ENS 50551: Difference between revisions

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| event date = 10/20/2014 02:18 EDT
| event date = 10/20/2014 02:18 EDT
| last update date = 10/20/2014
| last update date = 10/20/2014
| title = Automatic Reactor Scram On Loss Of Feedwater
| title = Automatic Reactor Scram on Loss of Feedwater
| event text = The Perry Power Plant experienced a reactor scram during a shift of non-essential vital power supply to the alternate source.  Feedwater was lost resulting in receiving a valid level 3 and level 2 signal.  High Pressure Core Spray and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling started and injected. Reactor level and pressure have been stabilized to required bands.  The motor feed pump has been started and is controlling level.  High Pressure Core Spray and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling have been returned to standby.
| event text = The Perry Power Plant experienced a reactor scram during a shift of non-essential vital power supply to the alternate source.  Feedwater was lost resulting in receiving a valid level 3 and level 2 signal.  High Pressure Core Spray and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling started and injected. Reactor level and pressure have been stabilized to required bands.  The motor feed pump has been started and is controlling level.  High Pressure Core Spray and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling have been returned to standby.
During the scram, all rods fully inserted into the core.  Decay heat is being removed via the steam dumps to the condenser. The electrical grid is stable and supplying plant loads. An emergency diesel generator started, as designed, as a result of the level 2 signal but did not load. No safety valves lifted as a result of the transient. The cause of the loss of feedwater is under investigation.
During the scram, all rods fully inserted into the core.  Decay heat is being removed via the steam dumps to the condenser. The electrical grid is stable and supplying plant loads. An emergency diesel generator started, as designed, as a result of the level 2 signal but did not load. No safety valves lifted as a result of the transient. The cause of the loss of feedwater is under investigation.

Latest revision as of 20:49, 1 March 2018

ENS 50551 +/-
Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Ohio (NRC Region 3)
10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(A), System Actuation - ECCS Discharge

10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), RPS Actuation

10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), System Actuation
Time - Person (Reporting Time:+-2.38 h-0.0992 days <br />-0.0142 weeks <br />-0.00326 months <br />)
Opened: Dan Kunzman
03:55 Oct 20, 2014
NRC Officer: Howie Crouch
Last Updated: Oct 20, 2014
50551 - NRC Website
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