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ENS 487981 March 2013 11:40:00

The following is excerpted from a facsimile received from Curtis Wright: Crydom Inc., the sole supplier to Scientech of D4D07 Solid State Relays (SSRs) since before 2009, has informed Scientech that SSRs provided with date codes between 0908 (August 2009) and 1004 (April 2010) may have included faulty diodes which resulted in reduced reliability (early failure) of their SSRs. The mode of failure is that the module output may not be able to maintain voltage sufficient to activate its external load. It appears that this failure occurs randomly after some duration of operation, typically weeks or months. No common cause has been found. Scientech screens components for infantile failure by burning-in modules for a minimum of 48 hours prior to final test. There were no SSR failures during burn-in of potentially affected modules; therefore burn-in was not an effective screen for this issue. Prior to January 2013, Scientech did not track SSRs by date code. In establishing conservative boundaries for product shipped with suspect SSRs, Scientech can be certain that no suspect SSRs were shipped in Scientech products prior to August 2009 (the earliest suspect date code). It was determined in September 2012 that Scientech did not have any SSRs with a date code of 2010 or earlier in inventory or work-in-progress. Scientech can therefore determine that products shipped after September 2012 do not contain suspect SSRs. Affected components: DAM801, a Dual Alarm Module, manufactured by Scientech, Model DAM801 (/1 optional), Part number EIP-E287PA-1 SAM801, a Single Alarm Module, manufactured by Scientech, Model SAM801 (11 optional), Part number EIP-E289PA-1 DAM502, a Dual Alarm Module, manufactured by Scientech, Model DAM502, Part number EIP-E297DD-1, -2, -3 SAM502, a Single Alarm Module, manufactured by Scientech, Model SAM502, Part number EIP-E297DD-4 DAM503, a Dual Alarm Module, manufactured by Scientech, Model DAM503, Part number EIP-E304DD-1, -2, -3 SAM503, a Single Alarm Module, manufactured by Scientech, Model SAM503, Part number EIP-E304DD-4, -20 DAM504, a Dual Alarm Module, manufactured by Scientech, Model DAM504, Part number NUS-A131PA Affected Facilities: Beaver Valley Farley Ginna Indian Point 2/3 Kewaunee North Anna Prairie Island Surry Turkey Point


The following information was received via fax. Only information that has changed is being attached below. Thirteen plants were notified during the original notification. On March 10, 2015, one affected plant reported that when one SSR failed, its output consisted of high frequency noise at a reduced duty cycle. This noise caused overheating and failure of resistors in an RC filter connected to the alarm module output. Plants experiencing SSR failures should check downstream elements for possible consequential damage. Scientec has not received any other reports of this condition. The condition was reevaluated and the Part 21 evaluation was revised. The evaluation concluded that this newly identified condition does not impact the original defect as reported. Notified the R1DO (Dental), R2DO (Desai), R3DO (Roach), and Part-21 Group (via e-mail).

ENS 474985 December 2011 14:55:00

The following information was received via fax: The purpose of this letter is to notify you of a defect in spring clips that form part of the seismic restraint for Scientech CON2000-701 and RTD2100-7403 modules. Details of the defect are provided below and in the attached Technical Bulletin Volume 38, CON2000 and RTD2100 Spring Clips, dated December 2011. The written report shall include, but need not be limited to, the following information, to the extent known: (i) Name and address of the individual or individuals informing the Commission. Michael Weinstein Director of Quality Operations Scientech, a business of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation 44 Shelter Rock Road Danbury, CT 06810 Scott Robuck General Manager Scientech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corporation 200 S. Woodruff Avenue Idaho Falls, ID 83401 (ii) Identification of the basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which fails to comply or contains a defect. PID controller, manufactured by Scientech, Model CON2000-701, Part No. NUS-A056PA RTD converter, manufactured by Scientech, Model RTD2100-7403, Part No. NUS-A121PA (iii) Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which fails to comply or contains a defect. Scientech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow control Corporation 200 S. Woodruff Avenue Idaho Falls, ID 83401 (iv) Nature of the defect or failure to comply and the safety hazard which is created or could be created by such defect or failure to comply. The CON2000-701 is replacement for the obsolete Bailey Meter Company 701 PID controller. It is a panel mounted module that is retained in the panel during seismic events by a spring clip on the top of the modules (part number NUS-P089DB-13) that engages a detent in the panel. The module can be pulled out about one inch out of the rack before the spring clip prevents further movement; full removal requires pressure on the spring clip to disengage the detent. The module was seismically tested as documented in Qualification Report NUS-A056QA Rev 2. During the CON2000 test, a minor anomaly occurred and was accepted by Scientech as not affecting the qualification results. Recently a client questioned Scientech's acceptance of the anomaly and requested a retest. Scientech agreed to retest the module; the RRS used is attached. During the retest, the spring clip failed to adequately restrain the module. The balance of the replacements for the Bailey 7000 series - the NUSI 2000 series - are cabinet mounted modules. When they are reconfigured for shelf or panel mounting they become part of the NUSI 2100 series, and the seismically qualified units use the same spring clip. The RTD2100-7403 is the only safety related panel mounted module sold as of December 2011 with the deficient spring clip. Investigation revealed that the original clip was made of 0.025" thick spring steel. After the seismic qualification test was performed, Revision 4 to NUS-F089DB-13 altered the characteristics of the retaining clip, reducing the force required to disengage the detent. The metal was changed to SS301 stainless steel and the thickness reduced to 0.015" thick. Scientech's design change process required an evaluation of the impact of the change; the evaluation was complet4ed, but did not address the impact on seismic qualification adequately. These controllers could be mounted in the in the main control room control panels. The failure of the seismic clip could result in the controllers coming out of the panels, impacting other safety related equipment or personnel, and failing to properly control their actuated devices during a seismic event. (v) The date on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained. Submitted for evaluation 11/30/11; evaluation completed 12/2/11. (vi) In the case of a basic component which contains a defect or fails to comply, the number and location of these components in use at, supplied for, being supplied for, or may be supplied for, manufactured, or being manufactured for one or more facilities or activities subject to the regulations in this part. PLANT CON2000-701 RTD2100-7403 Clinton 4 0 Davis Besse 8 0 Monticello 2 0 Perry 4 0 Susquehanna 20 7

TOTALS 38 7 (vii) The corrective action which has been, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individual or organization responsible for the action; and the length of time that has been or will be taken to complete the action. 1. All five plants were notified and provided with a technical bulletin addressing the problem and the proposed solution. 2. Scientech is expedition procurement of the correct spring clips and will supply them to all affected plants. They can be readily changed out on site. 3. Scientech had previously strengthened its design review process to specifically remind reviewers to evaluate the impact on and need for additional qualifications testing. 4. Scientech will review this event with all engineering staff and emphasize the need for correct reviews. (viii) Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasers or licensees. See attached Technical Bulletin. (provided separately) (ix) In the case of an early site permit, the entities to whom an early site permit was transferred. Not applicable. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Robert Queenan, Operations Manager, Scientech/NUS Instruments, at (208) 524-9311.