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 Entered dateEvent description
ENS 4152725 March 2005 22:45:00

The following information was faxed by the licensee: At 0300, 3/23/05, 72-hour Technical Specification Action 3.7.8.A was entered when a pinhole leak was discovered in 'B' Essential Service Water (ESW). Subsequent ultrasonic testing (UT) determined that approximately seven linear feet of piping in the 'B' ESW train was affected and required replacement. UT testing was satisfactorily performed on the 'A' ESW train to ensure a similar problem did not exist. 'B' ESW train piping replacement was performed in accordance with planned work documents, however at 2100, 3/25/05 all necessary repairs and retests had not been completed. Although only 66 hours had expired since entering 72-hour Technical Specification Action 3.7.8.A, Callaway Plant proactively decided to commence a reactor plant shutdown in accordance with Technical Specification Action 3.7.8.B for an inoperable 'B' Essential Service Water train. Once entered, Technical Specification Action 3.7.8.B requires the reactor plant to be in Mode 3 within 6 hours and Mode 5 within 36 hours. The Licensee notified the NRC resident inspector." The licensee will perform other maintenance activities during this outage. All systems functioned as required.

  • * * UPDATE FROM F. BIERMANN TO W. GOTT AT 0411 ON 03/27/05 * * *

The licensee completed repairs on the B ESW system and exited the LCO at 0249 on 03/27/05. Notified R4DO (Pick).

ENS 4086110 July 2004 08:40:00

During performance of planned maintenance, the Technical Support Center (TSC) will be without power. These maintenance activities, including electrical isolation and restoration are expected to last approximately 18 hours. Contingency plans for emergency (response) situations have been established. This event is reportable per 10 CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii) since this constitutes a loss of an emergency response facility for the duration of the evolution. Region IV was notified of this planned outage. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


Maintenance in the TSC has been completed and power was restored at 1458 CDT. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (Clark).

ENS 4052215 February 2004 20:18:00

The following information was received from the licensee via facsimile: At 1519 (CDT) on 2-15-04, the plant was at 20 power, increasing load. During the transfer from the bypass feedwater regulating valves to the main feedwater regulating valves, the main turbine tripped due to a P-14 S/G Hi-Hi level signal. The P-14 signal also caused a Feedwater Isolation Signal (FWIS), which resulted in a Motor Driven Aux Feedwater Actuation (MDAFAS), and Steam Generator Blowdown Isolation Signal. Steam Generator levels subsequently shrunk to low levels causing a Steam Generator low level reactor trip at 1524 (hrs). Sometime after the turbine trip, the turbine driven aux feed pump ((TDAFP)) was manually started to help restore S/G levels. The pump was later manually secured, but then received a subsequent auto-start signal and tripped on overspeed. The TDAFP was declared inoperable at 1535 (hrs). With the exception of the TDAFP, all safety systems operated properly. The plant is currently stable in Mode 3, with the primary plant at 557 deg F and 2235 psig, and pressurizer level at 25%. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE AT 0031 EST ON 2/16/04 HOPE BRADLEY TO GOTT * * *

The following information was received from the licensee via facsimile as a "rewrite of above paragraph 2. Sometime after the turbine trip, the Turbine Driven Aux Feedwater Pump (TDAFP) was manually started to help restore S/G levels. Due to decreasing reactor coolant system (RCS) temperature, it was decided to stop the TDAFP since it is a steam load. The steam supply valves were remote manually closed from the control room. At the same time the steam supply valves were closing, the steam generator levels shrunk to low levels causing a Steam Generator low level reactor trip and Turbine Driven Aux Feedwater Actuation (TDAFAS) at 1524. The steam supply valves immediately reopened due to the TDAFAS. It is postulated that this transient in the steam supply caused the pump to overspeed trip. The TDAFP was declared inoperable at 1535. With the exception of the TDAFP, all safety systems operated properly. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (Cain).