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{{#Wiki_filter:Revision 2 June 1974 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION  
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                              REGULATORY                                                                                         GUIDE
                              DIRECTORATE OF REGULATORY STANDARDS
                                                                    REGULATORY GUIDE 1.4 ASSUMPTIONS USED FOR EVALUATING THE POTENTIAL RADIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES

Section 50.34 of 10 CFR Part 50 requires that each applicant for a construction permit or operating license provide an analysis and evaluation of the design and performance of structures, systems, and components of the facility with the objective of assessing the risk to public health and safety resulting from operation of the facility.
given in § 100.11 in order to allow for (a) uncertainties in final design details and meteorology or (b) new data Section 50.34 of 10 CFR Part 50 requires that each                                 and calculational techniques that might influence the applicant for a construction permit or operating license                                 final design of engineered safety features or the dose provide an analysis and evaluation of the design and                                     reduction factors allowed for these features.)
performance of structures, systems, and components of the facility with the objective of assessing the risk to public health and safety resulting from operation of the                                                    

The design basis loss of coolant accident (LOCA) is one of the postulated accidents used to evaluate the adequacy of these structures, systems, and components with respect to the public health and safety. This guide gives acceptable assumptions that may be used in evaluating the radiological consequences of this accident for a pressurized water reactor. In some cases, unusual site characteristics, plant design features, or other factors may require different assumptions which will be considered on an individual case basis. The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards has been consulted concerning this guide and has concurred in the regulatory position.
facility. The design basis loss of coolant accident (LOCA) is one of the postulated accidents used to                                         1. The assumptions related to the release of radioactive evaluate the adequacy of these structures, systems, and                                   material from the fuel and containment are as follows:
components with respect to the public health and safety.                                         a. Twenty-five percent of the equilibrium This guide gives acceptable assumptions that may be                                       radioactive iodine inventory developed from maximum used in evaluating the radiological consequences of this                                 full power operation of the core should be assumed to accident for a pressurized water reactor. In some cases,                                 be immediately available for leakage from the primary unusual site characteristics, plant design features, or                                   reactor containment. Ninety-one percent of this 25 other factors may require different assumptions which                                     percent is to be assumed to be in the form of elemental will be considered on an individual case basis. The                                       iodine, 5 percent of this 25 percent in the form of Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards has been                                       particulate iodine, and 4 percent of this 25 percent in consulted concerning this guide and has concurred in the                                 the form of organic iodides.
regulatory position.                                                                           b. One hundred percent of the equilibrium

After reviewing a number of applications for construction permits and operating licenses for pressurized water power reactors, the AEC Regulatory staff has developed a number of appropriately conservative assumptions, based on engineering judgment and on applicable experimental results from safety research programs conducted by the AEC and the nuclear industry, that are used to evaluate calculations of the radiological consequences of various postulated accidents.
radioactive noble gas inventory developed from maximum full power operation of the core should be After reviewing a number of applications for                                     assumed to be immediately available for leakage from construction permits and operating licenses for                                         the reactor containment.
pressurized water power reactors, the AEC Regulatory                                           c. The effects of radiological decay during holdup staff has developed a number of appropriately                                           in the containment or other buildings should be taken conservative assumptions, based on engineering                                         into account.
judgment and on applicable experimental results from                                           d. The reduction in the amount of radioactive safety research programs conducted by the AEC and the                                   material available for leakage to the environment by nuclear industry, that are used to evaluate calculations                               containment sprays, recirculating filter systems, or other of the radiological consequences of various postulated                                 engineered safety features may be taken into account, accidents.                                                                              but the amount of reduction in concentration of radioactive materials should be evaluated on an This guide lists acceptable assumptions that may be                              individual case basis.

This guide lists acceptable assumptions that may be used to evaluate the design basis LOCA of a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR). It should be shown that the offsite dose consequences will be within the guidelines of 10 CFR Part 100. (During the construction permit review, guideline exposures of 20 rem whole body and 150 rem thyroid should be used rather than the values given in § 100.11 in order to allow for (a) uncertainties in final design details and meteorology or (b) new data and calculational techniques that might influence the final design of engineered safety features or the dose reduction factors allowed for these features.)
used to evaluate the design basis LOCA of a Pressurized                                       e. The primary reactor containment should be Water Reactor (PWR). It should be shown that the assumed to leak at the leak rate incorporated or to be offsite dose consequences will be within the guidelines incorporated as a technical specification requirement at of 10 CFR Part 100. (During the construction permit peak accident pressure for the first 24 hours, and at 50
  review, guideline exposures of 20 rem whole body and percent of this leak rate for the remaining duration of
POSITION 1. The assumptions related to the release of radioactive material from the fuel and containment are as follows: a. Twenty-five percent of the equilibrium radioactive iodine inventory developed from maximum full power operation of the core should be assumed to be immediately available for leakage from the primary reactor containment.
  150 rem thyroid should be used rather than the values USAEC REGULATORY GUIDES                                          Copies of published guide may. be obtained by request                    the divisions indicating D.C.   20646, desired to the US. Atomic Enemgy Commilss*o, Washlngton.

Ninety-one percent of this 25 percent is to be assumed to be in the form of elemental iodine, 5 percent of this 25 percent in the form of particulate iodine, and 4 percent of this 25 percent in the form of organic iodides.
Attention: Director    of   Regulatory  Standards. Comments    and  suggestions  for Regulatory Guides we issuad to describe and make available to the parts        public methods acceptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of implementing specific            of Impr° ments In theose uldes we encouraged and should be sent to the Secretary by the  staff in of the Commislion, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission,        Washington,    D.C. 20645, the Commission's regulations,    to delineate  techniques    used Attention: Chief, Public ProcoedlnglStaff.

b. One hundred percent of the equilibrium radioactive noble gas inventory developed from maximum full power operation of the core should be assumed to be immediately available for leakage from the reactor containment.
eanluating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to applicants. Regulatory Guides are not  substitutes  for  regulations  and compliance setout in  The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:
  with them is not required. Methods and solutions different from thoserequisite      to the guides will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings                    1. PeOWrdReactors                          6. Products the Issuance or continuance of a permit  or )iconse by  the Commissio

c. The effects of radiological decay during holdup in the containment or other buildings should be taken into account.
====n.     ====

d. The reduction in the amount of radioactive material available for leakage to the environment by containment sprays, recirculating filter systems, or other engineered safety features may be taken into account, but the amount of reduction in concentration of radioactive materials should be evaluated on an individual case basis. e. The primary reactor containment should be assumed to leak at the leak rate incorporated or to be incorporated as a technical specification requirement at peak accident pressure for the first 24 hours, and at 50 percent of this leak rate for the remaining duration of USAEC REGULATORY
===7. Transportation===
GUIDES Copies of published guide may. be obtained by request indicating the divisions desired to the US. Atomic Enemgy Washlngton.
                                                                                            2. Research end Test Reactors
                                                                                            3. Fuels end Materials Facilities          EL Occupatlonal Health
                                                                                            4. Environmental and Siting                9. Antitrust Review Published guides will be revised periodically, asappropriate, to accommodate            5. Materials and Plant Protection        10. General comments and to reflect new information or experienca.

D.C. 20646, Regulatory Guides we issuad to describe and make available to the public Attention:  
the accident., Peak accident pressure is the maximum                  The surface body dose rate from beta emitters in the pressure defined in the technical specifications for                  infinite cloud can be approximated as being one-half this containment leak testing.                                            amount (i.e., PD-1 = 0.23 Eox).
Director of Regulatory Standards.
2. Acceptable assumptions for atmospheric diffusion and dose conversion are:
    a. The 0-8 hour ground level release                            For gamma emitting material the dose rate in air at the concentrations may be reduced by a factor ranging from                cloud center is:
one to a maximum of three (see Figure 1) for additional dispersion produced by the turbulent wake of the                                            ^/DL = 0.507 E&x reactor building in calculating potential exposures. The volumetric building wake correction, as defined in                    From a semi-infinite cloud, the gamma dose rate in air section 3-3.5.2 of Meteorology and Atomic Energy
1968, should be used only in the 0-8 hour period; it is              is:
used with a shape factor of 1/2 and the minimum cross-sectional area of the reactor building only.                                          7D    = 0.25EYx b. No correction should be made for depletion of the effluent plume of radioactive iodine due to                       Where deposition on the ground, or for the radiological decay of iodine in transit.                                                      0 , = beta dose rate from an infinite cloudi(rad/sec)
    c. For the first 8 hours, the breathing rate of                        DI= gamma dose rate from an infinite cloud persons offsite should be assumed to be 3.47 x 10"4                                  (rad/sec)
cubic meters per second. From 8 to 24 hours following                      E3      average beta energy per disintegration the accident, the breathing rate should be assumed to be                            (Mev/dis)
1.75 x 104 cubic meters per second. After that until the                  EF"= average gamma energy per disintegration end of the accident, the rate should be assumed to be                                (Mev/dis)
1.75 x 10-4 cubic meters per second. After that until the                  X = concentration of beta or gamma emitting end of the accident, the rate should be assumed to be                                isotope in the cloud (curie/m 3 )
2.32 x 104 cubic meters per second. (These values were developed from the average daily breathing rate [2 x 107                  f. The following specific 'assumptions are cm3 /day] assumed in the report of ICRP, Committee                    acceptable with respect to the radioactive cloud dose calculations:
    d. The iodine dose conversion factors are given in                        (1) The dose at any distance from the reactor ICRP Publication 2, Report of Committee II,                          should be calculated based on the maximum concentration in the plume at that distance taking into
"Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation," 1959.

Comments and suggestions for methods acceptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of implementing specific parts of Impr° ments In theose uldes we encouraged and should be sent to the Secretary the Commission's regulations, to delineate techniques used by the staff in of the Commislion, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20645, eanluating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to Attention:
account specific meteorological, topographical, and e. External whole body doses should be calculated other characteristics which may affect the maximum using "Infinite Cloud" assumptions, i.e., the dimensions of the cloud are assumed to be large compared to the                  plume concentration. These site related characteristics must be evaluated on an individual case basis. In the case distance that the gamma rays and beta particles travel.
Chief, Public ProcoedlnglStaff.

of beta radiation, the receptor is assumed to be exposed
"Such a cloud would be considered an infinite cloud for to an infinite cloud at the maximum ground level a receptor at the center because any additional [gamma and] beta emitting material beyond the cloud                          concentration at that distance from the reactor. In the case of gamma radiation, the receptor is assumed to be dimensions would not alter the flux of [gamma rays and] beta particles to the receptor" (Meteorology and                exposed to only one-half the cloud owing to the Atomic Energy, Section -editorial additions                  presence of the ground. The maximum cloud made so that gamma and beta emitting material could be                concentration always should be assumed to be at ground considered). Under these conditions the rate of energy                level.

Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliance with them is not required.
absorption per unit volume is equal to the rate of energy                      (2) The appropriate average beta and gamma released per unit volume. For an infinite uniform cloud              energies emitted per disintegration, as given in the Table containing X curies of beta radioactivity per cubic meter            of Isotopes, Sixth Edition, by C. M. Lederer, J. M.

Methods and solutions different from those set out in The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:  
the beta dose in air at the cloud center is:                         Hollander, I. Perlman; University of California, Berkeley;
the guides will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings requisite to the Issuance or continuance of a permit or )iconse by the Commission.
                                                                      Lawrence Radiation Laboratory; should be used.

1. PeOWrd Reactors 6. Products 2. Research end Test Reactors
SD4 = 0.457 fEX                                  g. The atmospheric diffusion model should be as follows:
                                                                                (1) The basic equation for atmospheric diffusion from a ground level point source is:
      The effect on containment leakage under accident conditions of features provided to reduce the leakage of                                              1 radioactive materials from the containment will be evaluated on                                      u an individual case basis.

===7. Transportation ===
XIQ = SrUayoz
3. Fuels end Materials Facilities EL Occupatlonal Health Published guides will be revised periodically, as appropriate, to accommodate
4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust Review comments and to reflect new information or experienca.

5. Materials and Plant Protection
Time Where                                                                    Following Accident                Atmospheric Conditions X    = the short term average centerline value of the      3 ground level concentration (curie/meter )              0-8 hours    Pasquill Type F, windspeed        1 meter/see, Q = amount of material released          (curie/sec)                            uniform direction u = windspeed (meter/sec)
10. General the accident., Peak accident pressure is the maximum pressure defined in the technical specifications for containment leak testing.
      ay = the horizontal standard deviation of the
                                                                        8.24 hours Pasquill Type F, windspeed 1 meter/sec, plume (meters) [See Figure V-i, Page 48, variable direction within a 22.50 sector Nuclear Safety, June 1961. Volume 2, Number 4, "Use of Routine Meteorological Observations for Estimating Atmospheric                1-4 days      (a) 40% Pasquill Type D, windspeed 3 Dispersion," F. A. Gifford, Jr.]                                      meter/sec z= the vertical standard deviation of the plume                              (b) 60% Pasquill Type F, windspeed 2 (meters) [See Figure V-2, Page 48, Nudear                            meter/sec Safety, June 1961, Volume 2, Number 4,                                (c) wind direction variable within a 22.50
                "Use of Routine Meteorological                                        sector Observations for Estimating Atmospheric Dispersion," F. A. Gifford, Jr.]                        4-30 days (a) 33.3% Pasquill Type C, windspeed            3 meter/sec
          (2) For time periods of greater than 8 hours                                (b) 33.3% Pasquill Type D, windspeed 3 the plume should be assumed to meander and spread                                      meter/sec uniformly over a 22.50 sector. The resultant equation is:                              (c) 33.3% Pasquill Type F, windspeed 2 meter/sec x/Q = 2.032 uu                                                (d) Wind direction 33.3% frequency in a OzU                                                22.50 sector Where
                                                                                  (4) Figures 2A and 2B give the ground level x    = distance from point of release to the receptor;            release atmospheric diffusion factors based on the other variables are as given in g(l).                    parameters given in g(3).
          (3) The atmospheric diffusion model for ground level releases is     based  on the information    in the following tabl

2. Acceptable assumptions for atmospheric diffusion and dose conversion are: a. The 0-8 hour ground level release concentrations may be reduced by a factor ranging from one to a maximum of three (see Figure 1) for additional dispersion produced by the turbulent wake of the reactor building in calculating potential exposures.
====e.     ====

The volumetric building wake correction, as defined in section 3-3.5.2 of Meteorology and Atomic Energy 1968, should be used only in the 0-8 hour period; it is used with a shape factor of 1/2 and the minimum cross-sectional area of the reactor building only. b. No correction should be made for depletion of the effluent plume of radioactive iodine due to deposition on the ground, or for the radiological decay of iodine in transit.
2 This  model should be used until adequate site                        The revision to this guide (indicated by a line in the meteorological data are obtained. In some cases, available              margin) reflects current Regulatory staff practice in the information, such as meteorology, topography and geographical          review of construction permit applications; therefore, location, may dictate the use of a more restrictive model to            this revision is effective immediately.

c. For the first 8 hours, the breathing rate of persons offsite should be assumed to be 3.47 x 10"4 cubic meters per second. From 8 to 24 hours following the accident, the breathing rate should be assumed to be 1.75 x 104 cubic meters per second. After that until the end of the accident, the rate should be assumed to be 1.75 x 10-4 cubic meters per second. After that until the end of the accident, the rate should be assumed to be 2.32 x 10 4 cubic meters per second. (These values were developed from the average daily breathing rate [2 x 107 cm 3/day] assumed in the report of ICRP, Committee
insure a conservative estimate of potential offsite exposures.
d. The iodine dose conversion factors are given in ICRP Publication
2, Report of Committee II, "Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation," 1959.  e. External whole body doses should be calculated using "Infinite Cloud" assumptions, i.e., the dimensions of the cloud are assumed to be large compared to the distance that the gamma rays and beta particles travel.  "Such a cloud would be considered an infinite cloud for a receptor at the center because any additional
[gamma and] beta emitting material beyond the cloud dimensions would not alter the flux of [gamma rays and] beta particles to the receptor" (Meteorology and Atomic Energy, Section -editorial additions made so that gamma and beta emitting material could be considered).
Under these conditions the rate of energy absorption per unit volume is equal to the rate of energy released per unit volume. For an infinite uniform cloud containing X curies of beta radioactivity per cubic meter the beta dose in air at the cloud center is: SD4 = 0.457 fEX The effect on containment leakage under accident conditions of features provided to reduce the leakage of radioactive materials from the containment will be evaluated on an individual case basis.The surface body dose rate from beta emitters in the infinite cloud can be approximated as being one-half this amount (i.e., PD-1 = 0.23 Eox).  For gamma emitting material the dose rate in air at the cloud center is: ^/DL = 0.507 E&x From a semi-infinite cloud, the gamma dose rate in air is: 7 D = 0.25EYx Where 0 , = beta dose rate from an infinite cloudi(rad/sec)
DI= gamma dose rate from an infinite cloud (rad/sec)
E3 average beta energy per disintegration (Mev/dis)
EF" = average gamma energy per disintegration (Mev/dis)
X = concentration of beta or gamma emitting isotope in the cloud (curie/m 3) f. The following specific 'assumptions are acceptable with respect to the radioactive cloud dose calculations:
(1) The dose at any distance from the reactor should be calculated based on the maximum concentration in the plume at that distance taking into account specific meteorological, topographical, and other characteristics which may affect the maximum plume concentration.

These site related characteristics must be evaluated on an individual case basis. In the case of beta radiation, the receptor is assumed to be exposed to an infinite cloud at the maximum ground level concentration at that distance from the reactor. In the case of gamma radiation, the receptor is assumed to be exposed to only one-half the cloud owing to the presence of the ground. The maximum cloud concentration always should be assumed to be at ground level.  (2) The appropriate average beta and gamma energies emitted per disintegration, as given in the Table of Isotopes, Sixth Edition, by C. M. Lederer, J. M.  Hollander, I. Perlman; University of California, Berkeley;
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory;
should be used.  g. The atmospheric diffusion model should be as follows: (1) The basic equation for atmospheric diffusion from a ground level point source is: 1 XIQ = u SrUayoz 1.4-2 Where X = the short term average centerline value of the ground level concentration (curie/meter
3) Q = amount of material released (curie/sec)
u = windspeed (meter/sec)
ay = the horizontal standard deviation of the plume (meters) [See Figure V-i, Page 48, Nuclear Safety, June 1961. Volume 2, Number 4, "Use of Routine Meteorological Observations for Estimating Atmospheric Dispersion," F. A. Gifford, Jr.] z= the vertical standard deviation of the plume (meters) [See Figure V-2, Page 48, Nudear Safety, June 1961, Volume 2, Number 4, "Use of Routine Meteorological Observations for Estimating Atmospheric Dispersion," F. A. Gifford, Jr.] (2) For time periods of greater than 8 hours the plume should be assumed to meander and spread uniformly over a 22.50 sector. The resultant equation is: 2.032 x/Q = uu OzU Where x = distance from point of release to the receptor;
other variables are as given in g(l).  (3) The atmospheric diffusion model 2 for ground level releases is based on the information in the following table.  2 This model should be used until adequate site meteorological data are obtained.

In some cases, available information, such as meteorology, topography and geographical location, may dictate the use of a more restrictive model to insure a conservative estimate of potential offsite exposures.
                          0                                                                                                cli
    0                                                                                                a'
                            .44                                                                            * :1
                                      -4        ----                                                      *    I
                          [-v                          T    -T
                _T_  ,-
          -4-                                                                                      -4
                                      1'              ------  --                                                                                  ----9

Time Following Accident Atmospheric Conditions
* Lr
0-8 hours Pasquill Type F, windspeed
                                                                                                                                                    -t Lii      F-I                                                                        KY
1 meter/see, uniform direction
8.24 hours Pasquill Type F, windspeed
1 meter/sec, variable direction within a 22.50 sector 1-4 days (a) 40% Pasquill Type D, windspeed
      ilL-                  1--r H:,         1 ifif-                                                                                            *--7- -7 I
3 meter/sec (b) 60% Pasquill Type F, windspeed
2 meter/sec (c) wind direction variable within a 22.50 sector 4-30 days (a) 33.3% Pasquill Type C, windspeed
                                IW1ETýý T                                            F I  'I
3 meter/sec (b) 33.3% Pasquill meter/sec (c) 33.3% Pasquill meter/sec (d) Wind direction
22.50 sector Type D, windspeed
                                                                                                          -T  7-
3 Type F, windspeed
2 33.3% frequency in a (4) Figures 2A and 2B give the ground level release atmospheric diffusion factors based on the parameters given in g(3). 
                                                                                                                        7- -+~1*~
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The revision to this guide (indicated by a line in the margin) reflects current Regulatory staff practice in the review of construction permit applications;  
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therefore, this revision is effective immediately.
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ri-Ill 74 19-4 9 6 4 3-t T, 44 444 RE-vT -T 1 S1 14 44 I -I 4 ft-6 I1Ilp -44 ý4, 1 10, FIGURE 2(AAMJ) i--T-4-+I-
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Latest revision as of 11:29, 28 March 2020

Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for Pressurized Water Reactors
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/30/1974
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
RG-1.4, Rev 2
Download: ML003739614 (6)







given in § 100.11 in order to allow for (a) uncertainties in final design details and meteorology or (b) new data Section 50.34 of 10 CFR Part 50 requires that each and calculational techniques that might influence the applicant for a construction permit or operating license final design of engineered safety features or the dose provide an analysis and evaluation of the design and reduction factors allowed for these features.)

performance of structures, systems, and components of the facility with the objective of assessing the risk to public health and safety resulting from operation of the


facility. The design basis loss of coolant accident (LOCA) is one of the postulated accidents used to 1. The assumptions related to the release of radioactive evaluate the adequacy of these structures, systems, and material from the fuel and containment are as follows:

components with respect to the public health and safety. a. Twenty-five percent of the equilibrium This guide gives acceptable assumptions that may be radioactive iodine inventory developed from maximum used in evaluating the radiological consequences of this full power operation of the core should be assumed to accident for a pressurized water reactor. In some cases, be immediately available for leakage from the primary unusual site characteristics, plant design features, or reactor containment. Ninety-one percent of this 25 other factors may require different assumptions which percent is to be assumed to be in the form of elemental will be considered on an individual case basis. The iodine, 5 percent of this 25 percent in the form of Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards has been particulate iodine, and 4 percent of this 25 percent in consulted concerning this guide and has concurred in the the form of organic iodides.

regulatory position. b. One hundred percent of the equilibrium


radioactive noble gas inventory developed from maximum full power operation of the core should be After reviewing a number of applications for assumed to be immediately available for leakage from construction permits and operating licenses for the reactor containment.

pressurized water power reactors, the AEC Regulatory c. The effects of radiological decay during holdup staff has developed a number of appropriately in the containment or other buildings should be taken conservative assumptions, based on engineering into account.

judgment and on applicable experimental results from d. The reduction in the amount of radioactive safety research programs conducted by the AEC and the material available for leakage to the environment by nuclear industry, that are used to evaluate calculations containment sprays, recirculating filter systems, or other of the radiological consequences of various postulated engineered safety features may be taken into account, accidents. but the amount of reduction in concentration of radioactive materials should be evaluated on an This guide lists acceptable assumptions that may be individual case basis.

used to evaluate the design basis LOCA of a Pressurized e. The primary reactor containment should be Water Reactor (PWR). It should be shown that the assumed to leak at the leak rate incorporated or to be offsite dose consequences will be within the guidelines incorporated as a technical specification requirement at of 10 CFR Part 100. (During the construction permit peak accident pressure for the first 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, and at 50

review, guideline exposures of 20 rem whole body and percent of this leak rate for the remaining duration of

150 rem thyroid should be used rather than the values USAEC REGULATORY GUIDES Copies of published guide may. be obtained by request the divisions indicating D.C. 20646, desired to the US. Atomic Enemgy Commilss*o, Washlngton.

Attention: Director of Regulatory Standards. Comments and suggestions for Regulatory Guides we issuad to describe and make available to the parts public methods acceptable to the AEC Regulatory staff of implementing specific of Impr° ments In theose uldes we encouraged and should be sent to the Secretary by the staff in of the Commislion, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20645, the Commission's regulations, to delineate techniques used Attention: Chief, Public ProcoedlnglStaff.

eanluating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to provide guidance to applicants. Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for regulations and compliance setout in The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:

with them is not required. Methods and solutions different from thoserequisite to the guides will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the findings 1. PeOWrdReactors 6. Products the Issuance or continuance of a permit or )iconse by the Commissio


7. Transportation

2. Research end Test Reactors

3. Fuels end Materials Facilities EL Occupatlonal Health

4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust Review Published guides will be revised periodically, asappropriate, to accommodate 5. Materials and Plant Protection 10. General comments and to reflect new information or experienca.

the accident., Peak accident pressure is the maximum The surface body dose rate from beta emitters in the pressure defined in the technical specifications for infinite cloud can be approximated as being one-half this containment leak testing. amount (i.e., PD-1 = 0.23 Eox).

2. Acceptable assumptions for atmospheric diffusion and dose conversion are:

a. The 0-8 hour ground level release For gamma emitting material the dose rate in air at the concentrations may be reduced by a factor ranging from cloud center is:

one to a maximum of three (see Figure 1) for additional dispersion produced by the turbulent wake of the ^/DL = 0.507 E&x reactor building in calculating potential exposures. The volumetric building wake correction, as defined in From a semi-infinite cloud, the gamma dose rate in air section 3-3.5.2 of Meteorology and Atomic Energy

1968, should be used only in the 0-8 hour period; it is is:

used with a shape factor of 1/2 and the minimum cross-sectional area of the reactor building only. 7D = 0.25EYx b. No correction should be made for depletion of the effluent plume of radioactive iodine due to Where deposition on the ground, or for the radiological decay of iodine in transit. 0 , = beta dose rate from an infinite cloudi(rad/sec)

c. For the first 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, the breathing rate of DI= gamma dose rate from an infinite cloud persons offsite should be assumed to be 3.47 x 10"4 (rad/sec)

cubic meters per second. From 8 to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> following E3 average beta energy per disintegration the accident, the breathing rate should be assumed to be (Mev/dis)

1.75 x 104 cubic meters per second. After that until the EF"= average gamma energy per disintegration end of the accident, the rate should be assumed to be (Mev/dis)

1.75 x 10-4 cubic meters per second. After that until the X = concentration of beta or gamma emitting end of the accident, the rate should be assumed to be isotope in the cloud (curie/m 3 )

2.32 x 104 cubic meters per second. (These values were developed from the average daily breathing rate [2 x 107 f. The following specific 'assumptions are cm3 /day] assumed in the report of ICRP, Committee acceptable with respect to the radioactive cloud dose calculations:


d. The iodine dose conversion factors are given in (1) The dose at any distance from the reactor ICRP Publication 2, Report of Committee II, should be calculated based on the maximum concentration in the plume at that distance taking into

"Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation," 1959.

account specific meteorological, topographical, and e. External whole body doses should be calculated other characteristics which may affect the maximum using "Infinite Cloud" assumptions, i.e., the dimensions of the cloud are assumed to be large compared to the plume concentration. These site related characteristics must be evaluated on an individual case basis. In the case distance that the gamma rays and beta particles travel.

of beta radiation, the receptor is assumed to be exposed

"Such a cloud would be considered an infinite cloud for to an infinite cloud at the maximum ground level a receptor at the center because any additional [gamma and] beta emitting material beyond the cloud concentration at that distance from the reactor. In the case of gamma radiation, the receptor is assumed to be dimensions would not alter the flux of [gamma rays and] beta particles to the receptor" (Meteorology and exposed to only one-half the cloud owing to the Atomic Energy, Section -editorial additions presence of the ground. The maximum cloud made so that gamma and beta emitting material could be concentration always should be assumed to be at ground considered). Under these conditions the rate of energy level.

absorption per unit volume is equal to the rate of energy (2) The appropriate average beta and gamma released per unit volume. For an infinite uniform cloud energies emitted per disintegration, as given in the Table containing X curies of beta radioactivity per cubic meter of Isotopes, Sixth Edition, by C. M. Lederer, J. M.

the beta dose in air at the cloud center is: Hollander, I. Perlman; University of California, Berkeley;

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory; should be used.

SD4 = 0.457 fEX g. The atmospheric diffusion model should be as follows:

(1) The basic equation for atmospheric diffusion from a ground level point source is:

The effect on containment leakage under accident conditions of features provided to reduce the leakage of 1 radioactive materials from the containment will be evaluated on u an individual case basis.

XIQ = SrUayoz


Time Where Following Accident Atmospheric Conditions X = the short term average centerline value of the 3 ground level concentration (curie/meter ) 0-8 hours Pasquill Type F, windspeed 1 meter/see, Q = amount of material released (curie/sec) uniform direction u = windspeed (meter/sec)

ay = the horizontal standard deviation of the

8.24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Pasquill Type F, windspeed 1 meter/sec, plume (meters) [See Figure V-i, Page 48, variable direction within a 22.50 sector Nuclear Safety, June 1961. Volume 2, Number 4, "Use of Routine Meteorological Observations for Estimating Atmospheric 1-4 days (a) 40% Pasquill Type D, windspeed 3 Dispersion," F. A. Gifford, Jr.] meter/sec z= the vertical standard deviation of the plume (b) 60% Pasquill Type F, windspeed 2 (meters) [See Figure V-2, Page 48, Nudear meter/sec Safety, June 1961, Volume 2, Number 4, (c) wind direction variable within a 22.50

"Use of Routine Meteorological sector Observations for Estimating Atmospheric Dispersion," F. A. Gifford, Jr.] 4-30 days (a) 33.3% Pasquill Type C, windspeed 3 meter/sec

(2) For time periods of greater than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> (b) 33.3% Pasquill Type D, windspeed 3 the plume should be assumed to meander and spread meter/sec uniformly over a 22.50 sector. The resultant equation is: (c) 33.3% Pasquill Type F, windspeed 2 meter/sec x/Q = 2.032 uu (d) Wind direction 33.3% frequency in a OzU 22.50 sector Where

(4) Figures 2A and 2B give the ground level x = distance from point of release to the receptor; release atmospheric diffusion factors based on the other variables are as given in g(l). parameters given in g(3).


(3) The atmospheric diffusion model for ground level releases is based on the information in the following tabl



2 This model should be used until adequate site The revision to this guide (indicated by a line in the meteorological data are obtained. In some cases, available margin) reflects current Regulatory staff practice in the information, such as meteorology, topography and geographical review of construction permit applications; therefore, location, may dictate the use of a more restrictive model to this revision is effective immediately.

insure a conservative estimate of potential offsite exposures.



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