W3F1-2012-0004, ECM95-009, Rev. 2, Ultimate Heat Sink Fan Requirements Under Various Ambient Conditions

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ECM95-009, Rev. 2, Ultimate Heat Sink Fan Requirements Under Various Ambient Conditions
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/18/2012
Entergy Nuclear South, Entergy Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
W3F1-2012-0004 ECM95-009, Rev 2
Download: ML12023A082 (37)


El ANO-1 [1 ANO-2 LI GGNS E3 IP-2 3l IP-3 Ej JAF I-PNPS [I RBS L VY [E W3 CALCULATION (1)EC # 2918 (2)Page I of 18 COVER PAGE (3) Design Basis Caic. IZ YES - NO (4) [ CALCULATION El EC Markup (5) Calculation No: ECM95-009 (6) Revision: 2 (7)


Ultimate Heat Sink Fan Requirements Under Various Ambient Conditions (8) System(s): ACC, CC (9) Review Org (Department): DE-Mech (10) Safety Class: (11) Component/Equipment/Structure Type/Number:

Z Safety / Quality Related ACCMTWROO01A ACCMTWROO01 B Ei Augmented Quality Program CC MTWROO01A CC MTWROOO1 B F-- Non-Safety Related (12) Document Type: B133.18 (13) Keywords (Description/Topical Codes):

Ultimate Heat Sink, UHS, ACCW, CCW, WCT, DCT, Cooling Tower REVIEWS (14) Name/Signature/Date (15) Name/Signature/Date (16) Name/Signature/Date Dale Gallodoro Steven Moynan John Russo see associated EC see associated EC see associated EC Responsible Engineer Z Design Verifier Supervisor/Approval El Reviewer

-El Comments Attached El Comments Attached


I1.Relationships: Rev Input Output Impact Tracking Doc Doc Y/N No.

RI. FSAR Chapter 9 - Auxiliary Systems 14 -I N R2. Tech. Spec. 3/4.7.4- Ultimate Heat Sink 203 El N R3. Spec. LOU-1 564.86 -Dry Cooling Towers 8 Z El R4. Spec. LOU-1564.114A - Wet Cooling Towers 10 __ __

R5. MN(Q)9-52, Ultimate Heat Sing Performance 2 [_ i--_

R6. EC-M95-008 - Ultimate Heat Sink Design Basis 2 _ _ []

R7. TD-ZO10.0025, Zurn Industries Tech. Document 2 [z El R8. ECI91-029, Meteorological Tower Uncertainty 2 El _ _ Y EC2918 Ill. CROSS


C1. Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual - Eighth Edition C2. Cooling Tower Institute (CTI) Code ATC - 105 IV. SOFTWARE USED: Microsoft EXCEL Version 2002 SP3 V. OTHER CHANGES: NONE

Page iii Reisioin"  ;ý'keco"*rd of :Revision 0 Original issue 0-1 Calculation updated with heat loads from MNQ9-3 Modified the UHS fan requirements as a result of UHS design basis changes from calculation ECM95-008 due to the core power uprate to 3716 MWt. The design ACCW flow rate was reduced to 5350 gpm to be consistent with DRN calculation EC-M95-008. A regression analysis was added for an ACCW flow 03 - 510 rate of 3250 gpm to allow for interpolation. The regression analysis in Section 7.2.3 and Attachment 7.1 was deleted and replaced with interpolation, because the adjusted WCT flow falls into the range covered by the WCT performance curves DRN Calculation revised for 3716 MWt power uprate 05 - 768 CR 97-0777 documented that the containment heat loads for the UHS did not contain certain conservative assumptions. The purpose of this calculation change is to determine the UHS fans required for operability based on the additional UHS heat loads described in CR 97-077. This is a complete rewrite; therefore no revision bars are used.

This revision incorporated all outstanding changes and DRNs. Input calc.

ECM95-008 was revised requiring all calculations to be revised accordingly.

Corrected error in the conclusion section identified on CR-WF3-2007-1428.

The calculation determined the correct values, but it was transferred 2 incorrectly to the conclusion section. Therefore, this is an administrative change only.

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page iv TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 P U R P O S E ................................................................................. . .1


S ........................................................................ 2 3.0 INPUT CRITERIA ...................................................................... 2 4.0 ASSUMPTIONS ......................................................................... 3 5.0 METHOD OF ANALYSIS ........................................................... 4 6.0 CALCULATION ........................................................................... 5 7.0 ATTACHMENTS ...................................................................... 12 EFFECTIVE PAGES Revision 2 - ALL

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 1 of 13 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this calculation is to determine the Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) minimum fan requirements under various ambient conditions. This calculation will serve as the technical basis for Technical Specification 3/4.7.4 and will supersede the analysis provided in Reference R5.



S The tables below provide the minimum UHS fan requirements for various ambient conditions.

Dry Cooling Tower

  • Total Fans Min. Fans Ambient Condition Total Fans Inoperable Operable Tdb>99.5 0 F 15 0 15 TdbD_99.5 0 F & >93.2 0 F 15 1 14 Tdb<__93.2 0 F 15 3 12 Wet Cooling Tower Total Fans Min. Fans Ambient Condition Total Fans Inoperable Operable Twb>77.9 0F 8*** 0 8 0

TwbD_77.9 F & >72.5 F 0 8 1 7 4*

TwDb_72.5 0 F 8 4 The DCT minimum fans required for various ambient conditions is not applicable if CCW is secured to any DCT section. This calculation evaluated the DCT fan requirements using the CCW accident flow rate.

With a fan(s) out-of-service, a cover(s) must be in place to prevent other fans from drawing air through the out-of-service fan's discharge stack. If four fans are out of service in the same cell, the covers do not have to be installed.

  • It is noted that the Twb to allow a fan to be placed out of service is greater than the UHS design basis Twb given in R6. This is because the WCT can cool the basin water lower than the WCT basin temperature specified in Technical Specifications 3/4.7.4 (See R6).

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 3 of 13 3.0 INPUT CRITERIA 3.1 UHS Design Basis (Ref. R6)

Dry Bulb Temperature (Tdb) - 102 0 F Wet Bulb Temperature (Twb) - 78 0F DCT CCW Inlet Temperature - 164.56°F DCT CCW Outlet Temperature - 131.11 OF DCT Heat Duty - 113.38 x 106 BTU/hr WCT ACCW Outlet Temperature - 89.3 0 F WCT Heat Duty - 59.72 x 106 BTU/hr WCT Accident Flow Rate - 5350 gpm WCT Cooling Range - 22.490 F Reference R6 uses a WCT ACCW Outlet Temperature of 89.3°F. Using the Tech. Spec. limit of 89.0°F conservatively decreases the wet bulb temperature at which 8,7, and 4 fans must be operable in section 2.1 3.2 DCT Fan Design (Ref. R3)

Number of Fans - 15 Fan Capacity - 196,000 CFM ea.

3.3 WCT Fan Design (Ref. R4)

Number of Fans -8 Fan Brake Horsepower - 28.8 hp ea.

3.4 Zurn Industries WCT Performance Curves - Outlet Temperature vs. Wet Bulb Temperature as a function of Cooling Range. (Ref. R7)

Reference R5 utilizes margin from the UHS start-up test as the technical basis for UHS fan inoperability. The margin captured during the UHS start-up test is the allowable fouling incorporated into the equipment design. This calculation will retain the allowable fouling for Dry Cooling Tower (DCT) and Wet Cooling Tower (WCT) by analyzing the equipment using manufacturer design data.

3.5 Hot Air Recirculation Effect (Ref. R6)

Dry Bulb Temperature - 1.97F Wet Bulb Temperature - 1.0°F 3.6 Equations and properties are taken from Reference C1

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 4 of 13 4.0 ASSUMPTIONS 4.1 Although some cooling will take place without the DCT fans operating, It is assumed that DCT performance is directly proportional to the number of fans running 4.2 This calculation uses WCT performance curves that are the expected WCT performance. These expected performance curves were demonstrated as conservative during plant start-up. The WCT actual performance is provided in Reference R5.

4.3 Linear interpolation will be used to determine the wet bulb temperatures (Twb) at the adjusted WCT flow rate due to fans out of service. If the WCT adjusted flow is not in the range of the performance curves, Microsoft Excel "Regression" Analysis will be used using three WCT flow rates.

4.4 WCT inlet air density based on 80% relative humidity (4).

4.5 With a WCT fan out-of-service, a cover is in place to prevent other fans from drawing air through the out-of-service fan's discharge stack unless all four fans in one cell are out.

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 5 of 13 5.0 METHOD OF ANALYSIS 5.1 Reference R5 Amendment I adds additional heat load to the CCW heat exchanger (CCWHx) when UHS fans are inoperable. Since the UHS design basis, Reference R6, determines the minimum CCWHx fouling, adding additional heat duty to the CCWHx would decrease this value. This calculation will analyze the Dry Cooling Tower (DCT) and Wet Cooling Tower (WCT) separately in order not to affect the CCWHx design basis fouling.

5.2 The DCT air outlet (Airout) temperature will be calculated using the design basis DCT heat duty of 113.38 x 106 BTU/hr at an air inlet of 103.9 0 F; the UHS design basis dry bulb temperature (Tdb) plus hot air recirculation effect.

The maximum Tdb with one and three DCT fans out of service is calculated using the conservation of energy at the DCT calculated Airout temperature.

This result is reduced by 1.9 0 F to account for hot air recirculation.

(Sec. 3.1, 3.5) 5.3 Linear equations can be derived to describe the WCT performance since the WCT performance curves assume a linear relationship (y = mx +b). Using the "Regression" Tool in Microsoft Excel, the slope and intercept of the WCT performance curves at flow rates of 3250 gpm, 5850 gpm, 6500 gpm and 7150 gpm are calculated. Using these equations, the wet bulb temperatures (TWb) to maintain an ACCW outlet temperature of 89.0°F at the WCT design cooling range will be calculated at WCT flow rates of 3250 gpm, 5850 gpm, 6500 gpm and 7150 gpm. (Ref. R7, Sec. 3.1) 5.4 Per CTI Code ATC-105, WCT inlet flow is proportional to [fan brake horsepower] 1/3. Adjusting the WCT inlet flow with fans out of service, the maximum Twb with one and four WCT fans out of service is calculated by interpolating the results in Section 6.2 at the adjusted WCT inlet flow. This result is reduced by 1.0°F to account for hot air recirculation.

(Ref. C2, Sec. 3.5)

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 6 of 13 6.0 CALCULATION 6.1 DCT Fan Requirements for Various Dry Bulb Temperatures (Tdb) 6.1.1 Tdb for One DCT Fan Inoperable Determine Airout at Design Conditions Q = mCn(Tin-Tout) or (CFM)(60)(p)(Cp)(Tin-Tout)

Solving for Tout Tout = Tin + (Q/((CFM)(60)(p)(Cp)))


Tout = Air Outlet Temperature (Airout-°F)

Tin = 103.9 0 F - Air Inlet Temperature (Input 3.1, 3.5)

Q = 113.38 x 106 BTU/hr- Heat Transfer Required (Input 3.1) p = 0.0705 Ibm/ft 3 - Dry Air Density @ 103.9 0 F CFM = 196,000 CFM/Fan or 2,940,000 CFM - 15 Fans (Input 3.2)

Cp = 0.24 BTU/Ibm - °F Tout = 103.9 + (113.38 x 106/ (2940000*60*0.24*0.0705))

Tout = 141.89°F To determine the maximum Tdb with one fan inoperable, the Airout temperature of 141.89°F calculated at design conditions will remain the same. Assuming that DCT performance is directly proportional to the number of fans running, Tdb with one fan inoperable is calculated using the conservation of energy where:

Tin = Tout - (Q/((CFM)(60)(p)(Cp)))


Tin = Tdb - Air Inlet Temperature Tout = 141.89°F - Air Outlet Temperature Q = 113.38 x 106 BTU/hr - Heat Transfer Required (Input 3.1)

CFM = 196,000 CFM/Fan or 2,744,000 CFM - 14 Fans (Input 3.2) p = 0.0708 Ibm/ft 3 Air Density @ 101OF (Assumed)

Cp = 0.24 BTU/Ibm - °F Tin = 141.89 - (113.38 x 106 / (2744000*60*0.0708*0.24))

Tin = 101.36°F : 101'F assumed for air density

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 7 of 13 Accounting for the hot air recirculation effect, Tdb for one fan inoperable is reduced by 1.9°F or = 99.500F.

6.1.2 Tdb for Three DCT Fans Inoperable To determine the maximum Tdb with three fans inoperable, the Airout temperature of 141.89°F calculated at design conditions will remain the same. Assuming that DCT performance is directly proportional to the number of fans running, Tdb with three fans inoperable is calculated using the conservation of energy where:

Tin = Tout - (Q/((CFM)(60)(p)(Cp)))


Tin = Tdb - Air Inlet Temperature Tow = 141.89°F - Air Outlet Temperature (Sec. 6.1.1)

Q = 113.38 x 106 BTU/hr - Heat Transfer Required (Input 3.1)

CFM = 196,000 CFM/Fan or 2,352,000 CFM - 12 Fans (Input 3.2) p = 0.0716 Ibm/ft 3 Air Density @ 95 0F (Assumed)

Cp = 0.24 BTU/Ibm - °F Tin = 141.89- (113.38 x 106/ (2352000*60*0.0716*0.24))

Tin = 95.14°F z 95°F assumed for air density Accounting for the hot air recirculation effect, Tdb for three fans inoperable is reduced by 1.90 F or = 93.2 0 F.

6.2 WCT Fan Requirements for Various Wet Bulb Temperatures (TWb) 6.2.1 Determine Twb for Various WCT Flow Rates at a Cooling Range of 22.49°F and a ACCWout Temperature of 89.0°F. (Input 3.1)

Two data points, Wet Bulb Temperature (Twb) and ACCW outlet temperature (ACCWout), for cooling ranges of 170 F and 22°F at ACCW flow rates of 3250gpm, 5850 gpm, 6500 gpm and 7150 gpm were obtained from the Zurn WCT performance curves. The slope and intercept of these curves were calculated using Microsoft Excel Regression Analysis. The printouts are provided in Attachment 7.1. Using these equations, the TWb at these flow rates is calculated at a WCT cooling range of 22.49°F and an ACCW outlet (ACCWout) temperature of 89.0°F. The results are provided below. (Input 3.1, 3.4)

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 8 of 13 ACCW Flow Rate of 3250 gpm Cooling ASIope Alntercept Range Slope Intercept ---Ref. - 17 0 F Range---

(OF) (Twb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) (Twb-° F) (ACCWout-°F) 17 0.875 13.0 N/A N/A 22 0.875 13.5 0.0 0.5 ASIope / OF Cooling Range = 0.0 Alntercept / OF Cooling Range = 0.1 From the above table, the linear equation at an ACCW flow rate of 3250 gpm that fits the WCT performance as a function of Cooling Range between 17'F and 22 0 F is described below:

ACCWout = (0.875- 0.0(AT - 17))Twb + (13.0 + 0.1(AT - 17))

Solving for TWb for a WCT cooling range (AT) of 22.49°F to maintain an ACCWout temperature of 89.0°F yields: (Input 3.1) 89.0 = (0.875- 0.0*(22.49 - 17))Twb + (13.0 + 0.1(22.49 - 17))

Twb = 86.230 F @ 3250 gpm ACCW Flow Rate of 5850 gpm Cooling ASIope Alntercept Range Slope Intercept ---Ref. - 17'F Range---

(OF) (Twb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) (Twb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) 17 0.692 33.462 N/A N/A 22 0.654 37.769 -0.038 4.307 ASIope / OF Cooling Range = -0.0076 Alntercept / OF Cooling Range = 0.8614 From the above table, the linear equation at an ACCW flow rate of 5850 gpm that fits the WCT performance as a function of Cooling Range between 170 F and 22 0F is described below:

ACCWout = (0.692 - 0.0076(AT - 17))TWb + (33.462 + 0.8614(AT - 17))

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 9 of 13 Solving for Twb for a WCT cooling range (AT) of 22.49°F to maintain an ACCWout temperature of 89.0°F yields: (Input 3.1) 89.0 = (0.692 - 0.0076(22.49 - 17))Twb + (33.462 + 0.8614(22.49 - 17))

Twb = 78.13°F @ 5850 gpm ACCW Flow Rate of 6500 gpm Cooling ASlope Alntercept Range Slope Intercept ---Ref. - 17 0 F Range---

(OF) (TWb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) (Twb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) 17 0.635 39.673 N/A N/A 22 0.596 44.231 -0.039 4.558 ASlope / OF Cooling Range = -0.0078 Alntercept /° F Cooling Range = 0.9116 From the above table, the linear equation at an ACCW flow rate of 6500 gpm that fits the WCT performance as a function of Cooling Range between 17 0 F and 22 0 F is described below:

ACCWout = (0.635 - 0.0078(AT - 17))Twb + (39.673 + 0.9116(AT - 17))

Solving for Twb for a WCT cooling range (AT) of 20.20°F to maintain an ACCWout temperature of 89.0°F yields: (Input 3.1) 89.0 = (0.635 - 0.0078(22.49 - 17))Twb + (39.673 + 0.9116(22.49 - 17))

Twb = 74.85°F @ 6500 gpm ACCW Flow Rate of 7150 gpm Cooling ASlope Alntercept Range Slope Intercept ---Ref. - 17°F Range---

(OF) (Twb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) (Twb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) 70.615 42.577 N/A N/A 22 0.577 47.385 - 0.038 4.808 ASIope / OF Cooling Range = -0.0076 Alntercept / OF Cooling Range = 0.9616

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 10 of 13 inRM From the above table, the linear equation at an ACCW flow rate of 7150 gpm that fits the WCT performance as a function of Cooling Range between 17'F and 22°F is described below:

ACCWout = (0.615 - 0.0076(AT - 17))Twb + (42.577 + 0.9616(AT - 17))

Solving for Twb for a WCT cooling range (AT) of 22.49°F to maintain an ACCWout temperature of 89.0°F yields: (Input 3.1) 89.0 = (0.615 - 0.0076(22.49 - 17))Twb + (42.577 + 0.9616(22.49 - 17))

Twb = 71.77°F @ 7150 gpm 6.2.2 T,,b for One WCT Fan Inoperable Determine Adjusted WCT Flow with One Fan Inoperable CDes.FanP>a3(Adj.p Des.p) 3 Adj Flow = Des. Flow Adj. Fan) P where:

Des Flow = 5350 gpm - ACCW Design Flow (Input 3.1)

Des. Fan HP = 28.8HP / Fan or 230.4 HP -8 Fans (Input 3.3)

Adj. Fan HP = 201.6 HP - 7 Fans Adj. p = 0.071 Ibm/ft3 @ Twb = 79 0 F - 80% 4 (Assumed)

Des. p = 0.071 Ibm/ft3 @ Twb = 79°F - 80%

I I Ad] Flow - 5350C 0.071 Adj. Flow = 5593.5 gpm By linear interpolation, Twb@ 5593.5 = (5593.5 - 3250)*( Twb@5850 - Twb@ 325o)+ Twb@ 3250 (5850 - 3250)

Tb = (0.90135)*(78.13- 86.23) + 86.23 (Sec. 6.2.1)

Twb = 78.9°F &79°F assumed for air density

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 11 of 13 Accounting for the hot air recirculation effect, Twb for one fan inoperable is reduced by 1.0°F or = 77.9°F. (Input 3.5) 6.2.3 Twb for Four WCT Fans Inoperable Determine Adjusted WCT Flow with Four Fans Inoperable CDes.FanIP( Adj.lo


Adj Flow = Des. Flow\Adj.FanHP) where:

Des Flow = 5350 gpm - ACCW Design Flow (Input 3.1)

Des. Fan HP = 28.8HP / Fan or 230.4 HP - 8 Fans (Input 3.3)

Adj. Fan HP = 115.2 HP-4 Fans Adj. p = 0.072 Ibm/ft3 @ Twb = 74 0 F - 80% 4 (Assumed)

Des. p = 0.071 Ibm/ft 3 @ Twb = 79°F - 80%

I I (230.4>13( 0.72' 3 Adj Flow= 5350 115".2) 0.071)

Adj. Flow = 6772.1 gpm By linear interpolation, Twb@ 6772.1 = (6772.1- 6500)*( Twb@715o - Twb@ 6soo)+ Twb@ 6500 (7150- 6500)

Twb = (0.4186)*(71.77 - 74.85) + 74.85 (Sec. 6.2.1)

Twb = 73.5°F = 74°F assumed for air density Accounting for the hot air recirculation effect, Twb for four fans inoperable is reduced by 1.0°F or = 72.5°F. (Input 3.5) 6.3 Fan Operability Requirements for Various Ambient Conditions The Tables below provide the minimum DCT and WCT fans for various ambient conditions.

Dry Cooling Tower

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 12 of 13 Total Fans Total Fans Ambient Condition Total Fan Inoperable Operable Tdb> 99.5 0 F 15 0 15 0

Tdb*< 99.5 F & > 93.2 F0 15 1 14 Tdb-* 93.2 0 F 15 3 12 Wet Cooling Tower Total Fans Total Fans Ambient Condition Total Fans Inoperable Operable TWb> 77.9 F 0 8* 0 8 Twb_ 77.9 0 F & > 72.5 0 F 8 1 7 Twb_ 72.5 F 0 8 4 4

  • It is note that the Twb to allow a fan to be placed out of service is greater than the UHS design basis Twb given in reference R6. This is caused by the WCT basin temperature being maintained cooler than the temperature specified in Technical Specifications 3/4.7.4 assuming the design basis meteorological condition of 102°Fdb / 78°Fwb. See Reference R6.

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 13 of 13 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Microsoft Excel Regression Analysis (1 pages)

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ENGINEERING IECM95-009 ACM Attachment ent 7 Rev.7.12 IPage 1 of 1 rEyRY Wet Cooling Tower Performance Curves - Regression Analysis Flow = 3250 gpm Flow = 3250 gpm Flow= 5850 gpm Flow = 5850 gpm Range= 17 °F Range = 22 °F Range= 17 *F Range = 22 °F Two ACCWout T~b ACCWout T,b ACCWout Tvt ACCWout

(°F) (°F) (°F) (°F) (°F) (°F) (°F) (°F)

Point 1 80 _83 Point 1 80 83.5 Point 1 73 84 Point 1 Point 2 73 86 94 Point 2 go 91.75 Point 2 90 92.25 Point 2 86 93 85.5 REGRESSION








OUTPUT Intercept XVariable 1 Intercept X Variable 1 Intercept X Variable 1 Intercept X Variable 1 Coefficients 13.000 0.635 Coefficients 13.500 0.875 Coefficients 33.462 0.692 Coefficients 37.769 0.654 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 t Stat 65535 65535 t Stat 65535 65535 t Stat 65535 65535 t Stat 65535 65535 P-value #NUM! #NUM! P-value #NUM! #NUM! P-value #NUM! #NUM! P-value #NUM! #NUM!

Lower 95% 13.000 0.875 Lower 95% 13.500 0.875 Lower 95% 33.462 0.692 Lower 95% 37.769 0.654 Upper 95% 13.000 0.875 Upper 95% 13.500 0.875 Upper 95% 33.462 0.692 Upper 95% 37.769 0.654 Lower 95.0% 13.000 0.875 Lower 95,0% 13.500 0.875 Lower 95.0% 33.462 0.692 Lower 95.0% 37.769 0.654 Upper 95.0% 13.000 0.875 Upper 95.0% 13.500 0.875 Upper 95.0% 33.462 0.692 Upper 95.0% 37.769 0.654 Flow= 6500 gpm Flow = 6500 gpm Flow 7150 gpm Flow = 7150 gpm Range= 17 °F Range = 22 °F Range= 17 °F Range = 22 °F Tb ACCWout T~b ACCWout Twb ACCWout Twb ACCWout

°F) (°F) (°F) (°F) (°F)

Point 1 *°F) 86 (°F) (°F)

Point 1 [ 73 95.5 1 Point 1 73 87.75 Point 1 7 87I Point 2 86 94.25 Point 2 86 95.5 Point 2 86 95.5 Point 2 86 J 97 REGRESSION









____I Intercept IJXVariablel1 Intercept X Variable 1 I Intercept IX Variable 1 Intercept X Variable 1 Coefficients 1 39.673 0.635 Coefficients 44.321 0.596 Coefficients 1 42.577 0.615 Coefficients 47.385 0.577 Standard Error 1 0000 0.000 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 StandardError I 0.000 0.000 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 t Stat 65535 65535 t Stat 65535 65535 t Stat 65535 65535 t Stat 65535 65535 P-value #NUM! #NUM! P-value #NUM! #NUM! P-value #NUM! #NUM! P-value #NUM! #NUM!

Lower 95% 39.673 0.635 Lower 95% 44.321 0.596 Lower 95% 42.577 0.615 Lower 95% 47.385 0.577 Upper 95% 39.673 0.635 Upper 95% 44.321 0.596 Upper 95% 42.577 0.615 Upper 95% 47.385 0.577 Lower 95.0% 39.673 0.635 Lower 95.0% 44.321 0.596 Lower 95.0% 42.577 0.615 Lower 95.0% 47.385 0.577

_Upper 95.0% -39.673 0.635 Upper 95.0% 44.321 0.596 Upper 95.0% 42.577 0.615 Upper 95.0% 47.385 0.577

El ANO-1 [] ANO-2 El GGNS D IP-2 F-1 IP-3 EL JAF I-IPNPS 0 RBS El VY EW3 CALCULATION 1)EC # 34240 (2)Pagel1 of 19 COVER PAGE (3) Design Basis Calc. [0 YES [*NO (4) E:1 CALCULATION [*EC Markup (5) Calculation No: ECM95-009 (6) Revision:2 (7)


Ultimate Heat Sink Fan Requirements Under Various Ambient Conditions (8) System(s): ACC, CC (9) Review Org (Department): DE-Mech (10) Safety Class: (11) Component/Equipment/Structure Type/Number:

Z Safety / Quality Related ACCMTWROO01A ACCMTWROOO1 B I-- Augmented Quality Program CC MTWROO01A CC MTWROO01B F1 Non-Safety Related (12) Document Type: B13.18 (13) Keywords (Description/Topical Codes):

Ultimate Heat Sink, UHS, ACCW, CCW, WCT, DCT, Cooling Tower REVIEWS (14) Name/Signature/Date (15) Name/Signature/Date (16) Name/Signature/Date Estelle Oertling Dale Gallodoro Paul Stanton See Associated EC See Associated EC See Associated EC Responsible Engineer I Design Verifier Supervisor/Approval F- Reviewer

_--_ Comments Attached El Comments Attached


Tracking II. Relationships: Rev Input Doc Output Doc j Impact Y/N No.

i. i. i. +

4 4 .4-t 4 4 4 +

4 4 4- 4 Ill. CROSS



Page iii Re visioin - . Revision,.

.:[-jiRecord~of 0 Original issue 0-1 Calculation updated with heat loads from MNQ9-3 Modified the UHS fan requirements as a result of UHS design basis changes from calculation ECM95-008 due to the core power uprate to 3716 MWt. The design ACCW flow rate was reduced to 5350 gpm to be consistent with DRN calculation EC-M95-008. A regression analysis was added for an ACCW flow 03- 510 rate of 3250 gpm to allow for interpolation. The regression analysis in Section 7.2.3 and Attachment 7.1 was deleted and replaced with interpolation, because the adjusted WCT flow falls into the range covered by the WCT performance curves DRN Calculation revised for 3716 MWt power uprate 05 - 768 CR 97-0777 documented that the containment heat loads for the UHS did not contain certain conservative assumptions. The purpose of this calculation change is to determine the UHS fans required for operability based on the additional UHS heat loads described in CR 97-077. This is a complete rewrite; therefore no revision bars are used.

This revision incorporated all outstanding changes and DRNs. Input calc.

ECM95-008 was revised requiring all calculations to be revised accordingly.

1 Corrected error in the conclusion section identified on CR-WF3-2007-1428.

The calculation determined the correct values, but it was transferred 2 incorrectly to the conclusion section. Therefore, this is an administrative change only.

Incorporate the impacts of the Replacement Steam Generator, which bound the current plant conditions. Also, this markup assumes that an equal number EC21824 of fans in the wet cooling tower are out-of-service in each cell. Section 3 References was added to this calculation.

The markup for EC21824 indicated the incorrect Revision as 1, Revision 2 is correct.


WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page iv TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 CO NCLUSIO NS .................................................................................................. 2 3.0 INPUT CRITERIA ................................................................................................ 3 4.0 ASSUM PTIO NS ................................................................................................... 5 5.0 METHO D O F ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 6 6.0 CALCULATIO N ................................................................................................... 7 7.0 ATTACHM ENTS ................................................................................................ 14 EFFECTIVE PAGES Revision 2 - ALL

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 1 of 14 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this calculation is to determine the Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) minimum fan requirements under various ambient conditions. This calculation will serve as the technical basis for Technical Specification 3/4.7.4 and will supersede the analysis provided in MNQ9-52.



S The tables below provide the minimum UHS fan requirements for various ambient conditions.

Dry Cooling Tower

  • Total Fans Min. Fans (q Ambient Condition Total Fans Inoperable Operable co C14 Tdb> 9 9. 3 0 F 15 0 15 04 Tdb-<9 9 . 3 °F & >92.9-F 15 1 14 W Tdb--<92.9 0 F 15 3 12 Wet Cooling Tower Total Fans Min. Fans (N

04 Ambient Condition Total Fans Inoperable Operable Twb>76.4 F 0 00 8 0 8 TwbD_76.4 0 F & >71.7 0 F 8 2"(1/cell) 6 LU Twb_<71.7 0 F 8 4*(2/cell) 4 The DCT minimum fans required for various ambient conditions is not applicable if CCW is secured to any DCT section. This calculation evaluated the DCT fan requirements using the CCW accident flow rate.

With any WCT fan(s) out-of-service in any cell, covers must be in place on the out-of-service fan(s) or the entire tower must be declared out-of- NT 00 service. In addition for the case with 6 fans operable, no more than 1 fan Co per any one cell may be out-of-service or the entire tower must be declared (N out of service. For the case with 4 fans operable, no more than 2 fans per any one cell may be out-of-service or the entire tower must be declared out of service.

It is noted that the Twb to allow a fan to be placed out of service is greater 00 than the UHS design basis Twb given in 3.6. This is because the WCT can Wo cool the basin water lower than the WCT basin temperature specified in 04 Technical Specifications 3/4.7.4 (See 3.6).



3.1 FSAR Chapter 9 - Auxiliary Systems 3.2 Technical Specification 3/4.7.4 - Ultimate Heat Sink 3.3 Specification 1564.86 - Dry Cooling Towers 3.4 Specification 1564.114A - Wet Cooling towers 3.5 Calculation MNQ9-52, Ultimate Heat Sink Performance 3.6 Calculation ECM95-008, Ultimate Heat Sink Design Basis 00 3.7 Technical Document TD-ZO10.0025, Zurn Industries Technical Document oLU 3.8 Calculation ECI91-029, Meteorological Tower Uncertainty 3.9 Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual - Eighth Edition 3.10 Cooling Tower Institute (CTI) Code ATC-105


-WMR 4.0 INPUT CRITERIA 00 cO 4.1 UHS Design Basis (Ref. 3.6) I 0

LU Dry Bulb Temperature (Tdb) - 102 0 F Wet Bulb Temperature (Twb) - 78 0 F DCT CCW Inlet Temperature - 166.68°F DCT CCW Outlet Temperature - 132.06°F lui DCT Heat Duty - 117.36 x 106 BTU/hr WCT ACCW Outlet Temperature - 89.3 0 F co 00 WCT Heat Duty - 62.94 x 106 BTU/hr WCT Accident Flow Rate - 5350 gpm LU WCT Cooling Range - 23.71 OF Reference 3.6 uses a WCT ACCW Outlet Temperature of 89.3 0 F. Using the Tech. Spec. limit of 89.0°F conservatively decreases the wet bulb temperature at CI which 8, 6, and 4 fans must be operable in section 7.2 00 Lu 4.2 DCT Fan Design (Ref. 3.3)

Number of Fans - 15 Fan Capacity - 196,000 CFM ea.

00 Co 4.3 WCT Fan Design (Ref. 3.4) 1 0

LU Number of Fans -8 Fan Brake Horsepower - 28.8 hp ea. co 4.4 Zurn Industries WCT Performance Curves - Outlet Temperature vs. Wet Bulb Temperature as a function of Cooling Range. (Ref. 3.7) 04 (N

Reference 3.5 utilizes margin from the UHS start-up test as the technical basis LU for UHS fan inoperability. The margin captured during the UHS start-up test is the allowable fouling incorporated into the equipment design. This calculation will retain the allowable fouling for Dry Cooling Tower (DCT) and Wet Cooling Tower (WCT) by analyzing the equipment using manufacturer design data.

4.5 Hot Air Recirculation Effect (Ref. 3.6) 1 00 LU Dry Bulb Temperature - 1.9°F Wet Bulb Temperature - 1.0°F 4.6 Equations and properties are taken from Reference 3.9 LU

T WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ENGINEERING ECM95-009 Rev. 2 Page 5 of14 5.0 ASSUMPTIONS 5.1 Although some cooling will take place without the DCT fans operating, It is assumed that DCT performance is directly proportional to the number of fans running 5.2 This calculation uses WCT performance curves that are the expected WCT performance. These expected performance curves were demonstrated as conservative during plant start-up. The WCT actual performance is provided in Reference 3.5. ,-

04 5.3 Linear interpolation will be used to determine the wet bulb temperatures (Twb) w at the adjusted WCT flow rate due to fans out of service. If the WCT adjusted flow is not in the range of the performance curves, Microsoft Excel "Regression" Analysis will be used using three WCT flow rates.

5.4 WCT inlet air density based on 80% relative humidity (44. ,

00 5.5 Covers will be placed on out-of-service fans to prevent recirculation. I 0

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 6 of 14 6.0 METHOD OF ANALYSIS 6.1 Reference 3.5 Amendment I adds additional heat load to the CCW heat exchanger (CCWHx) when UHS fans are inoperable. Since the UHS design basis, Reference 3.6, determines the minimum CCWHx fouling, adding w additional heat duty to the CCWHx would decrease this value. This calculation will analyze the Dry Cooling Tower (DCT) and Wet Cooling Tower (WCT) separately in order not to affect the CCWHx design basis fouling.

6.2 The DCT air outlet (Airout) temperature will be calculated using the design basis DCT heat duty of 117.36 x 106 BTU/hr at an air inlet of 103.9°F; the UHS design basis dry bulb temperature (Tdb) plus hot air recirculation effect. 0 The maximum Tdb with one and three DCT fans out of service is calculated w using the conservation of energy at the DCT calculated Airout temperature.

This result is reduced by 1.9°F to account for hot air recirculation.

(Sec. 4.1, 4.5)o00 04 6.3 Linear equations can be derived to describe the WCT performance since the w WCT performance curves assume a linear relationship (y = mx +b). Using the "Regression" Tool in Microsoft Excel, the slope and intercept of the WCT performance curves at flow rates of 3250 gpm, 5850 gpm, 6500 gpm and 7150 gpm are calculated. Using these equations, the wet bulb temperatures (Twb) to maintain an ACCW outlet temperature of 89.0°F at the WCT design cooling range will be calculated at WCT flow rates of 3250 gpm, 5850 gpm, 6500 gpm and 7150 gpm. (Ref. 3.7, Sec. 4.1)._o 04 6.4 Per CTI Code ATC-105, WCT inlet flow is proportional to [fan brake w horsepower] 1/3. Adjusting the WCT inlet flow with fans out of service, the maximum Twb with two and four WCT fans out of service is calculated by 'IT interpolating the results in Section 7.2 at the adjusted WCT inlet flow. This N 00 result is reduced by 1.0°F to account for hot air recirculation.

(Ref. 3.10, Sec. 4.5) W 6.5 WCT Fans out of service are analyzed assuming each cell has the same number of fans out. This is done such that the air flow through each cell is the same. If the air flow is not the same through each cell then a revisedo methodology is required; a fan only affects the airflow through its respective cell. If four fans are taken out of service in one cell then there will be no air L flow through the cell and therefore tower capability will be reduced by at least 50%

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 7 of 14 7.0 CALCULATION 7.1 DCT Fan Requirements for Various Dry Bulb Temperatures (Tdb) 7.1.1 Tdb for One DCT Fan Inoperable Determine Airout at Design Conditions Q = mCp(Tin-Tout) or (CFM)(60)(p)(Cp)(Tin-Tout)

Solving for Tout Tout = Tin + (Q/((CFM)(60)(p)(Cp)))


Tout = Air Outlet Temperature (Airout-°F)

Tin = 103.9°F - Air Inlet Temperature (Input 4.1, 4.5) C14

'cl Q = 117.36 x 106 BTU/hr - Heat Transfer Required (Input 4.1) (NO 04 p = 0.0705 Ibm/ft 3 - Dry Air Density @ 103.9°F CFM = 196,000 CFM/Fan or 2,940,000 CFM - 15 Fans (Input 4.2)

Cp = 0.24 BTU/Ibm - 'F co UJ Tout = 103.9 + (117.36 x 106 / (2940000*60*0.24*0.0705))

04 Tout = 143.22°F 0o 04 To determine the maximum Tdb with one fan inoperable, the Airout Lu temperature of 143.22°F calculated at design conditions will remain the same. Assuming that DCT performance is directly proportional to the number of fans running, Tdb with one fan inoperable is calculated using the conservation of energy where:

Tin = Tout - (Q/((CFM)(60)(p)(Cp)))


Tin = Tdb - Air Inlet Temperature 04 Tout = 143.22°F - Air Outlet Temperature co Q = 117.36 x 106 BTU/hr - Heat Transfer Required (Input 4.1)

CFM = 196,000 CFM/Fan or 2,744,000 CFM - 14 Fans (Input 4.2) 04 p = 0.0708 Ibm/ft3 Air Density @ 101°F (Assumed) co CP = 0.24 BTU/Ibm - 'F (NO Tin = 143.22 - (117.36 x 106 / (2744000*60*0.0708*0.24))

Tin = 101.26°F ; 101°F assumed for air density 0 w


Accounting for the hot air recirculation effect, Tdb for one fan inoperable is reduced by 1.9°F or = 99.36°F = 99.3°F (assumed for conservatism).

7.1.2 Tdb for Three DCT Fans Inoperable To determine the maximum Tdb with three fans inoperable, the Airout 0o temperature of 143.22°F calculated at design conditions will remain the same. Assuming that DCT performance is directly proportional to the number U Lu of fans running, Tdb with three fans inoperable is calculated using the conservation of energy where:

Tin = Tout - (Q/((CFM)(60)(p)(Cp)))


Tin = Tdb - Air Inlet Temperature Tout = 143.22°F - Air Outlet Temperature (Sec. 7.1.1)

Q = 117.36 x 106 BTU/hr - Heat Transfer Required (Input 4.1)

CFM = 196,000 CFM/Fan or 2,352,000 CFM - 12 Fans (Input 4.2) p = 0.0716 Ibm/ft3 Air Density @ 95 0 F (Assumed)

Cp = 0.24 BTU/Ibm - 0F  :. 00 Tin = 143.22- (117.36 x 106 / (2352000*60*0.0716*0.24)) 0 0 U Tin = 94.82°F 95°F assumed for air density Accounting for the hot air recirculation effect, Tdb for three fans inoperable is reduced by 1.9 0 F or = 92.92°F; 92.9 0 F (assumed for conservatism)..

7.2 WCT Fan Requirements for Various Wet Bulb Temperatures (Twb) 04 7.2.1 Determine Twb for Various WCT Flow Rates at a Cooling Range 00 of 23.71°F and a ACCWout Temperature of 89.0°F. (Input 4.1)


LU Two data points, Wet Bulb Temperature (Twb) and ACCW outlet temperature (ACCWout), for cooling ranges of 17 0 F and 22°F at ACCW flow rates of 3250gpm, 5850 gpm, 6500 gpm and 7150 gpm were obtained from the Zurn WCT performance curves. The slope and intercept of these curves were calculated using Microsoft Excel Regression Analysis. The printouts are ,q provided in Attachment 8.1. Using these equations, the Twb at these flow rates is calculated at a WCT cooling range of 23.71°F and an ACCW outlet (ACCWout) temperature of 89.0°F. The results are provided below.(Input 4.1, 4.4)

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 9 of 14 ACCW Flow Rate of 3250 gpm Cooling ASlope Alntercept Range Slope Intercept ---Ref. - 17'F Range---

(OF) (TWb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) (Twb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) 17 0.875 13.0 N/A N/A 22 0.875 13.5 0.0 0.5 ASlope / 'F Cooling Range = 0.0 Alntercept / °F Cooling Range = 0.1 From the above table, the linear equation at an ACCW flow rate of 3250 gpm that fits the WCT performance as a function of Cooling Range between 170 F and 22 0 F is described below:

ACCWout = (0.875- 0.0(AT - 17))TWb + (13.0 + 0.1(AT - 17))

Solving for Twb for a WCT cooling range (AT) of 23.71°F to maintain an ACCWout temperature of 89.0°F yields: (Input 4.1) co T-)

89.0 = (0.875- 0.0"(23.71 - 17))Twb +.(13.0 + 0.1(23.71- 17)) 0J Twb = 86.09'F @ 3250 gpm ACCW Flow Rate of 5850 gpm Cooling ASIope Alntercept Range Slope Intercept ---Ref. - 17 0 F Range---

(OF) (Twb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) (Twb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) 17 0.692 33.462 N/A N/A 22 0.654 37.769 -0.038 4.307 ASIope / OF Cooling Range = -0.0076 Alntercept / °F Cooling Range = 0.8614 From the above table, the linear equation at an ACCW flow rate of 5850 gpm that fits the WCT performance as a function of Cooling Range between 17 0 F and 22 0 F is described below:

ACCWout = (0.692 - 0.0076(AT - 17))Twb + (33.462 + 0.8614(AT - 17))

00 uJ

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 10 of14 EINNEIGae1o Solving for Twb for a WCT cooling range (AT) of 23.71°F to maintain an ACCWout temperature of 89.0°F yields: (Input 4.1) 89.0 = (0.692 - 0.0076(23.71 - 17))Twb + (33.462 + 0.8614(23.71 - 17))

Twb = 77.63°F @ 5850 gpm (NI co C,4 ACCW Flow Rate of 6500 gpm 0 w

Cooling ASIope Alntercept Range Slope Intercept ---Ref. - 17'F Range---

(OF) (Twb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) (Twb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) 17 0.635 39.673 N/A N/A 22 0.596 44.231 -0.039 4.558 ASIope / OF Cooling Range = -0.0078 Alntercept / OF Cooling Range = 0.9116 From the above table, the linear equation at an ACCW flow rate of 6500 gpm that fits the WCT performance as a function of Cooling Range between 17 0 F and 22°F is described below:

ACCWout = (0.635 - 0.0078(AT - 17))Twb + (39.673 + 0.9116(AT - 17))

Solving for Tvb for a WCT cooling range (AT) of 23.71°F to maintain an ACCWout temperature of 89.0'F yields: (Input 4.1) 89.0 = (0.635 - 0.0078(23.71 - 17))TWb + (39.673 + 0.9116(23.71 - 17))

Twb = 74.16'F @ 6500 gpm ACCW Flow Rate of 7150 gpm Cooling ASlope Alntercept Range Slope Intercept ---Ref. - 170 F Range---

(OF) (Twb-° F) (ACCWout-°F) (Twb-°F) (ACCWout-°F) 17 0.615 42.577 N/A N/A 22 0.577 47.385 - 0.038 4.808 00 u4J w-ASlope / 'F Cooling Range = -0.0076 Alntercept / OF Cooling Range = 0.9616

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 11 of 14 From the above table, the linear equation at an ACCW flow rate of 7150 gpm that fits the WCT performance as a function of Cooling Range between 170 F and 22°F is described below:

ACCWOUt = (0.615 - 0.0076(AT - 17))Twb + (42.577 + 0.9616(AT - 17))

Solving for Twb for a WCT cooling range (AT) of 23.71°F to maintain an ACCWout temperature of 89.0°F yields: (Input 4.1) 0o uJ 89.0 = (0.615 - 0.0076(23.71 - 17))Twb + (42.577 + 0.9616(23.71 - 17))

TWb = 70.87°F @ 7150 gpm 7.2.2 Twb for Two WCT Fan Inoperable (1 fan per cell)

Determine Adjusted WCT Flow with One Fan Inoperable per Cell Adj Flow = Des"Fl4 Des.FanHP Adj)


AdJ.anHP (Des~p where:

Des Flow = 5350 gpm - ACCW Design Flow (Input 4.1)

Des. Fan HP = 28.8HP / Fan or 230.4 HP - 8 Fans (Input 4.3)

Adj. Fan HP = 172.8 HP- 6 Fans Adj. p = 0.071 Ibm/ft3 @ Twb = 78 0 F - 80% 4 (Assumed)

Des. p = 0.071 Ibm/ft3 @ Twb = 79°F - 80%

Adj Flow = 53 230.4) i0.071)

S172.8 001 Adj. Flow = 5888.44 gpm By linear interpolation, Twb @ 5888.44 = (5888.44 - 5850)*(Twb @6500 - Twb @ 5850)+ Twb @ 5850 (6500 - 5850)

Twb = (0.0591)*(74.16 - 77.63) + 77.63 (Sec. 7.2.1)

Twb = 77.4°F z 78°F assumed for air density

  • WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ENGINEERING ECM95-009 Rev. 2 Page 12 of 14 Accounting for the hot air recirculation effect, Twb for one fan inoperable per cell is reduced by 1.0°F or = 76.42°F -76.4°F (assumed for conservatism).

(Input 4.5) 7.2.3 Twb for Four WCT Fans Inoperable (2 per cell)

Determine Adjusted WCT Flow with Two Fans Inoperable per Cell 3 3 Adj Flow = Des.Flo Des.FanHP .

Adj.EanHP )~Des.p) where:

Des Flow = 5350 gpm - ACCW Design Flow (Input 4.1)

CO Des. Fan HP = 28.8HP / Fan or 230.4 HP - 8 Fans (Input 4.3) ,c...

co 00 Adj. Fan HP = 115.2 HP- 4 Fans u.J Adj. p = 0.072 Ibm/ft3 @ Twb = 74 0 F - 80% * (Assumed) LU Des. p = 0.071 Ibm/ft3 @ Twb = 79°F - 80%

I I Adj Flow:= 5350\ 230.4)3(0.072)-3 115.2J 0.071-*

Adj. Flow = 6772.1 gpm By linear interpolation, TWb @ 6772.1 = (6772.1- 6500)*(Twb @7150 - Twb @ 6500)+ Twb @ 6500 (7150 - 6500)

Twb = (0.4186)*(70.87 - 74.16) + 74.16 (Sec. 7.2.1)

Twb = 72.8 0 F z 74°F assumed for air density Accounting for the hot air recirculation effect, Twb for four fans inoperable (2 per cell) is reduced by 1.0°F or = 71.78 0 F= 71.7 0 F (assumed for conservatism). (Input 4.5)

a WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ENGINEERING ECM95-009 Rev. 2 Page 13 of 14 7.3 Fan Operability Requirements for Various Ambient Conditions The Tables below provide the minimum DCT and WCT fans for various ambient conditions.

Dry Cooling Tower Total Fans Total Fans Ambient Condition Total Fan Inoperable Operable Tdb > 99.3 0 F 15 0 15 Tdb*< 99.3 0 F & > 92.9°F 15 1 14 Tdb*_< 92.9 0 F 15 3 12 Wet Cooling Tower Total Fans Total Fans Ambient Condition Total Fans Inoperable Operable Twb > 76.4 0 F 8* 0 8 Twb-- 76.4 0 F & > 71.7 0 F 8 2 (1/cell) 6 Twb-< 71.7 0 F 8 4 (2/cell) 4

  • It is note that the TWb to allow a fan to be placed out of service is greater than the UHS design basis Twb given in reference 3.6. This is caused by the WCT basin temperature being maintained cooler than the temperature specified in Technical Specifications 3/4.7.4 assuming the design basis meteorological condition of 102°Fdb / 78°Fwb. See Reference 3.6.

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Page 14 of 14 8.0 ATTACHMENTS 8.1 Microsoft Excel Regression Analysis (1 pages)

WATERFORD 3 DESIGN ECM95-009 Rev. 2 ENGINEERING Attachment 8.1

,--. Page 1 of I iNwruMm Wet Cooling Tower Performance Curves - Regression Analysis Flow= 3250 gpm Flow = 3250 gpm Flow = 5850 gpm Flow= 5850 gpm Range= 17 'F Range= 22 °F Range= 17 °F Range= 22 °F T, ACCWout T* ACCWout Tt ACCWout T*, ACCWout

(°F) (°F) ('F) (°FF) () (F) (°F) (°F)

Point 1 80 Point 1 80 83.5 Point 1 73 84 Point 1 73 85.5 Point 2 g9o7 5 Point 2 90 92.25 Point 2 86 93 Point 2 86 94 REGRESSION








OUTPUT Intercept X Variable 1 Intercept X Variable 1 Intercept X Variable 1 Int~rcznt I X Vh~ri~hlI 1 Coefficients 13.000 0.635 Coefficients 13.500 0.875 Coefficients 33.462 0.692 Coefficients 37.769 .654 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 Standard Error 0.000 6.000 t Stat 65535 65535 t Stat 65535 65535 t Stat 65535 65535 tStat 65535 65535 P-value #NUM! #NUM! P-value #NUM! #NUM! P-value #NUM! #NUM! P-value #NUM! #NUM!

Lower 95% 13.000 0.875 Lower 95% 13.500 0.875 Lower 95% 33.462 0.692 Lower 95% 37.769 0.654 Upper 95% 13.000 0.875 Upper 95% 13.500 0.875 Upper 95% 33.462 0.692 Upper 95% 37.769 0.654 Lower 95.0% 13.000 0.875 Lower 95.0% 13.500 0.875 Lower 95.0% 33.462 0.692 Lower 95.0% 37.769 0.654 Upper 95.0% 13.000 0.875 Upper 95.0% 13.500 0.875 Upper 95.0% 33.462 0.692 Upper 95.0% 37.769 0.654 Flow = 6500 gpm Flow = 6500 gpm Flow 7150 gpm Flow = 7150 gpm Range = 17 °F Range = 22 °F Range= 17 °F Range = 22 -F T,,,* ACCWout T,, ACCWout Tb ACCWout T*b ACCWout

(°.F) (°F) C°F) (°F) (°F) (F (°F) (F Point 1 73 Point 1 73 87.75 1 Point 1 73 87 Point 1 73 95.5 Point 2 86 I 97 Point 2 866 425 Point 2 86 95.5 Point 2 86 95 REGRESSION








OUTPUT Intercept X Variable 1 Intercept X Variable 1 Intercept X Variable 1 Intercept X Variable 1 Coefficients 39.673 0.635 Coefficients 44.321 0.596 Coefficients 42.577 0.615 Coefficients 47.385 0.577 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 Standard Error 0.000 0.000 t Stat 65535 65535 t Stat 65535 65535 t Stat 65535 65535 t Stat 65535 65535 P-value #NUM! #NUM! P-value #NUM! #NUM! P-value #NUM! #NUM! P-value #NUM! #NUM!

Lower 95% 39.673 0.635 Lower 95% 44.321 0.596 Lower 95% 42.577 0.615 Lower 95% 47.385 0.577 Upper 95% 39.673 0.635 Upper 95% 44.321 0.596 Upper 95% 42.577 0.615 Upper 95% 47.385 0.577 Lower 95.0% 39.673 0.635 Lower 95.0% 44.321 0.596 Lower 95.0% 42.577 0.615 Lower 95.0% 47.385 0.577 Upper 95.0% 39.673 0.635 Upper 95.0% 44.321 0.596 Upper 95.0% 42.577 0.615 Upper 95.0% 47.385 0.577