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Georgia: EsB@LWO@                                                              Neoly Nuclear Research Center QC [k                                                                            900 Atlartic Drive Atlanta. Georgia 30332-0425
m                                                                                  (404)894 3600 FAX:(404)894 9325 February 74,1998 Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comrnission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Referenco: Annual Report Docket 50160; Licenso R 97 Pursuant to Section 6.7.a of the Technical Specifications for the Georgia Institute of Technology Research Roactor (Licenso R 97), the following annual repor1 is submitted.
The reporting period is January 1,1997, through December 31,1997 (calendar year 1997). The designation of the sections below follow the title and order of Sectior,6.7.a of our Technical Specifications.
: c.      ChaDDas in Facility Design There was one facility design chango during calendar year 1997. The                          fj change was approved by the Nuclear Safeguards Committoo. The design chango is described in Appendix A.
: b.      Eedonnance Characteristics                                                        gg During the reporting period, the reactor was not operated at anytime.
Currently wo have no fuel on hand for the reactor,
: c.      ChangetjaDoerating ProcDdums The list of now and/or revised proceduros approved by the Nuclear Safeguards Committoo during calendar year 1997 is as follows:
EIocJt        litta 9075            Calibration of Eberlino MP-1 Mini Pulser h        DO              60                                                                .
R                        PDR A Unit of the Unh srsity System of Gooala                        An Equal Education and Employment Opportunity Institution
U.S.pluclear Regulatory Commission . Annual Repcri
* February 24,1998 Page 2 9151          Calibration and Operation of The Tri Carb 2^00 Series Liquid Scintillation Counter 9290          Radioactive Waste Management / Disposal 9501          Control and Accountability of Radioactive Sources 9502          Control and Accountability of Radiation Generating Devices There were no procedures canceled durin9 calendar year 1997.
: d. Beaults of Sutycillance T6als and Inspegans The surveillance tests and Inspection of the facility required by the Technical Specifications were performed. Documentation of each of the tests and inspections are available at the site for review.
: e. Changes. Test and Experiments Acoroved by USNRC There were no changes, tests or experiments that required the apuroval of the USNRC pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59(a).
: f. CunenLSlaltandEuclear Safeguards _ Committee _ Membership Dr. Nolan E. Hertel, Director, Nuclear Research Center Dr. Rodney Ice, Radiation Safety Officer, Office of Radiological Safety Mr. Peter Newby, Associate Director, Assistant Reactor Supervisor and Reactor Engineer Mr. Billy Statham, Reactor Supervisor (part time)
Mr. Dwayne Blaylock, Senior Reactor Operator Mr. Johannes Strydom, Research Scientist I Mr. Edgar Jawdeh, Research Scientist i Mrs. Arlene R. Smith, Administrative Coordir.ator in addition, the NNRC employed the following graduate students on part time basis during portions of the reporting period:
Brian Morabito Adam Nielsen Alain Rodriguez Ken Veinot
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Rtport
  . Febr'uary 24,1998 Pago 3 The current membership of the Nuclear Safo0uards Committoo is as follows:
(1)    Mr. Emsley Cobb, Chairman Discipline: Reactor Operation and Reactor Safety (2)    Dr. Barnd Kahn Discipline: Radiation Protection and Environmental Measuromonts (3)    Dr. Robert Braga D!scipline: Chemistry (4)    Dr. Pratoon V. Desai, Socrotary Discipline: Thormal Hydraulics, Machanical Systems (5)    Dr. Billy R. Livosay, Member Discipline: Material Scienco, P;.3 sics (0)    Mr. Jack Vickory, Member Disciplino: Security (7)    Dr. Thomas G. Tornabono, Member Discipline: Biology and Biochemistry (8)    Dr. S. M. Ghiaasiaan. Member Disciplino: Nuclear Engineering (0)    Mr. Lon Gucwa, Member Disciplino: Reactor Safety (10)  Mr. Stevo Ewald, Member Discipline: Health Physics (11)    Dr. Peggy Girard. Member Disciplino: Biology and Blochemistry (12)  Mr. James O'Hara, Member Disciplino: Health Physics
: 2. POWER GENERATION There was no reactor operation during this reporting period.
      - = _ _ =    - _ - _        .        .      -      - . - .                        . - - -                --  _ _ - -
                . U.S.' Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Report                                                                ;
February 24,1998                                                                                                    l Page 4 l
: 3.        SBUTDOWNS There was no reactor operation during this reporting r                        4.
1 4,        UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE.ON SAFETY BELAIED SYSTEMS AND                                                  1 l                            COMPONENIS                                                                                              4 j                            There were five minor repairs performed on safety-related systems and                                  :
;                            components. Records of maintenance performed on components, are avaliab!e at                            !
the NNRC for inspection.
: 5.        CHAT 1GES._TERTS AND EXPERIMENTS During 1997, there were no experiments which used the GTRR.
: a.          Technical Specification 6.7.(6)(a) Gaseous Effluents -Summation of All-Releases Via Stack, i.e., ground level release.
(1)  EjSSION AND ACTIVATION GASES Tritium Relcased (gaseous)
None Measurable Argon-41 Released: None (Reactor Shutdown)
(2)  lODINES RELEASEQ None released (Reactor Shutdown)
(3)  PARTICULATES None released (Reactor Shutdown)
  ,                                                    Minimum Detectable Activity                                                    ,
gross beta / gamma = <5.32 E-06 pCl Minimum Detectable Activity gross alpha                = <3 45 E 06 pCl
    +                      . y  --v.                  c      .~ , . - - . y--+-    ,  -_  ., ,      y      ~ .- -, -
      .            U:S.. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Report                                                                                                      )
February 24,1998                                                                                                                                        j l
Page5 i
;                              b.          Liquid Effluents 1
1 (1)          IQIAL_ GROSS RADIOACTMTY (p/ gamma)
Total                      Average                Maximum                    % Tech Release                  Release Rate
* Conc. Released                    - Specs Cl                    - (pC!/cc)                    ( Cl/cc) ist OTR                  1.00E 07                    2.82E 13                  8.74E-09                      <1%
2nd QTR                  3.37E-07                    9.45E-13                  1.28E-08                      <1%
3rd QTR                  3.93E-06                    1.10E 11                6.51E-08                      2.17 %
4th QTR                  1.54E-06                    4.33E 12                  7.96E-08                      2.65%
[                          Annual                  5.91E-06                    4.15E 12                7.96E-08                      2.65%
Average release rate values are based on a Georgia Tech campus water discharge rate of 3.566*10" ml/ quarter, (2)          TOTAL GROSS RADIOACTlWD'(Alpha)
Total                    Average                Maximum                    % Tech Release                  Release Rate 6    Conc. Released                        Specs
:                                                        Cl                    ( Ci/cc)                  ( Cl/cc)                                                        +
1st OTR                    <MDA'                        <MDA*                  - <MDA'                      <1%
1 2nd QTR                    1.32E-07                    3.71E-13                5.13E-09                      <1%
3rd QTR                  2.26E-07                    6.33E-13                9.80E-09                      <1%
4th QTR                  2.42E-07                    6.78E-13                .1.06E-08                      <1%
l                          Annual                6.00E-07                    4.21E-13                  1.06E-08                      <1%
: a.          Lower than Minimum Detectable Activity,
: b.          Average release rate values are based on a Georgia Tech campus water discharge rate of 3.566*10" ml/ quarter.
        --wn-                                  =4  ,w      ~ , - , -
                                                                        . , ,        ---er  , -  ,m.,-nre:r:n-        wy +++-~ar,-w+v,      +,---,e-ee  s+, mews-- + e- r
                    . U.S. Nucle:r Regul: tory Commission - Annu:1 R: port                                                                                  i February 24,1998 Page0 (3)      FISSION AND ACTIVATION PRODUCTS                                                                            l Cobalt 60 is the only activation product released via the liquid                                          :
pathway from the reactor facility. The Co-60 does not result from reactor operations, but is attributable to material stored in storage                                      >
:                                              pool that is part of the State of Georgia Radioactive Materials License No.147-1 SNM. No fission products are released via the liquid effluent pathway.
(i)      COS RELEASE Total                                      Average                      Maximum              % Tech Release                                Release Rate b                  Conc. Released          Specs CI                                      (pCl/cc)                    (pCl/cc) 1atQTR            < M D A''                                        <MDA*                        < M DA'              <1%
r 2nd QTR            <MDA'                                            <MDA'                        <MDA*                <1%
3rd OTR            5.39E 00                                        1.51E 11                    2.78E-07              <1%
4th OTR            <MDA'                                            <MDA*                      <MDA*                <1%
Annual          5.39E 06                                      3.78E 12                      2.78F ''7              <1%
4 l                                a. Lower than Minimum Detectable Activity MDA for Co* : < 1.44E-07 pCl/cc
: b. Average release rate values are based on a Georgia Tech campus water discharge rate of 3.566*10" ml/ quarter, (ii)      IRLTIUM                                                                                                    [
Total                                Average                            Maximum Release                          Release Rate
* Conc. Released                %10CFR20" i                                              CI                                  (pCl/cc)                            (pCl/cc) ist OTR        1.06E-03                              2.99E 09                            4.60E 05                <1%
2nd QTR-        1.93E 03                              5.42E 09                            4.56E 05                <1%
3rd QTR          1,62E 02                              4.54 E-08                          - 4.47E-04                4.47 %
                          - 4th OTR        1.57E-03                              4.40E-09                            3.91E-05                <1%
Annual        2.08E 02                              1.46E-08                            4.47E 04                4.47%
Average release rate values are based on a Georgia Tech campus water discharge rate _of 3.566*10" ml! quarter.
                                      - As percent of Tech Specs, the listed values would be a facter of 10 less.                                          ~1
U;S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Report
              . February 24,1998 1
Page 7 i
$                                                          ist OTR . . 3.18E F07 ml                                                                      i 2nd OTR . 4.92E407 ml 3rd QTR . 2.46E+08 ml 4th QTR . . 1.14E+08ml ANNUAL . . 4.41E+08 ml (5)            faEORGIA TECH VOLUME OF DILUTION WATER USED                                                        l 1st OTR , . 3.566E+11 ml 2nd OTR . . 3.566E+11 ml 3rd OTR . . 3.566E+11 ml 4th OTR ,      3.566E+11 ml ANNUAL , . 1.426E+12 ml
: 7.            ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORlblCL (Tech. Spec. 6.7.a(7))
: a.      Thirty sites are monitored for environmental radiation. The parameter monitored for Georgia Tech Research Reactor (GTRR) operations is that of direct radiation from the facility and from emitted gaseous effluents                                            .
(predominantly Ar-41). The location of the sites relative to the reactor are                                        .
shown in Appendix C," Environmental Monitoring Stations". The sites are predominantly cround the reactor perimeter fence or down-wind from the reactor. An updated wind ross is given in Appendix B.
: b.      Total assays = 30 sites X 4 quarters = 120 assays. The results are reported in the Environmental Radiation Surveillance table, Appendix C.                                            ,
The letter M was used to designate any reading which was less than the
* minimum dete: table limit.
: c.      Monitors are Landauer "X9" aluminum oxide thermoluminescent-                                                        ,
dosimeters (TLD). The dosimeters meet ANSI standards. None of the thirty monitored sites show levels significantly above backgrounu. The.
reactor was not operated during 1997.
                  ----,.                                                ,        m                    ee        - - , .                  m.,    -    , , - - - m ~ ~ ,ry w ,-
U.'S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Report
* February 24,1998 Page 8 Thormoluminescent dosimotor (TLD fl0)is located on the perimotor fonco near the Georgia Toch Short Torm Radioactivo Wasto stora00 and preparation facility licensed by the Stato of Goorgia.
Thormoluminoscont dosimotors (TLD's 17 through 24) are                closely positioned to a granito wall. W6 attribute the majority of exposure to thoso dosimotors to natural radioactivity in tho granito, Landauer reports '. hat 14 dosimotor locations out of 30, averaged over the year, have radiation lovels greator than local background and 16 dosimotors had radiation lovels loss than local back0round,
: d. The highest, lowest and annual avera00 lovels of radiation for the sampling point (TLD fl17) with the highest average radiation exposure with respect to the sito, are Highest Annual Averago Lovel        -      36.4 mrom/yr
,                  Lowest Annual Avorago Lovel        -    ( 0.6)mrom/yr
;                  Averago Annual Lovel                -      14.0 mrom/yr
: o. The gross dose rato reauings for all TLDs from all stations varied betwoon 21 and 40 mrom por quartor Th6 control TLD station varlod betwoon 34 and 45 mrom por quartor. This ran00 of variation produced somo not doso rato readings (gross readin0 minus control or background reading) that are negativo. The no0ativo readin0s are replaced by the letter M in the attached Table.
Statistically, no conclusions can bo mado about the environmental doso attributed to the GTRR operation.
S. QCQUJ%TJnNAL PERSONNEL RADIATION _EXPOEURE_1DE Radiation workers of Georgia instituto of Technology are monitored throu0h the use of film badges which are provided by a NVLAP certified vendor and have a lower limit of detection of s 10 mrom A monthly radiation dosimetry report is issued for the parsonnel of the Noely Nuclear Roscarch Contor, a summary shown in Tablo 1.
a,      Summary of exposure for persons under 18 years of age greater than mrom -
: b.      Summary of occupational exposures greater than 500 mrem -
9 1
I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Report
;                          February 24,1998 Page 9 i
i                              c.          Persor Rem for th- Neely Nuclear Research Center - R 97.
I Person Rem a Sum of occupational workers = 0.380 rem The highest, lowest and average levels of personnel exposure due to reactor 1                                          and hot cell operations:                                                                                                    !
Average annuallevel- 19 mrem Highest annuallevel- 160 mrem Lowest annuallevel- < 10 mrem, 4
: d.          Category of exposure NNRC Radiation Workers i
Table 1.
Annual Deep Dose                                                                # Radiation workers
                                                < 10 mrem                                                                            11
:                                            10 mrem 49 mrem                                                                          6 50 mrem - 99 mrem                                                                        2 1
100 mrem - 149 mrem                                                                      0 j                                          150 mrem - 199 mrem                                                                        1 2 200 mrom                                                                            0 4                                            Total Workers 20/380 mrem tctal                                                                                            ;
i I
US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Annual Report February 24,1998 i
Page 10 Should there be any questions concerning this report, please let us know.
Sincerely            /              -
Ib      -
hh N lan E. Hertel, Ph.D., Director                                                                  :
Neely Nuclear Research Center                                                                      ;
          - cc:          - 1. Dr. Jean Lou Chameau 2.: Dr. Narl Davidson
: 3. Members. Nuclear Safeguards Committee
: 4. Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation                                                                              j U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. ""555
: 5. Craig Bassett U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 11 61 Forsyth Street, S.W.
Suite 23T85 Atlanta, GA 30303 s
i L
                                                                                              *es- w sre =- w w- ue - ve-w w-          g- - -,,--e- . - -
U.S. Nucl r Regul:. tory Commission - Annu 1 R: port
  , February 24,1998 Page 11 AEEENDlXA Facility Modification
Facility hiodification 97 001 lon Exchange Resin for Pool Water Addition 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this facility modification is to add an ion exchange sesin to the existing pool water addition hose. The use of an ion exchange resin will reduce
,                    the conductivity of the city water added to the pool to account for evar., stion.
1his will help in meeting the Georgia State requirements for the pool conductivity (20 pS).
1 2.0 SCOPE
                      'lhis modification applies to the addition of an ion exchange resin to the pool water addition hose.
3.0 RESPONSilllLITY The responsibility fbr the approval of this facility modification lies with the NNRC management with the concurrence of the Nuclear Safeguards Committee.
The installation of tne ion exchange resin will be done by the NNRC staff.
4.0 SYSTEhi DESCRIPTION 4.1 Existing System The existing system consists of an automatic timer and a % inch hose connected to the east wall of the high bay.
;                    4.2 Proposed System The proposed system will consist of an ion exchange resin which water is supplied to the pool by a 3/8 inch tube. The combination resin and tubing will be connected to the existing automatic timer. To account for the slightly lower flow rate the use of a % inch hose connected to a city water supply on the south side of the pool can be used in emergency situations.
: 1. Remove existing hose from automatic timer.
: 2. Attach wall mount for ion exchange resin on wall next to water supply
: 3. Attach a % to 3/8 fitting to existing aut'amatic timer.
4, Attach 3/8 inch tubing from fitting to ion exchange resin
: 5. Attach 3/8 inch tubing from exit ofion exchange resin. h1ake sure the tubing is long enough to reach over the side of the pool, i
' Minnr Chang 3                                                        Procedure 4200 Humber:                                                            Revision 00
* By:                          C5ANGES IM.GTRR DESIGl[                Approved 04/28/89 Dater    /  /                                                      Page 3 of 4 APPENDIX A 10 CFR 50.59 SAFETY EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE FACILITY MODIFICATION NO:              % on #
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Latest revision as of 17:15, 31 December 2020

1997 Annual Rept for Ga Institute of Technology Research Reactor
Person / Time
Site: Neely Research Reactor
Issue date: 02/24/1998
From: Hertel N
Neely Research Reactor, ATLANTA, GA
NUDOCS 9803030145
Download: ML20203H057 (19)




Georgia: EsB@LWO@ Neoly Nuclear Research Center QC [k 900 Atlartic Drive Atlanta. Georgia 30332-0425


m (404)894 3600 FAX:(404)894 9325 February 74,1998 Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comrnission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Referenco: Annual Report Docket 50160; Licenso R 97 Pursuant to Section 6.7.a of the Technical Specifications for the Georgia Institute of Technology Research Roactor (Licenso R 97), the following annual repor1 is submitted.

The reporting period is January 1,1997, through December 31,1997 (calendar year 1997). The designation of the sections below follow the title and order of Sectior,6.7.a of our Technical Specifications.

c. ChaDDas in Facility Design There was one facility design chango during calendar year 1997. The fj change was approved by the Nuclear Safeguards Committoo. The design chango is described in Appendix A.


b. Eedonnance Characteristics gg During the reporting period, the reactor was not operated at anytime.

Currently wo have no fuel on hand for the reactor,

c. ChangetjaDoerating ProcDdums The list of now and/or revised proceduros approved by the Nuclear Safeguards Committoo during calendar year 1997 is as follows:

EIocJt litta 9075 Calibration of Eberlino MP-1 Mini Pulser h DO 60 .

R PDR A Unit of the Unh srsity System of Gooala An Equal Education and Employment Opportunity Institution

U.S.pluclear Regulatory Commission . Annual Repcri

  • February 24,1998 Page 2 9151 Calibration and Operation of The Tri Carb 2^00 Series Liquid Scintillation Counter 9290 Radioactive Waste Management / Disposal 9501 Control and Accountability of Radioactive Sources 9502 Control and Accountability of Radiation Generating Devices There were no procedures canceled durin9 calendar year 1997.
d. Beaults of Sutycillance T6als and Inspegans The surveillance tests and Inspection of the facility required by the Technical Specifications were performed. Documentation of each of the tests and inspections are available at the site for review.
e. Changes. Test and Experiments Acoroved by USNRC There were no changes, tests or experiments that required the apuroval of the USNRC pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59(a).
f. CunenLSlaltandEuclear Safeguards _ Committee _ Membership Dr. Nolan E. Hertel, Director, Nuclear Research Center Dr. Rodney Ice, Radiation Safety Officer, Office of Radiological Safety Mr. Peter Newby, Associate Director, Assistant Reactor Supervisor and Reactor Engineer Mr. Billy Statham, Reactor Supervisor (part time)

Mr. Dwayne Blaylock, Senior Reactor Operator Mr. Johannes Strydom, Research Scientist I Mr. Edgar Jawdeh, Research Scientist i Mrs. Arlene R. Smith, Administrative Coordir.ator in addition, the NNRC employed the following graduate students on part time basis during portions of the reporting period:

Brian Morabito Adam Nielsen Alain Rodriguez Ken Veinot

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Rtport

. Febr'uary 24,1998 Pago 3 The current membership of the Nuclear Safo0uards Committoo is as follows:

(1) Mr. Emsley Cobb, Chairman Discipline: Reactor Operation and Reactor Safety (2) Dr. Barnd Kahn Discipline: Radiation Protection and Environmental Measuromonts (3) Dr. Robert Braga D!scipline: Chemistry (4) Dr. Pratoon V. Desai, Socrotary Discipline: Thormal Hydraulics, Machanical Systems (5) Dr. Billy R. Livosay, Member Discipline: Material Scienco, P;.3 sics (0) Mr. Jack Vickory, Member Disciplino: Security (7) Dr. Thomas G. Tornabono, Member Discipline: Biology and Biochemistry (8) Dr. S. M. Ghiaasiaan. Member Disciplino: Nuclear Engineering (0) Mr. Lon Gucwa, Member Disciplino: Reactor Safety (10) Mr. Stevo Ewald, Member Discipline: Health Physics (11) Dr. Peggy Girard. Member Disciplino: Biology and Blochemistry (12) Mr. James O'Hara, Member Disciplino: Health Physics

2. POWER GENERATION There was no reactor operation during this reporting period.

- = _ _ = - _ - _ . . - - . - . . - - - -- _ _ - -

. U.S.' Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Report  ;

February 24,1998 l Page 4 l

3. SBUTDOWNS There was no reactor operation during this reporting r 4.

1 4, UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE.ON SAFETY BELAIED SYSTEMS AND 1 l COMPONENIS 4 j There were five minor repairs performed on safety-related systems and  :

components. Records of maintenance performed on components, are avaliab!e at  !

the NNRC for inspection.

5. CHAT 1GES._TERTS AND EXPERIMENTS During 1997, there were no experiments which used the GTRR.
a. Technical Specification 6.7.(6)(a) Gaseous Effluents -Summation of All-Releases Via Stack, i.e., ground level release.

(1) EjSSION AND ACTIVATION GASES Tritium Relcased (gaseous)

None Measurable Argon-41 Released: None (Reactor Shutdown)


(2) lODINES RELEASEQ None released (Reactor Shutdown)

(3) PARTICULATES None released (Reactor Shutdown)

, Minimum Detectable Activity ,

gross beta / gamma = <5.32 E-06 pCl Minimum Detectable Activity gross alpha = <3 45 E 06 pCl

+ . y --v. c .~ , . - - . y--+- , -_ ., , y ~ .- -, -

. U:S.. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Report )

February 24,1998 j l

Page5 i

b. Liquid Effluents 1


Total Average Maximum  % Tech Release Release Rate

  • Conc. Released - Specs Cl - (pC!/cc) ( Cl/cc) ist OTR 1.00E 07 2.82E 13 8.74E-09 <1%

2nd QTR 3.37E-07 9.45E-13 1.28E-08 <1%

3rd QTR 3.93E-06 1.10E 11 6.51E-08 2.17 %

4th QTR 1.54E-06 4.33E 12 7.96E-08 2.65%

[ Annual 5.91E-06 4.15E 12 7.96E-08 2.65%

Average release rate values are based on a Georgia Tech campus water discharge rate of 3.566*10" ml/ quarter, (2) TOTAL GROSS RADIOACTlWD'(Alpha)

Total Average Maximum  % Tech Release Release Rate 6 Conc. Released Specs

Cl ( Ci/cc) ( Cl/cc) +

1st OTR <MDA' <MDA* - <MDA' <1%

1 2nd QTR 1.32E-07 3.71E-13 5.13E-09 <1%

3rd QTR 2.26E-07 6.33E-13 9.80E-09 <1%

4th QTR 2.42E-07 6.78E-13 .1.06E-08 <1%

l Annual 6.00E-07 4.21E-13 1.06E-08 <1%

a. Lower than Minimum Detectable Activity,
b. Average release rate values are based on a Georgia Tech campus water discharge rate of 3.566*10" ml/ quarter.

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. U.S. Nucle:r Regul: tory Commission - Annu:1 R: port i February 24,1998 Page0 (3) FISSION AND ACTIVATION PRODUCTS l Cobalt 60 is the only activation product released via the liquid  :

pathway from the reactor facility. The Co-60 does not result from reactor operations, but is attributable to material stored in storage >

pool that is part of the State of Georgia Radioactive Materials License No.147-1 SNM. No fission products are released via the liquid effluent pathway.

(i) COS RELEASE Total Average Maximum  % Tech Release Release Rate b Conc. Released Specs CI (pCl/cc) (pCl/cc) 1atQTR < M D A <MDA* < M DA' <1%

r 2nd QTR <MDA' <MDA' <MDA* <1%

3rd OTR 5.39E 00 1.51E 11 2.78E-07 <1%

4th OTR <MDA' <MDA* <MDA* <1%


Annual 5.39E 06 3.78E 12 2.78F 7 <1%

4 l a. Lower than Minimum Detectable Activity MDA for Co* : < 1.44E-07 pCl/cc

b. Average release rate values are based on a Georgia Tech campus water discharge rate of 3.566*10" ml/ quarter, (ii) IRLTIUM [

Total Average Maximum Release Release Rate

  • Conc. Released %10CFR20" i CI (pCl/cc) (pCl/cc) ist OTR 1.06E-03 2.99E 09 4.60E 05 <1%

2nd QTR- 1.93E 03 5.42E 09 4.56E 05 <1%

3rd QTR 1,62E 02 4.54 E-08 - 4.47E-04 4.47 %

- 4th OTR 1.57E-03 4.40E-09 3.91E-05 <1%

Annual 2.08E 02 1.46E-08 4.47E 04 4.47%

Average release rate values are based on a Georgia Tech campus water discharge rate _of 3.566*10" ml! quarter.

- As percent of Tech Specs, the listed values would be a facter of 10 less. ~1

U;S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Report

. February 24,1998 1

Page 7 i


$ ist OTR . . 3.18E F07 ml i 2nd OTR . 4.92E407 ml 3rd QTR . 2.46E+08 ml 4th QTR . . 1.14E+08ml ANNUAL . . 4.41E+08 ml (5) faEORGIA TECH VOLUME OF DILUTION WATER USED l 1st OTR , . 3.566E+11 ml 2nd OTR . . 3.566E+11 ml 3rd OTR . . 3.566E+11 ml 4th OTR , 3.566E+11 ml ANNUAL , . 1.426E+12 ml

7. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORlblCL (Tech. Spec. 6.7.a(7))
a. Thirty sites are monitored for environmental radiation. The parameter monitored for Georgia Tech Research Reactor (GTRR) operations is that of direct radiation from the facility and from emitted gaseous effluents .

(predominantly Ar-41). The location of the sites relative to the reactor are .

shown in Appendix C," Environmental Monitoring Stations". The sites are predominantly cround the reactor perimeter fence or down-wind from the reactor. An updated wind ross is given in Appendix B.

b. Total assays = 30 sites X 4 quarters = 120 assays. The results are reported in the Environmental Radiation Surveillance table, Appendix C. ,

The letter M was used to designate any reading which was less than the

  • minimum dete: table limit.
c. Monitors are Landauer "X9" aluminum oxide thermoluminescent- ,


dosimeters (TLD). The dosimeters meet ANSI standards. None of the thirty monitored sites show levels significantly above backgrounu. The.

reactor was not operated during 1997.

,. , m ee - - , . m., - , , - - - m ~ ~ ,ry w ,-

U.'S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Report

  • February 24,1998 Page 8 Thormoluminescent dosimotor (TLD fl0)is located on the perimotor fonco near the Georgia Toch Short Torm Radioactivo Wasto stora00 and preparation facility licensed by the Stato of Goorgia.

Thormoluminoscont dosimotors (TLD's 17 through 24) are closely positioned to a granito wall. W6 attribute the majority of exposure to thoso dosimotors to natural radioactivity in tho granito, Landauer reports '. hat 14 dosimotor locations out of 30, averaged over the year, have radiation lovels greator than local background and 16 dosimotors had radiation lovels loss than local back0round,

d. The highest, lowest and annual avera00 lovels of radiation for the sampling point (TLD fl17) with the highest average radiation exposure with respect to the sito, are Highest Annual Averago Lovel - 36.4 mrom/yr

, Lowest Annual Avorago Lovel - ( 0.6)mrom/yr

Averago Annual Lovel - 14.0 mrom/yr
o. The gross dose rato reauings for all TLDs from all stations varied betwoon 21 and 40 mrom por quartor Th6 control TLD station varlod betwoon 34 and 45 mrom por quartor. This ran00 of variation produced somo not doso rato readings (gross readin0 minus control or background reading) that are negativo. The no0ativo readin0s are replaced by the letter M in the attached Table.

Statistically, no conclusions can bo mado about the environmental doso attributed to the GTRR operation.

S. QCQUJ%TJnNAL PERSONNEL RADIATION _EXPOEURE_1DE Radiation workers of Georgia instituto of Technology are monitored throu0h the use of film badges which are provided by a NVLAP certified vendor and have a lower limit of detection of s 10 mrom A monthly radiation dosimetry report is issued for the parsonnel of the Noely Nuclear Roscarch Contor, a summary shown in Tablo 1.

a, Summary of exposure for persons under 18 years of age greater than mrom -


b. Summary of occupational exposures greater than 500 mrem -


9 1

I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Report

February 24,1998 Page 9 i

i c. Persor Rem for th- Neely Nuclear Research Center - R 97.

I Person Rem a Sum of occupational workers = 0.380 rem The highest, lowest and average levels of personnel exposure due to reactor 1 and hot cell operations:  !

Average annuallevel- 19 mrem Highest annuallevel- 160 mrem Lowest annuallevel- < 10 mrem, 4

d. Category of exposure NNRC Radiation Workers i

Table 1.

Annual Deep Dose # Radiation workers

< 10 mrem 11

10 mrem 49 mrem 6 50 mrem - 99 mrem 2 1

100 mrem - 149 mrem 0 j 150 mrem - 199 mrem 1 2 200 mrom 0 4 Total Workers 20/380 mrem tctal  ;

i I

US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Annual Report February 24,1998 i

Page 10 Should there be any questions concerning this report, please let us know.

Sincerely / -

Ib -

hh N lan E. Hertel, Ph.D., Director  :

Neely Nuclear Research Center  ;


- cc: - 1. Dr. Jean Lou Chameau 2.: Dr. Narl Davidson

3. Members. Nuclear Safeguards Committee
4. Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation j U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. ""555
5. Craig Bassett U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 11 61 Forsyth Street, S.W.

Suite 23T85 Atlanta, GA 30303 s

i L


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U.S. Nucl r Regul:. tory Commission - Annu 1 R: port

, February 24,1998 Page 11 AEEENDlXA Facility Modification

Facility hiodification 97 001 lon Exchange Resin for Pool Water Addition 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this facility modification is to add an ion exchange sesin to the existing pool water addition hose. The use of an ion exchange resin will reduce

, the conductivity of the city water added to the pool to account for evar., stion.

1his will help in meeting the Georgia State requirements for the pool conductivity (20 pS).

1 2.0 SCOPE

'lhis modification applies to the addition of an ion exchange resin to the pool water addition hose.

3.0 RESPONSilllLITY The responsibility fbr the approval of this facility modification lies with the NNRC management with the concurrence of the Nuclear Safeguards Committee.

The installation of tne ion exchange resin will be done by the NNRC staff.

4.0 SYSTEhi DESCRIPTION 4.1 Existing System The existing system consists of an automatic timer and a % inch hose connected to the east wall of the high bay.

4.2 Proposed System The proposed system will consist of an ion exchange resin which water is supplied to the pool by a 3/8 inch tube. The combination resin and tubing will be connected to the existing automatic timer. To account for the slightly lower flow rate the use of a % inch hose connected to a city water supply on the south side of the pool can be used in emergency situations.


1. Remove existing hose from automatic timer.
2. Attach wall mount for ion exchange resin on wall next to water supply
3. Attach a % to 3/8 fitting to existing aut'amatic timer.

4, Attach 3/8 inch tubing from fitting to ion exchange resin

5. Attach 3/8 inch tubing from exit ofion exchange resin. h1ake sure the tubing is long enough to reach over the side of the pool, i


' Minnr Chang 3 Procedure 4200 Humber: Revision 00


TITLE: b E ,A. , h r., 4f A\ t.3 der AM.;hq

1. Will tht irobability of the occurrence or the consequences of an ace' ..t or malfunction of equipment 1siportant to safety previt. ly evaluated in the safety analysis report be increast 57 [yes/no) toO _

2 '. Will the possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than evaluated previously in the safety analysis report be created? [yes/no) po

3. Will the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification be reduced? [yes/no) 90
4. Is the proposed change an unreviewed safety question?

[yes/no) 20 HQTE: If additional space is needed to justify conclusion (s) please attach extra sheet (s).



Director NNRC hAb D)2 Nuclear Safeguards Committee [ 8( /d hh7

. NEELY NUCLEAR RESEARCH CENTER Minor. Chang] Pr:codura 4200




1 PROCEDURES: tha Ch ge.k i

NUMBER TITLE REVISED BY DATE Reviewed Sys / d ffd/ '

Date /L!/!? 7


l[.S: Nu' clear Regulatory Commission - Annual Report February 24,1998 Page 15 AEEENDlXE Annual Surface of Wind Rose for Atlanta

A.LINTA 1984mt9 January 1-December 31:Midnigist il PM

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$~E Annual Surface Wind Rose for Atlanta.

. U.S'. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Annual Report February 24,1998 Pa0017 APPENDDLC Environmental Radhtion Surveillance / Monitoring Stations


  • 1997 A 11 C D E F Jan.l. Apr. l - July 1 Oct.1 - 1996 Total Comments Mar. 31 June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 Landauer i M M M M 21.1 In Stack 2 M M M 2.4 28 inner Ring 3 32 M M 3.9 3.5 inner Ring 4 1.6 M M 3.4 6.2 Inner Ring 5 2.1 M M M 13 inner Ring

( l.7 M M 12.2 4.1 inner Ring 7 8.5 M M 2.6 2.7 Inner Ring 8 M M M 3.4 6.3 Inner Ring 9 M M 2.6 5.8 3.3 Rad. Waste llarn 10 2.5 M M 5.2 4.8 inner Ring iI 2.2 M M 9.6 7.9 Inner Ring 12 5.5 M M 7.3 2.3 inner Ring 13 3.5 M l.7 6.8 8 inner Ring 14 M M M 1.7 27.9 inner Ring 15 M M M M -36.3 inner Ring 16 M M l.8 5.1 2 Outer Ring 17 6.6 M 3.4 9.1 16.6 Granite Wall 18 4.4 M 2.2 2.2 5.9 Granite Wall 19 3.5 0.1 1.1 1 5.7 Granite Wall 20 4.6 M M l.8 0.2 Granite Wall 21 3.6 M M M 2 Granite Wall 22 M M M 2.4 7.1 Granite Wall 23 M 4.7 1.3 2.8 8.5 Granite Wall 24 7.1 M M 3.5 5.2 Granite Wall 25 M M M M 24.1 Outer Ring 26 M M M M 22.7 Outer Ring 27 M M M M 14.1 Outer Ring 28 M 3.2 M M .$.6 Outer Ring 29 M Ab M M 17.2 Outer Ring 30 M M M M 22 Outer Ring workload MW liR$ 0 0 0 0 0

  • Sum of natural radiation, direct radiation from facility and gaseous radioactis e elfluents monitored with Al2 0 T1.D's less control badge kept at GT l'olice Department. Iladges processed by 1.andauer. 'Ihe 1.ow er 1.imit of Detection is 0.1 mrem. All negatisc readmys arc indicated by M. Absent - Ab ( Ti.D w as lost ).


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