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(StriderTol Bot change)
(StriderTol Bot change)
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The only, undertakings of GNF-A .respecting the Information are contained in the contract between Recipient and GNF-A for nuclear fuel and related services for the Nluclear Plant (the "Fuel Cont~tct") and nothing contained in this document shall be construed as amending or modify'ing the F~uel Contract. The:
The only, undertakings of GNF-A .respecting the Information are contained in the contract between Recipient and GNF-A for nuclear fuel and related services for the Nluclear Plant (the "Fuel Cont~tct") and nothing contained in this document shall be construed as amending or modify'ing the F~uel Contract. The:
use of the Information for any purpose other than that for which it wasintended uinder the Fuel contract, is not authorized by ONF-A. In the event of any such unauthorized use, GNF-A neither (a) makes any-representation or warranty (either expressed or implied) as to the completeness, accuracy, or useftulness of the information or that such unauthorized use may, not infringe privately owned rights, nor (b) assumes any responsibility for .liability or damage of any kind which may result from such use of such information.
use of the Information for any purpose other than that for which it wasintended uinder the Fuel contract, is not authorized by ONF-A. In the event of any such unauthorized use, GNF-A neither (a) makes any-representation or warranty (either expressed or implied) as to the completeness, accuracy, or useftulness of the information or that such unauthorized use may, not infringe privately owned rights, nor (b) assumes any responsibility for .liability or damage of any kind which may result from such use of such information.
Information Notice This is a non-proprietary version of the document 000N5028-FBIR-P, Revision 1, which has the proprietary information removed. Portions of the document that have been removed are indicated by, an open and closed bracket as shown here [[                         3).
Information Notice This is a non-proprietary version of the document 000N5028-FBIR-P, Revision 1, which has the proprietary information removed. Portions of the document that have been removed are indicated by, an open and closed bracket as shown here ((                         3).
Page 2
Page 2

Line 545: Line 545:
Bundle Number: 3271 Peak Pellet Exposure!                Uoa LHGR Limit*,
Bundle Number: 3271 Peak Pellet Exposure!                Uoa LHGR Limit*,
GW~dIMT (GWdIST ...                        kW/f          ;
GW~dIMT (GWdIST ...                        kW/f          ;
[[ .......                        __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _
(( .......                        __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _
IPek-Peflet Expsuei~",,.
IPek-Peflet Expsuei~",,.
                                                                     .        .... M~ost Limating.Gadolina ...
                                                                     .        .... M~ost Limating.Gadolina ...
Line 573: Line 573:
* LHGR Limit 3 G:wdIM (GWd/ST)                            i      '%kW/:.,If.t      ; .
* LHGR Limit 3 G:wdIM (GWd/ST)                            i      '%kW/:.,If.t      ; .
ri SBounding.:. gadOlinia*,$ LI-IG.R-limit:, fori all ;-.gadolinium,:*.oncentrationp, occusrrng*:in,, this,. bundle .design.
ri SBounding.:. gadOlinia*,$ LI-IG.R-limit:, fori all ;-.gadolinium,:*.oncentrationp, occusrrng*:in,, this,. bundle .design.
[[     ]1I.                                                                                                =
((     ]1I.                                                                                                =
Page 7
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Line 587: Line 587:
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SBounding      .g~ado1inia* LKGR-iinzit:, Jr.-t.Mllgadolinium .;conc.,ntritions* occu~i'ingji.-id.* this v!bund~le design*
SBounding      .g~ado1inia* LKGR-iinzit:, Jr.-t.Mllgadolinium .;conc.,ntritions* occu~i'ingji.-id.* this v!bund~le design*
[[                 I].                                                                                            i-            "
((                 I].                                                                                            i-            "
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Line 595: Line 595:
Peak Peliet Exposure]*.              U02 LHGR Lmit              ....
Peak Peliet Exposure]*.              U02 LHGR Lmit              ....
G;Wd/MT (GWd/Sr)                          kW/ft        ,; .
G;Wd/MT (GWd/Sr)                          kW/ft        ,; .
[[                                                   ..
((                                                   ..
                                         ,            _ ,_    __      _    I                  ].          1
                                         ,            _ ,_    __      _    I                  ].          1
* Peak P*t Exposure 4              Most Limiting Gadolinla LHGR Limit' GWdIMT (GWdIST~                          k~V~ft .    ...
* Peak P*t Exposure 4              Most Limiting Gadolinla LHGR Limit' GWdIMT (GWdIST~                          k~V~ft .    ...
Line 632: Line 632:
__________________2                  LH        /Lift =
__________________2                  LH        /Lift =
sBounding gahdlinia t*HGR'* ;ailadolhnim                concentrations 'ocur ng*'n. khis` bun~dle ;design.:
sBounding gahdlinia t*HGR'* ;ailadolhnim                concentrations 'ocur ng*'n. khis` bun~dle ;design.:
[[E.l;                                                                                                                  )
((E.l;                                                                                                                  )
Page 12
Page 12

Line 652: Line 652:
Peak Pellet Expeau            ,;re':Mqt imitlin~g Ga~doiinlaf*
Peak Pellet Expeau            ,;re':Mqt imitlin~g Ga~doiinlaf*
10 Boun-din      gadohina L.AUIR ltim~it forrI      al      ~i~goniuiWon m6 ons*-oirrmgnn ,-this bunI*Je ,,design:',
10 Boun-din      gadohina L.AUIR ltim~it forrI      al      ~i~goniuiWon m6 ons*-oirrmgnn ,-this bunI*Je ,,design:',
[[               1].                                                                                            .,*,
((               1].                                                                                            .,*,
4:    -.*/                                                                                                      Page 14
4:    -.*/                                                                                                      Page 14

Line 659: Line 659:
U GWdIMT (G~dIST).....                            .. ;iW/ft:i:::::
U GWdIMT (G~dIST).....                            .. ;iW/ft:i:::::
Peak p~cllet*E..poure .**:Most Limitin*g Gadoilnia, S[[
Peak p~cllet*E..poure .**:Most Limitin*g Gadoilnia, S((
_._ ..... _  _... .. ,__,, _ __      ;            I,]...,
_._ ..... _  _... .. ,__,, _ __      ;            I,]...,
                                                 *                  *?:*,*Page                                                                    15
                                                 *                  *?:*,*Page                                                                    15
Line 670: Line 670:
________________________                          a gdlii:tG*1~
________________________                          a gdlii:tG*1~
2fondn                                i . l ,' g flmb.rncntamn~ccrmg,                      i:  ~this, ;bundlte *design*:.,'*
2fondn                                i . l ,' g flmb.rncntamn~ccrmg,                      i:  ~this, ;bundlte *design*:.,'*
[[         l]~.                                                                                        * ~
((         l]~.                                                                                        * ~
Page 16
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Line 676: Line 676:
Bundle Number:. 4274                                                                    ::' ..    .*. . , .,: ".
Bundle Number:. 4274                                                                    ::' ..    .*. . , .,: ".
Peak Pellet Exposure          -i  .. UOz LHGR Limit _ i GWd/MT (GWd/ST)                        '.,:    kW/ft: , ;::..;...
Peak Pellet Exposure          -i  .. UOz LHGR Limit _ i GWd/MT (GWd/ST)                        '.,:    kW/ft: , ;::..;...
             '*  B0oundin&gu:gdOlinia* 14H(Gh.imivj,        fobr.zaIl. ga~doliniuim ,,cqentration* occurring,*in; this :bundle -desig~n:
             '*  B0oundin&gu:gdOlinia* 14H(Gh.imivj,        fobr.zaIl. ga~doliniuim ,,cqentration* occurring,*in; this :bundle -desig~n:
[[                 11..
((                 11..
Page i7
Page i7

Line 687: Line 687:
GWd/MT.(GWd/ST) ...... t, .. :ikWl*.!i.f.t:,:::.                              ..
GWd/MT.(GWd/ST) ...... t, .. :ikWl*.!i.f.t:,:::.                              ..
[[       -..
((       -..
peak Pelle't*xposu*',r.e                M*ost LimitIng Gadolldala            ,,
peak Pelle't*xposu*',r.e                M*ost LimitIng Gadolldala            ,,
____________.__,              ____,*'*:*o.*  ! LHGR Limit 1" GWd/MT (GWd/ST)                          *      -k*lWlft?*"*,.*.::,;*    ..
____________.__,              ____,*'*:*o.*  ! LHGR Limit 1" GWd/MT (GWd/ST)                          *      -k*lWlft?*"*,.*.::,;*    ..
                                                 .._ __  _  __  _  _ __  _  __    _1 Boudin gaolisaLHG~ 'init~for".I:,adliR~niur:n ocenzrations* ckci'ii~g*'in( this b'undle designW                            "
                                                 .._ __  _  __  _  _ __  _  __    _1 Boudin gaolisaLHG~ 'init~for".I:,adliR~niur:n ocenzrations* ckci'ii~g*'in( this b'undle designW                            "
Di                ]].                                                                                                      oL*          .
Di                )).                                                                                                      oL*          .
Page 18
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Line 739: Line 739:
120T2-I 50-T6-4272 (GNF2)                        47 GNF2-P10CG2B387-1!3G7.0-120T2-1 50-T6-4274 (GNF2)                        4274
120T2-I 50-T6-4272 (GNF2)                        47 GNF2-P10CG2B387-1!3G7.0-120T2-1 50-T6-4274 (GNF2)                        4274
                                                             -  I a              &                            I -                                            &                I P                p                                              .,p
                                                             -  I a              &                            I -                                            &                I P                p                                              .,p
               " Maximum lattice k, rot the most reactive uncontrolled state plus a [[                                                   3] adder for uncertaintdes(:"
               " Maximum lattice k, rot the most reactive uncontrolled state plus a ((                                                   3] adder for uncertaintdes(:"
Page 20.
Page 20.

Line 747: Line 747:
(kg)            (kg_,,                              (GWdiST)
(kg)            (kg_,,                              (GWdiST)
GNF2-PIO CG2B400- !30G7.0-                    4275 120T2- 150-T6-4275 (GNF2)                  "-4 75_      ...
GNF2-PIO CG2B400- !30G7.0-                    4275 120T2- 150-T6-4275 (GNF2)                  "-4 75_      ...
GNF2-P10CG2B387-12GT,..-.... 4273                      "      -...........                                                                        . ....    ]]
GNF2-P10CG2B387-12GT,..-.... 4273                      "      -...........                                                                        . ....    ))
t20T2-150-:T6-4273 (GNF2). ____                          ______....________
t20T2-150-:T6-4273 (GNF2). ____                          ______....________
("..: ,.:;..:. " ,  !  ""    i  "
("..: ,.:;..:. " ,  !  ""    i  "
Line 772: Line 772:
E~xelun Nuclear - Nuclear F~uels Core Opcmting Limits Report.
E~xelun Nuclear - Nuclear F~uels Core Opcmting Limits Report.
Non-Propriew Inframinion Subminted in Aceordance wvith 10 CFR 2.390 COLR Unmerici I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I                              Non-Proprietary Inrormation          000N5028-FBIR-NP Relnnri ! S                                            Cl:nn I (Pumhli&'t                        R....Pev~ision i, -..
Non-Propriew Inframinion Subminted in Aceordance wvith 10 CFR 2.390 COLR Unmerici I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I                              Non-Proprietary Inrormation          000N5028-FBIR-NP Relnnri ! S                                            Cl:nn I (Pumhli&'t                        R....Pev~ision i, -..
                                 *;r*igur*te*B41 E~rtcbme~nt~atWGado]iniumiDistributiop~fo* EDB No. 3275 k:MFUiiudde*G4'EIcI (NABrn.2G*z0oT, I5o-r63z7(G E14c)
                                 *;r*igur*te*B41 E~rtcbme~nt~atWGado]iniumiDistributiop~fo* EDB No. 3275 k:MFUiiudde*G4'EIcI (NABrn.2G*z0oT, I5o-r63z7(G E14c)
Page 25
Page 25

Exelan Nuclear- Nucleaur Fuels Core Operating Limits Report Nan-lropric.tmy Inrormation Submitted in Accordance with 10) CFR 2 39t2                  COLR Limenck 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I                                Non-Proprietary Information          000N5028-FBIR-NP Re load 15                                              Classi I (Public*                        Revision I
Exelan Nuclear- Nucleaur Fuels Core Operating Limits Report Nan-lropric.tmy Inrormation Submitted in Accordance with 10) CFR 2 39t2                  COLR Limenck 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I                                Non-Proprietary Information          000N5028-FBIR-NP Re load 15                                              Classi I (Public*                        Revision I
[[l 11
((l 11
:Figure,'lB$i En'richntunt~and GadoliniiumDistribution (forEDE No* 3272
:Figure,'lB$i En'richntunt~and GadoliniiumDistribution (forEDE No* 3272
                                       , Fuel--Bundle GE1~p1O0CNA*B394-15GZ_42i0T.15O0T6-3272 *(GEI 4C Page 26
                                       , Fuel--Bundle GE1~p1O0CNA*B394-15GZ_42i0T.15O0T6-3272 *(GEI 4C Page 26
Line 783: Line 783:
E.'celan Nuclear - Nuclear FUels Care Operating Limits Itcpafl Non.Priprietm-y Inrrmiutinn Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390
E.'celan Nuclear - Nuclear FUels Care Operating Limits Itcpafl Non.Priprietm-y Inrrmiutinn Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390
* COLR ILlmedck 1 Rev. 12 ,appendix A Limerick Unit I                              Non-Proprietary Information  '          000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15            ;*                                Class ! (Public)                              Revision I
* COLR ILlmedck 1 Rev. 12 ,appendix A Limerick Unit I                              Non-Proprietary Information  '          000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15            ;*                                Class ! (Public)                              Revision I
                                   *oFigu    8.6r  EflricbmentanudGadoi~nium Distrlbution*for 1DB No.4048 FdeIl*taundle GF*I!2B9*0T0/G;!0T                          I*.6        8(GNF2)
                                   *oFigu    8.6r  EflricbmentanudGadoi~nium Distrlbution*for 1DB No.4048 FdeIl*taundle GF*I!2B9*0T0/G;!0T                          I*.6        8(GNF2)
Line 789: Line 789:

Exchmn Nuclear. Nueclar Fuels Corn Opemoling Limits Report Nun-Proprictocy Inrormntion Submiuted an Accordonce with 10 CFR 2.390                              COLR Unmdck I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I                                  Non-Proprietary Information                    000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload IS                                              Class I (Public)                                    R eviq*inn  I B        I                                  I I
Exchmn Nuclear. Nueclar Fuels Corn Opemoling Limits Report Nun-Proprictocy Inrormntion Submiuted an Accordonce with 10 CFR 2.390                              COLR Unmdck I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I                                  Non-Proprietary Information                    000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload IS                                              Class I (Public)                                    R eviq*inn  I B        I                                  I I
Figure..-..            en  i.                .
Figure..-..            en  i.                .
d1nii.~srbtiao  .Enih      ED  N-  44
d1nii.~srbtiao  .Enih      ED  N-  44
Line 795: Line 795:
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E..c-lon Nuclear - Nuclear F~uels Core Oplraling Limits Report Non.Proprietary Inlormation SubmiUt-d in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390                                  COLR Limerck 1 Rev. 12 Appendlx A Limerick Unit I                                Non-Proprietary Information                        000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15                                              Class ! ('Public3                                      Revision I I[[
E..c-lon Nuclear - Nuclear F~uels Core Oplraling Limits Report Non.Proprietary Inlormation SubmiUt-d in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390                                  COLR Limerck 1 Rev. 12 Appendlx A Limerick Unit I                                Non-Proprietary Information                        000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15                                              Class ! ('Public3                                      Revision I I((
SFigure fl-      Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 3643
SFigure fl-      Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 3643
Line 803: Line 803:
FExclon Nucku'-'Nuclc& luuls Corc OpenilinK Limits RPII*pf Nnn-l'ropiic.tazy Inr'onnntion Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR 2.390                            COIR Umeulct I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I                                  Non-Proprietary Iniformationt                000"N5028-FBIR-NP Reload !S5                                                  l1.n. I (Puihlirn                              Revision I
FExclon Nucku'-'Nuclc& luuls Corc OpenilinK Limits RPII*pf Nnn-l'ropiic.tazy Inr'onnntion Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR 2.390                            COIR Umeulct I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I                                  Non-Proprietary Iniformationt                000"N5028-FBIR-NP Reload !S5                                                  l1.n. I (Puihlirn                              Revision I
             ..........                                                  .wv*      I
             ..........                                                  .wv*      I
Figue B- Enichmut                            No.404 Page 30
Figue B- Enichmut                            No.404 Page 30

Line 809: Line 809:
           ,- ......  .....      ...    .....                      ,e"t" " I ...... r                        ...........
           ,- ......  .....      ...    .....                      ,e"t" " I ...... r                        ...........
:*Figure B* !O0    *.Enrichment and GadoliniumDPbtributign forEDB No..4046
:*Figure B* !O0    *.Enrichment and GadoliniumDPbtributign forEDB No..4046
:**Fuel Bundle*GI~F2P10CG2B388-!3GZ-12Of2l.S0-T6.4046 (GNF2)
:**Fuel Bundle*GI~F2P10CG2B388-!3GZ-12Of2l.S0-T6.4046 (GNF2)
Line 822: Line 822:

E.'wlon Nutclur - Nuclemr Fuels Core Opernting Limits Rcport Nan-I'reprlctniy lnotmlatian Sulrnuued in AccOrdnnce with 50CFR 2.390                      COLR Limerick I Rev. 12 AppendIx A Limerick Unit I                                Non-Proprietary [n formation            000N5028-PBIR-NP Reload. 15                                              Class I (Public*                        --  ~Revision I
E.'wlon Nutclur - Nuclemr Fuels Core Opernting Limits Rcport Nan-I'reprlctniy lnotmlatian Sulrnuued in AccOrdnnce with 50CFR 2.390                      COLR Limerick I Rev. 12 AppendIx A Limerick Unit I                                Non-Proprietary [n formation            000N5028-PBIR-NP Reload. 15                                              Class I (Public*                        --  ~Revision I
                                     ,.;,*ignreBW,, 2 ,Eoriehme~nt~and Gadolinium Distribution for EIDB No..4272
                                     ,.;,*ignreBW,, 2 ,Eoriehme~nt~and Gadolinium Distribution for EIDB No..4272

Latest revision as of 10:25, 19 March 2020

COLR for Reload 15 Cycle 16 with Appendix a
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/2015
From: Holmes M
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML15254A415 (58)



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Exelon Nuciear- Nurcear Fuels " COLR Limoerik I, Rev. 12 Core Operating Limits Report Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordanice with 10 CFR 2.390 COREi OPERATING LIMITS REPORT* FOR LhMERICK GENERATING STATION ... ,.. UNIT 1 RELOAD 15 CYCLE 16 i-'. - 'i." , I M. Holmes Da "e 2 ', 3 "'"  : "

               ...                  Preparer
                                                                          " I I      _ *      .. ' "            "

Reviewed:By: Dae: 6/*/*.. i.Hsu Independent Reviewer A. Stefanezyk (,ae ,,2 /5 . l Reviewed By: ""I' T. Bement Engineering Sa.fety Analysis Da,,e: ,! 9A

                        'Manager  - BWR, Designa (Gl'*F)

Sratan Qualified Review By:- L. Kurbeil oote: .f9I /&o k Station Qualified Reviewor I ':f~m i t_"

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Core Operating Limits Report COLR Limerick i, Rev. 12 1 Nan-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 Table of Contents Page Revision History 3 List of Tables 4 1.0 Terms and Definitions S 2.0 General Information* 7 3.0 MAPLHGR Limits 8 4.0 MCPR Limits 9 5.0 LHGR Limits 13 6.0 Control Rod Block Setpoints 16 7.0 Turbine Bypass Valve Parameters 17 8.0 Stability Protection Setpoints 18 9.0 Modes of Operation 19 10.0 Methodology 20 11!.0 References 20 Appendix A .. .. 21 Page2of2l: i

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Limerick I, Rev. 12 Core Operating Limits Report,,."** * . Non-Proprietary Int'ormation Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.3g0 .. .. *" .... . ' Revision History, Revision erito Revision 12 ., .. *Incorporates PROOS limits. Miscellaneous .. editorial and formatting changes to ensure i: * *,i? , -- consistency with Unit 2COLR.'*i,* -: .. Revision ilI .. . : ;.,,>:'; New issue for~ycle. 16' ,::i  :, ..*:

                                                    "'i.-.- ...................
                                                                 .        ...   ,.'.i.   ............

P*e3 ot'*!*,:*.* I,

2xelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Core Operating Limits Report COLR Limerick !, Rev. 12 I Non-Prmpretaiy Information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 22t90 List of Tables " Page,. Table 3-1.. MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure-GEl4 .. . II Table 3-2 MAPLHOR-Versus"AvergePlanar Exposure-GNF2. ' .. - Table 3-3 MAPLHGR Single Loop Operation (SLO) Multiplier - All Fuel Types

                                                                                             -8           I T~able 4-1                                                                                     10 I

Table 4-2 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR) -GNl4

                                                                                              !1 I

Table 4-3 Power Dependent MCPR Limits and Multipliers MCPR(P) and KP - All Fuel Types 12 I Flow Dependent MCPR Limnits MCPR(F) All" Fuel Types:, . !. . .. : : Table 4.4 - 12 I Table 5-I Linear Heat Generation Rate Limits - UOz Rods 13 I Table 5-2 Linear Heat Generation Rate Limits- (ladolinia Rods '3 I Table 5-3 LHOR Single Loop Operation (SLO) Multiplier-All Fuel Types 14 I Power ependnt LHR Muliplie 4HRA() lFe ye Table 5-4 14 I Plowe Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHORFAC(P)- AIl Fuel Types Table 5-5 IS I Table 6-1 Rod Block Monitor Setpolnts 16 I Table 6-2 Reactor Coolant System Reclrculation Flow Upscale TriP  :: i Table 7- I Turbine Bypass System-Response Time *:"", ... 17 I. T~able 7-2 Minimum Required Bypass Valves To Maintain System Operability OPR" PBDFTFp-'pon. Table 8-I! LOOPRM PBDA Trip Setpolnts IS I Table 8-2 Table 9-I Modes of Operation 19 I Pa~&4~of21~r' I

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Limerick i, Rev. 12 I Core Operating Limits Report Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with.10 CFR 2.390 1,0 Terms and Definitions ARTS APRM, RBM, and Technical Specification Improvement Program BASE A case analyzed with Turbine Bypass.System in service and Recirculation Pump-Trip in service and Feedwater Temperature Reduction allowed (FFWTR includes FWHOOS or final feedwater temperature reduction) and PLUOOS allowed at any-point during the cycle in Dual Loop mode.I DLO Dual Loop Operation DTSP Rod Block Monitor Downscale Trip Setpoint EOOS Equipment out of Service EOR End of Rated, the cycle exposure at which reactor power is equal to rated thermal , power with recirculation sy~stem flow equal to! 00%/,* a~ll control rdsfully . . ,.!:.

  • withdrawn, all feedwater heating in service and equilibrium Xenon.

FFWTR Final Feedwater Temperature Reduction FWHOOS Feedwater Heaters Out of Service HTSP Rod Block Monitor High Trip Setpoint

]TSP                   Rod Block Monitor Intermnediate Trip Selpoint Kp                     Off-rated power dependent OLMCPR multiplier LHGR                   Linear Heat Generation Rate LHGRFAC(F)             ARTS LHGR thermal limit flow dependent multipliersI LHGRFAC(P)             ARTS LHaR thermal limit power dependent multipliers               "/

LTSP Rod Block Monitor Low Trip Setpoint MAPFAC(F) Off-rated flow dependent MAPLJ{GR multiplie~r MAPFAC(P) Off-rated power dependent MAPLHGR multiplier MAPLHGR Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate MCPR Minimum Critical Power Ratio MCPR(F) Off-rated flow dependent OLMCPR multiplier Page 5~of 21< i

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Lime rickI, Rev. 12 I Core Operating Limits Report Non-Proprietwy information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR. 2.390. MCPR(P) Off-rated power dependent OLMCPR multiplier I MELLLA .Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis MSIVOOS *,": >:.Main_ Steam Isolation Valve Out of Service OLMCPR .,. ;.~ ;,.Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio: *.:::* OOS Out of Service OPRM Oscillation Power Range Monitor .... PBDA Period Based Detection Algorithm .* ..  :*,*  : PLUOOS Power Load Unbalance Out of Service -. ;,..:. ... PROOS  : :: -Pressure Regulator Out of,Service... ,.,,,:. *. ,., RBM Rod Block Monitor RPTOOS  ;:*,

              ..     -,     Recirculation.Pump Trip Out of,Service RWE     ~        ..... Rod.Withdrawal.Error...-       ......
                                                                                                                   -. =C..

TBVO..OS....,:: * ... Traering Bynacore:Prob Out.of Service..... ......... TSV Turbine Stop Valve Page. 6, of 2!, : i

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Limerick I, Rev. 12 I' Core Operating Limits Report .... . Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR2.390 ...... ".,. " 2.0 General Information

  • This report provides the following cycle-specific paranmeter limits for Limerick Genera.ting Station Unit I Cycle 16:
  • Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (MAPLHGR)
  • Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR)" . .;... .. .... '.**>:':... ,:
  • Off-rated OLMCPR adjustments (MCPR(P) or MCPR(F))..'!:*..::.*::..-.:,:,..
  *-  Off-rated OLMCPR multipliers (Kp)"                      ... "-..-.:..                . .. *,.".-...;,.                    :'
  • Off-rated LH-GR multipliers (LHGRFAC(P) or LHGRF/AC(F))" .. -:"
  • Rod Block Monitor (RBM) setpoints*,  :.,.. *: .. <,..::.i'.,"." -- ,..:,:
  • MA PL HG R si ngle l oo p o pe rati o n m ul ti p li er , '* ." .: -": .*! : : .::" " ":: ' ., .i" ;" . .- : . . . , . ..
  • LHGR single loop operation multiplier.. .',.;'..i .- ".:" -: : ,:
  • Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) .-... -*.:., -,,. .. '..*,...,*  ;"...,
  • Turbine Bypass Valve parameters  : .
  • Reactor Coolant System RecirculationFlow Upscale Trips -.-
  • Oscillation Power Range Monitor Period Based Detection Algorithm (O.p RM PBDA) Trip Selpoints This report is prepared tn acordacewithTechnical Spec~ificaton 6.9.1-.9 of Referenc I, Preparation .of. this report was performed in accordance with Exelon*Nuclear;,.Nuclear Fueis T&RMINF-AB-120-3600. *':.*"]

The data presented in this report is valid for all lhcensed operating domians on'theoperating map, including: ': -.

  • Maximum Extended Load Line Limit down to 82.9%-of rated core flow'frhg.fill power operation
  • Increased Core Flow (ICF) upto 1.10%of rated.core flow -. ". . *."/ ... ......
  • Final Feedwater'Teinperature Reduction (PP WTrIR)' iptlsO5aFdu-ingo*cle etension operation*--:".
  • Feedwater Heater Out of Service (FWHOOS) up to 60.00 F f*daer tem perature.reduction at any time .

during the cycle prior to cycle extension. .... "*'" Further information on the cycle-specific analyses- for *Liuien~ck' *:' "" ...16"....":

                                                                     *'::"Unit1"ycl*.                    and the associated operating".*'      : "'

domains discussed above is available in References 2,7T and 8. ...- ... .:...** ... ."' I., Page .7/of 2,1-s il

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Limerick I, Rev. 12 I Core Operating Limits Report Non-Proprietazy Infonmation Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 3.0 MAPLHGR Limits 3.1 Technical Specification * "*: Section 3.2.1 3.2 Description *  : - : +,: , : ';

The limiting MAPLHGR value for the most limiting lattice (excluding natural uranium) of each fuel type as afunction of average planar exposure is given, in Tables 3-1 and 3-2. For single loop operation, a multiplier is used, which is' shown in Table 3-3. ,The~ power and flow dependent multipliers, for MAPLHGR hamve been removed and, replaced with. LHGRFAC(P) and ..
                    ,LHGRFAC(F); therefore, MAPFAC(P) and~ MAPFAC(F). are equal 1to1.0 for all power and +
             * ::flow conditions (Reference 2). LHGRFAC(P) and LHCIRFAC(F) are addressed in Section 5.0.
                * +*,.:'.,*+:....                 *:MAPLHGR Versus Average Planar Exposure - GEI4 ,; , .*..                                                                         *               *
' ~(Refre nce2) . . .
+Average.IPlanar Exposure.:* ++-+ I'4AP:M*LHGR Limit*,',*,
.  ::;_ ;i::,..,   :,':.i+*:'=.'
        , ". . . .*,.  * /,
  • ii+
                                           **              *(G W D /tb )                           .. : : . :*:.* *+ '(k*i:*i           Wift)'i., +:., ,
                                           '::+** *++"-+::* 14.5I :+ ++ :'                         ++++++: =*"":'; *+12:.82:+:` ++-" -+ .                             ++ , t.' ;,*      *-'+,    : +.
                                            '*+"  ' "::;++:- 1'9.1T3 '::',                       :* : ::'+: :'::*:" +"2.82           l:++*( :*'++ .°,.:             ,.    +
                                                                                                                                                                                 ,.+::,,++ .. !."
                                           ""+::** :++:+' 57.6 1i++           ;+:" :+'+"*+++" ". :?-++" :'8.00 ' --                                       + ... "
                                           .' +..++++:+:+ '- 63 .50 .,. ,+ .+ ,, .,, r . . ,.: ,;: :.,., 5+.0                                0 ,; ..++..        .. .
                                                                                                                                                                        +*+*+*',"   +.'++...
                                                                                                                                                                                           * +,. : .*
                                     ". :". J"+.: ' ?*   +-+"..        -......           .".        '"+ " * "                            ...
. .....'"+ .... .. i L .GR~ersus ve ragePla nar~xp osnie-GGNN]2(Re .. ,
                                       ",*," :+;+ ; '+' ' * , '+, ; :S+: ++: : ,: " "+ e"nc        +': "+.*+

e 2 ) '++'"er 0-. 0'+" ++ : ++'.  ? +* +-, ' +

                                    ++++;++       +                                        :+               :+++']";+' +"+++:'+:'+kWia+.+` ....:+:U:
                                                             "ll---i..  ..    ,+t+           +,. .    ... . i. ..... T -"i .


                                                                 !3.24                       "" , .........                    ".. "+
                                                                                                                                   .'5......... f i3.'/S 13.78
                                                                                                                                                          " "'" +'+

17.52 13.78 60.78 7.50 63.50 6.69 MAPLHGR Single Loop Operatioa Table (SILO) 3-3 Mullipller- All Fuel Types (Reference 2) i i il1 . i i ult er 0.80

                                                                  . +             .   .

i i i . . . i

                                                                                                *Page 8+of 2+!j                                                                                       I

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Limerick I, Re,. 12 Core Operating Limits Report -" Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 .... 4,0 MCPR Lim~its 4.1 Technical Specification , Section 3.2.3 4.2 D escription "' *.. . . ..:.. .. .. . . . ..... ... . .. -. . *

        . Tables 4-I and' 4-2. are. derived 1ram References 2,.7, and-8,and are validf'o~r allICycle 16 operating            I
        *.domains. Table 4-1 is valid fbrGEl4 fuel andTable 4-2 Is valid fbrGNF2.flieL-Tables:4-1 and 4-2
        -:,include tr'eatment of these MCPR limits for all conditions listed in Section 9.0, Modes of Operation.

SLimerick Unit i.Cycle 16 has amid-cycle MCPR breakpoint, as* defined in Tables 4- land 4-2. The

         '.BASE, TBVoOS,: and...RPTOOS.MCPR limits i`.nclude the conervtve;'ssmptin of
           -slmultaneous--TCV and TSV :clos~ure durinig ad, turbine trip,"as discussed in .Reference 7. Less restrictive MCPR.limits. for the BASE DLO. Option B condition are .provided for a 100 ms or greater delay in the start of TCV closure' following a turbine trip. The less restrictive limits may only be used if it is *o'nfirmed that. the. 100oms.oro gratr delay existsfb11owing Digital EHC modification. '.:-' .. . ..... ,             ,.. .. ;,,* ." . .-              ... . . -

ARTS provi-des or~pow`:e..ran.llow depnent thermalli~mit adjustentsa*d ~muti~tpliers, which allow for a more reliable- administaton of,-.the.Mcp.R therm* :limit. Theoflolw dependent adjustment MCPR(F) is.iufficienftlyi generic to:apply to a~ll--el.t-pes and-operai~ng domains. The power dependent adjustmetMCPR(P) is indepedent of ~lc1iloi0 p-wuiii)ip operability. MCPR(p).and MCPR(F),:*7nde*dent of S*amTilmle Option.>Iii"additlon, thre ar ten sets of power dependent MCPR multipieri"(K.p) for wwit lf~ tiBASE,TBV.OOS,7RPT.O.OS, PROOS, DLO and SLO""conditions, and PROOS-'.TBVOOS; PROOSRPTOOS, DLI.(, only. The PLUJOOS -conditionls-islncludfedln"the BASE MCPR(P)" and' MCPlR(F) limnits anid Kp multipliers and is hounded by the TBVOOS limits and multipliem therefore, no additional adjustments are required for PLUOOS in those operating conditions. The PLUOOS condition, has not been analyzed concurrent ~with-the ,RPT S.ciperig.'nio.Oe lonithe PLUOOS condition concurrent with the RPTOOS oiidti rn core thernal power < 55% of rated (Reference 3). Section 7.0 contains the conditions for Turinie Bypass Valve Operability. MCPR(P) and MCPR(F) adjustments -a~re-provi*dedin .Tables 4-3 and..4-4: The°OLMCPR~is.detenmined for a given power and flOownditi~on" by evaluating the pi~owr .deen~enit"MCPR and the flow dependent-MC-PR and selecting the greater of the two ..... .,,,,,,...........

                  *   " .S       .   ~ *':: ,    -  -". .*;-,t   " . **:--  S.    -. '  *.:-                     :. .


Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Limerick I, Rev. 12 I Core Operating Limits Report Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 Table 4-I Operating Limit Minimumm Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR) - GE14 fReferences 2.,7. "nd.

                                               * :-                        SCRAM TIme <EOR - 3234 >_EOR - 32.34 EOOS Combination                                      Option'                  M*Vd/ST *MWd/ST
                                                         , .                  '        B                       1.39                              1.41 BASE                                    B2                    1"38-'                            1"412
                                                                                                                                                                       .+:.::. *,

_-,.-___+__-__,.,-_,_____, . A 1.47 1.49

                                                    "         4...
                                       .J'.BASESLO4 *- .. ". . .
                                                                                  .. B                    " !461. .                              1,46
     ,'/'.;':.'i+:.; *" "                                                                       '          "           +                                                ;*;.

___...._____ A .

  • 1.50 .+. 1.52*
    ";:.    .,.-?* :. ,,:-
=: YI":?,", .. B... .. .. .. B .;
                                                                                                       -       1.46               '  .*          IA4           "
  • f '.  ;"
    * :: :. f: *'.*,*      .
                                                                                 "I,:I A "                   15, I 4 !           ':-   ,'          1.*56:'


                                                                                    + A,
                                                                                                          ,    1 I.42'2':                >"1".53 *:"

________ _____ .- A 1.59 1. ..

                                                *RTSSO"              -                 B     -            :    1.46                              1!.56

__". _______ ,_ A *i+ 1'.62 .. ..I1°.

73. ..
                                                  !:....,R*.... .... "i*.ii B                                 .1.39:                             1.4I3
                                                *                             *i"++++.A . .        .       ,. 1.47 .+               .    -       1.55" KPROOSS'+LO4 -*                             x?,*: B                    +.146, l                   .i..+i1.46 c+

____________' +" *  :+:++ A . . '" 1 l.S0O: + :i ' 1 .... 58SL'

                              , ROOS8.,+TBVOOS                             ..    +:,.,B.     ; .I            ,.I4     .*.,            .'-,..:+   1        r.44.*"

I i +,  ;  :,. PROO RPTO S .. - B 1..

                                                                                                          ;..142                         .. 1f
                                                                                                                             > "-"*h53.+'..-.                                                I
                                                                                                                                                             +, .

I 'iWhen Tanl does rnot equal 0 or I, determinie OLMCPR via l!ineat iterdlation.; For PROSTBVOOS;*:I:: and P.ROOS+iRFOOS;ionl* Optlo'nB.Isa~lloWed;*++.,. :.-' 9i .-, 2+*.

                                                                                                                    *.;.'i',o.+             '.'.;!*;.!.',****!:                      :

2 lLimit is only applicable if it is confirmed that a too ms or greater delay exists in the startof,TCV closure: I 3

!Value ls,adjusted~to'obtait                         +n'O-R          ~          liu       +       oi+ftl 121+'-'i            **5-..:              i+,*v*,.,*'*.:-,,.;+,-.

i 4 Por sigle.loop~operatfiOte;MCPR~operatinig'hmiiis 0.03,gretet*lia thie analyzd two~loop value.** , However, a diinimun.EiAt*:+46forOEl4 fuel tdtS&,i~bVGNF2! fuel is ctird to obizi an:'* ": .. OLMCPR limit set by the Single Loop Operation Recirculation Pump Seizure Event (Reference 2).

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Lime :rick1, Rev.l12 Core Operating Limits Report Non-Poprietary Information Submitted In Accordance with 10 CFR2.390* " Table 4-2 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR) - GNFl

                                                        ~Referencesq 2. 7. and 81
                                                             ..   .... .                     Cycle Exposure                           ,
                                      ..      .. +- .SCRAM            Time <EOR -3234 _>EOR -3234 EOOS Combination                      "+Option'               MV/I/ST +.**MwIIsT,


  • 1.39
!1 *38 2'3 ,*
1.41 i...1.41z .

I ____ ....._____ _ .. A *.. 1.47 1.4. I 9 i BASE SLO4 A**i+ . :. 1.-_ .58_ . 1+*-.:.5833.. .. +: .ii.:+. i,

                                , '+++(O
                                       ? T ` +. , -.:-'            B !...*        :,1.42                         1...

444-TBVOOS .' A j.+.51 1 !....+1.53 . r.

                      'TBs VOO S-LO                                B . .           i ,1.58..:                    1....-

58:LS.+,: *+

                                             ... .        ...*.*.A s                - 1.58               '       1..18 ?

5*  ;

                                                                                                                                          -  r:.+*
                       +'RPTOOSSLO                                 B:                     1.581.5 I

A 1:.62' ;i'.73 1+ ,

                           !.. .PROO S + -. .                      B,             ii39_" 1."        ..     ....,1......                 '
                                    ; ""+
                       +PR OS:SLO4 t.....

A +,1.: ;

                                                          ,-? + B +I. .. . !.. 1.58 A +,

5.... 47. +

                                                                            , ',*..... 1.58, ,1.+,"

1.+..+ 55+ .. 1-,+.J 58, , - I58+, +. ,+ I PROOS+TBVOOS B.... 1.42+ +*- 1.+-+'+44*+O+, '> I PROOS+P,PTOOS *+' B 1.42,+," I,42--

 ' When Tan does not equal 0 or 1,determine OLMCPR via linear interpolation.,+Por-PROOS+TBVOOS ......

2Limit is only applicable if it is confirmed that a I00 mas or greater delay'+exists

  • the +estarttof WTCV.-lo~surie+ ,
' Value is adjusted to obtain an OPRM *amplitude setpoint of 1.12.                                                             ++*:             +;,+++:+ : *

4For single-loop operation, the MCPR opem ting iuititos 0.03 gre. ter~thapiNhe al~yz~dt~wo loop valuei-,,;*.+ However,. a mini+mu~m valu~e~pf.l,6 o fo,++ !A~~ 0E44..e *! and J.l**f~or*GONF*2:tbeli* required,*to~oltain.*+ an -i*+*;:. OLMCPR limit set ,by~the.Shgle+Loop Oper.tion Recirettlation Pump Seizure Event(Reference 2). z,,.**-++ Page l+I of,21K'- I

E~xelon Nuclear Nuclear Fuels Core Operating Limits Report COLR Limerick 1, Rev. 12 I Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with !0 CFR2.390 Table 4-3 Power Dependent MCPR Limits and Multipliers MCPR(P) and Kp - All Fuel Types

                                          ............                       (References 2, 7, and 8)                                  ...                                 . .
!., ."...;*' LCorei ,.. - +. -"+Core Thermal Power (% *", of.. Rated) '* ,

Cobntin "OO ow 0..o.]. 25:* ,"<30.*. >30,. 65s 85. 100s+ o

              £OO~om~naiof '(,%tf...                             ....        Operating Linilti'                                   .... ,Operating Limit MCPR,
.... " ."rated) .... MCPR, M CPRIP M.......
                                                                                                                                                       .l.ultiplier,..Kp              ....

li BA;SESLO!ii iiil*+60'+*0'; *2:.53: ' ;,'2.78:'235+[...

          -'!].                                                                       :'27'8                     .58!*"i'I"140.
                                                                                                          +:+2:;3:                                  ":Ll;;3 1 :,I067.
                                                                                                                                                    .                       .::
  • 1:,.000
                * .*VOO T      ""::' '+"::    -       60               3;"i".25      "     3:25 ','* 2.75                        "-"I3X*+:" ~"]I:                     'i I16          :           0 TBV OO)S.                                         3.75, , "375 "':- ;j*                                1           .340             1.131              1,.067.....
              *     ,;:*TBVOSSL:i*-.           *60                  '-3.28S                 .8'                27 ATBVOSSL   -                   -                   -                    -              i.34                  1.11'                .o67             1.000
                                                        -?,            3.78               3.78'           .3.28                   .  -     -  ,*,.-,,.+,-,..       ,: *]-;. ! : -.,.,:,
                       . . . +. < 02:                                                     25.75           -.              --               -                 -

RPTO. ... S ,,SL -. ..'. .0_. 2*.253'* +,+2.5375 +'f*?::':.3'4:"*'

                                                                                                           .2.3.                                                           1 ,~.06         . 000.

Flow D60u-2.7 2MC L7R 2.58 -s e -ul

                                                   .             .. ~~~.                  2tem              +.50* +.2A0.   ,")         }6 I                        I.  .. .

4 ,*,.] Flow.* .. 1+*%*iPR(:j 9

                                                                                                                                                ,,?,* +* "++,..:                           *p
                                                                                                     *        , +       +                ,      ;:i<,*+,'i*:2"                            +
                               +*.4.. +              4~4         ~*~~jf4A' ~00                                     L'70
                                                                                -30.0              '              .1.53
                  -' * :..*     ',. 3...    .- ; . -. ,,                        p.79.0                   _________
                                                                                                                                                 , -*      A,..
                                                                                                                                                           +'       '....*

L _.+ . .. * . ,,

                                                                                ... . . ..   .. +. . a  .......     . . . ... ' ..
     ¶ 4, r,1fl.--.                      :'9A..,,,,¶+-- .A'e4..         U.h¶'2Ffl .         tX44',.
                                                                                                                     . ,,... +;+,, 4 V.+',+                   +*      ,+ . ,        , :*          +       , . .

S. , , , +,f.e'tt ¶ ,'zn(4. f ..*,4.4A +.r*,f,¶. .. A5%+ , .H .W.44.¶ V.-.+

                                                                                                                                ,      +     . +et.+-* + .       ,                                     ..       .

Pago~2~ I

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Core Operating Limits Report..."' COLR Limerick 1,Rev. 12 I" Non-Proprietary Inlormation Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 - '"* 5.0 LHGR Limits -'.. 5.1 Technical Specification  : 5.2 Description v . , * :. "  : . .i ' *  :*" . ' '...* " '.. SThe LHGR :limit?.is the product of the expour dependent LHGR limit (fro~m Table 5-1tfor U02 Sfuel rods and. Table 5-2 for Gadolinia .fuel rods) and the- minimum otf the power dependent LHGR

         ...Factor, LHGRFAC(P), ,and dhe flow-dependent L.HGR* Factor, LI-GRFAC(F). For single loop i operation,,amniltipller, is used.;which. is shown ,In Table 5-3 arnd applied in Table *5-52No .further SSingle Loop Operating multipliers need -tobe appilied to the jvalues in Tables 5-4 and 5-5 .....                ::
           ;.ARTS provides .for poer-and flow dependent thermal limit multipliers, which itliow for a more
          * .:reliable, administration of the LHOR' thermal li~imits- . There are two sets ;of flow, dpendent
  • multipliers for dual-loopand *singlelop operatio *n. Indditiotere are ten sets of I
           ,*power dependent: LHGR multiPliers for.use -wihhe .BASE,-TBVoOS, RPOS, PROOS,I
          .. DLO and SLO-.conditions,,~and PROOS+TBVOOS and pRoOs+RFiOOS, DLO ,only.:,The
          .,.PLUOOS condition is included in the -BASE LHGRFAC(P) and LHGRFAC(F) multipliers land
          '"is bounded by the TavoOs mulltiplii.ers;th.erefore, .o additional a~djr~tmn~nts are r..quired for i;PLUOO0S in 'those ?operating :conditions. "Thte PL UOOS .cond~ition'has not bheen .analyzed
          '.concurrent with* the" RPTOOS opeat~ing ~condit;ionl :Op rtion; ,in the PLOOS' condition S. concurrent with~ the. RPTOOS condition requires *ore thermtal*power .e 55%* of.rated (Reference
        '?3). *Section 7.0 contaihs the conditionsfor *iin'e ByassValveOperability*.. TheARTS*
....fuel types,. Linear interpolation'should:6 uis~~i~i~fripom*not Iited ii Appendix A. ...... .
        .--the power and' flow biased caelctioatihn.The LHGRFAgC(P) crvs reindcenderi*of Wl*iitldi*

pump trip operability,. .. .........

                 "             nea ...          ...,,u~ato            Liit               2           ,,,t .Ut .o
t. -. . .. .'

T~~pe LHGR , . GElj .i ,"- J:*!. See*o.:':

                                                                                  !ppendix A':S          A
                                     * '2'
                                         .GN     " :..:'.,1                *See Appendix AI Limear Heat Geaeaii ehuts-Gs*dliuia Rods (Referencee
                                                       --             ) ...                            *,

ruelTyp S. I 0E1-

                                  "~GNF-2           '-
                                                                         " See-Appe*ndix A,                    I          -
                                                                          "SeeA rpp        dix A:,-                .


Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Care Operating Limits Report COLR Limerick 1, Rev. 12 I Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 Table 5-3 LHGR Single Loop Operation (SLO)) Multiplier.-All Fuel Types (Reference 2) SL Mi plier' 0.8

             ..iPower     _. *,Dependent
                                 .. . . .... . ..L~HGR  ': : .:Multiplier             Table 5-4   LH:GRFAC(P)     .             . . .. . AUl
                                                                                                                                                ... FUel    , .. Ty.pes.      . - . i.        -
                 ...... . . . . .. .. . * ... (Referen es2a d )
     ,rP Core.                          '    - Core ThermuaI.Power (% of rated).

Flow *0 1 2511<~30t >3o1 65 I 88 I l00 EOOS Combination, *(% of I I -- f -- ---- I - I'--- I -- ratedfl ,,,.!..LHGRFAC(P*Muitlolier... .,:-,

                                                           ...                              =j            .               ..        "- -...-

BASE ~600.48 0.85'

                 " . .. . . .. " >60 0.434 :0.434*                                                  0.4730.400750         .. .- *0.817                                  -0.922.      1.000 -*

BASE ,.. i.,., :, 60 0.485 0.485; 0.490 b070 *,).2 , 1.0 BASE SLO- __._,__ ">600, 0.434 0;434 0.473 0.5 '.87: 092 .0

             ..       . .. ..                  :        60 0.463 i0.463' 0490 , * 't                                                                 ' *!                               ..

TBVOOS' ' >60:0.3520.:0352 0.3'86 ,,0.750 0.8 17, !0,922 1*.000

          .. TBVOOSSL0-                             "$00.                        0.463              0.490                                                           .000
                      .....                          >60 0.352' 0.352 '0.386 *-0"5                                                                  -i1                   2 -.             -.
                      *         ":                    -<6010.485 0.485 0.490 R'..

P,'OO(XS ;.' .60" 04,34. 0.434. 0.473 0.5 .1 0.92 1:.*000 RPTOOS SLO -:6 0.48'5 10.485 0.490i .5 .1 .2 .0

                  .. '....,          * -             >60 0.434 0.434. 0.473                                                                        -_                .. .        ...
               *:pROoS, ... ,                        '<60, 0.485 0.485 0.490                                                             -
            ......          ______                   > 60 0.434 0.434 0.473 i'0.750 *0.8:17" . 0.922                                                                                  1.000)

PROOS SLO "<60, 0.485 0.485, 0.490 0.750 0.8 17 0.922 1.000 _________> 60 0,434 0.434 0.473 PROOS+TBVOOS' j;'60, 0.463. 0;463 0.490 0.7i50 0.817* 0.922 1.000 ______________>60 0,352 0~32 0.386 - - - PRO+PTO- <60 0.485 10.485 0.4900,0 081 0.2 !00 PROOS+___T_______ >:60 0.434 0.434 0.4730.5 087 092 1.0 ' Applied through Table 5-5 PugeJ4.of~2I,;~ '.

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Limerick l, Rev. +12 Core Operating Limits Report Non-Proprietary Information Sub mitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 Table 5-5 Flow Dependent LHGR Multiplier LHGRFAC(F) - All Fuel Types (Reference 2)

                                                    ' -                   ~~Core Flow (% Or rated)             .....

EOOS Combination 0 30 44.1 70 *80 110.:.U

                                                                      .... LHGRFAC(F) Multiplier ..
            ":Dual Loop'                   .506 0**         :     '0.706'        '*    " -:'r'*      0.973    j  1.4000:      1.000 single L~oop                 0.506                  0.706          0.....

00O 0 .800

                                                  "-. .' ...                                                    A*.*,.
                        " ,' "  '  *L ' .' ! *i '                                         ' * ""    :   '      " .. .  ' "
                   " +ii "+: :"" '*Page               ,     ii;: '  :, 2: "'of'"                1..     .:.ii , :'

Exelon Nuclear:*- Nuclear Fuels COLR Limerick !, Rev. 12 Core Operating Limits Report Nan-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 6.0 Control Rod Block Setpoints 6.1 Technical Specification * ,

         ".... Sectio)ns and 3.3.6* *-                 ... *..                   .   . .
   ,6.2"        DescriptiOn                 ,                 ,!
        ...-...The ARTS Rod Block Monitor provides--                   for power dependent RBM trips. Technical Specification 3
.::3.36. states: control irod block instrumentation channels *shall be. OPERABLE with their trip
        ,.. . setpoints consistent with the values shown in the Trip Setpoint column of Technical Specification LTable 3.3.6-2.. The trip .setPointslallowablelyalues and applicable RBM signal. filter time constant data are shown in Table 6-I. The Reactor Coolant System Recirculation Flow Upscale Trip is shown in Table 6-2. These selpoints are set high enough to allow ful utilization of the enhanced ICF domain up to 110% of rated core flow..*:.*,.;- *-,, .. /                                    .

Table 6-1

                  ....... ................      Rod Block Monitor Setpoinls'                                                   ...

a. Power Level I Analytical I' Aliowuble I Nominal TrIp limit [ Value. Selpolat LTSP i23.o0% 121.5% 1 ______________ ..-.. 9* j - 9 -

                                     ...* ... ...;".'-71           *{ '* *':"*f'*a ;              .*        1**':*;

i6.5%A: HTSP 113.2% .  !. !1i.7% !1! .0%

                                .,Tsp,            No L
                                                  .*,.t             QI*o~n 2.0%              .       __,,    ___.,0     __

Reactor.* (Z~at;S*,~w~dtem Rc. ai~ou,Fltow U, cle Trip..:... {  : (ReI~encee4)  :*.*. :--' - Analyticl Limit N/A. Allowable Value I 15.6%

                           ... Nominal Trip Setpoint ...                                       113.4%

tThese setpoints (with Rod Block Monitor filter time constant between 0.1 seconds and 0.55 seconds) are based on a cycle-specific rated RWE MCPR limit of 1.37, which is less than the minimum cycle OLMCPR.

                 ;*                                             ~~~Pag*'.l6 of2 I ,,,

Exelon Nuclear -Nuclear Fuels Core Operating Limits Report_ COLR Limerick I, Rev. 12 I Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 '"" 7.0 Turbine Bypass Valve Parameters 7.1 Teclmical Specification"".,':" " Sections 3.7.8 and 4.7.S.c. ,. - .... 7.2 De~scription ,' ' . ":

         ,,'.,.,The operability   requirements for the ste~znbypass system are found in: Tables"7-I !and. 7-2. if these S,.requirements cannot be~met .the MCPR,.MCPR(P) and LHGRFAC(P) limits for inoperable Steam
         -. r. Bypass System,. known as Turbine ByPass ,Valves Out: Of .Service (TB VOOS), *must' be used.                            I
         .,..-",Additional information onthe operability of the turbine bypass-system can be found ,in Ref rence 6.

Turbine Bypass System Relisponse Time;- .'*.:+,: " :. (Reference 3)' Maximum delay time .starto~f bpass..*valv opei*.ng..<:' ......

                                                                                              .'    *:    0.1I e .....

following initial turbine inlet valve movement ' Maximum time slier initial lturbine inlet valve movement1 for ' ., -, bypass valve position to reah 80% of-iull~fiow*(inc~ludes thel: ;.-;,-o.7.-. :--::0.31 -sec;: .*. . Saboved e~lay lini.) ". "" I -< ,... -,:.* First movement of ay TS, g~r any TCV gj;generton ofrthe tubine bypas valve.flow signal (whichever occu sfrs) ,. , , , .+ , -. ,, 1* ... , .. ,,+, +* Minimum _Requiredlt.,ypass..Valves To Mambitan$*ae Operabihity-+. Reo1~wr jo. oyIein ~ i ce I

                             ... P.,,'L2S%                                  , *        ....7                     . .    ...

Rmemriower+.i. i':"*' +-*'+*°"'-NOLfy~l'in,!+.....

                        .*                                           . . " + : +**t Pagd I7o?21<~                                                               I

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Limerick i, Rev. 12. [ Core Operating Limits Report , Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 8.0 Stability Protection Setpoints . , . 8.1 Technical Specification +,, . Section 2.2.1+ i +*o' 8.2 + Description *......-,, , ,,*

          . The Limerick Un~it. I Cycle :16 OPRM PBDA Trip Setpolnts for the OPRM System are found in
        . :.,Table 8-1. These values are based on +the+cyclespec+ific analysis documented in. Reference 2. The
,.:,setpoints provided in.Tabl.e 8-1 are bounding for all modes of operation shown in Table 9-1. The se,.*,tpoints provided in :Table 8-2 are acceptable for use in Single Loop Operaton. The standard two loop operation OPRM Setpointls specified in Table 8-1 must be implemented prior to restarting the idle pump whedn exitinig:teSLO condition.- , .. .. i/..++; ....
                       . ... ....            .. . ..........             .... Tab le 8-1 .. + ,.... . . . : . +:,: .=- ... ..

i ...... ..... ...:): :- -*OPIM PBDA +TripS lit eln s ...... : /-'.::!':* " +* -+..

          ;:         + ....PBD Tr~ip Amplitude" +++...... ++-Co .v*,**:.:.         I                                  :~idng+.=., ax           _+_*imum  1+:++
                *                                 -                                   .     -+   .+                             .     .     ..                   . .  .
      *           .      . ..       ,                --'F++'

14 " . . ++ ". ... .. +* *-=1 : - -+*4++ +* :"'4*4 "+ ' 1 +': +* + ,* +*. ",U ,++ . . k.

                           ...........................       ,..+ .B
  • T i ~ .ou*- . ..  :..


Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Limerick I, Rev'. 12 ]' Core Operating Limits Report Non-Prprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 9.0 Modes of Operation 9.lI Description The allowable modes of operation are found in Table 9-1. Operation with I MSIVOOS, or I. TCV/TSV 00S is supported in all modes of operation, provided the restri'ctions identified in the applicable station procedures are met. All BOOS options also support the allowance of I TIPOOS. I

  • r,.  :..


                                                    ."Modes of Operation                            *           :       :":
                                                                                                                               / :-/ i /
                                                                                                                                       "?        :..::~,.

(Reference lnd ) .. I

                                       ,BoosOpons0                       ...                     : Operatn! 2 e Ine'!

BASE, Option Aor B ' :.. ./,., .. .. ': Yes :..  : . - 2 BASE SLO. Option A or B .... ,,.,*.--Yes -:.*  :! '

               ,TBV..OOS, Option A or B                   . ... . . ... ....                             -:...,*:**Yes      2           .     .
               .TBVOOS SLO, option A or B. :"-.,-                                   ........             ,           Yes2 ' .. **....o.

RPTOOS, Option A or B. - -. Yes 3 " . RPTOOS SLO.Optioh, or B i'* ____.........____...............____..... _........

                                                                                                                                                               - . I TBVOOS andl RPTOOSSL OOption                  A or B                 -..... =......... 'No -' ...............

TBPR PTOSSL, e Option,. r ...................A o B.... .....- YNo..... e,:.-........... PROOS S.LO, Option A or B ..... . Yes2

  • PROOS+TBVOOS, Option A . .. No
               *PROOS+TBVOOS, Option B:O,,*                             .,.*.....;,. '            ....               Yes2 .               .*..

PROOS+TBVOOS SLO, Olption A*' or B..', .*:......,.' ,*i

                                                                                                              -.      No                   ""

PROOS+RPTOOS, Option,,A *. "*: ***:No PROOS+RPTOOS,.Option B. ..--........... *-.... .:.... ...... ,Yes-............:..

                          ,,~~.:..   .   ,   . ~...;ys:,,4
                                                .z,                 -4..n    .  *..          -.             .      *       ,              .           :.   *
' Operating Region refers to operation on the Power to Flow map with or without FFWTR/FWHOOS.

2 The PLUOOS condition is supported in this mode of operation with no power reduction required. Th PLUOOS condition requires core thermal power level <55% of rated (Reference 3).


Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Limerick 1, Rev. 12 *I Core Operating Limits Report Non-Proprietery Information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390...., 10.0 Methodology . The analytical methods used to determine the core operating limits shall be those previously reviewed and approved by the NRC, specifically those described in the following documents: I.: "General Electric Standard :Application for Reactor Fuel1" NEDE-2401 l-P-A-21, May 2015 and U.S. I Supplement NEDE-24011l-P-A.-2l*US, May 2015. -.. .... ..... . .... . .

2. "Reactor Stability Detect and Suppress Solutions .Licensing:..Basis Methodology for Reload Applications," NEDO-32465.A, August 1996.

1 1.0 R eferences ... . ....... ... .. . . .. . . ... . I.. "Technical Specificat.ionsoand Bases. tbr Limerick Generating Station.Unit I!", Docket No- 50-352, License No. NPF-39, Exelon Document. *. *:. *.; ....... * ' . . 2.1 "Supplemental Reloadl LIc:ensing R*eport fbr Limerick 1Reloadl 15 Cycle i16", Global Nuclear Fuel - Document No.000N*3893-RI-SRLR, Revision l,iFebrm 2014 ....  ;-.';..:, .... ,', 3.' "FInal Resolved OPL-3 Parameters for Limerick Unit I CyCle 1",EeoT lE5301Rv., Octobr23,2013

4. "G3E NUMAC PRNM Setpolnt Study",F.Exelon Dndgn Analys-s LE-O 107, Rev. 2, Februar 23,12012.
5. Fuelj~ Bundle Information Report for L.imerick I Reload-15Cycle 16.";Global Nuclear/Fuel Document No.

000N5028-FBIR-P, Revision 1, February 2014. ...... -

6. "Tech Eval. Stop Valve Load-Limit Documentation", Exelon D;cuent 'IR 917231 Assignment 7, November11,-2009. ...... . . ....- - ".: ,  :'. ": ':
7. "Limerick Unit i Cycle 16 Contingency FWCF Analysis", GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Document No.

000N5273-R0, March 10, 2014.

8. "Limerick Generating Station (LGS) Units I and 2 TRACG Cycle-Independent PROOS Analysis Report", I GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Docwuent No. 002N4397, Rev. 0, February 24, 2015.I
                                                          , .. ~~~~~~~~~~~.

Page-20 of2l I

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COLR Limerick I, Rev. 12 I Core Operating Limits Report Non-Proprietary Information Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 Appendix A (36 pages)

                            * ".:. :.:' :,. i::!*.   ' :? * *:'..;Z: * : : * "*.i':%*"* ":/.i,.:i*i-.* "*? *'* : :. '* "::'.*.*,:*::*.*:.:. * *.i.::*";: *;.:i'
             ,' .....*' .i..: ....  * * ,-.;.   :..:!.:!* il :'      ;.::,i.!.*.*:'*   :.....;.. ... *.:.*.;:*::=*:,.*                               .:*.::*:"*:"..-"
                                                                                                                       ....-. ;,i::*"*.;* !. *i,;.:*..'*

Page21of21~ i

Exclan Nuclear - Nuc~lear Fuels Corc Operating Limits Report Nwn-l'ropriclmry lnlbrmntion Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 COIR Limerick I Rev. 12 Appendix A Global Nuclear Fuel Global Nuclear Fuel A*J *n1 Vomn.l OfGr.T*hsla,fl& tah 000N5028-FBIR-NP Revision I February 2014

                           " ",.... *...."         Non-ProprietaiyInformation - Class l (Public)

Fuel Bundle I[aformation Report for Reload 15 Cycle 16 Copyright 2014 Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas, LLC All Rights Reserved

1!.'thn Nuclear - Nuclear Furls,, Core Opemlins Limits Rerort Non-Proprietary Information Submilttd in Accordance with 10 CFRI 2.390 COIR Urnanckc I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR.-NP,.

          .Re~load 15                                              Class i (Public)                                  Revision !

Important Notice Regarding Contents of This Report Please Read Carefully This report was. prepared by GlObal Nuclear Fuel - 'Americas, LLC (GNF-A) solely for use by-EXelon Corporation ("*RecipientV') in support of the operating license for Limerick ,Unit 1 (the "Nuclear Plant"). The information contained in this report (the "Information") is believed by ,GN*F-A tobe an accurate and true representation of the 'facts known by, Obtained by or provided to GNF-A ait the time this report-was: prepared.. The only, undertakings of GNF-A .respecting the Information are contained in the contract between Recipient and GNF-A for nuclear fuel and related services for the Nluclear Plant (the "Fuel Cont~tct") and nothing contained in this document shall be construed as amending or modify'ing the F~uel Contract. The: use of the Information for any purpose other than that for which it wasintended uinder the Fuel contract, is not authorized by ONF-A. In the event of any such unauthorized use, GNF-A neither (a) makes any-representation or warranty (either expressed or implied) as to the completeness, accuracy, or useftulness of the information or that such unauthorized use may, not infringe privately owned rights, nor (b) assumes any responsibility for .liability or damage of any kind which may result from such use of such information. Information Notice This is a non-proprietary version of the document 000N5028-FBIR-P, Revision 1, which has the proprietary information removed. Portions of the document that have been removed are indicated by, an open and closed bracket as shown here (( 3). Page 2

E'wlon NUCILar - Nutclear IFuels Core Operating Limits Report Non-Proprietumy lnlbrmation Submitted in Accordance with I0 CFR 2.390 COLR Llmerick I Rev. 12 Apperndix A Limerick Ulnit I .... Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBI R-NP Relnud ' '* (*lmag I (Pmhflit* Revision I

*: 1l.Introduction and Summary This report, which supplements the Supplemental Reload LicensingReport, contains thermal-mechanical linear heat generation rate (LHGR) limits for the GNF-A fuel designs to be loaded into Limerick I for Cycle 16. These LHGR limits are obtained from thermal-mechanical considerations only. Approved GN F-A calculation models documented in Reference I were u~sed in performing this, analysis.

LHGR limits asa function' of exposure for* each bundle of the cor'e design are given in,Appendix A. The " LHGR values provided in A.pp~endix A p'rovide upper and, lower exposure dependent LHGR boundaries which envelope the actual gadolinia dependent I-fOR.limits. *The LHGRs reportedh~ave been rounded to: two places past the decimal. Appendix B contains a desc.ription of the fuel bundles. Table"B-I contains a Summaryof bundle-specific information, and. the figures provide the enric'hm ent distrbution and gadoliniumi distribution for the fuel bundles included, in this appendix. "These bundles have been approved f'or use unKder the fuele licensing acceptance criteria of Reference

                                        ...             I.,                     . ."..    .:. ,     *...  -.   ...   "'.              .   '*'
                                                                                                " "      :   ,' *. .  .. ) *  ' ,                    ..
                       .   ,*'  i  ':.L       .*,,  ...

Page 3

Exdon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Core Operating Limits Report Non-Proprietary Inlbnnahicn Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 COLR Umenck 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N502S-FBIR-NP Re'load IS Class I (Public'* Revision 1

          ...............                                                                          1 ......          (                                                   ...........
2. References
1. General Electric StandardApplication for Reactor Fuel, NEDE-240l1I-P-A-20, December 201!3; and the U.S. Supplement, NEDE-2401 I-P-A-20-US, December 2013.

J v ....... ' .. .. .... . - .L. . .... .: ...... ...

                                               !.. -4.:.0 * *:*...*....:*
                                                                       ...... :*: .: *:::*-..* " ., ..*.                                                                             i:* :' ,:.,*,!..-. i 3/4
                                                         ..-                                     *;iPage                                                                                         4
  • xe*lon Nuclear.- Nuclear Fuels Core Operating Limits Report Nnn-Proprictary Inloinution Submiiled rn Accordance with 10 CFK 2,390 COLR Uimerick I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR.-NP Relnnd 15 fllsqs I (Pnhli*~ Revision I Appendix A UO2 IGd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type: GEl4-PI OCNAB394- 15GZ- 120T- 150-T6-3271 (GE 14C)

Bundle Number: 3271 Peak Pellet Exposure! Uoa LHGR Limit*, GW~dIMT (GWdIST ... kW/f  ; (( ....... __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ IPek-Peflet Expsuei~",,.

                                                                   .        .... M~ost Limating.Gadolina ...
                                                               -.        __             H GR,Lli itt:   .';.

GwdiMTr (GWd/ST) i kwlnft 11 Bounding *`dolmniI`LHUG-IhmitF4 fota'w*`kado~iaum``tKconcentrattons:currnug Ia *this <bundle desig~n

                                                  *.,.*.,                                       *Page                                    5

Excinn Niiclenr. Nuclcor Fuels Core Operuting Limits Report Non-Proprietary Inlanmation Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 COLR LUmenck I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload ! 5 Cla* I (Public'1 Revi~inn I I f .........

  • UO 21Gd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type: GE I4-Pi OCNAB4O 1-1,3 GZ- 120T-i 50-T6-3273 (GE i4C).'. .

Bundle Number: 3273 Peak Pellet Ezposure *, UOa LHGR Utmit , J Peak Pellet Exposure ...*Most Limiting Gadofluia 1

                                                                                      . **L HG R *Lim it z.. ..

GWd/MT (GWdl/ST,): kW/ft

                                                                         -[       i -    ..   . .. . . . ... . .""*

____________________ 11


2" Bounding :* na:H R* *;a~nuri c~rt~s:*c~n`*dti*bn~ *design :'

                                                  *              !:*">:Page                                                                      6

Exelon Nuclear- Nuclear Fuels Core Operating Lignits Report Non.ProprietniyInrormation Subrnittcd in Accordance will, 10 CFR 2.390 COLR Limerick I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reloand I15 Classq I (Puhilci Revision !

         ...............                                                        Z...... r                                      ...........

UO 21Gd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type: GE 14-P I0CNAB402-1I3GZ- 120T- 150-T6-3274 (GEl 4C) .. Bundle Number: 3274 -" Peak Pellet' Exposure :.,, , U02 ,LHGR Limit,-,, GWd/MT (GWd/ST) " , kW/R  :::.,t . Peak Pellet.E~xposurne.:.* ,Most Limiting Gadoliniea L,.___________,___':'*d

  • LHGR Limit 3 G:wdIM (GWd/ST) i '%kW/:.,If.t  ; .

ri SBounding.:. gadOlinia*,$ LI-IG.R-limit:, fori all ;-.gadolinium,:*.oncentrationp, occusrrng*:in,, this,. bundle .design. (( ]1I. = Page 7

Exelon Nuclear- Nuclear IFuels Core Operating Limits Report Nsin-I'Prieopdry Informationl Submitted anAccordanece with 10 CFR 2.390 COLR Umedick 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit 1 Non-Proprietary [nformation 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload I5 Class I (Public) Revkinin I UO 21Gd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type: GEI14-P IOCNAB398- 12GZ- I20T-1I50-T6-3275 (GElI4C) '.. -' -. - . . Bundle Number: 3275.' ,.:.,-,, -,, Peak Pellet' Exposure" U0 2 LUGR Limit...., GWd/MT (GWdIST)  ! "kWlf/  :,.':-R [1[ Peik 'Pellet Exposure, : .Most LumitingGadolinia:,4*

                                                          , ,-....o." ......              :.* LHGR i~mit 4               :
GWdIMT(GWdlST][)_ . . , , : ,:: *kWIft.:,*': :'....

rr ,

                                                        .        ... _________________                 I]

SBounding .g~ado1inia* LKGR-iinzit:, Jr.-t.Mllgadolinium .;conc.,ntritions* occu~i'ingji.-id.* this v!bund~le design* (( I]. i- "

                                                  ,.,                              .:!:Page                                                 8

FE'clon Nulcle'ar- Nucicur Fuels Case Op-'ul~nW Limits Report NonnPropricimy Inl'onntion Submiued in Accordance with tO CFR 2,190 COIR Umedck I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit.!" Non-Proprietary Information 000NS02S-FBIR-NP Reload 1S Claq.q ! (Pubhlic* Revision 1 UO 2 IGd.Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits ", Bundle Type; GE 14-P 10CNAB394-15GZ- 120T- 150-T6-3272 (GEI14C) :: ,*. ,, .7' *, . Bundle Number: 3272 ** Peak Peliet Exposure]*. U02 LHGR Lmit .... G;Wd/MT (GWd/Sr) kW/ft ,; . (( ..

                                       ,            _ ,_    __       _     I                  ].          1
  • Peak P*t Exposure 4 Most Limiting Gadolinla LHGR Limit' GWdIMT (GWdIST~ k~V~ft . ...



________________________ n~. Bouig..89n LHR, oa adlnuicncnminocuun i thu ,udl.esg Page 9

Exeton Nuclear - Nucetar Fuels Core Operating Limnils Report Non-I'roprietiuy Informiation Submiued in Accordance with [0 CFR 2.3903 COLR Llmertel 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5O28-FBIR-NP Relnnd I 5 Clari* I (Puhlie'* .. ... ..... Revision i UO 21Gd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits ' Bundle Type: GNF2-P I0CG2B393-1I0G7.012G6.0-120T2-,I150-T6,404 '(GNF2)  :(';' K Bundle Number: 4048 *,L*-.:.,;:*.:,  !,.'! Peak Pellet Exposure/" . UO2 *LHGR Limit* ;* GWd/MTF (GWd/S)..... " kW/ft ':!i(...: i [........... ....

                                                                              .....           ..             .~.. . . ...! ...
                                                                       ............         . .. LIHGR Limit ..            ..        ,)

W*IST ,....... .... LkW/ift*: i i**: ; i-,,.[ ..........................................

  • 4 6onig*ohini" LHGR~ limi for" *11 '*oiisiuii' ocnrun~eun-n h, bundle '*
'!'*> (-Page '10

E~xelon Nucleer - Nucleur Fuels Core Operating Limits Report Non.Proprietary Inarmanninn Submitied in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 COLR Umernck t Rev. 12 .Appendix A Limerick Unit I1 , N..on-Proprietary information 000N502g-FBIR-NP Reload 15 Class ! (Public) Revision I UO 2 IGd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type: GNF2:PIOCG2B404-I206.0-100T2-150-T6-404.4,. ..(GNF2),,,.. .,: . i,  :. , Bundle Number: 4044 .... ,.....,, ....- Peak Pellet.Exposure., .U0 2 , LHGR Limit.,, GWdlMT (GWd/ST)" - " :kW/~ft.!.::,ii.: _______________ 1] Bou( in ]d1. n.~p~rig ttisbn~.,G:lt~ desi Page !II

Exelon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Corn Opcruling Limits Report Nnn-t'roprictnry lnlormation Submaited in Accordance with 10 CFR 2,390 COLR Umerlck 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit 1 Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR.-NP Reload 15 Class ! fPublicl Revision ! UO 2 IGd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits . Budle Type GN2P IOCG2B404- 12G6.- 120T2-I0T634 (GNP2) Bundle Number: 3643  ! - .*,,:,,.,: Peak Pellet EXmicpoure* UJOZ LHlGR Limit GWOIMT.(GWdI.S.T-- kW/ft,:: .* Ii___________________ Peak Pe~et Exposure." :: Limiting.Gadolinla: __________________2 LH /Lift = sBounding gahdlinia t*HGR'* ;ailadolhnim concentrations 'ocur ng*'n. khis` bun~dle ;design.: ((E.l; ) Page 12

Exclon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Care Oporuting Limits Report Nun-Prrpritlory Intbrmution Submittcd in Accordance with I0 CFR 2-390 COLR Umedlck 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBI R-NP Relnnd 15 ., Class I (Public* Revision i

          .......      .......         ........                              I ...... i UO 21Gd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type: GNF2-P ! 0CG2B3 87-I SGZ- 120T2-I150-T6-4045 (GNF'2)                            .'      ' . ,*.-{.i '* *,::."

Bundle Number: 4045 Peak Pellet Exposure- . U02 LHIGR Limit, : -. GWd/MT (GWd/ST) ... :kW/a ,ft :, P~eak 'Oeile Exposure: i ;Most fimiting G;adoilnia LHRLimt G:

                                                  ..... d...

IM. ....... ...... ....... ... .... kW/..

                                                                                                  ..... _]. ... ..

SBounding ,gadolinia .LHIGRJilirit~sforc;IIl ,gadoliniuitn;cpncenuratoons~ioCctirng .in,,this, bundle *:destgn..

                                                 *:.*                  -:::                 *.*-.Page                                             13

Exeloa Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels Culre Opetoting Limits Report HNn-l'roprielwry Information Subnutlcd in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 COLR Llmerick 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Relnnd15~ C*lrrq ! (Puhlin' . .. ......

                                                                                                                       . Revi~qinn I UO 21Gd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type: GNF2-P IOcG2B38S-130Z- 120T*2-150-T6-4046 (GNF2)y'                          :: . ,:* :::         ,,:*

Bundle Number: 4046 " "'": '*: - .::,/! Peak Pellet Expeau ,;re':Mqt imitlin~g Ga~doiinlaf* 10 Boun-din gadohina L.AUIR ltim~it forrI al ~i~goniuiWon m6 ons*-oirrmgnn ,-this bunI*Je ,,design:', (( 1]. .,*, 4: -.*/ Page 14

Exelon Nuclgnr- Nucelsr Fuels Care Opezuling Limits tReport Nwo-.roprietnry Informution Submifletl in Accordunce with 10 CFR 2,398 COILR Limerlrck 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit].I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15 Claqss I (Public1 Revision I UO 2 IGd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type: (ONF2-P10CG2B392-1 5GZ-1I20T2-11504T6-4047 (GNF2) -  : **. ,,.,.II Bundle Number: 4047.: l ,.+ll, l:. . Peak Pellet Exposure U.01 .LHGR Limit:,.. U GWdIMT (G~dIST)..... .. ;iW/ft:i::::: k} Peak p~cllet*E..poure .**:Most Limitin*g Gadoilnia, S(( _._ ..... _ _... .. ,__,, _ __  ; I,]...,

                                                *                   *?:*,*Page                                                                    15

Exelan Nuclear- Nuclear Fuels Core Operating Limits Report Non.Praprieiuwy Ilbnulaimnn Submitted anAccodancec wiih 10 CPR 2.390 COIN Limatick I Rev. 12 Aeppendlx A Limerick Unit i Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15 * .. Class 1 (Public* S Revision I UO 21Gd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits .- : Bundle Type: GNF2-PIOCG2B386- i4GZ-1 20T2-1 50-T6-4272 (GNF2)'.'*-: **.: .:  :?:: i Bundle Number:. 4272 **.i,*::: , :,.' ,' ,,:,: Peak Pellet Exposurei U02 LHGR Umtnit.. *

                                                                                                          *q Peak; Pellet Exposure* :,.l'Most mIimtlIng.Gadidoluia GWd/MTI(GWd/ST)                   7*:kW/ft:, '***,::;

I. ________________________ a gdlii:tG*1~ 2fondn i . l ,' g flmb.rncntamn~ccrmg, i: ~this, ;bundlte *design*:.,'* (( l]~. * ~ Page 16

*Flxwlon Nuclear - Nuclear Fuels COre Operating Limits Report Non-Fropricwzy Inoramation Submitted on Accardamce with 10 CPR 2,390 COLR LUmedick I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I                                Non-Proprietary Information                         000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15                                                Class ! (Publicl                                          Revision I UO 2 IGd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type: GNF2-P IOC.G2B387-1I3G7.0- I20T2-1I50-T6-4274, (ON F2) .:                         ::-::!',

Bundle Number:. 4274  ::' .. .*. . , .,: ". Peak Pellet Exposure -i .. UOz LHGR Limit _ i GWd/MT (GWd/ST) '.,: kW/ft: , ;::..;... ((______________J

           '*  B0oundin&gu:gdOlinia* 14H(Gh.imivj,         fobr.zaIl. ga~doliniuim ,,cqentration* occurring,*in; this :bundle -desig~n:

(( 11.. Page i7

Eixwlon Nulear - Nucleu Fuels Core Opamling Limits R-'port Non-I'roprielory Inlornmoion Submitted in Aceordwiee with 10 CFR 2..390 COLR Limerick 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR.-NP Reload IS (*ln~t I (Puhlia*I Revi.*inn [ UO21Gd Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type: GNF2-Pi0CG2B400-13GT.0-120T2-1 50-T6-4275 (GNF2) *,,,7  :-: i".. Bundle Number. 4275 .: -. :.,..-:,, ,,,..,: Peak Pellet Exp~osurei: .. : U0 1 .LHGRLimiti*:*, GWd/MT.(GWd/ST) ...... t, .. :ikWl*.!i.f.t:,:::. .. [:! (( -.. peak Pelle't*xposu*',r.e M*ost LimitIng Gadolldala ,, ____________.__, ____,*'*:*o.*  ! LHGR Limit 1" GWd/MT (GWd/ST) * -k*lWlft?*"*,.*.::,;* ..

                                               .._ __  _   __  _  _ __  _   __     _1 Boudin gaolisaLHG~ 'init~for".I:,adliR~niur:n ocenzrations* ckci'ii~g*'in( this b'undle designW                             "

Di )). oL* . Page 18

IL,'elon Nuclear- Nuclear Fuels Core Opeiating Limils Reput Nnn-rmprietury Inronnution Suhmitted in MAccrdance wilhl0 CFR 2.390 COI..R Uimerick 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit 1. .. Non-Proprietary Information O00N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15, Class I (Public) Revision i* UO 21Gd.Thermal-Mechanical LHGR Limits Bundle Type: GN F2-P I 0CG2B3S7- 12G7.0-1l20T2- I50-T6-4273 (GNF2).:'  :.:.i!: ' 'i Bundle Number: 4273.,  : :..::,:,: ,..! i PekPellet Exposre! U"O2 LHGR Limit..:.. i * * . ':':. ' re~lt*Xposue* Pelet

  • Mos ,.lhl:_i.0,i ci::::;":::/:::: .  :
                       ..... ..... .... . . .....   -. ... ....... :... . .... i 3 ....  .......  ;H G    ,l im t s .. .!:",,,.:.:! ; :: .:                   .   .
                                         -IGOM                    (Wm~                                i~n:                  :I.:;.?      :*::*:*:
                      '~Bondng   gaolni       L~i                                              . ........

ad..iu..~n~nrjt~n ocma th's budl des"ign",

i* : * ** ' ' -Page ' 19
    • Eiclan Nulclr - Nuclear Fuels Core Opemt~ine: Limits Report Non-lPrprictary Inrornation Submniatcd in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.3'iO COLR Limerick 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBTR-NP.

Reload 15 ... laic:e I (Psmhlie+* Rpevq;.nn I

                                   ........                           ~Appendix B,                                      - * ..
  • Fuel Bundle Information i . *  ; ~~~~~~Table B]-1I  : ,* ";": :: +..

__ _..... ........ .. ........ i ... .. Bundle specific Infor~mationi .... .__....____.,.____ * ': , ,

                                             '                                      *                                     '        I
  • Max+ . I..xposure:.

Bundle . I Number +l(wt%1-235) of,,0


2 I+ or (kg)*.+-+-/ k,.-t;

                                                                                                                                                              ?'" +

at0M*axvr (GWd/ST) Bu dl .... I -; . I..... ... GEI4"PI0CNAB394"-15GZ- 3273. . ..... *.. .... .................. 120T-!150-T6-3273 (G E 14C) ..... _73......................................................._ GEI4-P!0CNAB402-1 3GZ: 3274.............. ..... + .. ................ .. ... 120T-l 50-T6-3274 (GEl 4C) ______ 120T-150-T6-3275 (GEl4C),: !::+:*1-y":+: -+',*+: 'i-:.-, GE 14-PI 0CNAB394-l15GZ- .. .......................-.... .......................... 120T-l50-TB-3272 (GEI/4C) 327....... .. ']"+ +


GNP2-PIO0CG2B393- 4048 I 0G7.0/2G6.0-120T"2-1!50-T6- 44 4048 (GNF2) ...... ........... GNF2-PI 0CG2B404-12G6.0- .... i +,........... 100T2-150-T6-4044 (GNF2) .............................. GNF2-PIO CG2B4O4-12G6.0- 3643 i I120T2-1I50-T6-3643 (GNF2) ____ ____ GNF2-P10C02B387-IS GZ- 44

                 ! 20T2-1 50-T6-4045           (ONF2)______

GNF2-PI 0CG2B388-13GZ- 44 120T2-150-T6-4046 (GNF2) 44 GNF2-P10C02B392-1 5GZ-120T2-1I50-T6-4047 (GNF2) 44 GN2PI 0C032B3S0-140Z-... 120T2-I 50-T6-4272 (GNF2) 47 GNF2-P10CG2B387-1!3G7.0-120T2-1 50-T6-4274 (GNF2) 4274

                                                            -  I a              &                            I -                                             &                 I P                 p                                               .,p
             " Maximum lattice k, rot the most reactive uncontrolled state plus a ((                                                   3] adder for uncertaintdes(:"

Page 20.

Exelon Nuclear- Nucleur Fuels Cnra Operating Li-"mits Repurt Non-Proprietrny Infocmiuton Submnitted~in Accordance with 10 CFR 3,390 COLR Umarick 1 Rev. 12 Appendlx A' Limerick Unit :1 Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FB[R-NP. nI._, Iq C*lw.c. I(Pu~hlicl Revision I Table 1B-I Bundle Specific Information __________ Fuel Bundle Enrichment [Weight Weight Max Exposure Bundle Number (wt% U-235) ofUO) o(kg Ia20oc aGWd/MTaX! (kg) (kg_,, (GWdiST) GNF2-PIO CG2B400- !30G7.0- 4275 120T2- 150-T6-4275 (GNF2) "-4 75_ ... GNF2-P10CG2B387-12GT,..-.... 4273 " -........... . .... )) t20T2-150-:T6-4273 (GNF2). ____ ______....________ ("..: ,.:;..:. " ,  ! "" i " i:i i i:!!i: iiiiiiiii:i!!'

                                                                                                           ... .. ,          i i i !:. '
                                                                                                                                   ..,:,    .,.i*,* ::.! .:... , , ;.:.:*
                                                                                                               "          i      ('* *.., :.!".              .. '-";-
                                                  ;           I Page 21i

E:xelon Nucde-r- Nuclear Fuels Core Operuting Limils Report Non-Proprietary Inrormation Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 COLR umenc1k I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload I5 Class [ (Public) Revision l Ii Figure B-1 Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDBNo. 3:271

                                  '.:Fuel Bundle GE14-P1OCNAB394-15GZ_-.20T,-15O-T6-3271 (GE14C)

Page 22

FExclon Nuclear. Nuclear Fuels Core Operating Limits Report Nan-Proprietary Iniannotion Submitted in Accordance wvith t0 CFR 2.390 COLR Limterck I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I: Non-Proprjetaty Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15.:. ,.Class 1(Public) , Revision 1.:

                ..........                                               li ...... 1 1]

igureEI,,grlctiuitengand Oadohiniu, Distributtou (or EDB No.3273

                                   .:- :Fe.kdeGE*IC;B0*3Gi2TI**'637*GIC r~                                                                                   S~Page  23

Exelnn Nueclr - Nueclr Fuels Core Opcmting Limits Report Non-rropcictnr Inf'ormaton Submitted anAccordance wvilh 10 CFR 2.390 C0LR Limerick I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15 Class ! (Public) Revision ! FF I] F..*:iguzre Bh3 Enrichment aud~adoliniuni Di'stribuionfoqr' E.D.B No.;3L274 S.-Fuel Bundle :GEI4-P.10CNAB402*I3G.G*I20T*,5-e;T6-3274'(G.E14C) Page 24 I I

E~xelun Nuclear - Nuclear F~uels Core Opcmting Limits Report. Non-Propriew Inframinion Subminted in Aceordance wvith 10 CFR 2.390 COLR Unmerici I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Inrormation 000N5028-FBIR-NP Relnnri ! S Cl:nn I (Pumhli&'t R....Pev~ision i, -..

                                *;r*igur*te*B41 E~rtcbme~nt~atWGado]iniumiDistributiop~fo* EDB No. 3275 k:MFUiiudde*G4'EIcI (NABrn.2G*z0oT, I5o-r63z7(G E14c)

Page 25

Exelan Nuclear- Nucleaur Fuels Core Operating Limits Report Nan-lropric.tmy Inrormation Submitted in Accordance with 10) CFR 2 39t2 COLR Limenck 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Re load 15 Classi I (Public* Revision I ((l 11

Figure,'lB$i En'richntunt~and GadoliniiumDistribution (forEDE No* 3272
                                     , Fuel--Bundle GE1~p1O0CNA*B394-15GZ_42i0T.15O0T6-3272 *(GEI 4C Page 26

E.'celan Nuclear - Nuclear FUels Care Operating Limits Itcpafl Non.Priprietm-y Inrrmiutinn Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390

  • COLR ILlmedck 1 Rev. 12 ,appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information ' 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15  ;* Class ! (Public) Revision I

(( 1]

                                 *oFigu     8.6r   EflricbmentanudGadoi~nium Distrlbution*for 1DB No.4048 FdeIl*taundle GF*I!2B9*0T0/G;!0T                          I*.6         8(GNF2)

Page 27

Exchmn Nuclear. Nueclar Fuels Corn Opemoling Limits Report Nun-Proprictocy Inrormntion Submiuted an Accordonce with 10 CFR 2.390 COLR Unmdck I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload IS Class I (Public) R eviq*inn I B I I I


Figure..-.. en i. . d1nii.~srbtiao .Enih ED N- 44

                               .,,i.Fuel Bundle GN p2-P1OCG2B4O4-12G                       10*g0TI4$04.T044 (G;NF2).

Page 28

E..c-lon Nuclear - Nuclear F~uels Core Oplraling Limits Report Non.Proprietary Inlormation SubmiUt-d in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 COLR Limerck 1 Rev. 12 Appendlx A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15 Class ! ('Public3 Revision I I(( 1] SFigure fl- Enrichment and Gadolinium Distribution for EDB No. 3643

                                   ...... 0ie          *u'l 2PI(GB'4 GN                        2*t20'-I0T.34                   (N E

Page 29

FExclon Nucku'-'Nuclc& luuls Corc OpenilinK Limits RPII*pf Nnn-l'ropiic.tazy Inr'onnntion Submitted in Accordance with 10CFR 2.390 COIR Umeulct I Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Iniformationt 000"N5028-FBIR-NP Reload !S5 l1.n. I (Puihlirn Revision I

           ..........                                                   .wv*      I

((: Figue B- Enichmut No.404 Page 30

Exelan Nuclear - Nuclear Iucls Core Operating Lhints Report Non-Proprielaiy lnlbnnniion Submitted anAccordance with tO dIR 2.3g0 COLR Umarclck 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload !15 *Clas I (Puhtic* Revision 1

         ,- ......   .....       ...     .....                      ,e"t" " I ...... r                        ...........

[r _))

  • Figure B* !O0 *.Enrichment and GadoliniumDPbtributign forEDB No..4046
    • Fuel Bundle*GI~F2P10CG2B388-!3GZ-12Of2l.S0-T6.4046 (GNF2)

Page 31!

FExciwn Nuclnr - Nwlcur I:.ds Corn Op*mling Umils tRepa Nu ln-I'roprwiwly Inlormutiwi Submittecd In Accatdunco with IDCi*R 2.390 COLR LimerIck 1Rev. 12 AppendIx A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload 15 .. .. Class I (Publlc'*

                                                                                                    -      Revision I..


                                 'i"      rlu.eBi4 Ew~r m'e~n*d~adolinDii~mmnutton~orEDB NiO*147
                                    "."Fuel B~deGF-P1C232IGi'2'2lN*"7                             G*2
Page 32

E.'wlon Nutclur - Nuclemr Fuels Core Opernting Limits Rcport Nan-I'reprlctniy lnotmlatian Sulrnuued in AccOrdnnce with 50CFR 2.390 COLR Limerick I Rev. 12 AppendIx A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary [n formation 000N5028-PBIR-NP Reload. 15 Class I (Public* -- ~Revision I ((

                                   ,.;,*ignreBW,, 2 ,Eoriehme~nt~and Gadolinium Distribution for EIDB No..4272
                        ':*'i*,*::":'..*                                                                            Page 33

F-xelon Nuctear - Nuclear Fuels Core Oporalin8 Limits Report Nan-Pmropelm'y Inlomiation Submittedi in Accordance with 10 CFR 2,390 COLR Limerick.1 Rev. 12 Apperndix A Limerick Unit I Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBI R-NP Reload 15 'Class l (Public'} Revision I 1] Figue *'B-13 Enrlehmenit :hd'Gadolniuin Dlsrig*nforEDB'*4274

                                   -Fuel    BundleN               ICZB8-IG,*10*I* TZ4G82 Page 34

Exelun Nuclear- Nuclear Fuels, Core Operating Limits Report Non41'rprietswy tntbrmatian Submitted in Accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 COLR Llmaenk 1 Raw, 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit I :Non-Proprietary Information 000NS028-FBIR-NP Reload 15,S Class I (Publi&* Revision 1 I[ 1]

                              * :":.F igure:B44EizriebiihwntIaud Gadolinium Distribution (0or-EDB No. :4275
                                 *,.::*Ya.e.! uudI*GNIPIO       1tCQ2JWIO-13G7, O12@T2;i5O-T6.'427S (GNF2)

Page 35

FEetnn Nuclear- Nuclear Fuels Core Operatin8 Limits Report Nennt'rprietmy Infonmuzion Submitted in Accordauec with t0 CFR 2.390 COLR Limerick 1 Rev. 12 Appendix A Limerick Unit ! Non-Proprietary Information 000N5028-FBIR-NP Reload !5*. ! (Pu~hl;*' Revision I [I:

                              - .Figure Bl$5 Enrichment and Gado1ini ritDlstribu'tibrn~ofoEDB No. '273
                                  **Fuel Bundle.GNP2*POCG2 3874I2G7.-2T,-I50T6l*427* (GNF]2)

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