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{{#Wiki_filter:" r-i) US NR C t ._ FFD Program Performance Data Reporting System 'll *
{{#Wiki_filter:r-i) US NRC
* NRC Form 891, Annual Reporting Form for Drug and Alcohol Tests t ln1ttd Statt~ R1:gul.ttory C)tllfnl"l,U1  
          'llStatt~ t ln1ttd
*11 Protecti11g People and tile Eill'iTOllm;;;,, (E IE General Subm,ss,on Portal) APPROVED BY 0MB: CLEARANCE NO. 3150-0146 EX PI RES: 11/30/2017 Estimated burden per response to comply with this collection request is 114 hours. Th is form is a volu n tary means of reporting the info r mation required under 10 CFR 26.717. The information is required by NRC to obtain on an annual basis site specific fitness-for-duly (FFD) program performance data on drug and alcohol programs from licensees and othe r entities.
* R1:gul.ttory
Send comments regarding burden estimate to the F OIA. Privacy and Information Collection Branch (T5-F53), U.S. Nu c l ear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-0001 , or by e-mail to and to the Desk Officer , Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs , NEOB-1020 , (3150--0146), Office of Management and Budget, Washington DC 20503. If a means u sed to impose i nf or mati on collection does not display a cu rren tly valid 0MB control numbe r , the NRC may not conduct o r sponso r , and a person is n ot required to respond to , the in fo r mation collectio n. 1) All fields r equi r ed unless marked 'optio n a l' 2) Use of Adobe Reader 8 or later is require d 3) Mouse over fields for ad ditiona l infom,a tion D Submiss i o n Update Se l ect F ac ility Period o f Report jwolf C r eek [5 0--482] I I 20 17 I Tests Conducted in the Calendar Year Tota l Number of T ests Conducted Reaso n For Testing L ice n see Emp l o y ees C o n t r acto r s N endors Tota l N umber of P os i tive , A d ul terated , S ub st i t u ted , a n d Ref u sal to Tes t R esults Pre-Access I 82 Random I 541 For Ca u se 2 Post-Event 7 Followup 22 I Tota l (Ca l culated) 65 4 I FFD Program Random Test ing Population and R at e Average number of licensee emp l oyees Average number of co nt ractors/vendors 1 9971 1 1 921 L ab oratory Testing Does your prog r am u se a I I Licensee Testing Facility?
* C)tllfnl"l,U1 *11 Protecti11g People and tile Eill'iTOllm;;;,,
No (Yes/N o) ~-------~-I I 220 80 1 2 8 311 Tota l size o f the random t esting poo l throughout the period (Calculated) 1 1.1891 0 0 0 0 A nnua l random testing percentage achieved for the t est ing pool I 52.2 I HHS--Certified Labo r atory (Primary)
C l ini ca l Reference Laboratory
{Lenexa. KS) I HH S-Cert ifi e d Laboratory (Back up) !Quest Laboratory (Lenexa, KS) Id entify your B lind Perfomnance Test Sample su ppl i e r (s) !Pro f ess i o n al Tox i co l ogy Serv i ces, Lenexa , KS. ~---------------------------------~
FFD Program Performance Data Reporting System NRC Form 891, Annual Reporting Form for Drug and Alcohol Tests (EIE General Subm,ss,on Portal)
Substances Tested Did your pr ogram o n l y_ test ro_r NRG-required subs t a n ces !Yes I Alli)_ at the NRG-s pec i fied minimum cutoff levels? (Yes/ No) ~------~ Sp ecia l Analy ses T es ting R es ults Tota l Number of "Di l ute" I I Specimen Tes t Results (Optiona l) ~---~ Does your program conduct L OD testing I I pe rmitt ed in 26.1 63(a)(2)? (Yes/ No)Yes ~------~ Total Numb er of " Di lut e" S p ec im e n s I O I (Spec i a l Ana l yses Testing Conducted)  
APPROVED BY 0MB: CLEARANCE NO. 3150-0146                                                                                                                                 EXPI RES : 11/30/2017 Estimated burden per response to comply with this collection request is 114 hours. This form is a voluntary means of reporting the information required under 10 CFR 26.717. The information is required by NRC to obtain on an annual basis site specific fitness-for-duly (FFD) program performance data on drug and alcohol programs from licensees and other entities. Send comments regarding burden estimate to the FOIA. Privacy and Information Collection Branch (T5-F53), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-0001 , or by e-mail to ~
~----~-S u bstance U se NRC Init i a l Cutoff Confir m a t ory L i m i t o f Detection Co mm ent Cutoffs? C u toff (LOD) Testing? (Op ti onal) A l coho l Ives I Not A ppli cab l e I Coca in e Ives Ives I Mari j uana Ives Ives I Amp h eta min es Ives Ives I Opiates Ives Ives I PCP I ves Ives I Annual Report Form (version 1.7.0 -December 2016) -Page 1 of 2 -NRC Form 891 (12/20 14)
~ and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-1020, (3150--0146), Office of Management and Budget, Washington DC 20503. If a means used to impose information collection does not display a currently valid 0MB control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.
Substances T est e d -continu ed Summary o f Management Actions -26.717(b)(8)
: 1) All fields required unless marked 'optio nal'
Summarize actions imp l emented to improv e FFD program performance.
: 2) Use of Adobe Reader 8 or later is required D Submission Update
As app l i c ab l e , r efe r e n ce i n th e t o pic descripti o n audit report s, 30-day r e port s, and/or co rr ec tiv e action repo rt s. I f r e p o rting i nf o rm a ti o n o n mor e than th r ee t opics. se l ec t "O t h ers" for Topic 3 to r e port any additiona l t o pi cs. Topi c 1 Topi c 1 D esc ription I Tra i ning I Condition Report, CR 001 1 1458 -1 O C FR 26.3 1 (b)(1)(1) r e qu i r es a p syc ho l ogical assessment b e co ndu cted o f FFD program pe r sonnel and updated nomina ll y every 5 y ea r s. During a r ev i ew o f the "Review of FFD Personnel Poo l Dates" on 0 3/0 7 1 17 , it wa s identifi e d o ne i ndividu a l had n o t m e t this r equirement.
: 3) Mouse over fields for additional infom,ation Select Facility                                                                                        Period of Report jwolf Creek [50--482]
T h e i ndivi d u a l's qua l ifi ca ti o n as a co ll ec t o r wa s s u s p e nd e d. Th i s was report e d t o the NR G In s p ec t or during I n spec ti o n 050004 82/20 17403. Thi s was id e ntifi ed as a l i ce n see-ide ntified non-ci t e d violation. The co ll ector co mp l eted th e psychological assess m e nt th e day a ft e r discovery.
I   I 2017 I
Full co mp l i a n ce has been ac hi eved. Th e li ce n see dev e l ope d a form for tra ck ing all collector qu a lifi ca t ions. 181 A dd a n a dditi o n a l Topic Top i c 2 Topi c 2 Desc ripti o n I Blind Performance Te s t Sam pl es I Co nditi on R e p o rt , C R 00 1 1 1505 -1 0 CFR 26.1 68(9) s t a t es , in part , li ce n sees and o th e r e nt i ti es s h a ll u se only b l ind performance te s t sam pl es tha t ha v e been ce rtifi e d by the s uppli er to co nt a in a measurable a mount o f t h e target drug o r ana l y1 e. Co ntr a ry to the r eq uirement , fr om A pri l 2008 to March 2017, blind ur i ne s pe ci m e n s s ubm i tted t o th e co ntr act l aboratory to test and co nfirm th e r eq ui red co n ce ntr a ti o n s fo r cocai n e d i d not m eet the requir ed m eas urab l e amount. Th i s was reported to the NR G I n spec tor durin g Inspection 05000482/2 0174 03. Thi s was id en tifi ed as a lice n see-identified n o n-c it e d violation.
Tests Conducted in the Calendar Year Total Number of Tests Conducted                                       Total Number of Pos itive, Ad ulterated ,
Th e li censee co nt acted the vendo r f or the b l ind p e rf orma n ce test sa mpl es to change th e m a k eup o f th e cocai n e sam pl es t o meet the l eve l s of co n ce nt ra t ion f o r coca in e a nd the drug a n a l ytes. Th e subseq u e nt s p ecimens m e t th e requ ir e d co n ce ntr ation of cocaine to m ee t th e req uir e d measurable amou nt for coca in e a nd th e a n a lyt es. Full compliance was achieved in Mar c h 20 17 when o nl y coca in e blin d p erforma n ce t es t sa m ples were ordered t hat h a d the re quir e d m eas ur a b l e a m oun t s of coca in e and th e 181 A dd a n a dditi o n a l Top ic a n aly1es. To pi c 3 Topi c 3 Desc ription I B lind Performance Te s t Sa mpl es I Co nd i ti on Re port CR 001 1 7707 Th e res u lt s for a blin d s p ec im e n subm i tted f o r l aboratory a n aly s i s d id test p os iti ve for cocaine but n o t f o r code ine a nd 6AM. The MRO office co nt ac t ed FFD on 11/20/17. The MRO office was requested to r e qu est a re t es t p e r procedu r e. Th e resu l t s of the r etest received 1 1/27/17 were th e same as the 1 1/20/17 r es u l t s. This C R i s to d ocu m e nt th e Reportab il ity Requirements of 10 CFR 26.7 1 9 , und e r 10 CFR 26.719(c)
Reason For Testing Licensee Employees                        Co ntractorsN endors                     Substit uted, and Refusal to Test Results Pre-Access I                         82 I                    220 Random I                       541             I                      80                                                        0 For Cause                                                          2                                     1                                                        0 Post-Event                                                         7                                     2                                                        0 Followup                                                         22 I                                   8                                                        0 Total (Calculated)                                   654 I                               311 FFD Program Random Testing Population and Rate Average number of                       Average number of                     Total size of the random testing pool                  Annual random testing percentage licensee employees                      contractors/vendors                   throughout the period (Calculated)                      achieved for the testing pool 1                   9971               1                      1921            1                                 1.1891              I                                    52.2    I Laboratory Testing Does your program use a Licensee Testing Facility? No I                            I (Yes/ No)                       ~-- - - - - - ~ -
(1). A b asic ca u se eva l u ation was perform ed. Th e l a b r esu lt s from th e spec im e n did con t a in measurable amounts of co dein e and 6AM. ho weve r th ey were below th e c utoff l eve l s. Certifying Scien ti s t s fro m two H ea lth and Human Serv i ces ce rti fi ed l a bor a t o ri es and a MRO S ubj ec t Matter Ex p e rt were con t ac t e d f o r input. N o direct ca u se for a d e gra datio n of th e co d e in e a nd 6AM cou ld b e d e t ermine d. S ub sequen t coca in e b l ind spec i m en t est samp l es fro m the same vendor from th e same t est sam pl e lot t ested wi thin th e p ositive range f o r coca i n e a nd the m e t a b o lit es , co dein e and 6AM. As a resu lt of th e in vestiga ti o n t h e vendor o f t he blind performance test sa mpl es was c h a n ged to a vendor that is u se d by a l arge number o f p l ants i n the industry. Th is was co mpl eted in February 20 18. ,...,.. ....... * .... -. ............. ----*---*--* ---*---**'"' a ....... *-*i..-....... 1 ,., 1,., .... --*--* ~--......... --*** '---"'--1... .... --*--*--' P e r s on(s) R es p o n si b le f o r Info r m a tion P ro v i d e d Person 1 (required): I K en n et h 11 Cra igh ead I I Fitness For Prog r am I k ec r aig@wc no F ir st Name La st N ame Position Titl e Co mp any E mail Ad dr es s Person 2 (optional): I Kenn [ Ir a t e [ I Supe rint e nd ent Access Screeni ng I mit a t e@wc no Fir st Name Last N a m e Position Ti tl e Co mp a n y Ema il A ddr ess Final S t e p (R eq u i r e d)
HHS--Certified Laboratory (Primary)            Clinical Reference Laboratory              I HHS-Certified Laboratory (Backup)            !Quest Laboratory (Lenexa, KS)
* NR G will co n s id e r th is for m a uth e nti c in accor d a n ce with 1 O CFR 26.11 on l y w h en the " Va l id a t e & Lock" butt on h as b ee n se l ecte d a nd a ll e rror s (i.e., th ose highlight e d in red) hav e been co rr ec t ed. The *val i date & L oc k" button w ill c h a ng e to "Locke d" after the d ata validation pro cess has b ee n s u ccessf u ll y completed and th e form i s ready for s ubmi ssio n. -F o rm L ocked On:jFeb 26 , 20 1 8 at 7:16:2 4 A M I I Save to Loca l PC ! I P r int this Report I A nnu a l Report Form (ve r sio n 1.7.0 -D ece mb er 2016) -Page 2 o f 2 -NR G Form 8 9 1 (1 2/20 14)
{Lenexa. KS)
,)(/ US NR C ,,.,, FFD Program Performance Data Reporting System '"~'""'N:d
Identify your Blind Perfomnance Test Sample supplier(s)               !Professional Toxicology Services, Lenexa , KS.
.. :.,,_,.,,1
.. , ... c, , mm,""" NRC Form 890 , Single Positive Test Form Pro1ectiug People attd the Etll'lrmunr'ttl (EIE Ge n e r al Subm1ss1on Portal) 1) All field$ re qui re d ex c ept th o s e m a rk e d *optio n a l' 2) Entri es i n so m e f iel d s au t o*p o p o l a t e in fo ,ma t i o n i r, othe r f ie l ds J) M o u se o v e r form fi el d$ to vie w a dd itio n a l i n f o m ia ti on 4) U se of A d o be Read er 8 or late r i s re qu ire d D S ubmi ss i o n Up d at e Uni u e Reference ID Li ce n se S u ti e d 5 0-4 82-A 1-1 7 Se l ect Facility !Wo l f C r ee k [5 0-4 82) APPRO V ED BY 0 MB: CLEARAN CE NO. 3 1S0-0146 E X PIRES: 11/3 0/2 01 7 E s tim a t e d b ur d e n p e r respon s e to co m p ly wi th th i s co ll ec ti o n req u e s t i s 3 0 mi nu t es. T his form is a vol u n t a ry m ea n s o f reporti ng th e i nf o r m a tion re quir e d u n d e r 10 CFR 26.717. T he in f orm a tion is r e q ui r e d by NR G t o o b tai n o n a n annua l b asis si t e specific fitn ess-f or-duty (FF O) pr og r am p e rf o r man ce da t a o n dru g a n d a l co h o l progr am s fr om lice n sees a n d other entit i es. Sen d c om m e n ts r e gar d i n g burd e n es tim a t e t o th e F O I A , Pr ivacy a nd Info rmatio n Co ll ect i o n Bra n c h (T 5-F 5 3), U.S. Nu clea r R egu l a t o ry Co mm i ss ion , W as h i n gton DC 2 0 555-0 00 1 , or by e-ma i l to Jnfo.colle
Substances Tested Did your program only_ test ro_r NRG-required substances                  !Yes                   I     Does your program conduct LOD testing permitted in 26. 163(a)(2)? (Yes/ No) Y e s I                          I Alli)_ at the NRG-specified minimum cutoff levels? (Yes/ No)
                                                                                  ~ ------~                                                                         ~------~
Special Analyses Testing Results                            Total Number of "Dilute" Specimen Test Results I              I          Total Number of "Dilute" Specimens            I               O I
o.\* .. and to th e De s k O ffi ce r , Offic e o f I nfo rm ati on a nd Regula t ory A ffai rs , N EO B-10 2 0 , (3 150-0 146), Offi ce of M a na gemen t a n d Bud ge t , washi n gto n D C 2 0 503. If a m ea n s u se d t o i mp ose inf o r mation c o ll ecti on does n o t di spla y a c urrently va l i d 0 MB con tr o l num ber , th e N RC ma y n o t co nd uct or s p on s or , and a perso n is n ot re quir e d to r es p o n d to , the i nf o r m atio n co ll e cti o n. Date of Collection I (mm/dd/yyyy) _ 04/1 7/20 1 7 R eason fo r T es tin g-26.717(b)(S) I P r e-Access Pr e-A cc e ss Te sti ng R e a so n (o p ti on a l) Emp lo yment Ty p e -26.717(b)(3) !co nt r a ctor/Ve n d o r La b or Cat e gory -26. 717(b)(3) !F acility S upp o rt I P l e a se S e l ect Outage Worker (opti on a l)? IN o Is this a 24-hou r re po rting event? -26.7 1 9(b) W as th i s coll e c t io n r e fus e d?-26.7 1 7 (b)(7) & 26.7 5 T est Resu l t s -26.7 17 (b)(4) T est T ype(s) fo r R es u lt (s) Re p o rt e d -26.717(b)(2) !A l co h o l On ly S ubst anc e -26 , 7 17(b)(2) & (b)(6) !A l co h ol A lcoh o l S p eci m e n Tes t ed !B rea t h Wha t 26.103 B AC l eve l was excee d ed? lo.03 and i n wor k s t a t us a t l eas t 1 h r S ubv ersi on Att e mpt-Di d t his collection invo l ve a subversion a tt e m pt? -26.717 (b)(7) and 2 6.75(b) LI __ N_o __ Manag e m e nt Action s -26.7 1 7(b)(8) & 26.75 Reaso n fo r t h e Ac t io n I F irs t d r u g o r a l coho l po sitive S an ction A p p l ie d (N RC Mi n i mum o r Li censee A d mi n ist r ated) I N RC M ini mu m Specific S anctio n A p p li ed 1 1 4-Day De n ia l P e rson (s) R e spon si bl e fo r I nformatio n Provid e d Pe r so n 1 (re q u ir e d): ~IK_*_nn_*_lh ________ ~l l craig h e ad I I Fitn e ss Foe D u ty Prngra m Fi r s t N a m e '-----~L-a~s ,~N~a-m_e____ Posit i o n T i t le P e r so n 2 (o ptional): I ~K_*_""---------~l 0 I T_*_'*---------~
(Special Analyses Testing Conducted) ~- - - - ~-
Sup e r inte n dent Ac cess Saee n i n g F i r s t Na me L ast Name P o sition Ti t le k e c r Com pan y Email Add r ess mita t e@wcno m Co mp a n y Email Address Fin a l St e p (R e qu i r e d) -N RC will co n si d e r t hi s form a u th e n ti c i n acco r da n ce with 10 CFR 2 6.1 1 only wh e n th e "V a l idate & Lo c k* butt o n is c~cked a nd a ll e r r o r s (h i ghl i gh t ed in red) ha ve b ee n co rr ec ted. T h e "V al i dat e & L o ck* butt o n will c h a n ge t o *L oc k ed" afte r th e d a t a validation proc ess ha s been s u cce ss fully c omplet e d i nd i c ating th e fo r m is r e ady fo r subm i ss i o n. For m L ocke d on:j F e b 26 , 20 1 8 at 7: 1 4: 32 AM S i ng l e Posi t ive T es t F orm (v ersion 1.7.0-Dec e m b er 2016) I Sa v e t o Loca l P C j I Pri nt t h is Report j N R C F o r m 890 (1 2/2014)}}
(Optional)          ~---~
Use NRC                    Initial      Confirmat ory      Lim it of Detection                                  Comment Substance Cutoffs?                  Cutoff            Cutoff          (LOD) Testing?                                      (Opti onal)
Alcohol                  Ives                                                          I Not Applicable I
Cocaine                  Ives                                                          Ives I
Marijuana                Ives                                                          Ives I
Amp hetamines            Ives                                                          Ives I
Opiates                  Ives                                                          Ives I
PCP                      Ives                                                          Ives I
Annual Report Form (version 1.7.0 - December 2016)                                       - Page 1 of 2 -                                                          NRC Form 891 (12/20 14)
Substances Tested - continued Summary of Management Actions - 26.717(b)(8)
Summarize actions implemented to improve FFD program performance. As applicable, reference in the topic description audit reports, 30-day reports, and/or corrective action report s. If reporting information on more than three topics. select "Others" for Topic 3 to report any additional topics.
Topic 1                                                Topi c 1 Description ITraining I  Condition Report, CR 001 11458 - 1O CFR 26.31(b)(1)(1) requires a psychological assessment be conducted of FFD program personnel and updated nominally every 5 years. During a review of the "Review of FFD Personnel Pool Dates" on 03/07117, it wa s identified one individual had not met this requirement. The individual's qualifica ti on as a collector was suspended. This was reported to the NRG Inspector during Inspection 05000482/2017403. Thi s was identified as a licensee-identified non-cited violation .
The collector completed the psychological assessment the day after discovery. Full compliance has been achieved. Th e licensee developed a form for tracking all collector qualifications .
181  Add an additional Topic Topic 2                                                Topic 2 Description IBlind Performance Test Samples                        Condition Report, CR 00111505 - 10 CFR 26.168(9) states, in part, licensees and oth er entities shall I  use only blind performance test samples that have been certifi ed by the supplier to contain a measurable amount of the target drug or analy1e. Contrary to the requirement, from April 2008 to March 2017, blind urine specimens submitted to th e contract laboratory to test and confirm th e required concentrations for cocaine did not meet the required measurable amount. This was reported to the NRG Inspector during Inspection 05000482/2017403. Thi s was iden tifi ed as a licensee-identified non-cited violation.
The licensee contacted the vendor for the blind performance test samples to change th e makeup of the cocaine samples to meet the levels of concentration for coca ine and the drug analytes. The subsequent specimens met the requ ired conce ntration of cocaine to meet th e req uired measurable amount for cocaine and th e analytes. Full compliance was achieved in March 20 17 when only cocaine blind performance test samples were ordered that had the required measurable amoun ts of cocaine and the analy1es.
181  Add an additional Topic Topic 3                                                Topi c 3 Description I Blind Performance Te st Samples I
Condition Report CR 001 17707 Th e res ults for a blind specimen submitted for laboratory analysis did test positive for cocaine but not for codeine and 6AM . The MRO office contacted FFD on 11 /20/17. The MRO office was requested to request a retest per procedure. Th e results of the retest received 11/27/17 were th e same as the 11/20/17 results. This CR is to document th e Reportability Requirements of 10 CFR 26.7 19, under 10 CFR 26.719(c) (1).
A basic cause evaluation was performed . Th e lab results from the specimen did contain measurable amounts of codeine and 6AM . however they were below th e cutoff levels. Certifying Scienti sts from two Health and Human Services certified laboratories and a MRO Subject Matter Expert were con tacted for input. No direct cause for a degradation of th e codeine and 6AM could be determined. Subsequent cocaine blind specimen test samples from the same vendor from the same test sam ple lot tested wi thin th e positive range for cocaine and the metabolites , codeine and 6AM.
As a resu lt of the investigati on the vendor of the blind performance test samples was changed to a vendor that is used by a large number of plants in the industry. This was completed in February 2018.
                                                            ,...,.. ..... . *.... -. . . ......... ----*--- *--* -- -*--  -* *'"' a . ... ... * - *i.. - . ... ... 1,., 1,., .... - - * - - * ~-- ..... .... - - ** * ' - - - " ' - - 1... .... -- * - - * - - '
Person(s) Resp onsible for Information Provided Person 1 (required):
I Kenneth                                11 Craighead                                                  IIFitness For Program                                    I First Name                              La st Name                                                    Position Titl e                                                         Company Email Ad dress Person 2 (optional):
IKenn                                    [ Irate                                                      [ISuperintendent Access Screening                        I First Name                              Last Name                                                    Position Ti tl e                                                       Company Email Address Final Step (Required)
* NRG will consider this form authentic in accordance with 1O CFR 26.11 only when the "Validate & Lock" button has been selected and
all errors (i .e., th ose highlighted in red) have been corrected . The *validate & Lock" button will change to "Locked" after the data validation process has been successfully completed and th e form is ready for submission.
Form Locked On:jFeb 26, 2018 at 7:16:24 AM                              I                                                                I Save to Local PC !I Print this Report                                                I Annual Report Form (version 1.7.0 - December 2016)                                                    - Page 2 of 2 -                                                                                            NRG Form 891 (12/2014)
,)(/ US NRC ,,.,,                                                          FFD Program Performance Data Reporting System
    '"~'""'N:d .. : ., _,., 1.. ,... c,,mm,"""                                            NRC Form 890, Single Positive Test Form Pro1ectiug People attd the Etll'lrmunr'ttl                                                              (EIE Ge neral Subm1ss1on Portal)
: 1) All field$ re quire d except those mark ed *option al'                                    APPROVED BY 0 MB: CLEARANCE NO. 31S0-0146                              EXPIRES: 11 /30/201 7
: 2) Entries in som e fields auto*pop olate info ,mation ir, other fields                      Estimated burden per respon se to comply with this collection request is 30 minutes. This J) Mouse over form field $ to view additional infom iation                                    form is a voluntary means of reporting the information re quired under 10 CFR 26. 717. The
: 4) Use of A dobe Reader 8 or later is re quire d                                              information is required by NRG to obtain on an annual basis site specific fitness-for-duty (FFO) program performan ce data on drug and alcohol programs from licensees and other entities. Send comments regarding burden estimate to the FOIA, Privacy and Information Submission D      Update Collection Branch (T5-F53) , U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Washington DC 20555-0001, or by e-mail to Jnfo.colle.ct:i.B.e:~uur.ce@NBC..g.o.\*.. and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs , NEOB-1020, (3150-0146), Office of Uni u e Reference ID License Su            tied                                              Management and Budget, washington DC 20503. If a means used to impose information 50-482-A1- 17                                                                                collection does not display a currently valid 0 MB control number , the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.
Select Facility
!Wolf Creek [50-482 )                                                                        Date of Collection (mm/dd/yyyy)
I_ 04/ 17/2017 Reason fo r Testing - 26.717(b)(S)                Pre-A ccess Te sting Reason (op tional)
IPre-Access                                        IPlease Select Employment Typ e - 26.717(b)(3)                    Outage Worker (optional) ?
!contractor/Ve ndor                                INo Labor Category - 26.717(b)(3)
!F acility Support Is this a 24-hour reporting event? - 26 .7 19(b)      ~
Was thi s collec t ion refus ed? - 26.7 17(b)(7) & 26.75        ~
Test Results - 26.717(b)(4)
Test Type(s) fo r Result(s) Re ported - 26.717(b)(2)
!A lcohol Only Substanc e - 26 ,717(b)(2) & (b)(6)
                                                                                                                                          !Alcohol A lcohol Specim e n Tested
                                                                                                                                          ! Breath What 26 .103 BAC level was exceeded ?
lo.03 and in work status a t least 1 hr Subversion Atte mpt- Did this collection involve a subversion attem pt? - 26 .717 (b)(7) and 26 .75(b)                L I_ _  N
_o_ _      ~
Managem ent Actions - 26 .7 17(b)(8) & 26.75 Reason for the Action I  First dru g or alcoho l po sitive Sanction A pplied (NRC Minimum or Licensee A dmi nistrated)
IN RC M inimu m Specific Sanction A pplied 114- Day Denial Person(s) Responsible fo r Information Provided Person 1 (required):
I~K_*_nn_*_lh_ _ _ __ _ _ _
Fi rst Nam e
                                        ~l    lcraighead
                                              '--- - - ~L-a~s,~N~a-m_e_ _ _ _
IIFitness Foe Duty Prngram Position Title Company Email Address Person 2 (optional):
I~K_*_""- --- - ----~lIT First Na me 0
Last Name Superintendent Access Saeening Po sition Title Company Email Address Final Step (Require d) - NRC will consider this form authentic in accordance with 10 CFR 26.11 only when the "Validate & Lock* button is c~cked and all errors (highlighted in red) have been corrected. The "Validate & Lock* button will change to *Locked" after the data validation process has been successfully completed indicating the form is ready for submission.
Form Locked on:j F eb 26 , 20 18 at 7 :14:32 AM                                                      I Save to Local PC j I Print this Report            j Single Positive Test Form (version 1.7 .0 - Decem ber 2016)                                                                                                   NRC Fo rm 890 (12/2014)}}

Revision as of 17:39, 21 October 2019

License-Fitness for Duty (FFD) Performance Report, and Annual Fatigue Report for 2017
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/2018
Wolf Creek
Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
RA 18-0024
Download: ML18067A046 (3)


r-i) US NRC

'llStatt~ t ln1ttd

  • R1:gul.ttory
  • C)tllfnl"l,U1 *11 Protecti11g People and tile Eill'iTOllm;;;,,



FFD Program Performance Data Reporting System NRC Form 891, Annual Reporting Form for Drug and Alcohol Tests (EIE General Subm,ss,on Portal)

APPROVED BY 0MB: CLEARANCE NO. 3150-0146 EXPI RES : 11/30/2017 Estimated burden per response to comply with this collection request is 114 hours0.00132 days <br />0.0317 hours <br />1.884921e-4 weeks <br />4.3377e-5 months <br />. This form is a voluntary means of reporting the information required under 10 CFR 26.717. The information is required by NRC to obtain on an annual basis site specific fitness-for-duly (FFD) program performance data on drug and alcohol programs from licensees and other entities. Send comments regarding burden estimate to the FOIA. Privacy and Information Collection Branch (T5-F53), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-0001 , or by e-mail to ~

~ and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-1020, (3150--0146), Office of Management and Budget, Washington DC 20503. If a means used to impose information collection does not display a currently valid 0MB control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.

1) All fields required unless marked 'optio nal'
2) Use of Adobe Reader 8 or later is required D Submission Update
3) Mouse over fields for additional infom,ation Select Facility Period of Report jwolf Creek [50--482]

I I 2017 I

Tests Conducted in the Calendar Year Total Number of Tests Conducted Total Number of Pos itive, Ad ulterated ,

Reason For Testing Licensee Employees Co ntractorsN endors Substit uted, and Refusal to Test Results Pre-Access I 82 I 220 Random I 541 I 80 0 For Cause 2 1 0 Post-Event 7 2 0 Followup 22 I 8 0 Total (Calculated) 654 I 311 FFD Program Random Testing Population and Rate Average number of Average number of Total size of the random testing pool Annual random testing percentage licensee employees contractors/vendors throughout the period (Calculated) achieved for the testing pool 1 9971 1 1921 1 1.1891 I 52.2 I Laboratory Testing Does your program use a Licensee Testing Facility? No I I (Yes/ No) ~-- - - - - - ~ -

HHS--Certified Laboratory (Primary) Clinical Reference Laboratory I HHS-Certified Laboratory (Backup) !Quest Laboratory (Lenexa, KS)

{Lenexa. KS)

Identify your Blind Perfomnance Test Sample supplier(s) !Professional Toxicology Services, Lenexa , KS.


Substances Tested Did your program only_ test ro_r NRG-required substances !Yes I Does your program conduct LOD testing permitted in 26. 163(a)(2)? (Yes/ No) Y e s I I Alli)_ at the NRG-specified minimum cutoff levels? (Yes/ No)

~ ------~ ~------~

Special Analyses Testing Results Total Number of "Dilute" Specimen Test Results I I Total Number of "Dilute" Specimens I O I

(Special Analyses Testing Conducted) ~- - - - ~-

(Optional) ~---~

Use NRC Initial Confirmat ory Lim it of Detection Comment Substance Cutoffs? Cutoff Cutoff (LOD) Testing? (Opti onal)

Alcohol Ives I Not Applicable I

Cocaine Ives Ives I

Marijuana Ives Ives I

Amp hetamines Ives Ives I

Opiates Ives Ives I

PCP Ives Ives I

Annual Report Form (version 1.7.0 - December 2016) - Page 1 of 2 - NRC Form 891 (12/20 14)

Substances Tested - continued Summary of Management Actions - 26.717(b)(8)

Summarize actions implemented to improve FFD program performance. As applicable, reference in the topic description audit reports, 30-day reports, and/or corrective action report s. If reporting information on more than three topics. select "Others" for Topic 3 to report any additional topics.

Topic 1 Topi c 1 Description ITraining I Condition Report, CR 001 11458 - 1O CFR 26.31(b)(1)(1) requires a psychological assessment be conducted of FFD program personnel and updated nominally every 5 years. During a review of the "Review of FFD Personnel Pool Dates" on 03/07117, it wa s identified one individual had not met this requirement. The individual's qualifica ti on as a collector was suspended. This was reported to the NRG Inspector during Inspection 05000482/2017403. Thi s was identified as a licensee-identified non-cited violation .

The collector completed the psychological assessment the day after discovery. Full compliance has been achieved. Th e licensee developed a form for tracking all collector qualifications .

181 Add an additional Topic Topic 2 Topic 2 Description IBlind Performance Test Samples Condition Report, CR 00111505 - 10 CFR 26.168(9) states, in part, licensees and oth er entities shall I use only blind performance test samples that have been certifi ed by the supplier to contain a measurable amount of the target drug or analy1e. Contrary to the requirement, from April 2008 to March 2017, blind urine specimens submitted to th e contract laboratory to test and confirm th e required concentrations for cocaine did not meet the required measurable amount. This was reported to the NRG Inspector during Inspection 05000482/2017403. Thi s was iden tifi ed as a licensee-identified non-cited violation.

The licensee contacted the vendor for the blind performance test samples to change th e makeup of the cocaine samples to meet the levels of concentration for coca ine and the drug analytes. The subsequent specimens met the requ ired conce ntration of cocaine to meet th e req uired measurable amount for cocaine and th e analytes. Full compliance was achieved in March 20 17 when only cocaine blind performance test samples were ordered that had the required measurable amoun ts of cocaine and the analy1es.

181 Add an additional Topic Topic 3 Topi c 3 Description I Blind Performance Te st Samples I

Condition Report CR 001 17707 Th e res ults for a blind specimen submitted for laboratory analysis did test positive for cocaine but not for codeine and 6AM . The MRO office contacted FFD on 11 /20/17. The MRO office was requested to request a retest per procedure. Th e results of the retest received 11/27/17 were th e same as the 11/20/17 results. This CR is to document th e Reportability Requirements of 10 CFR 26.7 19, under 10 CFR 26.719(c) (1).

A basic cause evaluation was performed . Th e lab results from the specimen did contain measurable amounts of codeine and 6AM . however they were below th e cutoff levels. Certifying Scienti sts from two Health and Human Services certified laboratories and a MRO Subject Matter Expert were con tacted for input. No direct cause for a degradation of th e codeine and 6AM could be determined. Subsequent cocaine blind specimen test samples from the same vendor from the same test sam ple lot tested wi thin th e positive range for cocaine and the metabolites , codeine and 6AM.

As a resu lt of the investigati on the vendor of the blind performance test samples was changed to a vendor that is used by a large number of plants in the industry. This was completed in February 2018.

,...,.. ..... . *.... -. . . ......... ----*--- *--* -- -*-- -* *'"' a . ... ... * - *i.. - . ... ... 1,., 1,., .... - - * - - * ~-- ..... .... - - ** * ' - - - " ' - - 1... .... -- * - - * - - '

Person(s) Resp onsible for Information Provided Person 1 (required):

I Kenneth 11 Craighead IIFitness For Program I First Name La st Name Position Titl e Company Email Ad dress Person 2 (optional):

IKenn [ Irate [ISuperintendent Access Screening I First Name Last Name Position Ti tl e Company Email Address Final Step (Required)

  • NRG will consider this form authentic in accordance with 1O CFR 26.11 only when the "Validate & Lock" button has been selected and


all errors (i .e., th ose highlighted in red) have been corrected . The *validate & Lock" button will change to "Locked" after the data validation process has been successfully completed and th e form is ready for submission.

Form Locked On:jFeb 26, 2018 at 7:16:24 AM I I Save to Local PC !I Print this Report I Annual Report Form (version 1.7.0 - December 2016) - Page 2 of 2 - NRG Form 891 (12/2014)

,)(/ US NRC ,,.,, FFD Program Performance Data Reporting System

'"~'""'N:d .. : ., _,., 1.. ,... c,,mm,""" NRC Form 890, Single Positive Test Form Pro1ectiug People attd the Etll'lrmunr'ttl (EIE Ge neral Subm1ss1on Portal)

1) All field$ re quire d except those mark ed *option al' APPROVED BY 0 MB: CLEARANCE NO. 31S0-0146 EXPIRES: 11 /30/201 7
2) Entries in som e fields auto*pop olate info ,mation ir, other fields Estimated burden per respon se to comply with this collection request is 30 minutes. This J) Mouse over form field $ to view additional infom iation form is a voluntary means of reporting the information re quired under 10 CFR 26. 717. The
4) Use of A dobe Reader 8 or later is re quire d information is required by NRG to obtain on an annual basis site specific fitness-for-duty (FFO) program performan ce data on drug and alcohol programs from licensees and other entities. Send comments regarding burden estimate to the FOIA, Privacy and Information Submission D Update Collection Branch (T5-F53) , U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Washington DC 20555-0001, or by e-mail to Jnfo.colle.ct:i.B.e:~uur.ce@NBC..g.o.\*.. and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs , NEOB-1020, (3150-0146), Office of Uni u e Reference ID License Su tied Management and Budget, washington DC 20503. If a means used to impose information 50-482-A1- 17 collection does not display a currently valid 0 MB control number , the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.

Select Facility

!Wolf Creek [50-482 ) Date of Collection (mm/dd/yyyy)

I_ 04/ 17/2017 Reason fo r Testing - 26.717(b)(S) Pre-A ccess Te sting Reason (op tional)

IPre-Access IPlease Select Employment Typ e - 26.717(b)(3) Outage Worker (optional) ?

!contractor/Ve ndor INo Labor Category - 26.717(b)(3)

!F acility Support Is this a 24-hour reporting event? - 26 .7 19(b) ~

Was thi s collec t ion refus ed? - 26.7 17(b)(7) & 26.75 ~

Test Results - 26.717(b)(4)

Test Type(s) fo r Result(s) Re ported - 26.717(b)(2)

!A lcohol Only Substanc e - 26 ,717(b)(2) & (b)(6)

!Alcohol A lcohol Specim e n Tested

! Breath What 26 .103 BAC level was exceeded ?

lo.03 and in work status a t least 1 hr Subversion Atte mpt- Did this collection involve a subversion attem pt? - 26 .717 (b)(7) and 26 .75(b) L I_ _ N

_o_ _ ~

Managem ent Actions - 26 .7 17(b)(8) & 26.75 Reason for the Action I First dru g or alcoho l po sitive Sanction A pplied (NRC Minimum or Licensee A dmi nistrated)

IN RC M inimu m Specific Sanction A pplied 114- Day Denial Person(s) Responsible fo r Information Provided Person 1 (required):

I~K_*_nn_*_lh_ _ _ __ _ _ _

Fi rst Nam e

~l lcraighead

'--- - - ~L-a~s,~N~a-m_e_ _ _ _

IIFitness Foe Duty Prngram Position Title Company Email Address Person 2 (optional):

I~K_*_""- --- - ----~lIT First Na me 0



Last Name Superintendent Access Saeening Po sition Title Company Email Address Final Step (Require d) - NRC will consider this form authentic in accordance with 10 CFR 26.11 only when the "Validate & Lock* button is c~cked and all errors (highlighted in red) have been corrected. The "Validate & Lock* button will change to *Locked" after the data validation process has been successfully completed indicating the form is ready for submission.

Form Locked on:j F eb 26 , 20 18 at 7 :14:32 AM I Save to Local PC j I Print this Report j Single Positive Test Form (version 1.7 .0 - Decem ber 2016) NRC Fo rm 890 (12/2014)