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ENS 4707920 July 2011 20:10:00On July 20, 2011 at 1318 PDT, during performance of STP M-9A, 'Diesel Engine Generator Routine Surveillance Test,' personnel reported a fire on the Unit 1 Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) 1-1. No abnormal indications were observed in the control room and no annunciator for 'Fire Detected' was received. Operators shutdown the EDG and the onsite fire department responded immediately. On July 20, 2011 at 1322 PDT, personnel reported that the fire, which was centered around the exhaust insulation material, had been extinguished. EDG 1-1 is in a scheduled Maintenance Outage Window (MOW) and is not being relied on for emergency onsite power. The two sources of offsite power (the 230 kV startup system and the 500 kV system) along with the remaining two EDGs, are available and operable. Unit 2 was not affected by the event. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. A press release will be issued by the licensee.
ENS 4423021 May 2008 20:24:00During the performance of work activities in the vicinity of the Met Tower at 10 AM, a mobile crane made contact with a support wire causing damage to the tower. All instrumentation on the tower continues to function, but conservatively has been called inoperable. All instrumentation on the back up Met Tower continues to function. The backup Met Tower provides full assessment capability. Due to the structural damage to the tower, as a precaution the area around the tower including the simulator training building and the maintenance training building have been evacuated. Experts from Transmission and Distribution are assessing damage to the tower to determine what additional actions may be necessary. The local media requested information about this event at 1500. Information has been released to the media. The senior resident inspector has been notified.
ENS 4177415 June 2005 00:10:00

Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 declared a Notification of Unusual Event at 2050 PDT 06/14/05 due to the receipt of a Tsunami Warning from the California State Warning Center. The licensee notified State and local agencies and will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. The NRC remained in the Normal Mode.

  • * * UPDATE FROM D. BAHNER TO M. RIPLEY 0045 EDT 06/15/05 * * *

The Tsunami Warning was cancelled and Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 terminated the Notification of Unusual Event at 2138 PDT 06/14/05. The licensee notified State and local agencies and the NRC Resident Inspector.

ENS 4083623 June 2004 19:05:00At 1425 PDT, a grease fire started in the cafeteria which is in the protected area. The fire was extinguished by onsite fire fighting personnel. The fire reflashed and was again extinguished. Due to the reflash, the California Department of Forestry was notified for offsite fire assistance. Offsite fire fighting personnel responded. There were no injuries. There has been one media inquiry. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.