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ENS 487165 February 2013 10:57:00At 0800 Eastern Standard Time (EST) on 02/05/2013, Progress Energy Florida, Inc., a subsidiary of Duke Energy, announced its plan to permanently shutdown and decommission the Crystal River Unit 3 (CR3) Nuclear Plant. A media release was issued at 0800 EST on 02/05/2013. CR3 Security personnel are stationed at the Emergency Operations Facility/Training Facility located outside the Owner Controlled Area to monitor potential media coverage and public assembly. At this time, Security reports no security issues. No other media releases are planned at this time. This event is being reported under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi) for offsite notifications based on the media release of the planned shutdown and decommissioning of CR3. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 421226 November 2005 12:45:00At 0935 on November 6, 2005, all offsite notification sirens for Crystal River Unit 3 were lost. One siren failed and sent a feedback signal which in turn disabled all remaining sirens. The failed siren was bypassed at 1124, thereby restoring the remaining 39 sirens to service. The failed siren will be repaired promptly. During the loss of siren function, backup means of notifying the public were available, including route alerting using local law enforcement and use of the Code Red autodialing system. This is reportable as an immediate notification (eight-hour report) in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii). The siren system is maintained by the county. Compensatory measures for the remaining area is either: dispatching a police car, or fire truck, or using the Code Red autodialing system for the affected area. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 410248 September 2004 03:11:00

At 0100 on September 8, 2004, while in Mode 3 conducting a Reactor Building walkdown after an unplanned reactor trip during Tropical Storm Frances, Crystal River Unit 3 identified a potential Reactor Coolant System pressure boundary leak located on a weld associated with a pressurizer level sensing line (upstream of reactor coolant isolation valve RCV-75). The cause of the leak is not known at this time, and the leak did not have a significant effect on plant operation. The last unidentified leak rates that were completed prior to the plant shutdown were 0.10 - 0.13 gpm. This defect in the primary coolant system is unacceptable per ASME Section XI. The condition is 8-Hour reportable per 10CFR 50.72 (b)(3)(ii)(A). The plant will be cooled down to Mode 5 and additional inspections and necessary repairs implemented. Dry boron crystal deposit are on the sensing line upstream of RCV-75 . See similar event reported by Crystal River Unit 3 on 10/04/03 (event # 40222) The NRC Resident Inspector was notified of this event by the licensee.


At 0311 on 9/8/04, Crystal River Unit 3 made an 8-Hour ENS notification in accordance with 10CFR50.72 (b)(3)(ii)(A) concerning a potential Reactor Coolant System pressure boundary leak (Event Notification # 41024). The leak was presumed to exist based on the presence of white, crystalline material deposited on the pipe. The material has been sampled and does NOT contain boron. The presumed leak site has been cleaned and visually inspected with no evidence of a defect in the weld joint or pipe. These additional inspections have demonstrated that the material deposited on the pipe does NOT constitute pressure boundary leakage, and therefore EN 41024 is retracted. The licensee has notified the NRC resident inspector.