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 Entered dateEvent description
ENS 4745718 November 2011 15:21:00At 1330 (CST) on 11/18/11, Nuclear Engineering reported to Operations that during a Special Nuclear Material (SNM) Physical Inventory they were unable to locate an individual LPRM (Local Power Range Monitor) detector that was believed to be loose in the bottom of the Spent Fuel Pool. Efforts remain in progress to locate the material in the pool. The licensee stated that during a previous refueling, a 4-detector LPRM string had been removed from the core and placed in the spent fuel pool. At the time, the string had been cut and a single detector at the bottom of the string had fallen to the bottom of the spent fuel pool under the fuel racks. Today, the licensee attempted to retrieve the LPRM detector for placement in a special storage canister in a controlled location that could be easily inventoried. During the retrieval attempt, the licensee could not locate the LPRM detector. There is no indication at this time that the detector has been inadvertently removed from the spent fuel pool and disposed of. The licensee believes that the detector is still in the pool and just needs to be located. The specific information on the detector was not available at the time of this report but the licensee is conservatively assuming the it contained greater than 1 gram of Uranium-233 and is therefore reportable under 10 CFR 74.11. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.