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{{#Wiki_filter:TEST REPORT TP 2.16-Rev.2 REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL INTERNALS VIBRATION TEST Pennsylvania Power and Light Company Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Berwick, Pennsylvania Unit I Prepared by:/Zo'System Startup Engineer Date S tern Startup Engineer Date I.Introduction and Test Summar The Reactor Pressure Vesse I Internals Vibration Test was successfully com-pleted at the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station on October 10, 1980.The pur-: pose of this test was to reveal loose parts or assembly errors which could cause vibration of reactor internals.
{{#Wiki_filter:TEST REPORT TP 2.16 Rev. 2 REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL INTERNALS VIBRATION TEST Pennsylvania Power and Light Company Susquehanna   Steam Electric Station Berwick, Pennsylvania Unit I Prepared by:                               / Zo' System Startup Engineer       Date S   tern Startup Engineer     Date
This was accomplished by operating the Recircu-lation system at rated volumetric core flow and performing an inspection program to determine the effects of the vibration induced.The Vibration Test consisted of a preinspection, flow testing, and a post-inspection which are summarized in sections II, V, and VI respectively.
Following the preinspection and preceding the flow test, data was taken for the completion of the Reactor Recirculation system flow testing (TP 2.20).TP2.20 will be at-tached to the Reactor Recirculation Preoperational Test P64.1.During the perfor-mance of this flow testing the temporary manway access cover located below the"B" Recirculation suction pipe was dislodged from the shroud support plate and became wedged in the"B" loop suction pipe immediately before the suction valve.A detailed account of this problem is given in section III.At this point, Recirculation Flow Testing was stopped and the Reactor pressure vessel hydro was performed.
I. Introduction and Test Summar The Reactor Pressure Vesse I Internals Vibration Test was successfully com-pleted at the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station on October 10, 1980. The pur-
When the hydro test was successfully completed, the reactor vessel was drained and the RPV head and shroud head were removed to facil-itate an inspection of the damage caused by the manway cover.The manway access cover and attaching hardware were retrieved from the vessel and a reinspection was performed as summarized in section IV of this report.The vessel was then filled and the head was tensioned.
:   pose of this test was to reveal loose parts or assembly errors which could cause vibration of reactor internals. This was accomplished by operating the Recircu-lation system at rated volumetric core flow and performing an inspection program to determine the effects of the vibration induced.
The'low Test was completed and the post-inspection was performed.
The Vibration Test consisted of a preinspection, flow testing, and a post-inspection which are summarized in sections II, V, and VI respectively. Following the preinspection and preceding the flow test, data was taken for the completion of the Reactor Recirculation system flow testing (TP 2.20). TP2.20 will be at-tached to the Reactor Recirculation Preoperational Test P64.1. During the perfor-mance of this flow testing the temporary manway access cover located below the "B" Recirculation suction pipe was dislodged from the shroud support plate and became wedged in the "B" loop suction pipe immediately before the suction valve.
4.A copy of the procedure containing data taken, graphs and photos is included as Attachment I along with Non-Conformance Reports issued during this test.(Attachment 2).II.Pre-Ins ection A preflow test inspection was conducted on the reactor vessel internals to establish the condition of each component examined.The inspection points are defined in section'7.1 of the attached procedure.
A detailed account of this problem is given in section III.
The inspection team consisted of two engineers, one QC Inspector and a photographer.
At this point, Recirculation Flow Testing was stopped and the Reactor pressure vessel hydro was performed. When the hydro test was successfully completed, the reactor vessel was drained and the RPV head and shroud head were removed to facil-itate an inspection of the damage caused by the manway cover. The manway access cover and attaching hardware were retrieved from the vessel and a reinspection was performed as summarized in section IV of this report. The vessel was then filled and the head was tensioned. The'low Test was completed and the post-inspection was performed.
A separate inspection was performed by General Electric I&SE.Droplights, flashlights, inspection mirrors and a 35mm camera were used during the inspection.
4   .       A copy of the procedure containing data taken, graphs and photos as Attachment   I along with Non-Conformance Reports issued during this is included test.
All equipment taken into the vessel was attached to the person using it to maintain vessel cleanliness.
(Attachment 2).
A re-mark sheet (Appendix J)of each area inspected along with photographs are included as part of Attachment 1.Since the guide tubes were not installed, it was recommended by the General Electric Operations Manager that a complete inspection of all incore guide tube stabilizers be performed.
II. Pre-Ins ection A preflow test inspection was conducted on the reactor vessel internals to establish the condition of each component examined. The inspection points are defined in section '7.1 of the attached procedure. The inspection team consisted of two engineers, one QC Inspector and a photographer. A separate inspection was performed by General Electric I&SE. Droplights, flashlights, inspection mirrors and a 35mm camera were used during the inspection. All equipment taken into the vessel was attached to the person using   it to maintain vessel cleanliness. A re-mark sheet (Appendix J) of each area inspected along with photographs are included as part of Attachment 1.
Only the peripheral stabilizers were required to be inspected by the General Electric Preoperational Specification 22A227IAX/Rev'.
Since the guide tubes were not installed, it was recommended by the General Electric Operations Manager that a complete inspection of all incore guide tube stabilizers be performed. Only the peripheral stabilizers were required to be inspected by the General Electric Preoperational Specification 22A227IAX/Rev'. 0 Two missing tack welds and one porous weld was observed on'this inspection.       The location of "these welds are noted on the remark sheet for step 7.1.2 of the at-tached procedure. Three cracked and two porous welds were observed on the core
0 Two missing tack welds and one porous weld was observed on'this inspection.
The location of"these welds are noted on the remark sheet for step 7.1.2 of the at-tached procedure.
Page 2 of 6
Three cracked and two porous welds were observed on the core (, Page 2 of 6 I spray sparger nozzles at locations listed on remark sheet for step 7.1.18.These welds were repaired and reinspected before the start of the Vibration Test.After completion of the preflow inspection, the temporary manway access covers located below the recirculation loop suction lines were installed on the shroud support plate.The shroud head was installed and torqued to 50ft/lbs.III.Reactor Recirculation Flow Testin Following the preflow inspection, the vessel was filled to two feet below the flange.Data was taken for the completion of Reactor Recirculation Flow testing (TP 2.20).The following tests were performed:
M-G set controller tun-ing, limiter/31&f!2 runbacks, scoop tube lock, cavitation search for"A" and"B" pumps, instrument calibration checks and venting, and RPT trips at 30, 50 and 80X pump speeds.In order to reach the pump speeds required for RPT trips and limiter runbacks, the vessel was pressurized to 100 psi with instrument air through the head vent temporary manifold supply line.Reactor.vessel pressure was monitored using a temporary gage on the nitrogen manifold and on LR/PR-1R623A in the control room.While trying to obtain 80/pump speed to perform a RPT trip, cavitation was detected at the vessel head with"A" pump at 74X and"B" pump at 70/speed.Pump speeds were reduced to 65X to stop jet pump cavitation.
I spray sparger nozzles at locations     listed on remark sheet for step 7.1.18.
It was noted at this time that"B" loop drive flow indications were reading zero and jet pump$/10 read low.They read zero for about 20 min'-utes.This is believed to be from the temporary manway access cover sliding over, the"B" recirculation suction line elbow taps.An RPT trip of both re-circulation pumps was performed at 50/speed.Reactor Pressure was increased to 150 psi using N supply.Recirculation pumps were started and increased to 50/speed.A set of data was taken for jet pumps and recirculation pumps drive flow.This data revealed a 20/flow reduc-tion of the"B" recirculation loop drive flows and jet pump flows as compared to previous data.Jet pump f/10 still read low also.At this time a slight noise could be heard near the"B" recirculation pump suction valve.Previously no ab-normal noises were heard.The cause of the flow reduction could not be determined with the vessel filled.In the interest of time it was decided to perform the Reactor Pressure Vessel Hydro.After successfully completing the vessel hydro,,the reactor vessel was drained to determine the cause of the"B" loop blockage.While removing the RPV head, four"0" ring retaining clips fell into the vessel.Using a fibro-scope looking through the"B" suction line decontamination fitting it was dis-covered that a steel plate was wedged on the vessel si'de of the suction valve.Further investigation identified the plate as the"B" suction side manway access cover.Plans were made for retrieving the manway cover and attaching hardware and a report was made on the damage to the Reactor Vessel and recirculation suction pipe.The manway cover and all attaching hardware were retrieved from the vessel.Three of the four"0" ring retaining clips were found.The damage caused to the RPV vessel and suction pipe was documented and dispositioned per the Non-Confor-mance Reports included in this report (Attachment 2)., I Page 3 of 6  
These welds were repaired and reinspected     before the start of the Vibration Test.
~~~[0 Following the removal of all foreign parts from the vessel, a reinspection to establish the condition of vessel components was performed.
After completion of the preflow inspection, the temporary manway access covers located below the   recirculation loop suction lines were installed on the shroud support plate. The shroud head was installed and torqued to 50ft/lbs.
The inspection team consisted of three engineers, one of which was performing the function of QC.This reinspection reverified applicable inspection points of the Pre-flow Inspection.
III. Reactor Recirculation Flow Testin Following the preflow inspection, the vessel was filled to two feet below the flange. Data was taken for the completion of Reactor Recirculation Flow testing (TP 2.20). The following tests were performed: M-G set controller tun-ing, limiter /31 & f!2 runbacks, scoop tube lock, cavitation search for "A" and "B" pumps, instrument calibration checks and venting, and RPT trips at 30, 50 and 80X pump speeds. In order to reach the pump speeds required for RPT trips and limiter runbacks, the vessel was pressurized to 100 psi with instrument air through the head vent temporary manifold supply line. Reactor. vessel pressure was monitored using a temporary gage on the nitrogen manifold and on LR/PR-1R623A in the control room. While trying to obtain 80/ pump speed to perform a RPT trip, cavitation was detected at the vessel head with "A" pump at 74X and "B" pump at 70/ speed. Pump speeds were reduced to 65X to stop jet pump cavitation. It was noted at this time that "B" loop drive flow indications were reading zero and jet pump $/10 read low. They read zero for about 20 min'-
utes. This is believed to be from the temporary manway access cover sliding over, the "B" recirculation suction line elbow taps. An RPT trip of both re-circulation pumps was performed at 50/ speed.
Reactor Pressure was increased to 150 psi using N supply. Recirculation pumps were started and increased to 50/ speed.       A set of data was taken for jet pumps and recirculation pumps drive   flow. This data revealed a 20/ flow reduc-tion of the "B" recirculation loop drive flows and jet pump flows as compared to previous data. Jet pump f/10   still read low also. At this time a slight noise could be heard near the "B" recirculation pump suction valve. Previously no ab-normal noises were heard. The cause of the flow reduction could not be determined with the vessel filled. In the interest of time       it was decided to perform the Reactor Pressure Vessel Hydro.
After successfully completing the vessel hydro,,the reactor vessel was drained to determine the cause of the "B" loop blockage. While removing the RPV head, four "0" ring retaining clips fell into the vessel.         Using a fibro-scope looking through the   "B" suction line decontamination fitting     it was dis-covered that a steel plate was wedged on the vessel       si'de of the suction valve.
Further investigation identified the plate as the       "B" suction side manway access cover. Plans were made for retrieving the manway cover and attaching hardware and a report was made on the damage to the Reactor Vessel and recirculation suction pipe.
The manway cover and "0"
all attaching hardware were retrieved from the vessel.
Three of the four       ring retaining clips were found. The damage caused to the RPV vessel and suction pipe was documented and dispositioned per the Non-Confor-mance Reports included in this report (Attachment 2).,
I Page 3   of 6
~ ~ ~ [
Following the removal of all foreign parts from the vessel, a reinspection to establish the condition of vessel components was performed. The inspection team consisted of three engineers, one of which was performing the function of QC. This reinspection reverified applicable inspection points of the Pre-flow Inspection.
A copy of the scope and results of the inspection is included as a test addendum of the attached procedure.
A copy of the scope and results of the inspection is included as a test addendum of the attached procedure.
Scratches, gouges, duct tape, and pieces of the manway access cover rubber gasket material were found throughout the RPV and in the recirculation piping.One cracked tack weld on one of the core spray sparger nozzles was found.A dent on one of the control rods and two dislodges-peripheral fuel supports were found.The location of all defects listed are included in the remark sheets (Appendix J)in the reinspection section of the attached procedure.
Scratches, gouges, duct tape, and pieces of the manway access cover rubber gasket material were found throughout the RPV and in the recirculation piping.
The cracked tack weld was repaired and the fuel supports were replaced and a reinspection of those items was made.After completion of the reinspection,.the shroud head was installed and ten-sioned, the vessel head was set and the vessel was filled to two feet below the flange in preparation of continuing Reactor Recirculation Flow testing.The Recirculation Flow testing was completed with no further problems.Reactor Recirculation pumps were operated to provide gust under 50%core (flow to allow heat-up to 135 F in order to achieve thermal tightening of the shroud head bolts.This method provided a heat-up rate of 1 F/hr.Vessel level control was accomplished using feedwater injection and reactor water-cleanup systems and main steam line drains to reject water.Temporary hose bypassed the RWCU.regenerative heat exchangers to minimize the heat loss.Reactor vessel level was monitored using the wide range reactor level indicator LI-1R605 using a temporary reference leg connected to the head vent manifold.Reactor temper-ature was monitored using the reactor recirculation loop suction temperatures recorder.The vessel was pressurized using instrument air to 100 psi'and then with N2 to 150 psi through the temporary head vent manifold supply line.Vessel pressure was maintained above 150 psi throughout the flow test.When 135 F was reached, recirculation pump speeds were increased to 50%, 65%, and maximum speed (78%to accomodate 100%core flow).A set of data was taken at each of the above speeds and recorded in Appendix E, F, 6 G of the attached test procedure.
One cracked tack weld on one of the core spray sparger nozzles was found. A dent on one of the control rods and two dislodges -peripheral fuel supports were found. The location of all defects listed are included in the remark sheets (Appendix J) in the reinspection section of the attached procedure. The cracked tack weld was repaired and the fuel supports were replaced and a reinspection of those items was made.
The dual pump 100%core flow 35 hour run was started with core flow main-tained at the values listed in Appendix H of the attached test procedure.
After completion of the reinspection, .the shroud head was installed and ten-sioned, the vessel head was set and the vessel was filled to two feet below the flange in preparation of continuing Reactor Recirculation Flow testing. The Recirculation Flow testing was completed with no further problems.
The cooling flow established by the feed and bleed of feedwater and RWCU/Main Steam systems was sufficient to minimize the heatup rate to keep vessel temperature below 230 F for the duration of the 35 hour run (37 hours actual).Both recirc-ulation pumps were operated individually for the 14 hour runs (16 hours actual)at the same pump drive flow established during the dual pump run.Page 4 of 6 VI.Post-Ins ection Following completion of the flow testing, the reactor vessel was cooled down and depressurized.
Reactor Recirculation pumps were operated to provide gust under 50% core flow to allow heat-up to 135 F in order to achieve thermal tightening of the
The RPV head was removed and the vessel was drained and the post-inspection was conducted by I&SE and an inspection team consisting of two engineers, one QC Inspector, and a photographer with the following results: 1.25%of the incore guide tube stabilizer brackets had rusty patches on them even though they were made of stainless steel.2.A 5" long welding rod was found on the shroud head support.below jet pumps//13 and 814.3.The lower riser brace weld on the shroud side of jet pump f/5"and 86 riser showed evidence of lack of fusion.4.There were several marks on the shroud ledge near the seismic pins.They appeared to be installation marks.5.Steam separator stand pipe (Serial 8A460)to shroud head weld has"Sugared burn through".6.Another cracked tack weld was found on a core spray nozzle.Two others had granular tack welds and one nozzle only had one tack weld.7.The core spray piping above jet pump 820 had a surface defect (inden-tation)<" X 3/4" X 1/16" deep.8.About 50%of the top guide bolt keepers and wedges were loose (i.e., they could be moved with your hands).9.Several peices of gasket material and duct tape were found in various core locations.
( shroud head bolts. This method provided a heat-up rate of 1 F/hr. Vessel level control was accomplished using feedwater injection and reactor water-cleanup systems and main steam line drains to reject water. Temporary hose bypassed the RWCU .regenerative heat exchangers to minimize the heat loss. Reactor vessel level was monitored using the wide range reactor level indicator LI-1R605 using a temporary reference leg connected to the head vent manifold. Reactor temper-ature was monitored using the reactor recirculation loop suction temperatures recorder. The vessel was pressurized using instrument air to 100 psi'and then with N2 to 150 psi through the temporary head vent manifold supply line. Vessel pressure was maintained above 150 psi throughout the flow test.
See the Post-Inspection Appendix J's.10.The peripheral single fuel support casting at location'53-12 had a 4" square by 1/16" deep surface defect in it.ll.The missing"0" ring retaining clip was found on the jet pump annulus between jet pump f/'s 15 and 16.These discrepancieswere documented in PP&L Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs).The following list summarizes these NCRs: 1.PP&L NCR f/80-251: RPV head and missing clips 2.PP&L NCR 880-260: Missing components of temporary cover 3.PP&L NCR$180'-'261; 4.PP&L NCR//80-263: 5.PP&L NCR 880-320: Missing gasket material"B" recirc loop surface discontinuities 1.Gouge in"B" loop between valve&elbow 2.Gouges (2)in"B" loop base 3.Arc strike on bottom of shroud by jet pump Ill Page 5 of 6  
When 135 F was reached, recirculation pump speeds were increased to 50%, 65%,
and maximum speed (78% to accomodate 100% core flow). A set of data was taken at each of the above speeds and recorded in Appendix E, F, 6 G of the attached test procedure.
The dual pump 100% core flow 35 hour run was started with core flow main-tained at the values listed in Appendix H of the attached test procedure. The cooling flow established by the feed and bleed of feedwater and RWCU/Main Steam systems was sufficient to minimize the heatup rate to keep vessel temperature below 230 F for the duration of the 35 hour run (37 hours actual). Both recirc-ulation pumps were operated individually for the 14 hour runs (16 hours actual) at the same pump drive flow established during the dual pump run.
Page 4 of 6
VI. Post-Ins ection Following completion of the flow testing, the reactor vessel was cooled down and depressurized.       The RPV head was removed and the vessel was drained and the post-inspection was conducted by I&SE and an inspection team consisting of two engineers, one QC Inspector, and a photographer with the following results:
: 1.     25% of the incore guide tube stabilizer brackets had rusty patches on them even though         they were made of stainless steel.
: 2. A 5" long welding       rod was found on the shroud head support. below       jet pumps //13 and 814.
: 3. The   lower   riser   brace weld on the shroud side of     jet pump f/ 5 "and 86 riser   showed evidence of lack of fusion.
: 4. There were several marks on the shroud ledge near the seismic pins.
They appeared to be installation marks.
: 5. Steam   separator stand pipe (Serial 8A460) to shroud head weld has "Sugared burn through".
: 6. Another cracked tack weld was found on a core spray nozzle. Two others had granular tack welds and one nozzle only had one tack weld.
: 7. The core spray       piping above jet     pump 820 had a surface defect (inden-tation) <"   X   3/4" X 1/16" deep.
: 8. About   50% of the top guide bolt keepers and wedges were loose           (i.e.,
they could be moved with your hands).
: 9. Several peices of gasket material and duct tape were found in various core locations. See the Post-Inspection Appendix J's.
: 10. The   peripheral single fuel support casting at location '53-12           had a 4" square by 1/16" deep surface defect           in it.
ll. The   missing "0" ring retaining clip was found on the         jet pump   annulus between   jet pump   f/'s 15 and 16.
These discrepancieswere documented in PP&L Non-Conformance Reports             (NCRs).
The following     list summarizes these NCRs:
: 1. PP&L NCR   f/80-251:     RPV head and missing clips
: 2. PP&L NCR   880-260:       Missing components of temporary cover
: 3. PP&L NCR   $180'-'261;   Missing gasket material
: 4. PP&L NCR   //80-263: "B" recirc loop surface discontinuities
: 5. PP&L NCR   880-320: 1. Gouge in "B" loop between valve & elbow
: 2. Gouges (2) in "B" loop base
: 3. Arc strike on bottom of shroud by jet pump       Ill Page 5 of 6
: 4. Surface marks on cladding around "B"    recirc pump suction nozzle
: 5. Gray  sticky material by jet    pump 810 on  outside of shioud
: 6. Scratches on the outside by    jet pump I!10
: 6. PP6L NCR II80-324: l. Gasket  material in steam separator
: 2. Jet  pump riser brace weld "lack of fusion"
: 3. Core spray piping and nozzle discrepancies
: 4. Top guide  bolt  keepers and wedges loose
: 5. encore guide tube stabilizer brackets had patches of rust
: 6. Single fuel support casting surface defect
: 7. PP6L NCR /I80-337: 1. Core spray sparger nozzle tack welds Attachment  2 contains copies of these    NCRs.
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~ ~
~ PRL FORld 25
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cc:  H. W. Keiser J. J. Graham E. Figard D. J. Thompson DCC October 2, 1980                                                          ~EI lSG 5UPV 15G COORCLNhTOR SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION GRP SUPV  Ki TEST REVIEW BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING NO.      80-22                                                      hgldlN hSST ER 100450                    FILE 813-14                                    GE O"PihCR
              ,Date:      September 25, 1980,, 8:50am                                              ~~yg      cP-Attendees:
              ~Aenda List attached  (Attachment A)
The TRB con vened to review and recommend for a ro                                        ca on d                2 6                                essel Internals Vibration T es ev. 2 , Reactor Pressure Vessel The attached (Attachment B) a dd endum, with mod ification based on TRB I
recommendations incorp orporate d was recommended for approval.
The TRB    directed that thee      I TRB ISG representative reve.ew the approval cycle c urrently used    for        ec n cal Procedures reviewed b y the TRB, and changes those Technical to these procedures, for adequacy            ing the documentation of such reviews re ardin cy regar D.
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4.Surface marks on cladding around"B" recirc pump suction nozzle 5.Gray sticky material by jet pump 810 on outside of shioud 6.Scratches on the outside by jet pump I!10 6.PP6L NCR II80-324: l. NCR/I80-337: 1.Gasket material in steam separator Jet pump riser brace weld"lack of fusion" Core spray piping and nozzle discrepancies Top guide bolt keepers and wedges loose encore guide tube stabilizer brackets had patches of rust Single fuel support casting surface defect Core spray sparger nozzle tack welds Attachment 2 contains copies of these NCRs.Page 6 of 6
v TP 2.16-Rev.           2
~PRL FORld 25~P~I~~cc: H.W.Keiser J.J.Graham E.Figard D.J.Thompson DCC October 2, 1980 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION TEST REVIEW BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING NO.80-22 ER 100450 FILE 813-14~EI lSG 5UPV 15G COORCLNhTOR GRP SUPV Ki hgldlN hSST GE O" PihCR ,Date: September 25, 1980,, 8:50am Attendees:
~ ~
List attached (Attachment A)~Aenda~~yg cP-RESP fOR ROSIER~PII!P~SUSPENSE The TRB con vened to review and recommend for a ro d 2 6 2 ev., Reactor Pressure Vessel ca on I The attached (Attachment B)dd a endum, with mod essel Internals Vibration T recommendations incorp d es orporate was ification based on TRB recommended for approval.The TRB directed that the TRB I c urrently used for those Technical e ISG representative reve.ew the approval cycle to these procedures, for adequacy re ardin ec n cal Procedures reviewed b t y he TRB, and changes cy regar ing the documentation of such reviews D.X~l-.-gl ompson/JJG/pab attachments
~pcs><~~(gy p$980<s@VLNNb I LYA LYANIA VVWL K 5a LIVPI I COMVANT TR8 AT)8o-az-z.p-8 o 6JZAhA m~<C<t 7ir q
~MT'HEET~OF 4.PROCEDURE NUMBER NP4.r4>Eu~5.MODIFICA ION DESCRIPTION/REASON 8vpr~j per~wan'c'c-~C" SOFA 7.8.l.4+~Hr 4,F fjgp gpag Cute 7'<A'+pS'y 4~g-vp g~c ye 4, y~sFc ter/7&A gFbvc7rva'w gg j-"g'eerweuew S~+yaws whs.o1sc-PN4, gg+/,g, gpcrgQ'j$7yp 7+t.-ppcrgcuc47r&
          'Check One:.     Pre-Q.c~ Inspection               (Section 7.l)
++P>4kB y/SPA 1/AV''8$7 PHAsW Pff C Airb pFNgp g@pe pc urged pre w 7o 8F7b44friy''P'C=
Post-f Zov Inspection              (Section 7.3)
Clrcu PFAcFrcW..bVar+y'lV PaPd Pe+oeAC r~WAS 1//A1 AuR//'.ZINg.REMA///PRg
Photographs Taken"           Tes         aal Nunber 1aken Area Inspectec:.
~ggf ABYSS/Alp.
TP 2'16 Proce nre S'ection Step Number:
du//+p iwi1~c~~SCeay pP tffF c9 lFcrZO4WI~/
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Verified by:
PROCEDURE ivkODIFICATION ADDENDUM SUSQUEHANNA SES UNIT N~SHEET~OF---<e S.''.-r e'&a>e 3.PROCEDURE SSIAFK VZ 7r 4.PROCEDURE NUMBER P Zrd S.MODIFICA~N DESCRIPTION/REASON (I).A)Pcg.r~g,'g-E~c ec p>>~/I (z).u.r~.gccsr-g Loop'+c7.Pv~P 2~Pc EI etc'g i o>~p~4>>'P'0 IAI C>>i pv g,-Ji IA CR.g joFp gay(j (~o)p 4-os jg" r'c,rg 1 P eel(/>'P"g F APv c'crag (F2/~e+P>>p A~eIHl>>~C~)'""'rs..P>>/'>~/LLer-C<).~~/+~<M~HdZ'pp, n sh ado~~Coo~,~)~e W&eA Scag J/a,Mg (i)g'.....~'P'"P.p CMEe~())~w4 o'c Su/Fat'ez OF PZc.-cF g c pv~P~~<++<~<>jpurt acies J s Rw+~c 8~+~.'<I"<u~ee J c pce~pe j'PP>>s er p-p~a~p~(r'3/iNucA g O/J (ir)r7 uc s/'.AZ]C'v~p.g~~g~~~i~)" P-Z P'-7 a ,DATE/e START41'NGINEER
Appends J 88}}
.FotiEE AD 7.4-l (Rcvi 0)SPECIFIC TECHiPICAL PROCEDURE ivIODIFICATION ADDENDU~II SUSQI.'EHANNA SES-UNIT No 3.PROCEDt'RE iNAME C8C'c 5.MODIFICAQIOiN DESCRIPTION/REASON 2-SHEET+OE----4.'ROC IPE i EU81BER w s e.v II'I s,g,.do 4 Td', WC J~eZ 44a,~~~3CI-e~r h (I va-c t.)O~~p (/s)5>r~rh', hhep<rat~rz
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'Check One:.Pre-Q.c~Inspection Post-f Zov Inspection (Section 7.l)(Section 7.3)Photographs Taken" Tes aal Nunber 1aken Area Inspectec:.
TP 2'16 Proce nre S'ection Step Number: Observations:
~I W*Verified by: Verified by: Appends J 88}}

Revision as of 03:05, 30 October 2019

Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals Vibration Test.
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/30/1980
From: Bucco J, Mutes K
Shared Package
ML17138B780 List:
TP-2.16, TP-2.16-R2, NUDOCS 8102090458
Download: ML17138B779 (15)


TEST REPORT TP 2.16 Rev. 2 REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL INTERNALS VIBRATION TEST Pennsylvania Power and Light Company Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Berwick, Pennsylvania Unit I Prepared by: / Zo' System Startup Engineer Date S tern Startup Engineer Date

I. Introduction and Test Summar The Reactor Pressure Vesse I Internals Vibration Test was successfully com-pleted at the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station on October 10, 1980. The pur-

pose of this test was to reveal loose parts or assembly errors which could cause vibration of reactor internals. This was accomplished by operating the Recircu-lation system at rated volumetric core flow and performing an inspection program to determine the effects of the vibration induced.

The Vibration Test consisted of a preinspection, flow testing, and a post-inspection which are summarized in sections II, V, and VI respectively. Following the preinspection and preceding the flow test, data was taken for the completion of the Reactor Recirculation system flow testing (TP 2.20). TP2.20 will be at-tached to the Reactor Recirculation Preoperational Test P64.1. During the perfor-mance of this flow testing the temporary manway access cover located below the "B" Recirculation suction pipe was dislodged from the shroud support plate and became wedged in the "B" loop suction pipe immediately before the suction valve.

A detailed account of this problem is given in section III.

At this point, Recirculation Flow Testing was stopped and the Reactor pressure vessel hydro was performed. When the hydro test was successfully completed, the reactor vessel was drained and the RPV head and shroud head were removed to facil-itate an inspection of the damage caused by the manway cover. The manway access cover and attaching hardware were retrieved from the vessel and a reinspection was performed as summarized in section IV of this report. The vessel was then filled and the head was tensioned. The'low Test was completed and the post-inspection was performed.

4 . A copy of the procedure containing data taken, graphs and photos as Attachment I along with Non-Conformance Reports issued during this is included test.

(Attachment 2).

II. Pre-Ins ection A preflow test inspection was conducted on the reactor vessel internals to establish the condition of each component examined. The inspection points are defined in section '7.1 of the attached procedure. The inspection team consisted of two engineers, one QC Inspector and a photographer. A separate inspection was performed by General Electric I&SE. Droplights, flashlights, inspection mirrors and a 35mm camera were used during the inspection. All equipment taken into the vessel was attached to the person using it to maintain vessel cleanliness. A re-mark sheet (Appendix J) of each area inspected along with photographs are included as part of Attachment 1.

Since the guide tubes were not installed, it was recommended by the General Electric Operations Manager that a complete inspection of all incore guide tube stabilizers be performed. Only the peripheral stabilizers were required to be inspected by the General Electric Preoperational Specification 22A227IAX/Rev'. 0 Two missing tack welds and one porous weld was observed on'this inspection. The location of "these welds are noted on the remark sheet for step 7.1.2 of the at-tached procedure. Three cracked and two porous welds were observed on the core


Page 2 of 6

I spray sparger nozzles at locations listed on remark sheet for step 7.1.18.

These welds were repaired and reinspected before the start of the Vibration Test.

After completion of the preflow inspection, the temporary manway access covers located below the recirculation loop suction lines were installed on the shroud support plate. The shroud head was installed and torqued to 50ft/lbs.

III. Reactor Recirculation Flow Testin Following the preflow inspection, the vessel was filled to two feet below the flange. Data was taken for the completion of Reactor Recirculation Flow testing (TP 2.20). The following tests were performed: M-G set controller tun-ing, limiter /31 & f!2 runbacks, scoop tube lock, cavitation search for "A" and "B" pumps, instrument calibration checks and venting, and RPT trips at 30, 50 and 80X pump speeds. In order to reach the pump speeds required for RPT trips and limiter runbacks, the vessel was pressurized to 100 psi with instrument air through the head vent temporary manifold supply line. Reactor. vessel pressure was monitored using a temporary gage on the nitrogen manifold and on LR/PR-1R623A in the control room. While trying to obtain 80/ pump speed to perform a RPT trip, cavitation was detected at the vessel head with "A" pump at 74X and "B" pump at 70/ speed. Pump speeds were reduced to 65X to stop jet pump cavitation. It was noted at this time that "B" loop drive flow indications were reading zero and jet pump $/10 read low. They read zero for about 20 min'-

utes. This is believed to be from the temporary manway access cover sliding over, the "B" recirculation suction line elbow taps. An RPT trip of both re-circulation pumps was performed at 50/ speed.

Reactor Pressure was increased to 150 psi using N supply. Recirculation pumps were started and increased to 50/ speed. A set of data was taken for jet pumps and recirculation pumps drive flow. This data revealed a 20/ flow reduc-tion of the "B" recirculation loop drive flows and jet pump flows as compared to previous data. Jet pump f/10 still read low also. At this time a slight noise could be heard near the "B" recirculation pump suction valve. Previously no ab-normal noises were heard. The cause of the flow reduction could not be determined with the vessel filled. In the interest of time it was decided to perform the Reactor Pressure Vessel Hydro.

After successfully completing the vessel hydro,,the reactor vessel was drained to determine the cause of the "B" loop blockage. While removing the RPV head, four "0" ring retaining clips fell into the vessel. Using a fibro-scope looking through the "B" suction line decontamination fitting it was dis-covered that a steel plate was wedged on the vessel si'de of the suction valve.

Further investigation identified the plate as the "B" suction side manway access cover. Plans were made for retrieving the manway cover and attaching hardware and a report was made on the damage to the Reactor Vessel and recirculation suction pipe.

The manway cover and "0"

all attaching hardware were retrieved from the vessel.

Three of the four ring retaining clips were found. The damage caused to the RPV vessel and suction pipe was documented and dispositioned per the Non-Confor-mance Reports included in this report (Attachment 2).,

I Page 3 of 6

~ ~ ~ [


Following the removal of all foreign parts from the vessel, a reinspection to establish the condition of vessel components was performed. The inspection team consisted of three engineers, one of which was performing the function of QC. This reinspection reverified applicable inspection points of the Pre-flow Inspection.

A copy of the scope and results of the inspection is included as a test addendum of the attached procedure.

Scratches, gouges, duct tape, and pieces of the manway access cover rubber gasket material were found throughout the RPV and in the recirculation piping.

One cracked tack weld on one of the core spray sparger nozzles was found. A dent on one of the control rods and two dislodges -peripheral fuel supports were found. The location of all defects listed are included in the remark sheets (Appendix J) in the reinspection section of the attached procedure. The cracked tack weld was repaired and the fuel supports were replaced and a reinspection of those items was made.

After completion of the reinspection, .the shroud head was installed and ten-sioned, the vessel head was set and the vessel was filled to two feet below the flange in preparation of continuing Reactor Recirculation Flow testing. The Recirculation Flow testing was completed with no further problems.

Reactor Recirculation pumps were operated to provide gust under 50% core flow to allow heat-up to 135 F in order to achieve thermal tightening of the

( shroud head bolts. This method provided a heat-up rate of 1 F/hr. Vessel level control was accomplished using feedwater injection and reactor water-cleanup systems and main steam line drains to reject water. Temporary hose bypassed the RWCU .regenerative heat exchangers to minimize the heat loss. Reactor vessel level was monitored using the wide range reactor level indicator LI-1R605 using a temporary reference leg connected to the head vent manifold. Reactor temper-ature was monitored using the reactor recirculation loop suction temperatures recorder. The vessel was pressurized using instrument air to 100 psi'and then with N2 to 150 psi through the temporary head vent manifold supply line. Vessel pressure was maintained above 150 psi throughout the flow test.

When 135 F was reached, recirculation pump speeds were increased to 50%, 65%,

and maximum speed (78% to accomodate 100% core flow). A set of data was taken at each of the above speeds and recorded in Appendix E, F, 6 G of the attached test procedure.

The dual pump 100% core flow 35 hour4.050926e-4 days <br />0.00972 hours <br />5.787037e-5 weeks <br />1.33175e-5 months <br /> run was started with core flow main-tained at the values listed in Appendix H of the attached test procedure. The cooling flow established by the feed and bleed of feedwater and RWCU/Main Steam systems was sufficient to minimize the heatup rate to keep vessel temperature below 230 F for the duration of the 35 hour4.050926e-4 days <br />0.00972 hours <br />5.787037e-5 weeks <br />1.33175e-5 months <br /> run (37 hours4.282407e-4 days <br />0.0103 hours <br />6.117725e-5 weeks <br />1.40785e-5 months <br /> actual). Both recirc-ulation pumps were operated individually for the 14 hour1.62037e-4 days <br />0.00389 hours <br />2.314815e-5 weeks <br />5.327e-6 months <br /> runs (16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> actual) at the same pump drive flow established during the dual pump run.

Page 4 of 6

VI. Post-Ins ection Following completion of the flow testing, the reactor vessel was cooled down and depressurized. The RPV head was removed and the vessel was drained and the post-inspection was conducted by I&SE and an inspection team consisting of two engineers, one QC Inspector, and a photographer with the following results:

1. 25% of the incore guide tube stabilizer brackets had rusty patches on them even though they were made of stainless steel.
2. A 5" long welding rod was found on the shroud head support. below jet pumps //13 and 814.
3. The lower riser brace weld on the shroud side of jet pump f/ 5 "and 86 riser showed evidence of lack of fusion.
4. There were several marks on the shroud ledge near the seismic pins.

They appeared to be installation marks.

5. Steam separator stand pipe (Serial 8A460) to shroud head weld has "Sugared burn through".
6. Another cracked tack weld was found on a core spray nozzle. Two others had granular tack welds and one nozzle only had one tack weld.
7. The core spray piping above jet pump 820 had a surface defect (inden-tation) <" X 3/4" X 1/16" deep.
8. About 50% of the top guide bolt keepers and wedges were loose (i.e.,

they could be moved with your hands).

9. Several peices of gasket material and duct tape were found in various core locations. See the Post-Inspection Appendix J's.
10. The peripheral single fuel support casting at location '53-12 had a 4" square by 1/16" deep surface defect in it.

ll. The missing "0" ring retaining clip was found on the jet pump annulus between jet pump f/'s 15 and 16.

These discrepancieswere documented in PP&L Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs).

The following list summarizes these NCRs:

1. PP&L NCR f/80-251: RPV head and missing clips
2. PP&L NCR 880-260: Missing components of temporary cover
3. PP&L NCR $180'-'261; Missing gasket material
4. PP&L NCR //80-263: "B" recirc loop surface discontinuities
5. PP&L NCR 880-320: 1. Gouge in "B" loop between valve & elbow
2. Gouges (2) in "B" loop base
3. Arc strike on bottom of shroud by jet pump Ill Page 5 of 6
4. Surface marks on cladding around "B" recirc pump suction nozzle
5. Gray sticky material by jet pump 810 on outside of shioud
6. Scratches on the outside by jet pump I!10
6. PP6L NCR II80-324: l. Gasket material in steam separator
2. Jet pump riser brace weld "lack of fusion"
3. Core spray piping and nozzle discrepancies
4. Top guide bolt keepers and wedges loose
5. encore guide tube stabilizer brackets had patches of rust
6. Single fuel support casting surface defect
7. PP6L NCR /I80-337: 1. Core spray sparger nozzle tack welds Attachment 2 contains copies of these NCRs.

Page 6 of 6

~ ~

~ PRL FORld 25

~ P ~ I~ ~


,Date: September 25, 1980,, 8:50am ~~yg cP-Attendees:

~Aenda List attached (Attachment A)




The TRB con vened to review and recommend for a ro ca on d 2 6 essel Internals Vibration T es ev. 2 , Reactor Pressure Vessel The attached (Attachment B) a dd endum, with mod ification based on TRB I

recommendations incorp orporate d was recommended for approval.

The TRB directed that thee I TRB ISG representative reve.ew the approval cycle c urrently used for ec n cal Procedures reviewed b y the TRB, and changes those Technical to these procedures, for adequacy ing the documentation of such reviews re ardin cy regar D.

l -.- X~ ompson / gl JJG/pab attachments


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-z.p- 8 o 6JZAhA m ~ < C <t 7ir q

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3. PROCEDURE NAME ~MT'HEET 4. PROCEDURE NUMBER g&rfng PPFSZ~A'8' FSreC >~7MrrrIcS'iBP47rr~ NP4.r4 >Eu ~
5. MODIFICA ION DESCRIPTION/REASON 8vpr~j per ~wan'c'c- ~C" SOFA 7. 8 l. 4 + ~Hr 4,F .

fjgp gpag Cute 7'< A'+pS'y 4~g- vp g~c 4, y~sFc ter/7& ye A gFbvc7rva'w gg j- "g 'eerweuew S~

+yaws whs. o1sc-PN4, gg +/,g, gpcrgQ' j $ 7yp 7+t.- ppcrgcuc47r& ++P>

4kB y/SPA 1/AV8$7 PHAsW PffC Airb pFNgp g @pe pc urged pre w 7o r~


Clrcu PFAcFrcW..bVar+y'lV PaPd Pe+oeAC WAS 1//A1 AuR //'.ZINg. REMA///PRg ~ggf ABYSS/Alp. du//+p iwi1~c ~~SCeay pP tffF c9 lFcrZO4WI~/ 4+p Sre 7'~ Ap&J'+4u 1'F>A 'fA'r+4.

flpA'~>TWp rt +AS Wcf7$$

7'y 7' p +g+/jp/p'cc$ $ g Cc/kgb gyp 'vc.7'~ vga yp ~u-.rCod38. 7h'F ADAfb rN 14< rrrce

~R &'4 S Arrlc N 0 r~pC,~&4 ~~4) 7/f ~ p F5'vc J W g Ig C 8 g p<erc ~F 8 yP'ggr prier/rye N/Or FS.

S'p5gec7r 7h'~ A/lI'&le np Pic:g r~Sg 8 c grc a rS 7c c'w8'W RR AnoSe PA'7S'~8. Pt. a~0 7rH PIC 7- r ca~~ ~A ~ rkP,

~SF RF~r&d ~A'nW, P~ vrsvgc c, f d<&~r~c=. ~~K r~pCwrv&

.SvPAcc oP c= Re'same p-rate PPw>x wc=ss Fc e otal- pi~ grP ~M F 4. Cn AuAW~c F- a g~g c.y-~ ~~~

t.= +~CdRD EWE'IR

. +A~~W rrc/n'S. b CVZ cd+Pc 0 7~+ rP egg 7'/ 40'suc-ps wj c c, 4$ ++4 p pA 4

~~~p~gt y rM W &4$'W A dgPA'du& Fc'P.J'& A'FV' P4~~

'I PJicejr~q +r rH ~mrs' p-rr.


FosEEE AD 7A-I= (Rcv. 0)







4. PROCEDURE NUMBER P Zrd OF-(I) .A )Pcg.r~ g,'g- fr~ /PE E~c ec p>>~/ILoop'+c7.

(z). ru. ~ .gccsr-g Pv~P 2~Pc Ocr.

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'Check One:. Pre-Q.c~ Inspection (Section 7.l)

Post-f Zov Inspection (Section 7.3)

Photographs Taken" Tes aal Nunber 1aken Area Inspectec:.

TP 2'16 Proce nre S'ection Step Number:


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