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Latest revision as of 12:21, 28 February 2020

Environmental Operating Report, January 1 Through June 30, 1976
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 08/07/2018
Indiana Michigan Power Co (Formerly Indiana & Michigan Power Co)
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18219D205 (901)





~aauary 1, l9$ 6 through t'une 30, 19/6 Docket No. 50-315 License No. DPR-5S

Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Environmental Operating Report January 1 1976 through June 30 1976 CorOte~t P~ae Introduction II. Abnormal Environmental Occurrences III. Changes to the Environmental Technical Specifications IV. Physical Observations A. Underwater Observations B. Scour and Erosion Studies C. Groundwater Monitoring V. Chemical Discharges VI. Aquatic Studies A. Zooplankton B.


Phytoplankton Benthos ll9 D. Fish VII. Terrestrial Studies VIII. Thermal Plume Studies 16 IX. Deicing Operation and Circulating Mater Pump Operation X. Radioactive Release Data 18 XI. Environmental Radiation Monitoring 19 XII. Radiological Impact on Man 20 XIII. Meteorological Monitoring 22 XIV. Corrections and Additions to the Previous 23 Report XV. Summary

A edce A-l. Visual Observations of the Intake and Discharge Structures A-2. Groundwater Monitoring B-l. Zooplankton B-2. Phytoplankton B-3. Benthos B-4. Fish C. Terrestrial Studies D. Thermal Studies E. Radioactive Release Data F. Environmental Radiation Data G. Meteorological Data

This is the fourth Environmental Operating Report for Unit No. 1 of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. During the first half of the period covered by this report (January 1, 1976 through June 30, 1976), the unit continued to be restricted to a maximum of 81$ of full power operation by the operating license. On March 30, 1976 Amendment No. 12 was issued to the operating license and this amendment allowed operation of the unit up to 90$ of full rated thermal power with completion of testing permitted at levels up to 100/ power. On May 28, 1976, Amendment No. 14 to the operating license was issued which allowed full (100$ ) power operation.


I I. Abnormal Environmental Occurrences The following abnormal environmental occurrences were reported during.

the first half of 1976.

Date Number Occurrence 4-01-76 50-315/76-01 Release of radiogas from gas decay tanks 6-07-76 50-315/76-02 Condenser circulating water hT > 22 + 1 F 6-11-76 50-315/76-03 R-19 (Steam Generator Blowdown Radiation Monitor) placed in test position with continu-ation of blowdown.

" I I" 4

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III. Chan es to the Enviro mental Technical S ecif'cations There were three changes to the Appendix B Technical Specifications during the first 6 months of 1976.

Amendment 9 to the operating license, issued on January 2, 1976, changed a footnote to Table 2.43 concerning analysis of the gross activity in the service water discharge.

Amendment ll to the operating license, issued on March 15, 1976, changed section p. by deleting the requirement for plume sampling of zooplankton and phytoplankton.

Amendment 13 to the operating license, issued on March 26, 19'76, changed section relating to ground water sampling. The revisions deleted the requirement for an electric flow detector and substituted determination of the flow velocity and direction from the results of pumping tests and observation of the wells. The testing locations were also revised.

These amendments were made in response to requests dated July 2, September 16,'and October 24, 197$ respectively.

IV. Ph s eal 0 serv t o s U derw te 0 e Sixteen dives have been performed during 1976; five during April, six during May and five during June.

The riprap fields and structures appear normal; no scour was observed.

Some organic debris (leaves, sticks, dune grass) and a few dead fish (pri-marily alewives) have been seen, but no appreciable or abnormal accumula-tions have been observed. By June, periphyton (primarily Cladophora) was present on both the top and surrounding riprap of all structures examined.

Macrophytes were not observed. A few molluscs (snails and fingernail clam shells) were seen. Crayfish were observed regularly, but the number of individuals seen during the various dives fluctuated greatly. During June, large numbers of fish eggs (probably alewife or possibly spottail shiner) were observed attached to various substrates (periphyton, loose algae, organic debris) in the vicinity of the structures and at the control stations. Loose (unattached) eggs were also observed at the control stations. Nine species of fish were observed and listed in order of de-scending frequency of observation are: alewife, sculpin, johnny darter, yellow perch, carp, spottail shiner, trout-perch, rainbow smelt and burbot. Large numbers of alewife were observed during June.

Conditions, observable by divers, which might indicate or constitute a serious negative,,impact to the existing ecological system include:

1) presence of scour, 2) large or numerous areas of heavy silt accumula-tion or suspended material, 3) an unusual increase in the number of dead organisms (fish, crayfish, etc.) or amount of decaying organic material,
4) masses of loose algae, unusually heavy periphyton growth, presence of nuisance algae (blue-greens), presence of macrophytes, 5) unanticipated numbers (schools) of fish, in particular undesirable species such as carp or gizzard shad, 6) any increase or decrease in the populations of macro-scopic biota (i.e., snails', crayfish, 'other macrobenthos, fish) in excess of observed natural fluctuations in the spatial and temporal abundance and distribution of same biota. To date, none of the itemized conditions have been observed, with the exception of increased turbidity in the vicinity of the plume.

See Appendix A-1 to this report .

t B. Scour an Eros on Studies The program of monitoring Lake Michigan bottom scour and shoreline erosion in the vicinity of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant continued to be in effect during the period of 1/1/76 - 6/30/76. Additionally a report was prepared during this period by the Great Lakes Research- Division of the University of Michigan describing lake and shore ice conditions during the winter of 1973-74 in the vicinity of the Cook Plant.

1 ~ Lake bottom profiles are found by monthly sounding normally during the period of April through October.

These depth readings are taken within a grid of 13,000 ft. in a North-South direction and 3,000 ft.

in an East-'i<est direction. During this reporting period, soundings were taken on April 7, May 20 and June 8, 1976. This sequence of soundings indicates certain minor movement of the sand bottom during the winter months with progressive stabilization as the summer months approach. The June soundings show a pattern very similar to the final soundings of 1975 (October 8).

2. The aerial photographic survey of six miles of Lake Michigan shoreline (from one mile north to five miles south of the plant) continued on a monthly basis during the reporting period. The photography of March 1976 was used to compile a set of maps for 2.46 miles of shoreline. The maps indicate that no appreciable change in beachfront has taken place since September, 1975.

3 0 A 1,400 ft. x 2,400 ft. grid within the area of circulating water intake and discharge pipes and structures was sounded on May 20 and June 8, 1976.

These scour bed area profiles indicate that only minor movement has taken place since October 8, 1975.

The report of ice formation in the vicinity of Cook Plant is Special Report No. 55 of the Great Lakes Research Division, "Lake and Shore Ice Conditions on Southeastern Lake Michigan in the Vicinity of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant: 'i'1inter 1973-74" by Seibel, Garison and."Maresca. Sediment transport due to the formation and breakup of ice ridges was studied in detail. During this particular winter very little modification of shoreline and bluffline occurred.

All of the above information with the exception of the shorefront aerial photos is available in the New York offices of AEPSC. The aerial photos can be found at the Cook Plant.

p t

C. Groundwater Mo itorin Groundwater movement was determined from measurements of the static water level and by analysis of data from pumping tests of the monitoring wells. This data also included measurements of the drawdown of water in the pumped monitoring wells and in nearby observation wells.

Xt was found that the groundwater flow is in general, East to West, (into the lake), at approximately 2.816 ft/day except for in the vicinity of the pond. The pond influences the flow in its immediate area to a West to Northwest direction at approximately 10.03 ft/day.

Chemical analysis was made of groundwater samples from wells 1A,2,3,6,7,8,11, and 12. The samples were analyzed for the parameters of:

sodium conductivity sulf ate nitrate phosphate iron pH copper Lake water, free of chlorination, was also analyzed for the same parameters.

The results of the well sample analyses and the groundwater movement calculations are presented. in Appendix A<<2.

See Appendix A-2 to this report.

V. Chemical Dischar es Actual quantities of chemicals released to the lake or the absorption field during the first'half of 1976 are listed below, arranged according to the relevant Technical Specifications.

A. Specification Chlorination of the circulating Mater System was done throughout this operating period on a twice per day {20 minute feed) automatic program, except for unit outages. Total chlorine residual is presently being measured at the condenser outlet by the amperometric method.

Total residual chlorine is being measured every five minutes through each period of chlorination.

B. Specification Amount Discharged - Lbs.

1. Phosphate 29 (heating boiler blowdown)
2. Morpholine 0
3. Ammonia 45.2 C. ,Specification A Ill h d ~I ~ 'h d
1. Sodium sulfate 23.3 tons Absorption Field
2. Boron 74.95 lbs.

{from processed Lake waste)

3. "Detergent 448.2 lbs. Lake
  • Detergent used for decontamination of the Aux. Building with the majority of this material processed through the waste disposal system.

Values reported are based from inventory control of the detergent with the assumption that all used was discharged to the lake. The material presently in use is Spartan DC-13 cleaning compound with the following active materials:

Sodium Nitrite Less than 0.5X Phosphate 0.75 as P Alkylaryl Polyethylene Glycol Ether 10K Postassium Hydroxide Less than 0.1X Perfume Less than 0.1%

Rhodamine B Dye Basic (Yoilet 810) 3 ppm



D. Specification - Discharge to Lake and Absorption Field

1. Turbine Room Sump Composite Data (flow estimated)

Sodium 32,924 pounds Cal cium 15,531 pounds Magnesium 6,279 pounds Sulfate 31,544 pounds Chloride 3,174 pounds Total Solids - 144,537 pounds

2. pH values on Sump Discharge Composite Low - 7.30 High - 8.90
3. Chemicals other than Spent Regenerants to Absorption Pond.

Three pounds of Rhodamsne 8 Dye was discharged to the Absorption Pond during condenser leak detection.

VI.. A uat c St d es A. ~Z1 k Condenser-Passa e Studies Data are presented for the zooplankton mortality studies (December 1975 to Hay 1976) and for the zooplankton abundance studies (December 1975 to April 1976). Additional data on the numbers and biomass of liv-ing and dead zooplankton exiting the plant are presented (September 1975 to April 1976). The results of supplementary incubation experiments conducted in Ann Arbor on zooplankton collected from the intake and discharge waters in October, November, January, and February are presented.

Zooplankton mortalities were generally low (less than 15%) in the discharge waters and similar to the mortalities in the intake waters.

During the winter and spring, the greatest mortalities were associated with storms and recirculation. Zooplankton mortalities did not tend to increase with time over the 24-hour incubation period. Supplementary studies conducted in Ann Arbor indicated that condenser-passed zooplank-ton had long-term survival rates similar to those of zooplankton col-lected from the intake waters. The discharge-water zooplankton were as capable of producing viable eggs as those zooplankton which did not pass through the condensers.

The concentration and species composition of the zooplankton passing through the power plant were similar in 1975 and 1976. However, in 1976 the zooplankton were more numerous in the spring and appeared to enter the spring, reproductive period at an earlier date than in 1975.

This is thought to have been due to the relatively mild winter and the warm spring which were favorable for copepod survival and reproduction.

The numbers and biomass of zooplankton passing through the plant each month were estimated. The biomass of dead zooplankton varied from 43 kg dry weight to 825 kg dry weight. The impact of these dead zoo-plankton upon the lake was not assessed. A future report will assess the significance of these losses for the benthic community.

In summary, the condenser-passage data do not suggest that zooplank-ton are experiencing large amounts of damage due to plant passage. Nor do the data suggest that in the winter unusual concentrations of zoo-plankton exist in water masses in the vicinity of the intake structures.

Lake Surve s Survey data are presented for September, October and December 1975 and for April 1976 from the inshore region which is most exposed to the thermal plume. The data are presented, in part, as figures comparing the distribution of the major taxa in this region in the pre- and post-operational years. Unusual zooplankton concentrations were observed in

September, December, and April when zooplankton occurred in relatively large numbers. These observations were also made over other portions of the survey grid and do not reflect local conditions which resulted from the effects of the thermal plume. No explanation is offered for the September or the December data; the April distributions were probably a result of the mild winter and early spring. Statistical analyses have yet to be performed on the data.

See Appendix B-l to this report .

B. Ph to lankt;on ENTRAINMENT A study of phytoplankton entrainment has been conducted on a regular basis since February 1975. Samples are collected once per month from the intake forebay and from the discharge forebay of Unit 1 three times during a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period: before morning twilight, at noon, and after evening twilight. Sampling from the plume occurs once per month. Samples are collected in triplicate for viability analysis and in duplicate for microscopic counts.

Chlorophyll and phaeophytin analyses are being used to determine phytoplankton viability. All but three of the 408 required viability samples for the period February 1975 through June 1976 have been taken and are available. For the same period, 224 samples for microscopic counting were required; 53 of these were not taken or were lost for various reasons explained in the text.

Samples for viability analysis showed statistically significant (95%

level) differences in viability between the intake and discharge on eight different occasions. On 5 occasions, the plant appears to have improved the viability of the phytoplankton population, and on 3 occasions it decreased the viability. Since data analysis is incomplete at this time, no final conclusions can be drawn regarding plant impact.

LAKE SURVEYS This report primarily compares preoperational 1974 to operational 1975. Some aspects of data from 1972 and 1973 are being reworked to eliminate errors due to rounding off and/or transcription. They will be included in subsequent reports.

Total cells per ml at stations in front of the plant, but offshore beyond the expected reach of plant effects, typically show lower values and less month-to-month variation than the inshore stations. In 1975, however, they showed high spring and fall values as did the inshore stations. This is taken as evidence of lake-related causation, rather than plant effect. 1 Comparisons of 1974 and 1975 data on numbers of algal forms collected and on numbers of cells per form have been made to see whether plant operation in 1975 produced any cases of few forms with many cells per form, a condition commonly observed in polluted or damaged environments.

No such condition has been found, indeed, the inshore stations in June through September 1975 showed more forms with fewer cells per form, sug-gesting a more diverse (healthy) inshore community in 1975 than in 1974.

Offshore stations in most months showed more forms with some increase in

cells per form in 1975. Increase in number of forms offshore in 1975 indicates that the change in form numbers was probably lake-related, not a plant effect.

Comparison between inshore stations close to the plant and reference stations 7 miles from the plant showed a tendency for more forms at the reference stations in 1975, again indicating lake-causation rather than plant effect.

Comparisons of the percentage abundances of the major algal groups at the plant stations and reference stations in 1974 and 1975 showed primarily the normal annual cycles of high diatom abundances in spring, low diatoms and high greens and blue-greens in late summer-early fall, and increase in diatoms accompanied by decrease in other groups in fall.

See Appendix B-2 to this report,

C. Bathos This report contains a statement of the results of the lake surveys of April-June 1976 and of entrainment studies twice each month January-June. All required samples have been collected with the exception of one entrainment sample missed in January, one in February and four in May. One taxon, Pisu7ium, displayed unusually low densities in depth zone 0 (0-8 m) near the plant, but the absolute magnitude of the differ-ence between mean~ for this area and the comparable reference area was quite small (18/m ), and no negative importance is attached to this result. All other taxa displayed no significant differences between areas near the plant and the reference areas.

Entrainment samples showed unusually high densities of Pontopoveia (1/m3) and Npsis (2.2/m3) at night in one sampling period in late Febru-ary. It is not known whether loss of these entrained organisms would constitute a serious impact on lake ecology, but no population reductions of Pontoporeia in the area near the plant were detected in April 1976.

In addition, comparison of age/sex classes of Pontopoz'cia in April 1976 showed that a younger (smaller) population inhabited depths between 16 and 24 m opposite the plant than occurred at the same depths in refer-ence areas. This was not reflected in population densities, however, and other sources for the difference are more plausible than a postula-tion of direct plant effects.

Chironomidae have been identified to species and larval instars for depth zone 0 in 1975, and no differences were found in month-by-month age structure between near-plant and reference areas.

See Appendix B-3 to this report.

D. Fish Gill Nets, Tzau)ls and Seines Fishing for adult- species of fish in Lake Michigan was carried on during February through June, 1976. To date, we have observed no sub-stantial chancre in species composition between pre-operational ( 73-'74 ) and operational ('75 Q)years for this 6-month time period. Qualitative ob-servational data from our log books, sonar tracking and SCUBA diver ob-servations have shown that some alewives and carp are attracted to the discharge area in larger. numbers than comparable control areas. More detailed statistical treatment of our field data should substantiate or deny these preliminary conclusions.

Zish Dmvae and Eggs (1) Zield Samples. None of the 1976 samples have been examined and much of the 1975 field data have not been computer-processed to final form. Therefore no comparisons can be made between field-caught larvae and eggs taken during 1975 and 1976.

(2) Entrainment. All 1975 samples have been picked, coded and are awaiting final computer processing. None of the 1976 entrainment samples have yet been examined. 1974 data indicate that entrainment of larvae and eggs is a seasonally variable problem. During months of high larvae and egg abundance in inshore waters (June-August) large numbers of fish, mostly alewives, are entrained. Fall and winter entrainment is much less extensive because few fish spawn in the study area at that time. Field samples collected simultaneously during entrainment in 1975-76 should help us assess density of larvae and eggs in the study area. With this information we hope to determine whether a significant proportion of larvae and eggs in the study area are being entrained by the plant. In 1974 alewives were the most frequently entrained species.

Smelt, spottail and yellow perch were also common in our samples.

Impingement Impingement samples were collected in accordance with the Technical Specifications from January through June. Data are presented in this report for the period January 1975 through April 1976. Daily collec-tions were made until March, when an every-fourth-day sampling plan was adopted.

Zozebay Visual Inspection During January-May 1976 limited numbers of fish were observed swim-ming in the forebay. Large concentrations of fish were not evident.

See Appendix B-4 to this report.

VII'errestrial Studies Three study trips to the Cook Nuclear Plant site were made during the first half of 1976 by our consultant Dr. F C. Evans, and his associates. Each of the 16 previously established study sites were visited plus two additional sites were established.

Site 17, Industrial Construction Area, is to be used for small mammal trapping. Site 18, Lowland Brush, is to be used for the placement of nets for bird banding.

There was no evidence of significant environmental or biotic change in the terrestrial ecology of the plant site during the period covered by this report.

See Appendix C to this report .

VIII. 'h'erm'a'1'lume't'u'dies A detailed report of all thermal plume mapping studies performed to date was submitted to the Michigan Water Resources Commission on June 1, 1976. The complete report is included as Appendix D.

The thermal discharge from the D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant was monitored during the periods:

May, 1975 July August, 1975 September October, 1975 December, 1975 February March, 1976 with Unit I operating at. approximately 81% of rated power. A total of 30 plumes was mapped during this monitoring effort.

Difficulty in determining the ambient lake temperature for defi;ning thecQF isotherm has continued with a complete loss of the in-situ temperature monitoring devices on July 19, 1975.

New equi;pment has been ordered and is currently under evaluation.

Further thermal discharge monitoring will not take place until Unit 2 is in operation so that the next monitoring effort will study the thermal plume resulting from both units. *

+A letter dated May 18, 1976 was received from Mr. G. W. Knighton of the Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis of the NRC which confirmed the interpretation of the Appendix B Technical Specifications, page 4.1-3, allowing the discontinuation of Thermal Plume Studies until Unit 2 is .operational at no less than 75'f rated load.

erat o and C rculat n OJater Pum 0 eration A. Specification There were no circulating water pumps out of service due to malfunction during this operating period.

B. Specification 2.1.3 The deicing mode of operation was utilized from January 4, 1976 through February 16, 1976.

X. 'adi'o'acti v'e'el'e'ase'ata The releases of radioactive materials from the Cook Nuclear Plant during the first half of 1976 are detailed in Appendix E to this report. The Appendix uses the same format as Appendix B Technical Specification 5.4. Releases were all less than five percent of applicable limits.

XI. Environmental Radiation Monitor1~n Monitoring of radioactivity in the environs of the Cook Nuclear Plant is carried out in accordance with table 4.2-1 in section 4.2 of the Appendix B Technical Specifications. Appendix F of this report contains the results of that monitoring for the first half of 1976.

Samples were analyzed by the Eberlinc Instrument Corporation-Hidwest Facility, except for those specifically identified as being done at the Cook Nuclear Plant.

The samples collected and analyzed during this period show low levels of activity consistent with those expected in environmental media. No radioactivity attributable to plant operation was detected.

Some samples were not analyzed in time for inclusion in this report. They will be presented in the next Environmental Operating Heport.

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XII. Radiolo ical Im act on Man Dose calculations have been performed to evaluate the radiological impact on man of the releases of radionuclides to the atmosphere and lake by the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.

The doses for the first half of 1976 are very low but slightly above those of the last half of 1975.

Three batch releases (Gaseous) were made during the reporting period, all during the second quarter. Doses for these releases were calculated based on the actual meteorology at the time of each release. Other releases were averaged over each quarter for the purpose of calculating doses.

The maximum whole body ose during the half year was calculated to have been .17 X 10 mrem, and the maximum skin dose was .11 mrem, both at the site boundary in the NF~ sector.

Population doses are estimated to hav'e been .481 X 10" man-rems (whole body), and .255 man-rems (skin).

Maximum potential thyroid doses for an adult are estimated to be .008mrem from eating vegetables and .17 X 10 mrem from inhalation. For an infant they pre estimated to be .22 mrem from drinking cows milk and .15 X 10" from inhalation. All thyroid doses were maximum in the NE sector at the site boundary.

Liquid releases consisted of a large number of batch releases, at frequent intervals. These have been treated for the purpose of dose calculations as a continuous release, and a dilution factor of 10 has been used for all pathways of exposure.

The resulting doses are as follows:

Dose Location Pathwa of Ex osure Dose mrem Whole Body Drinking Water 2.87X10 GI-LLI+ 2.38X10 Thyroid 7. 55X10 Bone 6. 47X10 Whole Body Eating Fish 7. 54X10 GI-LLI+ 1.67X10" Thyroid 2.'1X10-4 Bone 5 93X10 "

Whole Body Swimming 3.27X10 Skin 3.90X10 ~

  • Gastro intestinal tract - Lower large intestine

Whole Body Boating l. 64X10 Skin 1. 95X10-~

Given these small doses as the maximum to an individual, population doses are negligible.

Three radioisotope releases (liquid) shown below which were recorded at the plant during the second quarter, were not considered in calculating the above doses since our liquid release program is not designed to handle them. However, due to their low release values no significant increases in the above doses would result from their inclusion.

Cerium - 139 4.100X10 ~ curies Barium - 133 2.249X10 curies Strontium - 85 2.227X10 curies

XXIX. 'e'te'oro'lo'cal'onitorin The meteorological monitoring instruments at the Cook Nuclear Plant performed well during the first half of 1976. Data recovery was as follows:

Data Recover Percenta e Xns'trument 'Jan March A ril - June 50'ind speed 92 ~ 9 99.5 50'ind direction 88.9 96.2 150'ind speed 97.2 97.7 150'ind direction 95. 8 96.9 temperature 99.9 99.4 Appendix G contains joint frequency distributions of wind speed, direction, and lapse rate during the first, two

<quarters of 1976. Also included are actual hour by hour data during the batch releases of radioactive gases.


XIV. Corrections and Additions to the Previous Re ort The last five pages of Appendix F contain finalized tables vhich appeared as incomplete in the same appendix of the last Environmental Operating Report.


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XV. Summary This Environmental Operating Report covers the first six months of during which operation above 81$ power was first allowed. 1976 Testing to 100$ power was performed starting in the second quarter of this year and unrestricted full power operation started in the last month of the period covered by this report.

The radioactive releases to unrestricted areas and corresponding doses to the population in the vicinity of the Cook Nuclear Plant have remained very low although some increases are apparent. This is to be expected and is due, in part, to the increase in the operating power level. Ecological monitoring has not shown any adverse effects from the operation of the plant ~

Ve believe that after nearly one and one half years of operation the excellent operating history and availability record of Unit 1 has shown that the facility can be operated at full power in a safe manner for its design lifetime.

A endix A-1 Visual Observations of the Intake and Discharge Structures and Control Areas

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Environmental Operating Report January-June 1976 John A. Dorr III Prior to the 1976 field season, a schedule of underwater operations was established which included five dives each month at standard locations.

These locations and dive times are: one day dive in the area of the intake structures, one day dive in the area of the discharge structures, one night dive in the area of the intake structures, and two dives in control areas outside the riprap. Observations have been successfully completed once a month at each location. A total of 16 dives have been performed; five during April, six during May and five during June. A summary of diving activities is included.

Following each dive, a report of observations is compiled. These reports and the data gathered during the dives, along with laboratory analysis of samples collected, are then used to write the reports on underwater operations. Regular sampling of periphyton growing on the top of the south intake and discharge structures and adjacent riprap, initiated during 1975, continues. These samples will be analyzed qualitatively'and estimates of percent species composition made. A continuing attempt is made, to quantify observations in terms of numbers/unit area, in order that estimates and comparisons of density and distribution among various biota may be made.

The riprap fields and structures appear normal; no scour has been observed. Although organic debris (leaves, sticks, wood, dune grass, etc.)

and a few dead fish (alewives) have been noted, no appreciable or abnormal accumulations have been observed. By June, periphyton (primarily Cladophora) on the riprap in the vicinity of the intake and didcharge structures examined had attained lengths of 1-2 cm. Periphyton on top of the south discharge structure was 2-8 cm in length "by June. Periphyton was not present on top of the south intake structure in April but was 2-3 cm in length in have never been observed. A few molluscs (live snails and June.'acrophytes fingernail clam shells) have been seen. Crayfish are observed regularly, but the number of individuals seen during the dives fluctuates greatly.

During June, large numbers (hundreds of thousands) of fish eggs (probably alewife or spottail shiner) were observed attached to various substratums (periphyton, loose algae, organic depris) in the vicinity of the structures and at the control stations. Loose (unattached) eggs were also obser'ved at the control stations. Although the percentage varied, viable, empty and dead (fungussed) eggs all occurred among .the total egg composite noted at all locations.

Nine species of fish were observed, and listed in order of descending frequency of observation are: alewife, sculpin, johnny darter, yellow perch, carp, spottail shiner, trout-perch, rainbow smelt and burbot.

Large numbers of adult alewife were observed during the June dives. Fish feces (probably alewife) were numerous in May and very abundant in June at the control stations.


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'I The underwater visibility was often poor, going as low as 0.8 meters on May 12. An exception to this pattern occurred on June 9, when the water was unusually clear. A visibility of 6 meters was recorded, and the intake st'ructure could be seen from the surface.

Conditions, observable by divers, which might indicate or constitute a serious negative impact to the existing ecological system if they did occur include: 1) presence of scour, 2) large or numerous areas of heavy silt accumulation suspended or material, 3) an unusual increase in the number of dead organisms (fish, crayfish, etc.) or amount of decaying organic material, 4) masses of loose algae, unusually heavy periphyton growth, presence of nuisance algae (blue-greens), presence of macrophytes,

5) unanticipated numbers (schools) of fish, in particular undesirable species such as carp or gizzard shad, 6) any increase or decrease in the populations of macroscopic biota (i.e., snails, crayfish, other macro-benthos, fish) in excess of observed natural fluctuations in the spatial and temporal abundance and distribution of same biota.

To date, none of the itemized conditions have been observed, with the exception of increased turbidity in the vicinity of the plume. A diver sw'imming in the plume finds that his horizontal visibility is 10-30% less than it is in undisturbed lake water under the same conditions. However, the visibility tends to vary over a wide range in any case. It may be sharply reduced for several days after a storm.

The underwater observation program has been designed to facilitate first-hand monitoring of the study area. The program should enable divers to adequately assess the non-pelagic/nektonic macroscopic biological con-dition of at least eight locations within one-quarter of a mile of the intake and discharge structures. Observational methodologies have been designed to allow divers to detect the previously itemized conditions which might indicate a change in the existing system at the monitoring locations. Certain limitations are inherent in most underwater observational programs. Observations are primarily macroscopic and may inadequately monitor highly motile segments of the biological populations, and operational logistics limit both the duration of the observational period and the number of locations monitored. However, these limitations neither preclude nor undermine the value of data which may be obtained through the existing observational program.

A list of the 1976 dives appears in Table 1; details of each diye are given in the Observations section that follows Table l. In the Observations section,'he numbers of organisms are defined in the following way: few =

1-10, many ~ 11-50, numerous = 51-100, abundant = more than 100.


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TABLE 1. Summary of the 1976 diving activities at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. January through June.

No of Dive Date Location Depth Time of dive (dur- obser-

'o. (m) ation) vers 1 Apr 14 S. discharge structure 6 1508-1602 (54 min) 2 Apr 14 S. intake structure 9 1635-1712 (37 min) 3 Apr 14 S. intake structure 9 2204-2244 (40 min) 4 Apr 15 N. control stations 4-6 1203-1233 (30 min) 5 Apr 15 S. control stations 4-5 1308-1338 (30 min) 6 May 12 S. discharge structure 6 1540-1638 (58 min) 7 May 12 S. intake structure 9 1714-1745 (31 min) 8 May 12 S. intake structure 9 2323-0030 (67 min) 9 May 13 N. control stations 4-6 1333-1403 (30 min) 10 May 13 S. control stations 4-5 1432-1502 (30 min) ll May 13 Middle intake structure 9 1725-1750 (25 min) 12 Jun 8 S. intake structure 9 2145-2311 (86 min) 13 Jun 9 S. discharge structure 6 1445-1530 (45 min) 14 Jun 9 S. intake structure 9 1613-1650 (37 min) 15 Jun 9 N. control stations 6 1730-1800 (30 min) 16 Jun 9 S. control stations 4-5 1815-1845 (30 min)

DAYLIGHT NIGHT TOTAL Month No. of dives Time No. of dives Time Dives Time April 151 min 1 40 min 5 191 min May 5 174 min 1 67 min 6 241 min June 4 142 min 1 86 min 5 228 min Total 13 467 min 193 min 16 660 min

p 4W W

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OBSERVATIONS Dive No. l Date: 14 April 1976 Duration: 54 min Times 1508-1602 hrs Visibility: 2' m Location: south discharge structure Bottom temp.: 9'C Depth: 6 m Current: from S, 8 cm/sec Scour: none observed Attached algae/periphyton: Cladophora 2.5 cm in length on top of structure, 1-2 cm in length on riprap surrounding structure.

Periphyton sampled from top of structure and riprap.

Decaying material: few branches on riprap Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: none observed Crayfish: 2 dead, none alive Fish: sculpin = few Comment: a 20-30 ft section of the concrete base of the structure was elevated (or eroded) approximately 1 m above the riprap on the north-east side of the structure. This condition was observed during 1975 and appeared unchanged.

Dive No. 2 Date: 14 April 1976 Duration: 37 min Time: 1635-1712 hrs Visibility 1 ~ 75 m Location: south intake structure Bottom temp.: 8.8'C Depth: 9 m Current: from SSW Scour: none observed Attached algae/periphyton: very little on top of structure, Cladophora 1-2 cm in length on riprap. Periphyton sampled from top of structure and riprap.

Decaying material: very little observed Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: none observed Crayfish: none observed Fish: sculpin 1 Comment: periphyton may have been scoured off the top of the structure by ice during the winter.

Dive No. 3 Date: 14 April 1976 Duration: 40 min Time: 2204-2244 hrs Visibility:

Location: south intake structure Bottom temp.: 9.8'C Depth: 9 m Current:


P 1

Scour: none observed Attached algae/periphyton: similar to Dive No. 2. No samples taken.

Decaying material: similar to Dive No. 2 Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: none observed Crayfish: few Fish: sculpin ~ few, yellow perch 2, rainbow smelt = 1 Comment: none Dive No. 4 Date: 15 April 1976 Duration: 30 min Time: 1203-1233 hrs Visibility: 1.75 m Location: north control stations Bottom temp.: 11 C Depth: 4-6 m Current: from SW Scour: not applicable Attached algae/periphyton: none observed. Loose algae not observed.

Decaying material: few sticks Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: empty shells abundant Crayfish: none observed Fish: none Comment: fish feces (probably alewife) very abundant Dive No. 5 Date: 15 April 1976 Duration: 30 min Time: 1308-1338 hrs Visibility: 1.75 m Location: south control stations Bottom temp.: 10.6'C Depth: 4-5 m Current:

Scour: not applicable Attached algae/periphyton: none, observed. Loose algae not observed.

Decaying material: none observed Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: few broken sphaeriid shells Crayfish: none observed Fish: none observed Comment: none Dive No. 6 Date: 12 May 1976 Duration: 58 min Time: 1540-1638 hrs Visibility: 0.8 m Location: south discharge structure Bottom temp.: 11.8'C Depth: 6 m Current: little

~ ~

N'cour: none observed Attached algae/periphyton: Cladophora 2-5 cm in length on top of the structure, shorter on riprap. Periphyton sampled from top of structure and riprap.

Decaying material: sticks abundant on riprap. Seven dead alewife seen.

Macrophytes: none observed

". Molluscs: none observed Crayfish: 2 observed Fish: Sculpin 7, )ohnny darter = 1, carp 1, alewife (dead) = 7 Comment: dead alewife also seen at the surface and on the beach.

Dive No. 7 Date: 12 May 1976 Duration: 31 min Time: 1714-1745 hrs Visibility: 2 m Location: south intake structure Bottom temp.: 11.0'C Depth: 9 m Current:

Scour: none observed Attached algae/periphyton: Cladophora on top of structure 1 cm in length, 2-3 cm in length on riprap. Periphyton sampled from top of structure and riprap.

Decaying material: very little Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: 1 gastropod Crayfish: none observed Fish: sculpin = many, Johnny darter = many Comment: none Dive No. 8 Date: 12 May 1976 Duration: 67 min Time: 2323-0030 'hrs Visibility:

Location: south intake structure Bottom temp.:

Depth: 9 m Current: strong Scour: none observed Attached algae/periphyton: same as Dive No. 7 Decaying material: none observed Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: none observed Crayfish: abundant Fish: Sculpin = abundant, johnny darter = abundant, alewife few, rainbow smelt = 1, yellow perch ~ 1, trout-perch 1, spottail shiner 1 Comment: fish species diversity and activity much higher than Dive No. 7.

I Dive No. 8 Date: 12 May 1976 Duration: 67 min Time: 2323-0030 hrs Visibility:

Location: south intake structure Bottom temp.:

Depth: 9 m Current: strong Scour: none observed Attached algae/periphyton: same as Dive No. 7 Decaying material: none observed Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: none observed Crayfish: abundant Fish: sculpin abundant, johnny darter = abundant, alewife = few, rainbow smelt = 1, yellow perch = 1, trout-perch = 1, spottail shiner 1 Comment: fish species diversity and activity much higher than Dive No. 7.

Dive No. 9 Date: 13 May 1976 Duration: 30 min Time: 1333-1403 hrs Visibility: 2 m Location: north control stations Bottom temp.: 12.0'C Depth: 4-5 m Current: very little Scour: not applicable Attached algae/periphyton: none observed. Loose algae not observed.

Decaying material: few pieces of wood, dune grass. One unidentifiable dead fish.

Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: few broken sphaeriid shells Crayfish: none observed Fish: none observed Comment: none Dive No. 10 Date: 13 May 1976 Duration: 30 min Time: 1432-1502 hrs Visibility:

Location: south control stations Bottom temp.: 11.0'C Depth: 4-5 m Current: from W, 3-5 cm/sec Scour: not applicable Attached algae/periphyton: none observed. Loose algae not observed.

Decaying material: few pieces of wood Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: one broken shell Crayfish: none observed Fish: none observed

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Dive No. ll Date: 13 May 1976 Duration: 25 min

~:- Time: 1725-1750 hrs Visibility:

Location: middle intake structure Bottom temp.: 12.0'C

,Depth: 9 m Current:

Comment: Supplementary dive. Standard observations not taken.

Dive No. 12 Date: 8 June 1976 Duration: 86 min Time: 2145-2311 hrs Visibility:

Location: south intake structure Bottom temp.: 16.2 C Depth: 9 m Current:

Scour: none observed Attached algae/periphyton: Cladophora 2-3 cm in length on top of the structure, 1-2 cm in length on the riprap. Periphyton sampled on top of the structure and from riprap.

Decaying material: very little Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: none observed Crayfish: numerous Fish: alewife = extremely abundant, sculpin = many, johnny darter = many, yellow perch = many, spottail shiner = 1, trout-perch = 1, burbot = 1 Comment: fish eggs present in large numbers attached to Cladophora, on top of structure and on riprap. Visibility was unusually good. Fish species diverse and fish very abundant and active.

Dive No. 13 Date: 9 June 1976 Duration: 70 min Time: 1445-1530 hrs Visibility: 3.5-4 m Location: south discharge structure Bottom temp.: 16.5'C Depth: 6 m Current: irregular Scour: none observed Attached algae/periphyton: Cladophora 2-8 cm in length on top of structure, shorter on riprap. Periphyton sampled from top of structure and riprap.

Decaying material: abundant clumps of branches scattered over riprap.

Dead fish not observed.

Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: none observed Crayfish: none observed Fish: alewife ~ abundant, sculpin ~ many, johnny darter = few, carp = 10-15, yellow perch numerous Comment: fish eggs present in large numbers attached to Cladophora on top

~ .

of structure and riprap. Large number of carp sighted probably was a function of the excellent visibility.

p Dive No. l4 Date: 9 June 1976 Duration: 37 min Time: 1613-1650 hrs Visibility: 6 m Location: south intake structure Bottom temp.: 14.9'C Depth: 9 m Current:

Scour: none observed Attached algae/periphyton: same as Dive No. 12. Samples not taken.

Decaying material: very little observed Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs:, none observed, Crayfish: few observed Fish: alewife = abundant, sculpin ~ few, johnny darter = few, yellow perch = numerous Comment: none Dive No. 25 Date: 9 June 1976 Duration: 30 min Time: 1730-1800 hrs Visibility: 4.5 m (unusually good)

Location: north control stations Bottom temp.: 16.5'C Depth: 6 m Current:

Scour: not applicable Attached algae/periphyton: none observed. Some finely divided loose algae present and sampled.

Decaying material: few pieces of wood Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: broken sphaeriid shells numerous Crayfish: none observed Fish: sculpin ~ 1, johnny darter = 1 Comment: refer to Dive No. 16 Dive No. 16 Date: 9 June 1976 Duration: 30 min Time: 1815-1845 hrs Visibility: 3 m Location: south control stations Bottom temp.: 15.0'C Depth: 4-5 m Current:

Scour: not applicable Attached algae/periphyton:same as Dive No. 15 Decaying material: few pieces of wood Macrophytes: none observed Molluscs: none observed Crayfish: none observed Fish: none observed Comment: fish feces (probably alewife) very abundant. Fish eggs abundant, some attached to substrates (algae, sticks, etc.) and some loose.

A endix A-2 Ground Mater Monitoring

DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT BRIDGMAN) MICHIGAN GROUND RATER ViONITORING NELL IA CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PARA<>iETERS DATE Sodium (Na), mg/l 13.1 3/4/76 Sulfate (S04), mg/1 18.1 3/4/76 Phosphate (PO4), mg/1 7.5 4/26/76 pH, standard units 6.4 3/4/76 Conductivity, pmho 265 3/4/76 Nitrate (N03) mg/l 0.2 4/26/76 Iron (Fe), mg/l 0.8 4/26/76 Copper (Cu), mg/l 0 3/4/76 Static Mater Level Elevation 606.21 3/4/76


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DONALD C. COOY. NUCLEAR PLANT BRIDGt@N, MICHIGAN GROUND WATER MONITORING WELL 2 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PARAMETERS DATE Sodium (Na), mg/1 10.8 3/4/76 Sulfate (S04), mg/1 14.8 3/4/76 Phosphate (P04), mg/1 6.5 4/26/76 pH, standard units 7.1 3/4/76

',, Conductivity, pmho 425 3/4/76 Nitrate (N03), mg/1 0.08 4/26/76 Iron (Fe),, mg/1 1.3 4/26/76 gopper (Cu), mg/1 0 3/4/76 Static Water Level Elevation Not Determined

'<< ~



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DONALD C. COOK NOCLEAR PLANT BRI DGHAN, MICHIGAN GROUND WATER MONITORING WELI 3 CHEHICAL ANALYSIS PARAMETERS DME Sodium (Na), mg/1 24.5 3/4/76 Sulfate (S04), mg/1 20.6 3/4/76 Phosphate (P04), mg/1 3.7 4/26/76 pH, standard units 7.4 3/4/76

'93 Conductivity, pmho 3/4/76

'Nitrate (N03), mg/1 0.1 4/26/76

, Iron (Fe), mg/1 1.8 4/26/76 Copper (Cu), mg/1 3/4/76 Static Water Level Elevation Not Determined

s> ti R

~ I

DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT BRI DGtON, t11 CHIGAN GROUND INTER IIQHITQRIHG HEI.L 6 CHEllICAL ANALYSIS PARAYiETERS DATE Sodium (Na), mg/1 17.7 3/4/76 Sulfate (SO4), mg/l 3.3 3/4/76 Phosphate (P04), mg/1 0.08 5/11/76 pH, standard units 7.2 3/4/76 Conductivity, pmho 660 3/4/76 Nitrate (N03), mg/l 0.44 5/11/76 Iron (Fe), mg/1 5.8 5/11/76

'Copper (Cu), mg/1 . 0 3/4/76 Static l'ater Level Elevation Not Determined

~ 1 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT BRIDGMAN, MICHIGAN GROUND MATER,.MONITORING MELL 7 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PARAflETERS DATE Sodium (Na), mg/1 16.5 3/4/76 Sulfate (S04), mg/1 40.3 3/4/76 Phosphate (P04), mg/1 7.0 4/26/76 pH, standard units 7.3 3/4/76 Conductivity, ymho 586 3/4/76 Nitrate (N03), mg/1 0.08 4/26/76 Iron (Fe), mg/1 0.8 4/26/76 Copper (Cu), mg/1 3/4/76 Static Hater Level Elevation Not Determined

I' t 1 IL

DONALD C. COOK NuCLEAR PLANT BRIDGMAN, MICHIGAN GROUND WATER IIONITORIIIG IIELL 8 CHEt'IICAL ANALYSIS PARAMETERS DATE Sodium (Na), mg/l. 59.7 3/4/76 Sulfate (S04), mg/1 32.9 3/4/76 Phosphate (P04), mg/1 7.5 4/26/76 pH, standard units 7.4 3/4/76 Conductivity, pmho 774 3/4/76 Nitrate (N03), 0.62 4/26/76 mg/1'ron (Fe), mg/1 ~

1.5 4/26/76 Copper (Cu), mg/1 3/4/76 Static Mater Level Elevation 610.16 3/4/76

DOHAL'D C. COOY. NUCLEAR PLANT BRI DGMAH, MICHIGAN GROVND MATER MONITORING NELL 11 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PARAMETERS DATE Sodium (Ha), mg/1 137.3 3/4/76 Suli'ate (S04), mg/1 328.4 3/4/76 Phosphate (P04)", mg/1 1.5 4/26/76 pH, standard units 8.0 3/4/76 Conductivity, pmho 1225 3/4/76 Nitrate (N03), mg/1 4/26/76 Iron (Fe), mg/1 4/26/76 Copper (Cu), mg/1 3/4/76 Static Hater Level Flevation 600.37 3/4/76


'.5 Phosphate (P04),,mg/1 4/26/76 pH, standard units 7.8 3/4/76 Conductivity, pmho 1270 3/4/76 Nitrate (N03), mg/1 0.1 4/26/76 Iron (Fe), mg/1 0.7 4/26/76 Copper (Cu), mg/1 0 ~

3/4/76 Static llater Level Elevation 594.05 3/4/76

'ONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT BRI DGMAN, MICHIGAN GROUND WATER MONITORING WELL CIRCULATING WATER CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PARAMETERS DATE Sodium (Na), mg/1 9.4 3/4/76 Sulfate (S04), mg/1 4.9 3/4/76 Phosphate (P04), mg/1 3.0 4/26/76 pH, standard units 7.9 3/4/76 Conductivity, pmho 262 3/4/76 Nitrate (N03), mg/1 0.2 4/26/76 Iron (Fe), mg/1 1.5 4/26/76 Copper (Cu), mg/1 3/4/76 Static Water Level Elevation Not Determined




33etermination of direction of flow 8c velocity of ground-water movement near Infiltration Basin 8c Sanitary waste ponds PROCEDURE: In written form is the step by step methods along with refrences to sketch maps, work sneets>>'umping test data, and grayhical solution of aquifer coe-fficients used to mathematically solve for velocity flow of the ground-water along with vector directions.

SKZTCn "'S: Thanks to Tom Kriesel, Cook Nuclear 1J.ant, for.,the casing elevations for this reyort Zc also tne direction R distances from t;he yond ares to the yumped k obser-vation wells.

I COiiiPUT~TIONS: The gradient aetermination was computed by simple arithmetic, ie. distance vs. difference in elevations ~

The straight line graphical solution of T ( aquifer Transmissibility ) was computed toaid in evaluation of T found by the type curve solutian.

RFk'~icZNCZS US~I: TdZOAY Ok'.'ik'kamic Ti'STS,Geological survey water-supply paper 155 -E.

Gc(OUNi) '&~TER and ILLS,Edward E. Johnson, Inc.

8 "laCiZQ aN~RYiICAL hii'TiiOJ)S i'Oil ~6'm ~~NB 0>x'i~'i~ i'V~i U~T10N, William C. Halton; Illinois State Water Survey.


Robert J. Cole, geologist

">OUGH B. COLz e SON RiilLiL>G CONTimCTOi(S Gr(k",i'iL.M~S ca~OliiYSlCwL Sz'~<VICE

4 P I'




GROUND)-NATES GRAOI~MT On 23 July 76 the static water level ( SII was read on all tne monitor observation wells dc the pond observation.) well, see gray)hical sketch 4 2. The static water level elevation and the distances between the obsexvations ~were used to determine the hydraulic gradient of the water-table, see work sheet plate P 2.

The over all gradient frorrr the j 8 well to jp 12 well is in an East to Nest direction @ .004257 ft/ft. The gradient from well 48 to fthe. pond observation well is East to Ylest I .003.68 ft/ft. Tne gradient rom the pond to the jl2 well is Bast to lYest @ . 014 ft/ft.

The gradient from well jj- 1 A is North towards the pond 6 .00177 ft/ftItandappears from the pond Northwest towards well g ll ~ 0147 ft/ft.

that the average grad.ient outside of she influence of the pond is in an East to Nest direction e .Odf7ft/ft. The gradient in the influence of the pond is appx..014 ft/ft in a... Nest to North west d.irection.

The above gradients 4 directions are used in the final analysis of ground.-water velocity ac direction of flow.

DETERMINATION OP ii. UIr"Zl( COiliTICX'""'NTS Calculations of aquifer coefficients which are used to determine the velhcity of the ground water flow were computed from the data on well g ll K more specifically observation well )I'll. The straight line graph on semi-log paper is for deterrrrination of the average value of transmissibility and cannot be used. for computations in this instance because of l) well is yartially penetrating, and 2) drainage effect of water-table well on observed drawdown Gravity drainage of the interstices'ecreases the saturated thick-ness and therefore the coefficient of transmissibility. Under water-table conditions observed drawdown val'ues must be compensated for the decrease in thickness before the dataoan be used. to determine the iry-draulic properties of the aquifer. 'The following equation devised by Jacob (1944) is used to adjust drawdown data. s'=. s-(s /2m , where s' drawdown that would occur in an equifalent nonleaky artesian aquifer, in ft.

s = observed drawdown under wat'er-table conditions m = initial saturated" thickness of aquifer , in ft.

Under water-table conditions values of drawdown adjusted for de-crease in saturated. thickness', see pumping test record well g

$ ,are plotted against the logarthimic values of t (time) to describe a ll column time-drawdown field data curve, see plate tie This curve is superL)osed on the nonleaky artesnan type curve and i5<'iCH >OINT coordinates are noted. N(u), 1/u, s, t 'are substituted into the appropriate equations to provide the aquifer coefficents, see work sheet plate rQ.

It should be noted that theto coefficient of of storage computed from the the aquifer unwatered by pumping test results largely the part and it may not be representative of Partial penetration of a pumpin'ell the


aquifer at a lotver depth.

influences the distribution o'f head in its vicinity, affecting the drawdown in nearby observation wells. Yiith both tne pumped well 6c observation well open in the same part of the aquifer,( both in the top pa rt in our case) the observed drawdown is greater than it would be for fully penetrating well. Since we compensated for drainage and. our recorded drawdowns were not not very

.large I neglected to correct for this situation since I felt it would.

not affect our final out come that much.

~ ~


The coefficients of Transmissioility, Storage, and Permiability were computed from the graphical solution using type curves. Having found the value.=of I'e are able xo determine the velocity of ground eater flow (theoretical)., see plate gl Velocity =: Permeability x gradient V = 5347.6 x .134(conversion factor) x ,014 V = 10.03 ft/day Note:, This is the velocity in a Nest to Northwest direction from the pond area.

The average velocity for the area as a whole is as follows:

V =; 5347,6 x .134 x .004 V = 2.866 ft/day

.In general it may be said that the velocity of ground-water flow is East to Nest at appx. 2.866 ft/day until the vicinity of the pond is reached at which time the pond induced water influences the water flow in such a way that The Slow is in a.)Yest to Northwest direction at an approximate 10.03 ft/day velocity.



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Benton Harbor, Mich. Benton Harbor, Nich..49022 date Pro j ect Monito ' '<<Yell No. T

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                                                                                          ~g paAMM I      p                                           tl hr 930min                       gg gory/

+i6.'O hr 960min I ]

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Time since pump Drawdown in Drdwaown zn ~rdwuown xn stsrted, well eliot ;uo. 1 Pilot i<0 ~ 2 15 5 hr $ 30min 16.0 960min lo. 5 hr 990min 17.0 hr 1020min 17.5 hr 105umin 16.0 hr 1080min 16.5 hr 1110min 19.0 hr 1140min 19 5 hr 1170min 20.0 hr 1200min

20. 5 hr 123Omin 21 O hr 12UOmin
21. 5 nr 1290min 22.v nr 1320min 22.5 hr 1350iain 23.G nr 1380min 23.5 hr iilOmin 2+.v hr 1040min

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GEOl? GE 8 COLE' rUruPJ.NG T~~T i(r v'VrU3 8iPFAT LAEES GEOPHYSICAL SEi? V/CE Contractor SON'rilling 8946 Evergreen Lane 8946 Evergreen lane Benton Harbor, M/'ch. 49NZ Benton Harbor, Mich.,49022 date Project Monitor Well<<s Pum in Teat 'iYell No. (from top of pitless, cap ~ 3epth 3isrrreter <<<<+ Pumping .<~te~~M (off) I Static Pilot Ylell No. 1 6'-10"<<e from rumpeu /rIell Gt J,tic i ilot '/t 11 3o. 2 Distance fror~ /.~rrrzev <<tell Time since pump raw do'Yn in Dr~wcrvv/n in 3r*wdown in started 12: 0 weir r ilot No ~ 1 kilot i~o. 2 lmin 2min I t/ 3min I ~ ~// 4min / I/ 5min 6min 7min I I/ 8rain b'/ dmin lomin 12min /0 " 14min I 16min / l8min I/ 20min 30min g /I 40min 0 / 50min I 1.0 hr 60min I ~/ 1.5 ~ hr 90min /I 2.0 hr 120min I J n 2.5 hr 150min 3.0 hr 180min 3.5 hr 210min I 4.0 hr 240min 0 + 4o5 hr 270min 5.0 hr 300min 5' hr 330min 6.0 hr 360min 6.5 hr 390min 6 7.0 hr 420min 7' hr 450min / 8.0 hr 480min 8 5

 ~        hr      510min 9.0        hr      540min 9'         hr      570min 10." 0 hr          600min 10.5 hr            630min 11.0 hr            660min                             I              I 11.5 hr            690min                                           I 12 '       hr      720min hr      750min I            I 13.0 hr            780min

13.5 hr 810min / Il 14' hr 840min


14.5 hr 870min I/ 15.0 hr 900min

Time since pump Drawdown in .3rawuown zn ardwuown xn starters well 'iiiot 'io. 1 i'ilot Ho. 2 15i5 hr 930min + // 16.0 hr 960min

16. 5 hr 990min V />

17.0 hr 1020min 17 ' hr 105 vmin V // 16 ' hr 1080min VI 16.5 hr 1110min V // ly.O hr 1140min I 19 5 nr 1170min 20.0 hr 1200min I V II . 20.5 nr 1230min V ll

21. 0 Jr 12vOlQin
21. 5 nr 129 vmin 22ov nr 1320min 22.5 hr 1350min V/
23. G nr 1380min 23 ' hr iilOmin V//

2+.0 hr 1446min u OliiblwltTa) ~

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GEORGE B COLE 8 SON irJru&186 T~~"2 ~(r v'OSLO NEAT'AKES GEOPHYSICAL SERYICE Oriiiing Contractor 8946 Er/ergreen Lane 8946 Er/ergreen Lane Benton Harbor, Mich. 49022 Benton Harbor, MI'ch .49022 date Project Monitor Well's Nell iso ~ (from top 'of pipe casing Ih76 '

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7min Srain dmin l8min 12min 14min 16min 18min 20min 30min 40min 50min / 1.0 hr 60min / / 1.5 hr 90min / II 2.0 hr 120min 2.5 hr 150min

  '3.0      hr 180min 3.5       hr 210min 4.0        hr 240min 4,5        hr 270min 5.0       hr 300min 5.5       hr 330min 6.0       hr 360min 6'         hr 590min 7.0        hr 420min 7.5        hr 450min 8.0        hr 480min 8 5~       hr 510min 9.0        hr 540min 9'         hr 570min 10.0       hr 600min 10'5       hr 630min 11.0       hr      .660min 11.5       hr      690min

. za.o hr 720min 12 5 hr 750min 13.0 hr 780min 13.5 hr 810min 14.0 hr 840min 14.5 hr 870min 15 ~ 0 hr 900min

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20. 5 hr 123vmin 21 0
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Environmental Operating Repor t January-.June 1976 ZOOPLANKTON Marlene S. Evans Condenser-Passa e Studies Introduction The condenser-passage program consists of two basic studies, i.e., zooplankton mortality determinations and zooplankton abundance determina-tions. These two studies are conducted once a month, twelve months a year in the intake and discharge waters of the power plant. The data obtained from these two studies are presented in this semi-annual in a similar manner as in the previous reports. The mortality data (Tables 1-12) are presented as the mean mortality of the intake and discharge samples (2 samples collected from each loca-tion) at 0, 6, and 24 hours after collection for each month of sampling. The data for December 1975 are presented as they were not included in the last semi-annual report. The 6 hour incubation samples were not counted in January as the laboratory trailer was unheated; working condi-tions were too unfavorable in the near-freezing temperatures. The abundance data (Tables 13-22) are presented as the mean concen-tration of zooplankton in the intake and discharge waters for each month of sampling; each mean is the mean of eight samples (2 sunset, 2 mid-night, 2 sunrise, and 2 noon). In previous reports, the mean concentra-tion of zooplankton at each location and sampling time was presented. In addition, the mean number of zooplankton passing through .the power plant per minute on the particular day of the sampling program has been calculated. These estimates were derived by multiplying the mean con-centration of zooplankton (numbers/m ) by the mean daily flow rate (m / min) of the plant's circulating pumps; the latter data were obtained from the engineers at Cook. Data are presented for the period December 1975 to April 1976. As in the last semi-annual report, calculations have been made of the maximum loss of zooplankton due to condenser passage. Loss is expressed both as the numbers and the biomass of dead zooplankton. The inputs into the calculations have been described in the previous report. Data are presented for September 1975 to April 1976. The zooplankton mortality studies are required to examine zooplank-ton up to 24 hours after condenser passage. However, this does not determine whether or not zooplankton are adversely effected over longer periods of time by condenser passage. To investigate this, we have maintained for longer periods of time cultures of zooplankton taxa collected from the intake and discharge waters. We have noted whether or not females become ovigerous and whether or not the resulting eggs are viable. These observations answer in part the criticism that mortality

determinations are only a crude way of assessing damage to the zooplank-ton. We believe that by examining the reproductive capabilities of zoo-plankton which have been subject to condenser'assage we are using a more sensitive criterion for assessing the plant's effect. The results of these studies are presented although it must be emphasized that they are preliminary. A. Mortalit Studies (Tables 1-12 Pi ures 1-7 December 2975 Zooplankton mortalities were low averaging 4,2% in the intake (6.0'C) and 5.6% in the discharge waters (17.0'C). Zooplankton mortalities in-creased with incubation time. Immature Cyclops spp. copepodites and adult Diaptomus oregonensis copepods accounted for the major fraction of dead zooplankton. II Janua~ 1976 Zooplankton mortalities were high, averaging 54.3% in the intake waters (2.8'C) and 40.4% in the discharge waters (13.3'C) at 0 hours; similar mortalities were observed at 24 hours. Immature Cyclops spp. copepodites and adult Diaptomus ashlandi and D. oregonensis contributed to the greatest fraction of dead zooplankton. Zooplankton mortalities in the intake waters (0.5'C) in January 1975 were lower averaging only 12.0% at 0 hours; the samples were not incubated. The January 1976 samples contained large numbers of zooplankton but most of these were "old-dead" decaying (detrital) zooplankton. While we count only "new-dead" intact zooplankton there is not always a clear cut distinction between the two. The large percentages of dead zooplankton determined from our mortality study may have consisted of a significant percentage of zooplankton which were dead some time before the samples were collected. Large numbers of dead zooplankton have frequently been observed during 'rough lake conditions and strong winds; local currents may resuspend detrital zooplankton from the sediments and these forms may then be drawn into the intake structure of the plant. Zebmarp 1976 Zooplankton mortalities at 0 hours were 18.9% in the intake waters (1.8'C) and 6.4% in the discharge waters (14.0'C); there was no apparent trend for zooplankton mortalities to increase with incubation time. The considerably larger mortalities of zooplankton in the intake waters were apparently due to one of the two intake samples having a higher mortality estimate (28.5%) than the second intake sample (9.3%) or the two dis-charge samples (10.0%, 2.3%). Immature Cyclops spp. copepodites, nauplii, and adult Diaptomus ashlanCi and D. oregonensis accounted for the largest fraction of dead zooplankton. Zooplankton mortalities were lower than in 1975 when the plant was recirculating water. Zooplankton mortalities at

s '


0 hours in 1975 were 24.3% in the intake waters (4,4'C) and 24.8% in the discharge waters (5.5 C). Mmch 1976 Zooplankton mortalities at 0 hours were 6.5% in the intake waters (3.3'C) and 12.2% in the discharge waters (14.8'C); there was no apparent increase in zooplankton mortality with time. Nauplii and immature Cpclops spp. copepodites accounted for the largest fraction of dead zoo-plankton. Total zooplankton mortalities in the intake waters were slightly lower than in 1975 (14.5%) when the plant was recirculating water; discharge water mortalities were similar in the two years. Ap~l 2976 Total zooplankton mortalities at 0 hours were higher (11.3%) in the intake waters (7.0'C) than in the discharge waters (8.6%, water tempera-ture 17.3'C). As in February, one of the two intake samples had a com-paratively high (18.8%) mortality estimate. Zooplankton mortalities were twice as high after 24 hours of incubation. Nauplii contributed to the largest fraction of dead zooplankton, followed by immature Diapt'omus spp. copepodites and by adult D. ashlandi and Cyclops bicuspidatus. Total zooplankton mortalities at 24 hours were similar to April 1975 when the mortality in the intake waters (3.8'C) was 19.0% in the discharge waters. May 2976 Total zooplankton mortalities at 0 hours were 9.2% in the intake (12.4'C) and 6.9% in the discharge waters (20.0'C); similar mortalities were observed 24 hours later. Nauplii and immature Diaptomus copepodites accounted for the largest fraction of dead zooplankton. Total zooplank-ton mortalities were similar to May 1975 when, at 0 hours, the mortalities in the intake (8.6'C) and discharge waters (17.3'C) were 5.9% and 6.0% respectively. Conclusions As was stated in the last report, the mortality studies provide an estimate of the maximum fraction of the zooplankton population which may be killed during condenser passage. The study does not provide an accurate determination of. the absolute fraction which is killed. During the two years of winter and spring sampling, total zooplank-ton mortalities 'at 0 hours for the condenser-passed zooplankton were generally less than 15%. At present, the mechanical damage inflicted upon the zooplankton during condenser passage and/or during the collec-tion process does not appear to be a function of zooplankton size as has been suggested from other studies. Zooplankton mortalities do not appear . to increase in the spring when the discharge-water temperatures more closely approach the upper lethal limits for the zooplankton.

Cl a

Mortalities were high during 'February and March 1975 (but not 1976) during recirculation. These high mortalities may occur when zooplankton pass through the cooling condensers several times and are repeatedly exposed to thermal and/or mechanical shocks which become increasingly stressful. Zooplankton mortalities may be high also if the cooling water exiting out of the central intake pipe (during recirculation) scours the bottom and resuspends detrital and freshly killed (by condenser passage) zooplankton which are drawn into the plant through the two outer intake pipes. Zooplankton mortalities have also been high during storm condi-tions in the lake when detrital zooplankton are resuspended in the water column and enter the power plant with the intake waters. Whether or not these detrital zooplankton represent a local concentration of condenser-passage killed zooplankton is problematic at present. B. Zoo lankton Abundance Estimates December 1975 to A ril 1976 Tables 13-22) Zooplankton occurred in a mean concentration of 17,000/m in the cooling waters on December 10-11, 1975; concentrations were similar to the November values (17,600/m~). The dominant taxa were immature Cyclops spp. copepodites, and adult Diaptomus oz'egonensis copepods. Zooplankton were less abundant in Januar~ 1976 (7,676/m~) but occurred in similar concentrations as in 1975 (5,368/m ). Immature Cyclops spp. copepodites and adult Diaptomus ashEandi dominated the 1975 samples; these two taxa and adult D. ozegonensis were dominant in January 1976. The February data were different in the two years, In 1975 zoo-plankton occurred in concentrations of 17,460/m , while in 1976 a con-centration of only 1,411/m was observed. Stewart (1974) observed a February concentration of 11,000/m in the intake forebay in 1973 and this limited data set suggest that the 1976 value may be low. The reason for this is not known. The 1975 samples were dominated by immature Cyclops spp. copepodites, adult C. bicuspidatus and Diaptomus ashlandi. In 1976, C. bicuspidatus was relatively less abundant while nauplii and adult D. minutus, D. ozegonensis, and D. sicilis were more abundant. Zooplankton occurred in concentrations of 4,647/m in March 1976 and 1,114/m in 1975. The March 1975 zooplankton exhibited a similar species composition to that found in February. The March 1976 zooplank-ton were dominated by nauplii and by immature Cyclops spp. copepodites and adult C. bicuspidatus and Diaptomus ashZandi. The March 1976 zoo-plankton had apparently commenced their spring reproductive period, although this was not observed in 1975. Lake water temperatures were higher in 1976 (St. Joseph intake water temperature data) and this may have been an important factor in the earlier reproductive period in 1976.

      . Zooplankton were nearly twice as abundant in April 1976 (8,374/m~) as

. in 1975 (4,634/m ). In 1975 adult Cyclops bicuspidatus and Diaptomus ash-SanCi were the dominant taxa. The 1976 zooplankton were dominated by nauplii (more than 50% of the sample mean abundance). April 1976 was also warmer than

Cl 1975; as in March 1976, the higher lake water temperatures may have been favorable for zooplankton reproduction. C. Stud of the Maximum Numbers and Biomass Loss Due to Condenser Passa e Se tember 1975 to March 1976 Figure 8 shows the estimated number of living zooplankton passing through the power plant each month and the estimated maximum number of dead zooplankton exiting with the discharge waters; neither of these numbers includes the detrital components of the zooplankton which are not counted. Numbers of zooplankton are expressed in units of hundreds of billions/month; one hundred billion zooplankton/month is equivalent to 38,600 zooplankton/second. The numbers of zooplankton which passed through the plant varied from a high of 6,748 billion in September to a low of 125 billion in February. The fluctuations were due primarily to variations in the con-centrations of zooplankton in the cooling waters. While the volume of water utilized by the plant varied from month to month, the range of variation was less than the range of variation for zooplankton concen-trations; the smallest volume of water (86 million m ) was utilized in January and the greatest volume (132 million m ) in November. The per-centage of dead zooplankton leaving the plant was generally less than 15% with the exception of January 1976. The numbers of dead zooplankton = varied from a high of 806 billion in September to a low of 8 billion in February. Figure 9 shows the estimated biomass of living zooplankton passing through the plant each month. Biomass is expressed as kg dry weight; the data need only be, multiplied by a factor of 10 to give the estimated fresh weight of the zooplankton. The biomass of zooplankton passing through the plant ranged from a low of 753 kg (338 lb) in February 1976 to a high of 6,370 kg (2,867 lb) in December 1975. The biomass curve does not follow the numbers curve particularly when December,and September values are compared. This is due to the fact that while zooplankton were less numerous in December, they were dominated by large heavy forms and in particular by adult Map&mus oz'egonensis (7.0 pg dry weight/individual) which accounted for nearly 50%. of the total biomass. The biomass- of zooplankton killed during condenser passage varied from a low of 43 kg in February to a high of 825 kg in September. At present, we cannot evaluate what impact these dead zooplankton may have had upon the lake and in particular in the immediate discharge area. D. Lon -Term Incubation Results Live zooplankton were collected from the intake and discharge waters


as part of the regular monthly mortality study. Zooplankton not used in the 0,6, and 24 hour incubation series were brought back to Ann Arbor in an ice chest. The zooplankton were examined under a stereozoom microscope and live Cyclops spp. and Diaptomus spp. were removed with a pipette and placed in a 250-ml beaker containing filtered (0.45') intake water. The copepods were not staged, sexed, or speciated due to the difficulties in making such determinations on living motile organisms. Two replicates of ap-proximately 25 animals each were set up for Cyclops spp. and Diaptomus spp. collected from the intake and discharge waters. The one exception was the October Diaptomus culture where few animals were present in the samples. The cultures were maintained in a Puffer-Hubbard incubator cabinet set to within 3 or 4'C of the intake water temperatures of the months of collection. The temperature control for the incubator was insensitive and air temperatures varied by +2.0'C; the temperature range within the beakers would have been less due to the greater specific heat of water. Zooplankton were maintained in the dark. Food was provided once a week. Several ml of filtered (156') lake or pond water were placed in a blender with 0.25 gm of alfalfa and 5. 0 gm of fish food and the mixture blended for several minutes. Filtered water was then added to make the total volume up to 300 ml. A few ml of food culture were provided once a week to each zooplankton culture. Initially each zooplankton culture was examined at least once a week. After several weeks, the cultures were examined less frequently. Nota-tions were made of the presence of ovigerous females and nauplii. After March 18, when some expertise was gained in the identification of moving zooplankton, immature copepodites were distinguished from adults. October Results (F~ures 20-22) Diaptomus copepodites were scarce and it was possible only to set up one intake and one discharge culture. The copepods had a high mortality which reached 100% six weeks after the cultures were set up. Ovigerous females were not observed in either culture. More success was attained with culturing Cyclops spp. copepodites. Cyclops spp. exhibited a lower mortality rate than Diaptomus spp; however after eight weeks only 25% of the original number of animals were still living. These remaining zooplankton were apparently healthy and an ovigerous 'female was observed in both an intake and a discharge culture. After December 22, the number of Cyclops spp. increased in the intake and discharge cultures due to the successful hatching of the eggs. There was no apparent difference between the mortality rates of the intake and dis-charge cultures, Nor was there any apparent impairment of the reproduc-tive capability of adult females nor of the viability of eggs and nauplii.

November Resul ts (Figur es 12-1 3) Diaptomua spp. copepodites were maintained for a longer time than the October cultures with animals surviving for nearly 14 weeks. The discharge cultures had a slightly higher (but probably nonsignificant) survival rate than the intake cultures. Ovigerous females were not ob-served in any culture. The Cyclops spp. copepod culture was maintained for over 14 weeks. Ovigerous females were observed seven weeks after culture setup by which time the copepods had declined to 20% of their original abundances. Nauplii were observed in the discharge cultures but not in the intake cultures. Condenser passage therefore apparently had no effect upon Cyclops spp. mortality rates nor on the capability of adult females to produce viable eggs. December No cultures, were set up in December. Janua~ Resu'Lts (Fishes 14-17) The Diaptomus spp. cultures were maintained for less than 17 weeks. Ovigerous females were observed in all cultures although the intake cultures tended to have a higher number of these females; this may have been due to the slightly larger number of Diaptomus copepods in the intake cultures. The eggs were viable and,nauplii were observed both in the in-take and discharge cultures. The nauplii apparently did not mature into the early copepodite stages. The Cyclops spp. copepodite cultures were maintained for over 17 weeks. There was no apparent difference between the mortality rates of the intake and discharge cultures nor in the numbers of ovigerous females. A large number of nauplii and immature copepodites were observed in the discharge cultures. Febmcuy Resu'Lts (Figzues 18-21) The Diaptovtus spp. copepodi.te cultures were maintained for less than 13 weeks. There was no apparent difference in the intake and discharge mortality rates nor in the numbers of ovigerous females. Nauplii were considerably les's abundant in the discharge cultures in the early weeks of the experiment but were more abundant in the later weeks. C The Cyclops spp. copepodite cultures were maintained for over 13 weeks. Three weeks after culture setup, the discharge zooplankton began to have a higher mortality rate. The discharge cultures also tended to have fewer ovigerous females, nauplii, and immature copepodites.

Qi Conclusions The initial results suggest that condenser passage does not have any gross long-term effect on the mortality rates of Diaptomus spp. and CJJ clops spp. copepodites. Copepods which pass through the plant are able as adult females to produce viable eggs. Cyclops spp. nauplii which have hatched from these eggs have been able to complete their develop-ment to the early copepodite stages. The reason(s) for the general decline in zooplankton numbers in cultures is (are) not known, Zooplankton are for. the most part difficult to maintain in culture for long periods of time. The fact that some of our females became ovigerous and that a limited generation of immatures was subsequently produced, suggests that our culture techniques are not without merit. Some of the mortality of the adults may have been due to senescent death. Some nauplii and immature Cyclops copepodites may have been lost through predation by the larger adults. It is also possible that some of the loss may have been due to nutrient requirements'not having been satisfactorily provided.



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Lake Surve s Introduction Lake surveys are conducted once a month from April to November. Major surveys (30. stations) are conducted in April, July and October; short surveys (14 stations) are conducted in the intervening months. In this report, the station data for September, October, and December 1975 and for April 1976 are presented. A cruise could not be conducted in November due to poor lake conditions; a substitute cruise was conducted in December., The plant was down and did not produce a heated discharge during the April major survey. Statistical analyses have not yet been performed on the post-opera-tional data in order to assess plant effects. However, we have examined zooplankton distributions over the survey grid through a variety of tech-niques and have decided upon a grid pattern for these analyses (Figure 22); this analytical grid is similar to the benthos grid. The zones were based primarily upon general inshore-offshore differences in zoo-plankton abundances and species compositions (initial studies described in Evans and Hawkins in Evans 1975) and upon our observations of, -and documents describing, the area in which the condenser-passed water would be thermally detectable. In this semi-annual report, we present the data for the inshore area in the vicinity of the thermal plume (zone 2); this includes stations DC-1; NDC.5-1, NDC.5-2, NDC 1-1, SDC.5-1," SDC.5-2, and SDC l-l. In the last semi-annual, NDC l-l and the stations south of the plant site were not included in this region. Data are presented in figure form for total zooplankton, nauplii, immature Diaptomus spp. copepodites, adult Diaptomus spp., immature Cyclops spp. copepodites, adult Cyclops spp., Daphnia spp., and Bosmina long&'osis (Figures 23-30). The preoperational data (1972-1974) are used as a comparison to post-operational conditions. The 1970 and 1971 data are currently being computerized and have not been included in this analysis. A second part of the survey program has been the determination of zooplankton dry weights at each station. In the previous two semi-annual reports, we have discussed the difficulties with the older filtra-tion method and the results obtained with our newer method. We have decided to continue with the newer method and will no longer use the filtration method. The biomass data presented at the bottom of the survey cruise tables (Tables 13-16) were obtained with the new method (as were the biomass estimates in the condenser passage studies). There is no discussion of the field survey biomass data at this time as the preoperational biomass calculations have not yet been made. Water temperature data were collected at each station by using a

i ,l

10 YS-1 thermistor (for surface temperature} and an electronic bathythermo-graph (for temperature-depth. profiles}. The April data are presented. Results September'875 (Table 27) Total zooplankton were more abundant in September 1975 than in pre-vious years. The dominant taxa were nauplii, immature Cyclops spp. and Duptomus spp. copepodites, and adult Diaptomus spp,; these taxa all oc-curred in higher concentrations than in t'e preoperational years. This was also observed in zone 3 and, to a lesser extent, in zone 1. Bosmina. lonpw'csee also occurred in higher concentrations in zone 2 and 3 than in the preoperational years. Only adult Cyclops spp. and Daphnia spp. occurred in similar concentrations in September 1975 as in the preopera-tional years. The reasons for the unusual occurrences of the zooplankton have not been determined. Occurrences of this type are one of the variables which we would consider as being indicators of plant impact. We consider it unlikely that the plant could have had such an impact because of the dynamics of the water flow in the immediate discharge area and because of the reproductive biology of the zooplankton. Further investigations will be made on the September data. October 1975 (Table 24) Total zooplankton occurred in similar concentrations in October 1975 as in the preoperational years. Immature Cyclops spp. and Diaptomus spp. copepodites accounted for most of the zooplankton; cyclopoids occurred in somewhat higher concentrations than in previous years. Nauplii, adult Cyclops spp., adult Diaptomus spp., Bosmina Zongirostvis, and Daphnia spp. occurred in similar concentrations as in the preoperational years. December 1875 (Table 25) We do not have a preoperational data-base for December 1975. How-ever, because it is generally believed that zooplankton have a low re-productive rate in the late autumn and over the winter, we expected the data to show lower concentrations of total zooplankton than in the pre-ceeding October. This was not observed. Total zooplankton were more abundant in December than in October, This increase was due primarily to immature Cyclops spp. copepodites and adult Diaptomus spp. which dominated the plankton. This observation suggests that there was a late October or early November increase in zooplankton reproductive activity, However, this was not a local event as water masses move through the survey area in a matter of days and the copepods which we observe'd in

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December had developed from nauplii in waters which originated miles from the Cook survey area. Nauplii, immature Diaptomus spp. copepodites, adult Cyclops spp., Daphnia spp., and Bosmina longirostvis occurred in similar concentrations as in October 1975. April 2976 (Table 26) The April 1976 data were unusual. Total zooplankton occurred in higher concentrations than in previous years; this was observed over most of the survey grid and was not confined to zon'e 2. This increased con-centration was due primarily to a large standing stock of nauplii. As has been mentioned previously, it is thought that the mild winter and early spring were especially'avorably for copepod reproduction. Immature and adult Cyclops spp. and Diaptomus spp. occurred in similar concentra-tions as in the preoperational years. The cladocerans Daphnia spp. and Bosmina Zongirostz'is also occurred in similar concentrations as in pre-vious years. Figure 31 shows the surface water temperatures over the survey grid. Temperatures were high and were, comparable to 1974 although the 1976 cruise was taken at an earlier date in the month. No warm water was ob-served in the immediate discharge area as was expected with the plant shut down ~

4 12 60 50 A DISCHARGE 40 / INTAKE


30 / 0 HOUR O 20 /


W 10 0 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR l4AY l975 1976 60 50 DIS CHARGE 40 INTAKE I i~ 30 O 6 HOUR X 20  ? lo  ? DEC JAN SAR APR l975 l9?6 DISCHAR GE 40 INTAKE 30 24 HOV R O R 20 /


Io R DEC JAN L4AY l975 1976 FIG. 1.'he mean mortality (%) after 0, 6, and 24 hours incuba-tion of total zooplankton collected from the intake forebay (MTR 1-5, 6m) and discharge bay (Unit 1). Six-hour incubations were not counted in January.


                                      --     lNTAKE 20 Cl     IO LU Cl

~O 4J 0 6 HOURS OF 1NCUBATlON FIG. 2. Mean. mortality (%) of total zooplankton by collection location, plotted against incubation time. Each datum is the mean of 5 months data (Dec 1975, Feb May 1976).


 ~O                                                               !NTAKE 60 SO I-40 I-5    30 20 IJJ IO OEC                    JAN           FEB        MAR         APR        MAY l9? 5                   I 976 FXG. 3. The        mean       mortality    (%} of 0-hours of nauplii from the  in-

, take forebay (MTR 1-5, 6m) and the discharge bay (Unit 1) over 6 months. 80 CYCLOPS opp, CI-C5 VO DISCHARGE

 ~O                                                               INTAKE 60 SO
                              / /

40 / O // X 30 /


20 /




JAN MAR APR MAY OEC'975 I976 FIG. 4. The mean mortality (%) ot 0-hours of immature Cyclops spp. copepodites from the intake forebay (MTR 1-5, 6m) and the discharge bay (Unit 1) over 6 months.

15 80 GY CLOP S spp. ADULT DISCHARGE I N TAKE 80 I I I ct 40 I I I I 30 / I z 20 / 4l I IO I DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY l975 I976 PIG. 5. The mean mortality (/) at 0-hours of adult Cyclops spp. from the intake forebay (MTR 1-5, 6m) and discharge bay (Unit 1) over 6 months. Adults were not collected in the May intake samples ( 4.). 80 DIAPTOMUS spp.CI C8 70 OIS CHARGE INTAKE 60 50 4p O / / 30 / 20


IO DEC 1975 I976'AR JAN APR MAY FIG. 6. The mean mortality (/) at 0-hours of adult Diaptomus spp. from the intake forebay (MTR 1-5, 6m) and discharge bay (Unit 1) over 6 months.


                           )5 50                     I 40

P a 50 I


20 I I l0 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY l975 l976 FIG. 7. The mean mortality (%) of adult Diaptomus spp. from the intake forebay (MTR 1-S, 6m) and discharge bay (Unit 1) over 6 months. Adults were not collected in the May samples ( ). TOOO

      'Z I


                                                ~ ~  NUMBER ENTRAINEO NAXILLIM LOSSES

4 \ X 4000 \ X


4 \ 4 SOOO


H \


4 2000 4 l000 0 0 N 0 F IQTO ESTO FIG. 8. The estimated numbers of zooplankton passing through the power plant each month and the estimated maximum number of zooplankton killed during or im-mediately after condenser passage.

17 7000 4 I1 1 6000 I


1 I- 1 II 1 s~~ ORY WEIGHT ENTRAINEO 1 1 MAXIMUM WEIGHT LOSS 1 1 O 5000 1 1 II II 1 I 1 1 1 III 1 1 4000 1 I 1 II 1 1 I 1 1 X 1 J 1 ld 1 1 3000 1 1 5 1 1 1

                                                           '1 1                      J 2000                                                     1 1

O 1 I 1 SC l000 ~o


S J 19?5 l978 FIG. 9. The estimated biomass of zooplankton passing through the power plant each month and the estimated maximum biomass of zooplankton killed during or immediately after condenser passage.

18 50 4C X a INTAKE 20 DISCHARGE + IO f4OV DEC JAN FEB FIG. 10. The survival of Diaptomus spp. copepodites in cultures of these organisms collected from the intake and discharge waters on October 17, 1975. 30

  ~C                                  INTAKE    E3
  ~eo                               DISCHARGE   gR!


 ¹ NOV             OEC                JAN FIG. 11. The survival of C'yclcps spp. copepodites in cultures of the organisms collected from the intake and discharge waters on October 17, 1975. Histograms refer to the number of ovigerous females.

19 50 Ol INTAKE w 20 D IS CHAR G E O ¹ I0 0 NOV DEC JAN FEB FIG. 12. The survival of Diaptomus spp, copepodites in cultures'f these organisms collected from the intake and discharge waters on November 20, 1975. 50 NAUPLI I INTAKE E3 w 20 DISCHARGE III 4. O IO

                                      ~ \    ~4 4  ~e
                                                               ~e 0

NOV DEC JAN FEB FIG. 13. The survival of Cyclops spp. copepodites in cultures of these organisms collected from the intake and discharge waters on November 20, 1975. Histograms refer to the number of ovigerous females. Nauplii were observed "on March 1 from the discharge water cultures.

CO X 50

                                             '3 IO JAN     .      FEB          MARCH             APRIL MAY FIG. 14. The survival of Diaptomus spp. copepodites in cultures of these organisms collected from the intake and discharge waters on January 14, 1976. Histograms refer to the number of ovigerous females. Early were distinguished on March 18 and included with the nauplii count (see below).


                 ~ aa

JAN FFB MARCH APRIL MAY FIG. 15. The numbers of Diaptomus spp. nauplii observed in the January intake and discharge cultures. No early copepodites were observed on March 18 (see above).

S 21 50 INTAKE E3 20 DISCHARGE g5 la. Q + Io JAN FEB MARCH AP RIL MAY FIG. 16. The survival of Cyclops spp. copepodites in cultures of these organisms collected from the intake and discharge waters on January 14, 1976. Histograms.refer to the number of ovigerous females. Early copepodites were distinguished on March 18 and in-cluded with the nauplii count (see below). 50 X INTAKE ~ ao DISCHARGE O " I0 JAN . FEB MARCH . APRIL MAY FIG.'17. The numbers of Cyclops spp. nauplii and (beginning March

18) immature copepodites observed in the January intake and dis-charge cultures (see above).

22 50 INTAKE ESS3 20 0 IS CHAR GE M 0 FEB MARCH AP RIL MAY FIG. 18, The survival of Diaptomus spp. copepodites in cultures of these organisms collected from the intake and discharge waters on February ll, 1976. Histograms refer to the number of ovigerous females. Early copepodites were distinguished on March 18 and included with the nauplii count (see below). 50 l~ I I INTAKE I 20 DISCHARGE O I I IO I I I J 0 FEB MARCH APRIL MAY FIG. 19. The numbers of Diaptomus spp. nauplii and (be-ginning March 18) immature copepodites observed'in the February intake and discharge cultures (see above).

8 23 30 I N TA KE IZR CO f20 DISCHARGE M F EB MARCH APR(L MAY FIG. 20. The survival of Cyclops spp. copepodites in cul-tures of these organisms collected from the intake and dis-charge waters on February ll, 1976. Histograms refer to the numbers of ovigerous females. Early copepodites were distinguished on March 18 and included with the nauplii count (see below). 30 INTAKE / DISCHARGE r X r

R 20 r h r r I IO I I W

                                        / c" I

I J FEB MARCH AP RIL MAY FIG. 21. The numbers of Cyclops spp. nauplii and (begin-ning March 18) immature copepodites observed in the February intake and discharge cultures (see abo've).

~i 24 5 0 S 6 Vl nI

                          ~o O O o'g 1

i C) IC lO MILES KILOMETERS PIG. 22. The survey grid divided into eight zones. Circles refer to station locations during the major survey (April, July, October) cruises.

Qi, i t

25 I80 170 I60 l50 ~ I40 I30 l20 IIO I-IOO o 90 80 ~ 70 o 60 O hl 50 o 50 20 IO ApMJJyA S0N ApM JJyAS0 JLpM JJyAS0 ApM JJyAS0 0 Ap l972 I975 l974 I975 I976 FIG. 23. The mean number of zooplankton per m3 found at the stations in the inshore plume zone in 1975 and April 1976 and the mean concentrations of zooplankton in a similar area of the field survey grids of 1972-1974.

26 l6 l5 l4 I5 X ~ I2 O II IO O 9 I-8 7 6 X 5 O .' 4 LU 0 O O 2 0 ApMJJyASOM ApMJ JyAS0 ApMJJyAS0 ApMJJyASO 0 Ap I 972 I 975 l 974 l976 I976 FIG. 24. The mean number of copepod nauplii per m3 found at the stations in-shore plume zone in 1975 and April 1976 and the mean concentrations of nauplii in a similar area of the field survey grids of 1972-1974.

27 28 26 e) 24 22 ~o 20 ~ IB pI !6 14 a.'2 I I 10 I O I o o 2 ApMJJyASO ApMJJyASO ApMJ JyASO 0 Ap 19T5 19T4 19T5 19Te FIG. 25. The mean number of Cyclopoid spp. CI-CV per m3 found at the stations in the inshore plume zone in 1975 and April 1976 and the mean concentrations of C'yo2opoid spp. CX-CV in a similar area of the field survey grids of 1973-1974.

Cl yt

28 ~ l0 c) 9 CO O x I 7

a. 4 CO o I 0

ApMJ JyAS0 ApM J JyASO Apil J JyA SO 0 Ap l975 l974 I975 1976 FIG. 26. The mean number of Cpclopoid spp. CVI per m3 found at the stations in the inshore plume zone in 1975 and April 1976 and the mean concentrations of Cpclopoid spp. CVI in a similar area of the field survey grids of 1973-1974.

29 z t a 9 ~C EO 6 O x I 7 6 l M 5 EL th O p O. Cl 0 ApM J JyA SO ApM JJyASO ApM JJyAS0 D A l9?5 t 974 I 9?5 1976 PIG. 27. The mean number of Diaptomus spp. CI-CV per m3 found at the stations in the inshore plume zone in 1975 and April 1976 and the mean Diapt'omus spp. CI-CV concentrations in a similar area of the field survey grids of 1973-1974.

Ql 30 lO  ? X I Ih I Cl z 6 I I V) I I O z I 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A I ApMJ JyASO N ApMJ JyASO ApM JJyAS0 ApM JJyASO O Ap l9?2 19? 5 19?4 l9?5 l9?6 FIG. 28. The mean number of Diaplomus spp. CVI per m3 found at the stations in the inshore plume zone in 1975 and April 1976 and the mean concentrations of Piaptomus spp. CVI in a similar area of the field survey grids of 1972-1974.




31 90 85 80 75 X 70 65 co 60 55 50 p 45 cn 40 O ~ 35 z 30 25 20 X CO IO 0 ApM J JyA S ON ApM J JyA S 0 ApM J JyA S 0 ApM J Jy A S 0 D Ap l972 1973 I974 I975 I976 PIG. 29. The mean number of Bosmina 70ngirostms per m found at the stations in the inshore plume zone in 1975 and April 1976 and the mean concentrations of B. 70ngivostris in a similar area of the field survey grids of 1972-1974.

Q 32 l7

  . l6 l5 l4 t5 lo IP X

y) I I CI


9 O 8 7 v) 5 O 0 ApM y S ON ApM4JyA SO ApM4 AS 0 ApMJ JyA SO O Ap l9?R l9?5 l974 l975 l976 FIG. 30. The mean number of Daphnia spp. per m3 found at the stations in the inshore plume zone in 1975 and April 1976 and the mean concentrations of Daphnia spp. in a similar area of the field survey grids of 1972-1974.

33 XO 4.0 5.0 S.o 7.0 y8.0 9.0 d 9.0 e .0 Cl o 0

                                        ~  o e  0

100 C3 Q nI n o nn Ch th Ol Ch nI C7 n n n onP ~ fV I Ul PD HILES SURFACE TEMPERATURE ('C) l4 APRIL 976 1 KILOMETERS FIG. 31. Surface temperature ('C) over the survey grid on April 14, 1976. The plant was not operating at the time.

6 TABLE 1. The mean and standard error of replicate determinations of the percent dead for each taxon of zooplankton present in samples taken on December ll, 1975 from the intake forebay. If a standard error is given then the corresponding mean is based on two replicates (N = 2); if no standard error is given then N = 1 or 0. The mean water temperature of the samples was 6.0'C. Incub'ation Time 0 hr 6 hr 24 hr Mean Z S- Z of Mean Z S Z of Mean Z Z of Taxon dead R sample dead X sample dead x sample . Copepod nauplii 0.0 0.0 0.3 5.0 5.0 0.5 12. 5 12.5 .0. 3 Cyclops Cl-C5 4.0 0.9 49.1 7.9 0.2 48.9 12. 4 2.8 47.3 Cyclops bicuspidatus t. C6 7.1 7.1 2.3 3.3 3.3 "2.9 7.1 0.9 1.8 Cyclops uernalis C6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Tropocyclops prasinus m. C6 2.8 0.7 1.9 5.6 2.3 2.3 1.4 1.4. 1.9 ll.1 Diaptomus Cl-C5 0.8 6.6 12.6 5.6 7.2 7.6 0.4 6.0 Diaptomus ashlandi C6 2.2 1.5 7.6 4.5 1.6 8.1 3.9 0.5 8.2 Diaptomus minutus C6 0.0 0.0 5.8 1.1 1.1 5.3 3.0 2~2 6.2 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 2.3 1.5 21. 3 2.5 0.5 18.9 2.9 0.5 22. 5 Diaptomus sicibis C6 0.0 0.0 1.8 3.5 1.0 2.6 4.0 0.9 2.3 Zpischura lacustris Cl-C5 0.0 0.0 Zpischura lacustris C6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Zurytemora affinis Cl-C5 0.0 0.0 Zurytemora affinis C6 0.0 0.0 100. 0 0.0 Bosmina longirostris 34. 2 9.2 0.6 48.3 1.7 0.4 27.5 2.5 0.4 Ceriodaphnia quadrangula Chydorus sphaericus Daphnia galeata m. 41-7 8.3 0.2 8.3 8.3 0.2 25.0 25.0 0.1 Daphniu re trocurua 0.0 0.0 0.1 25.0 25. 0 0.2 29.2 29.2 0.3 Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 100. 0 0.0 50.0 50.0 O.l Eubosmina coregoni 12. 8 1.7 2.1 13. 2 9.5 2.1 7.2 3.0 2.4 Holopedium gibberum 100.0 0.0 0.0 Leptodora kindtii Polyphemus pediculus 100.0 0.0 Zurycercus lamellatus Alona spp. Asplanchna spp. 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 1.0 100.0 6.6 0.4 100.0 8.2 0.9 100.0 Total number of organisms obsezved per incubation period 3937 3118 3393

, TABLE 2. The mean and standard error of replicate determinations of the percent dead for each taxon of zooplankton present in samples taken on December ll, 1975 from the discharge forebay. If a stan-dard error is given then the corresponding mean is based on two replicates (N = error is given then N = 1 or 0. The mean water temperature of the samples was 17.0'C. 2); if no standard Incubation Time 0 hr 6 hr 24 hr Mean Z Z of Mean Z S- Z of Mean Z Z of Taxon dead x sample dead x sample dead x sample Copepod nauplii 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 31.3 6.3 0.3 Cyclops Cl-CS 5.9 1.2 52.0 11.3 3.2 53. 2 20.2 2.5 47.7 Cyclops bicuspidatus t. C6 2.1 2.1 2.3 12.6 1.6 2.1 22.6 9.2 2.2 Cyclops vernalis C6 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 Tvopocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C5 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Tmpocyclops prasinus m. C6 2.5 0.1 2.4 2.6 0.8 9.8 7.1 2.3 Duzptomus Cl-C5 14.8 0.2 7.6 22.4 6.6 6.3 28. 6 3.7 6.6 Diaptomus ashlandi C6 4.6 3.2 6.9 10.3 3.2 6.1 19. 1 2. 8 6.3 Diaptomus minutus C6 1.0 0.0 4.3 4.8 1.3 5.1 14.1 4.1 6.1 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 3.5 2.3 18.3 3.5 0.5 ~

18. 9 9'3 3.6 22.3 Diaptomus sici lie C6 1.3 1.3 2.0 6.4 1.7 2.6 12. 2 0.9 Epischura lacustris Cl-CS 50.0 0.1 EPischura lacustris C6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Eurytemora affinis Cl-CS yosmina longirostrie 6.3 6.3 0.4 32.1 4.0 1.0 4.2 4.2 0.5 Ceriodaphnia quadrangula Chydorus sphaericus Daphnia galeata m. 50.0 50. 0 0.1 37.5 37.5 O.l 50. 0 50.0 0.2 Dapheia retrocurva 0.0 0.0 0.2 64.6 35.4 Oo2 33 3 33.3 0.1 Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 0.0 0.0 Euboaaina coregoni 4.1 0.9 3+i 16.2 11.4 " 3.2 10.4 1.2 4.3 Holopedi um gibberum Le ptodora kindtii Polyphemus pediculue Eurycercus lamellatus Alona spp.

Asplanchna spp. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TOTAL 5 6 1.3 100.0 10.4 2.6 17. 2 2.1 100.0 Total number of organisms observed per incubation period 4611 4011 3752

TABLE 3. The mean and standard error of replicate determinations of the percent dead for each taxon of zooplankton present in samples taken on January 14, 1976 from the intake forebay. If a standard error is given then the corresponding mean is based on two replicates (N = 2); 2.8'C.- if no standard error is given- then N 1 or 0.

                      ~             The mean   water  temperature   of the   samples   was Incubation Time 0  hr                         6 hr                         24  hr Mean X S-     X  of      Mean X S-         X of     Mean X          X  of Texan                         dead         x    sample       dead       x       sample      dead       x  sample Copepod  nauplii                            16.7      16.7      1.4                                       '.0       0.0    1.2 Cyclops Cl-CS                               49. 8     15.2     41. 3                                      46. 6     0.7  48.3 Cyclops bicuspidatus t. C6                  70.0      20. 0     3.2                                       67. 5   12.5    3.6 Cyclops vernalis C6                                                                                      100.0             0.2 Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C5 Tropocyclops prasinus m. C6                 75.0      25.0      3.9                                       37.5    20. 8    3.3 Diaptomus Cl-C5                             42. 1       2.1      6.0                                      43.8      6.3    4.3 Diaptomus ashlandi C6                       64.1        2.9    16.0                                       64.7           11.0  '0.3 Diaptomus minutus C6                          0.0       0.0     1.8                                       39.6    22.9     3.8 Diapto>>>us oregonensis C6                   56.8        8.1    15.7                                       56+9    13.2   14.6 Diaptomus sicilis C6                        83.3                 2.5 Epischura lacustris Cl-C5 Epischura Lacustris C6 Eurytemora affinis Cl-C5 Harpacticoids Cl-C6                                                                                       75.0    25.0     1.0 Boemina   Longirostris                      25.0      25.0       1.8                                        0.0     0.0    1.9 Ceriodaphnia quad>~gula Chydorus sphaericus Daphnia galeata m.

Daphnia retroc>>rva 100. 0 1.4 Diaphanosoma Leuch tenbergianum Eubos>>>ina coregoni 40.9 5.0 26.0 26.0 5.5 Holopedium gibberum Leptodora kindtii Polyphemus pediculus Eurycercus Lamellatus ALona spp. Asplanchna spp. 0.0 0.2 TOTAL 54.3 7.8 100.0 48.1 7.1 100.0 Total number of organisms observed per incubation period 281 418

Cl TABLE 4. The mean and standard error of replicate determinations of the percent dead for each taxon of zooplankton present in samples taken on January 14, 1976 from the discharge forebay. If a stan-dard error is given then the corresponding mean is based on two replicates (N 2); if no standard error is given then N = 1 or 0. The mean water temperature of the samples was 13.5'C. Incubation Time 0 hr 6 hr 24 hr Mean X s- X of Mean X S- X of Mean X X of Taxon dead x sample dead x sample dead x sanple Copepod nauplii 20.0 20.0 1.9 0.0 0.0 1.3 Cyclops Cl-C5 31.3 9.8 43.5 47.2 9.9 '1.2 Cyclops bicuspidatus t. C6 69.8 23.1 6.4 57.4 5.6 7.3 Cyclops vernalis C6 100.0 0.2 Tropocyclops prasinus m, Cl-C5 Tropocyclops prasinus m. C6 66.3 3.8 4.0 41.7 4.2 3.4 Eucyclops prionophorus C6 0.0 0.2 Diaptomus Cl-C5 28. 0 3.0 4. 0 53.0 13.7 3.3 Diaptomus ashlandi C6 46. 6 4.1 10.1 42.8 14.2 14.7 Diaptomus minutus C6 22. 1 15.0 '.7 48.9 11.4 4.7 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 49. 2 7.5 19.1 47.7 3.3 16.2 Diaptomus sicilis C6 62.9 12,1 , 3.8 Epischura lacustris Cl-C5 Epischura lacustris C6 Eurytemora affinis Cl<<C5 Harpacticoids Cl-C6 75.0 25.0 0.7 16.7 0.7 Bosmina longirostris 75.0 25.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 Oo 7 Ceriodaphnia quadrangu& Chydorus sphaericus Daphnia galeata m. Daphnia retrocurva 100.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum Eubosmina coregoni 22.9 10.4 2.8 21. 7 5.0 2.2 Holopedium gibberum Leptodora kindtii Polyphemus pediculus Eurycercus lamellatus Alona spp. ~ Asplanchna spp. 40.4 7.9 100.0 46.4 6.4 100.0 Total number of organisms observed per incubation period 425 551

TABLE 5. The mean and standard error of replicate determinations of the percent dead for each taxon of zooplankton present in samples taken on February 11, 1976 from the intake forebay. If a standard error is given then the corresponding mean is based on two replicates (N = 2); if no standard error is given then N = 1 or 0. The mean water temperature of the samples was 2.0'C.. Incubation Tine 0 hr 6 hr 24 hr Mean X S- X of Mean X S

                                                                                   .Z of     Mean X          X of Taxon                  dead     X   sample     dead           X     sample      dead       x  sample Copepod  nauplii                      21. 7 21. 7    4.1      33.3        33 '        6.4      25.0    25.0    3.2 Cyclops Cl-C5                         20.6  16. 4   65.0        7.3        6.4       50.0      12.0      1.1  49.4 Cyclops bicuspidatus   t.              0.0    0.0    4.3       12.5       12.5        4.1       5.0      5.0   4.8 vernalis  C6      C6'yclops Jropocyclops, prasinue m. Cl<<C5 Tropocyclops prasinus m. C6            0.0           0+3       50. 0      50.0        0.7      50. 0   50.0    0.8 Diaptomus Cl-C5                       20.8  20. 8     2.7      23.8       13.8        4.1      80. 0   20.0    4.4 Diaptomus ashlandi C6                  4.6    1.3   14.4        4.5        4.5       19.9      27. 1     8.4  20.9 Diaptomus minutus C6                   0.0    0.0    4.1       12.5       12.5        4.7      45.8    29.2    5.6 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 Diaptomus sicilis C6 Epischura lacustris Cl-CS 8.3 50.0 8.3
50. 0 2.4 2.4 0.0 6.3 0.0 6.3 '.82.4 6.3 12.5 6o3 12.5 3.2 7.2 Epischura lacustris C6 Eurytemora affinis Cl-CS Iinnocalanus Cl-C5 0+0 0.4 Bosmina longirostria Ceriodaphnia quadx~gula Chydorus sphaericus Daphnia galeata m.

Daphnia retrocurva Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum Eubosmina coregoni Holopedium gibberum Leptodora kindtii Polyphenr~s pediculus Eurycercue lamellatus Alona spp. Asplanchna spp. TOTAL 18.9 9.6 100.0 ..10.0 8.9 ZOO.O 19,4 4.0 100.0 Total number of organisms observed per incubation period 369 296 249

TABLE 6. The mean and standard error of replicate determinations of the percent dead for each taxon of zooplankton present in samples taken on February ll, 1976 in the discharge forebay. If a stan-dard error is given then the corresponding mean is based on two replicates (N = 2); error is given then N = 1 or 0. The mean water temperature of the samples was 14.0'C. if no standard Incubation Time 0 hr 6 hr 24 hr Mean Z X of Mean X X of Mean X Z of Taxon dead sample dead sample dead x sample Copepod nauplii 12. 5 12. 5 4.1 18. 8 18.8 3.3 0.0 0.0 2.2 Cyclops Cl-C5 Cyclops bicuspidatus t. C6 5.5 0.0 3.2 46. 8 4.2 0.1 52.0 5.4 l. 6 46.8 0.0 3.3 15.7 15. 7 303 11. 2 7.6 5.8 Cyclops vernalis C6 Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-CS Tropocyclops prasinus m. C6 12.5 12.5 1. 6 50.0 50.0 0.4 25.0 25.0 1.2 Diaptomus Cl-CS 17.5 7.5 2.4 22.9 22. 9 2.4 26.4 2.8 3.4 Diaptomus ashlandi C6 7.6 3.2 22.4 4.5 0.5 24.0 8.6 1.6 25.5 Diaptomus minutus C6 1.5 1.5 7.7 3.1 3.1 5.6 8.3 8.3 3.6 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 Diaptomus sicilis C6 Epischura lacustris Cl-C5 8.8 0.0 3.8 0.0 4.8 6.0 6.3 0.0 6.3 0.0 3.6 5.5 7.3 0+0 1.0 0,0 ',2 5.3 Epischura lacustris C6 Eurytemora affinis Cl-CS Licrrocalanus Cl-CS 100.0 0.2 Bosmina longirostris 0.0 0.3 Ceriodaphni a quadrangula Chydorus sphaericus Daphnia galeata m. Daphnia retrocurva Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum Eubosmina coregoni 0.0 0.3 Holopedium gibberum Leptodora kindtii Polyphemus pedi culus Eurycercus lamel latus A iona sppe Asplanchna spp. TOTAL 6.4 3.6 100.0 5.7 2.0 100.0 703 O.l 100.0 Total nunber of or8anisus observed per incubation period 581 550 585


 .TABLE 7.      The mean and standard error of replicate determinations of the percent dead for each taxon of zooplankton present in samples taken on March 10, 1976 in the intake forebay.               If a standard error is given then the corresponding mean is based on two replicates (N 2);     =       if 6.0'C.

no standard error is given then N 1 or 0. The mean water temperature of the samples

                    =                                                      was Incubation Tine 0  hr                      6 hr                            24  hr Mean Z S-    X of    Mean Z S-         X of      Mean X           ,  Zof Taxon                   dead       X   sample    dead        X        sample      dead         x    sample Copepod  nauplii                      19.3      0.7   15.0     23.5       0.8        12.0       10. 8       1.7    12.3 Cyclops Cl-C5                          5.4      0.9   23.7      3.3       0.9        29. 8       5.5        1.5    21.8.

Cyclops bicuspidatus t. C6 2.5 1.3 13.5 1.3 1.3 14.1 1.4 0.3 16.0 Cyclops vernalis C6 Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C5 Tropocyclops prasinus m. C6 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 50.0 0.2 Diap amus Cl-C5 22.1 2.9 3' 11.5 5.2 2.7 15.4 5.4 3.2 Diaptomus ashlandi C6 3.1 ~ 0.3 31.5 4.1 3.3 ~ 28.8 3.4 2.5 34.2 Diaptomus minutus C6 4.4 1.1 3.6 2.3 203 2.8 5.0 5.0 3.3 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 0.0 0.0 1.4 5.0 5.0 1.7 0.0 0.0 1.5 Diaptomus siciHs C6 3.7 0.8 8.0 1.7 i+7 7.6 0.0 0.0 7.3 Epischura lacustris Cl-C5 0.0 0.1 Epischura lacustris C6 Eurytemora affinis Cl-C5 0.0 0.1 Bosmina longirostris 50+0 0.2 Cer iodaphnia quadrangu la Chydorus sphaericus Daphnia galeata m. 0.0 0.1 Daphnia retrocurva Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergumum Eubosmina coregoni Holopedium gibberum Leptodora kindtii Polyphemus pediculus Eurycercus lamel latue Ahma spp. Asplanchna spp. 6.5 0.7 100.0 5.4 100.0 4.9 1+2 100.0 Total nunber of or8anisns observed per incubation period 1144 922 881

TABLE. 8. The mean and standard error of replicate determinations of the percent dead for each taxon of zooplankton present in samples taken on March 10, 1976 in the discharge forebay. If a standard error is given then the corresponding mean is based on two replicates (H = 2); if no standard error is given then N = 1 or 0. The mean water temperature of the samples was 14.9'C; Incubation TltLe 0 hr ~ 6 hr 24 hr Mean Z S- Z of Mean Z S-Z of Mean Z Z of Taxon dead X sample dead sample dead x sample Copepod nauplii 38. 3 11.0 13. 7 27. 6 13.5 5.5 28. 1 15.6 3.1 Cyclops Cl-C5 16.2 4.1 21.1 10. 2 0.7 24. 8 9.1 1.2 27.1 Cyclops bicuspidatus t. C6 6.3 1. 1 15.3 3.1 3.1 15.4 7.5 0.4 15.5 Cyclops vernalis C6 Wopocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C5 Tropocyclops prasinus m. C6 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.3 Diaptomus Cl-C5 15.7 1.4 2.5 27.3 0.2 4.0 38. 3 11.7 2e3 Duxptomus ashlandi C6 4.1 1.0 33.4 8.2 2.8 35.0 13.3 2 8 34.6 Duxptomus minutus C6 10.8 5.8 4.3 14.4 4.4 3.4 14.9 1.2 5.4 Naptomus oregonensis C6 0.0 0.0 1.4 2.5 2.5 2.8 33.6 26.4 2.9 Diaptomus sicilis C6 5.4 2.9 7.4 313 0.9 8.9 21.9 21.9 8.3 Epischura lacustris Cl-C5 Episch>~ lacustris C6 Eurytemora affinis Cl-C5 Bosmina longirostris . 100.0 0.1 0.0 0.3 Ceriodaphnia quadrangu la Chydorus sphaericus galeata m. 'aphnia OoO Owl Daphnia re trocurva 100' 0.1 Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergiaxuum Eubosmina coregoni Bolopedixen gibberum Septodora kindtii Polyphemus pedi culus Eurycercus lamellatue Alona spp. Asphmchna spp. TOTAL 12. 2 2.9 100.0 9.2 1.8 100.0 12.7 3'4 100.0 Total nunber of organisas observed per incubation period 864 799 683

TABLE 9. The mean and standard error of replicate determinations of the percent dead for each taxon of zooplankton present in samples taken on April 6, 1976 in the intake forebay. If a standard error is given then the corresponding mean is based on two replicates (N = 2); then N 1 or 0. The mean water temperature of the samples was 6.9'C. if no standard error is given Incubation Tine 0 hr 6 hr 24 hr Mean Z 8-X Z of Mean Z Z of Mean Z Z of Taxon dead sample dead x sanple dead 8 x sample Copepod nauplii 12. 5 6.0 50. 4 18. 9 9.7 48. 1 34. 6 3.6 47.3 Cyclops Cl-C5 5.6 5.6 2.4 2.1 2.1 3.5 2.8 2.8 2.3 Cyclops bicuspidatus t. C6 14.8 14.4 25. 0 4.1 3.3 27.7 6.0 3.3 29.2 Cyclops vernalis C6 Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-CS Tropocyclops prasinus m. C6 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 Diaptomus Cl-C5 Diaptomus ashlandi C6 13.7 ll.3 3.9 24.2 7.6 4.3 17.5 17.5 4.3 8.6. 3.5 12.6 8.5 5.0 14.6 7.7 2.7 13.4 Diaptomus minutus C6 21.4 21. 4 1.5 12.5 12.5 0.8 0.0 0.0 1.5 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 .0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.4 6.3 6.3 1.2 NcptPTIQs sicilis C6 24. 3 '.0 50.0 0.4 Epischura lacustris Cl-C5 Epischura lacustris C6 Eurytemora affinis Cl-C5 Bosmina longirostris 0.0 0.0 0.3 OoO Owl Ceriodaphnia quadrangula Chydorus sphaericus Daphnia glaeata m. Daphnia retrocurva 100.0 Owl Duxphanosoma leuchtenbergkmum Eubosmina coregoni Bolopedium gibberum 100. 0 Owl Leptodora kindtii Polyphemus pediculus Eurycercus lamel latus Alona spp. 0+0 0+2 Asphmchna spp. 0.0 0.1 lie 3 7.5 100.0 11.3 1.4 100.0 20.4 3.4 100+0 Total nunber of organisns observed per incubation period 1140 1020 915

TABLE 10. The mean and standard error of replicate determinations of the percent dead for each taxon of zooplankton present in samples taken on April 6, 1976 in the discharge forebay.'f a standard error is given then the corresponding mean is based on two replicates (N = 2); is given then N = 1 or 0. The mean water temperature of the samples was 17.4'C. if no standard error Incubation Time 0 hr 6 hr 24 hr Mean X X of Mean X S- X of Mean X X of Taxon dead sample dead X sample dead S-X sample Copepod nauplii 10.1 2.3 50.8. 25.5 2.7 45.1 25.1 0.0 52.5 Cyclops Cl-C5 6.3 6.3 1.5 16.7 16.7 2.5 0.0 0.0 2.0 Cyclops bicuspidatus t. C6 8.3 3.6 23.9 14.0 9.6 30.2 7.3 3.8 22.5 CycEops vernalis C6 Tropocycfops prasinus m. Cl-C5 '-1 Tropocyclops prasinus m. C6 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 Diaptomus Cl-C5 15.3 7.2 5.9 42.3 4.8 5.3 39. 2 2.4 6.2 Diaptomus ashhudi C6 Diaptomus minutus C6 5.3 12.5 2.3

12. 5
15. 4 1.4 ll.1 3.8 15.0 10.5 3.8 14.3 16.7 16.7 1.2 12.5 12.5 1.5 Diaptanr~s oregonensis C6 50. 0 0.0 0.4 25+0 25.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.3 Ihaptomus stcilas C6 0.0 0.4 Epischura Iacustris Cl-C5 Epischura Lacustris C6 Eurytemora affinis Cl-C5 Bosmina Iongirostris 0.0 0.0 0+2 0.0 0 1 Ceri odaphnia quadrangula Chydorus sphaericus Daphnia galeata m.

Daphnia retrocurva 100+ 0 0.1 Diapbanosoma Ieuchtenbexgianum Eubosmina coregoni 100+0 0.1 HoEopedium gibberum Leptodora kindtii Polyphemus pediculus Eurycercus hvnelhztus AIona spp. AspEanchna spp. 0+0 0.1 TOTAL 8.6 1.3 100.0 18.3 2.7 100.0 lgo3 5.3 100.0 Total number of organisms observed per incubation period 929 834 712

TABLE ll. The mean and standard error of replicate determinations of the percent dead for each taxon of zooplankton present in samples taken on May ll, 1976 in the intake forebay. If a standard error is given then the corresponding mean is based on two replicates (N = 2); then N ~ 1 or 0. The. mean wat'er temperature of the samples was 12.6'C. if no standard error is given Incubation Time 0 hr 6 hr 24 hr Mean Z Z of Mean Z Z of Mean Z Z of Taxon dead sample dead X sample dead x sample Copepod nauplii 22. 7 0.0 30. 9 5.4 3.9 31. 3 8.0 2.1 28.1 Cyclops Cl-C5 3.3 0.3 29.9 10.2 3.1 24.5 6.6 0.5 29.6 CJJclops bicuspidatus t. C6 0.0 0.0 4.3 12.5 12.5 3.3 0.0 0.0 5.0 Cyclops vsrnalis C6 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 1+0 Trepocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C5 TropocycLops prasinus m. C6 0.0 0.2 ParacycLops fimbriatus -poppei Cl-C5 0.0 0.3 Diaptomus Cl-C5 Diaptomus ashLandi C6 4.5 2o6 14.7 .14.1 23.6 15. 7 3.9 '0.0 Diaptomus minutus C6 6.2'+0 Dicptoems oregonensis C6 Dtctptomus stci7is C6 F- ischura Eacustris Cl-C5 0.0 1.7 0.0 ,2.4 0.0 0.0 3.8 pischura Lacustris C6 Eurytemora affinis Cl-C5 9.7 6.9 8.6 0.0 0.0 5.7 0+0 0.0 4.3 Eurytemora affinis C6 0.0 2.1 0.0 0.0 2.4 Bosmina Longirostris 2.1 2.1 5.5 0.0 0.0 5.4 0.0 0.0 3i8 Ceriodaphnia quadrandu7a 0+0 0.2 Chydorus sphaericue 0.0 0+7 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 Oo7 Dapgnia gaEeata m. Daphnia retrocurva Diaptumosoma 7eucht'enbergianum Euboeieina coregoni Holopedium gibberum ieptodora kindtii Polyphemus pediculus Eurycercus IameSLatus 0.0 0.2 Ancona spp. 0.0 0.3 Asplanchna spp. 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.7 . TOTAL 9.2 0.4 100.0 7.8 3.4 100.0 7.3 1.5 100.0 Total number of organisms observed per. incubation period 421 368 416

V TABLE 12. The mean and standard error replicate determinations of the percent dead for each taxon of zooplankton present in samples taken on May 11, 1976 in the discharge forebay. If a standard error ,is given then the corresponding mean is based on two replicates (N = 2); if no standard error is given then N ~ 1 or 0. The mean water temperature of the samples was 20.4'C. Incubation Time 0 hr 6 hr 24 hr Mean Z Z of Mean Z Z of Mean Z

                                                                                                              ~x   Z  of Taxon                   dead           sample     dead        x       sample        dead           sample Copepod  nauplii                       8.2      4.5   24. 5     13.7       3.9        30. 2        9.2       5.6  27.6 Cyclops Cl-C5                          2.6      2.6   30. 1      9.8       0.6        27.2         3.9       0.9  28.0 Cyclops bicuspidatus t. C6            52+ 3   47.7      4.2     11.9       0.6         4 '         0.0       0.0   4.0 Cyclops oernalis C6                                              0.0       0.0         1.2         0.0       OeO    0.7 Tropocyclops prasimus m. Cl-C5 Tropocyclops prasimus m. C6 Diaptomus Cl-C5                        8.1      2.9   21.6       7.8       2.5        20+9        16.7       1.7  23.8 Diaptomus ashLandi C6 Diaptomus minutus C6 Kaptomus oregonensie C6 Diaptomus sicilis C6 Canthoccmptus C6                       0.0              0.2      0.0                   0.2         0.0              0.2 Epischura lacustris Cl-C5             20. 8     4.2     1'7      6.3       6.3         1.2         6.3       6.3   2.4 Epischura Lacustris C6 Eurytemora affinis Cl-C5               3.9      3.9   11. 4      0.0       0.0          8.3       12.1       2.1    6.2 Eurytemora affinis C6                  0+0              1.2                                        0.0             1.4 Bosmina   kmgirostris                 15.3      1.0     4.1      0.0       0.0         4.9         0.0       0.0   4.0 Ceriodaphnia quadrangu La Chydorus sphaericus                                              0'0       0+0          0.4        0+0             1.4 Daphnia galeata m.

Daphnia retorcuroa Diaphcnosoma leuchtenbergianum Eubosmina coregoni 0.0 0.2 0.0 0+2 Holopedium gibberum Leptodora kindtii Polyphemm pediculus Eury cereus Lame LLatus Ahma spp. 0.0 0-2 Asplanchna spp. 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.2 6.9 8.7 100.0 9.0 2.3 100.0 8.5 2.2 100.0 Total number of organisms observed per incubation period 518 566 421

TABLE 13. The mean concentration, standard error, and percent composition plankton in the intake waters and the mean number of zooplankton of zoo-per minute on December 10-11, 1975. Each mean was calculated from the mean concen-entering the plant tration of zooplankton at sunset, midnight, sunrise, and noon at grate MTR 1-5, 6m depth. TAXQN NAKE NEAR STD BEAN STT (c/~3) EKK CQNP (c/hZN) EBB COPEPOD NAUPLII~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 21 ~ 9 0. 36 201183 52854 ~ 4 C TCLO PS 0 ~ 0 ~ 0~0 ~ 0~~0 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 0 ~ (C1 CS) 00'1237 2116 9 48 91 27273104 47478c0 ~ 0 CTCLOPS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DICUSPIDATUS TN ONASI ~ (C6) ~ ~ ~ 609 78 3 2 65 1487476 181137 4 TRQPOCT CLOP 5>> 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ 0 ~ 39K 86. 1 I ~ 72 9 8014 196896.0 D APTOHUS ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (L1 C5) 1768 246 ~ 6 7 70 4299816 53423605 DZAPIOl'.US. ~ ~ 0 ~ ASNLANDI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ (C6) ~ F 0 'I 251 34 I ~ 5 5. 45 3028629 83640700 DZAPTOhUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NZNUTUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ 0 ~ '1096 237 2 77 2655765 5372c6 ~ 5 DZAPTOliUS>> 00 ~ 0 QKEGQNENSZS ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 (C6) 00 4992 1243 ~ 9 21 ~ 73 12077700 284786200 DIAPTO IUS>>0 0 ~ ~ ~ >>SZCILIS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ (C6) 0 ~ ~ EPZSCHURA ~ ~ 00 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ (C 1 CS) 333 3 102. 2~ 5 9 1 45 802930 5948 238553 ' 0 ~ 01 5947 5 EPISCHURA ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ 0 ~ 12 2 7 0 ~ 05 28974 621100 EURTTEhORA>> ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ (CI CS) 1 I 3 0 ~ 0'I 3329 332801 EURlTEEOBA>>00 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~~ 0~ ~ ~~ 000 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~0 ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ ~ 5 3~ 1 0 F 02 11060 7328 F 2 LZl ÃOCALANUS ~ ~ ~0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ (C6) ~ ~0 13 1 7 0006 31522 'I8360 ~ 5 CANTHCCAliPTUS>> ~ B Oaiie S ~ >>ii>>

          ~ A   0 ~ ~ 00 0 ~

0 ~ 000 ~ 000 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~

                              ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0
                                                                        ~ (CB)    ~00
                                                                          \ ~~ ~~ 0~         108 9       5.5 32.

00 04 0 ~ 47 23071 268787 13557 '

                                                ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~~   ~                                     2                              84445 4 DlPHVZl       ~ ~ ~  ~ 0~   0UlLEATA NiEÃDOTAE ~ ~ 00                 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 00        21          407     0 ~ 09         52302       13319 4 DAPHNZA>> ~ 0      ~ 0~~~    ~ RETROCURVA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~          ~ 00 ~ ~ 00 ~         89         18 9     00 39        214501        42517>> 4 DIAPH ANOSONA>> ~ 0          ~ ~         ~     ~       ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ 00   ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 00 ~            4       3 5     0>> 02           8321         8326 6 EUUOSN NA ~       ~ 00  ~~  0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   0 0\ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0       937       215 6      4 ~ 08      2310718      54386900 ASPLANCHNA>>0 ~ 00000 ~ 00000 ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                   \~0 ~~\~~ 0~              10          1.8     0>>04           24047         469408 TOTAL TAXON 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ 000 ~ 000 ~ 00000                                              22974         4096 9    100 ~ 00    55766544      9128520 ~ 0

TABLE 14. The mean concentration, standard error, and percent composition of zoo-plankton in the discharge waters and the mean number of zooplankton leaving the plant per. minute on December 10-11, 1975. Each mean was calculated from the mean concentration of zooplankton at sunset, midnight, sunrise, and noon from the discharge waters of Unit l. TLXON NINE NEIN STD NEIN STD. (V/83) . EBR COHP (4/NZ N) EBR COPEPOD NIUPLIZeo ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ eo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ 22 3~ 1 0 F 20 54920 8836 ~ 3 CYCLOPSooooeoo ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ooo ~ eooe ~ ~ ooo ~ oo (Cl C5) 5274 836 5 47o91 13092400 2522751 ~ 0 311 74 ~ 5 2e 82 777039 214728 ~ 1 CTCLOPSee ~ ~ ~ ~ ee ~ BICUSPZDATUS TNONASZ ~ (C6) ~ ~ e CTCLOPS ~ ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ ~ VEBHILZSo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) o ~ ~ 4 3 0 '490 10111 523094 8598 ~ 3 165270 6 TROPOCTCLOPSo ~ ~ e o ~ e ~ o ~ ~ o ~ o ~ (C6) ~ o o 209 59 0 1 DIAPTONVS ~ ~ oo o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C1 C5) 895 128. 5 8 13 2212644 36885S 9 DIIPTONVS ~ o ooo ~ ASNLLHDZ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ o (C6) ~ o o 526 56 ~ 2 4 78 1300009 177924 1 DILPTONUS ~ ~ oe ~ o ~ NINVTUS~ e ~ o oooo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) o ~ ~ 515 44. 9 4 67 1267654 142361 5 DIIPTONUS ~ ~ ~ ~ OREGOHENSIS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ 2272 249 4 20o 64 5616224 799672 0 DIAPYONVS~ ~ ~ eee ~ SZC LISoo ~ ~ ~ oooo o ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) o ~ ~ 153 14 9 39 373882 31772 5 EPZSCHGRAe ~ ~ oo ~ o ~ o ~ ~ e ~ o ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ oo 1 1 0 0 ~ 01 2379 2379 0 EVRYTENOBL~ ~ ~ ~ o o ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ (C1 C5) 1 0 8 Oo 01 1784 1764 3 EVRYT EEORI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ee ~ 3 1 7 Oo 02 6160 3972 ~ 2 LIN'HOCALAHVSe ~ ~ ~ ~ o o o e o ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ (C1 C5) 1 1 0 0 01 2379 2379eO L NHOCALANUS~ ~ ~ eo ~ oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) e ~ ~ 3 6 Oe 04 107C6 8494oS CLHYHGCANPTUS ~ ~ ~ oooo oeo ~ ~ oo ~ o o ~ o o ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ 7 5.2 Oe 07 17745 12339.9 BOSSY (A ~ o ~ ~ ~ oo ~ ~ ~ ee ~ ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ eo ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~~ ~~o ~ 109 52e 2 0 ~ 99 274786 135320 ~ 1 DaPHH Za.........GaLELTa NEHDOxaE............ 22 10 8 0. 20 55532 28137o7 DIP HH Z Ao ~ ~ e o e o o ~ B ETROCURVI o o e ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~o ~ ~ ~ oe 25 7 6 0 ~ 23 63264 209C4 0 EULOSNoHL ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ o ~ ~o ~ ~ o ~ ~~ oe ~oo oe ~o e ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ 651 266 2 5e 91 1620852 669431 ' ALOHAo ~ ~ o oo ~ e ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 0 8 0 ~ 01 1784 1784 3 LS PL A HCNN Ae ~ \ 0.5 0 ~ 00 1190 1189 5 TOTAL TAXOH ~ ~ ~

                                    ~   ~      ~

ooo ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                                      ~ ~     ~ e ~ ~ ~e~~~~~       11006 1

158be 6 100 00 27287072 4839045 '

I TABLE 15. The mean concentration, standard error, and percent composition of zoo-plankton in the intake waters and the mean number of zooplankton entering the plant per minute on January 13-14, 1976. Each mean was calculated from the mean concen-tration of zooplankton at sunset, midnight, sunrise, and noon at grate MTR 1-5, 6m depth. TLZON BABE NEAR STD BEAN STD (4/53) ERR COBP (A/BIN) ERR COPEPOD NLUPLZIo~ o ~ o ~ eo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oo ~ ooo 41 5~ 1 1 ~ 03 87098 11129 ~ 8 CTCLOPSo ~ o ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~o (Cl-CS) 1b44 202 6 41 ~ 34 3493152 440640 9 CYCLOPS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oBZCIJSPIDATUS TJIOBASZ ~ (C6) ~ ~ ~ 178 30 ~ 5 4 ~ 48 377857 64284 0 CYCLO PS ~ e ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ YERN ALISe ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ (C6) ~ ~ e 1 1 3 0. 03 26 8 2658.3 TROPOCZCLOPSe ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ ~ oo ~ ~ ooeoo ~ (Cl CS) 1 0~ 5 '0 ~ 01 1055 1055 4 TROPOCZCLOPSe ~ o e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o o o (C6) ~ ~ o 114 20 9 2 86 241464 44559e4 PARACTCLOPS ~ ~ FINBRZATUS POPPEI ~ o ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ > 0 Oo3 0 01 532 531 ~ 7-DIAPTONUSoo ~ ~ o ~ ooo ~ o ~ oe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ooo ~ o ~ ~ (Cl C5) 130 21 3 3o 27 276852 48158 6 DolPTOEUSoo ~ e ~ ~ e LSHLLNDIo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ o 444 69. 5 11 66 984908 149211 8 DI AP TONUS ~ o e o ~ ~ o 5 INUTUS ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ (C6) o~~ 354 69.0 8. 90 752244 147861.7 D APTONUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OREGONEHS ' (C6) 770 157e 8 19 36 1637009 339736 7 DI APTOBUS ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ SZCII IS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ ~ 93 30. 5 2 34 197410 64921 ~ 9 EURYZEBORAe ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ (Cl CS) 1 0 9 0 03 2654 2013. 2 EIJRY TENOR A ~ ~ o o o o ~ ee ~~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e o o~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ oo 1 0 7 0 03 2130 1503. 8 LIBNOCALAHUS. o ~ ~ ~ o o o ~ (C6) ~ ~ ~ 21 4~7 0 53 45145 10069 6 HLRPACTZCOIDSo oo ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (Cl-C6) 0 0 3 0 ~ 01 532 531 7 HARPACTZCOZDSeo e ~ oe ~ oe ~ ~~ e ~ ~ ~ oo o ~ ~ ~ e'e (C6) ooe 0 0 3 0 01 528 527 7 CASTHOCANPTUSe o ~~ oo ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~~ ~ (Cl-CS) 2 Oe8 Oe05 4238 1736.4 CANZHOClhPTUSeo ~ ~ oe ~ ~ o ~~~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ o 38 19 3 0 94 79524 41054 ' II 1 %t e "

                                              ~   ~     ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o@ ~ o ~ o    31    8 9      0 79       66207       18727 ~ 1 DAPHHZA         ~   ~   ~     GALAATA BENDOTAE ~ ~               ~   ~ ~ ~      ~ ~      1   Oe3      0 01        1067          615 ~ 8 EU BUS    hI   NA ~   ~   o                                    ~       ~   ~    e ~    81   13 5      2 04      172423       28708 6 AS PL A NCHN Ae     ~~ ~ o ~ e e o ~o ~ o ~~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ~~     11    7. 7     0 28       24017       16482 3 TOTAL TAXON ~ ~ ~         ~ ~ ooe   ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~   3977  559   3 100 00     8449120      1207789.0

lb TABLE 16. The mean concentration, standard error, and percent composition of zoo-plankton in the discharge waters and the mean number of zooplankton leaving the plant pei minute on January 13-14, 1975. Each mean was calculated from the mean concentration of zooplankton at sunset, midnight, sunrise, and noon from the discharge waters of Unit l. TAION NAHE NEiN STD HEAR STD (4/83) EBR CORP (4/HIE) ERR COPEPOD NAUPZ II CYCLOPSo ~ o ~ o ~ ~ oe ~ ~

                           ~~  oo ~ ~ o~ ~o oooo'            ~ oo  e ~~  (C1 C5) 17 1382 7 4 267 0 Oo 40 96 49    35160 2938569 157 85 ~ 2 578050 5 CYCLOPS ~ ~ ~ ~ ooe ~ oBICUSPIDATUS TH OHASI                    (C6)    ~       149   20 ~ 2   4o 42    317071    43780  '

CYCLOPSeo o ~ o ~ ~ ~ eVERNALISe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o (C6) ~ ~ o 2 1 1 0 ~ 07 4769 2340o3 TBOPOCYCLOPSo o'o o ~ o o o o ~ ~ o o ~~e o (C1 CS) 0 0 3 0 01 528 527 7 TROPOCYCLOPSo ~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ {C6) ~ e ~ 93 18 2 2 75 197168 39307 8 EUCYCLOPS ~ a ~ e e ~ ~ PB ZONOPHO BUSo ~ ~ eo ~ ~ eo (C6) ~ o ~ 0 0 3 0 01 535 535 0 DI A Pl OllUSo ~ oo ~ ~ o e ~ o o ~ e o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ (C1 C5) 154 34. 9 4 ~ 56 326919 73955 1 DIAPTOHUS ~ ~ ee ~ ~ ~ ASHLANDZe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o e ~ o ~ ~ {CB) ~ e ~ 393 82 ~ 6 11 63 834537 177966 ' DIAPTOHUS ~ ~ ~ ~ hZNUTUS ~ ~ ~ ~ o e ~ ~ ~ ~ eoo (C() o ~ ~ 269 60. 9 7. 98 5726 17 131444 4 DIAPTOHUS ~ o OREGONENS ZSoo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ (C6) ~ e 686 177e 4 20 33 1459907 382450 8 D Il P TO BUS o ~ ~ e ~ ~ o SZ CI L IS e ~ o ~e e ~ ~ (C6) ~ ee 77 21 2 2 27 162667 45330 ' EURYT El{OR A o ~ << ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o e ~ ~ a ~~ ~o ~ (C1 C5) 1 0.3 0 ~ 01 1063 613 ~ 6 EURYTEEOB'lo e ~ ~ oo ~ ~ ~ ~ e (C6) ~e ~ 1 0~ 5 0 02 1598 1023 1 LZNNOCALANUSo~ ~ ee ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ (C6) oo~ 18 4~2 0 52 37218 8988.4 HlBPACTZCOTDSa ~ ~ ~ ~ eo ~ ~ o {C1 C6) 1 0~ 5 0 ~ OI 1070 1069 9 I I I H A R P CT C 0 D S o ~ ~ o o o ~ ~ ~ o o ~ oo ~ o (C6) ~ ~ ~ 0 Oe3 0 01 532 531 7 CANTHCCANPTUS ~ ~ ~ ~ (C1 CS) 1 0 3 0 ~ 01 1055 6C9o4 CANFHOCANPTUS ~ ~ e ~ (C6) ace 25 8.1 0 73 52428 17245.9 BOSBZNlo ~ e ~ eo ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oa ~ ~ 20 1 9 D 59 42477 4110 5 CHYDOBOSo ~ ~ oo ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0~ 3 0 ~ 01 528 527 7 DAPHN Zl o ~ oo ~ ~ ~ oGALElTA llENDOTA E ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ 1 0.5 0 04 2661 1022 2 EURUS'lZNA ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ 83 10 ~ 7 2 45 175792 23222o4 ALVNA~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ o ~ 0.3 0 ~ 01 528 527 7 AS PEA N CHN A e o o ~ ~ o ~ ~ oo o ~o ~~ 5 2e8 0 10117 5879 5 TOTAL .TAION ~ ~ ~~o ~ ~ ~ 3375 649 0 100 00 7175372 1404964 0

TABLE 17. The mean concentration, standard error. and percent compositio'n of zoo-plankton in the intake waters and the mean number of zooplankton entering the plant per minute on February 10-11, 1976. Each mean was calculated from the mean concen-tration of zooplankton at sunset, midnight, sunrise, and noon at grate MTR 1-5, 6m depth. TAION NABB BEAN STD BEAN STD {f/H3) ERB CORP { 4/HZ N) ERR COPEPOD NAQPLIIOO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ \~~~~~ 139 36 ~ 1 7 ~ 70 309264 80424 ~ 8 CTCLOPS0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00000 ~ 00 ~ ~ 0 00 ~ 00 ~ {C1-C5) 738 122. 2 40 78 1638730 272545 1 CTCLOPS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ BZCQSPZDATVS TBOHASZ ~ {C6) ~ 0 ~ 91 1v,6 5>> 02 201509 36891 9 TROPOCTCLOPSo ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 {C6) ~ 00 12 1 ~ 4 0.66- 26651 3020 3 DZAPTONUS ~ 00 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ F 00 0000 ~ \ ~ \ {C1-CS) 75 18 9 4. 15 166623 421 18 8 DI AP TONUS ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ AS BLAH DX0 ~ ~ {C6) ~ 0 320 15 2 17 67 710143 34440 ~ 0 DIAPTOHUS ~ 0 ~ ~ OHXNUTUSO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 0 \ ~ {C6) ~ 0 ~ 116 1808 6 ~ 40 257 123 41854 ~ 4 DXAPIOllUS0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 00REGOHENSISo ~ 0~00~ ~ {C6) 0 121 19 ~ 1 6.70 269191 42411 4 D APTOHUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SICZLIS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ {06) ~ ~ ~ 111 31 0 6 14 246681 69104 0 L hHOCALANUS~ {C 1-C 5) 5 5,3 Oo 29 11676 11675.6 LIHHOCALAHUS {C6) ~ ~ 0 80 12. 7 4 ~ 42 177602 28052.8 BOSNINA ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 0~ 3 0 03 1109 640 1 EUBOSNZVA. 1 0 5 0 03 1112 1112 0 ASPLAHCHNA 1 0 3 0. 03 1109 640. 1 T01AL TAXON ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 0 ~~ ~ 00 ~ 00 ~~ ~ 1809 201.6 100 F 00 4018518 450445.3

TABLE 18. The mean concentration, standard error, and percent composition of zoo-plankton in the discharge waters and the mean number of zooplankton leaving the plant per minute on February 10-11, 1976. Each mean was calculated from the mean concentration of zooplankton at sunset, midnight, sunrise, and noon from the discharge waters of Unit 1. TAION RANE NEAR STD NEAR STD (4/N3) ERB CORP (R/NZN) ERB COPEPOD NAUPLI o ~ ~ ~ woo ~ ~ ~ ~ 75 17. 3 7 44 167123 38412 2 CYC OPSo ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oo ~ ~ o ~ ~ oo ~ o a ~ (C1-C5) 428 60 1 42. 28 949869 133743 9 i CYCLOPS+ ~ a ~ ~ ~ e ~ BZCUSPIDATUS TBONASZ (C6) ~ ~ 0 42 11 5 10 92145 553 25512 552 7 1 CYCLO PS@ ~ o o o o o o ~ VER h ALISo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ (C6) e ~ ~ 0 0 3 0 02 TRVPOCYCLOPS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ oo ~ ~ ~ ~ oo o ~ o ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ ~ 6 0,9 0. 62 13870 2076 3 DIAPTOEUS. ~~ ~ 0 Ot ~ 0 (C1-C 5) 48 5. 9 4 ~ 77 107100 12864 3 DIAPYOEUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ASBLAhD!~ 10 ~ ~~ ~~ ~ (C6) o~~ 146 35 5 16 38 368132 79045.4 DIAPTONUS ~ ~ ~ 8 hUTUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ ~ 62 5.6 6 13 137693 12396 1 DZAPTONUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iOBEGONENSIS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ (C6) ~ ~ ~ 69 24 ~ 0 6. 84 153770 53263.5 D APTQNUS ~ oo ~ ~ oSICILIS ~ ~ ~ o ~ 0 \ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ 55 9 5 5 41 121661 21210 5 l LT 4 N 0 C L A N U S o ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ 0 (C1-CS) 1 0 3 0. 05 1109 132044 640 ~ 1 37266 3 LINhOCALANUSe ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ 60 16. 8 S. 88 BOSNZNA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0. 3 0 02 553 552 7 TOTAL TAZON 1012 161 4 100. 00 2c46734 358885 2

TABLE 19. The mean concentration, standard error, and percent composition of zoo-plankton in the intake waters and the mean number of zooplankton entering the plant per minute on March 9-10, 1976. Each mean was calculated from the mean concentra-tion of zooplankton at sunset, midnight, sunrise, and noon at grate MTR 1-5, 6m depth. TlION BANE NEAR S'TD BEAN STD (>/N3) ERB CONP (4/BIN) EBB COPEPOD aNAUPLZZeo ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ooo ~ ~ ~ oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ee ~ ~ CICLOPSoooo ~ oeo ~ o ~ o ~ ~ o ~ oee ~ ~ o ~ oeo ~ oo (C1 CS) 1209 1137 82 ~ 7 108 5 28 '9 19 ~ 75 3042359 2849761 177898 209430 4 4 CICLOPSe e o o ~ ~ o ~ ~ BZCUSPIDATUS TNONhSI ~ (C6) ~ ~ e 896 161 ~ 0 15 ~ 55 2267555 422276 3 TROPOCYCLOPSee ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ o ~ eo ~ ~ oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eo (C1 C5) 1 0.8 0 01 1928 1928 2 TBOPOCYC OPSeeee ~ ~ eoo ~ o ~ o oo ~ ~ e (C6) o ~ ~ 9 2 8 Oe 16 22097 6692 2 DIAPTONUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C1-CS) 168 21 3 2 91 428476 68511 0 D APIONUS ~ ~ ~ o o ASHLANDZo o ~ e ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ o (C6) ~ ~ o 1568 214 ~ 4 27 ~ 22 39c564 554396 5-DZAP ONUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NZKUTUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) 213 2o8 3. 70 538738 17807 7 D APTOa!US ~ o ~ o ~ OREOOHEHaSIS ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ e ~ ~ (CL) ~ oo 112 14.8 le 95 285213 41209.3 II I D I A P I0 1 U S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S C L S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C 6 ) ~ ~ ~ 311 64 5 S. 40 773356 144197 ~ 3 E JBYT aORle ~ ~ ~ e

          ~                        ee e      e       ~            ~ (C1-CS)          0     0 3     0 00        685       685 4 LZNNOCALANUSe ~                        ~                             (C1-CS)         2     1 ~ 0   0 ~ 03     4369      2600 F 2 L NNOCALANVSe ~ ~ o ~ ~ oe ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ (C6) ~ e ~                    131   29.6      2e 28    329773     69391 ~ 8 CAHTBCCANPTUSeo                    o o ~                ~ ~          (C6) ~          0     0. 3    0 00        685       685 4 BGSNZHA ~                                                                            0     0. 3    0 00         599      S99 4 DlPBHIA. ~ ~ ~ UAI.RATA NEHDOTAE                                                     0     0. 3    0. 00        643      442 ~ 7 TOIAL TAXON ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e                     e ~     ~   ~    ~    5759  S42 8    100 00   14505136  13'15767 0

TABLE 20. The mean concentration, standard error, and percent compsoition of zoo-plankton in the discharge waters and the mean number of zooplankton leaving the plant per minute on March 9-10, 1976. Each mean was calculated from the mean concentration of zooplankton at sunset, midnight, sunrise, and noon from the discharge waters of Unit l. TAZON BABE dEll STD HEAR STD = {0/83) ERB COHP {4/HZB) ERR, COPEPOD NlUPLZI~ ~ oooo o ~ ~ ~ ~ oo ~ ooo ~~ ~~ oo ~~~~~~ 635 64,3 17 97 1609172 176911 6 CICLOPSo ~~~ ooo ~ o~~~ oo o ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~o {Cl C5) 752 91 2 21 26 1897853 238316e 7 CTCIOPS.........BZCUSPZDATUS THOHASI. {C6) ... 523 66o 4 14. 80 1332204 195378 1 1285 5 CICLO PS ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ o VERNALZSe ~ ~ ~ o o o ~ ~ ~ o o ~ tC6) e oo 1 0 5 0 01 1285 TROPOCTCLOPSo ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~~ (C6) e ~~ 6 1 0 0 16 14005 2619 8 D APTOHUS ~ ~ ~ oo ~ ooooooo oo ~ o oo ~ o ~~ ~ o tC1 CS) 108 24 0 3 06 273096 62165 7 DXAPTOHUSo ~ o ~ ~ ~ elSHLANDIe o ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~o ~o ~ tC6) ~ oo 1010 168o 5 28 57 2569703 464031 8 DIAPTOHUS'o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ h NUTUS ~ ~ o ~ ~ oo ~ o ~ ~ ooo [C6) o ~ ~ 147 21 0 15 370658 55079 5 DIA?IOHUSo ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ OREGON ARSIS ~ ~ o ~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ oo 74 8~ 8 2 ~ 10 189060 26393 6 D APTOHUSee ~~ ~o ~ SICILZS ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ e ~ o ~ eo ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ ~ 193 33. 6 5. 47 480999 70829 3 EUBTTEHOHA ~ ~o ~ o ~ ~~ ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                                           ~     ~ o  {C1 C5)           1   Ood     0 ~ 02        1928     1928 2 LIdNOCALANUSo~               o                  ~     o  ~    o        tC6) ~ oo       85   14. 9    2 40     '13204      36C72 9 O

BOShhhhh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ e ~ o ~ eo ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o 0 0. 3 0. 01 599 599 CHTDOBUSo ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0;3 0 ~ 01 643 642 ~ 7 DAPHNIA ~ ~ GALEATA HENDOTAE ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 3 0 01 685 665 4 ASPLANCHNAeoo ~ ~ eoooe ~ o ~ ooe ~ ~ o ~ ~ ee ~ ~ ~ ~ \~ ' oo ~~ 0 0 3 0 01 599 599 ~ 4 TOTAL TAION ~ ~ ooo ~ ~ oo ~ ~ e ~ oo ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3536 373 ~ 3 100 00 8957064 1047338 5 o

v 1

 'E I

TABLE 21. The mean concentration, standard error, and percent composition of zoo-plankton in the intake waters and the mean number of zooplankton entering the plant per minute on April 5-6, 1976. Each mean was calculated from the mean concentration of zooplankton at sunset, midnight, sunrise, and noon at grate MTR 1-5, 6m depth. TAZON BANE NEAR STD BEAN STD (4/N3) EBR CONP ( f/BIN) EBB COPEPOD NAUPLZZooo ~ ooe ~o ~~~ ooo ~ oooo ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~e 5o53 1024 ~ 7 58 ~ 08 16039024 2927732 ~ 0 CTCLOPSoo ~ ~ oooo oe e ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o oo ~ (C1 CS) 179 33o 1 1 84 507488 94679 F 9 CICLOPSo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BICUSPIDATUS THONASI ~ (C6) ~ o ~ 1869 1124 ~ 4 19% 20 5311860 3214101 0 TROPOCICLOPSo o ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ o ~ .9 3.4 0 ~ 09 24083 9727e4 DIAPTONUSe ~ ~ ~ ~ e oooo o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oo ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ {C1 C5) 594 44.0 6 ~ 10 1684003 184455 9 DIA P I TONUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ASH LA ND ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~~ (C6 ) ~o~ 1010 259. 8 10. 38 2868520 741676o 0 DIAPTONUS ~ ~ ~ ~ o e ~ BIN UTUS ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o o ~ e ~ ~ (C6) ~o ~ 190 55. 8 le 95 539229 1591C1 3 I I D A P T 0 N 'V S ~ e ~ o ~ ~ o 0 R E 0 0 N E N S S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ {C 6 ) ~ oo 45 11 1 0 ~ 46 127678 31771 ~ 3 DIAPTONUS ~ ~ ~ eo ~ oSICZLISe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o (C6) ~~~ 14o 78 ~ 4 1. 50 41'10 223116 ~ 8 LINNOCALANUSoo~ oooo ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ Sa ' JA ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ SN B OSa

                                                                    ~  {C1 C5)         19      8.5    0. 19     53100   24099 '

o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ eo 17 6 7 0 17 46905 19185 4 CNIDORUS................... ~ ~ o ~ eo ~ ~ 1 0 5 0. 01 1422 1422 ~ 2 ALONA ~ ooo ~ ~ ~ oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o ~ 4 2~ 8 0 ~ 04 11377 8044 9 TOTAL TAZON ~ ~ 9733 1379 5 100. 00 27629008 3968038 0

TABLE 22. The mean concentration, standard error, and percent composition of zoo-plankton in the discharge waters and the mean number of zooplankton leaving the plant. per minute on April 5-6, 1976. Each mean was calculated from the mean con-centration of zooplankton at sunset, midnight, sunrise, and noon from the dis-charge waters of Unit l. TAZON NAHE BEAN STD HEAR STD (4/83) ERR CONP (4/NIH) EBB COPEPOD HAUPLZZoo ~ ~ oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ooo ~ o ~ 3190 154 8 51 ~ 79 9046940 450991 ~ 8 CTCi OPSo ~ ~ ~ oee ~ oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (Cl C5) 176 29 9 2e85 498956 85624 4 CTCLOPSe ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HZCUSPZDlTUS THOHASZo (C6) ~ ~ e CTCLOPSa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TERNALISa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ ~ TROPOCTCLOPSe ~ o o o o oo ~ o o o o o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (C6) o ~ o 1182 1 9 580. 0 5 1 1~ 3 0 'l 19 18. 0 14 3356857 1422 24134 1651512 0 1422 2 3800 ' DZAPTOHUS ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ (Cl-CS) 438 59 ~ 0 7 11 1242841 169281 5 DIAPTOHUS ~ o eo o ~ ah SBLAHDZ o o ~ o o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ ~ 840 85 4 13a64 2383903 247424 ~ 8 D APTOHUS ~ o ~ oo oiiIHUTVS~ o ~ ~ e ~ e ~ ~ o e ~ (C6) ~ ~ 129 23 2.09 364733 46958 8 DZAPTOBUS ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ oOR ECOh ENSIS ~ ~ ~ o o o ~ o ~ ~ (C6) ~ ~ 37 9 5 Oe60 104974 26965 6 DZAPTONUS ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ SZCILZS ~ o e ~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ~ o (C6) ~ ~ ~ 120 52 0 1 ~ 95 340967 148077 0 EUi TTE QRA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ (Cl CS) 1 0 8 0 ~ 01 2133 2133 ~ 2 LI iilOCALAHUSo~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o (Cl CS) 14 4 4 Oe 23 39658 12499 8 LZHHOCALAhUSo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ (C6) o ~ o 10 He 2 Oe 15 27012 26084 1 HARPACTZCO DSo ~ ~ o o o o ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ o ~ o o ~ (Cl C6) 0 Oa3 0 ~ 00 703 702 5 HARPACTICOIDSe ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ (Cl-CS) 1 1~ 0 0 e'02 2844 2844 ' BOS'iINle ~ ~ ~ ~ oo ~ ~ o ~ oooo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o e ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ 7 5. 1 Oe 11 19910 144C9 9 EUBOSNINhee ~ oooo ~ oe ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ o 1 0 5 0 ~ 01 1422 1422 2 ALONl~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~~~e ~~ 4 2~2 0 ~ 06 9955 6199 0 AV ~ TT ALON LLla oooo ~ oooooooe ~ oo ~ ~ oooo ~ e ~ eo ee ~ o ~ ~ o 2 2 3 0.04 6400 6399 ' ASPLANCHHho ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oo ~ oo ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ 1 0.8 0.02 3555 2133a 2 TOTAL TAIOH~ o ~ e ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ '6159 699 ~ 8 100 ~ 00 17477184 2018402 0

TABLE 23. Mean abundances and standard errors (N 2) determined Crom two replicate hauls at each of 14 lake survey stations on September 10, 1975. The percentage that each taxon represents of the total zooplankton counted at the station is also given. Species DC-1 DC-2 DC-3 DC-4 Sx Sx 8/m~ Sx X Copepod nauplii 4409 62 5.7 4626 186 4.3 5831 472 10.1 3467 276 7.3 Cyclopoid copepods CycEops Cl-C5 14531 138 18.9 20072 780 18.7 9378 1263 16.3 9778 737 20. 6 CycEops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 435 55 0.6 1441 216 1.4 1087 23 lr9 862 24 1.8 CycEops VernaEis C6 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TropocycEops prasinus m. Cl-C6 4584 851 6.0 8540 1058 .8.0 3576 208 6.2 3751 28 7.9 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 7894 1538 10.3 8030 544 7.5 14524 1471 25.2 12319 157 26.0 Diaptomus ashEandi C6 116 7 0.2 492 171 0.5. 1626 326 2.8 951 78 2.0 DzQptomus ennutus C6 459 215 0.6 493 119 0.5 623 87 1.1 346 150 0.7 Diaptonrus oregonensis C6 214 30 0.3 445 37 0.4 234 81 0.4 356 37 0.8 Diaptomus siciEis C6 0 0 0 0 0 Epischura Cl-C5 Epischura Eacust& s C6 Zurytemora Cl-C5 61 14 802

                                             '4  61 312 0.1 1.0 0

0 27 102 27 102 0 0.1 0 0 268 154 0 268 114 0 0 0.5 0.3 0 0 0 27 0 36 0 36 0 9 0.1 0.1 0 0 Eurytemora affinis C6 41 41 0.1 26 26 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 LimnocaEanus Cl-C5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LimnocaEanus macrurus C6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 Cladocerans . Bosmina hmgirostris 37286 1397 48. 6 50594 6295 47.2 7233 ~ 726 12. 6 2312 291 4.9 Ceriodaphnia quadranguEa 14 14 0 102 102 0.1 0 0 0 9 9 0 Chydorus sphaericus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 Daphnia gaEeata mendotae 248 58 0.3 77 77 O.l 539 342 0.9 1352 501 2.9 Daphnia retrocurva 2067 138 2.7 5832 371 5.5 7708 14 13.4 9064 652 19.1 Daphmosoma Eeuchtenberguuuum 855 94 1.1 2135 264 2.0 1769 161 3.1 862 24 1.8 Eubosmina coregoni 1620 119 2.1 2699 402 2.5 1927 319 3.3 595 43 1.3 PoEopedium gibberum 104 49 0.1 237 84 0.2 20 20 0 36 36 0.1 Leptodora kindtii 71 10 0.1 78 24 0.1 77 38 0.1 27 27 0.1 Polyphemus pedicuEus 0 0 0 27 27 0 59 59 O.l 0 0 0 Rotifers AspEanchna spp. 923 26 1.2 1018 1.0 1014 325 1.8 1245 217 2.6 Total 76745 619 100.0 107092 5937 100.0 57645 1568 100.0 47410 1387 100.0 Dry wt (mg/ms) 71.2 103.7 77. 0 Dry wt (pg/individual) 69.4 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.5

TABLE 23 continued. Species DC-5 DC-6 NDC. 5-1 NDC.5-2 Sx X 8/m3 Sx X '/m~ Sx Copepod nauplii 4180 919 11.1 4031 286 10.9 6479 1030 9;9 1055 409 Cyclopold copepods CycEops Cl-C5 9681 752 25.6 11906 1218 32.3 13376 695 20. 4 16647 252 16.2 CycEops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 1821 565 4.8 1920 100 5.2 368 368 0.6. 609 28 0.6 CycEops vernaEis C6 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 53 0.1 0 0 0 2'ropocycEops prasinus m. Cl-C6 2063 488 5. 5 707 42 1. 9 2552 573 3.9 5774 665 5.6 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 9363 1397 ~ 24.8 11484 40 31.1 8678 783 13. 2 8426 266 '8.2 Diaptomus ashEandi C6 962 160 2.5 1265 75 3.4 212 36. 0.3 174 136 0.2 Diaptomus minutus C6 992 458 2.6 183 8 0.5 380 182 0.6 324 25 0.2 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 341 127 0.9 261 139 0.7 109 39 0.2 528 258 0;5 Diaptomus sici lie C6 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Epischura Cl-C5 13 13 0 0 0 0 158 158 0.2 112 112 0.1 Epischura Eacustris C6 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 19 0 Zurytemora Cl-C5 152 ' 35 0.4 0 0 0 563 68 0.9 472 201 0.5 Eurytemora affinis C6 0 0 0 0 0 159 89 0.2 19 19 0 LimnocaEanus Cl-C5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LimnocaEanus macrurus C6 0 0 0 44 26 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 0 0 Cladocerans Bosmina 2ongirostris 1307 237 3.5 611 19 1.7 24259 856 37. 0 '54208 2784 52.8 Ceriodaphnia quadvanguEa 12 12 = 0 9 9 0 25 25 0 39 39 0 Chydorus sphaericus 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 10 0.1 132 55 0.1 Daphnia gaEeata mendotae 992 84 2.6 157 53 0.4 219 78 0.3 168 168 0.3 Daphnia retrocurva 4822 652 12.7 3631 114 9.8 1332 738 2.0 3158 61 3.1 Diaphanosoma Eeuchtenbergianum 221 60 0.6 297 53 0.8 1701 264 2.6 1783 350 1.7 Euboenina coregoni 359 38 1.0 122 53 0.3 2791 17 4.3 3128 689 3.1 Ho&pedium gibberum 23 23 0.1 0 0 0 162 13 0 170 92 0.2 Leptodora kindtii 13 13 0 9 9 0 85 14 O.l 19 19 0 PoEyphemus pedicuEus 37 10 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 19 0 Rotifers AspEanchna spp. 468 94 1.2 271 0.7 1870 235 2.9 1635 125 1.6 Total 37836 5836 100.0 36915 846 100.0 65589 2481 100.0 102657 1455 100.0 Dry wt (mg/m~) 54.1 52.3 66. 6 95.7 D~ vt (ug/individual) 1.4 1.4 1.0 0.9

TABLE 23 continued. Species NDC 7-1 7-5 SDC.5-1 SDC.5-2 8/m3 8/m3 ~S 8/m3 Sx Copepod nauplii, 6028 1144 5.4 4112 138 8.1 4819 527 7.8 . 4076 287 5.3 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 9366 1282 8.4 13420 1764 26. 3 12450 3377 20. 1 15088 972 .19.5 Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 358 77 0.3 1165 27 2.3 457 131 0..7 624 82 0.8 Cyclops uernalis C6 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C6 3588 108 3.2 4686 446, 9.2 - 2018 443 3.3 3677 430 4.8 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 5861 1202 ~ 5.3 14138 2652 27.7 5224 443 8.4 5943 553 7.7 Naptomus ashlandi C6 82 26 0.1 827 28 1.6 149 149 0.2 ,239 82 0.4 Diaptomus minutus C6 220 52 0.2 449 60 0.9 228 93 0.4 :359 58 0.5 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 54 54 0.1 567 107 1.1 41 41 0.1 483 0.6 Dzaptomus szcilis C6 0 . 0 0 12 '2 0 0-

  • 0 0 0 62 0

0 Epischura Cl-C5 28 28 0 12 12 0 14 14 0 185 25 0.2 Epischura lacustris C6 0 0 0 26 ~ 26 O.l 14 14 0 0 0 0 Eury temora Cl-C5 1156 202 1.0 62 10 O.l 230 69 0.4 267 86 0.3 Eurytemora affinis C6 27 27 0 25 1 0.1 94 13 0.2 45 45 0.1 Limnocalanus Cl-CS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Timnocalanus macrurus C6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 Cladocerans Bosmina longirostris 70250 2769 63.3 2355 29 4.6 31586 2954 51.0 25346 3407 45.7 Ceriodaphnia quadrangula 55 1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chydorus sphaericus 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 14 0 15 15 0 Daphnia galeata mendotae 137 81 0.1 1309 194 2.6 81 28 0.1 273 12 0.5 Daphnia retrocuroa 4985 774 4.5 5976 1227 11.7 1494 163 2.4 3723 66 4.8 Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 2841 147 2.6 514 5 1.0 1012 156 1.6 1743 149 2.3 Eubosmina coregoni 4680 862 4.2 491 79 1eO 971 116 1.6 3417 48 4.4 Holopedium gibberum 55 1 0.1 13 13 0 135 28 0.2 126 66 0.2 Leptodora kindtii. 136 136 0.1 25 1 0.1 14 14 0 30 30 0 Polyphemus pediculus 27 27 0 13 13 0 40 13 0.1 78 18 0.1 Rotifers Asplanchna spp. 1051 128 1.0 801 23 1.6 876 21 1.4 1458 46 1.9 Total 110986 8810 100.0 50998 6627 100.0 61959 7494 100.0 77395 2869 100.0 Dry m (m8/m~) 98.8 70.3 55.1 76.6 Dry wt (u8/individual) 0.9 1.4 0.9 1.0

TABLE 23 continued. Species SDC 7-1 SDC 7-5 8/m3 Sx X 8/m3 Sx Copepod nauplii 1467 21 5.4 3294 329 9.4 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 1782 519 6.5 9626 45 27.3 Cyclops bicuspuhtus thomasx. C6 354 67 1.3 952 49 2.7 Cyclops vernalis C6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C6 386 92 1.4 1709 453 4.9 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 2330 1291 8.5 9181 639 26.1 Diaptomus Diaptomus ashlandi minutus C6 ll 4 0 863 218

                                                                    '6 2.5 C6           628    130      2.3    264              0.8 Diaptomus   or egonensis   C6      88     53      0.3    176        31    0.5 Durptomus   sicilis  C6             0       0        0      0        0       0 Bpischura Cl-C5 Bpischura lacustris     C6 179 7

ll7 0.7 0 32 0 16 t0 0.1 0 Eurytemora Cl-C5 49 21 0.2 80 15 0.2 Eurytemora affinis C6 39 4 0.1 0 0 0 Limnocalanus Cl-C5 0 0 0 0 0 0 I&nnocalanus macrurus C6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 Cladocerans Bosmina longirostris 17923 3972 65.4 3281 39 9.3 Ceriodaphnia quadrangula 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chydorus sphaericus 0 0 0 0 0 0 Daphnia galeata mendotae 274 7 1.0 1144 48 3.3 Daphnia retrocurva 558 158 2.0 3768 61 10.7 Durphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 484 105 1.8 320 30 0.9 Eubosmina coregoni 632 239 2.3 152 39 0.4 Holopedium gibberum 25 4 0.1 8 8 0 Leptodora kindtii 67 18 0.2 24 8 0.1 polyphemus pediculus 56 14 0.2 0 0 0 Rotifers Asplanchna spp. 63 0.2 360 69 1.0 Total 27400 6677 100. 0 35239 1909 100.0 Dry wt (mg/m3) 25.8 47.2 Dry wt (ug/individual) 1.0 1.3

TABI.E 24. Mean abundances and standard errors (N~2) determined from two replicate hauls at each of 27 survey stations on October 17, 1975. The percentage that each taxon represents of the total zooplankton counted at the station is also given. Species DC-1 DC 2 DC-3 DC-4 Sx s- x Copepod nauplii 1040 10.8 1654 196 8.3 277 7.3 2185 122 4.9 Cyclopoid.copepods CycEops Cl-C5 3613 14 37. 5 7305 27 36. 6 8518 240 28. 4 11976 1710 26. 8 Cyclops bicuspidatus thomaei C6 160 6 1.7 294 39 1.5 328 43 1.1 764 71 1.7 Cyclops vernaZis C6 43 30 0.4 4 4 0 4 4 0. 8 8 0 WopocycEope pzasinus m. C6 428 15 4.4 419 123 2.1 1224 158 4.1 1815 189 4.1 Calanoid copepods Duzptomus Cl-C5 538 9 5~ 6 3294 195 16.5 7105 31 23.7 16823 2447 37. 6 Dzaptomus ashLandi C6 29 3 .0.3 40 5 0.2 85 1 0.3 148 19 0.3 Diaptomus minutus C6 0 0 0 58 6 0.3 65 27. 0.2 252 55 0.6 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 0 0 0 11. ll 0.1 84 17 0.3 356 130 0.8 Diaptomus sicilis C6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 0.3 0 Epischura Cl-C5 132 34 1.4 163 0 0.4 129 90 0.4 126 19 Epischura Eacustris C6 15 7 0;2 29 14 0.1 5 5 s 0 31 15 0.1 Eury temora Cl-C5 655 3 6.8 318 28 1.6 126 17 0.4 55 6 0.1 Eurytemore affinis C6 8 4 0.1 4 4 0 0 n 0 0 Limnoca2anus Cl-C5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LimnocaLanus macrurus C6 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 Cladocerans Bosmina Eongirostris 846 142 8.8 1459 30 7.3 2793 233 9.3 1469 255 3.3 Ceriodaphnia quadrangu2a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chydorus sphaericus 21 4 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 9 0.1 Daphnia galeata mendotae 52 8 0.5 85 28 0.4 285 58 1.0 413 27 0.4 Daphnia retrocurva 239 33 2.5 573 107 2.9 1664 256 5.6 2379 929 5.3 Duaphanosoms 7.euchtenbergianum 102 7 1.1 212 28 1.1 352 124 1.2 437 18 1.0 Eubosmina coregoni 1519 76 15.8 3843 518 19. 3 4763 166 15.9 5122 432 11.5 Ho7opedium gi bberum 90 9 0.9 241 22 1.2 206 13 0.7 234 9 0.5 Eeptodora kindtii 0 0 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 8 8 0 pediculus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Po7yphemus Rotifers Asp2anchna spp. 83 14 0.9 33 0.2 10 10 78 0.2 Total 9638 17 100. 0 19961 911 100.0 29951 98 100.0 44726 5755 100.0 Dry wt (mg/m~) 13. 0 30.3 48. 4 82.1 Dry wt (ug/individual) 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8

TABLE 24 continued. Species DC-5 NDC.5-1 NDC. 5-2 NDC 1 1 8/m3 S- z S-X 8/m3 Sx 8/m3 Copepod nauplii 1545 345 5.3 1205 184 11.0 1925 16 14.5 1081 59 8.3 . Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5, 9416 1479 32. 0 4574 613 41.9 4093 224 30. 7 2107 224 16. 2 CycEops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 1099 '77 3.7 119 21 1.1 129 19 1.0 . 103 31 0.8 Cyclops vernalis C6 0 0 0 24 12 0.2. 3 3 0 15 15 O.l Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C6 1080 146 3.7 329 13 3.0 419 64 3.1 107 25 0.8 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 10205 133 34. 7 762 53 7,0 905 181 6.8 769 227 5.9 Naptomus ashlandi C6 106 17 0.4 4 0 0 9 3 O.l 3 3 0.0 Diaptomus minutus C6 165 43 0.6 13 13 0.1 33 3 0.3 54 18 .0 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 205 27 0.7 0 0 0 3 3 0 5 5 0 Diaptomus sicilis C6 52 ~ 15 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zpischura Cl-C5 56 0 0.1 97 46 0.9 93 38 0.7. 297 32 2.3 Epischura lacustrie C6 12 ~ 1 0 8 ~ 1 01 0'8 0 0 23 13 0.2 Eurytemora Cl-C5 33 33 0.1 639 5.9 447 45 3.4 887 117 6.8 Zurytemora affinis C6 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 15 15 0.1 Limnocalanue Cl-C5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Limnocalanus macrurus C6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 0 0 0 Clad ocerans Bos/mina longirostris 1066 110 3.6 873 140 8.0 1926 112 24.5 3387 741 26.0 Ceriodaphnia quadrangula 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chydorus sphaeri cue 6 6 0 27 9 0.2 6 0 0.1 10 10 0.1 Daphnia gaEeata mendotae 304 26 1.0 60 6 0.6 75 16 0.6 149 5 1.1 Daphnia retrocurva 1530 182 5.2 112 27 1.0 111 20 0.8 84 29 0.6 Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 149 51 0.5 118 6 1.1 178" 18 ~ 3 140 17 1.1 Eubosmina coregoni 2308 5 7.8 1795 212 16.4 2788 214 20.9 3498 4 26. 8 Holopedium gibberum 53 8 0.2 126 9 1.2 135 13 1.0 272 5 2.1 Leptodora kindtii 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Polyphemus pediculus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rotifers Asplanchna spp. 88 10 0.3 32 1.4 0.3 36 0.3 19 0.2 Total 29454 1551 100.0 10922 1343 100. 0 13315 256 100.0 13032 1243 100.0 Dry wt (m8/m3) 53.2 14.4 17.5 18.5 Dry wt (p8/individual) 1.8 1.3 1.3 1.4

TABLE 24 continued. Species NDC 2-1 NDC 2-3 NDC 4-1 NDC 7-1 8/mS Sx X f//m~ 8/m~ S X Copepod nauplii 803 39 8.5 2243 130 7.4 997 55 7.0 1817 67 5,8 Cyclopold copepods CycEops Cl-C5 1892 20 20.1 7746 225 25.4 4390 53 30.9 4586 467 32.6 CycEops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 213 ~ 9 2.3 443 66 1.5 235 31 1.7 201 17 1.4 CycEops nernalis C6 31 26 0.3 0 0 0 22 1 0.2 0 0 0 Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C6 79 12 0.8 515 133 1.7 525 93 3.7 192 54 1.4 Calanoid copepods Dutptomus Cl-C5 1315 107 14. 0 7552 900 24.8 1335 128 9.4 1441 384 10.3 Dutptomus ashlandi C6 8 3 0.1 47 6 0.2 9 2 0.1 0 0 0 Dutptomus minutus C6 31 14 0.3 336 103 1.1 53 31 0.4 70 7 0.5 Diaptomus ozegonensis C6 6 0 0.1 105 1 0.4 0 0 0 21 21 .0.2 Puzptomus sicilis

 @i echura Cl-C5 C6                 0 161    161 0       0 1.7 10 741 ll 222    2.4 0

472 0 0 117 3.3 0 0 222 0 23 1.6 0 Epischure Eacustris C6 14 . 3 0.2 69 69 0.2 18 18 0.1. 4 4 0 Eurytemora Cl-C5 534 80 5.7 236 56 0.8 536 73 3.8 145 30 1.0 Zhrytemora affinis C6 3 3 0 5 5 0 9 2 0.1 4 4 0 I'.imnocalanus Cl-C5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L&ncocaEanus macrurus C6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 0 0 0 0 0 Cladocerans Bosmina longi rostris 1315 74 14.0 1738 169 5.7 1823 549 12. 8 3326 295 23.7 Ceriodaphnia quadrangu Ea 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chydorus sphaericus 0 0 0 10 11 0 7 7 O.l 33 2 0.2 Daphnia galeata mendotae 79 18 0.8 496 203 1.6 143 24 1.0 57 27 0.4 Daphnia retrocursa 162 26 1.7 1622 179 5.3 369 19 2.6 116 24 0.8 Diaphanosoma l euchtenbergianz/m 112 2 1.2 437 82 1.4 156 44 1.1 66 3 0.5 Eubosmina coregoni 2348 76 24.9 5660 428 18. 6 2775 426 19.5 2570 2 18.3 Eolopedium gibberum 279 46 3.0 410 8 1.4 305 17 2.2 . 128 13 0.9 Leptodora kindtii 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 Polyphemus pediculus Rotifers 17 ll 0.2 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 7 7 7 0 O.l Asplanchna app. 14 0.2 32 11 0.1 0.1 29 13 0.2 Total 9421 297 100.0 . 30466 1189 100.0 14206 910 100.0 14052 1436 100.0 Dry wt (mg/mS) 14.8 54. 2 22.1 19.5 Dr7't (Pg/individual) 1.6 1.8 1.5 1.4



4 TABLE 24 continued. Species NDC 7-5 SDC.5-1 NDC 1-2 NDC 4-3 8/m~ Sx Copepod nauplii 1194 502 4.2 ~ 2053 474 11.0 1308 114 '.4 1537 367 4.3 Cyclopold copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 11928- 1226 41. 6 9205 395 49.1 5613 610 27.6 8809 1314 24.8 CycLops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 899 39 3.1 234 44 1.3 690 214 2.8 690 121 2.0 Cyclops oernaZis C6 30 18 0.1 25 9 0.1 TzepocycSops prasinus m. Cl-C6 1237 '11 4.3 943 111 5,0 315 82 1.6 1057 51 3.0 Calanoid copepods Naptomus Cl-C5 6241 579 21. 8 2477 18 13. 2 2536 242 12.5 15651 2937 44.1 Dinptomus'ash7andi C6 131 11 0.5 88 30 0.5 409 189 2.0 398 45 1.1 Diaptomus minutus C6 137 17 0.5 18 7 0.1 Diaptomus oregonensie C6 83 0 0.3 15 6 0.1 Diaptomus siciNs C6 83 59 0.3 0 0 0 Epischura Cl-C5 0.2 1.3 159 3.7 106 106 0.3 Epischura Eacustris C6 95 18 0 18 0.1 244 32 34 15 0.2 1.8 749 138 0'.71.3 0 0 0 0.2 Eurytemora Cl-C5 48 12 0.2 333 ~ 122 272 93 62 62 Eurytemora affinis C6 18 6 0.1 5 5 0 9 9 0.1 16 16 0 Limnoca'Lanus Cl-C5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Simnoca2anus macrurus C6 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 0 0 0 0 0 Cladocerans Bosmina longirostris 2219 308 7.7 540 18 2.8 2152 110 10.6 1613 221 4.5 Ceriodaphnia quadrangu2a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'hydorus sphaericus 6. 6 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 16 16 0 Daphnia galeata mendotae 256 41 0.9 136 41 0.7 1542 47 7.6 1465 263 4.1 Daphnia retrocuroa 988 " 87 3.5 793 102 4.2 428 20 2.1 143 16 0.4 Naphanosoma Eeuchtenbergianum 161 5 0.6 116 27 0.6 Eubosmina coregoni 2762 81 9.6 1286 281 6.9 3880 122 19.1 3709 736 10.5 HoEopedium gibberum 107 23 0.4 127 16 0.7 377 19 1.9 160 34 0.5 Leptodora kindtii 12 0 0 4 4 0 6 0 0 9 9 0 Polyphemus pedicu7us 0 0 0 0 15 4 0.1 0 0 0 Rotifers AspSanchna spp. 54 6 0.2 57 6 0.3 19 7 0.1 49 14 0.1. Total 28657 2916 100. 0 18732 1521 100.0 20345 408 100.1 35489 6043 100.1 Dry wt (mg/m ) 46.1 27.0 36. 6 66.1 Dry wt (pg/individual) 1.6 1.5 1.8 1.9

TABLE 24 continued. Species NDC 7-3 SDC 1-2 SDC.5-2 SDC 1-1 e/m'-X S- Z it/m~ 8/m3 Copepod nauplii 1548 31 4. 5 2099 714 5.8 . 1845 161 7.0 1500 90 10.7 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 9061 1025 26.4 12549 555 34.5 11220 426 42.3 5884 263 42.1 Cyclops bicuspnhtus thoma si C6 738 206 2.2 502 109 1,4 600 45 2.3 182 18 1.3 Cyclops sernalis 9 9 Q 15 1 Q.l Wopocyclops prasinus m. 1200 160 4.5 653 159 4.7 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 Dioptomus ashlandi C6 11205 1691 32.6

                                                   '1.3 10192    1912    28.0    5649        443 21.3 0.3 1247     ill     8.9 0.4 433    10             310    -153     0.9        82       25            49      9 Diaptomus minutus C6                                                                              0.1 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 Diaptomus siciEis C6 38       38 ll 3

0 3 11 0

                                                                                                                          "0.1 0
                                                                                                                             .0 Bpischura Cl-C5                    268     2      0.8    110      110    0.3      323     . 17   1.2      57      0     0.2 Epischura lacustris C6              24    14      0.1     16       16      0        18       18   0.1       8      2     0.1 Euzytemora Cl-C5                    49    30      0.1     47       47    0.1      434        32   1.6    448     121     3.2 Ehrytemora affinis C6                 0    0         0      0        0      0        0        0     0       8      2     0.1 Limnocalanus Cl-C5                    0    0         0      0        0      0        0        0     0       0      0        0 Limnoca Eanus macrurus C6             0    0         0      0        0     0         0        0     0       0      0        0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthoccmptus sp. Cl-C6               0    0         0               0      0                 0     0              0 0

Cladocerans Bosmina Eongirostris 2489 283 7.2 1667 441 4.6 752 71 2.& 1154 225 8.3 Ceriodaphnia quadrangu Ea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

- Chydorus sphaericue                 10    1Q         0      0        0      0        0        0     0       2      2        0 Daphnia galeata mendotae          1178    16      3.4   1989      195    5.5      139         5   0.5      25      2     0.2 Daphnia retrocuroa                                                              1606        401   6.1    197      66     1.4 Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum     224    12      0.7    102      102    0.3      220        67   0.8    138      15     1.0 Eubosmina coregoni                4966   731    14.5    4442      444   12.2    2232        241   8.4   2268     363    16.2 Holopedium gi bberum               288    96      0.8    201       35    0.6      116       117   0.4      88     12     0.6 Eeptodora  kindtii                  10    10         0      9        9      0        0        0      0      0      0        0 Polyphemus pediculus                10    10         0      0        0      0        0        0      0      0      0        0 Rotifers Asplanchna spp.                      63     6     02       66      29    0.2        36       36 . 0.1      64     10     0.5 Total                               34380  4212   100.0   36348    4443   100.0   26519      1772 100.0   13969    1441   100.0 Dry vt (mg/m3)                       60.1                  60. 4                    41.8                   18.6 Dry wt (ug/individual)                1.7                   1.7                       1.6                    1.3
 =TABLE 24   continued.

Species SDC 2-1 SDC 2-3 SDC 4-1 SDC 4-3

  • Y 8/m3 Sx 8/m3 Sx 8/m3 Sx Copepod nauplii 1867 8.2 2267 21 6.2 1341 68 '9.2 2049 400 4 '

. Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 7380 8 32.4 12067 1136 33.2 4065 472 27.9 12621 410 30.4 Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 437 8 1.9 797 14 2.2 300 10 2.1 1143 354 2.8 Cyclops vernaEis C6 24 24 0.1 31 10 0.1 0 0 0 35 35 0.1 Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C6 716 64 3.1 1927 424 5.3 64 30 0.4 2742 242 6.6 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 2598 72 11.4 9911 548 27.2 1463 71 10.1 12960 303 31.2 Diaptomus ashlandi C6 48 0 0.2 158 12 0.4 13 13 0.1 137 67 0.3

   , Diaptomus minutus C6               36      12      0.2   231      23     0.6    121       10. 0.8   268       5    0.6 Diaptomue oregonensis C6 Diaptomus sici lie C6 20 0
                                            '99   4 0

0.1 0 199 0 93 0 0.6 0 39 0 21 0 0.3 0 346 9 23 9 0.8 0 Epischura Cl-C5 258 0 0.5 125 0 0.2 613 80 4.2 123 *0 584 Epischura lacustris C6 Eurytemora Cl-C5 4 4 0.0 84

                                                                     '220     0.2     39       30'.3        78     27     0.2 250      44      1.1   104             0.3    893
  • 249 6.1 69 18 0.2 Eurytemora affinis C6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Limnocalanus Cl-C5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Limnocalanus macrurus C6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 Cladocerans Bosmina Eongirostris 2264 373 9.9 1479 81 4.1 2598 3 17.8 1818 287 4.4 Ceriodaphnia quadrangula 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 Chydorus sphaeri cus 8 8 0 0 0 0 9 9 0.1 0 0 0 Daphnia gaEeata mendotae 107 52 0.5 356 102 1.0 172 43 1.2 485 94 1.2 Daphnia retrocurva 350 79 1.5 2225 63 6.1 229 23 1.6 2290 466 5.5 Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 151 8 0.7 366 91 1.0 182 51 1.3 268 5 0.6 Eubosmi na coregoni 6141 215 26.9 3802 794 10. 5 2144 288 14.7 3866 217 9.3 Holopedium gibberum Eeptodora kindtii 218 0

44 0 1.0 0 189 10 19 10 0.5 0 251 0 ll0 1.7 0 224 0 14 0 0.5 0 Polyphemus pediculue 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 14 0.1 0 0 0 Rotifers Asplanchna. spp. 60 20 0.3 127 64 0.4 13 0.1 103 50 0.3 Total 22796 1116 100.0 36392 3280 .100. 0 14565 163 100.0 41573 906 100.0 Dry vt (m8/m~) 33.1 66. 1 22.4 74.0 Dry vt: (v8/individual) 1.4 1.7 1.5 1.8

TABLE 24 continued. Species SDC 7-1 SDC 7-3 SDC 7-5 0/m~ Sx 0/mS Sx 8/m3 ~S Copepod nauplii 1595 7.3 1992 827 5.3 2260 560 6.5 Cyclopoid'copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 6489 20 . 29.6 12107 19 32. 3 10694 700 30.8 Cyclops. bicuspuhtus thomasi C6 979 251 4.5 770 292 2.1 601 140 1,7 Cy'elope verna7is C6 10 4 0.1 13 13 0 0 0 0 TropocycEops prasinus m. Cl-C6 189 46 0.9 1108 33 3.0 1232 7 3.5 Calanoid copepods Dump tomus Cl-C5 1981 11 9.0 .8928 89 23.8 11565 1587 33.3 Diaptomus ashLandi C6 44 .16 0.2 0.3 ill 173 33 18 0.3 0.5 217 176. 90 47 0.6 0.5 Diaptomus minutus C6 65 8 Diaptomue oregonensis C6 21 6 0.1 123 20 0.3 217 90 0.6 Diaptomus sici lie C6 3 3 0 0 0 56 24 0.2

  • Epischura Cl-C5 584 16 0'.7 198 17 0.5 170 25 0.4 Epischura Lacustris C6 14 1 0.1 25 1 0.1 16- 0 0.1 Eury temora Cl-C5 1358 45 6.2 687 90 1.8 16 16 O.l Eurytemora affinis C6 24 10 0.1 25 1 0.1 0 0 0 LimnocaEanus Cl-C5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 - LinmocaLanus macrurus     C6           0     0          0               0        0        0         0         0      0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus   sp. Cl-C6                               0               0 Cladocerans Bosmina   longirostris            3202      33      14.6            1055       44      2.8     1394        202    4.0 Ceriodaphnia quadranguEa               0     0           0              0        0        0         0         0      0 Chydorus sphaericus                   24    10       0.1-               0        0        0         8         8      0 Daphnia gal cata mendotae           394     20       1.8             366      159      1.0       777       158    2.2 Daphnia retrocurva                  653     96       3.0            2568      179      6.8     2340        545    6.7 Diaphanosoma Eeuchtenb ergianum     521       7      2.4             288        49     0.8       464         35   1.3 Eubosmina coregoni                3441    101                '5.7 6396      185     17.0     2459        346    7.1 Ho7opedium gibberum                 291     37       1.3             447          7    1.2       112         33   0.3 Leptodora   kindtii                    3      3                        12       12         0         0        0      0 0

Po7yphemus pedicu7us 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rotijers AspEanchna spp. 31 0.1 151 56 1.4 40 24 0.1 Total 21929 534 100. 0 37545 129 100.0 34764 .4432 100.0 Dry vt (mg/mS) 33.4 63.2 62.8 Dry vt (vg/individual) 1.5 1.7 1.8

TABLE 25. Mean abundances and standard error (N~2) determined from two replicate hauls at each of 15 survey stations on December 5, 1975. The percentage that each taxon represents of the total zooplankton counted at the station is-also given. Species DC-1 DC-2 DC-3 DC-4 Sx 8/m~ Sx 8/m3 Sx Sx Copepod nauplii 179 46 0.6 266 31 1.1 262 29 1.2 513 77 2.7 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 13668 276 46. 1 11100 1160 43.6 10692 904 48. 4 10552 1176 55.0 Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 1083 26 3.7 690 78 2.7 437 183 2.0 327 57 1.7 Cyclops vernalis C6 0 0 0 18 6 0.1 0 0 0 4 4 0 Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C6 949 169 3.2 1004 73 3.9 718 " 125 3.3 339 51 1.8 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 Diaptomus ashlandi C6 2629 103 8.9 2809 312 ll.0 2628 276 11.9 2185 188 . 11.4 1689 210 5.7 1442 217 5.7 1736 84 7.9 1568 387 8.2 Diaptomus minutus C6 1443 6 4.9 1546 39 6.1 1696 298 7.7 1263 186 6.6 Diaptomus ozegonensis C6 4847 226 16.3 4345 411 17.1 2533 351 11.5 .1881 440 9.8 Diaptomus sicilis C6 217 135 0.7 328 155 1.3 385 89 "1.7 401 106 2.1 Epischura Cl-C5 .. 36 26 ' 0.1 31 19 0.1 0 0 0 4 4 .0, Bpischura lacustris C6 45 6 0.2 19 19 0.1 .10 1 0.1 0 0 0 Zurytemora Cl-C5 0 0.- 18 6 O.l ~ . 0 0 0 0 0 0 Eurytemora affinis C6 5 0 0 0 0 10 , 10 0 0 0 0 Limnocalanus Cl-C5. 0 0 6 . 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dimnocalanus macrurus C6 0 ,0 0 0 0 5 5 0 9 9 0.1 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 0 0 5 0 0 Cladocerans Bosmina longiz'ostz'is 367 54 1.2 162 38 0.6 118 66 0.5 13 13 0.1

  'eriodaphnia quadz'angula-                0      0         0        0      0     0          0        0        0      0       0        0 Chydorus sphaericus                      0      0         0        0      0     0          0        0        0      0       0        0 Daphnia galeata mendotae                91    12      0.3         36 ~   23   0.1        39        29     0.2       4       4        0 Daphnia retrocurva                     161    24      0.5       180      56   0.7        35         4     0.2     13        4     0.1

~ Dz'aphanosoma leuchtenbergumum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 Zubosmina coz egoni 2194 78 7.4 1412 25 5.5 ?58 133 3.4 118 48 0.6 Polopedium gibberum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Leptodora kindtii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Polyphemus pediculus 0 0 .0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 Rotifers. Asplanchna sppo 65 14 0.2 60 23 0.2 25 4 . 0.1 Total 29672 918 100.0 25471 2021 100.0 22092 2581 100.0 19199 2478 100.0 Dry wt (mg/m~) 83.6 75.1 62.0 52.0 Dry wt (vg/individual) 2.8 3.0 2.8 2'

TABLE 25 continued. Species DC-5 DC-6 NDC. 5-1 NDC. 5>>2 Sx ll/e~ Sx Sx Sx Copepod nauplii 919 213 4.9 633 31 10.8 249 loQ 264 169 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 10121 97 53.4 2841 323 48,6 12309 1627 48,3 '1135 1484 44.6 Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 265 75 1.4 65 13 1.1 786 122 3.1 990 148 4.0 Cyclops vernalis C6 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C6 '427 144 2.3 109 1 1,9 703 157 2.8 669 40 2.7 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 1937 154 10.2 564 115 9.6 1851 329  ?.3 2511 51 10.1. Naptomus ashlandi C6 2150 425 11.4 492 91 8.4 1144 243 4.5 1399 25 5.6 Diaptomus minutus C6 833 45 4.4 245 25 4.2 1022 2 4.0 1331 45 5.3 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 1070 119 5.7 299 55 5ol 4187 1262 16.4 2883 367 11+6 Durptomus sici lie C6 759 147 4.0 486 57 8.3 167 64 0.7 236 '25 0.9 Epischura Cl-C5 0 0 Q Q 0 Q 8 8 0 0 0 .0 Epischura lacustris C6 3 3. 0 0 0 0 54 5 0.2 0 0 0 Eurytemora Cl-C5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 Eurytemora affinis C6 0 0." 0 0 0 0 16 1 0.1 11 11 .0 Limnoca Eanus Cl-CS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Svnnocalanus macrurus C6, 14 14 0.1- 22 & 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 Cladocerans Bosmina Eongirostris 38 18 0.2 14 4 0.2 399 118 1.6 395 151 1.6 Ceriodaphnia quactengula 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chydorus sphaericue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Daphnia gal cata mendotae 24 0.1 5 0,1 37 37 0.1 57 2 0.2

'aphnia retrocurva                      0                0     4           0.1     221        43    0.9       107      59    0.4 Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergian Eubosmina coregoni 18 345 Il     0.1 1.8 0

71 20 1.2 0 2268 0 22 0 8.9 0 2891 6 6 620.. 11.6 0 90 HoZopedium gibberum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 Leptodora kindtii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Polyphemus pedioulue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rotifers Asplanchna sppo 21 0.1 0 ~ 0 0.2 80 0.3 54'5481 Total 18944 785 100.0 5851 719 100.0 3646 100,0 . 24963 2625 100.0 Dry wt (ag/a~) 52. 2 18.6 69.9 66.2 Dry vt (ug/individual) 2.8 302 2.8 2i?

TABLE 25 continued. Species NDC 7-1 NDC 7-5 SDC.5-1 SDC.5-2 8/m~ Sx 0/m3 Sx 8/m3 Sx '/m3 Sx Copepod nauplii . 354 108 0.8 684 5.9 193 10 0.7 204 0.7 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 2l815 1547 51. 2 6799 721 58.2 Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 Cyclops vernalis C6 Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C6 1610 1333 0 129 0 2 3.8 0.0 3.1 135 251 0 89 9 0 '01.2 2.1 13315 870 787 0 24 174 0 55 49.4 3.2 0.0 2.9

                                                                                                                     ,  13079 1106 731 5

539 274 5 102 47.1 4.0-0.0 2.6 Calanoid copepods D~ptomus Cl-C5 2980 280 7.0 1202 135 10.3 2133 .247 7.9 2534 362 9.1 Diaptomus ashlandi C6 2141 195 5.0 918 139 7.9 1265 53 4.7 1440 182 5.2 Diaptomus minutus C6 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 1689 267 4.0 525 8 4.5 1246 1 4.6 '623 61 5.9 7082 1013 16.6 745 149 6.4 4130 593 15.3 3726 53 13.4 Diaptamus sicilis C6 154 9 0.4 299 85 2.6 150 15 0.6 276 32 1'. 0 Epischura Cl-CS 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 8 . 8 0.0 0 0 0. 0 Zpischura lacustris 34 20 0.1 5 2 0.1 8 8 0.0 15 15 0.1 Cl-C5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 .0

                         'urytemoza QeQ       8        8                5    5 Zurytemora affinis C6                      15           15    0.0         0        0    OaO       0        0    0.0         5    5   ~

0 .0 Limnocalanus Cl-C5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0' 0.0 0 0 0 .0 Limnocalanus macrurus C6 0 0.0 6 0.1 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 0'57 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 gladocerans Bosmina longirostris 122 1.3 14 0. O.l 294 109 1.1 276 9 1.0 Ceriodaphnia quadrangula 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0.0 Chrydorus sphaezicus 0 0. 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Daphnia galeata mendotae 48 . 34 0.1 4 0 OoO 64 64 0.2 92 30 0.3 Daphnia retz'ocurva 134 26 0.3 0 0 0.0 205 70 0.8 61 41 0.2 Dz'aphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 5 5 0.0 Bubosmina coregoni 2563 588 6.0 92 0.8 2213 57 8.2 2510 107 9.1 Zolopedium gibberum 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0' 0.0 Septodora kindtii 0 ~ 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Polyphemus pediculus 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Rotifers Asplanchna spp. 97 39 0.2 . 51 33 0.2 51 31 0.2 Total 42607 4306 100. 0 11686 1304 100.0 26940 886 100.0 27749 .975 100.0 Dry vt (mg/m3) 115. 1 29.2 '72.8 75.1 Dry wt (pg/individual) 207 2.5 2.7 2.7

~e TABLE 25 continued. Species SDC 1-1 SDC 7-1 SDC 7-5 8/m3 Sx 8/m~ Sx 8/ms Sx 70 Copepod nauplii 251 80 0.6 353 1.3 856 74 4.6 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 20895 1816 48. 9 13668 226 51.2 10850 474 57.7 Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 2008 34 4.7 825 64 3.1 363. 190 1.9 CycEops vernalis C6 26 0 0.1 0 0 0.0' 4 4 0.0 Tropocyclops prasinus m. Cl-C6 887 6 2.1 850 3.2 432 95 2.3 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 3221 300 7.5 2390 39 9.0 1880 180 10. 0 Diapto/zus ashlandi C6 1994 99 4.7 1538 146 5.8 1766 383 9,4 Qiaptomus minutus C6 2217 743 5.2 1446 238 5.4 620 42 3.3 Diaptomus oregonensie C6 8092 329 18. 9 2803 471 10.5 1712 333 9.1 Diaptomus sicilis.C6 309 151 0.7 128 1 0.5'.0 179 107 1.0

  ~schura     Cl-C5                          0       0  0.0            0        0               0        0    0.0 Qischura Eacustzis      C6               45      32   0.1            8        8   0.0         4        4    0.0 Eurytemora Cl-C5                           0       n  0.0            0        0   0.0         0        0    0.0 Eurytemora affinis C6                      0       0  0.0-           0        0   0.0         0        0    0.0 Limnocalanus Cl-C5                         0       0  0.0            0        0   0.0         0    ~   0    0.0.

Limnocalanus macrurus C6 0 0 0.0 8 8 0.0 0.0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus 0 0 0.0 8 0.0 Cladocerans Bosman~ Eongii ostris 451 162 1.1 346 76 1.3 12 4 0.1 Ceriodaphnia quadrangula 0 0 0.0 0 0 OoO 0 0 0.0

, Chydorus sphaericus                        0       0  0.0  ~

8 8 0.0 0 0 - 0.0 Daphnia gaEeata mendotae 149 30 0.4 48 17 0.2 4 4 0.0 Daphnia retrocurva 252 29 0.6 64 15 0.2 12 4 0.1 Diaphanosoma Eeuchtenbergumum 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 4 4 0.0 Eubosmina coz egoni 1942 100 4.5 2080 590 7.8 116 4 0.6 Holopedium gibberum 7 7 0.0

  • 0 0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 Leptodora kindtii 7 7 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Polyphemua pediculus 0 0 0.0 0 0 OoO 0 0 OoO Rotifers Asplanchna spp. 13 13 0.0 128 15 0.5 0 0 OoO Total 42765 3883 100.0 . 26700 708 100.0 1881& 382 100.0 Dry vt (mg/m~) 123.6 66.5 46.4 Dry vt (pg/individual) 2.9 2.5 2+5

TABLE 26. Mean abundances and standard errors (N 2) determined from two replicate hauls at each of 30 lake survey April 14, 1976. The percentage that each taxon represents of the total "ooplankton counted at the station is also stations on given. Species DC-1 DC-2 DC-3 DC-4 5'/m~ X 8/m3 S- 0/m~ S- 8/m~ Copepod nauplii 12028 472 87.0 20172 1001 88.4 10886 342 75. 8 9895 386 69.3 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 70 15 0.5 168 57 0.7 180 52 1.3 312 68 2.2 Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 54 1 0.4 60 4 0.3 250 104 1.7 546 8 3.8 Cyclops uerna7is C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Tropocyclops pz'asinus macicanus Cl-C6 13 7 0.1 9 9 0.0 3 3 0.0 2 0.0 Calonoid copepods diaptomus Cl-C5 914 238 6.6 1560 181 6.8 1200 167 8.4 '945 49 6.6 Diaptomus ashEandi C6 495 97 3.6 523 60 2.3 873 7 6.1 1369 53 9.6 Diaptomus minutus C6 . 139 45 1.0 35 35 0.2 198 70 1.4 228 '6 1.6 Dutptomus ozegonensis C6 3 3 0.0 35 7 0.2 19 .6 0.1 34 5 0.2 Diaptomus siciEis C6 44 22 0.3 187 94 0.8 523 51 3.6 736 198 5.2 Epi schura Cl-C5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Epn,schura lacustris C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Eurytemora Cl-C5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Eurytemora affinis C6 28 11 0.2 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Limnoca Lanus Cl-C5 36 3 0.3 63 21 0.3 202 30 1.4 196 38 1.4 Limnoca7anus macrurus C6 Q 0 0.0 5 5 0.0 19 7 0.1 0 0 0.0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 0 0 00 0 '0.0 O.Q 0.0 Cladocerans Bosmina longirostris 7 0.1 0 0 0.0 6 0.0 18 8 O,l Ceriodaphnia quadrangula 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Q O,Q 0 0 0,0 Chydorus sphaericus 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 6 0.0 Q Q 0,0 Daphnia galeata mendotae 0 0,0 7 7 0.0 0 0,0 5 5 0,0 Daphnia retrocuroa 0 0.0 5 5 0,0 3 0,0 Q 0 0.0 Diaphanosoma 'Leuchtenbergianum 0 0,0 0 0 o,a a 0,0 Eubosmina coregoni 0 0,0 0 0 0.0 0 o,a 3 Q,o Holopedium gibbenan 0 0.0 0 a Oi 0 0 0,0 0 O,Q Leptodora kindtii 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Po7yphemus pedicu7us 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Rotifers AspEanchna spp. 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 13832 957 100.0 22828 723 laao0 14369 17 100.0 1428 567 100.0 Dry wt (mg/m3) 14.1 22.9 23.9 28.9 Dry wt (ug/individual) 1.0 1.0 1.7 2.0

TABLE 26 continued. Species DC-5 DC-6 NDC. 5-1. NDC.5-2 8/m3 Sx 8/m3 Sx . elm~ S-= X ///m3 Sx Copepod nauplii 8298 18 72.8 2524 324 51.2 13355 1974 89.2 11070 353 88.1 Cyclopoid copepods CycEops Cl-C5 CycEops bicuspidatus thomasi C6" 381 412 30 9 3.4 3.6 289

                                                          '402 61 18 5.9 8'

101 55 55 37 0.7 0.4 85 59 ll8 0.7 0.5 CycEops vernaEis C6 0 0 0.0 1 1 0.0 Tr opocycEops prasinus m. Cl-C6 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 2 0.0 5 3 0.1 3 0.0 3 0.0 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 1108 23 9.7 483 12 9.8 784 5.2 770 221 6.1 Diaptomus ashEandi C6 806 139 7.1 728 228 14.8 3.4 Diaptomus minutus C6 514 39 443 131 3.5 70 5 0.6 136 66 2.8 89 23 0.6 78 37 0.6 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 27 1 0.2 60 26 1.2 7 0.0 0.0 Dzaptomus siciEis Epischura Cl-C5 C6 96 0 17 0 0.8 0.0 194 0 144 0 3.9 0.0 35 0 ll7 0 0.2 0.0 0 33 0 0 6 0.3 0.0 0 Epischura Eacustris C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Zurptemora Cl-C5 0 0 0.0 1 1 0.0 Eurytemora affinis 0 0 '.0 7 0 0.1 C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 KimnocaEanus Cl-C5 152 16 1.3 106 6 2.1 0.1 HmnocaEanus macrurus C6 16 16 3 3 0.0 5 0 0.0 3 3 0.1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 Cladocerans 3 0.0 Bosmina Eongirostris 27 5 0.2 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 7 0.1 Ceriodaphnia quuh anguEa 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 OoO Chydorus sphaeri cus 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 6 0 0.0 3 0.0 Daphnia gaEeata mendotae 4 4 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Daphnia retrocurva 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Dzaphanosoma Eeuchtenbergumzes 0 0 0.0 0 '0 0.0 0;0 0 0 0 0.0 Eubosmina coregoni 4 4 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 ZoEopedi um gi bberum 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Leptodora kindtii 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Polyphemus pedicuEus 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Rotifers AspEanchna 0.0 O.Q 3 0.0 0.0 Total 11394 162 100.0 4932 55 100.0 14972 2166 100.0 12562 409 100.0 Dry wt (mg/m3) 16.2 12.1 14.7 12.5 Dry wt (ug/individual) 1.4 2.4 1.0 1.0

TABLE 26 continued. Species NDC-l-l NDC-2-1 NDC-2-3 NDC-4-1 8/n3 S.-. X 8/m3 S- 8/n~ S- Z Sx z X X Copepod nauplii 9043 1062 90.1 6938 540 90.4 12823 750 78.1 8857 806 90. 9 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 62 21 0.6 51 5 0.7 155 39 1 ~ 0 58 16 0.6 Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi C6. 60 9 0.6 27 19 0.4 192 1 1.2 42 26 0.4 Cyclops vernalis C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 .0.0 0.0 Tropocyclops parsimus macicanus Cl-C6 Calanoid copepods 5 0 O. 1 9 5 O.l 0 0 0 '.0 0 12 0 1 0.1 Diaptomus Cl-C5 576 31 5.7 418 48 5.5 1289 142 7.8 583 112 6.0 Diaptomus ashlandi C6 195 30 1.9 126 2 1.6 811 68 4.9 167 28 1.7 Naptomus minutus C6 48 4 0.5 59 14 0.8 231 30 1.4 13 13 0.1 Diaptomus oregonensis Diaptomus sicilis C6 C6 . 0 18 13 0 0.0 0.2 11 8 ll1 0.2 0.1 36 592 14 288 0.2 3.6 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 Zpischura Cl-C5 0 0 .0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 .~- 0 0 0.0 Epischura lacustris C6 0 O~ .-0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 .~w 0 0 0.0 Zurytemora Cl-C5 2 2 0' 2 2 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Eurytemora affinis C6 5 0.1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 '0. 0 Limnocalanus Cl-C5 0.1 0.1 1.4 Limnocahmus marurus C6 Harpacticoid copepods 5 0 0'.0 5 ~ 9 0 5 0 0.0 235 16 34 1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 Cladocerans Bosmina longirostris 13 0.1 8 0.1 26 26 0.2 8 0.1 CerioKzphnia quadrangula 0 0.. 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Chydorus sphaericus 0 0. 0 2 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 Dap7mia gal cata mandotae 0 0. 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Daphnia retrocurva 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 4 0.0 0 0.0 Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergian a 0 0. 0 0 0.0 11 11 0.1 0 0.0 Zubosmina coregoni 2 0.0 2 0.0 2 0.0 0 0.0 Holopedium gibberum 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Leptodora kindtii 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Polyphemus pediculus 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Rotifers Asplanchna spp. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Total 10034 996 100.0 7671 544 100.0 16427 196 .100. 0 9741 912 100.0 Dry wt (ug/a3) 9.1 6.8 25.8 8.4 Dry wt (yg/individual) 0.9 0.9 1.6 0 9

i 1 4 l I

 ~ t

TABLE 26 continued. Species NDC-7-1 NDC-7-5 SDC.5-1 SDC..5-2 8/m~ S- X 8/m~ S- g/m3 Sx S-X Copepod nauplii 3644 1563 84.6 4531 947 59.3 9135 2950 85.5 16281 1151 84. 1 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 48 25 1.1 301 16 3.9 136 96 1.3 119 7 0.6 Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 52 43 1.2 470 99 6.2 63 14 0.6 88 18 0.5 Cyclops vernalis C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Tropocyclops prasinus memicanus Cl-C6 2 0.1 0 0.1 1 1 0.0 0 0 0.0 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 470 110 10.9 712 78 9.3 707 121 6.6 . 1382 105 7.1 Diaptomus ashEandi C6 25 18 0.6 690 48 9.0 468 150 4.4 '.1109 590 - 5.7 Diaptomus minutus C6 17 9 0.4 221 51 2.9 57 0 0.5 98 28 0.5 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 1 1 0.0 29 1 0.4 6 1 0.1 14 0 0.1 Diaptomus sicilis C6 4 0 0.1 424 45 5.6 28 7 0.3 249 46 1.3 Epischura Cl-C5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Epischura Eacustris C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0. 0 .0.0 Zurytemora Cl-C5 21 22,. 0.5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 4 0.0 Eurytemora affinis C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 LimnocaEanus Cl-C5 20 5 0.5 229 67 3.0 81 4 0.8 4 0.0 LimnocaEanus macrurus C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Harpacticold copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 Cladocerans Bosmina longirostris 3 0.1 20 0 0.3 3 3 0.0 4 0.0 Ceriodaphnia quadrangula 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Chydorus sphaericus 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Daphnia g Eaeata mendotae 0 0.0 2 2 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Daphnia retrocurva 0 0.0 2 2 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Q.O 0 O.Q Euboenina coregoni 0 0.0 8 0 0.1 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 HoEopedium gibberum 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Leptodora kindtii 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Polyphemus pediculus 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Rotifers Asplanchna spp. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 4307 1794 100.0 7643 1316 100.0 10683 3324 100.0 19351 1793 100 0 Dry vt (mg/m~) 3.9 16.9 11.3 24.0 Dry wt (pg/individual) 0.9 2.2 1.1 1.2

TABLE 26 continued. Species SDC-1-1 SDC-2-1 SDC-2-3 SDC-4-1 0/m~ S- 8/m3 S- 8/m3 8/m~ S-X Z Copepod nauplii- 7828 1038 81.9 2037 759 74.6 12965 1793 Sx'13 81.8 741 43 78.2 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 52 2 0.6 43 2 1.6 0.7 5 1' 0.5 Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi C6 45 41 0.5 148 40 5.4 216 1.4 13 1.3 Cyclops vernalis C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Tropocyclops prasinus maricanus Cl-C6 4 5 0.1 4 0 O.l 3 0.0 3 3 0.3 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 657 33 6.9 179 22 6.5 1339 207 8.5 75 26 7.9 Diaptomus ashlandi C6 825 107 8.6 238 84 8.7 567 63 3.6 38 0 . 4.0 Diaptomus minutus C6 110 87 1.2 36 2 1.3 125 29 0.8 37 12 3.9 Diaptomus oregonensis C6 2 2 0.0 2 0.1 27 14 0.2 1 0.1 Diaptomus sicilis C6 26 10 0.3 9 1 0.3 160 12 1.0 15 1.5 Epi schura Cl-C5 0 0 0.0 0 0 .0.0 0 0 0.0 0 Epischura lacustris C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 Euz'ytemora Cl-C5 0 0 0.0 12 0.4 0 0 0.0'.0 5 3 0.5 Eurytemora affinis C6 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Limnocalanus Cl-CS 8 4 0.1 14 0.5 309 71 2.0 9 9 1.0 Limnocalmus macrurus C6 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 3 0.0 0 0.0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-'C6 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cladocerans Bosmina Eongirostris 2 2 0.0 4 3 0.2 0.0 0.8 Ceriodaphnia quadrangula 0 0 0.0 3 3 0.1 0.0 0.0 Chydorus sphaericus 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Daphnia gaEeata mendotae 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Daphnia retrocurva 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Naphanosoma l euchtenbergumum 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Eubosmina coregoni 0.0 2 2 0.1 0.0 0.0 Holopedium gibberum 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Leptodora kindtii 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 Polyphemus pediculus 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 Rotifers Asplanchna spp. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 9561 751 100.0 2730 915 100.0 15848 1988 100.0 948 52 100.0 Dry wt (mg/m3) 12. 2 4.0 18.6 1.3 Dry wt (u8/individual) 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.3

TABLE 26 continued. Species SDC-7-1 SDC-7<<5 i/m'- 8/m~ Sx  %%u Copepod nauplii 4860 939 88.5 12758 1057 75.2 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 47 18 0.9 269 48 1.6 Cyclops bicuspidatus thorn~i C6 19 10 0.3 613 159 3.6 Cyclops vemalis C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Tropocyclops pras&nus mecicanus Cl-C6 0 0 0.0 9 2 0.1 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 350 65 6.4 1592 130 9.4 Dumtomus ashEandi C6 141 47 2.6 1026 139 6.0 Diaptomus minutus C6 23 3 0.4 168 79 1.0 Naptomus oregonensis C6 3 3 0.1 40 29 0.2 Dzaptomus sic@lie C6 12 1 0.2 216 50 1.3 . Epischura Cl-C5 2 2 0.0 0 0 0.0 Epischura lacustris C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Eury temora Cl-C5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 f Eurytemora a finis Limnocalanus Cl-C5 0 9 0 3 0.0 0.2 0 217 17 0 0.0 1.3 Limnocalanus macrurus C6 0 0 0.0 6 6 0.0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus sp. Cl-C6 0.0 0.0 Cladocerans Bosmina Eongirostris 16 4 0.3 30 2 0.2 Ceriodaphnia quadrangu Ea 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Chydorus ephaericus 4 4 0.1 0 0 0.0 Daphnia gaEeata mendotae 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Daphnic retrocurva 3 3 0.1 9 4 0.1 Diaphanosoma Eeuchtenbergianum 0 0 0.0 15 4 0.1 Eubosmina coregoni 1 1 0.0 0 0 0.0 Holopedium gibberum 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Leptodora kindtii 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Polyphemus pediculus 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Rotifers Asplanchna spp. 0.0 0.0 Total 5489 1037 100.0 16974 1711 100.0 Dry wt (mg/a3) 5.2 24.0 Dry vt (pg/individual) 0.9 1.4

TABLE 26 continued. Genus NDC-1-2 NDC-4-3 NDC-4-4 NDC-7-3 8/a~ S- 8/m~ S- Z 8/m3 ~S- 7 Copepod nauplii . 17800 2979 89.1 8064 731 72.0 2399 136 55.2 10168 738 79.3 Cyclopoid copepods Cyc'Lops Cl-C5 76 25 0.4 203 22 1. 8 316 5 7 3 183 44 1.4 Cyclops C6 79 12 0.4 308 32 2.8 338 86 7 8 178 29 1.4 Tropocyclops 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 0 0 0.0 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 1427 298 7.1 998 88 8.9 526 31 12.1 1434 167 11. 2 Diaptomus C6 557 153 2.8 1508 221 13.5 687 8 15.8 757 58 5.9 Epischura Cl-C5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Epischura C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 Eurytemora Cl-C5 Eurytemora C6 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 2 0 2 0 0.1 0.0 0 0 0'.0 0 LimnocaEanus Cl-C5 35 24 0.2 96 22 0.9 68 1 1.6 83 56 0.7 HmnocaLanus C6 0 0 0.0 12 5 0.1 0 0 0.0 7 7 0.1 Harpacticoid copepods 0 0.0 Canthocamptus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Cladocerans 0.0 5 5 0.0 8 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Bosmina Ceriodaphnia 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Chydorus 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Daphnia 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diaphanosoma 0.0 Eubosmina 5 5 0.0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 HoSopedium 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 L ptodora 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Polyphemus 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Rotifers 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Asp7anchna 19984 3403 100. 0 11200 974 100.0 4343 18 100.0 12818 994 100.0 Total 8.6 15.5 Dry wt (mg/m~) 18.7 18.8 0.9 1.7 2.0 1.2 Dry wt (gg/individual)

TABLE 26 continued. Genus SDC-1-2 SDC-4-3 SDC-4-4 SDC-7-3 8/m~ Sx 8/m~ Sx X 8/m3 S- X 8/m~ Copepod nauplii 15894 2384 84.9 10090 816 77.9 2058 440 51.9 21909 2540 80.9 Cyclopoid copepods Cyclops Cl-C5 181 66 1.0 175 61 1.4 221 57 5.6 221 32 0.8 Cyclops 57 5 0.3 308 87 2.4 258 58 6.5 172 18 0.6 Tropocyclops 9 9 0.1 13 5 0.1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 Calanoid copepods Diaptomus Cl-C5 1706 315 9.1 1173 370 9.1 493 69 12.4 2768 432 10. 2 Diaptomus C6 818 122 4.4 983 983 7.6 861 41 21.7 1477 18 5.5 Epischura Cl-C5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Epischuz'a C6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Eurytemora Cl-C5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Eurytemora C5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Limnoca2anus Cl-C5 39 30 0.2 171 12 1.3 75 2 1.9 498 7 1.8 LimnocaLanus C6 0 0 0.0 10 2 0.1 1 1 0.0 0 0 ~ 0.0 Harpacticoid copepods Canthocamptus 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Cladocerans Bosmina 6 3 0.0 10 8 0.1 0 0.0 7 7 0.0 Ceriodaphnia 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Chydorus 6 3 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Daphnia 1 1 0.0 17 17 0.1 0 0.0 11 11 0.0 Diaphano soma 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 ~ 0.0 0 0 0.0 Eubosmina 0 0 0.0 1 1 0.0 ~ 0 0.0 5 5 0.0 Holopedium 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Leptodora 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Po7yphemus 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0;0 0 0 0.0 Rotifers 0 0 0.0 Asp2anchna 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Total 18716 2744 100.0 12952 2301 100.0 3967 353 100.0 27074 2947 100.0 Dry vt (mg/m3) 19.5 17.2 9.1 30. 8 Dry wt (ug/individual) 1.0 1.3 2.3 1.1

A e B-2 Phytoplankton

Environmental Operating Report January-June 1976 PHYTOPLANKTON ENTRAINMENT Ronald Rossmann The Environmental Technical Specifications for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant require an assessment of phytoplankton abundance, viability, and species composition to be made on a monthly basis on samples collected in the early morning, at mid-day, and in late evening. To this end, samples are collected at morning twilight, noon, and evening twilight from the intake and discharge forebays. Samples for microscopic counting are collected in duplicate and those for viability studies in triplicate. Dis osition of Sam les Collected An effort was made to adhere as closely as possible to the Technical Specifications. However, some loss or non-collection of samples has occurred. Of the 408 required samples collected for viability analysis, three are missing. One sample from the intake forebay for incubation on May 10, 1976 was lost. This was due to laboratory error. On September 8, 1975, phytoplankton samples for microscopic studies were inadvertently not collected., In order to have one set of samples for that time period, one each of the incubated discharge and intake samples was sacrificed. Of the 24 plume samples required, 12 were collected. Those missing were not collected either because the plant was not operating (no plume) or the weather made sampling impossible. Of the 208 required samples for microscopic counting, 41 were not taken or were lost (see Table 1). All the B replicates from February 1975 through May 1975 were not collected. Of the 16 required plume samples, 12 were missed. In accounting for this, it should first be noted that our field season for sampling from the open lake is April through November, and second, samples collected during our regular monthly surveys at DC-0 and DC-, 1 can be used to compare plume conditions to nearby lake conditions, respectively. For the field season of 1976 no plume samples were required because of a change in the Technical Specifications. The explanation for the 10 samples missing is as follows: In April and May 1975, the B replicate samples'ere not taken. The two June and two November samples were missed because of bad weather. In July and October 1975 the plant was not operating when the ship was available. The two August samples were missed because of an oversight. 1 Results Phytoplankton abundance and species composition have been determined for all samples collected in 1975. These are listed in Table 2. Only major groups are presented here. A presentation of all species identified

and counted will be made in the 1976 annual report. In that report, statistical analysis of these data and conclusions on plant impact will be made. Since the'anuary 1976 semi-annual report was prepared, an error was discovered in the data reduction procedure that we had been using for the chlorophyll data. In order to avoid confusion, all corrected chlorophyll data are included in this manuscript (including data presented in the last semi-annual report). Chlorophyll and phaeophytin data for phytoplankton viability assessment are complete through June 1976 (Tables 3 and 4). An analysis of variance of the data has yielded several statistically significant. changes in the phaeophytin a/Chlorophyll a ratio at the 5% level. A decrease in the ratio is interpreted to represent improvement in the phytoplankton viability. Likewise, an increase in the ratio signals a lowering of the phytoplankton population viability. Those times when plant passage appears to have improved the phyto-plankton population's viability are 1) noon September 9, 1975, 2) noon incubated December ll, 1975, 3) noon February 11, 1976, 4) perhaps morning twilight March 10, 1976, and 5) noon May 11, 1976. Plant passage appears to have decreased phytoplankton viability at 1) evening twilight incubated September 8, 1975, 2) noon January 14, 1976, and 3) evening twilight incubated on January 13, 1976. On September 9; 1975 samples collected in the plume during mid-day appear to have a relatively lower viability than those collected from the nearby open lake. Discussion Though a number of changes significant at the 5% level are noted in the phytoplankton viability when comparing chlorophyll samples collected in the discharge forebay to those collected in the intake forebay, caution must be exercised to prevent a serious misinterpretation of these changes. Any interpretation must consider the possibility of 1) a change in the phytoplankton population during sampling, 2) collection of a non-representative sample, and 3) no chlorophyll a breakdown to phaeophytin a during the period of time between passage through the plant and time of collection. The time required for chlorophyll a breakdown to phaeophytin a 'is uncertain. The method used by us implies that 4 to 5 minutes are required for the chlorophyll a to breakdown in an acetone extract after the addition of acid (Strickland and Parsons 1972). This leads us to believe that the rate of breakdown of chlorophyll a in the phytoplankton must be slower. Because of this we are uncertain at this time whether or not samples filtered within one hour after collection (t ~ 0 hr) can show any effect of plant passage. However, we are convinced that the breakdown would occur within the normal 36 hr incubation period . Because of the uncertainties discussed above, we are reluctant to draw any final conclusions concerning plant impact on the phytoplankton population at this time.

Conclusion Samples for viability analysis sh'owed differences in viability significant at the 5% level between the intake and discharge forebays on eight different occasions. On five of these,. the plant appears to have improved the viability of the phytoplankton population, and on three occasions it decreased the viability. Since data analysis is incomplete at this time, no final conclusions can be drawn regarding plant impact.

LAKE SURVEY DATA John C. Ayers During the 1976 field season a major seasonal phytoplankton survey was carried out over the full 36-station sampling grid in April and monthly short surveys over the ll- station reduced grid were carried out in May and June. All of the samples from 1975 have been processed and the data are available. Samples from the survey of April 1976 have been worked up but the processed data are not yet available. It is here recorded that during the December 1975 cruise-of-opportunity the only phytoplankton samples taken in the lake were those needed for the plume surveys; short-survey samples from December were adjudged to be an avoidable overburden on the phytoplankton analysts. During the period since the last Environmental Operating Report it has become evident that previously-used hand methods of reducing phyto-plankton data introduced errors from rounding-off and contained an un-necessary potential for errors of transcription. Data reduction has now been computerized, but reworking of the data of 1972 and 1973 is only partly completed. The completed parts are reported. Missin Data Construction dredges and barges which had occupied the positions of stations DC-0 and DC-1 during 1973, 'and of DC-0 in April and September of 1974, were absent during 1975 and no data were missed because of them. In 1975 the July phytoplankton sample from reference station NDC-7-1 was found crushed upon its arrival in Ann Arbor. In October 1975 stations DC-6, NDC-4-4, and SDC-4-4 were not sampled because rising wind and high seas rendered work there hazardous. Im act Assessment Serious negative impacts of Cook Plant operation upon the local Lake Michigan phytoplankton community would be evidenced by prominent and persistent change in dominant species to blue-green taxa, nuisance blooms, of algae resulting in fouled beaches and taste or odor problems in municipal water supplies, excessive increase or decrease in community densities, and/ or elimination of diatom species. None of these changes has occurred since the plant began operation. Although our in-lake phytoplankton program has inherent insensitivities, it is capable of detecting the gross changes listed above. As in most programs of biological identification and enumeration, there is difficulty in separating normal variations from abnormal perturbation of populations. In the case of the phytoplankton the predominant compli'cating factor is their passive drifting nature. Currents bring to the plant a succession of different water masses each with the potential of having phytoplankton

characteristics different in various degrees from those of the preceding and following masses. The best chance for finding Cook Plant effects on the phytoplankton lies in the comparison of populations near the plant to populations at distant reference stations where effects of the plant would not be expected to be present. Comparisons of this type are the method being followed. Dominant Forms in the Local Communit 1972 throu h 1975 Table 5 presents the monthly dominant phytoplankton forms observed in the short surveys of 1972 through 1975. Although the method of sample preparation was changed in July of 1972 from the Uterm5hl method to the Settle-Freeze method (Sanford, Sands, and Goldman 1969), both methods are capable of identifying and enumerating dominant forms and the dominants data of all of 1972 is valid. From the monthly counts of abundance per ml (density) the most numerous one or two (or three) forms rated selection as being dominant. The summed monthly numbers of cells/ml of the dominant form(s) at the nine stations in front of the plant were divided by the total monthly numbers of cells/ml at these stations to obtain the percentage of the total community represented by the dominant or dominants. In 1972 and 1973 the dominant species or forms were heavily diatoms. In 1974, before plant operation, flagellates were the single dominant in April and Gomphosphaeria Jacustris (a blue-green) was dominant in August, September, and October. During plant operation in 1975, flagellates were one of a pair of dominants in April and shared dominance by blue-greens extended forward to July. In July and August, however, the blue-greens shared dominance with a green alga and a flagellate. Compared to 1974, the summer-fall dominance of blue-greens cannot be said to be a prominent change accompanying plant operation. Dominance data from additional years will be needed to enable judgement on the "persistent change" criterion. Ph to lankton Densities 1972 throu h 1975 Figure 1 presents the mean numbers of cells per milliliter in phyto-plankton samples from stations in front of the Cook Plant during the years 1972 through 1975. The stations are divided into two groups: plant stations NDC-.5-1, SDC-.5-1, DC-0 and DC-1, close to the plant and where the thermal. plume may be expected to be present all or most of the time; and the offshore stations DC-2, DC-3, DC-4, DC-5, and DC-6 away from shore and where the plant plume may be expected to be absent all or most of the time. The values for July, August, and September 1972 represent the first

three months of use of the Settle-Freeze method of sample preparation and may be suspect. We have no reason to doubt the values from October 1972 on. In general, the offshore stations have exhibited more consistent numbers of cells, and lower numbers of cells. A heavy diatom bloom in April 1975 is reflected in a high value for that month in both the plant and offshore stations; occurring in both groups of stations, this high value is unlikely to be a plant-related effect for the plume should not have reached the offshore stations. Low values in the plant stations in July and August of 1975 most probably reflect a drastic reduction in dissolved silica which occurred then and probably represent silica-limitation imposed upon the diatoms. It is likely that the same factor accounts for the low numbers observed in the offshore stations in the same months. Increased numbers in September and October 1975 occurred in both the plant and offshore stations and appear to be not plant-related, but related to undetermined factor or factors outside the reach of the discharge plume. High numbers in July, August, and September 1973 cannot presently be explained but patently they could not be plant-related for the plant was not operating then. In this connection it is noted that the high numbers inshore in April 1975 are in the range of the highs of 1973. The latter is taken as indicative that April 1975 was in the range of normal variation. Over the four years of data, the plant stations have generally been higher and more erratic in numbers than have the offshore stations. This is presumed to be due to a complex of factors including greater inshore warming and inshore input of nutrients by tributaries. In 1975, the first year after plant startup, the phytoplankton numbers at the inshore stations near the plant show a "break" from high numbers in April to low in July and August, but the same "break" occurred in the off-shore stations outside the reach of plant effects. In both sets of stations the summer low was followed by a September and October increase. In the data available there is no clear evidence of any temporal trend toward increase in numbers that could be taken as indication of progressive eutrophication. Cell Densities Numbers of Forms and Mean Cells er Form 1974 and 1975 This section is predicated on the concept that in polluted or damaged areas the resident populations consist of relatively few forms with many individuals belonging to each form, while in clean environments there are many forms with relatively few individuals belonging to each form, i.e., the populations are more diverse. Table 6 gives the total numbers of cells/ml, the total numbers of forms collected, and the mean numbers of cells/form in the phytoplankton

short surveys at the nine stations directly in front of Cook Plant'uring 1974 and 1975, and at the two reference stations NDC-7-1 and SDC-7-1. Similar material for 1972 and 1973 is being reworked and is not yet available. The table distinguishes plant stations from offshore stations, with division between DC-1 and DC-2, to enable inshore-offshore comparisons. The emphasis here is upon the numbers of forms and on the mean cells per form. Cells/ml have been discussed in connection with Figure 1. To facilitate comparison, the data on number of forms and cells per form from Table 6 have been summarized by computing means for the various station groups. The means are presented in Table 7. As has been reported previously, there was in each year a definite tendency for there to be smaller numbers of forms in the offshore stations than at the plant stations; the single exception in these two years being April 1974. A warm-months decrease in the numbers of forms collected has previ-ously been reported; in 1974 and 1975 the sag in numbers of forms occurred in July, August, and September with the exception of July 1974 offshore where July was somewhat higher than June. In comparing 1975 to 1974 it is noted that, except in May, higher numbers of forms were collected inshore in 1975 and that, except in May and July, more forms were collected offshore in 1975. Conversely, samples from plant stations in 1975 yielded fewer cells per form than in 1974, with April and October as exceptions. Offshore stations, except in July and August, yielded more cells per form in 1975 than in 1974. The outcome of this method of analysis is that, at the plant stations where the plume is expected to be present all or most of the time, the changes observed in the phytoplankton in operational 1975 were predominantly in the direction of higher'umbers of forms present, with fewer cells per form being the norm. This is a change toward greater diversity (a more healthy condition) of the phytoplankton community. If this change was an effect of plant operation, it was a beneficial one. In 1975 the changes in phytoplankton in the offshore stations, which the effects of the plant would not be expected to reach, were toward more forms with more cells per form. This is a change not directly interpretable under this concept of diversity, but at least it was not a change toward the undesirable condition of few forms with many individuals per form. Com arisons of Plant Stations to the Reference Stations 1974 and 1975 In June, August, September, and October 1975 the plant stations and reference stations were in agreement in showing greater numbers of forms collected in 1975 than in 1974. In May'they also agreed in showing fewer forms collected at the reference stations in 1975. The direction of change in numbers of forms in the two sets of stations in the two years was

I T ll

opposite only in April and July (although the single sample for July probably renders comparison for that month meaningless). In mean numbers of cells per form, the directions of changes between the two sets of stations in the two years were not consistent, but the important consideration is that in neither set of stations did the 1975 collections show the unhealthy condition of few forms with many individuals per form. Hi her Ph to lankton Densities in Entrainment Sam les than in Lake Sam les Entrainment samples taken in the screen-house have frequently shown greater densities (cells per milliliter) than have samples taken in the lake at comparable times. Investigation has shown no difference in counting techniques. The difference is attributed in part to the greater depth of sampling by the intakes (closer to the thermocline where phyto-plankton have been shown to accumulate by settling) but mostly to the presence of the communities of periphytonic algae colonizing the intake structures and the surrounding riprap beds, from which wave action or currents suspend them and they are taken in by the intakes. Ma or Al al Grou Percenta es at Plant and Reference Stations 1974 and 1975 Figure 2 shows the percentages of the major phytoplankton groups at the plant stations and the reference stations in April through October of the years 1974 and 1975. In each year and in each set of stations there was a heavy diatom bloom in the months of April through June. In these months the diatoms were somewhat more abundant at the reference stations in 1974 and at the plant stations in 1975. In these months the flagellate component of the community was larger at the plant stations in 1974 than at the plant stations in 1975 or at the reference stations in either year. The green algae (coccoid and filamentous combined) and the blue-greens (coccoid and filamentous combined) were present in small quantities through June at all stations in both years. Desmids and "other" algae combined were present at 5% or less of the community during April through June. Except at the plant stations in 1974, the diatoms underwent a rapid decrease in July. In 1974 diatoms at the plant stations remained abundant through July. At the plant stations, diatoms reached their summer minima in August and September in both years; the reference station diatoms reached their summer minima in August with some fall recovery being evident in September. of both years. The August minimum at the reference stations in 1975 was much smaller than that at the plant stations in either year or the reference stations in 1974. At the plant stations the flagellates reached maximum abundance in .June 1974, and in August 1975 reached almost exactly the same abundance. A two-month shift in time of greatest abundance is not outsid'e the normal



P P 4

range of phytoplankton variability. Reference station flagellate's attained in September 1975 almost the same abundance as in August at the plant stations. Combined green algae reached their greatest abundance at the plant stations in August and September 1974 and in July and August 1975; the July abundance of 1975 was gxeater than that of August 1974. The greatest abundance of all was in August 1974 at the reference stations. Combined blue-greens rose to summer highs in September in both years at the plant stations and at the reference stations in 1974; 1975 reference stations peaked in August. Desmids and "other" algae showed greatest abundances in August 1974 at both plant and reference stations; they were also high in the reference stations in July 1974. In 1975 these forms had their greatest abundances in June at both the plant and reference stations, though abundances were also high in September and October at the 1975 reference stations. From September to October the phytoplankton community was beginning to return toward greater abundance of diatoms and decreasing amounts of the other categories. Greens and blue-greens were slightly more abundant in October than in September in the reference stations in 1975. This was probably nothing more than a pause in their decline to low winter numbers. In general, this means of comparison of preoperational 1974 to operational 1975 shows primarily that summer conditions in 1975 at the plant stations dev'eloped somewhat more slowly, and lasted about a month longer than at these stations in 1974. This is within the range of normal variation, as is also indicated by the blue-greens peaking in September 1974 at the reference stations. Longer duration of summer conditions at the plant stations, compared to the reference stations, is shown in both the years and appears to be a function of the difference in locations of the two station sets. Statistical Tests b Ha or Al al Grou s 1974 vs. 1975 Summaries by major algal groups rather than by species have the advantages of being compact and of avoiding difficulties in species deter-mination. For these reasons the comparison of preoperational and operational abundances was made using the monthly major-group summaries. In comparing preoperational 1974 collections to operational 1975 collections there were seven monthly summaries per year, each containing values for nine algal categories (the category "Other algae" is considered too non-specific for comparison purposes, and has been omitted), giving a possible 63 paired-month preoperational vs. operational comparisons from the data of 1974 and 1975. For each month and each algal category, comparisons of mean values


c y l ~, 5

10 have been made by two-sample t-tests at both the plant stations and the reference stations to determine significance of differences between pre-operation and operation. Table 8 gives the essential parameters for each comparison and shows the significance of the differences. No test was made if one of the groups contained only a single observation or if one of the group variances was zero. We discuss first the comparison of total cells/ml. In three of the months (July, August, and October) mean total cells/ml at the plant stations showed significant differences between the two years. In July and August the differences consisted of decreases in mean cell density, which cannot be interpreted as heat-stimulated algal reproduction and most probably are related to the normal midsummer crash of dissolved silica in the surface water. The October rise in mean total cells/ml cannot be explained at present but appears to be related to a high and persistent population of flagellates in 1975. In the reference stations the only significant difference in mean total cells/ml occurred in September and appears to be at least in part related to a significant increase in coccoid green algae in that month of 1975. Coccoid green algae are not dependent upon silica as a nutrient, nor are flagellates. The available silica data for 1974 and 1975 are given in Table 9. For the plant stations, there are 7 months x 9 algal categories or 63 possible comparisons between 1974 and 1975. Of these 8 were situations where no test was made for the reasons given earlier. Of the 55 cases where tests could be made, 16 showed significant differences between 1974 and 1975. Eleven of these 16, however, were decreases in abundance in 1975 a condition which is not interperetable as heat-stimulated increase of reproduction. At the reference stations, no test could be made for the month of July because the July 1975 sample from station NDC-7-1 was found smashed upon its arrival in Ann Arbor. For the reference stations there are, then, 54 comparisons possible but of these 11 were no-test situations due to zero variances. In the 43 cases where tests were possible, only 7 showed significant differences between 1974 and 1975. Six of these 7 were increases in abundance in 1975 a condition which, at 7 miles from the plant, cannot realistically be interpreted as a plant effect. Conclusions In 1975, differences from conditions in the corresponding months of the preoperational year 1974 have been looked for. There were some differences in the relative abundances of the major taxa, but no noxious blooms have occurred nor have any species been eliminated. The results so far do not indicate any decline in water quality due to the plant. We will continue to prepare plots showing the major group composition each year, like those in Figure 2. Continued monitoring of these plots should reveal any change in water quality that does occur.

t 11 References 'yers, J. C. 1975. The phytoplankton of the Cook Plant monthly minimal surveys during the preoperational years 1972, 1973, and 1974. Univ. Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. Spec. Rep. 59, 51 p. Ayers, J. C. and E. Seibel. 1973. Benton Harbor Power Plant limnological studies. Part XIII. Cook Plant preoperational studies 1972. Univ, Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. Spec. Rep. 44, 281 p. Sanford, G. R., A. Sands and C. R. Goldman. 1969. A settle-freeze method for concentrating phytoplankton in quantitative studies. Limnol. Oceanogr,. 14:790-794. K Seibel, E. and J. C. Ayers, Eds. 1974. The biological, chemical, and physical character of Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the'Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Univ. Michigan, Great Lakes Res, Div. Spec. Rep. 51, 475 p. Strickland, J. D. H. and T. R. Parsons. 1972. Practical handbook of seawater analysis. Bull. 167, Second Ed., Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 310 p.


        ~Plant 200 g 10 a       o Of fshore g+  3000 2000 1000 AMJ JASON      AMJ JASO     AM J JASO    AMJ JASO 1972        1973          1974          1975 FIGURE  1. Monthly mean values of cells per milli'liter in phytoplankton samples from the plant stations NDC-.5-1, SDC-
 .5-1, DC-O, DC-1 and the offshore stations DC-2, DC-3," DC-4, DC-5, and DC-6 in front of Cook Plant, 1972 through 1975.



t I t t


t t~


t t II 60 DIATOIIS DIATOIJS t I t t t tt t

                                                                 ~      ~         t 40                                      P                     I tt L                          I A                                 t It T                't       t 5                            t T                    t A

R FLAG T FLAG U P SG 0 tt J J A N J J A 5 0 A l9'F4 l9T5 FIGURE.2. Major group composition of the phytoplankton for the months of April through October 1974 and'975. The upper two graphs are based on mean abundances at four sta-tions near the plant: NDC-.5-1, SDC-.5-1, DC-0 and DC-1. The lower, two graphs are based on the .mean abundances at the reference stations NDC-7-1 and SDC-7-1. Blue-greens are abbreviated as BG, greens as GRN, flagellates as FLAG, and desmids and other as D 6 0. The plant began operating in January 1975. Dotted lines in the lower right-hand graph indicate that insufficient data was 'available from the reference stations for July 1975.

14 ~ TABLE 1. Completeness of samples'or microscopic counting (2/75 through 6/76). SAMPLE STATUS Counted But Month and Sample Not Collected Lost Not Counted Not yet Available Complete February 1975 Evening Twilight IB IA DB DA Morning Twilight IB IA DB DA Noon IB IA DB DA Plume March 1975 Evening Twilight IB IA DB DA Morning Twilight IB IA DB J)A Noon IB IA DB DA Plume April 1975 Evening Twilight IB IA DB DA Morning Twilight IB IA DB DA Noon IB IA DB DA Plume PB PA May 1975 Evening Tw5.light IB IA DB DA Morning Twilight IB IA DB DA Noon 'IB IA DB DA Plume PB PA June 1975 Evening Twilight IA IB DA DB Morning Twilight IA IB DA DB Noon IA IB DA DB Plume PA PB A and B are replicate designations I is Intake D is Discharge P is Plume

0 15 TABLE 1 continued. SAMPLE STATUS Counted But M'onth and Sample Not Collected Lost Not Counted Not Yet Available Complete July 1975 Evening Twilight IA IB DA DB Morning Twilight IA IB DA DB Noon IA IB DA DB Plume PA PB August 1975 Evening Twilight IA IB DA DB Morning Twilight IA IB DA DB Noon IA IB DA DB Plume PA PB September 1975 Evening Twilight IB IA DB DA Morning Twilight IA IB DA DB Noon IA IB DA DB Plume PA PB October 1975 Evening Twi.light IA IB DA DB Morning Twilight IA IB DA DB Noon IA IB DA DB Plume PA PB November


Evening Twilight IA IB DA DB Morning Twilight IA IB DA DB Noon IA IB DA DB Plume PA PB I A and B are replicate designations I is Intake D is Discharge P is Plume

16 TABLE 1 continued. SAMPLE STATUS Counted But Month and Sample Not Collected Lost , Not Counted Not Yet Available Complete December 1975 Evening Twilight IB IA DA DB Morning Twilight IA IB DA DB Noon IA IB DA DB Plume January 1976 Evening Twilight IA IB DA DB Morning Twilight IA IB DA DB Noon IA IB DA DB Plume Pebruary 1976 Evening Twilight IA IB DA DB Morning Twilight IA IB DA DB Noon IA IB DA DB Plume March 1976 Evening Twilight IA IB DA DB Morning Twilight IA IB DA DB Noon IA IB DA DB Plume April 1976 Evening Twilight IA IB

                                                 'DA  DB Morning   Twilight                               IA IB DA  DB Noon                                             IA IB DA  DB Plume                   ~

A and B are replicate designations I is Intake D is Discharge P is Plume

4 17 TABLE 1 continued. SAMPLE STATUS

                                                               ~ Counted But Month and Sample          Not Collected    Lost    Not Counted Not Yet Available Complete May 1976 Evening   Twilight                              IA. IB DA  DB Morning   Twilight                              IA IB DA DB Noon                                            XA IB DA DB Plume

'June 1976 Evening Twilight IA IB DA DB Morning Twilight IA IB DA DB Noon IA IB DA DB Plume 1 A and B are replicate designations I is Intake D is Discharge P is Plume

TABLE 2. Number of phytoplankton cells per ml. in each ma)or group. OATS S-h ION COEN ER COC ~ B G FZL ~ B.G COC GRN FZL GRN PLAGPLL CENTPICS PENNATES DESNIDS OT HEP TOTAL 26 Fi.B 75 26 PoB 75 D 0747 0705 E l 456. 6

11. 0 33.1 55 2 29 5 243 1 869 1 2010 4 3 7 18. 0 3723 1 Z5 C Be 18 0 0.0 0.0 95 7 802 8 1149 0 0 0 0.0 2077.0 IS FoB 75 Z6 0747 0 P. ~ C 0 14 ~ 7 73 ~ 7 7~0 95. 7 1819 2 2356 9 0.0 0.0 0367. 6 26 FLB D 1230 E.R 7 4 11 0 125. 2 3.7 07 9 S35.9 1097 9 Oo 0. 0 0 2129. 0 c5 F-B 75 26 F B 75 Z5 Z6 1230 1230 D

E R 0 0 368 3 5 lo6 22 1. 22 0.0 1 7e% 11 0 66. 33 3 1539.3 1149 0 2732 1300

                                                                                                                    '       0 0          0 0   4019 1 P.                                                             1                       0    3 7       11 0     2898 2 iS 73D 75    D      2000     C   R~    136 3          1S 0         3.7        11 0         55e 2    758 6     1480      1    0 0          0 0   2067 3 25 FEB 75    ZS     2GC6     Cel           0 0          3  7     lo 7          Ooo       110 ~ 5    788 1      1211     6    Oo0          7 0   2135 9 25 F "B 75   Z6     2000     CoBo          Gee       81 ~ 0     58 9          92   1       70 0     758 o6    1410      4    0 0       25 8     2096.8 12 NAE 75    D     Ocr 0" 5 c   f    R     117 8         51 6       10 ~ 7        88e0   ~  125 2     2077 0      1885.5         0.0       22   1   0382   3 12 NLR 75    IS             [ARE          C    0     77 3       33el          95. 7    306. 2   887 5     1053 ~ 2       0 0       25 8     2518   9 12 Lhl 75    Z6     Orr 5   AERY          0 0        56. 9      25 8          14 ~ 7    217. 3 1042.2    ~ 1171 1         0 0       14 ~ 7   2500   7 12   fhl 75  D      1215    E.R.         40o2        40 5       29 5           0.0      162 0     1377 3        979 ~ 6      3  7      14 7     2651   5 12 vhl 75    IS     1215    C    R        7 0        14e7       55 2           0.0      132 o     1115 8        769 7        0 0       00 5     2135   9 12 EAR 75    Z6     1215    C~R~          0.0        36. 8      29.5           0.0      151 0     1322        1333 ~ 1       0 0       18 4     2890 '

11 NAP 75 2015 Eelo 1694.0 191.5 250 0 56 9 62o 0 1230 ' 1900 2 0 0 51 6 60Q2 6 ll Nlk 75 11 5LR 75 D IS Z6 2015 2015

                           'C EoRo l     405. 6 0.0
44. 2
                                                   ,22    1 36 8 22    1
36. 8 18o4 001 ~ 9 246 7 1266 8 1263 1 1885 5 1079 0-3 7 Oo0 40o 5
                                                                                                                                     '36 8 0201 ~ 8 2688o3 16 APR 75 D         0530     f           29 5         10. 7      14 7           0.0      338    8 3152 3         920.6       Geo       58 ~ 9   4529 6 16 AP   75 IS 16 ALR 75- D 0530 1205 E   l P.

005 1 121 ~ 5 cl 25.8 6 81 0 51 6 0 0 905 721 9 8 2386 1366 2

                                                                                                        '     1325 276 7

2 7 0 0 0 139 9 56 9 5302 9 2622 0 E ~ Ro 0 0 lo APR 75 15 APB 75 ZS D ~ 1205 i110 L' Re

                                   ~  718 0 ' 1     33 22 1

1 33 ~ 1 103 0 0 0 0 1093 1620 3 2018 1 0323 0 1119 2504

                                                                                                                          0 0 0
0. 95 ~ 7 29 5 5111 4 8602 ~ 5 C 1 15 A2R 75 Zb ~ 211o E~R~ 600 3 16 4. 14 ~ 7 0 0 460 3 2003o8 802 8 0 0 36 8 3977o2 12 APE 75 ELU5 DoBo OeO 14 7 51 6 0 0 946 ' 1822o9 1005 3 0 0 92ol 3933 0 14 LLY 75 D 0500 E.B 891 2 191e5 22 1 0.0 795 ~ 0 891 2 3631 '0 7e4 125 ~ 2 6555oo 10 NLY 75 ZS 0 00 CeBe 1321 2 29 8 28o 2 6 6 223 8 213 8 530 5 Oe0 34 ~ 8 2388o7 135 Y75 D 1215 E ~R~ 10 7 Slo6 125 2 0 0 559 8 1369 F 9 2135 9 OoO 58 9 4316 0 13 SAY 75 Z5 1215 foR 824 9 66 ' 29 5 7o4 692o3 360 9 1023os 1775o0
                                                                                                             .2887e2 2931 3 0 0 0 0 66 ~ 3 44 ~ 2 5597 5 5987o9 12 SLY 75    D     2245      Dol      820      9     14e7       36 8           0 0                                                ~

14 5LY 75 PI,05E A ED Be 58 9 132o 6 81 ~ 0 Oo0 1230 ' 530 3 310'1 0 0 '73o7 5210e 6

I' I C I

TABLE 2 continued. Qh s. 5 h ION CCQNTER COC ~ B ~ C PIL B G COG GRN PIL.GRN PLaGELL CKNTRICS P 'NNATKS DESNZDS OTHER TOTAL 11 JUN 75 DA Cp(C C 5 ~ 0.0 537 7. 103. 1 0.0 839 6 883 9 1333. 1 7 4 117 8 3822 5 11 JJE 75 Ce 0>~CO I+Pe 125i 1 294 6 81.0 7,4 1576. 2 485.1 883 8 7 4 58 9 4647 4 11 JiJP 75 Z5A 0 (ic C R 0 0 1%C 1 44 ~ 2 25. 8 434. 5 637. 1 946 4 0.0 95 7 2518 9 ~1 JUN 75 58 Oi( C C~ R~ 0.0 232. 0 70.0 0 0 530 3 563. 4 769 7 3.7 40 5 2209 6 11 JUN 73 CA 1215 C+Re .0. 0 95 7 125.2 0 0 239.4 670.2 961.2 Oe0 70 0 2161 7 11 JUL 75 DB 1215 C R C 0 ocg 5 324 1 0 0 2018. '1 1142-2 '1436 2 0 0 66 3 5340 4 11 JJN 75 51 1215 CiPi 1509.9 324 ~ 1 206.2 0 0 (i77. 6 1001 7 869 7 4 287 2 4883 11 JUN 75 ZSB 1215 C+P.o C.O 92 1 10o.8 47 9 777. 0 692.3 1053 2 3 7 136 3 2909 3 1J JQN 75 Dh 2240 C~ Ro 0 0 493. 5 221~0 0 0 802 8 935 4 1377 3 Oo0 132 6 3962 5 10 JUN 75 10 JJN 75 CB 51 i 240 2240 C C Ro Re 0 0 29 5 368+3 316 7 73.7 lo9 4 0.0 250 4 861. 364 6 7 1005. 670 2 3 '1495 1870 8 1 0.0 0.0 331 4 294 6 4135 6 3966 ~ 2 10 JUN 75 ISB 2240 C R~ 29 5 324 1 169 4 22 1 508. 2 1112 1 1642 4 0+0 139 9 3947~7 24 JilL 75 CA 0530 I ~ Ro 324 1 cl 1694.0 0.0 1303 6 802 8 184 1 14 7 891 2 ~ 5266 1 24 JUL 75 24 JUL 75 DB 05:0 ZSA Ooo0 C C E~ R 29.5 1086 4 103.1 ei.e 729 2 828 6 1252. 1 Oo0 0 0 626. 592. 0 9 813.9 592 9 861 7

                                                                                                         '5 125 2 44 2 7

0 0 3 7. 0 394 0 423.5 441 9 2820.9 3686 4054 3 5 JJL 75 ISB 0530 Doe ~ 578 2 7 3 7 849 0 24 JJL 75 DA 1200 C R 1211 6 147 3 1042.2 0 0 .3020 696 0 81 0 0 0 371 9 3852 0 24 JJL 75 CB 12( 0 Ri 1565 1 165 7. 1336 8 0 0 110 5 1130. 6 132 6 0 0 386.7 4827 9 24 JUL 75 ZSA li00 Cobe 1590 9 84~7 975.9 0 0 ~ 294 6 718 1 58. 9 0 0 '283 6 4006 ' i4 JJL 75 ISB liCC CoR ~ 817 5 324 1 1005.3 0.0 449 3 . 482 4 125 2 0~0 371 ~ 9 3575 8 23 JJL 75 Ch 2245 C R~ 1149 0 36 8 537 7 0 0 198.9 1196 8 62 6 0.0 243 ~ 1 3424-8 i3 JUL 75 DB 2245 C R~ 108i 7 110 5 1417.8 0.0 659 2 1495 1 81%0 3 7 806 5 5656. 5 23 JJI. 75 ZSl 2245 1852 3 47 9 500. 8 0.0 581 9 534 0 25 8 3 7 563 4 4109 8 23 JUI. 75 ISB 2245 C CD R Rr 1366 2 3 7 673 9 0 0 747.6 1642+4 73 7 0 0 578 2 5085 ' 24 AQC 75 DA C530 C.R ~ 29. 5 33.1 563 4 0.0 416i. 1 346 2 202 5 0 0 287 2 1878 1 12 AUG 75 L'8 0'0 C R SBC. 0 9 2 302.0 0. 0 377.5 169 4 108 6

57. 1 0 0 ~ 14 ~ 7 27 1 1561 ~ 4 780 6 12 Aec 75 Z5A 0540 C R~ 230. 3 0 9 96.7 0 0 266 2 102.2 0 0 12 75 I5B Or 40 I 53 4 11 0 180.4 0 0 769 7 2'13 6 57-1 0 0 90 2 1375 5 13 AQG AUG 75 CA 12('0
                               ~ Ro C ~ Ra    629 ~ 7        9~2     103. 1     0~0      661. 0     84 7       14 ~ 7      0 0        9 2  '511.7 13  AQG 75   CB    1200     C    Re    174 1        18~4     186   1      0   9    589    5     71 8      124~4       0 0       17.5      1182 8 13  AQG 75   ISA 12CO       L'    E~  279 9          0 0     200 7        0   0    753    3     46 0  ~     18 4       0~0      27 6      1325 9 13  AQG 75   Z5B   liCO     C.R.      258.8          2 8     162 1        0   0    601    5     48.8       19 3        0 0      20 3      1113 7 ll   Uc 75   DA   i22CO 200    CD Re     314 1 166 7 6~3 2 8 114 2 106 9 7   4 1~ 8 567 410 4

8 112 136 4 3 124 ~ 4. 59 0 0 0 lo8 52.5 53 ' 1300 7 939~6 11 1UG 75 11 1'Jc 75 DB ZSA 2200 CD R DoRi 293 ' 07 184 2 0 0 107 8 122 5 84&7 1~8 23 ' 36 8 822 6 1434~4 11 1QC 75 ISB 2200 CeRe 416 0 7+4 162~0 Oo0 524 8 136 3 147~3 1o8


                                          ~ V    1364 4         7C.C        243.1         0.0      602. 8     42. 3     114. 2        3. 7     22. 1    2462    5 la ~ 7 S'1')

S'P 75 PLUKo 8 S V~ aol D 0.0 305. 7 1.8 723. 6 88.4 252 3 0.0 1787 ~ 9 09 75 CA G(12 C

                                          ~ Mo     Uv    8      95.7          )7-6        0.0      548. 9      44 ~ 2   298 3         0~0        9.2      1977    7 0.0 Sal'9 S.P 75         DB   .0612       C ~ M~    12((    2         0.0      151. 0        0.0'.0   567    1      51 6     200. 7               33. 2      2269    7 09   ~'I         75  I'SA 0612        C M
                                               ~   504.5           0.0        70 0                  677.6        6a.a     15a 7         0   0    '77 3      1548. 5 09 Sil 75            ISB G612.        C    V    1491 5          12 9       152'. 8       0 0     1082. 7        a7.9     150 4         0   0    31 3       2977 4 08 SEP 75            D     0916            V    1126 9            0 0      267. 0        0.0      633 4      123o4       690. 5        0   0    60 8       2901 9 09 Sop 75            Z5    0916          ~ Mo   1587 2         25 8        250.4         0.0      915 1         84 7     482    4      0   0    25. 8      3371 4 09 SSP 75            CA    1200       C  eao      4'l6  1         1  8     103    1      0 0      338 8         Slo6     108    6      o.o;     29 5       1049 5 Cj S'P 75            DB    12GO       S    M    2292              1  9     250 4         0.0      255 9      119 ~ 7     464    0      0 0      44 2       3428 5 09 SLP 75            Z5A 1200         8    M    1706 9            0 0        68 1        Ceo      421 7         64 4     152    8      Ceo      31 3       2445 ~ 2 Oj    SEP        75  Z5B 12GO         5 oK ~    1648. o           Coo      147 3         0.0      279 9         47 9   .162     0      0 0        ooo      2285 1 23       0-T 75           05 45                  40C           33           47.9        7~ 4     576        335.1       278 0         0 0      25 8       1708 8 23       o'T    75 DA CB    0545 C   R 5 ~ Mo    1S2'l 0 1

163 1 9 123.4 0.0 937. 2 37k 3 423 5 0 0 0-66 ' 49 7 3914.6 1631 4 23 0"T 75 ISA 0'. 45 c V 603. 9 18.4 105.0 0.0 535. 8 204 4 114 2 0 23 O'T 75 ISB 0545 E S 1502 5 lea 1 117 8 o.o 6aae5 233.8 244 9 0 0 31. 3 2959. 0 23 75 CA E((- M Vo 510 0 335 1 156. 5 Se2 922 5 383 0 524 8 1 8 55 2 2898 2 0'3 0 75 5(( 519. 2 22.1 81. 0 0.0 721 8 6.4.2 255 9 0 0 75 5 2369 8 23 OCT 75 DB I5A 1200 M CD P

                                         <<rQo     1576 0          36.8          46 0       0 0       913. 3    200  '     160.2         0 0      46o 0 18 4 2981 1 4391  '

230 T 75 ISB 12CG SeKe 2511 5 C.o 246 7 5.5 922 5 . 273 9 406 9 0 0 22 0" 75 DA 2043 CoRo 290 9 11 0 75.5 1~ 8 93 9 232.0 209 2'l7

                                                                                                                                '        1 8 8

49 7

42. 3 966e7 1918 6 22 OCT 75 LB 2043 SoQo 904 1 7oa 136 3 9 2 287. 2 313 0 3 1 22 0"T 75 ISA 2043 E Se 534 ~ 0 79 2 160 2 0 0 1121 4 211 7 375 6 3 7 46 0 2531 ~ 8 22 OCT 75 ZSB 2CL3 CeEo 162 0 29a.6 95 7 0 0 677 6 397o7 331 ~ 4 0 0 22 1 1981 2 18 RJV 75 Ch A.l c V 1447 3 0.0 7 4 0.0 151. 0 534.0 681 3 0 0 110 5 2931 3

~ 22 MJV 75 DB A v .6 K 843 3 C.o 73.7 0.0 191 5 228 3 377 5 0.0 14 ~ 7 1729 0

  '2? RJV 75           Z5A   A.le       6~v        766 0           3.7       198e9         3.7      327ee      821 2      802.8         0   0   1 lao 2     3038. 1 VOV 75     ISB  2 ~  tl     E    S         0 0         1   8       42 3        C.o      493.5      287 2      176 8         0   0     38 7      10DO 3 22 MJV 75             DA    tice E        ~ Me    ac3 ~ 0     213 5           40 5       0.0       603.9      732 8      920 6         0   0   125 2       3089 7 22 SJV 75            DB     MCGM      CD Re      1730. 8          0 0         66 3      14 7       486   1    489 8      392 1         0   0   128 9       3308 7 22 MDV 75            ZSA KCCE        C ~ P,o     773.3         40.5        125 2         0.0      198.9      545 0      644.5         3.7       62 6      2393.7 19 NJV 7             Z5B 12GC            oKo     802oe           0 0       850 7        0 0       c11 3      169 4      379     3     0 0'1     11 0      2824     6
  '22 MDV 75 22         MJV   75 DA DB P ~ Eo    eoM ~

eKe 73.7 305 7 0 0 0 0 5 7 38 7 0 0 0 0 478. 430 9 7 298 3 132 6 186 0 0 0 18 4 1060 ' P~S~ 228 3 0 0 22o 1 1158 2 22 EOV 75 ISA Polo oKe 0 0 0 0 58 9 0 0 324 206 2 436 4 1~ 8 68 1 1095 6 17 EOV 75 ZSB Pal eKo 0~0 0 0 147o 3 oeo 703o4 401%4 788ol Goo 73 7 ~ 2113 8


TABLE 2 continued. DATH STATIC H CCQHP.B COC ~ 8 Ga PZL 8+G~ COC.GBH PIL GBH PLAGELL CBHPRZCS PB'HHATRS DBSHZDS OTH 8 TOTAL 11 D'C 75 DA AB trRo 699.7 88.4 294.6 0.0 11 D'C 75 t 61 0 1786 2 493.5 0 0 154 7 3598 1 DB A ~ .". 8 0.0 7 4 51. 6 58. 9 331.4 2401 1 530 3 0 0 29.5 3410 1 11 D-C 75 Z5h A t 3 1034. 8 0.0 81 0 0.0 316 7 1 270 ~ 5 206 2 0 0 55 2 2964 5 11 DBC 75 ZEB A 8 110 5 7.4 22. 'l1 DSC 75 CD P 0.0 637 1 1185. 8 294 6 0 0 114 2 2371. 6 DA HCCH GORY 0 .0' 0.0 1'5. 2 3.7 434 5 1782 4 246.7 11 D8c 75 t 0 0 99 4 2622 0 DB HCCA ~B 0 3.7 33 1 0.0 228 3 1554 1 202. 5 0 0 103 1 2124. 9 11 Dc,c 75 ZSA HCCH teR 36 8 14.7 14 ~ 7 0.0 754. 9 1977 6 254 1 0 0 88.4 314'l 3 11 DEC 7 ZSD <<CCH t B 441 9 73 7 294.6 0 0 2135. 9 '12705.0 1878 1


0 0 257~ 8 17786 9 'lo O'C 75 DA 1900 tR~ 0~ 0 29 5 40 5 51 6 338 8 2283 2 522 9 0 0 47 9 3314 ~ 3 10 D-.'C 75 DB 19LO t.a. 7~4 3 7 58. 9 0 0 221 0 2003 ' 232 0


10 DHC 75 5A 1840 C~R~ 0 0- 7 4 526 6 44 ~ 2 493 5 1193 2 497~2 0 0 0 0 36 8 25 8 2563 1'787~7 COC,B.G. cocoid bluegreens . FIL.B.G.~filamentous bluegreens COC,GRN.~cocoid greens FIL.GRN.~filamentous greens FLAGELL.~flagellates CENRICS~ centric diatoms PENNATES~ennate diatoms DESMIDS&esmids

TABLE 3. Monthly results of chlorophyll and phaeophytin analysis* for 1975. Chl a Chl 27 Chl c Phaeophytin Phaeophytin/Chla Month and Sample Type Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Pebruary Evening Twilight 3.791 3.787 0.645 0. 676 0.386 0.644 1.069 1. 194 0. 329 0.321 (0.491) 1 (0.196) (0.046) (0.201) (0.167) (0.084) (0.551) (0.173) (0.185) (0.058). Evening Twilight Incubated 3.574 5.080 0. 671 0.665 0.899 0.996 2.061 1.165 0.584 0.295 (0.207) (1.019) (0.060) (0.063) (0.163) (0.290) (0.118) (0.632) (0.062) (0.171) Morning Twilight 5.282 5.648 1.180 0.970 1.154 2.036 3.303 2.483 0.636 0.460 (0.162) (0.571) (0.112) (0.060) (0.209) (1.247) (0.802) (0.288) (0.175) (0.099) Noon 6.244 5.908 1.033 1.185 1.388 0.641 2.975 2.210 0.494 0.374 (0.591) (0.043) (0.061) (0.282) (0.085) (0.043) (0.326) (0.179) (0.098) (0.028) March Evening Twilight 4.600 4. 624 1.100 0. 890 0. 893 0. 650 l. 855 1.124 0.405 '0.272 (0.103) (0.471) (0.092) (0. 098) (0. 172) (0.160) (0.175) (0.822) (0.045) (0.215) Evening Twilight Incubated 5.009 4. 822 1.182 0.995 l. 071 l. 181 1.907 2.351 0.407 0.492 (0.486) (0.169) (0.121) (0.068) (0.095) (0.169) (0.559) (0.227) (0.138) (0.063) Morning Twilight 4.887 5.051 0.633 0.557 0.559 0.977 1.332 0.814 0.273 0.174 (0.102) (0.376) (0.125) (0.095) (0.149) (0. 176) (0.049) (0:393) (0.011) (0.090) Noon 4.976 6.129 1.018 0.679 0. 640 0.529 1.258 0.897 0.265 0.177

                                      .(0.239) (0.846)   (0.021) (0.293)    (0.120) (0.012)  (0.572) (0.544)  (0.127) (0.115)

April Evening Twilight 10.559 10.301 2. 036 1.466 1.945 2.086 3.007 3.402 0. 312 0.339 (1.057) (0.551) (0.274) (0.050) (0.135) (0,165) (1.249) (0. 714) (0. 138) (0.086) Evening Twilight Incubated 13.556 12.792 1.748 1.840 1.156 2.289 2.992 2. 378 0.320 0.187 (3.141) (0.482) (0.627) (0.217) (0.454) (0.075) (F 000) (1.029) (0.239) (0.083) Morning Twilight 8.393 7.866 1.785 1.303 1.315 1.737 2.405 2.203 0.299 0.308 (0.668) (0.816) (0.060) (0.018) (0.298) (0.229) (0.461) (0.830) (0.083) (0.138) Noon 11.788 9.214 1.509 1.696 1.617 1.913 0.698 3.556 0.062 0.407 (0.524) (0.739) (0.198) (0.209) (0.229) (0.124) (0.430) (1.064) (0.039) (0.145) Plume 11.426 1.612 2.012 3.024 0.297 (1.238) (0.206) (0.345) (1.947) (0.203) Inshore of Plume 10.553 2.004 2.190 4.308 0.420 (0.581) (0.213) (0.115) (0.824) (0.107) Offshore of Plume 10.343 2.365 1.556 5.343 0.522 (0.340) (0.210) (0.538) (0.759) (0.089)

  • mg/m3 2

2 samples 1

 + Standard Error (3:samples)

I I t I ~

TABLE 3 continued. Chl a Chl b Chl c Phaeophytin Phaeophytin/Chla Month and Sample Type Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge 'ntake Discharge Intake Discharge May Evening Twilight 14.662 13. 304 2. 271 2.1206 1. 670 1.750 3. 301 4.565 0.239 0.340 (1.096) (0.598) (0.167) (0.331) (0.257) (0.240) (1. 190) (0.823) (0.095) (0.050) Evening Twilight Incubated 9.685 5.577 1.321 0.885 2.041 0.855 4.336 2.296 0.432 0.409 (2.450) (1.588) (0.476) (0.267) (0.615) (0.308) (1.514) (0.673) (0.047) (0.037) Morning Twilight 6.565 8.043 0.562 1.098 1.096 1.162 1.737 1.451 0.282 0.196 (1.692) (1.158) (0.092) (0.245) (0.364) (0.408) (0.433) (0.298) (0.061) (0.059) Noon 12.523 10.974 2.086 1.644 2.703 1.812 5.820 3.323 0.472 0.270 (0.905) (2.214) (0.223) (0.538) (0.613) (0.459) (0.196) (1.412) (0.052) (0.096) Plume 6.143 0.602 1.749 4.185 0.797 (0.826) (0.120) (0.028) (1.758) (0.448) June Evening Twilight 8.623 9.998 1. 273 1.513 l. 022 1.442 4. 007 5. 575 0.461 0.565 (1.188) (0.410) (0.143) (0.133) (0.207) (0.275). (0.825) (1.369) (0. 051) (0.155) Evening Twilight Incubated 11.299 11.823 0.839 1.631 2.947 3.054 3.727 5.633 0.328 0.478 (0.139) (0.246) (0.200) (0.257) (0.104) '0.746) (0.818) (0.218) (0.068) (0.029) Morning Twilight 10.353 8.825 F 007 1.500 0.855 1.841 4.179 3.734 0.502 0.438 (1.845) (0.740) (0.213) (0.187) (0.466) (0.446) (1.831) (0.813) (0.276) (0.115) Noon 7.111 8.783 0.953 1.471 0. 876 0.929 3.509 2.986 0.512 0.352 (0.709) (0.706) (0.330) (0.266) (0.446) (0.444) (0.574) (0.464) (0.121) (0.075) July Evening Twilight 2.006 1.956 0.498 0. 511 0. 395 0.489 1.465 1.434 0. 733 0.751 (0.065) (0.226) (0.029) (0.024) (0. 184) (0.046) (0.053) (0.197) (0. 047) (0. 148) Evening Twilight Incubated 1.440 1.315 0.436 0.160 0. 189 0.241 0.807 0.689 0.558 0. 596 (0.168) (0.187) '(0.052) (0.030). (0.081) (0.200) (0.156) (0.211) (0.080) (0.269) Morning Twilight 1.697 1.892 0.455 0.559 0.216 0.528 1.514 1.161 0.974 0.637 (0.269) (0.150) (0.036) (0.037) (0.197) (0.122) (0.281) (0.156) (0.295) (0.144) Noon 1.458 1.044 0.308 0.337 0.288 0.147 0. 840 1.059 0.612 1.023 (0.154) (0.106) (0.082) (0.051) (0.092) (0.077) (0. 148) (0.088) (0.179) (0.069)

  • mg/m 3 2 2 samples 1
  + Standard Error (3 samples)

TABLE 3 continued. Chl a Chl 2) Chl c Phaeophytin Phaeophytin/Chla Month and Sample Type Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge August Evening Twilight 0.969 0. 224 0. 188 0. 160 0.252 0.574 0.521 0.547 0.583 (0.086) (0.102) (0. 039) (0.045) (0.081) (0.088) (0.130) (0.147) (0.171) (0.216) Evening . Twilight Incubated 0.636 0.464 0. 085 0.119 0.042 0.216 0.424 0.749 0.657 33.728 (0.066) (0.232) (0.031) (0.065) (0.042) (0.108) (0.073) (0.343) (0.056)(33.136) Morning Twilight 1.039 1.126 0.258 0.277 0.339 0.066 0.714 0.450 0.730 0.403 (0.115) (0.032) (0.057) (0.027) (0.165) (0.066) (0.115) (0. 078) (0.193) (0.076) Noon 0.742 0.893 0.124 0.213 0.309 0.200 0.536 0. 248 1.008 0.361 (0.175) (0.187) (0.062) (0.038) (0.164) (0.042) (0.182) (0.181) (0.607) (0.269) Plume 0.499 0.081 0.114 0.318 33.558 (0.302) (0.081) (0.114) (0.187) (33.222) South of Plume 0.411 0.198 0.027 0.615 66.667 (0.411) (0.122) (0.027) (0.311) (33.333) East of Plume 0.164 0.062 0.136 0.908 46; 837 (0.146) (0.036) (0.076) (0.276) (28.712) West of Plume 0.625 0.122 0.114 0.282 0.598 (0.129) (0.076) (0.114) (0.100) (0.356) North and In Plume 0.247 0. 167 0.000 0.801 35.103 (0.145) (0.085) (0.000) (0.168) (32.463) North of Intake 0.277 0.295 0.138 0.668 5.601 (0. 090) (0.042) (0.106) (0.441) (4.903) 3 September Evening Twilight 2.103 2.183 0.290 0.408 0. 545 0. 691 1. 013 0.750 0.497 0.394 (0.233) (0.336) (0.138) (0.054) (0.035) (0.136) (0.054) (0.295) (0.071) (0.179) Evening Twilight Incubated 1.314 0.711 0.146 0.204 0.031 0.113 0.328 2 0.689 0.241 2 0.969 (0.126) 2(0 031) 2 (0.027) (0.018) (0.031) (0.068) (0.146) (0.028) (0.088) (0.003) Morning Twilight 1.414 1.456 0.320 0.442 0.147 0.163 0.389 0.877 0.293 0.663 (0.185) (0.262) (0.068) (0.059) (0.083) (0.102) (0.133) (0.115) (0.101) (0. 170) Noon 1.676 1.428 0.336 0.148 0.571 0.230 1.093 0.199 0.680 0.147 (0.178) (0.216) (0.021) (0.072) (0.080) (0.144) (0.165) (0.118) (0.159) (0.100)

  • mg/m3 3


    + Standard Error (3 samples)                The plume data   for September will appear in the forthcoming annual 2

report of the phytoplankton entrainment study. 2 Samples

TABLE 3 continued. Chl a Chl 5 Chl c Phaeophytin Phaeophytin/Chla Month and Sample Type Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge October Evening Twilight 1.750 1.795 1.544 1.464 1.497 1. 227 0. 207 0.059 0.139 0.036 .

                                       '(0.202) (0.158)       (0.096) (0.097)    (0.278) (0. 186)    (0. 141) (0.031) (0.100) (0.019)

Evening Twilight Incubated 1.881 1.5&5 1.489 1.421 1.167 0.979 0.392 0.432 0.300 0.283 (22 hours) (0.479) (0.112) (0.135) (0.058) (0.055) (0.261) (0.214) (0.157) (0.187) (0.117) Evening Twi light Incubated 1.684 1.449 1.369 1.398 1.048 1.359 0.265 Q.462 Q.156 0.604 (27 hours) (0.085) (0.400) (0.142) (0.182) (0.491) (0.151) (0.075) (0.316) (0.044) (0.516) Evening Twilight Incubated 1. 802 1.789 1.371 1.361 1.394 0.673 0.252 0.0 0.182 0.0 (37 hours) (0.222) (0. 039) (0.081) (0.042) (0.372) (0.484) (0.252) (0. 0) (0.182) (0.0)

          . Morning Twilight              1.645     1.666       1.420     1.435    1.376     1.233    0.417    0. 346   0.305 .0.232 (0.197) (0.148)       (0.127) (0.091)    (0.223) (0.147)     (0.288) (0.183)  (0.231) (0.139)

Noon 1.706 1.615 1.625 1.663 1.160 1.440 0.392 0.494 0.256 0.309 (0.157) (0.051) (0.048) (0.043) (0.228) (0.208) .(0 '10) (0.079) (0.141) (0.060) November Evening Twilight 2.963 2.452 0. 087 0. 051 0.916 l. 184 0.546 0:947 0.198 0.492 (0.214) (0.426) (0.053) (0.034) (0.123) (0.266) (0.241) (0.493) (0.099) (0.314) Evening Twilight Incubated 3.541 2.939 0.197 0.0 1.068 1.007 0.012 0.571 0.004 0.222 (24 hours) (0.571) (0.302) (0.129) (0.0) (0.675) (0.187) (0.012) (0.354) (0.004) (0.143) Evening Twilight Incubated 2.985 2.822 0.094 0.059 1.067 0. 884 0.566 0.201 0.209 0.073 (48 hours). (0.278) (0.074) (0.056) (0.055) (0.051) (0.165) (0.285) (0.110) (0.106) (0.040). Morning Twilight 3.077 3.302 0.126 Q.139 0.500 1.134 0.313 0.100 0.109 0.032 (0.175) (0.111) (0.052) (0.071) (0.208) (0.184) (0.165) (0.073) (0.063) (0.024) Morning Twilight Incubated 3.484 = 3.042 0. 014 0.085 0.700 0.610 0.192 0.480 0.065 0.182 (24 Hours) (0. 266) (0.266) (0.014) (0.085) (0.046) (0.208) (0.192) (0.365) (0.065) (0.144) Morning Twilight Incubated 2.961 2.714 0.137 0.129 0.929 1.074 0.501 0.716 0.170 0.275 (48 hours) (0.079) (0.163) (0.055) (0.081). (0.114) (0.097) (0.121) (0.241) (0.041) (0.102) Noon 2.992 3.229 0.168 0.033 0. 587 0.900 0.267 0.254 0.100 0.080 (0.325) (0. 077) (0.168) (0.033) (0.359) (0.126) (0.146) (0.090) (0.053) (0.030) Noon Incubated 3.397 3.303 0.132 0.025 1.451 0.853 0.211 0.666 0.075 0.262 (24 hours) (0.285) (0.446) (0.132) (0.025) (0.142) (0.321) (0.211) (0.528) (0.075) (0.223) Noon Incubated 3. 140 2.922 0.152 0.105 1.055 1.007 0.391 0.561 0.134 0.209 (48 hours) (0.184) (0.243) (O.Q63) (O.Q20) (Q.146) (0.093) (0.240) (Q.281) (0.088) (0.105)

  • 3 2 2 samples mg/m 1
  + Standard:Error (3 samples)

TABLE 3 continued. Chl a 'hl 27 Chl c Phaeophytin Phaeophytin/Chla Month and Sample Type Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge December Evening Twilight 6.642 3.784 0. 136 0.017 1. 347 1.085 0.0 0.740 0.0 0. 211 (1.908)1(0.272) (0.136) (0.017) (0.410) (0.093) (0. 0) (0.376) (0.0) (0. 108) Evening'wilight Incubated 4.454 4.500 0.019 0.042 0.939 1.255 0.121 0.202 0.029 0. 048 (0.287) (0.226) (0.019) (0.024) (0. 487) (0.102) (0.117) (0.141) (0.029) (0. 034) Morning Twilight 2.928 3.074 0.025 0.052 0. 958 0.657 0.193 0.102 0.072 0. 037 (0.145) (0.175) (0.025) (0.052) (0.132) (0.326) (0.155) (0.102) (0.059) (0.037) Morning Twilight Incubated 2.937 3.241 0.0 0. 140 0.656 0.535 0.331 0.0 0.125 0.0 (0.359) (0.180) (0.0) (0.089) (0.110) (0.431) (0.205) (0. 0) (0.074) (0.0) Noon 4.145 2.670 0.0 0.024 0.551 0.936 0.0 0. 523 0.0 0.205 (0.436) (0.330) (0.0) (0.012) (0.122) (0.416) (0.0) (0.444) (0.0) (0.175) Noon Incubated 3.073 3.331 0.0 0.033 0.884 1.212 0.365 0.0 0.118 0.0 (0.117) (0.138) (0.0) (0.033)2 (0. 172)2 (0.119)2 (0. 048) 00 0) (0.011)2 (0.0) 2 Plume 4.469 0.0 0..818 0.974 0.355 (0.893) (0.0) (0.451) (0.974) (0.355) Out of Plume 2.789 0.837 0. 187 0.136 0. 061 (0;371) (0.837) (0.187) (0.136) (0.061)

  • mg/m 3 2 2 samples 1
   + Standard Error (3 samples)

TABLE 4. Monthly results of chlorophyll and phaeophytin analysis* for 1976. Chl a Chl b Chl c Phaeophytin Phaeophytin/Chla Month and Sample Type Intake Discharge Intake Discharge'n'take Disch'arge 'ntake Discharge Intake Discharge January Evening Twilight 3.132 1 3.811 0. 043 0. 094 1.803 1.964 3.296 2.177 1.052 0. 675 (0.281) (0.579) (0.022) (0,050) (0.122) (0.168) (0.328) (1.088) (0.039) (0.346) Evening Twilight Incubated 5.058 4.080 0.014 0.0 1.908 1.417 1.129 3.304 0.251 0.812 (0.861) (0.127) (0.014) (0.0) (0.099) (0.020) .(0.733) (0.141) (0.147) (0.045) Morning Twilight 5.863 3.427 0. 146 0.210 2.955 2,447 0.142 3.158 0.027 1.353 (0.398) (1.038) (0.095) (0. 142) (0.585) (0.255) (0.120) (1.521) (0.023) (0.725) Noon 3.953 3.617 0.0 0.021 1.713 2.227 1.210 3.202 0.332 0.895 (0.595) (0.111) (0. 0) (0.021) (0.428) (0.053) (0.101) (0.461) (0.085) (0.157) Pebruary Evening Twilight 2.708 2. 648 0. 039 0. 112 l. 125 1.202 0. 039 0.184 0.015 0.073 (0. 046) (0.098) (0. 020) (0.031) (0.137) (0:160) (0.039) (0.130) (0.015) (0.053) Evening Twilight Incubated 2.160 3.435 0. 036 0. 127 0.709 0.719 0.709 0.016 0.452 0.006 (0.356} (0.903} (0.029) (0.039) (0.056) (0.13'?) (Q.530) (0.008) (0.381} >>(0.003) Morning Twilight 2.055 2.138 0.029 0.042 1.012 1.046 0.512 0.267 0.256 0.134 (0.109) (0.165) (O.Q29) (0.022 (Q.133) (0.224) (0.151) (0.136) (0.084) (0.072) Noon 1.764 2.041 0.012 0.080 0.635 0.929 1.132 0.735 0.642 0.361 (0.022) (0.089) (Q.012) (0.042) (0.044) (0.153) (Q.056) (0.030) (0.038) (0.017) March Evening Twilight 2.539 2,447 0. 106 0.010 0. 835 0.759 0. 184 0. 248 0. 073 0. 102 (0.122) (0.214) (0.084) (0.005) (0. 190) (0.160) (0. 026) (0.149) (0.011) (0.059) Evening Twilight Incubated 2.396 2.214 0.018 0.0 0.770 0.891 0. 630 1.021 0.288 0.525 (0.306) (0.236) (0.018) (0.0) (0.195) (0.115) (0. 284) (0.547) (0.143) (0.300) Morning Twilight 1.803 2.255 0.036 0.034 0.565 0. 613 0. 969 0.236 0.554 0.123 (0.145) (0.204) (0.036) (0.034) (0.072) (0.149) (0. 150) (0.221) (0.115) (0.117) Noon 2.011 2.175 0.020 0.033 0. 570 0.644 0.419 0.394 0.233 0.188 (0.169) (0.130) (0.019) (0.017) (0. 030) (0.100) (0.263} (0.104) (0:162) (0.058)

  • mg/m 3 2 samples 1
   + Standard Error (3 samples)


y TABLE 4 continued. Chl a Chl b Chl c Phaeophytin Phaeophytin/Chla Month and Sample Type Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge April Evening Twilight 6.191 5.881 0.0 0.0 1.833 1.780 0.775 0. 815 0. 126 0.144 (0.104) 1 (0.263) (0.0) (0.0) (0.125) (0.183) (0.227) (0.340) (0.039) (0.063) Evening Twilight Incubated 4.431 3.921 0.091 0. 158 2.064 1.919 3.386 3.324 0.767 0.881 (0.115) (0.417) (0.079) (0.118) (0.062) (0.653) (0.390) (0.289) (0.100) (0.156) Morning Twilight 5.706 5.106 0.208 0.0 2.176 1.618 0.629 0.992 0.139 0.195 (0.622) (0.113) (0.142) (0.0) (0.391) (0.162) (0.629) (0.071) (0.139) (0.017) Noon 4.886 5.075 0.017 0.0 1.876 1.819 1.392 0.419 0.324 0.083 (0.567) (0.249) (0.017) (0.0) (0.164) (0.271) (0.715) (0.022) (0. 171) (0.009) May Evening Twilight 7;921 7.248 0.103 0.015 1.999 1.987 0.266 0.240 0.037 0.035 (0.367) (0.470) (0.054) (0.008) (0.049) (0.117) (0.243) (0.124) (0.034) (0.018) Evening Twilight Incubated 4.607 5.502 0.133 0.305 1.267 2.119 4.033 2.613 0.897 0.498 (0.607) 2 (0.776) (0.133) 2 (0.061) (0.810) (0.396) (0.220) (0.331) (0.166) (0.094) Morning Twilight 10.408 8 '51 0.168 0.932 2.726 2.576- 0.0 0.505 0.0 0.065 (0.894) (0.704) (0.084) (0.607) (0.617) (0 '70) (0.0) (0.277) (0.0) (0.036) Noon 7.374 11.713 0.305 0.209 2.752 3.530 4.504 1.268 0.609 0.135 (0.617) (1.552) (0.210) (0.082) (0.183) (0.328) (0.543) (1.268) (0.044) (0.135) June Evening Twilight 2.996 2.155 0.0 0.0 0.710 0.614 0.431 0.767 0. 148 0.425 (0.112) (0.357) (0.0) (0.0) (0.254) (0.308) (0.163) (0. 394) (0. 057) (0.216) Evening Twilight Incubated 2.701 ,1.796 0.092 0.120 0.319 0.846 0.086 0. 272 0.034 0.343 (0.111) (0.515) (0.055) (0.092) (0.199) (0.171) (0.086) (0. 272) (0.034) (0.343) Morning Twilight 3.230 2.748 0.0 0.0 0.370 0.425 0.304 0.297 0.113 0.112 (0.295) (0.117) (0.0) (0.0) (0.141) (0.072) (0.304) (0.161) (0.113) (0.064) Noon 3.585 3.096 0.0 0.0 0.588 0.600 0.163 0.137 0.052 0.043 (0.262) (0.088) (0.0) (0.0) (0.085) (0.039) (0.131) (0.077) (0.043) (0.024)

  • mg/m3 2 2 samples 1
    + Standard Error (3 samples)

TABLE 4 continued. Chl a Chl 5 Chl c Phaeophytin Phaeophytin/Chla Month and Sample Type Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge Intake Discharge June Plume 1 3.508 1

0. 113 l. 040 0. 508 0.205 (0.531) (0. 077) (0. 148) (0.508) (0.205)

Plume 3.740 0.286 l. 143 0.206 0.059 2'lume (0.212) (0.082) (0.187) (0.108) (0.032) 3 3.891 0.139 0.882 0.064 0.018 (0.179) (0.022) (0.146) (0.064) (0.018) Plume 4 4.177 0.058 0. 687 0.0 0.0 (0.041) (0.036) (0. 146) (0.0) (0.0) Plume 5 4.318 0.192 0.988 0.059 0.014 (0.176) (0.033) (0.168) (0.059) (0.014) Plume 6 4.031 0.112 1 ~ 034 0.401 0.101 (0.068) (0.047) (0.005) (0. 170) (0.044)

  • mg/m3 2 2 samples
     + Standard Error (3 samples)


30 TABLE 5. Monthly dominant forms and their abundances in the phytoplankton community in the monthly collections at the nine stations in front of Cook Plant. Month Dominant form(s) X of community 1972 April Tabellaria fenestrata (diatom) 33 Tabellari a fenestrata (diatom) 29, June Cgclotella spp. (diatoms) 28 Stephanodiscus spp. (diatoms) 23 July Tabellari a fenestrata (diatom) 21 August Fragi laria crotonensis (diatom) 37 September Chroococcus spp. (blue-green) 35 October Melosira granulata (diatom) 35 1973 April Stephanodiscus minutus (diatom) 29 Flagellates 24.5 Stephanodi scus minutus (diatom) 18 June Stephanodiscus tenui s (diatom) 60 July Stephanodiscus tenuis (diatom) 28 August Melosira granulata v. angusti ssima (diatom) 33 September Fragi laria crotonensi s (diatom) 22 October Melosira granulata v. angustissima (diatom) 38 1974 April Flagellates 24 May Flagellates 13 Fragilari a crotonensis (diatom) 12 June Fragilari a crotonensis (diatom) 11 Sgnedra filiformis (diatom) 12 July Fragi lari a crotonensi s (diatom) 22 Augulst Gomphosphaeri a lacustri s (blue-green) 27 September Gomphosphaeri a lacustri s (blue-green) 30 October Gomphosphaeri a lacustris (blue-green) 27.5

31 TABLE 5 continued. Month Dominant form(s)  % of community 1975 April Flagellates 13 Cyclotella stelligera (diatom) 10 Stephanodiscus tenuis (diatom) 10 Tabellaria fenestrata v. intermedia (diatom) 24 Tabellaria fenestrata v. intermedia (diatom) 12 June Stephanodiscus tenuis (diatom) ll July Gloeocystis spp. (green algae) 20 Anabaena flos-aquae (blue-green) 19 August Chromulina parvula (flagellate) 22 i Anacystis ncerta (blue-green) 22 September Anacgsti s incerta (blue-green) 36 October Gomphosphaeri a lacustri s (blue-green) 18 i Anacgsti s ncerta (blue-green) 27

a. after Ayers and Seibel (1973, p. 42-43)
b. after Seibel and Ayers (1974, p. 171)
c. 'after Ayers (1975, p. 34)

4$ h "J e k ) I


TABLE 6, . Total numbers of cells/ml, total numbers .of forms collected, and mean numbers of cells per form in the monthly short surveys of phytoplankton at Cook Plant, 1974 and 1975. means the station was not sampled because dredges were on the station location. Plant Stations Offshore Stations Reference Stations 1974 NDC-.5-1 SDC-.5-1 DC-0 DC-1 - DC-2 DC-3 DC-4 DC-5 DC-6 NDC-7-1 SDC-7-1 Apr Total cells/ml 909 1875 1510 1104 2719 1410 1054 696 712 4578 No. Eorms 36 47 37 43 49 42 45 42 31 47 Cells/Eorm 25 40 41 26 55 34 23 17 23 97 May Total cells/ml 2106 646 4316 1116 440 600 407 884 667 2490 1158 No. Eorms 46 40 68 55 45 39 36 41 37 54 52 Cells/f orm 46 16 63 20 10 15 ll 22 18 46 22 Jun Total cells/ml No. Eorms 652 46 1053 60 4283 56 1112 52

                                                      '127   44 536 29 1024 35 678 34 926 36 782 48 372 58.

Cells/form 14 18 76 21 26 18 29 20 26 16 6 Jul Total cells/ml 1431 1067 1159 1625 514 589 974 831 2578 1757 917 No. Eorms 40 40 48 51 47 38 41 31 44 64 40 ll


Cells/Eorm 36 27 24 32 16 24 27 - 59 27 23 Aug Total cells/ml 1746 2005 801 1407 1210 1315 928 821 740 779 569 No. forms 52 36 53 33 31 33 . 36 25 32 34 28 Cells/Eorm 34 56. 15 43 39 40 26 33 23 23 20 Sep Total cells/ml No, forms Cells/form 1248 34 37 1686 48 35 867 42 21

                                                       -   1514 31 49
                                                                '0543 18 569 33 17
                                                                                 ,  533 34 16 733 25 29 168 38 4

168 23 7 Oct Total cells/ml 963 1480 1025 1174 939 897 1132 1197 1023 716 2456 No. Eorms 56 62 61 63 59 50 51 46 31 46 , 52 Cells/form 17 24 17 19 16 18 22 26 33 16 47

TABLE 6. 'continued. Plant Stations Offshore Stations Reference Stations NDC-.5-1 SDC-.5-1 DC-0 DC-1 . DC-2 DC-3 DC-4 DC-5 DC-6 NDC-7-1 SDC-7-1 1975 Total cells/ml 1807 5203 2246 3478 590 2692 5361 1914 1614 981 1219 hpr .36 27 No. forms 51 51 44 54 40 50 57 44 55 15 54 94 44 29 27 45 Cells/fom 35 102 51 64 1084 691 2027 1266 May Total cells/ul 1137 1294 ~ 1288 674 1354 1063 974 41 No. foms 37 39 36 34 38 38 28 27 33 42 36 28 35 40 21 4S 31 Cells/fom 31 33 36 20 714 1499 474 1231 1865 Jun Total cells/al 762 720 1436 1304 879 1867 98


No. foms 61 79 71 76 45 39 .58 37 47 20 48 12 41 10 13 25 Cells/fom 12 9 20 17 529 705 sample 656 Jul Total cells/al 415 395 929 615 493 506 577

                                                                                                 '35   broken         30 .

No. foms 46 34 66 41 32 46 40 37 15 11 14 14 .20 22 Cells(fora 9 12 14 15 778 638 498 866 790 1408 1048 hug Total cells/tLl 951 631 621 571 41 35 No. foms 84 52 25 36 41 33 25 Cells/fom 41 23 42 15- 7 ll 31 ~ 18 12 26 32 34 30 1676 1787 1541= 2359 1700 Sep Total cells/ul 628 1618 2943 1480 2197 1929 73 58 No+ foms 51 66 77 59 59 " 62 31 58 29 54 33 26 59 32 29 Cells/fom 12 25 38 25 37 2806 3095 1446 Too 1443 2371 Oct Total cells/al 2218 1659 - 2044 1286 1980 86 No. foms 87 65 102 72 88 89 72 47 rou8h 97 23 32 43 31 15 28 Cells/f om 25 26 20 18

TABLE 7. - Mean number of forms and cells per form for each of the three station groups in 1974 and 1975. Plant stations Offshore stations Reference stations 1974 1975 1974 1975 1974 1975 April Mean no. forms 40.0 50. 0 44.2 49.2 39-0 31.5 Mean cells/form 35.3 63.0 31.0 47.2 60.0 36.0 May Mean no. forms 52.3 36.5 39.6 32.8 53.0 41.5 Mean cells/form . 36.3 30.0 15.2 32.0 34.0 39.5 June Mean no. forms 53. 5 71.8 '35. 6 45.2 53.0 86.0 Mean cells/form 32.3 14.5 23.8 26.2 11.0 19.0 July Mean no. forms 44. 8 46. 8 40.2 38.0 52.0 30.0~ Mean cells/form 29.8 12.5 27.4 14.8 25.0 22.0* August Mean no. forms 43.5 54.8 31.4 32.0 31.0 38.0 Mean cells/form 37.0 14.0 32.2 23.8 21.5 32.0 September Mean no. forms 41. 3 63.3 30.6 51.8 30.5 65.5 Mean cells/form 31.0 25.0 25.8 37.8 5.5 30.5 October Mean no. forms 60.5 81.5 47.4 74.0 49.0 91.5 Mean cells/form 19.3 22.3 23.0 32.3 31.5 21.5

  • = one sample only

35 TABLE 8. Major-group compositions of samples taken at six selected inshore stations. Comparisons of corresponding months of 1974 and 1975 at the four "plant" stations NDC-.5-1, SDC-.5-1, DC-0; and DC-1 with the north and south "reference" stations NDC-7-1 and SDC-7-1. The mean count of total cells/ml at the plant stations in 1974 is compared to its value in 1975, for each survey month, using a two-sample t-test. Similar comparisons are made of mean total counts at the reference stations. Symbols used: n.s. ~ no significant difference between the two years; * = significance at the .05 level; ** = significance at the .01 level; N = the number of stations in each group for which data were available in that month. No test was made if one of the groups contained only a single observation or if one of the group variances was zero. Plant stations Reference stations

                             .1974          1975                       1974         1975 APRIL Coccoid       Mean           2.0000       34.100       0.85 n.s.      0.          53.850 blue-greens   Std. error     1.1547       31.681                      0.          53.850 N                 3             4                          2            2 Filament ous  Mean         18. 333         6.2500      1.35 n.s. 17.500         0.

blue-greens Std. error 9. 701 3.1497 13.500 0. N 3 4 2 2 Coccoid Mean 45.333 63.550 0.52 n.s. 63.000 3.2500 0.95 n.s. greens Std. error 28.198 21.604 63.000 3.2500 N 3 4 2 2 Filamentous Mean 0. ~ 72500 '5.5000 0. greens Std. error 0~ .44230 1.5000 0. N 3 4 2 2 Flagellates Mean 449.67 500.90 0.25 n.s. 365.50 28.500 0.92 n.s. Std. error 109.87 151.65 365.50 15.600 N 3 4 2 2 Centric Mean 332.67 1503.2 3 ~ 70A 775.50 422.60 0.57 n.s- 'iatoms Std. error 100,11 257.8 623.50 24.20 N ~ 3 2 2 Pennate Mean 571. 33 1064.9 1.30 n.s. 1406.5 591.60 ~ 0.92 n.s. diatoms. Std. error 109.79 310+8 , 886.5 77.00 N 3 4 2 2 Desmids Mean 1.3333 0. 0. 0. Std. error l. 3333 O. ,0. 0. N 3 4 2 2 Total 'ean Std. error 1431.3 281.6 3183.3 760.4 1.88 n.s. 2645.0 1933.0 1099.8 119. 0 0.80 n.s. N 3 4 2 2

     ~ ~
 ~ I

36 TABLE 8 continued. Plant stations Reference stations 1974 1975 1974 1975 t Coccoid Mean 1.3750 0. 6.4500 177.65 0.96 n.s. blue-greens Std. error 1.3750 0. 6'.4500 177.65 N 4 4 2. 2 Filamentous Mean 70.875 13.175 2.97" 80-700 5.4000 13.66** blue-greens Std. error 18.808 4.758 5.400 1.1000 N 4 2 2 Coccoid Mean 63.525 55.975 0.36 n.s. 24.750 35.550 2.35 n.s. greens Std. error 13.711 16.128 3.250 3.250 N 4 2 ~ 2 Filamentous Mean 6.4500 .27500 1.51 n.s. 29.050 1.1000 1,13 n s

                                                                                                   ~  ~

greens Std. error 4.0777 .27500 24.750 1.1000 N 4 4 2 2 Plagellates Mean 301.52 72.950 2 '3* 147.45 195 '5 ~ 0.82 n-s. Std. error 79.91 25 '30 41,95 41.95 N 4 4 2 2 Centric Mean 875.07 265.92 1.33 n.s. 938-35 236. 30 1.47 n.s. diatoms Std. error 459.90 66.36 475.65 53.30 N 4 4 2 2 Pennatc Mean 710. 30 682.07 0.10 n.s. 582.15 984.05 2.61 n.s. diatoms Std. error 270.37 113. 96 112.95 104,45 N 4 4 2 2 Desmids Mean 2.3000 0. 3.2500 0. Std. error 1.7521 0.. 1.0500 0. N 4 2 ~2 Total Mean 2046.1 1098.2 1.14 n.s. 1824.0 . 1646.8 0.23 n.s. Std. error 815.5 146.0 666.1 380.6 N 4 4 2 2

TABLE 8 continued. Plant stations Reference stations 1974 1975 1974 1975 t Coccoid Mean 8.3000 57o750 0.86 n.s. 46.650 111.80 1.59 n.s. blue-greens Std. error 7.1202 57+020 39.450 10.90 N 2 2 Pilsmentous Mean 19.350 14.150 0.73 n.s. '.1000 11.800 1.51 n.s. blue-greens Std. error 6.401 3.161 1.1000 7.000 N 4 2 2 Coccoid Mean 104.47 84.925 0.31 n.s. 4.6500 48.450 2.61 n.s. greens Std. error 61.19 15.438 4.6500 16.150 N 4 2 Filamentous Mean 11.025 18.425 0.67 n.s. 0. 44.450 greens Std. error 7.397 8.135 0. 1.350 N 4 2 2 Plagellates Mean 658.27 200.70 0.81 n.s. 7.9000 206.00 ~ 9.25* Std. error 563.80 35.56 0.7000 21.40 N 4 4 2 2 Centric Mean 332.35 261.90 0.70 n.s. 233.50 513.15 1.66 n.s. diatoms Std. error 52.69 86.04 80.70 147.65 N 4 ~ 2 2 Pennate Mean 618.25 381. 70 1.11 n.s. 268.15 543.05 1.82 n.s. diatoms Std. error 172.90 124.20 94.45 117.75

              ,N                4            4                      2                2 Desmids         Mean          2.7500         .25000 4.41**        1.8000             .25000   0.85 n.s.

Std. error 0.5485 .14434 1.8000 .25000 N 4 4 2 2 Total Mean 1775.0 1055.8 0.83 n.s. 577.00 1547.9 2o56 n s ~ Std. error 842.2 183.8 205.30 317.3 N 4 4 2 2

1 I g 8 I

38 TABLE 8 continued. Plant stations Reference stations 1974 1975 1974 1975 JULY Coccoid Mean 3.0000 7'. 2500 1.19 n.s. 203.00 1.6000 blue-greens Std. error 1.5811' 3.2178 167.00 N 4 2 ~ Filamentous Mean 3.7500 176.82 2.23 nOs ~ 9.5000 283.20 ~ blue-greens Std. error 1.8875 77.63 9.5000 N 4 2 1 Coccoid Mean 6.0000 214.80 10.81** 91.500 174.40 greens Std. error 4.0208 18.90 86.500 N 4 4 2 ~ 1 Pilamentous Mean 30.750 0. 21.500 0. greens Std. error 8.587 0. 9.500 N 4 4 2 Plagellates Mean 160.00 112.02 0.52 n.s. 296.00 172.50 Std. error 91.60 14.64 40.00 N 4 4 2 1 Centric Mean 358.50 19.975 ] 34* 217.50 16.700 diatoms Std. error 54.98 4.855 22.50 N 4 4 2 1 Pennate Mean 743.25 49.050 15 ~ 43@A 351.50 5.7000 diatoms Std. error 38.62 23.103 30.50 N 4 2 1 Desmids Mean 1 .50000 .12500 0.73 n.s. 1.0000 0. Std. error .50000 .12500 1.0000 N 4 4, 2 Total Mean 1320.5 588.32 4,11** 1336.5 656. 20 Std. error 127.6 124.05 419.5 N 4 4 2 1

39 TABLE 8 continued. Plant stations Reference stations 1974 1975 1974 1975 AVGUST Coccoid blue-greens Mean Std. error 534.90 186 '5 1.62 n.s. 134.50 524,35 3 '5 ne'er 206.05 59o68 46.30 114.65 N 4 4 2 2 Pilamentous Mean 50.175 7.5250 1.17 n.s. 4. 1500 77.650 n s blue-greens Std. error 35.925 5.4049 1.2500 67.650 N 4 4 2 2 Coccoid Mean 354.00 168.77 1.74 n.s. 311.55 365.30 Q ~ 67 n s

                                                                                              ~   ~

greens Std. error 81.32 69.07 76.95 21.80 N 4 4 2 2 Filamentous Mean 0. .67500 0. 0. greens Std. error 0. .67500 0. 0. N 4 2 2 Flagellates Mean 267.90 256.17 0,22 n.s. 78.350 231.6 6.61* Std. error 34.56 40.54 21.350 9.00 N 4 4 2 2 Centric Mean 55.700 15.900 5 '3** 38.750 7.2500 p,98 nos diatoms Std. error 6.835 3.979 32.250 1.3500 N 4 4 2 2 Pennate Mean 114.12 45.925 1.45 ncaa 20.650 11.450 p.54 n.s. diatoms Std. error 41.65 22 '35 17.050 2 '50 N 4 4 2 2 Desmids Mean 0. .15000 0. .15000 Std. error 0. .08660 0. .15000 N 4 4 2 2 Total Mean 1489.6 693.70 2.90+ 647.05 1228.2 2.66 n.s. Std. error 260.2 86.83 105.05 180.1 N 4 2 2

C t f I ~

 <L ~

t Cl

            ~ U

40 TABLE 8 continued. Plant stations Reference stations 1974 1975 1974 1975 SEPTEMBER Coccoid Mean 662.23 914.25 0.50 n.s. 73.200 630.40 1.95 blue-greens Std. error 233 '7 395.92 20.800 284.80 N 3 4 2. 2 Pilamentous Mean 1.2000 5.8000 2.48 n.s. 4.3000 9.5500 1.17 n.s. blue-greens Std. error .6000 1.5061 4.3000 1.2500 N 3 4 2 2 Coccoid Mean 176.13 182.07 0.12 n.s. 7.0000 168.90 7.82* greens Std. error 22.94 40.52 2.1000 20.60 N 3 4 2 ~ 2 Pilamentous Mean .60000 .27500 0.54 n.s. 0. 3.9000 greens Std. error -60000 .27500 0. 2.6000 N 3 4 2 2 Plagellates, Mean 206.83 370.37 3.20* 29.550 661.85 ~ 3.57 n.s. Std. error 11.67 42.44 4.850 176.85 N 3 4 .2 2 Centric Mean 57. 067 18.750 4, 7]** 6.6000 '43.30 1.01 n.s. diatoms Std. error 8. 516 3.311 0.1000 332.80 N 3 2 2 Pennate Mean 108.03 152. 30 1.30 n,s. 44.350 94.750 1.52 n.s. diatoms Std. error 30.37 19. 10 29.650 15.050 N 3 4 2 2 Desmids Mean 2.4333 .25000 3. 92" 0. 0. Std. error 0.6333 0.1443 0. 0. N 3 4, 2 2 Total Mean 1268.1 1667.2 0.67 n.s. 168.00 2029.4 5.65* Std. error 237.3 478.4 0.20 329.6 N 3 4 2 2

41 ThBLE 8 continued. Plant stations Reference stations 1974 1975 1974 1975 t OCTOBER Coccoid blue-greens Mean Std. error 319.75 51.66 544.80 144.46 1.47 n.s. 2'83.00 670.50 670.50 361.20 0.11 nose N 4 4 2 Filamentous Mean 0. 36.200 .50000 30.150 7.84* blue-greens Std. error 0. 8.713 .50000 3.750 N 4 4 2 2 Coccoid Mean 69.000 43o075 n.s. 19.500 209.95 10,70** greens Std. error N 36.760 4

                                          . 5.949 4

9.500 2 15.05 Filamentous Mean 1.0000 1.6250 0.33 n.s. 0. 1.1000 greens Std. error 1.0000 1.6250 0. 1.1000 N 4 4 2 2 Flagellates Mean Std. error N 178. 50

12. 09 4

434.30 4'.70 78.32 4 3.23* 338.00 144.00 2 353 '5 129.45 2 0.08 n.s. Centric Mean 252.50 140.22 2.77* 294.00 289.60 0.04 n.s. diatoms Std. error 39.16 10.66 92-00 84.00 N 4 4 2 2 Pennate Mean 295.25 581.00 1.80 n.s. 214-00 321.65 0.61 n.s. diatoms Std. error 27.77 156.67 135.00 115.45 N . 4 4 2 2 Desmids Mean ~ 25000 .77500 1.41 n.s. 4.oooo .55000 1.13 n.s. Std. error .25000 .27500 3.0000 .55000 N 4 2 2 Total Mean 1160.5 1801.6 2.69* 1586.0 1907.3 0.32 n.s. Std. error 115.3 207.7 870.0 464.0 N 4 4 2 2

i4 42 TABLE 9. Dissolved silica in the Cook Plant region, 1974 and 1975; samples from above the thermocline except where noted. Values are aver-ages of the number of samples listed. 1974 1975 Month No. samples Si02, ppm Month No. samples Si02, ppm April 17 0.46 April 18 0.646 17 0. 26 June 17 0. 29 July 18 0. 11 July 18 0.101 1.4* 0.957* Aug o 18 0.28 1.3* Sept. 0.34 Oct. 1.0 Oct. 0. 420

  • below the thermocline

A e B-Benthos

4 t0 Environmental Operating Report - January-June 1976 BENTHOS Samuel C. Mozley A. Lake Surve s The Technical Specifications for environmental monitoring at the Cook Plant state that surveys are designed to determine whether the pop-ulation of benthic animals is significantly different after the existence of a thermal plume and chemical discharges than it was before. This is to be accomplished by three seasonal surveys each year, with four repli-cates at each of 10 stations shallower than 8 m, and two replicates at each of 20 stations at greater depths, in April, July and October. The stations are divided into three depth ranges, 0-8, 8.1-16, and 16.1-24 m with five stations (inner area) near the plant and five reference sta-tions 3.2 11 km away from the plant (outer area), in each depth range. The April survey of 1976 is the only required collection in this reporting period. All replicates were collected, sorted and identified to the major-taxon level: Pontoporeia affinis (also sorted into size and sex classes), Tubificidae, Naididae, Stplo&ilus heringianus, Sphaerium niHdum, Sphaerium s5ria5inum, Pisidium, Chironomidae, Hirud-inea, operculate Gastropoda, pulmonate Gastropoda, and "other." The last category amounts to less than 10% of the total individuals at depths less than 8 m, and less than 1% of the totals at greater depths. Taxa which commonly make up the "other" category are Turbellaria, other Sphaerium species, Musie relicta (extremely rare at depths less than 8 m), Gammarus, miscellaneous Insecta, and Acari (mites). The field data for April through June are given in Tables 1-3. Table 1 shows the division of each depth zone into an inner group of stations and an outer group. The group means from Table 1 have been used to update the inner-outer comparison graphs which appeared in the last two operating reports. These graphs are presented here as Figures 1-12. No striking differences can be seen between the operational abundances (1975 and 1976) and those observed in previous years. The taxa Tubificidae, Naididae and Chironomidae have not yet been sorted to the species level for the 1976 April survey, but further data of this type have been obtained for 1975 samples since the last environ-mental operating report. Tables of these data have been prepared and inspected for 'changes in the identities or relative abundances of common species which might have occurred in post-operational surveys. No such changes are evident in the data. Moreover, Chironomidae were sorted by larval instars in 1975 in the 0-8 m depth zone so that the rate of larval development could be compared between inner and outer areas of the survey station grid. No differences in population age structure of any species which was represented by enough specimens to )udge, was observed between inner area and outer area stations.

I l II I'

Pon&poz'cia populations had the same age/sex structures at inner and outer area stations at depths up to 16 m, but inner area populations were smaller (younger) on the whole than outer area stations at depths from 16.1 to 24 m. This could have been due to the shallower mean depth of inner stations in this zone, since depth exerts a strong control on reproductive periodicity of Pontoporeia, with shallow depth giving earlier reproduction. Since population abundances were nearly identical in the two areas, this difference is not yet taken to constitute a serious im-pact. No such contrast occurred in these areas in the first post-opera-tional year, 1975. The numbers per square meter for each of the major taxa in April 1976 have been plotted on graphs which summarize all survey data to date by inner and outer areas and depth zones. Standard errors were plotted around each mean, and the graphs were inspected to obtain preliminary assessments of possible changes in population abundances in this most recent survey. Ther was only one apparent change which was unique to an inner area zone: Pisidium was less abundant in depth zone 0 (0-8 m) in the inner area than in the outer area. This was the lowest mean observed so far for Pisidium in zone 0 since the beginning of the surveys. How-ever, the difference was between 3/m2 at inner area stations and 21/m at outer area stations in April 1976. Such a small absolute difference in a depth zone where Pis&&um has never been very numerous is not con-sidered to constitute a serious megative impact. In all other cases for major taxa and total macroinvertebrates, April 1976 means were within one standard error of being the same in inner and outer areas. k B. Entrainment Studies The Technical Specifications require simply that samples which are taken to estimate the entrainment of fish larvae and fish eggs be "in-spected" for benthos. Samples are to be taken in the intake and dis-charge forebays twice monthly during each of three consecutive, 8-hour periods except in June, July and August, when such sample sets are to be collected four times monthly. We have been collecting four, instead of three, samples at each location in the periods sunset-midnight, midnight- 'unrise, sunrise-noon, and noon-sunset on each sampling date. Also two ~ replicate samples are taken simultaneously in the intake forebay each time. A complete sample set for the first half of 1976 should consist of 168 observations. In practice, the intake sampling periods are rep-resented by the mean of the two replicates, and assessment is based on 112 tabulated .observations. The main interest in these samples is whether they show large quan-tities of important fish forage organisms being entrained and possibly killed. In particular, we have been watching for the larger crustaceans in entrainment samples because they are so important to the fish, and are reported to migrate onshore to reproduce in winter. We have no winter lake survey data because of uncertain navigational conditions, and therefore did not know whether such migrations occurred at the Cook PIant.

In order to establish a serious impact level for numbers of entrain-ed benthos, it would be first necessary to know the percentage of benthic populations which migrate up into the water column, as well as the per-centage of these migrating animals which was actually drawn into the plant and the percentage of those which, in turn, were killed by being entrained. No good estimates of any of these parameters exist, so we cannot determine whether our sampling design will be adequate to detect (undefinable) serious negative impacts. Our design covers the known diurnal and seasonal periods of migratory activity extensively, and in the absence of more precise understanding of the phenomenon of migration, we are assuming the sampling program is adequate to detect ecologically significant amounts of entrained benthos. Only two sampling periods were missed in January-June, 1976. The intake sample for the sunrise-noon period on January 28 (second study of the month) was not obtained because of a sampling pump failure. No animal densities could be measured at the discharge during the sunset-midnight period on February 10 because of a flowmeter failure. Since either discharge or intake was represented in all required sampling periods, the lost data will not seriously impair achievement of the goals of the entrainment study. In 1975, we collected species-level data on entrained benthic macro-invertebrates, and these data have appeared in previous environmental operating reports. In 1976, we stopped collecting data on all but the larger crustaceans Pontopozeia a@finis, Mysis z'eHcta and Gammams spp. The largest concentrations of these crustaceans in 1975 entrainment samples were O.l/m3 for Pontoporeia (day, discharge, second week of May), 0.15/m for Gammams (night, discharge, fourth week of February) and 0.06/m for Mysis (night, intake, first week of June). In 1976, however, counts were higher than in 1975. Pontopoz'eia reached a density of 1/m in the sunset-midnight intake samples in the first week of January, and many of these were the mature males (active migrators). Mysis attained a density of 2.2/m in the sunset-midnight discharge samples the same night. Subsequently, entrained densities in 1976 have been similar to 1975 densities. These data are given in Table 4. Despite these higher densities of entrainment, no reductions in Pontoporeia populations near the plant were observed three months later in lake surveys. Ue have no way to .estimate lake populations of Mysis near the Cook Plant, since they are not sampled effectively by our methods. However, the bulk of Mysis in southern Lake Michigan live in the middle of. the lake, far from the Cook Plant, and this level of en-trainment does not appear to offer cause for concern. Many of those entrained were battered and broken, indicating that they may have been in the then-recirculating cooling system for some time, or alternatively, that the entrained individuals were dead of natural, post-reproductive causes before thay were entrained. Samples of entrained crayfish are available for the period January-June 1976, but they have not yet been processed. These data are not re-quired by the Technical Specifications, but will appear in a future report.


                                                                    -----OUTER ZONE 0 1,000'gS 2 JUI. JAN     JUL     JAN     JUL   JAN      JUL    JAN      JUL     JAN  JIIL    JAN    JUL 1970            1971           1972           1973             1974        1975           1976 PIGURK l. Density (animals/m2) of Pontopoz'cia affinis in the inner and outer sections of depth zone 0 (0-8  m depth). The error bars are standard errors. The vertical dotted line indicates the start of plant operation. At each sampling date, the inner data point is drawn slightly to the left of the outer point, for c1arity.

PONTOPORE IA Zone 1 1,000 gS l




JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 FIGURE 2. Density (animals/m ) of-Pontoporeia affinis in the inner and outer sections of (8-16 m depth). The error bars are standard errors. The vertical dotted line indicates the depth'one 1 start of plant operation.

I PONTOPORElA ZONE 2 10 II \ I 1,000'SI l I \

     /M'                      I I

I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I JUL . JAN JUL 'AN JUL ~ JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1976 1978 FIGURE 3. Density (animals/m ) of Pontopor cia affinis in the inner and outer sections of depth zone 2 (16-24 m depth). The error bars are standard errors. The vertical dotted line indicates the start of plant operation.


                                                   - ---OUTER iowa   0 4
                                                                  ~  ~

JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 . 1976 FIGURE 4.. Density (animals/m ) of Tubificidae in the inner and outer sections of depth zone 0 (0-8 m depth); The error bars are standard errors. The vertical dotted line indicates the start of plant operation.


                                                                          -----OUTER 20 1,000'Spy I

I I I 1 I 1 l


I I I I g I I I I I I JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN, JUL JAN JUL 1970 1971 1972 1973 '974 i975 1976 FIGURE 5. Density (animals/m ) of Tubificidae "in the inner and outer sections of depth zone 1 (8-16 m depth). The error bars are standard errors. The vertical dotted line indicates the start

  • of plant operation.

4 j'

                                      'UBIFICIDAE         iNNER
                                                     ""-OUTER ZONE 2

~/M'UL JAN .JUL JAN JUL .JAN JUL aAN JUI JAN "UL JAN JUL 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 '975 i976 FIGURE 6. Density (animals/m ) of Tubificidae in the inner and outer sections of depth zone 2 (16-24 m depth). The error bars are standard errors. The vertical dotted line indicates the start of plant operation.


                                                                            --OUTER 1,000'S/MI



I I I 1 I \ I \ I J I I I I I I I I KI I I I I JAN JUI- JAN JUI. JAN 'UI.. JAN JU!. JAN JUI. JAN JUI-1970 190 i972 1973 1975 I976 FIGURE 7. Density (animals/m2) of Chironomidae in the inner and outer sections of depth zone 0 (0-8 m depth). The error bars are standard errors. The vertical dotted line indicates the start of plant operation.

1 k e

CH f ROMOMlDAE ZQNE 1 -0UTER I I II I II I I II/ II JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN . JUL JAN JUL, JAN . JUL JAN JUL 1970 1971 1S72 iS73 1974 1976 19l6 FIGURE 8. Density (animals/m ) of Chironomidae in the inner and outer sections of depth zone 1 (8-16 m depth). The error .bars are standard errors. The vertical dotted line indicates the start of plant operation.

CHIRONOMtDAE INNER ZONE 2 1,000'syM, JUL JAN JUL JAN, JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN . JUL JAN JUL 1910 19'0 1912 19?3 1914 1915 1976 FIGURE 9; Density (animals/m ) of Chironomidae in the inner and outer sections of depth zone 2 (16-24 m depth). The error bars are standard errors. The vertical dotted line indicates the start of plant operation.


I ~ I I ll II ,l l ~ I I ' I C


TOTAL ANIMALS )NNER OUTER z N 0 I l' 1 I I I \ I I I l j x, \ JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL JAN JUL 1970 1971 1972 . 1973 , 1974 1975 1976 FIGURE 10. Density (animals/m2) of total animals in the inner and outer sections of depth zone 0 (0-8 m depth). The error bars are standard errors. The Oertical dotted line indicates the start of plant operation.

~ f 4


                                                                          - -'-OUrKR.

1,00D'sj+, 20 I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I l I I I II I I I I I I I I I I' I I JUL JAN JUL JAN 'UL JAN JUL - JAN . JUI. JAN JUL 1971 19?2 19T3 19?4 197S >9ZG FIGURE ll. Density (animals/m2) of total animals- in the inner and outer sections of depth zone 1 (8-16 m depth). The error: bars are standard errors. The vertical dotted line indicates the start of plant operation.


                                                             -- -OUTER 30                                     ZONE 2 X,OM Sg 20 I


  • 1973 1974 1975 FIGURE 12. Density (animals/m ) of total animals in the inner and outer sections of depth zone 2 (16-24 m depth). The error bars are standard errors. The vertical dotted line indicates the start of plant operation.

I TABLE 1. Survey data for major benthic taxa for April, 1976. The mean abundance of each taxon is given in number per square meter + its standard error. N is the number of grab casts on which each mean is based. At stations with N = 2, each sample consists of the contents of chamber f31 of a triplex Ponar grab. At stations with N = 4, each sample consists of the contents of the entire grab. ltcll I'974 Sccccoa e 5DCL SX XI 0 S I (I) (4) 1(i) (4) i! 71 7.) 4 15.1 + to.t + o 0


15.2 71ol 444 leo C 0 II

                                                              + 441 2 0

ol 0

                                                                                 +  IL$
                                                                                         ~ 15.2 +

0 15.1

                                                                                                                ~ ""         ~   '           <<

0 0 0

                                                                                                                                                            ~      eoo
                                                                                                                                                                   ))) ) +
                                                                                                                                                                            <<oo 2115 500.0 + 177,1 ICC.) + LOLO H

0 0 0 1).2 + 0 0 o N.i I 0 0 0 to.t 0 0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  +  )LI o

1)LI.I'2 I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             )CL5 + N4.5 I

511.7 257.4 + 177.) 444.I 2 N)if 5 C ccDC .5 L(i) 5.5 0 0 15.2 + 1$ .2 0 0 45.5 ~ 45.5 0 0 0 0 4O.C+ 9 IDC I I (4) 5.5 117,1 4 217 1 0 0 0 15,2 + 15.2 277 ) + 129.4 0 15 2+ 15 ~ 1 0 0 ~ 0 OOCII ZoDCZ 5X 7 I (i) 4.4 75.4 + 45.5 LS ~ 1 4 15.2 0 4$ .$ 4 19.0 45,5 + 15.1 7$ I+ )4.1 0 15.1+ 15.2 0 0 271.7 + 140.5 5DC 4 I (4) C.i 111 2+ 102.0 LS ~ 1 + 15,2 1$ .2 4 ILZ 0 1)oi o 15 ~ 1 247.9 + I).0 0 40.4 + 42.9 0 0 515.1 + 1$ 9.4 SDC I I (i) Cei IN.C + 104 I COC.O + 45.$ 1$ 2 + 15.2 75.l + )I.L )4.1 ~ LLS 54$ .4 + I S4,5 0 45 5 ~ 1t.o 0 0 1454.4 + 45 ~ 7 IX 4 I (4) 4.4 0 15 ~ Z ~ 15.1 0 I) 2+ 15 ~ 2 0 )4.) + 17.5 0 0 0 LL2 + I) 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~      75.4 +    )LI IX)1(i)              Li               0                 LS 2   ~     15.1         0         15f+        15,2                                   1).2 4       LS.Z     'Lo.t + 52,5             0              0            0        0          IN.4 + 57,4 ZCCCZ    I IICCLZ I (1) I) 7                                                                                                                          t4t.4 + 121 2                                           Nlel ~ IIL I            )0.)+10)

SX.L SDC-. I)-I(1) 1).7 N544 + Ifle1 5040.2 + 272.7

                                                    )494.4 + 1111 0 LNI.O +

70 Nt.i 0 0


1)) 1+



                                                                                                       )4   S       0 0


                                                                                                                              )Oe) D Soe) 0 i~

404.0 + 54$ ,4 ISLS NI.I + 0 i 212,1 + 151.$ too'9 0 0 0 121 2+ 0 0 0 599'l.l + I)LS.O 701t.C + L)))o1 DC I (1) 11. ~ 4101 ~ 4 + 1575.4 10)0.1 $ 0.$ + )0.$ 272 7 0 4DC.O 40.C 2)L) NL I+ 0 0 0 -4444.0 + 1))),2 IDC IX-I 2

     .2)-10)       Ii.l    199t.l    +  I)'ILI      2440.4 IILZ+ 0
                                                              + Nti.l            0         )0,) +


                                                                                                     ~ )0.1         0 0

0 $ 15.1

                                                                                                                                               )0.) 0      )4.) )0.1+

LIL~ 1 toot + )oe) 121.1 + 111.1

                                                                                                                                                                                )O.S )$ .) + )0.$           0 0

0 o 0 itt9.5 ZLLL +

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     + 3444 So.t

O) 1).7 0 0 D 0 ZCCCZ I O7711 I+0 IILI ill,~ 4 LIL.I 5X))(1) NS LNI + IILI 2405.I o 10)4.1 0 CN So.) + )4.$ 14)4. 2 )0,) + )0.)

                                                                                                                                                                                                            + )0) 0   to.t +  )0.1 9445.1 + LN1,)

5X)1(L) 101 419 I + NL) )4).4 ~ )0).0 to.t + )Ool )0.) + )0 1 151 ~ 5

                                                                                                                                             )4).4    +


                                                                                                                                                        )0) 5  )4LC     + ILL 2                   )0  )              0        li       Ii(4.) +     272.7 SX-2 )      (I)    14.5    LCN.'7 + 272e)             4'Li.t + So.t              0         )4.$ +       )4.$                        0                               40.4 + 0                          )4.)  + )4.$       0        0        2444.4       111.2
                                                                    )0.)                   )0.)   +     )0.)                                          0             )4.$ ~ )4.)                                                              )51,5 + to.t LCC-2-)
@DC 7 u)
          ) 0) 15 ~ S N.C 4O.C +

N94.7 + 411.1 40.4 )0.) 4)4.)

                                                              +   ))L 1 0

0 212.1 i )0.) 0 0 211.1 4 1515 III. ~ + 40. 4 )0.) 0

                                                                                                                                                                                                            + )4.1 0

0 0 0 )t4'AS 75)oS ZCCCZ 1 LCDCZZ I N) ) )0.) ))L) CX I 500 5

          ) (II 20.1
           )(I) 17.4 IN9.5 +

ilN.O + SL I 241.4

                                               ~       t4.9 + 94.9 14)0.2 ~ )0)
                                                       )4.)         )4.)
                                                                           )0 0

1 + )0.)

                                                                                            )0.)   i I )4.)
                                                                                                        )0.)   )0.)


                                                                                                                    + )Oe)    10  )


                                                                                                                                    + 10o) 172.7 271 ~ 7
                                                                                                                                               )4  )  +


                                                                                                                                                            )4.) NLC +

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NSC ~ 7 + 4090,5 CN.1 LC ) (I) N 1 LSLS+ 151 5 ~ 40.4 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 272 ~ 7 LSL ~ S IC 4 (I) ZLO 1)4).i + Nlel Nt.) e 4N.) 0 20)O.L + t)t.1 0 IIL2 + i 40.4 15(S 2 0 L4)4,2 Ill ~ ++ 04)4.) I 40.C + 0 0 INI C ~ + 1tDLC tNI.) IX 5 )(I) Ll.)

      ~                    1424.0 + 1242.1         Iiolt.) + 5744.9              0       IIIL.O + LIL.O       liloi + nloi     )0.)   )O.S  1494.4        121.4    41lol             1)) ~ 1 + 1)fof                     0                114)ie) +

zccoc 2 ollccK i'l).1 + Nio.t 0 Ii)4.'9 CN.I + )0.) 4 )0.$ III44. 7 + 4419.7 idol + )4.$ 0 t0.'9 + )4 1 0 )01 + $ 0.) ZNLLO NL,I 5CC 7 5 (27 SX 7 4 Ci) 21'9 19.2 19),7 + 271,7 SO 1 ION1.1 2 7714.5

                                                     )ill.o o      )4).0                     lD)   +   ILI~ 2       4 111 2 0         )4).0   io           LIC.4 + 40. 4             0        )0.) ~ )0.)        0        0        )410. 70I 2717.0 ~ LIILC            )CLC 7       N).4                  Lice.l 2      211.1   90.9  +  So.t   )0.) + )0.)  24co4. 4      121 ~  I L)C.Z + 44.4              0        )4.)  ~   )4.)     0   14.) +  )0,$  ~ tci,) ~ 2)ci.t SVe-4 CC-4 )
          ) (2)

(I) 19.1 It.i 0 )4.) + )0.) 44.4 + 40.4 0 0 ~0 ~ C0.4 i 0 0 0 0 0 ~l~ I 90.9 OX-7-$ (I) N.f N'IC,) 4 ILI 5 )ill.f+ LO)0.) 2999.7 + 277,7 404.0 + )0)oo LIL,I + Nl.l $ 447,9 2 IIDL9 247.4 + I 0 0 0 40.4 +40 C Noit ) 4ti.t

TABLE 2.. Survey data for major benthic taxa for May, 1976. The mean abundance of each taxon is given in number per square meter + its standard error. N is the number of grab casts on which each mean is based. At stations with N = 3, each sample consists of the contents of chamber 81 of a triplex Ponar grab. At stations with N = 5, each sample consists of the contents of the entire grab. )tat ItN l LC I I lo (5) dotth I I 7.) 0 l 1 S.LC illl II

                                                                  $ .0 lllr 4.05 + 4.01
                                                                                             ~l     0                                0
                                                                                                                                             $ (otdtoe 0
                                                                                                                                                           ~ 7$  ,     . Cljteaeajdae
                                                                                                                                                                         )N,S o    4$ .4 Rttedhoa 0

Ototaejata tejaeaata Othot total eataat 7$ 7.0 I+


44.0 SX .5 l(S) 4.4 0 I$ .4 + )).) 5).4 + )5.5 0 0 4.CS + 4.05 SLI ~ I o42 5 0 4IO.C M.O SX ~ 5 I(S) 4.4 55.7 + 2).l M ~ IS.) 4.4$ + LOS S.N + 5.0 0 4.04 o I ~ 05 Itt.t o~ I~ 0 0 MI.C o 45.$ SX ) I (5) SX 7 I (S) 4.4 4.4

                            $ 4.7 + 24.5 IC ~ ) + 14.1 0
                                                             +    L2 4                 0                                0 I.OS + 4,05 0                2)2.2     ILl            0                                                    )tl.t +       4t.'t 4'SI,S 0                 0                                                   0                 Ce. ~  +  14.S          0                                                    IW.) o        21.5 DC   I    0)   12. 5           202 +    II).7                 + 04.2      IO.I       24.2     40.4 + 20.2            0                0         40.5     +    $ ).I       I)L   2+It)         40.4 + 40,4          0                          0            707 +     )I) I
0) '2NL o NIC I III. I M.I ~

XI) 1040+ M) 5).4 NL.I DC 17.4 40.4 40. 0 0 o 171.1 + 20 1 0 0 0 IN$ .4 o 25747

0) 2I ~ 0 $ 054 + 1044 M)LI.S ~ IteS NLI + 5). I . )555 o 10)I 747 ~ I o ItIl7 0 5)5) o )05.7 242.4 + 5).I 0 101 o IO,I 201 o 12Ll "SN5 + )21).$

DC 5 0) 25 ~ 4 ~ 704.1 + IIN MM + )vv.L 4 $ 7)7 + 107) 20.2 + 20.2 0 4$ 4$ o 54). I SOS+202 0 0 10.2 + 10.2 1ONC o )07 DC I 0) 4) ~ 0


701$ ~ 4 o MN jtjt o+ 7N.S 0 1555 o )5).t 0 IIN.4 o 4)4.$ 241.4 o )5.0 0 r 4 20.2 + 20.2 I)455 o ))7.$ SX 7 $ 0) 7NL + 1)CI Lt5t I)7.5 0 IIIS + ISI.S 12LI + )45 ) 0 I)M + ISI2 N).4 o SS,O 20.1+ 10.2 20.2 + 20.2 20 1 + 14401 ~ )515 CX 7 5 0) 22.$ NN + NSO 4)I) + )NC IO.I IO,I 4$ 4$ + Ijtl M2.2 + 72.5 20,2 + 20,5 . ))H + ISOS 207 o 5LI 0 10.2 + 20.2 0 10 2 NIIS o )t)l TABLE 3. Survey data for major benthic taxa for June, 1976. The mean abundance of each taxon is given in number per square meter + its standard error. N is the number of grab casts on which each mean is based. At stations with N = 3, each sample consists of the contents of chamber 81 of a triplex Ponar grab. At stations with N = 5, each sample consists of the contents of the entire grab. doaa 1574 Stattoa (5) I datttt (e) I.I

                               ~ , at(tot ~                     ll               l           ~rl                                                                                                  IAl             >>    \                       1 ItNll o DC        (S)                       0              11 2      e      5.0           0                 0                               0                    0               2$ $4  ) o SII I            0               0              0           0                        SINS SX .5 I($)      I.I                 0              7)r5 +         20. ~  1))LI o 545.1          4,1+    41                          0                    0               NN.) + )$ 1.1-

0 0 0 4.04 I.L 272$ .5 + 4)1 5 5OC .5 I($ ) 44 )$ 4 5 o 502 122.4 o I). I Il).I 7) ~ 0 40 ~ o )0 't ILM+ I I ~ IL) o 7.4 Sj),2 o M).I I DS II S.II + 5.0 0 14.') o 12.0 1St j ~ I o 1S4 5 SX-7-1 (S) 71 ~ .No 5.0 12.2 + 4.2 ) 2.4 ILt 0 0 )$ 4.$ + IOL I 0 0 1( 40).$ o 107 5 SX-7-1 0) CI ~ Ilo $ 0 Nr'5 o IO 0 ILC I).l 12 1+ ltj 0 l.2 o 5.2 104,2 o 40$ ~ I 0 0 0 0 M)4,2 ~ 457,0 DC I 0) I) 7 ~ 4141 ~ I ~ M7 5 ISSSIo 402 ~ 5 10.2 10.1 0 20 2+ 20.2. 40.4 o )).0 121 I o+ t 2.4 242 ~ 1 + III 2~ 24.2 + 20.1 40. ~ o 40 I 0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      'O172.2   o 71.5     4405 ~ 4 o    SN 7 DC )      0)   11.1       707.0     +   LM.)      NI 4+  ~       20$ .0   10).0 o IOL.O             0        20.1 o 10.2                        20.2         20.2           44.4 +    )5.0           4               0              0        ~ + $ ).I     1151 I o      44$   I DC I      0)   20.1     1070.0      +   SM.S     N5.4 +          SIC.'1           0         IIII.O o Ilt 5  221 1 ~ LOI,O           0        WI) 0       + Sl2.)          IOL~ 0+     10 I           0        10.2   o 20.2         0    IO.I + IO.I 4704.4 o          IW).1 DC'r)0)                                                                                                                                                                         Ioo
                                                                                                          ~                                         ~

2).IC IOII5. ~ o IN.I 1)$ 5.5 o 705.7 0 )$ )$ .0+ MO.I 40.1 o $ ).I 0 )l)1.4 + Stl.l IW 721 0 0 0 20.1 + 20.2 20)jj 2 o I)4$ 5 LC I 0) 41.1 )j)0.4 + ttt.l )Mj.l + NL5 0 2454.4 o IL).0 0 1757.4 o $ 75 I ~ SO.S IO.l 0 0 0 24.1 + 20.2 N)N.I o $ 047. ~ SX 7 $ 0) 24 ~ 7 M)2,4 o SLS.O I)I).0 + $ 05. 5 0 NSI.I o NS.) IO.C + )S,O 0 1III.4 + IOLI 102.0 + Sl I 20 I o 20 2 0 0 IO.I + IO.I tOIt.l o 1M) )

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          )SIN,I+ SISI 0

5X 7 5 0) 22.$ )4$ 4.4 o IN) ~4 I)I2. I + 2)4).7 0 S4S4.0 + 440.1 M).1+ 1$ 1.7 0 IMI.~ + IIS.) ILLIo 40 4 0 0 0 0

'I 18 TABLE 4. Benthos entrainment data, January-June 1976- Pontoporeia affinis, number per m . I = intake, D = discharge. Week II Week IV Midn Sunr Noon Suns Midn Sunr Noon Sunr Sunr Noon Suns Midn Sunr Noon Suns Midn JANUARY I 0.46 0.09 0.28 0.98 0.77 0-33 0.35 D 0.12 0-14 0.10 " 0.60 0-10 0-07 0-05 0.20 . FEBRUARY I 0 04 0 0 09 0 0 D 0 03 0 03 0 0 .02 MARCH . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.07 D 0 0 0 0.02 0 0 0.06 APRIL I 0.01 0 0 0 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.09 D 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.11 I 0 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.16 0.14 D 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 . 0.02 JUNE I D 0 02 0.02 0 01 0 0 0 0'.21 0 0 0 0.03 0 0.01 0.32 0.12

yJ 'h IP y1

19 I TABLE 5. Benthos entrainment data, January-June 1976: Huis relicta, number per m . I intake, D = discharge. Week II Week IV Sunr Midn Sunr Noon *Suns Midn Sunr Noon

                   ~ Sunr   Noon     Suns    Midn Sunr   Noon   Suns  Midn JANUARY I     0.66    0.84    0.06    1.74 0.18            0    0.02 0.02 D     0.61    0.71    0.19    2.17 0.02     0      0 FEBRUARY I     0. 05      0       0    0.24 0.08     0      0    0.08 0.04 D     0.04       0       0         0.04     0      0 MARCH I     0 052      0       0    0.09 0.013
                                                    .04 0.01 0.02 0.04   0.01 0

D 0.04 0 0 0.06 0 APRIL I 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 D 0 0 0 0 0 I 0.02 0 0 0 0.29 0.03 D 001 0 0 0 0 0 02 JUNE I 0.22 0.02 0.02 0.18 0 0 0 0 D 0.56 0.01 0.01 0.22 0 0 0 0

y l l t'

   ~  ll l'

A e x B Fish

Environmental Operating Report - January-June 1976 FISH David J, Jude Gill nets Trawls and Seines 1976 catches have not yet been processed in detail. Therefore, only gen-eral qualitative remarks can be made about the results at present. In addition, much of the 1975 data has not been analyzed, so comparison of preoperational and post-operational periods at the Cook Plant is diffi-cult. No fishing was done in January 1976 due to bad weather. Only the period February-May will be examined here, with emphasis on April-May when complete standard series fishing was performed. Por a more complete synopsis of the data see Tables 1-18. Species composition in February and March of 1976 was similar to that observed in previous years. Predominant species in 1976 (all gears combined) were spottail shiner, yellow perch, white and longnose suckers, and brown trout. As expected, numbers of fish caught in February were much lower than in warmer months. All of the above species were also observed in February 1973. No fishing was done in February of 1974-75. March 1976 catches were dominated by alewife, spottail, and smelt, which were also the most frequent species in 1973-75 March catches. In 1975 longnose suckers were also abundant in March. Numerically prominent species in April 1976 were alewife, spottail, smelt, yellow perch and slimy sculpin. The first three species were observed frequently in April of 1973-75 too. In 1975 coho salmon were numerous in the April catches as well. Yellow perch were uncommon in April 1973 when only 16 weretaken in standard series efforts. During May 1976, alewife, spottail, smelt, trout-perch, johnny darter and brown trout were all caught frequently. These fish were common in May catches of the preceding years, though brown trout were less so, Alewife, spot-tail and smelt were the most frequent fish taken in May of all four years (1973-76). To date, no substantial change in species composition is apparent in standard series fishing between preoperational and operational'eriods in the February-May part of the year, However, much information for 1975-76 has yet to be examined before the question of impact of the plant on fish populations can be answered properly. Pish Larvae and E s 1 (2) ZieEd Samples. None of the 1976 samples have been examined and much of the 1975 field larvae<<egg data has not yet been analyzed. There-fore, no comment can be made about possible plant effects on field larvae 'nd eggs. Complete standard series samples have been collected for Ap'ril-June, as required in the Environmental Technical Specifications.

I Additional samples were taken in February. (2) Entrainment. All required samples were taken from JanuaryJune except for three in January. Two of these could not be taken due to diaphragm pump failure and one was lost due to par breakage. None of the 1976 entrainment samples have been examined. One April sample was also lost in the laboratory. Volumes of condenser water sampled each month , were: January - 329,231 gal., February 371,823 gal., March 348,749 gal., and April 697,123+ gal. (more gallons were pumped, but meter malfunction occurred and unknown volumes were pumped for four samples) May 482,991 gal., June not available. 1974 data has indicated that entrainment of larvae and eggs is a seasonally variable problem. During months of high larvae and egg abundance in inshore waters (June-August) entrained larvae can range from 135,000 to 2.5 million per day and eggs from 262,000 to 20,000,000 per day of full Unit 1 operation (based on 1974 data). By contrast, fall and winter entrainment is much less ex-tensive since few fish spawn during that time. Many of our fall-winter samples contain no larvae or eggs. Field samples collected simultaneously during entrainment sampling (mainly 1975-76) should help us determine num-bers of larvae and eggs in the study area. With this information we can determine if a significant percentage of organisms is being drawn into the plant's condensers. These results will be forthcoming in future reports. Alewives and smelt are the most frequently entrained species. Spottails and yellow perch are also entrained to a lesser extent and there are a few other species also taken (johnny darter, sculpin, trout-perch, etc.). Due to great similarity of appearance and size of fish eggs collected we are unable to distinguish eggs of most species. Im in ement Daily volumes pumped for January through June 1976 are given in Tables 19-24. A corrected version of the July 1975 pump data appears as Table 25. This supersedes Table 21 of the last semi-annual report. The weight of each species of fish impinged is presented in Table 26, by month, for January through June 1975. Table 27 covers July-December 1976. Most of these data have been reported previously, but are given here in a new for-mat. Table 28 presents impingement data for January through April, 1976. This table reflects the changeover to an every-fourth-day sampling plan in March, 1976. For March and April, we present both the actual weight impinged during the days sampled and the estimated total weight impinged during the month. Data for May and June will appear in the next report. Foreba Visual Ins ection l A salmonid fish was observed in the forebay during January inspec-tion at Grate 7. No fish were observed in the forebay in February or March. In April 30-60 fish of unknown species were seen schooling at Grate l. In May a salmonid was seen at Grate 4 and 10 alewives were ob-served at Grate l. One of the latter had a fungus infection. June data is not available.

Potential Ne ative Im acts Among impacts which we would consider serious if they did occur are the following: (1) Fish kills due to AT (either heating of water by plume or cooling, e.g,, if plant shut down suddenly in winter) could be detrimental to local populations. Die-offs could litter beaches and in-shore waters with fish. Important sport or commercial fish might be in-

'cluded in die-offs. We should be able to detect an occurrence like this, although is would be necessary to distinguish such a die-off from periodic alewife die-offs due to other causes. Gizzard shad, which are increasing in the study area (even prior to plant operation) are also known to die off both in summer and winter. Post-spawning mortality occurs in many species in summer. In cases of kills not due to the plant, our control stations should also show die-offs. (2) Damage to coregonid populations due to impingement, heat kills. This is not expected to be extensive in the case of the coregonids which reside mainly in cold, deep offshore waters.     (3) Increase in fish disease--could occur     if fish were attracted to the plume so that dense populations became established, increasing chances of spread of disease that occur naturally in fish populations.

Year-round warming of water by the plume could also permit certain diseases to over-winter more readily assuming that the host fish remain in the plume area, increasing incidence of disease in local populations. We could detect this where external parasites (fungus, bacterial growth on gills, tumors, etc.) were concerned since we have routinely recorded these conditions when seen. Some digestive-tract parasites are also observed during fish processing (acanthocephalans, some tapeworms) but microscopic parasites and those in tissues like muscle often go undetected and their increase would not be noted unless effects of the disease were gross-emaciation of the fish, for example. Drastic change in species composition in the study area due to thermal preference factors should . be detectable and could locally affect the ecological balance of the lake. (4) Relocation of nursery or spawning areas, which might be evident from field data on larvae abundances. Temperature is known to affect spawn-ing and a heated plume could attract or repel fish species from the study area during spawning. If fish were attracted during spawning increased egg and larvae entrainment might occur, possibly affecting local fish population structure, Spawning seasons might also be affected by the heated plume (could'e detected in our monitoring of gonad condition), possibly resulting in larvae hatching at a time not suited to their sur-vival. Fish larvae of some species. (alewife, spottail shiner) are known to occur in warmer waters than the adults and may be attrached to warmer water, which could also lead to increased entrainment. Finally~ we stress that it's too early to tell if any of. these effects (or others) have 'occurred in the vicinity of the Cook Plant. We only present this infor-mation to indicate impacts which ~mi ht occur. REFERENCE Jude, D. J., F, J. Tesar, J. A. Dorr III, T. J. Miller, P. J. Rago and D. J. Stewart. 1975. Xnshore Lake Michigan fish populations near the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, 1973. Univ. of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 52, 267 p.


TABLE 1. Preliminary report of gillnet catches for the month of January 1976. Date: Station: C D R. G H Time: Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Species Alewife, Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard shad Golden shiner Johnn darter Lake trout Lake whitefish Lar cmouth bass l~ Lon nose dace ~ Mottled scul in Lon nose sucker Nines ine stklbk. Northern ike Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner Trout- erch Unident. core . White sucker Yellow erch Misc. Zero Catch No Fishing X X X X X X Code: F ~ few (1-10 fish), M ~ many (11-50 fish), N ~ numerous (51-100), A ~ abundant (more than 100 fish)



TABLE 2. Preliminary report of gillnet c'atches for the month of February 1976. Date: Q.ZQ Q.29. 2L2Q 'lZQ ZLZQ 2l20 Station: C D R G ' Time: Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Species Alewife Black bullhead Blueoill Brown trout Burbot Car Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard shiner shad'olden Johnn darter Lake trout Lake whitefish Lar cmouth bass Lon nose dace ' Lon nose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine stklbk. 10 Northern ike Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner Trout- erch Unident. core White sucker Yellow erch Hisc. Zero Catch No Fishing X X Code: F ~ few (1-10 fish), M ~ many (11-50 fish), N ~ numerous (51-100), A ~ abundant (more than 100 fish)


TABLE 3. Preliminary report of gillnet catches for the month of March 1976. Date: 3J 28 3/28 Q f2g Station: C D R G H Time: Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Species Alewife A A A A Black bullhead Blue Bxown ill trout Burbot Caro Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard shad Golden shiner Johnn darter Lake trout Lake whitefisn Lar cmouth bass Lon nose dace ' Lon nose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine stklbk. Northern ike Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner N N N Txout- erch Unident. core . White sucker Yellow erch I Zero Catch No Fishing X X Code: F ~ few (1-10 fish), M = many (11-50 fish), N ~ numerous (51-100), A ~ abundant (more than 100 fish)

Cl 7


Preliminary report of gillnet catches for the month of April 1976. TABLE 4.

                                                                      'I Date:                 4/13   4/12   4/13   4/12   4/13   @412   +413     4+12   QQ     @12   4/13    +12 Station:                   C             D             R                             G             H Time:                 Day   Night Day Night      Day    Night   Day  Night Day . Night        Day   Night Species Alewife                 A      N      A Black bullhead Blue  ill Brown trout BurboL Car Channel catfish

-Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard shad Golden shiner Johnn darter Lake trout Lake whitefisn Lar cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lon nose sucker Hottled scul in Nines ine stklbk. Northern ike Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner Trout- erch Unident. core White sucker Yellow erch Misc. Zero Catch No Fishing Code: F ~ fev (1-10 fish), H ~ many (11-50 fish), N ~ numerous (51-100), A ~ abundant (more than 100 fish)

TABLE 5. Preliminary report of gillnet catches for the month of May 1976. Date: 5/12 5/12 5/12 5/12 5/12 5/12 5/12 5/12 5/12 5/12 5/12

                                                                                                'H Station:                      C           D            R Time:                   Day    Night Day Night Day Night       Day  Night Day Night        Day   Night Species Alewife                    N      A Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car Channel catfish
 -Chinook salmon Coho salmon                     12 Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard shad Golden shiner Johnn darter Lake trout Lake    whitefish Lar cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lon nose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine stklbk.

Northern ike Rainbow smelt Rainbow -trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner A A N N Trout- erch Unident. core . White sucker Yellow erch ~ Misc ~ Lake stur eon Zero Catch No Fishing Code: F = few (1-10 fish), M many (11-50 fish), N numerous (51-100), A abundant (more than 100 fish)

TABLE 6. Preliminary report of gillnet catches for the month of June 1976. Date: 21 21 21 21 21 21 Station: R H Timer Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Species Alewife A N A A Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard shad Golden shiner Johnn darter Lake trout Lake whitefisn Lar cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lon nose sucker Hottled scul in Nines ine stklbk. Northern ike Rainbow smelt N Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner Trout- erch Unident. core F White sucker Yellow erch N N N 1fisc. Zero Catch No Fishing Code: F few (1-10 fish), M many (11-50 fish), N numerous (51-100), A abundant (more than 100 fish)

10 TABLE 7. Preliminary report of trawl catches for the month of January 1976. Date: Station: Time Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night

     'eplicate:            1     2  1   2    1     2   1   2    1     2   1   2   1     2   1    2    1     2 1   2 Species

'Alewife Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard shad Golden shiner Johnn darter Lake trout Lake whitefish Lar cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lon nose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine stklbk. Northern ike Rainbow smelt Rainbo~ trout Rock bass '. Slim scul in S ottail shiner Trout erch Unident. core I)hite sucker Yellow erch Misc. Zero Catch No Fishing X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Code: F few (1-10 fish), M many (11-50), N numerous (51-100), A .abundant (more than 100 fish)

TABLE 8. Preliminary report of trawl catches for the month of 'February 1976, ate: Station: Time: Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Replicate: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1, 2 1 2 Species Alewife Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard shad Golden shiner Johnn darter Lake trout Lake whitefish r outh bass on nose dace Lon nose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine stklbk. Northern ike Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner Trout- erch Unident. core White sucker Yellow erch Misc. Zero Catch No Fishing X X X X X X X X X' X X X X Code: F few (1-10 fish) fish), M = many (11-50), N numerous (51-100), A ~ abundant (more than 3.00

12-LE 9. Preliminary report of trawl catches for the month of March 1976. Date: Station: Time: Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Replicate: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Species Alewife Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard shad Golden shiner ohnn darter ake whitefish . Lar cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lon nose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine stklbk. Northern ike Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner Trout- erch Unident. core Mhite sucker Yellow erch Misc. h ero Catch

  'o Fishing"         X     X   X   X    X     X   X    X            X   X   X       X    X     X    X   X Code:    F   few (1-10  fish),  M   many   (11-50 fish),  N  numerous (51-100),  A   abundant   (more than 100  fish)

0 LE 10. Preliminary report of trawl catches for the month of April 1976, Date: 4/12/76 4/12/76 4/12/76 4/12/76 Station: Time e Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night ~ Day Night 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Replicate: 1 2 1 Species Alewife M M M M M M A A M M M N M M M M Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard shad Golden shiner Johnn darter ake trout ke whit fish r cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lon nose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine stklbk. Northern ike Rainbow smelt F F F F F F F Rainbo~ trout Rock bass Slim scul in F F F F F F' F F S ottail shiner F F M F M F F M F F F M F Trout- erch Unident. core~. Nhite sucker Yellow erch F F F F I 1 F Misc. Zero Catch Code: F few (1-10 fish), M many (11-50 fish), N numerous (51-100), A o abundant (more than 100 fish)

h 14 I LE ll. Preliminary report of trawl catches for the month of May 1976. Date: aQ.Ol Z6 5~06 SI 10Q6 . Station: Time: Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night. 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Replicate:: 1 2 P 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 Species Alewife N N A A N A A A A A A A A F M Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Pathead minnow Gizzard shad Golden shiner Johnn darter F F 1 F F, F F P F F F P F F ake trout ar cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lon nose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine stklbk. F 1 1 2 Northern ike Rainbow smelt F F F F F F F Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in 1 'F S ottail shiner F F F F P 1 F F F F 'F F M Trout- erch 1 F F 4 F F F F F Unident. core White sucker Yellow erch Misc. 7ero Catch Pishing Code: P few (1-10 fish), M many (11-50 fish), N numerous (51-100), A = abundant (more than 100 fish) ~

15 BLE 12. Preliminary report of trawl catches for the month of June 1976, Date: 6/14/76 6/14/76 '/14/76 6/Zg76. 6/14/76 Station: Time Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Replicate:- 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Species Alewife Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard shad Golden shiner Johnn darter 4 2 F ake trout ke whitefish r cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lon nose sucker 'ottled scul in Nines ine stklbk. Northern ike

'Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S  ottail shiner Trout- erch Unident. core Mhite sucker Yellow erch                    M   F                             1  M                         10 Misc.

Zero Catch X Fishing Code: F few (1-10 fish), M many (11-50 fish), N numerous (51-100), A ~ abundant (more than 100 fish)

e pl II ~ I HV t

16 TABLE 13. Preliminary report of seine catches for the month of January 1976. Date Station: Time: Day Night Day Night Day Night Replicate: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Species Alewife Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard'shad Golden shiner Johnn 'darter . Lake trout Lake whitefish Lar cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lon nose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine ike stklbk.'orthern Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner Trout- erch Unident. core onids ophite sucker Yellow erch

 ? fisc.

Zero Catch No Fishing X X Code: F few (1-10 fish)," M many (11-50 fish), N numerous (51-100), A = abundant (more than 100 fish)

17 TABLE 14. Preliminary report of seine catches for the month of February 1976, Date: 2/26 2/25 2/26 2/25 Station: Time: Day Night Day Night Day Night Replicate: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1. 2 ' 2 Species Alewife Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car Channel catf ish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard'shad Golden shiner Johnn 'darter

 , Lake trout Lake whitefish I

Lar cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lon nose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine ike stklbk.'orthern Rainbow sm8lt Rainbow tr'out Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner Trout erch Unident. core onid" White sucker Yellow erch Misc. No Fishing X X Code: F few (1-10 fish), M many (11-50 fish), N numerous (51-100), A abundant (more than 100 fish)

18 TABLE 15. Preliminary report of seine catches for the month of March 1976. Date: Station: Time: Day Night Day Night Day Night Replicate: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Species Alewife Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard'shad Golden shiner Johnn 'darter Lake trout Lake whitefish Lar~emouth bass Lon nose dace Lon~nose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine ike stklbk.'orthern Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner Trout- erch Unident. core onids White sucker Yellow erch Misc. Zero Catch No Fishing X X X X X Code: F ~ few (1-10 fish), M = many (11-50 fish), N ~ numerous (51-100), A = abundant (more than 100 fish)

19 TABLE 16. Preliminary report of seine catches for the month of April 1976. Date: <</12 4/13 4/12 4/13 <</12 4/13 Station: Time: ~ Day Night, Day Night Day Night Replicate: 1 2, 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Species Alewife F. F Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car Channel catfish Chinook salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard'shad Golden shiner Johnn 'darter . Lake trout Lake whitefish Lar cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lononose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine ike stklbk.'orthern Rainbow smelt M Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner M' M F Trout- erch Unident. core onids Vhite sucker Xellow erch Misc. Brook silversides Zero Catch No Fishing Code: F few (1-10 fish); M many (11-50 fish), N numerous (51-100), A abundant (more than 100 fish)

20 TABLE 17. Preliminary report of seine catches for the month of May 1976. Date: Station: ", 5/10 5/10 '10 5/10 5/10 5/10 . Time: Day Night Day Night Day Night Replicate: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Species Alewife M. M Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout Burbot Car 2 1 Channel catfish Chinook salmon

   ,Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard'shad Golden shiner Johnn 'darter
 . Lake trout Lake whitefish

~ Lar cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lon nose sucker Mottled scul in Nines ine ike stklbk.'orthern Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner Trout erch Unident. core onids White sucker Yellow erch Misc. Zero Catch No Fishing Code: F = few (1-10 fish), M many (11-50 fish), N = numerous (51-100), A abundant (more than 100 fish)

21 TABLE 18. Preliminary report of seine catches for the month of June 1976". Date: 6/14 6/14 6/14 6/14 6/14 6/14 . Station: F Time: Day Night Day Night Day Night Replicate: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Species Alewife A' Black bullhead Blue Brown ill trout

   'Burbot Car Channel   catfish Chinook. salmon Coho salmon Emerald shiner Fathead minnow Gizzard'shad Golden shiner Johnn 'darter
 ,  Lake trout Lake whitefish Lar cmouth bass Lon nose dace Lon nose sucker

~ Mottled scul in Nines ine ike stklbk.'orthern Rainbow smelt Rainbow trout Rock bass Slim scul in S ottail shiner Trout- exch Unident. core onids White sucker Yellow erch Misc. uillback ~ Zero Catch No Fishing Code: F = few (1-10 fish), M many (11-50 fish), N ~ numerous (51-100), A abundant (more than 100 fish)

22 TABLE 19. Circulating water system environmental data for the month of January, 1976, supplied by Cook >Operations Engineer C. Antonowitsch. No. of Mean current pumps~ Volume pumped vel. at intake Mean AT Mean temperature Day running (gal x 10") grill {ft/sec) {'F) discharge ('F) 1 .412 .478 3.3 41.5 2 0 0 0.2 37.2'5.4 3 0 0 0.1 4 0 0 0.5 33.8 5 .859 .462 14.9 51.7 6 .813 .438 23.0 59.0 7 .793 .428 23.2 57 7 F 8 .800 .432 23.0 57.9 9 .820 .442 22.6 58.6 10 .815 .438 20. 6 57.2 11 .815 .438 20. 9 56.9 12 .815 .438 22. 6 58.0 13 .814 .438 22.5 57.4 14 .803 .432 23.1 58.7 15 .829 .446 21. 9 58. 1 16 .820 .442 22,1 56.7 17 .811 .438 23.0 58.2 18 .810 .436 22.4 58.5 19 .844 .454 22.3 57.2 20 .824 .444 22.2 57.1 21 .829 .446 22.2 56. 6 22 .832 .448 22.1 59.2 23 ~ 867 .466 21.3 57.4 24 .828 .446 22.0 57.4 25 .828 .466 21.7 57.6 26 .827 ,444 22.0 56.7 27 .829 .446 21.8 57.4 28 .829 .446 21.7 56.8 29 .824 .444 21.8 56.5 30 .829 .446 22.1 57.6 31 .832 .448 21. 8 58.1 Total flow for January = 22.651 x 10 gal

II 23 TABLE 20. Circulating water system environmental data for the month of February, 1976, supplied by Cook Operations Engineer C. Antonowitsch. No. of Mean current pumps'olume pumped vel. at intake Mean AT Mean temperature Day running (gal x 10 ) grill (ft/sec) ('F) discharge ('F) 1 2 .828 .444 21.8 57.9 2 2 .844 .454 21.6 57.4 3 2 .844 .454 22.0 58.1 4 2 .844 .454 21. 7 59.3 5 2 .842 .452 21.7 59.1 6 2 .840 .452 21.1 58.2 7 2. .490 .227 2.9 36.4 8 0 Ice condenser defrost 9 2 .800 .432 18.7 54.5 10 2 .841 .452 21.0 56.3 ll 12 2 2 .846

                                         .466 11.9 19.5 47.5 53.9 13     2             .866                 .466       21. 0         56.9 14      2            .858                 .462       21. 3         57.2 15      2            .867                 .466       21.2          57.0 16      2            .866                 .466       21. 3         58.9 17     2             .858                 .462       22.1          57.9 18      2            .845                 .454       21.9          56.9 19     2             .849                 .458       22.0          57 '

20 2 .844 .454 21.8 57.3 21 2 .844 .454 21.9 60.6 22 2 .848 .458 21.9 59.4 23 2 .870 .468 21.2 57.3 24 2 .867 .468 21.2 56.8 25 2 .870 .468 21.3 57.7 26 2 .724 .390 4.4 41.4 27 2 .863 .468 20.8 58.3 28 2 .870 .468 20.5 59.9 29 2 .870 .468 20. 9 60.9 Total flow for February = 23.370 x 10~ gal

24 TABLE 21. Circulating water system environmental data for the month of March, 1976, supplied by Cook Operations Engineer C. Antonowitsch. No. of Mean current pumps Volume pumped vel. at intake Mean AT Mean temperature Day running (gal x 10 ) grill (ft/sec) ('P) discharge ('F) 1 2 .870 .468 20. 8 62. 7 2 2 .870 .468 20.6 59.2 3 2 .870 .468 21.1 61.0 4 ' 2 .870 .468 21.1 62.4 5 2 .870 .468 21.0 61.0 2 .872 .468 21.2 59.6 7 2 .954 .537 19.5 58.3 8 3 1.108 .597 16.4 56.1 9 3 1.043 .511 17.6 57 ' 10 3 .912 .506 21.3 60.4 ll 12 3 3

                                        .531 12.1 16.6 51.3 55.1 13      2           .833                 .448      21.5         60.4 14      3           .997               '.464       21.2         59.9 15      2           .815                 .442      13.3         54.3 16      2           .840                 .452      22.9         62.5 17      2           .828                 .446      21.7         60. 2 18      2           .832                 .448      21.8         59.7 19      2           .831                 .448      21.7         60. 6 20      2           .833                 .448      21.7         61. 9 21      2           ~ 831                .448      21.8         63. 6 22     2            .838                 .452      21.7         62. 8 23     2            .837                 .452      21.6         63. 0 24      2           .839                 .452      21.7         62.9 25     2            .833                 .448      17.2        58. 8 26     2            .834                 .450      17.3        59.2 27      2           .839                 .452      19.5        64.4 28     2            .843                 .454      20.9         63.8 29      2           .844                 .454      21.1        64.5 30      2           .844                 .454      21.4        64.6 31     3          1.097                  .591      17.8        61.2 Total flow for March   = 27.378 x 10~ gal

vr 25 TABLE 22. Circulating water system environmental data for the month of April, 1976, supplied by Cook Operations Engineer C. Antonowitsch. No. of Mean current pumps Volume pumped vel. at intake Mean AT Mean temperature Day running , (gal x 10 ) grill (ft/sec) ('F) discharge ('F) 1 3 1. 094 .588 18.5 61.5 2 3 1. 045 .564 20.1 62.8 3 3. 1. 066 .576 19.6 62. 2 4 3 , 1.069 .576 19. 9 65.3 5 3- 1.069 .576 19. 6 64.7 6 3 1.082 .585 19.7 63.9 7 3 1.092 .588 '9.6 65.0 8 3 1.092 '588 19.1 66.6 9 3 1.084 .585 20.0 66.3 10 3 1.097 .591 18.9 64.7 ll 12 3 3 1.082 1.092

                                        .588 19.8 19.9 67.4 66,0 13     1                  .427          .229          0.8           47.2 14     1                  .422          .227 15     1                  .410          .221 16     1                  .408          .219

'17 1 .408 .219 18 1 . .391 .211 19 1 .389 .210 20 1 .389 .210 21 1 .389 ,210 22 1 .389 . 210 23 1 .392 .211 24 1 .393 .212 25 1 .390 .210 26 1 .391 .210 '27 1 .390, .210 28 1 .393 .212 29 1 ~ .393 .212 30 1 .393 .212 Total flow for April ~ 20.121 x 10~ gal

26 TABLE 23. Circulating water system 'environmental data for the month of May, 1976, supplied by Cook Operations Engineer C. Antonowitsch. No. of Mean current pumps Volume pumped vel. at intake Mean AT Mean temperature Day running (gal x 10 ) grill (ft/sec) ('F) discharge ('F) 1 1 .393 .212 10.3 60.2 2 1 .393 .212 8.7 60.7 3 1 .393 .212 7.4 58,2 4 1 .393 .212 10.5 61.6 5 1 .393 .212 11.5 63.9 6 1 .390 .210 10.2 63.4 7 1 .387 .209 8.2 59.2 8 1 .393 .212 3.1 54.7 9 2 .755 .406 1.1 53.6 10 2 .821 .442 6.7 61.9 ll 12 2 2

                                        .446 16.2 19.4 72 F 1 73.3 13     2            .831                 .448        19.6           73.3 14     2            .752                 .428        16.2           69.7 15     1            .439                 .200         1.8           52.9 16     2            .813                 .438        12.4           62.4 17     2            .851                 .458        18.7           71.6 18     2            .855                 .460        19.2           73.7 19     2            .841                 .452        19.7           72.2 20     2            .842                 .452        19.5           73.0 21     2            .842                 .452        19.0           74.3 22     2            .842                 .452        14.5           68.2 23     2            .844                 .454        17.1           69.2 24     2            .844                 .454        21.6           72.2 25     2            .844                 .454        19.6           71.2 26     3            .956                 .512        19.4           72.3 27     3           1.061                 .576        17.6           71. 9 28      3           .852                 .458         5.8           61.1 29     2            .807                 .434        11.4           67.0 30     3           1.078                 .579        17.0           72.4 31     3           1. 067                .576        17.1           72.6 Total flow for  May ~ 22.626   x 10  gal

27 TABLE 24 'irculating water system environmental data for the month of June, 1976, supplied by Cook Operating Engineer C. Antonowitsch. No. of Mean* current pumps Volume pumped vel. at intake Mean AT Mean temperature Day running (gal x 10 ) grill (ft/sec) ('F) discharge ('F) 3 1.083 .585 17. 8 71.4 3 '.077 .579 19.2 72.8 3 1.046 .564 15.9 70.2 3 .904 .486 8.9 63.2 3 1.074 .579 19. 4 74.4 3 1.080 .582 19. 2 74.8 3 1.080 .582 19.1 75.5 3 1. 081 .582 19.1 79.0 3 1. 086 .585 19.0 80.8 10 3 1. 089 .585 19.5 85.8 ll 12 3 3

l. 092 1.079
                                          .582 19.5 19.6 87.8 98.1 13     '3            1.084                .585        19.7          90.4 14      3            1.079                .582        19.5          89.3 15      3            1.082                .585        19.3          89. 0 16      3            1.081                .585        19.4          88.5 17      3            1.079                .582        19.5          87.6 "18      3            1.076                .579        19.4          88.5 19      3            1. 071               .576        18.2          82.1 20      3            1.080                .582        19.1          78.2 21                   1.091                .588        19.6          78.4 22                   1.097                .591        19.6          82.1 23                   1.097                .591        19.6          85.2 24                   1.097                .591        19,6         85. 8 25                   1.097                .591        19.4          88.0 26                   1.097                .591        19.5          88.4 27                   1.097                .591        19.4          89.4 28                   1.099                .594        19.4          90.7 29                   1.083                .585        19.6          90.8 30                   1.164                .627        20. 8         90.0 Total flow for June       32.422 x 109 gal

28 TABLE 25. Corrected Table. Circulating water system environmental data for the month of July, 1975, supplied by Cook Operations Engineer C. Antonowitsch. This supersedes Table '21 of the last semi-annual (July-Dec. 1975), which incorrectly stated that no water was pumped from July 4 through July 22, 1975.

      +No. of                    Mean  current pumps   Volume pumped     vel. at intake  Mean AT   Mean  temperature Day     running   (gal x 10")     grill (ft/sec)    ('F)     discharge ('F) 1                  1. 079              .582       16.5          66.4 2                  1. 080              .582       16.8          68.6 3                  l. 057              .570       16.9          71.7 4                   .400               .216 5                   .400               .216 6                   .400               .216 7                   .400               .216 8                   .400               .216 9                   .400               .216 10                   .400               .216 11                   .400               .216 12                   .397               .216 13                   .394               .212                     69.1 14                   .400               .216                     69.2 15                   .400               .216                     70.0 16                   .388               .216 17                   .376               .202 18                    .677              .364                     73.0 19                    .401              .216                     74,8 20                    .424              .228                     72.1 21                    .764              .412                     71. 3 22                    .791              .426                     70.3 23                  1.080               .582        7.9          79.2 24                  1.084               .582       16. 8         88.9 25                  1.084               .585       17.2          86.1

.26 1.091 .588 17.2 84.4 27 1.097 .591 17.8 88.1 28 1.081 .582 16.5 86.9 29 1.083 .585 17.6 87.8 30 1.078 .579 17.7 82.9 31 1.086 .585 17.7 77.8 Total flow for July 1975 21.592 x 109 gal

*Corrected data for number of pumps running in 'July 1975 has not yet been received from the plant staff.

Wl TABLE 26. Number and weight of each species of fish impinged during each month, January through June 1975. Jan Feb Nar ~Ar ~Ma Jun No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) Alewife 194 7.67 1 0.01 1624 64.06 47183 1775.00 22681 794.24 81836 2036.55 Black bullhead 6 0.24 0.01 4 0.30 12 0.75 9 0.63 .0 Black crappie 0:0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 .0 0.01 Bluegill 0 .0 .0 0 .0 6 0.04 0.03 Brown trout 0 .0 .0 0 .0 ~ 0 0 .0 .0 Burbot 2 0.86 1 0.85 3 2.35 6 3.95 4 2.47 4.60 Carp 0 .0 .0 0 .0 0 r .0 .0 Channel catfish 16 0.05 4 0.04 10 0.16 12 0.49 .0 0.03 Chestnut lamprey 0 .0 .0 0 .0 0.04 1 0.05 .0 Chinook salmon 0 .0 -0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 .0 Coho salmon 0 .0 .0 0 .0 3 2.09 2.83 .0 Emerald shiner 0 .0 .0 1 0.01 0 .0 .0 .0 Fourhorned sculpin 0 .0 .0 0 .0 0.02 .0 0 -0 Gizzard shad 1 . 0.01 13 0.45 10 0.81 33 6.69 0 ~ .0 .0 Goldfish 0 .0 ~ 0 0 .0 0.03 1 '.0 0 Golden shiner 0 .0 .0 1 0.02 3 0. 02 0 .0 .0 Grass pickerel 0 .0 .0 0 .0 .0 0 .0 .0 Green sunfish 0 .0 -0 0 .0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Hybrid sunfish 0 .0 ' .0 0 .0 '0 .0 .0 0 .0 Johnny darter 1 .0 0 0 .0 .0 30 0.10 89 0.26

                                                         .0                 .0                  .0        0                 0         .0 Lake chub Lake  trout 0


                                         .0 13.35      0'0 0

0 .0 0 1 0.02 39 0.80 2.74 4 oO 3.88

                                                                                                                    .0 6       0.07 iO Lake  whitefish                 0         .0                0        0       .0         1                                    0

TABLE 26 continued. Jan Feb ~Ar ~Ma Jun No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. " Wt. No. 'Wt. No. Wt. (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) Largemouth bass 0 .0 0 .0 ~ 0 '.0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Logperch 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 1 0.01 0 .0 Longnose dace 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 1 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Longnose sucker 0 .0 1 1.78 0 .0 1 1.60 1 1.64 6 8487 Mud minnow 1 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 , 0 .0 0 .0 Ninespine stickleback 1 .0 0 .0 9 0.02 68 0.16 ~ 86 0.20 20 0~04 Northern pike -0

                                 .0     0       .0      0    .0        1       1.45-            1      2.00        0        . 0 Pumpkinseed              0        .0     0       .0      0    .0        0         .0             0        .0        1     . 0.07 guillback                0        .0     1       .0      0    .0        0         .0             0        .0        0          .0, Rainbow smelt            8       0.15   11      0.20    75  0.68    1113       22.84       1020        17.07     156         1.73 Rainbow  trout           0        .0     1      0.15     0    .0        0         .0             0        .0        1        0.07 Rock bass                0        .0     0       .0      0    .0        2       008     .        0        .0        0          .0 Slimy sculpin          116       0.78  120      1.12  339   2.54    3111       28.38       1462         8. 10   1147         6.34 Smallmouth bass          1       0.14    0       .0      0    .0        0         .0             0      ~ .0        0          .0.

Spottail shiner 85 0.98 259 3.37 820 7.55 952 13.77 746 7.20 685 7.38 Spotted. sucker 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 r0 Trout-perch 7 .05 9 0.14 22 0.24 118 1.19 259 2.69 374 3 '3 Unidentified coregonid 0 .0 0 .0 2 0.01 5 0.02 ' 0.01 4 0:04 White crappie 1 .Ol 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 White sucker 0 .0 0 .0 1 0.,91 2 1.40 4 2.85 7 9.00 Yellow bullhead 0 ~ 0 1 0.09 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Yellow perch 227 2.98 152 7.36 246 14.15 1192 71.69 45 2.05 309 '38.77 Monthly total 671 27.3 577 15.58 3171 93.90 . 53874 1933).35 26368 848.06 -84655 : '2117:06

ll TABLE 27. Number and weight of each species of fish impinged during each month, July through December 1975. Jul . ~Au ~Se Oct Nov Dec Annual Totals No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. (ks) (kg) (ks) (kg) (ks) (kg) (ks) O Alewife " 11638 288. 33


1906 46.69 614 11 '3 2424 12.53 1005 23.23 1721 71.26 172827 5123-60 Black bullhead 0 .0 1 0.06 0 .0 1 0.08 0 .0 1 0.05 35 2.12 Black crappie 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 1 .0 2 0 01 8 0.02 ll 0.03 Bluegill 1 .0 1 .0 2 0.01 0 .0 9 0.05 18 0.06 0.21 Brown trout 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 .0, Burbot 1 0.25 4 2.25 2 0.84 4 3.25 2 0.67 3 0.89 38 23. 23 Carp .0 2 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 0. .0 .0 Channel catfish 0.10 1 0.21 1 1.46 0 -0 0 .0 2 0.01 35 2.55 Chestnut lamprey .0 1 0.03 0 .0 0 0 0 .0 .0 3 0.12 Chinook salmon 0.01 1 0.02 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 .0 7 0.49 Coho salmon .0 0 ..0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0.47 8 5-39 Emerald shiner .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 .0 0.01 Fourhorned sculpin .0 -0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 .0 0.02 Gizzard shad .0 0 .0 0 .0 4 0.02 64 0.39 153 '.56 278 9-93 Goldfish .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 -0 .0 0-03 Golden shiner 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 1 .0 .0 5 0.04 Grass pickerel 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 .0 0 .0 Green sunfish 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 1 .0 1 .0 12 0.18 14 0.18 Hybrid sunfish 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0' .0 0 .0 0 .0 Johnny darter 17 0.04 16 '.04 11

  • 0.03 2 .0 10 0.03 2 0.01 179 0.52 Lake chub .0 0 ..0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Lake trout 0. 11 0 .0 1 0.02 0 .0 17 25.04 22 38.84 99 82.13 Lake whitefish .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 .0 1 2.74

TABLE 27 continued. Jul ~

                                                    ~Au           ~Se              Oct              Nov            Dec        Annual Totals No.      Wt. No.      Wt. No. Wt. No'. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No.      'Wt.

(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) Largemouth bass 0 .0 2 0.01 2 .0.02 1 0.01 1 .0 7 0.05 13 0.09 Logperch 0 .0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 .0 1 0-01 Longnose dace 0 .0 .0 0 .0 1 0.01 4 0.03 .0 6 0-04 Longnose sucker 1 ~ 0. 92 3.62 1 1.07 2 1.02 4 5.95 .0 21 26.47 Mud minnov 0 .0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 I 0-01 1 .0 9 0.05 Ninespine stickleback 2 .0 -0 1 .0 3 001 0 .0 3 0.01 193 0.45 Northern pike 0 . 0

                                          ~               0.01    0     .0      0        .0       0        .0    0        .0       3      3.46 Pumpkinseed                         0      .0               .0     0      .0     2        .0       4      0.08   16      0.08     23       0.24 Quillback                           0      .0       0       .0     0     .0      0        .0       1      1.00    0       .0        2      100 Rainbov smelt'ainbov 44      0.42   229       0.98   42    0.25   793       1.22    198      1.41  222      2.37   3911     49  '2 trout                     0      .0       1      0.03    0      .0     0        .0       0        -0    1      0.12       4      0.37 Rock bass                           0      .0       0       .0     0      .0     0        .0       1        -0    0        .0       3      0.08 Slimy sculpin                    435      2. 67  318       1.70  367    2.00   260       1.46   '290      2 '1  268      2.00   8233     59.40 Smallmouth bass                     0      .0       0       .0      2     .0     0        .0                .0    1      0.02       5      0.16 Spottail shiner                  122      1.16     47      0.48  318    2.64  1831      15.26  1929      14-96 2501     17.96  10295     92.71 Spotte'd sucker                     0      .0               .0     0      .0     0        .0       0        .0    1      0 Ol       1      0.01 Trout-perch                      128      1.12   107       1.10  519    3.52  6680      65.60  4921      63.28  901     12.15  14045    154-31 Unidentified coregonid              7     0.07      5      0.04     6   0.04     9       0.09      5      0-05    2      0.01     47       0.38 White crappie                       0      .0       0       .0     0      .0     1        .0.      0        .0    4      0.02       6      0.03 White sucker                        1     131       0       .0     1    0.09     0        .0       0        .0    1      0.02     17      16.44 Yellov bullhead                     0      .0       0       .0     0      .0     0        .0       3      0.01    1     '0.01       5      0.11 Yellov perch                     388     58.75   492      48.78  420   15.42  4067      56.79  1744      49.04 2155    19.91  11437    385.69 Monthly    total               12794    355.26  3139     106-50 2310   39.25 16087    157.35  10217    187.55  8028  '68'09   221892   6051.8

TABLE 28. Number and weight of each species of fish impinged during each month, January through April 1976. Nar ~Ar Calculated Calculated 4th day values f'r 4th day values for Jan Feb sampling month sampling month No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. ,Wt. No. Wt. (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) Alewife 184 9.56 1863 0.11 4168 180.91 16151 701.0 517 21.11 1938 79.17 Black bullhead 2 0.02 1 0.08 4 0.24 ~ - 16 0.9 1 0.02 3 0. 06 Black crappie 2 0.49 .0 1 .0 4 0.01 0 ~ 0 0 .0 Bluegill 2 0.01 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Brown trout 0 .0 1 0.1 0 .0 0 .0 1 0.61 3 2.29 Burbot 5 2.15 7 3.76 4 3.64 16 14.0 1 0.96 3 3.60 Carp 4 0.10 0 .0 1 0.01 4 0.04 0 ..0 0 oO Channel catfish 22 0.45 12 1.02 6 0.03 23 O.l 0 .0 0 .0 Chinook salmon 0 .0 0 .0 1 0.15 4 0.6 0 .0 0 .0 Coho salmon 1 '.65 2 0. 98 2 0.68 8 2' 0 .0 0 .0 Emerald shiner 0 ~ .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Fourhorned sculpin 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Gizzard shad 1147 33. 79 72 23. 87 35 0.96 136 3.7 0 .0 0 .0 Gqldf ish 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0' .0 Golden shiner 0 .0 -0 oO 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 .0 Grass pickerel 0 .0 1 0.06 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Green sunfish 2 0.02 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Hybrid sunfish 0 .0 .0 2 0.05 8 0.2 0 .0 0 .0 Johnny darter 0 .0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 2 0+01 7 0.03 Lake chub 0 .0 1 .0 0 .0 0 oO 0 .0 0 .0 Lake trout 7 16.99 10 9.02 16 4.02 62 15.6 0 o0 0 .0 Lake vhitefish 0 oO 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 oO

TABLE 28 continued. Mar ~Ar Calculated. Calculated 4th day values for 4th day values for Jan Peb sampling month sampling month No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. (ks) (ks) (ks) (ks) (ks) (kg) Largemouth bass 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Longnose dace 3 0.04 1 .01 0 .0 0 ..0 0 .0 0 .0 Longnose sucker 2 2.42 4 6.18 2 1.54 8 6.0 1 1.65 3 6.19 Mud minnow 0 .0 0 .0 5 0.01 19 O.l 0 .0 0 .0 Ninespine stickleback'orthern 5 0.01 3 .01 3 0.01 12 0.04 0 .0 0 .0 pike 2 0.70 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Pumpkinseed 2 .0 2 .0 2 0.01 8 0.04 0 = .0 0 .0 Quillback 0 .0 0 .0 "- 0 .0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 .0 0 .0 Rainbow smelt 232 2.54 75 1.27 " 105 1.35 407 5.2 72 2.08 270 7.78 Rainbow trout 0 -0 1 0.13 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0'0 Rock bass 0 .0 1 0.15 0 ~ 0 0 .0 0 .0 0 Slimy sculpin 251 2.10 106 0.76 266 1.92 1031 7.4 258 1. 33 967 5.0 Smallmouth bass 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Spottail shiner 2318 27.02 3 19.12 3007 28.39 11652 110.0 237 2.52 888 9.45 Spotted sucker- 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 Trout-perch 144 2.15 34 0.46 44 0.49 171 1.9 2 0.02 7 0.09 Unidentified coregonid 7 0.05 0 .0 1 0.02 4 O.l 0 .0 0 .0 White crappie 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 White sucker 4 1.26 2 0.05 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 -0 Yellow bullhead 0 ~

                                           .0    1      0.01         0       .0       0         .0    0       .0     0        .0 Yellow perch                   1668      14.03  111      8.21       118      4.39   457       17-0    39     1.21   146       4.54 Monthly  total                 6016     116.51 2314     75.28      7793   228.82  30198      886.7  1131   30.31   4235    118.20

A edxC Terrestrial Studies



h. Summar of Results.
3. Ve etation and Floristic Studies.
4. Invertebrate Studies.
5. Am hibian Re tile and Fish Studies
6. Bird Studies.

7 . Mammal Studies.

8. Absor tion Pond Studies B. Methods of Sam lin
1. Vege ta tion.
2. Invertebrates
3. Am hibians Re tiles and Fishes 4~ Birds ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a
5. Mammals
6. Absor tion Pond Studies C. Results of Sampling
l. V~e etat$ .on.
3. Am hibians Reptiles and Fishes
4. Birds 5 ~ Mamma 1 s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8
6. Absorption Pond Studies ~ ~

D. Conclusions and Discussion ~ ~

0 2. Terrestrial Ecology A. Summar of Results During the period covered by this Report, three visits to the Cook Power Plant Site were made, on May 10-13, May 14-17, and June 21-24, 1976. Assisting in these studies were Alan J. Bady, Jean-Luc Krawczyk, James E. Kure, Joseph G. Strauch, Jr., and Dr. R. Wayne Van Devender. Field work was concentrated mainly in the Shallow Marsh, Herbaceous (with Grass), Herbaceous (with Brush), Coniferous Forest, Disturbed Barren, and Absorption Pond habitats, but beach, blow-out, and mixed mesophytic forest were also examined. Due to a wet spring, water levels in the wetlands and other low-lying habitats were relatively high and vegetation remained green and lush throughout the period. This provided excellent breeding conditions for amphibians and reptiles adapted to aquatic environments and some of these species seemed to be reproductively active for a longer period than usual. The revised version of the Vegetation Cover Iiap referred to in the last report has been completed and is refer attached to at the end of this appendix. This document continues to locations, etc., on the plant site in terms of the grid system established for the older Vegetation Cover Hap and used in previous reports. Two additional study sites were established during this period, as follows:

q. Site 17. Industrial Construction Area. This site (Old Grid, M,N-28,29,30) is located immediately to the west of Site 16, on both sides of the roadway leading to the meteorological station on the eastern side of the Plant property. The area has been leveled off, is largely devoid of vegetation except for some invading weeds, and is largely covered with old boards, metal scraps, and other litter and debris. It is being used in this study for small mammal trapping.
r. Site 18. Lowland Brush. This site (Old Grid, Q-25) is located on the banks of the drainage ditch immediately to the east of the Fish Trailer.

It is covered with dense brush and herbaceous vegetation. It is being used in this study for the placement of nets for bird banding. The Sanitation Pond (referred to in this and previous Reports as the Absorption Pond) has continued to serve as a sampling station for plankton and benthos. It lies immediately to the north of the wooded dune slope on which Study Site 6 is 'located, and is about 1000'outheast of the two Plant Units. Because the Pond is used in this study for aquatic investigations, it will be distinguished from Study Site 6 by referring to it, as Study Site 6A.

During the period of this Report, studies were carried out at Sites 6A,, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17 and 18. Sites 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 14 were visited, as were other parts of the Plant Site, including the Livingston Beach area.

3. Ve etation and Floristic Studies No quantitative or descriptive vegetation studies were undertaken during this period. Records were made of plant species in flower or fruit, and voucher specimens .of species not previously recorded on the Plant Site were collected. Five new species and two new families were thereby added to the known flora of the Plant Site; these are listed in Table A4.1.2.2 80. The total list of higher plants for the Cook Plant now stands at 85 families and 323 species.

Invertebrate Studies Whenever possible, search was made for terrest;rial and aquatic molluscs; By the end of this study period, eight species of land snails or slugs and four species of aquatic snails and clams had been recorded. These are listed in Table A4.1.2.2 68. s Terrestrial insects were collected whenever possible and added to the collection that is being assembled for the Plant Site. A pre-liminary list is in process of preparation. Zooplankton samples and benthic invertebrates were col-lected in the Shallow Marsh habitat at Site 9 in May, 1976. An analysis of these samples is given in Tables A4.1.2.2 69 and 70.

5. Am hibian Re tile and Fish Studies Special efforts to observe and record species of amphibi-ans and reptiles at the Plant. Site in May and June, 1976. The total list of herpetofauna found to date includes 1 species of salamander, 7 species of frogs and toads, 3 species of snakes, and 3 species of turtles. This list is presented in Table A4.1.2.2 71. Several species are noteworthy by their apparent absence from the Plant Site, at least during the period covered by this Report; these are the wood frog (Rang ~slvatioa), bullfrog (Rane species, the eastern box turtle, is on the list of rare or endangered species of reptiles and amphibians of Michigan prepared by Professors Donald W.

Tinkle, Museum of Zoology, The University of Michigan, and Max Hensley, De-partment of Zoology, Michigan State University. Records were made of calling, breeding and occurrence of young for the various frog and toad species. The drainage ditch that runs across the Plant Site from the southern boundary and empties into another ditch that parallels Highway I-94 provides a distribution route and temporary habitat for a number of fish species. The ditch was filled with water through the period covered by this

4. Report, and a number of kinds of fish were collected in it. These are listed in Table A4.1.2.2 72. Of special interest is the occurrence of a female specimen oE the dtathead topminnow (pundulus ~dls at), which constitutes a new county record for Michigan. Professor Reeve M. Bailey, who identified the specimen, reports that this species occurs in Michigan only in the extreme southwestern part of the state.

6. Bird Studies Observations of the occurrence of land birds on the Plant Site were made during the spring migratory period of 1976. Nine species, including one permanent resident, three migrants, and five summer residents, were added to the total list of the avifauna; these are given in Table A4.1.2.2 73.

In the period May 14-17, 1976, netting operations resulted in the banding of 124 individual birds belonging to 35 species. Details are presented in Table A4.1.2.2 74.

7. Mammal Studies Live trapping of small mammals was carried out in May and June, 1976, in the following habitats: Herbaceous-Grass (Site 7), Wet Grassland (Site 13), Coniferous Forest {Site 15), and Industrial-Construction (Old Grid, 0-30). Details are presented in Table A4.1.2.2 75. The most specimens of meadow vole (Microtus enns lvanicus) were also taken, especially in the Wet Grassland and Herbaceous-Grass habitats, suggesting that this may be a peak year in the local population cycle of this species. The Industrial-Construction habitat yielded specimens of the house mouse (Mus musculus),

not previously recorded for the Plant Site but apparently living in the open away from buildings. this period, especially in Brush and Herbaceous-Grass habitats. Tracks of were reported to us by security personnel at the Plant.

8. Absor tion Pond Studies Zooplankton samples from the center and edge of the Absorption (Sanitation) Pond were taken in May and June. Details of the May samples are presented in Table A4.1.2.2 - 76; analysis of the June samples has not been completed but will be reported later. In May, the dominant previously unrecorded cyclopoid species were also present.

Phytoplankton samples were also taken from the Absorption Pond in May and June. Lists of the species recognized are presented in Tables A4.1.2.2 77 and 78. These contained'diatoms, green algae, blue-green 'algae, chrysophytes, cryptomonads, and unidentified flagellates and dinoflagellates; the diversity of species suggests a well-established

phytoplankton flora. Benthic insects and other invertebrates were sampled in the Absorption Pond in May. Details are presented in Table A4.1.2.2 79 per square meter were generally low except for large number of 'ensities aquatic earthworms (Oligochaeta). Additional collections from the Absorption Pond demonstrated the'occurrence of considerable numbers of tadpoles of toads (Bufo sp., probably woodhousei fowleri) and green frogs (Rang clamitans), establishing this as a breeding site for these species. B. Methods of Sam lin No quantitative studies of vegetation were undertaken during the period of this Report. Plant studies were limited to the collec-tion of a few voucher specimens for previously unrecorded species or locali-ties; the specimens were dried and placed in newspaper sheets added to the previous material that is being stored in the Principal Investigator's herbarium case.

2. Invertebrates Collection of invertebrates has been limited chiefly to the use of hand-wielded nets for terrestrial insects and to previously described sampling of benthic animals. Insect material taken by netting has continued to be pinned, labelled and stored in collection boxes. Mollusc collecting has been done by search of fallen trees, undersurfaces of stones, etc. Specimens of land snails and slugs were relaxed in a saturated solution of menthol, transferred to FAA (a combination of formalin, glacial acetic acid, and alcohol), and stored in 70 percent alcohol.

Identification of benthic invertebrates has been made by Alan J. Bady. Determination of molluscs were provided by Dr. Henry van der Schalie and by Amy S. Van Devender.

3. Am hibians Re tiles and Fishes Collection and observation of amphibians and turtles were aided by the use of battery-operated headlamps used at night. Vouche'r specimens of some species were obtained by netting or by hand; colored slides were made of most species. Specimens and slides have been deposited in the collections of the Herpetology Division, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.

Five individuals of the blue racer (Coluber constrictor) were given distinctive marks by clipping the subcaudal scales and then re-leased at the point of capture. One individual so marked in May was recovered in June. Collecting, marking, photographing and identification of amphibians and reptiles was done by Dr. R. Wayne Van Devender.

6. Fishes were collected in the drainage ditch opposite the Fish Trailer with the aid of a small seine or by hand-dipping with a net. Voucher specimens have been preserved in 10% formalin or 70% alcohol and were deposited in the collections of the Fish Division, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, or were left in the hands of the Principal Investigator.

4. Birds Birds were captured in mist-nets and released after band-ing, under permits issued by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

Netting, banding, and identification of birds was carried out by Joseph G. Strauch, Jr.

5. Mammals Small mammals were trapped, examined for reproductive condition, weighed, and given distinctive toe-clip marks prior to release, by the techniques previously reported. Traps were set for 348 trap-nights and 124 trap-days in May, and for 289 trap-nights and 51 trap-days in June.

Alan J. Bady, Jean-Luc Krawczyk, James E. Kure, and. Dr. R. Wayne Van Devender assisted in the small mammal trapping studies.

6. Absor tion Pond Studies Zooplankton, phytoplankton and benthic samples were taken in May and in June, at the center and near the shore of the Absorption Pond, at the surface and at depth intervals of 0.5 m., by previously reported techniques. Zooplankton and benthic invertebrates were preserved in 70%

alcohol and stored in 4-dram glass vials. Phytoplankton samples were pre-served by the addition of a few drops of acid lugol (Uttermohl's) solution. Samples, counts, and determinations of zooplankton and benthic invertebrates were made by Alan J. Bady. Phytoplankton analyses were made by Alan J. Bady. Phytoplankton analyses were made by Nancy V. Southwick, Great Lakes Research Division, Institute of Science and Technology, University of Michigan. C. Results of Sampling No sampling of vegetation or other phytosociological studies were undertaken during the period covered by this Report. Inspection of the vegetation study plot at Study Site 16 (Old Grid, 0-30), which was found to be dominated in July 1975 by weedy annuals including yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis), bugseed "in June 1976 yellow'weet clover was still a major dominant, with common


horsetail, white sweet clover (Meldlotus alba), bladder-campion (gilene cucubalus), while cockle (~L thule alba), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense),

~corn  ressa present as scattered       individuals.

Because of high water levels throughout much of this period, there was no lush vegetation at the south edge of the Absorption Pond, as had been observed in June, 1975. However, contrary to the suspicion raised in tha last Operating Report, the rare climbing fumltory (Adlumla ~fun osa), which so far has only been found on the Plant Site at a single location on the south edge of the Absorption Pond, was found not to have been destroyed after all; 2 plants were found in June at the original site, both in good condition.

2. Invertebrates
9. The samples of benthic insects and other invertebrates taken from the Shallow Marsh habitat in May included larvae and nymphs of caddis-flies, dragonflies, and midges, as well as amphipods, aquatic earthworms, and the isopod Lirceus sp. The latter reached densities in the samples exceeding 10 individuals per square decimeter (Table A4.1.2.2 70).

Benthic samples were also taken from the Absorption Pond in May. These did not include any amphipods or isopods and the diversity and density of insect larvae and nymphs was considerably lower, but tendipedid larvae and several species of dragonfly nymphs were recorded. Aquatic oligochaetes reached densities of more than 80 per square decimeter (Table A4.1.2.2 79). Ticks (Dermacentor sp.) were observed on the heads of several meadow yoles in May and were frequently encountered on the clothing of field assistants in both May and June, as has been the case in previous years, particularly in the Herbaceous-Grass and Brush vegetation. As potengial vectors of encephalitis, these arthropods const.tute a health hazard to field workers, and care was taken to remove them promptly.

3. Am hibians Re tile's and Fishes The most abundant amphibians noted in May were Fowler's toad, tree toad, and green frog counts of more than 50 individuals were recorded for each of these species. All were heard calling, as were also the spring peeper and striped chorus frog. Many tadpoles were also seen in May, chiefly of spring peeper and green frog; some of the latter were in early stages of transformation. Toad eggs were found in quantity in the Shallow Marsh habitat (Site 9). The red-backed salamander was also quite abundant in May, primarily in the Hardwoods-Coniferous Forest habitat (Old Grid, V-3,4),

and lead-backed and red-backed forms were found in about equal numbers. In June, Fowler's toad and the green frog maintained their abundance, and one American toad was recorded, but other amphibians were seen less frequently than in May. The only species heard were the tree toad and green frog.

Tadpoles of the tree toad, spring peeper, striped chorus frog, green frog and Bufo sp. were all numerous; some of the latter were transforming.

One box turtle, estimated at about 14 years of age, was recorded in May, and two snapping turtles and the plastron of one painted turtle were found in June. 'Eleven blue racers, two water snakes, and one hog-nosed snake were captured in May; three of the blue racers were marked and released, and one of them was recaptured in June. A clutch of 16 .blue racer eggs, all hatched, was found under a board in the blow-out area (Old Grid, F-8) below Study Site 4. Specimens of northern pike, northern brown bullhead and spot-tail shiner (Table A4.1.2.2 72) were collected in the drainage ditch opposite the Fish Trailer in July and August, 1974. In June, 1976, this habitat also yielded specimens of the central mudminnow and starhead top-minnow; the latter is a new county, record for Michigan.

4. Birds Nine species of birds not prev'iously recorded at the Plant Site were observed in May, 1976: bobwhite, solitary vireo, black-throated blue warbler, mourning warbler, yellow-billed cuckoo, black-billed cuckoo, nighthawk, ruby-throated hummingbird, and willow flycatcher. The species taken in greatest numbers in the mist-netting operation were the catbird (21 individuals), Swainson's thrush (14 individuals), and least flycatcher (11 individuals), but 4-6 specimens each were netted for the robin, Nashville warbler, yellowthroat, redstart, indigo bunting, goldfinch, white-crowned sparrow, and Lincoln's sparrow (Table A4.1.2.2 74).

In four visfts to Livingston Beach in May and 1976, no shore birds, gulls or terns were recorded, and'here was no indication of the large quantities of insects washed ashore that have been seen at other times. Diving ducks (e.g. mergansers, bluebills) were reported to have been seen in some numbers in the winter or early spring in the vicinity of the thermal plume, but none were seen in May or June.

5. Mammals Trapping studies in May and June, 1976, resulted in the capture of short-tailed shrew, dusky shrew, meadow vole, white-footed mouse, meadow jumping mouse, house mouse, and chipmunk (Table A4.1.2.2 75). The most common species continued to be the white-footed mouse and meadow vole, and the former was taken at all trapping localities (Sites 7, 13, 15 and 17).

Winter and spring weather conditions were evidently favorable for small mammal survival, as the high white-footed mouse and meadow vole densities recorded in the previous October were maintained in May and June, and both species populations were reproductively active and included many juvenile individuals. The local meadow vole population seems to be at, or close to, one of its periodic (ca. 4-year) cyclic peaks. In May, four or five meadow voles were found to be carrying 1-2 ticks (Dermacentor sp.) each. Small mammal trapping in June was hindered by 'extensive disturbance, at Site 13, by raccoon (~proc on lotor) and coon tracks were 'observed at several places. Rabbits were also abundant and frequently seen in .herbaceous-grass and brush habitats. Deer tracks continued to be frequent widely over the Plant Site.

6. Absor tion Pond Studies The Absorption (Sanitation) Pond continued to maintain

9. a community of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and benthic insects and other invertebrates (Tables A4.1.2.2 76, 77, 78 and 79). Dominant phytoplankters were the diatom ~g nedra filiformis and the green alga Ankfstrodesmus falcatus, but the presence of additional species seemed to indicate a fairly diverse phytoplankton flora . ~C clo s vernalis, present both as adults and as nauplii, continued to be the principal zooplankton species in the samples, cyclopoid were taken in small numbers in May. Other invertebrates, taken in benthic samples, included nymphs of the odonate general Ischnura, Lestes, and 7Chromagrion, larval tendipedid midges, and large numbers of aquatic oligochaetes. Tadpoles of tree toads and of Bufo sp. were found in the Absorption Pond in May, and green frog adults were noted there in- June. Mallard ducks and a kingfisher were seen at the Pond in May. D. Conclusions and Discussion There was no evidence of significant environmental or biotic change in the terrestrial ecology of the Plant Site during'the period covered by this Report. The occurrence of an oil spill at the Absorption (Sanitation} Pond in early June was reported, but it was successfully cleaned up prior to our June visit and there was no indication that it had caused There seems to have been no further clearance of natural any serious damage. vegetation or levelling of sand dunes necessitated by the resumption of work on the Plant's 'second unit, and the fauna and fl'ora of the Plant Site as a whole seem to be in very satisfactory condition.

ll V


     ~Or   lome   retuss -   2   specimens,     Sit.e 9, 26 October, 1974.

Philom cidae 2 Pallifera 2dorsalis - 1 specimen, 22 June, 1976. 2 Endodontidae 2 An uis ird alternate - 1 specimen, 22 June, 1976 Limacidae 2 Deroceras laeve - 2 specimens, 22 June, 1976. Zonitidae 2 Zonitoides arboreus - 2 specimens, ll May, 1976. Pol ridae 2 Mesodon ~th roidus 2 specimens (1 immsture), 22 June, 1976. 2 Stenotrema hirsutum - 1 specimen (shell on Livingston Beach), 22,June, 1976. GASTROPODA - A UATIC Planorbidae 1 Helisoma trivolvis - Site 9: 3 specimens, 26 October, 1974; 1 specimen, 26 August, 1975; 3 specimens, 26 May, 1976 Ditch opposite Trailer; 4 specimens, 22 June, 1976.

TABLE A4.1.2.2. - 68 (Con't) ~ph sides 1

      ~ph  sa  ~r1na -    1  specimen,   Site 9,   26  October, 1974 1
     ~ph   sa  ~sa i-  1  specimen,    Site 9,  26   October, 1974;   1  specimen, Site 9, 22 June,   1976.

PELECYPODA " A UATIC S haeriidae 1

      ~S  haerinm occidentale      - 8  specimens,    Site 9,   26 October, 1974.

1 Determinations by Dr. H. Van Der Schalie. 2 Determinations by A. S, Van Devender

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 69. ZOOPLANKTON COLLECTED IN SHALLOW MARSH, STUDY SITE 9, 12 MAY, 1976* CLADOCERA Bosmina longirostris Ceriodaphnia reticulata Daphnis laevis Scapholeberis kingsi Simocephalus serrulatus Simocephalus vetulus COPEPODA Cyclopoida OSTRACODA unidentified ZNSECTA Anopheles sp. (Diptera; Culicinae)

  • Samples and determinations were made by Alan J. Bady.

Species identifications are uncertain.

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 70 ANALYSIS OF BENTHIC SAMPLES TAKEN FR(M SHALLOW MARSH, STUDY SITE 9, 12 May, 1976* TAXON DENSITY PER S . DM. ~Sam le Sl Leptoceridae (Trichoptera) Triaenodes larvae 0.57 Limnephilidae (Trichoptera) 7Glyphotaelius larvae 1.13 Libellulidae (Odonata) Libellula nymphs 0.57 Asellidae (Isopoda) ?Lirceus 10.17 Amphipoda 2.26 Oligochaeta 0.57 Hydra (Coelenterata) 0.57 ~Sam le 33 Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) Bezzia larvae 1.13 Culicidae (Diptera) Chaoborus larvae 1.70 Stra tiomyiidae (Dip tera) Odontomyia larvae 0.57 Tendipedidae (Diptera) larvae 0.57 Lestidae (Odonata) Lestes nymphs 0.57 Limnephilidae (Trichoptera) 7Glyphotaelius larvae 1.13 Asellidae (Isopoda) 7Lirceus 1.70 Oligochaeta 4.52 ~Sam le S4 Culicidae (Diptera) Chaoborus larvae 2.26 Lestidae (Odonata) Lestes nymphs 1.70 Leptoceridae (Trichoptera) Triaenodes larvae 0.57 Asellidae (Isopoda) 'LLirceus 7.35

  • Samples, counts and determinations were made by Alan J. Bady.

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 71. LIST OF AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES RECORDED AT COOK POWER PLANT SPECIES C(AMON NAME C(MMENTS Salamanders Plethodon cinereus Red-backed Salamander 3 taken at Site 6, 29 August, 1973. Many, in grid squares V-W,3, May 13, 1976. One on June 23, 1976. Fro s and Toads Bufo americanus American Toad A specimen was taken by R, W. Van Devender on June 22, 1976. Bufo woodehousei fowleri Fowler's Toad Abundant; breeding at Site 6A; Site, 13, etc. ~H la crucifer Spring Peeper Abundant; breeding at Site 13, Site 9, etc. ~H la versicolor Tree Toad Abundant; taken at Site 7, Site 9, and elsewhere. Pseudacris triseriata Striped Chorus Frog Several .specimens taken in May and in June, 1976, at Site 9 and east of Trailer. Rang catesbiana Bull Frog Heard in "Spiraea Swamp" (J-27), 21 May, 1974 Rang clamitans Green Frog Abundant, Sites 9, 6A, 13, and elsewhere; breeds at Sites 9 and 13.

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 71 (Con't) SPECIES COMMON NAME COMMENTS Snakes Coluber constrictor Blue Racer Common; N-31 to P-30, and elsewhere in grass-herbaceous habitats. Hognosed Snake Specimen taken east of Trailer on May 12, 1976 Natrlx ~sl edon Water Snake Specimens taken near ditch in May and June, 1976 Turtles Snapping Turtle Specimens seen at Site 9 in May, 1974, and June, 1976. SkrkCsem s 2lcta Painted Turtle A carapace and plastron were found in Site 9 in June,'976 aT~erra ene carolina Box Turtle A mating pair was seen in X-22 on 22 May, 1974. Taken a also near Site 6a (13 Aug. 1974) and at Site 13 (12 May,

&his species is considered rare, or possibly    endangered,   in Michigan

0 TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 72 LIST OF FISHES COLLECTED IN MARSH AND DITCH WATERS AT THE COOK POWER PLANT SITE SPECIES COMMON NAME COMMENTS 1 Esox lucius Northern Pike 1 specimen, ca. 23 in., taken in ditch opposite Trailer, 17 July, 1974 1 Ictalurus nebulosus Northern Brown Bullhead 3-4 specimens, from 5" to 10" taken in ditch opposite Trailer, 13 August, 1974. 2

 ~Norro  is Eudsonius          Spottail Shiner                 2  specimens,    taken  in ditch opposite Trailer,      13 August 1974 2

Pundulus ~dis sr* Starhead Topminnow 1 female, taken in ditch opposite Trailer, 23 June, 1976 2 Umbra limi Central Mudminnow 1 juvenile, taken in ditch opposite Trailer, 23 June, 1976. 1 Seterminations by Alan J. Bady 2 Determinations .by Dr. R. M. Bailey. this is a new county record for Berrien Co.

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 73. ADDITIONS TO THE LIST OF BIRDS OBSERVED AT THE COOK PLANT* SPECIES COMMON NAME CCEEEEZS PERMANENT RESIDENTS Bobwhite Heard calling May 16, 1976 MIGRANTS Vireo solitarius Solitary Vireo 1 caught and banded May 17, 1976 Dendroica caerulescens Black-throated 1 seen May 16, 1976 Blue Warbler Mourning Warbler 1 banded May 17, 1976 SRKER RESIDENTS ~coco zus americanus Yellow-billed 1 caught and banded May Cuckoo 17, 1976; probably breeds. ~Cocc zus er thro hthalmus Black-billed 1 caught and banded May Cuckoo 15, 1976; probably breeds. Chordeiles minor Nighthawk 1 heard over head May 16, 1976; may breed Archilochus colubris Ruby-throated Several seen daily, May Hummingbird 15-17, 1976; may breed ~Em idonax traillii Willow Flycatcher 2 caught and banded, May 15-17, 1976; may breed.

  • Observations were made by Joseph G. Strauch, JrsE May 14-17, 1976

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 74. LIST OF BIRDS BANDED AT COOK POWER PLANT, MAY 14"17, 1976* COMMON NAME NO. OF BIRDS BANDED Mourning Dove Yellow-billed Cuckoo Black-billed Cuckoo Least Flycatcher Willow Flycatcher Blue Jay Black-capped Chickadee House Wren Gray Catbird 21 Brown Thrasher Robin Swainson's Thrush 14 Grey-cheeked Thrush Veery Solitary Vireo Tennessee Warbler Orange-crowned Warbler Nashville Warbler Magnolia Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Mourning Warbler Yellowthroat Wilson's Warbler

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 74. (Con't) COMMON NAME NO. OF BIRDS BANDED American Redstart Red-winged Blackbird Brown-headed Cowbird Scarlet Tanager Cardinal Rose-breasted Grosbeak Indigo Bunting American Goldfinch h Field Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow Song Sparrow Total 124

  • Banding done by Joseph G. Strauch, Jr.

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 75 ~ DETAILS OF SMALL MAMMAL CAPTURES MADE AT COOK PLANT IN MAY AND JUNE, 1976 HERBACEOUS-GRASS HABITATS Immature Mature Female Male Female Male Site No. 7 Dates: May 11-13 Number of trap-nights: 141 Captures Microtus erma lvanicus Ferne acus ~leuco us

  ~Za  us hudsonius Site   No. 7 Dates: May     ll Number   of trap-~da s:   47 Captures Microtus       enns lvanicus
  ~Za  us hudsonius Site   No. 7 Dates: June 21-23 Number   of trap-nights:     120 Captures Blarina brevicauda 14          20
  ~Ze  us hudsonius Tamias     striatus

TABLE A4.1,2.2 - 75 ~ (Con't) HERBACEOUS-GRASS HABITATS (Con') Immature Mature Pemale Male Pemale Male Site No. 7 Dates: June 22 Number of trap-~da s: 40 Captures Blarina brevicauda

  ~Perom   acus ~leuco us Tamias    Striatus WET GRASSLAND     HABITATS Site  No. 13 Dates:  May     11-13 Number   of trap-nights:     159 Captures Blarina brevicauda Microtus       erma lvanicus P~erom  acus ~leuco us Site  No. 13 Dates: May      ll Number  of    trap>>~da s:  53 Captures
                              'TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 75 ~ (Con't)

WET 'RASSLAND HABITATS (Con't) Immature Mature Female Male Female Male Site No. 13 Dates: June 21-23 Number of trap-nights: 135* Captures Blarina brevicauda P~arom acus ~leuco us

  ~Za  us hudsouius CONIFEROUS FOREST HABITATS Site No. 15 Dates:   May   12-13 Number   of trap-nights:    48 Captures Site   No. 15 Dates: May 12 Number   of trap-d~a s:  24 Captures Tamias    striatus

i /

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 75 (Con't) INDUSTRIAL " CONSTRUCTION HABITATS Immature Mature Female Male Female Male Site 0-30 Dates: May 12-13 Captures by hand Sorex cinereus Mus musculus Site 0-30 Dates: June 21-23 Number of trap>>nights: 34 Captures Microtus enns lvanicus Mus musculus Ferom acus ~leuco us Tamias s tria tus Site 0-30 Dates: June 22 Number of trap-d~a s: 11 Captures Mus musculus

  • Extensive trap disturbance (Primarily by raccoons; possibly some human)

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 76. ANALYSIS OF ZOOPLANKTON SAMPLES COLLECTED IN ABSORPTION POND, STUDY SITE 6A, 11 MAY, 1976* SAMPLE NO. INDIVIDUALS PER CUBIC METER C clo s vernalis Bosmiaa ZC00 - 1 (from center of pond, at surface, 0.0 - 0.5 m.) 21000 76000 ZC00 - 2 (from center of pond, at surface, 0.0 - 0.5 m.) 42000 143000 ZC01 - 1 (from center of pond, depth 0.5 - 1.0 m.) 69000 159000 2000 ZC01 - 2 (from center of pond, depth 0.5 - 1.0 m.) 90000 149000 1000 1000 ZC02 - 1 (from center of pond, depth 1.0 - 1.5 m.) 57000 29000 ZC02 - 2 (from center of pond, depth 1.0 - 1.5 m.) 80000 129000 2000 1000 ZC03 - 1 From center of pond, depth 1.5 - 2.0 m.) 37000 90000 2000 ZC03 - 2 (from center of pond, depth 1.5 - 2.0 m.) 90000 87000 4000 1000 ZC-4 - 1 From center of pond, depth 2.0 - 2.5 m.) 60000 46000 5000 3000 ZC04 - 2 (from center of pond, depth 2.0 - 2.5 m.) 95000 71000 2000 3000 ZC05 - 1 (from center of pond, depth 2.5 - 3.0 m.) 192000 36000 1000 1000

TABLE h4.1.2.2 - 76. (Con't) SAMPLE NO. INDIVIDUALS PER CUBIC METER C clo s vernalis 'osmina Rorifers ZC05 - 2 (from center of pond depth 2.5 - 3.0 m.) 340000 50000 2000 1000 ZC06 - 1 (from center of pond, depth 3.0 - 3.5 m.) 340000 67000 3000 38000 ZS00 - 1 (from shore of pond, at surface, 0.0 - 0.5 m) 5000 13000 3000 ZSOO - 2 (from shore of pond, at surface, 0.0 - 0.5 m.) 31000 62000 2000 ZSOl - 1 (from shore of pond depth 0o5 - 1.0 m.) 48000 83000 6000 ZSOl - 2 (from shore of pond, depth 0.5 - 1.0 m.) 38000 65000 2000

  • Samples, determinations and counts were made by Alan J. Bady. Sample ZC06 was taken from the pond bottom. Samples ZC05 - 2, ZC06 - 1, and ZS01 - 2 contained specimens (1 in each sample, equivalent to 1000 per cubic meter) of a cyclopoid species not previously taken in the pond.

TABLE A% ~ 1.2.2 - 77. ANALYSIS OF PHYTOPLANKTON SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE ABSORPTION POND STUDY SITE 6A, ll MAY, 1976* ACOO from center of ond at surface 0.0 - 0.5 m. Dia toms Green al ae Asterionella formosa Ankistrodesmus braunii Diatoma tenue v. elongatum Ankistrodesmus falcatus Fragilaria capucina Gloeocystis sp. Melosira varians Scenedesmus acuminatus Nitzschia sp. Blue- reen al ae Rhizosolenia gracilis Oscillatoria sp. Synedra filiformis Miscellaenous Cr tomonads Flagellates (undet.) Cryptomonas sp. Dinoflagellates (undet.) ACOl from center of ond de th 0.5 - 1.0 m. Dim toms Green Al ae Asterionella fommosa Ankistrodesmus falcatus Diatoma tenue v. elongatum Mougeotia sp., Rhizosolenia gracilis Scenedesmus acuminatus Synedra filiformis Blue- reen al ae Cr tomonads Anabaena sp. Cryptomonas sp. Oscillatoria sp. Miscellaneous Phormidium sp. Flagellates (undet.)

i TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 77. (Con't) AC02 from center of ond de th 1.0 - 1.5 m. Diatoms, Green al ae Diatoma tenue v elongatum Ankistrodesmus falcatus Navicula sp. Ankistrodesmus setigerus Rhizosolenia gracilis Scenedesmus acuminatus Stephanodiscus sp. Ulothrix sp. Synedra filiformis Tabellaria fenestrata v. intermedia Miscellaneous Blue- reen al ae Flagellates (undet',) Anabaena sp. Dinoflagellates (undet.) Anacystis thermalis Oscillatoria sp. AC03 from center of ond de th 1.5 - 2.0 m.) Diatoms Blue- reen al ae Cyclotella sp. Phormidium sp. Cymbella sp. Chr so h tes Fragilaria intermedia v. fallax Dinobryon sociale Melosira italica Cr tomonads Navicula sp. Cryptomonas sp. Nitschia sp. Eu lenoids Rhizosolenia gracilis Trachelomonas sp. Stephanodiscus auxospora Miscellaneous Synedra filiformis Flagellates (undet.) Ankistrodesmus falcatus Scenedesmus acuminatus Scenedesmus quadricauda v. longispina Scenedesmus sp.

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 77. (Con't) AC04 from center of ond de th 2.0 - 2.5 m. Diatoms Green al ae Asterionella formosa Ankis trodesmus braunii Diatoma tenue v. elongatum Ankistrodesmus falcatus Melosira italica Ankistrodesmus setigerus Nitschia sp. Golenkinia sp. Rhizosolenia gracilis Scenedesmus acuminatus Stephanodiscus sp. Scenedesmus sp. Synedra filiformis Blue- reen al ae Tabellaria fenestrata v. intermedia Phormidium sp. Miscellaneous Cr tomonads Flagellates (undet.) Cryptomonas sp. Dinoflagellates (undet.) ASOO from shore of ond at surface 0.0 - 0.5 m. Diatoms Green al ae Asterionella formosa Ankistrodesmus braunii Diatoma tenue v. elongatum Ankistrodesmus falcatus Fragilaria capucina Scenedesmus acuminatus Melosira italica Scenedesmus spinosus Nitschia sp. Scenedesmus sp. Rhizosolenia gracilis Cosmarium sp. Stephanodiscus sp. Blue- rass al ae Stephanodiscus tenuis Anabaena sp. Synedra filiformis Phormidium sp. Tabellaria fenestrata v. intermedia Chr so h tes Miscellaneous Dinobryon sociale Flagellates (undet.) Cr tomonads Cryptomonas sp.

A4.1.2.2 - 77. (Con't) ASOl from shore of ond de th 0.5 - 1.0 m. Diatoms Green al ae Asterionella formosa Ankistrodesmus falcatus Diatoma tenue v. elongatum Gloeocystis planctonica Navicula sp. Ulothrix sp. Synedra filiformis Blue- reen al ae Miscellaneous Oscillatoria sp. Flagellates (undet.) Phormidium sp. Dinoflagellates (undet.) Chr so h tes Dinobryon sociale

  • Samples were taken by Alan J. Bady. Determinations were made by Nancy V.

Southwick, Great Lakes Research Division, Institute of Science and Technology, The University of Michigan.

C TABLE h4.1.2.2 - 78 ANALYSIS OF PHYTOPLANKTON SAMBLES COLLECTED IN THE ABSORPTION POND STUDY SITE 6A, 22 JUNE, 1976 ACOO from center of ond at surface 0.0 - 0.5 m. Dtatoms: Asterionella formosa, Sphaerocystic sp. Melosira granulata Blue- reen al ae; Nitschia sp. Oscillatoria sp. Rhizosolenia eri,ensis Chr so h tes: Stephanodiscus minutus Dinobryon bavaricum Dinobryon sociale Stephanodiscus niagarae Miscellaneous Stephanodiscus tenuis Flagella tes (undet.) Synedra delicatissima Dinoflagellates (undet.)

v. angustissima Tabellaria fenestrata
v. intermedia ACOl from center of ond de th 0.5 - 1.0 m.

Diatoms: Green al ae: Diatoma tenue v. elongatum Pediastrum tetras Flagilaria crotonensis Scenedesmus sp. Melosira sp. Sphaerocystis sp. Nitschia acicularis Ulothrix sp. Tabellaria fenestrata v. intermedia Blue- reen al ae: Chr so h tes: Oscillatoria sp. Dinobryon bavaricum

TABLE A4'.1.2.2 - 78 (Con't) AC02 from center of ond de th 1.0 - 1.5 m. Diatoms: Green al ae: Diatoma vulgare Ankistrodesmus falcatus Fragilaria intermedia v. fallax Scenedesmus acuminatus Melosira granulata Spirogyra sp. Melosira islandica Ulothrix sp. Rhizosolenia gracilis Blue- reen al ae; Stephanodiscus tenuis Oscillatoria sp. Stephanodiscus sp. Phormidium sp. Synedra filiformis Cr tomonads: Tabellaria fenestrata v. intermedia Chr so h tes: Dinobryon divergens Dinobryon sociale AC03 (from center of pond, depth, 1.5 - 2.0 m.) Diatoms: Green al ae: Asterionella formosa Ankistrodesmus falcatus Melosira italica Gloeocystis sp. Nitschia sp. Scenedesmus sp. Rhizosolenia eriensis Chr so h tes: Synedra filiformis Dinobryon bavaricum Tabellaria fenestrata v. intermedia Cr tomonads: Blue- reen al ae: Cryptomonas sp. Oscillatoria sp.

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - Z8 (Con't) AC(A from center of ond de th 2.0 - 2.5 m. Diatoms: Green al ae: Melosira sp. Ankistrodesmus falcatus Rhizosolenia gracilis Ankistrodesmus sp. Stephanodiscus tenuis Gloeocystis planktonica Synedra filiformis Cr tomonads: Tabellaria fenestrata v, intermedia Cryptomonas sp. Miscellaneous: Blagellates (undet.) Dinoflagellates (undet.) AC05 from center of ond de th 2.5 - 3.0 m. Dia toms: Green al ae: Asterionella formosa Ankistrodesmus falcatus Melosira sp. Scenedesmus sp. Nitschia sp. Blue- reen al ae: Stephanodiscus tenuis Oscillatoria sp. Synedra filiformis Cr tomonads: Cryptomonas sp. AC06 from center of ond de th 3.0 - 3.5 m. No organisms present; only detritus, mostly organic.

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 79. ANALYSIS OF BENTHIC SAMPLES TAKEN FROM ABSORPTION POND, STUDY SITE 6A, ll MAY, 1976* TAXON DENSITY PER S ~ DM. Sam le Absorb 1 Agrionidae (Odonata) Ischnura nymphs 0.57 Oligochaeta 5.09 Sam le Absorb 2 Agrionidae (Odonata) Ischnura nymphs 0.57 Oligochaeta 57.63 Sam le Absorb 3 Agrionidae (Odonata) Chromagrion2 nymphs 0.57 Lestidae (Odonata) Lestes nymphs 0.57 Tendipedidae (Diptera) larvae 2.83 Oligochaeta 82.49 Sam le Absorb 4 Tendipedidae (Diptera) larvae 0.57 Oligochaeta

  • Samples, counts and determinations were made by Alan J. Bady.

TABLE A4.1.2.2 - 80 ADDITIONS TO INVENTORY OF VASCULAR PLANT SPECIES SITE RECORDS (13) Pinaceae Picea sp. V-7 (60) Portulacaceae Claytonia virginica L (65) Berberidaceae Podophyllus peltatum L. vw-4 (79) Saxifragaceae Mitella diphylla L. vw-4 (115) Violaceae Viola papilionacea Pursh vw-4 V. pubescens Ait. vw-4 Specimens were collected and determined by F. C. Evans.

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                      '58 IHIIIII,
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INDIANA 5 MICHIGAN POWER COMPANY DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 Report on the Performance of Thermal Plume Areal Measurements Volume 1 Submitted to: Chief Engineer, Michigan Water Resources Commission June 1, 1976


                                                                                ~Pa    e I. INTRODUCTION A. Monitoring Requirements           ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~    ~, ~, ~," ~  ~ ~

B. Scope of'the Study . ~ ~ ~ ~ C. Plant Description ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I DATA AC(USITION TECHNI(jUES . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II I. DATA ANALYSIS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 13 I V.


OF MONITORING EFFORT A. Discussion of ANL Data: May 13-14, 1975 17 B. Discussion of Measured Plumes . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 27 (1) Monitoring Period: July 23-August 2, 1975 July 25, 1975 '35 July 26, 1975 (1140-1314) 36 July 26, 1975 1454-1635 37 July 28, 1975 39 July 29, 1975 40 July 30, 1975 41 July 31, 1975 43" August 2, 1975 . 43

              ,July-August Plume Data Sheets            ~ ~  ~ ~   ~   ~    ~ ~

46'4 (2) Monitoring Period: September 22-October, 3 975 September 22, 1975 . September 23, 1975 1044-1216) . ~ ~ ~ 54'5 September 23, 1975 1326-1528) . ~ ~ ~ September 27, 1975 . 56 September 29, 1975 . 56 October 2, 1975 (1007-1157) 57 October 2, 1975 (1248-1356 58 September - October Plume Data Sheets 59 (3) Monitoring Period: December 1-18, 1975 December 8, 1975 (1150-1318) 66 December 8, 1975 (1402-1504) 66 December 9, 1975 (1014-1205) 67 December 9, 1975 (1258-1422) 68 December Plume Data Sheets . 69 (4) Monitoring Period: February 23-March 15, 1976 February 27, 1976 73 February 29, 1976 74


                                                                                   ~Pa  e March  1, 1976 .                                     ~  ~       ~ g ~

75 March 3, 1976 . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~

                                                                             ~   ~

75 March 9, 1976 (1143-1308) . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 76 March 9, 1976 1414-1528) . ~ ~ ~ ~

                                                                                     '77 II March  11, 1976               ~ ~ ~   ~ ~   ~

78 February - March Plume Data Sheets ~ ~ 79 V. LAKE CURRENT DATA ~ ~ 86 VI. LAKE TEMPERATURE DATA ~ ~ ~ ~ 93 VI I .


                             ~ ~ ~   ~              ~  ~ p    ~    ~


LIST OF FIGURES No. Title ~Pa e I-'1 Unit 1 Discharge Structure . . . . .' . . . . . . .' ~ I~ ~ 6 I I-1 Schematic of Towed Array . . . ~ 9 II-2 Location of Current Meters and Temperature Sensors . Plume Map; May 14, 1975 (1158-1318): Surface....'


ll IV-1 ~ 21 IV-2 IV-3 Plume Map; May 14, 1975 (1158-1318): 0.5 Meters Centerline Excess Temperature at One Meter Depth '- 22 May 13-14, 1975 26 V-1 'Lake Current Persistence for Meter 1N 88 V-2 Lake Current Persistence for Meter 6N 89 V-3 Lake Current Persistence for Meter 4S 90 V-4 Lake Current Persistence for Meter 5S 91 VI-1 Lake Temperature Data South of Plant . 95 VI-2 ~ Lake Temperature Data North of Plant . 97 VII-'1 Centerline Excess Temperature Plot: May, 1975 105 VI I-2 Centerline Excess Temperature Plot: July-August, 1975 ~ ~ ~ o l06 VI I-3 Centerline Excess Temperature Plot: Sept.-Oct.1975 . . 107 VI I-4 Centerline Excess Temperature Plot: December, 1975 . . ~ . 108 VII-5 Centerline Excess Temperature Plot: Feb.-Mar. 1975 . . ~ 109 VII-6 Region of Lake Influenced by D. C. Cook Unit 1 Discharge (815 of full power) 112



f o No. Title ~Pa e IV-1 Plant Operating Data: May 13-14, 1975 . . 18 IV-2 Meteorological and Lake Current'ata: May 13-14, 1975 19 IV-3 Lake Water Temperature Data at D.C. Cook S'ite May 13-14) 1975 ~

                                               "~ ~ ~ ~      ~ e ~ ~ ,, 20 Areas Within Jsotherms: May 13-14, 1975 . .: . . '. .:.

I IV-4 25 IV-5 Estimated 63F Areas May 14, '1975 '25 IV-6 Plant Ope'rating Data 'During Monit'oring,'. 28 IV-7 Current Meter Data 'During Monitori'ng 31 VI I-1 Seasonal Variation of Plume Areas and Widths 102 I g 4f




1. The Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant thermal discharge was monitored during the periods:

May 13-14, 1975 July 23 - August 2, 1975 September 22 - October 3, 1975 December 1-18, 1975 February 23 - March 15, 1976 pl

2. The smallest plume measured during the study had no areas that exceeded the ambient temperature at one meter depth by 63F . It was a "negative" plume in which the discharged water at one meter was 8

cooler than ambient.

3. The largest plume measured during the study had an area within the 63F isotherm, at a depth of one meter, of 120 acres. The width of this plume, at the widest point, was 470 meters. The plume extended to a depth of at least 12 meters.
4. The areas within the 23F isotherm showed considerable variation with season. The smallest plumes were observed during the spring and summer and the largest were observed during the winter.
5. The plume centerline temperatures observed during the study exhibited season variations. The spring and summer excess temperatures were lower than the winter excess temperatures. The temperatures decayed linearly with distance.
6. The warmer than normal lake temperatures observed during the February-March monitoring period precluded the possibility of observing a "sinking" plume. The winter plumes were well mixed to the bottom or a depth of 12 meters.


7. The region of the lake influenced by the h3F water did not extend south of the discharge and no 63F plume water was observed to touch the shoreline.


8. The plume maps obtained in this study must be considered approximations of the actual plume conditions. The plumes are dynamic in nature as they are continually influenced by variable lake currents and lake temperatures. Since complete mapping of a plume requires 1 1/2 to 2 hours, the plume can change significantly during the mapping process.
9. Monitoring thermal discharges on the eastern shor e of Lake Michigan is fraught with difficulties. Sophisticated instrumentation is required to operate under adverse environmental conditions, and weather and lake conditions often precluded leaving the harbor.


Peport on the Performance of, Thermal Plume Areal Measurements I. INTRODUCTION A. Monitoring Requirements In granting a license to the Indiana P~ Michigan Power Company to operate the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, at Bridgman, Michigan, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (formerly Atomic Energy Commission) issued Technical Specifications defining a non-radiological environmental monitoring program designed to evaluate the impact of discharging power plant effluents into Lake Michigan. The objectives of monitoring the lake water temperature in the region near the plant were to: (i ) Determine the thermal characteristics of the lake within the defined study area; (ii) Determine the size, shape and location of the thermal plume under different wind and lake current conditions; (iii) Determine if the thermal discharge is in compliance with the thermal criteria of the Michigan Water Resources Commission. Also, the Michigan Water Resources Commission issued an HPDES permit to the Indiana 5 Michigan Power Company authorizing discharges from the facility into Lake Michigan in accordance with effluent limitations and monitoring requirements as set forth in the permit. The thermal limitations stated:

       "The combined discharge        shall not increase the temperature of Lake Michigan at the edge of        a  mixing zone equivalent to 570 acres (a defined area equivalent to that of a circle of radius of 2,811 ft.)

more than 3'F above the existing natural temperature or above the following monthly maximum temperature: Jan. Feb. Mar. ~Ar. ~Ma June ~Jul ~Au . ~Se t. Oct. Nov. Dec. 45 45 45 55 60 70 80 80 80 65 60 50

The permit also required:,

         "The company shall perform studies on the areal extent of the thermal plume resulting from its condenser water discharges.               Said study shall commence no later than 120 days after issuance of this permit or when unit reaches 75% of rated load, whichever is later, and shall be conducted for a period of one year. The study plan shall be apnroved by the Chief Engineer and be designated to study conditions experienced during the four seasons of the year."

This monitoring program was desigried to satisfy the requirements stipulated in these two documents and was designed to complement the biological monitoring'rogram 3 and the chlorine monitoring program 4 so that the combined V studies could provide sufficient data to evaluate the effect, if any, of the cooling water discharges on the aquatic'life in Lake Michigan. This study was performed pursuant to "Study Plan for the Performance of Thermal Plume Areal Measurements" submitted'to the Chief Engineer of the Michigan Water Resources Commission on April ll, 1975, which was appr oved July 8, 1975. B. Scope of the Study The scope of the study involved measurements of the thermal discharge during four study periods:

       ~15       i    l      ii      -ii       .      i   ti  .-i     . i      i.-ii Each    study period was to consist of      a   minimum     of five sampling days. During each sampling day, a minimum        of two plume resolutions were         to  be, made (weather permitting).       The data obtained during these thermal surveys were to be analyzed     for the following information:
1. Location of the centerline of the plume;
2. The rate of excess temperature decrease along the plume centerline;
3. The width of the plume;
4. The thickness of the plume;
5. The depth,and extent of the winter sinking plume.

The variables to be monitored during the survey periods included ambient lake temperatures, ambient lake currents,,wind speed and direction, condenser intake and discharge temperatures, condenser.-flow rate,,reacto'r power and the spatial distribution of temperatures within the thermal plume; The D. C. Cook Unit 1 achi eved 801 of rated power on April 19, 1975. Oue to difficulties in obtaining the required monitoring equi pment, it was not possible to perform the thermal plume measurements during the April 15-May 15, 1975 period. Monitoring was done, however, during the week of May 12, 1975, by Argonne National Laboratory using techniques similar to those to be, used for the remainder of the study. Three plume mappings were obtained and are summarized in Section IV., Following delivery of the monitoring equipment, the monitoring effort scheduled for early July was further delayed because of a shut down of the plant from July 4 to July 21. The monitoring effort started on July 23, 1975, when the D. C. Cook Unit I achieved 81% of full power. Monitoring a thermal plume in Lake Michigan, particularly the eastern shore, is a difficult task requiring instrumentation that operates under adverse conditions of temperature, humidity', occasional violent motion, obstructions in the lake and unreliable portable power supplies plus a continual concern for weather and its effect on lake conditions. A brief summary 'of the events that occurred during each monitoring period is given in Appendix D-IV. C. Plant Descri tion The Donald C.'Cook Nuclear Plant is. located near Bridgman, Michigan, on the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan, about south of Benton Harbor. The two pressurized water reactors are each designed for an output


of 3-,250 MWt, corresponding to a gross electrical output of approximately


1,090 MWe. Only Unit 1 is operational at this time. Condenser cooling water for-the plant is withdrawn from and returned to Lake Michigan via the once-through'cooling system. Normal circulating water flow rate and temperature rises for Unit 1 are: Unit 1 Ful 1 Power 80K Power Flow rate, m 3

                      /sec.                                  45               '5 gpm                                  710,000              710,000 Condenser hT,         'C                              12.1                 9.3 oF                              21.8              . 16.7 Cooling water is drawn through three intake cribs located approximately 685 meters      (2250   ft.)  off-shore in about 7.3 meters (24           ft.)    of water (for average lake level        of  579  ft. MSL). During wi nter operation, when the ambient lake temperature          is below 1.7'C (35'F) the system is. operated .in the de-icing mode, wherein          some   heated water     is   pumped  via one of the three i ntake pipes to the other         two pipes, to prevent         ice formation around the intakes   . This results in      slightly    lower flow rates and increased temperature rises (0.6 - 1.1'C) for the two units.

The condenser cooling water is discharged to the lake via two discharge pipes. The cooling water discharge structures are located in about 5.7 meters (18 ft.) of water, 365 meters (1200 ft.) off-shore. The two cooling discharge structures are about 91 meters (300 ft.) apart. Each discharge pipe is connected via an upturned 90'lbow to a discharge manifold with rectangular discharge slots. The Unit 1 structure consists of two discharge slots, each 9,1 meters (30 ft.) wide, by 0.61 meters (2 ft.) high and 0.46 meters (1.5 ft.) above the lake bottom. The Unit 2 structure has three discharge, slots, each 6.1 meters (30 ft.) wide by 0.84.meters

(2.75 ft.) high and 0.53 meters (1.75 ft.) above the lake bottom. The Unit 1 discharge structure is shown in Figure I-l.

A 30 7.5 9 I 9.76 8.5 55o 55'5'885 I 750

                                                    $   16 DIA DISCHARGE PIPE LOW WATER ELEVATION 578.8' EL.= 56I 2 LAKE BOTTOM 30                    2.0 3.5 I6 45 EL.=54I                                         SCALE- I'     I2.5 SECTION A A Unit  1 Discharge Structure Figure I-1

II. DATA AC UISITIOH TECHllI UES . The discharge of heated condenser, water, into Lake.Michigan'produces a "thermal plume" that is dynamic in nature. That is, its size, shape and depth are constantly changing in response to,variations in the lake currents, lake water temperatures, meteorological conditions- and distribution plant'perating conditions. To adequately determine the temperature within the thermal plume and the surrounding waters. required a monitoring technique that would allow rapid measurement of these temperatures, as, a function of depth, over a large area of the lake. Correlation of the plume characteristics required simultaneous measurement of the lake currents, meteorological variables and plant operating parameters. The technique utilized for this monitoring effort depended upon an automatic data acquisition system that could record in rapid sequence a number of data sets consisting of temperatures, boat position ranges, temperature sensor depth and time. These data were then processed by computer and automatically plotted to provide a graphical presentation of the spatial temperature distributions. The data acquisition system consisted of a Vidar Autodata 8 with ten channels of analog data input, 2 channels of digital data input, an internal clock and a paper tape printer. This unit digitized the analog temperature and depth data, printed all data on paper tape and transmitted the data to a paper tape punch. This provided a punched paper tape to input the data to a computer and also provided a printed copy as a back-up,.to the punched tape and a real-time visual reference for the personnel on the monitoring boat. A complete description of this system is given in Appendix'D-II. Hater temperatures, as a function of depth, were measured by platinum resistance temperature sensors (RTD's) suspended from a boat. by a taut

cable as the boat traversed back and forth across the thermal plume. The RTD's were located at intervals along the cable precalculated to place them at depth intervals of one meter when the boat was underway . The bottom of the cable was attached to a submerged paravane (ENDECO 'V-fin) that provi ded a downward force, that increased as the boat speed increased. The depth of the bottom RTD was measured by a waterproof pressure transducer calibrated to read the depth directly in meters. The system is illustrated in Figure II-1 . The surface, temperature was measured by means of an RTD attached to a piece of spring steel which enabled the probe to follow the water surface very closely. The spring steel strip planes across the water when the boat is underway, yet the spring tension provides sufficient force to keep the RTD sensor, projecting approximately 2 inches below the strip, submerged at all times.. (See Figure II-1.) The position of the boat duri ng the plume tr ansects was constantly determined by a Motorola Mini-Ranger III system. This consisted of two shore-based transponders and a receiver/transmitter unit and range console on board the boat. Range information from each transponder was sampled several times per second and displayed at pre-selected intervals. This information was translated by tri lateration into boat position during the computer processi ng of the data. This plume measuring technique requi red one and one-half to two hours to measure the plume of, Unit 1 operating at 805 full power. Weather permitting, two complete plum'e mappings were conducted each field day ., With a data recording rate of 2-1/2 channels per second, 2 range measure-ments and 7 temperature channels, depth and .time could be recorded every 4 seconds . Thus, the equivalent, of approximately 2,000 vertical temperature

MOTOROLA MRS Et Console MRS lE R/T Unit VIOAR RTO Power Supply AVTOOATA 6 and Signal Electric Winch Conditioner

                                                     <</Slip Clutch FACIT 4070 Popa Tope Punch

Sotety Cobl ~ Surface Temperature Probe 8


t 3$

                                         'Cobl ~

Clomps l Vr(

                ~  (~ ((.   ~

l ((. Stress Sot t Cobl ~ Vinyl Falrina Satety Cabl ~ Rubber Mauntk(a Platinum RTO Sock Pressure Transducer Weak Link 6 meter ENOECO V.Fin Schematic of Towed Array Figure II-l.

profile measurements would be obtained in a 2 hour mapping period. The lake water temperatures in the vicinity of the plant were monitored bv vertical thermistor strings anchored at four positions in instruments the lake and cable-connected to onshore recording . The sensing thermistors were located on two range lines projecting into the lake at right angles to the shoreline; one near the north and the other near the south boundari es of the site ~ Along these range lines, sensor strings were positioned 122 meters (400 ft.) offshore and 550 meters (1,800 ft.) offshore . YSI Series 700 linear thermistors were utilized as temperature sensors. Figure II-2 illustrates the position of the temperature s enso rs . The ambient near-shore currents that affect the thermal plume were determined by four ENDECO type-105 recording current meters installed in the lake at the locations shown in Figure II-2. These current meters are e axial flow, ducted impeller meters specifically designed to cancel out the orbital wave velocities that are often larger in magnitude than the current velocities in the near-shore water. The current meters were moored far enough above the bottom so they would not be buried by drifting sand,'and far enough below the surface so that they would not be damaged by boats or by ice during thepermitting winter. The meters were inspected by divers and the film packs containing the current records were retrieved monthly, lake and weather conditions . The current readings were recorded as one-half hour averages. During the mapping of the plumes, surface current measurements were made utilizing drogues. Drogues, set to measure currents at a depth of 2 feet, were placed in an offshore region, outside the outer bar,and in the 10

Q5s Q8N 80 Q4S QIN I II IH 0 II 0 II II 40 II qll y

                                      ~ ll l Il 0                          I I

II I 0 I I I ll I 8 0 I lbt I 8 0 meters QCurrent Meter 0 Temperature Sensor 0 '0 Plant North 0 Plant Discharge gotC o Plant Intake ego Q Transponder taco Figure II-2 Locations of Current Meters and Temperature Sensors

region betwee'n the inner and outer bars, in an area that was unaffected by the thermal discharge. The drogues were deployed prior to the beginning of the monitoring run and retrieved at the end of each run. Tracking of the drogues was accomplished by means of the Motorola Mini-Ranger III positioning system on the survey boat. To evaluate the effects of wind and other meteorological variables on plume behavior, the required data was obtained from instrumentation placed on the Donald C. Cook microwave tower. Instrumentation included a Bendix Aerovane Transmitter Model 120, located at an elevation of 150 feet, and a Weather Measure Model W103 Light Weight Cup Anemometer and Model W104 Light Weight Vane Sensor, located at an elevation of 50 feet. The wind speed and direction data were averaqed over hourly intervals. 12.

DATA ANALYSIS Data reduction and analysis was a major effort in this monitoring program. Without the use of a computer and computer plotting techniques the task would have been enormous. The punched paper tape produced by the data acquisition system contained data sets consisting of (1) time, (2) ranges from the boat to the two transponders, (3) depth of bottom RTD and (4) temperatures. The printed paper tape that contained the monitoring data was reviewed for consistency and times were identified for the beginning and ending of data that was relevant to the plume definition. The data on the punched paper tape, together with the appropriate calibration factors and the limiting times, was then transmi tted to the computer for processino and plotting. The computer calculated the x-y coordinates (plant coordinate system) of each data point, calculated the depths of the various temperature sensors and plotted on a 39 in. wide drum plotter the corrected temperatures'at K each depth. The resulting plots, 39 in. wide by a maximum of 54 in. long, were then analyzed and isotherms were drawn by hand. In drawing the isotherms some interpretation of the data was necessary and frequent use was made of both the printed paper tape data and isotherms that appeared at other depths for the same plume. Continuity between temperatures at adjacent depth and cross sections was maintained by this frequent cross checking of the data as the isotherms were drawn.. hoioreduced. examples of these plots are shown in Appendix D-I. Several plume isotherms were drawn independently by different personnel to ensure consistency in the interpretations. 13

After the plume regions were defined on the plots described above, boat transects were identified that would provide good vertical tempera-I ture profiles of the plume. These data were then resubmitted to the com-4 puter for plotting of the vertical temperatures. The isotherms on these plots were also hand drawn. Determination of an "ambient" temperature for each plume was necessary in order to define the A3F'sotherm (the region in which the temperature exceeds the ambient lake temperature by 3'F or more). Difficulties experi-enced with the in-situ temperature monitoring system precluded relying on only that data for evaluation of the ambient temperature. However, the limited data obtained from this system indicated large variations in tempera-ture as a function of both time and location and illustrated the inherent difficulty in defining a representative ambient temperature (see Section VI). In lieu of the in-situ temperature data, lake temperatures measured during the plume mapping, in regions that were judged to be unaffected by the thermal discharge, were used to estimate the ambient temperature. Lake current data was analyzed to determine the "up-current" side of the discharge, which is the area least likely to be influenced by the plume. The situation was complicated when the current meter data indicated shifts in current direction prior to and during the plume mapping. Heteorologi-cal data were analyzed to confirm that apparent upwelling* or solar heating** effects were consistent with the meteorological conditions. For a description of problems encountered with the in-situ temperature monitoring system, see Chapter VI.

  • Upwellings are produced in a stratified lake when a strong, persistent wind drives the warm surface water to the downwind side of the lake and "tilts" the thermocline sufficiently to cause the colder water below the thermocline to come to the surface on the upwind side of the lake. This results in water temperatures that increase with distance offshore.
    • See next page.


After an "ambient region" was chosen at each depth, the temperatures in that region were analyzed and an ambient temperature for that depth was determined., The range of lake temperatures in the "ambient region" and the resulting ambient temperature are summarized for each thermal plume on the Thermal Plume Data sheets in Section IV. Once the A3F'sotherm had been drawn on the plume maps the area within this isotherm was measured with a planimeter and the plume width was determined at the widest region. These are also summarized on the Thermal Plume Data sheets in Section IV. For purposes of defining the plume area, width and centerline, the plume measurements taken at a depth of one meter were utilized. This eliminated many anomolous results that were produced by solar heating of the surface water. i'he The phenomenon was particularly troublesome during July-August monitoring period. The plume centerline was determined primarily by the data at the one meter depth, but the plume configurations at the surface and the 2 meter depth were used to confirm the centerline designation.

    • Solar heating results when solar energy is absorbed by the water mass.

Most of the energy is absorbed near the surface and causes temperature increases in a relatively thin layer. (Temperature increases of 5 F within a 2-hour period have been observed in the top one foot of water on a hot, calm, summer day.) The remainder of the energy is absorbed in the'water column to the depth of penetration (several meters). Since the solar energy input is uniform over the surface, the shallow inshore water receives more energy per unit volume and is thereby warmed more rapidly than the offshore water. Thus, the ambient temperature would decrease with distance offshore. Water warmed by solar heating cannot be differentiated from water heated by the power plant. Thus, when there is significant solar heating of the surface, it becomes very difficult to (1) define an ambient surface temperature because of large temperature variations and (2) to define the boundaries of the'thermal plume. (See the plume maps for the July 25-August 2 period, Appendix D-I.) 15

Data from the in-situ current meters are tabulated in Appendix D-III. These data were then analyzed with respect to persistence and the percent-I age of time the current flows in a given direction and'with a given speed. The surface currents were determined by evaluating the distance and direction traveled by the drogues in a given period of time. The location of drogue deployment and recovery was determined by the Motorola Mini-Ranger and recorded, along with the time, on the data acquisition system. Meteorological data consisting of wind speed and direction and air-temperature were obtained from instrumentation mounted on the D.C. Cook microwave tower (see Section II). The data are averaged over hourly periods. Th'e plant operating data consisting of hourly averages of power level, condenser flow rate, intake and discharge temperature were obtained from the operating records. These data are suomarized in Section IV. 16



OF MONITORING EFFORT A. Discussion of ANL Data: Ma 13-14, 1975 Three thermal plume measurements were made at the D. CD Cook plant on May 13 and 14, 1975 by personnel from the Energy and Environmental Systems Division of Argonne National Laboratory. The following discussion is based on 'a report 5 summarizing these surveys. Plant operating data for the periods covered by the surveys are listed on Table IV-1. Local lake currents were measured by firmly anchoring the survey boat and suspending a current meter at various depths for brief periods. The data obtained from these measurements together wi th lake conditions and meteorological data are tabulated on Table IV-2. The range and average ambient temperature for surface, 1, 2, and 3 meter depths are shown on Table IV-3. Dates and times of the three surveys are: Plume 1 - May 13, 1975 (1529-1700 hr.) Plume 2 - May 14, 1975 (1158-1318 hr.) Plume 3 - May 14, 1975 (1600-1717 hr.) An examination of the ambient temperature data listed in Table IV-3 indicates that the lake was fairly well mixed in the upper 3 meters for Plume 2, but clearly stratified near the surface for Plumes 1 and 3. The higher surface temperatures for Plumes 1 and 3 are attributed to solar heating of the surface waters. A temperature gradient of about 3.2F'rom the surface to 3 meters is evident for Plumes 1 and 3; the tempe'rature variation is only 0.7F'or Plume 2. Figures IV-1 and IV-2 are isotherm maps of Plume 2 at surface and 0.5 meter depths. The shoreline, intake and discharge structures are shown in these figures. Isotherms are labeled in terms of the excess 17

Table IV-1 D. C. Cook Plant Operating Data* Date 5/13/75 5/14/75 5/14/75 Time 1529-1700 1158-1318 1600-1717 Reactor Power 'A 80 80.4-80.6 80.8 CW Flow 808 808 808 GPN x 10 CW Inlet 45.1 45.1 46.9 Temperature F CW Outlet 61.2 61.2 61.9 Temperature F

  • Reference 3 18

Table IV-2 Meteorological and Lake Current Data* Date and Time May 13, 1975 May 14, 1975 May 14, 1975 May 14, 1975 1415 hrs 1100 hrs 1500 hrs 1740 hrs Lake Locationa Bottom Depth ft. 23. 9 22 17. 1 20 Dry Bulb Temperature F 51.1 60. 1 64. 63. Relative Humidity (X) 81 53 61 70 Wind Speed 5 Direction (Mph 5 degrees) 1.8, 245 6.3-8.1, 185 Calm Calm Sky Conditions Clear Cloudy Partly Cloudy Cloudy with haze Lake Surface Conditions Calm Calm Calm Calm Ambient Current Speed 8 Direction (cm/sec. 5 degrees): 0.5-m Depth 7.2, 055 9.4, 040 4.4, 075 0 1.0-m Depth 7..2, 035 10.6, 048 4.4, 075 0.6, 285 1.5-m Depth 6.7, 015 .9.4, 050 5.0, 043 1.1, 270 2.0-m Depth 7.8, 015 8.9, 050 5.6, 038 1.1, 280 2.5-m Depth 7.8, 015 7.25 030 3:3, 035 1.7, 325 3.0-m Depth 7.8, 015 6.1, 020 2.2, 020 1.7, 325 4.0-m Depth 7.2, 015 5.0, 010 5.0, 355 2.2, 360 5.0-m Depth 7.2; 010 5.6, 360 4.4, 350 2.2, 025 6.0-m Depth 5.6, 010 2.8,'60 1.1, 035 aSurvey boat anchored approximately 400 m offshore, 1 km south of the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant. "Reference g

Table IV-3 Lake Temperature Data at D. C. Cook Site* Plume Number Date and Time Surface 1 Meter 2 Meters 3 Meters 5-13-75 49 '-51.1 46.6-50 45.7-47.8 45.3-47.5 1529-1700 50.4 47.5 47.1 46.9 5-14-75 47.7-48.6 47.1-48.4 47.3-48.4 47.1-48 1158-1318 48.4 47.8 47.8 47.7 5-14-76 50. 5-52 48.7-49.5 48-49. 3 47. 8-49. 3 1600-1717 51. 1 48. 9 48.4 48.0 (a) Range of ambient temperatures - 'F (b) Assumed ambient temperature - 'F Reference Z Note: The ambient temperatures presented in this table were determined by Argonne National, Laboratory personnel utilizing a technique similar to that described in Section III; i.e., a region of the lake unaffected by the plume was identified and temperatures within that region were averaged. The discussion in this section relied upon their evaluation.

                                          . 20
                                                                                     >0 00 0)0
                                             >0 >)                                     0>)
                                                         >OO   0)
                                                         >000 0>)
                                     ~ 0>l

)0)>( ~ 0())0) ~ 00>

                                                                  ~ 00)
                        )>>00() a)

Thermal Plume at Surface for. D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant: May 14, 1975 (1158-1318 hr) Figure IV-1

  • Reference 5
                                      ~ 0tl 1l G:0 I

I4y'Oli e

                 ~ ~                                                                                         T oF

e 00 ~ ~

                 ~ ~

80 0 cO XO 03 48 ' f4't

                 ~ ~
                                > 0OI
                 ~ ~

Nki ~ ~ >00)

                 ~ ~
                 ~ ~
                 ~ ~
00) .09 49.
                                                                                                        .16  49.9

Se g>t> ~ 04 5<V(Lat

                                                                                                        .23  50.9
                                                                                                        .30  51.8
                                                                                                        .43  53.6 Thermal Plume'at 0.5 Meters Depth     for       D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant: May 14, 1975 (1158-1318 hr)*

Figure IV-2

  • Reference 5

temperature ratio 8/00 , where e is the local water temperature minus the ambient water temperature at a specific depth and 0 0 is the discharge temperature minus the same ambient temperature." The tables appearing on these figures indicate the correspondence between the temperature'in F and the various 0/0 0 ratios which identify the isotherms drawn on the figures. (Plumes 1 and 3 were not shown graphically in Reference they are difficult to define; i.e., the surface ambient temperature 5'ecause was about the same as the plume temperatures.) The values chosen for the ambient temperatures are probably uncertain by as much as O.4 F This uncertainty could affect the excess temperature ratios used in this report, but will not significantly influence the comparisons and conclusions that follow. The general characteristics of the plumes monitored by Argonne National Laboratory were summarized in Reference 5 and were paraphrased as follows: The plumes all headed north because of the northward ambient current, although Plume 3 is not bent nearly so much as Plumes 1 and 2. The reason is apparent when exami ni ng the current records in Table IV-2, which indicates a decrease in ambient-current during the afternoon of May 14th. Plume 2 is well defined at all depths (Figures IV-1 and IV-2) due, in part, to the well-mixed receiving water in the upper 3 meters. Plumes 1 and 3 are difficult to interpret in the upper one-half meter. Below this level, .Plumes 1, 2 and 3 are similar, at least in general characteristi cs . In the upper 0.5 meter layer, the plume water for Plumes 1 and 3 is about the same temperature as the ambient water. The plume is still recognizable only because it is surrounded by a band of cooler water. This cooler water is probably the result of the entrai nment of cooler bottom water at the edge of the discharge jet. This condition may also exist for Plume 2, but would 23

not be apparent because the temperature of the deeper water is similar to that at the surface. Areas within given isotherms and temperatures measured along the plume centerline were determined in Reference 5. ,Table IV-4 summarizes, these areas as a function of depth and Figure IV-3 is a plot of centerline excess-temperatures at a depth of one meter as a function of distance from . the discharge. F Estimates of the area enclosed by the a3F'sotherm were made "for '- Plume k2 by interpolating between the appropriate values on Table IV-4. These estimates appear on Table IV-5. The areas are small and are consistent with the absence of a discernable plume the previous afternoon and the afternoon of the same day. Table'V-4 "for Plume 2, indicates that areas are fairly constant with depth until the temperature becomes less than 51 F. At that point,'reas increase significantly with decreasing depth. Table IV-4 does not contain much information for Plumes 1 and 3, but was prepared by Argonne mainly for completeness. However, wh'ere data are available, areas are similar to those measured for'lume 2. 24

Table IV-4 t Area Within Isotherms (Acres) Plume Number Level meters C F S 1 2 3 11 51.8 0.2 10 50. 16.2 11.4

                                                        '-13-75 10.1  '.2 (1529-l700)   9.5       49.1                                               29. 2 82        12       53. 6       0. 41                             0.1   0.1 5-14-75      11       51.8        4.3            2.0                2,2   1.8 (1158-1318)  10.5       50.9      21.8             48                 50    32 10       50.0     261.9          45.2                36.6   15 '

9.5 49.1 "121.8 66.0 v 83 11 51.8 8.3 4.8 5. 3.5 5-14-75 10.5 50.9 40.3 17 ' 15.4 (1600-1717) 10 0

              ~        50.                    121.1                 86.2  39 '

Table IV-5 Estimated 63Fo Isotherm Areas Plume k2 May l,4, 1975 1158-1318 Level e3F<> Acres 51.4 8.4 50.8 5.8 2, 50.8 5.5 50.7 4.3 25

                                       ~ 5-l3-75
                                       ~ 5-t4-75' 5-l4-75b i     g         r k

A 200 400 600 800 f000 l200 l400 l600 . I 800 2000 Distance From Discharge, meters Figure IV-3 Centerline Excess Temperature Plot: Nay, 1975

B. Discussion of Measured Plumes The plume summaries are organized by monitoring periods as follows: (1) July 23 - August 2, 1975 (2) September 22 - October 3, 1975 (3) December 1-1B, 1975 (4) February 23 - March 15, 1976 A capsule summary of the daily activities during each monitoring period . is given in Appendix 0-IV. Plume data sheets are assembled at the end of each of these sections in chronological order. Meteorological and plant operating data for the four periods are listed on the following pages in Table IV-6. Table IV-7 shows current meter data for the monitoring periods in 1975. The plume summaries will often refer to figures for descriptive reasons; these plume maps appear in Appendix D-I, the first page of which (page i) shows a legend for all plume maps contained therein. Listings are in chronological order and begin with the surface map. The drawings progress at whole-meter increments through the data taken. The last drawing of a set is the vertical profile which consists of three or more transects that described plume transition from the near-field configuration. In order to facilitate binding, the plume maps are arranged with plant north to the right side of the page and shoreline at the bottom. This was done because the maps generally varied most in the shore-parallel direction. 27

Table IV-6 D. C. Cook Heteorological and Plant Operating Dat... ttl nd ttt nd Al r CIrc. Reactor Gross Qt Intake OI Olscharse Speed Dlrectlon Tenperature ltater Flow power output Tenperature Tenperature Date Tine ItnH De ree 4F r>ptt x 10' ttwr 4F 4F 7-26-75 0900 1000 10 07 340 320 70 70 750 750

                                                                                                                                     '0  80 800 800 70.7 69.7 88 84.4 1100                      09                             320                           72                   750              80                800              69.7                     84 1200                       10                             330                           72                   750              80                800              67.7                     84. 2 1300                       10                             335                           73                   750              80                800              65                       82. 2 1400                       10                             350                           73                   750              80                800              61.7                     81 1500                       10                             340                           73                   750              80                800              63                       80.2 1800~~',".';3:;~>-.>.';;-',IZ,';.-'I'4'}.','~;.;-.'":.}OIO       i;0::,.';;-:-">>74(i.;:,sr'""'750::.'"'--'..""..i ..SO,"4'-".'='""SOO:.'",~~~%-::ZO,"7""0'i'::";

7-26-75 0800 09 140 58 750 76.2 780 61 77.8 0900 08 155 61 750 76.2 780 59.3 76.5 1000, , ,06 1100':-F~)4>:-"""OS 160 66

                                                                              ,                                         750              76.2              780              66
                                                                                                                                        -Tf'Zr'r.-'-'780'V4a"."~'69"374'."'"""'"'86'7 83 1 TOO'44!'    . "444m" 07 }:"""

7-28-75 0600 12 245 70 750 78.5 800 70.7 88.3 0700 ll 260 70 750 79.5 800 70.7 88. 2 0800 10 255 68 750 80 800 70 87.7 0900 1000 09 10 255 250 70 72 '50 750 80.8 80 800 810 69.7 69.3 87.8 87.8 1100, IZOO~, Fg>4 ir< 999, S~,'08'>4 t}<4..;"?p. 34BOO>>0" 9994 Y-;

                                                                                      >pj's 73           ,,
                                                                                              ', g"':,'74t~pp'yj:; '    750.   .  .  .80,  , ,

750.~jp>,"'~,;.;80 9.:.7':-: 4, 810 69.3 SIO(p>> 4C+44,'.F'69'7~>>4g~4g:..g4, 88 88".Q 7-29-75 0800 15 135 65 750 80 820 70 87. 5 0900 10 135 68 750 80 820 70 88. 2 1000 07 135 74 762 80 820 69 87.5 1100 04 135 80 762 80 820 68.2 86.1 777'>> 340, 1200 03 82 ,762 79.9 820 69.7 87.4 1300 1400, 04 06 , . 290 82 82 , 750 750, 79.5 80.5, 820 820 , 70 70 87.3 88.2 7-30-75 0600 14 135 68 741 80 820 63 80. 5 0700 14 145 68 741 80 820 66. 7 84.2 0800 14 135 68 762 80 820 67.7 84.2 0900 13 145 7'I 762 80 820 68 84.7 1000 12 999* 77 ,, 762 ,80 , , , 820 , ,,, 69... . ......874

           %+"32k>>r'Vkt~i'-"409:"}3j~4"           .-:.'.;:~~."':.'."'9':340.':k? (.-'"'1~>~~,:864:"."6'~>'HVAR,'"-.762;.'.":

7-31-75 0500 12 160 75 741 80 820 = 68.3 85.8 0600 15 160 71 741 80 820 69.7 87.2 0700 15 160 70 741 80 820 68.3 ', 85.7 OSOO 14 155 70 762 80 820 683 86.2

          '0900                       12                             135                           73                   762              80                820              67                       85.5 1000                       07                             130                           80                   762              80                820              70                       87.5 1100                       06                             125                           84                   762              80                820              67.7                     85.8 I200>>:""""rw"""a'>>4406'8>""           8'>>       < .:wr}20""w~j',""',S" "".88":; ':::-"'c "w '762'< '"" "::80'>a "~87830:.'.Rrs "68
                                                                                                                                  ~               4                              7'~~: "Ygs..:76;2' 8-02-75     0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 07 08 03 12 04 280 265 275 240 265 72 73 72 71 70 807 807 810 810 810 72.5 73 73 72.5 73 750 755 755 760 760 45 45.7 47 49 56.3
                                                                                                                                                                                 '4                  62. 2 62.2 66.5 72.2 44ooj   dLTn>>Ra~3      4lo'           <<tp'j'j'~'ib>>1150 5 g        ja'.  ~> s
                                                                                                >>47I > u4a<".9,:"810:,        ,     >73..6 4    r:   %760!'4  . }>>'>r>> 46}u34>> '>>>4>'r44 @78 8 tllssln9 Data 44    Data Uninterpretable

Table IV-6 (cont'd) D. C. Cook Meteorological and Plant Operating Data M)nd Olno Al r Circ. Peettor Gross CM Intete Cw Dist)>ec<<e Specs D)rect)on Te<>pereture Meter Flew Power Output Tenpereture Tenpereture

                                                                                  <F                                                                                                    <F                               ~

Bete Ttne )CPM Oeoree r>see >c )Os )rcre 1'200 9.22 75 14 295 54 111 81 875 59.1 76.5 1300 16 300 54 111 81 815 59.1 16.3

         ,  1400,,           ,1 5,                    280                        54
         <)500!;, 'Bzt>'t6'n':,';".,"3<qc270.';,..'u< 6>)<".,',S5,,>,,'r,;;>77)>",.'rt .

111 81

                                                                                                                                           <>8),,                  875
                                                                                                                                                                           <<<<),,, 59 59
                                                                                                                                                                                                  - .              16. 3 St. 76'3
                                     "   ."-6<> .           'y )" ):<'<'"7 .'.'<;n:                              -';"";             c,.~'>.         -'4<
                                                                                                                                                          ><<<>'2875 Pn                     3 9-23-75    0700                   6                   100                        51                                 711                     81                    815                 59.3                          76.5 0800 0900 u)OOIT'w>w<uu&)D 1) 9 120 135                        46...


                                              >e"")')40 BYES'"'"""".PP'62'"'"&<'<<C)e'2 11) 77'I,,

8) 81 ...815..., 4" '<<>BT",":.'"s:r)wu>815 815

                                                                                                                                                                       ')    )  '

59.3 59>3,

                                                                                                                                                                                     '59 3:",>.'r      '.:. >u
76. 5 N 8,'-.

cn76<5 PS)00;;";.':<~~j: 'jlOy< j$ 9-27.75 0800 10 270 53 17) 81 880 56. 3 74.2 0900 8 280 55 77) 81 880 56. 3 73.7 1000 1100

            )200, r.7>'>>'...

10 12 10

                                               ',  <,4300.'<>

180 175 180

         "1300'!38>O><>>tr& l""'nr<"'".'!<: >')80'<<'".""..":.':'<<": I2u:":

54 59 60

                                                                                                        'c<~>>'7,+<'.c 771 711 77)
                                                                                                    ""1>'rt <<77)'&t':.'<w>< ) '56 870. c   .

56 3 72.8

72. 1
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10 7 80, 95 60 40 4) 41 111 768 N8 80.5 80.2 80.5 810 865 870 57 56.7 56.7 13.8

73. 2 73 73 73 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,;472,8 13>T.:'2.08-75 0800                   8                   135                        29                                 162                     81                    880                 42.5           ,              59.0 0900                   8                   120                        30                                                         80.9                  860                 42.5                          59.5 1000                   7                   130                 ,      30      .           .            .762,      , .      ,

81, r,...,, . 850.,..... < )...43 y.. <<,>* (()600j":"<';6/'"""<~.":',".;<+))j"";g<'j'Q<j;3)>'5 1'. X)c>4>>'0.',rA': >>"'80'&1 ' ~ 890;;, "-'-" 4 ',Trl .':wnr prr "'> 59 ~ 5 1 ) 2-07-75 0700 8 95 29 81 880 44 60.5 0800 0900 8 8 90 90

'.-..".,:c 4 29 29 8) 81 860 880 43.5
                                                                                                                                                                                       ~3         60
                                                                                                                                                                                                      '.607" 60 43'        ~


                                                                 "     "'i'~,>,,">>~.r.'<,7 'r'>1 I          "':.'.
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Table IV-6 (Cont'd) D. C. Cook Meteorological and Plant Operating Oata Mind )find Alr Circ. Reactor Gross Ctf !ntate 04 Olschar9e Olrectlon Tenperature )fetor F)9>>> Power Output Ter>perature Tenperature

                                                                                                                 '60 Speed le x    )Os               5              ~W 2-27-764    )000            10                210                4$                    604                  81                                    38                       58. 5 1100            10                22$                 50                                        81                890                 38                       58. 5 1200            10                22$                 $4                                        81                870                 38                       58. 5 10                220                 57                                                          880                 37 5                     58 5
         ')4007     <'"-:":)8,.<S4)l.:,.,'.2.225@6'Vp?,":~ h. >60 ~",.';,"<.".;",Sg"6047~; '7!3-".;Ct~>. 8)%%-.:gjuu<,".880m;."'.a";aryav.;:37;6~".",.".-::r";."; 58,:Sl 2 29.76r    'l000 1100
           ) 200
                   '2      12 12                02540 360 010                 43 604                  81 81 81 860 870 890
38. 5 38.5 39
59. 5
                                                                                                                                                                          $9 59,5 3.01 764    0900            18                095                 34                   604                  81                890                41. 5                     62.5
                                                 '6 "T)00'27"~ "Z)~<~;:~~205"P':) "uW. ""'35" NP"uh'. N%'604::H@%u2 "g82,"$                                 '      W$ j~j,"      .'!: .8~4)!jy"'~;p'":ulema>",:".62'j!
                 '~d,".kZ      "   ~'KSIO~~'6'r'w"~54!a" ."P5)>'r f'X'6OI)"'"-"i~':"."-"')))":"".na."'8<<' $ 8$ 0l".""u~"',"'.'6)7Ãuue"':) "'"',."";F62!::: )

3 03 764 a)300 1000 1100 1200 6+ 6>

                          ) 0>

1 290'8 28$ 30$ i 38 604 81 81 880 880 880 39.5

39. 5
39. 5 60 60 60 81 21400~%'a'V) 0;>74~P%<'3)5a': Pq(6r,.'%;:< 36'%~.'. I'M~>60442'S~nM>"'8 f<"..B SW~~'880":~r-'>43 j2 39.> Stu>>".::: ~ ~ ~>>g~"6018>>



0600 0700 0800 0900

                    '"    123>>

8'0$110'9 8~ Gi 8r

                                     '20 110
                                            )0$ >
                                                 '7   '    'o,,

28 29 5'>,',', " '8'604 768

                                                                                             AHiakr>>'a8) 81 81 81 81 4 '> 'A',ie8870',

870 880 870 870 Ntnr>h> "u '40':5>M 38.5

38. 5
38. 5
38. 5
                                                                                                                                                          '. >>uP;4,/2
                                                                                                                                                                         $ $ .5 5$ .5 56 56.5 3.1)  761   0600 0700 0800 8'30'6 11')5'5 10>               )2$ >               25 594                 81 81 81 870 890 880 40.5 41 40.5
                                                                                                                                                       ~                 61 61.5 57.2 f ueather data for this day ls unco)I)>rated.

ulnd data fro>a 9)'tation all other wind data frost 150' 30

Tab1e IV-7


D. C. Cook Current Meter Data Station Direction'peed. Station Direction'peed Station Direction'peed Station Directionm

                                                'IN                                 45                              SS                                6N Speed Date      tTine                 ~fs            ~D                                                      ~fs         ~D                   ~fs        ~D 7-25-75     0900                  0.21              211                0.37             240              0.02            153              0.50            205 0930                  0.21               205               0.37               14             0.02            155              0.52            191 1000                  0.22               211               0.47                7             0.00            156              0.48            191 1030                  0.19               2'I 2             0.40                4,            0.00            158              0. 53           195 1100                  0.15               208               0.47             358              0.00            154              0.45            190 1130                  0.15               205               0.55                4             0.02            15l              0.32,           182 1200                  0.09               209               0.57                7             0.10            153              0.25            186 1230                  0.17               209               0. 57               7             0.15            154              0.22            232 1300                  0.22               209               0.53                9             0.22            174,             0.03            222 1330                  0. 17              219               0. 50               7             O. 20           241              0.00            256 1400                  0.19               222               0.66                5             0.10            259              0.00            263 1430                  0;12               223               0.55                I             0.22            260              0.05 270 1500 1530       ...        0.14 0.28       ...

222 221,,, 0.58 0 55~ 354 6 0.19 0.07

                                                                                                                       ,264 264 0.02 0.02 312 250 1800                  0.21               188               0.17               69             0.03            264              0.13            300 7-26-75     0800                   0.12              100               0.42               18             0.07            276              0.03              11 0830                   0.24                96              0.45               14             0.03            273              0,00              29 0900                   0.24              100               0.32               12             0.07            275              0.02              45 0930                   0.05                98              0.43               15             0.25            275              0.02            165 1000                   0.07 0.36 97              0.48               ll             0.08            275              0.10            245 1030                                       24              0. 50              20             0.07            275              0.27            303 3430"~    ""'~" '"'.33'-. ""             3IZ   "r<'>~"-. 0 084~~~""u347""" i: '%W~m       'O'DZP P"" nt'"'275'-: .47..~ ~s'023~~~~'~'~ZSI 7- 28 75    0700                   0.12                 12             0.02               40             0. 00              6             0.02            26l 0730                   0.09                  8             0.00               41             0.00               7             0.00            267 0800 0830 0.05 0.10                12 8             0.00 0.00 ll 42 0.02
0. 00 8


0. 03 0.00 285 281 0900 0.07 8 0.02 42 0. 00 7 0.03 274 0930 0.12 7 0.00 41 0.02 7 0,02 274 1000 0.15 8 0.02 0.02 8 0.02 265 8,

39 0.12 26l 27,, 1030 0.22 8 0.03 45 0.00 7 1100 0.02 8. 0.03 0.03 6 0.08 253 1130 0.00 1200ve r raw '. gain+'0- OSvlgcAwp'Yam>> 9

                        .                               9
                                                          ~wg   en +'

0.08 39 0.00, 0.25,202 0 ZZr "',5 ".~,",.18>nÃirr%3, ~~5>>0:001~~'<~y~,O'er%" '-~r4'"~~;OiXQ~s'>W'i":-197. k 7-29-75 0900 0.12 11 0.38 33 0.05 159 0.38 169 0930 0.05 7 0.45 39 0.05 157 0.45 158 1000 0.15 10 0.42 53 0.00 161 0.37 166 1030 0. 29 9 0. 35 43 0.17 152 0.33 182 1100 0.40 13 0.32 47 0.07 164 0.22 199 1130 0.19 8 0.30 61 0.03 159 0.18 213 1200 0.14 13 0.22 75 0.00 158 0.20 200 1230 0.19 8 0.12 92 0.03 159 0.33 207 1300 0.24 I~ 0.13 96 0. 00 161 0.18 192 1330 0.3l 8 0.07 54 0. 00 155 0.27 189 9 0.17 53 0.02 160 0. 23 182 0.09 8 0.15 45 0.02 157 ., 0.32, . ) 74 Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0 . {Actual magnetic direction is I8'). 31

Table IV-7 (Cont'd) D. C. Cook Current Meter Data Station IN Station lS Station 55 Station 6N Speed Direction ~ Speed Direction ~ 5peed Direction+ Speed Direction' Date I>De ~f ~D ~f ~f ~D ~f ~0 7 30 75 0700 0.48 30l 0. 20 77 0.17 161 0 ~ 17 '09 0730 0.34 303 0.23 75 0.03 161 0.22 22l 0800 0.46 '187 0.18 65 0.02 160 0.15 257 0830 0. 67 190 ~ 0.12 58 0.10 160 0.17 295 09DO 0.33 191 0.07 62 0.'I 5 163 0.43 307 0930 0.31 192 0.08 58 0.05 161 0.25 304 1000 0. 31 192 0.08 52 0.02 161 0.08 263 1030 1100 1130~ '0 0.21 0.12 09 189

                                          "~"p 192<<)~:O.otg~~~)P~,54.9etp) 195 1230<gj~pj?pp44p'k)0 f0?g>'r><+~>cfI 95 4'" p'w~>g~o;ot 4>n 0.02 0.03

56 56

                                                                                                      '5'q~f Y($

0.00 0.02 161 157 0.17.; 0433

                                                                                                                  ", <<Oi03,.;<:.pp:~;:159'p?4 Q..::;.r,.:,.',<~O>33rpp~f<<-.

jggjj0.00'(gg@~,"161 jr'@(j.;sr'+~f0'45~~<"'.~+gqptttt 268 250

                                                                                        "'""-'"-'"':-'"'"o.'""-' "-'

31-75 0600 0.31 192 0.28 11 0.12 159 0.30 226 0630 0.33 190 0.13 336 0.05 157 0.30 219 0700 0.40 194 0.22 313 0.07 158 0.30 216 0730 0.34 191 0.10 , 4 0.07 157 0.35 215 0800 0.22 190 0.13 5 0.02 160 0.38 212 0830 0900 0930 0.12 0.17 0.15 192 192 185 0.08 0.18 0.27 5 0 323 0.00

0. 00 0.00 158 161 160 0.35'00 0.38 0.35 201 206 1000 0.09 189 0.20 338 0.00 162 0.37 200 1030 1100 1130 IZIO~~~(~003) 0.14 0.24 0.10 '72I?Z,~~~No vr'v~; >

195 178 0.17 0.17 O.OS 13~~~f 332 340 350

                                                                                                "-Zlm~~'k~".v";0 0.00 0.00 0.00 02?~,m~'sy?60~?.

161 161 160 8',.;...,.~ 0,30 0.17 0.23 f 0 ZS~eg~'" . 202 200 183 192 8.02-75 0600 0.55 3l9 0.40 9 0.22 26l 0.25 183 0630 0.52 349 0.43 5 0. 20 260 0.30 191 0700 0.38 3l9 0.33 354 0.15 264 0.30 193 0730 0.19 351 0.32 327 0.10 262 0.25 198 0800 0.15 350 0. 30 308 0.00 260 0.27 19l 0830 0.17 351 0.33 298 0.02 263 0.00 225 0900 0.71 349 0.22 302 0.02 266 0.05 '75 0930 0.36 349 0.15 43 0.00 261 0.15 279 0 31 "P"'+'~$ "1926""~"""'".: I.D;ISI'."i'". ~'".:352. ~:: "<<"~~~0.OO"6 "5 1300'F~:.~") .~)';.<<0 38:-."~~))(197'$ <%$ 5<%89:0;43+~~~~gps50~c'n~g~~'5)0;00 ezra'-.:?"'259':m<;:~~.'<rc, 0.23~~"'h(4194 1330,.~<"~a",,<Draco,31'.'. v~'~g,,193,"Df'<'...,,q,',.?D:":",'Pqo,02$ g~yg,,to';,,".'.,') '; 'i."'O,ooja't1q6v'7~" '257, ',~.~q,'.. 0.18?'g'>e:?D 'll? ~ Rotated to conforu> to the cof?vention that the 0. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual na9netic direction is 18'). 32

Table IV-7 (Cont'd) D. C. Cook Current Meter Data Stat)on lr) Station 4$ Station 5$ Station Qf Dlrectlonh a)rect)on' 0)rettfpha Direction~ Date it>> Speed

                               ~f5                  ~De    ~r Speed
                                                                                                   ~rr            5 Speed fos               ~re                speed
                                                                                                                                                           ~f5                   Oeenre5 o 22 7$    1200                                                                    0.32                    3         n.27                                  0.23                     291 1230                                                                    n.'22                   2         0.30                     330          0.22                     299 1300                                                                    0.38          ,         6         n.'Zs                   331           0.11                     299 l)30                                                                    o.)n                              0.25                    3)3           0.22                    299 linn                                                                    0. 31                 lt 14)o   ,                                                               o'.)o                 In
0. 29 0.22 0.15 328 333
                                                                                                                                          '29:'21 0.20 0.20 D>12     ,'-

299 295 294 0.17 0.2$ 300 l0.)5 0.20 $01

                                                                                                                                         '; 3)6 0.08                                  O.ZZ            >>,      100 0.15                    )IS           0.20          ':.',     300
                                   "                                                                                 0.12                    329           0.22                   291 I SDO                                                                   0. 30                 II          0.03                    3)6           O.ts                    29) 9-23-75   0700                                                                     0.12                  2$          0.00                    331           0.15                       ls 07)0                                                                    0.15                   36          o.'on                   329           0.07                        1 0800                                                                     0.'I 5                4)         0.02                     332           0.12                        8 0830                                                                     0.)3                  36         0.03                     $ 28          0.01                       12 0900                                                                    0.13                              ').02                    321           0.03                       20 0930                                                                    0.12                   36         0.11                     3))           0.03                       14 1000                                                                    0.10                   42         DAO                      321           0.07                       19 49         0.02                     329           0.05                       il 55         0.02                     329                                      45 65         0.08                     333           0.08                       52
                                                                                                     '5 0.05                     334                                      62 0.02                     329           O.OS                       78 67         0.03                     335 0.08                       82
                                                                                                    , 99                                     328           0,03 114           0.)t                     324           0 1$                    Ilt 131           0.01                     324  .        O.OS                    Itt
          )530:.:":" ""        .": '            "     "  ':-"";      '                                til           0.01                     3tS           0.0$                    l)9

0.)7. 162 0.07 335 0.12 124 167 0.13 311 0.05 120

                                                                                                                                                                                   'I 21 1630                                                                    0.20                 110          0.19                     321           0.0) 1100                                                                    0. 21               166           0.1$                     330           0.08                    119 9 27-15   1000 1030 0.13                   21         0.03                                   0.20                       li 0>l 5                             0.03                       40          0.20 0>)3'.       '"'32     31 0.10                       43          O.)S 17 20 O,IZ                   35         0.13                       43          0.11                       )9 0.10              ., I ~          0 00                       3$          D.)2                       ZS
          'I 230                                                                  0.01                 '12          0.01                       38          0.01                       40 1300                                                                    0.15                    6         0.12                       40          0.0)                       80 1330                                                                    0 ~ 10              359           0.12                       38          0.00                    130 1400                                                                    0.05                341           0.01                       36          0.08                    144 1430                                                                    0.00                   61         0.1  t                     40          0.10                    149 0.03                  81          0.10                       5)          0.12                    162 9-29.7$  0900                                                                     0.21                    4                       31          0.32                    299 0930                                                                     0.35                   10         0.2$                                   0.30                    298 1000                                                                    0.23                    6         n.'30                      39          0.30                    299 1030                                                                    0.33                    9         0.3 ~                      39          0. 31                   288 1100                                                                    0.12                    2         0.32                       36          0.35                    298 1130                                                                    0.3)                359           ').42                      10          0.23                   300 1200                                                                    0. 31                   I         0.25                        8          0. 31                  291 1230                                                                    0.35                              0.3$                       IS          0.32                    298 1300                                                                     0.30                    6         0.30                        9          0.30                   288 0.25                                   0.32 8,        0.$ 0                       1          0.28 0'.ZS 289 0.22                        1                                 298
                                                                                                      )49           0.29                        5          0.23                   291
        .)530'i:<;,i,; '::, "":;-'                            '"     -';., 0.41.                                 0.)2
                                                                                                                           '.19 1          0.23 0.38 298
         )600                                                                     0.31                    3                                     6                                  135 1630                                                                     0. 31                   3         n.'ll                       6          0.$ 2                  297 1700                                                                     0.3$                    7         0. 29                                  0.38                   298 1730                                                                     0.3$                    6         n'.2l                       5          0.31                   3)1 1800                                                                     0. 31                   6         0.27                        6          0 ~ 35                 291 19.2.1$   0100                                                                     0.17                  56          nAs                      131 0730                                                                     0.13                  53          O,nt                     1)6 08K                                                                      0.17                  47          OAl                      112 0830                                                                     0.11                  ~5          DAO                      133 0900                                                                     0.23                  31          0.08                     1)5 0930                                                          .   . . 0,15                    21,         OA7,.                   130 ..

0.02 131

                                             ',;::- .,                                              -)8                                    135

0>10 134 11)ni:. >>;,.;:: ',.";,... ',,"','.,",':,; ".,;., ";:,r" 0.'lS 8 0.0$ 'IN

        ;1200i",::.-";,'...:,'",>                      '.: ".-," '<2Z                               '14         0.24                     138 lz)o',",:,,',~j-':,:    '.;:,: .;:-'-;                 .          -'-.o;Ir                  15          0.1)                     131
         ))oo g','.,j   "..,;.,'.'-;:                       -            '::    . 359 136

2) 0.19 139 tl 0.13 131 1430 0.27 28 0.19 136 1500 0.15 26 n.'Is 138 1530 0.2) tl 0.)5 136 1600 0.20 23 0.11 136 1630 0.'I l 26 0.11 136 1100 0.22 18 0.19 136 33

(1) Monitorin Period: Jul 23 - Au ust 2, 1975 25, 1915 Figure 1 represents the temperature distribution for the thermal plume as measured on July 25. This was a bright sunny day with moderate breeze 4.9 mps (ll mph) out of the north. Air temperature was 74'F. Lake surface current, as measured by drogues,was shore-parallel in a southerly direction at 0.15 meters per second (mps). The in-situ current meter north of the plant 1N, at a depth of 3 meters, indicated that the current was going in a southerly direction at approximately 0.08 mps. (See Figure II-2 for current meter locations.) South of the plant 4S, at a depth of 3 meters, the current was flowing in the opposite (northerly) direction at approximately 0.1 mps. North 6N and south 5S stations at a depth of 6.5 meters indicated an offshore current of approximately 0.03 mps. Current meters 6N and 5S are 1097 meters off-shore and meters 1N and 4S are 670 meters from shore. It may be seen from Figure la that the surface temperature in the area of the discharge is lower than the ambient lake water temperature. This is the result of the colder waters at the lower levels being entrained and carried to the surface. In addition, surface water was warmed by solar heating and was highly stratified in the late afternoon. The ambient surface water exhibi ts the normal pattern of warmer water inshore due to this solar heating. The temperature patterns at a depth of 1 meter (Figure lb) were very similar to the surface temperature patter ns. The pattern repeats itself at a depth of 2 meters, except that temperatures are lower. 35

At a depth of 3 meters (Figure ld), the plume temperature is still lower than the surrounding lake temperature. A pocket of 76'F water appears to be approaching the plume region from the south. This is probably a result of an eddy formed on the south side of the discharge, as indicated by the southern. in-situ current meter. Minimum temperature in the plume is 72'F: and the water adjacent to the discharge exhibits a small 77'F region, for a 5'F difference. This temperature pattern is repeated at 4 meters near the discharge. Offshore, to the southwest of the discharge, the lake temperature measured 67'F. This is 7'F lower than the temperature at 3 meters. The alignment of isotherms at 4 meters shows a wavelike temperature distribution and suggests this is the position of the thermocline. This is clearly evident in Figure lf. It is interesting to note that the intake temperature varied from 70.7'F at 0900 to 61.7'F at 1400 hours. Intake temperature at the time of monitoring ranged from 63.5'F to 66'F ~ This was approximately 10'F lower than lake water temperatures measured at the 4 meter depth. In summary, this plume was measured in the late afternoon of a day in which there was considerable solar heating of the lake water. This produced a highly stratified condition with warm surface waters which, along with colder than normal water near the bottom, resulted in an apparent "negative" plume. Even though there was a southerly flowing current, the warmer water from the discharge was obviously not recirculating to the intake. Jul 26, 1975 1140-1314) Two thermal plumes were monitored on this day which was bright and sunny with light southwest winds and a morning air temperature of 72'F. 36

Figures 2a-f represent the configuration which the plume assumed during the morning mapping. Lake surface current, as measured by drogues, was flowing northward with a slight onshore component at a speed of 0.17 mps. The lake current south of the plant at 3 meters was also flowing northward in a shore-parallel direction with speeds ranging from 0.11 to to 0.15 mps. Both current meters 'north of the plant indicated north- ,westerly currents from 0.08 to 0.14 mps. The offshore component of these indicated currents may have been induced by the water from the discharge. The. average ambient temperatures ranged from 73.4'F at the surface to 71.1'F at a 5-meter. depth.. The plume shows a tendency to move northwest at all levels and it dissipates, uniformly, as i ndicated by the vertical profile (Figure 2g). The intake water temperature varied from 66 to 69.3'F during the measurement period and the discharge temperature varied from 83 to 86.8"F. Reactor power ranged from 76.2 to 76.8X. A maximum. temperature of 77.6'F was measured approximately 50 meters from the discharge. The area within the it b3F.'sotherm at the one meter'epth was imperceptibly small. and at no 'depth was greater than one acre. This plume was relatively well defined as a result of an unstratified lake and near-constant current conditions. The plume was also quite small which may be attributed partly to intake, temperatures immediately prior to the plume measurement being 6.7'F cooler, than during the monitoring period. The plume did not recirculate due to a north-flowing current. Therefore, it appears that the increase in intake temperature was not a result of re-entrainment of ..the thermal discharge. Jul 26, 1975 1454-1635 The configuration of the thermal plume on the afternoon of the 26th is illustrated in Figures 3a-e and the vertical profile for four cross-sections of the plume is shown in Figure 3f. 37

Surface current, as measured by drogue, was 0.17 mps in a northerly direction with a slight onshore component. Current meter data showed 1N swinging from north to west to south through the monitoring period with a near-constant velocity of 0.12 mps. Station 4S also showed this trend with a velocity ranging from .04 to .10 mps. The offshore meters showed a west current. The velocity at meter 6N varied between .07 and .14 mps and 5S showed such a low velocity throughout the monitoring period as to'e suspect of operational problems. It was a bright clear day with significant solar heating and the average ambient temperatures were about 1 F higher than during the morning. They ranged from 74.7'F at the surface to 72.5'F at 4 meters. Intake temperatures ranged from 70.7'F to 71.3'F and discharge temperatures varied from 87.8 F to 88.7 F. Air temperature for the afternoon plume measurement increased from 76'F at 1500 to 78~F at 1700 hours. If Figure 3a" shows a somewhat complicated situation in the temperature distribution at the surface. There are two disconnected regions with temperatures of a,3F'bove ambient (shaded areas), one near the discharge and one about 700 meters from the discharge. The large more remote patch may be the result of a temporary increase in the discharge temperature of 0.9'F at 1500 hours (the beginning of the monitoring run), the result of significant solar heating, or both. The maximum temperature measured at the surface was 79'F . This appears to "have been influenced by solar heating since the maximum temperature measured below the surface was 77-78'F. pocket of water with temperatures cooler than ambient may be seen to the north of the dishcarge, on the down-current side of the plume. 38

This unexpected condition was seen in several of the plumes and is probably the result of an eddy. 8 The area within the a3F'sotherm was less than 1 acre at a depth of one meter. Julv 28, 1975 Figures 4a through 4e represent the temperature measurements on July 28th at 1 meter intervals from the surface to a depth of 4 meters. Figure 4f represents the vertical profiles of this plume. This day was characterized as a bright clear day with light southwest winds. The air temperature was 74 to 77'F. The lake was very flat. The surface current, measured approximately 1200 meters offshore,was flowing southward at an angle of approximately 30'oward the shore. The current speed was 0.08 mps. The inshore current, measured approximately 600 meters offshore, was 0.03 mps and flowing in a southeasterly direction at approxi-mately 50'oward the shore. The in-situ current meters indicated the following pattern. At a depth of 3 meters, north of the plant, the current was going north at approximately 0.02 mps. At a depth of 6.5 meters, north of the plant, current was going south at 0.10 mps. South of the plant, at a depth of 3 meters, the current was going north at approxi-mately 0.07 mps, while at a depth of 6.5 meters there was essentially no current (possible malfunctioning meter, see previous page). This plume was measured in mid-afternoon and the lake was beginning to stratify. It may be noted that there is a large puddle of 78'F water approximately 1100 meters from the discharge. There is no apparent connection between this water and the 78'F water at the discharge. This same area, at a depth of 1 meter, has temperatures approximately 2 1/2 to 3'F lower than that shown on the surface. It may also be noted that the 77'F isotherm on 39

the surface is quite similar to the 75'F isotherm at the 1 meter depth. This is an indication of strong solar heating effects. The plume is well defined at all depths below the surface. It may be noted that the lake temperatures on the north (up-current) side of the discharge are higher, by approximately 1'F, than the lake temperatures south of the discharge. This pattern seems to persist at all depths. Except for the complex surface definition of this plume, the areas within given isotherms at various depths are slightly larger, but correspond reasonably well with the plumes measured on July 26. In summary, .solar heating and lake stratification have confused the definition of this plume on the surface. At depths below the surface, the plume is better defined and compares roughly with previous plumes. Figure 4f shows vertical profiles of this plume as a function of distance from the dis-charge. It may been seen that the plume stratifies rapidly. The discharge diffuser is apparently 'quite efficient and results in a rapid reduction in the water temperature. The discharge temperature has been reduced from 88 to 78'F at a distance of 100 meters from the discharge. Jul 29, 1975 Figures 5a-e illustrate the temperatures measured for the plume on the afternoon of July 29. This day was characterized as hot with light northerly winds and a very calm lake. The surface currents, as measured by drogues, were the following: 0.20 mps, flowing in a southerly direction and approximately 30'oward shore at a distance of 1100 meters from shore, and 0.12 mps in a southerly direction and approximately 25'oward shore at a distance of 550 meters

offshore. The in-situ current meters indicated north flowing currents at the 3 meter level and the south flowing currents at the 6.5 meter level.

  /'t appears,     therefore, there are at least       two shear   layers in this particular situation.

The surface temperature patterns give the appearance of the wa'rmer inshore waters, flowing along the shoreline, being swept out and around the . discharge area., The ambient temperatures'n the north side of the plume vary from 76 to 77.8'F while south of the plume the temperatures are 75;5'F. The ambient temperature chosen for plume analysis was 77.3'F. As in the earlier plumes, this plume evidenced strong insolation effects as shown by the large difference between the surface ambient of 77.3'F versus '74.9 F

                                                                                                      't two meters.      At  1  meter, the temperature contours again indicate that water from the north is flowing out               and around    the plume area.      Fai lure of temperature sensors resulted in loss of useful data at                   2  meters depth in the region beyond          600  to 800 meters from the discharge and at the entire 3     meter   level. The 4 and 5 meter data     indicate patterns similar to those described above.           The  intake water temperatures      and  discharge temperatures were      essentially constant during this monitoring period.

In summary, the temperature patterns on the surface are again somewhat complex because of solar heating. The current patterns are also complex

                                                                                                 'or this particular plume.        Areas enclosed by the      a3F'sotherms       are relatively        small at    all levels  and  indicate rapid mixing       and  rapid reduction in the temperature of the discharged cooling water.

~J1 30, l97 This day was characterized as sunny and hot with a light 2.7 mps (6 mph) breeze from the north. Air temperature during the monitoring period was 86'F. Current meter data indicated a moderate south current at all stations, 41

except 4S which indicated a northeast current, probably due to plume inter-action, which resulted in an eddy in this region. Surface current from drogues was measured to be approximately northwest at .023 mps. Plant operating data showed a fairly stable si tuation with regard to both inlet and discharge temperatures. The surface plume map (Figure 6a) indicates the plume is moving in a northwesterly direction, which is consistent with the surface current as measured with drogues. This was a very poorly defined plume on the sur-face as a result of large solar heating effect. Note the large patches of 77'F water at considerable distances offshore. This lack of definition resulted in mapping a very large area of the lake in the belief that the water was part of the plume. Subsequent analysis of the data at other depths showed this was not the case. At one meter (Figure Gb) the southern long-shore current has begun to influence the plume. All lower levels show an increasing displacement to the south. The vertical profile, Figure 6g, shows the very strong tendency to stratify. At a distance of only 750 meters from the point of discharge, the lake water and plume water are essentially the same temperature and reflect this tendency. In summary, this plume showed a shear plane at a depth of less than one meter with surface current going toward the northwest and sub-surface current going south. Extremely strong insolation effects and subsequent stratification were apparent. There were no a3F'sotherms of greater than 1 acre area. 42

Jul 31, 1975 This day was bright and sunny and very hot. Air,temperature at noon was 88'F and increased to 92 F by 1400. Wind was from the southeast at.-, 2.6 - 4 mps ( 6 to 9 mph) for the entire monitoring period. Current as measured by drogue was 0.05 mps at 192'. Three of the four in-situ current meters showed a southerly component in their direction. The exception to this pattern was the southern inshore meter 4S. This is approximately the same current situation as that of July 30. Plume drawings for this day (Figures 7a-d) show a dramatic difference from the plume on July '30, in that the plume is cooler than the ambient water. This may be attributed to the intake temperature dropping steadily from 58.7'F at 1200 to 49.7'F at 1400.. Discharge temperatures dropped accordingly from 76.2'F to 67.3 F for the same period. Ambient lake water temperatures for this day ranged from 74.3'F at the surface to 72.9'F at 3 meters'herefore, the discharge temperatures dropped below ambient sometime between 1200 and 1300. This is evident in the plume dia-grams which show centerline temperatures of 5 to 7'F below ambient at all levels. To summari ze,this "negative" plume was characterized by very low inlet temperatures which reduced outlet temperatures to a point helow existing ambient levels . Down-current temperatures lower than up-current temperatures were observed in this plume. ~Au ust 2, 1975 Figures 8a-d represent temperature distributions for the thermal plume on August 2. This day was 100% overcast with occasionally heavy rain, light southeast winds and an air temperature of 70-72'F. Lake surface was calm with ground swells of approximately 3 feet. 43

Surface current was measured by drogue to be 0.43 mps 1100 meters off-shore. The offshore current meters indicated a southwesterly current while the north inshore meter agrees very well with the direction of the drogue. Meter 4S showed north and east currents only. The plume shows the influence of a strong south current 'in the near-field, which is consistent with the drogue and 1N current meter data. This trend diminishes to a small degree at 2 and 3 meters where the southwest influence is beginning to show. The lake temperature varied from approxi-mately 75.5 F at 3000 meters offshore to approximately 73'F near-shore. This temperature distribution is characteristic of that which would be obtained during an upwelling, which might be produced with a wind with an easterly component. Ambient lake temperature varied from 73.1'F at the surface to 73.7 F at one meter to 71.0'F at 3 meters. The low surface temperature was due to rain which fell and was heavy at times. As in several of the previous plume measurements, there appears to be cooler water on the down-current side of the plume than on the up-current side. In this case, there is a pocket of 71-72'F water to the south, while to the north the temperature is 74-75'F. Plant operating data showed very low inlet and outlet temperatures for at least two hours before monitoring began, and a reactor power of only 73% during the day . The intake water temperature i ncreased from 49 'F at 0800 to 68.3oF at 1000 hours; approximately a20F'in two hours. Available data show that at a depth of 4 meters, the water near the region of the intakes is approximately the same temperature as water some 2000 meters north (up-current) of the intake and the 45-49'F water taken into the intake C 44

4 during the morning hours was obviously from cold water brought near the surface by an upwelling situation. In summary, the strong south-flowing currents and ambient lake tem-peratures that increased with distance off-shore combined to produce a relatively small plume. The size of the plume may also have been affected by the very cold intake water observed during the morning. 45

Ti]ERMAL PLUME DATA DATE 7/25/75 TIME 1601-1722, SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 830 .155 185 1000 .154 181 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF 63F'SOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN 63F'SOTHERMS. acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F'SOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ( F) Average (oF ) Ta + h3F'rea (acres) Surface 75.6-77.4 75.1-76.4 74.2-76.5 73.2-75.6 71.0-75.1

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South t.

Plant centerline is 0 . (Actual magnetic direction is 18'). 46

TilERMAL PLUME DATA DATE 7/26/75 TIMf 1140-lyly SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 830 .158 " 20 1000 .167 21 MAXIMUM'WIDTH OF 63F'SOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 0 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN 63F'SOTHERMS < 8 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN b,3F'SOTHERM. Ambient Temperature (Ta) , Depth Range, ( F) Average (oF ) Ta + h3F'rea (acres) Surface 72.3-73,7 73.4 76.4 72.5-73.0 72.8 75.8 71.6-72,7 72.5 75.5 71.3-72.7 71. 6 74.6 1.0

71. 1-72. 3 71. 2 74.2 70.4-71.5 71.1 74.1
  • Rotated to conform to. the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


THERtIL PLUNE DATA DATE 7/26/75 TIME 1454-1635 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 200 .158 21 740 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF d3F ISOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN b,3F ISOTHERMS ( 63 acr e-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WI'THIN h3F'SOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F) Average ('F ) Ta + h3F'rea (acres) Surface 74.0-74.9 74.7 77.7 13.2 73.2-74.2 74.0 77.0 72.8-73.8 73.5 76.5 2.3 72.2-73.3 72.9 75.9 5.5 71.4-73.4 72.5 75.5 3.8

  • Rotated to conform to the. convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


THERNL PLUNE DATA DATE 7/28/75 TIME 1210-1449 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 240 .027 128 400 .075 147 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF h3F 'SOTHERM 8 1 METER .DEPTH 85 m TOTAL VOLUME MITHIN b,3F ISOTHERMS

                                                                       <.1 30          acre-ft.

II Jl % 9 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN A3F'SOTHERM II '( ~ I Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F ) Average ('F) Ta + A3F Area (acres) Surface 75.1-76.9 75.6 78.6 73.9-74.9 74.4 77. 4 2.6

                              '2.3-73,4 72.7             75.7                  15.5 72.1-73.0                 72.5             75.5                  12.6 71.7-72.9                 72.4             75.4                   8.6
  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


THERIIL PLUNE DATA DATE 7/29/75 TIME 1516-1647 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction {'ROT)* 550 . 121 174 1070 .200 157 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF h3F'SOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 65 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN b3F'SOTHERMS < 27 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F'SOTHERM Atttbient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F) Average ('F ) Ta + h3F'rea (acres) Surface 76.S-77.S 77.3 80.3 74.9-76.1 75.7 78.7 74.6-75.6 74.9 77.9 74.0-74.9 74.4 77.4 1.9 73.9-74.9 74.2 77.2

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the .D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline -is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18')'.

Tl)ERMAL PLUNE DATA DATE 7/30/75 TIME 1154-1407 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 440 .002 298 570 .024 316 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF h3F'SOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 25 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN h3F'SOTHERMS < 6 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F'SOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F ) ,, Average ('F) Ta + a,3F Area (acres) Surface 75.5-77.2 76.0 79.0 73.7-75.9 74. 3 77.3 73.5-73.9 73.7 76.7 73.0-73.8 73.4 76.4 72.9-73.5 73.2 76.2 72.2-73.2 72.4 75.4

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


THERNAL PLUNE DATA DATE 7/31/75 TINE 1223 12g2 'SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 490 .046 192 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF b,3F'SOTHERM 9 1 METER'EPTH m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN h3F'SOTHERMS'cre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F ISOTHERM Ambient Temperatur'e (Ta) Depth Range ('F) Average (oF ) Ta + A3F'rea (acres) Surface 73.9-75.5 74.3 72.1-74.1 73.4 72.5-74.0 73.4 71.1-73.6 72.9

  • Rotated to'con'form to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'; 'Actual magnetic direction is 18').


Tf{ERMAL PLUNF. DATA DATE B/2/75 TIME 1045 1505 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)" 1130 .427 192 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF h3F'SOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 70 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN 63F'SOTHERMS 16 7 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN a,3F'SOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F) Average ( oF) Ta + b,3F Area (acres) Surface 72.3-74.0 73.1 76.1 1.2 72.4-74.1 73.7 76,7 2.5 72.0-73.9 73.0 76.0 70.7-72.3 71.0 74. 0

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


(2) 'onitorin Period: Se tember 22 - October 3, 1975 Se tember 22, 1975 This day was characterized as cool with a 6.7 mps (15 mph), wind from the west. The lake had 1.2-1.8 meter swells and a 0.3-0.6 meter chop which made mapping very difficult. Surface current was measured by drogues to be from the southwest at 0.10 mps. Current meter data showed a strong near-shore current to the north and a, moderate north current 975 m offshore. The near'-'shore current had a slight onshore component, while the offshore current showed a slight offshore component. Inshore current was inferred from meter 4S alone because meter 1N was apparently malfunctioning for this monitoring period. Figures 9a-e depict the plume *as it appeared on Septemb'er 22nd. Plant operating data indicated a steady discharge temperature of 76.3~F. The plume, as shown by the above'igu'res, is well 'defined at all levels and shows a northwesterly"movement in -the near-field. The-farther~reaches of the plume show a general shore-parallel tendency. Areas enclosed by the 63F'sotherm are 7.6 acres at the surface, 9.4 acres at 1 meter and 9.1 acres at 2 meters. Ambient temperatures upcurrent from the discharge showed only a one-half degree difference from surface to the 4-meter depth- indicating the absence of stratification". Se tember 23, 1975 (1044-1216) Two plumes were measured on this day which was characterized as slightly overcast. Lake water was calm with a slight chop. For the morning plume surface current, as measured by drogues,was 0.06 mps from the south probably caused by the 4.5 mps (10 mph) wind from the southeast. Current meter data showed a very light northerly current. Figures 10a-f show the plume shape at the various levels.

                                               , 54

This plume, like that on September 22nd,is relatively well defined't all levels. Plant operating data showed steady operat'ion w'ith'-a dis-charge temperature of around 76.5 The plume drawings indicate a tendency for the plume to move slowly to the northwest. The low current allows the plume to become somewhat larger due to a reduced mixing gradient between the plume and ambient lake water. Ambient temperature and plant discharge temperature compare closely to those of September 22; however, plume volume is about 1.5 times as large. Se temb'er 23, 1975 (1326-1528) The afternoon plume is illustrated in Figures lla-g. The offshore sur-face current had nearly reversed direction and was increasing in speed (0.08 mps). The inshore drogue showed a current going nearly southeast at a velocity of 0.05 mps. Current meters 4S and 6N switched from northeast to southeast and wind was diminishing to a speed of 2.7 mps (6 mph). Current speed had increased to at least 0.04 mps at all stations by 1400 hours. The plume, as in the morning, is well defined. Pockets of colder water appear both in and south of the plume. The surface current is about the same as the subsurface current, as indicated by the in-situ meters. The area with-in the 63F 0 isotherm was about 10 acres for the surface through 2 meter depth. In summary, these plumes were well-defined and both morning and afternoon plumes showed a similar trend at all levels. These plumes were small, with the afternoon plume being slightly smaller than the morning plume at the surface and one meter depth. This may have been the result of the ambient temperature at the surface and one meter depth being slightly higher during the afternoon than during the morning. With a constant discharge temperature, this would tend to reduce the areas. 55

Se tember 27, 1975 Figures 12a-f represent plume mappings for the morning of the 27th., This day was characterized as sunny with 4.0. mps (8-10 mph) winds from the west and an air temperature of 56-58 F. Surface current, as measured by drogues, was 0.09 mps 675 meters from shore and 0. 18 mps 1400 meters from shore. Both drogues went east. In-situ current data showed a northeast current of about 0.04 mps for the three instruments that were operating. The plume maps, as shown, define only near field plume characteristics. The mapping of this plume was terminated early because batteries for the position-locating system were stolen during monitoring. However, the near field region and most of the 63F isotherm were mapped within the short monitoring period of only 38 minutes. Plant operating data show a steady operation mode with discharge temp-erature around 73.7 F. The areas surrounded by the h3F'sotherm at the surface and 1 meter depth are approximately equal. This trend holds through-out the September-October field measurements. In summary, this plume is closest to an average plume as calculated from all data during the September-October monitoring period. The fact that the plume was well described before vandals stole the transponder batteries was fortunate. Ambient temperature for this plume ranged between

58. 2 F and 58.9~F, which indicates good vertical mixing in the lake.

Figure 12g shows the vertical profile of the plume and its well-defined margins. Se tember 29, 1975 This day was characterized as sunny and mild with wind directly from the south at 3.6 mps (8 mph), and an air temperature of 62 F ~ Figures 13a-d 56

represent the 'plume as it appeared during the afternoon of the 29th Surface current was measured to be 0.16 mps 1300 meters offshore and 0.13 mps 525 meters from shore , Available current meter, data showed,a northerly trend. Meters 4S and 5S showed a shore-parallel current .going 4 north with velocities of O,.ll mps and 0.08 mps respectively,, T)ese speeds and direction agree quite well with the drogue data above. Meter 6N showed a northwest current, flow which may have been .caused by the off-shore component of plume movement. Although there are no data for current meter 1N, it is interesting to note that .it was nearly on the centerline of this plume. Plant operating data indicated a steady operative state with discharge water a constant 72.7 F. The plume is well defined at the edges, and the scalloped edges of the isotherms suggests a very turbulent mixing zone, especially at the three-meter level (Figure 13d). Despite this situation, the plume is larger than some others during September that had a low velocity current. Although the current speed is about three times that of the morning plume on Septemb r 23, the areas of a3F'ater are virtually the same. Also worth noting is the plumes'orthwest configuration. It appears that the plume will only assume a north direction when there is a considerable eastern component to the current. October 2, 1975.(1007-1157) This day was characterized as generally overcast with a morning breeze of 2.2 mps (4-6 mph) from the east. This gradually changed until it was coming from the north. The drogue data indicated an on-shore current of 0.04 mps ~ The plume was well defined since the lake was well mixed and had a uni-form ambient temperature. The area within the h3F isotherm was 50 acres at one meter. 57

October 2, '1975 (1248-1356) This plume was. very similar to'he morning plume.' The 'surface.,current was 0.04 mps from the southwest and appears to be affecting:the plume .tra-jectory slightly more t than it did in the morning. The areas within .the 63F isotherms are practically the same for both morning and afternoon, though the afternoon plume in slightly wider. Thy ambient lake temperature was slightly higher in the aFternoon than in the morning. 58

Ti/ERNAL PLUNE DATA JAl'iI'3lE I'/22/75 TIME 1516-1712 i~ -ir + ~ f'fr 1 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)*

              '00                                       .082 h

30 900 .116 35 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF b,3F'SOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 105 m f I rj TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN h3F ISOTHERMS 81 acre-f t. l AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F'SOTHERM l I fthm k Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth RangeF ) Average (oF ) Ta + b,3F'rea (acres) Surface 61. 2-62. 1 61.5 64. 5 7.6

60. 8-61. 9 61.4 64.4 9.4
61. 3-61. 9 61. 5 64. 5 9.1 61.0-61.6 61. 3 64,3 4 60.3-61.7 61.0 64.0, 1.6
  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction ,is 18').


Tl/ERNAL P LONE DATA DATE 9/23/75 TINE 1044-1216 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)*

              '650                         .067                   352 1240                         .052                    340 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF    h3F   ISOTHERM 9  1 METER DEPTH                          210  m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN     63F'SOTHERMS                              131.6  acre-ft.

AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F ISOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range (oF) Average ( 'F) Ta + A3F'rea (acres) Surface 61.0-61.5 61.3 64.3 20.6

61. 5-61.8 61.6 64.6 18.5
61. 2-61. 7 61.3 64.3 8.4
61. 2-61. 7 61.4 64.4 2.9 61,0-61.7 61.3 64.3 61.0-61.5 61.2 64.2
  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0 . (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


THERNAL PLUNE DATA DATE gg23/75 TINE 1326 1626 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 550 .046 105 1000 .081. 100 b3F'SOTHERM 9 METER DEPTH 135 m MAXIMUM WIDTH OF 1 TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN h3F ISOTHERMS 102.2 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN b,3F ISOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) I Depth Range ('F) Average ("F) Ta + h3F'rea (acres) Surface 61.8-62. 7 62.1 65.1 10.3 61.1-62.7 62. 2 65.2 9.2 60.6-61.9 61. 4 64.4 - 10.6 3 60.9-61.6 61.3 64.3 6.2

61. 3-62, 2 61. 3 64. 3 61.1-61. 9 61.3 64.3 61.1-61. 4 61. 2 64. 2
  • Rotated to conform to th'e convention that the D. C. Cook18'). North-South Plant centerline, is 0'.. (Actual magnetic direction is

Tf)ERNAL PLUNE DATA DATE 9/27/75 TINE 1102-1140 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 675 .088 84 1400 .180 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF d3F'SOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 135 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN h3F'SOTHERMS 166 0 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F'SOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta)

                                         't        ~


                                 'verage 4

Depth Range ('F) (<F ) Ta + Area (acres) Surface a3F'8.7-59.1 58.9 61.9 20.3 58.1-58.3 58.2 61.2 21.7 2 57.8-58.4 58.2 61. 2 7.6 3 58.1-58.9 58. 6 61. 6 5.5 h

                                                             ~ J
                              ~   4 I
  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0 .." (Actual magnetic direction, is 18').


THERNAL P LONE DATA 4 DATE 9/29/75 TIME 1333-1514 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ( ROT)* 525 .128 356 1300 .158 359 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF h3F'SOTHERM 8 1 METER DEPTH 135 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN b,3F'SOTHERMS 168.6 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F'SOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F) Average ( 'F) r Ta + h3F'rea (acres) Surface 58.3-58.7 58.4 61.4 29.6 57.6-58.6 58.3 61.3 16.7 57.2-57.5 57.3 60.3 12 58.2-58.5 58.3 61. 3 7.9

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


Tf]ERNL PLUNE DATA DATE 10/2/75 TIME 1007-1157 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 760 .037 51 1150 .043 44 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF h3F'SOTHERM 8 1 METER DEPTH 220 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN 63F'SOTHERMS 239.3 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F'SOTHERM'epth pgqbient Temperature (Ta) Range ( F) Average (oF ) Ta + A3F'rea (acres) Surface 59.1-59.5 59.3 62.3 41. 7 59.0-59.5 59.3 62. 3 34. 4 59.1-59.3 59.2 62.2 12.3 59.2-59.6 59 ..4 62.4 5.4

  • Rotated to'conform'to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0 . (Actual magnetic direction is 18').



Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 500 .027 67 925 .049 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF h3F'SOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 290 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN h3F'SOTHERMS 276.2 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN 63F'SOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F ) Average ('F) Ta + h3F'rea (acres) Surface 59.2-59.4 59. 3 62.3 40 59.3-59.5 59. 4 62.4 50. 5 60.2-60.6 60.3 63.3 -13.7 60.2-60.8 60.5 63.5

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


(3) Moni torin Period: December 1-18, 1975 December 8, 1975: (1150-1318) This day was characterized by heavy snow and poor visibility. There was a light breeze from the southeast throughout the day and air temperature ranged from 30 F to 34 F. The lake surface currents, as measured by'rogues, were shore-parallel in a northerly direction. Ag 1500 meters offshore the current speed was 0.03 mps/sec. 900 meters offshore the current speed was I 0.05 mps/sei;. In-situ current meters showed a northerly current of 0.08 mps at meter 6N and a southwest current of 0.04 mps at meter 45. The intaf<e temperature was 43 F, 0.9'F higher than the one meter ambient temperature. Figures 16a-f represent the temperature distributions measured at 1 meter increments from the surface to five meters . Figure 16g represents the vertical profiles across the plume. As can be seen in this figure, most isotherms are nearly vertical. This results in a plume that has very similar characteristics from one depth to th'e next. Vertically, the lake shows consistent temperature which is to be expected in December. The shape and size of the surface plume suggests a current change immediately prior to thermal plume mapping. The A3F isotherm enclosed a measurable area only in the top three meters of the plume. The area within the a3F isotherm at the 1 meter depth was measured to be 14 acres. December 8, 1975: (1402-1504) Figures 17a-g depict the thermal plume as it appeared on the afternoon of December 8th. Figure 17h is the vertical profile for this thermal plume. The surface current speed at 900 meters offshore decreased to 0.012 mps in the afternoon and the current direction shifted to the southwest. 66

Although there was a surface current shift in direction of about 90, '


from that observed in the morning, the in-situ current data indicate no such shift in th'e subsurface currents. As with the morning plume, the intake temperature of 43 F was higher than the ambient temperature by 0.5 to 1.1 F, depending upon depth. The area within the h3F't the 1 meter depth was measured to be 18 acres. Again, as seen earlier in this day there is good level-to-level correlation as to the configuration of the plume. This can also be seen in the vertical profiles, Figure 17h. December 9; 1975: (1014-1205) The day was overcast with occasional snow flurries.'ir temperature

                                                                                                        'as 29 F   in the morning        and  gradually     warmed    to   34 F by 1500      hours. .The was moderate       from the east during the morning, diminishing to
                                                                                                   'ind a very light  breeze by noon.          The  lake surface      was somewhat      choppy  .

The surface current measured by the drogues averaged 0.14 mps toward the south at 188 . The current was relatively uniform with less than a: 15K variation in speed measured between the drogue 800 meters offshore and the drogue 1500 meters offshore. The directional variation was even less, with about 2$ difference between two drogues . The in-situ current meter data indicated the offshore subsurface currents at both meters 1N and 6N, about .06 mps in a southerly direction of about 170 . The ambient temperatures show the lake to be well mixed with only 0.5oF difference between the surface and 6 meter average ambient temperatures. The plume mapped on this morning is shown in Figures 18a-h. The plume shows a pronounced southward drift, which is consistent with the strong southbound current. The area of a3F'ater at 1 meter was 67.5 acres and, 67

with the exception of the March ll, 1976 plume, was the largest area observed during the year's monitoring effort. Again, as observed on December 8th, the isotherms are nearly congruent from level to level. This is especially noticeable in the upper three levels and closer inshore. The vertical cross sections in Figure 18h clearly show the columnar nature of the plume to a distance of about 700 meters. December 9, 1975: (1258-1422) The wind remained'ight during the afternoon plume mapping but switched from east to northeast. The lake conditi ons had settled from a light chop to a short swell. The lake current data remained virtually unchanged from those observed in the morning. The .intake temperature was 43 F, about 1 F higher than the lake ambient temperature. The afternoon plume is very similar in shape to the morning plume but has about half the area within the a3F isotherm at the 1 meter depth; 32.2 acres for the afternoon versus 67.5 acres for the morning. This occurred even though the reactor power, condenser flow rate, intake and discharge temperatures, lake currents and ambient lake temperatures were almost identical for both morning and afternoon. The differences must therefore be attributed to natural lake processes.. 68

THERNL PLUNE DATA DATE 12/8/75 TIME 1150-1318 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction {'ROT)* 900 .046 356


1500 .027 324 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF h3F ISOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 100 m TOTAL .VOLUME WITHIN h3F' ISOTHERMS >63 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F'SOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ("F) Average ('F ) Ta + h3F'rea (acres) Surface 41.9-42.3 42. 2 45.2 4,5 42.0-42.9 42.1 45;1 8.0 42.0-42.3 42.1 45.1 7.6 42.0-42.3 42. 1, 45.1 >1.4 42.0-42.3 42.1 45.1 42.0-42.3 42.1 45.1

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0 . (Actual magneti c direction is 18') .


Ti<ERNAL PLUNE DATA DATE 12/8/75 TIME 1402-1504 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 900 .012 228 1625 .031 252 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF 63F'SOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 85 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN b 3F'SOTHERMS >77 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN b,3F'SOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F) Average ('F ) Ta + a3F'rea (acres) Surface 41.9-42.3 42.1 45.1 4.7 42.2-42.4 42.2 45. 2 13. 1 42.2-42.8 42. 5 45.5 4 4 41.7-42.1 41.9 44.9 >2 ' 42.0-42.7 42.3 45.3 >1.2 42.2-42.8 42.5 45.5 42.4-42.7 42.6 42.6

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual, magnetic direction is 18'.).

70 It

e THERMAL PLUME DATA e e DATE 12/9/75 TIME 1014-1205 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direc'tion ('ROT)* 800 .125 191 1500 .146 184 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF a3F ISOTHERM 9 1, METER DEPTH 330 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN h3F ISOTHERMS -">702" acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN'3F ISOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F ) Average ('F ) Ta + a3F'rea (acres) Surface 41:7-41.8 41.7 44.7 41.4-41.9 41.8 44.8 67. 5 41.9-42.0 41. 9 44.9 60.5 3 41.4-42.2 41.9 44.9 >16 41.4-41.8 41. 6 44.6 >13. 2 42.0-42.5 42. 3 45. 3 > 6.5 42.0-42.4 42.1 45.1 6.8

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18 ).


Tl(ERNAL PLUNE DATA DATE 12/9/75 TIME 1258-1422 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 800 .125 191 1500 .146 184 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF h3F'SOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 350 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN h3F'SOTHERMS >483 acre-ft. Al%TKNT TEMPERATURE,AND AREA WITHIN b,3F'SOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ( 'F) Average ('F ) Ta + 43F'rea (acres) Surface 41.5-42.5 41. 7 44.7 59.5 41.2-42.0 41.9 44.9 32.2

41. 7-41.9 41.9 44.9
42. 1-42. 3 42. 1 45.1 >16.4
41. 4-41.'6 41. 5 44. 5 >11. 7 42.1-42.4 42. 2 45. 2 > 5.2 41.'9 41. 9 44.9 7
  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant center'line is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


f (4) Monitorin Period: Februar 23 Parch 15, 1976

                                                                                          ) >I l Februar    27, 1976 This day  was  characterized         as unseasonably      warm, hazy and mostly sunny. Air temperature        was   in the 60's.      The  lake  was   mostly calm with 1  foot swells. Wind was        directly    from the southwest at 8 to          11  mps (18-25 mph). Plant operating data           showed a    constant discharge temperature of 58.5'F. The condenser         sT was b,20.5-21F',      which was higher than during previous monitoring periods.             This resulted from reduced condenser flow.

Surface current, as measured by drogues, was north in a shore-pa'rallel

                           'N direction at both    650 and 1100 meters            offshore with    a   velocity of 0.18        and II 0.16  mps  respectively.         The  higher inshore velocity is          an unusual    occurrence.

Figures 20a-f show the plume as it appeared on February 27th. The strong current is pushing the plume in a shore-parallel direction toward the north. As shown in the vertical profile (Figure 20g), the sides of the plume are quite well defined. Ambient temperature was very uniform with changes in depth. The a3F'sotherm encloses an area of 18.2 acres at the one meter depth. N The plume maps (Figures 20a-20d) show that with a strong northerly current that transports the plume along the shoreline, the a3F'ater does I not contact the shoreline. The shallow water prevented the measurements of temperatures closer to shore. The data indicated a pocket of water approximately 3 km to the north that was s2F'bove ambient. This is separated by approximately one kilometer from the n2F'ater that can be traced to the plume. This same phenomenon was observed in the February 29th intransient. plume. The relatively constant intake and discharge temperatures would appear to rule out the possibility of this being created by an operational It is possible this could have been produced by natural runoff. 73

Februar 29, 1976 This day was characterized as hazy and cool. Wind was from the north with a small west component. Air temperature was 42'F at 1300 and steadily decreased to 38'F by 1500 hours. V Plant operating data shows a alF'ncrease in the average discharge temperature for the hour between 1300 and 1400 hours. This period showed a corresponding a0.5F'ncrease in average inlet temperature. The condenser aT was again 20.5-21F'. Surface current, as measured by drogues, presented conflicting data. The offshore drogue indicated a slow-moving shore-parallel current going north. The near-shore drogue indicated a slow-moving, shore-parallel current going south. Both drogues displayed a small component to the east. This unusual plume is shown in Figures 2la-f. The plume displays a V-shaped configuration at depths of 2 meters or less., Inside the open end of the "Y" is a region of cold water. A similar cold-water region has been-observed down-current in previous plumes. As noted for the February 27th plume, there is a region of water about 3 km north of the discharge that has temperatures exceeding ambient by a3F'o a4F'. This region does not appear to be associated with the thermal plume and, in fact, is separated from it by a pocket of colder water. The isotherm patterns seem to indicate a source of warm water in that area. The well-defined offshore boundary of the thermal plume was located about one kilometer offshore. The plume area within the a3F'sotherm at a depth of one meter was 45.4 acres. 74

March 1, 1976 This day was characterized as lOOX overcast with winds..of 8.9. mps"" (18-22 mph) from the east. Air temperature was approximatelj 34'F during the monitoring period. Surface current, as measured by drogues, was from the northeast.'at 0.06 mps 750 meters offshore and 0.14 mps 1450 meters from shore.

         ;,Plant operating data. showed      inlet     temperature of 41-41.5'F and outlet temperatures of,62-62.5'F.            These temperatures         are approximately a3F'igher       than those seen on Februa'ry 27th and 29th.               "Also, as noted in

- the plume data sheet at, the end of this section, the inlet temperature is r

 .alF'igher       than, the ambient temperature at           all levels    from 0900 to 1100 and   one-half degree warmer at, 1200,and            1300 hours. The   vertical profile (Figure 22g) shows       a  sharp interface on the upcurrent side of the               plume and a more     diffuse down-current interface.            The plume was      fairly well  mixed from top -to bottom.

I In summary, this plume is being deflected to the south. The lower depths show a general trend that agrees well with the surface plume. K Pnbient one meter water was about 1F'ower than the inlet temperature. Tfie plume was well mixed from top to bottom and there was little evidence of a "sinking plume." March 3, 1976 This day was characterized by heavy fog in the morning which lightened by noon. Wind was from the northwest at 3.9 mps (8-10 mph). Surface current was moderate to the north-northeast. Fog became thicker in the afternoon making drogue recovery impossible. Therefore, no current data are available for this plume. Plant operating data indicated 75,

a steady operating mode with a discharge temperature of 60.5'F. Ambient lake temperature was warmer at the lower depths than near the surface; this may be due to the 35-36'F air temperature. E I L Figures 23a-h show the plume as it-appeared on March 3rd. Data acquisition was cut short during this plume mapping because the'epressor plate was lost upon collision with an underwater obstruction. It was necessary to use a deadweight submerging force'n the towed array and this configuration reduced 'the speed 'at which mapping could be performed. Bad weather prevented completio'n'of the mapping for this plume. Reliable estimation of the area within the h3F'sotherm was 'not possible due to insufficient data. II current appears to be coming from the south and deflecting the C'he plume to the north, though not'to the extent of the Feb. 27 and 29 plumes. The plume is not as well mixed vertically as other winter plumes. The 43'F isotherm which bounds the d3F'egion, may be seen to persist at least 1.75 km from the discharge. The absence of current data and the premature termination of monitoring effort precludes any significant conclusions concerning this plume. March 9, 1976: (1143-1308) March 9th was a clear sunny day with wind from the southeast at about 3.6 mps (8 mph). The lake was calm. The drogues indicated a surface current of about 0.06 mps toward the south, with a slight onshore component. This plume exhibited characteristics, similar to the other winter r I plumes; well-defined because of th'e relatively uniform vertical temperatures, relatively well mixed from top to bottom, and fairly well-defined boundaries with sharp temperature gradients. The plume is remarkably similar at all 76

depths, including the sudden veering to the south approximately 1000 meters from the discharge. The sharp well-defined boundaries are typical of the behavior observed with "sinking plumes" in which the 39-40'F water, being most dense, sinks to the bottom. There was not, however, any indication of of heated water pooling on the bottom. This is probably explained by the ambient lake temperature being warmer than normal for this time of year so that there was an insufficient water density difference to allow the development of a well-defined sinking plume. The area within the h3F'sotherm at the one meter depth was 39.5 acres. Unlike the other winter plumes with a condenser hT of 21F'his plume had a condenser AT of 17.6F'. As on March 3rd, the inlet temperature is about 3F'igher than the ambient lake temperature at one meter. March 9 1976: (1414-1528) The afternoon plume was very similar to that mapped in the morning, but it was much smaller. Surface current was nearly identical to that measured in the morning and was only slightly stronger 1050 mete. s offshore. Even though the data show higher discharge temperatures (h0.5F') and similar current data, the plume is only 45K as large as the morning plume at the 1 meter level. The plume boundaries are well-defined and show good level-to-level conformity of shape. To summarize, the one-meter plume area in the morning was much larger than that measured in the afternoon (39.5 vs. 17.5 acres). Both showed excellent shape correspondence at all levels . 77

March 11, 1976 Figures 26a-g show the thermal plume as it appeared on the morning of March 11th. This day was very sunny and cold with a gradual warming trend through the day. Wind was from the southeast at 0.45 mps (10 mph) during the Y mapping'urface current, as measured by drogues, was 0.05 mps 550 meters offshore and 0.09 mps 1550 meters offshore. Both drogues showed excellent directional conformity; 333'nd 331'ROT) respectively. Plant operating data show a discharge temperatures of 56.3-61.5'F and an inlet temperatures of 39.0-41.0'F immediately prior to field monitoring. A The plume is well-defined at the boundaries and the area enclosed by the a3F isotherm is approximately '120 acres at a depth of one meter. This was the largest plume measured during the entire year's monitoring effort. The plume is well mixed top to bottom over the large area. There was no indication of a sinking plume condition. The condenser bT prior to 0800 was 20.5F'ecause of the use of only two condenser circulating pumps. At 0800 the bT decreased to 17.7F'. The plant power level was reduced 760 MWe by 1100 and was shut down sometime between 1100 and 1200. Word of the shutdown came after most of the plume was mapped, so 'the shutdown should not have affected the measurements. It might be reasoned that the bulbous end of the a3F'egion resulted from the condenser hT being higher early in the morning than during the latter part of the morning. There appears to be no obvious reason, however, why the plume is so much larger than the others. 4 78

TI/ERNAI PLtjNE DATA DATE 2/27/76 TIME 1419-1641 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 650 .183 1100 .158 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF d3F'. ISOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 300 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN 63F'SOTHERMS 261.5 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN A3F'SOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ( 'F) Average ('F) Ta + h3F'rea (acres) Surface 37.4-39.0 38.5 41.5 37.3-,40.0 39.0 42.0 18.2 36.8-40.2 39.0 42. 0 21.3 37.4-39.0 39.0 42.0 28.0 37.4-39.0 39.0 42.0 37.4-39.0 39.0 42.0

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0 . (Actual magnetic direction is 18').

T)IERMAL PLUME DATA DATE 2/29/76 TIME 1304-1513 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT )+ 600 .037 171 1350 .02I MAXIMUM WIDTH OF b3F ISOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 175 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN A3F'SOTHERMS 545 ' acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND ARFA WITHIN b3F ISOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ("F) A.erage ("F ) Ta + A3F'rea (acres) Surface 38.2-41.7 39.0 42.0 57.5 38.3-39.4 39.0 42.0 45.4

38. 5-39. 8 ~ 39.2 42.2 51.8 t

38.6-39.4 39.1 42.1 40.4 38.6-39.4 "39. 2 42. 2

38. 6- 39. 4 39.3 42.3 38.6-39.7 39.7 42.7 Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18').

I 80

THERNAL PLUNE DATA DATE 3/1/76 TIME 1136-1241 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)" 750 .061 224 1450 .140 223 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF 14I3F ISOTHERM 9 1 METER'EPTH 300 m TOTAL YOLUME WITHIN h3F ISOTHERMS '90.5 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND.AREA WITHIN h3F'SOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) . Depth. <<Range ('F ) Average ('F) Ta + h3F Area (acres) Surface 38.4-41.0 40.5 43.5 50.2 38.2-41.3 40.5 43.5 47.6 38.8-41.5 '0.5 43.5 40.4 38,9-40.7 40.5 43.5 36.4 38.9-40.7 40.5 43.5 38.9-40.7 40.5 43.5

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the DE C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0 . (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


TIIERMAL PLUME DATA DATE 3/3/76 TIME 1405-1608 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* MAXIMUM WIDTH OF J4I3F'SOTHERM 9 .1 METER DEPTH TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN J613F'SOTHERMS acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F ISOTHERM Ambient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F ) Average ( F) Ta + h3F Area (acres) Not CaI culated Surface 39;6-40.3 40.0 43. 40.1-40.6 40.1 43.1 40.5-40.9 40. 5 . 43.5 40.5-40.9 40.5 43.5 40.5-40.9 40.5 43.5 40.5-40.9 40.5 43.5 40.5-40.9 40.5 43.5 40.5-40.9 40.5 43.5 Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18'). 82

Ti<ERMAL PLUME DATA DATE 3/9/76 TIME 1143-1308 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 600 .070 154 1050 .058 184 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF h3F'SOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH, 270 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN b3F'SOTHERMS >487 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F'SOTHERM Atqbient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F) Average ('F ) Ta + h3F'rea (acres) Surface 37.4-37.7 37.7 40.7 44.9 37.0-37.4 37.3 40.3 39.5 36.9-37.7 37.5 40.5 23.2 37.3-37.6 37.5, 40.5 >24.1 37.0-37.6 37.5 40.5 7+3 37.0-37.6 37.5 40.5 >15 37.0-37.6 37.5 40.5 >12 37.0-37.6 37.5 40.5 > 1.5 37.0-37.6 37.5 40.5 > 3,5

  • Rotated to conform to, the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0 . (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


TI)ERNL PLUNE DATA 3/9/76 1414-1528 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distan'ce Offshore (m) Speed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 600 .076 160 1050 .031 192 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF h3F'SOTHERM" 9 1 METER DEPTH 200 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN h3F'SOTHERMS >274 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F ISOTHERM Atqbient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F) Average ( F) Ta + 63F'rea (acres) Surface 37.4-38 37.9 40.7 29.6 37.2-37.9 37.6 40.6 17.45 37.6-38.3 37.6 40.6 36.9 36.7-37.6 37.6 40,6 37.5-38.1 37.5 40.5 >6 37.5 40.5 >4.5 37.6 40.6

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that'the D. C. Co'ok North-South Plant centerline is 0 . (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


THERNL PLUNE DATA <<I<<<< ~ ~ f, <<y <<('0 << DATE 3/11/76 1016-1200 SURFACE CURRENT DATA Distance Offshore (m) 'peed (mps) Direction ('ROT)* 550 .049 333 1550 .088 331 MAXIMUM WIDTH OF 63F ISOTHERM 9 1 METER DEPTH 470 m TOTAL VOLUME WITHIN 63F'SOTHERMS >2373 acre-ft. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND AREA WITHIN h3F'SOTHERM Aqbient Temperature (Ta) Depth Range ('F ) Average ('F) Ta + 63F'rea (acres) Surface 37;8- 39. 5 38.0 41. 0 158. 4 37.5-39.7 38.0 41.0 119. 8 37.9-39.6 38.0 41.0 55.6 37.7-38.8 38.0 41.0 121.3 37.6-38.5 38.0 41.0 87.6 37.8-38.6 38.0 41.0 >126.8 37.6-38.5 38.0 41.0 133.1

  • Rotated to conform to the convention that the D. C. Cook North-South Plant centerline is 0'. (Actual magnetic direction is 18').


6 11


The single most important physical parameter affecting the position Ap and trajectory of the thermal discharge is the ambient lake current in the vicinity of the discharge. The current also affects the size of the discharge plume. To predict the region of the lake influenced by the thermal discharge U the current direction, speed and persistence must be obtained. The near-shore currents in the vicinity of the D.C. Cook discharge structure were measured during this monitoring effort by four in-situ current meters, as desc ribed in Secti on II . The instruments were deployed 622 meters (2040 feet) north of the plant centerline 670 meters (2200 feet) offshore at a depth of 3.3 meters (ll feet) and 975 meters (3200 feet) offshore at a depth of 6.7 meters (22 feet). Two o'ther instruments were situated on a line 670 meters (2200 feet) south of the plant centerline at the same offshore distances and depths as those to the rorth. In addition, surface currents were measured during the plume mapping operation by means of drogues deployed from the monitoring boat. The daily averaged current data is tabulated in Appendix D-III for the period December ll, 1974 to October 10, 1975. One-half hour averages of these data are presented in Table IV-7 for the days on which plumes were monitored during the July-August, the September-October and the December periods. Analysis of the data from the four meters shows that often there is considerable variation in both current direction and speed as recorded by the four current meters on a given day. Monthly averages show some correlation between the two inshore meters, 1N and 4S, and also between the two offshore meters, 5S and 6N. Correlation between the inshore and offshore meters, however, is not good. There is the possibility that the 86

velocity field associated with the thermal discharge might influence the current meters, particularly 'in the inshore meter, but this can be neither confirmed nor denied because of the variability of the data. The data available from December, 1974 to October 10, 1975 were analyzed with respect to the observed directional persistence of the currents. .Figures V-1 through V-4 show the results for the four current meters. The variability is again apparent. The predominant feature illustrated by these data is, that, except for meter 1N, the current directions persist less than one day more than 50 percent of the time. 87

Figure V-1 Lake Current Persistence

                                               ,Current Meter No,        1-N J J
 ,37 36 35                                                    LEGEND 00 00 34  0                                           N     S        E       W 0

00 00 III IIII 33 00 00 00 00 Less than 1-day 00 20 00 00


persistence in 00 00 any direction

                                                                 ~        ~

19 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 000 17 000 00 000 000 o 16 000 000 000 000 15 00 000 000 00 14 000 000 000 o 000 13 00 000 000 12 000 000 I I I I 000 IIIII I:. "::.: 000 I I I I::.l."::: ll 000 000 000 000 000 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

         '      2        3 4 5  6    7   8   9   10  11   12  13    14      15  16 17 18 DAYS PERSISTENCE 88

t Figure V-2 .

                            'ake  Cur'rent Persistence Current Heter Ne.             6-n 67 66 W

65 LEGEND 00 00 64 00 N S E W 00 00 '-'i ~

               <<%    e                                                      I)I(l I 00               e 63 0

000 00 00 00 00 oo Less than 1-day 20 00 3oo


persistence ln~ 00 00 00 any direction

                                                                       ~      ~

19 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 CD 00 16 00 cD 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 00 o 13 00 00 000 000 12 000 000 000 000 ll 000 000 000 000 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 h 000 ~ e 000 000 3 000 000 000 000 r 000 e 000 ' 000 000 000 e 000 000 e I I 2 3' 5 6' 8' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 DAYS PERSISTENCE e ~ 89

Figure, V-3 Lake Current Persistence Current Meter Ne. I-S 62 61 60 LEGEND 000 59 00 00 N, S E W. 00 III IIII 58 000 000 000 000 000 000 Less than 1-day 20 000 000 oOo


persistence in-


000 000 any direction

                                                          ~      ~

19 000 000 000 000 18 000 000 000 000 g,. 17 000 000 000 000 o 16 000 000 000 000 15 000 000 000 14 000 000 000 000 13 000 000 000 000 000 12 000 000 000 000 11'0 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 030 000 000 000 000 00 00

    ,7    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OO 00 00 4   00 00 00 00 3   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 2 3 4 5    6  7,  8   9   10 DAYS PERSISTENCE ll   12   13  14     15  16 17 is 0 90

Figure V-4 Lake Current Persistence Cu.rrent Heter No .. 5-S 52 ' 51 50 LEGEND OO CG OO N S E W 49 OO OO OO 48 OO OO OO OO OO

                                                 '~ooooo    'ess      than day OOC OO
                                                   ~3oo         persistence    in OO OO any  direction 19    OO OOC OO 18    OO OO OO OO 17    OO OO OO OO 16    OG.


VI. LAKE TEMPERATURE DATA Lake temperatures were measured in the vicinity of the D, C. Cook Nuclear Plant by means of vertical arrays of thermistors anchored on the lake bottom and connected to on-shore recording instruments. The in-situ temperature measuring system had four separate monitoring locations; two in-shore and two off-shore (see Figure II-2 ). The north stations were located 122 meters (400 feet) and 550 meters (1800 feet) off-shore on a line 622 meters (2040 feet) north of the plant centerline. The south stations were located 122 meters (400 feet) and 550 meters (1800 feet) off-shore on a line 670 meters (2200 feet) south of the plant centerline. .The in-shore stations had sensors at depths of 0.6 and 1.2 meters; the off-shore stations had sensors at depths of 0.6, 3.7 and 5.2 meters. This in-situ temperature -. sensing system, which began operating in mid-June, failed entirely during the period from July 8th - July 11th . Failure of the system was attributed to the combined effects of lightning strikes and apparent vandalism of equipment in publicly accessible areas outside of the site boundary.*

  • In-situ temperature monitoring devices were originally installed in October 1969. Prior to January 1970, the underwater portion of this equip-ment was completely destroyed. In April 1970, following a design reevaluation, ar rangements were made for repairing the existing system. The installation of new in-situ equipment was completed in May 1970, but the underwater cable connecting the in-situ temperature sensors was found cut on the beach in August 1970. The cable was repaired in September and the system operated until mid-October when it again ceased operation for unknown reasons. In June 1971, the system was again repaired; however, on. July 27, the entire system failed, apparently due to lightning damage. System design was again reevaluated, changes made, and new equipment ordered. In the spring of 1972, the system was again in operation. Overall reliability in 1972 was poor due, in part, to cable breaks and sensor problems. Another redesign was undertaken and a new system installed in the spring'f 1973. In the summer of 1973, the system was damaged upon collision with a boat. Although repairs were attempted, the system functioned only sporadically for the remainder of 1973 due to broken probes, leaky splices, and excessive underwater cable movement.

(continued on next page) 92

Data from the in-situ, temperature sensors are illustrated, in Figures Vl-1 and VI-2. These data are, presented as 24-houraverages, based upon one-hour averages, with envelopes expressing the daily maximum and minimum (soli), lines) and plus-or-minus one standard deviation (dashed lines). They are ~ plotted as temperatures, in degrees F, versus Julian date in 1975.; .It may be seen that there is considerable variation in the lake temperatures, as a function of both time, depth and location. f 'I It should be noted that the plant was shut down on Julian day .185., Thus, all temperatures shown beyond that date are natural lake occurrences. Prior to that, time one or more sensors may'have been influenced by the thermal plume, depending upon lake currents, etc. It may, be seen that .there is considerable variation in the lake temperature during a given 24.-hour period, For instance, on Julian day 186, the maximum variation at the south temperature sensors was about 13'F; one standard deviation during this period was approximately 4', The north temperature'ensors shoived even larger variations. On the same day at a depth of 0.6 meters,. the south sensor 550 meters off-shore had .an average temperature about 1.5 F.. above that of the south sensor 122 meters off-shore, and 4'F above that of the north sensor 550

  • (from preceding page) Difficulties with the system persisted and another redesign effort was performed in 1974. In late October 1974, new equipment was installed. Early in 1975, special cable was ordered to complement this new replacement equipment; installation was accomplished the first week of June. On July 9, 1975, equipment to the north of the plant which was located in publicly accessible areas outside of the site boundary was vandalized and on July 19, 1975, lightning caused the entire system to be lost. Some new equipment was ordered in December, 1975, and is currently awaiting a design evaluation.


meters off-shore. Another example of. the variation in the natural lake temperature with time is shown in Table IV-6 which summarizes the cooling water intake temperatures during the per'iod'o'f monitoring (shaded area) 'and for several hours prior to the start of monitoring. In'particular, note when the intake temperature inc'reased 7.2'F during the two hours of I'uly,25th monitoring. On July 31st,.there was.a 9'F decrease in temperature 'in a one-hour period during which the monitoring'effo'rt started. On August 2nd, the intake temperature increased 12'F in a one hour period prior to'the moni toring. ~ . A difficult aspect of this study was defining an "ambient" temperature, F especially when, natural and spatial variations in lake temperature oft'en exceeded the a3F . This problem is particularly difficult during the spring and summer when the lake'is in a stratified condition. .The questi'on is, "How do'you'etermine the 3F aT isotherm whe'n the normally occuring'daily lake temperature variation, expressed as plus-or-minus one standard deviation, is 'often 3F or larger at any given 'position?" Additional problems are caused because the temperature variation between one location and another may often vary by several degrees. 'he technique used for dealing with these uncer-tainties in this study is described in Section III.

Lake Temperature Data 'South of Discharge ilRz. HUfi ', iiPf-.RATUP,E t, I'l I I-i I Hui1 Tf.l tPEP.RTUI? E 3>> h. NERll TE!IPERATURE HI TH C!!E STAIiORPO OF VI AT I GN I NO I CRTEO V" h ~ ~ *3>> A ~ rh ~ 'h

                  '<< '3 II',

a0'. O


Ar ~ 0>> ~ Of FSHORf: 0l STARCf; 400 I Cf.l OI.I'TH 0 I ff.l-0 r'60 I 65 >> 70 I '76 :80 I 85 I 90 'I 95 J.- '4 I GA'E r r r I

                                                                                                       ~ ~


       '"I 6 0             I65                       I 70                 75                l8G           I85             >>90         195 Ju>>. IR  I GR>E l

Figure YI-1

                                                                   >>I I



4 ~ nt ~,

                                                                              ~    ~    ~

l 0-Q S ' n ct) e r Ct: ~ (D CC v) D:


I vDCDC: 8DF A 5

      't         h 4 'l l       v>>Il l vll ~
                                ~     ~

t ' CD lh Dill

              '1C                             C I C)
      <<r)o                    lGb '                  ~  V            b                                i 88) 4
                                                                       'I l~
                                             ~    o 4

l t

               ~-                                                                '
                                                                               )                         A 4'D            ~,

I Q Ct 0' D tt ~ op t CD' ~ t ]IF :Gb 6 '8 I 6G'85 5 ~ A 4 \ O ~l If>> j'f 'I

                                                                                                 ./  -   v  //

4'C I A I:) I/ ~ ~ 4t" A

                "FI'SIIQ IF. J;GIC".".I             '8""


Gb I 70 175 I 80 I 85 F)gure VI-1 (Cont'd) 96


                                                                                             ~       w   vrqclvr ~

v 1 I r O O r O r r 4 rr ~ I

                                                                                                /I Ill CC
  ~     O ct    lrr cr.


      +60            165             I 70              I 75    I           :BO         IBS                  :90 J"   [AI GA I.
                                                    ",'Figure VI'-2            '

n C) CP

~     C)

Cf Vl Ce'

                        ~  e l PPPJ       ~  P'C     ~


             ~ er\p H          e L~   ~ n  ~

nc FLcenp ~ r Ae hl rt' ce C'l 0 18 '170 175 90 :8'1 190 195 O CP

                                                                                                                                ~   J O

CT Jl C; r eeH 8 rU Tf 1 PFRRvUeRf QAvA 9 cl R y ee ~ n C 4 y ~ 0 el CFFSHORF 0 ISTfl'lCf 180"

             ~ lftllfl 'n                   C fl O

C9 9n 65 3 ~ IS )8e 196

                                                   ~                                                                                  195 Ale 04+1 O                                                                                                                   \

C l

                                                                                                                        \         I l
                                                                                                     ~ ll             /       I e
                                                                            \l       'l

e e

                                                                                        'l                     e Cel Cp l              '   r  n


             %ORTH T.CCAclOH CFF'SHCRF. 01STRHCE                    1800     FKF.T OFPTH           17            Fff T cP   60               165                     e70              :75                  180              185              '90         e95 Jv'$14'I C4cf.

Figure. VI-2 (Cont'd} 98



The thermal discharge from the 0. C. Cook Nuclear Plant was,monitored during the periods May, 1975 July - August, 1975 September - October, 1975 Oecember, 1975 February - March, 1976 with Unit 1 operating at approximately 81% of rated power. A total of 30 plumes was mapped during this monitoring effort. Seasonal Variations A noticeable seasonal variation in the thermal plume characteristics was observed. The May and July-August natural lake temperatures exhibited stratification characteristics in which the surface water was several degrees warmer than water 2-3 meters deep. The stratification effects often made it difficult to identify the region affected by the thermal discharge because the surface water was as warm, or warmer, than the thermal plume at the surface. In general, the plumes observed during spring and summer, were smaller than those observed during fall and winter . A major par t of this variation is attributed to natural stratification of the lake. Of the 30 plumes that were mapped, three exhibited "negative plume" characteristics (the plume water was cooler than the ambient lake water at the surface and through a depth of 2-3 meters). One plume was not wel"<-defined* in the upper one meter. These negative and ill-defined plumes were observed during the times the lake was highly stratified and were caused by condenser intake water temperatures that were considerably lower than natural tempera-tures in the stratified layer. The colder intake'ater resulted in cooler

  • Refere:ice 5, page 15.


discharge temperatures from the condensers and, as this cooler water near the lake bottom was entrained with the thermal plume, it also cooled the thermal discharge more rapidly. The resulting temperature was occasionally equal to, or lower, than the natural temperatures in the stratified layer. Uniform lake temperatures observed'uring the September-October, December and February-March monitoring periods made the thermal discharges more easily identified than those observed during the spring and summer. There was a large variation with respect to the largest and smallest plumes measured during any one of these periods,'s shown in Table VII-l. Average areas and widths for each period indicate general seasonal trends. 't can be seen that the fall plumes were somewhat larger than the spring and summer plumes, and the winter plumes were the largest. Two factors are b'elieved to be primarily responsible for the observed seasonal variations in plume size. The primary factor is the relationship between the condenser intake temperature and the ambient temperature. If the intake temperature is higher than the ambient t'emperature at one meter (winter conditions), the discharge temperature is higher with respect to ambient and the plume appears to be larger. If the intake temperature is lower than the ambient temperature at a depth of one meter (summer conditions) the discharge temperature is lower with respec't to ambient and the plume appears to be smaller. As mentioned 'earlier, the discharge temperature can at times, be cooler than the ambient temperature near the surface. A secondary factor affecting plume size is believed to be the dynamic viscosity 'of the lake water. k The dynamic viscosity influences the turbulence level in the lake which, in turn, 'influences the amount of mixing. The dynamic viscosity of 40'F water is more than 1.5 times greater than that of 100

70'F water. This viscosity increase in the winter months results in decreased mixing and an increase in plume size. It must be noted that the data collected during this'onitoring effort were obtained on relatively calm days; days during which the wind and waves were not too severe for the boat and monitoring equipment. During the days when the lake conditions were too sever e for monitoring the size of

                                                                                    'the'hermal plume would be expected      to  be   smaller,   on the average,    than those reported in this study.         This is because the increased turbulence in the lake produced by the increased wave action would promote mixing and dissipate the plume more rapidly.

Plume Areas and Widths Table VII-1 summarizes the area and widths of the thermal plumes measured during this monitoring effort. The areas within the a,3F'sotherm at a depth of one meter varied from 0 acres during certain days in May and July-August, 1975, to a maximum of 120 acres on one day in March,,1976.. The maximum width of the a3F'egion at the one meter depth was 470 meters and was associated with the plume with the largest area. In nearly every instance, the width of the thermal plume was directly related to the area; the few instances where it was not involved plumes that were of unusual shape. k Plume Thickness The ability to determine the thickness of the plume depended upon how rough the lake was and how deep the water was in the region of the thermal plume. During the days when the lake was calm, it was possible to tow the temperature sensor array deeper in near-shore areas than when the lake was rough. On rough days the V-fin would occasionally hit bottom and shear the weak link. This would delay the monitoring while the V-fin was being recovered. 101

Table VII-1 Seasonal Variation of Plume Areas and Widths

                                   ~Na   .1975 Areas (acres)                        5 8
                                      ~        <4.8 Width (meters)                           80.        ?

Average Area - 3.5 acres Average Width - 80 meters Jul -Au ust, 1975 Areas (acres) 0 0 2.6 1.1 ) 1 0 2.5 0 0 85 65 25 0 70 Width (meters) Average Area - 1.2 acres Average Width - 35 meters Se tember-October, 1975 Areas (acres) 9.4 18.5 9.2 21.7 16.7 34.4 50.5 Width (meters) 105 210 135 135 135 220 290 Average Area - 22.9 acres Average Width - 176 meters December, 1975 Areas (acres) 8.0 13.1 67.5 32.2

'Width (meters)         100         85          330       350 Average Area - 30.2 acres Average Width - 141 meters Februar -March, 1976 Areas (acres)            18.2      45.4          47'.6     39.5          17.5  119.9 Width (meters)         300        175          300       270           200    470 Average Area -     48 acres Average Width -    286 meters 102

In addition, the boat used during the December and February-March periods had a deeper draft and this, coupled with the 'rougher lake conditions, ' 1 prevented work in the shallow areas. Of the plumes monitored by Argonne National Laboratory during May, 1975, one was a negative plume with no water that was 3'F above ambient, while the other two, both measured on the same day, appeared to be well-mixed vertically to a depth of at least 3 meters (the maximum depth of the temperature probes). This well-mixed region existed from a point 50 to 75 meters from the discharge to a distance of about 400 meters from the discharge. Beyond this near-field region the buoyant plume began to stratify near the surface. The July-August plumes displayed a shallow, floating configuration outside a radius of about 400 meters. The area between 0 and 400 meters from the discharge showed plume water from the discharge structure (5.5 meters deep) being propelled out and rising toward the surface. The thick-ness of the plume appeared to be about one meter. Plumes measured during the September-October period showed areas within the h3F'sotherm at the surface and at one meter of nearly equal size for each day monitored. Below one meter, however, plume size diminished by approximately one-half at 2 meters and again at 3 meters. There were a3F'sotherms below 4 meters. The plumes mapped during December showed a mixed pattern somewhat between that of the September-October period and the February-March period. The plumes, measured on two different days, showed distinctly different characteristics with respect to depth. Plumes on December 8th showed the largest s3F'reas at one meter. Surface and 2-meter areas were approximately 505 smaller than the one meter area. The plumes were essentially limited 103

to the upper 3 meters and had a triangular bottom shape, as noticed in the September-October data.

                                                                                                     ,I Plumes on December        9th, however,     showed a  surface plume area about 1/3 bigger than the area within the 63F'sotherm at one meter.                                   The 2 meter area was    of  near  ly  equal size   at the   one meter area.      At depths of three meters and below, the       d3F'egions      were- smaller and    nearly uniform in size and shape.       The areas    at the different depths      were   within   4  to   6             acres   of one  another.       Also, the plume    was   still  measurable   at  a depth     of             6  meters.

To sunmarize, the shape of plumes on December 9th could best be described as a "stepped" configuration. The two meters below the surface were approximately uniform in size. From 3 to 6 meters depth, the plume was also relatively uniform in size but had a 40K reduction in the area. Plumes mapped during the February-March period represented a broad range of plume characteristics. The lake water temperature was warmer f than usual for t"lat time of year, and precluded the possibility of observing a "sinking" plume. All plumes for that period showed nearly vertical sides and, as far as could be determined, went to the bottom or to a depth of at least 12 meters. The size and shape of individual plumes observed during this period was nearly uniform with depth. Centerline Tem erature Deca The decay of temperatu'res along the centerline of the plumes was analyzed by plotting the difference between the plume temperature and'he ambient temperature, at a depth of one meter, versus centerline distance'rom the discharge structure. These graphs, Figures YII-1 to YII-5 represent the separate monitoring periods. Days on which two plumes were mapped have the first plume designated as "a" and the second as "b." 104


                                                 ~    5-l3-75 5    5-l4-75a E                                                4 '-l4-75b CO l

5 p a kp cLs 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 f000 l200 l400 f600 I800 2000 Distaace From Discharge, meters Figure VI I-1 Center 1 ine Excess Temperature Plot:  !~a" '.975

                                           ~ 7-26-75     a 0   7--26-75  5 I   7-28-75 7-29-75 A 7 30-75 g

800~ gp+~ o o 200 400 600 800 (000 (200 J400 (600 [800 2000 g Distance From Discharge, meters Centerline Excess Temperature Plot: July-August, 1975 Figure VII-2

0 9=2'-Z

                                           ~   9-'23--75 a 0- 9-23-.75 5 9-27 "75 7$

k )0-2-75> V V 30-2-75 b

                    +'            ~         -T                     T 0

200 400 600 800 JOOO !200 -'400" -. )600 )800 2000 Distance From Discharge, meters Centerline Excess Temperature Plot: September-October, 1975 Figure VII-3

h "0 92-.8".75 a ED =. ~ ')2.-8-75 b h 0 0 f2-.9-75 a 0 a l2-,9-h75 b 0 sA Cl 0'-'- C) - CP CO rid 0 g'zR s -"Q th hC7 OJ ah: h e~ 200 400 600 800 f000 (200 B.'.f4004- 1600 I 800 2000 P Distance From Discharge, meters.

                 ~  A                                       h   hn Centerline Excess Temperature Plot:        December,      1975 Figure VII-4

LL Ch 2-27-76 Cl CO

                                                ~    2-29-76 E                                               0    3- 1-76 CP
                                                ~    3-.3-76 CI CO
                                              . +    3-9-76.,a A 3-9-76b(2meter data) 3-I I-76:

g-'a A p .y 0 0 A~ cv 0 Cl Ol CL o I800, 2000 0 200.- .400- .600 800 I000,'. I 200 .I400 I600 Distance . From .Discharge,--.meters Centerline'Excess Temperature Plot: February-Parch, 1976, Figure VII-5

Figure VII-1 represents the centerline temperature for the three plumes C measured by Argonne National Laboratory in May, 1975. The maximum observed excess temperature was 5.2'F, about 40 meters from the discharge.. By comparing the data in Figures VII-1 through VII-5 the seasonal variation becomes apparent. The spring and summer plumes have lower center-line temperatures than do the fall and winter plumes. In all cases the data show an apparent linear relationship between 'the temperature and the distance from the discharge. Winter Sinkin Plumes The February-March period would normally have lake'emperatures that were conducive to the development of "sinking" plumes. Sinking plumes occur when the lake temperature is less than 39.2'F. The heated discharge entrains and mixes with the cold lake water. When this water mixture achieves. a temperature of 39.2'F it has the maximum density the water can achieve and gravitational forces cause it to sink through the colder, more buoyant lake water.. This slightly denser mass of water then flows along the lake bottom until additional mixing further reduces the temperature. Actual lake temperatures during, the February-March, 1976 monitoring period were considerably warmer than normal because of an extended warm spell during February. At the time the monitoring was initiated the lake temperature was approaching 39'F. The resulting very small density differences precluded the development of a clearly defined sinking plume. The data did indicate the plumes were well mixed from top to bottom, at least to a depth of 12 meters. Temperature probes to the bottom, at greater-than-12-meter depths, did not indicate an accumulation of warmer water on 110

Areas of Influence The plume maps obtained during this monitoring effort were utilized for an analysis of,the area of the lake that was occupied at one time or another by water within the a3F'sotherm. This area is shown in Figure VII-6. The areas are shaded to portray the percentage of time the specific locations were influenced by this a3F'ater when Unit 1 is operating at 81% of full power. It may be seen in Figure VII-6 that the area of influence does not go significantly south of the discharge nor to,the beach.


                            -   25%

Percentage of Monitoring'ime That One Meter

                            -                               was Located in Zones 53F'rea 25%%d         50%%d Indicated 50$       -   75K 75%%d
                            - 100%%d 0 l00 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters

4 ...,"r

                                                                                  , "/
                                   "r c8                                                                   /
                                             '         r ~'
                  ~ I(                          \~\                           /


                                          ~ i ~e/'/}

I //, ~e ~ t ",c I 4t,' I t I



                ~ / I     '
                ~ I I   I g
                / It

I I I I ~ I

                ~ ~ ~   I I ~   I
                ~ I ~   I
                ~ I 0   I
                ~ ~ ~

I ~ ~


0 t g e I I l~

                / /g)   ~

0 0 Region of Lake Influenced by D. C. Cook Unit 1 Discharge (81% of full power). Figure VII-6 112


l. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, "Technical Specifications for Non-radiological Monitoring at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant."
2. Michigan Water Resources Commission Authorization to Discharge Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Permit No. MI 0005827, Dec. 27, 1974.

3, Indiana 8 Michigan Power Company, D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, "Plan of Study and Demonstration Concerning Thermal Discharges at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant," submitted to Michigan Water Resources Commission, April 7, 1975.

4. "Study Plan for Determining Acceptable Levels of Chlorine Discharges,"

submitted to Chief Engineer, MWRC, May 30, 1975. Approved July 8, 1975.

5. Frigo, A. A., Paddock, R. A., and McCown, D. L., "Field Studies of the Thermal., Plume from the D. C. Cook Submerged Discharge with Comparisons to Hydraul'ic-Model Results," ANL/WR-75-4, Argonne National Laboratory, June, 1975.


r la J P 1 II t I C

A e x D Thermal Studies

INDIANA 5 MICHIGAN POWER COMPANY DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS I AND 2 Report on the Performance of Thermal Plume Areal Measurements Volume 2 Submitted to: Chief Engineer, Michigan Water Resources Commission June 1, 1976



The following plume maps were prepared from temperature data collected during the period indicated on each map. For complete information on data collection and reduction, see sections II and III of Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Thermal P'lume Studies, July, 1975 - March, 1976. The following symbols are used for all plume maps: ><<<4<<<<<<Estimated F 0000000000~ area of plume having temperature of a3F'r more.

  <h000000i Estimated plume centerline at one meter depth.

0 Plant circulating water intake structure. Plant circulating water discharge structure. Transponder location.

Table of Contents Page No. Figure 1 7/25/75 1601-1722 la) surface 1.1 lb) 1 meter 1.2 1 c) 2 meters 1.3 ld) 3 meters 1.4 4 meters 1.5 1 fI 'vertical profile 1.6 Figure 2 7/26/75 1140-1314 2a) surface 1.7 2b) 1 meter 1.8 2c) 2 meters 1.9 2d) 3 meters 1.10 2e} 4 meters 1.11 2f) 5 meters I '1 ."12 2g vertical profile 1 .13 Figure 3 7/26/75 1454-1635 3a) surface 1.14 3b) 1 meter 1.15 3c) 2 meters 1.16 3d) 3 meters 1.17 3e 4 meters 1.18 3f) vertical profile 1.19 Figure 4 7/28/75 1210-.1449 4a) surface 1.20 4b) -1 meter 1.21 4c) 2 meters 1.22 4d) 3 meters 1. 23 4e) 4 meters 1. 24 4f) ver tical profile 1.25 Figure 5 7/29/75 1516-1647, 5a) surface 1.26 5b) 1 meter 1.27 5c) 2 meters 1.28 5d} 4 meters 1.29 Se) 5 meters 1.30 5f) vertical profile 1 .31 Figure 6 7/30/75 1154-1407 6a) surface 1.32 6b) 1 meter 1.33 6c 2 meters 1.34 6d 3 meters 1.35 6e) 4 meters 1.36 6f) 5 meters 1.37 6g) verti cal profile 1.38

Page No. Table of Contents (Cont'd) Figure 7 7/31/75 1223-1343 surface 1.39 7a 7b 1 meter 1.40 2 meters 1.41 7c) 1.42 7d 3 meters 7e vertical profile 1.43 Figure 8 8/02/75 1045-1305 surface 1.44 8a) 1.45 8b) 1 meter meters 1.46 Sc) 2 meters 1.47 8d) 3 Vertical profile 1.48 8e) Figure 9 9/22/75 1516-1712 9a surface 1.49 1 .50 9b) 1 meter 2 meters

1. 51 9c 9d) 3 meters '.52 4 meters 1.53
                                                    .54 9fI Vertical profile                1 Figure 10         9/23/75     1044-1216 loa)      surface                      1. 55 lob)      1 meter 1.56 10c       2   meters                   1.57 lod       3   meters                   1.58 10e)      4   meters                   1. 59 1.60 lof)      5   meters 1.61 10g)      Vertical profile Figure  ll         9/23/75 surface 1326-1528 1'. 62 1   la)                                1.63 1   lb)    1 meter 1.64 llc)       2  meters 1.65 lid)       3  meters 1.66 lie)      4  meters 1 1 f     5  meters                    1  .67
                                                     .68 llg)      6  meters                    1 lib)      Vertical pro file            1.69 Figure 12          9/27/75     1102-11 40 surface                      1.70 12a)                                   1.71 12b)      1  meter 1    72 12c)      2  meters                        ~

3 meters 1.73 12d 4 meters 1.74 12f I 5 meters 1.75 Vertical profile 1.76 12g)

Table of Contents (Cont'd) Page No...'igure 13 9/29/75 1334-1514 13a) surface 1.77 13b) 1 meter 1 ~ 78 13c 2 meters 1.79 13d) 3 meters 1.80 13e) Vertical profile 1. 81 Figure 14 10/2/75 1007-1157 14aI surface 1 .82 1 meter 1.83 14c) 2 meters 1.84 14d) 3 meters 1.85 14e) Vertical profile 1.86 Figure 15 10/2/75 1248-1356 15a) surface 1. 87 15b) 1 meter 1.88 15c) 2 meters 1.89 15d) 3 meters 1.90 15e) Vertical profile 1.91 Figure 16 12/8/75 1150-1318 16a) surface 1.92 16b) 1 meter 1.93 16c) 2 meters 1.94 16d) 3 meters 1.95 16e) 4 meters 1.96 16f) 5 meters 1.97 16g) Vertical profile 1.98 Figure 17 12/8/75 1402-1504 1?a) surface 1.99 1?b) 1 meter 1.100 17c) 2 meters 1.101 ljd) 3 meters 1.102 17e 4 meters 1.103 17f 5 meters 1.104 17g) 6 meters 1.105 17I1 ) Vertical profil e 1.106 Figure 18 12/9/75 1014-1205 18a) surface 1.107 18b) 1 meter 1.108 18c) 2 meters 1.109 18d) 3 meters 1.110 18e) 4 meters 1.111 18f ) 5 meters 1.112 18g) 6 meters 1.113 18I1) Vertical profile 1.114

Table of Contents (Cont'd) Pag'e'o.'"' Figure 19 12/9/75 1258-1422 19a) surface , 1.115 19b) 1 meter , 1.116 19c) 2 meters 1.117 19d) 3 meters 1.118 19e) 4 meters . 1.119 19f) 5 meters , 1.120 19g) 6 meters 1.121 19h) Vertical profile 1.122 Figure 20 2/27/76 1419-1541 20a) surface 1.123 20b) 1 meter 1.124 20c) 2 meters ,1.125 20d) 3 meters 1.126 20e) 4 meters 1.127 20f) 5 meters 1.128 20g) Vertical profile 1.129 Figure 21 2/29/76 1304-1513 21a) surface 1.130 21b) 1 meter :1.131 21c 2 meters 1.132 21d 3 meters 1.133 21 e) 4 meters 1.134 21f) 5 meters 1.135 2lg) Verti cal profile , 1.136 Figure 22 3/1/76 1136-1241 22a) surface 1.137 22b) 1 meter 1.138 2 meters 1.139 3 meters 1.140 22e) 4 meters 1.141 22f) 5 meters 1.142 229 Vertical profile 1.143 Figure 23 3/3/76 1405-1608 23a) surface 1.144 23b) 1 meter 1.145 23c) 2 meters 1.146 23d) 3 meters 1.147 23e) 4 meters 1.148 23f) 5 meters 1.149 23g) 6 meters 1.150 23h 7 meters 1.151 231 Verti cal profile 1.152

Table of Contents (Cont'd) Page No. Figure 24 3/9/76 1143-1308 24a) surface 1.153 24b) 1 meter 1.154 24c 2 meters 1.155 24d) 3 meters 1.156 24e) 4 meters 1.157 24f) 5 meters 1.158 24g) 6 meters 1.159 24h) 7 meters 1.160 24i) 8 meters 1.161 24j Vertical profile 1.162 Figure 25 3/9/76 1414-1528 25a) surface 1.163 25b) 1 meter 1.164 25cI 2 meters 1.165 3 meters 1 ~ 166 25e 4 meters 1.167 25f 5 meters 1.168 25g 6 meters 1.169 25h) Vertical profile 1.170 Figure 26 3/11/76 1016-1200 26a) surface 1.171 26b) 1 meter 1.172 26c 2 meters 1.173 26d) 3 meters 1.174 26e 4 meters 1.175 26f 5 meters 1.176 269) 6 meters 1.177

        '26h)  Vertical profile     1.178

Figure la Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-25-75 Time: l60l l722 Depth: SURFACE 0 Ioo 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 's t SURFACE s') C eters p CURRENT er y

                                                               '74'           S s.

Second 76'


go J ~ j

                                            ~ s 76' 75o f tt
                                             ~  t
                                             ~ s}

77'8', I st


0 I



                                             ~       s

s s


s t 'sst It s


s s

                                                                        -  .}s 76'HORELINE s   ~   s st      s s

st I s }s ~ s ss s s ~ t ~ 0 0

Figure 1b Donald C. Cook Nuclear. Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-25-75 Time: l60I l722 = Depth: I METER 0 l00 200 300 400 500 76'7' Scale-Meters ,0 I' I g 11 C II


(I ~ 75' .74'5'74 760 0~ I i


I It


It I I ~ ~

                                          ~ ~

I I~ I I If I II

                                       - ~  Ii I

I It i ~

                                         ~  I I Ii iI I I~
                                              ~   ) I I


Figure 1c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-25-75 Time: l60 I l722 Depth: 2 METERS 0 734 IOO 200 300 400 500 76'60 Scale-Meters

                                            - ,0 It
                            ~ f II I



74'54 77'50


II la~ I h

                                                              '4 ~

750 75 76'~ y lf

                                               ~     I l



I ~ e ~ IIII I ~ I I III II SHORELINE 1.3 0 0

Figure ld Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-25.-75 Time: l60l l 722 Depth: 3 METERS 74'5'6'5'" 9 %0 200 3GO 400 500 Scete4Ieters 74'7Po


Qo I


IV It Il. I

                                              'II SI I



744 73'5'4'51 f t' 76's II

                                         ' st I    st

It It s I I~ st I


It it I st

                                          ~    ~  I
                                          ~    st I I~
                                          ~    s ~
                                          ~    IS'                         SHORELINE
                                          ~    ssl   s 1.4 0               0

70'r Figure le Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 7- 25-75 7l' l60l - l722 Time: Depth: 4 METERS 7l'2'V 72'cale-Meters 7lo 76, ,'. 40 7y / j J.

                                      '" '77'
                                         < ~
                                       ~ < ~
                                         < ~
                                       < ~ <   ~
                                         ~ <
                                       ~ <f    ~
                                         < ~
                                             ~ ~                               SHORELINE 1.5 0            0

290 Meters From Discharge 76'5'44 73'2'0 73'2 6y p'7l'7(P 7~150 Meters From Discharge o 76'4o 760 72 7 ~72 73'7'igure lf 30 Meters From Discharge Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant 75 Thermal Plume 77'ate: 7-25-75 76~ Time: I 304- l5I3 76'5' 75 VERTICAL PROFILE 74 6o 73 0 100 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 1.6

Figure 2a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-26-75 Time: 1050 - l245 Depth: SURFACE 0'OO 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 734 74'5'5' T54 o44 I I~ I ~~ I ss 754 I Il I~ 75'64 74 I ~ so s

01) "p<c I~

I ~

         +we rs  c                                      734 p >eg~~ ~


                        ~d s  I I~

I ~ ~ S I I'


t~ 74' 74'3'HORELINE


I s ~ sss t I I


sita I It


I IN Ir I I~ S I ~~

                                     ~     s I ~ IS I I~
                                      ~    III I I 1.7

Figure 2b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 7-26-75 Time: I 050 l 245 Depth. I: METER 0 -Ioo 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters

                                                           / 730 J



oo,o lit J 72'2'

                              ,J        J


                             ~  J
                             ~  J     J
                             ~  ~

a I s ~ J I

                            ~   J   I J   I

lj IJ I I

                          ~ i JJ I y

I I ~J I I >J I

                          ~ ~   ~   1 I

I.Ji JJ I 9 ~ I


I H ORE L I NE 0 0

Figure 2c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume ~ IE Date: 7-26-75 Time: I050 l245 Depth: 2 DIETERS 0 'IOO 200 300 400 500 $C Scale-Meters opp

                             ~  >t
                             ~  Ig
                             ~  lg II I0 sP 75'6'-
                             ~  J
                             ~    p 4

g tj

                             ~ ~ 'i IJ O  ~   I' IP I I I 9 I





o P


ti lI I






1 74'2'HORELINE I I II I I ~ e

                          ~ ~ ~      ~
                          ~ ~ 0      I I

I ~ ti I

                              ~      s so(

s s I I I I


II xiii


0 0

Figure 2d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-26-75 Time: l050.l 245 Depth' METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scafe-Meters 72'l' 40 7I4 S I i

                           <<  I<<
                        <<  ,'      ~

I I ~


I I 77' J '<< P I


I i



                           ~       I
                            <<4     ~-

I I0 I I '



figure 2e Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date; 7-26-75 Time;:1050 -1245 Depth: 4 METERS 0 100 200,300 400 500 Scale4leters 744 7I'0'>o II ISst I Il 734



                         ~  ~

I ~ st It Ost 71'0'HORE O~

                       ~ st I I~



I ~ ~ I ~ Itt I I~ s I ~


I I I5 I s ~ s

                         ~  I' l'5 I I  ~

l I I I 5 I I ~

                         ~  I I                         LINE
                       ~ Ssl I 0               0

s I Figure 2f Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 26;;-'75 Time: I 050-1245,.',.',.; I 5 METERS s'epth: 0 l00 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 7l' 704 744

                                      'QO                    a 720 IsS,O I II I Ii I4 it I ~

st It~ Itt


p'> 4 I It I I ~ s t 7I'0'HORELINE I I I I i Ii't I I it I I It s I it I I ~ ~ I ~ I s ~ s it I I I I


I I I I I~ I I I ~I I I is s S Iii sil s 0 0

800 Meters From Discharge 74'30 ~ to Meters From Discharge 73o 75' h h 4 74'70 73'2'0'9o Meters From Discharge Figure 2g ?3'5' 72'0 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant II Thermal Plume 7217 7(4 75'80

                                                                             ~?       t~o Da te:    7-26-75 5       Meters From Discharge Time:     l050- IBI5                                    77'50 VERTICAL PROFILE                                                      3o 0   Ioo 200 300 400 500
                                 -73'6'2'Q Scale-Meters 74'4'6'.13

Figure-3a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant I Thermal Plume Date: 7-26-75 Time: - t454-I635 Depth: SURFACE 0 l00 200 300 400 500 h.~~~' L Scale-Meters 740 75'64 770 so 017 +WCp 76'5o

   +elIers  t.

pe,SQFg< P ecrtttrr

                                                                                -75'9'8'44 75'.14 SHOR E LINE
                                                     ~   ~

CJ~ 0

Figure 3b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-26-75 Time: l454-1635 Depth: I METER Scale-Meters 74'4'0 r r 75'4'4'o 75'60~i J fag I Ia t

                         ~  S 60' I  t
                         ~  >
                         ~  r 4

Ii I I I I I

                      ~  ~

I ~

                      ~  ~

I II ~ 4 I iS

                       ~ g  J
                       ~    ~


                       ~  I l
                       ~  ~ ~

is>> i I III ~ 0 0

Figure 3c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 7-26-75 Time: t454-t635 Depth: 2 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scate-Meters 73'2'4'5'34 74' I I 75'34 744 tt

                  ~744 t

I I 78

                            ~ Ir
                            ~          ~
                              ~ t*     ~


                              ~  ~
                            ~     I    I
                            , ~~ $     I SHORELINE o,              o

Figure 3d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 7-26-75 Time: l454- I635 Depth: 3 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scafe-Merers 73'2'3'3'4'5'34

r. 75'.--;

I 0'I) 74'.17

                                       -              73o 740 tt  ~  s 770
                           ~ ~ ~  I 1st1


                             ~ J  y
                           ~   ~
                             ~ I  ~
                             ~ 4  ~

I* r~ i~



Figure 3e Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 7-26-75 Time: l454-I635 Depth: 4 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 L00~ Scale-MeIers 73'24 72'4'3'.18 76'5'44




t y ~ 73'20

                                ~ t I


                                ~ t I

t 0

                             ~  ~ ~
                             ~    ~

t~ I


I It

                                ~  ~

I I~

                             ~ ~

I I~ t

                             ~  I  ~
                             ~  ~


                                ~ ~  I ~


                                ~ ~  t ~

0 0

990 Meters From Discharge 77'6'6o 74'30 72O 75'70 Meters From Discharge 7~6' I 7 74'3 73' 72o IBO Meters From Discharge Figure 3f Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant 74O Thermal Plume Date: '7- 26-75 Meters From Discharge Time: l454- I635 VERTICAL PROFILE 75'4' 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters

Figure 4a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-28-75 Time: l2IO - l 449 Depth: SURFACE ScoIc.Mcfccs pCs gw

                                                                          'b 77o 770 760 75'5'74 74'<o                    I~~

I~ I'I~



                          ~ ~

tl I

                               ~               76'

I> I ~ I~


I Il

                        ~ ~ ~
                        ~ ~  I 4
                        ~ ~
                        ~ ~
                        ~ II I
                          ~   1
                        ~ ~ ~
                        ~ ~ >
                        ~     ~    ~


                        ~  s ~   I ~

0 0

Figure 4b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: Time: 7-28 -75 l2 IO l 449 4,.r Depth: l METER Scote-Meters 744 754

                                                             /75'54 r
                                                              ~ P r

734 76' r I'774 pOD

                                     ~   I I
                                      ~ ~
                                  ~   ~


                                  ~   ~    ~   ~
                                  ~ ~      ~   ~
                                  ~ ~      ~
                                       ~   8   ~
                                  ~ ~      r   ~
                                  ~ ~      +
                                       ~   P   ~
                                   ~           ~


                                   ~ ~
                                   ~ ~     ',I I 1.21 0                0

Figure 4c Donald C. Cook Nuctear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 7-28-75 Time: l2 lO l 449 Depth: 2 METERS 0 IOO 200 Soo 400 500

      'hh llPlh Scale-Melers 75'4'34 754 e~


                                     ~ ~

I "r

                                     ~~       4
                                     ~ ~
                                     ~  ~

I ~~



                                     ~  4                                74'.22
                                   ~ II
                                   ~ ~ ~
                                     ~ ~



I I~

                                      ~  4 I I~

I I4

                                   ~  ~ I


                                      ~   I
                                   ~  ~


Figure 4d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-28-75 Time: - l2IO t449 Depth: 3 METERS 0 Ot 200 300 400 500 Scde.Meters 74'34 76'- F4


II tt IS


I s774 74'.23


It ~

                           ~ tj     I I
                             ~  It~ ~
                             ~ ~    ~
                             ~ ~    ~

I I 4 ~

                           ~ ~


Figure 4e Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-28-75 Time: l2 IO l449 Depth: 4 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 ScaIe-Meters 734 73'2o

                                ~  y
                              ~ ~ ~                              744 73'oo I~

bt tr  ; 74'.24 1 ItI4

                            ~ ~ I
                            < ~ P
                            ~ ~ t F75'7'4'HORELINE I   ~
                            ~ ~

I ~

                            ~ ~


                            ~ ~    ~
                            ~ I,l i 0           0

l350 Meters From Dischar e 75'00 Meters From Discharge 77'60 750 7(o 380 Meters From Discharge 75'7'4'6'50~ Figure 4f Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant t20 Meters From Discharge . Thermal Plume 750 Date: 7-28-75 Time: l2IO-I449 VERTICAL PROFILE 74'7'3'6'0 0 loo 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 75'.25

Figure Sa Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-29-75 Time: l5I6- l647 Depth: SURFACE 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 76'7'8'7'6'7'8'

                                ~ ~


                                ~ ~
                              ~   f i
                              ~ ~ ~ ~


Figure 5b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7 75 Time: l5 l6 l647 Depth: I METER 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 76'cale-Meters rr~ 75'6'7'7'.27 r 76' r~ 77' III II I II


IM I~ I st i 76'5'70 I ~ It g> 7 0I I 8Q

                                 ~     ~

I I ~ I I I ~ I IP I I (t II I It I i


I I ~ i




I I I I I~ i I I I g I I ill II I



Figure 5c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 7 75 l 6 47 Time: l5 I6 Depth: 2 METERS 0 100 200 300 400 500

     'I',74'I 7'Id ScaIe-Melers 75'~o IS/

I I~ I ~I

                                              ~          Is I4 IP st I

lf ~ 80'8'MOR 0I

                                              .'l79'6'7'5'.28 ss I    ~          4  I
                                           ~    ~          4 I     ~         a I         I I s
                                           ~      I           ~
                                                  ~         4 s I I~             P I
                                           ~                I I I

I I S If Ir





                                            ~     I(
                                                  ~ ~         I 0                      0

Figure 5d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-29-75 Time: l5I6- l647 Depth: 0 4 METERS loo 200 300 400 500 75'4'4'4'5 Scale-Meters 73'I;" I 76'7'5'5' O I I ~I ~~ 78'9',

                                   ~ I ~

IN 80' I~ I

                                  ~  ~ P
                                  ~ ~
                                  ~  all

e SHORE.L lNE 0 0

Figure 5e Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 7-29-75 Time: l5l6- l647 Depth: 5 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 74'5'4'4'34 Scale-Meters 74?p II I ~I l

                                 ~    ~

tt V I ~ 77o 75'6' II

                                 ~  f
                                '>>       i

IP i

                                 ~l1 i

r.* I 80'HORELINE 1.30 0 0

IOIO Meters From Discharge 4?6o ~~77'~~7 76'5'50 Meters From Discharge 78o ?4'64

                                             <7   o 75'3'60 Meters From Discharge Figure 5f 76'7                       Donald   C. Cook    Nuclear Plant 75'4 Thermal Plume 74o                                         Date:     7- 29-75 l~?3o
                                                       '5'                  Time:     l5l6- l647 VERTICAL PROFlLE 30 Meters From  Discharge 77'8'00                                    0  loo 200 300 400 500
            ~?S Scale-Meters Y

7 0

                                                      '9' 0
                                                            . 77'
                                                                              .,5 1.31

77'7'7'7'6'7' 76'jgure ~ 76'6' 6a,


h. ci i~ it 76'5'onald 76'+ C. Cook ttucteor Plant Thermal Plume 4 ii Da te: 7-30-75 WC bi ~e + Time: ll54- l407

  'b                   ~

l Depth: SURFACE I~

                          ~ ~

SccIc.uccccs SHORELINE oOOo 1.32

74'4'4'1 74' 5t 74'onald C. Cook Nuclear Plant


Thermal Plume t

   ~  tI                  Date:           7-50-75
   ~ ~
   ~ ~

Time: ll54- l407

 ~ ~

I Figure 6b Depth: I METER

 ~ ~   t 0         60 200  300 4oo 500
                                                       . J St.ll   I
    ~  r SHGRELINE 0           0                               1.33

74'4'6'4' 75'6'igure 6c Donald C. Cook Nuctear Plant Thermal Plume

           ~             Date:     7-30-75 Time:     II54- l407 r    0 2 METERS       'epth:
      ~ ~


      ~   I>
        ~ ~

Scab. Qefers SHORELWE QDPo 1.34

74'4'4'4' 74'5'1 Figure 6d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermol Plume Date: 7-30-75 Time: ll54- 1407 I

  ~ ~        Depth:    5 METERS
  ~ ~            0   KO 200 300 400 500
  ~ I
  ~ I Scdt.lktcrs
  ~ ~


 ~OO                      1.35

73'3'40 75+ 73'2' Figure 6e Donald C. Cook Nuctear Plant Thermal Plume Date: T-30-75

     ~ ~


     ~ ~

Time: I t54- t407

   ~ ~ ~

Depth: 4 METERS

   ~ I ~~ ~
     ~ 0  ~                             Scole Ilctcrs   73'.36
   ~ ~ P
   ~    I ~

72'3'30 Figure 6f Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 7-30-75


Time: I!54-l407 73' ~ i Depth: 5 METERS

            ~    ~

40 500 4a~ 0 No 200 Soo J Scale. Meters

             ~ ~

SHORELINE 0 0 1. 37

750 Meters From Dischorge 76'6'7 76'~o 74'- 76'~ 75 740

                                               ~G 73+

242 Meters From Discharge 75'7'6'4'6~ 74'30 73'+2'74 l32 Meters From Discharge 760 76'4'70 76'~5 Figure 6g 74'onald C. Cook Nuclear Plant 73'3'5 Meters From Discharge Thermal Plume Date: 7-50-75 776'50 Time: J f54-l407 VERTiCAL PROFlLE 74'3< 0 too 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters

                                                                        '.38 5

75'5'igure 7a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 7-31-75 74'I'6'2'5'6'4'5'4' Time: 1225 1545 ~ tI I II V el g Depth: SURFACE 0 loo 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters SURFAcE l;" CURRENT

                              ~75                             0> Meter, Fer Secort(ts la I

I II I I, I I SHORELINE g 1 gIl, 0 0

T4o 73'4'igure Tb Donald C. Cook Thermal Plume Nuclear Plant 73'2' 73', Da te: 7-31-75 I opp s 670 Time: 1223 -1343 ISt I I II II 690


y Depth: I,METER I7)0 0 100 200 300 400 500 I ll'Zdt 1N I 720 s I ~ I Scale-Meters IlI



                                         ~ s ~  I
                                         ~ I I  I I
                                         ~ I ~

I ~ I I I I ~ I I I( s I

                                         ~ ~ t  I s

S I ~ I

                                         ~ Ig   ~

I ~ II ~ H 0 R E L IN E


i Isl

                                           ~ ~

I 1.40 0 0

73'0'igure 7c 71'20 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant 73'3'4'2'ate: Thermal Plume 7-31-75 72'oo 1223 -1343 'ime:

                                                    ,IJ 68'9'0 Ii I II Depth:     2 METERS                                  ~ ~

0 IOO 200 300 400 500 I I I

                                                      'I 2'3' I

0 ~ Scate-Meters ~ I

                                                    $ ~

f I~


g it gP I


I iI



               't.4T 0                          0

72'igure 7d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume 7-3I -75 67'9'0'2'l' Date: 6'3; 72'7'69-Time: l223- l343 Depth: 3 METERS I ci 72'I4 7I0 72",,' 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 ~ I yl I I I SceIe-Meters I IJ I I IO 7I I Ia

                                             ~   t I IO I ~ ~

I ~ I I ~ ~



                                               ~ 1
                                             ~    ~
                                             ~ ~  '
                                             ~ "~

II c ~


SHORELINE cIJ ~ 1.42 0 0

76o Meters From Discharge 730 73'2'1'73~ 70'l'80 470 Meters From Discharge 75'40 76'50 760

             ~73 71o                         72' 69 6                    ~710%720 67'60 Meters    From Discharge 73'2070'3'igure 74   7lo    74' 74' 10 7e C. Cook     Nuclear Plant 7I'onald               Thermal Plume 67'8'9'20 Meters   From   Discha rg e Da te:    7-31-75 74'10 73           Time:      l 223- I343 73 J                                          VERTICAL PROFILE 0

m71'72' l 69'0~ 0 I00 200 300 400 500 ScaIe-Meters 1.43

Figure Sa Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 8-2-75 Time: I045- l305 Depth: SURFACE 0 loo 200 300 400 Soo Scale Meters 75'5'1'Q 72'4'3'5'4',

                                                ~ I I 4~




                                              ~ I    I 77'6'343 SuPFAc E Her ers CURREH    r per S eeehd
                                              ~ I
                                              ~ I SHOR E L INE 1.44                         0          0

Figure Bb Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 8-2-75 Time: 1045 -1305 Depth: I METER 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scde-MeIcss 76'2+ 73'50 74'4'I0 75'4'4'3m 75'6'

                                        '77'      i7~s I ~
                                             ~ ~


                                             ~ ~
                                             ~ I
                                             ~ ~
                                             ~ ~
                                             ~ I I

SHORELINE 1.45 0 0

Figure Sc Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te:. 8-2-75 Time: l 0 45 I305 Depth: 2 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 ScaIe-LIeters 76'50 73'4'74'2'


as' 4 74'0 78' 76'3'

                                             ~ ~

SHORELINE 1.46 0 0

Figure Sd Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 8 75 Time: l045 -1305 Depth: 5 METERS 0 KO 200 300 400 500 Scds-Mslers 74'3'4'2'3'3'2'1'00 7I'2, 70' 1 I I I I I

                                       ~ I I

I~ ~ y I SHORELINE 1.47 0 0

Meters From Discharge 74'4'70 75$ 290 Meters From Discharge 0 7 74 ( 7

                          .': '7490 yl Meters   From Discharge Figure     Se 74'5'3'onald C. Cook    Nuclear Plant                                      75 Thermal Plume 7(   h6'4 Date:   8-2-75                                           5"74 I045- I 305                   l40 Meters               From   Discharge Time:                                                               774 PROFILE 73'ERTICAL 0 l00 200 300 400 500 73'7'6'6'74' Scale-Meters 1.48

Figure 9a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9-22-75 Time: l5I6-l7I2 Depth: SURFACf 0 lao 200 300 400 Soo ScaIe Motus

 <o oooo~~ Cg o~op'r
              +4'4, 8o +P Ia 63'2'3'4 63'2' goo
                                         ~ o 6t ~:.         6 SHORELINE 1.49 QDJ    0

Figure gb Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Dater 9-22-75 Time: l5l6-l7I2 Depth: I METER Sacra ucreca 6I'2a63'6 62 63 e ~ > 6Ie 63

                     ~ ~

I SHORELINE 1.50 0 0

Figure gc 'Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9.22-75 Time: l5I6-l7I2 Depth: 2 METERS 0 KO 200 Soo 400 SCO RON MeIcra 62

                       '4t6 ~

i:I l tq63'DOo SHORELINE

Ftgule gd Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9-22.75 Time: t5I6-ITI2 Depth: 3 METERS 0 KO 200 300 400 500 utttf% 3U ScON 6I',0 64'5'3 62'2 63 e;

            ~ ~
         ~    ~

I ~ iep 63'HORELINE i'DOo

1. 62

Figure ge Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 9-22-75 Time: l5I6-l7(2 Depth: 4 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Score Meters 6I'2'00

                        ~633e I(
       ~ I I



qI ~

     ~    ~      ~


2I00 Meters From Discharge 0 62'I00 Meters From Discharge o 62O Meters From Discharge 64'26 62'igure I gf Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume l50 Meters From Discharge Date: 9-22 75 I Time: I5I6- l7I2 62'3' 64'2'4 VERTICAL PROFILE 0 loo 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters

1. 54

Figure 10a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume 9-23-75 62'3o Date: Time: I044-12I6 Depth: SURFACE 0 !00 200 300 400 500 Score Meters 4.t+yt noh>

                                    ~ ~  t


                                      \t                       62 IIIIII,< cuR I"  ood               r Iti o.o 6I~'66 0


                                    ~ ~


                                  ~   ~
                                  ~ ~
                                    ~ I
                                  ~ ~ ~     ~
                                  ~   ~     I
                                    ~       ~

( t ~ t


I 1.55 0 0

Figure 10b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9-23-75 Time: l044-(2(6 Depth: I METER 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Seals-Mstefs 63o 620 64 I / po I' II I I It

                                     ~ ~



6g-.'~~ j 62'3' I

                                     ~ ~
                                     ~ I   ~

(If I

                                   ~ ~ ~




                                     ~ ~
                                   ~ I     I 1.56 0           0

62' Figure loc Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9-23-75 Time: t044-t2IG Depth: 2 METERS a 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Seole-Meters 62'3'te 6S6js 62' I 0', I ~ > I ~ ~

                                     ~  ~
                              ~ I       I I

MI ~ SHORELINE s atl ~ 0 0

Figure 10d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9-23-75 Time: f044-l2l6 Depth: 3 METERS 0 I00 200 300 400 500 Scete-Merets 63'2'3'ity

                                     >>I I ~

I I Ie tg I t~ It I 64'54 ItI 62'l'


It I I ' I O I I




It I




Itt gio

                                   ~ ~

I I ItI It I



                                     ~ ~

It I I I I I


It I It







                                     ~ Il I~

0 0 1 . 58

Figure 10e Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9-23-75 Time: l044-t2IG Depth: 4 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 62' Scofe.Merers 630 62 IIII ~ It


It It It lt I~

                                  ~   ~
                                  ~   ~

I ~ I ~ 0 II



                                  ~   I   ~


                              ~   ~   ~   ~
                               ~  ~   ~   ~
                              ~   ~   ~   ~




                              ~  ~    ~   I
                              ~  ~  ~     I I~       I I ~~ I~



I~ ~ ' I


t t~ I

                               ~ IIII SHORELINE 1.59                 0               0

Figure 10f Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 9-25-75 Time: l044-l2l6 Depth: 5 METERS Scale. Meters 62'24 qpp

                                 ~  tl Iu~          624

I ll

                                ~ ~

at III


634 I~ p

                                ~  II I~

It I I

                              ~ It
                              ~ ~

I ~ ~ I I It

                                ~  ~

I ~ ~ I ~ f I I II

                                ~ ~


                              ~ der     ~

1.60 0 0

l980 Meters From Discharge 62' 63'370 Meters From Discharge 62o 64, 760 Meters From Discharge 62o 10g Donald Nuclear Plant 6p'igure C. Cook Thermal Plume Da te: 9-23-75 Meters From Discharge Time: I044-I2I6 64 62'70 6/ 63O VERTICAL PROFILE 0 l00 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 1 . 61

Ftgure lla Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9-25-75 Time: I326-f528 Depth:" SURFACE 63'44 ta~J M 0 loo 200 300 400 500 ScaIe4Ierers 65'Oo t t e

                               ~ ~

I~ 'I

                               ~ ~

I o

                               '0    ~

1 63'.62

                               ~ ~



Figure lib Donald C. Cook Nuclear Planl Thermal Plume Date: 9-23-75 Time: t326- t528 Depth: I METER 63' Scale. Meters 4 63'2'2'. SHORELINE 63 0 0

Ftgure llc Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal 'Plume Date: 9-23-75 Time: t326-t528 Depth: 2 METERS 0 KO 200 300 400 500 trsuMMUScold. Mct crt 63'2'3'4'




Figure lid Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9-23-75 Time: l326-l528 Depth: 3 METERS 0 200 300 400 500 I~ IOO Scale-Meters 62' 62'2'P4 634 si,

                                       ~  I~

I is I It I 6

                                                    '5rr'3'24 I I' I

t Itt


std( I I St t I I~ s sr I I~

                                   ~  II I

I t I IB


li I I iil I I ~ I SHOREUt'E 1..65 0 0

Ftgure lie Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9.23-75 Time: t326-I528 Depth: 4 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 $ 00 Seole Meters 62'2'oo 63 63'

                                ~  ~ ~

4' ~

                                 , ~
                             ~     ~ ~

I 1 I

                                   ~ I
                                   ~ ~


figure llf h Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9-23-75 Time: l326-l528 ~ ~ Depth: 5 METERS 0 Lmt J.M~ l00 200 300 400 500 Scale. Musss 62 h 90o 62'



                                  ~ ~

g ~ ~

                                  ~ ~

I ~ I

                              ~ ~ ~
                              ~ ~ ~


Figure llg Donald C. Cook Nuclear Planl Thermal Plume 11 + I' Da te: 9-23-75 "P Time: 1326-t528 I Depth: 6 METERS 0 loo 200 300 400 500 Scde Mstsrs 62' e'P II I~ 1 I~


I~ t f ~ ~ 1 ~ I

                                    ~ ~
                               ~    ~

I I ~

                               ~ 4 ~


           . 68

l675 Meters From Discharge 63'2'70 Meters From Discharge 64'5'3'2'I' 6I0 Meters From Discharge 65'3'0 Figure 'Ilh Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9-23-75 Meters From Discharge Time: l326- l528 63O 64'2'63' VERTICAL PROFlLE 6 62O 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 I I 0 ( Sc ate-Meters 1.69

Figure 12a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9-27-75 Time: II02-ll40 Depth: SURFACE 0 IOO 200 300 .400 500 Scale-Meters O~ C C/l'A n~~ ED fthm CI O. 6I'9'

                                   ~  I I  II 6polr
                                ~  t It
                                ~  ~

I' 0I I I ~ II I I I Itt I I tt I I It


It I I


Itt It It ItII


I I III t 64'HORELINE 1.70 0 0

Figure 12b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 9-27-75 Time: ll02- ll40 Depth: I METER 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 59' 58'0O / t p~7g

p'.6 '>>,'

6 ]0 I II 59

                               -I I
                                  ~   i 0I  II
                                ~ I I II      1 I ~ ~     I I $ ~

Itl I I I

                             ~         I I  I  ~   I I I    I I I  I It I I6 I

I I II II I I I> I ~ ~ I

                             ~  I4     I I I  t    I I ~


                                  ~  1II S HORELIH E 0              0
1. 71

Figure 12c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 9-27-75 Time: fl02-fl40 Depth: 2 METERS Scale-Meters 80

                            fo 6f...gghi~'0' I~I I I~
                                 ~ IS
                               -ISS st~

I It I

                                                    . 59~

I I I Ii I' y st It s I I It It I I ~ I I t I I I Itt t I ~ I I ~ I I I I It I


I It~ i is I ~ I) ~ SHORELINE 0 0 1 s72

Figure 12d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 9-27-75 Time: ll02-ll40 Depth: 3 METERS 0 l00 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters

                                      'It o<o 60' 90 I II I I~

II I II I I lt I ~ II IJ 0



                          ~  It I 11 I I

I II I I It I I lt I Ir I I I I I~ I I I ~ I

                             ~ ~  I I

I I< I I> I I I( I I I I I~ S HOREL!N E 0 0

Figure 12e Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 9-27-75 Time: fl02-tl40 Depth: 4 METERS 0 l00 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters


I I St I IS I IS I I 59' I I I I I I II O st 0 s s ~ I I ~ I

                           ~  ss     I I  III    I I  ~

I~ f I I I I II I I~ Il I I I ~> I I I~ I I t I I8 I I I jsS I I I I ~ I I I' s I S ISL I I SMORELfNE 0 0

Figure 12f Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 9-27-75 Time: ll02-ll40 Depth: 5 METERS 0

    ~we          ~~

loo 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters J o<o II III



                               ~ I~

I I I~ I

                               ~ ~

I ~ I ~

                               ~  p I  ~

I ~ I ~ g

                               ~  ~

I Q I g I I ~ ~ I I I I

                            ~     I   I I I I

I I II I ~


I I I ~ r I I ~ ~ I



                               ~ ~

I I ~ I I I I I Ir ~ ~ I

                            ~  ItI I I  ~   I

I I i'h V~)h SURFACE-, CURRENT 0.14 Meters Per Second h po 5g IIIl II

                                 ~ ~


                                 ~ ~

60 II


I9 I I 9 4'Qs I ~ 0I I I I III I I I II I I I I I9 I I~ I I It I ~ I I IS I I~

                               ~ I ~
                               ~ ~ II II                             SHORELINE 1.77

Figure 13b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date:, 9-29-75 Time: IHB- l5l4 Depth: I METER' IOO 200 Xo 400 500

     <<FN Scole-Meters 60'0'CIy
                                                                  ~ r rt tr 60'--"

r r 59'~i'I'2 III I I~ 4 II

                                 \  gl                    60 Itt



t II

                                    ~  I II
                               ~ ~
                               ~       I
                               ~ ~  t  I I


                                 ~  t  I
                                 ~     I f





I I I ~ ~ I SHORELINE 1.78 0 0

Figure 13c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 9-29-75 Time: l333-l5I4 Depth: 2 METERS <<58 0 l00 200 300 400 500

     'I 14ji"I'dI Sco/e-Meters 0                  59'0'v
                                                    . ~<igfo'rhr 62~"

IP I~ I II I ~ ~ I I) e I lt IP I I I I I I I~ i I I

                                     ~ If     I 58'HORELINE I I~     I I I~

I II I If I I ~ I I I I I It It I I IP, I II,

                                       ~ ~

I ~ ~ i ~


1.79 '0 0

Figure 13d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 9-29-75 Time: I 333- l5t4 Depth: 5 METERS 0 IOO. 200 300 400 500 59' SMIe-Meters 90 I II I~ I II 60'~

                             ~  tt It

It It I ~ It I It ~ I ~


I~ Itt




t II t





                                      'I 6t'9'HORELINE It It It It

I I ( ~ I I ~ 1.SO 0 0

2150 Meters From Discharge 60'9'555 Meters From Discharge


90 59'060 M eters From Discharge


60'igure 13e 590 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant ) Thermal Plume Da te: 9- 29-75 Meters From Discharge 600 Time: I335- l5I4 59'I'80 VERTICAL PROflLE 590 0 l00 200 300 400 500 60 I Scale-Meters 6I

1. 81

Figure 14a Donald C, Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: (0-2-75 Time: I007- fl57 Depth: SURFACE 0 100 200 300 400 500 60'cale. Meters It~

'O~ +~
    + ~a~


         +r                                         6to z   4~
             "o 62'tet 60't'3o I  ~
                        ~ I, 64'9'I'0 I lt Il I II I>               '62 I~

II 59 60'. I~ III


I I I I If I 't I~ ~ I II

                     'I I~

I I I ~ ~ I ~ I I~ SHORELINE 82 0 ~j 0

Figure 14b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant 60O Thermal Plume Date: l0-2-75 Time: I007-II57 rrrr rr Depth: I METER r rr rrrr w 0 200 300 CS 500 LJU IOO M=-L r 6lo Scale-Meters rr r rr rr 60'"~63'F happ


It I/ 65'2.'" 6I'2O 60 II 63' I 40 p 60 ItI


I ~ I ~

                             ".i I

I~ I ~ t


It I I I I I~ 6I'HORf


t I ~ II I ~ I I I It I ~~


I 59'.83 I It I I~ I Itt I ~ I I ~I I I~ ~ t.tWf I ~~I 0 0

Ftgure 14c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: l0-2-75 Time: l007-tl57 Depth: 2 METERS 60'I' q>o I


60~ ~ 6


60'9' I I

                   ~     ~


1. 84 P.

Figure 14d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: IO-2-75 Time: l007- I l57 Depth: 5 METERS 0 l00 200 300 400 500

    'Mirl'ie Scofe. Meters 60'0'00 goo

I~ It I I I Ig 0


640'O 624 I

                                  ~ >


                                  ~ 0
                                ~ I
                                ~ I P l   I I

I et I I ~4 I P I


t~ I 1

                                  ~  0 I IÃ     ~
                                >ir s ~

I I s


I Ig




s ~ I snORELINE g 1.85 0 0

l660 Meters From Discharge


60'00 Meters From Discharge 14e 59'igure Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: l0-2-75 475 Meters From Discharge l007-ll57 Time: I 62'09' YERTlCAL PROFlLE 0 I00 200 300 400 500 60( Scale-Meters 1.86

Figure 15a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: l0-2-75 Time: l248-I 356 Depth: SURFACE 0 l00 200 300 400 500 Scafe-Meters Gl'0o 0 +C o 4 9'r

            ~o 620 Iss 6t I I II I I' I


                                      .64';.'I "


                            <) I ~
                             ~ IN I S ~

I I IN I IN I II' IN I IN I I IN I IN I sl I IN S sN I I ~ I IN I Iss I I Is I SHOREL(NE s ssl s 0 0

       . Figure 15b Donald  C, Cook        Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume .

Da te: l0-2-75 Time: l248-I556 Depth: I METER 0 100 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 60'I'00 t.i'63 0 I I I I I I 6IO I I I I I I

                                         .8;, "'





i 0 0 1 ~ 88

Figure 15c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: IO-2-75 Time: l248- f356 Depth: 2 .METERS 60'cale-Meters 600 6l'O I I I I I 64'3'o65'2 I I 60~ I I O I I I I II I I I I I I~ I I I 'f I I I I I IrI I I I I I I I



                          ~ ~


                        ~ ~

( ~ I I~ I I~ I I~I I 0 0

figure 15d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: l0-2-75 Time: l248-l356 Depth: 5 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scate-Meters 6I4 III II ~ I II V

                              ~ ff If

I ~ I II I II I I I~ Q I~ I Iff I I I


I I I~ f I


If If


I I I I~ I I f ~ I I

                           ~   I~

I ~ ~ I



                            ~  I~1   ~

0 0

IT25 Messrs From Discharge (

                      &6to 60'245 Meters       From Discharge 665    Meters      From   Discharge Figure 15e 62'59~       Donald  C. Cook     Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te:   IO-2-75 l248- l356 59'30 Time:

Meters From Discharge VERTICAL PROFILE 6I'2'Q 55


f 62'I'00 0 too 2oo 3oo coo 5oo Scale-Meters 1'. 91

434 Figure 16a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: l2-8-75 Time: II50- l3IB 454 Depth: SURFACE 42'40 q4P 30 III 0 loo 200 300 400 500 I 4 0'.r Scale-Meters I It

                                                -I If I II

ggC c<" e>> ~ I If


cP cop,P4 P I It etc ~


Il I ~ I 0,0 ~ ItI

                                                   ~ ~


                                                 ~ ~

I ~ I, I Itt ~ SHORELINE 0 0

1. 92

Figure 16b F 43'3' 434 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant r~ Thermal Plume 44o Da te: l2-8-75 Time: I l50- l3I8 45o/ U Depth: I METER )'?o IOO 200 XO 45 500 Iv 44O~ ScoIe-Meters ",f

                                                    ~p                      43' 42O It
                                    ~ ~

It I I It I I

                                 ~  I ~   I I  ~ 4
                                 ~  < rt  ~
                                 ~  I~    I I ~~

I I~ ~ I4 ~

                                 ~ I ~


                                 ~  ~ ~


43'3'igure 16c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal. Plume Date: l2-8-75 45'4'3' Time: Il50-IBIS Depth: 2 METERS


0 I l IOO 200 300 400 500 l Scale. Melera


I I I I~

                                        ~ ~
                                      ~ ~ ~   ~

It ~ I 43' I II

                                        ~   e
                                        ~ ~   I I ~ ~   ~

II ~


t t I I~

                                              ~                    SHORELINE I       ~

0 1.94

Figure 16d Donald C. Cook'uclear Plant 45e 43~ Thermal Plume 4~ Date: t2-8-75 Time: I t50-t3I8 5p Depth: 3 METERS I~

                                  ~ ~

0 KO 200 300 400 500 ~ ~

                                  ~ ~

3334 I4~


I ~ Scde. Meters I4

                                  ~ ~
                                ~ I~


                                  ~    ~

II ~


If ~ I ~

                                ~ ~ ~  ~

I ~ 4

                                  ~ ~  I
                                  ~ ~  I
                                  ~ 4  I 0          0

43'igure 16e 434 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: l2-8-75 . Time: ff50-UI8 goo Depth: 4 METERS ~ I


I ~ I sl

                                       ~   4 Scale.Meters                  It
                                       ~   ~

II J ~ fei I I ~ 0

                              ~            ~    ~
                              ~        I~       ~

I~ g

                              ~        I~       ~
                              ~ ~

s s ~ I ~

                              ~ ~
                              ~        g   f    ~

jI ~

                              ~            ~    ~

g ~ I ~ I



                              ~i ~~



I ~ ~

                              ~         ~
                              ~         I ~~ ~q I    SKORELIKE
                              ~                 ~

0 0

434 Figure 16f Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant 43 Thermal Plume Da te: l2-8-75 Time: ll50- l3I8 F4 Depth: 5 METERS

                                         ~ f II II
                                      ~  r 0        IOO 200 boo 400 500      I  ~
                                      ~  h hl thh                        ~   h I~

Scale-Meters I ~~

                                      ~   I 4 I~                         h I  ~  ~
                                    ~  ~  ~




                                    ~  ~  ~
                                    ~  ~  h
                                       ~ ~
                                    ~  ~   I
                                    ~  ~ ~
                                    ~  ~ ~


                                    ~  ~ ~   h ~
                                 '0              0 1.97

l245 Meters From Discharge E 440 Figure l6g 680 Meters From Discharge p5o Bo C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume 44o 45'5'onald Da te: I2-8-75 Time: II50-IBIS 240 Meters From Discharge VERTICAL PROFILE 4 4 43'0444

                                        .I 0  l00 200 300 400 500 Scote-Meters 1.98

Figure 17a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: l2-8-75 Time: l402-l504 Depth: SURFACE 0 loo 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 44'3 430 42'30 43' 1 O s I ~ i ~ I I r ~ I I I If I 1 I I I ~ I I IO I I I It s i ~ I I I I I I SHOREL'INE I II i iil I s 0 0 1.99

Figure 17b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: l2-8-T5 Time: l402-l504 Depth: I METER 0 100 200 300 400 500 Scate-Meters a 44'3' F~ i450 rgyyA'sP

                                                         '1 45'.                             ss I 1I I

43'4o st yt


I0 Is II

                     ,. 45                         444 I I I IS I I~

I I~ I l1 I Ie I s llt li I Isl I I ss I I~ s I I lf sss I SSI I~ I I SHORELfNE 0 0 1.100

Fiaure 17c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: l2-8-75 Time: i@02-l504 Depth: 2 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 44o 44'3'

     ~ >>
     ~ >


     ~ >


   >>   ~
     > ~
     >  ~
     ~ 1
     > ~
   >>>     ~



0 0

Figure 17d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: l2-8-75 Ttme: i~02-l50e Depth: 3 METERS 0 60 200 300 400 500 Scate-Meters 43/ii/di'~<

                             /p' V

42'4o 444 } 434 I II I I~ I I st I~

      ~   tt II It II It st I        I


    ~ It       I Sst It       S I          I I

It I ~ st I I t I I I I t I st I Itt I I I I It


I S Iss I I ~ ~ I I ~ l I SHORELINE 0 0 1.102

Figure 17e Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: l2- 8-75 Time: f402-t504 Depth: 4 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 r1 1 Scale-Meters 42' 43'4'3'oo I~I I I~ I II I II I~ I~ I~ I it




it I II It It 0 I< I It I I II I ~ III I I III I I II I III I I II I I< I I It I i O I I I I ii I ~ I I II I II I III I SHORELINE 0 0 1.103

Figure 17f Donald C. Cook Nuclear-Plant Thermal Plume Da te: l2-8-75 Time: l402-l504 Depth: 5 METERS 0 100 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 43'4o s q'fo s sst t s s ss s ss 5 45'S' i s ~ s ~ s st~

                 ~     t s



st~ s st 0 st s st s stt s s s st st s s st st s s It st s st s s s tt s s s t~ s stI s ss SHORELINE s s s s s ssl ~ 0 0

Figure 17g Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plurne Da te: l2-8-75 Time: l402- l504 Depth: 6 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 43'3 VII Scale-Meters 44s~ 44O 44 I go I st s Is it it i t it st st it s s

           ~   ~

o I ltt s i i st I it


I I i s it f s I It I ~ I

        ~    it ~

s I It


it I i i s it it i

        ~    I $     I
         ~   II      i                           SHORELINE s   ssl     s 0                  0 1.105

900 Meters From Discharge, 50 444 C 44o Meters From Discharge 44'50 Figure 17h"-,- 1 44

                                                       ~ ~

Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume' ~ 43'4

  • i C 4P 4'a te: l2-8-75 Time: l402- l504 Meters From Discharge VERTlCAL PROFILE 44'4'40 4 0 45" 0 l00 200 300 400 500 I 0 0 Scale-Meters 4f ~ 7 1.106

434 43'4'igure 18a 43', Donald C. Cook Nuctear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: l2-9-75 t'.~'g~'.i<~ 434 Time: IOI4-t205 esp, )gf )et 0 Depth: SURFACE I I I I ~

                                     ~         ~

i ~ suRFA0 0 IOO 200 3M 400 Soo ~ I I

                                               ~ ~

I O.I4 Met RREN7

                                               ~ ~   ~

Scale Meters I I)~ I I ~ I I ~ ~ I

                                    ~          ~ ~   I
                                    ~          LC    ~

I ~ I I F 1 g SHORELINE 0 0

           ~43'igure 4

18b 4 Donald C. Cook Nuctear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: l2-9-75 434 Time: lOI4-l205


0 Depth: I METER I II ~ I

                                ~ I ~      ~

I ~~ ~ 0 IOO 200 XO 400 SCO lIrI I I I 344~

                                ~  I~      ~

I ~~ I I~ ~ ScoIe-Meters


I( I

                                ~ ~  I~    ~

I~ ~


Ie ~


SHORELINE 0 0 1.108

434 434 444 44


figure 18c I Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant 434 4,,; 'e.l Thermal Plume I

                                             ~ ~
                                                                    .j IltI Da te:     l0l4-t205                            I
                                                         >4 I

Time: l2-9-75 Depth: 2 METERS 4 I t I~

                                          ~ I ~

I ~ ~ I ~I 434 0 )00 200 300 4CO 500 I ~~ I 494


I~ It 424 Se<<) le-Me) ere littI

                                         ~ ~
                                          ~ II I  I2

t.) I SHOR EL lNE 0 0

434 424 43 434 Figure 18d 43'2'onald C. Cook Nuclear'lant 434 Thermal Plume q'fo II~ I II I II ih'fi(F(((


444 / Da te: l2-9-75 I(" 444 ::', ('/ I  : :,~~6 Time: IOI4-l205 ~ j Depth: 3 METERS I I Ii I( I I 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 I II I~ I I I I I~ I (it I I I I


I IJ Scete-Meters I It II I I I I If I I SHORELI N E I II I I II1 ~ 0 0

43'434 424 434 Figure 18e 434~ 44$X@gXg Donald C..Cook Nuctear Plant Thermal Plume III I It Da te: l2-9'-75 I

                                             ~ I~


                                             ~  ~
                                             ~  ~

Time: l0t4-t205 9'/II 9I Depth: 4 METERS



                                             ~  ~
                                           ~ ~  ~   ~

I I) ~ I ~ ~ I

                                           ~ I~     ~
                                             ~  ~

I ~ I~ ~


Scafe-Meters I I ~

                                           ~ ~   ~  I
                                           ~ ~   ~
                                           ~ Ie     ~


                                           ~ ~


                                           ~ III    ~

0 0

43' 18f 43'44 442'igure Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume P44 48" Da te: l2-9-75 III I I


II / ItIt I Time: IOI4-l205 ~ I~ I~ I~ It Depth: 5 METERS Plt P I lt I It I I It I 0 loo 200 SOO 400 500 I ~ t


I) I I I~ I I I~ I

                                        ~ I ~

Scale-Meters I It I I~


I I I I~ I I I~ ~ I I ~ I I II SHORELINE ~ Ilt I I I~


0 0

43'igure 18g 42'onald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume qOO I II I II I II IV Da te: (2-9-75 I I'


I~ I~ I~ I~ Time: l0l4-(205 It It 0itt I it O Depth: 6 METERS I It ~ It I I I lt I I~ I I I 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 I I~ I


I It It I I I


It It I I Scale-Meters ~ I I~ It I I i I I


It I



lOQO Meters From Discharge 45'44 I ) I I' ~ f I I 4 I I s; a i~5 4 42'90 Meters From Discharge 45'5' 42'I5 Meters From Discharge Figure 18h 46' Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant 0 42~ Thermal Plume 44o Date: l2-9-75 l64 Meters From Discharge 434 46o 48'0 Time: l0f4- l205 45(4 46'ERTICAL 70 PRORLE 0 t00 200 300 400 500 47o Scale-Meters 1.114

Figure 19a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: f29-75 Time: l258-l422 Depth: SURFACE 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scote-Meters 44O ass t 'ws 44o 4 s 43's 43 43

                                                                              '44 t,,,....,,,

ss 430 s s st s 42O

                                               'I' s s  ~   s 48O s

st st~ s s s s s s s ~ s s s st st s s s s s s


s s SURFACE CURRENT s s s st ~ s s OI5 Meters per Second stI SHORELINE s s sss s s s sssl s 0 0

Figure 13b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant

                , Thermal Plume Da te:       l2-9-75 Time:        l258-l422 Depth:       I   METER 0    IOO   200 300 400  500 Scale-Meters
             .~45'r r

rrr rr <<rrr 43'.'2'4 44'4o I I I 43'0 I II I 4t 434 ly Ii IiI ~ II I I4 I I~ I 4 I IJ 45O I I~ I I I4 I I~ I 4e It I I ~ I I I4 I I4 I> I


I Itf


I I I I ~


  • p ~ i i it ii i I Ii' III I IO i ii' IP ~ il I S tIOR E LINE 0 Figure lgf Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: l2-9-75 Time: l258-l422 Depth: 5 METERS Settle-Meters 43' 444 444 42-'3'I 454 ~ III II I II ~ I >I It it I I It~ I I i it ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ I ~ I I I lt ) I I ~ ~ I I 43'HORELINE >>I I I ~ I I I I Ii I ~ I I I I II ~ 0 0 1.120 Figure 19g Donald C.. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: l2-9-75 Time: l258-l422 Depth: 6 METERS Scale-Meters 43'2'34 pe444: 44' 43' I I~ I ~ ~ > I I ~ I I I ~ I I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ I I I ~ I I I ~ I I I ~ ~ I ~ I I~ t I I ~ It ~ I I I IIII I I I SHORELINE IIl I I II I 0 0 I525 M eters From Dischar e 0 0 4 4 735 Meters From Dischar e 43'5' 4 ~ ~ 444 444 44o ~ t Meters From Dischar 43'50 e 42'igure 0 4 19h hl 43 Donald C. Cook, Nuclear Plant 40 C Thermal. Plume 4 0 4(1 Date: I2-9-75 Time: l258- f422 205 Meters 45'5'0 4 0 From Discharge VERTICAL - PROFILE '0 IOO 200 300 400 500 43'4i:,f Scale'-Meters 46'4'2 1.122 Ftgure 20a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 2-27-76 Time: t4I9-t54I Depth: SURFACE 0 Ioo 200 300 400 Soo Scotc Mcrcrs SURFACE CURRENT NIT McIcrs PCI Sccorrrr ~ 38c '8> 41't40'8'r 3 er 400 44 I ~ ~ ~ t 0 I,II ~ ~ SNORELIrrE oooo 1.123 Figure 20b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 2-27-76 Time: t4I9-t54I Depth: I METER 5cdc - Nctcrs 0 40'< ', ~ '"'434 w4 40" 'r 44 ~> 4I'9'DOo SHORQ.INK 1.124 Figure 20c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 2-27-76 Time: l4I9-154 l Depth: 2 METERS 0 tco coo XO 400 500 Stole. Meters 37'>> 390 40'I' 38'9'0~ ~ 1 44e 40' "40'ttoRflltre 0 0 Figure 20d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 2-27-76 Time: l4I9- t54I Depth: 5 METERS 39'0'I'2 q<o ~ I P '
    • I 4l'9'I'5, I
    < 40' SHORELlhf QDOo 1.126 Ftgure 20e Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 2 27-76 Time: 14I9-l54I Depthl 4 METERS 0 loo eco 500 <00 500 Scc( 38' l 5HORCLIKE'.127 QDOo Ftgure 20f Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 2-27-76 Time: l4I9-I54I Depth: 5 METERS 0 NO 200 500 400 500 Soolo Mores ~40'l'0 go 4io~ SHORSLtMQ 0 0 2000 Meters From Discharge 40'9'I'200 Meters From Discharge 38'9' 40'f' 4I'o 800 Meters From Discharge Figure 20g 4I" 4po 90 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant 370 Thermal Plume / 4I'zI 38' ( Da te: 2-27-76 Time: l4I9- l54I 400 Meters From Discharge 39'l' I' 42o i42'ERTICAL I 0 PROFILE l00 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 38'0'0' 4 5 Figure 21a Oonald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Dale: 2-29 76 Time: 1304-15 13 Oeplh: SURFACE 0 l00 coo 300 400 300 l 0 Og~ ScoIC.M<<nfn 44,~re 40'I'0~ Cg nn nnn 38'2'3"~ -'4 cuRREN1 0.04 Mn<<<<e'9' euefAC 8 ( cggnna 420 4I'O~ 41n ',144 42'43'o, 1.130 Figure Rib Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 2-29-76 Time: t304-ISIS Depth: I METER ScA.Wctu 38'2 394 ~ 40~ 4I'~ 39' 4: r 44~ /" SHOREUNE '.131 Figure 2)c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Pianl Thermal Plume Oalel 2 29-76 Time: IS04-ISI3 Oepihr 2 METERS 0 Ko coo 300 400 soo SC01.lltltfS 38'9', 38'9'1' 42'3' 39'P q2o er~ 2 45'2t t, ,, 9 t tlat ~ SHCREEIHt, 0000 Figure 214 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Planl Thermal Plume Da te: 2-29-76 Time: 1304- ISIS Depih: 5 METERS 0 00 200 300 4OO 5CO scca. Muon 38'8'39 41'8'9'o~ 41'3'9 ro 42 42'3'DOo sHORELIÃe 1.133 Figure 21e Donald C.'Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 2-29-76 Time: l304- t5I3 Depth: 4 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scale Meiers 38'9'0'8'1'I I I 8 ll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ \ ~ 0 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Q ~ I ~~ I ~ It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ 'e ~ ~ SHORELINE ~ >~ I ~ 0 0 Figure 21f Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 2-29-76 Time: I304-l5l3 Depth: 5 METERS Seote.Meters 38'>> ~ ~ (,, 39'~ ~4po %0~ ft,t <<r, ~ ~ t 'tt, l ~ ~ ll goo ~ ti ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0  !~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ I ~ ~ t ~ ~ g ~ I t~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ t I J ~ ~ I ~ SHoRELINE  ! li 0 0 l955 Meters From Discharge 795 Meters From Discharge 0 4 '4 D 4r 3IO Meters 40'4 From Discharge Ftgure 2lg 4e4 44'ate: Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant D 4 Thermal Plume 39'1 42'4 2-29-76 Meters From Discharge Time: 1504-l54I 4 43 VERTICAL PROFILE 0 loo 200 300 400 500 42'42'4 45't0 score.Meters Figure, 22a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 3-l-76 Time: Il36- l24 l Depth: SURFACE 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 4I4 39' Po 40' ' I 4I0 ,I ';i ) I .r~ G~ t I +~r m<c I I 4I t;s 1 a I W C'~ <<I I I I ~ g I I I~ I ~ I~ I I g ~ ~ I I I ~c o+ 8 g I Il g I ~ ~ I I I I I Itt ~ I It I ~ ~ S HORELI N E i ill I 0 0 1.137 Figure 22b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 3-l 76 Time: II 56- l24l Depth: I METER 0 t00 200 ZO 400 500 lNltl Scale-Meters 4I: 42'". 43 Istic ,0 I It s f 4 'i Os It~ ~ ~ t I I~ I St s I I I ~ I I J ~ I I I ~ I ~ st I s 4I'HORELINE I It I I I~I ~ I I ~ ~ ISI ,'0 O 1..138 Figure 22c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 5-I-76 Time: II 36-I24I Depth: 2 METERS Scale-Meters "'42 40' II I II 4I' 'I I II I~ 0I I ~ ,,II Ie I I I ~~ I I I ~~ I I I I I I~ I I I0 ~ I I~ I I I~ I I ~ I I I ~ I I I ~ I ~ ( I I I I I <> ~ I SHORELINE 0 0 Figure 22d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 3-I-76 Time: lI 36-l24l Depth: 3 METERS 0 I00 200 300 400 500 Scde-Meters 4I'420 4301 ~..i'.;:,,/A" 40'90  ;&PI III I II I II ~ 'I ss ~ J IS j/;,'j/ir' I I " I I III I ,,y//P I S IJ~ I I I I I ~ I i ~ I ~ ~ SS s ~ ( I ~ Ss II I SHORELINE Ss ~ IS 0 0 ,1,140 Figure 22e Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-1-76 Time: II 36- l24f Depth: 4 METERS 0 F00 200 300 400 500 srale Meters l r I 42'5' I P 40'ss II I" fl 4i ppo ~ I~ I I s sS ~ I I' s I' ~ I ~ ~ tI J O IP I ~ I I ( I ~ I I I ~ I I r~ I I S/ S I ~ ~ t S ~ ~ I II~ I I ~ I P I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ I ~ Isis ~ ~ I 0 0 Figure 22f Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 3-l-76 Time: . l l36-l24I Depth: 5 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scale-Melers 40' o~a ~ sl s ss ~ ss ~ ss s ~ ~ t ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ st~ t ~ s s ss st ~ ~ s s ~ s5 s s s s s s s s ~ s ~ s s s s ~ s s ~ s ~ s s ~ s s s ~ s s s s ~ s s s ~ s s ~ s s s s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SHORELINE s s ~ I ~ 0 0 0 loo 200 300 400 500 Seote-Meters 630 Meters From Discharge 42'3'2'0'g 4I'igure I \ 22g Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume 500 Meters From Discharge ~43'ate: Time: 3- I-76 II36-l24I 4l'5 45o 45o VERTICAL PROFILE -42'4' I 42'5 8'5 2'00 Meters From Discharge lo ~41'qp; 47o 47'4'3'l' 4g'6 Figure 23a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-3-76 Time: l 405- l608 Depth: SURFACE ' loo 200 300 400 500 ScaIe-Metets I 3g 4I'0'3. 7 Sy+ I, 4 t 40' y'<-'44'...., ~ I I ~ I t VIIIt I It ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ I ~ I I tt I ~ ~ ~ I ~ II'tt I I ~ ~ I I ~ It ~ I ~ I ~ ~ 43'MOREI.INE I I ~ ~ I It I ~ I Itt ~ I ~I I I ~ ~ I 0 0 Figure 23b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-3-76 Time: l405-l608 Depth: I METER 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scole-Merers 394I 42'r F00 ~ III ~ ~ ~ I~ 420 4 ~ ~ It ~ ~ I ~ II I I~ II I 420 I ~ ~ I I 4I';el I~ ~ I I I I II I ~ ~ I ~ ~ II ~ I I~ I I I~ I I I ~ I I ~ I ~ I II I I ~ I I( ~ I4 I ~ ~ I 4 ~ ~ I I SHORELINE 4 0 0 Figure 23c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-3-76 Time: l 405-l608 Depth: 2 METERS 0 IOO 200 RS 400 500 Scale-Meters 0 I0 .44'43 43 4I' 42 43' ~ I~ .0 IV I ~ . 4'4~P ~ . 42 - ~ ~41'20 0 I ~ II ~ I ~ ~ ~ V 450 4I ~ I II I ~ II I I I' ~ 4 ,,I I ~ 4 ~ 4 ~ I~ I IV V I I'I I v I I I ~ II) I SHORE LINE I~ ~ 0 Figure 23d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-3-76 Time: l405-l608 Depth: 3 METERS 0 l00 200 300 400 500 Scde-Meters 39' 4l .~~ 43 4 42 4 34M ~ I r I rI I I~ ~ ~ It ~ ~ 43~ I It I 4t r ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ I 424 434 ~ I ~I ~ I ~ 1 ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ t I ~ I I ItI I~ ~ I ~ ,I I~ ~ I I)) I SHORELI NE 0 0 Figure 23e Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-3-76 Time: I 405-l608 Depth: 4 METERS 0 loo 200 300 400 500 e Il Scale.Meters 39', t'94 p4I I I I 43'2 I 4I' ItI ~ Q ~ ~ It I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I 4I': 42~ ~ I~ I ~ ItI ~ ~ ~ I I .'! I I I I I I4 tr I I ~ ~ II I I ~ I SHORELINE 0 0 Figure 23f Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-3-76 Time: I 405-l608 Depth: 5 METERS 0 l00 200 300 400 500 lllle 'r I Scale-Meters 40'I'24 43-39'I( 444 IS "'. sJ 42 424 434 I 43' f It ti I I~ I I If ~ ~ ItI I ~~ ~ ~ 4I4 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ 'I I I I I I~ I ~ ~ I I ~ I I tt I I It ~ I I( I I I I II SHORELtNE I III I ~ 0 0 Figure 23g Donald C. Cook Nucle'or Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 5-3-76 Time: l405-f608 Depth: 6 MfTfRS 0 IOO 200 500 400 500 Scale-Meters 4l' 42'34 59'4 40':,/ I I III I II I ~ II I ~~ I I~ I I ~ I I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ I 4I'2'HORELINE I I~ ~ ~ III ~ I I ~ I I I II I I ~~ ~ I~ It ~ I I I I II ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 Figure 23h Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-3-76 Time: l405-l608 Depth: 7 METERS 0 l00 200 300 400 500 ScaIe-Meters 59' JO 40'2'30 it I Ie I ~ ~42 I ~ I~ I I~ I t Itt I 4)o~ ~ I I III I I it I I ~ It i ~ I I ~ I It I I ~ ~ I It I I I It It I I e, It e e I I ~ I e I I ~ It It I I I II ~ >It I SHORELINE o o 1.151 590 Meters From Discharge 40'3'3'2'I'65 Meters From Discharge 44O 400 43'2'I'3'1'2O p42'igure 23i Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Meters From Discharge Date: 3-3-76 Time: (405 - l608. 42'I'2'50 V ERTI GAL PROFILE 0 l00 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 43'.152 Figure 24a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-9-76 Time: II43-l308 cue'+ Depth: SURFACE SugpgGK Per Secan4 peters p,pp6 0 lpo 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 384 y Poe>> 39'~38 e'o III 390 IP I I I lt I > I 390 384 t I It ~ I I I I ~ il II SHORELINE ~ Il ~ 0 0 1.153 Figure 24b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 5-9-76 Time: ] f43-908 Depth: I METER 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 st 'l7 ISs, Scafe-Meters 4 'I. 37'84
    g::.i...,~re;:.i 394
    , q'fo sst s st st st st s t 38'go ~ s s s ~ ~ s ~ s s s s ~ s s s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ss' 0 t / s ~ s ( s s 1 s s s ~ s s ~ ~ ~ SHORELINE s ssl s 0 0 1.154 Figure 24c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 3-9-76 Time: fl43- I308 Depth: 2 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 374 Scale-Meters ~ \Rig 3 39'94 j.",gpo 37o 40,@,,......- j::,'.!::.'8'9 e',e ssj ss ss s s s ss st s ~ st~ 39o s s ~ s) s s 3o 39' s s ~ s s ~ ~ s 4 s ~ s s t s s s sI sl s s s ss ~ SHORELINE s ~ s s s ssl s 0 0 1.155 Figure 24d Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 3-9-76 Time: fl43-f308 Depth: 3 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scate-MeIers 37'9'8' I 3 3 7i ~ '~t4 0 3e'. 90 t.::.:.i:::::.:g: . 40,):,,;:., g:.:,'::t?r ops I II II ~ I SS I Ss 0 stt It ~ I 420 I tI I ~ I ~ 0 lt I st S I I I I~ I s I) sst I I t s I I I~ ~ I I ~ sstIt ~ ~ I I t s I I It ~ I I t ~ I ~ ~ s I IS I I SHORELINE III I ~ ~ I 0 0 1.156 Figure 24e Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 3- 9-76 Time: If43- f308 Depth: 4 METERS 0 loo 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 39 40'- 38'8 394 38'y4 I 404 394 i/'j's/! g ! !/j'// 994 <<tt / II I II ~ I I I I I ~ 4 I( 9 I I II I I I It ~ I ~ ~ I I I I ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I II I I I< I I II I I Ii I I I II P I I I I~ I Ig I I SHORELINE IIII I II I I 0 0 1.157 Figure 24f Donald C. Cook Nucl'ear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 3-9-76 Time: II43-l308 Depth: 5 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 rvlrre Scale-Meters 39 37':. @ 38 39'j~~iXi4 4'f4x4~i. 4l' po I I~ I II IV II ~ I It I It It ~ It II If II 0 It I ~ I I ~ I I I ) sf ~ f ~ ~ I I I ~ I I I It' ~ I I It ~ lf I I SHORE LNE I I~I ~ I I at I 0 0 Figure 24g Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-9-76 Time: Il43-(308 Depth: 6 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 374 38'9'8'9'04 40 r I'III I I~ I I f ~ I I~ I I~ ~ t 9lI 9 It I II 40'HORELINE ~ I I~ I I~ ~ I tii ~ I ~ I III I I ~ I, I ~ I I I I~ I 0 0 1.159 Figure 24h Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-9-76 Time: I l45-l 308 Depth: 7 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 l Scale-Meters 37'8'9'9'0"" / 38 I pe s st sss s ss I$ st st st st st~ s st~ s s t~ s O s s ~ s s s stt ~ S s s sss ~ ~ s ~ s ss) s stt s s s ~ t s t s s s s tt s s s s s s t s s s sss S HORELI N E ~ sst s 0 0 Figure 24i Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 5-9-76 Time: II 43-l308 Depth: 8 METERS 0 l00 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 88'94 yJ/ PI j~l/l!i~> 88 40 / r 4~a II~ I II I II It It It ~ I ~ ~ ~ t I It I~ It I I I I Itt I I I It I I I I~ I I I I I~ I I Ir I It ~ I I I I It It I I ~ It I I I( I I SHORELNE I I ~ II III II 0 0 820 Meters From Discharge 39'I 4 40 40,!, /~0 I / ~ s 38'l'I'9 I~ 545 Meters From Discharge 39'40'I' 38'igure 24j Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-9-76 Meters From Discharge 39)'9I( po 20 00 Time: II43- I 308 20' VERTICAL PROFILE 4I'39'50 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 1.162 u~gEgX SURPACE Secaa gelet Pet
    o. 7 5&o 38 394 40o i/ i%/ /ii.~
    I; > ,i>~ lglf~ 'tt,...!iI, 0 ..,;"I ,:ii iver I. ",Iiij, 390 40':::;:,. 38 Figure 25a ;it ri itl I II Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume 39'9'o I l~ I I IJ I si le ~ /,. ii:i': i'i,c I~ Da te: 3-9-76 II ~ It ~ I ~ Time: f4f4-f528 I l I ~ I It III ~ I I I ~ ~ I I ~ Depth: SURFACE I s g i st~4 I ~ I I ~ I I I~ I I I I 1 IC I a SHORELINE Scale-Meters 0 0 1.163 Figure 25b Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3-9-76 Time: l4l0-l528 Depth: I METER I 9'38, .40 0 l00 200 300,400 500 40',::,;"'-'*" .-:4l': , Scale-Meters qao It) I ~ I 'I i4 IF 90i ~ II IO iI I I ~ Ii 3SO ~ IIII ~39o I I It ~ ~ I / I li I II ~ I~ I I 4 II SMORELINE I I( ~ ii ~ I III ~ I 0 0 39' '\ a 39' ':::::,':,:, "'.'.I, 4 4 40'igure 25c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant ohio I I I Thermal Plume III I II ~ I~ I Date: 3-9-76 I~ g I 94 Time: l 4 l4-l528 39' Depth: 2 METERS I I I+ I~ I I I I I I i I 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 I If ~ I I i I I I 1 I I I ~ I I Scale-Meters I Ir I IJ I I Ii I I ~ I I II I ~ SHORELINE I Ill I I I I 0 0 1.165 374 39'i'gvre 37' 25d 390 404 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant '-'.T.hermal Plume ppo eIt Date:: 3-9-76 I I( I 1 II N I ~ I Time: l 4I4- l 528 y ~ s I 4 I I I Depth: 5 METERS Q II I ~ ~ I I ~ I I I 1 0 IOO 200 300 400"500 I I I l1 ~ I I > I 11 I I ~ g ( ~ Scale-Meters I r st Ilt ~ I f I ii II ~ I g ~ ~ I i 0 1.166 38'9 390 ~390 40'/j/pygmy 0 ) l) Figure 25e 38' Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume '39 Da te: 3-9-76 V I ~ I I I~ Time: l4I4- l528 I I ~ ~ Itt ~ I ~ Depth: 4 METERS 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 I It It I I I Ittt )I ~ Scale-Meters I If It I I It I Ii ~ I It IS I I ~~ SHORELINE II ~ I ~ Il I 0 0 1.167 I 0 38'390 40'9. IM h'L".i ':i:::;:.:;:.':;} Figure 25f 39 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume peI Da te: 3-9-76 ~ ~ II I II ~ II ~ I ~ ~ Time: l4l4- l 528 ~ ~ I I ~ ~ I P ~ ~ I I I II Depth: 5 METERS o>>IJ o ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I II I 200 300 400 500 I II 0 38'HORELINE ~ IOO I I~ ~ .IIVII i J ~ I I~ I II ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I ~ I Scale-Meters I II I I I II Ii I I I I I ~ Ii If ~ I I I I I I I I t ~ I I ~I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ t I 0 0 1.168 s '9 38o 37 39'i s 40'9o flail////gpss 'gr/i~ 380 gut e 25g 39' Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant psst Thermal Plume I s ~ ss I s Is sw Date: 5-9-76 s ~ s J I ~ I~ Time: l4I4-l528 I II s s s ~ ~ ~ o st ~ s i I Depth: 6 METERS s I I s I s i ~ ~ I I s I Is s s s ~ s 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 s I s st~ ~ s I s I t s Scale- Meters s s st s ~ I s SHOREL!s'IE s II s s ssl s 0 0 1.169 750Meters From Discharge 40~ 39'9'9'a 40'o 40 400 4to 530 Meters From Discharge 4I9'0 39'0'0'igure 25h Meters From Dischar g e 4 43 40 38 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant 0 0 20 Thermal Plume 4 Date: 3-9-76 Time: JOl0- l528 4t0 VERTlCAL PROFlLE Meters From Discharge 0 l00 200 300 400 500 40'2'0'25 4I'3' 39'9' 0 Scale-Meters 1.170 Figure 26a Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 5-ll-76 Time: fOI6-l200 39o Depth: SURFACE 38'0'9' 0 'IOO 200 300 400 500 4 po Scale-Meters vs s, x+gN~ 39'9" k.~g 384 / ~ ~ I I qOO sst ~ I I ss oo~ x~x. th) (o I ~ Ql ~ Il It) I I It St I I I I/ I I I ~ I I I I I It st ~ I I I I I I tt I I ~ I t~ I I I s ~ tt s I ~ I It ~ ItI ~ s I I ~ I s SHORELINE I I ~ I IS ~ I I 0 0 Figure 26b Donald C..Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: 3- I I-76 , Time: IOI6- l200 40'~" 38'9o Depth: 'I METER ,0 IOO 200 300 400 500 38'9'0'hQ++X+XN+ Scale-Meters .t-i!~,
    --:=44 38o 40'8.
    os ~ I1 ~ II I P ~ ~ I0 ~ J 0 > ~ ~ 0 p ~ I ~ I I 430 39o I ~ I I It ~ ~ ~ I I< I I I It II I I I I I ~ I I I > s ~ II I I I I I$ I I SHORELINE 0 0 Figure 26c Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume 1 Da te: 3-II-76 Time: lOI6-l200 39'0' Depth: 2 METERS 0 100 200 300 400 500 Scale-Melers 40'9'9'0'9'8' (0 ~ ~ '. xsam~ Scefe-Mefers 384 sst ~ II ~ If I ~ I ~ 4'fIf s I I I Ss I ~ ~ s I s l ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ f I I I I I ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ I I ~ f ~ I I I I ~ ~ II I I I I I II ~ I S HORELfNE ~ ~ sl ~ 0 0 Figure 26e Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Da te: B-ll-,76 594 Time: IOI6- l200 Depth: 4 METERS 0 l00 200 300 400 500 38'0'N~X+N<g. Scale-Meters $ 94 40 384 40': oe ssl I II ~ Is If II If If s ~ ~ I I Ijf ~ I I ~ I ~ 59'HORELINE I ~ I~ s ~ I ~ II I ~ s I IfI, I s, <<sl I II ~ I s 0 0 Figure 26f Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume Date: 5-II-76 59' Time: Depth: 0 lOI6-l200 5 METERS IOO 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 38' 40'9' ~ 39O 38'i~igX>g~& )9o 40o I I II II 40o IP I~ I~ s I ~ t / It I 0 tt I II It st Q lbt i ~ I I P I ~ P I I lf I I S ~ I II ~ I ~ ~ stII I I I sP I I I I ~ l I I~ I I II I I I s It ~ It I I I1 SHORELINE I I I I s Isl ~ 0 0 Figure 26g ~ ~ 390 ,'Donald C. Cook Nucleor Plant Thermal Plume .Da te: 5- fl-76 Time: ~ IOI 6- l 200 38'04 40'90 Depth: 6 METERS r 38 0 IOO 200 300 400 500 Scale-Meters 394 394 944 III I II I II I0 I ~ III I s ~ I I' I I ~ g ~ 9ll f t I I s I I II ~ sI ~ I I I ~ ~ I I ~ I I I I' I SHOREVNE 0 0 l500 Meters From Discharge 39'0'I'l'60 Meters From Discharge 4I' 90 '9'0 ',4J 42 225 Meters From Discharge 4 42 Figure 26h 0 4 90 0 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Thermal Plume 47 Da t'e: 3- II-76 65 Meters From 4I'0' Discharge 4l'2'~o41 Time: IOI6- I 200 VERTICAL PROFILE 90 I 0 100 200 300 400 500 43' 44~ 2 Scale-Meters 1.178 APPENDIX 0"II DATA ACQUISITION SYSTB1 TECHNICAL DETAILS' DATA AC UISITION SYSTEM TECHNICAL DETAILS The system used to measure thermal discharges consisted of two main subsystems: An on-board data conditioning and storage ensemble and a towed data-gathering array. The latter of these consisted of a surface temperature probe, a submerged array of temperature sensors and a depth indicator. The on-board portion of the system consisted of a position locating device, power supplies and output signal conditioner for the towed sensors, and a data acquisition system to coordinate and collect data from these sensors. A more complete description follows. ~Eui ment The submerged temperature sensor array consisted of 6 individually-wired units that were bundled into a relatively small package and supported by a load-bearing cable. A soft vinyl plastic fairing covered this array to lessen drag. A depressor plate was used to provide the downward force for submerging the array. This plate, an ENDECO type 166 V-Fin produces a downward force proportional to its forward velocity and thus supplied a-relatively large depressing force in a light weight, easily-handled unit. The sensors were mounted in a series of streamlined, cast rubber blocks which were fixed to the stress cable at spacings calculated to produce 1 meter depth intervals when towed at 5 knots. The deepest block also housed a pressure transducer which indicated the maximum depth to which the array was submerged. In addition to the submerged six sensor array, a surface temperature sensing apparatus was towed. This apparatus consisted of a 7' 2" x 1/16" strip of stainless steel designed to plane across the surface while holding the temper ature sensor approximately 5 cm below the surface. A pictoral representation of the system is shown in Figure D-II-1. 2.1 MOTOROLA MRS Et Console MRS ftf R/T Unit RTO Power Supply VIOAR AUTOOATA 8 ond Sittnat Electric Wmch Conditioner SVSlip Clutch FAClT 4OTO Paper Tape Punch 0 Safety Cable Surface Temperature Probe IP>~8 S Cable Clamps Stress Soft Cobl ~ Vinyl Falrintt Safety Coble Rubber M aunt ittt Platinum RTO Stock Pressure - Transducer Weak 6 Link tneter ENOKCO V-Fut Schematic of Towed Array Figure D-II-1 2.2 The temperature sensors that were used were 100-ohm platinum ,resistance temperature devices (RTD's). A combination power supply and signal conditioning unit powered the devices and linearized their output such that 1 mv. corresponded to 1.0'F. The choice of RTD's, as opoosed to the more commonly used thermistors, w'as primarily prompted by their availability in a relatively short delivery time. However, thermisters are known to drift and also have water sensitivity problems. The first problem is solved by frequent calibration while the latter is normally solved by heavy waterproofing - a process that increases the response time of the units. Metallic RTD's,which are recognized as being stable and relatively insensitive to moisture, seemed to offer a V logical alternative choice to thermistors on their own merits, irrespective of availability and other such considerations. The experience to date and the obvious success of the metallic RTD's in this application indicate that they may well be a superior device for this type of work. Some of the units failed prior to and during the first monitoring period. The failures occurred in the junction of the lead wires of the RTD rather than in the active element itself. X-ray photographs of failed units revealed inconsistent wiring configuration at this junction. These units were subsequently repaired and used successfully in later monitoring periods. This experience coupled with the survival of several roughly-treated units indicates that the failures encountered were not due to any inherent unsuitability of metal RTD's for'this application, but was merely caused by manufacturing defects. The platinum RTD's were rugged and stable devices and they performed well in the thermal plume monitoring work. The el'ectronics required to 2.3 linearize and condition the output signal must contain a high gain amplifier system and should be designed and selected with care to eliminate drift and instability problems. The pressure transducer was manufactured by Sensotec, Inc., Columbus, Ohio. It is designated as a model A5 submersible pressure transducer. This unit is powered by a 10 V DC power supply and produced output voltage with 1 mv. corresponding to 1.0 meter immersed depth. The position of the boat was determined by a Motorola Mini Ran er III ~S stem (MRS Illj, a time-of-flight-measuring pulsed radar system. This system consists of a main console, a received/transmitter unit mounted on the boat and two shore-based transponders. The console was carried inside the boat while the R/T and omnidirectional antenna were mounted as a unit on a fiberglass mast above the boat. In operation, the console and R/T interrogates each of the transponders and displays and outputs two channels of digital range information corresponding to each distance, in meters. Five valid replies from each transponder are averaged to assure accuracy. The data is collected from the MRS III, pressure transducer, and temperature sensors by a Vidar Autodata 8 data acquisition system (DAS). The Autodata 8 is a microprocessor-controlled DAS, capable of accepting both digital and analog information. The data channels are sequentially scanned and recorded at a rate of about 2.5 channels/second. The unit was equipped to accept 2 digital inputs of 10 digits each and 10 analog channels. which were automatically ranged and digitized. In addition, 10 digits of pre-data information selected by panel thumbwheels were available. Both Mini-Ranger channels were wired into a single digital input channel to increase recording speed. The system is capable of scanning and recording a complete data set in less than 5 seconds. The data are recorded on both a built-in printer and 2.4 I I and an external Facit 4070 paper tape punch. Both records are collected N for redundancy in case of printer or punch malfunction. The on-line printout is also used for operator and boat guidance during the plume tracing and for RTD calibration. The punched tape data is recorded in computer-compatible ASCI II format for on-line reading into the tape-reader at the D. C. Cook computer terminal. A block diagram of the system is shown on Figure D-II-2. The temperature sensors were calibrated by immersing them in a water-filled insulated chest and comparing their output with the readings of a pair of ASTM, certified mercury thermometers. The calibrations were normally performed at two temperatures. The water was always thoroughly mixed by a small circulating pump during this operations When the water bath was judged to be uniform, the sensor output was adjusted to agree with the mercury thermometer reading. The bath temperature was considered uniform when there was no readable difference between the two thermometers which were placed in opposite ends of the chest. The temperatures used for calibration were usually approximately 32'F and 75'F. Agreement to within + 0.05'F was realized for all the sensors. The sensors were calibrated before each field trip, and several checks were normally made while in the field. The time response of several RTD's was checked by rapidly immersing a cold sensor into warm water and agitating it. A typical plot of the time response is shown in Figure D-II-3. The in-service response is believed to be faster since the protection shield surrounding the RTD inhibited water flow around the sensor element somewhat more i n this operation than is the case in actual service. 2.5 ately rtooe ~ teooe ~~ ~~o g$ Iff ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ TRANSPONDER R/T TRANSPONDER 115 V 24 V 24 V CONSOLE ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I' ~ ~ ~~~~~ 0 ~ ~~ 0~0 ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ \0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 0\ ~~~~~~~ I~ ~ ~ ~~ WWWW&WW&WWW I I I I TEMP. I THUMBWHEEL I SENSORS SIGNAL CONDe I I E POWER SUPPLY I I I NALOG DIGITAL CLOCK I NPUT INPUT I I I I I I I I I I I I PRESSURE I CENTRAL PROCESSING TRANSDUCER I UNIT I I I I I 10 V I I I I POWER SUPPLY I I I LED I I DISPLAY PRINTER I I I I I tw wmmwmmmmamw mwawwmwmmm~~ PUNCH Figure D-lI-2 Schematic of Data Acquisition System '7,6 80 0 o o 00000 0 l L 0 60 0 L + 50 40 50 oo0 0 I 2 .3 4 5 6 ~ T irne- Seconds RTD Response Curve 0-II-3 2.7 I The pressure transducer was calibrated by simply lowering it to a measured depth and recording the resulting output. With the exception 'of the zero offset, the calibration is the same as that supplied by the I factory. The Mini-Ranger III was calibrated using a measured mile on a public road." The accuracy of the marked distances on the road was reported by highway authorities to be + 1 foot. The R/T - console was separated from both transponders by one straight marked mile (1609.4 m) and adjusted accordingly. This adjustment was further verified to be correct at a marked half-mile. The V-fin was attached to the load bearing cable using a shearplate junction as a weak link. During tow, this unit was designed to shear the rivets and break apart upon collision of the V-fin with any underwater obstruction'his serves to protect the instruments and sensor bundle in case of collision and also affords protection to the V-fin itself. This device consisted of two stainless steel 1/8" x 1" x 2" plates through drilled with several matching holes and riveted together using three standard aluminum "pop" rivets. Two small clevices were attached to opposite ends of the joined plates during operation. The breaking strength of this assembly was experimentally determined to be approximately. 425 lbs., + 10 lbs. On several occasions, the V-fin did collide with an underwater obstruction strongly enough to break the link. The fin occasionally suffered minor damage, 1 which required patching with an epoxy cement, but no serious structural damage was experienced. The link never broke during normal towing - not even when it was towed directly through the plume in the vicinity of the nozzle and received the full force of the discharge. Based on these considerations, the designed strength appeared to be well-suited for the work. 2.8 During towing operations, a safety cable was also attached to the V-fin. This safety cable was deployed with considerable slack in the line, and wound upon an electric winch equipped with a free-running clutch. This safety cable to recover the V-fin when the I was used weak link broke. To determine the local surface lake currents during the monitoring run, two drogues were deployed just prior to the mapping and recovered after the run had been completed. The locations of deployment and recovery were determined using the Mini-Ranger III system and the distance and direction of the drogue drift, hence current, were then calculated. In order to follow the water movement and be relatively insensitive to wind effects; the drogues were made with a submerged frontal area to above water area ratio of 100-to-1. Two similar designs were constructed, both built to the 100-to-1 formula. In the first set used approximately 2 ft. x 4 ft. submerged panels arranged in an "X" pattern and supported by a 2 foot square polyethylene foam flotation pad. The bottom sections of the panels were weighted with approximately 6 pounds of lead. A 4' I/O" mast carried a brightly colored flag to enable tracking of the device. These were very different to sight in all but optimum atmospheric conditions. In fact, the. entire set was lost one-by-one during the first field trip. The e second set was built larger 2 ft. x 6 ft. I with a correspondingly higher mast section to make a more visible configuration. The recovery rate of these was much improved although a few were lost in adverse weather. 2.9 APPENDIX D-III CURRENT DIETER DATA .Current Meter, Data The following is a tabulation of the lake current data obtained from the ENDECO-ducted-propeller current meters located as shown in . Figure D-III.l. Meters 1N and 4S were located at'a depth of 3.3 meters (ll feet) and meters 6N and 5S were located at a depth of 6.1 meters (20 feet). I O QSS Q6N 80 O C) Q4S Q1N S 1 III rD II Il Tl II CD C+ Q5 40 II CD s CD yll y Cl I I () M M I I 0 III I I 0 illll I I I 8 0 4 0 I IQ I 4 0 8 0 meters Q Current Meter Q Temperature Sensor d Plant Discharge Plant North o Plant Intake Q Transponder 0 0 gotO'tte PCRCCNT OISTRIBUTION Of CURRCNT SPECO ANO OIRECTION FOR STATION 1N PREPARED FOR AHERICAN ELECTRIC 17 CNOECO SPECOS <FPS) 0 I R 5 IPARALLL'L TO SHOREI OATC a.l e.J ref lel ~e~ HAXe AVC ~ NORTH EAST SOUTH NEST 5-Tf ed 9 llel lel ~ I I ~ 1 ~e~ ~ el ~ 154 I~ ~ 10 ~ ~ e de ~ ~ .e 7$ lied 4 ~5 7' 2el lel I4 ~ del ~ <<524 I 25, ~ 14 ~ 7 I~ ~e~ 5deJ tort 5 7f 12 ~ 5 lord lde7 ftel de ~ leb lel I4 ~ 475 7led ~~ ~r~ 2te9 4 75 55e4 42 ~ 5 1 ~e~ l.a ~ eb ~ .1$ 5 14,4 e ~ 54 ~ 5 7 7$ 4~2 5' ll R~ 5$ ,4 4 ' le ~ I~
    a. ~
    a.l ~ ~,~ l,l II 244 F 59 lee, I ' ~ 4 .I Stol 1~I deJ I 12.5 ' ~ 0 29et 47 II 599 ~ 4 75 4 ~ 2- 9-7$ 91e7 ~ 4~5 ~e~ II~ lr ~ ~ ~ ea , ~ ~ ~ aft 111 e ~ ~ el S.l ~ el II hei 'le7f 59ed 41 ' 14,7 I~~ ~ rl I~ ~ eS II a.l I ~ 145 85eJ II 11S I ~ lie 7 1,4 21175 8 1 29 ' $ 2.1 14 7 ~ ~ ~ ~1 lr575 ~e~ lel ~ ~ 2 It 75 61 ~ 4 57 ' tel ~e~ II ~ dee ~e~ ~ el47 ~e~ 1IS ~ 1 ilare ~ ,4 15 7$ 55 5 di 7 S I eel e. ~ lel a.e ~ e154 Ie ~ le ~ 1,1 ~,I II I II I~ 271 ~ 7$ 7s.e 25 ' ~ lel 0,4 led 1~ lel ~ ldl ~ idle ~ ~ ee t 1575 2' 41e7 4,2 ~ rl ~ ,4 54,5 ~.~ 57e5 ie2 le ~ '~ 51 5 ~ a'. e I Id 75 II Jlel 44 7 a.l a. ~ dee b.l I 512~ ill, ~ .e lel a.e I 17 75 ~ l,e 21 ~ 4 79 2 le ~ I ~ ~ l.a l,l a.l II ~ e55 ~ il el ~ I 1~~ Sel ~4 ~ ee 18 75 4e2 27el 54 e 2 14 4 lee ~ ~ e545 ~ ~ ~ e,l l,d 19 75 ~e~ at 2ded II Se4 I S l.a I '245 95,4 llldedel 4et 2 tb 75 1D,4 79 54,2 27 F 1 ~ del e.e I~ ~ ~O ~,I I, ~ I1,2d9~ e271 ~ l.a e.e bea ftel 1~4 29rt R-ti 75 4,2 5deJ 51 ~ 5 4 ~2 a. ~ ,a l.a lie7 2-22-75 4$ ed fs,e Rel e.e a.e l,d I 295 77,1 lel Aet 2 tJ 7f II~ tte9 deJ 2' ~7 ' e.o 0, ~ I1.242~ ~ 9t9 44 ad I bea 55 ' 2 24-75 a. ~ l.e 4.5 95 ' 4 e.e 2~ 1 ~ 4 S~1 I,4 97 iet 2 25-75 4e5 5ie 5 57ef a. ~ e.l 1,1 1,492 95 ad e.e e.l tel ftel 2-24-75 2 52,1 ile7 ~ et I ~ ~ l.e e.'e a.517 45,4 II II e.c lied 2 27 75 s.e tfel 7$ ed eel lee e.e o,e e'.e leJJI I, 5 id 64ed 4' ~ 7I ~ 1 21e 5 'I td 75 1, ~ Jle9 Joel 17 ~ 4 l,l I ~ 5- 1-75 I.'a JA ~ 7 4ded 22 ' 12 ed I ~~ SOS e,s II,274 ~ 595 II ~ II I~ ise.s ~ 1 5-.7, 75 55,4 12 ~ 5 41e7 11,4 II e.s e.a id 4 lll;a ~ ~ R9 ~ 2 e.l 2~1 l,e 5 7$ e.o le.i 45eJ d 5 ~ 4>> ~ I F 4 dee I.549 lel I ~ l,l ~ 7$ 1D. 4 55,4 59ed a.l ~ 0 eel I 511 ~ fil le ~ Ia.l e.s '5 75 4,2 Rte9 22 ' 4$ ed iet led e.a II'r574 lde7 e.l ~ ~ 79 iol.e at 4,2 II 5 47$ 1~1 loci 51 ~ 5 5deJ 4~ I a.e e'.1 a'. ~- I id,d lr at ~ '2>> 1 'I d7$ 7-Tf 14,7 14,7 59 4 fd,J F 57,5 25 el det 1'I I,D II ~ a.e e.e Oee F I,224 274 ill,l II ~ ~ 29 lrl 'Dee 4el I 975 ii,d 55 ' e,a e.e O AD II e.e e.s lrl94 I0 laded 95,4 a.e 1 o,a ~ 1 4et 5-10 75 22,9 idee Aet ~ .e 0,4, 551 4 iet ll ~ ~ I 2eed 41 ~ 7 del " l.e a,d' 445 ~ 2 a.a 91 7 lt 7575 Oes died 4,2 deo II ,I le55 ~ 4 ' l.a lde ~ I e,o 5 15 7$ 7$ ~ d lde7 idee R9 ~ 2 55, ~ 25 el ile7 fieR. de2 Rel I 1~ ~ ~ I ~,a l.e ~ l,l s,e I 245 ~ I tdf f4 ' ll95~e ~ 1 4 l.a ~ 57.'5 e,s d;2 e,e 'I 15 Tf ' 29et a.l I l.a ~ I 212 4 I.4 o,l ,de2 14 75 J5 ~ 11 ~ 4 4 55 29et ~5 ~4 2 1 14 4 ~ el lel ~ 8 ~ el ~ I.527 95ed I.e ISelI ~ 4 ' 517 75 54.5 55,5 lde4 e.l lel l.e 1 11i 47 ~ '5 I.e lte5 14 75 s.a 22 ' dsrt 9ei O~S II ~ I1 ~ I 55 f e ~ ill.a 4e ~ e.e le8 ~ TRIOS AVCSS 14 5 Jle4 5$ ~ R lie i 5' ledlf 54eJ led 29 ~ 1 11 ~ 9 esERCE)s) a)SIR)RUT)ON nf CURRENT SPEEO Ahn a)RECT)OR FOR STATION IN PREPlREC fOR APER!CAN ELECIRIC IT LNOECO SPEEOS IFPS) D I R 5 (PARlLLEL Tn SHCRE) JATF 1~ I n,a 4 ~5 l,ol 4,P RAT ~ AVC ~ )snRTI4 EAST Sno)TH VEST $ -21 )t?15 75 9!e? hoh n,e 0' a,n t,t 0 ~ Oit lpa.a ~ <<J I eo ' IP,P ' ? 22 ~ 0 4~7 nsn 8~R n,a 0 ~ 219 35 F 4 tel 5tel 10 ~ 4 3 124 2$ 75 1$ Jl ~3 5 bish lt ?el 14 ad tit 2n,d 0~0 ltef-DPI p,e nia a,a ~,141 I lea.d ltded ded e.d I ~ Pet E I0 ) ~ 41 sT ~ 4 oil 5 5-25 7$ r dea 8~3 42 ' 2? id e,o 0 ~ 84 ~ 50,0 O,J date 39od IP ~ 4 ~ I th)S ~ ,7 52,1 lh,? Oih 0~ I PE n,o 8 0,3$ 0 a.a 0,0 lee .." C 7 t1 75 hea 81 ~ 3 17 ~ S P,a tea Rin a,a 0 ~ 210 dea lash 80ed 'I I th 7$ 24 1$ $P 4$ 27,1 il iet lied n,p $ 2,) I II sl ~ ~ II ~ Sse ' ~ 122 0,513 Isd 70 ~ I7 0 tel ' 91sT ldo1 d,a I 3I~ I V 7$ I 89,8 Ie) 4 1~0 Sedan lb a,o o,n JJ $ -11 7$ I 1$ P ~a I 4~ I 7~ 4~? 2$ sf $5 ~ I 7 '5 32,7 n,a PeC ~ Pit a,a 1;P 'Jednl e,i ~ 4 0' ?be5 ~ S.a e,o e.! 7$ ,S 2ol Sel ~ 7 15 ~~2 fa ~ 3 2?o9 d,t d,a - a,a 7~P 0,349 I 00 ~ 0,0 9' tsl ~ 'I 15 lhi1 2?i9 lied Id,1 2?el P,'C 1*,190 0~ Ose 77 ~ I tt.0 ~ 1$ o' r ?ol Shel $ 0ad Jea 1~ I a.'411 Oad a,e J lde1 ~ ~ 5 15 oo lt ~ ~ 4' 4) ~ 8 ?fat a,e ;I ~ e) 0 ~ 481 P,d t,a latin p I ~ 4 1$ 4~1 7 eo ~ 8 P,P p,a 1~0 Ie ~ 41 aed a.d lane- I'D ~ 7 7$ ital fh ~ 8 liih ~ et Pit Ben 0 ~ 285 8.3 ST 0 I'.e dJ ~ 3 10 ~ 4 ~ ~ 7$ 20 ~ 2 dti5 gl ~ 1 e,p il,n d,lda 4,2 f2 el 4$ ,0 ~ 4 7$ Jib 4 44ob PIC IJst~ 4 pie ao 0 123 ~ e.o I.a )anat 'l ~ V 75 21 ~ I 45oO 2$ et tel ~ I' Il P a,tn2 Oea I.a leaif 11 75 ~ 0 JI ~ J diet C 'O le 0,0 0~p eeJ?$ SoC e.a Idt>>7 ~ I? 1$ Il 75 'I ~ 3 Sr,a IP ~ 7 'b i) o ~ 4 I'd a,t Oil)d $8~J Set 41 ~ 7 75 2iot $2 ~ I 2~ I len eol8d died 4~2 ted Jlsa ~ I~ IIe! 14,7 a p n,p n',p I'd e,edf $ )ef h,t flea ~ -Ih-7$ Jheh lhiil 4~3 Jaea 7~ 1 nia e,aad ~ I ~ 1 43,7 I ~ sh R 7$ h~3 8~ Itef 12,4 o,n n,a C,P eefdh 9$ ad Sea iet ~ 17 1$ IA iaaf $ $ ,3 4~4 PIC ~ ~ 1 Se 312 df e4 s.a I1 1$ de! bled fran 7~P P,J P ~P 71 el e.d ?Pal 14 15 ~en Oieb IP, ~ lin ae802 89 ' Cad tt,l1 laai. ~ 2 1$ 2'I 15 7L at ~ ~ >>'in 2 01 F 1 P ~ 4 7 aip  ;) ~ I l,e Sod?I a.074 Ips,e II'I I I.e e.s ~ ~ ~ 21 15 t') 7$ 2$ ~ ln i ~ 4~7 35 el AS' fit~ nad I,n L~ I S.aoa a elf 8 7?el Rasa ~ e,a e.e Paa t,e'2 lde1>> ~ 0 ~ ~ ti 75 3' ~ Jl 3 ~ 18,7  ? ~1 Rid n Oea?9 I 25.0 Oea 31.$ 37,5 ~ .2<-75 4,'o ~ 4 Jh ~ ~ I ~ od b ~  ? '7 ~ 2 o) ~ P 178 S.s e.e 31 of 82 ' ~ th 75 41 ~ 1 43 F 7 14 ~ d n,t 4 f,a P aelf1 . e.s e,d Iea,o 4 271$ 41 ~ 0 ifih tel 4 7~5 o <<a',d p 's della e.d alia dd ~ 8 I3 ~ ~ th 1$ 4)e4 hi? n~p !oa ' p ~ e.l?1 . 31.3 Itef 41,0 de! ~ t4 15 t ~ 4 Id ~ 1 30e ~ 2$ ~ a 1 ~ 1 P~ 3~1 a.a ~3 Ofod ~ 2 ~ $ 15 7~I l)et 1d,b 2~ I R,a 7 deS88 IPI,I O.a ,0 ~ p ~ 5- I 1$ 4 ~ hel &1 ~ 3 thif~ I' 1st I~ ~ 5$ leash e.a f ~ 'a P,l I,R 5-!2751$ Pie Idol Pea 2'5 5 Jl 1 $1 ~3 lh ~ o) 1 lieth~ $4 JJ,'.I Itaf ~ Rid I w,t nin 7~P a.adf Paid bish dl. 3 Jfs4 I 7 5 ~ 7$ ?7e0 3$ ala J ~ 1 n>p 0 ~ 2bl e.a lde?'1 2 I ~ $ 5 )f bbe) 2nei l?of oe ~ 4 0~4 n,n 0 ~ lnd IPS,J . a.e 0 ~ 0 1 ~ 4 1$ 31 ~ S 5h ~ 3 h~7 a h nit 0 ~ 149 dt ~ 5 0,0 ttei lish f 11$ 5 '  ? ihsd ,t I,R p I~ 0,008 J1 <<'5 II ~ a,p d?,5 p ER In) Alai) ?4 ~ 3 20 ' tf el 2 ~ s2 Ie8 J,d P,e Solid 49,d 3 ' Jbe9 10 ~ 1 PERCENT OISTRIPUTION Of CURRENT SPEED AIIO DIRECTION FOR 5TA'IIOV IN PREPARED fOR ADER)CAN ELECTRIC RY LIIOECO SPEEDS IFPS> 0 I R 3 )PARALLEL TO SHORE) 3 ~ Tf . ~ 1 A 5 2 D a,c HAX~ AVC ~ NORTH East SOUTH NEST 5 77$ lsr.c D 1 0 4 t '). 0 e.esl e.a 0~0 het latr1 5 D)$ da,d Joo 2~ 1 C,Ii O.eob 0 ~4 0~0 2~ I 97,0 5 075 dl 3 18 ' -er ~ S P,t 0~P 0 ~ 072- e,a a.a 3 ~J led.'? 5-fr 7$ 4' 47 ' 0,1 1 S,D 8.302 93,$ o.a 0 ~7 det lao) Sos Jo,d Jo 'I C,S 0 ~ '321 01,1 3~1 5 11 1$ 5-12 7$ 12 5 44 ~ 4 22.9 4~ I 4~ 1 4~3 a,p t I1 0~ tll 43rd lteea lord e.r ST 3 fhe) J r I IJ-75 5 14 75 fd ~ ? lard 3$ , ~ la 8 d),4 ~ 7,0 i>, ~ 3 ~ .) J,P d,d 7 ~J 8.520 4 ~ ae4 ICO ~ C OIS ti~ 5 15-7$ Jt 45 ad food 2,'I r ia arlss fta,i) het C 5 la)$ 3? JS ~ 3 tlel oe ~ I C,n il 197 ite5 25 ' 4t,s 5-17 75 sa,f Jl,h dot t 9 Se1 Silat 100.8 97,0 0 2 I 5 ld-)5 )h 7 tte'0 2~1 >' t. CD 0 0~D 4 ~ 073 0 ~ e. ~ 19-75 12es 43rd 43eh 0 4 D.e 413 d9,4- 0~0 2 ) $ -2'5 ~ ri 4 ~2 41,7 sd ~ 3 5 ~ 35,4 .2 P ~4 Sod C.d hea 7.3 C ~ 8 498 0;4)S ITS,J 07 ~ 9 C.C Det 4~7 5 21 7$ 4 ~3 5 22 75  ?~I 43rd 54,2 A,A SIC 8 '24 100 ~ 4 II'I 0 S,B P ~ 1 tJ 7$ f4,n 47 ~ 9 22 ' 14 4 0 ~0 Joa 0,241 e.e li tet 5 5 '1$ 12.$ Soed 35 F 4 12 ~ 5 I0 J.P 8 298 fna.e ~ CD 0 0 t 2 2$ 7$ 31 ~ J 43 ~ 8 12 ~ 5 12.$ Pea C,P 0.222 sd.S a.e- ees ~ 41 ~ 1 5 tf 7$ Fet farl ddol 14,7 ted P,O '.I, t 0 ~ Jol lte,a 0.$ 0 ~ D 5 5 t)15 17,4 43 lsd'~ I 41,1 t.l ~ -,r e.t 3 ~ 25$ lda.a ftt.a e.e e.e A,t s-th 15 3' 12.5 Pot 4 ~4 ae 323 aeo 5-t9 5 fn 1$ 75 4>,9 11,5 So,n 27 ~ I til 45 ad 5f.J 2~1 P,d P,P. t.n 0.114 I,316 lte.a
    89. 4 S.a a.e e
    8~ r r Ce 1?,4 5-31 15 4, ~ 20 ~ 8 $5 ~3 8~4 PE 3 ee 331 ltC 4 e.e, Die',.1 5 175 ta.d 22e ~ Sn,h ln 2 O,J 1,1 d.tie fce.a eee 0,',1 4-? 75 4,3 41 1 43 ~ 7 n,h 0 4 ~ 305 lnC.J A,ie 4 315 4 2 f4 ~ f ~ de ~ 2io,h P.1 ~ .) 0,340 9)e9 I0 ~ D~ 4- 4 15 10 ~ 7 d?es 18,7 7~7 n.n 0 ~ 418 03rd e.e 0 ~ det - 5 75 6~3 41,7 St.f 0~1 3 ~ ~. d,e e ~ $ 12 lea 8 e.e 0 ~ I\ 4 4-41$ 2$ ,0 41 el tl. 1 1.3 e.d i1 A 0 ~ 482 bdod I Sl ~ 3 lda.t 0 Ie 7 75 14,6 41 et JO 4 2 1 2~1 3 ~ 282 ~ 4 P $ -415 del 72,9 itis 8,3 e.d h.r 0 ~ 253 e.d e.e de J lat.d? 14,7 $ 075 ah,d ~ 7,0. d 2 0 ' D~ I 4 ~ 124 0 4 117$ 4 3)rs Jl ~ 5 I?.5 r.a i1 ~ 0 O'. C 0 ~ 204 eoa 3 4 fee ~ $ 11 7$ 43 ~ 4 fr 4 8~3 2 I ~ D,a 0.8 4. ? le ds, lna.a ~ a.a e.e 14 4 a,t 4 5 f?15 ~ I o,. feJ 22.0 4il, 1 2 I 3,0 C.d 4,5OS D~ 51575 1? ~ 5 25 ~ ia 54et 4et P,II O,h 8 ~ $ 24 lpa.4 e.e Ce: Il ~ J $ 75 27,1 27 ~ 0 30. 6 6ot I',r O,J10 iDC ~ 8 0~0 t.s 7~ 51$ 1$ fa ~ 7 37.'5 ~ 'I ~ 1 i1,1 O.aoa 97,9 S.e 2,1 Sl.t 66 ~ 7 r 7 '54 1$ 0,4 C.e Pet 0 5' 14 1$  ? 4 6 171$ ~~3 23 AS 68.7 2~ ~ I" lte. 4 e.a Aet 8~ 6 I"-15 4 2$ ~ C 4hee 22 ' 2 1 e.sot in' 0 4 0 p S 10-15 14 ~ 4 )D d 1 ~ ,d DE 0 I.lot lta.a a.s 8,7 $ 2. 75 2~1 Sl,h sd. 3 Sed 5,0 0,320 178 II 0 0 $ 21 )5 le', ~ ld ~ h dard 0~ J~ 1 e.lfo lta 0 ~ ~ t ~ '! t I.'I 5 22 7$ 29e? 5de2 P~1 3 SIJJ4 170,7 eet 4-tJ-1$ 44 ' ~ d,h P,s P~ ~ CI 0.J4$ 8 ~2 P,J 4 24 75 5 2$ >$ 7 20 ~ 1 lf,l 41,1 ~ fr) 25 ~ P So,d 2~1 let Oen ~ 4 I ~ Ods 4 ~ 218 lte,a lla 0 ~ 4 e.a c.a P..i D el'I P.A ,'I 5 ta)5 41,$ 41 ~ 7 les 2~1 0 ~ .. 0 e 0,1$ 3 o.a eet 4 27 ?5 4 e? dd ~ 4 18 ~ 7 3~4 4,2 4.3$ 3 01 7 a.a dot S ta 1$ 2015 31 4 14 44 lf ~1
    31. 3 A,D ned 7
    r '),P 0 172 C ~ 233 8.4 $ 4.3 e.a O.a ' 187 ~ ~ ~ J,h O 45 ah 4 7 3'-)5 1)$ 1), I' ~ 4 hei 3? at 20 ah ~9~P 8,$ 2~ e e,i' iI. 7 8 ~ tds Oe333 liar 01 ~ 8 4 I0 0I ~ ~ A 7 ~ 8,? 7 11$ 25er 54,3 ld ~ 7 3 I 07,9 e.d 2~1 7 315 2~I 14ed sn,p JJ,J I~ 1 III 0.4 e.aae 42.$ a.e JteS 7 41$ fF toe? $ ?.1 18,7 A,t S.A eefdl 108,3 0~8 7- 5 )5 ~ I' J 46.1 22 ' 4 t P,A P. ~ ~ J f lated a,s 2~5 1 6>$  ? 4 ' 37 ' 5 ~ ,2 2 1 J.t 8 564 1tSe4 0~0 0,5 7-1$ Jl ~ 3 43rd ts.n Pen 0~4 A,P e.'tae 100,0 I.e 1 II 7$ 2?,O 'I I dd,l 1P,4 4 ~ J. J.h A.'3 0 ~ 179 77 ~ 1 O.e 6r? id.t 1 915 37,5 62.$ 2~1 tl 0, 319 81 ~ 3 d,t P,J 12. 5 DERIOJ AVCO) it 2O,D 33 0 le,d 7~ I 8 ~ J23 ef.t I0~ 8 ~ 1 la ~ 1 ofay e PCRCEHT OISTRISUTIOH OF CURREH'I SPEKO AreD 0 IRECTIOsI FOR STATIOV '18, PREPARER FOR AHERICAH ELECTRIC ST CHOKCO SPEEOS IFIS 0 IR 5 (ROTC )ATE e.l I4 ~ 0,5 4~0 HAX AVC '@ORTH CAST SOUTH \lEST 114 75 44 ' J5 ~ 7' 0.0 O.e I .1 Sel 8~ I S,SP S.e 0,0 49.J ll, 7117f 14-15 tor2 8 ,2'C,A 2.0 S.a eeo ~ O,e I8 ~ P..e J s.a l,s ltl1,7 0 0 8 ~ 7 7 18 ~ ~ P~8 l1l ~ 8 e,e 8,0 C~ 14 e,s I,e 54,J 1 19 75 7 22 75 7 21 15 ltef Jfrl 4 Arl lcd Jle J 44rd 22 JS.A '. t9 at P.e I 8 o,a t,e I 8 0~0 o~8 s,a S.a 8,'a I.'a trol I'etl Setd 9' lla'.S llaee 8,0 I ~ l ~ o.c 0 'S.e l e'.2 e,'p 7-22-75 4' i7,9 2~1 trl F Sr1 ~ I.e Iro 8 ~ 1J lda ~ 0 8~8 'Rea 8,0 0~9 12J 75 Jira ds,i 8 J 8~8 Iea 0~0 8.S 8 ~ 14 A,t 95eo ~ .e .e,e 7 24 75 ~ s2 44el teed ~ 8' Oee 8~ l IO,P0 Setl 97 so 2el = e.a 0~ I 7 2$ 75 AD 2 lard 22 ' F 1 8~4 e,s I 24 ~ trl 2el 0$ ,8 e,t e,tl 7 24 15 72775 7 24 75 deJ ft AF ~ 2 1 58'.e Jle5 il ~ 0 J7ef 22 ' S.a AD Jfe 8.8 2 ~ Iea Ord 8~8 e',e e.o e,o 0,0 a,a 8 ~ II SeJ9 0e 10 ,'$ lord 'so.ar4 ',eI I ,Jdel . ~ 1,7 2 1 S.e le'~ tel a 8 7 29 15 21 ~ 1 54el ldd do Iea 8,0 .'1 ~ I as 19 r les;a e,e ~ Ssa See 1 Ja 75 id ed JJ ~ J J9 ~ 4 8~J I1 ~ e,a Ies Oe29 22 ~ 9 III ~ 0 48 ~ 8 0~J Jl, 5 1 A 1175 17$ tlf 8~J deJ Art Sir 4 lord 2$ AS 21 ~ 1 Jo,d 20,2 JJ ~ J ill 0,8 0,8 sel See e,a e,e e,s e.c s,a 0 'l ~8 ~ Crot J5 , Riel 2' Al el 8~0 e,s e,d ;fd dded Ale9 J sea 2el 18, ~ I8 11S Aet 42 ~ 5 Jlra 8 8 ~ 5 l,d 0~8 0,'a Re24" Jle J 1 t,l 48 ' - ~ d,J 4 75 14 ~ 4 JSe ~ tf.a 25 0F 0 O,t s,e Seat 44 '-'se.s el 8 0 ~ 7.$ ~ 0 ~ deJ 8 $ 75 8~8 2te9 Jl sf Jo ~ 4 Seo e,e o,a, arof r Ies 'e.s 0,8 4 75 18,8 die 4 o.e '8'.0 e,o e,a 8~ I Ce14 of so tel 0,0 ltef 8.7 7% deJ Jfe J Sd ~ J 2~1 Sea II~ oro sle Jo loses III ~ 0 0 0 1 e,s 8 475 AD e,a J 25,0 Jf A. fete ~ ale 2' 4 s,a Ird e,e p.e S,o 0,8 I ~ Jd isles 0~ I ere , ~ e,s P 15 2te9 8 ~ 41 los.a e,e e.a S,t io 75 o.e tel aea lan 4 A.t 19,2 d7.5 def Aet I8F e,e I,t o,e ee44 leo.a lea'.o Sed 0~0 e.a A 11 1$ F 1 0 rod Osl S.e e,o Alt 75 0,8 Bre 147 di ~ J tel s,o e,l Iedl llo.a AS e.a a,o OERIOJ AVCSS 18,2 Jle J tore ta Oro e,a OeJS 45 so ird tfrs ~,8 PERCE<<Y A!57RIOUCIO<< Of CUR<<E<<7 5PEEA A<<0 AIREC7 [AII PAR STAC lO<< 45 PPEPAREO FOR A<<E<<lcik ELEC7RIC OT L<<OECA SPLE <fr$ 7 P 1 k 5 4PARALLEL 10 SNORE) JATE e a. 1 lee 2,8 i,a NAC, AVC ~ <<ORE<< EAS'1 SAU1H <<ES7 12 11 74 1$ 4 ~ 0 e,s O.a P~ I s,a a,e 8~ I a,sad e.s lcc.a e.e Ssa 12127 ~ 41 ~ 7 Zaed 3' s.e Oeo A,e 0 ~8 SeZSJ 41s7 51 J OS 8 o.e 1 t-1J-74 22 ~ 9 ~3 ~7 died 7.,1 0~0 e,o estab lse,a e,s, e,e e.s 12-14 74 93,d bet 8,0 ri,a e,a 0~o CD P,S 0 I ~ Stb leo,o I 8 o,e 0 ~0 12-15 li li $ $ ,3 '5de J 4~3 0.0 s ~0 C.a 8~0 Sel5 ~ 79 ' a.o ~ a.e 28 ~ 8 12 id P,A 'e 8 1~3 91,7 s,a J.a e.e I 71$ ~ 33rd C.O Isa 64 ~ 7 17 7 ~ id o,s 8,3 2el 2ded 22.9 $5 F 4 75,0 45,4 AS a 0 e,o 8,8 8,8 S,o I lfe ~ ba ~ 4 s.e e.s a,o e.s J9sb 20et 7~ 0 ~ Jdb 78 ad 19 74 ZS,A dsJ lira 47 ' s,a Aea S,e S ~ ~ 65 89eb 0~ I C,S lord e,a 1'2 tr 74 $5 ~ ~ tfe4 $9 d 0,8 A~ A C,n S.S Setif loe,e 0.0 S,O 12 lt-tt ti 74 74 31 ~ 3 4,$ 62,$ bae4 be2 ZZ 9 8 ~0 A,a A,a c~a e.'e 8~8 Seldi 89,4 dl 3 dsd 10,4 8 ~0 8,$ isa 4 S 291 it-23-74 3$ ~ 4 Ji,t 12 5 20 ad I ~ d a,s 0~8 ~ SeZdt lpe.f ~ . s,a e,a 12 24-74 id,d 79,2 Z. 1 0 0 Oed O,d 0,8 sell f 'dsd Sea Jan 3 dsl 12 2 74 P,P fats 2' 2P., 8 1~0 Oee e.s I Jif Jl 3 $9 ~ 6 29,2 it 12-27 24 74 74 2.1 41 d,J 7 ld,p $ 4.$ Z'ed S.e S,a Osa 0~8 e,a S,O O,o 0 ~ Ss424 '03 0$ .a ~ 10 ~ 4 0,0 I8~ 4et 89sb lt-2$ 74 ln.d llel ~ 4rt O,S e,a 8,0 8~A 8 ~ 17S 93rd c.s e,e dst lt-t9-74 10,4 13,$ 6~3 J.e neo a,e e,e eclat 19,6 2~1 lee.e at 4e2 e,a 3$ 74 3$ .$ 56,$ ]5 4 0~0 AD 0 0~0 I,e 8 ~ 156 s'.e e.o 12-$ 1 74 17,2 lord F 1 A,A d,d O,A S.d 0,06$ s,e, 4,4 93rd e,e 1 7$ 2~a lde4 51ro Zd,b 0~a 0~8 3 ~n 0 ~ 4Jl 1s.t 6 1 40ea $ 4el 1-2 75 22 F 9 41 ~ 7 $ $ ,4 AC P O P,a Ii. 8 as Z28 9f,d 2~1 2~1 e.a 3 75 2Crd dsd 14,6 04,$ ted 8,P CD ~ 98 31 ~ 3 e.e e,a bd,d 1-4 7$ 2 1 deJ di,b ZS, P. a.a e.e o.a Ce ~ 22 75 AS e.c S'.0 25so '1 5 7$ 14.6 f2,1 33.J P,d 3rd a.o 0,8 ae2$ $ 11 ~ 3 ld ~ 7 41 ~ 7 29et ZA ~ 8 A,J 3rd A.a a,c 0 ~ Zot 75ee e.c 2$ ,0 Ceil 1- 7-7$ 1P,4 64sb 25eo A,n P,J O.C el,d ae2$ 9 91 ~ 7- 8~8 deJ 1- e-lf 4,2 if,d 47 ' s,a ae286 85 ~ 4 le.i S',0 1 97$ 7$ trl
    39. 6 03rd 47,9 ie ~ 4 2~1 neo 2
    0~8 P.,d C.S 0~8 s.a e,c I,dsl 8 ~ 161 77 ~ 1 9$ ,1 lia.o4 ~ 8,3 0,0 8,'a 4~2 11 7$ A,C 1~n I P /7 ~ 1 bard ZO,'6 29 ' R,A le lbl bed O.e 8,S e.d S,C 93rd 87sf 1-12 7$ 2~1 PIC dan 0 ~ 797 12 5 1-1$ -7$ I', f. p,n 6$ .4 69,6 e,d S,C 8,0. Ss478 fe.e d,o e.a 50 ' 7$ $ 9,6 ~ J,d 14rb 2,1 dsd PE 0 S',0 0 ~ 159 35 F 4 C.S e.a 6~ ~6 115 75 $ 6.$ lie 7~ zf 0 A~ 0 C,d a,'8 S ~ 141 81 ~ 3 S.e e,a 18.7 1-16-7$ 27 ~ 1 f6e2 14 ~ 6 aed c,e a,e 0~ dfl lied 4 lard 8,$ 17-7$ 2~1 56sJ ~1 7 e.n aed 8~0 0,8 0 ~ 294 $ 9e4 S~? 61 ~ ~ 1 19-75 2 1 22 ' 12 5 ~ 62,5 e.c 0~A e',0 8 ~ >29 25 ' 8~0 lf,d 1-19-7$ 6.$ 27 el Jde3 3~3 O.a 0,0 aeddi e.s 4 ~2 fd.J 39eb 1-2375 lan'.r a,c C 7~P 8~ 8 AD A PeC 8 ~ 012 16 ~ 7 2 1 ~~2 llel 21 7$ ddt J lb el d,e dee 0,0 0~8 SeC O ~ Sif 45,1 Zte9 8~0 died 1-22 7f ile0 14 ~ 6 lie 7 O,Z C,S s,a 0eZ49 4~2 2~1 9$ ad 8~8 2$ 75 31,2 ,8 22,9 0 ~ II p,a a.'S ~ Jdd 47 ' 2~1 5' 1-24 75 1 2$ 7$ l,l 2~1 e,c 29 ~ 2 Zsl ~$ ba ~ 4 52 F 1 1,3-lbe7 e,o 29 at 8~a e,a e,p e,a 0 S ~ $ 51 Srll4 lf,e 14 ~ 4 e.o e.a e,p 2' df;4 1-26 75 PE 0 lied 12.5 $ 2el 2eed e.c S,o de 695 s,e e.s f2e1 47 ~ 9 tl 7$ td 7$ 5$ ~ 2 tfee ited lf,o ~ 7,8 ~ 3 C,a C.o 0 ~0 ded e,a S,a S,C s,e Solid I lbf ~ dl . 2 lee.a Oeo e.o 12 ~ 1 I,a 29 7$ 14 ~ 8 14 ed 22 ' Ze.d 22s9 o,n 8~0 s,bal 2' e.e leod 1-$ 7 7$ ~ ,2 lte9 22 ' s,e aeo aed 0 ~8 8 ~ 248 70,1 O.e 29 ' 1-31-7$ 25,5 53e2 21 ~ 3 C,C Osd O,d n,e SeZSl 19 ~ 2 6,4 ,5 O,d 1 lf 7$ ,5 " 26e5 c ~ '8 P'.A P.n 8~ I d,a a.o 8~0 0,0 Oe091 O,S77 8~ 8 7 ~ lca,a o,a 2- 2-75 75 ~ ts,e 0,0 Oed 0,0 2~1 ~ 97 ~ 9 S,'0 J 7$ if,d 54 ' e.a 0 ~0 A,d R.e a.s e,e 8,0 selt> 0 ~ 1C6 Oeo 9$ ad bet 0'.3 2 4-7$ 59eJ 41,7 A,A e.s lao 8 a ~8 8~3 2- 5-7$ 7?e7 27 ed Asa 1.e AD 8 0,8 s,e 0 ~ ddb e,a 0>.$ ref e.'0 P.RIA) 4955 2$ 7 $ 4,2 22 li ~ 7 Z,d e,s 0 ~ 31$ fes) 16 ~ 4 25 ' PKRCfleT Ol)TRIPUTIOR Of CURRKIIT )PKKO Asob OIRKCTTOR fOR $ TATIOR 4$ PRKPARKO fOR ANKRICAR KLKCTRIC 89 LROKCO 5 P K K O 5 CFP)) O 1 k 5 CPARAuKK TO 5k@8K) a.l fsf 1,8 2~d PAT ~ AVC ~ rlORTN KAST SOUTH VKST ) lf 7575 7 ~ .1 21,2 3~7 a 1 ' 0~0 II ~ I sist lto,e 8~8 a ) ]4 41 ~ 9 41 ~ 1 ds) tel a,d AORS e,e O,t 8 ~ 14$ las,s O.e e,A P,S )-17 75 isa' ~ e h t,h ~ 8 PE I ~ I - O,t S ~ CP7 )Pete C.e S,A 0 h 15 dard 5,) 2 1 hee ~s1 o,a .'1 ~8 Os ~ 48 11$ ,$ 8~8 tea ) 19-75 )2 15 81 ~ 3 9' )Set 2~1 ~ .,e h,a ~ ~ I'.C b,h P~0 as'7 8~8 Sst S,e es024 ~1 11S,d 9' s,e tel PE P Ie t,l C,t )2115 91ef d,t Pet 2- ~ 8 0~ II a,o Ose e.s)9 12,5 I ~ 3 8~ 79,2 ) 22 75 37,5 29 ~ 2 lac 5 a~ CD I ssh Oe2J9 c,s J9,6 29e2 ) t) Tf 44 ' 3' 0 3~P INC 1.'a eeed4 Adrs ~ ,8 14 ~ 6 14 ~ 1 ) 2 '75 5~3 P,C'8 1 28ed e,s J,a $ ,444 d4,4 14,7 12.5 4~2 )2 15 de) 8~3 29 F 2 ~ 4 e,e S,C Oe991 41,9 C.S ~1~1 le 4 ) 26 75 21,1 29 at 2te9 2tsd CI ~ I b,t 8 ~ J14 S,J 27.1 48 ' ~ Aat )-27 75 27 ~ 1 44 ad he) b,a h,d a,d O,'a a',a Oe 148 8~0 tel '97e9 ) 24 7$ $4~ ~ 37sS 2~1 2,1 0 C ~ P ~ salle 4~2 10,1 77 ~ 1 th tel tel ) 24 Tf lde7 52,1 III ~ II h P,t O,f42 . ds) 14 ~ 4 75 ~ 8 II, ) 1f 1 aea dna 81,3 le st e,a $ ,819 ~7 9 8 I ~ ) )1 Tf 3~ ~ 55,3 1k ad teP ~ t,e $ ,)d4 ~ 91 ~ 9 8~ I ~ tel 15 6,1 I'7,3 24,5 1~P a 8~P I Set)3 20, ~ ld,) '1,1 4~1 ~ a 75 4 72,9 d,) ~ ~ 2 4~2 e,d ~ 0 8.293 2~ 1 4C ~ 4 Jfe4 2~ 1 ~ ) Tf 45 ad )a 4 lhe4 Cl 0 ~ 2 29 ' S,t 1,$ 52 S~d 2~1 79 F 2 ldr1 a I ~ ~ ~ 4 75 5' 39,6 4,2 ~ Ie,aI a,a 8 F 285 4s) 4' ~1 ~ 7 4 7$ 4' 4' ' ~,1 aal Itsd8 0 ~ 293 2.1 1 ~ ~6 79e2 ~ ~ 4 ~ 4 15 45 ~ 8 25,$ 2el ~ a,b a,t Se248 e.'e 22,9 7$ ~ 8 d,2 75 2' 65 ~ a 4~ 2 2,1 S,P ~ 0 0,173 75,8 lde1 ~ 4 75
    4. O-rf 31,5 3).3 fthm 4~ ~ 4 h P h,ih a,b PE II 0
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    44. 7 33,3  :,a a,h b,t h I,$ 71 C.I
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P ~ 'I lee'.n 0.316 IPC.J Jet 5- S-tf 12 ~ '3 dded id et 0, F 27 ICS.O ?ted 5 5 575 77$ ~ te0 SR ~ 3 4S ~ 8 i,t 0,1 ~ I 8.298 0 ~ 227 54,2 if 89 2 0 39eA 37,'3 4~7 14 ~ 7 5- 6 73 37.5 6?,S o,o ' 3 C,.l 0 ~ I?1 27 ~ I 5 075 33 ~ 3 SA,J heP J 1,P d ~ 143 62.5, 27 ~ I 1?e ~ 5-Ih-75 1>>,t 83,3 rt Jes il. r t,ldd At,< JS ~ 4 5-11 7$ I'2 75 tt ~ I ~ s,n 14,4 2' l?,S '>> CD J 0 F 232 29.2 J,r 2?el 5 ~ 3 7$ )~P 0 Sdl 1?a.e 0 ~~ 5-13 7$ t,l 4 37 ' ~ I 7 R,.l I ti451 Il'0, J ne .I, I $ 1475 51<<73 ?1 ~ I 41 7 lied ~ ~ J9 ad 41,7 2~ I P,1 P,J h J,P, 0 3,471 tll 77.1 lta.e IS ~ 7 0,0 8 ~ ~ 5 14. 75 4.1, 4 39,d t,p 0 ~ ~ 67 1?0,0 e.e P,P= 5-17 75 2 I Sd ~ 3 34,6 9 J,ee C ~ 467 1."e. J e.d . C,P 9,' 5-10-tf TS,h Idit I 9,1 I tdl 2 I 't  ? 0~ 07;9 a ~3 ~ C P $ 1473  ?,I 2?,0 62 ~ 5 12 ~ 5 .1, 1 h P 0 360 lne.e e.o 5-20-75 ~ I, ~ 5 ee 9 alod 1?C.S C.d 5 2'I 73 ~ ,9 52.1 41,7  ?~I ,I 0 247 93.4 e.d r ~ 1 6,7 5-2 75 23-73 9~I ~7 9 I 5' 4.3 h t 4,316 264 77.1 lid 9 t.r e,t 5 5-24-TS 5 25-7$ 4 27 ~ I JOE 27,1 7.hid fat I~ ~ 4 it J,J i P 9 0>>35f 0 ~ 157 IPC,J Si,t d 0 d C 43,d t 2~I P 0~ I S-ti-tf 5 27-75 JO,<< tr SR,J SAil 1>>l, 7 6~1 1 3,1 J,r a,r n,it 0 0.182 llf Jl. iS.'4 3 Sd.d 14 7 ~ ~? ~~2 JJ,J ',2 5-2<< 7$ << 77,1 2~I I a,l 1.1 J 15 ~ Ad, 4 I C,t 37,5 5-20-75 3 dI,J det J~ I 9 ~ P,J 0.179 72. P 12 ~ 5 n ~ 'I S-J.-75 84, ~ S.S J ~1 ~ II 0,214 OI. 5 8.5 . 7 I 75 il'3, 7 I~ 3 u I d 237 41 ~ 8 e.e 7 773 3-tf 21 I 4,2 ~ Ii h t Cl il, O J.r 0~ ltl 03. 6 4~2 8~2 P ~ 7 4 TS ~,2 4 e? ?S.P 27,1 5,I,J 7 ?9. 2 I{',7 r.r 0 ~ 45 81 ~ 3 2~ I 16 ~ 7 7 P 1 374 41 ~ 7 6>>J 7 << tf I tr  ? dteS IA I 'I ~ 91.7 8if'I 7 4 tf 7-75 19 4 2' 44 ~ 4 0 SSO Iha c~ .~ 7-  ? die<< 14 6 0.16 ~ 4f.d Ia 4J ~ 8 7 <<75 $ <<,t S,J 0,1 ~ ~ 20 ~ 4 2{', 6 7- O-tf ?I r tr,e>> i 'Si td. 4 29,4 <<34IOJ 4 ~ 41 45,7 ZJ 5 0 ~ 247 16.3 Pf RCCNT QISTRIOUTICV OF CURRCRT SPCCD 4VO OIRECIIOV FOR ST4TIOV ~ 5 PRCP4$ $ 0 FOR 4OCR!CIR CLCCIRIC RT CVOCCO 5 P 2 8 D 5 <FIS I R IROTO 34TT Prl e.J 1~0 t,C >>>>6$ ATC >>>>ORTN CIST SOUTI>> e>>1ST 7-$ 4-TS 43.3 Jb,l art '8 ~1 PIC S,t 0 ~ el " 0, ~ d,l 93.3 P,t 7 17-75 72e9 27 ~ 1 0~3 3~0 O,t ~ $6 tel P,R 9' a,t 7 15 7'5 F 1 72 ~ 9 25 ~ 0 0~P 0~0 a,a t>>24 leo. ~ tea a.e a,t a'I 19 P.P 8,3 64.4 27 ~ 1 e,a O.e 0~8 t'ai $ 90,0 0 0 S 0 a,'t 7-ti TS 7S 'l-tl 75 2P,d 47,9 46 ~ 7 4f,d 12 ~ 5 de 3 S,C 0,0 0~3 s,a Oea a.'0 O,C 0,0 told tall 83 ' 29 ~ 2 lt,f ~ 29 F 2 ~ a.'3 lal ~ rt 0~p 7-22 83 ~ J 4 lsd' ' 8 0 PE 3 0 0 0,$ 4 77,1 2t>>9 0~8 P 72375 12>>5 47 ~ 9 37 as tel aed a 0 O,t OS 24 lea.e- P,C Oea Oat 7 24 7'5 14.d 40 ~ ~ 25,0 a,a a,s P ~0 C ~ 22 89,4 4~J 4 ' tea 7tf l-tb 75 7'5 P,C 4~3 bt ~ 25,0 ~ 20 ad 46 ~ 7 ibad 2 a,a a,t Oea C,C c,a 3,3$ 6 ~ 31 54 ital ' 14>>7 la ~ lt4 3 ~ 5 ta.d 0 p 7 2774 CD 0 33>>3 54,2 12>>f 0>>$ 0 ~0 e.a e,34 .108 ~ 0 t.e ~ 0~0 0~ i 7 tS 75 31 ~ 3 bord a.e 0.0 0~8 Oro 0,0 $ .$ 3 dd,d Jl 3 ~ 0,$ e 7 2) 75 lt>>S 70,8 16 ~ 7 aae S.a 0~8 a,e 0 ~ 19 ~ $ ,7 56>>3 2>>1 0~P 7-Ja-ls 35, ~ bt, ~ 4,7 O,P 0~0 O.a t>>14 29>>t bd,d S.e 2~ I 7 3175 tt>>9 42,5 12 ' 2~ I e,d a.a P.e P ~ 17 47,9 22>>9 te,d 8,3 8 175 31 ~ 3 Stol ltd' 4 ~3 e,o 0~0 e,a 0>>ll 25ee 4>>3 64,4 ~~2 4 275 tl',d ~ f,d 3' c.a ltd' Pra aee 0~0 0>>21 91 ~ 7 tel O.e 4 '~ 1-75 25,$ de, ~ 14.d $ ,0 O,O 0,$ a,a Poli 22>>9 25>>0 4$ ,7 10>> ~ 75 t,t 35,4 ii>>7 22 ' 2f.a 8~1 tel 8~0 ~ ~ Rr 37 0,8 0~s a.a 28>>d 8,.'I 6 575 P ~ I>> ld,d 54>>t 0>>0 OS P 0>>48 91el 0~0 4 7'5 4>>3 89 ~ 4 4,2 p.e $ >>9 s,a a,p C~ Sett tl '08.0 89 F 4 1$ ~ 4 e.e a.e 1.3 c~r 4 775 4~3 dJ>>J 10.4 $ >>S Cea P,P I>>,0 8 575 31 >> 3 44 ~ 7 2~1 a P~5 O,a 0 ~ 13 de 4 $0 ~ 4 a.o e,c 79,2 iles a s a.c C,P all de 3 14>>l 8~0 0, ~ $ 9 75 12.5 d>>3 0~7 0 7'5 2,1 33 ' 4 ~ eb a>>3 0~S o',e P ~ Sd lao.e t,e e,a 41175 ~ 3 d>>3 35.4 54 3 3~3 e.e a.e tef1 - lpa.o p,e 0~0 O,d 4 lt?5 t,a 2~ I 35 42 5 8~0 aea 0,0 0 F 53 bent 100.0 p,e S.e C.t 11 75 R,P 4~2 J9 ~ 4 56 3 RE 7 8~0 $ ,0 0>>51 100,0 s,e O.a 0~0 41475 12 ' 77,1 $ $ ,4 P,C Oet c,a o,e , Cold Jlr 3 lded ~1 ~ 7 4,3 8 15 75 8.3 58>>3 1 8 e'8 2>>1 0>>0 a,e 0>>JJ 0~0 70>>d 29 ' 0,$ 14 75 25,$ bord 4>>3 aaa a,a S.t r.'.r , tils a.c lie 1 tt>>9 a,t 17 75 31 ~ 3 43rd $ 2rf 0>>5 s,a 0 ~P t>>2$ 27 ' 39>>4 JJ ~ 3 a,o 15 75 22,9 4$ >>d 8' a,a s,a e.a e ~0 Paid 54 ' 25,0 1$ ~ 8 2 I~ 75 18,$ 79,2 tel 0,$ ST 3 des 0,$ tali dl 3 18 ~ 8 S.e s,o '8 23 75 ~ ,2 40, ~ JS ~ ~ e.s S,P s,a e,s Oetl 89>>4 ]a ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~0 6 tl 75 22 75 c.e 2 ' 45>>d 37,5 35>> ~ fb>>J ld ~,2 8 1 ~0 a,a a~s e,a O ~ 0 t>>JJ a>>32 77 ~ 1 09 ~ 4 14>>7 le.>> ~ 4 0 ~ J 1~p 1 42375 P.e " 0 ~ $ 3, ~ $ 9.4 1~3 trc R,O debi 108>>0 ~ 0 0 ' 3~0 C.R O,t .29 ~ 2 la 8 0>>O eea R,d a>>54 led >>0 P,s 0 0 4 24 75 42575 4 24 75 ~ 2~ 7,9 I to 8 '4l 7~ ~ 9 2' Oea ~ 0 ~v aea 0 a 0~8 1.0 0~ P>>13 il "lea 29 ~ 0 o,e 4$ ~ 7 e.a 14>>l '8 ~ ~ lt,f 4 tl 7'5 25-7'5 '22,9 44>>4 72,9 12 ~ 5 2.5 0~0 t I e,a e,o aea t.s a.a d>>15 Se 19 12 ~ 5 4 TS,C ta,d
    12. f e.e O.t ibad R
    29 75 12 ~ 5 tfet '>>3 4$ ed f2,1 SaJ JT,S a.e 2 I tet S,e P,O a,'0 2 e 0>>24 li bshe 61 ~ 3 12es a.e O.e 2~1 0~2 I', ll ~ 33 75 ~ Ceo lsd 8 R Jl 7'5 ts',a 57 ~ 1 ld,d e.c o,a 0:0 79 ~ 2 8,3 $0 ~ 4 2~1 a PERCENT DISTRIOVTIDH DI'VRRCRT SPCCD SRD DIRECTION FOR STSTIOH 4$ PRCPRRED I'DR RNCRICRN CI,CCTRIC OT CRDCCO SPCCD$ .TFIS I DIR5 ARDTD $ ITE Oel S.S tent a.f 1,0 t.a dee . STC ssORTII LIST 'SOV'ls 'E$ T tf ~ t lf Sod 31 ~ 5 Slra 50,0 14 ~ ~ 4 $5~5 I,a ted 8 8 o.e I as 0,4 I, ~ ~ s$ 4 a, 11 OS' $ $ ea 'tif ldll ~ ea 2~1 a,p 2~ 1 ~ Self Oe4 0~2 Ofr ~ 58,8 Osd aia aoa Po50 Star ~ Oia 4ea eet 0 07$ ides dd ~ 7 18 ~ 8 Sos aia S,S a,o 0,17 $$~5 54 ~ 5 I ate 0 $ 7$ Silt $ $ o$ tel 4 ~ id tel II~ ais 8~8 eie oils Stol 21 el ta. ~ ~ 5 0,8 dtef tel ded 8,4 I'etf 75 ~ I I 7 '5 $$~5 0~4 0 I 70 P~4 18, ~ fdol 41i$ 4' 2 lt.f a,s o.a Ses I8 4~ d,a I sita leer ~ ~5 8~0 14 ra Oea ate 8~e 0 8 0 ~ ~ Self Oes $1 ~5 0 ~ r4 e,a 0 ~ 7$ Serf dte5 S,S 0~ I sos Osa 0.'a Sell ltef .41 jl 4.$ t,e 0 1$ 7$ 10,1 72 ~ '0 ised S,s 0 ~5 o,a 8,0 sold Sl of t,5 0 ll ltlf lf ~ ,2 tel lt,f tf,d fde$ 1~ 4 lard s,a 0,4 Peda da, ~ ~ -tel Ooa Sfed trl 0 tol Oia ra 8;8 4~0 aitl tao ~ ;1 4.$ 12 ~ 5 Ool$ 7$ des 41 is 'ldod tol P.d S s',8 e.o I0 0'e lt ill idio 5 ~ dtid lit ~ lel 0~2 ~ 1 do15 0$ ~ 4 5 dot 4~4 Ois ~ Sra 0 Stol ~ I ~0 0 1$ 7$ t-ld 7f ld ~ 24 ~ 4 1 41 ra 10 ~ 2 tol ee ~ Soe 8~0 did oie 0~0 S,P 8~4 I'e15. selt Sled 4~o~ 0 ~ ea Sfod I0 ~ ~ d,a 8~2 17075 tlsl lt, ~ 8~ I 4,0 I as a,d Set Sill dfid ides a.a t,r lf 7$ 75 ~ 1 ~ '7 fd ~ 5 tel sea Ois I s,o '4$ ~ 5 e,e 019 fp 5 ~ Fet- $1~5 ts la ~ 4 o.a o,w t,t OS tell'ill " ter ~ fd ~ 5 10 ~ 0 .14 des 9 2$ 7$ $1~5 focal ted S,s Sit tiffs> lass ~ 0~0 0 ~8 0 11 1$ e,S s,e Ost Of.e a,a I 8 de 0 I 10 laa, ~ 4 ~0 0,0 8 ~ '1 tt ~ ~ 0 0 22 7$ 2$ 7% P.S 4,$ 01st 4' fsoo bifid des o.t 8~8 e.s s,e 8,4 0~ 144 ~ I II ~ ~ 1 OS 0 de 14 ~ ~ fo ~ idea $9~4 4~P 02I 0 2$ 75 7$ aip 0,$ dfod 70,2 ld ed 1~ ~4 ~ 4,8',d dee 4 ~S s,a ivsta p,te, 12 ~ 5 fa,e e 27 el $4 ~ $ trl ST 8 ST 4 $$ ~ 5 ld ~ 7 Ses 020 75 0 271$ p,a lds'1 tlel fd 5 aid 0,8 Pefd isa.s Aee 8 ~8 a,d $0 ad dard 4,4 Sed Sos 4~8 0,0 a,eo dao ~ $ 9 ed e.e I',8 0 251$ 10.0 dss$ 2 I.s a,d a,s a,p Celt 7tet 0297% 05115 I trl l 29it ldr7 dt 1 f tel Osa Sep I8~ sett les.e 27' el is e.a e.'I 5,'e 1$ ~ O d 5 0~5 Pes s,a ae$ 4 lea.o 8~8 s.a 8'.r IR- 1-7$ 2 1 dtid I ~ 5 h,s S,d O,O tied 14 ~ 0 1 0' 7 lto9 '1 ~ 2 1$ 2~1 91 ~ 9 4~8 0,4 4,'S Fold dIed $$ ~ I a.d 14 $ 7$ I P.t 14od 70.2 dl, Ssa S.S 8,4 a.le les.o I.e 0~ I 4 3 7$ 7$ $1 ~5 ld,d 0 ~ ed 22,0 ~ ,2 12 8~S Sod 0,8 8~0 0~0 d.e pelf Pisa 44ed Sar< I ~ J deed Od ~ 8 di$ a.s 14 id I 7-1$ 75 ltr5 $1~5 70 ad db,l ld 2ol 1 a.o Pea " 8',4 Sid S,P 8~ -2.8 I selt et ll Il 9 ta.d ~ $5~5 14 ~ 4 PE 1 P ~ 19et a.d 8 ~P 5 7$ $1 5 44,4 O.o ,e,e '0.4 Rod 8~8 d.e . 'S.S Pelt -". tlel 72,0 0 0 Sop 9 7$ 14-1$ -1$ $7~5 e ~0 dt tert ~ 5 7' S,a e.o S,O s,a S.'P silt e ~ v Se.e df, ~ 8 0 ides 4 ~ $0 1st ~ 0 p,e 8~0 0~P s IRI07 LVSSI lf,d $1 ~ ~ ti d 11$ Oit n,a dd ~ 1 2$ ,$ ll d 2~ PCR>>ENT OlllalSUTlON OF>>URRCNT $ PEEO-ANO Oldl>>TSON>OS ITATlON dN paEFARED Fod Axesl>>AN ELE>>sdl>> ST ENSE>>o tent 5 P C C 0 5 <FPRS 0 l R. 5 SPARALLEL TO SHORES OATE be$ lee 2 I' ~ I HA%, AVO NOSTN EAST SOUTH HEST 1\-11 74 19 ~ 7 1$ >>0 4~$ 'R ~ 9 0~0 ~ ,0 0,0 4 ~ ~ 12 14 ~ 5 ~ I 52>>t $ $ >>$ st-12 74 54 ~ 0 b,S 29e2 41 ~ 1 2' 58 ' e.e I'd 0>>0 0 I 0>>0 II 4,0 ~,~ I Sdt 0,$ 0$ 41 ~ 9 10 ~ >>0 10.4 II 41.7 4.d ~ .e 12 1$ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ >>0 12-14 74 19 ~ '2 Rise I.e S,b ~ I>> ~ ~ >>0 II~ 0.058 91>>7 II~ 8>>$ Ss ~ 12 15 1 ~ 9 di ~ 7 Seri 0.0 do ~ b>>4 0,0 ~,149 4~$ ~ ~ 89 ~ 4 ~~R 12 ld 14 0 ' ld 1~ 29>>t 54 2 1>>0 0>>4 4.0 0,507 101. ~ 4>>4 ~ >>0 Orl st-S7-74 II~ 0.0 21 72.9 Os ~ ~ >>0 4, ~ I.fid 140>> ~ 0.0 .I ~s~ ~ oe 12-18-14 tsl 27>>1 10>>4 18,4 58>>$ Sd>>1 20 ' 4$ , ~ 0>>0 0>>I ~ >>0 0>>0 0.0 0,0 1.$ 89 0>>414 10 ~ >>0 sf re ~ ~ .I e.s ~ ol I, ist ~ 12 19 14 st 241 ~ te>>0 22e9 29>>t 71 ~ 1 47 ' e>>0 2 S. e.I ~~ 0.0 I ~ >>I I0.0 ~ ob ~, ~ 0>>254 0>>175 leis ~ $ 1>>$ 0>>0 0.0 ~s ~ 48 ~ 4 ~ oe 12 21 14 ~~ ~ >>0 st tti74 27>>1 42>>5 10>>4 0~ I 0>>0 ~,I I >>111 81.$ I F 0 10>> ~ 4 ' 2$ ?( $ S>>$ $5 ' 21 ~ 1 4>>t 0>>0 ~ ss 0. ~ I s2tf 100>> ~ ~.~ 0>>4 ~ >>0 1 2-2 ~ -14 22'9 11>>l $ 5>>i ~s ~ Rf >>0 $ >>0 1s.t de 0>> ~ Is,eI ~.~ 0,0 0>>14$ $$~ $ fd>>$ Ils ~~ dd ~ 1 ld>>1 Ir ~ 1'R-R5 74 Rd.d ~s~ ~ . $ 11 21>>l 12 td 74 'I I 18>>7 dire id>>7 4>>0 ~ II I 0,402 leis ~ 1>>0 ~ >>4 0>>4 st Rs 14 $$ ~ $ died 2~1 ~ 4 ~ sl l>>0 I 142 100>>l ~s~ ~ oe ~~ I st 28-74 95.8 ist I~~ 0.0 I0 II I ~ ~ ~ O'.I I. ~ 40 100>> ~ ~o~ ~s~ 4 ' II ~ 12 29 74 91 9 tol 4 ~ ~ 4 ~ Sss 0,0 ~,0$ 5 8$ >>$ 0>>0 ld>>7 $ 1 14 died $ 5>> ~ 0>>0 ~ .I e.I Os ~ 4. ~ l>>492 tt>>9 ~ .I $5s ~ 41.7 2-$ 1-7 ~ 41.1 27 F 7 led 0,0 4~0 ~ >>0 8.'I I oiei slef ~o ~ II 4 ' II 1 ~ 15 0 0 il>>9 58>>S 0,4 s.e 0.0 0,4 4,$ 20 ~ 1.9 S I fdsl ~ ERSOO AV>>SS $$ ~5 $4 ~ 1 21 ~ 2 11 ~ 2 1>>e 0~ I 0.0 0>>2$ $ 14 ~ $ ~ 5 18>>2 7>>0 ~ I'cRcc>>T DTJTR)ouTlo>> ot cuR>>c>>T 5Pcco b>>o o)hccT)ok F0R STAT)ov bk I REPbRCO FOR 4>>CRICS>> CLCCTR)C ST K>>OCCO SPCC 0 S. 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O.a 15 aot 3~~7 5)v I r 0 4 5 J~a Jed Sot)0 ~$ 0 4 4 4 3 3 ) )$ a ~ '> 8 to 5 dit 8.7 r. ~ J 4otll IFS.O Ood 4 7 Ye ~ 3 313 de,i $9 ~4 F Soh J 0 n.n Se403 41t,i 14,1 22 ~ 0 J 5- i 15 34 57 ~,I do 3 n 4 tvt 0 I dt ~ 54,2 tdol t5 ~ P Gen 4- h 15 7>>1 I 54eJ Oot 4 JSS IFl en 0 0 3 4 15 1-75 t 7.'9 24,1 ~ 24 if,n at il tte0 ~ 1 4 2 a,h 2 0 Fod r n.a ~ 8 0 241 ~ oldl )dot 4ot 0 4 45 2 I '4 lte5 itch4 a-75 30 a 22 F 4 27 I ite ~ Jen r Catt) 10 a dtof -tf 3 3 473 i 7 4~ 4 =30 4 iJ n.o t tn A n~ 4 r,t Sed ~ n 0~ ae245 til S,J O,a 2.1 -4eJ 0)v'0 later ~ 511 )5 312>5 >5 14 7 39ea ra ~,2 27el ~ 4 44,1 .n ~ 0 ~,> io er a> ia 4~ ltd le all 44 1 0)o0 0' e.s Idol litolJ gl 4 3IJ S-li-)5 75 2 I ll 8 di 4 29.2 5$ or 4 o'I O,t 8 i)I ~ l '95 ~ i,t 0 ~F ler 'R 1 I 4 4~3 4~F Self 54.5 idea lie 3 3-15 )5 3-14-75 ~ is P ~ 8 ln,i 25'.n ~ 3.8 Jot C,J A,S F,o aeJS l,ihi ~ dlrf lrl re 4' 0~8 i,t tot+ t J. v 1 $ -17 )5 ia 14 ~ 7 41 J 2' 0~r ae 358 1$ $ ~ Oed 0 3~ >-Ih )5 la ~ 7 ate 5 22, tl n,d v,>t 0 Rlf 07 0 2 I t'r 2 1 ~ 10 )5 57 I 45ed ri A,J n.e '0 It ~ ~ 70,4 10 ~ ~ S.F ]d,l 52')5 f. 3' 12 ~ 5 g.h 4~5 3 ~J P,F Salsa 1)el 14,1 4 ~ '0 4e7 Rl )3 34,a i),9 12 5 n;p 1 1 Ooa n 4 o lo144 79 ' tel 3 4 22 75 StJ)5 52.1 2> J if )A,R ~ 4 2~ ari I Oea 7~I J~5 7 J r.a Aet Sr llf 0 ~ 194 e.e 38.3 18 ~ 1 0,0 8 ~5 140 ~ r 4t,h Jo'8.4 'li-)f 54.3 i>an A a 0;t A ea,n Oel01 30 4 22.4 tt.l le,i 3 3 tf-)5 S-ta-75 Rf.o 22.9 fseJ Sa ~ 2 14,7 18 ~ 7 C~P r ned ~ '1 p,'n 4~n A JAP F,O at dalai C~ 143 ll,l 12 f 8,3 O.J ~ 1.9 7 te,h 3>.el 3 2) )5 )7 4 I n,a Cet iet 3' 5-2'h-)3 ' R). ~ p n~0 4 ~ 044 33. 3 22 9 8<<.a li,d F.a SIC J,n ~ ts'.a JJ ~ 3 29 at 12,$ 20 15 7 54,3 t.e 4 rot Fat 4.3 0 ~ 11'0 idol 8 3 taoh $ JC )f Ja.) aa,d I) e'4 F~P CD a J.C a.lsi 74,4 d.f 4~F lio4 7- 1-75 81,4 ld,t J..> a,r p,n do l9a 95.9 C,O iI )  ?)3 33,1 4). ~ 3 ~,2 0 ~ 129 91,7 2 I Ard dot ~ ) 373 1 ~ 75 Su In.i 14,7 Stol 37.5 7.0  ! AS Ae2 4  ! 4~J A,a 0 dad Sethf St,l hl 3 29.2 8~3 4 2 It Ia,i 5 7- h-lf i,t2 75.0 Rav 8 A,J P,r F.'e O.itd it Ind.n ~ O.e 0~ t re 1-473 1 175 P,F ~ ddol ~ 4 ~ 12.f ,4 3>.2 g,t d.r A,p> ,a e. ~ 4.172 58.5 73.$ is S.e ~ i dot Ia ~ i il ~ ~ o2 7 7 8)3 $ 4,7 Sar) 21 I d.h ~I 'a. t 0 ~ 224 77 I 4 7 lao) 1 975 84 ~ 7 e,p 3 ai. P Joldl lpe.i S.e PER>AJ auCS> 21 h i7,9 19 8 e.tad al.d 4~8 19 ~ I $5~ I PERCENT DISTRIBUTION CF CVRRCNT SPEEO ANO OIRCCTION FOR STATION 4N PREPARCO FOR ANCRICAN ELECTRIC OT CNOECO 5 P C C 0 5 IFIS ) 0 I R 5 (ROTO ) JATE a,l O,J e.$ l,e tet iea ~ lAX AVC NCRTN EAST SOUTH NEST 7 14-1$ 7 17 15 55 at 2>>1 44 ' 15,e O.e 28>>d 8,8 2>>1 8~9 O.d c,e Oee I,P P,t 0 ~ 09 C>>2$ 1)et O.a O,a P,a 4 180 '6~ 0 31,9 0~0 115)$ 3' 41>>7 28.8 0,0 e,a ITS O.a 8 el) 29et 2)el 43 ~ 6 s'.e 7 19 15 4~3 35, ~ SA,J Ses Ies O,t. 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'P,O a,s 0~0 0,0 a.c I,A A II 5-7'I 9 75 14>>b 5tel lt ~ 47,9 9 12>>$ see 0,0 P ted 8~3 ~ 8 ~0 8,0 S.e a,s 0 ~ 16 p,le 69>>4 4>>2 8~3 Riel tod 50.0 2>>1 16 ~ 6 A-id-)5 t9 at ales at 33;3 2 ~ 1 0~0 8.'e a,t O>>J4 5 ' 2 lied Zt.9 6,3 1115 P 8 2~ 1 lte4 )7 ~ 1 10>>4 0,8 0,46 54>>t 0,0 e~0 45,6 A A 12 75 O.t 4>>3 44 ' 29 ~ 2 ebs a.a 8.'e t,it >> 19 ~ 2 e.d 2d,d ilJ)575 P.I d,s Sb ~ J 33>> J 2>>1 e,e 8~s Ibid 56 ' P,t 41>>7 A 14 4 33 ' 21 ~ 1 JJ ~ 3 Sed 0~0 8~8 Ss 3)e 22 ~ ~ 2 = 'bd,d 4~7 6 1$ -75 Zel 25>>0 29 ~ 39>>4 ist Oss. 8.0 arid s.e a,o 170 ~ 0 8,8 A A-i) 14 15 2$ .a bird 2'0,4 P,A s.o Ied I ') Osa e,a 8~0 0~ e,lJ l) 0~0 ir 4 2S>>0 72 ~ 9 tel 75 4J.S 45>>8 18,4 ~ e,a 1 25ee 28. d 39,4, A 15 75 54>>3 41 ~ 1 2~1 8,0 0 ~ ) 8~0 et,0 8,09 4>>J 25 ' 41>>7 Riel A 19 7$ 5d.s 39,4 2 1 aet 8~8 a,a 8~8 I ~ 89 0.0 ZOet- )aed a ~c d-td-)5 27 ~ 1 41,1 31.3 8>>8 ariel . p,e 0~8 I ~ 22 54 ~ 3 10, ~ 2el 31,3 6 ~ 21 75 1 42,5 J1.3 ~ ,2 a,a 0,0 a.d 0 ~ 24 46>>S ~ et e.e Rl el A-tt 7% ld,d ~1 ~ 1 39 F 4 0.8 I3 ~ e~8 g >>Pl dead 63 ~ J 2~1 2 1 12 5 A 23 75 6,3 43 6 41,9 e,d I'd 8,0 PE 58 31>>5 0,0 e.e bte5 4 24 75 ld 4 20,8 54,2 14 ~ 4 0~8 a,O Oebb 69 F 4 t,a Oeo 10 4 A 4 24 2515 )5 29.2 ~ 4,3 le,d i'd 0 ~ 0 aea 0,8 s,a d,e t Ie$ 1 O>>1S 70>>d 41>>l C,S 37,5 2' 0>>0 2' a,p 6\175 Oes ll>>V 16.6 4,2 a,s t,o Soa Aet4 0,8 ~ ~ 2 9$ ~ 6 0,0 I sK>> A 25 )'I ts,e ~ 7,9 27 ~ 1 dsd tet 0,0 deit a,s tel 95,6 tel 4 29-7$ 29 at bed 4 4>>3 e,s e,a 0,8 I ~ 35 0,0 t,e 11 ~ 1 R2,9 75 4,3 JO,4 JO F 4 14 ~ 4 oea see 8,0 te 31 4 ' t,s )s ~ 8 16,6 8 311$ 0,0 29 F 2 ~5 ~ 8 25 ' a.a o.a 0,0 0>>39 100 ~ 0 Oea 0~P PERCENT DISTRIBUTION CF CURRCNT SPCED 4ND DIRKC'I ION FOR STATION 4N PREPARED FDR 4NCRICIN ELKCTRIC OT LNDCCD S P E E D S IFIS D I RS <RDTD I 34TE 0,1 Sel 0,5 l,a t.s 4,8 NAX 4VC NORTH KiSt SCUTN NEST o 175 4et 45 ~ 4 a,s a,e 8~8 8 ~ 49 led.s J,e a.e S,P 9 275 45 F 4 4,2 9~J e,s R,a 0,14 df 4~ s,e e.s 9 175 2 1 leod te.e fd,J e,a 0~0 8,8 Or52 da ~ 4 P,a S.a J9,4 15 ofed 4J,S 4 J e,s s.e 8 aotd 108 ' 0 ~8 S.e ass 9 57$ 14,4 44,4 2a.d e.e S.a 8,'a a,e Sr22 9J,S .- 2~1 2~1 2~1 9 475 14,1 Jl,f 45od Soa 0,8 Oe8 0,8 78ed tel deJ ld,d J'.0 o 175 42 ~ 5 Jl o5 0,8 e,o e~0 0.0 a'.25 108.'a p,e S.e eely 9 075 SS,J 41 ' O.e 0~0 a,a s 0 a, 10 leod lb,l 4' = ld,d o 975 lte5 afar tel e.e aea e,J Soil 0~0 2~1 Oleo 0~J 9-12-7$ lao ~ 44,1 22 ' 0,0 a,a 8~4 e,s Seta e.e e.s 91,4 4~J o-11 7$ JS F 4 fa ~ 0 4,2 lao ~ e,a s,e 0,0 Seta 47 so 12s5 25 ' 14oe 912 75 0,0 42 ~ 5 2too lord 0~8 Oss 0,0 O,JS 18ed 0,8 47 ' Jled o-1$ -75 card 27 el e.s Sea 0,0 8,0 Sett 52el Sea 14, 1 Ji,J 9 14 75 lief ea',4 7~1 Ooa Oea 0 ~0 II,S Jail 25 ' fera 25 ' 8 ~~ O 9 if 7$ 14 15 s.a died 9J,d 14,4 4 J ~ ,2 J,a e.e 0 8 Ooa P,e Oea 0,'e e,a 0 F 22 a,ee JJ a.s ~ 1 ~1 p,e ~ 7 91.4 25,0 4~J a,J 9 17 75 44,4 JJiJ 2~1 S.e Oea O,J e,o seed ale 1 ede7 2~ 1 0 ~0 o-1S 75 2~1 9Jed ~ ,2 e.e 8 ~8 8,8 0,0 0,'e Sol9 a.s tsl 97e9 4' 9 19 75 1~ re 75,0 18 ~ 4 0~0 8~8 era 0 ~ ld ~ ~ 2 deJ 7 28,4 92275 4o2 4Jed teed Jl J~ 0 ~8 e,e S.e Jose 8~0 0,0 ea.4 921 7$ Sea .R.e lse.s S,a 0,0 4ea a.s CeS 0.0 laa,r 9 227$ tel deed ld 4 la, ~ 0~8 a.a J,a re24 10 ~ 4 0 Tl e.e d9,4 9 21-75 ~ 1,7 58 ' J.a J.e Jea eea P,a Sold 41 ~ 4 died tf 0~ S,io 92415 Oea 54,2 41,4 P ~ ~ Oee a ~J etd 0,8 1 ~ ee 4S,4 8~J o t5 15 14,4 60,4 22 ' 2~1 0~7 0,0 0~0 O.ti ~ fed 89,4 29 ' 2f.a 0,0 S.r 9 2475 R ~ 0 8~8 22.9 75.8 2el 0 ~8 e,e Oral 0,8 9 21 75 4,J 45,d ol el 4rl 0<T 0,0 e~8 sr2d 52 ~ 1 ~ ~2 ~1 ~ 4 0~0 o-td-75 fdoJ 41 el 8,0 sea Oes J,e Seto e,e Ofed 8 8 o-29 75 SP,S 5' 0 8 0~8 0,0 S.e acta deJ a,a 14,1 15,0 o JJ15 0~8 idol 79 F 2 Sea 0~0 S,P 8 ~ Jo 188 ~ 0 p.e s.a 18 1 7$ 2~0 100,8 P,a a,a Ooe a,c Roll 140 0 III, 0 0 ~0 0~2 9!RIDJ lVCSI 14 ~ ~ 44,7 21 ~ J 11. 2 e,f s.e rote Sly 5 7,5 J4 ~ 0 ll ~ 0 PERCEHT OISTRIOUTIOH OF CURREH'I SPEED ARO OIREQTIQH FUR STA'TICH 5$ PREPAREO FOR AHCRICAH ELECTRIC OT EHCECO SPEEOS lFPS) 4 I R S IPARALLCL TO SHORE) DATE 6~1 I ~ J I o'5 fdic lo4 R.a 4 ~ I NAR o AVCe HORTH CAST SOUTH HEST lt 112-7474 Jd.f 4J.O dl e9 J9ed 18 o.e e.o I II~ a.e e.o s.e II ~ $ ,4 ~ .112 Oed I ~ 4 lease e,e 1 IJ 74 ft J9ed 1 t.l~ I.e e.a ~ elf 8 45 ad drJ JleJ $ 4ed f4 74 4f 4 14,d ~ 1 s,a a.e Ooa I e.o I.e ~ .28$ Sea ra Ira dea 8,$ 15 74 faei ~ dd,l 2S.O e'.I 6~ I ~ 8 8,8 e.a ~ .657 ~ 7od 14 ~ 7 Jdol I,s I4 ~ .22$ 8,1 Oea 9?e9 2~1 ~ t fd 74 A.J ld,7 Jfod 45.8 OeS ~ s.'e ~ ~ ~ 71 12,5 II ~ aea 47. f 41ol i'dII ~ 2 17 74 e,e 8 Ooa ~ oa 6.8 ~ ~ 527 8,1 a.o 188 ~ it-ld 74 2 1 28,d dse 4 1s,t e.a OoS SKI ~ rdid 54ot a.o 42-19 7~ 27.1 18 14 d 47 9 II II e.o .ioa I II lt 20Rf 7474 22.9 41e7 Jl ~ J 2 I.e ~ I.e II ~ ~ e.o ~ O.RJd 25 ~ 91,7 I~ ~ ~ Oea Io ~ 7S deJ ~ ~ 2 12 22 74 2$ .8 2$ .1 72,9 ito5 8 2 12oS o.'e Iea ITS Ie.s8 e.e 8.8 8.18$ I ~ 8 4~2 9f ed II ~ it 15, ~ Jf et Jlo J ~ Is.aI 8.0 8,144 72 a.o 18 ~ 4 ld 7 ~ lt RJRi 7474 Oea ~ I ~ otal tde? se.i ~ Rel 58,J idled die 1 e.s I.e Oe ~ 4 ~ ~ 1d5 II 8.4 I 8,8 at at RS Rd li 74 22 2 ' Sled 14 ed 25 )s.a ' 18 7 d J 4ea Oea a.s ~ <<4 o,a 8,4 ~ I I ~ Rda Jdt 188 4' ~ I "' I.e SOS ~ 14 ~ d a.e ll,lI S) tl 74 28 li JJ ~J di,d 2~1 II II II~ ~ ee $ ,8 I,'a I ~ 1JJ 72,9 ~ ~ 8'.a s.e 8~ Rlr 1 4? lt ides 110,8 I o.'e lo4 I.e ~ I.e 8,8 I.e 8,1 I ~ ~ Otd 41.8 te.o Rel JJ ~ J 29 74 it-Je-74 18$ ~ I e,e ?ted 2el e.s Oea e.a e.I I ~ 427 R5 ~ 8 4' 22 ' ~J ~ d lt Jf-74lf 75 ddea ~ Ji,e e.o Ood e.e Ill Ooa 8,8 ~ e 474 47,9 I.a Rfe ~ 2?of 8.0d9 of 4ef e.e e,a 1 12 ? Ji,l 49 ' 4 ~ 1 e.e e.s 8,0 4 '92 01 R.a R.a 9S ~ 0
    25. I II S AC 2 7$ 27 e 1 45 F 6 2 1 aoe ~ a.a 8.2$ 1 df; 8~2 Rel 18o ~
    J 7$ JSei 22 ~ 9 lied 27. 1 Ooa o.e a.o Or?91 le.i 21 ~ 4 le. ~ fd.l 1- 4-75 1-57$ 25.'e id el )Se4 dan 4 4rt 21,8 a.s e.e e.a e.e e.o OeO 8,$ e,its I SdO Ale 9 Oe4 I.e II.eI ~ Stol ~ lla el Sell 4-)S 1ded 72,0 82 2 a,e e.a 8,0 Oeldt tte< 52 F 1 del idol 7 7$ J7,5 da,i Rel II~ 8~ I a.e I $ ,1 I 12 ~ ~ 77re Rtr9 a,o II ~ 'I 8-75 14 7 81 1 e.a aea 1 $ ,1 O,ldf 9$ ei 2.$ Ref 0 75 22 ' )S,I ~ 2~1 I.e II~ e.e ~ I',e Oelif OS' 4.J 4 ~ '2 agee ~ <<2 10 7S 7 29ot iet 8,8 I.e I,S 8.198 f4ed died fdel sod 'I 11-7$ e.e 2~1 drt 77 ~ f deJ II ~ S.5 la 97. 0 2~1 I 0 II i-lR-)5 " 1 1J-75 S.l d,l Oed e.o I.e di,d 5A,J Jf I0 ~ 4 I.e a.a 8,8 4.1 I ~ 919 ~ 1,7 8,8 ~ e.a 58 ~ J ~ 41 8 ~ Oeftt AS,7 e.a fdo1 I ~ -75 I.e 18e ~ 79,2 18 ~ 4 O.r e.e s,e I 891 5' s.a 8,$ 4f i-l5 75f7 2 ~ fr lie7 le,d d2 ~ 5 li.d 18 ~ 7 ILL I.e s.e e.o I'. e ~ a.ioo JJ.J 'I.e s.e de 7 ~ 7 14 1-17-75 2 18 ~ 4 a.a 8,8 e.'a ~ .274 O'led 2$ .8 a.o e.a lf,a i-id-lf 54 at O,J 4led 19,d RE J1. 1 S.O 2S'8 8.8 e.o e.o II I Jtf 85.4 e.a - I'.e lird 2 2t.0 So.a I.a Oee 5 a.'s 10-7$ 2,1 JJ ~ 1 41,) II a.s Iea 8.1 I 177 ~ = I,O Jlef d2,5 Rs)5 217$ Rs.a 4,2 5del 4f rl
    18. 7 5 2 s.e
    ~ 0~8 8,0 e.o I.e I,O 8,6 e.sol I Rlf J'9, 4 JSei 25 ~ o.a I Rlsf doJ 1 ~ 8,$ died 22-75 18,4 d.J leod 18 ~ 7 2~1 a,o OeO e.o e.'e I 228 ~ deJ e.o 89 ~ 4 tel 1 RJ475 24-)S le.i Riel 79,2 58 4.2 I Oea e.o 4,8 s.e Oe J14 2' 2 ' deR d2,5 18 ~ ~ 1 OeO ~ ~ 198 58 ' e. ~ Sel 1 t5 75 Oea Jded 27 F 1 ft,f ~ Ra.d O.a I.a a.'SJS 52 ~ 1 II.eI 41 ~ 7 i,ti 75 o.s s,e 29.2 45. 4 Rfe ~ II ~ O. I ~ ed ~ 4 ~e~ Oe ~ ~ 47 lee,d 1-27-7$ 1-td-75 80,4 di 8.5 2~1 I.e I6 Iod 1,1 s.a I ~ 817 J ~ od 2~1 I.e 41 ad ~ 4 JJ ~ 1 2 1 Ie ~ e.o 8,1 4eSdl I.a JJ,J 48 7 I.a 29 7S $ 8.4 4~2 JJ.J idol 8 ' 8,8 0,551 1$ ~ 4 $ .1 J5 ~ 4 Si,t Jd-lf 2~1 4$ ~ 8 J),S li,d I.a II a.'a I 12 ~ 45.4 II e.e 54 F 2 1 Ji-lf 1~ ~9 dee9 ~ .J s.e e.o a.e $ .4 I ~ 170 27 F 7 ~ 48,1 8,$ 1 75 8.2 80ed Jl,f 2 I 8.6 Iea 4' ~ 8,1)J a.o 71 ~ 4 Red S,e t- 2 7$ 82.5 a.a e.o Oea I.e 8.'e 1.889 8,4 54,2 45ed 0,0 2- J-)$ 2 1 ddsc d J O.e II s,a 4 ' I.e II Rla I ~ 0 2~1 '97 ~ 0 a,e 4 75 $ ,$ 58,J 41 ~ 7 ~ cue orO ~ 278 I.a 1~ ~8 85,4 I.e  ?- S-7$ 2S,O 75 ~ 6 d.a O.e e. ~ S.a I 149 S I 91 ~ 7 8 I.a Ie.s4 ~ 4 75 14 ~ 4 o'.e ~J 8 29 ~ 2 4,8 ~ 0,$ s'.e I Jfl ~ ~ I.e 2' I.e 78,4 7 )S 27 ~ 1 72.9 Oea 8.589 JJ ~ 1 e.e s.a di ~ 7 .RIOJ AVCS) 25 Jd el Rl ~ 5 ll ~ 4 a~1 e.s I ~ 289 9,9 19 ~ 4 JJ ~ 1 PERCER( OTS(RTPUTTOII ar CURRERT SPEEO Ahn a(RECT(04 roh Stht(04 55 PREPAREC rQR ANERTCAN ELECTRIC AY LRDECO 3 p E E 0 5 (rpsl 0 1 R 5 (PARALLEL Td SIcORET 3Atf 8,3 P,5 l,e t,n ~ ~2 ~ IAX~ AYC ~ SORTS EASt SOU(4 VEST 3-15-7$ 94,3 3~7 h.a c ~ lc C',2 S,P e,t J.aid 02 ~ 4 e,c 7~~ 3 '16 ~ 15 47eo 47,9 4 2 r,r 4 cl,a a,r 0 sill 95ed a,e e,n ~ ,2 3 10>>75 Tar,r h,n ~ Per S,C 2~ I Scott lta,a Ooo 8 ~I 0~4 3111$ 18 ' '\ p hrn 2,7 c,p e,'p I said 148 0 O.e p ~ is l.c 3-10 1$ 8$ , ~ lhrh c,o p,e 8 I a.esl 188 ~ I Sol I ~,'I i>>sr tr 21 75 75 12;,. 81 ~ h (' lde7 Cl tel Cot h~4 h~5 Oee an I,t~ C,P e.eti O.eda ltl,e 2Sed C.l a.a 75eP J.c 27 7$ 71,9 21,1 4 ~P 4,4 Pra A~ P S,od9 0~4 2rl 97r9 PssT 3-23 7f 3-24 1$ i'd 41 4 ~ $ 4,2 ldr7 4,7 iles 25.'e 4 ~ Cl dr2 J,P Cl Cl J,c Joa 0 I ~ ~ le 5 34J 17al 39ed 2el O,S tee8 fdo3 I 2rl ~ sI 325 75 1 ~,d 14 ~ ~ >? ~ 1 ltoS 8'.3 P def01 ~ 1st e,o 29 ~ 2 29 ' )-td 75 44' lie 1 ld ~ 7 a,d P,a Pre 0 '73 O,d tel 97,9 2~4 327 15 33 ~ 3 4tl ~ 4 dst 0,1 c,'e 0,339 e.s e.o las,c let ltd 29 15 75 1~ ~ 4 44 ~ 4 11,5 21,'e d,t 41 ~ 0 0~ C' s 2 d,t O,e 8 ~ 8,0 I Sett? I ~ 489 led F 3 e,d I,O ldl ~ cl 41 ~ 7 0 ~ es 5?el 3>> 15 lsd'ish tol 83, '1 lied a.s P,S l,dtd d,3 e,e 0~h 93 ' 3 3( 7$ 27,7 44 ad it,d O,a S,C 4,0 Oe321 'clef 8' 0~P dof ~ - 1 75 ~ t 7$ lh ~ 2 ~ 24,S 5hrt SSe1 idr1 Wrt 4,2 Cl ~ 8~3 1 P,s n,e I,t C 0.350 0 ~ 339 34 ~ 7 0,0 a,l ld,1 45,3 83rd e,s to1 ~ ~ 'T 7$ ltsf li,d ?too lish 35ri n,o 4,0 0 '78 ld,1 0~0 12,0 lech ~ 4 7S 14,1 its 4 ~ 1st 2' Se1 0,2 P,S 0 F 373 35 ~ 4 Sao desi 4~2 ~ $ 75 h do3 5P,O I AC 2 ~0 oo479 o,'0 Oed 100 ~ >>0 Sea ~ >>4 75 ~ 4 4~3 4P ~ 4 33rd Srt p,n ar4$ 2 s,a O.e linet P ~ ~ 7 75 7>> ~ I ldr1 1?r5 4 ' e,l 4',I 0 ~ aoo I 813 e,o 79,2 te,h 4 ~ 'r ~  ! 75 d" ~ 1 31 ~ 3 tel PE P 0 ~ 'I Orr. ~ o,d lease P,1 2 ~ (\ 4- 0 1S 34 67,S 8~P 4~3 O,n 0~4 de134 e,s 52,1 47 ~ 9 ar$ ~ 1 1$ 4.'(rh 3$ F 4 19 ~ 1 tel 1~4 0~A 4~4 Ia'.241 140 O,J 31os d2,$ 2~4 ~ 11 7$ ~ ~ 2 54 ' 3' Prt Sel i" e 2 erS d,e 2el 91,0 11 15 44 ' 21,1 F 2 ?el 0,0 I lld ~ 0,0 6,3 93,8 -(> 15 dard 21st 17.$ P,R 0~3 Ora 4 ~ CI Oell5 e,t 39,4 de ~ l,h ~ 4-14-75 Th 14 ~ 1 27o( 21 ~ 1 2>>1 o,a Orn 0~1 Ca "I r,l trt Cl ~ Cl 0 ~C 8,844 0,0' 0 ~2 O,J 2S ~ 0 8,3 1$ rn 91,7 ~ 14 75 tt 4 71r1 PE Prl 4 P,t O,S cl,e P ~4 ~ 1S1 I.a e,a (Sara eea ~ 17 91 '0 ~ et Poo O,P S,J C,t 1',r 0,828 Ia'.els tld e,s ~ so. 'I 7r'0 52s1 4-1$ 75 sn,p 2?r9 ~ at a,n e,e ~ 'SO,J 8~J ~ -10 75 ~ 8 2el 97,9 0 ' e,o Sse 190 ~ J e,s PEA ~ 2>> 75 29e2 30,d O,l O,e C,l 0~ 4fl 128,8 e.e t,c I'd ~ 2( 7$ OTo 3 16,7 4~0 1~ t 1,4 1~2 2,4 e,041 108 ~ I 0~0 t>> 0 ~P 4-27 7$ ~7~0 Sera tel n,n 4~ 2~3 Psr> S,lt ~ 180>>0 e.e te ~ Ret ~ 23 7$ 21 ~ 1 31r5 35 F 4 reo Oe1 Cl,t Os?id lea,e S.e e,n 0 4 2 ~ 15 ~ ti 7$ il 5>> 1 ~ 7 31,5 29,2 2>>h ~ 8 toed 1~1 4 noh 0,3 4>>h P,c P ~ (' ~ ~ 0 e 154 d,154 68,8 Sed 2sl Teed 20 ~ 7 29et 4 ~ s1 each ~ 24 7S 5tel 47 ~ 0 P,r ~ Prt P,h Prt 2~2 I ~ 185 e'.I tto9 71 ~ 1 PE 8' ~ 27 75 14 ~ h $ 4,3 21 ~ 1 2~ 1 rr ~ C 4~2 oat17 ad 4d ~ 7 33el 7S tsl dted 20 ~ 2 Crt Sol e,l cre 0 ~2~5 Jsd $ 0ea 58eh F 7 ~ Tf 5 ~ et Psl J,P 1rP Prt e',e Oseod e,s 1Ptea e,:- Sat ~ 34 75 11,4 43 ad dt 0 4~~ ~ ,1 4~P t,t P 0 0 ~ 181 tsl 07>>9 Sed 8 h 5 5 1 75 775 34 ~ 97 ~ 9 Sh,t 2~1 ~ 0~3 ~ I 4~4 4~P een 4~P 4~2 O,t ~ 'a,c 0 lif e,'sit lsa,o ltl I o,e e,e Pet I, r. I.a t,n $ 3 75 (ah rsr . en rrn 4,8 Ced 2,2 0',e(7 lreed ~ a.s Ort r. ~ i 15 91 ~ 7 8,3 ~ 1,8 n,a 3,P O,eti 1PI 8 PALS e.t4 net 5 175 91 ~ 9 r,p 'rt Oed 4~P 4~2 lesld lPOee e.a 0~ Cl 5 475 70,2 teed Ioa 4 4 0>>859 83el 14 ~ 1 Ct ~ ee 5 115 0$ ~ 2 ad Pen 7 ~4 4~2 h a,old o,f Ol,f 8.2 PER(43 AVC41 chat thrd lfed 14 ~ P les 2~ tie I ~8 ~ 2 17 ~ 7 3det 3~9 VERCCN) SIS)RIRUIION Of CURRCN) SPCCO iNO OIREC) IO'1 fOR S)A)ION 'SS PREPSREO fOP iNCRICAN ELEC)RIC HY CNOECO S P I' 0 S <fPS) 0 I R S IPARSLLEL tn SHORE' 1 I 0~3 '1 5 ~,P }ISY AVC NORIN EaSt SOU)H DESI 3 77$ 10? e. p ~ ( I ~ O P 0 h, '.I P,A e.ed) e.o Iea.e I 3 6-75 42.5 3),S  ? a J.a 0 ~ 064 lea 69,4 10, ~ 3 9)S 3 li1 )S 70,2 50,3 theh 41 ~ 7 R,S p.e JoP 1 'I ~ 1 C.>> d,e J,P Se052 0 F 079 s.a 0.4 e.e 128 ' 0~0 Iaaea C,J 31175 42,4 Jl,h oe ~ 0 d,i1 )~ 0 a.elt a.a a.e Idned 3 12-7$ 29,t 1ea Pec h,? D,l leldd d,a e.s IPPe? O,l 5-13 15 A,J 72,6 2?.. h 0? i' aotal hde3 4,2 1$ , ~ 3 I~ 15 67.5 Ite'3 4~0 a,p 0.0 ~ 2 106,4 0 d Boo1 3-15 75 77,1 tr..'6 2~I CD 2 3,? 6 ~ Sdl Ita.a R,P 3-14-7$ 40 29et 2 I O.R  ?,1 9,0 e.sle IBe.a O,P ll 75 Id 15 h0,4 97,9 P. 6,3 I tol 3 0 aid ol, 0 e.'e35 o.'ell 100.0 97.9 P P ~ .I 3 2 0 ~  ? 2 31975 7 ~ 4 o?. de 3 J.a O,O So)39 106.4 0~8 a,l 3-2? 7$ 3-21-75 31,3 45oh 54,3 4'Sed IP,4 2~ I O,h 8~3 0 'd9 IRS 0 Soa 0 ~ ol Be? P,? 0 ~ 154 16$ ,a S 0 i1, P 3 2?-7$ 35 ~ dalai P R p,a 0~ lis 10a ~ 4 O.a B,P J ~1 3 23-7$ 91 ~ 7 6~3 P,d J.P ao022 Ias,e P,d 3 ti-7575 lh ~ 6 27,1  ? J.S J,O J.', a.elo Iea.a R SIC ~. R,r 3 2$ 93,6 eet a~0 B.C 6.9 8, B29 Ipe.e e.e S.r 3 24 7$ 3-27 75 95,h 47.9 4,? 43 F 7 1e8 ill. a O,1 il ~ ~ scald IBS.J 0 ' S,c, p,p S,P 3 24 7$ 3-29 75 Jl. 3 9heh 5 '2' 4 I~ he 3 4 1 ~ 0 l 0~4 O.r O ~ ? 6 ~ 135 0.154 B.ote Iaseo IPB,B Ihae J 0 ~0 0 R J,.l 2~ 3-33 75 7$ II lee 7 seJ 8 0.049 Iee.o 0 ~ 3 3175 44ed $ 3et B,.l Sedei IRO,S O,P h~3 1$ 3?.7 ~ ?,9 24e$ J,O 167 lae'.a S.e I 275 Sh.a Jo,e 2 4~C OS P 0 aol l?s.d p.a 8~p P ~ 'I Eh) 5 375 60 lh, ~ I', 6 les C.J J,P e.eis Ihs.a 0~d p ~ I ~ 75 Se.) 31,5 eo2 r,a 113 IPS 2 ~ e.a 0 o 4 3 575 )2,$ 43 ~ 6 3' 6,3 2' D.J 1~0 0,249 lhe.h a.a LD 3- 4-75 JJ,J 43,8 3.4 J,l') a ~3 'I 0 F 242 Ice.s B.e 3 775 ee ~ 7 33 ' c,a 0~ e.adl ?9,2 la.'6 5 3-015 9" 75 77 Id? ~: 22 ~ 9 3~ l 1~1 r,h .1, ll i,h 0 ~ BS) e.s O.e 120, ~ JAP P,ehd Oea e.e IBR 4 S-l. -75 dl leal a.eil 0,4 124 ~ 51)7$ la, ~ Ite5 I S.d eead3 Id.d, a.'a 77.1 4,? 5-1? 75 77,'4, 2' IIS ~ 7 I}1 2 ~2 6~2 a.elt Ics.d e.e o I IJ 75 II 14,4 JS F 4 31 ~ 3 1,1 p,dei 1?0 ~ 4 e.o p,r 5 14 75 Jh 4 42 ~ 5 n. 1 lis ISC ~ P 't d 8~0 RoP 3-15-7$ J5.4 '14 ~ 7 6 Jo,e 0, ho el, P O,JJ2 O1. 9 2 I le 75 22.0 5 22 ' P,h Ped 0 ~ 469 I as ~ '4 5 17 7S 11,4 79.2 37,'3 14, IS 5?.1 e.t >> P,l S.teo lcl ~ 8 75 'I ~ P ~ p 0 ~ 013 I? 0 ~ 3 e.d 5-10 75 Ia( . I h h o d,a d,all Ipa.a R.a ~ ~ S-ti 75 60 6.3 2~I 4.1 Pe? hed 0.439 IRS ~ d 4 S-tl 75 1 tl 73 7$ .. 0 25 ~ eh 7)oh ,P. I I O ~ lBelle ~ 45 ~ ice 4 Ica e ~ e ~:I C'.- S-tl 75 30 I tl ~ o PI I I p 0 ~ 173 44.6 ~ 4,4 ie.d et, ' 3-24 7$ ef,1 Ii,e lh, 7 ih e ~  ? p 4 ~ 136 0 4 e.d 160 ' S 25 75 5-til 13 91 ~ 7 J ih~ p., 0 2 ~ 424 0 d IJO ~ 2 ~  : 0 29,2 2 I ~ O.eei C.e Iao,p C, ~ 3-27 7$ 91,7 ~ J ,3 Boede B.J IJP ~ 2, I 3 24-75 h il,d d,al ~ 0~4 Iaa ~ 4 5 20-15 4,? 1~6 Jet 0 ~4 J 6 8 034 I O?,.I >> S-Ji 75 St,? ~ 2,4 4,3 J,U 0.4 a.a Sac.! 1-175 dl 4 ~ III 4 ~ 3, }I 8,071 6.0 aiba Ica.p 1-7 75 67,0 12 ~ 5 4~3 }I,>> J,d Bet s.eli d,a o.a Iac'.p 1 I-75 9$ ,0 0 '39 0~3 laa.h 7 ~ 15 7 5e.t 27 ~ I r,c 1oJ Jea 3,2R9 29,2 54,2 7 '115 31,1 45 ~ 6 412 h,a 0.264 lpc.e 1 7- ) 7 IS 73 15 7$ i),7 77,9 4<.7 31 ~ 2 tl I ~ Idol 2 l,o lh, ~ 0,.1 3~ >> 'I 1 I ll ~ ' 'I, P ~ , eh 0 ~ 169 a.eea a,ahe 69.4 lha,d Iaa.d O.' I S' 7 915 91 ~ 7 P,d 0 ~ led Ipe.a VIR)93 iVCS) 4.,3 24,2 IJ I ~ $ ,123 45.7 31,5 PERCENT OISTRIOUTION OF CURRENT SPEEO ANO OIRECTION FOR STATION SS PREPAREO FOR AAERICAN ELECTRIC OY tNDECO S PE E US IF/5 ) IRS (ROTO I SATE e.s les 4,0 Ietx AVC NORTN EAST SAUTN NEST .7-14->> 4,0 79,S SS.O e.o 0 ~ 'I a.e O~0 dead e.o A,t 1" 0 ~ I a,t 7-17-75 2' ST ~ 5 ss s oed O.d d,s s,tt See e,e iae.a aea 7-15-75 daeA 25,0 4 s S,e Osa d.e O,t t Od~ 4eS s,e 0S ~ 0 0,8 7 19 15 2~1 58et 47 '0 e,e 0~8 O.a s,e Oe27 Ioa.a 0 0~0 8,C',t T-ta 7$ OSsS 12 ~ 5 4et e.e Oed a.a tet e,es loose 8,8 a.e 7 21 Tf 22 ' Siss ss.i 1s,t O,a Set 8',8 as28 iieS ate 54oS O,R 1 22 75 44 F 4 ld,d lde7 O.e asd Iee 8 ~ I 0,1S Oee 8~e sea.o 0~1 ZS-TS Stet 45,0 a,e e.o eaa 0,0 a,e ared I0~ R,e sae.o a,s 7 '1 24 75 7t515 2415 die Te.d 05,4 S 10,8 20st 12 ~ 5 s.e lse 2 1 I.a A.e 2 0 0~8 a.a o,a e.s e.s a.e O,e d,e 8.0 8 ~ 04 t,eT 0 af dee 0,0 a.a d,e 0,0 aae sta.e 5 't e.e les.a asa ~ 5sd 7 72175 52 ~ I iSed 8 ~ '1 a,d d,e 8 a',0 I ~ 8,29 01e7 R,a a.a I,S 0~0 7 20 75 Toed 14 ~ 7 12 ~ 5 ere 8~8 o,e 1,09 '15 <<d '8 ~ '8 ~ at das 2~ I 8~a 0~a e.e e',R Retd asa s,e 180 0 a.o 7 20 75 91 ~ 1 T-JS-TS 12 ~ 0 21 el e.e Ora aes eee 8,0 Zsad e.a c,e los.e Ost 7 1115 9Sed ieS R.e O.e e,d Oes Oea O.a a,e lee.a a,t 8 17'5 9f ed 4F2 Oee O.a d,o n'.t e.e A,e a',e ite ~ 0 eeo Coa7 A 275 85,4 its 5 0,0 Oed d,o tee ~ O,e Zerd 70 ~ 2 8 STA 9$ ed 4e2 8 0 a.t 0,8 a,p eeet d.a ".l ~ 0 0~0 icosa h A 475 9Sed 4 ~s S.e s.e a,o e,a a,s a,et 0~0 t,e a.'0 108, ~ CD $ 75 15,4 44,4 R.e Ort Oea t,e 8,8 Zee4 0,0 cue 70et 4 75 2~1 95 ed 2~1 a.t a,s Oea R.e P.te isa.a p,a O.e A 175 STes 42,5 I ~ 0 iA ~ P 0~0 e.o 8' ZsSS iea.s asa 0.8 eab S 15 4d.d 21 ~ 1 irtI det 0,0 d,t ee01 0Sed a,e Oea lld,d ~ ,2 75 91 ~ 7 d,i JI ~ 8~0 8~8 Oae ST P a.e 8et O.a A 12 15 21 el ~ st 4 ~2 41 ' tel e.s e,io 4 ~ ed AD 0 15 ' A 1115 t,s 1 ~ ei ST ~ 5 47 ' O,a I.a p,a 8 id~ isd.t -0',e 0 a' 4 it 75 ia, ~ Siss drS 0~8 I ~ 0 J,e ae27 soe.e ess e.o ~ ~ 0 4 li 01415 15 a,s 54eS 14 ~ 1 25.0 ~S 14,1 8 Si 2 1 ~ S O,l deo 0.8 e.a 8~a d,e d ~ ie 0 ~ 1S saa.e 29et 0~0 Rss 70 cue det a,s 0 15-15 tel Zsse dart 12 ~ 5 8~ ~ O,a 0~ I I RE 15 S.e Ree lte 0 e,t 8 14 15 87 ' la ~ 4 Os7 o,o ~ 0 t ~ 04 Oee aee Ide.e e,t 4t,i 10,4 R.e Oea o,a R.e Retd e.t tel 97,0 A 11 75 4-sd-75 A 19 15 ao.i 9Sed 10,4 drS ST 0 R.e 0 ~ I a,o s,s a,e a.o d,t d,e aces t,as Oee a.e a,e 8~0 ~ 5od sdo ~ 0 5 '2 8 ~P 4 22 15 10,4 ts,e Si ~ S ~,2 Asd R,e a.t R ~ Zt 40 ~ 4 ass ss. s 4~J 21 15 ld.d S~ ,2 28,d d,s S,d R,e et ~ 22 95 ad 8,0 0~0 22 75 dsJ sos ss,i asd a,t Sett iaeee 1~0 O.e - a,a A ZS 1$ lteS 20 F 2 5A,S Ced a,t S,ST Ioa.e 0.8 . e.o a.o A 24 75 -ZS.e idea '$4 ~ S O,d e,e Se49 ias.e c,e e.s 2574 tore 14,7 if' 14 ~ 7 aed Ost e.'s Orat ilare 0 a.o 0,8 A 4 24 75 12 ~ 9 ts.'e t.i tI 8.8 0~8 R.a oa01 iae.e R,e a.s 4 27 75 Sird 41,8 22 ' 0~8 1 o,e a,e Oslo 44 ~ 4 0 ss 4 eea Ass TS ~ 58 AS STef 4,2 I,P AD 0 l tt O,t Rsa9 aee AD aes 180 ~ 0 ~ a,a A 20 7$ s5,4 4Sed 14 ~ 7 4et p.e ~ A,S a.a e,t t,t t,e Os 17 sic Sdsi 41 ~ 7 0,8 tied aed eels 'sd,S a,e 8 SZ15 TS Sl ~ S 2~1 deS 5 '2 ZSse Sfei dsa 0~2 o,e s,ts 97r'0 a,e ST ~ 5 0 I tel PKRCCNT OISTRIIUTICN Or CURRFNT SPKCO ANC OIRCCTION FOR STATION 5S =PRKPARCO FCR ANKRICAN KCCCTRIC OV KNCKCO SPCCOS <FIS ) 0 I R S IROTO ) SAIC a.i eoa 0.5 1,$ i,a HAX AVC NORTH CAST SOUTH NCST l,e Sioa 20 ' 14sd e,s e,e a,l 0.52 ldsoe os ~ 1 e.e S,P 9 27$ 75 li,i 77 ~ 1 dol $ ,0 8~0 I0~ I,S Ostd lss,e I ~ 4 Soe S,P 0 575 S.e le, 4 41 ~ I 45od e,e l,e e,e e,e es49 , laa. ~ "lae.s e,s e,e ~ .e e.s e.a 1 ~8 9 475 le. ~ 7lsd ido8 0,8 Oos e,e eo19 o f75 44 7 ~ SS ~ 5 1 ~0 e.e e,a 8,1 I0 ~ 0 ~ 17 1$ 1 ~ 0 ldd ~ 1 Ool 8,0 S.e Ooe 0 ~8 S,e 0 875 ieoi $ 8,5 2?oi F 2 Soa e,e e,e sots 0 775 5' 47 ~ 0 I.e 8~8 8,8 Oos a,e I',8 t ~ 09 led.e 8,0 a.e dol o 575 80 ~ 6 11 ~ 4 Pol Ooa 8 I S.e soli laa.e 0 ~0 Soe 0 1 ~ 9 '97$ fess 45od 4,2 e,e Bsa Sol s.e a sit 114,0 0,0 e,e e,p lsd' 0 17 75 59,4 iiod ldo7 Ooe S,S 0~0 I0 Solf 4~5 Ooe 01 ~ 7 0,8 0 11 75 o-12-7$ 54ot 18 ~ 8 8,5 54,5 it 25oe ~ 5 tfoe e,e eoa 'Soe I.e II~ I0 a,e ~ ~ I ~ tb e,tt 4' 81 ~ 5 OS 8~1 0 ice.e ie.i aoe d,i O-15-7S 7' 2' 2 ~1 4' e.l 0 0 8,0 do47 1$ 8 ~ 0 0,0 e.s 0~J 0 Ii 75 54 ' i'd 8,1 8~1 0~5 I0~ ~ s.e 1 ~ 19 97 ~ 9 lde,e l,e Sol 8' 2 ~ 'I Poa 9 15 75 2' ddod 4.5 s.e e,1 0~0 8,0 Oslf see e.'7 0 18 75 idlers $ ,8 0 e.s s.a e,s 8 ~1 I'see 101.0 8,0 S.a 017 7$ 85 ~ 5 ido7 8,0 P,l Soa e.e 8,0 e,ss isa.e PE I 0~0 I,? CA7 0 15 75 45od 5 ~ ot lse aoe eoa s,e Ooe I0 09 ~ 10' isa.e So4 e,e AS 1,$ 8~ I 9 10 7$ 85 ~ 5 ido7 a.s loe I as Ooe o,e F 04 Soe I 27 ~ 1 liod fdol d,a I.e 8~ I 1 ~ 4d lla,e 8~1 e.e a,p o 27 75 0 21 75 S ~ $ ,1 2~1 ido? 81 ~ 5 I0 Soa I0,08 ~ 0'.4 I 41 ~ 87 ~ 5 0,4 a.s e.o ltos e,p 0 72 75 18 ~ ~ 87,S tol ~ Ooe 8 ~8 0 1'9 l,le ~ 11$ ~ 0 8 ~1 iot e,l 0 2575 5$ ol 4.5 S.e Ioa s,e l,e Osod e,e o-2 '7S 12 os dtof 25o1 1 1 4 ~1 e,l I,d I 22 ~ Ooe ldo7 85 ~ 5 = a,p o-2S-7S ldod Slol 5' isoi 1 ~8 e,e 0 0,27 45 ' 1$ ~ 4 45,8 0,1 2$ .1 5loe o,a . S,e 0~0 Soil lel,e loa 1.0 0 ~8 o-28-7S o-27-75 5 '2 18 ~ 4 45 ' 14od dol eoe Ioo aoa 8;e Osis 97o9 tol Oos II~ 0-28 7$ 85oi 1 ~ od p.e Ia.l ~ O 0~8 e.e e,o e,si Pott les,e lel,e 8,1 e.s 0,0 O-29-7S 25 ' S?o5 ~,t 5?os S?o5 S.e 0~8 1~4 0.1 los 8~1 aod e,ts 101 ~ 0 doe S,d 0~0 Sod 0 ~? 0,? o Sa 7S ia- 1-?s doS 52oi S 4' O.e e,l I 1 S.e Ie.o I as '9le 7s.e toi 22 ~ 9 I, p. 18 27$ 57 1 42o9 1.0 1~ I ~ 1oa I ~ 0 ~ 0 e,e 17 ~ 1 82 ~ 9 0,'1 PTRIOS AVCSI iiod Stud 14 1 I ~ 2 e,a S,O I ~ id '$9 ~ 7 1~4 24 ~ 5 1s,t H APPENDIX D - IV DAILY MONITORING LOG DAILY MONITORING LOG Ma 13-14 1975 Monitoring performed by Argonne National Laboratory. May 13 - Calm lake, clear sky.'ne plume mapped in the afternoon. May 14 - Calm lake, cloudy skies. Two plumes were mapped; one in the morning, one in the afternoon. Jul 23 - Au ust 2 1975 July 24 - Strong winds and rough water precluded monitoring on this day. July 25 Lake was still a little rough in the morning, but one plume was mapped during the afternoon. July 26 - Calm lake - two plumes were mapped. July 27 - Sunday - day off. July 28 - Calm lake - minor equipment repair and calibration in the morning. One plume measured during the afternoon. July 29 - Calm lake - one plume measured during the afternoon. The. boat was required for bottom contouring prior to plume, measurement. lake - one plume measured during the afternoon. Minor July 30 -, Calm equipment problems delayed the start of the mapping." July 31 - Calm lake - one plume measured during the morning. The boat was required for larvae tows during the afternoon. August 1 - No plume mapping because of troubles with the range finding equipment. August 2 - Rain squalls - one plume measured during the morning. 4.1 Se tember 22 - October 3 1975 personnel were on station continuously from September.22 to October 3 for monitoring purposes. The weather during this period was characterized by'predominantly strong north and westerly winds. Less than half of the days were safe for monitoring due to rough water conditions. September 22 - Lake rough with 4 - 6 ft. ground swells and 1 - 2 ft. chop. Moderate WSW wind. Mapped one plume. September 23 - Lake calm with small rolling swells. Light wind. Mapped two plumes. September 24 - Strong NNE wind. Lake too rough for work. September 25 - Strong NNE wind. Lake too rough for work. September 26- Day started calm with light winds . Wind and seas were building as boat headed for the plant. It was decided the lake would, be too rough by the time monitoring started. Returned t'o port. September 27- Lake fairly rough. Mapped 2/3rds of a plume before vandals stole range fi nder batteries . September 28 - Sunday - day off. September 29 ; Lake calm, moderate east winds. Range finder batteries acquired during the morning and one plume mapped in the afternoon. September 30 - Boat unavailab1e in the morning. Headed for the plant in the afternoon, but building seas forced return to port. October 1 Lake was too rough. October 2 Lake was rough, but mapped two plumes. October 3 Lake was too rough. 4.2 December 1 - December 18, 1975 The D. C. Cook boat was not available for thermal plume mapping during the month of November as it was taken out of the lake following the University of Michigan field effort. A fishing boat was chartered for the thermal plume mapping, but equi'pment installation consisting of a gasoline-powered AC generator and a personnel work platform was not completed until November 26. The monitoring period started on December 1 following the Thanksgiving holi days. December 1 - Installed equipment in boat and checked out system. December 2 - Bad weather, could not map plume. December 3 - Bad weather, could not map plume. December 4 - Fairly calm AC generator broke down during the morning plume mapping, returned to port for repairs. December 5 - Fairly calm - replacement AC generator also burned out during initial phases of plume mapping. Returned to port. December 6 - Day off - waiting for repair of generator. December 7 - Sunday - day off. December 8 - Snowing, poor visibility - mapped two plumes. December 9 - Choppy water - rough, but mapped two plumes. December 10- Strong W winds created hazardous lake conditions. December 11- Strong NNW winds created hazardous lake conditions. December 12- Strong NNE winds created hazardous lake condi tions. December 13- Choppy but attempted to map plume. 17 knot wind built to gale force by 10:30'.m., and seas were building fast. Returned to port. December 14 Strong wester ly winds of 15 - 20 knots gradually built 40 knots by December 18. Discontinued the field trip evening of December 18. In summary, weather and power supply problems limited the plume mapping during this period to two days with two plumes measured each day. Februar 23 - March 15 1976 February 23 - Strong southerly winds prevented boat work. February 24 - Choppy with strong winds and white caps - could not map plumes. February 25 - South to southwest winds prevented mapping. February 26 - Plant down by 0400 - 860 MWe output by 1700. February 27 - Mapped one plume in the morning - wind too strong for afternoon work. February 28 - Windy and rough - lost depressor while mapping plume-returned to dock. February 29 - Mapped one plume in the morning - wind built-up by afternoon causing very bad lake conditions. March 1 - One midday plume - equipment problems delayed start. March 2 - Lake conditions prevented plume mapping. March 3 - One afternoon plume; heavy fog prevented a morning run. Lost V-fin on submerged obstruction during monitoring run. March 4 - New V-fin was delivered from Chicago. March 5-7 - Generally bad weather, winds out of west 30 to 40+ knots. March 8 - Plant down at 0200. Restored to 850 MWe by 1900. March 9 - Two plumes were mapped - one in the morning - one in the afternoon. March 10 . - Wind from NNW 9 15+ knots. Tried to map plume in the morning, but lake conditions became too rough to allow boat work. March ll - Happed one plume in the morning and were ready to map one in the afternoon when plant shut down. March 12-15 - Extremely bad weather this period prevented boat work. 4,4 Radioactive Release Data Fir st quarter Second quarter GASES A. Fission and activation gases
    1. Total released, curies 285.6498 357.7766
    2. Average release rate, pCi/sec 36.73 45.01
    3. Percent of technical specification limit 3.1690 2.398D
    4. Totals for each isotope released, curies, elevated, batch releases Xe-133 285. 268 203.0413 Xe-135 1.811 X 10 > 154.5557 Xe-133m 5.613 X 10 2 .0763 Kr-85m 2.325 X 10 2 1.802 X 10 2 Kr-87 1.763 X 10 s 0 Ar-41 3.005 X 10 3 8.935 X 10" 3 Kr-85 1.165 X 10 > 6.153 X 10 2 Kr-88 0 1.488 X 10 2 B. Iodines
    l. 'otal I-131 released, curies 1.3571 X 10 4 8.3310 X 10 4
    2. Average r'elease rate, pCi/sec 1-7452 X 10 s 1.0481 X 10 4
    3. Percent of te hnical> specifications limit
    .00314 . 0189
    4. Total curies of each iodine isotope released I-131 1.3571 X 10 4 8.3310 X 10 4
    '-133 3.1943 X 10 6 5.1487 X 10 s First quarter Second quarter C. Particulates
    1. Total (half-life greater than 8 days), curies
    <1'.2441 X 10 ~ ~ <4.048 X. 10 >>
    2. Average release rate, gCi/sec
    <1.600 X 10 < 5.093 X 10 ~~
    3. Percent of technical specification limit
    <2.880 X 10 ~~ <9.167 X 10-xo'-
    4. Total release of each radionuclide, curies Ba-140 < 1.2441 X 10 ~ ~ < 4.048 X 10 +
    5. Gross alpha release, curies
    <8 04 X 10>~ <1.035 X 10 <> D. Tritium
    1. Total release, curies 8
    9.7715 X 10 ~ 3.0752 X 10
    2. Average release rate, yCi/sec 4
    1.2566 X 10 ~ 3.8688 X 10
    3. Percent of MPC limit
    .1+9 0> .00455 0> First quarter Second quarter LIQUIDS E. Mixed Fission and Activation Products Total releasing curies 2.545 X 10 ~ 3.8414 X 10 2 Os
    2. Average concentration, pCi/ml 2.273 X 10 9 2.350 X 10 9 04
    3. Percent of Technical Specification limit O.O758 Os .0783 06
    4. Total for each r adi onucl ide released, curies gross beta 6. 984 .X 10 3 1.257 X 10 2 Co-58 4.729 X 10 s 1.753 X 10 Co-60 9.225 X 1O-4 2.466 X 10 s I-131 7,.534 X 10 2.122 X 10 s I-133 3'O-s 5.323 X 8.694 X 10 s Cs-] 37 2.469 X 10" 3 1.517 X 10 3 Cs-134 2.276 X 10 3 8.437 X lo-4 .
    Mn-54 3.859 X 10 " 3.634 X 10 4 Cs-136 9 '55 X 10 s 2.146 X lQ s Cr-51 0 4.336 X 10 4 Zn-65 0 9.730 X 10 7 Nb-95 0 8.188 X 10 "" Zr-95 0 3.030 X 10 6 Ce-139 0 4.100 X 10 s Ba-133 0 2.249 X 1 0~4 Ba-140 0 1.242 X 1O-s Sb-124 0 4.921 X 10-s Fe-59 0. 1.501 X 10 s Na-24 0 1.1410 Sr-85 0 2.227 X 10-s Ag-110 0 9.010 X 10~ Total Released, cur ies 16.409 47. 578
    2. Average concentration, pCi/ml 1.465 X 10 6 2.911 X 10 6
    First quarter Second quarter
    3. Percent of MPC limit 0.0488 07 0.0970 07 G. Disolved and Entrained Gases
    1. Total released, curies 1.930 X 10 " 0.2899
    2. -
    Average concentration, pCi/ml 5.666 X 10 ~ o 4.241 X 10- 8
    3. Percent of Technical Specification limit Q6'
    4. Total for'each radionuclide, curies AR-,41: 0 Y 1.508 X 10".s Xe-.133, 1.654 X 10-4 0.289 Xe-133m 0 7.642 X 10-4 Xe-135 2.762 X 10 5 3.183 X 10-s Yr.-85 0 5.26 X 10-s H. Alpha Radioactivity, curies 8.159 X 10"s 5.784 X,10 s I. Vol umes
    1. Total volumes, prior to dilution, liters 4.506 X 10s 6.764 X 106 Go
    2. Total Dilution Mater, liters 1.1199 X 10~o 1.6346. X 101 o 0" YY Y Y ~
    J. Solid Waste, Semi-Annual I. Evap. Bottoms 55.468 cubic meters .981968 curies Co58, Co60, four shipments Dry Compressible 25.00 cubic meters 2.840 curies Co 60 was the major nuclide three shipments 7 NOTES
    1. Based on Technical sepcifications 2.4.3.b beta does limit. Using the gamma dose limit would yield 1.473 in. the first quarter and 3.853 for the second quarter.
    2. Using 2 X 10 yCi/cc as the applicable limit.
    3.'ot including the Na 24 released during secondary testing. Including the Na 24 released during secondary testing would give 1.1794 Ci.
    4. -
    Not including the Na 24 released dunng secondary testing. Including the Na 24 released during secondary testing and the additional dilution water would give 2.117 X 10- pCi/ml.
    5. Based on 3 X 10 .6 as the applicable limit.
    6. Not including Na 24 released during secondary testing. Including Na 24 released during secondary testing gives .706.
    7. Using 3 X 10 s as the applicable limit.
    8. No limit established in Technical Specifications on dissolved and entrained gases.
    9. Not including the draining of the spent fuel pit which was 3.402 X 10
    , liters.
    10. Not including the volume released during secondary side testing, which was 7.489 X 106 liters.
    11. Not including the volume of dilution water during testing of the secondary side, which was 3.9357 X 10~0 liters.
    GASEOUS MASTE RELEASES Xe-133 Xe-135 Xe-133m I-1 31 Ar-41 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 H3 Release Ci- Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci No. 76-5 1.727x10 2 1.036x10 2.383xlO s G G 76-6" 10. 948 2.493xl0 " 7.597xl0"s G 76-7 2.232 .1972 .0763 9.133xl0 8.935xl0 s 6.153x10 2 1.802x10 1,488xl0 1.212xl0 First 285.268 .1811 .05613 1.3571xl0 " ;003005 .1165 .02325 .001763 9.772xl0 ~ Quarter 2.963xl0 3 Second 189.844 154.358 8 2397xl0 Quarter Start . Time Stop Time e-76-5 4/13/76 1355 5/09/76 0400 s-76-6 4/13/76 1355 5/09/76 - 0400 G-.76-7 6/03/76 1002 6/03/76 1102 First Quarter 12/31/75 0000 4/01/76 0000 Second Quarter 4/01/76 0000 7/01/76 0000 LAKE WATER SAMPLES The following is a listing of the minimum detectable activities from the samples taken from Benton Harbor, St. Joseph, Bridgman, New Buffalo, D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant intakes and the lake water north and south of the plant site. ('>>ke Tow>>ok;p,>>foko oloo j>>c I no/co/) ISOTOPE pCi/ml I-131 .1.17 X '10 7 Cs-137 1.62 X 10 ~ Cs-134 < 1.44 X 10 7 Co-60 1.84 X 10 7 Co-58 < 1.11 X 10 7 Cr-51 < 1.11 X 10 " Mn-54 9.56 X 10 8 Zn-65 < 3.41 X 10 7 for quarterly composites Sr-89 3.80 X 10 6 Sr-90 3 40 X 10-e H3 < 3.3 X 10 6 d F Env1ronmenta1 He1ease Data AIRBORNE IODINE-131 AND GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATE Stations PILTERS'ndicator Collection Date Volume ~~3 ) ~/ ON-SITE 1 Gross 6+1 9 (+2a) I-131 10 2 Ci/m3 <10 Volume (m3) 240 ~l'-131 Gross 8 (+2a) 10-2 ON-SITE 2 + 1 ~/d <10 01-03-76 280 + 1 <10 01-10-76 (.) 335 + 1 <10 01-17-76 (a) 435 01-24-76 855 4+1 <10 305 1 <10 01-31-76 275 7+1 <10 207 6 + 1 <10 02-07-76 285 5+1 <10 255 2 + 1 <10 02-14-76 265 5+1 <10 125 1 + 1 <10 02-21-76 290 3+1 <10 265 3 + 1 <10 02-28-76 265 5+1 <10 240 6 + 1 <10 03-06-76 280 3+1 <10 245 3 + 1 <10 03-13<<76 275 4+1 <10 240 3 + 1 <10 03-20-76 265 5+1 <10 315 4 + 1 <10 ~ 03-27-76 265 4+1 <10 230 3 + 1 <10 04-04-76 260 6+1 <10 355 3 + 1 <10 04-10-76 265 5+1 <10 360 3 + 1 <10 04-17-76 265 5+1 <10 295 5 + 1 <10 04-24-76 270 3+1 <10 320 3 + 1 1 + 1 <10 <10 05-01-76 270 1+1 <10 315 + 1 05-08-76 275 3+1 <12 320 5 + 1 <12 <10 05-15-76 270 4+1 <10 325 3 + 1 ~ <lo 05-22-76 260 3+1 <10 310 <10 05-29-76 270 1<<1 <l0 305 2 + 1 1 <10 06-05-76 275 4+1 <10 320 + 1 <10 06-11-76 200 7+1 <10 350 + 1 3 06-18-76 255 5+1 3 315 + 1 <10 06-25-76 270 3+1 <10 330 -'Data reported as "<" are at the 99% confidence level. All other data are at the 95X confidence level, all based on counting errors. (a) Collector locked out of station. No sample received. 0 AIRBORNE IODINE-131 AND GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATE PILTERS Indicator Stations Collection Date 01-03-76 Volume ~n3 265 ~/d Gross 3+1 B (+20) I-131 10 2 Ci/ms <10 Volume (m3) 139 ~/'-131 ON-S T Gross 10 2 8 + 1 (+2a) 10"2 Ci/ms <10 01-10-76 245 3+ 1 <10 235 + 1 <10 01>>17-76 350 4+1 <10 535 a <10 01-24-76 215 < 1 <10 290 2 + 1 <10 01-31-76 190 6+a <10 280 6 + 1 <10 02-07-76 135 6-+ 2 <10 285 3 + 1 <10 02-14-76 215 5+ 1 <10 260 4 + 1 <10 02-21-76 265 3+1 <10 275 6 + 1 <10 02-28-76 245 6+1 <10 245 5 + 1 <10 03-06-76 265 1+1 <10 270 2 + 1 <10 03-13-76 250 4+1 <10 195 4 + 1 <10 03-20-76 260 6+1 <10 315 5 + 1 <10 03<<27-76 (a) (a) (a) 335 2 + a <10 04-03-76 260(c) 4 + 1 <10 310 2 + 1 <10 04-10-76 (b) 85 4 + 1 <10 04-17-76 90 7+ 1 <10 80 8 + 1 <10 04>>24-76 190 3+1 <10 80 1 + 1 <10 05-01-76 l85 1 <10 80 3(d) <10 05-08-76 180 3+ 1 <12 130 + 2 <12 05-15-76 170 5+1 <10 95 + 2 <10 05-22-76 270 3+ 1 <10 100 + 2 <10 05-29>>76 a05 < .2(d) <10 155 + 1 <10 06-05-76 60 3+ 2(b) <10 295 + 1 <10 06-11-76 430 5+ 1 <10 200 + 1 <10 06-18-76 230 4+ a 3 310 + 1 3 06-25-76 275 3+1 <10 315 + 1 <10 Data reported as "<" are at the 99% confidence level. All other data are at the 95% confidence level, all based on counting errors. (a) Not available, lock jammed. (b) Station out of order. (c) Estimated volume. (d) Too aov volume to meet sensitivity requirements. AIRBORNE IODINE-131 AND GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATE FILTERS Indicator Stations Collection Date 01-03-76 Volume m3) ~l'+1 ON-SITE 5 Gross 8 (+2a) I-131 10 2 Ci/m3 Volume (m ) ~l"'-131 ON-SITE 6 Gross 10 2 8 (+2a) 10 2 Ci/m3 . 275 <10 255 -6 1 <10 01-10-76 270 4+.1 <10'10 260 3 1 <10 01-17-76 405 4+1 415 1 1 <10 01-2,4-76 275 4+1 <10 250 2 1 <10 01-31-76 245 5+1 <10 235 4 <10 02-07-76 155 3+ 1 <10 210 4 <10 02-14-76 115 6+1 <10 225 2 <10 02-21-76 305 3+1 <10 250 4 <10 02-.28-76 290 4+1 <10 300 5 +1 <10 03-"06-76 310 2+1 <10 265 2 + <10 . 03-13-76 290 ~ 2+1 <10 275 1 <10 03-20-'6 275 6+1 <10 265 4 <10 03-27-76 265 4+1 <10 315 3 <10 04-03-76 265 3+1 <10 330 1 + 1 <10 .04-10-76 290 4+1 <10 245 4 + 1 <10 04-17-76 210 3+1 <10 265 + 1 <10 04-24-76 160 3+1 <10 260 2 + 1 <10 05-01-76 220 2+1 <10 260 1 + 1 <10 05-08-76 290 3+1 <12 255 3 + 1 <12 05-15-76 300 4+1 <10 275 3 + 1 <10 05-22-76 285 3+1 <10 240 2 + 1 <10 05-29-76 295. 2 +*1 '10 230 2 1 <10 06-05-76 290 6+ 1 <10 165 <10 '.06-11-76 365 4+1 <10 288 6 1- <10 06-18-76 ,10 1 0.03(a) 3 450. 4 1 3 06-25-76 (b) <10 .. 550 4 1 <10 I Data reported as "<" are at the 99% confidence level. .All other. data are at the 95X confidence level, all based on counting errors. (a) Low volume - volume data suspect {b) Volume data not available. AIRBORNE IODINE-131 AND GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATE FILTERS Background Stations Collection Date 01-03-76 01-10-76 'Volume ~m~) 210 330 ~/ NEM BUFFALO Gross 10 + 3 9 (+20) 1 I-131 10 2 Ci/m3 <10 <10 Volume (m~) 310 305 ~/"'-131 SOUTH BEND Gross 8 6+1 5+1 (+2a) '10 Ci/m <10 <10 01-17-76 425 3 + 1 <10 480 4+1 <10 01-.24-76 290 5 + 1 <10 330 3+1 <10 01-31-76 '25 6+ 1 <10 320 ll+1 <10 02-07-76 305 4 + 1 <10 -300 5+1 <10 02-14-76 285 4 + 1 <10 300 5+1 <10 02-21-76 290 4 + 1 <10 305 4+1 <10 02-28-76 235 10 + <10 300 5+1 <10 03-06-76 200 4 + 1 <10 275 2 + 1 <10 03-13-76 135 ~ 2 + 1 <10 200 2+ 1 =<10 03 20-76 205 7 + 1 <10 310 5+1 <10 03-27-76 305 6+ 1 <10 215 2 + 1 <10 04-03-76 285 3 + 1 <10 . 170 2+1 <10 04-10-76 285 3 + 1 <10 205 4+1 <10 04-17-76 250 6+ 1 <10 250 6+1 <10 04-24-76 285 3 + 1 <10 245 3+1 <10 05-01-76 215 1+ 1 <10 240 2+1 <10 05-08-76 225 3 + 1 <12 285 4+1 <12 05-15-76 300 5 + 1 <10 245 5+1 <10 05-22-76 275 3 + 1 <10 230 4+1 <10 05-29-76 :285 1' 1 <10 245 3+1 <10 06-05-76 330 1 + 1 <10 225 5+1 <10 06-11-76 255 5 + 1 <10 265 7+1 <10 06-18-76 (a) 3 310 4+1 3 25-76 105 <10 300 3+1 <10 Data reported as "<" are at the 99% confidence level., All other data are at the 95%%d confidence level, all based on counting errors. (a) No data for volume. AIRBORNE IODINE-131 AND GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATE FILTERS Background Stations Collection Date 01-03-76 Volume ~m~) 285 DOMGIAC .Gross 6+ 8 (+2@) / ' I-131 10 2 Ci/ms <10 Volume ~m3 260 ~/d Gross 10 2 4 9 + (+2a) 1 I-131 10"2 Ci/m3 <ao 01-10-76 290 2 + 1 <10 265 1 + 1 <10 '1-17-76 460 1+ 1 <10 360 3 + 1 . <ao 01-24-76 290 4 + 1 <10 220'60 2 + 1 <10 01-31-76 SAMPLE LOST IN SHIPMENT <10 6 + 1 <10 02-07-76 530 12 + 1 <10 260 3 + 1 <10 02-14-76 195 + 1 <10 270 + a <10 02-21-76 260 4 1 <10 250 4 + 1 <10 02-28-76 255 4 + 1 <10 260 3 + 1 <10. 03-06-76 255 3 + 1 <10 325 2 + 1 <10 03-13-76 320 2 + 1 <10 280 3 + 1 <10 03-20-76 . 315 5 + 1 <10 280 3 + 1 <10 03-27-76 310 3 + 1 <10 270 3 + 1 <10 04-03-76 305 3 + 1 <10 270(a) 3 + 1 <10 04-10-76 390 1 <10 280(a) 1 <10 04-17-76 280 + 1 <10 a70 8 + 1 <10 04-24-76 270 3 + 1 <10 225 3 + 1 <10 05-01-76 285 1+ 1 <10 225 1 + 1 <10 05-08-76 245 4 + 1 <12 315 1 + 1 <12 05-15-76 275 4 1 <10 215 6 + 1 <10 05-22-76 275 2 + 1 <10 210 3 1 <10 05-29-76 295 2 t 1 <10 265 1 + 1 <10 06-05-76 290. 4 + 1 <10'10 220 2 + 1 <10 06-11-76 255 6+ 1 125 7 + 2 <10 06-18-76 275 5 + 1 3 260 5 + 1 3 '06-25-76 275 3+ 1 <10 315 3 + 1 <10 W Data reported as "<" are at the 99X confidence level. All other data are at the 95/ confidence level, all based on counting errors. (a) Flow meter broken. Volume. estimated as average. GAMMA ISOTOPIC (GeLi) ANALYSES OF 'IR PARTICULATE S&IPLES COMPOSITED MONTHLY COMPOSITE OF INDICATOR STATIONS Ci/m3 Month Be-7 Other Gamma Emitters* January .01 February .07 + .004 < .01 March .07 + .01 .01 April .10 + .01 .01 May .05 + .01 .01. June COMPOSITE OF BACKGROUND STATIONS Ci/m3 Month Be-7 Other Gamma Emitters* January <.6 .01 February .22 + .Ol .01 March <.01 < .01 .April .11 + .Ol < .Ol May .04 + .01 F 01 June "The spcctrun is co=puter scanned Cro "0 to -2000 RcV.'pecifically i=eluded arc Ce-1-" ga-La-lt0, Cs-13', Cs-137, 2r-,'.o-93, occurring ger.ia enitters such as Y.-t0 snd ps Cc-58, Co-60, lm-54, 2n-65. Naturally ~ listed here. Data listed as "e" are at the 3 dtughtcrs are !return ly detected but not traticn is for Cs-137 a..d nay be slightlv acre 1orevil, others are lo~ Listed concen-less sensitive Cor other nuclidcs. STRONTIUM-89 AND STRONTIUM~!-90 ANALYSES OP AIR PARTICULATE SAMPLES COMPOSITED OUARTERLY Collection Collection Ci/m3 Site Date Sr-89 Si-90 Indicator S tations 1st Quarter <. 002 <. 001 2nd Quarter Background Stations 1st Quarter <.001 .002 + .001 2nd Quarter Data reported as "<" are at the 99% confidence level. All other data are at the 95% confidence level, all based on counting errors.. QUARTERLY TRITIUM AND MONTHLY GAKfA. ISOTOPIC (GeLi) ANALYSES OF LAKE MICHIGAN HATERS Quarterly Comp. Collection, Collection Gamma Isotopic HTO Site Date . ~C1 1* Ci/ml ('+2a) Background January ND Background February 21' 6 Indicator February 21 < 6 Background March 20 <10 Indicator. March 20 <10 Background April 17 <10 Background'56 + .11 (a) Indicator April 17 ~ <10 Indicator .44 + .10 (a) Background May 15 <10 Indicator May 15 <10 Background June 11 <10 Indicator June ll <10 STRONTIUM-89, STRONTIUM-90 AtH) GAEA ISOTOPIC (GeLi) ANALYSES OF PRECIPITATION Collection Collection Nuclides* Semi-Annual Com . Site Date Observed Sr-89 Sr-90 Indicator Stations January <10 February <10 March <10 April <10 May <10 June Background Stations January <10'10 February March <10 April <10 May <10 June +ND indicates gamma emitters other than natural radioactivity were not detected. Individual nuclides (Cs-134, Cs-137, Co-60, Ba-140, La-140, I-131) that may be attributable to plant operation are listed when detected. Unless otherwise noted, sensitivity for listed gamma emitters is <10 pCi/l. (a) First quarter composite. TRETEUH AND GAMA XSOTOPIC (GeLi) ANALYSES:OF WELL WATER Collection Collection Nuclides* HTO Site Date Observed p<<l (-'n-Site 1 01/20/76 <6 <0. 39 On-Site 2 01/20/76 <6 <0.39 On-Site 3 01/20/76 <6 0.53 + .38 On-Site 4 Ol/20/76 <6 0.70 + .38 On-Site 5 01/20/76 0.56 + .38 On-Site 6 01/20/76 <6 <0.39 On-Site 7 01/20/76 <6 0.48 + .38 Collection Collection Nuclides* HTO Site Date Observed . 2<</ (-'n-Site 1 06/09/76 <1.0 On-Site 2 06/09/76 <1.0 On-Site 3 06/09/76 <1.0 On-Site 4 06/09/76 <1.0 On-Site 5 06/09/76 <1.0 On-Site 6 06/09/76 <1. 0 On-Site 7 olhe spectru fs co=puter sc oned Eron -20 ro -2000 reV. Specfffcallv i=eluded are Ce-144, Sa-La-140,, Cs-13-', Cs-132, Zr-:.b-93 ~ Cc-SS, Co-60, y~-54, Zn-65. 'naturally occurring gama e=itters such as K-40 and pa da vdhters arc frequently detected but not listed here. Cars listed as "e" arc at the 3: leve1, others are 2c. L'feted concen-tration is !or Cs-132 acd nay be slightly ~re or less sensitive Eor other nuclfdes. STRONTIUM-89* AND STRONTIUM-90 ANALYSES OP MILK SAMPLES STRONTIUM-90 (pCi/1) Collection Site 01-03-76 01-31-76 02-28-76 03-27-76 04-24-76'+1 Indicator Stations Bridgman K2 8+ 3 6+3 3+ 1 4+ 1 Scottsdale Kl 7+ 1 7+2 2+ 2 7+2 Stevensville Kl 2 3+3 3+ 1 4+ 2 Stevensville K2 2 + 2 3+1 5+ 2 5+ 2 Background S tations Dowagiac Kl 10+2 7 + 2 18 + 5(a) South Bend Kl ll+3 6 + 1 8+ 2 *Strontium-89 was determined on each sample and was <5 pCi/1 unless otherwise noted.
      • Collected 02/07/76, (a) Sr-89 = <7.9 low chemical yield.
    IODINE-131 IN MILK SAMPLES (pCi/1) Collection Site 01<<03-76 01-31-76 2-28-76 3-27-76 4-24-76 5-22-76 06-18-76 Indicator Stations Bridgman K2 <0. 5 <0. 5 <0. 6(b) <0. 5 <0. 5 <0,5 <0. 7 (ci Scottsdale Kl <0. 5 <0,5 <0.7(b) <0.5 <0.5 <0,5 <0. 6(cy . Stevensville Kl <0. 5 <0.5 <l. 0(c) <0.5 <0.5 <0. 5 <0.5 Stevensville K2 <0. 5 <0.5 <0. 7 (b) <0.5 <0.5 <0. 5 <l. 9 (c) Background Stations Dowagiac Kl <0.5 <0. 5(a) <1. 0(b) <0. 5 <0.5 . <0.5 <0. 5 South Bend Kl <0,5 <0. 5 <0.5 " <0.5 <0.5 <0. 5 <0. 5 (a) collected 02-07-76 (b) Part of sample lost in shipment. Higher sensitivity not practical with residual sample. (c) Lower sensitivity. due to delay in .shipment. GA%1A ISOTOPIC (GeLi) ANALYSES OF MILK SAMPLES Collection Collection Ci/1 Date Site K-40 Cs-137 GammafK 01-03-76'ridgman K2 1160 + 80 <5 <10 Scottsdale Kl 925 + 110 <5 <10 Stevensville Kl 1000 + 70 <5 <10 Stevensville K2 990 + 70 <5 <10 'oloma Kl Dowagiac Kl 1340 + 80 8+ <10 South Bend Kl 1000 + 70 <5 <10 01-31-76 Bridgman K2 1100 + 200 <5 <10 Scottsdale Kl 980 + 115 <5 <10 Stevensville Kl 970 + 150 <5 <10 Stevensville K2 1200 + 130 <5 <10 Coloma Kl ** Dowagiac Kl(a) 1183 + 35 10 + 1 <10 South Bend Kl 990 + 65 9 + 2 <10 2-28-76 Dowagiac K-1 1157 + 77 <5 <10 Scottsdale K-1 875 + 67 <5 <10 Stevensville 1011 + 72 <5 <10 Stevensville K-2 1175 + 76 <5 <10 Bridgman K-2 974 + 70 <5 <10 South Bend K-1 1069 + 73 6 + <10 03-27-76 Bridgman K-2 999 + 72 <5 <10 .Scottsdale K-1 562 + 51 <5 <10 Stevensville K-1 954 + 73 <5 <10 Stevensville K-2 990 + 72 <5 <10 Dowagiac K-1 1262 + 83 7 + <10 South Bend K-1 648 + 54 <5 <10 04-24-76 Bridgman K-2 1136 + 88 <5 <10 Scottsdale K-1 1034 + 84 <5 <10 Stevensville K-1 1051 + 85 <5 <10 Stevensville K-2 1202 + 90 <5 <10 Dowagiac K-1 1096 + 86 <5 <10 South Bend K-1 1089 + 86 <5 <10 (a) collected 02/07/76
      • Milkno longer produced at this station.
    • The spectrum is computer scanned from -20 to "2000 KeV. Data listed as are at the 3a level, others are 2a. Specifically included in the gamma analyses are Ce-144, Cr-51, Ba-La-140, Cs-134, Cs-137, Zr-Nb-95, Co-58, Co-60, Mn-54, Zn-65. Naturally occurring gamma emitters such as K-40 and Ra daughters are frequently detected but not listed here.
    GAMMA ISOTOPIC (GeLi) ANALYSES OF MILK SAMPLES Collection Collection Ci/1 Date Site K-40 Cs-137 Gamma* 05/22/76 Br idgman ~ K-2 1057 + 84.8 <5 <10 Scottsdale K-1 907 + 78.5 6.4 + 1.7 <10 Stevensdale K-1 1079 + 85.6 <5 <10 Stevensdale K-2 1149 + 88.4 <5 <10 Dovagaic K-1 1126 + 87.5 <5 <10 South Bend K-1 1129 + 87.6 <5 <10 p I Mhe spectrum is computer 'scanned from -20 to -2000 KeV. Data listed as "<" are at the 3a level, others .are 2'., Specifically included in the gamma analyses are Ce-144, Cr-51, Ba-La-140, Cs-134, Cs-137, Zr-Nb-95, Co-58, Co-60, Mn-54, Zn-65. Naturally occurring gamma emitters such as K-40 and Ra daughters are frequently detected but not listed here.' GANJA RADIATION (Quarterly) (Measured using Thermoluminescent Dosimeters) Date Annealed: 12/23/75 Date Read: 04/09/76 Location Measured mR/Peek Measured mR/Peek Control 1.03 + .11 Indicator Stations On-Site 1 1.20 + .14 On-Site 2 1.88 + .17 On-Site 3 1.12 + .08 On-Site 1.03 + .08 On-Site On-Site 4 5 6 .90 .95 i .31 ~ .19 Background Stations Coloma .89 + .09 Dowagiac .87 + .10 South Bend 1.09 + .12 New Buffalo 1.07 + .09 Completed Tables for the Previous Report TABLE IV GA&fA ISOTOPIC, (GeLi) ANALYSES OF AIR PARTICULATE SA%'LES COi~LZOSITED HONTHLY Com osite of Indicator Stations July: Traces of natural activity such as Be-7 (approximately 0.12 pCi/rq3)., Cs-134., Cs-'137, Co-'60, .Ha-La-140 were all <0.01 pCi/m . August: Traces of natural activity such as Be-7 (approximately 0.19 pCi/m ). Cs-134, Cs-137, Co-60, Ba-La-140 were all'0.01 pCi/m . .Sept: Traces of natural activity such as Be-7 (approximately 0.10 pCi/m~). Cs-134, Cs-137, Co-60, Ba-La-140 were all <0.02 pCi/m ., October: Traces of natural activity such as Be-7 (approximately 0.07 pCi/m3). Cs-134, Cs-137, Co-60, Ba-La'-140 were all <0.01 pCi/m . November: Traces of natural activity such as Be-7 (approximately 0.05+.01 pCi/m ). Cs-134, Cs-137, Co-60, Ba-La-140 were all <0.01 pCi/m . December: Traces of natural activity such as Be-7 (approximately 0.07 + .01 pCi/m ), Cs-134, Cs-137, Co-60, Ba-La-140 were all <0.02 pCi/m . Com osite of Back round Stations July: Traces of natural activity such as Be-7 (approximately 0.12 pCi/m ). Cs-134, Cs-137, Co-60, Ba-La-140, were all <0.01 pCi/m . August: Traces of natural activity such as Be-7 (approximately 0.19 pCi/m3). Cs-134, Cs-137, Co-60, Ba-La-140, were all <0.01 pCi/m . Sept: Traces of natural activity such as Be-7 (approximately 0.04 pCi/m ). Cs-134, Cs-137, Co-60, Ba-La-140, were all<0.01 pCi/m . October: Traces of natural activity such as Be-7 '(approximately O.ll + .02 pCi/m ). Cs-134, Cs-137, Co-60, Ba-La-140 were <0. 01 pCi/m . November: Traces of natural activity such as Be-7 (approximately 0.11 + .01 pCi/m ). Cs-134, Cs-137, Co-60, Ba-La-140 were <0.01 pCi/m3. December: Traces of natural activity such as Be-7 (approximately 0;03 + .01 pCi/m3), Cs-134 Cs-137, Co-60, Ba-La-140 were <0.01 pCi/m . TABLE V STROVZIUM-89 AND STRONTIUM-90 ANALYSES OF AIR PARTICULATE SAMPLES COMPOSITED QUARTERLY Collection Collection Ci/m~ Site Date Sr-89 Sr-90 Indicator Station 3rd Qtr <0. 001 <0. 001 Background Station Qtr 'rd <0. 002 <0. 002 Indicator Station 4th Qtr < .001 .001 Background Station 4th Qtr .001 .001 Data reported as "<" are at the 99% confidence level. All other data are at the 95% confidence level, all based on counting errors. .~ TABLE VI GAMMA RADIATION (Quarterly) II (Measured using Thermoluminescent Dosimeters) Date Annealed: 06-25-75 09-23-75 Date Read: 10-03-75 01-10-76 Location Measured mR/Week* Measured mR/Week* Control 0.97 + .20 1.02 + .22 Indicator Stations On-Site 1 LOST 30 + .17 On-Site,2 1.11 + .21 1.38 + .21 On-Site 3 1.07 + .11 1.26 + ,10 On-Site 4 1.17 + .16 1.30 + .24 On-Site 5 1.15 + .16 1.26 + .14 On-Site 6 1.08 + .18 1.21 + .15 Background Stations 0.95 + .12 1.17 + .13 Coloma Dowagiac 1.03 + .15 l.l8 + .17 New Buffalo 1.21 + .12 1.35 + .21 + 1.44 + .09 South Bend 1.30 .06 l +mR per week a'e'alculated on the basis of total mR divided by time elapsed between annealing and readout. H 3 TABLE X a QUARTERLY TRITIUM AND MONTHLY GA&fA ISOTOPIC (GeLi) ANALYSES OF LAKE MICHIGAN WATERS Quarterly Comp Collection ~ Collection pCi/1 HTO Site Date Gamma* Ci/ml (+2a) Indicator Stations July <10 August <10 September <10 0.4 + .1 October <10 November <10 December <10 0.4 + .1 Background Stations July <10 August <10 September <10 0.8 + .2 October <10 November <10 December <10 0.5 + .1 TABLE XI STRONTIUM-89, STRONTIUM-90 AND GAMMA ISOTOPIC (GeLi) ANALYSES OF PRECIPITATION Collection Collection Dci/1 Semi-Annual Com . Site Date Gamma* Sr-89 Sr-90 Indicator Stations, July <10 August <10 September <10 October <10 November <10 December <10 <2 Background Stations July <10 August <10 September <10 October <25 (a) November <10 December <10 <2 (a) Lover sensitivity due to small (0.4 liter) sample Size. +The spectrum is computer scanned from -20 to -2000 KeV. Data listed as "<" are at the 3a level, others are 2o. Specifica11y included in the gamma analyses are Ce-144, Cr-51, Ba-La-140, Cs-134, Cs-137, Zr-Nb-95, Co-58, Co-60, Mn-54, Zn-65. Naturally occurring gamma emitters such as K-40 and Ra daughters are frequently detected but not listed here. TABLE XIII STRONTIUM-89, STRONTIUM-90 AND GAMMA ISOTOPIC (GeLi) ANALYSES OF FISH S&PLES Collection Collection Sample Ci/ (Dr Site Date T e Sr-89 Sr-90 On-Site 08-14-75 Carp-Edible <2 Off-Site North 08-14-75 Not available Off-Site South 08-14-75 Not available On-Site South 12-04-75 Northern-edible .9 2+ .1 <1 On-Site South 12-04-75 Perch-edible ,9 .4 + .2 <1 On-Site North 12-04-75 Perch-edible ,5 .1 + .1 <1 TABLE XIV GAMMA ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS OF FOOD CROPS Collection Collection Sample Ci/ (Dr ) Site Date ~TB Gamma Isoto ic* 09-25-75 Grapes <1 On-Site On-Site 09-25-75 Grape Leaves <1 09-25-75 Grapes <1 Sodus Farm 09-25-75 Grape Leaves <1 Sodus Farm TABLE XV STRONTIUM-89, STRONTIUM-90 AND GAMMA ISOTOPIC (GeLi) ANALYSES OF SEDIMENT SAMPLES Collection Collection Ci/ (D Site Date K-40 Cr-137 Sr-89 Sr-90 On-Site North 11-01-75 5+ 1 <~ 1 <.05 <.Ol On-Site South 11-01-75 4+ 1 <.1 <.05 <. Ol Off-Site North 11-01-75 7+1 <.1 <.05 <.Ol Off-Site South 11-01-75 5+1 <.1 <.05 '<.Ol Data reported as "<" are at the 99/ confidence level. All other data ~ are at the 95% confidence level, all based on counting errors. &he spectrum is computer scanned from -20 to -2000 KeV. Data listed as "<" are at the 3a level, others are 2a. Specifically included in the gamma analyses are Ce-144, Cr-51, Ba-La-140, Cs-134, Cs-137, Zr-Nb-95, Co-58, Co-60, Mn-54, Zn-65. Naturally occurring gamma emitters such as K-40 and Ra daughters are frequently detected but not listed here. A edxG Meteorological Data II)NO RIISF. FOR COOK JAN/TS~NARCH/T6 L,OCAT)ON 'SOFT i)FG C/ I 00I<) ~ S.F,~ I ~ 1 (SSn~30~T) SPFE.BS(ttl/<<tN) 4sT Sef2 I 3~S tt 19~23 Pit I'I t,<<S P F o I'. a N T Or 5 DlRECT ION SUN PERCFNT SUN PERCEN'T SUN PERCENT SUN PERCFtt'T SttH PERCFN T Siin PERCFNT 0 4 h 0 0 0 0 0 10 5 82 ~ 5 ~0 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 45 ' 0- ~0 2 ef 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 ~ I 6f 5-- 0 P ~ f, P ~ I I n ,n 0 ~ ,n 0 ~ 4 00 ' ~ ,n 0 0 ~ 0 0 f2 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 n ~ ,n 0 n ,n SR n ~ 0 9 112,5 0 I ~ I ~ h ~ 3 n 0 ~ 135',n 0 ~ 0 3 ~ 2 ,4 4 ~ 5 el ~ I ~ I 15' ~ 0 ~ 2 ~ 4 I ~ I 0 ~ I) 0 ,0 SP 180 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 ~ 2 14 l,n 6 ~ 3 0 ~ 0 n ,n PA I ~ 4 .POPo 5 0 co 3 Sl 6 fh 4 I n ,n 4$ 'I <<T 225 ' I 0 ~ 0 T ~ ~ 4 lf ~ ~ h 2 ~ el 0 ~ n ~ 'I I~I 247 ~ 5 0 ~ ~ 0 n ~ ~ 0 ln ~ 5 I "<< ~ 8 ~ 2 ,n i ~ tt = 270<<0- 0 ~ 0 1 ~ I h ~ 3 ~ 5 I ~ I n ,n I <<<< ~ T 2t)2,5 0 2 el 0 ,0 i? 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