override to place the HPCl switch into INHIBIT. ACTIONS ACTIONSIBEHAVIOR f h verif~er TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 10 of 27 OPERATOR EVENT NUMBER 1 Crew Task


Withdraw control rods to continue the startup Briefs crew on the startup Withdraws control rods IAW the sequence instructions until all APRMs are indicating on-scale. Check that the APRMs are reading above 2% power by shifting the recorder select switches one at a time to APRM and returning them to the IRM Check that all APRM downscale alarms are clear. Verifies reactor vessel level between 155 and 165 inches. Will serve as for rod selection and movement and IRM range switching. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical "C" Hi-HiIINOP INOP 1/2 "C & lRMs t j2 & un- "C". - N/O TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 11 of 27 OPERATOR EVENT NUMBER Crew Task


IRM lnop Failure, Requires T.S. entry and insertion of manual half scam. Diagnoses IRM INOP, references OP 21 31, Section C. Determines the inoperable instrument channels trip system must be placed in the tripped condition within 12 hours. When I C investigates and determines that IRM " A can be returned to service directs bypassing IRM " A then direct bypassing IRM 5-D-3, Rod Withdraw Block 5-N-1, IRM Ch A 5-K-1, Auto Scram Ch A 5-L-2, Neutron Mon Power Hi Diagnoses IRM " C failed Diagnoses scram Directs I C to investigate. Consults Tech Specs -Table 3.1.l.for two (May enter TRM 3.2.5 which is a NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical

- "C". lRMs - NIO = Task/Step VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 12 of 27 EVALUATOR'S NOTE: If contacted as I& C report that IRM " A can be returned to service and that you will begin trouble-shooting the " C" IRM. If NOT contacted, call the Control Room and notify them that IRM " A can be returned to service. RO Places IRM A Range switch to the correct range Then un-bypasses IRM " A then bypass IRM Resets the half scram BOOTH NOTE: before IRM A can be un-bypassed, the malfunction must be deleted. for two Inop. Crew Brief NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

  • Critical

( ACTlONSlBEHAVlOR lsIU Enterldirect APRMs - - rd, - N/O TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 13 of 27 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 3 Crew Task


Transfer Reactor Mode Switch to RUN and continue the startup. POS CANDIDATE COMMENTS placing the Reactor Mode Switch in RUN Check that the are reading above 2% power by shifting the recorder select switches one at a time to APRM and returning them to the IRM positions. Check that all APRM downscale alarms are clear. Smartly transfer Reactor Mode Switch to RUN. Transfer recorder switches to APRM channels.

3. RO Fully withdraw all IRM detectors.
4. SRO Request Reactor Engineering to initiate APRM GAF per OP 4400. Request RP perform high rad door checks and TB Heater Bay surveillance per OP 0532. NOTE: Proper IRM withdrawal may be determined by selecting each IRM channel for recording as its respective chamber is withdrawn and verify that indicated level is decreasing.

EVALUATOR! CUE: When sufficient operator actions are bserv insert Event 4, CRD Flow Controller Fai ure. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical

- N/O TaskIStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 14 of 27 NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical
1) N/O TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 15 of 27 OPERATOR ACTIONS EVENT NUMBER 4 Crew Task


Failure of CRD Flow Controller Automatic Output Signal NOTES: S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical

- N/O & Task/Step - - FCVs -- I HPCl RO1 A0 sh~fting FCVs VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 16 of 27 ROLE PLAY: If contacted as I C report that you had just worked on the controller and will send a Tech to the Control Room after their break. -NOTE: If the crew starts to shift CRD go to the next malfunction

5. I EVALUATORS CUE: When CRD Parameters are restored, insert Event 5, Inadvertent initiation SRO BOP May direct shifting CRD FCVs May contacts to coordinate NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory;

= Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR 10 EN-OP- I I l l I 1 I l l BOOTH NOTE: INHIBIT .- - lion, - NIO TaskIStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 17 of 27 OPERATOR EVENT NUMBER Crew Task


HPCl inadvertently injects to the vessel with a controller failure. Requires T.S. 3.5.E entry S COMMENTS POS CANDIDATE CREW Recognize and inform the SRO of indications of a HPCl system initiation and injection. When informed of the HPCl system start, verify adequate level IAW OT 31 10. May enter OT 31 -Positive Reactivity Insertion, Step 2.5. after actions are taken IAW IAW 11 5, Manual Control of Automatic Systems SRO Confirm no initiation signals present. Using two indications Verifies Feedwater control system maintaining RPV water level. Diagnoses HPCl Controller failure Notifies Crew SRO When adequate level has been verified, direct the BOP to inhibit the HPCl system When directed, inhibit the HPCl 5. BOP NOTE: The shutdown section of system IAW EN-OP-115, Manual OP 21 20 will NOT work in this Control of Automatic Systems situation because the faulty initiatior signal will continue to start HPCI. After HPCl is secured following the spurious injec use soft panel override to place the HPCl switch into INHIBIT. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical I&C and/or R 8. I I luested lorn - pumps, and/or I&C 11 11 SRo - N/O reqliire TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 18 of 27 ROLE PLAY: When contacted as maintenance and re problem respond that you will send a technician to the Control I Conduct a Crew brief I I 11. to investigate the HPCl shortly and then delay. NOTE: T.S. Bases states that an RHR Subsystem consists of 2 since RHR Pump C is INOP, the subsystem is NOT operable.

EVALUATORS CUE: When ready, advance to Events 5 and 6 Direct the crew to confirm operability of RCIC. 9. SRO CREW Direct crew to contact I&C maintenance to investigate the HPCl initiation and controller problems. When directed, contact and maintenance and request they investigate the HPCl problem. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical DGs N/O TaskfStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 19 of 27 OPERATOR EVENT NUMBERS 6 and Crew Task


Loss of the startup transformers which will result in a LNP and reactor scram and both fail to auto start, DG " A" cannot be started, DG " B" can be manually started. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical ACTIONSIBEHAVIOR DGs Acknowledges/diagnoses AOIMaintenance DG I ' DGs N/O TaskIStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 20 of 27 COMMENTS POS CANDIDATE SRO When notified the failed to automatically start transition to App A of ON 3122, Station Blackout.

Directs: CT-1 Attempt to start the B DG IAW EN-OP-115, Manual Control of Automatic Systems Placing the service water pump control switches to STOP, then NORMAL. Placing all ECCS pumps in PULL-TO-LOCK. Energizing Bus 4 from Vernon tie Attempts to energize Bus 3 or Bus 4 from Vernon tie by closing 3V4 and a feeder breaker to 4KV Bus 3 or 4. failure of breaker 3V4 to close Reports failure of cross-tying to Vernon. NOTE: Because the A DG has a Failure to Start Annunciator Maintenance must be contacted before attempting to start the A DG. I Directs operator to contact SRO to investigate A failure to start May direct additional attempts to start the per App A of OT 3122. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) = Critical I I ACTIONSIBEHAVIOR acknowledgelrespond AOIMaintenance auto- "0 "0 AOIMaintenance second When notified Bus 4 available al,,w- cross- and/or the lo' 11 1 Ro TaskIStep RClC andlor VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 21 of 27 If not previously done BOP to DG A Lockout Trip Annunciator (8-F-2) Contact and directs them to investigate DG A failure to start Diagnoses " B DG failed to start and manually starts DG and places on 4KV Bus 3. Notifies Crew DG in service ROLE PLAY: When directed as the to investigate the failure to start of the 'A' DG, respond as directed.

Then wait until RPV water level is 6 inches and lowering and then remove the trip and reset the lockout and notify the Control Room that 'A' DG is available (the 100 timer will prevent immediately starting the DG). ROLE PLAY: If contacted as maintenance and directed to verify that Buses 8 and 9 may be tied, reply that you have checked the buses and that they may be cross-tied. If the Control Room does NOT contact Work Control or Maintenance then call the Control Room as Maintenance and notify them that the buses may be cross-tied. (This will re-establish Control Room Lighting.) ROLE PLAY: If requested as work week manager to investigate DG A Back-feeding through Auxiliary Transformer respond as directed but delay. 9. 11. BOP SRO Cross-ties buses 8 and 9. Carries out scram action IAW ON 3100 Verifies operation when needed. Directs work week manager to check DG A Back-feeding through the Auxiliary Transformer. EVALUATORS CUE: When ready, advance to Events 8 and 9 NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical Drywell drywell drywell usirlg RClC 1) = Critica.1 TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 22 of 27 OPERATOR EVENT NUMBERS 8 and Crew Task


Core spray line break in the between the RPV and testable check valve resulting in a LOCA and loss of the remaining Core Spray system and failure of the " D" RHR Pump. the valve is open. Diagnose and Report the " A CS and " A RHR Pumps have no Re-start all available BEFORE torus pressure reaches 10 psig, spray the Re-start all available Spray the torus only those pumps not required for adequate core cooling maximizing CRD and injecting SLC and NOTES: S Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * =

RClC "D" R drywell RRUs drywell RClC IVIO TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 23 of 27 While attempting to inject RCIC, recognizes that the controller has failed in AU and takes manual control Then recognizes isolation and EXAMINER NOTE: will run for a short time in Manual (RHR Pump is available and 10 psig, direct the following: pressure is too high to inject.) Verify pump will trip on overload. Spray the between 6 and 177 inches by maximizing CRD and injecting SLC and If not previously directed; directs NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical S 6", AOIMaintenance sec t;e = TasWStep - - - RPV- 1 1 1 1 I 12. 13. 14. 15. RO/ EoP-l E0P-5 CT-2 low RPV VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 24 of 27 Maximize CRD (if available) started.) Direct starting DG A and Bus 4 on DG SRO Directs ADS inhibited After the 100 second timer timed out start DG A and place on 4KV Bus BOP Inhibits ADS Lineup ECCS systems Alternate Injection as directed.

Success path is restore RPV water I With the reactor shutdown *CREW level using than the shutoff head of the and reactor pressure greater RHR SW pressure systems, R P V-E D B E F O Rlevel Send someone to locally start the " A reaches -1 9 inches DG. Standard: Enter EOP-5 and ED (begin opening I BEFORE RPV level reaches 48 EVALUATORS NOTE: When RPV water level reaches contact the Control Room as the at DG A and report that starting problem has been corrected and the Lockout and Shutdown Relay have just been reset. (Note the 100 timer must time out before the DG A can NOTES: 1) = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

  • Critical

- NIO TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 25 of 27 Prevent injection from those CS and RHR Pumps not required to ensure adequate Open all SRVs Prevent injection from those CS and RHR Pumps not required to ensure adequate Open all SRVs When RPV pressure drops below shutoff head of low pressure pumps, direct level restored and maintained 127 to " B low discharge pressure and Diagnose failure of " B Core Spray Pump to inject and Core Spray line as the potential source of the break. NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical I I ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR I t BOP/ Pumps EOP-l (+6") N/O TaskIStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 26 of 27 CANDIDATE Secure the B Core Spray Pump COMMENTS If not previously lined up directs Success path is restore RPV water lining up all available Alternate level using Injection Subsystems (EOP-1, RHR SW Starting the " A n DG and supplying power to 4KV Bus 4. Investigate the trip of the " D RHR Pump and restore the pump. 25. SRO Direct: Directs starting and injecting with available pumps 26. Starts and Inject with available RO 27. CREW Restores RPV water level above TAF CT-3 28. SRO Conducts Crew Brief TERMINATING CUE: RPV water level above TAF (+6 inches) and under control NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory;

= Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical AC'TIONS U - NIO TasWStep VY 2009 NRC Scenario 2 Page 27 of 27 OPERATOR ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:

NOTES: 1) S = Satisfactory; Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical

@/./ .$~/~/fiy& / - 67 9&P/ 27 09 76? @CW& f'- ck,k P Date: ,- 9 7- ~7fly VY 2009 NRC Scenario 3 Page 5 of 30 SIMULATOR EVALUATION GUIDE Crew: SM SRO RO BOP STA Senior Management Observer Critical Task Performance: SAT UNSAT (Circle One) Lead Evaluator: Signature Date Administered: Activity Code: Prepared by: Date: 27-Reviewed by: -Rod -Rod andlor LC0 LCOs: 3.5.A.3 progress1Scheduled Oncemeek 92% VY 2009 NRC Scenario 3 Page 6 of 30 CREW -Power level: 85% In OP 01 05, Phase 4B, Step 23 is completed Sequence: Rapid Shutdown Group: 20 -Equipment out of service tagged or abnormalities: A RHR Pump OOS, tagged out for Maintenance investigation yesterday at 1600. The plant entered a 7-day (TS 3.5.A.3). -Reason For Equipment out of Service or tagged: A RHR Pump OOS for severe vibrations during surveillance testing. -Applicable Tech Spec Seven (7) day LCO, TS EOOS Color: Yellow 1.47 E-5 -Plant evolutions in Shift Evolutions: Perform OP 41 60 Pump Performance Test Section 1.a and b. Continue power ascension to 100% power, during this shift raise power to using recirculation flow then allow 12 hour soak while RE determines if a rod pattern adjustment is necessary. CONDITION(S): and/or Runback VY 2009 NRC Scenario 3 Page 7 of 30 SCENARIO


TERMINATING RPV flooded RPV Water Level and Primary Containment parameters under control.


1. OP 21 11, CRD System 2. OP 01 05, Reactor Operations
3. OT 31 15, Reactor Pressure Transients
4. OT 31 10, positive Reactivity Insertion
5. OT 31 13 Reactor Low Level 6. OT 3176, Recirculation Pump Due to Low Feedwater Flow or Discharge Valve Not Full Open 8. ON 31 45, Loss of CRD Regulating Function 9. OT 31 00, Reactor Scram 10. Technical Specifications
11. EOP-1, RPV Control 12. EOP-3, Primary Containment Control 13. EOP-5 Emergency Depressurization
14. Possibly EOP-6, RPV Flooding 15. OE 31 07, EOP Appendices
16. RP 21 70, Condensate System 17. OP 21 72, Feedwater System Discretionarv Distracter MaIfunctions/RFs/lOs:

MFIRFIIO IOR RHdi031 OAS27 IOR CSdi0314ASlA mfCS-03A rf RH-11 FW-28A IOR RRlo042AS7B-1 RRdi042AS7B IOR RRlo042AS7B rfRR-12 mfRD-01 ED-O6A mfT C-04A mfMS-06 mfMS-06 mfFW-08A FW-08B FW-08C 50% 75% # re-~nsert re-insert re-~nsert re-~nsert

to Auto fail!; *- Runback, (EPR) the Drywell thc Drywell RFPs .4 VY 2009 NRC Scenario 3 Page 8 of 30 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Simulator Set Up: 1. IC-807 85% Power Act. Time # Ramp REM Description Severity No. Override RHR-184 CLOSEC 1. Override the A Core Spray Injection Valve CLOSED CS-12A Fails Open 3. RHR Pump A ACB 4. Open mf 1 " A" Feedwater transmitter to a higher indicated flow 5. 60 2 Recirc " B" RV-538 Recirc Discharge Valve, drift:; off open seat 6. I OR IRF 7. B 3 CRD Pump B Trip mf 8. 3 Loss of 125 VDC Bus 1 4 9. Pressure Reg Oscillations 0.5 120 10. 5 Main Steam Line Break in 11. 3 120 After 6 Main Steam Line Break in scram actions carried out 12. 7 Trip of all mf mf IVRC control 1 I&C A0 rfRR-15. A0 rfRR-17. A0 A0 A0 & 'This & rfRR-21A rfED-01 rfRD-11 rfRD-12. 1 I&C VY 2009 Scenario 3 Page 9 of 30 SIMULATOR OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) Additional Instructions: Place a Danger Tag on RHR Pump A switch If contacted as Work Week Manager concerning the Feedwater flow transmitter failure, delay determining the cause; no reason will be given before the scenario terminates. is directed to trip " A" Recirc MG locally, insert Remote If is directed to trip " A" Recirc MG Field Bkr, insert Remote If When electrical maintenance is sent to investigate the loss of DC-1, report that the A charger and the battery breakers have tripped. Maintenance will work with the to determine when it is possible to transfer bus control power to alternate sources. If an or maintenance is directed to strip DC-1 wait a few minutes and report that the bus has been stripped. An may be directed to shift control power for Buses 1, 3 8 to alternate. action should be delayed for buses 3 8 until RPV-ED. Maintenance troubleshooting is NOT complete on Buses 3 and 8. When repowering Bus 1, use relay reset and for Bus 1 control power to prevent tripping the Recirc Pump. 9. If directed to secure Recirc Pump Seal Purge, use and If contacted as Work Week Manager concerning the pressure regulator failure, delay determining the cause; no reason will be given before the scenario terminates. Attach a copy of ON 3159 actions to transfer control power Bus 1, 3, 8 and DG B 10 Oncemeek ACTIONSIBEHAVIOR

1. 1) NIO require TasWStep Oncemeek 1 j i A0 VY 2009 NRC Scenario 3 Page of 30 OPERATOR EVENT NUMBER Crew Task


Perform OP 4160 Pump Performance Test Section 1.a and b. CANDIDATE S U N/O SRO Briefs Crew Directs performance OP 41 60 Pump Performance Test Section .a and b. ROLE PLAY: Role play as for pumps checks required below NOTES: S = Satisfactory; U -Unsatisfactory; = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical NOTES: - TaskfStep otl 011 Pump Verlfy A0 turntng 011 mid-posltion oil Pump p! I I I BOP 011 011 A0 auxil~ary satisfactorily I VY 2009 NRC Scenario 3 Page 11 of 30 T O test the Auxiliary Pump, 2. perform the following:

ON CRP 9-7 take Aux Pump Test switch the to that pump starts and Place the test switch Verify the pump does automatically Stop the the control returns to normal stop (green To test the Turning Gear Pump, perform the On CRP 9-23 take Gear L.O. Pump switch to the Contacts to that pump starts and operating Allow the test switch return Verify the turning gear pump does automatically Stop the turning gear Verify the control returns lo Once the test is complete, continue with EVENT 2 1) S = Satisfactory; U Unsatisfactory; N/O = Not Observed All Unsatisfactory ratings require comments; a comment sheet is attached.

2) * = Critical}}