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{{#Wiki_filter:United States of America
{{#Wiki_filter:EXPORT LICENSE NRC FORM 250 NRC LICENSE NO.: PXB228.00 United States of America                                                         Page 1 of 2 Nuclear Regulatory Commission                        NRC DOCKET NO.: 11006343 Washington, D.C. 20555 LICENSE EXPIRES: September 30, 2021 Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the regulations issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) pursuant thereto, and in reliance on statements and representations heretofore made by the applicant/licensee, this license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to export of the byproduct materials listed below, subject to the terms and conditions herein. This license is only valid if the licensee or 'Other Party (ies) to Export' maintain the requisite NRC or Agreement State domestic license(s).
LICENSEE                                              ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE(S) IN FOREIGN COUNTRY(IES)
Bella N.D.T. Co.
Source Production & Equipment Co., Inc.                                    97 Halutzei St.
113 Teal St.                                                                P.O. Box 2633 St. Rose, LA 70087                                                          Haifa 31025 Israel Attn: Kristen Bonds (industrial gamma radiography)
INTERMEDIATE CONSIGNEE(S) IN FOREIGN COUNTRY(IES)                                    OTHER U.S. PARTY(IES) TO EXPORT None                                                                    None APPLICANT'S

Page 1 of 2September 30, 2021 NRC FORM 250 Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, D.C. 20555Source Production & Equipment Co., Inc.113 Teal St.St. Rose, LA 70087Neither this license nor any right under this license shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the provisions of the Atomic  
Export to Israel of Category 2 quantities of Co-60, Ir-192, Se-75, and Yb-169, for manufacturing or use for industrial gamma radiography to the end-user shown above is authorized.
Licensee is responsible for compliance with all applicable export, and other domestic regulatory requirements, including all terms and conditions of domestic material possession licenses.
Licensee must submit pertinent documentation required by 10 CFR §110.32(g) at least 24 hours prior to shipment. See page 2 for Mandatory Advanced Notifications.
Neither this license nor any right under this license shall be assigned or           THIS LICENSE IS INVALID UNLESS SIGNED BELOW otherwise transferred in violation of the provisions of the Atomic                       BY AUTHORIZED NRC REPRESENTATIVE Energy Act of 1954, as amended.                                                                                        Digitally signed by Mohamed K.
Mohamed K. Shams Shams Date: 2019.08.28 11:33:16 -04'00' This license is subject to the right of recapture or control by Section 108  NAME AND TITLE:
Mohamed K. Shams, Acting Deputy Director of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and to all the other provisions of said Acts, now or hereafter in effect and to all valid rules                      Office of International Programs and regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

EnergyAct of 1954, as amended.This license is subject to the right of recapture or control by Section 108 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and to all the other provisions of said Acts, now or hereafter in effect and to all valid rules and regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.NAME AND TITLE:
DATE OF ISSUANCE: IsraelAttn: Kristen Bonds Bella N.D.T. Co.
The following Advanced Notifications must be made to both the NRC and, in case of exports, the government of the importing country in advance of each shipment:
97 Halutzei St P.O. Box 2633 Haifa 31025
Mandatory Advanced Notifications to the NRC are to be emailed to (preferred method) or faxed to the NRC at 301-816-5151. In the subject line of the email or on the fax cover page include: "10 CFR 110.50(c)
Notification." For technical assistance, use the same e-mail address or call 301-287-9056.
Israel radiography)
Mandatory Advanced Notifications to the government of the importing country must be emailed or faxed to the appropriate foreign government authorities. To locate the point-of-contact for international Advanced Notifications see: In the subject line of the email or on the fax cover page include: "NOTIFICATION TO THE IMPORTING STATE PRIOR TO SHIPMENT OF CATEGORY 1 OR 2 RADIOACTIVE SOURCES. For technical assistance or for countries not listed, contact the Office of International Programs export/import staff at 301-287-9056.
None None Export to Israel of Category 2 quantities of Ir-192, Se-75, and Yb-169, for manufacturing or use for to the end-user
Table 1: Appendix P to Part 110 Category 1 and Category 2 Radioactive Material Threshold Limits Radioactive                                Category 1                                          Category 2 Material                  Terabequerels (TBq)            Curies (Ci)1          Terabequerels (TBq)      Curies(Ci)1 Americium-241 (Am-241)                                   60                     1,600                         0.6               16 Americium-241/Beryllium (Am-                               60                     1,600                         0.6               16 241/Be)
Californium-252 (Cf-252)                               20                       540                         0.2               5.4 Curium-244 (Cm-244)                                   50                     1,400                         0.5               14 Cobalt-60 (Co-60)                                   30                       810                         0.3               8.1 Cesium-137 (Cs-137)                                 100                     2,700                         1.0               27 Gadolinium-153 (Gd-153)                             1,000                     27,000                       10.0               270 Iridium-192 (Ir-192)                                 80                     2,200                         0.8               22 Plutonium-2382 (Pu-238)                                 60                     1,600                         0.6               16 Plutonium-239/Beryllium2 (Pu-239/Be)                           60                     1,600                         0.6               16 Promethium-147 (Pm-147)                             40,000               1,100,000                           400           11,000 Radium-2263 (Ra-226)                                   40                     1,100                         0.4               11 Selenium-75 (Se-75)                                 200                     5,400                         2.0               54 Strontium-90 (Y-90)                               1,000                     27,000                       10.0               270 Thulium-170 (Tm-170)                               20,000                   540,000                         200             5,400 Ytterbium-169 (Yb-169)                               300                     8,100                         3.0               81 Calculation of Shipments Containing Multiple Sources or Radionuclides:
is authorized.Licensee is responsible for compliance with all applicable export, and other domestic regulatory requirements, including all terms and conditions of domestic material possession licenses.
The sum of fractions methodology for evaluating combinations of radionuclides being transported is to be used when import or export shipments contain multiple sources or multiple radionuclides. The threshold limit values used in a sum of the fractions calculation must be the metric values (i.e., TBq).
Licensee must submit pertinent documentation required by 10 CFR§110.32(g) at least 24 hours prior to shipment. See  age  for Mandatory Advanced Notifications., Deputy DirectorOffice of International Programs
I. If multiple sources and/or multiple radionuclides are present in an import or export shipment, the sum of the fractions of the activity of each radionuclide must be determined to verify the shipment is less than the Category 1 or 2 limits of Table 1, as appropriate. If the calculated sum of the fractions ratio, using the following equation, is greater than or equal to 1.0, then the import or export shipment exceeds the threshold limits of Table 1 and the applicable security provisions of this part apply.
II. Use the equation below to calculate the sum of the fractions ratio by inserting the actual activity of the applicable radionuclides or of the individual sources (of the same radionuclides) in the numerator of the equation and the corresponding threshold activity limit from the Table 1 in the denominator of the equation. Ensure the numerator and denominator values are in the same units and all calculations must be performed using the TBq (i.e., metric) values of Table 1.
Page 2 of 2 n
R1 = activity for radionuclides or source number 1                       AR1 = activity limit for radionuclides or source number 1 R2 = activity for radionuclides or source number 2                       AR2 = activity limit for radionuclides or source number 2 RN = activity for radionuclides or source number n                       ARN = activity limit for radionuclides or source number n n
The following Advanced Notifications must be made to both the NRC and, in case of exports, the government of the importing country in advance of each shipment: Mandatory Advanced Notifications to the NRC are to be emailed to (preferred method) or faxed to the NRC at 301-816-5151. In the subject line of the email or on the fax cover page include: "10 CFR 110.50(c) Notification." For technical assistance, use the same e-mail address or call 301-287-9056. Mandatory Advanced Notifications to the government of the importing country must be emailed or faxed to the appropriate foreign government authorities.
R 1       R2      R n A R AR2 AR n 1
To locate the point-of-contact for international Advanced Notifications see: . In the subject line of the email or on the fax cover page include:
1        1 1 The values to be used to determine whether a license is required are given in TBq. Curie (Ci) values are provided for practical usefulness only and are rounded after conversion.
"NOTIFICATION TO THE IMPORTING STATE PRIOR TO SHIPMENT OF CATEGORY 1 OR 2 RADIOACTIVE SOURCES." For technical assistance or for countries not listed, contact the Office of International Programs' export/import staff at 301-287-9056.  
2 The limits for exports of Pu-238 and Pu-239/Be can be found in § 110.21.
3 Discrete sources of Radium-226.}}
Americium-241 (Am-241) 60 1,600 0.6 16 Americium-241/Beryllium (Am- 241/Be)60 1,600 0.6 16 Californium
-252 (Cf-252) 20 540 0.2 5.4 Curium-244 (Cm-244) 50 1,400 0.5 14 Cobalt-60 (Co-60) 30 810 0.3 8.1 Cesium-137 (Cs-137) 100 2,700 1.0 27 Gadolinium
-153 (Gd-153) 1,000 27,000 10.0 270 Iridium-192 (Ir-192) 80 2,200 0.8 22 Plutonium-238 2 (Pu-238) 60 1,600 0.6 16 Plutonium-239/Beryllium 2    (Pu-239/Be) 60 1,600 0.6 16 Promethium
-147 (Pm-147) 40,000 1,100,000 400 11,000 Radium-226 3 (Ra-226) 40 1,100 0.4 11 Selenium-75 (Se-75) 200 5,400 2.0 54 Strontium-90 (Y-90) 1,000 27,000 10.0 270 Thulium-170 (Tm-170) 20,000 540,000 200 5,400 Ytterbium-169 (Yb-169) 300 8,100 3.0 81 The "sum of fractions" methodology for evaluating combinations of radionuclides being transported is to be used when import or export shipments contain multiple sources or multiple radionuclides.
The threshold limit values used in a sum of the fractions calculation must be the metric values (i.e., TBq).
I.If multiple sources and/or multiple radionuclides are present in an import or export shipment, the sum of thefractions of the activity of each radionuclide must be determined to verify the shipment is less than the Category 1 or 2 limits of Table 1, as appropriate.
If the calculated sum of the fractions ratio, using the following equation, is greater than or equal to 1.0, then the import or export shipment exceeds the threshold limits of Table 1 and the applicable security provisions of this part apply. II.Use the equation below to calculate the sum of the fractions ratio by inserting the actual activity of the applicableradionuclides or of the individual sources (of the same radionuclides) in the numerator of the equation and the corresponding threshold activity limit from the Table 1 in the denominator of the equation. Ensure the numerator and denominator values are in the same units and all calculations must be performed using the TBq (i.e., metric) values of Table 1. R1 = activity for radionuclides or source number 1 AR1 = activity limit for radionuclides or source number 1 R2 = activity for radionuclides or source number 2 AR2 = activity limit for radionuclides or source number 2 RN = activity for radionuclides or source number n ARN = activity limit for radionuclides or source number n !"!!R 1   #!!!R 2    #!!!R n   $!%!11    &'!A R 1AR 2 A R n ()!1 The values to be used to determine whether a license is required are given in TBq. Curie (Ci) values are provided for practical usefulness only and are rounded after conversion.
2 The limits for exports of Pu-238 and Pu-239/Be can be found in § 110.21. 3 Discrete sources of Radium-226.}}

Latest revision as of 03:10, 2 February 2020

Export License Issued to Source Production & Equipment Co., Inc. PXB228.00 Dated 08/28/19
Person / Time
Site: 11006343
Issue date: 08/28/2019
From: Mohamed Shams
To: Bonds K
Source Production & Equipment Co
Savoy J
Download: ML19240C632 (2)


EXPORT LICENSE NRC FORM 250 NRC LICENSE NO.: PXB228.00 United States of America Page 1 of 2 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC DOCKET NO.: 11006343 Washington, D.C. 20555 LICENSE EXPIRES: September 30, 2021 Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the regulations issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) pursuant thereto, and in reliance on statements and representations heretofore made by the applicant/licensee, this license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to export of the byproduct materials listed below, subject to the terms and conditions herein. This license is only valid if the licensee or 'Other Party (ies) to Export' maintain the requisite NRC or Agreement State domestic license(s).


Bella N.D.T. Co.

Source Production & Equipment Co., Inc. 97 Halutzei St.

113 Teal St. P.O. Box 2633 St. Rose, LA 70087 Haifa 31025 Israel Attn: Kristen Bonds (industrial gamma radiography)




Export to Israel of Category 2 quantities of Co-60, Ir-192, Se-75, and Yb-169, for manufacturing or use for industrial gamma radiography to the end-user shown above is authorized.

Licensee is responsible for compliance with all applicable export, and other domestic regulatory requirements, including all terms and conditions of domestic material possession licenses.

Licensee must submit pertinent documentation required by 10 CFR §110.32(g) at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to shipment. See page 2 for Mandatory Advanced Notifications.

Neither this license nor any right under this license shall be assigned or THIS LICENSE IS INVALID UNLESS SIGNED BELOW otherwise transferred in violation of the provisions of the Atomic BY AUTHORIZED NRC REPRESENTATIVE Energy Act of 1954, as amended. Digitally signed by Mohamed K.

Mohamed K. Shams Shams Date: 2019.08.28 11:33:16 -04'00' This license is subject to the right of recapture or control by Section 108 NAME AND TITLE:

Mohamed K. Shams, Acting Deputy Director of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and to all the other provisions of said Acts, now or hereafter in effect and to all valid rules Office of International Programs and regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.



The following Advanced Notifications must be made to both the NRC and, in case of exports, the government of the importing country in advance of each shipment:

Mandatory Advanced Notifications to the NRC are to be emailed to (preferred method) or faxed to the NRC at 301-816-5151. In the subject line of the email or on the fax cover page include: "10 CFR 110.50(c)

Notification." For technical assistance, use the same e-mail address or call 301-287-9056.

Mandatory Advanced Notifications to the government of the importing country must be emailed or faxed to the appropriate foreign government authorities. To locate the point-of-contact for international Advanced Notifications see: In the subject line of the email or on the fax cover page include: "NOTIFICATION TO THE IMPORTING STATE PRIOR TO SHIPMENT OF CATEGORY 1 OR 2 RADIOACTIVE SOURCES. For technical assistance or for countries not listed, contact the Office of International Programs export/import staff at 301-287-9056.

Table 1: Appendix P to Part 110 Category 1 and Category 2 Radioactive Material Threshold Limits Radioactive Category 1 Category 2 Material Terabequerels (TBq) Curies (Ci)1 Terabequerels (TBq) Curies(Ci)1 Americium-241 (Am-241) 60 1,600 0.6 16 Americium-241/Beryllium (Am- 60 1,600 0.6 16 241/Be)

Californium-252 (Cf-252) 20 540 0.2 5.4 Curium-244 (Cm-244) 50 1,400 0.5 14 Cobalt-60 (Co-60) 30 810 0.3 8.1 Cesium-137 (Cs-137) 100 2,700 1.0 27 Gadolinium-153 (Gd-153) 1,000 27,000 10.0 270 Iridium-192 (Ir-192) 80 2,200 0.8 22 Plutonium-2382 (Pu-238) 60 1,600 0.6 16 Plutonium-239/Beryllium2 (Pu-239/Be) 60 1,600 0.6 16 Promethium-147 (Pm-147) 40,000 1,100,000 400 11,000 Radium-2263 (Ra-226) 40 1,100 0.4 11 Selenium-75 (Se-75) 200 5,400 2.0 54 Strontium-90 (Y-90) 1,000 27,000 10.0 270 Thulium-170 (Tm-170) 20,000 540,000 200 5,400 Ytterbium-169 (Yb-169) 300 8,100 3.0 81 Calculation of Shipments Containing Multiple Sources or Radionuclides:

The sum of fractions methodology for evaluating combinations of radionuclides being transported is to be used when import or export shipments contain multiple sources or multiple radionuclides. The threshold limit values used in a sum of the fractions calculation must be the metric values (i.e., TBq).

I. If multiple sources and/or multiple radionuclides are present in an import or export shipment, the sum of the fractions of the activity of each radionuclide must be determined to verify the shipment is less than the Category 1 or 2 limits of Table 1, as appropriate. If the calculated sum of the fractions ratio, using the following equation, is greater than or equal to 1.0, then the import or export shipment exceeds the threshold limits of Table 1 and the applicable security provisions of this part apply.

II. Use the equation below to calculate the sum of the fractions ratio by inserting the actual activity of the applicable radionuclides or of the individual sources (of the same radionuclides) in the numerator of the equation and the corresponding threshold activity limit from the Table 1 in the denominator of the equation. Ensure the numerator and denominator values are in the same units and all calculations must be performed using the TBq (i.e., metric) values of Table 1.

R1 = activity for radionuclides or source number 1 AR1 = activity limit for radionuclides or source number 1 R2 = activity for radionuclides or source number 2 AR2 = activity limit for radionuclides or source number 2 RN = activity for radionuclides or source number n ARN = activity limit for radionuclides or source number n n

R 1 R2 R n A R AR2 AR n 1

1 1 1 The values to be used to determine whether a license is required are given in TBq. Curie (Ci) values are provided for practical usefulness only and are rounded after conversion.

2 The limits for exports of Pu-238 and Pu-239/Be can be found in § 110.21.

3 Discrete sources of Radium-226.