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ENS 5395424 March 2019 17:40:00On March 24, 2019, at 1445 EDT, Indian Point Unit 2 automatically tripped on a turbine trip due to a loss of excitation. All control rods fully inserted and plant equipment responded normally to the unit trip. This RPS (reactor protection system) actuation is reportable under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B). The auxiliary feedwater system actuated following the automatic trip as expected. This specified system actuation is reportable under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A). During the event offsite power remained available and stable. No primary or secondary reliefs lifted. Unit 2 is in Mode 3 at normal operating temperature and pressure. Decay heat removal is via the steam generators to the atmospheric steam dumps. No radiation was released. Indian Point Unit 3 was unaffected by this event and remains defueled in a scheduled refueling outage. A post trip investigation is in progress. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector The New York State Public Service Commission, Consolidated Edison System Operator, and New York State Independent System Operator were also notified.
ENS 5321616 February 2018 04:43:00On February 16, 2018 at 02:01 EST Indian Point Unit 3 automatically tripped on a turbine trip due to a loss of main generator excitation. All control rods fully inserted and all plant equipment responded normally to the unit trip. This is reportable under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B). The auxiliary feedwater system actuated following the automatic trip as expected. This is reportable under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A). During the event offsite power remained available and stable. No primary or secondary reliefs lifted. The plant is stable, in Mode 3, at no load operating temperature and pressure. Decay heat removal is via the steam generators to the main condenser via the condenser steam dumps. No radiation was released. Indian Point Unit 2 was unaffected by this event and remains at 100 percent power. A post trip investigation is in progress. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 520676 July 2016 13:16:00On July 6, 2016 at 0938 EDT Indian Point Unit 2 experienced a trip from 100% steady state power during the performance of reactor protection testing. The cause of the trip is under investigation. All control rods fully inserted and all systems responded as expected. The auxiliary feedwater system actuated as expected on a low level in the steam generators which occurs as a result of a trip from full power. Auxiliary feedwater is maintaining steam generator levels and decay heat removal is via the steam generators to the main condenser. Offsite power and plant electrical line ups are normal with the exception of 13.8kV feeder 33332 which remains out of service during the replacement of breaker BT4-5. No primary or secondary code safety relief valves lifted. The reactor is in Mode 3 and stable. Indian Point Unit 3 was unaffected and remains at 100% steady state power. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. The licensee notified the New York Public Service Commission and the New York Independent System Operator. Indian Point indicated they have issued a press release regarding the event.
ENS 502502 July 2014 14:49:00On July 1, 2014, at approximately 1500 EDT, as a result of an investigation into a report that the electronics associated with the air operated source controller of a J. L. Shepherd Model 149 Neutron Calibrator was not working properly, it was concluded that the electronics for the air operated source controller had failed. The failure would have allowed the source to be withdrawn without the electronic circuit being energized. The original source contained 8.5 Ci of Pu-Be. The calibrator is designed to expose a neutron source on a signal from a control circuit using air to withdraw the source. In this event, source withdrawal was initiated when air was aligned without the control circuit being energized; the air was immediately isolated preventing the source from being withdrawn. The calibrator has been removed from service due to the control circuit failure. The source is in the safe position, tagged and locked with the air line disabled. This failure did not result in any personnel exposure. This is reportable under 10 CFR 70.50(b)(2) since the circuit is required by design to be operable when the calibrator is used. The cause of the failure has not been determined at this time. The affected calibrator is not part of any installed plant equipment and has no impact on plant operation. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. The licensee will notify the New York Public Service Commission.
ENS 498026 February 2014 20:17:00This report is being made in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) for an Auxiliary Feedwater System Actuation. The monthly surveillance on 31 Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) was conducted on 6 February 2014. The EDG was unloaded and its output breaker opened at 1553 (EST). At this time, the Non-SI Blackout Logic Defeated indication in the control room changed state from 'not illuminated' (logic defeated) to 'illuminated' (logic not defeated) without operator action. The steam-driven 32 Auxiliary Boiler Feed Pump (ABFP) auto started but did not inject water into the steam generators. The discharge valves are normally closed. Operators verified normal steam generator levels and level control and that all 480VAC Safeguards buses remained energized, then secured 32 ABFP and placed it back into AUTO. Indian Point 3 remains at full power in Mode 1. This event did not cause any change in power. The Senior NRC Resident and the NY State Public Service Commission have been informed.
ENS 4870125 January 2013 12:38:00

At 23:38 hours on January 24, 2013, while performing daily source checks on portable radiation meters, the Shepherd Model 78-2 Calibrator (Serial # 9047) failed a pre-operational source interlock check. The 130 mCi /130 Ci Cs-137 sources were able to be raised while the shield door was not fully shut. This is reportable under 10 CFR 70.50(b)(2) since the interlock is required by license to prevent the accidental raising of the source with the door open. There is no equipment considered to be redundant to the interlock. The cause of the failure has not been determined at this time. No personnel were exposed to the sources. Sources were returned to the shielded position, the calibrator was locked and removed from service. A survey of the calibrator after securing the sources showed dose rates within expected ranges. The affected calibrator is not part of any installed plant equipment and has no impact on plant operation. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


The licensee has changed the reporting criteria to 10 CFR 30.50(b)(2). The NRC Resident Inspector has been informed. Notified R1DO (Powell).

ENS 4721428 August 2011 16:55:00On August 28, 2011 at approximately 1000 EDT the Indian Point common discharge canal was reported to be overflowing. The overflow condition was caused by the elevated river water levels experienced during Hurricane Irene. The site SPDES (State Pollution Discharge Elimination System) permit requires the canal discharge to be subsurface. Since the overflow was not a subsurface discharge it constituted a SPDES permit violation. There was no failure or malfunction of the outfall structure, and by 1430 EDT river level had lowered enough that the discharge canal was again operating within normal limits. The resident inspector has been notified. New York State Department of Environment Control has been notified.
ENS 462293 September 2010 13:11:00On September 3, 2010, at approximately 1058 hrs., Indian Point Unit 2 automatically tripped from 41% power due to High Steam Generator Level. At the time of the trip, Unit 2 was performing a power reduction to take the unit offline for a planned maintenance outage. Unit 2 is currently stable in Mode 3. All automatic actions occurred as required. All control rods fully inserted with the exception of rod H-8 - which indicates 26 inches withdrawn. No primary or steam generator safety or relief valves lifted. The motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps automatically started on low steam generator level as designed. Decay heat removal is via the steam generators to the main condenser. Offsite power is available and supplying all safeguards busses. The cause of the trip and rod H-8 position indication are under investigation. Unit 3 is unaffected and remains in Mode 1 at 100% power. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. Offsite notification was made to the State of New York. No press releases are planned.
ENS 4562411 January 2010 18:31:00At 1559 on January 11, 2010, Indian Point Unit 2 tripped from 100% power due to a main generator electrical trip. The investigation into the generator trip is ongoing. All systems responded as expected. The auxiliary feedwater system responded as expected and is maintaining steam generator water levels. Decay heat removal is via the steam generators to the main condenser. Offsite power and plant electrical lineups are normal. No primary or secondary side relief valves lifted. The reactor plant is in mode 3 and stable. Indian Point Unit 3 was not affected and remains at 100% power. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector and the N.Y. State Public Service Commission. The licensee intends to notify the Mayor's Office and issue a press release.
ENS 4471010 December 2008 14:35:00On December 10, 2008 at approximately 8:30 the control room was notified of an oil sheen in the discharge canal. An Operator was dispatched to assess the condition and its significance. At Approximately 1037 hours the CCR (Central Control Room) was informed that an apparent oil sheen had been observed in the Hudson River. The oil is partially contained by a boom in the outfall structure and the amount of oil released to the river is estimated to be less than one gallon. A sample of the material has been collected to determine what type of substance it is. The source of the apparent sheen is unknown and remains under investigation. In accordance with the Indian Point Spill/Release plan a spill or leak from Indian Point causing a visible sheen in the river as a result of a release of a petroleum product requires notification of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Coast Guard National Response Center. An environmental cleanup vendor has been contacted for assessment and cleanup. The NRC resident has been informed.
ENS 443834 August 2008 14:17:00On August 4, 2008 at approximately 1200 hours, both motor driven auxiliary boiler feed pumps automatically started during the performance of procedure 3PT-M13B1, 'Reactor Protection Logic Channel Functional Test Train B'. Operations secured the pumps and returned them to auto at approximately 1207 hours. The event did result in water addition to the steam generators but Operations did not observe any reactivity changes on the nuclear instrumentation. The cause of the event is under investigation. Operators did observe a 2% increase in steam generator water level but no limits or alarms were approached. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector and New York State Public Service Commission.
ENS 4408924 March 2008 01:56:00The Indian Point Unit 2 reactor was manually tripped from 94% power at 2216 on 3/23/08 due to a loss of speed on 22 main boiler feed pump (MBFP). Indian Point Unit 2 is currently in mode 3 with all automatic actions for a manual reactor trip occurring as required. Indian Point Unit 2 was in a coast down in advance of a scheduled refueling outage. The reactor was manually tripped as required by abnormal operating procedure 2-AOP-FW-001. All control rods inserted on the trip. No safety or relief valves lifted due to the trip. The motor driven aux feedwater pumps automatically started on low steam generator level and are being used to maintain steam generator level. Condenser steam dumps are maintaining reactor temperature. The Unit 2 electrical lineup is the normal shutdown electrical lineup. The licensee has notified the state Public Service Commission. Unit 3 was unaffected and remains in mode 1 at 100% power. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. The licensee expects to issue a media release.