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 Issue dateTitle
ML15124A42720 April 2015Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for January Through December 2014
ML14339A65324 November 2014Updated Safety Analysis Report (Usar), Rev 25 - Appendix B - Special Design Procedures
IR 05000305/201300312 July 2013IR 05000305-13-003; 04/01/2013 - 05/31/203; Kewaunee Power Station, NRC Integrated Inspection
IR 05000305/201300214 May 2013IR 05000305-13-002, on 01/01/2013 - 03/31/2013, Kewaunee Power Station (Kps); Equipment Alignment, Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control, and Identification and Resolution of Problems
IR 05000305/20120058 February 2013IR 05000305-12-005, 10/01/2012 - 13/31/2012, Kewaunee Power Station; Adverse Weather Protection, Equipment Alignment, and Maintenance of Emergency Preparedness
IR 05000305/20120045 November 2012IR 05000305-12-004, 07/01/12 - 09/30/2012, Kewaunee Power Station NRC Integrated Inspection Report
IR 05000305/20120039 August 2012IR 05000305-12-003, 04/01/2012 - 06/30/2012, Kewaunee Power Station; Plant Modifications, Outage Activities, Identification and Resolution of Problems, and Follow Up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion
ML12160A07029 May 2012Summary of Facility Changes, Tests and Experiments and Summary of Commitment Changes
IR 05000305/201200210 May 2012IR 05000305-12-002, on 01/01/2012 - 03/31/2012, Kewaunee Power Station (Kps); Post-Maintenance Testing; Surveillance Testing; and Follow-Up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion
ML12125A2793 May 2012Inservice Inspection Program Fourth Ten-Year Interval 10 CFR 50.55a Request No. RR-2-4
ML12123A2701 May 2012Inservice Inspection Program Fourth Ten-Year Interval Supplement to 10 CFR 50.55a Request No. RR-2-3
ML12128A35326 April 20122011 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
IR 05000305/20110056 February 2012IR 05000305-11-005, on 10/01/2011 - 12/31/2011, Kewaunee Power Station, NRC Integrated Inspection Report
IR 05000305/20110049 November 2011IR 05000305-11-004, on 7/01/2011 - 9/30/2011, Kewaunee Power Station, Fire Protection, Maintenance Effectiveness, Surveillance Testing, Event Followup, and Other Activities
ML11318A2058 November 2011Response to Request for Additional Information: License Amendment Request 244, Proposed Revision to Radiological Accident Analysis and Control Room Envelope Habitability Technical Specifications
ML11252A65730 August 2011License Amendment Request 244, Evaluation of New Proposed Manual Actions, Attachment 5
ML11252A65130 August 2011License Amendment Request 244, Discussion of Change, Safety Evaluation, Significant Hazards Determination and Environmental Considerations, Attachment 1
IR 05000305/201100328 July 2011IR 05000305-11-003, 4/01/2011 - 6/30/2011; Kewaunee Power Station; Maintenance Effectiveness, Operability Evaluations, and Identification and Resolution of Problems
ML11222A12325 July 2011License Amendment Request 244: Proposed Revision to Radiological Accident Analysis and Control Room Envelope Habitability Technical Specifications
ML11159A0221 June 2011Summary of Facility Changes, Tests, and Experiments and Summary of Commitment Changes
IR 05000305/201100226 April 2011IR 05000305-11-002, on 01/01/2011 - 03/31/2011, Kewaunee Power Station
ML11046067215 February 20112011 Kewaunee Power Station Initial License Examination Administered SRO Written Examination
ML11046046311 February 20112011 Kewaunee Power Station Initial License Examination Proposed SRO Written Examination
IR 05000305/20100054 February 2011IR 05000305-10-005, on 10/01/2010 - 12/31/2010, Kewaunee Power Station, Annual Heat Sink Performance, Operability Evaluations, and Surveillance Testing
ML1033605042 February 2011Part 002 ME2139 Safety Evaluation and Safety Evaluation Attachments
IR 05000305/20100043 November 2010IR 05000305-10-004, on 07/01/2010 - 09/30/2010, Kewaunee Power Station, Equipment Alignment, Maintenance Effectiveness, Modifications, Surveillance and Testing, and Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
ML1022904209 August 2010License Amendment Request 244: Proposed Revision to Radiological Accident Analysis and Control Room Envelope Habitability Technical Specifications
IR 05000305/201000321 July 2010IR 05000305-10-003, on 04/01/2010 - 06/30/2010, Kewaunee Power Station, Adverse Weather Protection
ML10237038816 July 2010Enclosure, Q&A to Attachment 1, Vol 10 (Section 3.5)
ML10237038716 July 2010Enclosure, Q&A to Attachment 1 Vol. 7 (Section 3.2)
IR 05000305/20090058 February 2010IR 05000305-09-005, on 10/01/2009 - 12/31/2009; Kewaunee Power Station; Inservice Inspection Activities; Operability Evaluations; Outage Activities; and Surveillance Testing
IR 05000305/200900413 November 2009IR 05000305-09-004 on 07/01/2009 - 09/30/2009 for Kewaunee Power Station
IR 05000305/200900712 November 2009IR 05000305-09-007, on 08/17/2009 - 09/30/2009, Kewaunee Power Station, License Renewal Inspection
ML09292002916 October 2009Kewaunee - Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding NRC Generic Letter 2008-01
IR 05000305/20090035 August 2009IR 05000305-09-003, on 04/01/2009 - 06/30/2009, Kewaunee Power Station, Operability Evaluations, Component Design Bases Inspection, Surveillance Testing; and Follow Up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion
ML0914904808 June 2009Ro/Sro Written Examination and Answer Keys - Kewaunee, April 23, 2009
IR 05000305/20090028 May 2009IR 05000305-09-002, on 01/01/2009 - 03/31/2009; Kewaunee Power Station, Flooding, Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control, and Follow Up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion
ML09216041313 April 20092009 Kewaunee Initial Examination Proposed Written Examination
IR 05000305/200800410 November 2008IR 05000305-08-004; on 07/01/2008 - 09/30/2008; Kewaunee Power Station; Operability Evaluations; and Follow Up of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion
ML08288070714 October 2008Kewaunee, Nine-Month Response to NRC Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation in Emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal and Containment Spray Systems
ML08135069214 May 2008IR 05000305-08-002; on 01/01/2008 - 03/31/2008; Kewaunee Power Station; Equipment Alignment and Post-Maintenance Testing
ML0803500531 February 2008Response to NRC Questions Regarding License Amendment Request 215, Modification of Internal Flooding Design Basis.
IR 05000305/20070061 June 2007IR 05000305-07-006, on 01/29/2007 - 03/02/2007; Kewaunee Power Station; Component Design Basis Inspection (CDBI)
ML0713804523 May 2007Reply to a Notice of Violation (EA-07-058)
ML0710200805 April 2007Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request 230, Emergency Diesel Generator Short-Time Load Testing.
IR 05000305/200601522 September 2006IR 05000305-06-015, on 08/14/2006 - 8/18/2006; Kewaunee Power Station. Supplemental Inspection 95002, Inspection for One Degraded Cornerstone or Any Three White Inputs in a Strategic Performance Area
IR 05000305/20060073 July 2006IR 05000305-06-007 on 05/1/2006 - 05/24/2006; Kewaunee Power Station. Supplemental Inspection 95002, Inspection for One Degraded Cornerstone or Any Three White Inputs in a Strategic Performance Area
IR 05000305/200601014 June 2006IR 05000305-06-010; Dominion Energy Kewaunee Inc; on 04/27/06 - 05/10/06; Kewaunee Power Station; Special Inspection for Unplanned Manual Trip of the Reactor
IR 05000305/20060022 May 2006IR 05000305-06-002; 01/01/2006 - 03/31/2006; Kewaunee Power Station. Adverse Weather Protection, Operability Evaluations, Permanent Plant Modifications, Problem Identification and Resolution
ML0609500943 April 2006North Anna Units 1 and 2, and Surry Units 1 and 2, Response to Generic Letter 2006-02, Grid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk and the Operability of Offsite Power