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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
ML0927505171 October 2009Pickett D
Plant Licensing Branch I
E-mail Ginna Acceptance Review of IST Relief RequestsAcceptance Review
ML0927501286 October 2009Pickett D
Plant Licensing Branch I
Request for Additional Information Relief Request No. PR-01, Revision 0 for the Fifth 10-Year Inservice Testing Interval -R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power PlantRAI
ML09357017330 December 2009Nancy Salgado
Plant Licensing Branch I
Alternative Requests for Fifth 10-Year Pump and Valve Inservice Testing Program-R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power PlantAcceptance Review
ML10006011119 January 2010Pickett D
Plant Licensing Branch I
Correction Letter to Alternative Requests for Fifth 10-Year Pump and Valve Inservice Testing Program-R. E. GinnaOther