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Proposed amendments to the Commission regulations of 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities."  
Proposed amendments to the Commission regulations of 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities." 10 CFR Part 70. "Special Nuclear Material," and 10 CFR Part 73, "Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material," would, if adopted. require nuc..ures (I) for the protection against industrial sabotage of fuel reprocessing plants and certain facilities subject to tic provisions of 10 CFR Part 70 and (2) for tile protection of special nuclear mtaterial (SNM) against theft or diversion from certain licensed lacilities.
10 CFR Part 70. "SpecialNuclear Material,"  
and 10 CFR Part 73, "Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material,"  
would, ifadopted.

require nuc..ures (I) for the protection againstindustrial sabotage of fuel reprocessing plants andcertain facilities subject to tic provisions of 10 CFR Part70 and (2) for tile protection of special nuclear mtaterial (SNM) against theft or diversion from certain licensedlacilities.
One element of this protection is proper control of access of personnel to and from protected areas, vital areas, and material access areas. Searching persons and packages for tirearms.

One element of this protection is proper control ofaccess of personnel to and from protected areas, vitalareas, and material access areas. Searching persons andpackages for tirearms.
explosives, and other devices which could aid in sabotage or theft of SNM is another element of physical protection.

explosives, and other deviceswhich could aid in sabotage or theft of SNM is anotherelement of physical protection.
This guide describes acceptable methods of searching personnel prior to entry into a protected area and upon exit from a material access area, and of controlling access to protected areas, vital areas, and material access areas.
This guide describes acceptable methods ofsearching personnel prior to entry into a protected areaand upon exit from a material access area, and ofcontrolling access to protected areas, vital areas, andmaterial access areas.

The objective of controlling access to protected areas, vital areas, and material access areas is to ensurethat (I) only persons authorized access to a protected area are permilled within that area and (2) that onlyindividuals authorized access to vital equipment orspecial nuclear material will be allowed within vital areasor material access areas.The objective of searching individuals prior tcpermitting entry into a protected area is to prevent illicitpassage into tile protected area of objects such asfirearms, explosives, and incendiary devices which couldaid in industrial sabotage to the facility or in tile theft ofspecial nuclear material.
The objective of controlling access to protected areas, vital areas, and material access areas is to ensure that (I) only persons authorized access to a protected area are permilled within that area and (2) that only individuals authorized access to vital equipment or special nuclear material will be allowed within vital areas or material access areas.The objective of searching individuals prior tc permitting entry into a protected area is to prevent illicit passage into tile protected area of objects such as firearms, explosives, and incendiary devices which could aid in industrial sabotage to the facility or in tile theft of special nuclear material.

Searching individuals andpackages for conce:;Ied special nuclear material at exitpoints from material access areas provides a means ofdetecting attempted theft or diversion of special nuclearmaterial.
Searching individuals and packages for conce:;Ied special nuclear material at exit points from material access areas provides a means of detecting attempted theft or diversion of special nuclear material.Some meanis by which control of access can be accomplished include a key and lock system. a magnetic or electronic key-card system. an attendant guard or watchman, or a closed-circuit TV (CCTV) in conjunction with keys or key-cards.

Some meanis by which control of access can beaccomplished include a key and lock system. a magneticor electronic key-card system. an attendant guard orwatchman, or a closed-circuit TV (CCTV) in conjunction with keys or key-cards.
Of these means. the magnetic or electronic key-card system in conjunction with closed.circuit TV offers the greatest security with a ininimurn of personnel.

Of these means. the magnetic orelectronic key-card system in conjunction with closed.circuit TV offers the greatest security with a ininimurn of personnel.
The key-cards are mutch more difficult to duplicate tian keys and the locks cannot be "picked." Further, the control system can "read" the key-card and record the identity of the card (to whom it was issued)and the time of entry. A closed-cilcuit
1V system would allow visual observation of the access point without requiring an attendant guard or watchman.

The key-cards are mutch more difficult toduplicate tian keys and the locks cannot be "picked."
In fact, by use of closed-circuit TV several such access points can be maintained under observation by a single guard or watchman.
Further, the control system can "read" the key-card andrecord the identity of the card (to whom it was issued)and the time of entry. A closed-cilcuit
1V system wouldallow visual observation of the access point withoutrequiring an attendant guard or watchman.

In fact, byuse of closed-circuit TV several such access points can bemaintained under observation by a single guard orwatchman.
Such a system would be especially useful at access points to remote or normally unoccupied vital areas or material access areas. In any case, visual observation, either directly or via CCTV, provides a positive neans of assuring that only individuals authorized access to an area pass through the access point into the area.Searching of individuals can be carried out by means of a hands-on search ("frisking").  
or by means of devices which will detect the presence of weapons and explosives or SNM concealed on the individual, or by a combination of both. The search should be conducted in a manner which (I) provides as.surance that firearms, explosives, and other such contraband are not being carried into the protected area and that SNM is not USAEC REGULATORY  
Such a system would be especially useful ataccess points to remote or normally unoccupied vitalareas or material access areas. In any case, visualobservation, either directly or via CCTV, provides apositive neans of assuring that only individuals authorized access to an area pass through the accesspoint into the area.Searching of individuals can be carried out by meansof a hands-on search ("frisking").  
or by means of deviceswhich will detect the presence of weapons andexplosives or SNM concealed on the individual, or by acombination of both. The search should be conducted ina manner which (I) provides as.surance that firearms, explosives, and other such contraband are not beingcarried into the protected area and that SNM is notUSAEC REGULATORY  
GUIDES Copies ol published guides may be obtained by request Indicating the divisions desired to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commisston.
GUIDES Copies ol published guides may be obtained by request Indicating the divisions desired to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commisston.

Wathinglon, D.C 240645,Regulatory Guides are issued to denoribe and rrake available to the public Attention:  
Wathinglon, D.C 240645, Regulatory Guides are issued to denoribe and rrake available to the public Attention:  
Director of Regulatory Standerds.
Director of Regulatory Standerds.

Comments and suggestions formethods acceptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of Implementing specific parts of Improvements In theta guides are encouraged end should be sent to the Secretary the Commisson';  
Comments and suggestions for methods acceptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of Implementing specific parts of Improvements In theta guides are encouraged end should be sent to the Secretary the Commisson';  
regulations, to delineate techniques used by the stafl In of the Commission.
regulations, to delineate techniques used by the stafl In of the Commission.

US. Atomic Energy CommIsslon, Washington.
US. Atomic Energy CommIsslon, Washington.

DC. 20545,evaluating probtems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to Attention:  
DC. 20545, evaluating probtems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to Attention:  
Chief. Public Proceedinmt Staff.applicants.
Chief. Public Proceedinmt Staff.applicants.

Line 72: Line 62:

Methods and solutions different from those set out In The guides are Issued In the following lan broad divisions:
Methods and solutions different from those set out In The guides are Issued In the following lan broad divisions:
the guides will be acceptable If they provide a basis for the findings requisite tothe issuance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission.
the guides will be acceptable If they provide a basis for the findings requisite to the issuance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission.

2. Poewerds and Teas Reactors  
2. Poewerds and Teas Reactors 7. Traneportotlon I. Fuels and Matatials Facilities  
7. Traneportotlon I. Fuels and Matatials Facilities  
8. Occupt.lional Health Published guides will he revised periodically, at appropriate, to accommodate  
8. Occupt.lional HealthPublished guides will he revised periodically, at appropriate, to accommodate  
4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitruitt Review comments and to reflect new information or experience.
4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitruitt Reviewcomments and to reflect new information or experience.

5. Materials and Plant Protection  
5. Materials and Plant Protection  
10. Geonwal I.Ibeing transportcd out of a material access area and (2)nminimizcs inconvenience to the individuals beingsearched.
10. Geonwal I.I being transportcd out of a material access area and (2)nminimizcs inconvenience to the individuals being searched.
The use of equipment capable of detecting weapons, explosives, or SNM is usually the preferable form of searching, since the use of detection devicesavoids the personal imposition of a hands-on search.An "airport type" weapon (me tal) detector locatedin a passageway arranged so that all individuals enteringthe protected area pass through the detector provides aconvenient and effective means ofsearching for firearms.
Devices capable of detecting dynanmite.
TNT, andother explosives can be used to search individuals forconcealed explosives.
Most explosive detectors commercialiy available at present are of the hand-held
variety- hence an attendant guard or watchmanmust pass the detector over the individual beingsearched.

However, it is possible to locate an explosive detector in a passageway and to use the detector in thesanre manner that a fixed weapon detector is used.If a hand-held explosive detector is used, tIleexplosive check is best made after the weapon detectorhas indicated that no weapon is concealed upon theindividual.
The use of equipment capable of detecting weapons, explosives, or SNM is usually the preferable form of searching, since the use of detection devices avoids the personal imposition of a hands-on search.An "airport type" weapon (me tal) detector located in a passageway arranged so that all individuals entering the protected area pass through the detector provides a convenient and effective means ofsearching for firearms.Devices capable of detecting dynanmite.

This procedure affords greater protection tothe attendant guard or watchman on the presumption that concealed explosives offer less of an immediate danger to the guard or watchman than a concealed firearm.One alternative approach to the hand-held explosive detector would be tile location of an explosive detectorwithin a revolving-door frame. The rather small volumeof air trapped in a section of the revolving door wouldbe sampled by tile explosive detector and, as theisý)lation of the air volume by a revolving door sectionprovides some concentration of vapors emitted by anyexplosives within that section, the 41fectiveness of thedetector would be increased.
TNT, and other explosives can be used to search individuals for concealed explosives.

To further increaseefficiency of thie explosive detector, the air in the doorsection might be flushed through the detector.
Most explosive detectors commercialiy available at present are of the hand-held"sniffer" variety- hence an attendant guard or watchman must pass the detector over the individual being searched.

Searching individuals for concealed SNM upon exitfrom material access areas can be accomplished in avariety of ways. For example, at facilities processing plutonium or uranium-233 the search for concealed SNM can be made in an attended air lock betweenchange rooms. At areas where only highly enricheduranium is processed.
However, it is possible to locate an explosive detector in a passageway and to use the detector in the sanre manner that a fixed weapon detector is used.If a hand-held explosive detector is used, tIle explosive check is best made after the weapon detector has indicated that no weapon is concealed upon the individual.

the search can be carried nut byuse of a doorway SNM monitor and a metal detector inconjunction with a clused-circiit TV (C"CTV) system.hence a guard om watchman need notl be alleirdattl, However, whether or not the access voint is Attended.
This procedure affords greater protection to the attendant guard or watchman on the presumption that concealed explosives offer less of an immediate danger to the guard or watchman than a concealed firearm.One alternative approach to the hand-held explosive detector would be tile location of an explosive detector within a revolving-door frame. The rather small volume of air trapped in a section of the revolving door would be sampled by tile explosive detector and, as the isý)lation of the air volume by a revolving door section provides some concentration of vapors emitted by any explosives within that section, the 41fectiveness of the detector would be increased.

the use of both an SNM .-ot;iitor ain ,I itetal de tIotlwould seemn iiecessary to asstirr that eni iched rIrailrl.
To further increase efficiency of thie explosive detector, the air in the door section might be flushed through the detector.Searching individuals for concealed SNM upon exit from material access areas can be accomplished in a variety of ways. For example, at facilities processing plutonium or uranium-233 the search for concealed SNM can be made in an attended air lock between change rooms. At areas where only highly enriched uranium is processed.

shielded or Li1lshieldcd, is niot tnecorlcealcd.
the search can be carried nut by use of a doorway SNM monitor and a metal detector in conjunction with a clused-circiit TV (C"CTV) system.hence a guard om watchman need notl be alleirdattl, However, whether or not the access voint is Attended.the use of both an SNM .-ot;iitor ain ,I itetal de tIotl would seemn iiecessary to asstirr that eni iched rIrailrl.shielded or Li1lshieldcd, is niot tnecorlcealcd.

Itaddition, exit from any imaterial access area sNhould bucontrolled to assure that all individuals and packagesexiting from a material access area pass through the SNMcheck system.It is the facility guards and watchmen who arecharged with the responsibility of assuring that firearms, explosives, and other similar items or devices are nottransported into the protected area and that SNM is notremoved from a material access area withoutauthorization.
It addition, exit from any imaterial access area sNhould bu controlled to assure that all individuals and packages exiting from a material access area pass through the SNM check system.It is the facility guards and watchmen who are charged with the responsibility of assuring that firearms, explosives, and other similar items or devices are not transported into the protected area and that SNM is not removed from a material access area without authorization.

Hence, they should search any packagesbeing carried into thc protected area or out of a materialaccess area. No individual should be allowed to directlyhand carry any package, valise, tool box, or similarhand-carriable item into the protected area or out ot" amaterial access area. Such objects should be handed toan attendant guard or watchman who will check themand pass them into the protectcd area or out of thematerial access area. To further reduce the possibility ofconcealment, where feasible, bulky outer clothing suchas overcoats, raincoats, greatcodits, and ski jackets shouldbe left in a cloak room provided outside the protected area and in any case should never be taken into amaterial access area. The licensee may wish to use severalmembers of the security force to check packages, coats,etc.. during shift change to minimize tile delayencountered in gaining access. Unattended access pointsinto the protected area can be used. providedobservation of such points is maintained by CCTV toassure that packages are not being hand carried into theprotected area at that point.Posting of a sign in a conspicuous location willinform individuals requesting access into the protected area that they will be searched, and that any packages, etc., they wish to take into the protected area will alsobe searched.
Hence, they should search any packages being carried into thc protected area or out of a material access area. No individual should be allowed to directly hand carry any package, valise, tool box, or similar hand-carriable item into the protected area or out ot" a material access area. Such objects should be handed to an attendant guard or watchman who will check them and pass them into the protectcd area or out of the material access area. To further reduce the possibility of concealment, where feasible, bulky outer clothing such as overcoats, raincoats, greatcodits, and ski jackets should be left in a cloak room provided outside the protected area and in any case should never be taken into a material access area. The licensee may wish to use several members of the security force to check packages, coats, etc.. during shift change to minimize tile delay encountered in gaining access. Unattended access points into the protected area can be used. provided observation of such points is maintained by CCTV to assure that packages are not being hand carried into the protected area at that point.Posting of a sign in a conspicuous location will inform individuals requesting access into the protected area that they will be searched, and that any packages, etc., they wish to take into the protected area will also be searched.Although the Commission regulations do not require searching of individuals entering a material access area, observation of access points provides a convenient method of ensuring that personnel do not carry weapons, explosives, and other similar items or devices into the material access area.In emergency situations, such as those which may require the evacuation of a material access area, the objectives of access control and search should not be allowed to compromise health and safety. Hence, the licensee should develop plans of action and provide areas and equipment for searching and controlling access under emergency conditions compatible with the objectives of both safety and security.

Although the Commission regulations do notrequire searching of individuals entering a material accessarea, observation of access points provides a convenient method of ensuring that personnel do not carryweapons, explosives, and other similar items or devicesinto the material access area.In emergency situations, such as those which mayrequire the evacuation of a material access area, theobjectives of access control and search should not beallowed to compromise health and safety. Hence, thelicensee should develop plans of action and provide areasand equipment for searching and controlling accessunder emergency conditions compatible with theobjectives of both safety and security.
Such emergency procedures will minimize the effectiveness of an emergency situation deliberately perpetrated to conceal theft of SNMN Admiinisirtaive controls, as well as physical barriers where applicable.

Such emergency procedures will minimize the effectiveness of anemergency situation deliberately perpetrated to concealtheft of SNMNAdmiinisirtaive controls, as well as physical barrierswhere applicable.
may be employed to gather evacuating individuals within a holding area. Such controls would serve both ro vetif' that to one has remained in 1he evacuated area and to ensure that an emergency 57.2  
(0 situation will not successfully conceal an attempted theft of SNM.C. DEFINITIONS
may be employed to gather evacuating individuals within a holding area. Such controls wouldserve both ro vetif' that to one has remained in 1heevacuated area and to ensure that an emergency
(0situation will not successfully conceal an attempted theft of SNM.C. DEFINITIONS
For the purpose uf this guide (he following dve illilions  
For the purpose uf this guide (he following dve illilions  
;lLe provided:
;lLe provided: I ."Guard'" incan.i in armed arid uniforiied individual whose primary ditty is thie protection of materials and property to the ,txlcnit that theft of SNM or sabotage of thie facility curl Id pose a threat to tile common defense arid security or result in a r:adiological hazard to public health and sal'ct y.2. "Walchilnlul" Illealls all tin arnd individual.
I ."Guard'"  
incan.i in armed arid uniforiied individual whose primary ditty is thie protection of materials andproperty to the ,txlcnit that theft of SNM or sabotage ofthie facility curl Id pose a threat to tile common defensearid security or result in a r:adiological hazard to publichealth and sal'ct y.2. "Walchilnlul"  
Illealls all tin arnd individual.

ntonieces.iarily uinifornied, who provides protection fornialerials and property in tile course of performing oilierduties.3. -Patrol watrman'"  
nto nieces.iarily uinifornied, who provides protection for nialerials and property in tile course of performing oilier duties.3. -Patrol watrman'" means an ainis-qualified individual whose primary duty, at lcast during threat or enmergency situations, is the protection  
means an ainis-qualified individual whose primary duty, at lcast during threat orenmergency situations, is the protection  
.,f material and property, arid hvlio is normally unarmed but who may be armed during emergency or threat situations.
.,f material andproperty, arid hvlio is normally unarmed but who may bearmed during emergency or threat situations.

A patrolwatchman may or may not be uniformed.
A patrol watchman may or may not be uniformed.

POSITIONI. Protected AreasI. Identity and Authorization At each access point into a protected area, anidentlity and access authorization check should be madeini conjunction willi a search for firearms and explosives'
POSITION I. Protected Areas I. Identity and Authorization At each access point into a protected area, an identlity and access authorization check should be made ini conjunction willi a search for firearms and explosives'
Si.!,:], idenlitv and access authorization checks should be performied by an attendant guard or watchman or by nmeans of an electronic or magnetic key-card system and a closed-circuit TV systenm. Packages should be taken into the protected area only at access points attended by a guard or watchman.
idenlitv and access authorization checks should beperformied by an attendant guard or watchman or bynmeans of an electronic or magnetic key-card system anda closed-circuit TV systenm.
Packages should be takeninto the protected area only at access points attended bya guard or watchman.

If the access point is unattended, the individual monitoring.
If the access point is unattended, the individual monitoring.

the access point viaclosed-circuit TV should carefully observe any individual requesting access at that point to ensure that nopackages arc being carried into the protected area.b. Personnel SearchIf tile search of individuals is to be carried outby mezuis of detection equipment, a weapon (metal)detector anl(] an explosive detector should be used. Anacceptable arrangement for the use of detection equipnmenI  
the access point via closed-circuit TV should carefully observe any individual requesting access at that point to ensure that no packages arc being carried into the protected area.b. Personnel Search If tile search of individuals is to be carried out by mezuis of detection equipment, a weapon (metal)detector anl(] an explosive detector should be used. An acceptable arrangement for the use of detection equipnmenI  
in a secure access passageway is illustrated inFigure 1. The doors oil the secure access passageway should be interlocked so that both cannot besinniltaneously open, thus providing positive accesscontrol.
in a secure access passageway is illustrated in Figure 1. The doors oil the secure access passageway should be interlocked so that both cannot be sinniltaneously open, thus providing positive access control. An explicit enabling act should be required of a security individual, either attending the secure access passageway or in the central alarm station, to open the inner door.c. Metal Detector The metal detector located within (tie secure access passageway should be capable of detecting a minimum of 200 grams of non-forrous metal placed anywhere on the body at a )0% conifidence limit. The false alarm rate should be a niaxi mnum of' I d. Explosive Detector The explosive detector, as a miliniumn.

An explicit enabling act should be required of asecurity individual, either attending the secure accesspassageway or in the central alarm station, to open theinner door.c. Metal DetectorThe metal detector located within (tie secureaccess passageway should be capable of detecting aminimum of 200 grams of non-forrous metal placedanywhere on the body at a )0% conifidence limit. Thefalse alarm rate should be a niaxi mnum of' Id. Explosive DetectorThe explosive detector, as a miliniumn.
hould be capable of' detecting dynaimite.

hould becapable of' detecting dynaimite.
TNT. and similar nitrogen compounds in nminiimim amountsl of 200 gramis at a 90%-. confidence hinil, The false alarii rate should be a miaxinium of 1V,.. If deteclor is hand held rather than permanently fixed to a passageway or revolving door framle, lieice requiriing an attendanlt guard or watchlmaui, the search for explosives should be IerTornied after the search for firearms.

TNT. and similarnitrogen compounds in nminiimim amountsl of 200 gramisat a 90%-. confidence hinil, The false alarii rate should bea miaxinium of 1V,.. If deteclor is hand held rather thanpermanently fixed to a passageway or revolving doorframle, lieice requiriing an attendanlt guard or watchlmaui, the search for explosives should be IerTornied after thesearch for firearms.
An acceptable arrangi.ent is illustrated in Figure 2.e. Alarm Ani. niciation The alarins of tile weapon detector arid tile explosive detector should annunciate at the location of tile detectors, if attended, as well as in a centrad alarm station. The alarm annunciation at the location of tile detectors need not be aural.f. Alarm System The alarms of the weaponi (metal) detector and tihe explosive detector should be interfaced with (lie inner door lock so ihal. with aln alarm triggered.

An acceptable arrangi.ent isillustrated in Figure 2.e. Alarm Ani. niciation The alarins of tile weapon detector arid tileexplosive detector should annunciate at the location oftile detectors, if attended, as well as in a centrad alarmstation.
Ihe inner door cannot be opened from either side without a specific action by the individual manning the central alarm station acknowledging the alarm and enabling the inner door to be opened.2. Material Access Areas Containing Pu or U-233 a. Change Room Exit Checking for c on cealed plutoniumn or uranirim-233 at all exit point from a material access area into a protected area should be performed in an attended secure access passageway located between change rooms. An acceptable arrangement is shown in Figure 3. Unless exit is into a contiguous material access area, all individuals should exit from a nmatcrial access area, other than a vault, only via tie change rooms arid should be required to deposit all work clothing in tile inner change room. walk through tihe passageway, and dress in street clothing in (lie outer change room. The licensee should generally not allow packages to be transported out of the miaterial access area via tire change rooms. Showers, except those used exclusively for health plhysic.s, should be located in thie outer change room. A guard or watchman need not be altendant except when personnel are exiting from the material access area.b. SNM Detector An SNM detector should be located within the passageway.

The alarm annunciation at the location of tiledetectors need not be aural.f. Alarm SystemThe alarms of the weaponi (metal) detector andtihe explosive detector should be interfaced with (lieinner door lock so ihal. with aln alarm triggered.
T1he detector should be capable of detecting 0.5 gram of plutonium or I gram of uraniun-233 shielded by 3 min of brass concealed anywhere on an individual at a 9Oi confidence limit. The false alarm rate on the detector should be less than 0.1%.5.7-3
0 c. Door Interlock The doors of tile attended secure access passageway should be interlocked so that both cannot be simultaneously open. The doors should also be that an explicit action must be taken by either the attendant security individual or the individual manning the central alarm station to enable either door to open without triggering the alarm.d. Packages All packages.

Ihe innerdoor cannot be opened from either side without aspecific action by the individual manning the centralalarm station acknowledging the alarm and enabling theinner door to be opened.2. Material Access Areas Containing Pu or U-233a. Change Room ExitChecking for c on cealed plutoniumn oruranirim-233 at all exit point from a material access areainto a protected area should be performed in anattended secure access passageway located betweenchange rooms. An acceptable arrangement is shown inFigure 3. Unless exit is into a contiguous material accessarea, all individuals should exit from a nmatcrial accessarea, other than a vault, only via tie change rooms aridshould be required to deposit all work clothing in tileinner change room. walk through tihe passageway, anddress in street clothing in (lie outer change room. Thelicensee should generally not allow packages to betransported out of the miaterial access area via tirechange rooms. Showers, except those used exclusively for health plhysic.s, should be located in thie outer changeroom. A guard or watchman need not be altendant except when personnel are exiting from the materialaccess area.b. SNM DetectorAn SNM detector should be located within thepassageway.
including waste barrels and work clothes hampers, being transported out of a material access area should be checked by an attendani guard or watchman for concealed SNM, preferably at an exit point expressly provided for packages.

T1he detector should be capable of detecting
SNM packages should be checked for proper seals, identification, and transfer documentation.
0.5 gram of plutonium or I gram of uraniun-233 shielded by 3 min of brass concealed anywhere on anindividual at a 9Oi confidence limit. The false alarm rateon the detector should be less than 0.1%.5.7-3
0c. Door Interlock The doors of tile attended secure accesspassageway should be interlocked so that both cannot besimultaneously open. The doors should also be that an explicit action must be taken by either theattendant security individual or the individual manningthe central alarm station to enable either door to openwithout triggering the alarm.d. PackagesAll packages.

including waste barrels and workclothes hampers, being transported out of a materialaccess area should be checked by an attendani guard orwatchman for concealed SNM, preferably at an exitpoint expressly provided for packages.
e. Change Room Access Access by personnel into a material access area should he permitted only through the change rooms.Control of access should be accomplished either by a guard or watchman attending the secure access passageway between the change rooms, or by a combination of key-card and CCTV when the passageway is unattended.

SNM packagesshould be checked for proper seals, identification, andtransfer documentation.
f. Observation of Individuals Procedures should be employed in the control of access to material access areas to ensure that no lone indihidual is allowed within a material access area without some means to observe that individual's activities.

e. Change Room AccessAccess by personnel into a material access areashould he permitted only through the change rooms.Control of access should be accomplished either by aguard or watchman attending the secure accesspassageway between the change rooms, or by acombination of key-card and CCTV when thepassageway is unattended.
3. Material Access Areas Containing Highly Enriched Uranium, and Vaults Containing SNM a. Exit At material access area exit points, the check for concealed SNM should be carried out by means of an SNM doorway monitor and a metal detector.

f. Observation of Individuals Procedures should be employed in the controlof access to material access areas to ensure that no loneindihidual is allowed within a material access areawithout some means to observe that individual's activities.
A secure access passageway located at the exit point from the material access area should house the detection equipment.

3. Material Access Areas Containing Highly EnrichedUranium, and Vaults Containing SNMa. ExitAt material access area exit points, the checkfor concealed SNM should be carried out by means of anSNM doorway monitor and a metal detector.
An attendant guard or watchman or a closed-circuit TV connected to the central alarm station should also be provided.

A secureaccess passageway located at the exit point from thematerial access area should house the detection equipment.
Administrative procedures should require the passage of packages only through attended exit points. The doors of the secure access passageway should be interlocked so that both cannot be simultaneously open. A suggested layout is illustrated in Figure 4.b. SNM Detector The SNM doorway monitor in the secure access passageway should be capable of detecting a minimum of 3 grams uranium enriched to 90t10 in the uranium-235 isotope in 3 mm of brass concealed anywhere on an individual at a 50,7 confidence limit. The false alarm rate should not exceed 0. 1%, c. Metal Detector The metal detector in the secure access passageway should be capable of detecting a minimum of 100 grams of non-ferrous metal (shielding)  
An attendant guard or watchman or aclosed-circuit TV connected to the central alarm stationshould also be provided.
Administrative procedures should require the passage of packages only throughattended exit points. The doors of the secure accesspassageway should be interlocked so that both cannot besimultaneously open. A suggested layout is illustrated inFigure 4.b. SNM DetectorThe SNM doorway monitor in the secure accesspassageway should be capable of detecting a minimumof 3 grams uranium enriched to 90t10 in the uranium-235 isotope in 3 mm of brass concealed anywhere on anindividual at a 50,7 confidence limit. The false alarm rateshould not exceed 0. 1%,c. Metal DetectorThe metal detector in the secure accesspassageway should be capable of detecting a minimumof 100 grams of non-ferrous metal (shielding)  
at a 90%confidence limit concealed anywhere on an individual.
at a 90%confidence limit concealed anywhere on an individual.

The false alarm rate should not exceed 0.1%.d. AlarmsThe doors of the se. :tre access passageway should be alarmed and interfaced with the doorwaymonitor such that an individual can be detained for asufficient time for the doorway monitor to operate.
The false alarm rate should not exceed 0.1%.d. Alarms The doors of the se. :tre access passageway should be alarmed and interfaced with the doorway monitor such that an individual can be detained for a sufficient time for the doorway monitor to operate. If an individual passes through without waiting for the proper period of time (perhaps indicated by a light) the alarm should sound. The doorway monitor and metal detector alarms and the door alarms should annunciate in the central alarm station and may also annunciate at the passageway.

Ifan individual passes through without waiting for theproper period of time (perhaps indicated by a light) thealarm should sound. The doorway monitor and metaldetector alarms and the door alarms should annunciate in the central alarm station and may also annunciate atthe passageway.
e. Access The exit points from the material access area should be used for access points as well. Control of access should be by either the attendant security individual or by a key-card CCTV system.f. Closed-Circuit TV Observation If observation of the passageway is accomplished by CCTV, the guard or watchman monitoring the passageway should carefully observe any individual widtin to ensure that no packages are being carried into or out of the access area.g. Observation of Individuals Procedures should be employed in the control of access to material access areas to ensure that no lone individual is allowed within a material access area without sonic means to observe that individual's activities.

e. AccessThe exit points from the material access areashould be used for access points as well. Control ofaccess should be by either the attendant securityindividual or by a key-card CCTV system.f. Closed-Circuit TV Observation If observation of the passageway isaccomplished by CCTV, the guard or watchmanmonitoring the passageway should carefully observe anyindividual widtin to ensure that no packages are beingcarried into or out of the access area.g. Observation of Individuals Procedures should be employed in the controlof access to material access areas to ensure that no loneindividual is allowed within a material access areawithout sonic means to observe that individual's activities.
h. Vaults A key-card CCTV system should be employed to control access to and from a vault if such access and exit points do not open to or from material access areas contiguous to the vault. In addition, all individuals who transport SNM between material access areas or to or from a vault, should be escorted by a member of the facility's security force during any period of the transport that the SNM is not within a material access area.4. Vital Areas Control of access into vital areas should be accompli fl ither by an attendant guard or watchman, or by meiýn , i nagnetic or electronic key-card access in conjunctint:
with closed-circuit TV. The identification checi: .,tid include either direct observation by an.attendant guard or watchman or observation by CCTV of each individual passing into the vital area, or some alternate means (e.g.. an escort) which will provide 5.7-4 pisitive asstrance that only individuals authorized access to the vital area are permitted to pass into that area.5. Security Force Response to an Alarm The guard:; and patrol watchmen should be trained and prepared to protect the facility from sabot::ge and tihe SNM within from theft.a. Protected Area Access Point SIlion anlnunciatiot, ot all alarni from explosive Or Lea rt detectir tl eqtuirnment loc:ated at a protected area access point attended by a lone guard or watchman.a gtr:-rd 'hould lc dispatched iCnIlediatelV
to the access point oripinating the "d:rni. If the ac,:ess point is unaltellded.

h. VaultsA key-card CCTV system should be employedto control access to and from a vault if such access andexit points do not open to or from material access areascontiguous to the vault. In addition, all individuals whotransport SNM between material access areas or to orfrom a vault, should be escorted by a member of thefacility's security force during any period of thetransport that the SNM is not within a material accessarea.4. Vital AreasControl of access into vital areas should beaccompli fl ither by an attendant guard or watchman, or by meiýn , i nagnetic or electronic key-card access inconjunctint:  
two .,r: should h%, sent to thie access pointi. At the a,ces, poittil th,: 0ti'rd or watchmlan should!eLicsi t tha 11,Cividluafl'.  
with closed-circuit TV. The identification checi: .,tid include either direct observation by an.attendant guard or watchman or observation by CCTVof each individual passing into the vital area, or somealternate means (e.g.. an escort) which will provide5.7-4 pisitive asstrance that only individuals authorized accessto the vital area are permitted to pass into that area.5. Security Force Response to an AlarmThe guard:; and patrol watchmen should be trainedand prepared to protect the facility from sabot::ge andtihe SNM within from theft.a. Protected Area Access PointSIlion anlnunciatiot, ot all alarni from explosive Or Lea rt detectir tl eqtuirnment loc:ated at a protected area access point attended by a lone guard or watchman.
pockets be emptied and that the ilndividUal la.s arilin 1hioudi the detection cquiipmen'n.

a gtr:-rd 'hould lc dispatched iCnIlediatelV
I1 the i: complies and if the alarms do inot register.
to the accesspoint oripinating the "d:rni. If the ac,:ess point isunaltellded.

two .,r: should h%, sent to thie accesspointi. At the a,ces, poittil th,: 0ti'rd or watchmlan should!eLicsi t tha 11,Cividluafl'.  
tie individual may be allowed to pass into the protected area after the contents of the individual's pocketis have beet examnined verifying that nto atleruipt has been made to pass explosives or firearms into the proleeted area. If. however, all alarmi continues t) register.
pockets be emptied and thatthe ilndividUal la.s arilin 1hioudi the detection cquiipmen'n.

I1 the i: complies and if the alarmsdo inot register.
tie individual should be physically searched 1w a%,n tiarned security individual, while at least one gCaif or armcd pitrol watchnian observes.

tie individual may be allowed to passinto the protected area after the contents of theindividual's pocketis have beet examnined verifying thatnto atleruipt has been made to pass explosives or firearmsinto the proleeted area. If. however, all alarmi continues t) register.
to verify that no firearms or explosives are yet concealed by the hndividtral.

tie individual should be physically searched1w a%,n tiarned security individual, while at least onegCaif or armcd pitrol watchnian observes.
I!* tile individual relfuses to comply with the ren.ýuesl tI r furthher searching, or if a weapon or cexpiosives
:tic ftound. tlie individual should be denied h. -Materil Access Area Exit Point If an SNM or metal delector alarii or a door.'ir~i is triggered at a miatcrial access area exit point ated bd hv a guard or watchman or at all unattended A.,lt point, security personnel, at least one of whom is armled (a guard or arnied patrol watchman).
should be dispatched to that exit point. The individual should be scatrhed bw emptying pockets and passing again through!O detection equipment or by a hands-on search 1.xrfortned by an unarmed security individual while at least ote guard or arnied patrol watchman observes.

to verify thatno firearms or explosives are yet concealed by thehndividtral.
Th, ca~(, of the alarm should be determined before the individual is ieleased.

I!* tile individual relfuses to comply with theren.ýuesl tI r furthher searching, or if a weapon orcexpiosives
If the cause of the alarti was an uhiect. metal or SNM, not concealed by the individual.
:tic ftound. tlie individual should be deniedh. -Materil Access Area Exit PointIf an SNM or metal delector alarii or a door.'ir~i is triggered at a miatcrial access area exit pointated bd hv a guard or watchman or at all unattended A.,lt point, security personnel, at least one of whom isarmled (a guard or arnied patrol watchman).
should bedispatched to that exit point. The individual should bescatrhed bw emptying pockets and passing again through!O detection equipment or by a hands-on search1.xrfortned by an unarmed security individual while atleast ote guard or arnied patrol watchman observes.

Th,ca~(, of the alarm should be determined before theindividual is ieleased.
thl. individual should be searched without the object to ensure that the object is not a decoy and that SNM is olt still tk:ing concealed by the individual.

If the cause of the alarti was anuhiect. metal or SNM, not concealed by the individual.
If the::cur 1ity personnel determine that attempted unauthtorized removal of SNM has been made with tile intent to .;teal SN.M, local police and the Federal Bureau Wf Investigation should be contacted.

thl. individual should be searched without the object toensure that the object is not a decoy and that SNM isolt still tk:ing concealed by the individual.
and tile individual should be field by the security personnel until the local polio: arrive and arrest the individual.

If the::cur 1ity personnel determine that attempted unauthtorized removal of SNM has been made with tileintent to .;teal SN.M, local police and the Federal BureauWf Investigation should be contacted.
c. Unoccupied Vital Areas and Material Access Areas It1 unautllioried ent ry is made or atlempted into a vital area or material access arca. or if atn intrusiorn alarm protecting all unoccupied vital or material access area is triggered, two drnied xecuirity personnel should he dispatched immediately to the area of al:irn. If.however. the area of the alarm can be obsev.:ed by CCTV. tile guard or valchniman in the alrm :.iation whiere the TV mronitor is located should first verily tile existence of intrusiOn and assess tile extent of a tharc:. if any. before dispatching flie security persottnef.

and tile individual should be field by the security personnel until the localpolio: arrive and arrest the individual.
If ilie ,,i,.cti ce of all intrusion is verified, cither by CCTV or:;CCLMiy personnel in tile area, a law en 'oreeren juimi'ty should be nolified imnmediately.
c. Unoccupied Vital Areas and Material AccessAreasIt1 unautllioried ent ry is made or atlempted into a vital area or material access arca. or if atn intrusiorn alarm protecting all unoccupied vital or material accessarea is triggered, two drnied xecuirity personnel should hedispatched immediately to the area of al:irn. If.however.
the area of the alarm can be obsev.:ed byCCTV. tile guard or valchniman in the alrm :.iationwhiere the TV mronitor is located should first verily tileexistence of intrusiOn and assess tile extent of a tharc:. ifany. before dispatching flie security persottnef.
If ilie,,i,.cti ce of all intrusion is verified, cither by CCTV or:;CCLMiy personnel in tile area, a law en 'oreerenjuimi'ty should be nolified imnmediately.

It" pos,;ible.
It" pos,;ible.

tli ifiatruder(s)  
tli ifiatruder(s)  
found by tile security persotnel shothdsearched and detadned until arrest by local police.6. Emergency Procedures The licensee should provide proteduhres anrdequipmen t to maintain the level of access control andSNM and facility protection during condilions ofemergency or equipment failure.
found by tile security persotnel shothd searched and detadned until arrest by local police.6. Emergency Procedures The licensee should provide proteduhres anrd equipmen t to maintain the level of access control and SNM and facility protection during condilions of emergency or equipment failure. E-mergency procedures should be developed and executed in a rimtiner consistent with safety.a. Evacuation Procedures During emergency conditions which require evacuation of part or all of the facility.

E-mergency procedures should be developed and executed in a rimtinerconsistent with safety.a. Evacuation Procedures During emergency conditions which requireevacuation of part or all of the facility.
lemporafry SNM checking stations should be established at the perinucler of tile protected area or at a personnel collection area outside the protected area. All individuals should he searched for concealed SNM before being released from the protected area or collection area. In addition, a roll of all individuals
%,,ho had entered tile evacutated area should be taken to ensure that all have evacuated .alfely.If an evacuation or other emergency alarm souttids.guards and watchmen should take at prearranged surveillance points to ensure that: (I) Proper evacuation routes :ire being observed, (2) SNM is not being tossed over tile protected area perimeter harrier, and (3) No one atteinpts to gain trnatlhorized access to the protected area during tile emergency.

lemporafry SNMchecking stations should be established at the perinucler of tile protected area or at a personnel collection areaoutside the protected area. All individuals should hesearched for concealed SNM before being released fromthe protected area or collection area. In addition, a rollof all individuals
b. Failed Detection Equipment Failed detection equipment should be repaired as quickly as possible.
%,,ho had entered tile evacutated areashould be taken to ensure that all have evacuated
.alfely.If an evacuation or other emergency alarm souttids.

guards and watchmen should take atprearranged surveillance points to ensure that:(I) Proper evacuation routes :ire beingobserved,
Ill the interim, alternate access or exit points or hand-held detection devices or hands-on search procedures should be employed, Ili no case should the failure of equipment be allowed to compromise tihe protection of the facility or the SNM within the facility.
(2) SNM is not being tossed over tile protected area perimeter harrier, and(3) No one atteinpts to gain trnatlhorized access to the protected area during tile emergency.

b. Failed Detection Equipment Failed detection equipment should be repairedas quickly as possible.
S ip4sitive assurance that only individuals authorized access to the vital area are permit ted to pass into that area.5. Security Force Response to an Alarm The guard:, and patrol watchnmen should be trained and prepared to protect tlie l'acility firom sahotage and the SNNI within fromi thelt.a. Protected Area Access Point I Ilion1 annunciation of an alarin from explosive or weapon detctiiOn equipment located at a protected area access point attended by a lone guard or watchman, a guard should be dispatched inmediately to the access poii't originating tile alarm. If the aczess point is t1tlat tenrdell.

Ill the interim, alternate access orexit points or hand-held detection devices or hands-onsearch procedures should be employed, Ili no caseshould the failure of equipment be allowed tocompromise tihe protection of the facility or the SNMwithin the facility.
two .should be sent to the access point. At the ajces; point the guard or watchman shouldthar dhc itlividual's pockets be emptied and that the individual pas again tlhr'ough Ltie detection equipment.

Sip4sitive assurance that only individuals authorized accessto the vital area are permit ted to pass into that area.5. Security Force Response to an AlarmThe guard:, and patrol watchnmen should be trainedand prepared to protect tlie l'acility firom sahotage andthe SNNI within fromi thelt.a. Protected Area Access PointI Ilion1 annunciation of an alarin from explosive or weapon detctiiOn equipment located at a protected area access point attended by a lone guard or watchman, a guard should be dispatched inmediately to the accesspoii't originating tile alarm. If the aczess point ist1tlat tenrdell.
If the individual complies and if tile alarms do not register.

two .should be sent to the accesspoint. At the ajces; point the guard or watchman should thar dhc itlividual's pockets be emptied and thatthe individual pas again tlhr'ough Ltie detection equipment.
tile individual may be allowed to pass into the protected area after the contents of the individual's pockets have been examined verifying that no at lempt has been made to pass explosives or firearms init, the protected area. It1. however. an alarm continues fit register.

If the individual complies and if tile alarmsdo not register.
thle individual should be physically searched 1wv all unarmed security individual.
tile individual may be allowed to passinto the protected area after the contents of theindividual's pockets have been examined verifying thatno at lempt has been made to pass explosives or firearmsinit, the protected area. It1. however.
an alarm continues fit register.
thle individual should be physically searched1wv all unarmed security individual.

while at least one.Ciad or armed patrol watchman observes.
while at least one.Ciad or armed patrol watchman observes.

to verify thatnio firearms or explosives are yet concealed by tieindividual.
to verify that nio firearms or explosives are yet concealed by tie individual.
If the individual rfiuses to comply with therequest for further searching, or if a weapon orexpiosives are found, the individual should be denied*kcces:ý.
1). Material Access Area Exit PointIf an SNM or nietal detector alarm or a door,arran, is triggered at a material access area exit point t by a guard or watchman or at an unattended exit point. security personnel, at least one of whom isarmied (a guard or armed patrol watchman).
should bedispatched to that exit point. Tile individual should besearched by emptying pockets and passing again throughthi' detection equipment or by a hands-on searchperformed by an unarmed security individual while atleast one guard or armed patrol watchman observes.

Thecaosc of the alarm should be determined before theindividual is feleased.
If the individual rfiuses to comply with the request for further searching, or if a weapon or expiosives are found, the individual should be denied*kcces:ý.1). Material Access Area Exit Point If an SNM or nietal detector alarm or a door ,arran, is triggered at a material access area exit point t by a guard or watchman or at an unattended exit point. security personnel, at least one of whom is armied (a guard or armed patrol watchman).
should be dispatched to that exit point. Tile individual should be searched by emptying pockets and passing again through thi' detection equipment or by a hands-on search performed by an unarmed security individual while at least one guard or armed patrol watchman observes.

If the cause of the alarm was anobject, metal or SNM, riot concealed by the individual, tile individual should be searched without the object toensure that tile object is not a decoy and that SNM isnrot still b-ing concealed by the individual.
The caosc of the alarm should be determined before the individual is feleased.

If thesecurity personnel determine that attempted unauthorized removal of SNM has been made with theintent to .4tcal SNM, local police and the Federal Bureauof Invesligation should he contacted.
If the cause of the alarm was an object, metal or SNM, riot concealed by the individual, tile individual should be searched without the object to ensure that tile object is not a decoy and that SNM is nrot still b-ing concealed by the individual.

and the individual should be held by the security personnel until the localpolice arrive and arrest the individual.
If the security personnel determine that attempted unauthorized removal of SNM has been made with the intent to .4tcal SNM, local police and the Federal Bureau of Invesligation should he contacted.

c. Unoccupied Vital Areas and Material AccessAreasIt' unauthoried en ry is made or atternited into a vital area or material access area. or if an intrusion alarm protecting an unoccupied vilal or material accessarea is triggered.
and the individual should be held by the security personnel until the local police arrive and arrest the individual.

two arrmed security personnel should hedispatched imnediately to tihe area of alarm. It.however.
c. Unoccupied Vital Areas and Material Access Areas It' unauthoried en ry is made or atternited into a vital area or material access area. or if an intrusion alarm protecting an unoccupied vilal or material access area is triggered.

tile area of' the alarmn can be obsc.'ed byCCTV, the guard or vatlchman in the alarm ,,atlihri where the TV monitor is located should first verify theexistence of intrusion and assess the extent of 'tihrkal.
two arrmed security personnel should he dispatched imnediately to tihe area of alarm. It.however. tile area of' the alarmn can be obsc.'ed by CCTV, the guard or vatlchman in the alarm ,,atlihri where the TV monitor is located should first verify the existence of intrusion and assess the extent of 'tihrkal.

it lany. before dispatching thie security personnel.
it l any. before dispatching thie security personnel.

i1 theexiStence of anl intrusion is verified, either by CCTV orsccuniny personnel in tlie area, a law enforcement aJltno ily should be nolified immediately.
i1 the exiStence of anl intrusion is verified, either by CCTV or sccuniny personnel in tlie area, a law enforcement aJltno ily should be nolified immediately.

If' pts,.ihle.
If' pts,.ihle.

th,' nitnider(s)  
th,' nitnider(s)  
found by the security personnel sh,0tm1dsearched and detained until arrest by local police.6. Emergency Procedures The licensee should provide procedures  
found by the security personnel sh,0tm1d searched and detained until arrest by local police.6. Emergency Procedures The licensee should provide procedures  
;ndequipment to maintain the level of access conitrol  
;nd equipment to maintain the level of access conitrol ;anld SNM and facility protection during conditions ot'emergency or equipment failure. Etmergency procedures should be developed and executtcd in a mn:arne consistent with safety.a. Evacuation Procedures During emergency conditions whicil reqinte evacuation of part or all of live facility.
;anldSNM and facility protection during conditions ot'emergency or equipment failure.
Etmergency procedures should be developed and executtcd in a mn:arneconsistent with safety.a. Evacuation Procedures During emergency conditions whicil reqinteevacuation of part or all of live facility.
lemporary SNMchecking stations should be established at the peri nelerof thie protected area or at a personnel collection areaoutside the protected area. All individuals should Lesearched for concealed SNM before being released nronotile protected area or collection area. In addition, a rollof' all individuals who had entered the evacu:ated areashould be taken to ensure that all have evacuated
.allly.if an evacuation or other emergency alarm souinds.guards and watchmen should take positio- atprearranged surveillance peints to ensure that:(i) Proper evacuation rouics are beingobserved,
(2) SNM is not being tossed over tire protected area perimeter barrier, and(3) No one attempts to gain unarlhtorized access to the protected area during tIre emergency.

b. Failed Detection Equipment Failed detection equipment should be repairedas quickly as possible.
lemporary SNM checking stations should be established at the peri neler of thie protected area or at a personnel collection area outside the protected area. All individuals should Le searched for concealed SNM before being released nrono tile protected area or collection area. In addition, a roll of' all individuals who had entered the evacu:ated area should be taken to ensure that all have evacuated .allly.if an evacuation or other emergency alarm souinds.guards and watchmen should take positio- at prearranged surveillance peints to ensure that: (i) Proper evacuation rouics are being observed, (2) SNM is not being tossed over tire protected area perimeter barrier, and (3) No one attempts to gain unarlhtorized access to the protected area during tIre emergency.

In the interim, allernlale access orexit points or hand-held detection devices or hands-onsearch procedures should be employed.
b. Failed Detection Equipment Failed detection equipment should be repaired as quickly as possible.

In no caseshould the failure of equipment be allowed tocompromise the protection of tlie facility or tire SNMwithin the facility.
In the interim, allernlale access or exit points or hand-held detection devices or hands-on search procedures should be employed.

05.7-5 PROTECTED  
In no case should the failure of equipment be allowed to compromise the protection of tlie facility or tire SNM within the facility.0 5.7-5 PROTECTED  
FENCE-x_ X-xx-X-x--
FENCE-x_ X-xx-X-x--



Revision as of 18:34, 13 July 2018

Control of Personnel Access to Protected Areas, Vital Areas, and Material Access Areas
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/30/1973
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Download: ML13350A204 (10)










Proposed amendments to the Commission regulations of 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities." 10 CFR Part 70. "Special Nuclear Material," and 10 CFR Part 73, "Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material," would, if adopted. require nuc..ures (I) for the protection against industrial sabotage of fuel reprocessing plants and certain facilities subject to tic provisions of 10 CFR Part 70 and (2) for tile protection of special nuclear mtaterial (SNM) against theft or diversion from certain licensed lacilities.

One element of this protection is proper control of access of personnel to and from protected areas, vital areas, and material access areas. Searching persons and packages for tirearms.

explosives, and other devices which could aid in sabotage or theft of SNM is another element of physical protection.

This guide describes acceptable methods of searching personnel prior to entry into a protected area and upon exit from a material access area, and of controlling access to protected areas, vital areas, and material access areas.


The objective of controlling access to protected areas, vital areas, and material access areas is to ensure that (I) only persons authorized access to a protected area are permilled within that area and (2) that only individuals authorized access to vital equipment or special nuclear material will be allowed within vital areas or material access areas.The objective of searching individuals prior tc permitting entry into a protected area is to prevent illicit passage into tile protected area of objects such as firearms, explosives, and incendiary devices which could aid in industrial sabotage to the facility or in tile theft of special nuclear material.

Searching individuals and packages for conce:;Ied special nuclear material at exit points from material access areas provides a means of detecting attempted theft or diversion of special nuclear material.Some meanis by which control of access can be accomplished include a key and lock system. a magnetic or electronic key-card system. an attendant guard or watchman, or a closed-circuit TV (CCTV) in conjunction with keys or key-cards.

Of these means. the magnetic or electronic key-card system in conjunction with closed.circuit TV offers the greatest security with a ininimurn of personnel.

The key-cards are mutch more difficult to duplicate tian keys and the locks cannot be "picked." Further, the control system can "read" the key-card and record the identity of the card (to whom it was issued)and the time of entry. A closed-cilcuit

1V system would allow visual observation of the access point without requiring an attendant guard or watchman.

In fact, by use of closed-circuit TV several such access points can be maintained under observation by a single guard or watchman.

Such a system would be especially useful at access points to remote or normally unoccupied vital areas or material access areas. In any case, visual observation, either directly or via CCTV, provides a positive neans of assuring that only individuals authorized access to an area pass through the access point into the area.Searching of individuals can be carried out by means of a hands-on search ("frisking").

or by means of devices which will detect the presence of weapons and explosives or SNM concealed on the individual, or by a combination of both. The search should be conducted in a manner which (I) provides as.surance that firearms, explosives, and other such contraband are not being carried into the protected area and that SNM is not USAEC REGULATORY

GUIDES Copies ol published guides may be obtained by request Indicating the divisions desired to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commisston.

Wathinglon, D.C 240645, Regulatory Guides are issued to denoribe and rrake available to the public Attention:

Director of Regulatory Standerds.

Comments and suggestions for methods acceptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of Implementing specific parts of Improvements In theta guides are encouraged end should be sent to the Secretary the Commisson';

regulations, to delineate techniques used by the stafl In of the Commission.

US. Atomic Energy CommIsslon, Washington.

DC. 20545, evaluating probtems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to Attention:

Chief. Public Proceedinmt Staff.applicants.

Regulatory Guidet are not substitutla for regulations and complIance with thenm is not reouired.

Methods and solutions different from those set out In The guides are Issued In the following lan broad divisions:

the guides will be acceptable If they provide a basis for the findings requisite to the issuance or continuance of a permit or license by the Commission.

2. Poewerds and Teas Reactors 7. Traneportotlon I. Fuels and Matatials Facilities

8. Occupt.lional Health Published guides will he revised periodically, at appropriate, to accommodate

4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitruitt Review comments and to reflect new information or experience.

5. Materials and Plant Protection

10. Geonwal I.I being transportcd out of a material access area and (2)nminimizcs inconvenience to the individuals being searched.

The use of equipment capable of detecting weapons, explosives, or SNM is usually the preferable form of searching, since the use of detection devices avoids the personal imposition of a hands-on search.An "airport type" weapon (me tal) detector located in a passageway arranged so that all individuals entering the protected area pass through the detector provides a convenient and effective means ofsearching for firearms.Devices capable of detecting dynanmite.

TNT, and other explosives can be used to search individuals for concealed explosives.

Most explosive detectors commercialiy available at present are of the hand-held"sniffer" variety- hence an attendant guard or watchman must pass the detector over the individual being searched.

However, it is possible to locate an explosive detector in a passageway and to use the detector in the sanre manner that a fixed weapon detector is used.If a hand-held explosive detector is used, tIle explosive check is best made after the weapon detector has indicated that no weapon is concealed upon the individual.

This procedure affords greater protection to the attendant guard or watchman on the presumption that concealed explosives offer less of an immediate danger to the guard or watchman than a concealed firearm.One alternative approach to the hand-held explosive detector would be tile location of an explosive detector within a revolving-door frame. The rather small volume of air trapped in a section of the revolving door would be sampled by tile explosive detector and, as the isý)lation of the air volume by a revolving door section provides some concentration of vapors emitted by any explosives within that section, the 41fectiveness of the detector would be increased.

To further increase efficiency of thie explosive detector, the air in the door section might be flushed through the detector.Searching individuals for concealed SNM upon exit from material access areas can be accomplished in a variety of ways. For example, at facilities processing plutonium or uranium-233 the search for concealed SNM can be made in an attended air lock between change rooms. At areas where only highly enriched uranium is processed.

the search can be carried nut by use of a doorway SNM monitor and a metal detector in conjunction with a clused-circiit TV (C"CTV) system.hence a guard om watchman need notl be alleirdattl, However, whether or not the access voint is Attended.the use of both an SNM .-ot;iitor ain ,I itetal de tIotl would seemn iiecessary to asstirr that eni iched rIrailrl.shielded or Li1lshieldcd, is niot tnecorlcealcd.

It addition, exit from any imaterial access area sNhould bu controlled to assure that all individuals and packages exiting from a material access area pass through the SNM check system.It is the facility guards and watchmen who are charged with the responsibility of assuring that firearms, explosives, and other similar items or devices are not transported into the protected area and that SNM is not removed from a material access area without authorization.

Hence, they should search any packages being carried into thc protected area or out of a material access area. No individual should be allowed to directly hand carry any package, valise, tool box, or similar hand-carriable item into the protected area or out ot" a material access area. Such objects should be handed to an attendant guard or watchman who will check them and pass them into the protectcd area or out of the material access area. To further reduce the possibility of concealment, where feasible, bulky outer clothing such as overcoats, raincoats, greatcodits, and ski jackets should be left in a cloak room provided outside the protected area and in any case should never be taken into a material access area. The licensee may wish to use several members of the security force to check packages, coats, etc.. during shift change to minimize tile delay encountered in gaining access. Unattended access points into the protected area can be used. provided observation of such points is maintained by CCTV to assure that packages are not being hand carried into the protected area at that point.Posting of a sign in a conspicuous location will inform individuals requesting access into the protected area that they will be searched, and that any packages, etc., they wish to take into the protected area will also be searched.Although the Commission regulations do not require searching of individuals entering a material access area, observation of access points provides a convenient method of ensuring that personnel do not carry weapons, explosives, and other similar items or devices into the material access area.In emergency situations, such as those which may require the evacuation of a material access area, the objectives of access control and search should not be allowed to compromise health and safety. Hence, the licensee should develop plans of action and provide areas and equipment for searching and controlling access under emergency conditions compatible with the objectives of both safety and security.

Such emergency procedures will minimize the effectiveness of an emergency situation deliberately perpetrated to conceal theft of SNMN Admiinisirtaive controls, as well as physical barriers where applicable.

may be employed to gather evacuating individuals within a holding area. Such controls would serve both ro vetif' that to one has remained in 1he evacuated area and to ensure that an emergency 57.2

(0 situation will not successfully conceal an attempted theft of SNM.C. DEFINITIONS

For the purpose uf this guide (he following dve illilions

lLe provided
I ."Guard'" incan.i in armed arid uniforiied individual whose primary ditty is thie protection of materials and property to the ,txlcnit that theft of SNM or sabotage of thie facility curl Id pose a threat to tile common defense arid security or result in a r:adiological hazard to public health and sal'ct y.2. "Walchilnlul" Illealls all tin arnd individual.

nto nieces.iarily uinifornied, who provides protection for nialerials and property in tile course of performing oilier duties.3. -Patrol watrman'" means an ainis-qualified individual whose primary duty, at lcast during threat or enmergency situations, is the protection

.,f material and property, arid hvlio is normally unarmed but who may be armed during emergency or threat situations.

A patrol watchman may or may not be uniformed.


POSITION I. Protected Areas I. Identity and Authorization At each access point into a protected area, an identlity and access authorization check should be made ini conjunction willi a search for firearms and explosives'

Si.!,:], idenlitv and access authorization checks should be performied by an attendant guard or watchman or by nmeans of an electronic or magnetic key-card system and a closed-circuit TV systenm. Packages should be taken into the protected area only at access points attended by a guard or watchman.

If the access point is unattended, the individual monitoring.

the access point via closed-circuit TV should carefully observe any individual requesting access at that point to ensure that no packages arc being carried into the protected area.b. Personnel Search If tile search of individuals is to be carried out by mezuis of detection equipment, a weapon (metal)detector anl(] an explosive detector should be used. An acceptable arrangement for the use of detection equipnmenI

in a secure access passageway is illustrated in Figure 1. The doors oil the secure access passageway should be interlocked so that both cannot be sinniltaneously open, thus providing positive access control. An explicit enabling act should be required of a security individual, either attending the secure access passageway or in the central alarm station, to open the inner door.c. Metal Detector The metal detector located within (tie secure access passageway should be capable of detecting a minimum of 200 grams of non-forrous metal placed anywhere on the body at a )0% conifidence limit. The false alarm rate should be a niaxi mnum of' I d. Explosive Detector The explosive detector, as a miliniumn.

hould be capable of' detecting dynaimite.

TNT. and similar nitrogen compounds in nminiimim amountsl of 200 gramis at a 90%-. confidence hinil, The false alarii rate should be a miaxinium of 1V,.. If deteclor is hand held rather than permanently fixed to a passageway or revolving door framle, lieice requiriing an attendanlt guard or watchlmaui, the search for explosives should be IerTornied after the search for firearms.

An acceptable arrangi.ent is illustrated in Figure 2.e. Alarm Ani. niciation The alarins of tile weapon detector arid tile explosive detector should annunciate at the location of tile detectors, if attended, as well as in a centrad alarm station. The alarm annunciation at the location of tile detectors need not be aural.f. Alarm System The alarms of the weaponi (metal) detector and tihe explosive detector should be interfaced with (lie inner door lock so ihal. with aln alarm triggered.

Ihe inner door cannot be opened from either side without a specific action by the individual manning the central alarm station acknowledging the alarm and enabling the inner door to be opened.2. Material Access Areas Containing Pu or U-233 a. Change Room Exit Checking for c on cealed plutoniumn or uranirim-233 at all exit point from a material access area into a protected area should be performed in an attended secure access passageway located between change rooms. An acceptable arrangement is shown in Figure 3. Unless exit is into a contiguous material access area, all individuals should exit from a nmatcrial access area, other than a vault, only via tie change rooms arid should be required to deposit all work clothing in tile inner change room. walk through tihe passageway, and dress in street clothing in (lie outer change room. The licensee should generally not allow packages to be transported out of the miaterial access area via tire change rooms. Showers, except those used exclusively for health plhysic.s, should be located in thie outer change room. A guard or watchman need not be altendant except when personnel are exiting from the material access area.b. SNM Detector An SNM detector should be located within the passageway.

T1he detector should be capable of detecting 0.5 gram of plutonium or I gram of uraniun-233 shielded by 3 min of brass concealed anywhere on an individual at a 9Oi confidence limit. The false alarm rate on the detector should be less than 0.1%.5.7-3

0 c. Door Interlock The doors of tile attended secure access passageway should be interlocked so that both cannot be simultaneously open. The doors should also be that an explicit action must be taken by either the attendant security individual or the individual manning the central alarm station to enable either door to open without triggering the alarm.d. Packages All packages.

including waste barrels and work clothes hampers, being transported out of a material access area should be checked by an attendani guard or watchman for concealed SNM, preferably at an exit point expressly provided for packages.

SNM packages should be checked for proper seals, identification, and transfer documentation.

e. Change Room Access Access by personnel into a material access area should he permitted only through the change rooms.Control of access should be accomplished either by a guard or watchman attending the secure access passageway between the change rooms, or by a combination of key-card and CCTV when the passageway is unattended.

f. Observation of Individuals Procedures should be employed in the control of access to material access areas to ensure that no lone indihidual is allowed within a material access area without some means to observe that individual's activities.

3. Material Access Areas Containing Highly Enriched Uranium, and Vaults Containing SNM a. Exit At material access area exit points, the check for concealed SNM should be carried out by means of an SNM doorway monitor and a metal detector.

A secure access passageway located at the exit point from the material access area should house the detection equipment.

An attendant guard or watchman or a closed-circuit TV connected to the central alarm station should also be provided.

Administrative procedures should require the passage of packages only through attended exit points. The doors of the secure access passageway should be interlocked so that both cannot be simultaneously open. A suggested layout is illustrated in Figure 4.b. SNM Detector The SNM doorway monitor in the secure access passageway should be capable of detecting a minimum of 3 grams uranium enriched to 90t10 in the uranium-235 isotope in 3 mm of brass concealed anywhere on an individual at a 50,7 confidence limit. The false alarm rate should not exceed 0. 1%, c. Metal Detector The metal detector in the secure access passageway should be capable of detecting a minimum of 100 grams of non-ferrous metal (shielding)

at a 90%confidence limit concealed anywhere on an individual.

The false alarm rate should not exceed 0.1%.d. Alarms The doors of the se. :tre access passageway should be alarmed and interfaced with the doorway monitor such that an individual can be detained for a sufficient time for the doorway monitor to operate. If an individual passes through without waiting for the proper period of time (perhaps indicated by a light) the alarm should sound. The doorway monitor and metal detector alarms and the door alarms should annunciate in the central alarm station and may also annunciate at the passageway.

e. Access The exit points from the material access area should be used for access points as well. Control of access should be by either the attendant security individual or by a key-card CCTV system.f. Closed-Circuit TV Observation If observation of the passageway is accomplished by CCTV, the guard or watchman monitoring the passageway should carefully observe any individual widtin to ensure that no packages are being carried into or out of the access area.g. Observation of Individuals Procedures should be employed in the control of access to material access areas to ensure that no lone individual is allowed within a material access area without sonic means to observe that individual's activities.

h. Vaults A key-card CCTV system should be employed to control access to and from a vault if such access and exit points do not open to or from material access areas contiguous to the vault. In addition, all individuals who transport SNM between material access areas or to or from a vault, should be escorted by a member of the facility's security force during any period of the transport that the SNM is not within a material access area.4. Vital Areas Control of access into vital areas should be accompli fl ither by an attendant guard or watchman, or by meiýn , i nagnetic or electronic key-card access in conjunctint:

with closed-circuit TV. The identification checi: .,tid include either direct observation by an.attendant guard or watchman or observation by CCTV of each individual passing into the vital area, or some alternate means (e.g.. an escort) which will provide 5.7-4 pisitive asstrance that only individuals authorized access to the vital area are permitted to pass into that area.5. Security Force Response to an Alarm The guard:; and patrol watchmen should be trained and prepared to protect the facility from sabot::ge and tihe SNM within from theft.a. Protected Area Access Point SIlion anlnunciatiot, ot all alarni from explosive Or Lea rt detectir tl eqtuirnment loc:ated at a protected area access point attended by a lone guard or watchman.a gtr:-rd 'hould lc dispatched iCnIlediatelV

to the access point oripinating the "d:rni. If the ac,:ess point is unaltellded.

two .,r: should h%, sent to thie access pointi. At the a,ces, poittil th,: 0ti'rd or watchmlan should!eLicsi t tha 11,Cividluafl'.

pockets be emptied and that the ilndividUal la.s arilin 1hioudi the detection cquiipmen'n.

I1 the i: complies and if the alarms do inot register.

tie individual may be allowed to pass into the protected area after the contents of the individual's pocketis have beet examnined verifying that nto atleruipt has been made to pass explosives or firearms into the proleeted area. If. however, all alarmi continues t) register.

tie individual should be physically searched 1w a%,n tiarned security individual, while at least one gCaif or armcd pitrol watchnian observes.

to verify that no firearms or explosives are yet concealed by the hndividtral.

I!* tile individual relfuses to comply with the ren.ýuesl tI r furthher searching, or if a weapon or cexpiosives

tic ftound. tlie individual should be denied h. -Materil Access Area Exit Point If an SNM or metal delector alarii or a door.'ir~i is triggered at a miatcrial access area exit point ated bd hv a guard or watchman or at all unattended A.,lt point, security personnel, at least one of whom is armled (a guard or arnied patrol watchman).

should be dispatched to that exit point. The individual should be scatrhed bw emptying pockets and passing again through!O detection equipment or by a hands-on search 1.xrfortned by an unarmed security individual while at least ote guard or arnied patrol watchman observes.

Th, ca~(, of the alarm should be determined before the individual is ieleased.

If the cause of the alarti was an uhiect. metal or SNM, not concealed by the individual.

thl. individual should be searched without the object to ensure that the object is not a decoy and that SNM is olt still tk:ing concealed by the individual.

If the::cur 1ity personnel determine that attempted unauthtorized removal of SNM has been made with tile intent to .;teal SN.M, local police and the Federal Bureau Wf Investigation should be contacted.

and tile individual should be field by the security personnel until the local polio: arrive and arrest the individual.

c. Unoccupied Vital Areas and Material Access Areas It1 unautllioried ent ry is made or atlempted into a vital area or material access arca. or if atn intrusiorn alarm protecting all unoccupied vital or material access area is triggered, two drnied xecuirity personnel should he dispatched immediately to the area of al:irn. If.however. the area of the alarm can be obsev.:ed by CCTV. tile guard or valchniman in the alrm :.iation whiere the TV mronitor is located should first verily tile existence of intrusiOn and assess tile extent of a tharc:. if any. before dispatching flie security persottnef.

If ilie ,,i,.cti ce of all intrusion is verified, cither by CCTV or:;CCLMiy personnel in tile area, a law en 'oreeren juimi'ty should be nolified imnmediately.

It" pos,;ible.

tli ifiatruder(s)

found by tile security persotnel shothd searched and detadned until arrest by local police.6. Emergency Procedures The licensee should provide proteduhres anrd equipmen t to maintain the level of access control and SNM and facility protection during condilions of emergency or equipment failure. E-mergency procedures should be developed and executed in a rimtiner consistent with safety.a. Evacuation Procedures During emergency conditions which require evacuation of part or all of the facility.

lemporafry SNM checking stations should be established at the perinucler of tile protected area or at a personnel collection area outside the protected area. All individuals should he searched for concealed SNM before being released from the protected area or collection area. In addition, a roll of all individuals

%,,ho had entered tile evacutated area should be taken to ensure that all have evacuated .alfely.If an evacuation or other emergency alarm souttids.guards and watchmen should take at prearranged surveillance points to ensure that: (I) Proper evacuation routes :ire being observed, (2) SNM is not being tossed over tile protected area perimeter harrier, and (3) No one atteinpts to gain trnatlhorized access to the protected area during tile emergency.

b. Failed Detection Equipment Failed detection equipment should be repaired as quickly as possible.

Ill the interim, alternate access or exit points or hand-held detection devices or hands-on search procedures should be employed, Ili no case should the failure of equipment be allowed to compromise tihe protection of the facility or the SNM within the facility.

S ip4sitive assurance that only individuals authorized access to the vital area are permit ted to pass into that area.5. Security Force Response to an Alarm The guard:, and patrol watchnmen should be trained and prepared to protect tlie l'acility firom sahotage and the SNNI within fromi thelt.a. Protected Area Access Point I Ilion1 annunciation of an alarin from explosive or weapon detctiiOn equipment located at a protected area access point attended by a lone guard or watchman, a guard should be dispatched inmediately to the access poii't originating tile alarm. If the aczess point is t1tlat tenrdell.

two .should be sent to the access point. At the ajces; point the guard or watchman shouldthar dhc itlividual's pockets be emptied and that the individual pas again tlhr'ough Ltie detection equipment.

If the individual complies and if tile alarms do not register.

tile individual may be allowed to pass into the protected area after the contents of the individual's pockets have been examined verifying that no at lempt has been made to pass explosives or firearms init, the protected area. It1. however. an alarm continues fit register.

thle individual should be physically searched 1wv all unarmed security individual.

while at least one.Ciad or armed patrol watchman observes.

to verify that nio firearms or explosives are yet concealed by tie individual.

If the individual rfiuses to comply with the request for further searching, or if a weapon or expiosives are found, the individual should be denied*kcces:ý.1). Material Access Area Exit Point If an SNM or nietal detector alarm or a door ,arran, is triggered at a material access area exit point t by a guard or watchman or at an unattended exit point. security personnel, at least one of whom is armied (a guard or armed patrol watchman).

should be dispatched to that exit point. Tile individual should be searched by emptying pockets and passing again through thi' detection equipment or by a hands-on search performed by an unarmed security individual while at least one guard or armed patrol watchman observes.

The caosc of the alarm should be determined before the individual is feleased.

If the cause of the alarm was an object, metal or SNM, riot concealed by the individual, tile individual should be searched without the object to ensure that tile object is not a decoy and that SNM is nrot still b-ing concealed by the individual.

If the security personnel determine that attempted unauthorized removal of SNM has been made with the intent to .4tcal SNM, local police and the Federal Bureau of Invesligation should he contacted.

and the individual should be held by the security personnel until the local police arrive and arrest the individual.

c. Unoccupied Vital Areas and Material Access Areas It' unauthoried en ry is made or atternited into a vital area or material access area. or if an intrusion alarm protecting an unoccupied vilal or material access area is triggered.

two arrmed security personnel should he dispatched imnediately to tihe area of alarm. It.however. tile area of' the alarmn can be obsc.'ed by CCTV, the guard or vatlchman in the alarm ,,atlihri where the TV monitor is located should first verify the existence of intrusion and assess the extent of 'tihrkal.

it l any. before dispatching thie security personnel.

i1 the exiStence of anl intrusion is verified, either by CCTV or sccuniny personnel in tlie area, a law enforcement aJltno ily should be nolified immediately.

If' pts,.ihle.

th,' nitnider(s)

found by the security personnel sh,0tm1d searched and detained until arrest by local police.6. Emergency Procedures The licensee should provide procedures

nd equipment to maintain the level of access conitrol ;anld SNM and facility protection during conditions ot'emergency or equipment failure. Etmergency procedures should be developed and executtcd in a mn
arne consistent with safety.a. Evacuation Procedures During emergency conditions whicil reqinte evacuation of part or all of live facility.

lemporary SNM checking stations should be established at the peri neler of thie protected area or at a personnel collection area outside the protected area. All individuals should Le searched for concealed SNM before being released nrono tile protected area or collection area. In addition, a roll of' all individuals who had entered the evacu:ated area should be taken to ensure that all have evacuated .allly.if an evacuation or other emergency alarm souinds.guards and watchmen should take positio- at prearranged surveillance peints to ensure that: (i) Proper evacuation rouics are being observed, (2) SNM is not being tossed over tire protected area perimeter barrier, and (3) No one attempts to gain unarlhtorized access to the protected area during tIre emergency.

b. Failed Detection Equipment Failed detection equipment should be repaired as quickly as possible.

In the interim, allernlale access or exit points or hand-held detection devices or hands-on search procedures should be employed.

In no case should the failure of equipment be allowed to compromise the protection of tlie facility or tire SNM within the facility.0 5.7-5 PROTECTED


FENCE-x_ X-xx-X-x--








