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PDR AUG 131934 MEMORANDUM FOR:        R. H. Vollmer, Director, DE, NRR R. C. DeYoung, Director IE T. P. Spies, Directr.r. DST, NRR G. H. Cunningham, Director, RD, ELD J. M. Felton, Director. DRR, ADM                            ,
FROM:                  L. C. Shao Deputy Director Division of Engineering Technology Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
INTEROFFICE REVIEW 0F PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF 10 CFR 50.55a TO INCORPORATE THE WINTER 1982 ADDENDA, 1983 EDITION, SUMMER 1983 ADDENDA, WINTER 1983 ADDENDA, AND SUMMER 1984 ADDENDA TO THE ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE Please review the enclosed proposed rule change, including regulatory analysis, and provide written coments to the RES task leader before the requested completion date.
The following sumarizes this technical review request.
Section 50.55a (10 CFR 50) " Codes and Standards"
: 2.      RES Task Leader: G.C.Millma),MSEB,X37860
: 3.      RES Task No.: MS 401-1
: 4.      Cognizant Individuals:        R. J. Bosnak, NRR; R. L. Baer IE
: 5.      Requested Action: Review, coment and make recomendations
: 6.      Requested Completion Date: August 31, 1984
: 7.     
The proposed amendment was requested by NRR.                      It incorporates by reference the latest edition and addenda of the ASME Code. One article, IWB-3640, " Evaluation Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Austentic Piping", which is part of the Section XI Winter 1983 Addenda, is not included in this endorsement because of present technical concerns on the a ticle
                                                                                ,hin          e ASME and the NRC.
                                                                              .              (
                                                                .C.kao,DeputyDirector livisial  of Engineering Technology Office uf Nuclear Regulatory Research
s Proposed Rule Change Regulatory Analysis WOT/ 70 D o ya
mW AUG 151984 '
cc: W. F. Anderson    -
R. L. Baer      .
R. J. Bosnak W. S. Hazelton                                        '
J. 8. Henderson E. E. Jakel R. W. Klecker
: 2. R. Rosztoczy                    ~
C. 2. Serpan r
8 4
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Codes and Standards for Nuclear Power Plants                                    !
AGENCY:    Nuclear Regulatory Commission                            ,'
ACTION:    Proposed Rule
: The Commission proposes to amend its regulations to incorporate by reference the Winter 1982 Addenda, 1983 Edition, Summer 1983 Addenda, Winter 1983 Addenda, and Summer 1984 Addenda of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The sections
            ,    of the ASME Code being incorporated provide rules for the construction of nuclear power plant components and specify requirements for inservice inspection of those components. Adoption of these amendments would permit the use of improved methods for construction and inservice inspection of nuclear power plants.
DATES:    Comment period expires                                                            .
Comments received after this date will be considered if it is practical to do so, but assurance of consideration cannot be given except as to comments received on or before this date.                                    ~
ADDRESSES: Written cannents or suggestions may be submitted to the Secre-tary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Attention:          Docketing and Service Branch. Copies of connents received may be examined in the Commission's Public Document Room at 1717 H Street NW., Washington, D.C.
A date will be inserted allowing 60 days for public cornent.
1 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. G. C. Millman, Division of Engineering Technology, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regula-tory Connaission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Telephone (301)443-7860.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      On November 4,1983, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission published in the FEDERAL REGISTER (48FR50878) amendments to its regulation, 10 CFR Part 50, " Domestic Licensing of Production and Utiliza-tion Facilities," which incorporated by reference new addenda to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The amendment revised 9 50.55a to incorporate by reference the Summer 1982 Addenda to Section III, Division 1. " Rules for the Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components " of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. On March 15, 1984, the Connission published in the Federal Register (49FR9711) an amendment to 950.55a to, among other things, incorporate by reference those subsections of Section III which apply to the construction of Class 2 and Class 3 components.
Since the last update of the ASME Code reference in 6 50.55a, the Winter 1982 Addenda, 1983 Edition Summer 1983 Addenda, Winter 1983 Addenda, and the Summer 1984 Addenda to the ASME Code have been issued. The 1983 Edition is equivalent to the 1980 Edition, as modified by the Summer 1980 Addenda, Winter 1980 Addenda, Summer 1981 Addenda, Winter 1981 Addenda, Summer 1982 Addenda, and Winter 1982 Addenda. The Commission proposes to amend 6 50.55a to incorporate by reference all editions through the 1983 Edition and all addenda through the Summer 1984 Addenda which modify Section III, Division 1 and Section XI, Division 1. of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.      One article IWB-3640, Evaluation Proced-ures and Acceptance Criteria for Austentic Piping, which is part of the Section I              XI Winter 1983 Addenda, is not included in this endorsement.
i 2
IWB-3640, provides an analytical evaluation procedure and acceptance criteria for austentic stainless steel Class 1 cracked pipe. The article was originally incorporated into the Code to provide a method for evaluating cracks resulting from intergranular stress corrosion (IGSC) in BWR stainless steel piping.
IWB-3640 has generated concern within the ASME and the NRC with respect to the following issues:    (1) the inability of ultrasonic nondestructive examina-tion methods to reliably measure the depth of cracks generated by IGSC; (2) the applicability of plastic collapse methodology to certain low toughness weld metals; and (3) the need to consider thermal expansion stresses as primary loads.
The ASME is presently reviewing these issues to determine the need to revise or possibly withdraw, the provisions of IWB-3640. Until such time that the ASME revises, or withdraws, IWB-3640, and the NRC staff has had an opportunity to review the revised rules, the staff is withholding endorsement of the article.
In the interim, the NRC licensing staff is using more conservative criteria for the purpose of flaw evaluation than those presently included in IWB-3640.
NRC is actively supporting efforts to resolve the concerns related to IWB-3640.
NRC support derives primarily from its regulatory research program. The re-sults of NRC research are being provided, as they become available, to the ASME task group which has the responsiblity both for evaluating IWB-3640 and for pro-viding recommendations on the need for revising the article.
Editorial revisions are proposed to correct certain existing footnote and paragraph references which are inconsistent with the last amendment (49FR9711) 3
to this rule and to simplify the language. These editorial revisions are contained entirely in Paragraph (g).
For facilities whose operating licenses were issued prior to Ma'rch 1, 1976, this rule provides the effective date for implementing the inservice inspec-tion requirements and for defining the effective edition and addenda of the Code for the start of the next one-third of a 120-month inspection interval after September 1, 1976. Since this one-third of an inspection interval has already been completed for all applicable facilities, it is proposed that the partoftheruleaddressingit(Paragraph (g)(4)(iii))bedeleted.
Power reactors for which a notice of hearing on an application for a provi-sional construction permit or a construction permit had been published on or before December 31, 1970, were permitted to use the rules for construction required by power reactors that had received their construction permits prior to January 1, 1971. It is proposed that Paragraph (i) which covers this provision be deleted because it is no longer necessary. ParagraphC(4) provides that for these and other facilities that received their construction permit prior to May 14, 1984, the applicable Code Edition and Addenda for a component of the reactor coolant pressure boundary continue to be that Code Edition and Addenda that were required by Commission regulations for such a component at the time of issuance of the construction permit.
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT As required by Pub. L. 96-511, this proposed rule will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for clearance of the information collection requirements.
REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY CERTIFICATION In accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, 5 U.S.C.
605(b), the Commission hereby certifies that this rule will not., if pro-mulgated ,have a significant economic impact on a substantial n' umber of small entities. This proposed rule affects only the licensing and operation of nuclear power plants. The companies that own these plants do not fall within the scope of the definition of "small entities" set forth in the Regulatory Flexibility Act or the Small Business Size Standards set out in regulations issued by the Small Business Administration at 13 CFR Part 121.
Since these companies are dominant in their service areas, this proposed rule does not fall within the purview of the Act.
W 5
LIST OF SUBJECTS IN 10 CFR PART 50 Antitrust, Classified information, Fire prevention, Intergovermental relations, Nuclear power plants and reactors, Penalty, Radiation protection, Reactor siting criteria, Reporting requirements.
Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, and section 553 of Title 5 of the United States Code, notice is hereby given that adoption of the following amendments to 10 CFR Part 50 is contemplated.
: 1. The authority citation for Part 50 reads as follows:
AUTHORITY: Secs. 103, 104, 161, 182, 183, 186, 189, 68 Stat. 936, 937, 948, 953, 954, 955, 956, as amended, sec. 234, 83 Stat. 1244, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2133, 2134, 2201, 2232, 2233, 2236, 2239, 2282); secs. 201, 202, 206, 88 Stat. 1242, 1244, 1246, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5841, 5842, 5846),
unless otherwise noted.
Section 50.7 also issued under Pub. L. 95-601, sec. 10, 92 Stat. 2951 (42 U.S.C. 5851). Sections 50.58, 50.91 and 50.92 also issued under Pub. L.
97-415,96 Stat.2073(42U.S.C.2239). Section 50.78 also issued under sec.
122,68 Stat.939(42U.S.C.2152). Sections 50.80-50.81 also issued under sec. 184, 68 Stat. 954, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2234). Sections 50.100-50.102 also issued under sec. 186, 68 Stat. 955 (42 U.S.C. 2236).
For the purposes of sec. 223, 68 Stat. 958, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2273),
          ' il 50.10(a), (b), and (c), 50.44,50.46,50.48,50.54,and50.80(a)are issued under sec. 161b, 68 Stat. 948, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2201(b));
il50.10(b)and(c)and50.54areissuedundersec. 1611, 68 Stat. 949, as amended (42U.S.C2201(1)),andil50.55(e),50.59(b),50.70,50.71,50.72, and 50.78 are issued under sec. 1610, 68 Stat. 950, as amended (42 U.S.C.
: 2. In 5 50.55a paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) are revised to read as follows, and a new paragraph (b)(2)(v) is added; paragraph (g)(1) is revised to delete reference to footnote 2; paragraphs (g)(2), (g)(3)(i),
(g)(3)(ii),(g)(3)(iii),and(g)(3)(iv)arerevisedtodeletereference to footnote 3; paragraph (g)(3)(1) is revised to delete the words "in accord-ance with paragraph (c), (d), (e), or (f) of this section"; paragraph (g)(3)(iii) is revised to delete the words "in accordance with paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section"; paragraph (g)(4)(iii) is deleted and the space reserved; and paragraph (i)isdeleted.
6 50.55a Codes and Standards.
(1) As used in this section, references to Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code refer to Section III, Division 1, and in-clude editions through the 1983 Edition and addenda through the Sunener i            1984 Addenda.
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(2) As used in this section, references to Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code refer to Section XI, Division 1, and include editions through the 1983 Edition and Addenda through the Sume.r 1984 Addenda, subject to the following limitation:
(v) When applying the Winter 1983 Addenda, IWB-3640 shall not be used.
Dated at                          this            day of                            1984 For the Nuclear Regulatory Comission.
William J. Dircks Executive Director for Operations 4
i 8
Regulatory Analysis Revision of 10 CFR 50.55a Codes and Standards
: 1. Statement of the Problem                                      .
The General Design Criteria (Appendix A of Part 50) of the NRC Regulations requires that structures, systems, and components of light-water-reactors be designed, fabricated, erected, constructed, tested and inspected to quality standards comensurate with the importance of the safety function perfonned. Without a set of specific rules to implement these quality standards, it would be necessary for each applicant / licensee to develop its own program for submittal to the NRC. Each program would have to be reviewed by the staff on a case-by-case basis. This would significantly increase the licensing review time and would make inspec-tions by the staff more difficult because of the nonstandard nature of each program.                    .
To provide for a consistent set of rules, which the industry has participated in developing, 9 50.55a mandates use of Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for rules of construction for Class 1, 2, 3 components, and Section XI for inservice inspection of these components. Section III and Section XI are implemented by applicants / licensees of all light-water-cooled reactors. The NRC first endorsed the ASME Code by reference in 10 CFR 50.55a in 1971. The ASME publishes a new edition every three years and new addenda every 6 months.
It has been a continu-ing policy of the Comission to update this section of the regulations to keep the references current. In those cases where an item in the Code is inconsistent with NRC criteria, an exception may be taken to endorsing that portion of the Code, or supplementary criteria may be incorporated to make the item consistent with staff requirements.                  .
Section 50.55a last endorsed the 1980 Edition and all addenda through the Summer 1982 Addenda. Since then, the Winter 1982 Addenda, 1983 Edition, Sumer 1983 Addenda, Winter 1983 Addenda and Sumer 1984 Addenda have been published by the ASME. The purpose of this proposed rule is to incorporate the new edition and addenda into the regulations.
The ASME Code is developed by the consensus process, which ensures that the various industry sectors (e.g., utility, NSSS suppliers, regulatory) are represented on the standards writing committees and their viewpoints are properly considered in the standards writing process.
Endorsement of the ASME Code by the NRC provides a method of incorporat-ing rules into the regulatory process that are acceptable to the NRC and have received industry participation in their development.
If the NRC did not take action to endorse the ASME Code, licensing actions would have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If the NRC did not take action to update the ASME Code references, improved methods for construction and inservice inspection might not be implemented.
i 2
: 2.          Objectives The proposed rule would:                                                          ;
o              Incorporate by reference the Winter 1982 Addenda, 1983 Edition, Sumer 1983 Addenda Winter 1983 Addenda, and Sumer -1984 Addenda of Section III, Division 1 and Section XI, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. (One item in Sec-tion XI (i.e.. IWB-3640, " Evaluation Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Austenitic Piping"), which has been identified as a concern within the ASME standards writing comittees and the NRC, will not be included in the endorsement until such time 4
that the ASME has resolved the issue and the NRC staff has had an opportunity to evaluate the revised item.
o              Incorporate revisions to correct certain existing footnote and
,                                                paragraph references; to simplify the language of the rule; and l                                                to delete two obsolete provisions.
        .              3.          Alternatives l
The alternative to incorporating by reference the latest requirements of Section III and Section XI and making certain editorial revisions would be to take no action. This would mean that the NRC position on the _
methods for construction and inservice inspection contained in the latest edition and addenda of the ASME Code would have to be provided on a case-by-case basis;'certain incorrect footnote and paragraph references would remain in the present rule; and obsolete provisions would remain to i                      clutter the rule.
!                      4.          Consequences t
Incorporating by reference the latest edition and addenda of the ASME Code will establish the NRC staff position on these Code rules on a
;                      generic basis for applicants / licensees thereby minimizing the need for case-by-case evaluations and reducing the time and effort required for submittal preparations and license reviews.
The value/ impact of ASME Code revisions is balanced by the manner in which these revisions are achieved through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) consensus process. The ANSI consensus process ensures that participation in ASME Code development is open to all persons /
organizations that might reasonably be expected to be directly and materially affected by the activity, and ensures that such persons /
organizations shall have the opportunity for fair and equitable i                      participation without dominance by any single interest. Consensus is
!                      established when substantial agreement has been achieved by the interests
!                      involved. Consensus requires that all views and objectives be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward resolution. ASME Code proposed revisions are published for public coment in the ASME Mechanical
:                      Engineering and ANSI Reporter publications prior to being submitted for final ASME and ANSI approval. Adverse public coments are referred to the l                      appropriate technical comittee for resolution.
This consensus process ensures a proper balance between utility, regulatory and other interests concerned with revisions to the ASME Code, and ensures that the value of any Code revisions is consistent with its impact.
Implementation of the new Code rules incurs certain additional information collection requirements. The Supporting Statement'for Information Collection Requirements in 10 CFR 50.55a is provided in Appendix A.
The proposed rule affects only the licensing and operation of nuclear power plants. The companies that own these plants do not fall within the scope of the definition of "small entities" set forth in the Regulatory Flexibility Act in the Small Business Size Standards set out in regula-tions issued by the Small Business Administration at 13 CFR Part 121.
Since these companies are dominant in their service areas, this proposed rule does not fall in the province of this Act. The proposed rule will have no significant effect on a substantial number of small companies.
: 5. Decision Rationale From the above analysis it is concluded that the proposed revision to incorporate the latest edition and addenda of the ASME Code will save applicants / licensees and the NRC staff both time and effort by eliminating the need for case-by-case license reviews. No significant additional cost to the applicants / licensees is expected as a result of NRC endorsement of the new ASME Code edition and addenda.
: 6. Implementation No implementation problems are anticipated. The framework for imple-mentation is already established in both the industry and the NRC.
Appendix A Supporting Statement for Information Keeping Requirements in 10 CFR 50.55a 1.. Justification
: a. Need for the Information Collection NRC Regulations in 10 CFR 50.55a 1*  n corporate by reference Section III and Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASNE) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Cbde. These sections of the B&PV Code set forth the requirements to which nuclear power plant components are designed, constructed, tested and inspected. Inherent in these requirements are certain record keeping functions.
        .                Incorporation of the 1983 Edition, and the Winter 1982, Sumer 1983 Winter 1983 and Sumer 1984 Addenda for both Section III and Section XI of the ASME B&PV Code adds the following record keeping requirements.
Section III o    Winter 1982 Addenda
                                - NB-2125. Fabricated Hubbed Flanges - New provision for surface examination requires documentation of examination results.
o    Summer 1983 Addenda
                                - No additional recordkeeping o    Winter 1983 Addenda.
                                - NCA-3650. Design Documents for A>purtenances -
Requires Design Document for eac1 appurtenance that is to be attached to a component unless it is already included in the component Design Documents.
o    Sunener 1984 Addenda
                                - NB-7240, Review of (Overpressure Protection) Report After Installation - Addendum to report required to document any modification of the installation from l
    ...r"                          that used for preparation of the Overpressure Pro-tection Report.
                                - ND-7200, Overpressure Protection Re> ort - Requires overpressure protection report for ;1 ass 3 i                                  components to define the protected systems and the integrated overpressure protection provided, and (ND-7240) documentation of any modification of the
:                                  installation from that used for preparation of the Overpressure Protection Report, l                                                                                          ,
!                        o    1983 Edition 1 - All requirements, except those for Winter 1982 Addenda, previously incorporated in separate amend-
,                              ments to 10 CFR 50.55a.
l The 1983 Edition of Section III is equivalent to the 1980 Edition, as l              modified by the Summer 1980 Addenda Winter 1980 Addenda, Sumer 1981
!              Addenda, Winter .1981 Addenda, Sumer 1982 Addenda, and the Winter 1982 Addenda.
    # Li Section XI o    Winter 1982 Addenda
                                          - IWA-6000, Prepration (of Records and Reports) -
Requires preparation of Owner's Report for Repairs or Replacements (Form NIS-2).                    ,
                                          - IMB-3700, Evaluation _of Leakage Monitoring Indications - Documerdation of repair program and reexamination results required for review, on request, by enforcement authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site, m
                                            - IMB-3800, Evaluation of Visual Examination Indications Documentation of preservice (IMB-3817) and inservice
(IMB-3827)repairprogramandreexaminationresults required for review, on request, by enforcement authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site.
                                          - IMB-3900, Supplemental Examinations - Documentation of supplemental examinations to fully characterize examination indications, o    Summer 1983 Addenda
                                          - No additional record keeping
            ' ~
]                                  o    Winter 1983 Addenda
                                          - IWA-2400, Inspection Program - Incorporates provisions for (and implied documentation of) a preservice inspection plan.
                                          - IWA-6220(b), Preparation (of Records and Reports) -
l                                              Requires preparation of a preservice inspection j                                              summary report prior.' to commercial service, and l
inservice inspection summary reports of inspections conducted during refueling outages.
i l                                          - IWA-6340 Inservice Inspection Records and Reports -
Requires mait;tenance of.preservice and inservice inspection plans, schedules, and reports.
                                          - IWC-3100, Evaluation of Examination Results -
Documentation of tia evaluation results for review, on request, by the regulatory authority having jurisdiction 6t the plant site.
o    Summer 1984 Addenda i                                    i 1                                          - No additional recordkeeping l
l            .
A-2 1
0    1983 Edition2 - All requirements, except those for Winter 1982 Addenda, previously incorporated in separate amendments to 10 CFR 50.55a.
The Winter 1982 Addenda of the ASME B&PV Code references ANSI /ASME NQA-1-1979, " Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants." NQA-1-1979 is based upon the contents of ANSI /ASME N45.2-1979,
                  " Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Facilities" and seven daughter standards. These standards are referenced in Regulatory Guides 1.28, 1.58, 1.64, 1.74, 1.88, 1.123, 1.144, and 1.146 as providing methods acceptable for implementing certain NRC quality assurance program requirements. NQA-1-1979 incorporates no record keeping beyond that originally required by the N45 standards upon which it is based. There is, therefore, no additional record keeping burden associated with the endorsement of NQA-1-1979.
l                      b.        Practical Utility of the Information Collection These records are used by the licensees National Board inspectors, insurance companies, and the NRC in the review of a variety of activities, many of which affect safety. The records are generally historical in nature and provide data on which future activities can be based. NRC Inspection and Enforcement personnel can spot check the records required by the ASME Code to determine, for example, if proper inservice examination test methods were utilized.
: c.        Duplication With Other Collections of Information ASME requirements are incorporated to avoid the need for writing equivalent NRC requirements. The final rule will not duplicate the information collection requirements contained in any other generic regulatory requirements.
: d.        Consultations Outside the NRC No consultations.
2 The 1983 Edition of Section XI'is equivalent to the 1980 Edition, as modified by the Winter 1980 Addenda Winter 1981 Addenda, and the Winter 1982 Addenda.
1 A-3
: e. Other Supporting Information NRC applicants and licensees have been complying with the information collection requirements of the ASME Code since 1970.
No problems with these information collection requirements have been identified to the NRC by the applicants or licensees.
: 2.                    Bescription of the Information Collection
: a. Number and Type of Respondents                                  l In general, the information collection requirements incurred by 5 50.55a through endorsement of the Ccde apply to the owners of the 60 nuclear power plants under construction and to the owners of the 80 nuclear power plants in operation. The actual number of plants that would implement the edition and addenda addressed by the proposed revision, and thereby be affected by their inherent information collection requirements, is dependent on a variety of fa*ctors. These factors include whether the applica-tion is for Section III or Section XI. the class and type of components involved, the dates of the construction permit and construction permit application, the schedule of the inservice inspection program, and whether the plant voluntarily elects to implement' updated editions and addenda of the Code,
: b. Reasonableness of the Schedule for Collecting Information The infonnation is generally not collected, but is retained by the licensee to be made available to the NRC in the event of an NRC inspection or audit. The preservice and inservice inspection plans are, however, submitted to the NRC for review as part of the application for an operating license.
: c. Method of Collecting the Information See Item 2(b).
: d. Adequacy of the Description of the Information The ASME Code provides listings of information required and specific forms to assist, where necessary, in documenting required information.
: e. Record Retention Period The retention period for information is in accordance with a i
schedule provided in the ASME Code. The retention periods for the more significant information keeping requirements specified in Item 1.a above are:
l Infomation                              Retention Period (3)
Design document for appurtenances            Lifetime Overpressure protection report                Lifetime Reports for repair and replacement            Lifetime.
Preservice and inservice inspection          Lifetime.
plans and schedules Preservice and inservice inspection          Lifetime reports
: 3. Estimate of Burden
: a. Estimated Hours The infomation collection requirements inherent in incorporating by reference the latest edition and addenda of Section III and Section XI of the ASME B&PV Code are identified in Item 1.a above.
These requirements may be categorized in terms of Section III requirements that document component / system design and the results of construction examinations, and Section XI requirements that document preservice and inservice inspection plans, examinations and repairs.
The additional Section III requirements incur a one-time burden on plants under construction. The primary elements are generation of the design documents for appurtenances and the overpressure protection report.
The total estimated one-time burden for each plant is
* man-hours.
The total estimated one-time burden for those plants under construction that actually would implement the referenced edition and/or addenda is man-hours (i.e.,
* plants x
* man-hours / plant).
Service lifetime of the component or system In process of being detemined A-5
i      .
The additional Section XI requirements incur a one-tine burden on plants starting up, a periodic burden on operating plants, and the potential for additional recordkeeping based upon inservice inspection results. The primary component of the one-time burden is the preparation of the preservice inspection test plan and documentation of the,results.
The total estimated one-time burden for each plant is
* man-hours.
This one-tine burden applies only to plants starting initial operation, or potentially, the 60 plants presently under construction. The total esti-mated one-time burden for the 60 plants remaining to undergo initial startup is, therefore.
* man-hours.
The periodic burden associated with the additional Section XI requirements for summarizing inservice inspections conducted during refueling outages is estimated to be
* man-hours for each inspection, or an averaged
* man-hours /yr. This periodic burden applies to all operating plants that would implement the Winter 1983 Addenda. The total estimated average is
* man-hours /yr (i.e. ,
* plants x
* man-hours / plant /yr).
: b. Estimated Cost Required to Respond to the Collection To be determined from results of Item 3.a.
: c. Source of Burden Data and Method for Estimating Burden To be determined
: d. Reasonableness of Burden Estimate To be determined
: 4. Estimate of Cost to the Federal Government To be determined.
I A-6
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            'Du e to the continuins nafore o f this r ule makons , a preliminacy reautokry analysis has not been prcporal for this amendnsent . A recula key ano/ps will be prepared to accompany the proposed rule.
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Amend socFR30.55a to incorporoic by refere nce the.
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This rule is regularly updaled to incorporofe the lolest eddion/oddenda of the A.SME B+PY Code . NRR consisienily idenfihes this as on )'9" priori 17 i/cm ondif is identified os such in the NRC Reaulatory Aaenda .
Du e to the confincons nolure o f this r vle makons , c.
preliminary recololory analysis has not been preparxl for this amendn,ent .                              A reaulofory onolyss coill be prepared to accompany fhe proposed rule.
        .t: RES OF F 87.E DIRECTOR                                                    COGNIZ ANT Devass0N DIRECTOR RES DEPUTY Dim ECTOR                                                      COGNIZ ANT INDiv8 DUALS RE5 DtVIS".'N DIRECTOR                                                    w.A ANALYST i}}

Latest revision as of 19:12, 23 July 2020

Forwards Draft Proposed Amend to 10CFR50.55a,incorporating Addenda to ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.Review & Comments Requested by 840831.Regulatory Analysis Also Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/13/1984
From: Shao L
To: Deyoung R, Spies T, Vollmer R
NRC OFFICE OF INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT (IE), Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20127B699 List:
FRN-50FR20574, RULE-PR-50 AA83-1, NUDOCS 8409170510
Download: ML20127C054 (22)



  • M% l tg NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 3 %[h i wasmucTON. D. C. 20555 &

, 64f;f

% ,u.' - -

PDR AUG 131934 MEMORANDUM FOR: R. H. Vollmer, Director, DE, NRR R. C. DeYoung, Director IE T. P. Spies, Directr.r. DST, NRR G. H. Cunningham, Director, RD, ELD J. M. Felton, Director. DRR, ADM ,

FROM: L. C. Shao Deputy Director Division of Engineering Technology Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research


INTEROFFICE REVIEW 0F PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF 10 CFR 50.55a TO INCORPORATE THE WINTER 1982 ADDENDA, 1983 EDITION, SUMMER 1983 ADDENDA, WINTER 1983 ADDENDA, AND SUMMER 1984 ADDENDA TO THE ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE Please review the enclosed proposed rule change, including regulatory analysis, and provide written coments to the RES task leader before the requested completion date.

The following sumarizes this technical review request.



Section 50.55a (10 CFR 50) " Codes and Standards"

2. RES Task Leader: G.C.Millma),MSEB,X37860
3. RES Task No.: MS 401-1
4. Cognizant Individuals: R. J. Bosnak, NRR; R. L. Baer IE
5. Requested Action: Review, coment and make recomendations
6. Requested Completion Date: August 31, 1984




The proposed amendment was requested by NRR. It incorporates by reference the latest edition and addenda of the ASME Code. One article, IWB-3640, " Evaluation Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Austentic Piping", which is part of the Section XI Winter 1983 Addenda, is not included in this endorsement because of present technical concerns on the a ticle

,hin e ASME and the NRC.


. (

.C.kao,DeputyDirector livisial of Engineering Technology Office uf Nuclear Regulatory Research


s Proposed Rule Change Regulatory Analysis WOT/ 70 D o ya

mW AUG 151984 '

cc: W. F. Anderson -

R. L. Baer .

R. J. Bosnak W. S. Hazelton '

J. 8. Henderson E. E. Jakel R. W. Klecker

2. R. Rosztoczy ~

C. 2. Serpan r

8 4

e 4

9 e

e e



Codes and Standards for Nuclear Power Plants  !

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,'

ACTION: Proposed Rule


The Commission proposes to amend its regulations to incorporate by reference the Winter 1982 Addenda, 1983 Edition, Summer 1983 Addenda, Winter 1983 Addenda, and Summer 1984 Addenda of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The sections

, of the ASME Code being incorporated provide rules for the construction of nuclear power plant components and specify requirements for inservice inspection of those components. Adoption of these amendments would permit the use of improved methods for construction and inservice inspection of nuclear power plants.

DATES: Comment period expires .

Comments received after this date will be considered if it is practical to do so, but assurance of consideration cannot be given except as to comments received on or before this date. ~

ADDRESSES: Written cannents or suggestions may be submitted to the Secre-tary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Attention: Docketing and Service Branch. Copies of connents received may be examined in the Commission's Public Document Room at 1717 H Street NW., Washington, D.C.

A date will be inserted allowing 60 days for public cornent.


1 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. G. C. Millman, Division of Engineering Technology, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regula-tory Connaission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Telephone (301)443-7860.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On November 4,1983, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission published in the FEDERAL REGISTER (48FR50878) amendments to its regulation, 10 CFR Part 50, " Domestic Licensing of Production and Utiliza-tion Facilities," which incorporated by reference new addenda to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The amendment revised 9 50.55a to incorporate by reference the Summer 1982 Addenda to Section III, Division 1. " Rules for the Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components " of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. On March 15, 1984, the Connission published in the Federal Register (49FR9711) an amendment to 950.55a to, among other things, incorporate by reference those subsections of Section III which apply to the construction of Class 2 and Class 3 components.

Since the last update of the ASME Code reference in 6 50.55a, the Winter 1982 Addenda, 1983 Edition Summer 1983 Addenda, Winter 1983 Addenda, and the Summer 1984 Addenda to the ASME Code have been issued. The 1983 Edition is equivalent to the 1980 Edition, as modified by the Summer 1980 Addenda, Winter 1980 Addenda, Summer 1981 Addenda, Winter 1981 Addenda, Summer 1982 Addenda, and Winter 1982 Addenda. The Commission proposes to amend 6 50.55a to incorporate by reference all editions through the 1983 Edition and all addenda through the Summer 1984 Addenda which modify Section III, Division 1 and Section XI, Division 1. of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. One article IWB-3640, Evaluation Proced-ures and Acceptance Criteria for Austentic Piping, which is part of the Section I XI Winter 1983 Addenda, is not included in this endorsement.

i 2

IWB-3640, provides an analytical evaluation procedure and acceptance criteria for austentic stainless steel Class 1 cracked pipe. The article was originally incorporated into the Code to provide a method for evaluating cracks resulting from intergranular stress corrosion (IGSC) in BWR stainless steel piping.

IWB-3640 has generated concern within the ASME and the NRC with respect to the following issues: (1) the inability of ultrasonic nondestructive examina-tion methods to reliably measure the depth of cracks generated by IGSC; (2) the applicability of plastic collapse methodology to certain low toughness weld metals; and (3) the need to consider thermal expansion stresses as primary loads.

The ASME is presently reviewing these issues to determine the need to revise or possibly withdraw, the provisions of IWB-3640. Until such time that the ASME revises, or withdraws, IWB-3640, and the NRC staff has had an opportunity to review the revised rules, the staff is withholding endorsement of the article.

In the interim, the NRC licensing staff is using more conservative criteria for the purpose of flaw evaluation than those presently included in IWB-3640.

NRC is actively supporting efforts to resolve the concerns related to IWB-3640.

NRC support derives primarily from its regulatory research program. The re-sults of NRC research are being provided, as they become available, to the ASME task group which has the responsiblity both for evaluating IWB-3640 and for pro-viding recommendations on the need for revising the article.

Editorial revisions are proposed to correct certain existing footnote and paragraph references which are inconsistent with the last amendment (49FR9711) 3

to this rule and to simplify the language. These editorial revisions are contained entirely in Paragraph (g).

For facilities whose operating licenses were issued prior to Ma'rch 1, 1976, this rule provides the effective date for implementing the inservice inspec-tion requirements and for defining the effective edition and addenda of the Code for the start of the next one-third of a 120-month inspection interval after September 1, 1976. Since this one-third of an inspection interval has already been completed for all applicable facilities, it is proposed that the partoftheruleaddressingit(Paragraph (g)(4)(iii))bedeleted.

Power reactors for which a notice of hearing on an application for a provi-sional construction permit or a construction permit had been published on or before December 31, 1970, were permitted to use the rules for construction required by power reactors that had received their construction permits prior to January 1, 1971. It is proposed that Paragraph (i) which covers this provision be deleted because it is no longer necessary. ParagraphC(4) provides that for these and other facilities that received their construction permit prior to May 14, 1984, the applicable Code Edition and Addenda for a component of the reactor coolant pressure boundary continue to be that Code Edition and Addenda that were required by Commission regulations for such a component at the time of issuance of the construction permit.

PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT As required by Pub. L.96-511, this proposed rule will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for clearance of the information collection requirements.


REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY CERTIFICATION In accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, 5 U.S.C.

605(b), the Commission hereby certifies that this rule will not., if pro-mulgated ,have a significant economic impact on a substantial n' umber of small entities. This proposed rule affects only the licensing and operation of nuclear power plants. The companies that own these plants do not fall within the scope of the definition of "small entities" set forth in the Regulatory Flexibility Act or the Small Business Size Standards set out in regulations issued by the Small Business Administration at 13 CFR Part 121.

Since these companies are dominant in their service areas, this proposed rule does not fall within the purview of the Act.

W 5

LIST OF SUBJECTS IN 10 CFR PART 50 Antitrust, Classified information, Fire prevention, Intergovermental relations, Nuclear power plants and reactors, Penalty, Radiation protection, Reactor siting criteria, Reporting requirements.

Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, and section 553 of Title 5 of the United States Code, notice is hereby given that adoption of the following amendments to 10 CFR Part 50 is contemplated.


1. The authority citation for Part 50 reads as follows:

AUTHORITY: Secs. 103, 104, 161, 182, 183, 186, 189, 68 Stat. 936, 937, 948, 953, 954, 955, 956, as amended, sec. 234, 83 Stat. 1244, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2133, 2134, 2201, 2232, 2233, 2236, 2239, 2282); secs. 201, 202, 206, 88 Stat. 1242, 1244, 1246, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5841, 5842, 5846),

unless otherwise noted.

Section 50.7 also issued under Pub. L.95-601, sec. 10, 92 Stat. 2951 (42 U.S.C. 5851). Sections 50.58, 50.91 and 50.92 also issued under Pub. L.97-415,96 Stat.2073(42U.S.C.2239). Section 50.78 also issued under sec. 122,68 Stat.939(42U.S.C.2152). Sections 50.80-50.81 also issued under sec. 184, 68 Stat. 954, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2234). Sections 50.100-50.102 also issued under sec. 186, 68 Stat. 955 (42 U.S.C. 2236).


For the purposes of sec. 223, 68 Stat. 958, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2273),

' il 50.10(a), (b), and (c), 50.44,50.46,50.48,50.54,and50.80(a)are issued under sec. 161b, 68 Stat. 948, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2201(b));

il50.10(b)and(c)and50.54areissuedundersec. 1611, 68 Stat. 949, as amended (42U.S.C2201(1)),andil50.55(e),50.59(b),50.70,50.71,50.72, and 50.78 are issued under sec. 1610, 68 Stat. 950, as amended (42 U.S.C.


2. In 5 50.55a paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) are revised to read as follows, and a new paragraph (b)(2)(v) is added; paragraph (g)(1) is revised to delete reference to footnote 2; paragraphs (g)(2), (g)(3)(i),

(g)(3)(ii),(g)(3)(iii),and(g)(3)(iv)arerevisedtodeletereference to footnote 3; paragraph (g)(3)(1) is revised to delete the words "in accord-ance with paragraph (c), (d), (e), or (f) of this section"; paragraph (g)(3)(iii) is revised to delete the words "in accordance with paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section"; paragraph (g)(4)(iii) is deleted and the space reserved; and paragraph (i)isdeleted.

6 50.55a Codes and Standards.


(1) As used in this section, references to Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code refer to Section III, Division 1, and in-clude editions through the 1983 Edition and addenda through the Sunener i 1984 Addenda.

l l

l l

7 i

(2) As used in this section, references to Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code refer to Section XI, Division 1, and include editions through the 1983 Edition and Addenda through the Sume.r 1984 Addenda, subject to the following limitation:

(v) When applying the Winter 1983 Addenda, IWB-3640 shall not be used.

Dated at this day of 1984 For the Nuclear Regulatory Comission.

William J. Dircks Executive Director for Operations 4

i 8

Regulatory Analysis Revision of 10 CFR 50.55a Codes and Standards

1. Statement of the Problem .

The General Design Criteria (Appendix A of Part 50) of the NRC Regulations requires that structures, systems, and components of light-water-reactors be designed, fabricated, erected, constructed, tested and inspected to quality standards comensurate with the importance of the safety function perfonned. Without a set of specific rules to implement these quality standards, it would be necessary for each applicant / licensee to develop its own program for submittal to the NRC. Each program would have to be reviewed by the staff on a case-by-case basis. This would significantly increase the licensing review time and would make inspec-tions by the staff more difficult because of the nonstandard nature of each program. .

To provide for a consistent set of rules, which the industry has participated in developing, 9 50.55a mandates use of Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for rules of construction for Class 1, 2, 3 components, and Section XI for inservice inspection of these components.Section III and Section XI are implemented by applicants / licensees of all light-water-cooled reactors. The NRC first endorsed the ASME Code by reference in 10 CFR 50.55a in 1971. The ASME publishes a new edition every three years and new addenda every 6 months.

It has been a continu-ing policy of the Comission to update this section of the regulations to keep the references current. In those cases where an item in the Code is inconsistent with NRC criteria, an exception may be taken to endorsing that portion of the Code, or supplementary criteria may be incorporated to make the item consistent with staff requirements. .

Section 50.55a last endorsed the 1980 Edition and all addenda through the Summer 1982 Addenda. Since then, the Winter 1982 Addenda, 1983 Edition, Sumer 1983 Addenda, Winter 1983 Addenda and Sumer 1984 Addenda have been published by the ASME. The purpose of this proposed rule is to incorporate the new edition and addenda into the regulations.

The ASME Code is developed by the consensus process, which ensures that the various industry sectors (e.g., utility, NSSS suppliers, regulatory) are represented on the standards writing committees and their viewpoints are properly considered in the standards writing process.

Endorsement of the ASME Code by the NRC provides a method of incorporat-ing rules into the regulatory process that are acceptable to the NRC and have received industry participation in their development.

If the NRC did not take action to endorse the ASME Code, licensing actions would have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If the NRC did not take action to update the ASME Code references, improved methods for construction and inservice inspection might not be implemented.

i 2

2. Objectives The proposed rule would:  ;

o Incorporate by reference the Winter 1982 Addenda, 1983 Edition, Sumer 1983 Addenda Winter 1983 Addenda, and Sumer -1984 Addenda of Section III, Division 1 and Section XI, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. (One item in Sec-tion XI (i.e.. IWB-3640, " Evaluation Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Austenitic Piping"), which has been identified as a concern within the ASME standards writing comittees and the NRC, will not be included in the endorsement until such time 4

that the ASME has resolved the issue and the NRC staff has had an opportunity to evaluate the revised item.

o Incorporate revisions to correct certain existing footnote and

, paragraph references; to simplify the language of the rule; and l to delete two obsolete provisions.

. 3. Alternatives l

The alternative to incorporating by reference the latest requirements of Section III and Section XI and making certain editorial revisions would be to take no action. This would mean that the NRC position on the _

methods for construction and inservice inspection contained in the latest edition and addenda of the ASME Code would have to be provided on a case-by-case basis;'certain incorrect footnote and paragraph references would remain in the present rule; and obsolete provisions would remain to i clutter the rule.


! 4. Consequences t

Incorporating by reference the latest edition and addenda of the ASME Code will establish the NRC staff position on these Code rules on a

generic basis for applicants / licensees thereby minimizing the need for case-by-case evaluations and reducing the time and effort required for submittal preparations and license reviews.

The value/ impact of ASME Code revisions is balanced by the manner in which these revisions are achieved through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) consensus process. The ANSI consensus process ensures that participation in ASME Code development is open to all persons /

organizations that might reasonably be expected to be directly and materially affected by the activity, and ensures that such persons /

organizations shall have the opportunity for fair and equitable i participation without dominance by any single interest. Consensus is

! established when substantial agreement has been achieved by the interests

! involved. Consensus requires that all views and objectives be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward resolution. ASME Code proposed revisions are published for public coment in the ASME Mechanical

Engineering and ANSI Reporter publications prior to being submitted for final ASME and ANSI approval. Adverse public coments are referred to the l appropriate technical comittee for resolution.

This consensus process ensures a proper balance between utility, regulatory and other interests concerned with revisions to the ASME Code, and ensures that the value of any Code revisions is consistent with its impact.

Implementation of the new Code rules incurs certain additional information collection requirements. The Supporting Statement'for Information Collection Requirements in 10 CFR 50.55a is provided in Appendix A.

The proposed rule affects only the licensing and operation of nuclear power plants. The companies that own these plants do not fall within the scope of the definition of "small entities" set forth in the Regulatory Flexibility Act in the Small Business Size Standards set out in regula-tions issued by the Small Business Administration at 13 CFR Part 121.

Since these companies are dominant in their service areas, this proposed rule does not fall in the province of this Act. The proposed rule will have no significant effect on a substantial number of small companies.

5. Decision Rationale From the above analysis it is concluded that the proposed revision to incorporate the latest edition and addenda of the ASME Code will save applicants / licensees and the NRC staff both time and effort by eliminating the need for case-by-case license reviews. No significant additional cost to the applicants / licensees is expected as a result of NRC endorsement of the new ASME Code edition and addenda.
6. Implementation No implementation problems are anticipated. The framework for imple-mentation is already established in both the industry and the NRC.


Appendix A Supporting Statement for Information Keeping Requirements in 10 CFR 50.55a 1.. Justification

a. Need for the Information Collection NRC Regulations in 10 CFR 50.55a 1* n corporate by reference Section III and Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASNE) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Cbde. These sections of the B&PV Code set forth the requirements to which nuclear power plant components are designed, constructed, tested and inspected. Inherent in these requirements are certain record keeping functions.

. Incorporation of the 1983 Edition, and the Winter 1982, Sumer 1983 Winter 1983 and Sumer 1984 Addenda for both Section III and Section XI of the ASME B&PV Code adds the following record keeping requirements.

Section III o Winter 1982 Addenda

- NB-2125. Fabricated Hubbed Flanges - New provision for surface examination requires documentation of examination results.

o Summer 1983 Addenda

- No additional recordkeeping o Winter 1983 Addenda.

- NCA-3650. Design Documents for A>purtenances -

Requires Design Document for eac1 appurtenance that is to be attached to a component unless it is already included in the component Design Documents.

o Sunener 1984 Addenda

- NB-7240, Review of (Overpressure Protection) Report After Installation - Addendum to report required to document any modification of the installation from l

...r" that used for preparation of the Overpressure Pro-tection Report.

- ND-7200, Overpressure Protection Re> ort - Requires overpressure protection report for ;1 ass 3 i components to define the protected systems and the integrated overpressure protection provided, and (ND-7240) documentation of any modification of the

installation from that used for preparation of the Overpressure Protection Report, l ,


! o 1983 Edition 1 - All requirements, except those for Winter 1982 Addenda, previously incorporated in separate amend-

, ments to 10 CFR 50.55a.

l The 1983 Edition of Section III is equivalent to the 1980 Edition, as l modified by the Summer 1980 Addenda Winter 1980 Addenda, Sumer 1981

! Addenda, Winter .1981 Addenda, Sumer 1982 Addenda, and the Winter 1982 Addenda.



  1. Li Section XI o Winter 1982 Addenda

- IWA-6000, Prepration (of Records and Reports) -

Requires preparation of Owner's Report for Repairs or Replacements (Form NIS-2). ,

- IMB-3700, Evaluation _of Leakage Monitoring Indications - Documerdation of repair program and reexamination results required for review, on request, by enforcement authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site, m

- IMB-3800, Evaluation of Visual Examination Indications Documentation of preservice (IMB-3817) and inservice


(IMB-3827)repairprogramandreexaminationresults required for review, on request, by enforcement authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site.

- IMB-3900, Supplemental Examinations - Documentation of supplemental examinations to fully characterize examination indications, o Summer 1983 Addenda

- No additional record keeping

' ~

] o Winter 1983 Addenda

- IWA-2400, Inspection Program - Incorporates provisions for (and implied documentation of) a preservice inspection plan.

- IWA-6220(b), Preparation (of Records and Reports) -

l Requires preparation of a preservice inspection j summary report prior.' to commercial service, and l

inservice inspection summary reports of inspections conducted during refueling outages.

i l - IWA-6340 Inservice Inspection Records and Reports -

Requires mait;tenance of.preservice and inservice inspection plans, schedules, and reports.


- IWC-3100, Evaluation of Examination Results -

Documentation of tia evaluation results for review, on request, by the regulatory authority having jurisdiction 6t the plant site.

o Summer 1984 Addenda i i 1 - No additional recordkeeping l

l .

A-2 1


0 1983 Edition2 - All requirements, except those for Winter 1982 Addenda, previously incorporated in separate amendments to 10 CFR 50.55a.

The Winter 1982 Addenda of the ASME B&PV Code references ANSI /ASME NQA-1-1979, " Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants." NQA-1-1979 is based upon the contents of ANSI /ASME N45.2-1979,

" Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Facilities" and seven daughter standards. These standards are referenced in Regulatory Guides 1.28, 1.58, 1.64, 1.74, 1.88, 1.123, 1.144, and 1.146 as providing methods acceptable for implementing certain NRC quality assurance program requirements. NQA-1-1979 incorporates no record keeping beyond that originally required by the N45 standards upon which it is based. There is, therefore, no additional record keeping burden associated with the endorsement of NQA-1-1979.

l b. Practical Utility of the Information Collection These records are used by the licensees National Board inspectors, insurance companies, and the NRC in the review of a variety of activities, many of which affect safety. The records are generally historical in nature and provide data on which future activities can be based. NRC Inspection and Enforcement personnel can spot check the records required by the ASME Code to determine, for example, if proper inservice examination test methods were utilized.

c. Duplication With Other Collections of Information ASME requirements are incorporated to avoid the need for writing equivalent NRC requirements. The final rule will not duplicate the information collection requirements contained in any other generic regulatory requirements.
d. Consultations Outside the NRC No consultations.

2 The 1983 Edition of Section XI'is equivalent to the 1980 Edition, as modified by the Winter 1980 Addenda Winter 1981 Addenda, and the Winter 1982 Addenda.

1 A-3

e. Other Supporting Information NRC applicants and licensees have been complying with the information collection requirements of the ASME Code since 1970.

No problems with these information collection requirements have been identified to the NRC by the applicants or licensees.

2. Bescription of the Information Collection
a. Number and Type of Respondents l In general, the information collection requirements incurred by 5 50.55a through endorsement of the Ccde apply to the owners of the 60 nuclear power plants under construction and to the owners of the 80 nuclear power plants in operation. The actual number of plants that would implement the edition and addenda addressed by the proposed revision, and thereby be affected by their inherent information collection requirements, is dependent on a variety of fa*ctors. These factors include whether the applica-tion is for Section III or Section XI. the class and type of components involved, the dates of the construction permit and construction permit application, the schedule of the inservice inspection program, and whether the plant voluntarily elects to implement' updated editions and addenda of the Code,
b. Reasonableness of the Schedule for Collecting Information The infonnation is generally not collected, but is retained by the licensee to be made available to the NRC in the event of an NRC inspection or audit. The preservice and inservice inspection plans are, however, submitted to the NRC for review as part of the application for an operating license.
c. Method of Collecting the Information See Item 2(b).
d. Adequacy of the Description of the Information The ASME Code provides listings of information required and specific forms to assist, where necessary, in documenting required information.
e. Record Retention Period The retention period for information is in accordance with a i

schedule provided in the ASME Code. The retention periods for the more significant information keeping requirements specified in Item 1.a above are:


l Infomation Retention Period (3)

Design document for appurtenances Lifetime Overpressure protection report Lifetime Reports for repair and replacement Lifetime.

Preservice and inservice inspection Lifetime.

plans and schedules Preservice and inservice inspection Lifetime reports

3. Estimate of Burden
a. Estimated Hours The infomation collection requirements inherent in incorporating by reference the latest edition and addenda of Section III and Section XI of the ASME B&PV Code are identified in Item 1.a above.

These requirements may be categorized in terms of Section III requirements that document component / system design and the results of construction examinations, and Section XI requirements that document preservice and inservice inspection plans, examinations and repairs.

The additional Section III requirements incur a one-time burden on plants under construction. The primary elements are generation of the design documents for appurtenances and the overpressure protection report.

The total estimated one-time burden for each plant is

  • man-hours.

The total estimated one-time burden for those plants under construction that actually would implement the referenced edition and/or addenda is man-hours (i.e.,

  • plants x
  • man-hours / plant).

Service lifetime of the component or system In process of being detemined A-5

i .

The additional Section XI requirements incur a one-tine burden on plants starting up, a periodic burden on operating plants, and the potential for additional recordkeeping based upon inservice inspection results. The primary component of the one-time burden is the preparation of the preservice inspection test plan and documentation of the,results.

The total estimated one-time burden for each plant is

  • man-hours.

This one-tine burden applies only to plants starting initial operation, or potentially, the 60 plants presently under construction. The total esti-mated one-time burden for the 60 plants remaining to undergo initial startup is, therefore.

  • man-hours.

The periodic burden associated with the additional Section XI requirements for summarizing inservice inspections conducted during refueling outages is estimated to be

  • man-hours for each inspection, or an averaged
  • man-hours /yr. This periodic burden applies to all operating plants that would implement the Winter 1983 Addenda. The total estimated average is
  • man-hours /yr (i.e. ,
  • plants x
  • man-hours / plant /yr).
b. Estimated Cost Required to Respond to the Collection To be determined from results of Item 3.a.
c. Source of Burden Data and Method for Estimating Burden To be determined
d. Reasonableness of Burden Estimate To be determined
4. Estimate of Cost to the Federal Government To be determined.

I A-6


- . .. . , . > . . . . .n. . .

eo ,



  • ,l ) L d d . 0 " M w TASK CONTROL FORM Office Of Nuclear Regulatory Research
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3. E. R schardson r i - .c. . ,.. ,

Amend socFR30.5Sa to incorporoic by refere nce the.

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prelimmocy ecaulakey analysis has not becn prepoced for this amendnsent . A reaulakey anotyss coit/ se prepared to accompany the proposed rule .



l L '


Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

~n.. 3,. . p..u i 3.P.Knsoht .2773 . . .. 3 NRR: DE-G.C. M ollma n M b Vol~l

3. E. Rschordson AS/I '


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'Du e to the continuins nafore o f this r ule makons , a preliminacy reautokry analysis has not been prcporal for this amendnsent . A recula key ano/ps will be prepared to accompany the proposed rule.

l l


TASK CONTROL FORM Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research I #NI .

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Du e to the confincons nolure o f this r vle makons , c.

preliminary recololory analysis has not been preparxl for this amendn,ent . A reaulofory onolyss coill be prepared to accompany fhe proposed rule.