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 Issue dateTitle
IR 05000312/201400720 August 2014IR 050003122014007, on 06/23-25/2014 - 07/28-30/2014, Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station, NRC Inspection Report
IR 05000312/20080049 January 2009IR 050-00312-08-004 on 10/27/2008 - 12/11/2008 for Sacramento Municipal Utility District
IR 05000312/200700416 November 2007IR 05000312-07-004, on 10/15-18/2007, Rancho Seco, Decommissioning Activities
IR 05000312/20060046 December 2006NRC IR 05000312-06-004; Sacramento Municipal Utility District; Inspection Conducted 11/13 - 11/16/2006 at the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station
IR 05000312/200500418 November 2005IR 05000312-05-004, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Energy Supply, 10/31/ Through 11/03/2005 Inspection Conducted at Licensee'S Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station
IR 05000312/20050013 March 2005IR 05000312-05-001, on 01/31-02/03/05; Sacramento Municipal Utility District; Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station. Decommissioning Report; No Violations
ML0433703181 December 2004IR 05000312-04-004 & 07200011-04-004, on 10/05/04 to 10/28/04,Energy Supply, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station
IR 05000312/200300321 October 2003IR 05000312-03-003 and IR 07200011-03-002, on 09/22 -25/03; Sacramento Municipal Utility District; Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station. Decommissioning Report; No Violations