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{{#Wiki_filter:Morgan, Le w1111 Penns y Washington, Tel: 202-73 9Fax: 202-73 9 www.morga n Timothy P202.739.55 2tmatthews@ March 3 0 Via Ele c Terry J. L 316 N. M Toledo, O Brian G.
{{#Wiki_filter:Morgan, Lew wis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsyylvania Avenue, NW W
Office o f U.S. Nu c Washin g RE: F N D Dear Co u Pursuant Boards O Nuclear O Contenti o FENOC
Washington, DC 20004 Tel: 202-7399-3000 Fax: 202-7399-3001 Timothy P. P Matthews 202.739.552 27  m March 300, 2012 Via Elecctronic Inforrmation Exchange Terry J. Lodge, L         Esq.
* Encl o who smay r opin i will u* Encl o com p b e re l wis & Bockius LLP ylvania Avenue, N WDC  20004 9-3000 9-3001 P. Matthews 2 7 m 0 , 2012 ctronic Info r L odge, Esq.
316 N. Michigan M             St.,, Suite 520 Toledo, OH  O 43604 Brian G. Harris, Esq..
M ichigan St.
Office off the Generall Counsel U.S. Nucclear Regulattory Commiission Washinggton, DC 205        555-0001 RE:      Fourth Updatte to Mandattory Disclosuures Pursuannt to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336; FirstEnergyF Nuclear Operrating Co., License N                            L        Reneewal for Davvis-Besse Nuuclear Powerr Station, D
, O H 43604 Harris, Esq
Docket    No. 50-346
.f the Genera l c lear Regula t gton, DC 20 5 ourth Upda t N uclear Ope r D ocket No.
5 u nsel: to 10 C.F.
R Order modi f O perating C o n 4 as affir m s disclosure o sure 1 is re s s e opinion F E r ely as witn e ions. FENO u p d ate Encl o o sure 2 pro v pilations, an d l evant to th e W m rmation Ex , Suite 520
. l Counsel tory Comm i 5 55-0001 t e to Manda t r ating Co., L 0-346 R. § 2.336, t h f ying the Ini t Company (F E med by the Cs consist of served for t h E NOC will b e sses, and a C has not y e o sure 1 whe n vides a descr i d tangible t h e admitted c o chan g e i ssion t ory Disclos u L icense Ren e h e Boards I n t ial Schedul i E NOC) is pr o C ommissio nthe followi n he names, a d b ase its posi copy of the e t identified n it has iden t i ption, by c a h ings in the p o ntention.
P u res Pursua n e wal for Da v n itial Sched u i ng Order d a o viding the e n on March 2 n g: d dresses, an dtions on the analyses an d witnesses f o t ified its wit n a tegory and l possession, c Per the Sche d n t to 10 C.F.
v is-Besse N u u ling Order d ated Novem b e nclosed di s 2 7, 2012 (C L d telephone n contention a d authorities o r any heari n n esses. l ocation, of t c ustody, or c duling Orde r R. § 2.336; F u clear Powe r dated June 1 b er 2, 2011, s closures fo r LI-12-18).
numbers of t a nd upon w h upon whic h n g on the co n the docume n c ontrol of F E r and our ag r F irstEnergy r Station, 1 5, 2011, an d FirstEnerg y r Intervenor s t he persons u hom FENO C h they base t h n tention, an d n ts, data E NOC that m reement, th e d the y s u pon C h eir d m ay e se Terry J. Lodge, Esq.
Brian G. Harris, Esq.  

March 30, 2012
==Dear Couunsel:==

Page Two
Pursuant to 10 C.F.R      R. § 2.336, thhe Boards Innitial Scheduuling Order dated d    June 15, 1 2011, andd the Boards Order O        modiffying the Inittial Scheduliing Order daated Novembber 2, 2011, FirstEnergyy Nuclear Operating O            Company C          (FEENOC) is prooviding the enclosed e        dissclosures forr Intervenorss Contentioon 4 as affirm    med by the Commission C          n on March 27, 2 2012 (CL    LI-12-18).
FENOCs disclosures consist of the followinng:
* Encloosure 1 is resserved for thhe names, adddresses, andd telephone numbersn        of the t persons upon u
whosse opinion FE      ENOC will baseb    its positions on the contention and a upon whhom FENOC      C may relyr as witneesses, and a copy of the analyses andd authorities upon whichh they base thheir opiniions. FENOC has not yeet identified witnesses foor any hearinng on the conntention, andd will update u        Enclo  osure 1 whenn it has identtified its witnnesses.
* Encloosure 2 prov    vides a descriiption, by caategory and location, l        of the t documennts, data comppilations, and    d tangible thhings in the possession, p            c custody,  or control c      of FEENOC that maym be rellevant to thee admitted coontention. Per  P the Schedduling Orderr and our agrreement, theese

disclosures do not include privileged documents, or publicly-available documents unless FirstEnergy expects to rely on them at hearing. If you determine that you would like a copy of any of these documents, please inform me of which documents you would like, and I will  
Terry J. Lodge, Esq.
Brian G. Harris, Esq.
March 30, 2012 Page Two disclosures do not include privileged documents, or publicly-available documents unless FirstEnergy expects to rely on them at hearing. If you determine that you would like a copy of any of these documents, please inform me of which documents you would like, and I will provide a copy to you.
* Enclosure 3 provides an index of documents, data compilations, or tangible things that may be relevant to the contention but that contain proprietary information, Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI), or otherwise protected information. Upon request, FENOC will provide a copy under the terms of a Protective Order issued by the Board.
In order to compile Enclosures 2 and 3, a search was conducted of documents in FENOCs possession, custody, or control. The attached affidavit attests that all relevant materials identified by this search that are required to be disclosed under the Scheduling Order have been disclosed.
When FENOC identifies additional relevant documents or the witnesses for any hearing on the contention, FENOC will update these disclosures as required by the Boards Scheduling Order.
FENOC has been conservative in identifying documents for inclusion in Enclosures 2 and 3. By identifying documents in those Enclosures, FENOC does not necessarily concede that the documents are in fact relevant or material to the admitted contention.
Sincerely, Executed in Accord with 10 C.F.R. § 2.304(d)
Signed (electronically) by Timothy P. Matthews Timothy P. Matthews 1111 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 2004 (202) 739-5527 Counsel for FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.

provide a copy to you.
* Enclosure 3 provides an index of documents, data compilations, or tangible things that may be relevant to the contention but that contain proprietary information, Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI), or otherwise protected information. Upon request, FENOC will provide a copy under the terms of a Protective Order issued by the Board. In order to compile Enclosures 2 and 3, a search was conducted of documents in FENOCs possession, custody, or control. The attached affidavit attests that all relevant materials
In the Matter of                                               )
identified by this search that are required to be disclosed under the Scheduling Order have been
                                                              )     Docket No. 50-346-LR FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY                         )
(Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1)                   )
When FENOC identifies additional relevant documents or the witnesses for any hearing on the contention, FENOC will update these disclosures as required by the Boards Scheduling Order.
FENOC has been conservative in identifying documents for inclusion in Enclosures 2 and 3. By identifying documents in those Enclosures, FENOC does not necessarily concede that the documents are in fact relevant or material to the admitted contention.
Executed in Accord with 10 C.F.R. § 2.304(d)
Signed (electronically) by Timothy P. Matthews Timothy P. Matthews 1111 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 2004
(202) 739-5527
Counsel for FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.
In the Matter of       )  
(Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1)   )
                  ) AFFIDAVIT OF CLIFF CUSTER
: 1. My name is Cliff Custer. I am the Project Manager, License Renewal, at FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC). Working with the attorneys for FENOC, I have been responsible for managing the collection of documents, data compilations, and tangible things to comply with the mandatory disclosure requirements in 10 C.F.R. § 2.336 and the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards Initial Scheduling Order dated June 15, 2011 (Scheduling Order) in this proceeding, and the Licensing Boards Order Granting Motion for Modification of Initial Scheduling Order dated November 2, 2011 in this proceeding.
: 1. My name is Cliff Custer. I am the Project Manager, License Renewal, at FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC). Working with the attorneys for FENOC, I have been responsible for managing the collection of documents, data compilations, and tangible things to comply with the mandatory disclosure requirements in 10 C.F.R. § 2.336 and the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards Initial Scheduling Order dated June 15, 2011 (Scheduling Order) in this proceeding, and the Licensing Boards Order Granting Motion for Modification of Initial Scheduling Order dated November 2, 2011 in this proceeding.
: 2. FENOC conducted a search of documents, data compilations, and tangible things in its possession, custody, and control for information relevant to the admitted contention, and in the possession, custody, and control of its affiliated companies, as specified in 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(a). As provided in 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(c), this search encompassed information and documents reasonably available to FENOC and its affiliated companies, including:
: 2. FENOC conducted a search of documents, data compilations, and tangible things in its possession, custody, and control for information relevant to the admitted contention, and in the possession, custody, and control of its affiliated companies, as specified in 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(a). As provided in 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(c), this search encompassed information and documents reasonably available to FENOC and its affiliated companies, including:
: a. Both electronic and paper documents; 2 b. Corporate records, Davis-Besse license renewal project files, and documents in the possession and control of individuals who have worked on the Davis-Besse license renewal project or on matters potentially relevant to the admitted  
: a.     Both electronic and paper documents;
: b.     Corporate records, Davis-Besse license renewal project files, and documents in the possession and control of individuals who have worked on the Davis-Besse license renewal project or on matters potentially relevant to the admitted contention; and
contention; and
: c.     Documents, data compilations, and tangible things in the possession and control of AREVA, Inc. (AREVA), which assisted FENOC in preparing portions of the Davis-Besse Environmental Report.
: c. Documents, data compilations, and tangible things in the possession and control of AREVA, Inc. (AREVA), which assisted FENOC in preparing portions of the Davis-Besse Environmental Report.
: 3. Consistent with the Boards Scheduling Order, Enclosure 2 to this Affidavit provides an index of relevant, non-privileged, non-protected documents, data compilations, and tangible things that were located as a result of this search.
: 3. Consistent with the Boards Scheduling Order, Enclosure 2 to this Affidavit provides an index of relevant, non-privileged, non-protected documents, data compilations, and tangible things that were located as a result of this search.
: 4. Consistent with the Boards Scheduling Order, Enclosure 3 to this Affidavit provides the index of relevant documents, data compilations, and tangible things containing information that FENOC believes are proprietary to FENOC or its affiliated companies or third parties, or falls within the category of Sensitive Unclassified, Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI).
: 4. Consistent with the Boards Scheduling Order, Enclosure 3 to this Affidavit provides the index of relevant documents, data compilations, and tangible things containing information that FENOC believes are proprietary to FENOC or its affiliated companies or third parties, or falls within the category of Sensitive Unclassified, Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI).
: 5. FENOC has been conservative in identifying documents for inclusion in the Enclosures. Accordingly, FENOC is not suggesting that just because a document is listed on the Enclosure that it is indeed relevant to the admitted contention.
: 5. FENOC has been conservative in identifying documents for inclusion in the Enclosures.
Accordingly, FENOC is not suggesting that just because a document is listed on the Enclosure that it is indeed relevant to the admitted contention.
: 6. These disclosures are reasonably accurate and complete as of February 29, 2012.
: 6. These disclosures are reasonably accurate and complete as of February 29, 2012.
3The statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed in Accord with 10 CFR 2.304(d)

The statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed in Accord with 10 CFR 2.304(d)
Signed (electronically) by Cliff Custer__
Signed (electronically) by Cliff Custer__
Cliff Custer  
Cliff Custer License Renewal Project Manager FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station Route 168 Shippingport, PA 15077 Phone: 724-682-7139 E-mail: Executed this 29th day of March 2012.
3 (Reserved)
License Renewal Project Manager FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company  
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No.             Category          Location*       Document Title          Date      Contentions      ID RE: MACCS2 csv eMail;eMail with   Morgan, Lewis &   Files and MAAP FEDB-00000725      attachment          Bockius           Summary                2/1/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01071302 Morgan, Lewis &   ST63_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000726      Attachment         Bockius           53Y.D93.csv            2/1/2012  Contention 4 CTRL05:01071290 Morgan, Lewis &   ST61_TINYNINN_
Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station  
FEDB-00000727      Attachment         Bockius           53Y.D93.csv            2/1/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01071287 Morgan, Lewis &   ST22_ISLOCA.D9 FEDB-00000728      Attachment         Bockius           3.csv                  2/1/2012  Contention 4 CTRL05:01071279 Morgan, Lewis &   DB_Summary0201 FEDB-00000729      Attachment         Bockius           12.xlsx                2/1/2012  Contention 4 CTRL05:01071266 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &   USAR 2-3 FEDB-00000730      without attachment Bockius             Meteorology.pdf        11/15/2011 Contention 4  CTRL05:02105091 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &
FEDB-00000731      without attachment Bockius             K_plot_ST1.pdf          2/2/2012  Contention 4 CTRL05:00291447 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &
Route 168  
FEDB-00000732      without attachment Bockius             K_plot_ST2.pdf          2/2/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00291457 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &
FEDB-00000733      without attachment Bockius             K_plot_ST4.pdf          2/2/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00291482 eMail;eMail without Morgan, Lewis &   Notification FEDB-00000734      attachment         Bockius           600734273              2/7/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00993419
Shippingport, PA 15077  
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004                                                                     1
Phone: 724-682-7139 E-mail:  
Executed this 29th day of March 2012.
Enclosure 1 (Reserved)  
Enclosure 2 First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012Log No.CategoryLocation*Document TitleDateContentionsID FEDB-00000725 eMail;eMail with attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius RE: MACCS2 csv Files and MAAP Summary2/1/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01071302 FEDB-00000726 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST63_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv2/1/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01071290 FEDB-00000727 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST61_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv2/1/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01071287 FEDB-00000728 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST22_ISLOCA.D93.csv2/1/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01071279 FEDB-00000729 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius DB_Summary020112.xlsx2/1/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01071266 FEDB-00000730 Standard file;Standard file
without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius USAR 2-3 Meteorology.pdf11/15/2011Contention 4CTRL05:02105091 FEDB-00000731 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusK_plot_ST1.pdf2/2/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00291447 FEDB-00000732 Standard file;Standard file
without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusK_plot_ST2.pdf2/2/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00291457 FEDB-00000733 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusK_plot_ST4.pdf2/2/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00291482 FEDB-00000734 eMail;eMail without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius Notification 6007342732/7/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00993419
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 1
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012Log No.CategoryLocation*Document TitleDateContentionsID FEDB-00000735 eMail;eMail without attachment Morgan, Lewis & Bockius2/20 call w AREVA2/27/2012Contention 4CTRL05:02422760 FEDB-00000736 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusK_plot_ST7.pdf2/2/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00291534 FEDB-00000737 Standard file;Standard file
without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusK_plot_ST5.pdf2/2/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00291489 FEDB-00000738 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusK_plot_ST89.pdf2/2/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00291548 FEDB-00000739 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius L-10-122 Reformatted Package.pdf6/29/2010Contention 4CTRL05:02138840 FEDB-00000740 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius Chapter 2_Section3-Michelle.doc11/8/2011Contention 4CTRL05:02196149 FEDB-00000741 Standard file;Standard file
without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusWyle Report.htm12/27/2011Contention 4CTRL05:02196092 FEDB-00000742 eMail;eMail with attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius RE: DB MAAP 4.0.6 TH Notebook R2 Transmittal2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01072901 FEDB-00000743 eMail;eMail with attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius MACCS2 csv Files and MAAP Summary1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224367 FEDB-00000744 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST91_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224356 FEDB-00000745 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST76_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224243
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 2
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012Log No.CategoryLocation*Document TitleDateContentionsID FEDB-00000746 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST74_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224216 FEDB-00000747 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST54_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224152 FEDB-00000748 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST71_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224166 FEDB-00000749 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST32_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224073 FEDB-00000750 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST82_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224340 FEDB-00000751 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST81_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224320 FEDB-00000752 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST78_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224301 FEDB-00000753 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST62_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224153 FEDB-00000754 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST53_SIYYFYYN_36Y-002.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224151 FEDB-00000755 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST44_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224146 FEDB-00000756 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST42_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224130 FEDB-00000757 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST41_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224108 FEDB-00000758 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST34_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224095 FEDB-00000759 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST13_RIYVXINN_
52Y-0021a.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224005
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 3
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012Log No.CategoryLocation*Document TitleDateContentionsID FEDB-00000760 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST11_RIYVXINN_
52Y-0021a.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00223961 FEDB-00000761 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST92_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224359 FEDB-00000762 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST77_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224275 FEDB-00000763 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST75_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224227 FEDB-00000764 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST52_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224150 FEDB-00000765 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST73_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224194 FEDB-00000766 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST21_ISLOCA.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224054 FEDB-00000767 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST31_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224060 FEDB-00000768 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius DB_Summary013112.xlsx1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00223934 FEDB-00000769 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST12_RIYVXINN_
52Y-0021a.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00223992 FEDB-00000770 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST72_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224173 FEDB-00000771 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST64_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224164 FEDB-00000772 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST51_SIYYFYYN_36Y-002.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224149 FEDB-00000773 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST43_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224140
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 4
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012Log No.CategoryLocation*Document TitleDateContentionsID FEDB-00000774 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST33_AXI1a_4.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224083 FEDB-00000775 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST14_RIYVXINN_
52Y-0021a.D93.csv1/31/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00224036 FEDB-00000776 eMail;eMail with attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius DB MAAP 4.0.6 TH Notebook R2 Transmittal2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01069049 FEDB-00000777 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST33_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068630 FEDB-00000778 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST22_ISLOCA.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068616 FEDB-00000779 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST14_RIYVXINN_
52Y-0021a.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068586 FEDB-00000780 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST12_RIYVXINN_
52Y-0021a.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068532 FEDB-00000781 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST92_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01069028 FEDB-00000782 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST91_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068998 FEDB-00000783 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST78_TINYNINN_53Y.d93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068951 FEDB-00000784 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST76_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068906 FEDB-00000785 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST64_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068776 FEDB-00000786 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST71_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068801 FEDB-00000787 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST62_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068734
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 5
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012Log No.CategoryLocation*Document TitleDateContentionsID FEDB-00000788 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST54_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068702 FEDB-00000789 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST44_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068640 FEDB-00000790 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST32_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068629 FEDB-00000791 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius EnergyRelease_PlotData_R2.xls2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068403 FEDB-00000792 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST82_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068984 FEDB-00000793 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST61_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068721 FEDB-00000794 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST74_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068868 FEDB-00000795 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST53_SIYYFYYN_36Y-002.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068687 FEDB-00000796 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST43_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068636 FEDB-00000797 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST41_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068632 FEDB-00000798 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST31_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068626 FEDB-00000799 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST21_ISLOCA.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068599 FEDB-00000800 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST13_RIYVXINN_
52Y-0021a.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068561 FEDB-00000801 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST81_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068969
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 6
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012Log No.CategoryLocation*Document TitleDateContentionsID FEDB-00000802 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST77_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068924 FEDB-00000803 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST75_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068881 FEDB-00000804 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST73_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068848 FEDB-00000805 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST72_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068823 FEDB-00000806 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST63_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068751 FEDB-00000807 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST52_TINYNINN_53Y.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068671 FEDB-00000808 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST51_SIYYFYYN_36Y-002.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068654 FEDB-00000809 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST42_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068634 FEDB-00000810 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST34_AXI1a_4.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068631 FEDB-00000811 Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius ST11_RIYVXINN_
52Y-0021a.D93.csv2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01068511 FEDB-00000812 eMail;eMail with attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius RE: DB MAAP 4.0.6 TH Notebook R2 Transmittal2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:01074154 FEDB-00000813 eMail;eMail with attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius Re: Task Plan for the Update of
Davis-Besse SAMA Basis Documents2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00986090 FEDB-00000814 eMail;eMail with attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius Re: Task Plan for the Update of Davis-Besse SAMA Basis Documents2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00986893
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 7
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012Log No.CategoryLocation*Document TitleDateContentionsID FEDB-00000815 Standard file;Standard file  
without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusK_plot_ST3.pdf2/2/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00291467 FEDB-00000816 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusK_plot_ST6.pdf2/2/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00291507 FEDB-00000817 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius PRS-12-00003_AREVA -
DB MAAP Update_2012 07.pdf2/13/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00291532 FEDB-00000818 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius DBNPS Tech Spec Bases, Rev 9.pdf3/22/2011Contention 4CTRL05:02128518 FEDB-00000819 Standard file;Standard file
without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius folder 1_20101209083640.pdf12/9/2010Contention 4CTRL05:02157858 FEDB-00000820 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius folder 2 part b_2010120911242 8.pdf12/9/2010Contention 4CTRL05:02157884 FEDB-00000821 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius B.4.2 Sandia NUREG_CR-XXXX
White Paper_rev1 9-25-09.docx9/25/2009Contention 4CTRL05:02199374 FEDB-00000822 Standard file;Standard file  
without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusSBO_102.inp1/30/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00291074 FEDB-00000823 eMail;eMail without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius Notification 600734090 - DB MAAP TH NB R2 (SAMA)2/6/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00980216
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 8
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012Log No.CategoryLocation*Document TitleDateContentionsID FEDB-00000824 eMail;eMail without attachment Morgan, Lewis & Bockius2/13 call w AREVA2/14/2012Contention 4CTRL05:00986622 FEDB-00000825 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusL08-220 Part 1.pdf8/14/2008Contention 4CTRL05:02132442 FEDB-00000826 Standard file;Standard file
without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius_DB UFSAR Rev 26.pdf6/25/2008Contention 4CTRL05:02138916 FEDB-00000827 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius Davis Besse EPRC 3rd Qtr 2009 11-16.xls11/16/2009Contention 4CTRL05:01626961
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 9
Enclosure 3
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Proprietary Log Fourth Update, March 30, 2012Log No.CategoryLocation*Document TitleDateConfidentialityContentionsFEDBPROP-00003681eMail;eMail without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusRE: TH NB R2 mass input1/9/2012 FE Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003682eMail;eMail with attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius Davis-Besse License Renewal Project Weekly Status Report -- February 13, 20122/13/2012 FE Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003683Attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusDB LRP Weekly status report 20120213.pdf2/13/2012 FE Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4 FEDBPROP-00003684 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppO.pdf2/6/2012 FE Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4 FEDBPROP-00003685 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius AREVA SAMA CR 2011-9081-0-20120206065506.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003686Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppK.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003687Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppB.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003688Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppE.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003689Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppC.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003690Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppF.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003691Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppA.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003692Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook_MainReport R2.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003693Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppD.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 1
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Proprietary Log Fourth Update, March 30, 2012Log No.CategoryLocation*Document TitleDateConfidentialityContentionsFEDBPROP-00003694Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppO.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003695Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppL.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003696Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppN.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003697Attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppM.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003698Attachment Morgan, Lewis & Bockius108-9176280-000.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4FEDBPROP-00003699Attachment Morgan, Lewis & Bockius108-9176280-000.pdf2/6/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4 FEDBPROP-00003700 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusSBO_101.inp1/30/2012 FE Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4 FEDBPROP-00003701 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-AppH.pdf2/2/2012 Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4 FEDBPROP-00003702 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusAREVA CRS.pdf2/6/2012 FE Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4);
Third-Party Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4 FEDBPROP-00003703 Standard file;Standard file without attachment Morgan, Lewis & BockiusXu overQ.xls3/5/2008 FE Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)Contention 4
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 2
In the Matter of        )
(Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1)    ) March 30, 2012
                  )  CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, on this date, a copy of FENOCs Fourth Update to Mandatory Disclosures Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336 was filed with the Electronic Information Exchange in the above-captioned proceeding on the following recipients: Administrative Judge William J. Froehlich, Chair Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC  20555-0001 E-mail:
Administrative Judge Dr. William E. Kastenberg Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC  20555-0001 E-mail:
Office of the Secretary
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff
Washington, DC  20555-0001 E-mail:
Administrative Judge Dr. Nicholas G. Trikouros Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC  20555-0001 E-mail:
Office of the General Counsel 
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Mail Stop O-15D21
Washington, DC  20555-0001 Edward L. Williamson
Lloyd B. Subin
Brian G. Harris
Brian P. Newell Catherine E. Kanatas;;;;
2  Office of Commission Appellate Adjudication U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Mail Stop: O-16C1
Washington, DC  20555-0001 E-mail:
Kevin Kamps
Paul Gunter
Beyond Nuclear

6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 400 Takoma Park, MD 20912 E-mail:;  
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No.            Category          Location*      Document Title          Date      Contentions      ID eMail;eMail without Morgan, Lewis &
FEDB-00000735      attachment          Bockius            2/20 call w AREVA      2/27/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:02422760 Standard file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &
FEDB-00000736      without attachment Bockius            K_plot_ST7.pdf          2/2/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00291534 Standard file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &
FEDB-00000737      without attachment Bockius            K_plot_ST5.pdf          2/2/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00291489 Standard file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &
FEDB-00000738      without attachment Bockius            K_plot_ST89.pdf        2/2/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00291548 Standard                              L-10-122 file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &    Reformatted FEDB-00000739      without attachment Bockius            Package.pdf            6/29/2010  Contention 4  CTRL05:02138840 Standard                              Chapter file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &    2_Section3-FEDB-00000740      without attachment Bockius            Michelle.doc          11/8/2011  Contention 4  CTRL05:02196149 Standard file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &
FEDB-00000741      without attachment Bockius            Wyle Report.htm        12/27/2011 Contention 4  CTRL05:02196092 RE: DB MAAP eMail;eMail with    Morgan, Lewis &    4.0.6 TH Notebook FEDB-00000742      attachment          Bockius            R2 Transmittal          2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01072901 MACCS2 csv Files eMail;eMail with    Morgan, Lewis &    and MAAP FEDB-00000743      attachment          Bockius            Summary                1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224367 Morgan, Lewis &    ST91_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000744      Attachment          Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224356 Morgan, Lewis &    ST76_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000745      Attachment          Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224243
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004                                                                      2
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No.           Category        Location*      Document Title          Date      Contentions      ID Morgan, Lewis &    ST74_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000746      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224216 Morgan, Lewis &    ST54_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000747      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224152 Morgan, Lewis &    ST71_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000748      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224166 Morgan, Lewis &    ST32_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000749      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224073 Morgan, Lewis &    ST82_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000750      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224340 Morgan, Lewis &    ST81_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000751      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224320 Morgan, Lewis &    ST78_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000752      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224301 Morgan, Lewis &    ST62_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000753      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224153 Morgan, Lewis &    ST53_SIYYFYYN_
FEDB-00000754      Attachment      Bockius            36Y-002.D93.csv        1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224151 Morgan, Lewis &    ST44_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000755      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224146 Morgan, Lewis &    ST42_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000756      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224130 Morgan, Lewis &    ST41_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000757      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224108 Morgan, Lewis &    ST34_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000758      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224095 ST13_RIYVXINN_
Morgan, Lewis &    52Y-FEDB-00000759      Attachment      Bockius            0021a.D93.csv          1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224005
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004                                                                  3

Michael Keegan Dont Waste Michigan
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No.            Category        Location*      Document Title          Date      Contentions      ID ST11_RIYVXINN_
Morgan, Lewis &    52Y-FEDB-00000760      Attachment      Bockius            0021a.D93.csv          1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00223961 Morgan, Lewis &    ST92_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000761      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224359 Morgan, Lewis &    ST77_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000762      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224275 Morgan, Lewis &    ST75_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000763      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224227 Morgan, Lewis &    ST52_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000764      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224150 Morgan, Lewis &    ST73_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000765      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224194 Morgan, Lewis &    ST21_ISLOCA.D9 FEDB-00000766      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224054 Morgan, Lewis &    ST31_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000767      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224060 Morgan, Lewis &    DB_Summary0131 FEDB-00000768      Attachment      Bockius            12.xlsx                1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00223934 ST12_RIYVXINN_
Morgan, Lewis &    52Y-FEDB-00000769      Attachment      Bockius            0021a.D93.csv          1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00223992 Morgan, Lewis &    ST72_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000770      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224173 Morgan, Lewis &    ST64_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000771      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224164 Morgan, Lewis &    ST51_SIYYFYYN_
FEDB-00000772      Attachment      Bockius            36Y-002.D93.csv        1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224149 Morgan, Lewis &    ST43_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000773      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224140
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004                                                                  4

811 Harrison Street
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No.            Category        Location*      Document Title          Date      Contentions      ID Morgan, Lewis &    ST33_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000774      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224083 ST14_RIYVXINN_
Morgan, Lewis &    52Y-FEDB-00000775      Attachment      Bockius            0021a.D93.csv          1/31/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00224036 DB MAAP 4.0.6 TH eMail;eMail with Morgan, Lewis &    Notebook R2 FEDB-00000776      attachment      Bockius            Transmittal            2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01069049 Morgan, Lewis &    ST33_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000777      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068630 Morgan, Lewis &    ST22_ISLOCA.D9 FEDB-00000778      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068616 ST14_RIYVXINN_
Morgan, Lewis &    52Y-FEDB-00000779      Attachment      Bockius            0021a.D93.csv          2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068586 ST12_RIYVXINN_
Morgan, Lewis &    52Y-FEDB-00000780      Attachment      Bockius            0021a.D93.csv          2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068532 Morgan, Lewis &    ST92_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000781      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01069028 Morgan, Lewis &    ST91_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000782      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068998 Morgan, Lewis &    ST78_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000783      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.d93.csv            2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068951 Morgan, Lewis &    ST76_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000784      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068906 Morgan, Lewis &    ST64_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000785      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068776 Morgan, Lewis &    ST71_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000786      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068801 Morgan, Lewis &    ST62_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000787      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068734
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004                                                                  5

Monroe, MI 48161 E-mail:  
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No.            Category        Location*      Document Title        Date      Contentions      ID Morgan, Lewis &    ST54_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000788      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068702 Morgan, Lewis &    ST44_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000789      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068640 Morgan, Lewis &    ST32_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000790      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068629 Morgan, Lewis &    EnergyRelease_Pl FEDB-00000791      Attachment      Bockius            otData_R2.xls          2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068403 Morgan, Lewis &    ST82_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000792      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068984 Morgan, Lewis &    ST61_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000793      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068721 Morgan, Lewis &    ST74_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000794      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            2/6/2012  Contention 4 CTRL05:01068868 Morgan, Lewis &    ST53_SIYYFYYN_
FEDB-00000795      Attachment      Bockius            36Y-002.D93.csv        2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068687 Morgan, Lewis &    ST43_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000796      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068636 Morgan, Lewis &    ST41_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000797      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068632 Morgan, Lewis &    ST31_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000798      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068626 Morgan, Lewis &    ST21_ISLOCA.D9 FEDB-00000799      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068599 ST13_RIYVXINN_
Morgan, Lewis &    52Y-FEDB-00000800      Attachment      Bockius            0021a.D93.csv          2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068561 Morgan, Lewis &    ST81_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000801      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068969
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004                                                                  6

Terry J. Lodge
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No.           Category        Location*      Document Title        Date      Contentions      ID Morgan, Lewis &    ST77_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000802      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068924 Morgan, Lewis &    ST75_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000803      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068881 Morgan, Lewis &    ST73_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000804      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068848 Morgan, Lewis &    ST72_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000805      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068823 Morgan, Lewis &    ST63_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000806      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068751 Morgan, Lewis &    ST52_TINYNINN_
FEDB-00000807      Attachment      Bockius            53Y.D93.csv            2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068671 Morgan, Lewis &    ST51_SIYYFYYN_
FEDB-00000808      Attachment      Bockius            36Y-002.D93.csv        2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068654 Morgan, Lewis &    ST42_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000809      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068634 Morgan, Lewis &    ST34_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000810      Attachment      Bockius            3.csv                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068631 ST11_RIYVXINN_
Morgan, Lewis &    52Y-FEDB-00000811      Attachment      Bockius            0021a.D93.csv          2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01068511 RE: DB MAAP eMail;eMail with Morgan, Lewis &    4.0.6 TH Notebook FEDB-00000812      attachment      Bockius            R2 Transmittal        2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:01074154 Re: Task Plan for the Update of Davis-Besse eMail;eMail with Morgan, Lewis &    SAMA Basis FEDB-00000813      attachment      Bockius            Documents              2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00986090 Re: Task Plan for the Update of Davis-Besse eMail;eMail with Morgan, Lewis &    SAMA Basis FEDB-00000814      attachment      Bockius            Documents              2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00986893
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004                                                                  7

316 N. Michigan St., Ste. 520
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No.            Category          Location*      Document Title          Date      Contentions      ID Standard file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &
FEDB-00000815      without attachment Bockius            K_plot_ST3.pdf          2/2/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00291467 Standard file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &
FEDB-00000816      without attachment Bockius            K_plot_ST6.pdf          2/2/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00291507 PRS                                                                                    00003_AREVA -
Standard                              DB MAAP file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &    Update_2012                          FEDB-00000817      without attachment Bockius            07.pdf                2/13/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00291532 Standard file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &    DBNPS Tech Spec FEDB-00000818      without attachment Bockius            Bases, Rev 9.pdf      3/22/2011  Contention 4  CTRL05:02128518 Standard                              folder file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &    1_2010120908364 FEDB-00000819      without attachment Bockius            0.pdf                  12/9/2010  Contention 4  CTRL05:02157858 Standard                              folder 2 part file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &    b_2010120911242 FEDB-00000820      without attachment Bockius            8.pdf                  12/9/2010  Contention 4  CTRL05:02157884 B.4.2 Sandia Standard                              NUREG_CR-XXXX file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &    White Paper_rev1 FEDB-00000821      without attachment Bockius            9-25-09.docx          9/25/2009  Contention 4  CTRL05:02199374 Standard file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &
FEDB-00000822      without attachment Bockius            SBO_102.inp            1/30/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00291074 Notification 600734090 - DB eMail;eMail without Morgan, Lewis &    MAAP TH NB R2 FEDB-00000823      attachment          Bockius            (SAMA)                  2/6/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00980216
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004                                                                      8

Toledo, OH 43604 E-mail: Signed (electronically) by Jane T. Accomando Jane T. Accomando Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No.            Category          Location*      Document Title          Date      Contentions      ID eMail;eMail without Morgan, Lewis &
FEDB-00000824      attachment          Bockius            2/13 call w AREVA      2/14/2012  Contention 4  CTRL05:00986622 Standard file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &
FEDB-00000825      without attachment Bockius            L08-220 Part 1.pdf    8/14/2008  Contention 4  CTRL05:02132442 Standard file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &    _DB UFSAR Rev FEDB-00000826      without attachment Bockius            26.pdf                6/25/2008  Contention 4  CTRL05:02138916 Standard                              Davis Besse EPRC file;Standard file  Morgan, Lewis &    3rd Qtr 2009 11-FEDB-00000827      without attachment Bockius            16.xls                11/16/2009 Contention 4  CTRL05:01626961
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004                                                                      9 First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Proprietary Log Fourth Update, March 30, 2012 Log No.                      Category              Location*                      Document Title                  Date        Confidentiality        Contentions Morgan, Lewis &                                                            FE Proprietary - 10 FEDBPROP-00003681 eMail;eMail without attachment      Bockius            RE: TH NB R2 mass input                        1/9/2012 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)      Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &    Davis-Besse License Renewal Project Weekly              FE Proprietary - 10 FEDBPROP-00003682 eMail;eMail with attachment          Bockius            Status Report -- February 13, 2012            2/13/2012 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)      Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &                                                             FE Proprietary - 10 FEDBPROP-00003683 Attachment                          Bockius           DB LRP Weekly status report 20120213.pdf      2/13/2012 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)      Contention 4 Standard file;Standard file    Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    FE Proprietary - 10 FEDBPROP-00003684 without attachment                  Bockius            AppO.pdf                                        2/6/2012 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)      Contention 4 Standard file;Standard file    Morgan, Lewis &    AREVA SAMA CR 2011-9081                              Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003685 without attachment                  Bockius            20120206065506.pdf                              2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003686 Attachment                          Bockius            AppK.pdf                                        2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003687 Attachment                          Bockius            AppB.pdf                                        2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003688 Attachment                          Bockius            AppE.pdf                                        2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003689 Attachment                          Bockius            AppC.pdf                                        2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003690 Attachment                          Bockius            AppF.pdf                                        2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003691 Attachment                          Bockius            AppA.pdf                                        2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH                              Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003692 Attachment                          Bockius            Notebook_MainReport R2.pdf                      2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003693 Attachment                          Bockius            AppD.pdf                                        2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004                                                                                              1

Washington, DC 20004  
First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Proprietary Log Fourth Update, March 30, 2012 Log No.                      Category              Location*                    Document Title                      Date        Confidentiality        Contentions Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003694 Attachment                          Bockius            AppO.pdf                                        2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003695 Attachment                          Bockius            AppL.pdf                                        2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003696 Attachment                          Bockius            AppN.pdf                                        2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003697 Attachment                          Bockius            AppM.pdf                                        2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &                                                            Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003698 Attachment                          Bockius            108-9176280-000.pdf                            2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis &                                                            Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003699 Attachment                          Bockius            108-9176280-000.pdf                            2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Standard file;Standard file    Morgan, Lewis &                                                            FE Proprietary - 10 FEDBPROP-00003700 without attachment                  Bockius            SBO_101.inp                                    1/30/2012 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)      Contention 4 Standard file;Standard file    Morgan, Lewis &    P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook-                    Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003701 without attachment                  Bockius            AppH.pdf                                        2/2/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 FE Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4);
Standard file;Standard file    Morgan, Lewis &                                                            Third-Party Proprietary -
FEDBPROP-00003702 without attachment                  Bockius            AREVA CRS.pdf                                  2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Standard file;Standard file    Morgan, Lewis &                                                            FE Proprietary - 10 FEDBPROP-00003703 without attachment                  Bockius            Xu overQ.xls                                    3/5/2008 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4)      Contention 4
*Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004                                                                                             2

Phone: 202-739-3000
In the Matter of                                            )
                                                            )      Docket No. 50-346-LR FIRSTENERGY NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY                        )
(Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1)                  )      March 30, 2012
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, on this date, a copy of FENOCs Fourth Update to Mandatory Disclosures Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336 was filed with the Electronic Information Exchange in the above-captioned proceeding on the following recipients:
Administrative Judge                                  Administrative Judge William J. Froehlich, Chair                          Dr. Nicholas G. Trikouros Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel              Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001                            Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail:                                  E-mail: Administrative Judge                                  Office of the General Counsel Dr. William E. Kastenberg                            U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel              Mail Stop O-15D21 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                    Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001                            Edward L. Williamson E-mail:                                  Lloyd B. Subin Brian G. Harris Brian P. Newell Office of the Secretary                              Catherine E. Kanatas U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission          ; Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff        ; Washington, DC 20555-0001                  ; E-mail:              ;

Fax: 202-739-3001 E-mail: Counsel for FENOC}}
Office of Commission Appellate Adjudication U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop: O-16C1 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail:                          Michael Keegan Dont Waste Michigan 811 Harrison Street Monroe, MI 48161 Kevin Kamps                                      E-mail: Paul Gunter Beyond Nuclear 6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 400 Takoma Park, MD 20912                            Terry J. Lodge E-mail:;                  316 N. Michigan St., Ste. 520                            Toledo, OH 43604 E-mail: Signed (electronically) by Jane T. Accomando Jane T. Accomando Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20004 Phone: 202-739-3000 Fax: 202-739-3001 E-mail: Counsel for FENOC 2}}

Latest revision as of 17:38, 6 February 2020

FENOC Disclosure Update 4
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/2012
From: Matthews T
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co, Morgan, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP
To: Harris B, Lodge T
- No Known Affiliation, NRC/OGC
RAS 22147, Davis Besse 50-346-LR, 50-346-LR, ASLBP 11-907-01-LR-BD01
Download: ML12090A519 (21)


Morgan, Lew wis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsyylvania Avenue, NW W

Washington, DC 20004 Tel: 202-7399-3000 Fax: 202-7399-3001 Timothy P. P Matthews 202.739.552 27 m March 300, 2012 Via Elecctronic Inforrmation Exchange Terry J. Lodge, L Esq.

316 N. Michigan M St.,, Suite 520 Toledo, OH O 43604 Brian G. Harris, Esq..

Office off the Generall Counsel U.S. Nucclear Regulattory Commiission Washinggton, DC 205 555-0001 RE: Fourth Updatte to Mandattory Disclosuures Pursuannt to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336; FirstEnergyF Nuclear Operrating Co., License N L Reneewal for Davvis-Besse Nuuclear Powerr Station, D

Docket No. 50-346

Dear Couunsel:

Pursuant to 10 C.F.R R. § 2.336, thhe Boards Innitial Scheduuling Order dated d June 15, 1 2011, andd the Boards Order O modiffying the Inittial Scheduliing Order daated Novembber 2, 2011, FirstEnergyy Nuclear Operating O Company C (FEENOC) is prooviding the enclosed e dissclosures forr Intervenorss Contentioon 4 as affirm med by the Commission C n on March 27, 2 2012 (CL LI-12-18).

FENOCs disclosures consist of the followinng:

  • Encloosure 1 is resserved for thhe names, adddresses, andd telephone numbersn of the t persons upon u

whosse opinion FE ENOC will baseb its positions on the contention and a upon whhom FENOC C may relyr as witneesses, and a copy of the analyses andd authorities upon whichh they base thheir opiniions. FENOC has not yeet identified witnesses foor any hearinng on the conntention, andd will update u Enclo osure 1 whenn it has identtified its witnnesses.

  • Encloosure 2 prov vides a descriiption, by caategory and location, l of the t documennts, data comppilations, and d tangible thhings in the possession, p c custody, or control c of FEENOC that maym be rellevant to thee admitted coontention. Per P the Schedduling Orderr and our agrreement, theese

Terry J. Lodge, Esq.

Brian G. Harris, Esq.

March 30, 2012 Page Two disclosures do not include privileged documents, or publicly-available documents unless FirstEnergy expects to rely on them at hearing. If you determine that you would like a copy of any of these documents, please inform me of which documents you would like, and I will provide a copy to you.

  • Enclosure 3 provides an index of documents, data compilations, or tangible things that may be relevant to the contention but that contain proprietary information, Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI), or otherwise protected information. Upon request, FENOC will provide a copy under the terms of a Protective Order issued by the Board.

In order to compile Enclosures 2 and 3, a search was conducted of documents in FENOCs possession, custody, or control. The attached affidavit attests that all relevant materials identified by this search that are required to be disclosed under the Scheduling Order have been disclosed.

When FENOC identifies additional relevant documents or the witnesses for any hearing on the contention, FENOC will update these disclosures as required by the Boards Scheduling Order.

FENOC has been conservative in identifying documents for inclusion in Enclosures 2 and 3. By identifying documents in those Enclosures, FENOC does not necessarily concede that the documents are in fact relevant or material to the admitted contention.

Sincerely, Executed in Accord with 10 C.F.R. § 2.304(d)

Signed (electronically) by Timothy P. Matthews Timothy P. Matthews 1111 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 2004 (202) 739-5527 Counsel for FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.




In the Matter of )



(Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1) )



1. My name is Cliff Custer. I am the Project Manager, License Renewal, at FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC). Working with the attorneys for FENOC, I have been responsible for managing the collection of documents, data compilations, and tangible things to comply with the mandatory disclosure requirements in 10 C.F.R. § 2.336 and the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards Initial Scheduling Order dated June 15, 2011 (Scheduling Order) in this proceeding, and the Licensing Boards Order Granting Motion for Modification of Initial Scheduling Order dated November 2, 2011 in this proceeding.
2. FENOC conducted a search of documents, data compilations, and tangible things in its possession, custody, and control for information relevant to the admitted contention, and in the possession, custody, and control of its affiliated companies, as specified in 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(a). As provided in 10 C.F.R. § 2.336(c), this search encompassed information and documents reasonably available to FENOC and its affiliated companies, including:
a. Both electronic and paper documents;
b. Corporate records, Davis-Besse license renewal project files, and documents in the possession and control of individuals who have worked on the Davis-Besse license renewal project or on matters potentially relevant to the admitted contention; and
c. Documents, data compilations, and tangible things in the possession and control of AREVA, Inc. (AREVA), which assisted FENOC in preparing portions of the Davis-Besse Environmental Report.
3. Consistent with the Boards Scheduling Order, Enclosure 2 to this Affidavit provides an index of relevant, non-privileged, non-protected documents, data compilations, and tangible things that were located as a result of this search.
4. Consistent with the Boards Scheduling Order, Enclosure 3 to this Affidavit provides the index of relevant documents, data compilations, and tangible things containing information that FENOC believes are proprietary to FENOC or its affiliated companies or third parties, or falls within the category of Sensitive Unclassified, Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI).
5. FENOC has been conservative in identifying documents for inclusion in the Enclosures.

Accordingly, FENOC is not suggesting that just because a document is listed on the Enclosure that it is indeed relevant to the admitted contention.

6. These disclosures are reasonably accurate and complete as of February 29, 2012.


The statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed in Accord with 10 CFR 2.304(d)

Signed (electronically) by Cliff Custer__

Cliff Custer License Renewal Project Manager FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station Route 168 Shippingport, PA 15077 Phone: 724-682-7139 E-mail: Executed this 29th day of March 2012.

3 (Reserved)

First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No. Category Location* Document Title Date Contentions ID RE: MACCS2 csv eMail;eMail with Morgan, Lewis & Files and MAAP FEDB-00000725 attachment Bockius Summary 2/1/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01071302 Morgan, Lewis & ST63_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000726 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 2/1/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01071290 Morgan, Lewis & ST61_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000727 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 2/1/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01071287 Morgan, Lewis & ST22_ISLOCA.D9 FEDB-00000728 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/1/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01071279 Morgan, Lewis & DB_Summary0201 FEDB-00000729 Attachment Bockius 12.xlsx 2/1/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01071266 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & USAR 2-3 FEDB-00000730 without attachment Bockius Meteorology.pdf 11/15/2011 Contention 4 CTRL05:02105091 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000731 without attachment Bockius K_plot_ST1.pdf 2/2/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00291447 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000732 without attachment Bockius K_plot_ST2.pdf 2/2/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00291457 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000733 without attachment Bockius K_plot_ST4.pdf 2/2/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00291482 eMail;eMail without Morgan, Lewis & Notification FEDB-00000734 attachment Bockius 600734273 2/7/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00993419

First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No. Category Location* Document Title Date Contentions ID eMail;eMail without Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000735 attachment Bockius 2/20 call w AREVA 2/27/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:02422760 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000736 without attachment Bockius K_plot_ST7.pdf 2/2/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00291534 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000737 without attachment Bockius K_plot_ST5.pdf 2/2/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00291489 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000738 without attachment Bockius K_plot_ST89.pdf 2/2/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00291548 Standard L-10-122 file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & Reformatted FEDB-00000739 without attachment Bockius Package.pdf 6/29/2010 Contention 4 CTRL05:02138840 Standard Chapter file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & 2_Section3-FEDB-00000740 without attachment Bockius Michelle.doc 11/8/2011 Contention 4 CTRL05:02196149 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000741 without attachment Bockius Wyle Report.htm 12/27/2011 Contention 4 CTRL05:02196092 RE: DB MAAP eMail;eMail with Morgan, Lewis & 4.0.6 TH Notebook FEDB-00000742 attachment Bockius R2 Transmittal 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01072901 MACCS2 csv Files eMail;eMail with Morgan, Lewis & and MAAP FEDB-00000743 attachment Bockius Summary 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224367 Morgan, Lewis & ST91_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000744 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224356 Morgan, Lewis & ST76_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000745 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224243

First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No. Category Location* Document Title Date Contentions ID Morgan, Lewis & ST74_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000746 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224216 Morgan, Lewis & ST54_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000747 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224152 Morgan, Lewis & ST71_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000748 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224166 Morgan, Lewis & ST32_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000749 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224073 Morgan, Lewis & ST82_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000750 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224340 Morgan, Lewis & ST81_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000751 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224320 Morgan, Lewis & ST78_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000752 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224301 Morgan, Lewis & ST62_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000753 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224153 Morgan, Lewis & ST53_SIYYFYYN_

FEDB-00000754 Attachment Bockius 36Y-002.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224151 Morgan, Lewis & ST44_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000755 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224146 Morgan, Lewis & ST42_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000756 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224130 Morgan, Lewis & ST41_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000757 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224108 Morgan, Lewis & ST34_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000758 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224095 ST13_RIYVXINN_

Morgan, Lewis & 52Y-FEDB-00000759 Attachment Bockius 0021a.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224005

First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No. Category Location* Document Title Date Contentions ID ST11_RIYVXINN_

Morgan, Lewis & 52Y-FEDB-00000760 Attachment Bockius 0021a.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00223961 Morgan, Lewis & ST92_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000761 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224359 Morgan, Lewis & ST77_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000762 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224275 Morgan, Lewis & ST75_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000763 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224227 Morgan, Lewis & ST52_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000764 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224150 Morgan, Lewis & ST73_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000765 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224194 Morgan, Lewis & ST21_ISLOCA.D9 FEDB-00000766 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224054 Morgan, Lewis & ST31_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000767 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224060 Morgan, Lewis & DB_Summary0131 FEDB-00000768 Attachment Bockius 12.xlsx 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00223934 ST12_RIYVXINN_

Morgan, Lewis & 52Y-FEDB-00000769 Attachment Bockius 0021a.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00223992 Morgan, Lewis & ST72_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000770 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224173 Morgan, Lewis & ST64_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000771 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224164 Morgan, Lewis & ST51_SIYYFYYN_

FEDB-00000772 Attachment Bockius 36Y-002.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224149 Morgan, Lewis & ST43_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000773 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224140

First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No. Category Location* Document Title Date Contentions ID Morgan, Lewis & ST33_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000774 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224083 ST14_RIYVXINN_

Morgan, Lewis & 52Y-FEDB-00000775 Attachment Bockius 0021a.D93.csv 1/31/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00224036 DB MAAP 4.0.6 TH eMail;eMail with Morgan, Lewis & Notebook R2 FEDB-00000776 attachment Bockius Transmittal 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01069049 Morgan, Lewis & ST33_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000777 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068630 Morgan, Lewis & ST22_ISLOCA.D9 FEDB-00000778 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068616 ST14_RIYVXINN_

Morgan, Lewis & 52Y-FEDB-00000779 Attachment Bockius 0021a.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068586 ST12_RIYVXINN_

Morgan, Lewis & 52Y-FEDB-00000780 Attachment Bockius 0021a.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068532 Morgan, Lewis & ST92_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000781 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01069028 Morgan, Lewis & ST91_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000782 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068998 Morgan, Lewis & ST78_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000783 Attachment Bockius 53Y.d93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068951 Morgan, Lewis & ST76_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000784 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068906 Morgan, Lewis & ST64_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000785 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068776 Morgan, Lewis & ST71_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000786 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068801 Morgan, Lewis & ST62_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000787 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068734

First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No. Category Location* Document Title Date Contentions ID Morgan, Lewis & ST54_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000788 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068702 Morgan, Lewis & ST44_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000789 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068640 Morgan, Lewis & ST32_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000790 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068629 Morgan, Lewis & EnergyRelease_Pl FEDB-00000791 Attachment Bockius otData_R2.xls 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068403 Morgan, Lewis & ST82_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000792 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068984 Morgan, Lewis & ST61_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000793 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068721 Morgan, Lewis & ST74_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000794 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068868 Morgan, Lewis & ST53_SIYYFYYN_

FEDB-00000795 Attachment Bockius 36Y-002.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068687 Morgan, Lewis & ST43_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000796 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068636 Morgan, Lewis & ST41_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000797 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068632 Morgan, Lewis & ST31_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000798 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068626 Morgan, Lewis & ST21_ISLOCA.D9 FEDB-00000799 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068599 ST13_RIYVXINN_

Morgan, Lewis & 52Y-FEDB-00000800 Attachment Bockius 0021a.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068561 Morgan, Lewis & ST81_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000801 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068969

First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No. Category Location* Document Title Date Contentions ID Morgan, Lewis & ST77_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000802 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068924 Morgan, Lewis & ST75_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000803 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068881 Morgan, Lewis & ST73_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000804 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068848 Morgan, Lewis & ST72_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000805 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068823 Morgan, Lewis & ST63_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000806 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068751 Morgan, Lewis & ST52_TINYNINN_

FEDB-00000807 Attachment Bockius 53Y.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068671 Morgan, Lewis & ST51_SIYYFYYN_

FEDB-00000808 Attachment Bockius 36Y-002.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068654 Morgan, Lewis & ST42_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000809 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068634 Morgan, Lewis & ST34_AXI1a_4.D9 FEDB-00000810 Attachment Bockius 3.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068631 ST11_RIYVXINN_

Morgan, Lewis & 52Y-FEDB-00000811 Attachment Bockius 0021a.D93.csv 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01068511 RE: DB MAAP eMail;eMail with Morgan, Lewis & 4.0.6 TH Notebook FEDB-00000812 attachment Bockius R2 Transmittal 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:01074154 Re: Task Plan for the Update of Davis-Besse eMail;eMail with Morgan, Lewis & SAMA Basis FEDB-00000813 attachment Bockius Documents 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00986090 Re: Task Plan for the Update of Davis-Besse eMail;eMail with Morgan, Lewis & SAMA Basis FEDB-00000814 attachment Bockius Documents 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00986893

First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No. Category Location* Document Title Date Contentions ID Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000815 without attachment Bockius K_plot_ST3.pdf 2/2/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00291467 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000816 without attachment Bockius K_plot_ST6.pdf 2/2/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00291507 PRS 00003_AREVA -

Standard DB MAAP file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & Update_2012 FEDB-00000817 without attachment Bockius 07.pdf 2/13/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00291532 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & DBNPS Tech Spec FEDB-00000818 without attachment Bockius Bases, Rev 9.pdf 3/22/2011 Contention 4 CTRL05:02128518 Standard folder file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & 1_2010120908364 FEDB-00000819 without attachment Bockius 0.pdf 12/9/2010 Contention 4 CTRL05:02157858 Standard folder 2 part file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & b_2010120911242 FEDB-00000820 without attachment Bockius 8.pdf 12/9/2010 Contention 4 CTRL05:02157884 B.4.2 Sandia Standard NUREG_CR-XXXX file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & White Paper_rev1 FEDB-00000821 without attachment Bockius 9-25-09.docx 9/25/2009 Contention 4 CTRL05:02199374 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000822 without attachment Bockius SBO_102.inp 1/30/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00291074 Notification 600734090 - DB eMail;eMail without Morgan, Lewis & MAAP TH NB R2 FEDB-00000823 attachment Bockius (SAMA) 2/6/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00980216

First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Mandatory Disclosure Log 4th Update, March 30, 2012 Log No. Category Location* Document Title Date Contentions ID eMail;eMail without Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000824 attachment Bockius 2/13 call w AREVA 2/14/2012 Contention 4 CTRL05:00986622 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis &

FEDB-00000825 without attachment Bockius L08-220 Part 1.pdf 8/14/2008 Contention 4 CTRL05:02132442 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & _DB UFSAR Rev FEDB-00000826 without attachment Bockius 26.pdf 6/25/2008 Contention 4 CTRL05:02138916 Standard Davis Besse EPRC file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & 3rd Qtr 2009 11-FEDB-00000827 without attachment Bockius 16.xls 11/16/2009 Contention 4 CTRL05:01626961

  • Morgan Lewis is located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 9 First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Proprietary Log Fourth Update, March 30, 2012 Log No. Category Location* Document Title Date Confidentiality Contentions Morgan, Lewis & FE Proprietary - 10 FEDBPROP-00003681 eMail;eMail without attachment Bockius RE: TH NB R2 mass input 1/9/2012 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & Davis-Besse License Renewal Project Weekly FE Proprietary - 10 FEDBPROP-00003682 eMail;eMail with attachment Bockius Status Report -- February 13, 2012 2/13/2012 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & FE Proprietary - 10 FEDBPROP-00003683 Attachment Bockius DB LRP Weekly status report 20120213.pdf 2/13/2012 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- FE Proprietary - 10 FEDBPROP-00003684 without attachment Bockius AppO.pdf 2/6/2012 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & AREVA SAMA CR 2011-9081 Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003685 without attachment Bockius 20120206065506.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003686 Attachment Bockius AppK.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003687 Attachment Bockius AppB.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003688 Attachment Bockius AppE.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003689 Attachment Bockius AppC.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003690 Attachment Bockius AppF.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003691 Attachment Bockius AppA.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003692 Attachment Bockius Notebook_MainReport R2.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003693 Attachment Bockius AppD.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4

First Energy-Davis-Besse License Renewal Proceeding Proprietary Log Fourth Update, March 30, 2012 Log No. Category Location* Document Title Date Confidentiality Contentions Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003694 Attachment Bockius AppO.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003695 Attachment Bockius AppL.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003696 Attachment Bockius AppN.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003697 Attachment Bockius AppM.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003698 Attachment Bockius 108-9176280-000.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Morgan, Lewis & Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003699 Attachment Bockius 108-9176280-000.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & FE Proprietary - 10 FEDBPROP-00003700 without attachment Bockius SBO_101.inp 1/30/2012 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & P0390110002-4161 DB M406 TH Notebook- Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003701 without attachment Bockius AppH.pdf 2/2/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 FE Proprietary - 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4);

Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & Third-Party Proprietary -

FEDBPROP-00003702 without attachment Bockius AREVA CRS.pdf 2/6/2012 10 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4 Standard file;Standard file Morgan, Lewis & FE Proprietary - 10 FEDBPROP-00003703 without attachment Bockius Xu overQ.xls 3/5/2008 C.F.R. § 2.390(a)(4) Contention 4



In the Matter of )



(Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1) ) March 30, 2012


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, on this date, a copy of FENOCs Fourth Update to Mandatory Disclosures Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 2.336 was filed with the Electronic Information Exchange in the above-captioned proceeding on the following recipients:

Administrative Judge Administrative Judge William J. Froehlich, Chair Dr. Nicholas G. Trikouros Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: E-mail: Administrative Judge Office of the General Counsel Dr. William E. Kastenberg U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop O-15D21 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Edward L. Williamson E-mail: Lloyd B. Subin Brian G. Harris Brian P. Newell Office of the Secretary Catherine E. Kanatas U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff; Washington, DC 20555-0001; E-mail:;

Office of Commission Appellate Adjudication U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop: O-16C1 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: Michael Keegan Dont Waste Michigan 811 Harrison Street Monroe, MI 48161 Kevin Kamps E-mail: Paul Gunter Beyond Nuclear 6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 400 Takoma Park, MD 20912 Terry J. Lodge E-mail:; 316 N. Michigan St., Ste. 520 Toledo, OH 43604 E-mail: Signed (electronically) by Jane T. Accomando Jane T. Accomando Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20004 Phone: 202-739-3000 Fax: 202-739-3001 E-mail: Counsel for FENOC 2