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ENS 4265921 June 2006 20:50:00A notification was made to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection of a discharge of approximately 6-10 gallons of Sodium Hypochlorite with a 15% chlorine concentration. The discharge occurred while returning the chlorination system to service following maintenance. The solution was discharged into the intake bay of an out-of-service circulating water pump that communicates with the Delaware River. A portable screen wash pump, that takes a suction on that bay, transported the chlorine to the intake pump traveling water screens and discharged to the Delaware River via the screen debris trough. Neither of these locations are New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection permitted outfalls. There was no out-of-service safety related equipment that contributed to this event. No one was injured as a result of this event. This event was caused when a floor drain plug was knocked loose during maintenance. This plug is being replaced. 8-10 fish were killed in the trough. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4256310 May 2006 04:36:00A notification was made to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection of a discharge of approximately 2000 gallons of water containing 30 parts per million (ppm) of hydrazine and 200 ppm of ammonia to the Delaware river, via the storm drain system. The source of the water was a relief valve on the Unit 1 Condensate System that resulted in the overflow of the condensate polisher building sump. The water migrated from the building to the storm drain system. The discharge was terminated at the time of discovery. There was no equipment out of service that contributed to this event and there were no personnel injuries or radiological occurrences associated with this event. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 423958 March 2006 14:08:00This 4-hour notification is being made in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(iv)(b). Salem Unit-1 reactor automatically tripped at 1109 (RPS actuation). The trip was initiated due to turbine trip. The cause of the turbine trip is being investigated. All safety systems functioned as designed with the exception of control rod 1SC1, which did not fully insert. 1SC1 indicates 16 steps. It should indicate zero steps when fully inserted. Auxiliary Feedwater pumps started as expected. Off-site power is available. Emergency diesel generators are available but not required at this time. During the implementation of the EOP's, a steam leak was reported in the Turbine Building. The Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIV's) were closed as a conservative measure. This is an 8-hour reportable occurrence in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(iv)(a). The leak was subsequently identified as a feedwater leak on the 11CN32 (11 Steam Generator Feed Pump suction valve). The Condensate System was placed in a normal shutdown line-up and the leak is not an impact to personnel safety or plant stability. Decay heat removal is via the atmospheric steam dumps at this time. The MSIV's are being bypassed to restore the main condenser as a heat sink. Salem Unit-1 is currently in Mode 3 with reactor coolant system temperature at approximately 549 deg F with pressure at 2235 psig. There was no equipment out of service that contributed to this event and there were no personnel injuries or radiological occurrences associated with this event. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector and will be making State and local notifications. A press release is expected.
ENS 412402 December 2004 21:39:00PSEG Nuclear announced, via a press release, that based on Delaware River conditions and the potential for oil from the Athos I oil tanker spill to reach the plant circulating and service water intake structures, it has been decided to take both units at the Salem Nuclear Generating Station offline. Hope Creek Generating Station is currently offline in a refueling outage. PSEG Nuclear currently plans to begin reducing power on both Salem Units on Friday December 3, 2004. PSEG Nuclear is continually monitoring river conditions and tracking the progress of the oil spill. Today, PSEG Nuclear began placing booms around the water intake structures at both Salem and Hope Creek nuclear generating stations. The boom is a barrier placed approximately 18 inches deep in the water and is relatively effective in controlling the spread of oil that is on top or close to the surface. However, since the oil spilled in the Delaware River was crude oil, it is expected that the heavier oil might be suspended in the river at varying depths, increasing the potential that oil could reach the plant intake structures. Since the potential exists to adversely impact the plant cooling systems if oil was entrained in the plant cooling water, both Salem 1 and 2 are going to be shutdown. This report is being made due to the press release and the possibility that this release will generate public interest. No power reduction has been started at this time. At this time there has been no adverse impact noted on either Salem Unit 1 or 2 due to the oil spill. No injuries have resulted from this condition. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector, LAC Township, and representatives of the states of NJ and Delaware.
ENS 4087515 July 2004 22:18:00During plant start up, a manual Reactor trip was initiated in response to lowering water level on 23 Steam Generator. All systems responded as required. All control rods fully inserted and no ECCS actuated or relief valves lifted. Both motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps (21 and 22) started as expected on the low level signals from 23 Steam Generator. The steam driven auxiliary feed (23) pump was not required to start and remained in standby. Decay heat is being removed via the main steam dump system to the main condenser. The reactor is currently at normal operating temperature and pressure. No major equipment was unavailable at the time of the trip. No personnel injuries occurred as a result of this event. The cause of the low steam generator level is being investigated. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified along with Lower Alloway Creek Township. The States of New Jersey and Delaware will be notified.