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 Entered dateEvent description
ENS 422991 February 2006 21:33:00

At approximately 18:55 CST, the site lost external communications. At 1937 CST, Duane Arnold declared an Unusual Event due to loss of communications to most offsite agencies. Communications with the county were operating via microwave however, other external communications were not working. The site believed that the loss was due to a "single microwave tower malfunction." The county was contacted directly and other offsite communications (including this event) were being made using a cell phone. The Headquarters Operation Officer was able to contact the Control Room using a commercial phone number. The plant is currently in day 2 of a 14 day RCIC LCO. At 22:35 EST, the site verified that they now have intermittent communications using commercial phone lines. The licensee will not exit the Unusual Event until they have restored communications and know the reason for losing communications. The NRC Resident Inspector is at the site.

  • * * UPDATE FROM GORDON TO KNOKE AT 02:23 EST ON 02/02/06 * * *

Duane Arnold terminated the Unusual Event at 01:00 CST. The licensee restored site communications by correcting the microwave tower malfunction. The ENS line became operable at 03:32 EST. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3DO (Riemer), NRR EO (Martin), IRD MOC (Leach), FEMA (Dunker), DHS (Christenson).