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{{#Wiki_filter:1 GULF STATES                        UTILITIES                      COMPANY @
RIVER BEND STATION    POST OFFICE BOX 220    ST. FRANCISVILLE. LOUISIANA 70775 AREA CODE $04    635-6094      346 8651 August 4, 1986 RBG- 24147 File Nos. G9.5, 244.700 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555
==Dear Mr. Denton:==
River Bend Station-Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458 Attached are proposed revisions to the River Bend Station Operating License as referenced by your letter to Mr. W. J.
Cahill, Jr. dated July 16, 1986 (Safety Evaluation Report) . The operating license        ~
(NPF-47) for River Bend                                    Station    (RBS),
Attachment 3, Item 7, specifies that operation beyond the first refueling outage is subject to NRC Staff approval based on the Staff's final review of the (TDI Diesel Generator) Owners Group generic findings and the overall design review and quality revalidation        program            at        River Bend                    (for        the TDI diesel generators). Gulf States Utilities proposes to implement the recommendations of Revision 2 of Appendix II of the TDI Diesel Generator Owners Group Design Review and Quality Revalidation (DRQR) Report (submitted May 1, 1986).
The change being requested herein concerns the requirement of Attachment 3 to NPF-47, "TDI Diesel Engines Requirements".                                                GSU agreed to implement the_ Maintenance and Surveillance                                                  (M/S) program identified in Appendix II of the River Bend DRQR Report, Revision 1 by letter dated May 17, 1985. Appendix II of the DRQR report presents a schedule of maintenance and surveillance procedures recommended by the owners groups for. implementation at River Bend. The NRC Staff's review of this program is documented in Supplement 3 to the Safety Evaluation Report.
The    proposed            change            involves                no        significant        hazards consideration.          The proposed change                              does            not    involve    a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated because the TDI Owners Group DRQR Report requires inspections that are more thorough than the manufacturers recommendations.                          GSU's commitment to the DRQR Report is designed to increase reliability of the Division I and II diesel generators. The proposed c ange does not create the 86o8120272 860004                                      00l df            (g(O DR    ADOCK 0500        B
(                        MS
c 9
Mr. Denton                                    August 4, 1986 possibility of a new or        different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated because the change provides a more accurate reference to existing commitments that are presently being adhered to . -  The proposed change does not involve a significant  reduction  in the margin and safety and further establishes the engine design adequacy and manufacturing of the TDI diesel generators for nuclear standby service as required by General Design Criteria (GDC) 17 and in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix B.
GSU therefore requests that the requirements of Attachment 3 to NPF-47 and Technical Specification 3/4 8.1.1 be revised to reflect the recommendations of Revision 2. In accordance with 10CFR170.21 also find enclosed a check for $150.00 for the application fee. Pursuant to 10CFR50. 91 (b) (1) , the State of Louisiana, Department of Environmental Quality - Nuclear Energy Division    has  been    notified  of    this amendment request.
Additionally the Regional Administrator of Region IV and the Senior Resident Inspector have been provided copies of this application. Your prompt attention to this application is appreciated.
Sincere y,
                                              . 2. Deddens Vice President
              ,g g agg                        River Bend Nuclear Group JCD/ERGyJEP/je
In the Matter of                      )        Docket No. 50-458 50-459 GULF STATES UTILITIES COMPANY          )
(River Bend Station, Unit 1)
AFFIDAVIT J. C. Deddens, being duly sworn, states that he is a Vice President of Gulf States Utilities Company; that he is authorized on the part of said company to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the documents attached hereto; and that all such documents are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.
                                              /          w J.[.Deddens Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and Parish above named, this        d    day of Au<ost                ,19 se.
                                              -fo          -
an W. Middl'ebrpoks tary Public in and for West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana My Commission is for Life.
ATTACHMENT 3 TO-NPF 47 TDI DIESEL ENGINES REQUIREMENTS GSU shall comply with the following requirements related to the TDI diesel engines.
: 1. Changes to the maintenance and surveillance program for the TDI diesel engines, as identified in (                  ), shall be  l subject to the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59.
The frequency of the major engine overhauls referred to in the license conditions below shall be consistent with Section IV.1.    " Overhaul Frequency" in revision 2 of Appendix II of the Design Review / Quality      Revalidation report which was transmitted by letter dated May 1, 1986, from J. George, Owners Group, to H. Denton, NRC.
: 2. Crankshafts shall be inspected as follows:
SD 1B: During the first    refueling outage, inspect the fillets and oil holes      of the three most heavily loaded crankpin journals (Nos. 5, 6, and 7) with florescent liquid penetrant and ET    as appropriate.
SD 1A and 1B: During the second and third refueling            I outages, inspect the fillets and oil holes of two of the three most heavily loaded crankpin journals in the manner just mentioned.
SD 1A and 1B: During each major engine overhaul, inspect the fillets and oil holes of the two main bearing journals between crankpin Nos. 5, 6, and 7, using fluorescent liquid penetrant and ET as appropriate.
This inspection is in addition          to    the    crankpin inspections.
: 3. Cylinder blocks shall be inspected for " ligament" cracks,
              " stud-to-stud" cracks and " stud-to-end" cracks as defined in a    report
* by Failure Analysis Associates, Inc.          (FaAA) entitled, " Design Review of TDI R-4 and RV-4 Series Emergency Diesel      Generator    Cylinder    Blocks"  (FaAA    report no.
FaAA-84-9-11.1) and dated December 1984.      (Note that the FaAA
* This report was transmitted to H. Denton, NRC, from C. L.
Ray, Jr., TDI Owners Group, by letter dated December 11, 1984.
report specifies additional inspections to be performed for blocks  with  "known"    or " assumed"  ligament cracks). The inspection intervals  (i.e.,  frequency)  shall not exceed the intervals calculated using the cumulative damage index model in the subject FaAA report. In addition, inspection method shall be consistent with or equivalent to those identified in the subject FaAA report.
In addition to inspections specified in the aforementioned FaAA report, blocks with "known" or " assumed ligament cracks" (as defined in the FaAA report) should be inspected at each refueling outage to determine whether or not cracks have initiated on the top surface exposed by the removal of two or more cylinder heads.
This process should be repeated over several refueling outages until the entire block top has been inspected. Liquid-penetrent testing or a similarly sensitive nondestructive testing technique should be used to detect cracking, and eddy current should be used as appropriate to determine the depth of any cracks discovered.                                                        l
: 4. The following air roll test shall be performed as specified below, except when the plant is already in an Action Statement of Technical Specification 3/4.8.1, " Electric Power Systems, A.C. Sources":
The engines shall be rolled over with the airstart system and with the cylinder stopcocks open prior to each planned start, unless that start occurs within 4 hours of a shutdown.      The engines shall also be rolled over with the airstart system and with the cylinder stopcocks open after 4 hours, but no more than 8 hours after engine shutdown and the rolled over once again approximately 24 hours after each shutdown.      (In the event  an engine is removed from service for any reason other than the rolling over procedure prior to expiration of the 8-hour or 24-hour periods noted above, that engine need not be rolled over while it is out of service. The licensee shall air roll the engine over with the stopcocks open at the time it is returned to service.) The origin of any water detected in the cylinder must be determined and any cylinder head which leaks due to a crack shall be replaced. The above air roll test may be discontinued following the first refueling outage subject to the following conditions:
o    All cylinder heads are Group III beads (i.e.,    cast after September 1980.
o    Quality revalidation inspections, as identified in the Design Review / Quality Revalidation report, have been completed for all cylinder heads, o    Group III heads continue to demonstrate leak free performance. This should be confirmed with TDI prior to deleting air roll tests.
: 5. If inspection of diesel generators 1A and/or 1B should reveal cracks in the crankshaft of in the cylinder block between stud holes of adjacent cylinders, this condition shall be reported promptly to the NRC staf f and the af fected engine (s) shall be considered inoperable. The engine (s) shall not be restored to " operable" status until the proposed disposition and/or corrective actions have been approved by the NRC staff.
: 6. The following actions are requ          SD  1A  or  SD  1B  is operatedinexcessof3130KW((pdif    :
a)  For indicated engine loads in the range of 3130 ggy to 3200 KW for a period less than two hours                , no additional action shall be required.
b)  For indicated engine loads in the range of 3130 KW to
                  }3p0 KW for a period equal to or exceeding two hours
                      , a crankshaft inspection pursuant to Item d below shall be performed at the next refueling outage.
c)  For indicated engine loads in the rggye of 3200 KW to 3500 KW for a period less than 1 hour      ,a    crankshaft inspection pursuant to item d below shall be performed for the affected engine at the next refueling outage.
d)  For indicated engine loads in the range of 3200 KW 3500 KW for periods equal to or exceeding one hour (2f0    ,
and for engine loads exceeding 3500 KW for any period of time,  (1) the engine shall be removed from service as soon  as  safely possible,    (2) the engine shall be declared  inoperable,  and  (3) the crankshaft shall be inspected. The  crankshaft inspection shall include crankpin journal numbers 5, 6, and 7 (the most heavily loaded) and the two main journals in between using florescent    liquid    penetrant  and eddy current as appropriate.
: 7. Periodic inspections of the turbochargers shall      include  the followings o    The turbocharger thrust bearings should be visually inspected for excessive wear after 40 non-prelubed starts since the previous visual inspection.
(1) Momentary transients    (not exceeding 5 seconds) due          to changing of bus loads need not be considered as an overload.
(2) If  there are multiple overload events within a given load range since the previous crankshaft innpection, then the time period criterion applies to the total accumulated time in that load range.
o Turbocharger rotor axial clearance should be measured at each  refueling  outage  to verify compliance with TDI/Elliott specifications. In addition, thrust bearing measurements should be compared with measurements taken previously to determine a need for further inspection or corrective action.
o Spectrographic and ferrographic engine oil analysis shall be performed quarterly to provide early evidence of bearing degradation. Particular attention should be paid to copper level and particulate size which could signify thrust bearing degradation.
o The nozzle ring components and inlet guide vanes should be visually inspected at each refueling outage for missing parts or parts showing distress. If such are noted, the entire ring assembly should be replaced.}}

Revision as of 06:06, 30 December 2020

Application for Amend to License NPF-47,changing Tech Specs to Revise Maint & Surveillance Program for Tdi Diesel Engines to Implement Tdi Owners Group Design Review Rept.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/04/1986
From: Deddens J
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20205C183 List:
RBG-24147, NUDOCS 8608120272
Download: ML20205C176 (7)



RIVER BEND STATION POST OFFICE BOX 220 ST. FRANCISVILLE. LOUISIANA 70775 AREA CODE $04 635-6094 346 8651 August 4, 1986 RBG- 24147 File Nos. G9.5, 244.700 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Denton:

River Bend Station-Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458 Attached are proposed revisions to the River Bend Station Operating License as referenced by your letter to Mr. W. J.

Cahill, Jr. dated July 16, 1986 (Safety Evaluation Report) . The operating license ~

(NPF-47) for River Bend Station (RBS),

Attachment 3, Item 7, specifies that operation beyond the first refueling outage is subject to NRC Staff approval based on the Staff's final review of the (TDI Diesel Generator) Owners Group generic findings and the overall design review and quality revalidation program at River Bend (for the TDI diesel generators). Gulf States Utilities proposes to implement the recommendations of Revision 2 of Appendix II of the TDI Diesel Generator Owners Group Design Review and Quality Revalidation (DRQR) Report (submitted May 1, 1986).

The change being requested herein concerns the requirement of Attachment 3 to NPF-47, "TDI Diesel Engines Requirements". GSU agreed to implement the_ Maintenance and Surveillance (M/S) program identified in Appendix II of the River Bend DRQR Report, Revision 1 by letter dated May 17, 1985. Appendix II of the DRQR report presents a schedule of maintenance and surveillance procedures recommended by the owners groups for. implementation at River Bend. The NRC Staff's review of this program is documented in Supplement 3 to the Safety Evaluation Report.

The proposed change involves no significant hazards consideration. The proposed change does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated because the TDI Owners Group DRQR Report requires inspections that are more thorough than the manufacturers recommendations. GSU's commitment to the DRQR Report is designed to increase reliability of the Division I and II diesel generators. The proposed c ange does not create the 86o8120272 860004 00l df (g(O DR ADOCK 0500 B

( MS

c 9

Mr. Denton August 4, 1986 possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated because the change provides a more accurate reference to existing commitments that are presently being adhered to . - The proposed change does not involve a significant reduction in the margin and safety and further establishes the engine design adequacy and manufacturing of the TDI diesel generators for nuclear standby service as required by General Design Criteria (GDC) 17 and in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix B.

GSU therefore requests that the requirements of Attachment 3 to NPF-47 and Technical Specification 3/4 8.1.1 be revised to reflect the recommendations of Revision 2. In accordance with 10CFR170.21 also find enclosed a check for $150.00 for the application fee. Pursuant to 10CFR50. 91 (b) (1) , the State of Louisiana, Department of Environmental Quality - Nuclear Energy Division has been notified of this amendment request.

Additionally the Regional Administrator of Region IV and the Senior Resident Inspector have been provided copies of this application. Your prompt attention to this application is appreciated.

Sincere y,

. 2. Deddens Vice President

,g g agg River Bend Nuclear Group JCD/ERGyJEP/je



In the Matter of ) Docket No. 50-458 50-459 GULF STATES UTILITIES COMPANY )

(River Bend Station, Unit 1)

AFFIDAVIT J. C. Deddens, being duly sworn, states that he is a Vice President of Gulf States Utilities Company; that he is authorized on the part of said company to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the documents attached hereto; and that all such documents are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.

/ w J.[.Deddens Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and Parish above named, this d day of Au<ost ,19 se.

-fo -

an W. Middl'ebrpoks tary Public in and for West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana My Commission is for Life.

ATTACHMENT 3 TO-NPF 47 TDI DIESEL ENGINES REQUIREMENTS GSU shall comply with the following requirements related to the TDI diesel engines.

1. Changes to the maintenance and surveillance program for the TDI diesel engines, as identified in ( ), shall be l subject to the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59.

The frequency of the major engine overhauls referred to in the license conditions below shall be consistent with Section IV.1. " Overhaul Frequency" in revision 2 of Appendix II of the Design Review / Quality Revalidation report which was transmitted by letter dated May 1, 1986, from J. George, Owners Group, to H. Denton, NRC.

2. Crankshafts shall be inspected as follows:

SD 1B: During the first refueling outage, inspect the fillets and oil holes of the three most heavily loaded crankpin journals (Nos. 5, 6, and 7) with florescent liquid penetrant and ET as appropriate.

SD 1A and 1B: During the second and third refueling I outages, inspect the fillets and oil holes of two of the three most heavily loaded crankpin journals in the manner just mentioned.

SD 1A and 1B: During each major engine overhaul, inspect the fillets and oil holes of the two main bearing journals between crankpin Nos. 5, 6, and 7, using fluorescent liquid penetrant and ET as appropriate.

This inspection is in addition to the crankpin inspections.

3. Cylinder blocks shall be inspected for " ligament" cracks,

" stud-to-stud" cracks and " stud-to-end" cracks as defined in a report

  • by Failure Analysis Associates, Inc. (FaAA) entitled, " Design Review of TDI R-4 and RV-4 Series Emergency Diesel Generator Cylinder Blocks" (FaAA report no.

FaAA-84-9-11.1) and dated December 1984. (Note that the FaAA

  • This report was transmitted to H. Denton, NRC, from C. L.

Ray, Jr., TDI Owners Group, by letter dated December 11, 1984.

report specifies additional inspections to be performed for blocks with "known" or " assumed" ligament cracks). The inspection intervals (i.e., frequency) shall not exceed the intervals calculated using the cumulative damage index model in the subject FaAA report. In addition, inspection method shall be consistent with or equivalent to those identified in the subject FaAA report.

In addition to inspections specified in the aforementioned FaAA report, blocks with "known" or " assumed ligament cracks" (as defined in the FaAA report) should be inspected at each refueling outage to determine whether or not cracks have initiated on the top surface exposed by the removal of two or more cylinder heads.

This process should be repeated over several refueling outages until the entire block top has been inspected. Liquid-penetrent testing or a similarly sensitive nondestructive testing technique should be used to detect cracking, and eddy current should be used as appropriate to determine the depth of any cracks discovered. l

4. The following air roll test shall be performed as specified below, except when the plant is already in an Action Statement of Technical Specification 3/4.8.1, " Electric Power Systems, A.C. Sources":

The engines shall be rolled over with the airstart system and with the cylinder stopcocks open prior to each planned start, unless that start occurs within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of a shutdown. The engines shall also be rolled over with the airstart system and with the cylinder stopcocks open after 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, but no more than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> after engine shutdown and the rolled over once again approximately 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after each shutdown. (In the event an engine is removed from service for any reason other than the rolling over procedure prior to expiration of the 8-hour or 24-hour periods noted above, that engine need not be rolled over while it is out of service. The licensee shall air roll the engine over with the stopcocks open at the time it is returned to service.) The origin of any water detected in the cylinder must be determined and any cylinder head which leaks due to a crack shall be replaced. The above air roll test may be discontinued following the first refueling outage subject to the following conditions:

o All cylinder heads are Group III beads (i.e., cast after September 1980.

o Quality revalidation inspections, as identified in the Design Review / Quality Revalidation report, have been completed for all cylinder heads, o Group III heads continue to demonstrate leak free performance. This should be confirmed with TDI prior to deleting air roll tests.

5. If inspection of diesel generators 1A and/or 1B should reveal cracks in the crankshaft of in the cylinder block between stud holes of adjacent cylinders, this condition shall be reported promptly to the NRC staf f and the af fected engine (s) shall be considered inoperable. The engine (s) shall not be restored to " operable" status until the proposed disposition and/or corrective actions have been approved by the NRC staff.
6. The following actions are requ SD 1A or SD 1B is operatedinexcessof3130KW((pdif  :

a) For indicated engine loads in the range of 3130 ggy to 3200 KW for a period less than two hours , no additional action shall be required.

b) For indicated engine loads in the range of 3130 KW to

}3p0 KW for a period equal to or exceeding two hours

, a crankshaft inspection pursuant to Item d below shall be performed at the next refueling outage.

c) For indicated engine loads in the rggye of 3200 KW to 3500 KW for a period less than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> ,a crankshaft inspection pursuant to item d below shall be performed for the affected engine at the next refueling outage.

d) For indicated engine loads in the range of 3200 KW 3500 KW for periods equal to or exceeding one hour (2f0 ,

and for engine loads exceeding 3500 KW for any period of time, (1) the engine shall be removed from service as soon as safely possible, (2) the engine shall be declared inoperable, and (3) the crankshaft shall be inspected. The crankshaft inspection shall include crankpin journal numbers 5, 6, and 7 (the most heavily loaded) and the two main journals in between using florescent liquid penetrant and eddy current as appropriate.

7. Periodic inspections of the turbochargers shall include the followings o The turbocharger thrust bearings should be visually inspected for excessive wear after 40 non-prelubed starts since the previous visual inspection.

(1) Momentary transients (not exceeding 5 seconds) due to changing of bus loads need not be considered as an overload.

(2) If there are multiple overload events within a given load range since the previous crankshaft innpection, then the time period criterion applies to the total accumulated time in that load range.

o Turbocharger rotor axial clearance should be measured at each refueling outage to verify compliance with TDI/Elliott specifications. In addition, thrust bearing measurements should be compared with measurements taken previously to determine a need for further inspection or corrective action.

o Spectrographic and ferrographic engine oil analysis shall be performed quarterly to provide early evidence of bearing degradation. Particular attention should be paid to copper level and particulate size which could signify thrust bearing degradation.

o The nozzle ring components and inlet guide vanes should be visually inspected at each refueling outage for missing parts or parts showing distress. If such are noted, the entire ring assembly should be replaced.