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 Entered dateEvent description
ENS 4545522 October 2009 17:34:00At 1140 EDT, the Port Huron Hospital received a shipment of Technetium-99m from Lake View Diagnostic (also located in Port Huron) that had excessive surface contamination levels. The shipment contained a 250 millicurie dose of Tc-99m and a 10 millicurie dose of Tc-99m (Mag3). The shipment was wipe surveyed and contamination of 568,000 dpm was discovered along a vertical edge of the shipping package. The surface radiation level was measured at 15 mRem/Hr. The hospital isolated the package and did not attempt to use the Tc-99m doses. The licensee stated that there was no evidence of damage to the package. The personnel that handled the package and all hospital locations where the package was handled were surveyed but no other contamination was found. Lake View Diagnostic was contacted and retrieved the package from the Port Huron Hospital. The licensee noted that the delivery carrier of the package was also Lake View Diagnostic. There was no information on whether the carrier vehicle or any Lake View Diagnostic personnel were contaminated.