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ENS 4127822 December 2004 13:20:00

Representative of SCI Engineering located in St. Charles, MO reported the following incident: At approximately 1030 CST at a commercial job site in Warrenton, MO., a caterpillar truck ran over a Humboldt Model # 5100C moisture density gauge. The Humboldt case was cracked. The area around the damaged gauge has been roped off (50 feet from the gauge). The licensee did not know if the source rod had been broken off. R. M. Wester & Assoc. should be arriving shortly to take surveys and then take appropriate action based on their survey results. The gauge contains 11 millicuries of Cesium-137 and 40 millicuries of Am-241/Be. As far as the licensee knows there is no release. Warrenton is located about 30 miles West of St. Louis off of Interstate Highway 70.

  • * * Update at 1447 EST on 12/22/04 by William Guerdan to MacKinnon * * *

R. M. Wester completed surveys and the results of the surveys are: no leaks and no contamination of the gauge. Both sources are intact and the area around the gauge is clean. The vehicle that ran over the gauge is also clean. R. M. Wester & Assoc. have taken possession of the gauge and they will take back to their St. Peter, Mo. office and perform a leak test of the gauge. Leak test of the gauge should be completed by the close of business today, 12/22/04. R3DO (L.Kozak) and NMSS (S. Wastler) notified.

ENS 408019 June 2004 17:26:00An equipment operator backed up a vehicle (Bobcat) over a moisture density gauge at a construction project site located near the intersection of White Gate and West Clay streets in Saint Charles, Missouri. The density gauge was damaged but the gauge probe (rod) containing the source was inserted into the ground during the accident. The licensee followed emergency procedures and contacted their contractor to perform radiation surveys of the area. Initial measurements indicate that the sources are not leaking. Further leak tests will be performed on the damaged gauge. The licensee is planning on packaging and shipping the damaged density gauge to the manufacturer. The moisture density gauge is manufactured by Humboldt, series 5001 containing 10 millicuries of Cs-137 and 40 millicuries of Am-241:Be.