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{{#Wiki_filter:February 1975 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                                                          REGULATORY GUIDE 5.47 CONTROL AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF PLUTONIUM IN WASTE MATERIAL
GUIDE February 1975 REGULATORY  

Section 73.60, "Additional Requirements for the Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material at Fixed Sites," of 10 CFR Part 73, "Physical Protection of Plants and Materials," requires that certain licensees search each package leaving a material access area* for concealed special nuclear material to prevent plutonium from being removed from the licensee's control. Physical search procedures or equipment capable of detecting concealed plutonium may be used. Nondestructive search techniques such as gamma ray spectrometry and neutron assay are recommended when used with a tamper-safing system to ensure that no concealed plutonium is removed from 'a material access area in waste containers.
guide describes procedures for complying with assay requirements related to plutonium-contaminated waste Section 73.60, "Additional Requirements for the                             given in paragraph 70.5 l(e)(4)(i).
        Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material at Fixed Sites," of 10 CFR Part 73, "Physical Protection of                                                              

Section 70.51, "Material Balance, Inventory, and Records Requirements," of 10 CFR Part 70, "Special Nuclear Material," requires certain licensees to conduct physical inventories at bimonthly intervals.
Plants and Materials," requires that certain licensees A variety of materials become contaminated during search each package leaving a material access area* for                              the processing of plutonium. To be economically re- concealed special nuclear material to prevent plutonium coverable, the contaminated material must contain from being removed from the licensee's control. Physical                            enough plutonium to offset the scrap recovery costs.
search procedures or equipment capable of detecting                                Materials containing very small quantities of plutonium, concealed plutonium may be used. Nondestructive                                    or process materials from which the plutonium cannot search techniques such as gamma ray spectrometry and                               be economically separated, are often considered as neutron assay are recommended when used with a                                    process waste. Provisions relating to the disposition of tamper-safing system to ensure that no concealed                                  such materials are contained in 10 CFR Part 20.
plutonium is removed from 'a material access area in                                      As noted in the introduction, the materials protec- waste containers.

On the basisof each bimonthly inventory, those licensees are re-quired to calculate a material balance, including the material unaccounted for (MUF) and its associated limit of error (LEMUF). Discards of contaminated waste must be included in the material balance. Section 70.51 further states that the LEMUF must not exceed speci-fied limits. With proper controls, nondestructive assay (NDA) techniques may be applied to the assay of plu-tonium-contaminated waste material.This guide describes procedures which are accept-able to the NRC staff for the control and accountability of plutonium-contaminated waste. Specifically, this guide describes procedures for complying with paragraph 73.60(b) for searching plutonium-contaminated waste packages for concealed plutonium.
tion interest in such materials is twofold. First, to Section 70.51, "Material Balance, Inventory, and prevent significant quantities of plutonium from being Records Requirements," of 10 CFR Part 70, "Special concealed in containers, which would permit plutonium Nuclear Material," requires certain licensees to conduct to be removed from the licensee's control. Second, to physical inventories at bimonthly intervals. On the basis include in the measured material balance, all plutonium
"*'*    of each bimonthly inventory, those licensees are re- contained in waste. The same measurement systems and quired to calculate a material balance, including the operations are able to search packages for substantial material unaccounted for (MUF) and its associated limit quantities of concealed plutonium and to assay contam- of error (LEMUF). Discards of contaminated waste must inated waste for plutonium content. Thus, both of these be included in the material balance. Section 70.51 considerations are addressed in this guide.

In addition, this`" 'Material access area'," as defined in 10 CFR Part 73,§73.2, "means any location which contains special nuclear material, within a vault or a building, the roof, walls, and floor of which each constitute a physical barrier." guide describes procedures for complying with assay requirements related to plutonium-contaminated waste given in paragraph
further states that the LEMUF must not exceed speci- fied limits. With proper controls, nondestructive assay
70.5 l(e)(4)(i).
                                                                                            1.     Container Selection (NDA) techniques may be applied to the assay of plu-tonium-contaminated waste material.

Plutonium-contaminated waste is typically packaged This guide describes procedures which are accept- in 55-gallon drums for storage or shipment. It is often able to the NRC staff for the control and accountability packaged in small primary containers (typically 4-6 liters of plutonium-contaminated waste. Specifically, this capacity) first and then combined in large containers to guide describes procedures for complying with paragraph reduce the waste-handling problem.
A variety of materials become contaminated during the processing of plutonium.
73.60(b) for searching plutonium-contaminated waste It is desirable to search and assay the waste in small packages for concealed plutonium. In addition, this containers rather than in large containers for the following reasons:
                `" 'Material access area'," as defined in 10 CFR Part 73,
      §73.2, "means any location which contains special nuclear                            1. High concentrations of plutonium in waste material material, within a vault or a building, the roof, walls, and floor                  can be identified more easily when small containers are of which each constitute a physical barrier."                                        assayed. The plutonium can then be recovered rather USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES                                        Copies of published guides may be obtained by request indicating the divisions desired to the U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington. D.C. 20555 Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the public            Attention: Director of Standards Development Comments and suggestions for methods acceptable to the NRC staff of implementing specific parts of the            improvements in these guides are erncouraged and should be sent to the Commissions regulatio.s, to delineate techniques used by the staff in                Secretary of the      Commission,      U S, Nuclear Regulatory  Commission.

To be economically re-coverable, the contaminated material must contain enough plutonium to offset the scrap recovery costs.Materials containing very small quantities of plutonium, or process materials from which the plutonium cannot be economically separated, are often considered as process waste. Provisions relating to the disposition of such materials are contained in 10 CFR Part 20.As noted in the introduction, the materials protec-tion interest in such materials is twofold. First, to prevent significant quantities of plutonium from being concealed in containers, which would permit plutonium to be removed from the licensee's control. Second, to include in the measured material balance, all plutonium contained in waste. The same measurement systems and operations are able to search packages for substantial quantities of concealed plutonium and to assay contam-inated waste for plutonium content. Thus, both of these considerations are addressed in this guide.1. Container Selection Plutonium-contaminated waste is typically packaged in 55-gallon drums for storage or shipment.
evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to       VWashington. DC. 20555. Attention: Docketing and Service Section.

It is often packaged in small primary containers (typically
upplicants. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliance
4-6 liters capacity)
      - ith them is not required. Methods and solutions different from those set out in     The guides are issued itn the following ten broad divisions ie guides will be acceptable if rhey provide a basis for the findings requisite to the issuance or continuance of a pernit or license by the Commission.                   I  Power Reactors                      6  Products
first and then combined in large containers to reduce the waste-handling problem.It is desirable to search and assay the waste in small containers rather than in large containers for the following reasons: 1. High concentrations of plutonium in waste material can be identified more easily when small containers are assayed. The plutonium can then be recovered rather USNRC REGULATORY
                                                                                              2. Research and Test Reactors          7  Transooration
GUIDES Copies of published guides may be obtained by request indicating the divisions desired to the U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington.
                                                                                              3  Fuels and Materials Facilities      8  Occupational Health Published guides will be revised periodically, as appropriate, to accommodate          4  Environmental and Siting            9  Antitrust Reiew comments and to reflect new information or experience,                                  5  Materials and Plant Proxectio,,   10  General

D.C. 20555 Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the public Attention:
than discarded, thus reducing the waste disposal                3.   Packaging and Sealing problem.
Director of Standards Development Comments and suggestions for methods acceptable to the NRC staff of implementing specific parts of the improvements in these guides are erncouraged and should be sent to the Commissions regulatio.s, to delineate techniques used by the staff in Secretary of the Commission, U S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to VWashington.
2. The use of small containers would improve the assay For effective control and accurate accounting of accuracy and thus lower the contribution of waste to the plutonium-contamiinated waste. waste should he pack- MUF and LEMUF.

DC. 20555. Attention:
aged and sealed at the point where it is collected.
Docketing and Service Section.upplicants.

Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliance
3. Assaying small containers of waste, each from a Typically, contaminated waste is generated in cleanup or localized area, simplifies the calculation of individual maintenance operations. It is collected and then trans- area material balances (see Regulatory Guide 5.26, ferred to a point where it can be removed ("bagged-
-ith them is not required.
"Selection of Material Balance Areas and Item Control out") from a glovebox line. Waste is often packaged in Areas").                                                        cardboard cylindrical containers ("ice cream con-
4. Use of small containers facilitates the comparative tainers") which are then individually heat-sealed in assay procedures which are recommended to generate              transparent polyethylene bags which prevent contami- current estimates of the systematic assay error. Fabri- nation after their transfer outside the glovebox en- cating calibration standards and testing the performance        closures. It is recommended that pressure-sensitive seals*
of the instruments is made easy by assaying small                be applied on the next to the outermost heat-sealed containers.                                                     plastic bag across each openin

Methods and solutions different from those set out in The guides are issued itn the following ten broad divisions ie guides will be acceptable if rhey provide a basis for the findings requisite to the issuance or continuance of a pernit or license by the Commission.
====g. Following assay and====
5. It is more difficult to conceal material in small search, the package can be handled under item-control containers than in large containers. Therefore, assay of        procedures.** Comparable procedures are necessary for the small containers, combined with an effective                waste materials that cannot be packaged in this manner.

I Power Reactors 6 Products 2. Research and Test Reactors 7 Transooration
tamper-safing program, would enhance the ability to ensure that waste packages are not used to conceal plutonium to remove it from the site.
3 Fuels and Materials Facilities
8 Occupational Health Published guides will be revised periodically, as appropriate, to accommodate
4 Environmental and Siting 9 Antitrust Reiew comments and to reflect new information or experience, 5 Materials and Plant Proxectio,, 10 General than discarded, thus reducing the waste disposal problem.2. The use of small containers would improve the assay accuracy and thus lower the contribution of waste to the MUF and LEMUF.3. Assaying small containers of waste, each from a localized area, simplifies the calculation of individual area material balances (see Regulatory Guide 5.26,"Selection of Material Balance Areas and Item Control Areas").4. Use of small containers facilitates the comparative assay procedures which are recommended to generate current estimates of the systematic assay error. Fabri-cating calibration standards and testing the performance of the instruments is made easy by assaying small containers.

5. It is more difficult to conceal material in small containers than in large containers.
4.   Assay and Search Measurements Since the same volume of waste can be packaged in long, narrow-diameter cylindrical containers as in short,            The penetrability of gamma rays through a waste wide-diameter containers, narrow-diameter containers            container can be determined by measuring the response should be preferred because they can be assayed more           to an external source of gamma rays. That response is accurately than wide-diameter ones (as discussed in            measured under two conditions-first with the waste Regulatory Guide 5.11, "Nondestructive Assay of                container not located in the vicinity of the instrument Special Nuclear Material Contained in Scrap and                and then with the container positioned between the Waste").                                                        gamma ray source and the detector. The percent The size of the small containers and the material          transmission (100 x container present/container absent)
from which they are constructed are important factors.          provides an indication of whether gamma ray assay is From the materials protection viewpoint, the most              appropriate or whether neutron assay must be used. The important factor in selecting and packaging the primary        percent transmission is also used to correct the gamma containers is the requirement that enough of the                ray assay for internal attenuation, thereby improving the radiations emitted throughout each container must be            assay accuracy.

Therefore, assay of the small containers, combined with an effective tamper-safing program, would enhance the ability to ensure that waste packages are not used to conceal plutonium to remove it from the site.Since the same volume of waste can be packaged in long, narrow-diameter cylindrical containers as in short, wide-diameter containers, narrow-diameter containers should be preferred because they can be assayed more accurately than wide-diameter ones (as discussed in Regulatory Guide 5.11, "Nondestructive Assay of Special Nuclear Material Contained in Scrap and Waste").The size of the small containers and the material from which they are constructed are important factors.From the materials protection viewpoint, the most important factor in selecting and packaging the primary containers is the requirement that enough of the radiations emitted throughout each container must be detected to ensure that there are no blind spots. Such blind spots may conceal plutonium and would introduce large biases into the assay.2. Segregation of Waste Materials Plutonium spontaneously emits gamma rays and neutrons.
detected to ensure that there are no blind spots. Such blind spots may conceal plutonium and would introduce large biases into the assay.

Gamma rays are highly attenuated by heavy elements or densely compacted light elements.
4.1 Gamma Ray Assay
2.  Segregation of Waste Materials                                  The application of gamma ray spectrometry to plutonium assay is described in a report published by the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (ref. I). A bibliog- Plutonium spontaneously emits gamma rays and              raphy of other relevant references is also provided in that neutrons. Gamma rays are highly attenuated by heavy             report, together with a description of the necessary elements or densely compacted light elements. Neutrons,        theory, instrumentation, and data analysis procedures.

Neutrons, on the other hand, penetrate quite well through most heavy elements but are strongly attenuated by light clements.Waste materials often consist of contaminated hydrogenous materials like paper wipes and plastics.Water is often present, the amount varying.Different types of waste are often separately packaged for subsequent disposal.
on the other hand, penetrate quite well through most           The report also describes procedures to determine a heavy elements but are strongly attenuated by light             gamma ray attenuation correction, container rotation clements.                                                       and vertical scanning, and guidance on material categori- Waste materials often consist of contaminated             zation and packaging. Guidelines on the calibration of hydrogenous materials like paper wipes and plastics.           gamma ray waste assay are included in the LASL report, Water is often present, the amount varying.                     in ANSI Standard N15.20, "Guide to Calibrating Non- Different types of waste are often separately packaged for subsequent disposal. To achieve the desired search and accountability performance, waste which can be assayed using gamma ray methods should be pack-              *See Regulatory Guide 5.10, "Selection and Use of Pressure- Sensitive Seals on Containers for Onsitc Storage of Special aged separately from waste which should be assayed              Nuclear Material."
using neutron methods.                                            **See 10 CFR Part 70, §70.51.

To achieve the desired search and accountability performance, waste which can be assayed using gamma ray methods should be pack-aged separately from waste which should be assayed using neutron methods.3. Packaging and Sealing For effective control and accurate accounting of plutonium-contamiinated waste. waste should he pack-aged and sealed at the point where it is collected.

Typically, contaminated waste is generated in cleanup or maintenance operations.
destructive Assay Systems,"* and in a regulatory guide                of the gamma rays emitted during the radioactive decay in preparation, "Calibration and Error Estimation                    of plutonium-239. Therefore, it is also necessary to Methods for Nondestructive Assay."                                    verify or measure the abundance of the isotope Pu-239 relative to the total plutonium to account for the quantity
  4.2 Neutron Assay                                                    of materials by element, as required in 10 CFR Part 70.

It is collected and then trans-ferred to a point where it can be removed ("bagged-out") from a glovebox line. Waste is often packaged in cardboard cylindrical containers
Gamma ray spectrometry can be used to measure Neutrons are spontaneously emitted in the decay of            the relative abundances of the plutonium isotopes if plutonium when the even-even isotopes (plutonium-238,                they are unknown (ref. 1). When waste material is
("ice cream con-tainers")  
  240, and 242) decay by spontaneous fission. Neutrons                separated into single plutonium isotopic blends, gamma may also be emitted when alpha particles, emitted either              ray spectrometry can be used to verify a prior measure- in the decay of the plutonium isotopes or their daughter              ment of the isotopic abundances of the batch. Isotopic products, strike certain light nuclei. Neutron yield                  abundances can be verified by measuring the ratio of the information is given in Regulatory Guide 5.23, "In Situ              intensity of gamma rays from two or more plutonium Assay of Plutonium Residual Holdup." Large errors in                  isotopes during-waste assay (ref. I).
which are then individually heat-sealed in transparent polyethylene bags which prevent contami-nation after their transfer outside the glovebox en-closures.
  gross neutron assay can arise (1) when the isotopic composition changes, (2) when the concentration of high-yield (a, n) target materials changes, and (3) when              7.    Instrument Shielding large differences occur in the amount or distribution of neutron-moderating materials. In assay applications                        The amount of plutonium contained in typical requiring higher accuracy, spontaneous fission events are             packages of waste will he small, often less than ten detected by the coincident detection of two or more of                grams. It is necessary to provide enough shielding around the radiations emitted in that type of reaction.**                    the detectors to ensure that the detected radiations In the present application, high-density materials              come from the waste package, and not the process line.

It is recommended that pressure-sensitive seals*be applied on the next to the outermost heat-sealed plastic bag across each opening. Following assay and search, the package can be handled under item-control procedures.**
(i.e., materials having a gamma ray transmission of 1%or              To avoid this problem, a measurement area should be less at 414 keV) are examined by neutron assay.                      marked off to prevent inadvertent radiation background It is necessary to establish a threshold sensitivity for        problems caused by moving plutonium too close to the detecting plutonium present for all types of waste                   instruments.
Comparable procedures are necessary for waste materials that cannot be packaged in this manner.4. Assay and Search Measurements The penetrability of gamma rays through a waste container can be determined by measuring the response to an external source of gamma rays. That response is measured under two conditions-first with the waste container not located in the vicinity of the instrument and then with the container positioned between the gamma ray source and the detector.

The percent transmission
materials. Items for which the assay indicates less than a statistically significant quantity (i.e., the detection threshold) are assumed (for material balance accounting)            8.   Post-Assay Handling to contain no plutonium. Those items are not factored
(100 x container present/container absent)provides an indication of whether gamma ray assay is appropriate or whether neutron assay must be used. The percent transmission is also used to correct the gamma ray assay for internal attenuation, thereby improving the assay accuracy.4.1 Gamma Ray Assay The application of gamma ray spectrometry to plutonium assay is described in a report published by the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (ref. I). A bibliog-raphy of other relevant references is also provided in that report, together with a description of the necessary theory, instrumentation, and data analysis procedures.
' into the LEMUF calculation.                                                Small packages of waste may be combined in large When the waste consists of machine parts, pipes,                containers for offsite disposal. Each assayed sealed waste tools, etc. that have surface contamination, it may be              package is weighed and set aside until a sufficient necessary to disassemble or cut the item into small                number of packages are accumulated to fill a shipping pieces. Such items are cleaned by appropriate methods                container. A shipping container is then brought in, exam- (e.g., brushing, chipping, and acid leaching) to remove as          ined, and filled. After filling, it is immediately closed much plutonium as possible prior to disposal.                      and sealed and transferred from the material access area to an approved storage area to await further disposition.

The report also describes procedures to determine a gamma ray attenuation correction, container rotation and vertical scanning, and guidance on material categori-zation and packaging.
Accountability records are prepared by combining the
  5.    Homogeneous Waste Materials assay values of all the sealed packages loaded into each shipping container.

Guidelines on the calibration of gamma ray waste assay are included in the LASL report, in ANSI Standard N15.20, "Guide to Calibrating Non-*See Regulatory Guide 5.10, "Selection and Use of Pressure-Sensitive Seals on Containers for Onsitc Storage of Special Nuclear Material."**See 10 CFR Part 70, §70.51..47-2 destructive Assay Systems,"*
Waste materials consisting of relatively homoge- neous process residues can be searched using the procedures described above. However, more accurate
and in a regulatory guide in preparation, "Calibration and Error Estimation Methods for Nondestructive Assay." 4.2 Neutron Assay Neutrons are spontaneously emitted in the decay of plutonium when the even-even isotopes (plutonium-238, 240, and 242) decay by spontaneous fission. Neutrons may also be emitted when alpha particles, emitted either in the decay of the plutonium isotopes or their daughter products, strike certain light nuclei. Neutron yield information is given in Regulatory Guide 5.23, "In Situ Assay of Plutonium Residual Holdup." Large errors in gross neutron assay can arise (1) when the isotopic composition changes, (2) when the concentration of high-yield (a, n) target materials changes, and (3) when large differences occur in the amount or distribution of neutron-moderating materials.

In assay applications requiring higher accuracy, spontaneous fission events are detected by the coincident detection of two or more of the radiations emitted in that type of reaction.**
In the present application, high-density materials (i.e., materials having a gamma ray transmission of 1% or less at 414 keV) are examined by neutron assay.It is necessary to establish a threshold sensitivity for detecting plutonium present for all types of waste materials.
assays may be made of homogeneous waste materials by traditional sampling and chemical analysis, coupled with                  This guide describes procedures for the control and a determination of the bulk quantity present.

Items for which the assay indicates less than a statistically significant quantity (i.e., the detection threshold)
accountability of plutonium-contaminated waste. The procedures are acceptable to the NRC staff for materials
are assumed (for material balance accounting)
  6.    Abundance of Plutonium Isotopes                                protection purposes.
to contain no plutonium.

Those items are not factored' into the LEMUF calculation.
The assay for plutonium by gamma ray spectro- metry is based on observation of one or, at most, a few
                                                                        1.  Handling Procedures Plutonium-contaminated waste should be separated
  *Presently in development. Copies may be obtained from the into distinct categories, each of which should be Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, 505 King Avenue,          packaged separately. Criteria for separation should Columbus, Ohio, 43201. Attention: M. H. L. Toy.

When the waste consists of machine parts, pipes, tools, etc. that have surface contamination, it may be necessary to disassemble or cut the item into small pieces. Such items are cleaned by appropriate methods (e.g., brushing, chipping, and acid leaching)
**See Regulatory Guide 5.34, "Nondestructive Assay for Pluto-        include density and neutron-moderating considerations, nium in Scrap Material by Spontaneous Fission Detection."            in addition to health and safety criteria.
to remove as much plutonium as possible prior to disposal.5. Homogeneous Waste Materials Waste materials consisting of relatively homoge-neous process residues can be searched using the procedures described above. However, more accurate assays may be made of homogeneous waste materials by traditional sampling and chemical analysis, coupled with a determination of the bulk quantity present.6. Abundance of Plutonium Isotopes The assay for plutonium by gamma ray spectro-metry is based on observation of one or, at most, a few*Presently in development.

Copies may be obtained from the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, 505 King Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43201. Attention:
M. H. L. Toy.**See Regulatory Guide 5.34, "Nondestructive Assay for Pluto-nium in Scrap Material by Spontaneous Fission Detection." of the gamma rays emitted during the radioactive decay of plutonium-239.

Therefore, it is also necessary to verify or measure the abundance of the isotope Pu-239 relative to the total plutonium to account for the quantity of materials by element, as required in 10 CFR Part 70.Gamma ray spectrometry can be used to measure the relative abundances of the plutonium isotopes if they are unknown (ref. 1). When waste material is separated into single plutonium isotopic blends, gamma ray spectrometry can be used to verify a prior measure-ment of the isotopic abundances of the batch. Isotopic abundances can be verified by measuring the ratio of the intensity of gamma rays from two or more plutonium isotopes during-waste assay (ref. I).7. Instrument Shielding The amount of plutonium contained in typical packages of waste will he small, often less than ten grams. It is necessary to provide enough shielding around the detectors to ensure that the detected radiations come from the waste package, and not the process line.To avoid this problem, a measurement area should be marked off to prevent inadvertent radiation background problems caused by moving plutonium too close to the instruments.
2.   Containers and Packaging Procedures                          two plutonium isotopes. When the isotopic composition Waste should be packaged for in-plant handling in              cannot be verified, the package should be either sampled small-diameter containers wherever possible. The diam-             for mass/alpha spectrometric assay (ref. 2) or measured eter of the package should be less than 15 cm.* The                by gamma ray spectral analysis.

8. Post-Assay Handling Small packages of waste may be combined in large containers for offsite disposal.
same type and size of container should be used for all waste categories except special types of waste (e.g.,              4.2 Gamma Ray Assay Procedures solutions or large metal pieces). Large items should be disassembled or cut up to facilitate handling, assay, and                Gamma ray assay for plutonium in waste should be search procedures. Packages should be heat-sealed in                accomplished by applying gamma ray spectrometry to multiple transparent polyethylene bags to avoid contam-           each package of plutonium waste by procedures ination when they are removed from approved en-                    described in reference 1. Of the options discussed in closures. Contaminated tools, machine parts, or sections            reference 1, those described below are generally accept- of vessels or interconnecting plumbing should be                   able to the NRC staff.

Each assayed sealed waste package is weighed and set aside until a sufficient number of packages are accumulated to fill a shipping container.
thoroughly cleaned to remove as much plutonium as possible before they are packaged as waste.                              4.2.1 Detection System
  3. Sealing Procedures                                                    A high-resolution Ge(Li) gamma ray detection system should be used. The system should have, as a Pressure-sensitive seals** should be applied across            minimum, the performance specifications of a type I
  each heat-sealed closure in the next to the outermost              system as described in Regulatory Guide 5.9, "Specifi- transparent plastic bag. On each package having more                cations for Ge(Li) Spectroscopy Systems for Material
'than one heat-sealed closure, the identification number            Protection Measurements."
of each seal should be written on all other seals on that package. Each completed package should be weighed                         4.2.2 Collimation and Scanning Procedures individually and the weight recorded.

A shipping container is then brought in, exam-ined, and filled. After filling, it is immediately closed and sealed and transferred from the material access area to an approved storage area to await further disposition.
Each package should be rotated and scanned ver-
4.    Assay and Search Procedures                                    tically during assay. The detector should be collimated to view a vertical segment of the container measuring no Gamma ray assay procedures should be used when-                more than 2-3 cm high. The collimator should be ever the transmission through the entire package from an             designed to view the entire diameter or width dimension external source of 414-keV gamma rays is greater than                of the package during assa

Accountability records are prepared by combining the assay values of all the sealed packages loaded into each shipping container.
====y. The intensity of the====
  1%. Packages failing to meet this criterion should be              appropriate gamma rays should be measured indepen- assayed by neutron detection methods. Homogeneous                  dently for each vertical segment. The total package materials containing low concentrations of plutonium                contents should be determined by summing the con- may be assayed either by sampling and chemical analysis            tributions from all of the contiguous vertical segments.

or by the nondestructive assay procedures described below.                                                                  .4.2.3 Attenuation Corrections An acceptable upper limit on the plutonium content in each package should be established for each type of                   To measure attenuation corrections, an external waste. Packages indicating higher amounts should be                source of gamma rays (see ref. 1) should be positioned opened and examined for conspicuous attempts to                    directly in front of the detector collimator opening, such conceal plutonium. The appropriate NRC Regional                    that the gamma rays emitted by the source will travel Office should be notified immediately if a conspicuous              through the waste package before striking the detector.
POSITION This guide describes procedures for the control and accountability of plutonium-contaminated waste. The procedures are acceptable to the NRC staff for materials protection purposes.1. Handling Procedures Plutonium-contaminated waste should be separated into distinct categories, each of which should be packaged separately.

Criteria for separation should include density and neutron-moderating considerations, in addition to health and safety criteria.5.47-3
attempt to conceal plutonium is detected.                          The assay results for each segment of each package should be corrected for internal attenuation, based on
2. Containers and Packaging Procedures Waste should be packaged for in-plant handling in small-diameter containers wherever possible.
4.1 Isotopic Analysis                                              the measured transmission of the external source gamma rays through that segment. When the transmission at 414 The isotopic composition of each container of waste          keV through any segment is less than 1%, that package should be traceable to a measured value. A previously              must be searched using the neutron assay procedures measured value can be used when verified by measuring              described below.

The diam-eter of the package should be less than 15 cm.* The same type and size of container should be used for all waste categories except special types of waste (e.g., solutions or large metal pieces). Large items should be disassembled or cut up to facilitate handling, assay, and search procedures.
the ratio of the intensity of gamma rays from at least
                                                                    4.3 Neutron Assay Procedures Each waste package that fails to meet the criteria
*See Regulatory Guide 5.11. "Nondestructive Assay of Special        for gamma ray assay should be examined using neutron Nuclear Material Contained in Scrap and Waste," for further guidance on this matter.

Packages should be heat-sealed in multiple transparent polyethylene bags to avoid contam-ination when they are removed from approved en-closures.
assay procedures. Regulatory Guide 5.34, "Nondestruc-
**See Regulatory Guide 5.10, "Selection and Use of Pressure-.        tive Assay for Plutonium in Scrap Material by Sponta- Sensitive Seals on Containers for Onsite Storage of Special          neous Fission Detection," describes procedures that are Nuclear Material."                                                  also applicable to high-density wast

Contaminated tools, machine parts, or sections of vessels or interconnecting plumbing should be thoroughly cleaned to remove as much plutonium as possible before they are packaged as waste.3. Sealing Procedures Pressure-sensitive seals** should be applied across each heat-sealed closure in the next to the outermost transparent plastic bag. On each package having more' than one heat-sealed closure, the identification number of each seal should be written on all other seals on that package. Each completed package should be weighed individually and the weight recorded.4. Assay and Search Procedures Gamma ray assay procedures should be used when-ever the transmission through the entire package from an external source of 414-keV gamma rays is greater than 1%. Packages failing to meet this criterion should be assayed by neutron detection methods. Homogeneous materials containing low concentrations of plutonium may be assayed either by sampling and chemical analysis or by the nondestructive assay procedures described below.An acceptable upper limit on the plutonium content in each package should be established for each type of waste. Packages indicating higher amounts should be opened and examined for conspicuous attempts to conceal plutonium.
====e. Simple neutron====

The appropriate NRC Regional Office should be notified immediately if a conspicuous attempt to conceal plutonium is detected.4.1 Isotopic Analysis The isotopic composition of each container of waste should be traceable to a measured value. A previously measured value can be used when verified by measuring the ratio of the intensity of gamma rays from at least*See Regulatory Guide 5.11. "Nondestructive Assay of Special Nuclear Material Contained in Scrap and Waste," for further guidance on this matter.**See Regulatory Guide 5.10, "Selection and Use of Pressure-.
detection probes may also be applicable.                         container. Care should be exercised to ensure that the containers are not ruptured during loading.
Sensitive Seals on Containers for Onsite Storage of Special Nuclear Material." two plutonium isotopes.

When the isotopic composition cannot be verified, the package should be either sampled for mass/alpha spectrometric assay (ref. 2) or measured by gamma ray spectral analysis.4.2 Gamma Ray Assay Procedures Gamma ray assay for plutonium in waste should be accomplished by applying gamma ray spectrometry to each package of plutonium waste by procedures described in reference
4.4 Calibration and Error Estimation Procedures Assay systems should be calibrated and errors                    When the shipping container is filled, it should be determined as described in the publications mentioned            closed and sealed immediately with tamper-indicating below. Guidance related to calibration is described in the       seal(s), each of which bears an identification code (see LASL report (ref. I!. Frror estimation procedures for            Regulatory Guide 5.15, "Security Seals for the Pro- the separate calculation of random and systematic errors          tection and Control of Special Nuclear Material"). The associated with the assay are described in a regulatory          identification code(s) of the seal(s) used on each guide being prepared, "Calibration and Error Estimation          shipping container should be recorded on the container Procedures for Nondestructive Assay." Additional dis-            make-up sheet. The sealed shipping container should be cussion of these topics as they specifically relate to            promptly transferred from the material access area to an plutonium waste assay is given in the LASL report [ref.           approved onsite storage facility, awaiting offsite
1. Of the options discussed in reference
      1, Section II, items (a) through (e)].                           shipment.
1, those described below are generally accept-able to the NRC staff.4.2.1 Detection System A high-resolution Ge(Li) gamma ray detection system should be used. The system should have, as a minimum, the performance specifications of a type I system as described in Regulatory Guide 5.9, "Specifi-cations for Ge(Li) Spectroscopy Systems for Material Protection Measurements." 4.2.2 Collimation and Scanning Procedures Each package should be rotated and scanned ver-tically during assay. The detector should be collimated to view a vertical segment of the container measuring no more than 2-3 cm high. The collimator should be designed to view the entire diameter or width dimension of the package during assay. The intensity of the appropriate gamma rays should be measured indepen-dently for each vertical segment. The total package contents should be determined by summing the con-tributions from all of the contiguous vertical segments..4.2.3 Attenuation Corrections To measure attenuation corrections, an external source of gamma rays (see ref. 1) should be positioned directly in front of the detector collimator opening, such that the gamma rays emitted by the source will travel through the waste package before striking the detector.The assay results for each segment of each package should be corrected for internal attenuation, based on the measured transmission of the external source gamma rays through that segment. When the transmission at 414 keV through any segment is less than 1%, that package must be searched using the neutron assay procedures described below.4.3 Neutron Assay Procedures Each waste package that fails to meet the criteria for gamma ray assay should be examined using neutron assay procedures.

Regulatory Guide 5.34, "Nondestruc- tive Assay for Plutonium in Scrap Material by Sponta-neous Fission Detection," describes procedures that are also applicable to high-density waste. Simple neutron 5.47-4 detection probes may also be applicable.
5.   Post-Assay Handling                                          5.4 Preshipment Verification of Contents
      5.1 Interim Storage                                                      A copy of each shipping container make-up sheet should be maintained in the nuclear material control Waste packages should be stored until a sufficient          files. Immediately prior to shipment, each shipping quantity is accumulated to fill a shipping container.            container should be weighed and the weight recorded on the make-up sheet. The integrity and identification of all
      5.2 Shipping Container Manifest                                  seals used to seal the shipping container should be checked. The gross weight of each shipping container A make-up sheet for each shipping container should          should be compared with the combined weights of the be prepared. The sheet should list information for each          empty shipping container and the waste packages that waste package container, including the identifying code          have been loaded into that container. When the weights of the pressure-sensitive seals, the gross package weight,        do not match or when the seals are not intact or are not and the assayed plutonium content. The sheet should              properly identified, the shipping container should be identify the types of waste. It should also note if the          quarantined, opened, and its contents examined.

4.4 Calibration and Error Estimation Procedures Assay systems should be calibrated and errors determined as described in the publications mentioned below. Guidance related to calibration is described in the LASL report (ref. I!. Frror estimation procedures for the separate calculation of random and systematic errors associated with the assay are described in a regulatory guide being prepared, "Calibration and Error Estimation Procedures for Nondestructive Assay." Additional dis-cussion of these topics as they specifically relate to plutonium waste assay is given in the LASL report [ref.1, Section II, items (a) through (e)].5. Post-Assay Handling 5.1 Interim Storage Waste packages should be stored until a sufficient quantity is accumulated to fill a shipping container.
-.. < assay values for concealed plutonium were obtained by sampling and analysis (homogeneous waste only) com-                                

5.2 Shipping Container Manifest A make-up sheet for each shipping container should be prepared.
bined with a neutron search, or by gamma ray assay or neutron assay. The sheet should identify the shipping                   The purpose of this section is to provide infor- container and its empty weight, including the weights of          mation to applicants and licensees regarding the NRC
      all items to be used for closing and sealing.                    staff's plans for utilizing this regulatory guide.

The sheet should list information for each waste package container, including the identifying code of the pressure-sensitive seals, the gross package weight, and the assayed plutonium content. The sheet should identify the types of waste. It should also note if the-..< assay values for concealed plutonium were obtained by sampling and analysis (homogeneous waste only) com-bined with a neutron search, or by gamma ray assay or neutron assay. The sheet should identify the shipping container and its empty weight, including the weights of all items to be used for closing and sealing.5.3 Shipping Container Loading and Tamper-Safing Procedures Immediately prior to the loading of a shipping container, the shipping container should be emptied of all contents and visually examined for integrity and unusual characteristics.
Except in those cases in which the applicant
      5.3 Shipping Container       Loading and     Tamper-Safing       proposes an alternative method for complying with Procedures                                                 specified portions of the Commission's regulations, the method described herein will be used in the evaluation Immediately prior to the loading of a shipping             of submittals in connection with a special nuclear container, the shipping container should be emptied of           material license, operating license, or construction all contents and visually examined for integrity and             permit for applications docketed after October 1, 1975.

A minimum of two operators should perform the loading and sign the make-up sheet.Each container should be continuously observed from the time loading is started until the container is closed and sealed. Each package should be checked for seal and closure integrity as it is loaded into the shipping container.
unusual characteristics. A minimum of two operators                     If an applicant whose application for a special should perform the loading and sign the make-up sheet.           nuclear material license, an operating license, or a Each container should be continuously observed from               construction permit is docketed on or before October 1, the time loading is started until the container is closed         1975, wishes to use this regulatory guide in developing and sealed. Each package should be checked for seal and           submittals for applications, the pertinent portions of the closure integrity as it is loaded into the shipping               application will be evaluated on the basis of this guide.

Care should be exercised to ensure that the containers are not ruptured during loading.When the shipping container is filled, it should be closed and sealed immediately with tamper-indicating seal(s), each of which bears an identification code (see Regulatory Guide 5.15, "Security Seals for the Pro-tection and Control of Special Nuclear Material").  
The identification code(s) of the seal(s) used on each shipping container should be recorded on the container make-up sheet. The sealed shipping container should be promptly transferred from the material access area to an approved onsite storage facility, awaiting offsite shipment.5.4 Preshipment Verification of Contents A copy of each shipping container make-up sheet should be maintained in the nuclear material control files. Immediately prior to shipment, each shipping container should be weighed and the weight recorded on the make-up sheet. The integrity and identification of all seals used to seal the shipping container should be checked. The gross weight of each shipping container should be compared with the combined weights of the empty shipping container and the waste packages that have been loaded into that container.
      1.  T.D. Reilly and J.L. Parker, "A Guide to Gamma              2.   See, for example, R. G. Gutmacher, F. Stephens, K.

When the weights do not match or when the seals are not intact or are not properly identified, the shipping container should be quarantined, opened, and its contents examined.
Ray Assay for Nuclear Material Accountability,"                  Ernst, J.E. Harrar, J. Magistad, T.E. Shea, and S.P.

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-5794-                 Turel, "Methods for the Accountability of Pluto- MS (1974).                                                        nium Nitrate Solutions," WASH- 1282 (1974).
The purpose of this section is to provide infor-mation to applicants and licensees regarding the NRC staff's plans for utilizing this regulatory guide.Except in those cases in which the applicant proposes an alternative method for complying with specified portions of the Commission's regulations, the method described herein will be used in the evaluation of submittals in connection with a special nuclear material license, operating license, or construction permit for applications docketed after October 1, 1975.If an applicant whose application for a special nuclear material license, an operating license, or a construction permit is docketed on or before October 1, 1975, wishes to use this regulatory guide in developing submittals for applications, the pertinent portions of the application will be evaluated on the basis of this guid

====e. REFERENCES====
1. T.D. Reilly and J.L. Parker, "A Guide to Gamma Ray Assay for Nuclear Material Accountability," Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-5794-MS (1974).2. See, for example, R. G. Gutmacher, F. Stephens, K.Ernst, J.E. Harrar, J. Magistad, T.E. Shea, and S.P.Turel, "Methods for the Accountability of Pluto-nium Nitrate Solutions," WASH- 1282 (1974).5.47-5 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY  
                                  UNITED STATES NUCLEAR


Latest revision as of 22:23, 4 November 2019

Control and Accountability of Plutonium in Waste Material
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/28/1975
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Download: ML13064A078 (6)





guide describes procedures for complying with assay requirements related to plutonium-contaminated waste Section 73.60, "Additional Requirements for the given in paragraph 70.5 l(e)(4)(i).

Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material at Fixed Sites," of 10 CFR Part 73, "Physical Protection of


Plants and Materials," requires that certain licensees A variety of materials become contaminated during search each package leaving a material access area* for the processing of plutonium. To be economically re- concealed special nuclear material to prevent plutonium coverable, the contaminated material must contain from being removed from the licensee's control. Physical enough plutonium to offset the scrap recovery costs.

search procedures or equipment capable of detecting Materials containing very small quantities of plutonium, concealed plutonium may be used. Nondestructive or process materials from which the plutonium cannot search techniques such as gamma ray spectrometry and be economically separated, are often considered as neutron assay are recommended when used with a process waste. Provisions relating to the disposition of tamper-safing system to ensure that no concealed such materials are contained in 10 CFR Part 20.

plutonium is removed from 'a material access area in As noted in the introduction, the materials protec- waste containers.

tion interest in such materials is twofold. First, to Section 70.51, "Material Balance, Inventory, and prevent significant quantities of plutonium from being Records Requirements," of 10 CFR Part 70, "Special concealed in containers, which would permit plutonium Nuclear Material," requires certain licensees to conduct to be removed from the licensee's control. Second, to physical inventories at bimonthly intervals. On the basis include in the measured material balance, all plutonium

"*'* of each bimonthly inventory, those licensees are re- contained in waste. The same measurement systems and quired to calculate a material balance, including the operations are able to search packages for substantial material unaccounted for (MUF) and its associated limit quantities of concealed plutonium and to assay contam- of error (LEMUF). Discards of contaminated waste must inated waste for plutonium content. Thus, both of these be included in the material balance. Section 70.51 considerations are addressed in this guide.

further states that the LEMUF must not exceed speci- fied limits. With proper controls, nondestructive assay

1. Container Selection (NDA) techniques may be applied to the assay of plu-tonium-contaminated waste material.

Plutonium-contaminated waste is typically packaged This guide describes procedures which are accept- in 55-gallon drums for storage or shipment. It is often able to the NRC staff for the control and accountability packaged in small primary containers (typically 4-6 liters of plutonium-contaminated waste. Specifically, this capacity) first and then combined in large containers to guide describes procedures for complying with paragraph reduce the waste-handling problem.

73.60(b) for searching plutonium-contaminated waste It is desirable to search and assay the waste in small packages for concealed plutonium. In addition, this containers rather than in large containers for the following reasons:

`" 'Material access area'," as defined in 10 CFR Part 73,

§73.2, "means any location which contains special nuclear 1. High concentrations of plutonium in waste material material, within a vault or a building, the roof, walls, and floor can be identified more easily when small containers are of which each constitute a physical barrier." assayed. The plutonium can then be recovered rather USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES Copies of published guides may be obtained by request indicating the divisions desired to the U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington. D.C. 20555 Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the public Attention: Director of Standards Development Comments and suggestions for methods acceptable to the NRC staff of implementing specific parts of the improvements in these guides are erncouraged and should be sent to the Commissions regulatio.s, to delineate techniques used by the staff in Secretary of the Commission, U S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to VWashington. DC. 20555. Attention: Docketing and Service Section.

upplicants. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliance

- ith them is not required. Methods and solutions different from those set out in The guides are issued itn the following ten broad divisions ie guides will be acceptable if rhey provide a basis for the findings requisite to the issuance or continuance of a pernit or license by the Commission. I Power Reactors 6 Products

2. Research and Test Reactors 7 Transooration

3 Fuels and Materials Facilities 8 Occupational Health Published guides will be revised periodically, as appropriate, to accommodate 4 Environmental and Siting 9 Antitrust Reiew comments and to reflect new information or experience, 5 Materials and Plant Proxectio,, 10 General

than discarded, thus reducing the waste disposal 3. Packaging and Sealing problem.

2. The use of small containers would improve the assay For effective control and accurate accounting of accuracy and thus lower the contribution of waste to the plutonium-contamiinated waste. waste should he pack- MUF and LEMUF.

aged and sealed at the point where it is collected.

3. Assaying small containers of waste, each from a Typically, contaminated waste is generated in cleanup or localized area, simplifies the calculation of individual maintenance operations. It is collected and then trans- area material balances (see Regulatory Guide 5.26, ferred to a point where it can be removed ("bagged-

"Selection of Material Balance Areas and Item Control out") from a glovebox line. Waste is often packaged in Areas"). cardboard cylindrical containers ("ice cream con-

4. Use of small containers facilitates the comparative tainers") which are then individually heat-sealed in assay procedures which are recommended to generate transparent polyethylene bags which prevent contami- current estimates of the systematic assay error. Fabri- nation after their transfer outside the glovebox en- cating calibration standards and testing the performance closures. It is recommended that pressure-sensitive seals*

of the instruments is made easy by assaying small be applied on the next to the outermost heat-sealed containers. plastic bag across each openin

g. Following assay and

5. It is more difficult to conceal material in small search, the package can be handled under item-control containers than in large containers. Therefore, assay of procedures.** Comparable procedures are necessary for the small containers, combined with an effective waste materials that cannot be packaged in this manner.

tamper-safing program, would enhance the ability to ensure that waste packages are not used to conceal plutonium to remove it from the site.

4. Assay and Search Measurements Since the same volume of waste can be packaged in long, narrow-diameter cylindrical containers as in short, The penetrability of gamma rays through a waste wide-diameter containers, narrow-diameter containers container can be determined by measuring the response should be preferred because they can be assayed more to an external source of gamma rays. That response is accurately than wide-diameter ones (as discussed in measured under two conditions-first with the waste Regulatory Guide 5.11, "Nondestructive Assay of container not located in the vicinity of the instrument Special Nuclear Material Contained in Scrap and and then with the container positioned between the Waste"). gamma ray source and the detector. The percent The size of the small containers and the material transmission (100 x container present/container absent)

from which they are constructed are important factors. provides an indication of whether gamma ray assay is From the materials protection viewpoint, the most appropriate or whether neutron assay must be used. The important factor in selecting and packaging the primary percent transmission is also used to correct the gamma containers is the requirement that enough of the ray assay for internal attenuation, thereby improving the radiations emitted throughout each container must be assay accuracy.

detected to ensure that there are no blind spots. Such blind spots may conceal plutonium and would introduce large biases into the assay.

4.1 Gamma Ray Assay

2. Segregation of Waste Materials The application of gamma ray spectrometry to plutonium assay is described in a report published by the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (ref. I). A bibliog- Plutonium spontaneously emits gamma rays and raphy of other relevant references is also provided in that neutrons. Gamma rays are highly attenuated by heavy report, together with a description of the necessary elements or densely compacted light elements. Neutrons, theory, instrumentation, and data analysis procedures.

on the other hand, penetrate quite well through most The report also describes procedures to determine a heavy elements but are strongly attenuated by light gamma ray attenuation correction, container rotation clements. and vertical scanning, and guidance on material categori- Waste materials often consist of contaminated zation and packaging. Guidelines on the calibration of hydrogenous materials like paper wipes and plastics. gamma ray waste assay are included in the LASL report, Water is often present, the amount varying. in ANSI Standard N15.20, "Guide to Calibrating Non- Different types of waste are often separately packaged for subsequent disposal. To achieve the desired search and accountability performance, waste which can be assayed using gamma ray methods should be pack- *See Regulatory Guide 5.10, "Selection and Use of Pressure- Sensitive Seals on Containers for Onsitc Storage of Special aged separately from waste which should be assayed Nuclear Material."

using neutron methods. **See 10 CFR Part 70, §70.51.


destructive Assay Systems,"* and in a regulatory guide of the gamma rays emitted during the radioactive decay in preparation, "Calibration and Error Estimation of plutonium-239. Therefore, it is also necessary to Methods for Nondestructive Assay." verify or measure the abundance of the isotope Pu-239 relative to the total plutonium to account for the quantity

4.2 Neutron Assay of materials by element, as required in 10 CFR Part 70.

Gamma ray spectrometry can be used to measure Neutrons are spontaneously emitted in the decay of the relative abundances of the plutonium isotopes if plutonium when the even-even isotopes (plutonium-238, they are unknown (ref. 1). When waste material is

240, and 242) decay by spontaneous fission. Neutrons separated into single plutonium isotopic blends, gamma may also be emitted when alpha particles, emitted either ray spectrometry can be used to verify a prior measure- in the decay of the plutonium isotopes or their daughter ment of the isotopic abundances of the batch. Isotopic products, strike certain light nuclei. Neutron yield abundances can be verified by measuring the ratio of the information is given in Regulatory Guide 5.23, "In Situ intensity of gamma rays from two or more plutonium Assay of Plutonium Residual Holdup." Large errors in isotopes during-waste assay (ref. I).

gross neutron assay can arise (1) when the isotopic composition changes, (2) when the concentration of high-yield (a, n) target materials changes, and (3) when 7. Instrument Shielding large differences occur in the amount or distribution of neutron-moderating materials. In assay applications The amount of plutonium contained in typical requiring higher accuracy, spontaneous fission events are packages of waste will he small, often less than ten detected by the coincident detection of two or more of grams. It is necessary to provide enough shielding around the radiations emitted in that type of reaction.** the detectors to ensure that the detected radiations In the present application, high-density materials come from the waste package, and not the process line.

(i.e., materials having a gamma ray transmission of 1%or To avoid this problem, a measurement area should be less at 414 keV) are examined by neutron assay. marked off to prevent inadvertent radiation background It is necessary to establish a threshold sensitivity for problems caused by moving plutonium too close to the detecting plutonium present for all types of waste instruments.

materials. Items for which the assay indicates less than a statistically significant quantity (i.e., the detection threshold) are assumed (for material balance accounting) 8. Post-Assay Handling to contain no plutonium. Those items are not factored

' into the LEMUF calculation. Small packages of waste may be combined in large When the waste consists of machine parts, pipes, containers for offsite disposal. Each assayed sealed waste tools, etc. that have surface contamination, it may be package is weighed and set aside until a sufficient necessary to disassemble or cut the item into small number of packages are accumulated to fill a shipping pieces. Such items are cleaned by appropriate methods container. A shipping container is then brought in, exam- (e.g., brushing, chipping, and acid leaching) to remove as ined, and filled. After filling, it is immediately closed much plutonium as possible prior to disposal. and sealed and transferred from the material access area to an approved storage area to await further disposition.

Accountability records are prepared by combining the

5. Homogeneous Waste Materials assay values of all the sealed packages loaded into each shipping container.

Waste materials consisting of relatively homoge- neous process residues can be searched using the procedures described above. However, more accurate


assays may be made of homogeneous waste materials by traditional sampling and chemical analysis, coupled with This guide describes procedures for the control and a determination of the bulk quantity present.

accountability of plutonium-contaminated waste. The procedures are acceptable to the NRC staff for materials

6. Abundance of Plutonium Isotopes protection purposes.

The assay for plutonium by gamma ray spectro- metry is based on observation of one or, at most, a few

1. Handling Procedures Plutonium-contaminated waste should be separated

  • Presently in development. Copies may be obtained from the into distinct categories, each of which should be Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, 505 King Avenue, packaged separately. Criteria for separation should Columbus, Ohio, 43201. Attention: M. H. L. Toy.
    • See Regulatory Guide 5.34, "Nondestructive Assay for Pluto- include density and neutron-moderating considerations, nium in Scrap Material by Spontaneous Fission Detection." in addition to health and safety criteria.


2. Containers and Packaging Procedures two plutonium isotopes. When the isotopic composition Waste should be packaged for in-plant handling in cannot be verified, the package should be either sampled small-diameter containers wherever possible. The diam- for mass/alpha spectrometric assay (ref. 2) or measured eter of the package should be less than 15 cm.* The by gamma ray spectral analysis.

same type and size of container should be used for all waste categories except special types of waste (e.g., 4.2 Gamma Ray Assay Procedures solutions or large metal pieces). Large items should be disassembled or cut up to facilitate handling, assay, and Gamma ray assay for plutonium in waste should be search procedures. Packages should be heat-sealed in accomplished by applying gamma ray spectrometry to multiple transparent polyethylene bags to avoid contam- each package of plutonium waste by procedures ination when they are removed from approved en- described in reference 1. Of the options discussed in closures. Contaminated tools, machine parts, or sections reference 1, those described below are generally accept- of vessels or interconnecting plumbing should be able to the NRC staff.

thoroughly cleaned to remove as much plutonium as possible before they are packaged as waste. 4.2.1 Detection System

3. Sealing Procedures A high-resolution Ge(Li) gamma ray detection system should be used. The system should have, as a Pressure-sensitive seals** should be applied across minimum, the performance specifications of a type I

each heat-sealed closure in the next to the outermost system as described in Regulatory Guide 5.9, "Specifi- transparent plastic bag. On each package having more cations for Ge(Li) Spectroscopy Systems for Material

'than one heat-sealed closure, the identification number Protection Measurements."

of each seal should be written on all other seals on that package. Each completed package should be weighed 4.2.2 Collimation and Scanning Procedures individually and the weight recorded.

Each package should be rotated and scanned ver-

4. Assay and Search Procedures tically during assay. The detector should be collimated to view a vertical segment of the container measuring no Gamma ray assay procedures should be used when- more than 2-3 cm high. The collimator should be ever the transmission through the entire package from an designed to view the entire diameter or width dimension external source of 414-keV gamma rays is greater than of the package during assa

y. The intensity of the

1%. Packages failing to meet this criterion should be appropriate gamma rays should be measured indepen- assayed by neutron detection methods. Homogeneous dently for each vertical segment. The total package materials containing low concentrations of plutonium contents should be determined by summing the con- may be assayed either by sampling and chemical analysis tributions from all of the contiguous vertical segments.

or by the nondestructive assay procedures described below. .4.2.3 Attenuation Corrections An acceptable upper limit on the plutonium content in each package should be established for each type of To measure attenuation corrections, an external waste. Packages indicating higher amounts should be source of gamma rays (see ref. 1) should be positioned opened and examined for conspicuous attempts to directly in front of the detector collimator opening, such conceal plutonium. The appropriate NRC Regional that the gamma rays emitted by the source will travel Office should be notified immediately if a conspicuous through the waste package before striking the detector.

attempt to conceal plutonium is detected. The assay results for each segment of each package should be corrected for internal attenuation, based on

4.1 Isotopic Analysis the measured transmission of the external source gamma rays through that segment. When the transmission at 414 The isotopic composition of each container of waste keV through any segment is less than 1%, that package should be traceable to a measured value. A previously must be searched using the neutron assay procedures measured value can be used when verified by measuring described below.

the ratio of the intensity of gamma rays from at least

4.3 Neutron Assay Procedures Each waste package that fails to meet the criteria

  • See Regulatory Guide 5.11. "Nondestructive Assay of Special for gamma ray assay should be examined using neutron Nuclear Material Contained in Scrap and Waste," for further guidance on this matter.

assay procedures. Regulatory Guide 5.34, "Nondestruc-

    • See Regulatory Guide 5.10, "Selection and Use of Pressure-. tive Assay for Plutonium in Scrap Material by Sponta- Sensitive Seals on Containers for Onsite Storage of Special neous Fission Detection," describes procedures that are Nuclear Material." also applicable to high-density wast

e. Simple neutron


detection probes may also be applicable. container. Care should be exercised to ensure that the containers are not ruptured during loading.

4.4 Calibration and Error Estimation Procedures Assay systems should be calibrated and errors When the shipping container is filled, it should be determined as described in the publications mentioned closed and sealed immediately with tamper-indicating below. Guidance related to calibration is described in the seal(s), each of which bears an identification code (see LASL report (ref. I!. Frror estimation procedures for Regulatory Guide 5.15, "Security Seals for the Pro- the separate calculation of random and systematic errors tection and Control of Special Nuclear Material"). The associated with the assay are described in a regulatory identification code(s) of the seal(s) used on each guide being prepared, "Calibration and Error Estimation shipping container should be recorded on the container Procedures for Nondestructive Assay." Additional dis- make-up sheet. The sealed shipping container should be cussion of these topics as they specifically relate to promptly transferred from the material access area to an plutonium waste assay is given in the LASL report [ref. approved onsite storage facility, awaiting offsite

1,Section II, items (a) through (e)]. shipment.

5. Post-Assay Handling 5.4 Preshipment Verification of Contents

5.1 Interim Storage A copy of each shipping container make-up sheet should be maintained in the nuclear material control Waste packages should be stored until a sufficient files. Immediately prior to shipment, each shipping quantity is accumulated to fill a shipping container. container should be weighed and the weight recorded on the make-up sheet. The integrity and identification of all

5.2 Shipping Container Manifest seals used to seal the shipping container should be checked. The gross weight of each shipping container A make-up sheet for each shipping container should should be compared with the combined weights of the be prepared. The sheet should list information for each empty shipping container and the waste packages that waste package container, including the identifying code have been loaded into that container. When the weights of the pressure-sensitive seals, the gross package weight, do not match or when the seals are not intact or are not and the assayed plutonium content. The sheet should properly identified, the shipping container should be identify the types of waste. It should also note if the quarantined, opened, and its contents examined.

-.. < assay values for concealed plutonium were obtained by sampling and analysis (homogeneous waste only) com-


bined with a neutron search, or by gamma ray assay or neutron assay. The sheet should identify the shipping The purpose of this section is to provide infor- container and its empty weight, including the weights of mation to applicants and licensees regarding the NRC

all items to be used for closing and sealing. staff's plans for utilizing this regulatory guide.

Except in those cases in which the applicant

5.3 Shipping Container Loading and Tamper-Safing proposes an alternative method for complying with Procedures specified portions of the Commission's regulations, the method described herein will be used in the evaluation Immediately prior to the loading of a shipping of submittals in connection with a special nuclear container, the shipping container should be emptied of material license, operating license, or construction all contents and visually examined for integrity and permit for applications docketed after October 1, 1975.

unusual characteristics. A minimum of two operators If an applicant whose application for a special should perform the loading and sign the make-up sheet. nuclear material license, an operating license, or a Each container should be continuously observed from construction permit is docketed on or before October 1, the time loading is started until the container is closed 1975, wishes to use this regulatory guide in developing and sealed. Each package should be checked for seal and submittals for applications, the pertinent portions of the closure integrity as it is loaded into the shipping application will be evaluated on the basis of this guide.


1. T.D. Reilly and J.L. Parker, "A Guide to Gamma 2. See, for example, R. G. Gutmacher, F. Stephens, K.

Ray Assay for Nuclear Material Accountability," Ernst, J.E. Harrar, J. Magistad, T.E. Shea, and S.P.

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-5794- Turel, "Methods for the Accountability of Pluto- MS (1974). nium Nitrate Solutions," WASH- 1282 (1974).
