Pages that link to "05000266/LER-1973-001"
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The following pages link to 05000266/LER-1973-001:
Displayed 50 items.
- 05000266/LER-2015-001, Inadequately Sealed Pipe Penetrations Result in Unanalyzed Condition for Internal Flooding (← links)
- 05000266/LER-2012-001 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-2004-001 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-2007-002 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-2001-004 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-2001-003 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-2001-002 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-2001-001 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1982-030, Forwards LER 82-030/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1978-012, Forwards LER 78-012/01X-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1978-014, Forwards LER 78-014/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1982-078, Forwards LER 82-078/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1983-001, Forwards LER 83-001/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1982-021, Forwards LER 82-021/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1982-016, Forwards LER 82-016/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1982-015, Forwards LER 82-015/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1982-022, Forwards LER 82-022/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1982-019, Forwards LER 82-019/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1982-018, Forwards LER 82-018/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1995-003, Forwards LER 95-003 Re Inadvertent EDG Start (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1982-025, Forwards LER 82-025/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1982-024, Forwards LER 82-024/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1983-003, Forwards LER 83-003/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1982-026, Forwards LER 82-026/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1982-012, Forwards LER 82-012/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1993-001, Revised LER 93-001-00:on 930107,all 4,160 Volt Degraded Grid Voltage Protection Channels Declared Inoperable Due to Discovery That Settings for Relays on Subj Channels Being Too Low.Plant Mods Will Be Made (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1988-003, Summarizes Corrective Action Update for LER 88-003-00 on 880328.Revised Procedures Re Undervoltage Relays,Contacts & Operating Coils for Associated Slave Relays.Channel Design Reviewed.Refueling Test Procedure Modified (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1997-039, Forwards LER 97-039-00 Re RHR Loop Inoperable,Due to Inoperable CCW Pump.New Commitments within Rept Indicated in Italics (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1988-008, Informs That Mod to LER 88-008-00 Would Provide Redundant Feedwater Termination in Event of Main Steam Line Break Inside Containment.If Mod Not Completed on Unit 2 During Fall Outage,Mod Will Be Delayed Until Fall 1990 Outage (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1950-266, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-266/97-07 & 50-301/97-07.Corrective actions:30-day Security LER 50-266/97-S01-00,was Submitted to Commission on 970304 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1992-002, Forwards Response to NRC 921116 Request for Info Re CCW Sys & Ccvs,Per LER 92-002-00 & GL 83-28.Info Covers Classification of Auxiliary Sys Necessary to Ensure Safe Plant Shutdown (← links)
- 05000266/LER-2021-001, Main Feedwater Pump Trip Results in Manual Reactor Trip (← links)
- 05000266/LER-2020-001, Re Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary Leak on Steam Generator Bowl Drain Line Results in Operation Prohibited by Technical Specifications (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1998-017, :on 980512,discovered Deficient Welds on B Loop Rrtd Piping Pipe Whip Restraint.Caused by Support Being Cut & Partially Removed During Plant Mod MR 84-284.Deficient Welds Were Repaired,Inspected & Confirmed to Perform (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1998-016, :on 980427,refueling Sys Interlock Testing Did Not Match That of FSAR Description.Caused by More Literal & Restrictive Interpretation of Description in Fsar.Revised ORT-15 to Include Items Discussed in FSAR Section 9.5 (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1989-006, :on 890505,automatic Actuation of motor-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps Occurred.Caused by Cognitive Personnel Error Concerning Projected Plant Conditions.Sys Response Evaluated (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1989-005, :on 890503,inoperability of Low Temp Overpressure Protection Sys Using Nitrogen Gas Discovered. Caused by Inadequate post-mod Testing.Nitrogen Regulators Moved to Location Near PORVs (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1998-014, :on 980417,ESF Actuation Automatic Start of Swp Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Procedure That Failed to Provide Info on Expected Start of Swps P32A & P32B.Revised Procedure Iwp 95-048-02 to Provide Necessary Info (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1998-013, :on 980416,discovered That Discharge Pressure Indicator Root Valves for Containment Spray Pumps Were Not Shut as Required.Caused by Failure to Maintain Adequate Configuration Control.Shut Subject Root Valves (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1989-007, :on 890625, Loss of Feedwater Turbine Trip Blocked Status Light Illuminated on Control Board 1-C03. Cause unknown.P-20 Bistable Alarm Module Replaced (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1989-004, :on 890421,discovered Nonconservative Analysis of Transfer to Containment Sump Recirculation Mode.Caused by Inadequate Analysis of Interruption of ECCS Flow During Large Break LOCA Scenario.Night Order Issued (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1989-002-01, :on 890412,during Type C Containment Leak Rate Testing,Charging Sys Check Valve 1-370 Discovered Leaking in Excess of Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Bent Dowel Pin in Valve Disc.Valve Repaired & Restored (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1998-012, :on 980330,discovered That twenty-seven Containment Penetration Pressure Tests Had Not Been Performed.Caused by Inadequate Program Monitoring & Mgt. Submitted Relief Request & Initiated Root Cause Evaluation (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1989-003, :on 890601,injection of High Artificial High Radiation Signal Failed to Close Containment Isolation Valve.Defective Solenoid Valve Controlling Air to Isolation Valve Air Operator Replaced (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1989-001-01, :on 890322,emergency Diesel Generator & Both Trains of Containment Spray Sys Inoperable During Power Operation of Both Reactors.Caused by Personnel Error. Containment Spray Sys Restored to Operation (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1987-005-01, :on 871121,reactor Coolant Pressure Decreased Resulting in Reactor Trip Due to Low Pressurizer Pressure. Caused by Spray Valve Failure.Broken Solder Connection Repaired & Pilot Valve Steam Replaced (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1998-010-01, Forwards LER 98-010-01,re Containment Spray Channel Functional Testing.Commitments Made within Ltr,Encl (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1998-015, :on 980420,containment Fan Cooler Test Results Were Noted Outside Acceptance Criteria.Cause Is Under Evaluation.Pressure Washing of Air Side of Cooling Coils for All Four Unit 1 CFCs Has Been Completed (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1998-019, :on 980615,discovered That Containment Hydrogen Monitors Lacked Environmentally Qualified Coating on Terminal Strips.Caused by Terminal Strips Being Disturbed W/O Subsequent Reapplication of Coating.Replaced Coating (← links)
- 05000266/LER-1998-018, :on 980528,missed Surveillances for App J Testing of Containment Electrical Penetrations Occurred. Caused by Valve Discovered on Electrical Penetrations Inside Containment.Electrical Penetration Vent Valves Modified (← links)