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DOCKETED USNPC UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                  & 23 R2 21 Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board;FFitE CF H::E f 77 ; c; ,,, v .
In the Matter of                )                                  "1"
Public Service Electric and      )      Docket Nos. 50-354 Gas Company, et al.            )
(Hope Creek Generating          )
Station)                      )
APPLICANTS' FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO PUBLIC ADVOCATE Pursuant  to  the  Rules    of  Practice  of  the Nuclear Regulatory Commission    ("NRC"),    10 C.F.R S2.740 (b) , and the Atomic  Safety  and  Licensing    Board's  Special  Prehearing Conference Order (December 21, 1983), Public Service Elec-tric and Gas Company,      et al.      (" Applicants"  or "PSE&G")
hereby propound the following interrogatories to the Public Advocate of the State of New Jersey ("Public Advocate" or "intervenor") to be answered fully in writing, under oath, in accordance with the definitions and instructions below.
Additionally, pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 52.741, Applicants request that tne Public Advocate produce for inspection and copying (or provide copies of) those documents designated by intervenors in their respective answers below.
8401240328 840120 PDR ADOCK 05000354 0              PDR Q.
Definitions and Instructions
: 1. For each    interrogatory,                    please  state  the  full name, business address, and title or position of each person providing information for the answer to the interrogatory.
: 2. The following definitions shall apply:
: a.  "Intervenor"    shall                  refer    to  the    Public Advocate of the State of New Jersey, or any official, employee, or consultant thereof.
: b.  " Document" shall mean any written, printed, typed, or other graphic matter of any kind or nature,  and all mechanical                      and electronic sound recordings or transcripts thereof, in the  possession,    custody,                    or  control    of intervenor, or its officials, employees, or agents;  it shall also mean all                        copies or drafts of documents by whatsoever means made.
: c.  "Date" shall mean the exact day, month, and year, if ascertainable, or, if not ascertain-able, the best approximation (including the event's relationship to other events in the relevant context of the interrogatory).
: d.  "NEC"  or " Commission" shall mean either the Atomic    'argy  Commission                    or  the  Nuclear Regulct>ry    Commission,                      as      nropriate, including its regulatory staff a.                            2 dica-tcry boards, as indicated by the context of the interrogatory.
l l
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i i
: e.                "Specify,"                          when referring to a proceeding before                    the              Nuclear                        Regulatory                                Commission, means that the answer shall set forth the i
!                                                                      proceeding, applicant, docket number, rele-I vant date, and any other descriptive informa-4 tion appropriate to the request.
: f.              "Specify" or " identify," when referring to an individual,                                corporation,                                    or          other              entity, means that the answer shall set forth the l                                                                      name, present or last known business                                                                                        'iress, I
and, if a corporation or other entity, its
!                                                                      principle place of busi. ness or, if an indi-vidual,                      his              or          her              title                  or            titles      and employer.                            Cnce an individual, corporation, i
i                                                                      or other entity has been identified in answer t                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,
i                                                                      to an interrogatory, it shall be sufficient i                                                                      thereafter when identifying that individual, corporation or other entity to state merely his, her, or its name.
: g.              " Basis" shall mean any document (as defined in 2(b) above), analysis, study, reference, or source upon which intervenor relies for l                                                                      any assertion in the contentions or which j                                                                    will                    be                referred                                to                or                  used    in i
cross-examination of Applicants' witnesses.
: 3. These interrogatories request all knowledge and l                                  information in intervenor's possession and/or knowledge and i
information    in  the  possession      of  intervenor's          agents, representatives,      consultants,      and,    unless          privileged, attorneys.
Contention 1
: 1. Specify all applicable NRC regulations, general design criteria,    guidelines or other regulatory require-ments, or portions thereof, pertaining to the phenomenon of intergranular    stress  corrosion      cracking  ("IGSCC")          which intervenor    asserts    are  applicable    to  the        recirculation piping installed at Hope Creek.
: 2. Specify each      section    of  the Hope Creek Final Safety  Analysis    Report    ("FSAR"),    including          Applicant's response to Staff questions, which intervenor asserts is relevant to the consideration of the phenomenon of IGSCC in recirculation piping and specify, to the extent applicable, any failure to meet the regulatory requirements set forth in response to Interrogatory 1 above.
: 3. State the basis upon which intervenor relies for its  assertion    that Type    304    austenitic    stainless        steel piping in the reactor coolant pressure boundary of boiling water reactors is " highly" susceptible to stress corrosion cracking.
: 4. Specify and describe in detail in what way the Applicants have failed to demonstrate that they can prevent and mitigate IGSCC in accordance with 10 C.F.R.                    Part 50, Appendix  A,  Criterion    30,    in  the  recirculation          piping installed at Hope Creek.
: 5. Define " critical" as it is used in Contentio. 1.
,        6. Specify    what    recirculation    piping  intervenor considers to be " critical."
: 7. Specify what critical recirculation piping has not been identified by Applicants as susceptible to IGSCC.
: 8. Specify the basis upon which intervenor relies for the assertion that connections to the decay heat removal system are critical piping.
: 9. Specify  the  regulatory    requirement  and/or  any other    basis    for    intervenor's    assertion    that    all recirculation piping susceptible to IGSCC must be replaced.
: 10. Specify  the  conditions    under  which  intervenor asserts replacement is feasible.
: 11. Specify all preventive measures intervenor asserts Applicants should take prior to start-up.
: 12. Specify the preventive measures intervenor asserts should be    taken prior    to  start-up  for  each designated
    " critical" component of recirculation piping but which have not yet been taken.
: 13. Specify the deficiencies intervenor alleges exist in the Applicants' syFtem for identification of Cracks in recirculation piping after start-up.
: 14. Specify those inspection techniques, other than manual    ultrasonic    testing,    which    intervenor  asserts Applicants  should    use  to  identify    recirculation  piping susceptible to IGSCC after start-up.
_ _ _ - _ _ _ _n
Contention 2
: 1. Define " management implications" as used in this contention.
: 2. Specify each and every respect in which intervenor claims  that    PSE&G  management      in  the    administrative, procurement, maintenance and quality assurance programs for the Hope Creek Generating Station, as        f this date, fails to meet all    applicable    regulatory    requirements      and  license conditions imposed by the NRC.
: 3. As  to  each    alleged    deficiency,      specify    the applicable NRC    requirement    and/or    license    condition    and describe in detail:
: a. The applicable NRC regulatory requirement or license condition;                                    ;
: b. The precise management f unction ( s) alleged to be deficient;
: c. The names and/or job titles of the particular          l PSE&G        management        officials          with responsibilities        for      preventing      or eliminating the deficiencies alleged;
: d. The  acts  or  omissions    performed      by  such individuals,    identified by name or title, upon which    intervenor relies        in  asserting that tranagement deficiencies exist, including the date(s) of occurrence;
: e. The actions which should have been taken by such management officials identified above in
order to prevent or eliminate the alleged management deficiencies;
: f. All actions which intervenor contends must be taken with respect to PSE&G management prior to the issuance of an operating license for i
the Hope Creek Generating Station.                                                  l
: 4. If    intervenor                                contends      that    PSE&G    is  not l                                                                                                                  technically qualified to engage in the activities to be l
authorized by                                  an                                operating    license    for  the  Hope Creek Generating                                Station                                within    the  meaning    of    10  C.F.R.
550.57 (a) (4) , specify and discuss in detail:
: a. The particular aspect as to which PSE&G lacks technical qualifications;
: b. The extent to which intervenor's claim is based upon any portion of the record of the application                                  and,    if  so,  identifying    the particular portion (s) thereof;
: c. All actions which must be taken by PSE&G in order to climinate any alleged deficiencies in                                its  tehnical    cualifications      asserted above.
: 5. To  the extent that intervenor relies upon the reactor trip circuit breaker failure at the Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit                                                                1,  on February 22 and 25, 1983, including                              all                                  investigative      and    enforcement      actions undertaken by the NRC with respect to those events, specify and describe in detail:
: a.                  Each particular finding or statement by the NRC upon which intervenor relies to establish a " management implication" for Hope Creek;
: b.                  The  regulatory requirement or      standard to which  such  statement or    finding    specified above applies;
: c.                  All actions which intervenor contends PSE&G must take with respect to each such statement or  finding  specified    above  in  order  to eliminate      the      alleged      " management
;                                  implication."
l l                                        Contention 3
: 1. Specify all applicable NRC regulations, general design criteria,                    guidelines or otner regulatory require-ments,  or portions                    thereof,  pertaining  to environmental qualification of safety-related electrical and mechanical equipment, components and subcomponents at the Hope Creek Generating Station.
: 2. Specify each                  section of    the  Hope Creek    FSAR, including Applicant's responses to Staff questions, which intervenor                  asserts  is  relevant  to  the  consideration of environmental qualification of safety-related electrical and mechanical equipment, components and subcomponents of the Hope Creek Generating Station.
: 3.      Specify                the deficiencies    intervenor asserts    to exist in the Applicants' environmental qualification program
outlined in the FSAR and amplified in answers to Staff questions.
: 4.                          Specify all safety-related electrical and mechan-ical equipment, components and subcomponents that intervenor alleges                          have  not  been  or  will  not be  environmentally qualified at the start of operation and/or throughout the operation of the plant.
: 5.                          Specify those regulatory requirements, or portions thereof, with which intervenor alleges Applicants do not comply.
Contention 4
: 1.                          Specify all applicable NRC regulations, general design criteria, guidelines or other regulatory require-ments, or portions thereof, pertaining to the phenomenon of salt deposition from the operation of the Hope Creek cooling tower.
: 2.                          Specify each section of the Hope Creek Environ-mental Report-Operating License Stage                            ("EROL"), including Applicants' response to Staff questions, which intervenor asserts is relevant to the consideration of the phenomenon of salt deposition from the operation of the Hope Creek cooling tower.
: 3.                          Specify and describe in detail any environmental impact and/or long-term ecological ef fect on crop land and r
groundwater due to salt deposition from operation of the Hope Creek cooling tower that intervenor alleges Applicants have not adequately analyzed in the EROL.
: 4. Explain in detail why the Hope Creek EBOL does not adequately  analyze    the  environmental      impacts  of  salt deposition.
: 5. Describe  in  detail    how  salt    deposition    from operation of the Hope Creek cooling tower will affect crop land and groundwater.
Request for Production of Documents Please attach to your answer (s) to the interrogatories listed above a copy of all documents applicable to such answer (s) , or upon which you otherwise intend to rely in the presentation of your direct case or in the examination of other witnesses. Alternatively, state that all such docu-ments will be produced at a reasonable time and place to be agreed upon by the Applicants for inspection and copying.
N  /*  ,,
                                          ,    /  s  *7t *  /    )
Troy B.' Conner, Jr.
Robert M. Rader Jessica H. Laverty Counsel for Applicant January 20, 1984
l l
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Public Service Electric and    )
Gas Company                )
                                  )    Docket No. 50-354-OL (Hope Creek Generating        )
Staticn)                    )
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of " Applicants' First Set of Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documerts to Public Advocate," dated January 20, 1984 in the captioned matter have been served upon the following by deposit in the United States mail on this 20th day of January, 1984:
Marshall E. Miller, Esq.            Atomic Safety and Chairman                              Licensing Appeal Panel Atomic Safety and                    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Licensing Board Panel              Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory              Washington, D.C. 20555 Commission Washington, D.C. 20555            Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Dr. Peter A. Morris                  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Atomic Safety and                      Commission Licensing Board Panel            Washington, D.C. 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                        Docketing and Service Washington, D.C. 20555              Section Office of the Secretary Dr. James H. Carpenter              U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Atomic Safety and                      Commission Licensing Board Panel            Washington, D.C. 2055E l
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                        Lee Scott Dewey, Esq.
Washington, D.C. 20555            Office of the Executive Legal Director        -
Theodore C. Granger                  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Deputy Public Advocate                Commission
!  Department of the Public            Washington, D.C. 20555 Advocate Division of Rate Counsel 744 Broad Street 30th Floor Newark, New Jersey 07102 i
Richard Fryling, Jr., Esq.
Associate General Counsel Public Service Electric &
Gas Company P.O. Box 570 (TSE)
Newark, NJ    07101 R. William Potter, Esq.
Susan C. Remis, Esq.
State of New Jersey Department of the Public Advocate CN 850 Hughes Justice Complex Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Carol Delaney, Esq.
Deputy Attorney General Department of Justice State Office Building 8th Floor 820 N. French Street Wilmington, DE 19810 I                                                                                                      3 Robert M. Rader                    #

Latest revision as of 22:15, 14 July 2020

First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents Re Contentions 1,2,3 & 4.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/1984
From: Conner T
NUDOCS 8401240328
Download: ML20079J480 (12)


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4 4

DOCKETED USNPC UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION & 23 R2 21 Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board;FFitE CF H::E f 77 ; c; ,,, v .

In the Matter of ) "1"


Public Service Electric and ) Docket Nos. 50-354 Gas Company, et al. )


(Hope Creek Generating )

Station) )

APPLICANTS' FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO PUBLIC ADVOCATE Pursuant to the Rules of Practice of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC"), 10 C.F.R S2.740 (b) , and the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board's Special Prehearing Conference Order (December 21, 1983), Public Service Elec-tric and Gas Company, et al. (" Applicants" or "PSE&G")

hereby propound the following interrogatories to the Public Advocate of the State of New Jersey ("Public Advocate" or "intervenor") to be answered fully in writing, under oath, in accordance with the definitions and instructions below.

Additionally, pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 52.741, Applicants request that tne Public Advocate produce for inspection and copying (or provide copies of) those documents designated by intervenors in their respective answers below.

8401240328 840120 PDR ADOCK 05000354 0 PDR Q.


Definitions and Instructions

1. For each interrogatory, please state the full name, business address, and title or position of each person providing information for the answer to the interrogatory.
2. The following definitions shall apply:
a. "Intervenor" shall refer to the Public Advocate of the State of New Jersey, or any official, employee, or consultant thereof.
b. " Document" shall mean any written, printed, typed, or other graphic matter of any kind or nature, and all mechanical and electronic sound recordings or transcripts thereof, in the possession, custody, or control of intervenor, or its officials, employees, or agents; it shall also mean all copies or drafts of documents by whatsoever means made.
c. "Date" shall mean the exact day, month, and year, if ascertainable, or, if not ascertain-able, the best approximation (including the event's relationship to other events in the relevant context of the interrogatory).
d. "NEC" or " Commission" shall mean either the Atomic 'argy Commission or the Nuclear Regulct>ry Commission, as nropriate, including its regulatory staff a. 2 dica-tcry boards, as indicated by the context of the interrogatory.

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i i

e. "Specify," when referring to a proceeding before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, means that the answer shall set forth the i

! proceeding, applicant, docket number, rele-I vant date, and any other descriptive informa-4 tion appropriate to the request.

f. "Specify" or " identify," when referring to an individual, corporation, or other entity, means that the answer shall set forth the l name, present or last known business 'iress, I

and, if a corporation or other entity, its

! principle place of busi. ness or, if an indi-vidual, his or her title or titles and employer. Cnce an individual, corporation, i

i or other entity has been identified in answer t ,

i to an interrogatory, it shall be sufficient i thereafter when identifying that individual, corporation or other entity to state merely his, her, or its name.

g. " Basis" shall mean any document (as defined in 2(b) above), analysis, study, reference, or source upon which intervenor relies for l any assertion in the contentions or which j will be referred to or used in i

cross-examination of Applicants' witnesses.

3. These interrogatories request all knowledge and l information in intervenor's possession and/or knowledge and i


information in the possession of intervenor's agents, representatives, consultants, and, unless privileged, attorneys.

Contention 1

1. Specify all applicable NRC regulations, general design criteria, guidelines or other regulatory require-ments, or portions thereof, pertaining to the phenomenon of intergranular stress corrosion cracking ("IGSCC") which intervenor asserts are applicable to the recirculation piping installed at Hope Creek.
2. Specify each section of the Hope Creek Final Safety Analysis Report ("FSAR"), including Applicant's response to Staff questions, which intervenor asserts is relevant to the consideration of the phenomenon of IGSCC in recirculation piping and specify, to the extent applicable, any failure to meet the regulatory requirements set forth in response to Interrogatory 1 above.
3. State the basis upon which intervenor relies for its assertion that Type 304 austenitic stainless steel piping in the reactor coolant pressure boundary of boiling water reactors is " highly" susceptible to stress corrosion cracking.
4. Specify and describe in detail in what way the Applicants have failed to demonstrate that they can prevent and mitigate IGSCC in accordance with 10 C.F.R. Part 50, Appendix A, Criterion 30, in the recirculation piping installed at Hope Creek.



5. Define " critical" as it is used in Contentio. 1.

, 6. Specify what recirculation piping intervenor considers to be " critical."

7. Specify what critical recirculation piping has not been identified by Applicants as susceptible to IGSCC.
8. Specify the basis upon which intervenor relies for the assertion that connections to the decay heat removal system are critical piping.
9. Specify the regulatory requirement and/or any other basis for intervenor's assertion that all recirculation piping susceptible to IGSCC must be replaced.
10. Specify the conditions under which intervenor asserts replacement is feasible.
11. Specify all preventive measures intervenor asserts Applicants should take prior to start-up.
12. Specify the preventive measures intervenor asserts should be taken prior to start-up for each designated

" critical" component of recirculation piping but which have not yet been taken.

13. Specify the deficiencies intervenor alleges exist in the Applicants' syFtem for identification of Cracks in recirculation piping after start-up.
14. Specify those inspection techniques, other than manual ultrasonic testing, which intervenor asserts Applicants should use to identify recirculation piping susceptible to IGSCC after start-up.


_ _ _ - _ _ _ _n

Contention 2

1. Define " management implications" as used in this contention.
2. Specify each and every respect in which intervenor claims that PSE&G management in the administrative, procurement, maintenance and quality assurance programs for the Hope Creek Generating Station, as f this date, fails to meet all applicable regulatory requirements and license conditions imposed by the NRC.
3. As to each alleged deficiency, specify the applicable NRC requirement and/or license condition and describe in detail:
a. The applicable NRC regulatory requirement or license condition;  ;
b. The precise management f unction ( s) alleged to be deficient;
c. The names and/or job titles of the particular l PSE&G management officials with responsibilities for preventing or eliminating the deficiencies alleged;
d. The acts or omissions performed by such individuals, identified by name or title, upon which intervenor relies in asserting that tranagement deficiencies exist, including the date(s) of occurrence;
e. The actions which should have been taken by such management officials identified above in

order to prevent or eliminate the alleged management deficiencies;

f. All actions which intervenor contends must be taken with respect to PSE&G management prior to the issuance of an operating license for i

the Hope Creek Generating Station. l

4. If intervenor contends that PSE&G is not l technically qualified to engage in the activities to be l

authorized by an operating license for the Hope Creek Generating Station within the meaning of 10 C.F.R.

550.57 (a) (4) , specify and discuss in detail:

a. The particular aspect as to which PSE&G lacks technical qualifications;
b. The extent to which intervenor's claim is based upon any portion of the record of the application and, if so, identifying the particular portion (s) thereof;
c. All actions which must be taken by PSE&G in order to climinate any alleged deficiencies in its tehnical cualifications asserted above.
5. To the extent that intervenor relies upon the reactor trip circuit breaker failure at the Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1, on February 22 and 25, 1983, including all investigative and enforcement actions undertaken by the NRC with respect to those events, specify and describe in detail:
a. Each particular finding or statement by the NRC upon which intervenor relies to establish a " management implication" for Hope Creek;
b. The regulatory requirement or standard to which such statement or finding specified above applies;
c. All actions which intervenor contends PSE&G must take with respect to each such statement or finding specified above in order to eliminate the alleged " management

l l Contention 3

1. Specify all applicable NRC regulations, general design criteria, guidelines or otner regulatory require-ments, or portions thereof, pertaining to environmental qualification of safety-related electrical and mechanical equipment, components and subcomponents at the Hope Creek Generating Station.
2. Specify each section of the Hope Creek FSAR, including Applicant's responses to Staff questions, which intervenor asserts is relevant to the consideration of environmental qualification of safety-related electrical and mechanical equipment, components and subcomponents of the Hope Creek Generating Station.
3. Specify the deficiencies intervenor asserts to exist in the Applicants' environmental qualification program

outlined in the FSAR and amplified in answers to Staff questions.

4. Specify all safety-related electrical and mechan-ical equipment, components and subcomponents that intervenor alleges have not been or will not be environmentally qualified at the start of operation and/or throughout the operation of the plant.
5. Specify those regulatory requirements, or portions thereof, with which intervenor alleges Applicants do not comply.

Contention 4

1. Specify all applicable NRC regulations, general design criteria, guidelines or other regulatory require-ments, or portions thereof, pertaining to the phenomenon of salt deposition from the operation of the Hope Creek cooling tower.
2. Specify each section of the Hope Creek Environ-mental Report-Operating License Stage ("EROL"), including Applicants' response to Staff questions, which intervenor asserts is relevant to the consideration of the phenomenon of salt deposition from the operation of the Hope Creek cooling tower.
3. Specify and describe in detail any environmental impact and/or long-term ecological ef fect on crop land and r

groundwater due to salt deposition from operation of the Hope Creek cooling tower that intervenor alleges Applicants have not adequately analyzed in the EROL.

4. Explain in detail why the Hope Creek EBOL does not adequately analyze the environmental impacts of salt deposition.
5. Describe in detail how salt deposition from operation of the Hope Creek cooling tower will affect crop land and groundwater.

Request for Production of Documents Please attach to your answer (s) to the interrogatories listed above a copy of all documents applicable to such answer (s) , or upon which you otherwise intend to rely in the presentation of your direct case or in the examination of other witnesses. Alternatively, state that all such docu-ments will be produced at a reasonable time and place to be agreed upon by the Applicants for inspection and copying.


N /* ,,

, / s *7t * / )

Troy B.' Conner, Jr.

Robert M. Rader Jessica H. Laverty Counsel for Applicant January 20, 1984


l l

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Public Service Electric and )

Gas Company )

) Docket No. 50-354-OL (Hope Creek Generating )

Staticn) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of " Applicants' First Set of Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documerts to Public Advocate," dated January 20, 1984 in the captioned matter have been served upon the following by deposit in the United States mail on this 20th day of January, 1984:

Marshall E. Miller, Esq. Atomic Safety and Chairman Licensing Appeal Panel Atomic Safety and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Licensing Board Panel Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Washington, D.C. 20555 Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Dr. Peter A. Morris U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Atomic Safety and Commission Licensing Board Panel Washington, D.C. 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docketing and Service Washington, D.C. 20555 Section Office of the Secretary Dr. James H. Carpenter U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Atomic Safety and Commission Licensing Board Panel Washington, D.C. 2055E l

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Lee Scott Dewey, Esq.

Washington, D.C. 20555 Office of the Executive Legal Director -

Theodore C. Granger U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Deputy Public Advocate Commission

! Department of the Public Washington, D.C. 20555 Advocate Division of Rate Counsel 744 Broad Street 30th Floor Newark, New Jersey 07102 i

Richard Fryling, Jr., Esq.

Associate General Counsel Public Service Electric &

Gas Company P.O. Box 570 (TSE)

Newark, NJ 07101 R. William Potter, Esq.

Susan C. Remis, Esq.

State of New Jersey Department of the Public Advocate CN 850 Hughes Justice Complex Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Carol Delaney, Esq.

Deputy Attorney General Department of Justice State Office Building 8th Floor 820 N. French Street Wilmington, DE 19810 I 3 Robert M. Rader #

