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 Entered dateEvent description
ENS 421143 November 2005 15:05:00

A 0.02 GPM leak was identified on the inlet valve (1CV89) to the 11 seal injection filter. This leak equates to 4500 cc/hour. The leakage is outside containment and quantified IAW Leakage Monitoring and reduction program procedure SC.RA-AP.ZZ-0051. This leakage exceeds the 3800cc/hour limit as stated in UFSAR section and GDC-19 to ensure control room habitability. Therefore ECG section 11 section 11.2 specifically 11.2.2.b applies for being in a degraded or unanalyzed condition. The 1CV89 valve was recently replaced as a scheduled activity during the current 1R17 refueling outage. The 1CV89 packing has been adjusted and the leakage has stopped. The leakage was to the floor to the liquid waste system. There was no personnel contamination or injuries due to the leakage. Current Plant Conditions: RCS temperature is 340 degrees, RCS pressure is at 1400 PSIG and stable, plant heat-up and pressurization is in progress IAW integrated operating procedures. The leakage occurred from 10:30 to 12:30 EST. The valve has been tested and declared operable. Primary coolant activity is 0.828 microCuries per cc. There is no known steam generator tube leakage. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE FROM LICENSEE (SAUER) TO HUFFMAN ON 11/23/05 AT 15:10 EST * * *

On 11/03/05 at 1505, PSEG Nuclear made an 8 hour report in accordance with the 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v) --(Event number 42114) - for ECCS leakage outside containment. Upon further investigation, it has been determined that the leak was within the guideline limits for the control room and off-site radiological exposure. Additionally, at the time of discovery, Salem Unit 1 was in Mode 4 coming out of its seventeenth refueling outage and 73 of the 193 fuel assemblies in the core were new fuel assemblies. Therefore, the actual core nuclide inventory would have been much less than the core nuclide inventory assumed in the design basis analysis. Therefore, the event of November 3, 2005 reported under 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v) is being retracted. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. R1DO (Doerflein) notified.