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 Entered dateEvent description
ENS 412351 December 2004 15:27:00At 1330 12/1/04, Catawba determined that the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) will be notified of a leak of used oil from the Used Lube Oil Storage Tank. This is an underground storage tank and the leak is not currently active because the system has been secured. An unknown quantity of oil has leaked into the immediately surrounding ground and is currently contained in the soil. Visual observations have not identified any oil leakage into the environment. The used oil is not classified as a hazardous material. The licensee will inform the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, the counties of York, Gaston and Mecklenburg and has informed the NRC resident inspector.
ENS 4115428 October 2004 03:29:00At 0052 on 10/28/04 the Unit 2 reactor was manually tripped after an electrical fault caused Shutdown Bank D control rods to drop into the core. An automatic start of the Auxiliary Feedwater system occurred when water levels in all four Steam Generators reduced to the Lo-Lo level setpoint. A letdown isolation occurred on Lo Pressurizer level resulting from the cooldown of the primary system after the Auxiliary Feedwater system start. Reactor Coolant system temperature has been recovered and the plant has been stabilized at Hot Shutdown conditions. The licensee stated that there were no complications during the trip. All systems functioned as required. No significant safety systems were out of service when the trip occurred. No primary or secondary relief valves lifted during the transient. Decay heat is currently being removed using aux feedwater to the steam generators steaming to the main condenser. Tave dropped to a low point of 540 degrees F during the transient. The reactor was manually tripped in approximately 18 seconds after the shutdown bank dropped. The licensee plans to remain in mode 3. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. The licensee will also notify state and local authorities in North and South Carolina.
ENS 4114423 October 2004 21:43:00A Catawba employee suffered an apparent heart attack while at work and was transported offsite to a local hospital at 1745 EDT on 10/23/04. The employee subsequently passed away at the hospital. No contamination was involved; the employee was working in the Unit supervisor's office. The licensee is required to make an offsite notification to South Carolina OSHA within 8 hours. The licensee also notified state and local authorities for the states of SC and NC as well as the NRC resident inspector.