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 Entered dateEvent description
ENS 4744115 November 2011 20:54:00At 12:30 PDT on 11-5-2011, a network isolation device failed, resulting in interruption of the feed of plant data to emergency response facilities as well as loss of Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) transmission capabilities. At approximately 05:00 PST on 11-6-11, actions were initiated to reboot the system and capability was restored at 06:30 PST on 11-6-11. On 11-15-11, the time of the original device failure was identified and it was determined the total outage time was approximately 19 hours (including accounting for the change from daylight to standard time). It was further concluded this represents a major loss of emergency preparedness capability. Emergency assessment equipment in the control room was available throughout the event. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.