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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
ML05059008524 February 2005AmerGen
Swenson C
Technical Specification Change Request No. 319 - Revision to Table 3.1.1 Notes Aa and Bb Regarding Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water Pump and Service Water Pump Trip ConditionsOther
ML05137011411 April 2005Dept of Environmental Protection
State of NJ
Bureau of Nuclear Engineering
Tosch K
Technical Specification Change Request No. 319 Revision to Table 3.1.1 Notes Aa and Bb Regarding Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water Pump and Service Water Pump Trip ConditionsOther
ML05178025623 June 2005NRC/NRR/DLPMTech Spec Pages for Amendment, Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water Pump and Service Water Pump Trip ConditionsOther
ML05145058223 June 2005Tam P
License Amendment, Revised the Technical Specifications, Section 3.1.1 Regarding Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water Pump and Service Water Pump Trip ConditionsOther